So Many So Wrong For So Long

We’ve been wrong before

Esther Spurrill-Jones
The Word Artist
Published in
2 min readJul 13, 2021


Photo by Yoav Hornung on Unsplash

We couldn’t possibly have been so wrong for so long. So many people for so many generations for so many years, all believing the the same wrong thing? Impossible.

Did God really say that? Well, so many theologians say so, and have said so for so many years, how could we have been so wrong? Impossible.

The Bible is clear and, even if it wasn’t clear, so many intelligent well-educated people have interpreted it exactly the same way, so how could they all be so wrong? Impossible.

And yet.

We’ve been wrong before.

Indulgences. Galileo. Slavery. Miscegenation. Women’s rights.

But we can’t possibly be wrong about this right? Not this time. Impossible.

LGBTQ+ inclusion and affirmation is where we will draw the line. This time we know we’re right. There’s no way so many people have been so wrong for so long.

And that slowly growing wave of churches and denominations and Christians who are changing their minds? They’re the ones who are wrong.

I’ve been watching the slow sea change in the worldwide church for several years now. While the overall trend appears to be toward inclusion and even full affirmation, there are those who dig in…



Esther Spurrill-Jones
The Word Artist

Poet, lover, thinker, human. Poetry editor at Prism & Pen.