The 1970 Readings

The Words — of Aka, spiritual messengers of God
292 min readAug 18, 2020

(First part)

In a night so silent no one heard was a glorious coming. Comet Bennett April 1970. On December 28, 1969, a South African astronomer observed a new light in the heavens. The comet was seen in February nearing the constellations Tucana, Gurus and Phoenix. March 25, 1970, it crossed the equator into the northern hemisphere into Pegasus; it passed over the Earth, drawing closest on March 26 (when some were reading the words Jesus spoke at his last supper on Passover). As this wondrous light passed over Globe (near Tucson and Phoenix, Arizona), spiritual messengers from God arrived to bring a good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. One who had promised, who had more love in his eyes than Ray Elkins had ever seen, was even then giving a gift from the Father — as he was giving Ray back life. (See Jesus’ farewell words in John, chapter 13–17.)

You ask if this new comet were part of our coming. And I shall say, yes, for there was a sign in the sky for the enlightenment of man’s soul. Many shall grow restless, almost for hunger for these words. Heed them, give them readily. Do not be afraid.” (Spiritual messengers of God, April 13, 1970)

“For now, as we have told soul Ray — now shall be the time of the Cherub. It shall burn brightly in thy heavens for all to see. Look thee toward the east from which we come, and ye shall see. This shall be proof to mankind of our coming.” (Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, May 21, 1970)

Learn more about how the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, first came, and how you can join in their association. See “A Stairway to Heaven.”

Contents of 1970 Readings

(This is Part 1 of 2) –– April 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 13, 15, 20, 24, 28, 29; May 1, 15, 21; June 6, 9, 12, 16, 18; July 1, 3, 5, 11, 12, 15, 18, 20, 25, 29; August 3, 10, 20, 21, 24, 28, 29, 31;

(Part 2 of 2 is in the next article) — September 5 (afternoon), 5 (evening), 10, 14, 18, 21, 25, 28; October 5, 9, 12, 23, 26; November 2, 9, 13, 16, 20, 27; December 4, 7, 11, 18, 28

You can learn more about the readings at the end of this article.


April 3, 1970

Globe, Arizona

Not Ray.

“Who then?” Ray’s wife asked him.

Body — spirit — soul — God! — many worlds — many universes — many galaxies, like pebbles on a beach, so vast. Each galaxy set up for man[‘s] expansion.

“Which is most important?”


“Who is God?”

God is everything.

“Not one thing?”

Not one thing, but everything. God is — is God!

“[Who] do you want to tell me about?”

In the beginning — in the beginning God gave man[‘s] spirit because He was lonely. Then [man’s] spirit was not enough, because spirit always knew of God — in spirit — so many spirits — so many, many spirits.

Then God thought, “I SHOULD [MAKE] MAN, FOR I HAVE USE [FOR, OF] THIS [MAN].” Before, before there were many gods, like our God, before [the two] worlds, many worlds.

[Editor’s note: At this point, part of the recording from which these words were transcribed was erased and recorded over. The short tape on which these words were recorded had run out by the time Ray’s wife was given instructions on how to awaken him. So she rewound the tape to this point and recorded her instructions. They have been moved to the end of this transcript.

Throughout this conversation, their television set is playing in the background. His wife appears to have left it on when Ray fell onto the sofa in a coma-like seizure. When she saw he was safe, she’d quickly grabbed the tape recorder. In the five years since his 1965 brain injuries, Ray had never spoken during the coma-like seizures, nor had he ever been awakened. She thought his neurologist might want to hear these whispers.

The part of the recorded message that wasn’t recorded over continues here, with her question.]

“Where can we prove this?”

Cairo. In Egypt (cough), in Egypt. I was there. And he came and he said, “Form thy a church for one God.” I built Him a temple.

“What was your name; do you know? We can find out later.”

[Note: throughout this conversation, their television set is playing in the background and one hears the normal sounds of a household.]

I built Him a temple, and God, God sends him [to me.]

“What did God say? Can you hear me? Ray?”

Not Ray.

“Why can’t I call you Ray?”

Ray is of this plane. I, by my name who speaks through him — who’ve taken possessions of his body and his soul, there to guide him, that others may learn through him — that they may learn a way to God.

“What can Ray do to help you?”

For Ray is I, and I am Ray.

“Can you help him?”

Yes. [said lovingly.]


Every day, in his walk, in his speech, sometimes he grows irritable with people. The reason is because in his conscious state his mind projects such force, and he does not understand it all.

“How can we help him understand it?”

Love, understanding, and listen to him.

“Don’t I?” [she said, a little shortly.]


His missions and my mission are to bring man back to God — for when he awakens he will have new knowledge that he has not had before, for he will be able to speak of things I have thought of, and to think knowledge — [He] will be closer to God. Closer to God.

“How will he know when you want to come again?”

He will know. I have told him once before that the key —

“Where is the key?”

There are other interfering powers.

“Should Ray wake up now?”

No. There are other — there are other things which you should ask: one of yourself, one of your mother, one of your aunt, one of your father. I am not permitted to give information about personal souls without consent of souls; only if you ask.

The key can be opened by yourself. You must relax him; make him rest. He shall have this knowledge; therefore, placing him into a trance state.

“Should he place himself or should I, and how should he?”

It would be easier for him if you did this for him.

“How often?”

The time or [how] often does not matter — only should he have proper rest in between. When he becomes weak, it is easy for me to come through, but this could kill his body.

“How can we help his body?”

Rest. Rest, relaxing of his nervous system.


Massaging the lower and upper part of his back and neck, using vibration, not as has been used before — the vitamins….

[Note: As these words were spoken, the tape ran out on the small recorder. She rewound the tape to the middle, recording over some of the message to get these instructions on how to wake Ray up.]

…He can awaken, but they are very weakened. You should tell him he will feel better, but tell him how he will feel better — both body and mind. Tell him to remember all things he has heard and seen, and therefore, he will gain a knowledge of my voice. Tell him that his body, all parts, and detail them, will feel better when he awakens, that he will feel completely rested.

Now I am growing very weak, very weak.

“Then you rest and I will waken Ray.

“Ray — Ray? It’s time to….”

[At this point the recorder was turned off.]

[This transcript has been compared with audio tape recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1970 by A. Ray Elkins, of Globe, Arizona, through whom these words were spoken.


April 6, 1970

Globe, Arizona

“Can you tell us who you are?” [Ray’s wife asks.]

My name is Aka. [Editor’s note: sounds like “Atka” or “Otka.”]

“Why do you come to us?”

I do not come to you.

“Who do you come to?”

I come to Ray.

“What do you want Ray to know?”

To bring his flock to God.

“How should he go about it?”

Through I, Ray shall know.

“What did you want to tell me the last time about my aunt?”

Of this soul — house, now deep rug, walking, walking — inflammation of kidney.

“Which aunt?”

M_______. [Editor’s note: To respect the privacy of each individual, the names are not written.]

“Should she see a medical doctor?”


“Any particular medical doctor?”

Beranton, name doctor. Mostly problem — Ray must go deeper in trance.

“How shall he go deeper?”

[After a long pause, he says:] Soul…..I come through, now, stronger. Ray, deeper in trance.

“Is this safe for Ray?”

Very safe for Ray.

M_______, aunt, soul, inflammation of left kidney.

“Is she aware of it?”

Awareness, I do not know — psychological block on her part.

“I’ll take care of it. What did you want to tell me of my Mother?”

Mother, soul D_______, needs school to bring her upon this plane higher because of mistake in past plane. Has been given certain powers, certain knowledge — has used wrongly. Unless she spends more time in her search of her soul and her meditation, will live plane again, and again. Past life — sailor — killed, ship, piracy. Because did not listen to inner self, lives life over again. Must spend more time, meditation, less time on material things. Has been told by Ray — through me, shall write — has not listened. In Ray’s mind shall be secret, when he awakens, to salvation of soul D_______.

“Will he tell her?”

Only if she wants to listen.

“All right.”

Conscious mind plane [unchanged].

“Are you speaking of D_______?”


“What of my father?”

Father must rest…….


I have not finished D_______.

“I’m sorry.”

D_______’s health not good because of neglect of body. Psychological block. To prepare and eat Jerusalem artichoke — have told Ray — results negative.

Through with soul D_______.

“Anything of my Father?”

Soul B___ — good soul, B___. Sometimes selfish, otherwise, good soul. Preparing in thought and action to purchase certain items — cause chaos. Father — health not good, needs higher altitude. Heart murmur, faint; needs electrocardiograph. Needs change diet. Needs physical exercise. Needs chiropractic treatment of upper neck. Needs different glasses, better correction — present not good. Needs more spiritual guidance, more study. When Ray awakens, he’ll have message and more extent knowledge on subject.

Now finished soul W_______.

“Is there anything that you would like to tell D____?”

D_____ has been told by Ray, has not complied. Soul D____ was sent to assist Ray — has not complied, has not studied. When Ray dies, D_____ must be prepared that I shall enter his soul and mind. Spirit ready to enter his mind now, not I but other. Only when he is prepared. Must cleanse body and soul; has been told how. Subject, soul D_____, must not marry unless girl’s belief along lines of religion — belief to bring all souls to God, my Father.

Finished soul D_____.

“Does your coming hurt Ray’s body?”

No. Shall improve Ray’s body and mind. I am he and he is I, for I was reborn at time as he. For we are one.

“The vitamins that he’s taking, you said he was allergic to them?”

Allergic to alfalfa which vitamins are extracted from.

“What kind of vitamins should he take?”

Simple, vitamin without as much alfalfa in same. “Nutralite,” as you call it, vitamin good. [There] are many others. Needs more fish in diet.

“Any particular kind?”

Some are better than others.

“Can you tell me one that is better? I don’t know fish.”

Names different in my time than in yours.

“What is in the fish that he needs? Is it a certain substance in the fish?”



Sulphur, for one.

“Does he need more iodine?”

Iodine, yes; natural salt which comes from sea food.

“Would it help if he drank sea water?”

No. I shall give better reading on Ray at different time. I’m not here now to speak of Ray.

Have a message for brother of D____ — to make certain he has all mineral rights below the depth of 40 feet on his property, to gain mineral rights of other property close to him. Have message, great wealth shall — not one, but two, but threefold. The ground shall open, an upheaval. From same, great wealth may come.

“Is that the upheaval that Ray spoke of before?”

Yes. Also, the great Sword is here.


It is a cutting sword of land and masses. The earth’s axis is changing. Where it was hot — where it was hot it shall become colder. Where it was dry it shall become wetter. Where there no water flows, water shall flow, because water is the spirit.

You have thought of soul J____.


Have message, but must have permission from soul to give same.

“How is permission gained?”


“Can you tell me of J____?”

Mother has not heard bidding of Ray; thinks daughter to play with Devil. J____ could learn to become close to God, only through lessons from Ray. Must listen or soul is lost again, or she will dream forever of houses, which are her soul. Unless she heeds, her mother shall die. Must not play with power unless believe in God, her creator.
Many messages. Many souls. You may ask questions of any subject as long as permission is given from the soul. Only way to give details is if soul has permission and really needs help — both mental for the soul and physical for the body.

Am growing weak; is time to awaken Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: No one knew how to spell the name that was spoken. So when transcribing the tape recorded message, at first these people close to Ray decided it would be spelled, “Odka.” Later, it was changed to “Aka,” after we were told to think of the Almighty, secondly, the word, karmic, and then of the records which exist through all time. We were told that the spelling was not important, but if we would agree upon something we would be taking a step closer to God.]

[This transcript has been compared with the audio tape recording for accuracy.]

Copyrighted © 1970 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


April 7, 1970

The home of Ammie Ray Elkins
309 East Bailey Street, Globe, Arizona


[Editor’s note: This word, I, was typed on an earlier version of the transcript, but the tape recording begins with the words below.
By this third recorded session, a hypnotist was invited to induct Ray into a trance state. Ray had felt better and his severe headaches had lessened after the previous two times that week when a voice had begun to speak through his unconscious body. He was put into trance to try to gain some understanding of what was happening; then his neurologist would listen to the tape.]

Our Father has said –

Have not been, have not —


in —


Ray must go deeper.

“Rest and relax.”

Aka, of before, am here.

“Odka is your name?”

Aka —


— is my name.

“Thank you. I’m Rod.”

[Note: To respect privacy of the individuals to whom Aka spoke, written numbers are substituted for the spoken names. For example, “4–7–70–001,” is written in place of “Rod.” After the hypnotic induction, the voice through Ray spoke to Rod in very personal terms that perhaps only spiritual messengers of God, angels, would know.]

I know of soul [4–7–70–001]. I know of your mission. You have requested permission [the dog barks] — you have requested permission and a way has been found to grant this request.

Now, soul [4–7–70–001], you have been well tested. Some of the tests you have failed, some of the tests you have passed. You have been sent to this plane, not as a repeat plane, but — not as a repeat plane, but upon a mission from God, our Father. Think of God, our Father, as though pebbles from a brook. Think of God and ye shall find peace. Ye shall be here for a reason, for the completion of your mission.

Ye shall be as Paul. Ye shall slip not backward but forward. Ye shall sit third from the right, but be like a pillar under much weight — shall steady, support and give wisdom to soul Ray. Soul Ray, not sure, even yet. He, together with others, shall build again God’s temple upon earth, as once before you have done with I.

Think ye, tonight, of thy last plane. Think ye tonight, and knowledge shall come.

Do not worry; financial things, material things, shall come as though by drops of rain. Heed ye, do not step backwards or ye shall be a lost soul. Heed ye thy wife, thy woman, for she must walk tall by thy side, as she has done before in the time of Abraham.

All knowledge is but at ye bidding. If ye have permission of a soul, ask of any subject and ye shall know through I.



“Isn’t it better that it comes from my soul?”

Ye soul shall bind as one, as did Christ, who was sent, not to change, but to bring and prove what had been before. In this time, in this turmoil of man, ye shall see once again, only in a different way, in a different plan, of Christ, of God, our Lord, our Father.

If ye should forget who thy Father is, then thine shall cut thy right hand, as thy has done before.



“What is it that shall cut my right hand?”


“All right.”

[Editor’s note: One of the earliest archaeological evidence of the existence of the Hebrew faith has been found on a small stone inscription. A prophet states that God shall cut the right hand.]

I am growing weak.

[Awaken Ray from his slumber.]

[Note: These last words were also not on the tape made available for comparison with the transcript. However, they were written on the transcript; perhaps they had been said and remembered by the original transcriber who was present that evening.]

[This transcript was compared with the tape recording for accuracy.]

Copyrighted © 1970 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona 85502.


April 8, 1970

Globe, Arizona

A hypnotist, Rod, was asked again to help Ray go into the state. The recording begins with part of the hypnotist’s induction of Ray into a trance state, as Rod is saying: “Deep, peaceful relaxing sleep. Sinking down — “

Aka —

“Hello, Odka,” [Rod says.]

Aka, Aka is here.

“Hello, Odka.”

Aka. Am here.

“We’re glad to see you, Odka. Do you have any message for us this evening?”

Yes. I — Ray must go deeper.

“All right. Ray, relax — down — down — deeper and deeper asleep — deeper and deeper asleep. Now, Ray, you and I are standing on a little hill, looking over a grassy green meadow, a little valley. It’s a beautiful valley; it has a little stream flowing down through the center. There are a few cattle grazing very peacefully. It’s one of the most peaceful — “

Aka shall speak of thy Father. But you have knowledge of the great Sword. [See Genesis 3:20–24 and The Revelation of John 19:15 and chapters 19–22.]

The great Sword is here. [It] cuts from both sides, [it] cuts from the past to the present; it is one [it is, with] all. For our Father has shown this Sword before to man, yet he did not heed. Now — not now our Father says, but soon; it has begun to strike. Our Father, who gave up His son — as we are His son and His daughter, we who [will] walk — of earth, of many earths, of many galaxies, of many worlds, of many planets — that our spirit shall travel and hover above all to enter, as He gave us our free will, to enter by choice, for some. For some, there shall be never. For some, there shall be many. For some, our Father weeps, as He weeps now. [He begins breathing heavily, rapidly, then sobbing.] For He — [sobs] — He would cry — [the voice is sobbing, deeply, for a long time.]

“Easy boy.”

[Sobbing, he coughs several times, then catches his breath to speak.]

There is doubt in your mind. Speak of this doubt.

“In our Father’s Book it speaks of people with familiar spirits; it does not speak too highly of them. We feel, we have — we need to prove to ourselves. Yes, we doubt, but we feel we must for our own protection, that we not be as fools, Odka.”

This is good. Then speak of the things that thy should know, and I shall ask permission to answer.

