Solve This Equation To Win A Million Dollars

This is probably the second hardest way to earn a million dollars, writing on Medium being the first one.

Samrat Dutta
The Wisest Friends


Reimann Zeta Zeros. Reimann Hypothesis, the million dollar problem.
Reimann zeta Zeros. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

The picture above is one of the most fascinating things I’ve ever seen. But it’s also one of the most frustrating things I’ve seen that left me confused as hell. I love mathematics and these dots on a graph have haunted mathematicians for more than one and a half-century. So, what is this graph?

It’s the graphical representation of the Riemann hypothesis. It’s one of the most interesting unsolved equation and probably one of the most important unsolved mysteries of mathematics. It’s a very popular problem of science because it’s one of the problems listed in the Millennium Problems of the Clay Institute. The Clay institute says,

“In order to celebrate mathematics in the new millennium, The Clay Mathematics Institute of Cambridge, Massachusetts (CMI) established seven Prize Problems. The Prizes were conceived to record some of the most difficult problems with which mathematicians were grappling at the turn of the second millennium; …”

In other words, whoever solves one of these problems, wins US$ 1 million. Only one Millennium Prize problem has been solved to date. It is the Poincaré conjecture problem, solved in 2003…

