Movement is medicine

Francis Xavier Labiran
Published in
3 min readNov 8, 2017

Yoga is not a religion. It is a science, science of well-being, science of youthfulness, science of integrating body, mind and soul. — Amit Ray

I always perceived Yoga as an activity that I would never take up. My world of fitness consisted of Football and weight training. Yoga in contrast was just bending and stretching — something I could surely do without. My perspective on this subject changed when I stumbled upon a Yoga studio (For the core) in the Shoreditch area of London in August. I was on the lookout for people to work with for our ‘Wisdom Within’ project. Drawn in by the white space and a emanating feeling of peace, I walked into the studio and spoke with a lovely lady called Heather. As soon as I started speaking about the topics of Yoga and meditation I saw her eyes light up and she agreed to allow us to do an interview and shoot with the studio. She also proceeded to invite me to my first Yoga session, I will share my takeaways about this at a later date.

I arrived with Wordjar cofounder, Kelvin , a few weeks later to spend a few hours with the Yoga instructors from the FTC team. The first part of the day consisted of us being left gobsmacked by their show of physical strengths for flexibility. I could attempt to describe this, but the photo’s below articulate the event a lot better than I ever could .

The second part of the day consisted of a conversation with Heather about Yoga , meditation and it’s place in modern day society. We went back and forth about the eternal battle between integrating good habits and being pulled in the other direction about the busyness of life. The peace she spoke with was testament to the impact that her practice is having on her life. I’ve added a clip below , and can’t wait to show you the final product in a visual we are creating for the wisdom within project.



Francis Xavier Labiran
Editor for

Founder of Wordjar (Book Publisher), Product at BCGDV, Digital Service Design MSc Graduate