“We would like to know more about you, Odka. Who and what are you? And how do you operate?”

I am of many. Our Father has seen fit — [but, that] not one, but many souls shall gather and speak through I for this mission. He says thy shall know when the time is right, and when your number shall gather of the odd — of thy three, of thy one; of thy one, of thy three. [He begins breathing heavily].Then thy shall know thy purpose and thy mission complete, for as thy temple builds, one by one, and two by two, and three by three, so shall the temple of God build on this earth. [The breathing becomes rapid, irregular, and heavy.] All thy spirits are gathered tonight to pass through, through thy spirit, Ray — through thy spirit, Ray!

[Sigh, relaxing.] Yes, through thy spirit, Ray. [The voice has changed to another’s voice.]

He shall answer your questions as I.

What other questions have you?

“We have many.”

Then, take thy a blanket and cover thy spirit, Ray.

“He’s cold. Give him a blanket,” [Rod says to Ray’s wife, Margaret.]

For his body temperature has risen as we entered. [Panting.]

“Is there any harm to Ray?”

Cover him. [Rapid breathing, shivering.]

“Is that enough?”

More. [Still breathing rapidly, shivering.]

“You have a blanket?” [Rod asks Margaret.]

“Is Ray safe?”

He is safe; make him warm. [His shivering and rapid breathing slows down.]

There, now, ask thy questions, and thy shall have thy answers.

“Did I understand you correctly, Odka, you are many spirits?”

Yes, this is true. For as the pebbles of thy brook, so are the spirits of God — as thy pebbles of thy rivers are the pebbles and the spirits of man — as thy pebbles of thy ocean are thy souls of man, upon this vast, not one universe, not one, but so vast, so many, so great, and so beautiful.

“Yesterday, you said I had requested something. I’m not completely aware of what this request was for. Can you explain this to me? If so, please do.”

You have asked God for guidance and for a way and to do His bidding, for a way unto which you may help others — other souls, other spirits and of man on this plane. To do this you must help release spirits who have been lost. For soon, as though in the twinkling of an eye, all planes upon this earth shall end and begin again. And it is God’s will that when this happens that He may bring home into His many mansions His children. To do this, you have been chosen to sit the third from the right, to build again His temple as it was in the beginning, here on earth, and only in this way may all of His children come home to Him. He loves them so. He loves them all.

What else would you know?

“I have the soul, S______’s, permission to ask a question about her mission, about her reason, and about her past lives. Can you give me some on this?”

Yes, beautiful soul, S_____. As a child, she walks this earth. She is so frustrated. But she is so beautiful, and so — she should not worry, for as a child [has his bond], so he shall not have sinned, so has S____; [she’ll] not have sinned. She has grown dear in the eyes of God. That is why she was chosen as thy mate.

Of her past lives, which one?

“In the time of Abraham?”

In the [time] of Abraham she walked tall by your side, for thy were thy son of Abraham. She bore your son; do you not remember? Thy son was [Noah]. [Note: See Genesis 5:25–32, 11:22–32, 19:32–37, and 25:1–27.]

“My name was Melchizedek? Methuselah?”

(Chuckling) Thy have many names.

“I have. Luke, no?”

(Chuckle.) Thy ask now as a child, not as a man. Rise above thy childhood.

“These are things I have suspected. I only want confirmation.”

Then thy have it. Wait, be patient. And as thy group shall grow into fullness, as it did before, thy number[s] shall increase, [tied by] 13, and then into groups of 13. Ask thy the question to thyself, ‘Astrology — who are these thirteen who repeat and repeat again?’

“(Chuckle) yes. I know them.”

Now thy are a man [and] not a child.

Ask thy other questions.

“How can I, best and quickest, help Ray to be sure of his — that he is a channel?”

He knows this; he knows it in his heart and soul.

“But he must be sure.”

Give him time. As the fisherman, Peter, let him cast his lot upon the water. Have thy not noticed his urge for thy water?


Why do you think we gave him these material tools? For there he shall find the peace he needs. And there he shall know the part that dwells in his soul, in his spirit, and in his body. We have brought him to you for a reason, because he is pure. He has sinned in body. But was not Christ tested? Was not Paul tested? Was not Peter tested?

But now, look thy for James and John. For John is already in Ray’s mind. He is called D____ of this plane. Can he be brought? Sometimes he speaks almost (chuckle) as James spoke, quick, harsh, and sometimes also quick to condemn (quiet laugh). Ahhh, how God loves these souls.

Ask thy other questions. But look thy for James. Then I shall tell you the others — one by one, mate by mate. Then what a mighty mountain for God we shall build.

“Odka, could you give me just a short explanation on what is meant by sitting third from the right?”

Now thy act still like a child. For third from thy right from God, third from the right from Christ, and third from the right on this plane is all the same.

“Thank you.”

Now, not yet — do not thank me, thank God.


And then, I think you still do not understand. God places you third on the right, not because one means more than the other, because in His plan for all, you fit best there. In His plan for all, when your group is complete, piece by piece, His plan shall be known to you. For you shall meditate, you shall dream as you have never dreamed before. You shall know, and S_____ shall do what she has done before. Think about that, and then be proud.

Why do you think we chose and we tried each mate for Ray? Why do you think we did this? To pick a mate for him who is strong in will, because we made him strong in will. But in her was the seed we had planted, and in her she [bore both] a son, a daughter.

All of this is in God’s plan, as His plan for you.

Heed well, S_____, take care of this child of ours. Watch your diet. Watch it closely. Feed him not sin, but of God’s making.

Ask your other questions now.

“Well, at the risk of being called a child again — “


“ — explain the cutting of the right hand.”

You are a child in some ways, but I can see thy reasoning. What have you lost in this life over and over?

“What have I had to lose?”

You lost the thing that you cherished at different times.


Yes. That is thy right hand.

“Thank you. When I asked you about letting knowledge come from inside, rather than from an outside source, you said there would be a binding of the souls to prove something. I am not entirely clear on what it was. Could you explain that?”

As I have said before, as though my soul has bound, so shall yours. You shall bind and build into thirteen. But mark my words well, it can only build as long as each member is in accord with God’s work and God’s plan. Do not misinterpret my words. Do not twist them to suit thy own or other’s own bidding, for my words can only be used for God’s bidding.

Can you understand this, soul R__?

“I think the phrase in meditation, ‘Thy will be done,’ [as you] said?”

Yes. On earth, so shall it be in heaven.

“Yes. I think we were old friends, Odka.”

(Laughing abundantly) — Now we’re not (chuckling)? We have wrastled with the ranks. We have even dined (chuckling with fond memories). Think thee, soul R__, of thy lives before, and in a twinkling of an eye — Some information I shall not be able to give until permission is granted; remember this.


It will not, because — because only information that I am permitted to give may I give.

“I understand. I have one more question. And then possibly the girls will have a question or two. But one thing that seems to be very vital at this point, although I’ve already been told not to worry — nevertheless, if there is some advice or a pointing finger, I would like to know about this step backward, if this concerns the business which I bought about a year and a half or two years ago, along the sales line. If I began this business part time and worked it up to full time would this be considered a step backward?”

I must ask permission to answer that question.

“All right.”

If you would bring it up at another time, then after I have received permission, I might, if He wishes, answer this question.

“All right. As Methuselah made it a little over 900, can we make it a thousand this time?” (Chuckling, chuckling). Ask your other questions.

[Rod chuckles. He asks M_______:] “Do you have [another question?]”

[M_______ answers:] “I would like to know [what] you wanted to tell me about myself the first time I talked with you?”

[Rod says:] “I think that soul M_______ would like to speak with you.”

Come and speak, soul M_______.

[Margaret asks:] “The first time you had talked, you said there was something you wanted to tell me about myself. Would you tell me that now?”

You must come closer.

“I am closer.” [M_______ says.]

Now speak.

[M_______ asks:] “The first time that we talked, you said that I should ask a question of myself. Can you answer the question?”

Yes, it has already been answered tonight.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear it.” [M_______ says.]

As Ray’s mates were chosen, one by one, and tested, you were chosen. And you shall be his mate, as though you had mate before, but not really, only as a test. For now you have married in God’s eyes. And, this is why the vows given in this marriage were different. Think thee of thy vows and thou shall have thy answer.

“Thank you.” [M_______ says.]

Now I have a message from God, our Father.


(Labored breathing) Ray.

You must awaken him.

“Are you through?”


“All right.”

[Note: This transcript has been compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

The words of Aka are copyrighted © 1970 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


April 11, 1970

Globe, Arizona

As the tape recording begins, Rod, a hypnotist, is saying, “All relaxed — so relaxed and peaceful that we can talk with Aka.”

Aka is here.

“Hello, Aka.”

Hello. I greet thee, my friend; I greet thee.

Thy have many questions to ask me. Many questions have crossed thy mind and many have crossed the mind of soul Ray. One of these thy shall tell him, for he still has not received our full awakening in his mind.

The question of the temple of God on earth, this question, this question I have permission to answer. Be what thou are, for what — be thy a name?

For the temple of man, let God speaketh, for He spoketh before, and said, “BUILD ME NOT FALSE TEMPLES AND FALSE IDOLS TO WORSHIP.” [See Exodus 20:4.]

Yet man would try to buy God’s blessing with material things. “SLAUGHTER NOT THY LAMB; I WISH NOT OF HIS BLOOD, ONLY OF HIS LOVE.” Therefore, in man, I wish no temples built [to] God. And God wishes no temples built to He. Build thy temple in thy soul of man, and God shall weep no more, for then thy soul shall return to thy spirit and flow upward through no more planes, but back to His mansion.

I have the answer, now, I am permitted to give to thy request. Yes, the thoughts thy had of the business of before is good, only with these thoughts in mind — remember who the Thirteen were, who they are, who they shall always be. If thy remember this, do not misinterpret my words, for if thy misinterpret the words of thy many souls, then I misinterpret the words of thy many souls, and thy misinterpret the mighty plan of God. [See Acts, chapters 1 and 2.]

Can you understand this, soul [4–7–70–001]?

“I’m trying.”

I realize my manner of speech sometimes may sound like riddles, but it is hard, sometimes, for the spirit to speak as man.

Thy have another thought, of thy past lives. Think thee what is in a name? God is called by many names, in many tongues, in many lands, in many worlds, in many universes; yet, they are all the same.

I have said, worship thy God and build thy temples of God. I do not mean the doubt that has come to your mind. As long as a man’s soul shall worship God, even though it not be entirely right, or even if it is just one teardrop closer to God, then do not belittle him, for he is trying. Therefore, in what thy call thy churches of God, God, like all fathers do, sometimes frowns on the childish whims of man in his worship toward Him, but as a father, He can not but love them for it.

But for thee, thy know in thy heart that all God’s temple shall mean to you and to your groups, when they are ready, is not a false idol, but your love.

Now I have a reading for soul [4–3–70–002]. She must discontinue the drinking of coffee because her body chemicals are changing, as they change and have changed since the beginning of time in all men. Her body chemicals are changing so that she may receive the insight of God, as yours are changing.

Remember also, you have talked of diet. This is good.

In soul [4–3–70–002], she has a problem of an old back injury. I see a vertebrae which is tilted; it should be fourth from the bottom. She should see, not a chiropractor, but an osteopathic doctor to make these adjustments.

I see that thy group should change the water that thy drink, and drink of distilled water. There is a strong acid content to this water, also another foreign chemical called “salicyscope” which has contaminated the water of this area. If this chemical is not used again for eight months, the water shall have a chance to cleanse itself, and then it will be good again, except for the acid content. Therefore, the purchasing of water from another area, which has been, then been distilled, would be good. Do not distill the water from here because you have not the means of cleansing it, and it would be too costly.

[Editor’s note: The U.S. Forest Service sprayed “Agent Orange,” which had recently been used in the Vietnam war to defoliate forests, on mountainsides near Globe, Arizona, to increase water runoff. Later it was found to cause cancer and birth defects. Aka may have been speaking of “Agent Orange” in the drinking water, or of another chemical that seeped into the ground water from local copper mining.]

Now, you have other questions which I shall answer, if I am given permission.

“Yes, I — I have become interested in the last few days in distilling this water. Do you mean that we could not get the chemical out by distillation?”

No, not unless thy run it through carbon filters after the distillation.

“Thank you very much.”

The carbon filters must come, could come, from the carbon which can be extracted from what thy call thy “mesquita.”


Yes. If, by burning at one — no, at 560 degrees Fahrenheit, and then re-burning at the same temperature, three times, then using the carbon extracted from this as filter, after the water has been distilled, then it could be made purified.

“Where should we buy water from?”

The water which comes from the Safford area is fair, but not good because it has a large sulfur content, a sulfuric acid content.

“How about Wilcox?”

Wilcox has — and shall come to pass — the chemicals of [oil] leaking into its water; therefore, it is not too good. But yet, in the San Simon Valley at — at the Shainty place.


It is known as the Shanty place, and it is an artesian well which flows.

What other question?

“What about the purified water such as ‘Cascade’ or — “ [Rod turns to ask Ray’s wife, Margaret, “What other purified water in place of this?” She answers him, “‘Triple A.’”] — “‘Triple A?’ Will the purified water from any of the commercial companies be good?”

Yes, your “Triple A” would be fair; they use carbon filters in their distilling process. It is not perfect, but it’s better than what you would normally find.

“The water from the artesian well at the Shanty place is very good, isn’t it?”

Very good; once distilled, would be perfect.

“All right.”

It is almost in a pure form now.

There is one other place; it is a place in Arizona called Agua Caliente.

“Uh huh.”

That water could be very good. But also it should be filtered.

“Not distilled, but filtered?”

Yes, that’s true — because it is picking up a very, not strong, but a fairly strong iron content. There is one other well, and it is pure in its present form. This well has been capped for ten years. It is owned by what you call a railroad company. It is located in the town known as Coolidge, Arizona. Ray, soul Ray, which at that time was known by his family as soul Ammie, knew of this well. He has blotted this memory from his mind, but when he awakens, I shall place this thought in his mind, and he may tell you about it.

“Why? Will it be easy to get the water, or will the railroad give us trouble?”

They will give a slight bit of trouble, but I think — I must ask for permission, will thy wait?


Permission has been granted.

You should write a letter to the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, to “Care of the Division Engineer’s Office, Tucson, Arizona,” asking for permission to take water from their railroad well at Coolidge, Arizona. This water is also high in chemicals which are very good for the teeth and the preservation of the teeth. If this water is drunk, none of thy group shall ever have cavities in thy mouth and shall have teeth, all of them, to the day that thy pass into my plane.

“Do you have any more specific information on the diet or hygiene or the care of Ray’s body?”

Yes. He must also seek osteopathic treatment. He has nerve pressure in the joint between the neck bone and where the collar bones connect.

He also needs, as I said before, more fish in his diet. He also needs rare beef, not pork, but rare beef in his diet, at least once a week, and very rare, almost to the warming of the meat and serving it to him. At least once a week, feed him a fish which is high in iodine, in sulfur, in calcium. These fish can be had locally. Or (chuckle) with his desire to fish let him catch his own; they are there. (Chuckle) it’s also good for his soul (chuckle.)

Also, to relieve the pressure that we have built on his mind, it would be good for at least every third day, and if thy can, every other day, put him into trance state. We do not mean, this you must realize, with [the injury, the hemorrhage] of his brain, new tissue has grown and been replaced. This tissue has helped the changing his body chemicals so we may pass through more easily. But we also had to build a barrier, that only spirits of our kind and not of the lost spirits could pass through him. We had to do this that he could maintain his sanity. As a result, the headaches he has are as pressure from this barrier of other spirits trying to come through, but also partially from the pressure of our presence.

His body chemicals will change even more rapidly, so that farther awakening knowledge may come to him. Bear with him — it will be harder for him — for he will know things that we would want him to know. And I say, “of we,” I speak of the spirits of God.

Now, that will do at this time. Also feed him spinach, as you call it (chuckle). Feed him as many raw vegetables as he will eat. Avocados are good for him. This will build a vigor. This is also high in what thy call the vitamin B, and D, which he needs at this time. These vitamins are better to come in their natural form than any other way. Sometimes in the processing of vitamins they have used too much heat, therefore, killing the effect of the vitamins that are needed for the human chemicals.

But remember, your chemicals are changing. Your diet must change with it. Each of you, diet is, as individuals, the individual choice. Answer your urging, for as the body of man is similar to an animal, think thee of the animal’s instinct for certain foods. Your body tells you if you will listen. These same urgings, heed them.

Now, thy spirit, [4–3–70–002] would know something. Let her ask.

“In the instruction of the children in the manners of God, should we try to teach them this now, or send them to a church for basic instruction and then when they’re older give them this?”

