Forget Everything You Know About Writing. Because. Social. Media.

If I could have written this story with emojis, I would have.

Lon Shapiro
6 min readMay 23, 2020


With apologies to INFSD SWIMWEAR on Unsplash

The greatest thing about youth is the ability to spot and adapt to the latest trends.

The worst thing about youth is that you make terrible decisions, like investing in jello shots out of strippers’ belly buttons.

The worst thing about getting old is that you become aware of how you can’t keep up with what’s new. The greatest thing about getting old is you recognize and stop making the mistakes you used to make that are now repeated by younger generations.

It’s too bad we couldn’t have some Vulcan mind meld to shore up each other’s weaknesses.

Twentyish You: “whoa, dude, I’m gonna put my gal through law school. She’ll be rakin’ in beaucoups bucks long after my sales position gets filled by a bot.”

Sixtyish Me: “whoa, dude, that’s the perfect marketing plan to get my side hustle Instagram an extra 100K followers. Gonna need that supplemental income when that asshole



Lon Shapiro

High quality creative & design Former pro athlete & high quality performance coach. Teach the world one high quality joke at a time