Baby Steps…

Look at this graph for a moment

Ayush Chaturvedi
The Wisdom Project
2 min readMar 2, 2020


The most interesting bit in this graph is not that he started early with little money, or that after so many years, he has so much more money than anyone in the world. What’s interesting is that he made his first billion dollars at age 56. That’s 42 years into his investment journey, and then he added a billion dollars every year after that for some time, and then his net worth has kept growing exponentially ever since.

Yes, he is an expert stock picker, but he is also an epitome of grit and persistence in the investment game. We may never be able to learn his stock picking skills, but we can always learn his behavioural skills.

This short article from ‘Darious Foroux’ talks about such basic rules we must keep in mind to improve our personal finances. It’s a simple list that applies to all of us. Check it out —

5 Money Rules That Will Increase Your Net Worth

(4 mins)

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