Not Everyone Will Achieve Their Dreams

The Wonky
Published in
2 min readDec 29, 2018

“Not everyone can be a great artist”


Growing up, I believed that if I worked hard enough that I would achieve my dreams. I could be whatever I wanted to be! Shoot for the stars!

It’s. A. Lie.

In my first year since graduating college, the biggest lesson I’ve learned is that not all of my dreams will come true. And that’s ok.

How many autobiographies have you read from people who failed? From nobodies? I haven’t read any. We only hear about the success stories, the 1 in a million who became a star. You can work as hard as you can every moment of your life and still fail because you don’t have the genetics or the connections or the money of your competition.

I was constantly stressed and frustrated with myself. I was so afraid of failing again that I did not want to get out of bed. I would want things so badly and get angry when I couldn’t have them. For me to learn this lesson, I had to fail over and over again.

When you don’t achieve your dreams, it does not mean that your world is over. You may not have been cut out for whatever it is you wanted, but you still have value. You can still find a place in the world.

Not everyone is dealt an equal hand in life, but you have to do the best with what you are given. Sometimes, you find out what you are by being told what you are not.

