Abort or Not

ProChoice vs ProLife

Ayush Chaturvedi
The Wisdom Project
2 min readMar 13, 2020


Abortion is a sensitive topic, one that gets people very defensive and aggressive at the same time. Its not something we are comfortable talking about as a society. Its a conversation we hardly have at a large scale even though it impacts all of us in some way or the other.

It is also the topic for the first episode of The Wisdom Project Podcast.

We get into the muddy debate of when does “Life” start and what must a woman contemplating abortion be going through in her life. What must her state of mind be to lead her to this decision. And should society or the government have any say in what she chooses to do with her body?

We sent out the podcast in an email yesterday to all out subscribers, and we got a mixed set of responses. Responses that highlight nuances in the debate that we may have missed, but more importantly, responses that help take the conversation forward.

We will update the original post with all the responses that we get.

In case you missed it, check it out now —

Abort or Not

(17 mins)

If you feel strongly about the topic leave a comment on the piece, or drop us a line on Whatsapp. We will be happy to have a deeper conversation one on one.

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