Non fiction

A Day in Anyone’s History

My struggle to wake up and go to a failure startup

The white swan
Published in
4 min readDec 28, 2019


Good shadow the tree in the restaurant , photo by MAED

It’s dark, I wake up from duty, but I hate it, I really hate it ….. I take a quick bath and fast breakfast too- I can’t believe I’ve put all the money in that business-, I leave the house, I can’t see the clouds, it’s cold, and it bothers me not to get up to do something that I like. I walk towards the avenue and I see the desolate park, the basketball court alone and the closed church, there are no absolution beggars, only coins and at this time they are asleep because the owners of the coins are also in bed. I arrive at the avenue and I see a very well lit sign of an advertisement, a young man with a smile from side to side driving a convertible classic and a bottle of rum with the name of the place where the peace dialogues are being carried, a strange irony.

I wait for the bus next to the sign, it is incredible that at that time the buses pass full of people, I always thought that at that time the thing was quieter, but no. You see the need to work, of people to produce: all are wrapped in ruanas and scarves. It is notorious that they have been doing this for a while; a hungry son does not wait. I am on the bus and there is no space, just as it is for everyone, I see the faces of people, tanned and burned, they are lived people: who knows…



The white swan

From a beautiful country, looking the way into this life. Thanks for reading me