Planning On Building A Shed?

Matt O
The Woodwork Warriors
4 min readMar 19, 2018

In an unexpected stumble-upon discovery, there appears to be competition in just about any niche you can imagine.

But — Woodworking?

You see…according to the experts; most shed blueprints don’t work. Imagine purchasing all of the tools, gadgets, add-ons, waiting for the perfect weather, and packing a solid lunch in preparation for this DIY undertaking — only to get stuck between step 3 and step 4 thinking, “How the hell did they get from there to here…?”

Game over. Back to the drawing board. Most shed blueprints don’t work.

As it turns out, these alleged ‘blueprints’ are either too complicated or too dumbed down. Often times they are littered with wrong instructions, incomplete steps and overall written in a different language entirely. Without at doubt, they’ll have you tearing your hair out by the end of it.

Why? Good question. Answer? Not in the least bit surprising:

Woodworking plans sold by big publishers AREN’T EVEN WRITTEN BY WOODWORKERS! *scoff* How dare they.

In actuality, some are written by ghostwriters (guilty ghost writer present although I can swing a hammer), who’ve never touched a piece of lumber or a chisel in their LIFE!

Which goes without saying…they could NEVER tell if a step didn’t make sense or not. Kind of like having certain experts writing the rules for billing parameters in your particular field of work (healthcare anyone?).

The Mechanics Of “A Perfect Shed”

  1. It’s all about that angle

It is absolutely paramount that you see precisely how everything should look before you build it. Without a doubt, most plans don’t. Most poor souls only find out at the bitter end, when all of that time has wasted, money was spent and sweat emptied out to the last drop…nothing fits together.

2. “Lego’s” Make a comeback

Detailed instructions should be so simple — a kid could do it. How simple? Lego instructions simple! There needs to be a fine balance between detail and simplicity so you know exactly what you’re doing every step of the way. If it has too much technical jargon — toss that away like a bad habit.

SO Many other plans assume you’re experienced enough to tell what the next step is. Chances are maybe you indeed have the experience…but you’re probably building this bad boy on a Sunday afternoon at the last minute — and nobody wants to be thinking too hard in attempt to solve the quantum mechanics of a poorly angled 2x4 then.

3. Complete Precision

Insert: Complete “materials and cutting lists” next on the agenda and make sure that it makes sense! There’s a saying in the old woodwork craft, “Your shed is only as good as the materials you use to buy them” or something like that.

Why the complete list?

It allows you to buy exact amounts. And avoid buying excess things you don’t need. This saves time and cuts down waste — kind of like leaving the window open with the heat on (You dads out there know what I mean). It saves money, need I say more?

4. Dimensional Drawings Delight

Most plans show you only 1-sided views. How is that enough?

Demand more! Don’t allow yourself to be wondering if you put a “joint” or a “frame” together the right way because you didn’t view it in 3D. You’re building in 3D — you should be instructed the same way.

5. Computer Animated Designed Drawings

Hand drawn sketches of framework are very appealing to look at — not so much to instruct. Make sure you have instructions in A) Color and B) Computerized in COLOR.

6. Used For Labels

Your materials list needs to show what each item is actually used for. A pile of lumber strewn across the yard does not mean you’re going to need or even use every one of them right away. Some of the items can be bought separately, at a different stage of the process, saving you money, time, and physical space.

The Solution

12,000 shed plans designed by a TRUE expert…a living, breathing, expert woodworker who taught family, friends, and dozens of first-time-woodworkers to build stunning, master-level shed’s consistently.

Big, small, expert, novice — all have taken a walk down Ryan’s-Way and benefited from his guidance and expertise. He’s helped over 4,000+ woodworkers, create and build sheds the easier way. Through the use of personalized plans and blueprints — he has helped home owners and establishments alike construct incredible looking sheds and woodworking projects at the fraction of the cost!

You can find your way towards his guidance here: Ryan’s Shed Plans

So confident — 60 Day money back guarantee.

Good Luck!