May I ask permission first before answering this question?


If you will wait, I will ask.

Our Father says that the basic instructions in thy church can help the child. But also, as they feed them bread and water, feed them thy own thoughts on religion. Feed them thy temple of God.

In thy mind thy have the question, “Is this a Christian religion?” And God has given me permission to answer this question.

As man began, he knew of all his natural instincts and of his natural knowledge, but as he built his own knowledge, he walked away from the natural knowledge which God had given him. Therefore — therefore, by walking away, he built his own instructions for religion.

Christ told men of this same religion when he told them, “I have not come to change, but to bring forth what thy have already known.”

Yet again, his own disciples, to gain the honor of the men upon that plane and to gain a place for their church, decided that the people were not ready for the knowledge, because in their thoughts they thought, “If we tell our people that they may be born again, as Christ has showed us he has been, what would keep them from sinning? They would think they could be born over and over again.”

But what they forgot is also what Christ told them, that “Thee shall be born again over until thy may see thy true light of God,” and had they told them that by working toward this, they would have accepted. That is why I am here now, again. [See John 1:10–34, and chapters 3, 14, 15, 16 and 17.]

You have all talked in your conscious mind of thy soul, Edgar Cayce, how he dwells so close to God, and he shall come again upon another plane upon another mission in another time. He gave knowledge which men scoffed at, as [they will] scoff at soul Ray. Think thee of his knowledge. But remember, he also taught that each soul is an individual, with individual needs. He condemned no man for what he was. He only condemned for what he could have been.

If thy have the urge to fly, then fly, if this is what makes thy soul on this world happy and content. For it is better to be a beggar upon a street and be happy at your work than it is to be [appropriate].

Do thy understand my words?

So let thy children take some of their religion from there, but let them eat from thy tree too, that they may take this on. Someday, as the group grows, then you will no longer have the need for the outside, as you call them, churches. Do not condemn these outside churches, because you will have many members from all churches in your group, and your many groups, and they shall return to their church to tell of the things they have learned. Therefore, God’s temple will build in that way also.

“Would it be better for [the] soul, Ray, for his head to be in one direction or another?”

Yes. Point his head, if thy can, always to thy east, for there is where we come from.

“What is the name of this religion you speak of?”

It has many names. It has been named — in which time plane are thy asking?

“If it exists now, we would have its name in this time plane.”

In this time plane, it is known [of the mental] philosophy of God; some would call it (chuckle) E.S.P.

“(Chuckle) this is a religion?”

In its own way. It is our way of reaching through to man.

But there are also other powers at work; guard against these.

I have a name for thy group, which I will tell you at a different time. I do not have permission at this time to tell you, but a different time, I shall have it.

But, if thy should seek proof, look — in thy land is what they call — which shall erupt from the earth, not once, but twice, but threefold, and the riches shall gush from the earth; this land is located here, very close. Look thy in the city, Atlantis. Look thy in Egypt in the vaults below Cairo which have long since been built upon. Beneath it — not soon, but not yet too far away — there shall be found proof.

“Was this religion known in the time of Atlantis as the worship of the ‘God of One?’”

Yes, but it is also known by another name. It was known by the religion they called “A-Thesis. [Editor’s note: A Theosis?] Remember, when thy translate from plane to plane, what was meant in one language is not meant in another.

“Yes. Would it be best for me to continue to bring Ray into the hypnotic trance, or will it be better for [4–3–70–002] to bring him?”

You shall be thy teacher, as I have told thee before. Therefore, at this time, it is better that thee should bring soul Ray into trance state.

“Should I teach [4–3–70–002]?”

Yes, also, to each member of your disciples, as they come into the group each member should be taught —

“All right.”

For they need this for their own meditation.


Now, the meditation for this group as it is now, each shall meditate in his own way. But, they need the knowledge that thy have, stored.

Now, it is best to waken from his slumber soul Ray, for I am growing weak.

[Note: Numbers are substituted for names spoken to provide privacy to those who received guidance. This transcript has been compared to words spoken on the audio tape for accuracy.]

Copyrighted © 1970 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


April 13, 1970

Globe, Arizona

Thy soul’s bothered tonight. [There are noises as the microphone is moved.]

I feel many souls tonight.

“Yes, we have visitors, Aka.”

There is one soul among you who is deeply bothered.

“[Do] you have a message for him?”

Not him, but her.

“All right.”

Think thee of thy inner soul; think thee of the soul with spirits; think thee of a soul with wings. Think thee that thy cannot run or fly from thyself. Accept thyself, and accept the other souls around thee for what they are and not for what thee should have them to be.

This soul is a new soul to your group. She has many doubts in her mind, many doubts of all around her.

If thy would turn the bright light in thy soul Ray’s eyes, it would be more restful to he.

“[Is] that better?”

Yes, that is better.

Thy have many questions on thy mind from many souls, some present, some not present. Speak of them, and I shall ask for permission to be granted, of these souls.

“Do you remember we talked of being old friends?”


“I wondered if you might tell me if there is any relationship between the comet which appeared in the east a couple of weeks ago and your coming?”

For, in God’s plan — as I have told you before, that God’s soul is like the pebbles of a brook, that man’s spirit is like the pebbles of a river, that man’s soul is like the pebbles of an ocean — in God’s plan, not only here, but in many places in thy world, thy coming has been announced, thy coming of the mighty Sword and its meaning, the Sword which cuts two ways and both sides shall cut. If thy should read of the book of Revelation, think thee of thy horse, for now is the time of the red horse, and his passing is for all men to see. [See The Revelation 6:3–4, and 19:11–16.]

If man heeds God’s warning and should see from the light in the sky, then God may take His many children to His mansions and weep no more. As I have told you before of one by one, and two by two, and three by three, that thy groups shall number, always as Thirteen and Thirteen to repeat and repeat again, as it has done from the beginning of time. [See Acts, chapters 1 and 2.]

Then my mission, and I who have many souls should say with all their consent (loving chuckle), there should be no reason for me, for then God’s temple shall be built in all the souls of man, and therefore, the other seals should not be opened. And then thy reign of the Lord upon this earth shall go for a thousand years — and take from the earth as we built the block in Ray’s mind, so should the block be in all souls of the world.

Can you understand this? [See The Revelation, chapters 6–8, 14, 19–22.]

“I can understand the block, that is very necessary. The Thirteen, I would like a little more explanation on..”


“This, or may I say that, from what I have been able to gather, this is our solar system and its turning around the sun, in one reference, but possibly there are other references?”

When thy think of the number, Thirteen — Thirteen to God, [seven? second?] to God, and then there was four. And then we cast from thy heavens those who were not deserving. Yet this had to be restored. [See The Revelation 4:5–8, and chapter 12.]

So, in Christ’s time this was restored once again. But then, thy chain was broken once again. [See John 12:18–35, 14:27–31, and Acts 1:15–26.]

Now, we shall try and restore it once more on this plane of yours. Should we succeed, then thy planes ahead and thy planes behind shall meet as one in God’s mansion. And God shall weep no more. [See The Revelation 21:1–8, 22–27, and 22:6, 12–17.]

Sometimes in my speech through soul Ray, return from my plane to his is sometimes hard for the souls of my plane and sometimes our speech will be as riddles. We do not mean it so. If, at any time, there is doubt, please ask of this doubt.

We read this doubt of your mind. In your travels, we have read doubt. Please ask of this doubt, and should I be permitted, I shall answer.

You have a reading from a small child. This [worries me] very much, for this is an essential.

“This is on [4–13–70–002]?” [See editor’s note.]

This is true, on soul [4–13–70–002].

“All right.”

Ask, and this reading shall be granted.

“ And [4–3–70–002] has asked that a general health reading be given on [4–13–70–002].”

Normally, through [4–3–70–002]’s request, this could not be granted. This request comes from the child’s mother, and the mother has explained to the child; therefore, all souls are in accord. There shall be [no] mental block on the soul [4–13–70–002].

Her biggest problem at this time is that the child’s body is developing far beyond her age in numbers. Her time for menstrual is about to start. Her mother — it is hard to believe this because of the years — the child needs very definitely to see a good gynecologist. Therefore, it would be suggested that there is a doctor in Tucson, Arizona, who we would recommend, not because he is so much greater than others, but he would be practical in their small budget for medical needs and be sympathetic, both toward the child and the parents’ financial needs. His name is Doctor Scott. He was connected a few years before with a Doctor [Bernard]. He is very good and should be consulted.

Next, with this child, since they did not ask for, only a medical reading and not a life reading on this child, the other information on the child’s lives cannot be given at this time. But the child’s diet should be changed — very definitely.

Next — first, I should finish with the diet. I must seek some information on this; if you would wait for a moment I should have it.

“All right.”

Yes, now we have the full information. The child’s diet consists of too many starches; therefore, she should have more protein in her diet. Should this be done with a rare meat, the child should have the liver of beef. The child should have, not of the black olive, but of the green olive, more of this. The child should have a more regulated diet, in other words, three meals a day, for fasting for this child is not good because she is developing so fastly that her body is eating up all of the energy.

Second, there are certain vegetables the child should have more of in her diet. One, the child is a slight diabetic; therefore, in the preparing and eating, at least once a day, of Jerusalem artichoke, this will be very necessary in her diet. This is the reason, one of the reasons, for the, oh, child feeling as though she doesn’t care. Next, parsley, more of this should be served [to] the child. More okra would be very good. Second, the child should have more fish in her diet, at least once a week.

Now, as I have told your group, this child should stop drinking the water from this area at this time. The water is contaminated. It is affecting the child’s nervous system very, very harshly. They should purchase their drinking water.

Third, the child has, and should have, by her mother preferably, the child has certain desires of a physical nature. They are interfering with her religious state, with what [she’s] being taught, that these things are wrong; therefore, she feels herself, for feeling these urges, deeply in sin. This is wrong. Teach not a child that the natural things of the body are sin! Teach her of her waiting, but of the wonders God has placed in the body. This does not come from the Devil, as some have thought, but from the Lord, our God, our Father.

Now, the child’s spiritual need should be fed. But as soon as possible, get her to a medical doctor — if not the one I have suggested, then another, but soon. The child’s health is deeply in danger.

That is all of the reading on soul [4–13–70–002].

“All right. While [we are on] this particular vein….”

One other thing, this child should have readings as she progresses. There will be certain changes in her chemical makeup of her body that she should heed, so her readings should be often.

“Once a week?”

At this time that would do.

“All right.

“We have so many important questions I don’t know which one to ask next.”

Ask thee of the second reading thy had in mind.

“[4–7–70–002] has requested a reading on her headaches.”

Her headaches, as we have given this information to soul Ray in his awaking, partially are from the lack of calcium in her body, secondly, from the need of more rest, thirdly, the chemicals of her body are greatly in danger at this time. You were given [these] two suggestion by soul Ray. One you have heeded, the second you have not. Get her the other substance which Ray, soul Ray, has suggested. Then, she needs more of vitamin B. This [could] build. If she could think of her soul at peace, her headaches would go downward.

First — have I her permission to give a medical reading?

“Yes,” [she says.]

“Yes.”[Rod, the hypnotist and her husband, says.]

Then, with this in mind, we will take it step by step.

In your hypnosis, it’s too fast, too swift; there’s not enough time. You are crowding it, too swiftly.

“With [4–7–70–002]?”

Yes. Take her in slowly and out very slowly. Leave her there for longer periods of time. Do not, and I repeat — and I repeat, do not try to suggest away any of the pains of her own body. These pains are there for a reason. Should you suggest, the mind shall take the suggestion, but the warning which her body is sending out, you are disguising. Therefore, she needs the hypnosis for the rest and the comfort of her soul.

Secondly, she still has an injury of her back which she received as a small child, of the pelvic. Before, it was suggested by soul Ray that she see a chiropractor. Now, it is my suggestion that she see an osteopathic doctor for certain corrections of her pelvic region. This should be done immediately for [her] preparation for the birth of her child.

I have warned you before of her diet. Put more fish in her diet, [put] — with her it would have to be cooked down quite a lot, yet, it would not really be necessary. But you could get the same thing from the soy bean as you could from the beef, and probably in her case it would do more good. Uh, you will find that you already have this information in a diet book by soul Cayce. Heed this. Remember, though, that her soul is an individual soul with individual needs. If you should go ahead, getting two — the one you have, [and] the one you haven’t — of [the] substances suggested by soul Ray, her health shall improve quite definitely.

That is all for this time on soul [4–7–70–002].

“The other substance was more calcium, is this correct?”

This is true.

“Thank you.”

And, some will laugh, but with the combination of the substance you already have and the substance known as Lydia E. Pinkham, which can be purchased in the same store which you purchased the last, this will greatly improve.

“Use the combination, you say?”


“All right.”

But you should have regular readings on her so that her count on certain substances does not rise beyond the control.

“Once a week suitable with her too?”


“All right.

“How long is it safe to keep Ray in trance?”

This I shall tell you, because at one time it can be longer, at [once] it can be shorter. We must regulate ourselves between his body chemicals, and as they build, our time shall grow longer, but we cannot overdo it, because if you do, the block is in danger. I shall tell you when I should grow weak.

“All right. Thank you.

“[On] our groups of thirteen, should this be patterned after the study group booklet set up by the Association for Research and Enlightenment after the Edgar Cayce Foundation theory?”

Up to a certain point. Information on this subject will be given to you from time to time.

This group you speak of is good. It has a small difficulty there. This is the problem which I have spoke before, of having not all souls in the work in accord with one another and in accord with the work of God. It is good to discuss; it is good to be critical, but — it is good to have doubt, but all souls must be in accord [at] each move.

You should pick — at this time I would suggest yourselves to act as though what you would call on this plane as a club, with, uh, first, with president, vice president, secretaries and etc. — not meaning that one person of this group should be more important than the other, because every one of you are important as souls. Each should have the right to speak his mind openly and freely at all times on all subjects. Do not deny thyself any information from anywhere. At any time that you have questions ask of these questions. Study all phases of this. Some of you will be better in some subjects than others, but by being better, you will teach the others. And some, some souls who only have one teardrop to add will be loved in God’s eyes as much as the ones who shed many.

Can you understand?


“Do you have an osteopath that you would suggest for [4–3–70–001], [4–3–70–002], and [4–7–70–002], and anyone else who should, who would be sympathetic towards this work, and also practical in the monetary end?”

Yes, there is one in Tucson and there are several in Phoenix. At this time, it has been suggested that this should come from thy free choice. This choice is suggested for this reason, because, as I have said before, your body chemicals, all of you, are changing so acceptance of this work may go on. With this in mind, it is time now for you to pick one for yourself.

If you are in doubt, then there is an osteopath on McDowell Street, the number is thirty, six [306]. Yes, I think that is what I read. It is close to the downtown area. If I think right, it is off of 3rd Street, off of McDowell. It, ah, the name, this Doctor Jennings — [Jones] — [Howell?] — I must check this again.


If you will give me a moment [I’ll go and] look.

“You have it.”

Yes, now [we] have it; Dr. Jensen would be very sympathetic to your work.

“All right.”

But as I said before, try on some things to pick up yourself because, for what is good for one [will] not always be good for all.

“All right.

:Well, I have a couple of other questions here, but I think possibly our visitors have some questions. One, a soul named John [4–13–70–003], [who] was here last night, asks the question, ‘Who am I, past and present?’”

John, soul John is himself. All he needs to do is find himself. He needs help. Give this to him. Bring him here that I might speak with him.

“All right.”

One thing else. I shall say this much. The reason for his frustration is from another plane. It’s something he must learn. Once he has learned this, then the knowledge of his previous planes we will be glad to have known to him.

This is all on soul John at this time.

“All right.

“Soul [4–13–70–004] asks, ‘I have [done] many jobs, [but] have never been satisfied. What line of work should I be doing?’ And also, continuing, ‘Should I follow through with the discussion I’ve have had with H______ J_______?’”

In the first one, thy must continue with the labor of thy hands and back and mind. But, in thy mind, think thee of James. Think thee long of James; study of James, then come back and ask again. Meditate, think thee of thy past life. Thy have paid with thy blood for thy mistakes. Do not walk backward, but forward. If thy will, be one of thy group, for [thy] shall [fit] next to Paul.

That is all on soul [4–13–70–004].

“Can you answer his second question?”

Yes, but he makes me sad that he should ask, for the knowledge is already in his mind. I would answer it this way; if thy could walk with thy hand in God’s for the rest of thy days upon this plane, or thy could walk by thyself in this plane, which should thy choose? And there is your answer.

“He asks one more question.[They’ve got] -”

I have answered his questions.

“I think so.”

