Understanding the Universe

My goal is simple. It is a complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all. — Stephen Hawking

Samrat Dutta
The Wisest Friends
3 min readNov 3, 2020


Stephen Hawking and his colleagues

It was a special day in the world of physics, March 14th! Albert Einstein was born on this day in 1879. Stephen Hawking passed away the same day in 2018.

The family of the world-famous scientist said on Wednesday morning that Hawking had died in his home in Cambridge. His age was 76. The nature of the universe couldn’t be fully known to him.

During World War II, on 8 January 1942, in Britain’s Oxford, Hawking was born. This date is also important. Because, on 8 January 1642, Galileo died. Across the school boundary, Hawking admitted to Oxford University. Wanted to study mathematics but at that time Oxford did not have mathematics, so he chose physics. After this, his journey to understand the universe started at the University of Cambridge.

There were complex cases of motor neuron detected in 1963. Doctors thought that Hawking would save two years. But he survived five decades without ignoring the disease. After losing his voice, he spoke with a voice synthesizer. Won all the prizes in the first row, including in fundamental physics. Hawking’s life is not only a scientists’ life but also the motivation for many people of the world.

Hawking’s research continued, ignoring the disease. The first dispersion of that research in the 1970s. Hawking, jointly with scientist Roger Penrose, presented the mathematical explanation of Black Hole and creation and destruction of the universe.

The research opened the new direction Quantum theory in 1974 with the explanation of black holes. In his theory, the Black Hole does not swallow everything, some emit it too. In 1974, Hawking was the youngest person in the Royal Society of Britain, the youngest fellow.

In 1988, ‘History’ was made. Hawking’s first book, ‘A Brief History of Time’ was published. There was a best-seller for 237 weeks. ‘A Brief History of Time’ has been translated into more than 40 languages. Later he wrote more books. In the world of fiction, the character of the teenage boy ‘George’ The last book in that series, in 2016, ‘George and the Blue Moon’.

He was not only a scientist. Stephen Hawking was hiding in a curious, childish mind and an ever-beloved boyfriend. Love with Jane Wilde in college life, Marriage in 1965. Separation in 1991, after the birth of three children and 26 years of marriage. Married again in 1995, a nurse named Ellen Mason. In 2006 also separated with her. Jane and Stephen, though, came closer to the end of life. He was also living his life with his son, daughter, and grandchildren. He had an addiction to betting in the world of research. Higgs Boson will not be discovered — Hawking has lost 100 dollars in 2012 in favour of this.

Hawking was the pioneer of studying the universe. In his last life, he had realized that to live, people will have to settle outside Earth. On Wednesday morning, Marth 14, 2018 he crossed the last station of his life.

