The Way We Work

Wisdom Letter #29 | The One About Our Jobs

Ayush Chaturvedi
The Wisdom Project
2 min readMar 25, 2020


How are you?

Hope this letter finds you in good health. Both physical and psychological.

Have you been working lately? from home or from your ‘workplace’?

Or are you on an indefinite break from work?

Either way, this is a good time to ponder on the question —

“Why do you work?”

People work for many reasons. Most for money, personal growth, meaning, happiness, satisfaction, making a “dent” in the universe, and myriad such reasons.

What is your reason?

And how does your “work-life” impact your “personal-life”?(I thought all life was personal!)

Also, are you an entrepreneur, solopreneur, an employee in a large firm or a small one? And how does your role change your outlook towards your work.

Good time to think about these questions. And some more.

Is your job creative? or more analytical? or more labour intensive? Can your job be replaced by automation or by some AI algorithm?

How will you add value to the world if an algorithm replaces you in the next 10 years?

Today on The Wisdom Project, we try to answer why we work, what motivates us to do what we do. Can our jobs be replaced by machines, and if yes, then what will we do. We try to answer what would we do if money was no constraint?

And also, we take a look at the company of the future, or is it the past?

To find out, Read On

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