“Any others?” [Rod asks those seated in the room.]

“Well, you spoke of land in this area, or maybe we’d better wait on that. I would like to make a statement and have any correction necessary on it concerning this Thirteen. And I may explain a bit to you. I have always felt 13 was my particular number. And, you spoke of the ending and the beginning of planes. I’m trying to put a picture together in my own mind. This beginning and ending of planes, or ending and beginning of planes, is this every 2,000 years, or approximately there, about?”

No. The ending of the planes are when God may gather all of His children back to His mansion.

A plane, as you speak of it, in itself, for one soul can last far beyond 2,000 years.

“I see.”

A plane, as I have spoke[n] before of the beginning, as I have spoke[n] before of “not one galaxy, but many, many, many galaxies, of many, many worlds, so vast, so beautiful, in God’s making,” think thee of this. [Editor’s note: See the message of April 3, 1970.]

Think of the souls who would repeat and repeat again.

Think thee that some may never repeat. Some, on one plane, may accomplish God’s bidding, and go on to His mansion.

Some, there is never; these souls are lost. They have no spirit to return to because in their life planes they have killed this spirit, so all was left was the soul to wander. There are some who live in your plane and walk upon your earth who walk with neither soul nor spirit. Beware of these souls, because they would destroy thee.

Beware, also, that one will come among you soon who at first will seem to have all knowledge in his mind of these works. Yet he will know only of what he has read. He will try to use this for his own advantage. Soul Ray will not like him, and it will bother soul Ray because he is trying so hard to like all. But, as I have spoke[n] before, when we placed the block in his mind, we placed it there for a reason. Gradually, as you progress, so this block shall build in your minds. But heed this, for now, for she shall walk like a serpent.


She, of your plane. This you must understand, here in this plane we are all of the same.

You have another question in your mind, and you have another soul here with a question in his mind. Would he but ask?

“I have a question from [4–13–70–005]. She asks, ‘Why do I find it hard to apply myself spiritually as I would like to?’”

(Chuckle.) On your plane, all of you, not only [4–13–70–005], but all of us who live upon your plane — and I say it of myself because I am here right now — all of you find it hard sometime to think that you don’t spend enough time in meditation. As I have told you before, spend what time thy can. There are other things which need tending to too. And those are all part of God’s work. But spend a little of each day in meditation, and God — and God will come into thy mind more often than before. Think thee in thy meditation, when thy meditate, of one of thy controllers, which we shall call at this time just plain, soul Ed. Think of him in your meditation, soul [4–13–70–005], and he shall come to you in a way thy have never thought before possible. When thee leave here tonight, as thy sleep, a greater understanding will come in thy mind. By morning, I shall have placed an awakening thought in your mind. Heed it.

That is all for soul [4–13–70–005].

“Any other questions?” [Rod asks those on the room.]

“How much more time do we have, Aka?”

A little more. Let soul [4–13–70–006] speak what he must; if he does not he shall bust like a balloon.

“He says, ‘No.’”

Then it will wait till another time. But I shall say this of him, tonight in his dream, I shall come to thee.

Now, I have information which has been given me, and permission has been given for me to give this information. As I have spoke before of the great Sword, your group shall develop in many places across the world because your word and your work shall spread.

You ask if this new comet were part of our coming. And I shall say, yes, for there was a sign in the sky for the enlightenment of man’s soul. Many shall grow restless, almost for hunger for these words. Heed them, give them readily. Do not be afraid. There shall be critics, there shall be many. And poor soul Ray shall be thought of almost as insane. We have prepared his body and soul for these things to happen. He can stand it.

[And] now, of this great Sword — the time shall come when the time of the cutting of the earth is at hand. There shall be, very soon, [a] large volcanic action toward the Mediterranean seas. This action shall spread, clear across thy continent, through to the Gulf of Mexico. From the Gulf of Mexico, it shall spread, and go clear up to the continent, a part of your continent which is known now as Alaska. This shall take a number of years to materialize in full, but it has already started.

There are already places of thy earth which the Sword is cutting. Be not afraid of this, because all of this is in God’s plan. For, as I have said before, if the men of Christ are to stop this red horse [in] his triumph for world conquest, these things are necessary. So be not afraid.

Now, I am growing very weak, and it is time to awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names to provide privacy to individuals receiving personal guidance. This transcript was compared to the tape recorded message for accuracy.]

Copyrighted © 1970 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona 85502.


April 15, 1970

“Is Ray deep enough, Aka?”


“Very good. Do you have any news for us tonight?”


“We’d like to hear it.”

I have told thee before of the time of the Red Horse. [Editor’s note: see the April 13, 1970, message and that on April 6, 1970, on the great sword. Also see The Revelation 6:3 and Zechariah 1:8.]

I have told thee that as the Red Horse passes, then thy shall come to man a thousand years of peace on earth as it will be in heaven.

There has been thoughts in thy mind, be ye a warrior? And God says, “YES, THY SHALL BE A WARRIOR.” But only here on earth at this time for the preparation of God’s mighty army later. [See The Revelation 19:11–15.]

For this army to grow strong — should all souls be cleansed and the temple of God shall be built here on earth, therefore, all the planes shall come as one, before the thousand years of peace on earth — prepare thee as many souls through God’s truth as they may. But do not be radical and critical of man; for I have said before, if a man should shed one tear drop in the righteousness of God, then he shall be as many have before.

Man has played with God’s thirteen here in your plane. As a result, he has had failure this time. Think thee of this, and thy shall know the answer. For the world of God shall repeat and repeat again through man.

Now, I have said before, that if all souls who shall meet shall not be in accord, your group shall not prosper and grow; it shall die in its womb. And as it dies, I shall die with it, I and the spirits who are gathered here with me. I have said we are here for a purpose. This purpose must be of God’s work, for He is thy Father. Remember this.

Now, soul Ray has been fearful that some wrong may come to him because of this reading. I have told him before not to fear.

I have told you to form — to form like a club and to elect the officers in thy club. This must be done.

Soul Ray is having trouble staying in trance; put him deeper under.

“Down, down, deeper….”

Now soul Ray is back in trance. To keep him in trance state lay him flat with his head toward the east with a slight raising of his shoulders and head. If this is done and all are in accord, it will be easier for me to come through, and stay longer without harm to him.

Now, there are many thoughts in thy mind, ask them.

“Soul [4–13–70–006] who was here the other evening is back again. Ah — ” [Aka chuckles] “He would like to see if Dr. Johnson is near where you can talk with him?”

Dr. Johnson. There will have to be a message sent. If thy would wait and permission is granted, I shall be able to answer his question.

“We’ll wait.”


But being as this is a gathering of thirteen, Dr. Johnson at this time must speak through soul Ray. He shall speak as I. He came to [4–13–70–006] in his sleep after I spoke to him. Have him ask what he may, for time grows short.

“Dr. Johnson?” [4–13–70–006 asks.]

“Yes.” [Dr. Johnson answers.]

“Is it possible for us to do trance work here, direct voice through me?” [4–13–70–006 asks.]

“Only if thy cleanse thy soul. By cleansing thy soul, first cleanse thy body. Take thee of the roots of the sage, fast, eat one meal per day. Boil this sage, of the root, up to the point it comes to a boil; then drink it like tea. Then come back to me, and I shall ask again.” [Dr. Johnson answers.]

“Thank you.” [4–13–70–006 says.]

“How long should he do this?” [Rod, the hypnotist and moderator, asks.]

“For three days.” [Dr. Johnson answers.]

“Three days.”

“All right. Are you here, Aka?” [Rod asks.]

I am here.

“All right. The group has also asked the question of cleansing of the body.” [Rod asks.]

I have one more suggestion from Dr. Johnson.

“All right.”

He has asked the council, and permission has been granted, to tell [4–13–70–006] this, that he was told that certain chemical changes were taking place in his body. If he does this, as Dr. Johnson requests, then Dr. Johnson shall not speak through my voice, but through [4–13–70–006] himself.

Does he understand this?

“I understand.” [4–13–70–006 answers.]

“Yes, he understands, Aka.” [Rod says.]

There is one thing else — be careful in passing thy hand above soul Ray, for thy interfere sometimes with our presence.

“Is the microphone in the way right now?”

No, the microphone is blessed, and therefore, it shall become part of us.

“Very good.”

Speak now of the other things.

“Uh, is there an urgency about forming this club, or would within the month be soon enough?”

Within the month. But while the club is being formed have permission, written permission, of each person seeking health readings.

“All right. How many health readings should we ask at one time, or will you, will you guide this yourself?”

I shall guide this — not I, but we shall guide this.

“All right.”

Also, if the things that I have suggested are done our time will grow longer.

Now you have asked the question of the group, how may they cleanse thy soul and body? This I shall answer. The body is pure within itself; it is only sometimes our diet that makes it unpure. Then I tell thee the same — take thee of the root of the sage, fast, eat one meal per day.

Now this cannot be done with all, for certain of your group must have three meals per day, every day. Soul [4–7–70–002] must have three meals per day, but leave out the starches. With the substance we have already given her, she would be inclined to gain too much weight. It bothers me that she has not complied with our last reading.

“In what way?”

The substances that we have suggested, she has not taken regularly, and not all of them. This is needed, not only now, but in the future, for a preventative of any female trouble in her body. Should she take the things we have suggested, her body shall be whole for the bearing of children, all of her female organs shall mature and be everlasting.

“We have had a problem obtaining one or two of the items. Our water has not come, and the calcium has not come; it is ordered. There is a question on ‘Lydia Pinkham,’ and the ‘SSS,’ of just how this should be combined. You said it should be in combination, and as to the dosage we have a question.”

For one week, take the prescribed dosage on the bottle. After the second week, drop it into one-half dosages. At that time ask for another reading, because her body chemicals are developing quite rapidly, and at that time the — at that time, we can take another reading.

“How should these be combined?”

Taking as prescribed on the bottle. If necessary, these may have an ill taste to her, I would suggest that they be disguised some in some type of either fruit or vegetable juices, but not a citrus fruit.

“All right. Ah, yes, we were going to ask about the citrus fruit.”

The citrus fruit, preferably. This does not have to be because other substances come from the same as citrus, but preferably a certain amount of citruses for your climate should be eaten daily. This is the reason God placed them here in this climate. Now, I shall have — no, that will wait for another time. Ask thy other question.

“[4–7–70–002] asks, how can she take these substances without throwing up?”

I have already told her.

“By disguising them, and by laying off the starches. [4–7–70–002] also asks, she would like to know about a pinching on the inside of her chest cavity.”

Is she not to bear a child? Her body is readying itself for this. There will be many changes in her body. Therefore, there will be certain cramps, [for] which we have prescribed certain medication that will take care of these. The next is more rest.

“I think you have — [4–6–70–001] asks how he may cleanse his soul and spirit?”

By doing as I have suggested before, and told him through soul Ray. This he has not done. When soul [4–6–70–001]stops being selfish with himself and goes where the, soul Ray has suggested he go, then he may cleanse his soul.

“All right.”

Now, there is one other item which would help deeply for your group.

“All right.”

That would be steam baths — not of steam, but of dry heat similar to steam. This would take — tobacco in a small form is good, but sometimes they intend to take from thee and add to thee too much of the chemicals in it. This would extract these chemicals. Also, for those who would like to quit the weed, it would help greatly because it’s a cleansing agent in itself.

“How would we take these dry air baths, dry heat rather?”

By the taking of warm stones and dropping them into water in one section, and letting the heat come through to the section you are in. The wetness that will come through is good too, as long as it is not too much. I have told you of a place called Agua Caliente.

“Uh huh.”

There would be a good place. But most of the God-works there, a lot of them, have been destroyed. It would take some energy on your part to restore them.

“Ah, do you mean there are baths already partially prepared in Agua…?”

That’s right; they are prepared. And the water that flows there would give the necessary baths for cleansing.

“How often should these baths be taken?”

It would be advisable that these baths be taken approximately every three months, but twice a year would be sufficient.

“This is to take the poisons of tobacco out of the body?”

Not only the poisons of tobacco, but other poisons of the body. Fasting, within itself, is good, but the natural bowel system was made to extract thy waste, not all of thy poison, so therefore, the pores of the skin was made to extract other poisons of the body, as the urine was made to extract poisons from the body. Even a tear was made for that.

“The little girl, [4–13–70–002], that a medical reading was given on last time, her mother has requested the life reading.”

First, take the steps that were suggested in her medical reading. Then come back, and thy shall be given her life reading. If these steps are not taken, there shall be no life to read.

“All right.[4–20–70–001] has requested a general health reading.”

Yes, we have soul [4–20–70–001] in our mind. Soul [4–20–70–001] suffers from slight inflammation of the kidneys and slight infection of the uterus. Also she needs a change in diet to improve and help her eyes. She needs a change of her lens; this, in itself, would help correct her eyesight.

First, with the diet — the eating of more carrots, celery, and okra in her diet would greatly improve this area.

Now we see she has something like (chuckle) a corn which bothers her on her foot. Well, there are many very good corn removers now.

Also, she needs to see a good medical doctor, and then, in her case, it would be advisable to see a chiropractor for straightening out certain things in her back. We see, somewhere she has a slight fracture of the left upper part of the leg. But if she does the others, this will take care of itself because it mended a little out, not quite right; it would not be suggestible for re-breakage.

Now, these baths I have suggested would be very good for her.

Also, we see she has sinus condition, almost of asthma. It would be suggested that she eats three times a day a honey from the mesquite, putting three drops in each of her — drops of vinegar, in each — would you wait and let me check that? Yes, now it is better — three drops of vinegar, of the pure apple, mixed in her honey.

Now, we also see that she must either cut off, shorter, her hair or wear it in such a way that it is not serve such a pulling of the scalp. Now, if she should decide that she does not want to do this, then it would be suggested that she use a hot olive oil treatment on her scalp. This should be done by first applying the olive oil into the scalp, and then rubbing very, very vigorously until her scalp becomes warm; then taking hot towels, wrapping her skull in these, as hot as she can stand, repeatedly.

If she does this — there is one other thing (chuckle) — I think, for the taking of what is known as “Lydia E. Pinkham,”it would help her vitality and preserve her female organs. Otherwise, should she become pregnant again, and, for some reason, I think she might, she would have a rather hard time carrying this child. That is all.

“Is ‘Lydia E. Pinkham’ a friend of yours? (Laughter).”

No. There are some here who think that more should be done for the preservation of the female organs. This substance, not only, if taken regularly, would improve the whole female — I won’t say improve, but preserve what organs there are of the female, even to the more maturing of the breast, keeping it firm.

That is all.

“How much time do we have?”

We have time left. Ask thy question.

“How often should [4–20–70–001] take this? Just as prescribed on the bottle?”

As prescribed on the bottle.


“Well, I have waited until we have had time with no more questions to ask about myself.”

Then ask thee of thy self.

“I’ve had a dream; I had two dreams which I think were connected. They’re — are over a year apart, but they were so vivid that I have never forgotten them. And there was a very strange sound made when I woke up from one of them. I wonder if you could enlighten me at all on these?”

Thy dream has been placed in thy mind for a purpose — part as a warning, part to tell of our coming, to tell that you must be ready when we came, part so that you could teach and that each of your group could teach. For this group shall walk in many faiths in many races; [bar there] no faith or no race, for the work that is at hand must be accomplished.

And remember that we shall do as much as we can for Ray’s body, but soul Ray’s body at, even at best, is not [at] good at health. Now, the time we have will be a while, but listen to the tapes that you have made. Scribe them as a scribe would scribe into a book.

I am thinking of thy soul [4–3–70–003], which Ray has told before, she would cause a book to be written. Now, she should take more time for her studies, so she may be prepared through these to write this book. Through all of thy help though, each one of these shall contribute to this book. It would be good to write thy thoughts on each of these out, compiling them, looking at them, studying them, and then, with this, God’s work may be easilier done.

Now, I have something else for you. Thy teeth have bothered thee. I would suggest that thy get immediate attention, because not all of thy teeth shall have to be extracted. Save those that thy can save! Also, thy must get more rest. Now, at a later time I should give a more complete reading on you. We must study this.

Now, there is one among you who has requested a health reading. We do not have the name, only that it is, there is a troubled soul — and this permission has been granted. If this person should take — first, using a very good cleansing cream upon her face and hands; then second, by using a compound made of soda and water, placing this almost like a mud pack upon her face; then with the use of olive oil — first, between there, there must be the use of an alcohol base, after this has been taken, the soda has been taken away — then the use of an olive oil rub; and then, with hot towels, as hot as she can stand them, her complexion will clear. But only if she should cleanse her soul, for there is the biggest reason for her problem.

Now, you have one more question; ask this question.

