The Art of Tango

The Wonder Year
Published in
2 min readApr 27, 2017

March 14, 2016
Paraná 353
Córdoba, Argentina
8:38 AM

The more I watch people of all ages and skill levels tango, the more I imagine it looking like gliding and floating just-so above the floor. Again and again, it comes down to the non-verbal communication of body language: lead and follow, reacting and adjusting to the subtlest flick of a wrist, the weight of momentum and elastic tension of the two bodies moving through space. They keep time to their own interpretation of the music and feel its rhythm move them.

The art of tango is in its expression of paradoxes: women lean their bodies forward while appearing to glide backward, eyes closed, with one side of their face pressed into the jawline of their partner — trusting that he will move her and guide her around the floor safely.

The Wonder Year: A Retrospective is a collection of my journal entries between March 2016 and February 2017, while I traveled to 12 countries over 12 months on Remote Year.

More photos and thoughts can be found here:



The Wonder Year

Indoor engineer, outdoor adventurer. 12 cities, 12 months with @remoteyear. Agile Coach and productivity nerd.