PART TWO (An Open Letter to Writers Who Write…)

Writing Miracles Can Happen — Just Don’t Hold Your Breath

A Sunday sermon on self-examination, writing tools, and tools that write

Lon Shapiro
The Inner Game of Writing
10 min readSep 22, 2019


Digital Illustration by Author; Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

In Part One of this sermon, I wrote about the difference between bloggers who write and writers who blog.

It’s Sunday again, almost a month later, and I’m finally publishing Part Two of “An Open Letter to Writers Who Write to Other Writers About Writing”

At this point, all the self-help gurus would insert their profound life hack: don’t procrastinate.

But is that true?

The original reason I wrote Part One was I read something on this platform that irritated the hell out of me.

I’ll go into the reason later because it’s still valid, but I think the passage of time changed my perspective on how…



Lon Shapiro
The Inner Game of Writing

High quality creative & design Former pro athlete & high quality performance coach. Teach the world one high quality joke at a time