“Well, it seems that, uh, I would like very much to have my teeth repaired, but there is a little problem, called money.”

There is a dentist in the town of Miami; if thy go to him this will be taken care of.

“I see.”

Now thy have had another question in thy mind. This I shall repeat again, there can never be any gain, material gain, from these readings, or from my work, only the gain that thy souls shall receive from God’s word.

Now, it is in my mind that none of you in this group are in a position financially to organize thyself because your time has become the time of the money lender. Therefore, organize thy group. Then, anyone who should give, let them give, but only for the use of the material things that thy group needs — but not beyond this — and only for the material things needed for the work of thy group.

Now thy have another question, not thy, but [4–3–70–002] has another question, soul [4–3–70–002.].

“Soul [4–3–70–002], she asks (chuckle), ‘Why sometimes do I become frustrated and almost afraid?’”

This is normal. Seek a peace within thyself. Also, be patient with thyself, for thy chemicals are changing. Do not drink too many hot beverages, nor neither real cold.

Now thee have a question. Let it be known.



“I have, hmmm, a thousand.”

Then, thy have a soul in thy group tonight known as [4–6–70–003]. Let her ask her question.

“Just a minute.”

“Aka?” [the woman asks.]


“It is my husband’s health I am concerned with.”

I realize this. Then soul [4–7–70–001] shall ask and receive from thee a health reading, but for some reason, permission has not been given from thy husband. This should be obtained from him as soon as possible. And come back and this shall be given. But it would be suggested that also a life reading should be given upon him that certain other information can be handed down.

Now I am growing weak. Before this happens, there are certain words that I must tell thee. I have spoke[n] before of the mighty Sword that will change thy surface of thy land. You shall receive an earthquake here very soon. Be not afraid of this, for this is in preparation for the time of thy big change, and it shall help in the upheaval of things.

Now it is time that thy woke soul Ray, for I have grown very weak.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for a person’s name to respect his or her privacy. This transcript was compared to the tape recorded message for accuracy.]

Copyrighted © 1970 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


April 20, 1970

Globe, Arizona

Soul Ray….

“Is Ray deep enough?” [Rod, who is conducting the trance, asks.]

Ray is deep.

“All right.

“Do you have something for us right away?”


“All right. What is it?”

Never again shall you do this to soul Ray — otherwise, you shall kill him.

“All right.”

I have told you before, before this there must be peace and tranquility for him.


I have told you of the passing, before, around his head and body while he is in trance state.


When this happens, you are passing through his own body and through ours.


I have warned you before, if this is done you may kill him, and when I say him, I mean his body. I have told you before that his body is very weak at these times. Do not touch his body, pass your hand around his head, or move around it [because it] is from whence [here] we come. [Editor’s note: the tape appears to have been bumped while recording and a few words are hard to hear.]

Now, ask what you will, for this shall be a short session.

“Who would you like to do this to Ray?”

You shall continue, but be very careful, and remember the words that I have spoken before. Be careful before the trance. Remember, all of your thoughts are passing through his. When there is unrest, these thoughts pass through his mind causing an unrest. When there is a great unrest among you, these unrests pass through him. In some ways, he can’t understand it fully yet. It upsets him greatly.

“I thought the Lord’s Prayer would settle this.”

It did, but it did not stop the squabbles in your minds.


Now, you have a question, ask it.

“Well, we have many questions. But first, did the dog disturb Ray, going around his head?”

It was not the dog. It was the physical movement of a body above his head. The dog also disturbed.

“The physical movement of a body?”

There was also -

“Oh, I see.”

a body of a lost soul seeking his aid. This is wrong at this time; we shall take measures to see that this does not happen again.

“Yes, I wondered if it was al lour fault.”

No, the greatest harm, which he couldn’t understand, was the begging of the lost spirit for help. We shall take the necessary measures to see that this does not happen again.

“I’ll take measures here, also, to see that things are as peaceful as possible.”

Now, you have a question; you have many questions. Ray’s body is growing stronger; therefore, I am growing stronger in my voice.

“All right. Is my arm holding the microphone over Ray’s body harming anything?”

The microphone has been blessed; therefore, the portion of your arm which will enter has been blessed. This has already been studied.

“All right.”

And permission granted. Now, you have a reading from a soul [4–20–70–001]. [Numbers are substituted for names to respect privacy].


This permission has been granted.

For the first proportion of this, we shall say, there is certain information which might be harmful to him if he thought others knew; therefore, this information will be given at another time and only to him. Now, he is, he has, for one thing, a very deep-seated guilt complex. We shall go in that, as I said, at another time.

But to the physical body — first, it would be good for him to have the baths that were suggested, as before. Also, it would be good for him to drink of the sage root for the cleansing of his kidneys. This would be also for the cleansing of the soul; it is also a good tonic for the cleansing of his kidneys. Because of the drinking of alcohol, he has a slight case of what is known as uremic poisoning and inflammation of the liver. This man should not drink any alcoholic beverages under any condition at all because it is killing his body functions. When we speak of the body function, the body in itself is a pure source of energy, and usually in birth — unless from some past life is carried through — is usually in perfect working order.

Now, this soul needs lens, corrective lens.

Also, it would be suggested for osteopathic treatment for an injury he received as a child. This injury has affected a proportion of his mind.

Once this work was done, I’m sure his mind would be a great deal clearer.

Now, we see a problem of a collapsing of arteries. He should see a good medical doctor and a check be taken of this. There are natural herbs he could take. But for some reason we feel as though he would feel better taking medicine from a doctor, and prescribed by a doctor. There is no great urgency; this is a gradual process and shall really not affect him until his later years.

We see a slight arthritis of the left knee and cramping of the fingers also, arthritis there. The arthritis is growing in the body. We would suggest the baths for this would be very good. Also, there is a cactus in thy region known as the Night-Blooming Citros [Cereus].

“Night-blooming what?”

Citros. The digging up of the part of this plant and the eating of it in its natural form, though it would have a bitter taste, would be good for this. Do not boil this plant, and be careful with it, because it contains certain poisons and also a certain alcoholic content to it. Therefore, use it in its natural form, in very small quantities.

“How much and how often?”

Oh, we would say the chewing of a quarter-by-one inch — in thy measurements — per day would be sufficient.

“Just chew it?”

Yes, in its natural form.

“And spit the pulp out?”



Now we have (chuckle) as I have said before, a need for other help. He has asked for a life reading. In his case, a full life reading at this time cannot be given.

The suggestion has been made that he might seek employment at a different job. It would be suggested, rather than quitting his present job, that he ask and receive permission from his employer to be — as a leave of absence might be granted there. If it was done in this order, and then the waiting until the changing of his employer at the job in which he holds, he might find a great improvement there.

Ordinarily, readings of this type, for material gain, is not given unless we feel that it would affect his physical and mental body — also for the good of his family. That is the reason this information has been given.

It would also be suggested, as soon as possible, that he come here and speak with us in person. He has a great reluctancy on his part for this, for he fears the knowledge that we know.

That will be all on the time on [4–20–70–001]. He should have regular readings.

Now permission has been given for a reading on thyself, [4–7–70–001]. Now, it is up to you to ask.

“Yes, I have it written down. It was stated that at a later date this reading could be given, and I would ask at this time, if possible, to give both health and life readings.”

Yes, we have the soul, [4–3–70–001], here. We also have his body. It would be suggested that you also should seek certain — no, that is not right. It has been suggested that thy seek, first, dental care. This is poisoning thy whole system, and if it was not done soon, shall cause a great amount of trouble of the gall bladder and of the liver area. These both, in their working, were meant to extract the poison; you are overloading these.

Now, it would be suggested, — and there is doubt in your mind of where to get the root of the sage. It grows in great quantities a short distance from you, wild. The cultivated does not have the mineral that we seek in it. Now, it would be suggested, in your case, of the drinking of this three times a day, approximately one-half pint, without sugar, as a tea form. If this is not compatible, even the chewing of the root would help, but not give you what we have desired from this.

Also, it would also be suggested that you need an osteopathic doctor from an old injury of the right knee, of the right shoulder, and of the upper proportions of the neck. Also, there are a definite amount of straightening to be done in the back area — this would also be suggested — a very definite amount. This would help in thy seeking of sleep more readily.

It would also be suggested that thy get more rest.

Also, it is suggested, the eating of soy bean, prepared, as the religion of a — known of thy plane as the Seventh Day Adventists prepare this — very good. Now, the more eating of okra in thy diet would be good, of radish, of carrots, of celery. The lessening of salt in thy diet would also be good. This is suggested for the purification, and the help of the purification, of the blood.

It is also seen that in later years, unless certain precautions are taken, that you shall have what is known as a hardening of the arteries.

Now, also, eating of the pulp of the Night-Blooming Citros [Cereus] would be suggested in the quantities of, a little larger of that, maybe an inch by an inch in your case. This would also help in the prevention of any arthritis in the body.

Now we see a lesion from improper diet as a child. This lesion is centered around the left kidney area. It would be suggested there — by using hot castor oil packs, as hot as you can stand it, very, very hot — use this in, on cloth and use it in three layers — no, no, this isn’t right, four, four would be better — as hot as can be applied to this area. Keep this on, if you can, for, oh, 12 to 24 hours, and then another reading should be taken after this.

Also, you have a scalp problem — unless it is corrected, could cause the falling of the hair. This problem and the tightening of the scalp could be relieved with hot olive oil treatment — rubbing very, very brisk — vigorously into the scalp area, and then using, as hot as you can stand it, hot towel treatments. Then, after this is over, using a good natural shampoo on the hair would be good. Now, this would do for the body at this time of soul [4–7–70–001].

Now for the soul in itself. The need for more belief in mankind would help thy soul tremendously; less doubt. There was words spoken once before in the time of David — “For who but a fool should speak that there is no God? And the belief of him would only bring foul and foolish things.”

There was something else spoke — “How many times shall my Lord forgive thee of thy sins? And thy Lord spoke back and said, ‘FOREVER.’” But the Lord shall shed for each of these times a mighty tear, and He should cry for thy soul [note: the voice is sobbing deeply] — as He cries for all thy souls and spirits, for He loves thee so. [Note: the voice speaks in such love.]

Now, you have a great question, and permission has been granted upon this. As we have told you before that no money, as thy call it, or material needs may come from these readings, only when they are to help thy spirit, thy soul and thy family. In this case, permission also has been granted for it.

In thy mind, thy have asked, “Can I change jobs?” — and here is thy answer. Very close to the area, there is a job for thee, which thy could change to, and then by changing employment, would give thee more of thy time at home, and more of thy time to build of thy other material things.

If thy build a house, build thee thy foundation first, and make it strong and pure. The other things that thy have in mind can be built, but if thy build a house upon a weak foundation it shall crumble from thee.

Then our answer shall be this, do not build on a weak foundation. Do not be impatient. For as we have told you before, material things for this work shall come as raindrops — when they are needed — but not as great floods.

For thy own material needs, thy should work with thy hands, thy body, and thy mind. But do not be impatient, for if thy are impatient, all that thy build shall crumble. Build a step at a time. As thy were building the Tower of Babylon, do not build it to crumble from thy feet. Build it good, with God’s work, not of blasphemy. Therefore — therefore, by thy changing jobs, by thy saving of thy own funds, do not overload thyself with bills. Pay out what thy can, save what thy can, and prepare thyself in this way. Stay in God’s work, and by walking with your hand in God’s, thy shall never walk alone.

Now, for another question in thy mind. Thy have asked, why did I say — not I, but we have said — that thy are the son of Abraham, and thy bore forth from thee thy son, Noab? Now I shall answer this question for thee, for all the sons from thy sons of Abraham are thy sons of Abraham — for with the sons of thee from Christ, who bore no son in all, as thy are the son of God, as thy are the daughters of God, for all in God’s eyes are the same and are loved the same. [See Isaiah11:11, and Genesis 5:25–32, 11:22–32, 19:32–37, and 25:1–27.]

Thy have asked another question in thy mind, “How high or how low are the spirits of us?” Then, I shall answer this way — for we who were sent from God are loved by God, and we who are sent from God may speak with God. There are many missions upon this earth in different work from ours, but I shall tell you this — at this time, this mission, and the spirits gathered here, are as close to God as His eyes and His heart.

That shall be all at this time, unless thy have another question which we have not covered?

“Yes, the…”

It should be suggested at this time that thy move thy leg a little, so that our spirits may pass through not only Ray’s head, his body, but all of him.

“Is that all right?”

That’s good.

“We’re having a little problem with the water. You did say….”

I can see this. Yes, the suggestion [to] buy from “Triple AAA” was because of thy carbon filtering systems. The reason you have trouble with the water is because the water thy seek is not — it is fair, but it is not good.

Now, we have dwelt into this question very, very carefully, and we cannot find that any water, except that which is taken from great depths in your area, would be good. This shall come at a different time. So, therefore, it would be suggested that thy should try and acquire a small distillery system or, if you must, build it yourself. There are [simple] devices, but the water must be filtered through carbon filters.

Now, the water that we shall suggest at this time may be taken from the Young area.

“Which area?”

The Young area. This could be taken from a creek which flows through there.

Now, by the distilling of this water and the filtering it through a carbon filter, this would be very good. It would be not as good as some other waters we might have suggested, but due to the fact that you have had problems in acquiring this water, this would be good at this time for all of you.

“We will use….”

Now, if a distillery cannot be found immediately, it should be suggested that thy take and build a slough — not of a slough, but of a box. Make it in dimensions of 1-by-1-by-6 foot, placing either pine or oak bevels through this every 6 inches, perforating — perforating this with holes no bigger than one-eighth in diameter — very many of these, in the bevels. Then fill between the bevels with pure, washed sand from the same area which we have suggested that you take the water. This should be 6-foot long. This should be a simple and uncostly device, making the taking of your water very cheaply — cheaper than you could purchase it, and cheaper than you could make your still. As this finishes, this would act in the same pattern as distilling water almost. Then, requiring carbon filters of pure carbon — you can purchase this at your local Woolworth’s store — then, before and after the carbons, by placing a spun glass [effect? after?] to these by taking either cheesecloth or something even finer, placing around this whole area — and you will have a perfect filter and good clean water to drink.

Then, at a later date, it would be suggested that you distill the same water, and then run it through the carbon. But you can use this other device for now.

You will see a great improvement in all of your health and your thinking. The water that you are drinking is having a great effect on your nervous systems, and the suggestion, even though the permission has not been granted — no, we cannot give this information until it has been asked and granted. This information is of [4–7–70–002]. Soul [4–7–70–002] — it cannot be given at this time until permission has been given by herself.

“We have her permission.”

“Well, what other information did he ask?” [Note: Rod seems to be speaking to someone else in the room.].

“Okay.” [She answers him.]

“We have her permission.”

Permission still has not been given; there is a psychological block there. It would be suggested that this be brought up at a different time.

“What is the nature of this?”

It is in her mind. Until this matter is cleaned up in her own mind, no further information may be given to her, or about her.

Now, ask any other question that thy might because [thy, our] time is growing slow.

“[4–3–70–002] and [4–7–70–002] have asked how the invasion of privacy that they feel, this has been on them, how this may be helped?”

Invasions of privacy are only in their own mind. Actually, if they should look, they would find that the invasion of privacy that this has done has been small. The invasion by themselves on others has been great. But this much information can be given; cleanse thy own souls. Second, that if information on these readings should be asked for and given (chuckle) when on the telephone they themselves should not be of such long tones.

Therefore, it would be suggested, in all seriousness now, that this privacy invasion has been felt by all of you by our coming. And, this way we shall answer your question — for if thy should walk with thy hand in God’s, walk then with thy hand in God’s. But as this is the work of God, there is other work of God, your day-to-day labors. Take care of these needs. In the morning when thy awaken, do thy day-to-day labors; take care of thy families.

Awaken each morning with a prayer. In this prayer, ask God to give thee strength and guidance that thy may carry out thy daily labors, that thy may receive His blessing through the day, which thy have already.

Also, it would be suggested — one moment, for this must be taken up with the council, if would thy wait?

It would be suggested that thy set aside certain hours of thy day for this work, and the rest for the work of thy labor. It is also suggested that for the human body and the human soul to mature, it cannot be all work and no play. Therefore, certain times should be set aside for recreation — laughter, without tears. Set this time aside. In other words, what we are trying to say — place each thing in its proper perspective, but leave a place for God.

Now, it can happen — we would suggest, if soul Ray is in accord with us, at our coming to him may come at any time from here on forward. We shall leave in his mind the knowledge from here on forward. All you must do is ask him, from here forward; if he — his body and his soul — is in accord with our coming, if he shall agree with you, we shall take care of the rest.

