Deal With The Climate

Wisdom Letter #33 | The one about the other crisis

Ayush Chaturvedi
The Wisdom Project
2 min readApr 26, 2020


Why do you think the climate is changing irreversibly?

OK, we all know the story of carbon by now, how burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide which in turn traps heat into the atmosphere, leading to rising temperatures across the world, melting ice caps, and endangering species.

We know that, intuitively it makes a lot of sense also.

But the question I am asking is, why does it happen at all? Why do we keep letting it happen even when the dangers are so obvious?

After all, we know precisely the reasons why it happens, and we have known these reasons for quite some time now, close to 30 years, and yet we still continue to burn more and more carbon year after year.

I mean, a saner species might have already stopped their emissions by now and moved onto cleaner energy. Then why haven’t we done it yet?

After all we are an ‘intelligent’ species. Or so I have been told.

Turns out, changing behavior is hard for us humans, especially if the benefits of that behavior change are far away into the future, and the pain to be caused is immediate. And if that change can hit our wallets really badly.

The pain can be really unbearable for a considerable population of our species.

But why is that pain so immense? Can we not slowly ease into cleaner energy sources and go carbon neutral over the next 30–40 years maybe?

And what exactly will we have to do? Why do the changes sound so ominous? What changes are necessary to the way our economic systems work, how the world works?

Today on The Wisdom Project, we try to find out what needs to be done to tackle this towering beast, what has caused the problem to balloon the way it has.

And we take a look at what impact is this issue causing on Generation Z, the teenagers of today. After all they are the ones who will have to fight the crisis head-on in this century. (And no, we are not talking about a certain Swedish teenager)

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