The Racing Rats

Ayush Chaturvedi
The Wisdom Project
Published in
1 min readJun 2, 2020

Popular culture feeds into us the idea of happiness as an endless pursuit of pleasure.

It teaches us the eternal desire for faster cars and bigger houses. It puts the onus of happiness on shallow consumption of material possessions.

And on the false belief that by consuming more we are somehow better than the people around us.

To fund this consumption, we must earn more and more money. The desire for more only increases as you run this rat race for longer and longer periods of time.

Steve Cutts describes this rat race brilliantly in this short animation film.

Its a very popular video on YouTube, and even if you have watched it before, its worth re-watching it again just to gain some perspective on life.

Check it out —

Happiness | Steve Cutts

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