Now, the suggestion should be made by the council and by One other than the council that before these things should be done, be careful of what thy think, all of thee, around soul Ray (chuckle) for, as we have said before, we cannot stop his picking up of thy frustrations and sometimes thy actual thought patterns of the mind. So shortly before this, most of the things he will accept and put aside, as we have taught him. But still, just before you put him under, as you call it, but before he goes into trance state, be careful of thy thoughts at that time (chuckle), because thy could kill his body, going under at that time with too much conflicts on his mind.

Now, we have another question, and you have asked this and thought it, “Will Ray die in trance state?” When he dies, his physical body, it will be not a trance that you can place him in, or anyone, for this is already God’s plan of things. For He loves this soul.

Now, I am growing very weak. You should waken soul Ray.

[This transcript has been compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1970 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


April 24, 1970

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here. What would thy know?

“Soul Ray asks, ‘Aka, the last time of your coming, what was wrong to prevent your presence?’”

There was, both spirits of your world and of ours ‑‑ one of the lost world, one, no, two of your world — which was not in accord with our work. They are being taught a lesson. If they acknowledge this lesson — wait and let soul Ray go deeper.

Now ask thy question again.

“Soul Ray wishes to know, at the time of your last coming, what prevented, or what was wrong that we could not establish a good contact?”

It would be better if you came closer.

“Shall I repeat the question?”

No, now your physical body shall be locked with ours, and the question shall be answered. There was a spirit of the lost world seeking soul Ray’s help. In his awakening time, he can handle and help souls of this type. Under trance, we have placed a block that these souls may not enter, and may not interfere with our coming and our work. There were two of your plane which were not in accord with our work; therefore, the disturbance, and our coming could not happen again until this was justified. They are being taught a lesson, and soon they will come in accord again. If they do not, then we shall not be able to come with them again. Be patient with them, for was it not the Lord who said, “I SHALL FORGIVE THEE MANY TIMES, MY CHILDREN.”

Now, there are things ye should know.

There are certain financial threats of thy community; if these are taken care of in the proper way, it should not upset thy group.

It shall come to pass that the men who work the earth shall become frightened because of certain disturbances under the ground. These shall cause a certain amount of disturbance there, but within time, it shall work out.

Now is the time to grow cautious of the Red Horse, for the fuse is burning, one in Israel, the other in what thy call Vietnam. [See The Revelation 6:3–4.]

Your country shall become more involved in the Asian area, and it will reach a point to where it will look as though thy shall go into total war, but before this happens, the Dragon shall attack the Bear. Do not become too upset with this, for it is all in God’s plan ‑‑ for now is the time of the great Sword, the sword that cuts two ways.

It [would] be advised that thy group set aside certain provisions, for it is not yet, but later, the time will come when these are needed.

Now, ask thy other questions.

“Aka, you said last week the health reading on soul [4‑13‑70‑002] should be continued.”

Yes, we have soul [4‑13‑70‑002]. We have her body here.

The advice given in the last reading has not been totally included at this time. It was told at that time that the eating of Jerusalem artichoke, Jerusalem artichoke at least once a day and the preparing of it.

Also, the water that she is drinking is causing great harm to her body. It would be advised that the purchasing of water, or water taken, as I have told before, in the location and the streams of the Young valley, filtering in the proper process, would greatly improve her health.

Also, she should be taken to a good gynecologist. There is no definite threat right now, but there shall be in the future. Soul [4‑13‑70‑002] shall go and grow into her teens. As she approaches this time, without the help needed from [your] gynecologist, her whole mind and attitude shall change. With that help, her mind will stay normal and progress along the plans of God.

If these things are done, when she is 19 she shall wed — and she shall have three children, a boy and two girls. At that time, if she is taught and coached properly, her mind will be developed to where she shall become, as you’d call it, a psychic, but this will come slowly and should not be pushed. But do the others, first, and then you shall look beyond.

“We are having trouble acquiring the Jerusalem artichoke.”

If thy would go to the food stores in Phoenix, Arizona, there thy would find the needed plant. Also, thy could have it ordered from thy Safeway Store here. If this is not advisable, then it would be advisable at this time to have her see a good medical doctor who would prescribe certain insulin in a very mild form for her. It would be better, the Jerusalem artichoke [would] make her body normal; putting her on insulin [would] continue her being a diabetic as long as she lives. The artichoke would stabilize her body, and gradually, she will become at a point to where she will not need it. This is why it was suggested.

“Very good.”

If these suggestions are taken, the wounds of her body will heal very rapidly.

Now, soul [4‑3‑70‑002] has certain questions in her mind. Let her ask these.

“We were told to prepare a tea made from the root of the sage. Is there any certain kind of sage that we were supposed to do this with? We’ve discovered that there’s more than one variety of sage in this area.”

No, any of the sage would do. The full secret I have not told yet. Require [acquire] the sage, and then I will tell thee the rest.

“All right. You said a few minutes ago that you had placed a block in Ray’s mind. Was that the headaches that he had for three days, or was that effects of your last coming?”

We had to readjust Ray’s body and mind and soul that we could come at any time. These adjustments took a great physical toll on his body, but he will gradually grow better.

Now, one of these, we have tried to penetrate thy mind. Place thy mind more in accordance with ours. This can be done, for you, quite simply. Kneel thy to thy God and pray, and as they pray, pray for guidance, pray for more love that thy might give thy fellow man. Do not, do not — wait. Trust thy fellow man more readily, for he who seeks thy soul will come to thee.

Now it is time, [note: his breathing deepens] — now is the time that thy guide comes to thee and shall speak through I to thee. Listen and thy shall hear thy guide.

“Margaret, I come to thee, for I am one of thee. Thy have known me before, for I walk with thee and sometimes try to talk to thee, but thy do not listen.”

Now, in thy meditation, think thee of Linda, and she shall come to thee and guide thee and walk with thee in thy daily life. She shall teach thee love and compassion, and she shall teach thee all things that thy must know. Now think of her, and she shall come through I. [Editor’s note: another voice spoke through the body of Ray; it sounded higher with different intonations, and it was dramatically different than the one that had been speaking.]



“I am Linda. I come to you because the Council has let me speak. Thy must learn to love. Thy must learn to give of thyself. I must go.”

“I must what?”

Now you have heard from her. She shall come again to you.

Now, I grow weak, but first I will instruct thee to awaken soul Ray. Tell him of a valley, of the valley of many doors. Tell him that he is passing back through these doors and into the valley, and there let him rest. Tell him that he shall rest and sleep there. Let him stay there for a moment. And then from the valley, tell him he shall walk from the valley into a storm, and when you pass him through the storm — you shall slowly come awake. Do this very gradual, and he shall awaken. But while he is in the valley, let him rest, and tell him his body will be very rested and very well.

Now I go.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for the names of persons to respect their privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyrighted © 1970 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


April 28, 1970

Globe, Arizona

“What took so long for you to come?”

Ray had to place himself into a deep trance state. Sometimes these things take longer than others ‑‑ sometimes. What information do you seek?

“Just a minute, Aka, please ‑‑ I’m sorry, Aka, are you still with us?”

It would be suggested that thy take care of the needs of the child; then come back.

“Will you be all right?”


[Editor’s note: It appears that the rest of this reading was a private reading that was unpublished. In respect for the wishes of the person or persons asking for the reading it will remain so. However, this first part was published in 1970, perhaps because Aka answered a question about it the following day, April 29, 1970.]


April 29, 1970

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Hello, Aka. Is Ray deep enough?”

Ray is deep enough.

“Do you have something for us?”

As I have said before, the time of the Red Horse is here.

I have said that the Horse will attack the Bear. Now, I will warn thee that the Eagle shall join the Bear. The fuse is lit. And as it burns, it may consume thy earth. As in all things, a free choice — there are chances still that this shall not happen. But from the extra claws the Eagle will attach to itself, it does not look like it shall avoid these wars. Therefore, the crucial time shall be in the next ten years.

Prepare thy group for its coming. Prepare for the time of famine.

“The time of whom?”



Nay. The time of the great famine.



At a later time instructions shall be given to the preparation for this time.

Now, there is another warning. This is within our close communities. If certain steps are not taken, there shall be a critical financial time ahead. Prepare thyselves for this time. Still this may be avoided. But I do not think at this time it shall be. Therefore, prepare thee for this time.

Now, you have other information which thy seek, ask.

“[4–3–70–002] has asked, ‘What happened to Ray yesterday?’”

[Editor’s note: This question was asked after Ray had tried, for the first time without a hypnotist, to go into trance and ‘climb the ladder’ through all planes of being into the light, to talk with the messengers of God himself. On his way down, he sought to find his way back into his body. But he got lost in what were apparently lower astral planes where lost souls are trapped, having forgotten the light or their ways back to their Father. Some were scary distortions, like thoughts no longer having human form. It had been frightening. But he did eventually find his way back into this life and his physical body. Since then Ray has recommended that people not attempt to astral travel without a guide, to not risk getting lost forever or taking eons to find their way back into God’s light.]

This was of his own making. He came to talk with us himself. Therefore, when our conversation was finished he was free to leave of his own will.

“Did he have trouble finding his way back?”

[(Unintelligible). On his own] The way that he chose to do this was not good, but it was good for him at the time.

“I see. Will you wait just a moment?”


[Rod asks Ray’s wife and the group]: “Are any of these, uh, in a real rush — anything drastic here?”

“We have three readings. But first, I would like a regular weekly reading which was advised by yourself on [4–7–70–002]. Any corrections in her diet and this sort of thing?”

Her diet is going along fairly well. There are a few changes. One of these that would be suggested, that consuming a little more, as you would call it, radish, in her diet would be helpful. Also, as we have suggested before — the seeking for osteopathic treatment as soon as advisable would be suggested. We have noticed that as the changes come into her body, it would be advisable at this time for her to increase the intake of calcium by at least 10 milligrams a day.

“This is in addition to what she’s taking now?”


“All right.”

With this, we should take another reading at a different time.

“Is it time to change the Lydia Pinkham’s and the SSS dosage?”

Yes. Cut it now down to one-fourth for one week. The present intake — the body is consuming far too much of this right at this time. After one week it would be suggested that you take a further reading. Also, it would be suggested that the taking of the sage root for her once a week would be suggested.

“Uh, one cup full of the tea?”

Yes, one cupful of tea. This should be watched to see that there are no offensive reactions to her body. If there is, stop it immediately.

“All right.”

If she should break into a rash of the chest it would be suggested that this be stopped.

“Uh, what is the sage tea for?”

One, for her soul; the other, for cleansing of the body.

“Anything else?”

This is all at the present time.

“We have a reading for [4–29–70–001]…He’s in school.”

Repeat the name.


And the suggested reading?

[Rod says to Ray’s wife]: “Uh, health reading?”

“Health reading.”

At this time we shall give a fraction of that. Because one, in this case, would not be any good without the other — because the boy’s mental balance is deeply affecting his body at this time. Also, for his diet, [it] should be changed — with more fish in his diet, at least twice a week if this is possible — the more eating of raw vegetables. The present type is good. But it would greatly improve his mental attitude with the eating of okra in his diet, which he is not now receiving.

Also, the child should see a dentist. There are a problem in his molars, which is also affecting his mental attitude.

There are certain psychological blocks caused by the death of his father of this plane. It would be advised that this child be told that his father is at complete rest, and loves him very dearly. It would also be suggested — that more outdoor recreation, more outdoor exercise for this child. And at the present time do not push the child into crowds of people. Let him go back gradually. This will satisfy his own need for companionship.

Now, the child needs certain corrective shoes at this point. And, it would be suggested that the taking of calcium because of certain bone deficiencies in his body.

Yes, also — no, not now, but in the near future — it would be suggested that he be taken to a good medical doctor.

At this present time the boy has a slight case of the flu. Now, as I have suggested before, for the prevention of certain diseases in the body and viruses of the body, that the drinking of the sage tea would be recommended. Also, in this child’s case, the eating of the Night Blooming Citron [Cereus] would also be suggested in the quantity of a quarter-by-a-quarter of an inch.

“Chewed or eaten?”



Now, the baths that I have suggested before would be good with the sinus condition of this child.

Also, it would be recommended that the mother of the child spend more time with the child, and that the child seek more food for his soul. It would be suggested, as soon as possible, the family in itself return to church, and therefore, by attending together, it will grow together.

This is all at this time on soul [4–29–70–001].

“On soul [4–29–70–001]?

“We have two other readings here. If they are urgent you might — one is a [4–28–70–002], the other is [4–28–70–003], all of the same family. If there is anything urgent here, we’d like to have it, otherwise — “

On [4–29–70–003], soul [4–29–70–003], it would be suggested — one moment, please.

“All right.”

This child is deeply affected at this time. The child has a very bad sinus infection. It would be suggested that if the baths that we have suggested before are not available, that the taking of salt water for this child, boiling it very slightly, that the water becomes slightly to a boil; using a towel above the child’s head for a vapor, and letting her breathe of this would be very good. And if sea water cannot be obtained, using the pure sea salt in the pint of water, after the water has been boiled, and then left to cool and then placing the salt in it, and brought to a slow boil again. [it] would be very helpful to her.

The other child has a mastoid condition. This should be taken care of by a medical doctor as soon as possible. The rest will be taken up at a different time.

“All right.

“Is there anything else that you would like to give us at this time?”

In the process of the Bear, the Horse, and the Eagle, the Bear shall be bitten by the Lion, and the Eagle shall be bitten by the Lion. The only way that these things can be prevented — that the building of the temple of God in man — that the building of not the churches, but of the philosophy of God in man, and the knowledge that all man has been born before and shall be born again — that not only shall man live again, but so shall a nation in a different form. And [yet] could it be not that this nation of yours be destroyed and there should be an awakening.

This is all at this time.

It would be suggested that soul Ray be woken from his slumber.

“Do you have time for one more question?”


“How does the great Sword or the changing of the land masses fit in with the wars?”

The axis of the earth is changing. This, some men have thought that man has started this and this is not true. Man has neither the power at this time nor the knowledge to do this. Therefore, the changing of thy earth shall be as a karma for Earth, and this shall happen as a protection for the souls of God [that] remain on earth, yet to return to His mansions — and for souls who have yet more lives to live on different planes in the future. These things are all necessary to offset man’s destruction of man.

“Then you feel that all mankind will not be destroyed in this coming war?”

This is true.

“All right.

“We are ready to awaken Ray if you are.”

Awaken him from his slumber.

[Note: Numbers are substituted for names to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyrighted © 1970 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


May 1, 1970

Yes, Ray is deep in trance state now.

“Do you have a special message for us before we begin the readings?’

Yes, the Eagle of thy plane has taken upon it claws. This is good, but if the Eagle is not careful, it shall go into total war. Watch now for the Red Horse, for she shall strike in another area that the Eagle yet thinks not. Because of this, the Lion shall bite the Eagle, for she shall think the Eagle wrong.

Now, I have another message for what thy call thy President. There shall be assassination attempt made upon his life. The date shall be July 22 of this year of thy plane. It shall be made from, as thy know it, the Black Panther unit.

“Should we write him a letter?”

No, there is one among you who might take the necessary steps to relay the message. He shall hear and heed this warning.

“Does he know the steps or does he…?”

The President, at this time, is planning a tour in the major cities to give support to his position of foreign matters. This is good, but he should take steps necessary to protect him.

There shall also be an attempt made on your Vice President. Steps there shall be made. This attempt shall be made in a foreign land.

Now, there is a soul, which is not among you, which has asked and wanted a reading for health purposes. This soul has a non-malignant growth in the arteries which is wrapping itself around the arteries leading to the upper proportion of her head. It would be suggested that surgery be done as soon as possible. This may be detected by a physician very easily through x-ray. There may be — yes, this should be done preferably with what thy has known as a laser beam, so that it may be totally destroyed. Yet, if this is not done, it will — yes, three operations will be needed for the removal of all of the foreign matter.

Now, as I have said before, the time of the Great Sword is upon you. Because of men’s actions of this plane, the time is growing near.

It is also necessary that thy know that thy of thy plane have visitors from another galaxy. This is not part, the interference from one galaxy to another is not part of God=s plan. Therefore, as the axis of your earth is being changed, soon thy will know these visitors. This shall be taken up at a different time.

To understand this, ye must first think of the spirits of God, also of the spirits of man, and then the souls of man. Then think of thee as not one, but two, but not two, but as three. When ye understand this, then ye shall understand the plan of God.

For ye, soul [4–7–70–001], think thee of the star of David, but not in the way ye have thought before.

“Then how?”

That thy lived in the time of David.

“I lived in the time of David?”

