
My Psalms

Poetry inspired by the Psalms

Esther Spurrill-Jones
The Word Artist
Published in
5 min readAug 9, 2022


Photo by Alabaster Co on Unsplash

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Psalm 1 — “Like a Tree”

Psalm 2 — “Kiss the Son”

Psalm 3 — “God is My Ally”

Psalm 4 — “Hear My Prayer”

Psalm 5 — “You Are My Shield”

Psalm 6 — “Have Mercy on My Weakness”

Psalm 7 — “Correct Me, Lord”

Psalm 8 — “Maker of the Moon and Stars”

Psalm 9 — “Arise, Oh Lord”

Psalm 10 — “Why Have You Forsaken Me?”

Psalm 11 —” I Will Not Lose Hope”

Psalm 12 — “Like Silver”

Psalm 13 — “How Long, Oh Lord?”

Psalm 14 — “Where is God?”

Psalm 15 — “Heirs of God”

Psalm 16 — “Keep Me Safe”

Psalm 17 — “A Crown”

Psalm 18 — “You Are the Storm”

Psalm 19 — “Sweeter than Honey”

Psalm 20 — “A Golden Star”

Psalm 21 — “King and Bride”

Psalm 22 — “Forsaken”

Psalm 23 — “In Your Banquet House”

Psalm 24 — “Lift Up Your Head”

Psalm 25 — “Let Me Not Be Ashamed”

Psalm 26 — “Try My Heart”

Psalm 27 — “My Light, My Strength, My Song”

Psalm 28 — “I Cry to You”

Psalm 29 — “In Your Beauty”

Psalm 30 — “In the Morning”

Psalm 31 — “Paint Me Gold”

Psalm 32 — “Songs of Deliverance”

Psalm 33 — “By Your Breath”

Psalm 34 — “Depart Evil and Do Good”

Psalm 35 — “An Early Winter Storm”

Psalm 36 — “On the Clouds”

Psalm 37 — “The Wicked in Great Power”

Psalm 38 — “Oh Lord, My Salvation”

Psalm 39 — “Burning in My Heart”

Psalm 40 — “New Songs”

Psalm 41 — “Blessed Are the Generous”

Psalm 42 — “Where Is Your God?”

Psalm 43 — “Ally, Advocate, and Friend”

Psalm 44 — “Remember Us”

Psalm 45 — “A Song of Praise”

Psalm 46 — “Be Still and Know”

Psalm 47 — “Clap Your Hands”

Psalm 48 — “The Bride of Christ”

Psalm 49 — “Un Mauvais Maître”

Psalm 50 — “The Fire and the Storm”

Psalm 51 — “Comfort and Peace”

Psalm 52 — “Like an Olive Tree”

Psalm 53 — “To Do Good”

Psalm 54 — “Hear Me, Lord”

Psalm 55 — “The Wings of a Dove”

Psalm 56 — “My Tears in Your Bottle”

Psalm 57 — “Awaken the Dawn”

Psalm 58 — “Speak Up!”

Psalm 59 — “You Are My Strength”

Psalm 60 — “With God We Will Do Valiantly”

Psalm 61 — “My Heart and My Home”

Psalm 62 — “Power Belongs to God”

Psalm 63 — “Thirst For You”

Psalm 64 — “Make Me Glad”

Psalm 65 — “Full of Grain”

Psalm 66 — “As Silver”

Psalm 67 — “Shine On Me”

Psalm 68 — “Gilt and Bright”

Psalm 69 — Drained and Dry

Psalm 70 — “By Your Name”

Psalm 71 — “My Heart Will Sing”

Psalm 72 — “Through You”

Psalm 73 — “The Evil Thrive”

Psalm 74 — “The Day is Yours”

Psalm 75 — “The Wine is Red”

Psalm 76 — “Who May Stand in Your Presence?”

Psalm 77 — “Song in the Night”

Psalm 78 — “Riddles of Old”

Psalm 79 — “How Long, Oh Lord?”

Psalm 80 — “Restore Us, God!”

Psalm 81 — “Honey From the Rock”

Psalm 82 — “Your Birthright”

Psalm 83 — “As the Fire Burns”

Psalm 84 — “Pools of Blessing”

Psalm 85 — “Show Us Your Mercy”

Psalm 86 — “Something Good”

Psalm 87 — “This One Was Born There”

Psalm 88 — “I Am Abomination”

Psalm 89 — “Mercy and Truth”

Psalm 90 — “You Are God”

Psalm 91 — “Under the Shadow of the Almighty”

Psalm 92 — “Still Green”

Psalm 93 — “Many Waters”

Psalm 94 — “Rise Up, Oh Judge!”

