How I Use my Passion Planner to Achieve Writing Goals

From never sticking with a planner to using one every day, I’ve demolished most of my yearly goals in just a few months

Laura Winter
Author Bound


Photo by Dee @ Copper and Wild on Unsplash

This post contains an affiliate link for Passion Planner, denoted (affl). All other links are not affiliate and are simply for your reference.

I am a notebook hoarder. As a minimalist, it’s a hard thing to admit. While that’s the one thing I allow myself to have in abundance (ignore the mound of highlighters and colored pens), it’s harder to admit that I have very rarely made it to the last page of a notebook and completed it.

The same went for planners. I’ve never had a planner that I could stick with for more than a few weeks. The best I’ve ever done is holding onto one for a month.

That is until I found the Passion Planner (affl).

I was desperate to find something that I could use once I started writing full-time. Before that day came, I tested out their free downloads so I could figure out whether I really wanted this planner or if it would fall flat. Why waste my money and time on something that I wasn’t going to stick with?

Boy, did I stick with it. For the first month I used the printouts (I was still working full time), I…



Laura Winter
Author Bound

Creator. Writer. Author. Join my newsletter and get introduced to my fantasy worlds!