Prime Numbers Are So Damn Interesting

Prime numbers are so cool that they are used in cryptography too.

Samrat Dutta
The Wisest Friends


Source: Pexels

The students are taught that there are two types of numbers: Prime and Composite. If a number can be divided only by one and the number (ie, the fraction comes in empty), it is called the Prime number. Mathematical calculation of this Prime number later became a key part of computer science and is favoured for cryptography. Today, I want to share some of the surprises hidden in these Prime numbers.

While at school, students are able to see some of the amazing qualities of this fundamental number themselves. Firstly, 2 is the only even prime number, because any other even number is divisible by 2. Secondly, the range of all Prime numbers is quite different. That is, they are very scattered. It will be clear if we see the Prime numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, …. So, if the question is asked: What is the 2017th Prime number? Due to lack of a specific formula for calculation of Prime numbers, it’s almost uncountable without a computer.

How many Prime numbers are there?

Naturally, a question peeps in mind: It seems like it is rare to see the Prime numbers. So you might think that the number of prime numbers is finite. Some might argue that it is not.

