I am Attracted to Androgynous Men

And to women who can kick my ass

Esther Spurrill-Jones
The Word Artist
Published in
2 min readSep 12, 2021


Every one of the many times I watched Labyrinth while growing up, I was always irresistibly drawn to and fascinated by the Goblin King, Jareth, as portrayed by David Bowie. I found him beautiful and alluring, and I could easily understand why Sarah was so enticed.

Jareth is beautiful, otherworldly, seductive, and very androgynous. Of course, he is also dangerous, manipulative, and probably abusive. I cheered when Sarah defeated him.

When Titanic was released, I wasn’t one of the crazy fans who watched it multiple times in the theatre (though I did do that with the LotR movies). However, I became low-key obsessed with Leonardo DiCaprio.

Young Leo as Jack Dawson in Titanic was beautiful, fun, and oddly androgynous. There have even been fan analyses of the movie exploring the “what if” of a female or trans masc Jack. I didn’t know of this back then, and I even would have denied having a crush on Leo, thinking myself too mature and sophisticated for anything so silly as celebrity crushes.



Esther Spurrill-Jones
The Word Artist

Poet, lover, thinker, human. Poetry editor at Prism & Pen.