Justice Roberts
A song parody of The Beatles’ “Doctor Roberts”
Published in
3 min readJul 4, 2024
Our current Supreme Court is doing everything it can to break a 167-year-old record.
Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857) is widely considered the worst decision in Supreme Court history, but the fascist frat boys that dominate the Supreme Court are doing everything they can to make people forget about Chief Justice Roger Taney.
Look at everything they have accomplished in the last few years:
- Ignore 50+ years of legal precedence to overturn Roe v. Wade
- Allow courts to ignore federal agency expertise in their review of challenged regulations
- Allow the President to commit crimes in office, as long as it is part of his “official duty”
I could go on, or you could read about all the damage done in The 9 Worst Court Decisions Since Trump Remade the Federal Judiciary.