Why Your Next Novel Idea Should Be a Series

The magic of keeping readers engaged and ready for the next release

Laura Winter
Author Bound


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

We live in a world where bingeing is the craze. We don’t want single pieces of content. We want to watch an entire TV show in a day — and we can, thanks to Netflix and Hulu and Disney+ and whatever other streaming service there is out there.

These services have spoiled us. We expect the entire season of TV to be consumed on our own time.

So, as an author, why aren’t you catering to that?

That’s what a series is for books. It’s giving your reader a chance to invest in two or more stories in a row. It keeps your readers engaged and looking for the next release. It builds your audience.

What is a series?

Think to the famous series around us today — Chronicles of Narnia, Harry Potter, Divergent, Hunger Games, Lord of the Rings, Maze Runner, Percy Jackson… There are so many examples.

The key to a series is that each book has a self-contained story. You have a single story told in one book with some sort of connection to the next books in the series. You might follow the same characters, live in the same world, or break your large story into smaller bits. Either way, each story has structure and can…



Laura Winter
Author Bound

Creator. Writer. Author. Join my newsletter and get introduced to my fantasy worlds! sendfox.com/laurawinter