Wolf Den Update #7

The Wolf Den
The Wolf Den
Published in
4 min readJan 23, 2023

Already almost a month into the new year? Time flies in the Den.

Registry Rewards

Earlier this week and email was sent to everyone registered in the Wolf Pup Registry database with the steps to enter to win a reward. We had 35 entries and a winner:

Congrats Jbennett22! And since you are already a Master Collector, you get a #288 Gray Wolf Pup to welcome to your pack:

A #Wolfish Celebration! The Next Wolf Pup Event

The next Wolf Den event is right around the corner. Here are some clips of the November Gray Wolf Summit.

The next event is a #Wolfish Celebration in Scottsdale, Arizona on Feb 17th with a bonus event on Saturday, the 18th. The details can be found here, you will need to connect your wallet with a wolf pup in it to see the article.

Turning Pennies Into Dimes!?

Doc the Wolf has been crushing the twitter engagement getting people ready for his forthcoming Children’s Book “Turning Pennines into Dimes” featuring Doc The Wolf, himself.

Check out his Twitter below:


Wolf Pups are consistently finding ways to add value and entertainment to the general population, whether they are into web 3 or not (yet). We love and encourage this, if you want to create a brand around yours, please let us know so we can share your work and spread your message.

In fact, let’s do this

Step 1: Post your Wolf Den/Wolf Pup inspired creations.

Step 2: Tag @wolfdenlabs in your tweet.

Step 3: Use the hashtag #WolfPupsCreate so we can find it easily.


We will retweet and share everything we can and we might find a few things that we want to buy and/or support ourselves!

Trivia Night

Friday night is Trivia Night for the Wolf Den, partner, and collaborating projects. We’ve put together a reward pool and expect others to add to it last minute to keep the game going.

Read More About Trivia Night Here.

Hope to see you there!

Our friends at inside the Den are doing a great job of keeping a community calendar for everyone to follow along. Give them a follow if you don’t want to miss any unofficial or impromptu events.

The Secret Bunker Vault Looks Like Its About To Be Cracked

A handful of mischievous Wolf Pups have been working tirelessly to crack the #puppuzzle to break into the Wolf Den Vault for the ETH rewards and bragging rights. It appears that they are getting close.

Here’s the latest set of clues:


For the full recap of everything that has gone on so far or if you’d like to join in on the convos, you can visit our discord!

Once the vault is cracked, there are only two more activations left on the launch roadmap and we will have to reveal the next roadmap.

Stay #wolfish

DISCLAIMER: These articles are for educational purposes only. Nothing in this article should be construed as financial advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any sort of security or investment. Consult with a professional financial adviser before making any financial decisions. Investing in general and options trading especially is risky and has the potential for one to lose most or all of their initial investment

