In the depths

Evident Soul
The Wonder Years
Published in
Jun 26, 2024

I know I will miss you when you pass

And that I will curse myself for not seeing you more

But even that can’t overcome my inability to be

Anything other than non caring

And disinterested in everything around me

Struggling even to write these words

IN moments where I have no more hope

I’m sorry if that makes me horrible or pathetic

I feel it

And now I have to stop writing

Because I’m tired


And my tears block my view

Maybe tomorrow I will reach out

I’m sorry I’m selfish with my energy

I love you

Sometimes dreamland is better than reality. Photo by Inside Weather on Unsplash



Evident Soul
The Wonder Years

I write about our humanity, brokenness, and healing. Over the past year I've gone on journey of discovery and talked with 2,000 different people. Learn with me.