Two Weeks of Daily Testing

My COVID-19 Story

Esther Spurrill-Jones
The Word Artist
Published in
2 min readApr 2, 2022


A COVID rapid test showing a negative result.
Photo by Roman Wimmers on Unsplash

One week ago, my husband Mark tested positive for COVID-19. His dad had it first, and Mark spent two nights in the hospital’s COVID ward, sitting with his dad. So, we weren’t surprised when Mark got it.

Mark’s sister lives with us, and she tested positive the day after he did. Our house is small, and I’m sure they both were contagious for at least a day before they tested, so I was already exposed. I got some rapid tests from work and started testing every morning.

Every day for a week, I shoved a fresh swab up my nose until it burned. Every day for a week, I waited for the result with a mixture of fear and dread, certain that was the day I would be positive. Every day I was negative.

After a week of negative tests, I started to feel hopeful, like maybe I dodged the bullet. I didn’t want to jinx it though, so I tried not to feel too hopeful. After a week and a half, however, I allowed myself to feel hopeful.

Today is two weeks since Mark’s positive test result, and both he and his sister are now over it. They’ve recovered and I never got it.

I am triple-vaccinated, but so are they.

Maybe I’m immune.



Esther Spurrill-Jones
The Word Artist

Poet, lover, thinker, human. Poetry editor at Prism & Pen.