Preparing for a Rapid Release Book Series

The strategies I’ve used as an indie author with a small audience

Laura Winter
Author Bound


Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

This is part three of my series on rapid releases and serialized fiction. You can read about making the decision to rapid release as well as the first day release information.

Until March of next year, I’m experimenting with a rapid release book series spanning ten books. As an indie author with a small audience, I wanted to test this strategy to see what impact it might have on my sales, newsletter subscribers, and Patreon followers.

This release schedule didn’t just happen overnight. It took a lot of pre-planning and scheduling to find the perfect outline for my series. The first book released yesterday, but the preparations began months ago. Here’s how I prepared for releasing my series rapidly.

Knew the entire series

The first thing I had to do was know the entire series. In my first post, you’ll recall that I made the decision to make it a serialized story rather than a 200K word book. I knew the entire book back to front already, so I knew exactly what I’d get out of it. Unfortunately, that was all in one big book, so my next step was to break that into logical books. I decided on ten books, with one of three narrators, and a self-contained…



Laura Winter
Author Bound

Creator. Writer. Author. Join my newsletter and get introduced to my fantasy worlds!