The Last Among Equals

Wisdom Letter #27 | The One About Women

Ayush Chaturvedi
The Wisdom Project
2 min readMar 8, 2020


Happy International Women’s Day to all our readers.

Its funny that half of us on the planet have a day to ourselves, while the other half gets the other 365.

Actually, its not funny, its SAD.

Evolution has not been kind to the fairer sex. While giving them the biological responsibility of bearing children, it didn’t give them the great physical strength required to dominate the species.

That privilege was reserved for Men.

Evolution found that to be an efficient model to proliferate the species. As is true in most things where evolution plays a role, this model was effective, but not efficient.

Its true of how our brain functions, its true of how our body functions. And its definitely true of how our society functions.

Come to think of it, we can blame all the male chauvinism in the world to evolution. Some respite for men I guess.

Yes, we can blame evolution for everything, but not after we are intelligent enough to acknowledge its impact. (So no respite)

The very fact that we are able to talk about it should qualify us to go past it and graduate into a higher level being. And yet we don’t.

Chauvinism is rampant in society today.

And its not even about educating the population. We all know the highly educated amongst us indulging in blatant chauvinism. And even the most intellectually advanced indulging in casual sexism in everyday life.

Its a hard problem to solve.

And it becomes harder when we see how even the modern feminist movement is sometimes misguided and misled.

In George Orwell’s Animal Farm, the last commandment that the ruling class wants the commoners to follow goes something like this —

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.

Today, on The Wisdom Project, we talk about the less equal gender of our civilisation, the shortchanged gender in ‘mankind’. In this two gendered species, Men may not be the first among equals, but Women are definitely the Last.

We talk about how difficult it is in India to make it big as a female athlete, where does the modern feminist movement fail, why are men so aggressive all the time? And what can women do to grow in an inherently chauvinistic society?

And Yes, one more thing…


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