Psalm 95 — “God Will Not Be Mocked”

Psalm 96 — “A Different Song”

Psalm 97 — “A Prophecy in Fire”

Psalm 98 — “With the Harp”

Psalm 99 — “I Will Be Shaken”

Psalm 100 — “Reach for the Stars”

Psalm 101 — “Perfect in Your Sight”

Psalm 102 — “Remember Me”

Psalm 103 — “A Flower of the Field”

Psalm 104 — “A Coat of Many Colours”

Psalm 105 — “Plagued”

Psalm 106 — “The Wrath of God”

Psalm 107 — “Mercy Endures Forever”

Psalm 108 — “Awake the Dawn”

Psalm 109 — “A Rainbow Flag”

Psalm 110 — “I Am Yours”

Psalm 111 — “Truth and Justice”

Psalm 112 —” The Righteous in Everlasting Remembrance”

Psalm 113 — “I Will Wear Your Crown”

Psalm 114 — “Like Lambs”

Psalm 115 — “Your Hands and Your Feet”

Psalm 116 — “‘Til Death”

Psalm 117 — “Joy and Love”

Psalm 118 — “Your Mercy is Forever”

Psalm 119 א ALEPH — “Do Not Forsake Me”

Psalm 119 ב BETH — How Can I Be Whole?

Psalm 119 ג GIMEL — Let Me See a Miracle

Psalm 119 ד DALETH — Strengthen and Restore My Heart

Psalm 119 ה HE — Give Me Voice

Psalm 119 ו WAW — Forever and Ever

Psalm 119 ז ZAYIN — Call Me By Your Name

Psalm 119 ח HETH — Sparkling Bright

Psalm 119 ט Teth — Good

Psalm 119 י YOD — I Will Never Be Ashamed

Psalm 119 כ KAPH — Bend and Bow

Psalm 119 ל LAMED — I Stand Up Tall

Psalm 119 מ MEM — Sweeter Than Honey

Psalm 119 נ NUN — You Are My Light

Psalm 119 ס SAMEK — My Secret Hiding Place

Psalm 119 ע AYIN — Teach Me Love

Psalm 119 פ PEH — Your Law is Love

Psalm 119 צ TSADDE — Your Word is Pure

Psalm 119 ק QOPH — I Hope in Your Word

Psalm 119 ר RESH — Rescue Me, O God!

Psalm 119 ש SHIN — I’m Found In You

Psalm 119 ת TAU — Grant My Voice

Psalm 120 — I Am For Peace

Psalm 121 — My Help Comes From You

Psalm 122 — Pray For Peace

Psalm 123 — We Look to You

Psalm 124 — On My Side

Psalm 125 — Very Good

Psalm 126 — Like Those Who Dream

Psalm 127 — The Bread of Sorrows

Psalm 128 — You Are The Vine

Psalm 129 — A Gilt Facade

Psalm 130 — You Are My Safe Place

Psalm 131 — Hope In God

Psalm 132 — I Worship at Your Footstool

Psalm 133 — Like Precious Oil

Psalm 134 — Who Stand By Night

Psalm 135 — Silver and Gold

Psalm 136 — Your Mercy is Forever

Psalm 137 — The Rivers of Babylon

Psalm 139 — Know My Heart

Psalm 140 — Deliver Me From Evil

Psalm 141 — Broken Earth

Psalm 142 — Be My Escape

Psalm 143 — I Thirst For You

Psalm 144 — Bow Down Your Heavens

Psalm 145 — Your Love is Incomprehensible

Psalm 146 — Give Me Hope

Psalm 147 — The Number of Stars

Psalm 148 — Oh Heavens of Heavens

Psalm 149 — A New Song

Psalm 150 — Hallelujah

Seven months later, I am finished. Next step: compile these into a book you will soon be able to buy! 😄

Honey From the Rock - My Psalms

173 stories
A Bible open to the Psalms. Psalm 24, 25, and 26 are visible on the page.



Esther Spurrill-Jones
The Word Artist

Poet, lover, thinker, human. Poetry editor at Prism & Pen.