Empowering Your Communication: Overcoming the Fear of Speaking

How to overcome your fear of speaking with these two easy habits.

The Woman Empowered (Jae Witcher)
The Woman Empowered


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I had always had a fear of public speaking.

As a child, I would get anxious when I had to read out loud to the class. I would shrivel inside and hope the teacher never called on me.

I was so sure that if she did, I would stumble and stutter through a paragraph while the entire class laughed at me.

But here I was, about to speak in public in front of this audience. A of me felt absolutely insane, but a part of me felt so excited.

I couldn’t believe that I was actually about to do something I had only years before once dreamed about.

But I could feel my heart racing in my chest and my throat close up.

I could hear that little voice of self-doubt that started to creep in every time I was about to prove myself right.

For a very long time, I was embarrassed and ashamed of my stutter.

The fear of embarrassment kept me from doing speaking engagements.

Even though I genuinely wanted to.

It felt too hard and too scary.

