Different Types of Creative Journals You Can Keep

Not sure what type of journal to keep? Why not all of them?

Laura Winter
Author Bound


I collect notebooks like it’s my job. At any point in time, you could find at least two different types of notebooks in my work bag, one on my person, and about 10 or so on my desk at home. Some are notebooks for novels and miscellaneous, some are planners, and some are journals.

While some of them have yet to be opened (you know, saving them for the right topic or writing inspiration), most of them somewhat have a theme to them. I even keep some of the ones I have finished simply because they have the rough draft and ideas from some of the first novels I wrote.

I always want to be writing, but I’m sometimes not sure what I want to be writing. If you’re like me and have a ton of notebooks, or if you need an excuse to go buy new ones, here’s how you can fill them (or justify your purchase) with some journaling ideas.

Writing journal

Keep a dedicated notebook to your writing endeavors. While I sometimes dedicate a single notebook to a single book, you can create an index and combine all your writing projects into one book.

Use the pages to plan out articles, plot and outline your novel, or even write chapters and character…



Laura Winter
Author Bound

Creator. Writer. Author. Join my newsletter and get introduced to my fantasy worlds! sendfox.com/laurawinter