3 Steps to Multi-task Your Way to Success

It’s a new day for busy people who are always on the move, like you. If you are anything like the rest of us, you are often inspired and motivated to take on new tasks and reach new goals. But sometimes, in the midst of that excitement, you can take on too much, too quickly, making it easy to multi-task your way into overwhelm and burnout. You’re probably already thinking about all you need to get done this month — or by the end of this year. If you were to take time out to write it all down, the list would likely be extensive, right? Perhaps even overwhelming. Most people start by asking themselves these questions:

  1. How am I going to do it all?
  2. Where should I begin?
  3. What happens if I can’t finish it all?

I know you have a lot to do, but give yourself permission to relax. You’ve got this! Everything will be just fine.

What if I said you can actually find peace in multi-tasking? Sounds weird, huh? But it’s true. I’m sharing my method to multi-task your way to success.

Write everything down. Anything that’s standing in your way of having a clean slate needs to be written down on paper. If you need help, please download this worksheet. Once you’ve written it all down, take the following steps.


  1. Must Haves: These are the things you must get done. There are no exceptions and you are the only person that can get them done.
  2. Go Dos: These are the things you need to “go and do”, such as special events, birthday parties, kid activities, dentist, off-site meetings, etc.
  3. Nice to Haves: Everything that is not considered a Must Have or a Go Do should fall in this category.

Looking at the list, you probably have a lot written down. And that’s fine because you’re going to get it done by taking one day at a time.

Each week, on Sunday night, transfer the Must Haves and Go Dos to your calendar, giving yourself an actual date and time to get them done (brain dump and bucket first).

  1. Choose 3 Must Have’s for each day of the week — before noon. Although there may be several tasks to complete during a short time period, you’ll be more focused on what needs to get done.
  2. Choose 2–3 Go Dos for each day of the week. I know you have places to go and people to see. But having it scheduled gives you more time to be properly prepared and focused on getting out there and getting it done. When you show up prepared and ready to go, things move a lot faster.
  3. Pick 5 Things from the Nice to Haves list and delegate them to someone else who can get them done. This could be your spouse, your sitter, an assistant, relative, a friend, or even your children.
  4. FINALLY, choose 1 thing you will do for YOURSELF and schedule it on your calendar, too. For example, I’m on a journey to be the very best me, so I’m dedicating the very first part of every morning to meditation and exercise. It’s sheduled and it gets done.

As you work through your tasks for the week, it’s important to focus on only one day at a time.

Your week is planned, you have several things to get done. But everything has a date and a time scheduled. You’re multitasking in a calm and very peaceful way. Little-by-little. Day-by-day.

Originally published at kimberlybuchanan.com on November 2, 2016.



Kimberly Buchanan
The Women Entrepreneurs Club (Club WE)

Bestselling author and founder of the Unlock Your Potential Platform. Helping you use your skills, beyond your day job and into a successful online business.