Trading on WOO X- Customizable Interface

Woo Boi
The WOO Force Blog
Published in
6 min readMay 30, 2022

In this article we will look into the different widgets a user has the ability to use on WOO X.

WOO X aspires to be the perfect platform for traders of all profiles and levels of expertise, including retail, professional, and institutional traders. The configurable GUI is the first thing that you see when you launch WOO X. It has a wide range of drag-and-drop and resizable trading data widgets, multi-charts integrated order input modules, and workspace tabs. Let’s dive into how you can get started creating your perfect trading environment.

Different Types of Templates

There are three types of templates in WOO X which serve the type of every trader. Standard, Advanced and Customized View. You can choose by clicking on the ‘cross’ button.

Standard Dashboard

Most centralized exchanges interfaces use a Standard view. WOO X has everything you would expect to see on every other exchange you are familiar with.

  • Watchlist
  • Chart
  • Positions
  • Orders
  • Orderbook
  • Order Entry

This is a great dashboard for getting used to WOO X’s suite of advanced order entry tools and customization. You can move around any widgets you like, and make it your own!

Advanced Dashboard

When you select the advanced dashboard, you are greeted by 3 charts, all with their own assigned orderbooks and order entry widgets.

Notice that BTC/USDT has its own chart, orderbook and order entry grouped as No1, ETH/USDT as No2 and WOO/USDT as No3.

On WOO X users have the ability to group any widget they wish together

For example, grouping a watchlist with one of the charts lets you switch automatically through your watchlist coins while the other charts and widgets remain the same. The advanced dashboard is a great option for an experienced trader that wants to manage many positions at once!

Customized Dashboard

Lastly, the customized dashboard is a plain tab where you choose how you set it up. While the other dashboards (Standard and Advanced) also let users customize their trading setup, the Customized dashboard is a plain page to let your imagination run wild.

This is why some users feel a bit lost and intimidated at first glance of the WOO X customized interface.

Have you ever been to a buffet and spent 5 minutes just to evaluate what you can fit on your plate? What to leave for round 2?
Well, on WOO X you have a free table with all sorts of different dishes to order from and enjoy for the best experience. In the end, it’s a bit like Greek mezedes in a way to be honest.

In Customize View we start by adding a widget at the Up-Right corner of the tab.

From the Standard and Advance View we already know how some widgets work so let’s dive in and take a look at the others that WOO X has to offer.


Depth Chart

Depth Chart    Depth refers to a market’s capacity to support huge orders for a given item without the asset’s price shifting dramatically. The greater the number of open limit orders on both sides of an orderbook for an asset, the greater the depth of that book.    A depth chart depicts both supply and demand to demonstrate how much of an item you can sell at a given price point.    A depth chart is divided in the center by the price of the asset during the most recent deal. It is also arranged

Depth refers to a market’s capacity to support huge orders for a given item without the asset’s price shifting dramatically. The greater the number of open limit orders on both sides of an orderbook for an asset, the greater the depth of that book.

A depth chart depicts both supply and demand to demonstrate how much of an item you can sell at a given price point.

A depth chart is divided in the center by the price of the asset during the most recent deal. It is also arranged by price across the bottom.

For more information you can read this article:

Trade History

The Trading History refers to the stream of executed orders price and size at the current time.

Price Ladder

As Ryen perfectly described, price ladder is a graphical user interface (GUI) manual trading tool that allows you to easily make orders, remove orders, and update orders in the order book. Traders can rapidly grasp the suitable order entry and exit locations by checking the distribution of buy and sell orders in the current market using configurable tick sizes. This advanced order tool is unique to WOO X and is a game changer for an experienced trader!

Check out his detailed breakdown of sections here:

Order Entry X,Y,Z

WOO X has three alternative methods of order entry to allow traders to easily modify their positions in a variety of conditions. On the customizable trading page, traders may utilize alternative order entries based on their needs.

Order entry X (Advanced)

On the regular trading page, order entry X is the default entry mode. For the typical order, you select the direction, price, and quantity (in percentages) based on your requirements.

Order Entry Y (Professional)

When adding the advanced trading page, the default configuration is order entry Y. Traders can make rapid trades using the buttons on the buy and sell sides, or they can enter the price and quantity for the limited orders.

Order input Y displays the current state of specific pairings, such as PnL, Positions size, Average open price, and available USDT for trading. (Note: If no position is open on the pair, it will be shown as Flat.)

Order entry Z (Basic)

Order entry Z is a more visually appealing order type that includes all advanced features. Traders must first decide whether to purchase or sell before determining the price and quantity (A bar you can drag for a certain percentage).

Detailed description how they work in this article:

Different Type of orders

WOO X also supports a variety of order types. Depending on your choice of order entry you have the ability to choose

Advance Order Types (Time-in-Force):

Post-Only: Post-Only orders will be immediately canceled if they can be matched on the opposite side orders.

Reduce-Only: Reduce-Only orders enable you to create orders that are only designed to reduce a current position and may be coupled with other orders; by selecting it, any order that would enhance their position or open an equal long or short position would be canceled or altered.

For example, if you enter a quantity greater than the size of your current open position, the quantity of the reduce-only order will auto-reduce to the size of your open position.

IOC: Immediate or cancel (IOC) orders indicate that any portion of the order that is not instantly filled must be canceled.

FOK: Fill or kill (FOK) orders are either instantly filled or killed (canceled).

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Woo Boi
The WOO Force Blog

Swim in an ocean of peace, code, sunsets and charts