100 ways to be an awesome copywriter

The Word Business
Published in
3 min readAug 29, 2017

1. Use fewer words.
2. Use simpler words.
3. Use everyday words.
4. Use words your audience understands.
5. Understand what your audience understands.
6. Write accordingly.
7. Know who’s reading it.
8. Know how they talk.
9. Know what they want.
10. Know what they need.
11. Know what you want to say.
12. Say what you mean.
13. Write like you talk.
14. Write like a human.
15. Don’t rely on clichés.
16. Don’t use fancy language.
17. Don’t hide behind bullshit.
18. Don’t lecture or preach.
19. Don’t pretend to be smarter than you are.
20. Don’t pretend to be smarter than your audience.
21. Treat them as equals.
22. Treat them as friends.
23. Have a conversation.
24. Don’t dominate the conversation.
25. Say “you” more than “we”.
26. Don’t be boring.
27. Don’t be vague.
28. Don’t be arrogant.
29. Be authentic.
30. Be approachable.
31. Be awesome.
32. Be wise.
33. Be curious about the world.
34. Know lots of stuff.
35. Read lots of stuff.
36. Read books.
37. Read ads.
38. Read blogs.
39. Read the news.
40. Read every day.
41. Write every day.
42. Don’t just write copy.
43. Write letters to friends.
44. Write short stories.
45. Write speeches.
46. Write bad poetry.
47. Write whatever comes to mind.
48. Just keep writing.
49. Keep working the muscle.
50. Keep sharpening the pencil.
51. Keep learning.
52. Learn how to spell.
53. Learn how to edit.
54. Learn the rules of grammar.
55. Learn how to break them.
56. Learn to accept feedback.
57. Learn to take criticism.
58. Learn to find solutions.
59. Don’t be precious.
60. Don’t be smug.
61. Don’t be in love with your work.
62. Because your client probably isn’t.
63. Get over it.
64. Get over yourself.
65. Get better.
66. Move forward.
67. Stay organised.
68. Be disciplined.
69. Set a routine.
70. Stick to your routine.
71. Stick to your deadlines.
72. Honour your agreements.
73. Treat writing like a real job.
74. But also a fun job.
75. Drink coffee in the morning.
76. Write while caffeinated.
77. Drink wine in the evening.
78. Write while inebriated.
79. Don’t use stupid words like “inebriated”.
80. Use normal words like “drunk”.
81. Write drunk.
82. Edit sober.
83. Hemingway said that.
84. Read lots of Hemingway.
85. But seriously, edit your work.
86. Then edit again.
87. Then edit some more.
88. Write a second draft
89. Write a third draft.
90. Write a tenth draft.
91. Write until you’re satisfied.
92. But not entirely.
93. Never let yourself be entirely satisfied.
94. Always believe you could have done better.
95. Always be critical of your own work.
96. It will keep you humble.
97. It will keep you motivated.
98. It will put rocket fuel in your tank.
99. That stuff is explosive.
100. Use it wisely.



The Word Business

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