Predictably Irrational

Ayush Chaturvedi
The Wisdom Project
Published in
1 min readMay 14, 2020

Behavioral science tells us that we are irrational. But it also tells us that our irrationality is predictable.

Which means that we can say with a high degree of certainty which irrational mistakes we are likely to make. We can know beforehand the kind of cognitive traps we are likely to fall into.

And then we can strive to avoid them.

We can build systems, habits, routines to avoid the harms that our irrationality can cause us.

Dan Ariely is a behavior scientist and author of multiple books. His book predictably Irrational is a collection of some brilliant insights about some very irrational human behavior patterns.

He talks about ideas like “Supply Demand Fallacy”, “Anchor pricing”, “Cost of Zero” and the power of expectations.

Its a fascinating read, sprinkled with light humor throughout, and reads like a breeze.

Checkout the book —

Also, checkout his Ted Talk as an intro to the book and some of its insights.

Are we in control of our decisions? | Dan Ariely

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