Obsession with Grades

Ayush Chaturvedi
The Wisdom Project
Published in
1 min readApr 2, 2020

If there is one thing education has managed to achieve , it is to ingrain the feeling of competition early on.

The race to score A’s is uniform everywhere.

Funnily enough, if a lot of people get A’s, it is not considered a success of the students but rather a failure of the system.

The system is accused of inflating grades and accepting poor standards.

We love to see ourselves better than others and hence we love ranks. A system with high number of A’s deprives us of this privilege.

We use grades as a mechanism to announce who’s beating whom.

In this opinion piece for The New York Times, Alfie Kohn argues that this obsession with grades misguides our schools.

A school’s ultimate mission, apparently, is not to help everyone learn but to rig the game so that there will always be losers.

Check it out -

Why Can’t Everyone Get A’s?

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