šŸš€Launch Alert: Indie Masterminds

Ayush Chaturvedi
The Wisdom Project
Published in
7 min readJun 28, 2022

Build & Grow your bootstrapped business without feeling lost.

Join a mastermind group of like-minded solopreneurs and boost your business in 4 weeks

You are the average of the 5 people you hang out with the most.

But are the people around you as focused on their business as you are? Do they push you to do your best? Do they force you to think critically about your business?

Your mastermind members do that.

They also:

  • Give you brutally honest feedback so you can be true to your business.
  • Hold you accountable so you follow through on your plans.
  • Share lessons on what has already worked so you never feel clueless or stuck.

Being independent doesnā€™t have to be lonely(anymore)

Iā€™m launching a mastermind program for solo founders and indie hackers. Itā€™s a way to find and meet like-minded people on a similar journey as yours, with similar goals as yours.

āš’ļø How it works:

  • You join a focused group of 4 founders (so you have your own personal advisory board)
  • You meet with them over 1 live Zoom call every week. (so you can consistently work towards your goals)
  • 1 person gets to be on the HOT SEAT every week. (so they get the undivided attention of the group)
  • On the hot seat, you get to share the biggest challenges/problems in your business. (so the group can brainstorm together and solve your problems)
  • Everyone shares their results from last week and their targets for next week. (so you remain on track to achieve your long-term goals)
  • Private Slack group for async communication (so youā€™re never out of touch with your group)
  • 1 external facilitator to manage it all (so you never have to hassle over the logistics)

At the end of 4 weeks, you make a decision:

  • Do you want to repeat the next month?
  • Do you want to do it with the same group, or a different one?
  • Or do you just want to continue asynchronously with the same group on Slack (free forever!)

šŸ—£ļø What people are saying

šŸ’” Welcome to Indie Masterminds

Here you will join a private mastermind group of like-minded solopreneurs, all striving to build a profitable bootstrapped business.

You see, to be a successful entrepreneur you need guidance, help, and support.

And most of all, you need honest feedback about your business.

Humans are tribal beings.

We do our best when we work with a group, youā€™ve felt this with friends, family, and even colleagues at the office.

External feedback and inputs boost our productivity 10X.

But when you go solo and start to work for yourself, thereā€™s no way to get that external feedback.

  • Your family doesnā€™t understand what you do šŸ˜…
  • Your friends wish you the best, but they are working 50-hour-a-week jobs ā€” they donā€™t know jack about entrepreneurship šŸ¤·
  • And your colleagues? Wellā€¦ letā€™s not talk about them, shall wešŸ˜†

What you really need is a core group of entrepreneurs on a similar journey as yours.

So you can bounce ideas with them, share the hardest challenges in your business, and ask for brutally honest feedback.

Because frankly, that is the only thing that will move your business forward.

You can utilize the mastermind group to:

  • šŸ“ˆ Learn and apply growth strategies
  • āš’ļø Figure out your productā€™s positioning
  • šŸ“¢ Find the best marketing and distribution channels
  • šŸ“– Understand whatā€™s already worked for other founders
  • šŸ§  Think through the most complex problems in your entrepreneurship journey

šŸ§  The Mastermind Principle

Do you know how Mr. Beast became the most popular YouTuber in the world?

He formed a mastermind group with fellow YouTubers who wanted to grow to million subscribers, and they discussed every tiny detail of the YouTube algorithm.

They met every day for 1000 days in a row. ( Everyone in that mastermind has more than a Million subscribers now btw)

This approach has been found to be effective for almost a century.

Great entrepreneurs like Henry Ford and Thomas Edison were part of a mastermind together.

Modern Billionaires like Bill Gates and Sergey Brin have been parts of many private masterminds.

Even internet entrepreneurs like Pat Flynn and Russel Brunson swear by the mastermind principle for their success.

The mastermind principle was first formalized by Napolean Hill in his great book Think and Grow Rich -

And they are not even optimized for indie entrepreneurs like us.

ā€œThe Master Mind principle: Two or more people actively engaged in the pursuit of a definite purpose with a positive mental attitude, constitute an unbeatable force.ā€

Yes, itā€™s an unbeatable force indeed.

Itā€™s a guaranteed way to supercharge your personal and professional growth.

But the biggest challenge with current mastermind groups is that they are too expensive, exclusive, and hard to join.


having a mastermind group is essential for business success.