Now, thy have other questions; ask them.

“Well, [4–20–70–001] wants a private discussion with you. Is it all right to do that at this time?”

Yes, soul [4–20–70–001] — yes, we have soul [4–20–70–001].

“There will be some people walking around Ray’s head. How should this be taken care of?”

We shall leave for a moment. When he is ready, he should call for Aka, and we shall appear again.

“All right. The [ ] will pass by now.”

[Editor’s note: Here ensued a private reading with Aka.]

“Now we have a request for a follow-up reading on [4–13–70–002].”

Yes, we have soul [4–13–70–002] here, and her body. There have been certain suggestions given before which have not been taken care of. If this child does not start with the eating of Jerusalem artichoke, she shall go back again. It would be suggested that if this cannot be done, and is not practical, that the child be put on a mild form of insulin. We do not care for this at all, for once she is put on this, she will be inclined to take heavier doses the rest of her life. Also, her diet needs more vegetables. Since this seems to not be the thing to do at this time it would be necessary that the child to be given a very good natural vitamin and mineral supplement. It would also be suggested — one moment, please.

Yes, yes, now –

Yes, it would be suggested that taking of SSS, a tonic, known — yes — one moment — yes — that this should be given in not full dosage, but half dosage at this time.

“Half the adult dose?”

Yes. One moment — yes, yes — this also should be, uh — no — yes, this is correct. It also would be suggested that for the next 30 days, the child should not be sent anywhere alone without supervision, and this means the supervision of her parents, no one else. She should not be entrusted to the care of anyone. This is all on soul [4–13–70–002] at this time. It should also be suggested, that as soon as possible, that she be taken to a good gynecologist.

“Can she go to school by herself?”

This, this is all right — yes — For it is within the mind of someone else close to them, “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.”

“Mi_____’s mother would like to ask a question, if it’s all right at this time?”

Yes, let her come closer.

“Aka, [4–13–70–002] was planning on having an overnight trip to [a] church activity with some other children and ladies during this 30 days. Should she be kept from this?” [Mi_____’s mother asks.]

Yes, I think she should. One moment.


She should not go; very definitely she should not go.

“Very well.” [The mother answers.]

“Any more on [4–13–70–002]?”[The moderator, Rod, asks.]

This is all on soul [4–13–70–002] at this time.

“And [4–3–70–002] has asked about a dream and about her general and, well, physical and mental health at this point.”

Yes, we have soul [4–3–70–002] and her body here.


To begin with, she should stop taking the vitamins which she has taken, and instead go to a good natural form vitamin and mineral. These are one thing which is interfering with her health. But [these] should be taken regularly.

Secondly, it would be suggested that — yes — because of a certain problem in an ovary, it would be suggested that the taking of Lydia E. Pinkham at this time, in prescribed amount on the bottle.

Yes. Second, she should stop drinking the water of this area. It is having a very bad effect on her nervous system.

Now, also, information shall be given to soul [4–3–70–002]. We are preparing a block in [4–3–70–002] so no outside spirits or souls may enter. This will be the necessary for us, using soul Ray. Because of our usage, as I have said before, there are other spirits other than ourselves, and lost souls, who would do her harm. They will use all powers they can to stop our work here. This is why we shall build a block into her.

Now, we see soul [4–3–70–002] has a slight case of what thy call the flu. This is a virus attacking her system. It would be suggested, for one, in her diet, the eating of more fish, of the fresh water type, with using of salt of the natural state.

Now, we see from an old injury of soul [4–3–70–002], of a laceration — no, of the third — no, of the fourth vertebrae of the back area. Yes, this, this is true. It would be suggested, as soon as possible, that she see a good either osteopathic doctor or chiropractor.

Yes, ah — oh, yes — we see, ah, soul [4–3–70–002] also, from an injury received in the last two weeks, that the upper proportion of the neck is bothering the nervous system too. This should be straightened out at the time — yes, yes — this should be done.

It would help soul [4–3–70–002] a great deal if she could start each day with a prayer for guidance. Also, her dream. Yes, these dreams, as I have said before, are because of the coming of foreign souls to her.

This is all for soul [4–3–70–002] at this time except, as we have said before, the drinking of any liquids that are too cold or too hot for her would highly affect her nervous system. Within a short while, after she changes her drinking water, then she may go back to her old habits. That is all on soul [4–3–70–002] at this time.

“All right. I would like to ask about any improvement that I can make in the induction and the bringing out of soul Ray from his trance to make it easier and better.”

In thy suggestion to soul Ray in the induction, as thee call it — yes — tell him of the ladder and the stairway to God, that each step he takes in trance state is a step closer to us and closer to God. This will make it easier for him. When you leave his physical body a place to rest, leave it with God, and therefore, it will not roam. The rest is good.

“Is the bringing out slow enough?”

Yes, very good.

“All right.

“[4–3–70–002] has asked about some information on this food supply.”

One moment, please.

Yes, there is a suggestion here for soul [4–20–70–001]. Change his drinking water immediately.

Yes, there is one who would speak to soul [4–20–70–001].

“I’m here.” [Soul Bill says.]

“Here is soul Bill.”[Rod says.]

[“Uta he skimeha. Ye ke nap niks near. Crak nik nike si pet, oh kay na sah? Utas neh.”] [Editor’s note: Here something was said in an unknown language, sounding like an American Indian dialect.]

Aka is here now.

“Do you want to say anything to [4–20–70–002]?”

No, message has been granted and given.

What other information would thy ask?

“[4–3–70–002] asked about some information on the storing of food in preparation for the famine.”

Yes, this should be done. But in thy preparation, store seed, store it preferably in airtight containers, that no air may enter. If possible, the pumping out of any air in the container as these stores are made would be good. But, it would also be suggested that this should not be done as, as you would say, a rush thing. Store a little, as thy can afford it. Store also, in containers, no flour. Store either rice or corn. This also, if possible, the air should be taken from the containers that it is stored in. The preparing of certain fruits and vegetables, as thy call it, either in canned goods — yes — more information shall be given to you from time to time.

“All right.”

Also, it would be suggested that thy should get a script of thy known herbs of that location.

“What location?”

The one around thee of both the desert and the high land, preferably the high land. This will be safer in the days of famine.

“All right. What will cause this famine?”

Man shall cause this famine.

“The land that has dropped in Claypool in the well, we would ask for some information on this, if this is pertinent to the earthquake which you have spoken of before?”

Yes, not once, but twice, but threefold, the land shall upheaval, and so shall be thy warning. The men who shall work the ground shall become afraid of it, and leave it within time, but they shall have nothing to fear but fear in their own souls, for as the upheaval shall end, great riches shall come forth and these riches shall be, in part, of an old generation, upon a different time and a different plane. The other part shall be the riches known of your plane.

“Will the records of Atlantis be uncovered?”

Partially, yes, but not all. [But] that will wait for another time. The records of Atlantis shall rise, first, in part, from thy ocean, second, in part, very near here, and third, in part, [from] the vaults below what thy call Cairo, Egypt. When these are brought together, then a knowledge unknown to man at this time, ye shall have, a knowledge long ago forgotten, which man turned back, as you would call it, to the Stone Age.

“Do you have an approximate or an exact time on this earthquake in this area, the first one?”

Ye have already felt a very slight one, ten days ago. These shall increase in number, and with each of these they shall grow stronger.

“When will the first one be finished?”

There is no finish, and there is no beginning and no end. When the final time comes and the end comes, the Great Sword will have struck and cut thy earth, and thy whole earth shall change and the surface of thy earth shall change, for all this is in God=s plan and in God=s time.

“And, uh, we are safe to stay here?”

Yes, you are very safe. All those who would take in their hearts the temple of God is safe; those who shall not heed and shall cast God from himself, they are lost and shall be lost, as before, as now, and as in the future.

“I have some red spots on my body. I would like for any pertinent information on these.”

(Chuckle.) Yes, your red spots are from a reaction from the drinking of thy water. Your body is still not cleansed. If thy would do as had been suggested before, the gathering of the sage and drinking of the root of the sage, this would help considerably.

“On [4–15–70–002], who was given a reading last time, had asked for information on her going to church, if she should continue with the Catholic, or if she should change? If so, she would like any suggestion that you have as to where she should go.”

Yes, it would be suggested that soul [4–15–70–002] either attend what thy call thy Lutheran church of this area or Episcopalian church of this area. These are close to the same religion which she knows of now. But it would also be good for soul [4–15–70–002] for the drinking of thy trough too.

“Of the same water?”

Yes, only there are many things for thee to learn too.

“Yes, any suggestions?”

Yes, take her thoughts, [4–7–70–001]. You were told before to study Paul, but do not study of his arrogance, nor of the times of his life plane; study of his devotion to God.


Paul’s — devotion to God. This would help thee considerable. If this was done, it would help thee to accept God. God is close to thee. All thee must do is accept Him. By accepting Him, then thy would accept this work and thy task in this work.

Now, soul Ray is growing very tired. It is time to awaken him, for we are growing very weak.

[[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names and addresses to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1970 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


May 15, 1970

Yes, it has been suggested that the forming of what you would know as the church be formed, also, that the meeting of once a week of thy group would be suggested.

It has also been suggested that soul [4–7–70–001] should conduct the meetings and teach once a week.

This should be suggested, that he should teach each member of the group the placing of soul Ray in hypnotic trance. Also, it should be suggested that a practicing of placing others beyond himself in hypnotic trance. There are many among you who could speak, if you were given a chance, and with proper preparation for this.

This work has been discontinued while soul Ray found himself once again, that all this work shall be in accord with God and His plan on earth.

Therefore, I should suggest, or we should suggest, that from this day forward these meetings shall be conducted preferably on Saturday. This is not advisable for all in your group; then it would be suggested that another day should be set.

The practicing of thy daily lives should be done from this day forward, that God may enter thy souls, thy spirits, for in God’s plan are many things which thy shall not understand at this time.

This group should never deny anyone the chance, even if they come of idle curiosity. It would be suggested that this group should take this person under their wing, for as the great bird of the pyramid once flew, so shall the souls of men fly.

Now, with all in accord — and this is something that thy should think about — but pray at the end of each meeting that all members shall be in accord. The discussing, or a discussion of this is good. As I have said before, that if not one man or one soul should shed but one tear, then it is a progress in the right direction.

But remember one thing — that love, love for thy fellow man — the honest intent be made on each soul that thy come in contact with. Do not be afraid to talk of this to thy many souls thy shall meet during the day, and that if one of a hundred, or one of a thousand should come and hear, at least it will give them food for thought, for thy — Father, thy Son, and thy Holy Ghost.

For now soul Ray sleeps and I may talk among you and walk among you. For even in the days when John the Baptist taught of the coming of Christ, so should thy talk of this, for thy are here to prepare a way. If thy may do this, thy shall be in God’s plan. For the building of the temple in God’s word, in God’s mind should be all-important to all men and women of thy plane. If thy would remember this, and remember thy love for thy human being, there shall be no need for material things, for all that thy should need shall come as raindrops, a drop at a time.

Soul Ray sleeps now and I am here, for I am he and he is I. Remember one thing, that God is the one important of all our work, and therefore, we must only approach it in a truthful manner.

It has also been brought — we have a message for soul [4–6–70–002]. And it would be very wise that this man attend thy meetings, for in his soul thy shall find Peter. It is also advisable the bringing back to thy fold John and James and Paul, for in them, and through them, what a mighty, mighty temple to God we shall build. In this manner all thy questions shall be answered.

For thy asked of the beginning, and this shall be told. Thy asked of the end, this can never be told, for this is in God’s plan. And Lord of Abraham, and Lord of Isaiah, Lord of all, we say to Thee — bless us, Lord, for it shall be the coming of Thy light. In Jesus’ name, amen.

[Editor’s note: numbers have been substituted for names to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright ©1970 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


May 21, 1970

“Aka, is Ray deep enough asleep?” [Rod, the hypnotist, asks.]

Yes, he is deep in trance state. Now, he, his soul is with God, and his spirit is with God.

“Aka, do you have a special message for us tonight?”

Yes, for now, as we have told soul Ray, now shall be the time of the Cherub. It shall burn brightly in thy heavens for all to see. Look thee toward [the] east from which we come, and ye shall see [it]. This shall be proof to mankind of our coming.

“Thank you. I have a few questions, we have a few questions that we would like to ask you tonight. Would you care to answer them for us?”

Ask, and we shall ask permission for this to be granted.

“Last Tuesday, we went to Phoenix and saw some — last Tuesday we went to Phoenix and asked, uh, and seen some film on psychic surgery, and we was wondering if you had anything to say on this?”

This could be done if all were in accord with God’s work. It also could be done if all were in accord with the work of Lucifer. The film, as [ye] call it, is not all in truth.

Thy mind may heal all men. And the day shall come when men shall heal with thy mind. In some ways, this is being done at this time. The changing of all matter may be done with thy mind.

Now, we should tell thee of the time of what thee would call of space travel. This should happen soon in a different way than has happened before. Very soon, the discovery of the cosmic magnetic rays shall be known and thy universe shall be open to mankind. These same rays can be used for healing, for they are part of thy mind.

“As I understand it, Aka, we are influenced by the stars and the planets to a certain extent, and as I understand it and have felt, we are influenced by entities that have passed over and also entities that are still living, good and bad. Is this true?”

For as, in the beginning, [they’re who, they who, there] are thirteen — and as the chain has been broken and built again, so it shall go on and on, through time, through all planes. Ye should know of this thirteen, for there were twelve and then one, for all this is in the working of God’s plan for men. For on one life plane, thy might dwell as a man and a daughter of God. Could thee understand this? [See Acts 1:12–26, 2:1–39.]

“Yeah, I think so. What, ah, what influence did the entity, Jesus, have on us? He says in Matthew, Chapter 28, at the end of the chapter he says, ‘I will be with you till the end of the age.’ Is this the Christ, or is this the entity, Jesus? Or do I understand what I’m trying to say?”

For, as Jesus reached the Christ state, and went to God to dwell in His mansion, so should all man dwell in God’s mansions. For God loves thy children, and cries for His children.

At the end of all planes is the Christ state for man. For they shall all become one. As Christ, thy savior, as Jesus, thy savior, was crucified, did he not say, “Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do?”

If thy and my Father shall walk among all men forever, so should He walk with thee now. But as a good father, God would pick His hurt child up from his fall and kiss him. He must let this child go on and grow to a man. That is thy free choice. Can thy understand this?

“Yes, I do, and thank you very much. Jesus, before he was crucified, talked about, quite a bit about the judgment day, and also, he talked about the terrible things that are to take place before this judgment day. Can you give us any enlightenment on the judgment day?”

Remember — remember that man through many, many [planes] has written, and changed, and translated thy Bible and [thy] word of God. Therefore, may things have been left out, and many things have been added to. If ye should say, “I could destroy thy world with thy right hand and make it again with thy left,” in talking to prove or to show a point, would thee do this if thy loved thy people? Nay. Thy judgment shall come from each soul, from each spirit.

For those who should, shall believe in God, there shall be always. For those who should walk in Lucifer’s steps, there shall be never, and always upon thy earth, for they shall be the lost, and they shall dwell and be cast into the mighty pit — and there Lucifer shall be chained. And peace shall dwell upon thy earth for a thousand years. [See The Revelation, chapters 20–22.]

Can thy understand this?

“I think so.”

There are times when we shall talk as if in riddles. We do not mean for this to be true, and to happen, for if thy do not understand our words, thy must but ask. For I, as the spokesman of thy council, must translate many things, for I am soul Ray and soul Ray is I, for I shall be as close to him as his heartbeat, but I must always be as close to God as His eyes.

“Uh, are we, are we coming to the end of the age? We talked about, ah, that Lucifer would be put in a pit, and that, I believe you said, that Christ would rule for a thousand years — are we coming close to this time when this will take place?”

Yes, you are close, but first, there must be a way made for him. For his warriors, as on earth and in heaven, must be chosen. [See The Revelation 14:1–5, 14–20; 15:2–4; and chapter 19.]

For this to be done, that, and for the coming of eternal peace on earth, our work and our coming has happened in many places upon thy earth. Others, like soul Ray, have been chosen. If man is to heed thy word of God and to build thy temple of God, not from riches or material things, for is it not better to look upon God in an open field and love Him than to build Him a castle of many jewels and hate Him, and turn your false faces to Him?

For now, [your need, learn thee], and I shall give thee the name now of thy group, for yours shall be the philosophy, “the spiritual philosophy of God.” This shall be the name of thy group.

If during the day, each of you could spend a little time in meditation, and thinking of God and love, and each day thy could seek out one soul upon thy plane and speak one word in the name of God, then God’s temple would slowly be built, and no more of God’s tears should be shed, and all of His mansions shall be full.

