An Old debate in a new light

Ayush Chaturvedi
The Wisdom Project
Published in
2 min readMay 5, 2020

So its clear that both Socialism and Capitalism have their own set of problems and its also clear that neither can work in the long term to build the kind of world that we need to build.

Both of these systems came out of the industrial age and were based on ideas of labour and capital that suited the factory era discourse.

The discourse today has moved into a knowledge economy, and cares a lot more about conversations around the environment and gender equality and homosexuality.

Its a new world we are entering, and its also a new world we will be building as we go along. It demands a completely new set of ideals to strive to.

We will need to rid ourselves of measures such as GDP and GNP. We will need to redefine what we call productivity. A lot more weightage needs to be given to the quality of human life, to happiness and well-being of individuals of a society.

This article from Quartz proposes just that. It argues that the new world will need a new “ism” and it will incorporate the best of both capitalism and socialism while redefining what we mean by growth of a country and an individual.

Its an interesting idea, and something worth discussing about while we strive to unravel what the world of the future will look like.

Check it out —

The fight between capitalism and socialism will be won by a totally different “ism”

Also checkout this cool RAP battle between Karl Marx and Ludwig Von Mises from the guys at American Institute Economic Research. Its funny, catchy and so relevant to this eternal battle between these two ideologies, its a must watch —

The March of History: Mises vs. Marx — The Definitive Capitalism vs. Socialism Rap Battle

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