Thatā€™s why this project matters.

So if you think you can benefit from a mastermind, sign up now before the seats get filled out.

You get 50% off during the prelaunch period. Get the offer via this link.

And if youā€™re not sure yet, the detailed FAQs section will help you decide:

šŸ¤” FAQs

Q: Who will be the other members of my group?

A: Other members will be solopreneurs like you, just 1 step ahead or 1 step behind you.

Q: At what stage of my journey can I join?

A: At any stage:

  • Full-time job but starting a side hustle.
  • Pre-idea stage, market research, validating demand.
  • Building distribution (A social media audience, newsletter, waitlist, etc.)
  • Already have an idea, building the product, taking it to market. No revenue yet.
  • < $100 revenue
  • $100 ā€” $1000 revenue
  • $1000+ revenue

Q: What business model do I need to have to benefit from the group?

A: Any business model can work, but itā€™s good if you fall into these 3 categories -

  • Software business (B2B SaaS, B2C consumer products, etc.)
  • Content business (Newsletters, Podcasts, E-books, Courses, etc.)
  • Service business (Freelancing, Agency, Consulting, etc.)

If youā€™re not sure of your business model yet, feel free to join, you can use the group to figure out your business model, your offering, and your marketing strategy.

Q: I am an introvert, is this for me?

A: A private mastermind is a safe space with fellow like-minded entrepreneurs. You will never feel out of place or uncomfortable. But you do have to commit to 1 hour a week to benefit from the group.

Q: Why is this paid? I can just join a free community.

A: When youā€™re not paying for something, you are the product being sold.

Most free communities are promotion zones where people are only looking to build an audience and grow their business at the cost of YOUR attention.

A paid mastermind has a single purpose ā€” Growing your business.

There are 3 more benefits to joining a paid mastermind:

  • It filters out people who are not serious about their business šŸ¤·
  • It keeps you accountable (you learn more from something when you have paid for it, yes itā€™s human psychology šŸ§ )
  • It can cover a facilitatorā€™s costs (so the members donā€™t hassle over the logistics every week)šŸ˜€

Q: Is this like a course? Will there be ā€œclassesā€?

A: No, entrepreneurship doesnā€™t have a curriculum.

No course can teach you business, only YOU can learn it yourself.

A mastermind helps you learn it quickly through faster feedback loops.

Q: Canā€™t I get feedback for free from friends and family?

A: Sure, but -

  • Your friends and family donā€™t know much about entrepreneurship.
  • They care too much about you to tell you honestly when youā€™re ideas suck šŸ¤·
  • A mastermind group cares about your business more than your mood. So you will get brutally honest feedback and advice that you can apply immediately.

Q: Can I not join a paid community?

A: Sure, but you never get a high-touch experience at a paid community, you will never be able to extract all the benefits and the recurring costs will start to add up soon.

Q: Is this like a challenge? Do I have to post my tweets with a hashtag now?

A: No, there are no gimmicks, this is about serious business.

Q: Who will be the facilitator for my group?

A: I will be the facilitator for all the initial groups, I will offer feedback, input, and advice from my own experience of being a solopreneur for more than a year now.

Q: Okay I get it, this is great, but founder masterminds cost thousands of dollars, why does this cost so less, whatā€™s the catch?

A: No catch. you are an early bird, prices will go up soon šŸ˜ƒ

But, let me assure you, this will never cost thousands of dollars. I understand being a solopreneur is hard, you have to minimize costs. The price is only there as an entry barrier and for you to have to a great experience. It will never be too expensive for you.

Q: What if I donā€™t benefit from joining?

A: Thereā€™s a 100% money-back guarantee. If you feel it was not worth it, just let me know and I will refund your money.

šŸ’Ŗ Are you ready?

So if you think you are ready, then hit the ā€œI want thisā€ button and join the July Masterminds from this page.

Registration closes on 29th June or when all the slots get filled out.

After the purchase, you will have to fill out a short form.

And 1 week before your group starts:

  • You will be invited to a private slack group and meet your fellow group members.
  • You will receive instructions to avail your bonuses.
  • And you will get the schedule for your group calls and hot seats.

If you have any questions or doubts, feel free to DM me on Twitter or send an email to hello@ayushchat.com


Ayush šŸ™

Originally published at https://ayushchat.gumroad.com.