Do not ridicule any church, as thy would call it upon this plane. For in their own way, if thy should shed but one teardrop from God, it is as important as many — and God shall love thee the same.

“You know, uh, Jesus talked quite a bit about the kingdom of God. And it seems to me that there must be more than one meaning. One time, and I think it’s only once in the four books — I think there’s four books to the New Testament — that he mentions the kingdom of God is within you. But he mentions the kingdom of God many times. Is there more than one meaning to this?”

As Christ, or Jesus — as he talked to his disciples and to his many followers, each time he was talking on a different subject. Now, if I should say to you, “Come into my kingdom, and we shall build a temple for God,” I would mean we are building that temple in thy soul. Yet, should I say to you,” Come into the kingdom of God at the end of thy planes,” then thy should have reached the Christ state, and your planes shall have ended, and thy would sit next to God. For remember, God has many mansions. For each it shall be a little different, for remember, there is free choice, even [for] the Christ state. Can you understand this? [See John 14:1–5, and 17:13–26.]

“Yes, Aka, I do. And I do thank you.

“I have a little different line of questioning here now, Aka. I seem to have had a conversation in meditation one time with a friend of mine that passed on in 1962; his name was [5–21–70–001]. And I was wondering if this was a real conversation with him, or was this just my imagination? It had come, of course, in thought form; there was no words spoken.”

There are many ways of the spirit world reaching the soul and then to man. For remember that all man is but three, so therefore, your conversation, [was] one that thy had. But remember, when thy travel in the spirit world, choose thy friends as thy would on this plane. For some — In the time of David it was said, for those who would say that God -

“Well, Aka, is…”

God —

“Excuse me.”

was a fool, and the works of God were fools, and the healing of God were fools, were they not struck from the heavens? Yet, ye should know, as I have said before — and I say not as I, but we, have said before — that the works of Lucifer are great and mighty, but yet, that the works of our Lord, our Father, God, shall be even mightier yet, both on heaven and earth. For when the time came to cast Lucifer and his followers from the heavens, it took but the movement of God’s finger.

Yes, in thy daily thoughts, spirits shall come to thee. But remember, God will help those who should help thyselves. And God, now, would build many blocks in thy minds — of the followers of this work — that no foreign spirits but ours shall enter their minds or bodies.

“Are you saying, Aka, that this entity that I seem to have a conversation with, are you saying that this is an entity that I shouldn’t try to communicate with?”

At this time, we should ask permission, and your question shall be answered at a different time. If thy would wait a moment.

Yes. It has been suggested — one moment, please. It shall be God’s will that thy be answered by another spirit at this time.

[Edgar Cayce?]: “Yes, Paul. You have asked this question. [Well, you know, man,] There are many things over here, you know that, fellows like me don’t quite understand, but yet, you know, it’s right pretty here. You’d like it here. You’ve been studying quite a bit of my work. And you know, you’re doing a pretty good job. But there’s a lot of questions in your mind about this work. Remember something, son, that each one of these people that I worked with were individuals, and each one of these here readings that I gave were for different people. you hear this, [now]?”


“Then ya’ll take care. And given permission, I’ll talk to you some more at a different time.”

“We thank you.

“[5–21–70–002] wants to know, Aka, if you have a message for her tonight?”

Yes, I, I should have, yes, I would have a message. [He exhales deeply.] One moment, please. [He exhales deeply again; then he exhales once more.]

Aka’s voice: Yes, we have a message here for [5–21–70–002]. There are certain things on her mind that we are not allowed at this time to answer. It would be advised for her to have a life reading, both on herself and her child.

We have a problem here. We have a problem, Yes. It would be advised that she should seek medical help as soon as possible. So far, this growth is not malignant, but it could become malignant if neglected. Yes. Of her left breast, this should be taken care of immediately.

We also see that she has a problem with her slumber. This, we are sure could be handled if she would seek a greater peace of mind. If she should awaken in the morning with a prayer to God for guidance, her own controllers, then, would come through to her in her daily toil. There is important work for her here. This shall be taken up at a different time.

It would also be suggested that she seek chiropractic treatment for the adjustment of the back area and the neck area. We see she has a great deal of trouble and has had an old injury, with her tail bone. We believe that this could be taken care of here. Also, the drinking of sage tea would help immensely. Also, it would be suggested for her the taking of Lydia E. Pinkham. And also, we see that she is a slight diabetic; the eating of Jerusalem artichoke would help immensely.

Yes, yes. We also see [she has] a slight infection in the uterus area. This infection is leading down into the area of the womb; it should be taken care of — antibiotics immediately. This also — yes, yes — in her case, the boiling of the leaf of the sage and drinking it would be good too.

Oh, yes, we have a problem here of passing off the waste. It would be suggested the eating of more of what thy would call the cantaloupe or the watermelon would be good for her, it would help regulate her diet, her waste problems too.

Yes, yes. We have her, nervous headaches. Yes. This problem, should she change her drinking water — seek a more purified form of drinking water — you will find that I have described this in prior readings.

Yes, we — yes. The other things cannot be told at this time because of psychological block.

“Thank you, Aka.

“[4–13–70–005] wants to know, ‘Would you please tell me how my mother is doing? Am I helping her by sending her love and prayers?’”

Yes, you’re helping. And she shall help you. She has a — your mother has a slight problem. It would be suggested that pray that thy mother should look at the light, turn and look at the light. This would help her immensely. It would help if all your groups should pray this, and soul [4–13–70–005].

Yes, we see, yes . We also have her body here.

Yes. We have a problem here in the intestine, almost tied in a knot, crowding — yes. Yes. It would be suggested that the eating of the Night-blooming Cereus, this should be done as soon as possible — taking the Night-blooming Cereus and the sage root and bringing them barely to a boil, and sipping; three ounces of this daily will greatly help the stomach area. Yes, we, we also see a great amount of trouble in the bowel area. There is — can be done; this is going to take a long time because of neglect of this area over so many years. Yes. This is a karma that you must, ah — yes — we are not allowed to give that information at this time. Yes. It would be suggested, then, that she should seek in the desert area what thy call thy [nutrair serra, nutra cereus, nutra sierrias], of the cactus family. In thy plane, thy would know it as the flat leaf cactus. Boil the pulp from this cactus, add a little ginger to this; sweeten it very slightly. This should regulate and help this; this will have to be done over a long period of time. Yes, without now — yes, she should have more rest, very definitely, and dwell not so much on what has been, but what shall be. It would also be suggested that this subject use Lydia E. Pinkham — in the present dosage.

It would also be suggested that this subject soon have some osteopathic or chiropractic treatment. She has a problem of an old laceration of the 6th vertebrae. Yes, this could be straightened out. It would also be suggested for her the constructing of a bar approximately six inches above her reach, that she hang from this each day with her hands. This would stretch that area and let it slowly go back in place. Even after this area is put in place, because of the long neglect of this area, it will not stay there without this.

Yes. Yes. We see an infection of the mastoid, caused from the sinus. Yes. We have suggested — we have suggested before that certain baths be taken. This should be done in her case as soon as possible. She has an arthritic condition which will bother her worse as time goes on. And this would also help control her sinus condition.

This would be all on soul [4–13–70–005] at this time.

“Thank you, Aka.

“[5–21–70–003] wants to know — she says, ‘Is the building where my sister-in-law works in danger of fall? That happens now and at what’s known as the “Inspiration pit?”‘“

Not now, but at a later time the building shall split in the center and crumble and kill contents and people in this building. It shall not happen to this one soul at this time, for she shall go elsewhere, not too long from now.

“Thank you, ah, Aka, I was talking to a man, [5–21–70–004], here in Globe, about some property; it would be northwest of the Old Dominion Mine. Do you have any suggestions or anything to say on this?”

Normally, this type of information would not be given. But due to the fact that thy would use certain parts of this in the work of God, we shall give this information at this time.

There are part of these that are totally useless at this time unless they should go great depths. There are some which would be fair at this time. Yes, we see a certain amount of minerals there; this would pay in material gain. It would be suggested that thy should look at the old records first. There was once, long before, this man, this soul, who owned this property. These, if thy should look thy would find the records — if you [looked, we would say], check of the assay. Thy would find — yes — on one thy might find great wealth, but only as teardrops.

Now we are growing very weak. The time has come to awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

“Thank you very much, Aka.

“Now listen to my voice and follow all my suggestions….”

[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright 1970 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


June 6, 1970

This visit shall be different from our others, for there are many things that thy group must be told.

First, remember that thy must not destroy. There is no way for thy to destroy anything. Therefore, thy may only change its form, whether thy are dealing with material things or man.

Therefore, we shall go to the beginning. And remember thee that what was before shall be again, that Atlantis shall rise again and it shall sink again, and the people of Atlantis shall live as they live again on thy plane. Thy will know each of thy kind, for thy come from the believers of One, and the worship of One, and the worship of thy one true God. For, as in the days of Atlantis, their knowledge was great — nay, and in the days of the beginning of Egypt, their knowledge was great. But remember, too, that only believers of One could survive.

I have spoke before of the great pyramid and the bird of the great pyramid, for there, buried beneath the city of what thy call Cairo, is the chamber of the records of thy time, from the beginning to the year 1998. That shall be the end of thy planes. And for those who are prepared shall return to God’s many mansions. For those who have not been prepared shall be cast into the pit with Lucifer. And then there shall be a thousand years of peace upon this earth.

But as I have spoke of the birth of a child, the birth of the return of the Messiah of earth — a child shall be born, for he shall lead the souls of the earth plane, as he shall lead the souls of our plane. And as I have said before, and I say “not as I, but as we,” for we are here to prepare a way for his coming. If our coming is successful, then all shall be in readiness and God’s plan shall be told to thee in completion. Now — now shall be the time of the Cherub.

“Would it be better for Ray to relax for a few minutes while the confusion is going on outside?” [Editor’s note: Fire engines were sounding their sirens and were honking.]

Yes, for a few minutes. Really it does not matter, for he is safe with God, but it would be better for him to rest for a few moments.

Our permission has been given for one who sits very close to God to talk to thee. [Editor’s note: There was a long pause, then Ray breathes rapidly and heavily.]

“It’s all right, Ray, relax..”

[Note: The voice changes to one with a Virginia drawl that Aka identified later, July 7, 1970, as that of Edgar Cayce speaking]: “Now, it shall be told. There are many who would not heed the word of God, yes. There are many there that won’t — only can see what’s so close to their nose. Well, it was told to them before in my time, ‘Do not misinterpret my words.’ Well, they’ve done it. There’s many of ’em who have thought, ‘What is this Aka?’ Well, as I’ve said before that my records which I was taken to study were Aka — those records and the spirits of Aka are the same.

The time is gettin’ very near — and if man doesn’t heed somewhere along the line, then there’s not going to be no man; that’s all there is to it. Now, I’ve talked to you people before, and the Lord willing, I’m going to talk to you again. I’m going to try to explain where the knowledge that I had comes from.”

[Note: The voice changes to one with a deep, resounding depth, without a drawl]: Aka is here. As it has been said before, there are thoughts in thy mind. Thy thoughts are very clear to us.

Thy, the two brothers, both have asked the same question, “How may I meditate?”

It would be suggested in both their cases that one should study first the works of John, that the other should study first the works of Peter. Then, if in thy mind before thy sleep at night, thy would think upon us and think of thy word, Aka, relate it with God and His works, thy answer shall come. And we shall send a messenger to thee — for there is waiting for each of you an entry, you would call it (chuckle) your guardian angel.

Now, there is in the mind of [6–6–70–001]’s wife, “Should my children be baptized into this church?” And I would answer you this way, the temple of God is in man. Only with the consent of the soul that dwells within thy temple can there be true baptism. [Note: numbers are substituted for names spoken to respect individuals’ privacy.]

The question has been asked, “What is baptism, and why John the Baptist used water?” For water is the spirit of man, and therefore, without it there could be no man. This is the reason we have suggested the purification of thy drinking water, because to cleanse thy soul and to improve thy body — and the body shall be the temple of God — through the spirit, through the soul, and through these thy should reach to the temple of God. Can thy understand this?

“Yes, I think we do understand it, Aka.”

Then it is not necessary to submerge the body in water. As I have said before that God shall love those who would shed but one teardrop for God as much as he [who] would shed many, if that teardrop is shed with love.

Now, thy have medical readings for certain souls.

“[6–6–70–002], [4–6–70–002]’s sister, has asked for either a medical or life, whichever is most important to her right now.”

One could not be given without the other. Yes, we have soul [6–6–70–002] here, and her body, yes, yes, yes. I think, at this time, let her finish with what she’s doing and then we shall disturb her. Go to the next reading and then back to her.

“All right. [4–6–70–001] has asked if there are any special health messages for him?”

Yes, we see here, yes, we have soul [4–6–70–001]’s body and soul here, yes. Soul [4–6–70–001] has an infection of the lymph gland, yes. It would be suggested for soul [4–6–70–001] to have a complete physical examination by a doctor as soon as he can. There is no real rush here.

Then, oh, yes, we find here a karma. Certain things have been suggested for soul [4–6–70–001] before. He has been reluctant to overcome this karma.

Yes, we also see that in a short time corrective lenses shall be needed. These would not be needed if he would start certain eye exercises at this point.

Yes, we also see, yes, a infection, yes, of the pelvic area. Yes, this was caused from lesion. Yes, it would be suggested, as we have suggested before, the baths that we have suggested, yes — if this was done it [would] help a great deal.

Yes, we also see a lesion above the right, yes, above the right eyebrow — yes, yes — there is permanent damage which will cause, in later years will cause him a great deal of trouble here. It would be suggested that during his meditation he should increase his circulatory system in thought patterns here. He can do this if he really wants. Yes, but we find very lazy, yes. Then, one moment, please. Yes, the baths, it would help the circulatory system, but, ah, acetic acid, yes, would help, a few drops of this each day. It would be suggested that the, uh, eating of what thy call the flat cactus, taking of the, yes, taking of the fruit from this, the fruit of the Night-blooming Citros [Cereus], taking of the fruit of the sigar [saguaro], blending in equal parts, of the root of the sage, bringing this not to a boil but to a simmer, yes, then cooling this as fast as possible. Yes, this would help in the healing process. This would also help in the prevention of arthritis.

This soul should also be more careful in his own personal hygiene. We see, oh, yes, he should be a little more careful in his choice of mates. We see an infect — a slight infection here of the penial area, yes.

We also — yes, yes — this subject fell when he was very young, striking the head and also an old lesion of the temple area. Yes, this is causing headaches. Yes, we would suggest this subject should have — sometimes my colleagues forget what plane we are talking on. You will have to wait a moment while we translate. Yes — yes, he has a sinus condition here. And, it would be suggested that this subject should take of the eucalyptic [eucalyptus] tree, the leaves of the eucalyptic tree, boiling them, forming a tent over the boiling pot. This would help a great deal in this case.

Yes, this is all on soul [4–6–70–001] at this time. Oh, yes — it would also be suggested he have certain dental work done. Yes, this would help, but also to help settle his nervous system.

Yes, this is all on soul [4–6–70–001] at this time.

Now soul [6–6–70–002] is in a very much better position, yes, for our examination. Yes, we have soul [6–6–70–002]’s body here. Yes — yes, we see very, a great deal of problems here. It must be understood with this subject of her past lives.

This subject was born in Atlantis in 1021 B.C. Yes — yes, we find, uh, this subject in attendance. First, this subject — it must be understood that this subject was a ming-toy; therefore, interbred, yes. Yes. Now, this subject as it develops is sent to Egypt — there placed in charge of warehouse — there things are now becoming orderly. Subject, yes, very strong soul, rebellious — (sigh) being punished by Priest RaTai, yes — being sent back again to Temple of Beauty, yes. (Whew) yes, we see subject leaving Temple of Beauty this time. Many burials in ground with this subject. A great deal of work here, many reincarnations. Yes.

Now we see this subject again not until, not until 1500 B.C., yes. This subject is again in — caught in — (sigh) very psychic, this subject, but very rebellious. But very good with figures, yes. This subject still carrying karma, same karma over.

We see this subject again, 1892, yes. Yes, we find this subject again, Italy. (Sigh) this subject sure has a problem. Yes, has been deported for cursing the Pope.

(Whew) yes, now, yes, now we have present plane, soul [6–6–70–002]. (Sigh) still same karma. If this karma is not overcome, all earthly possessions shall be taken again from this subject. This is something we would not wish to have happen. We would suggest that at this time, before a medical reading is given on this subject, that this subject should turn toward God. If this is done, most of her mental and physical problems shall be solved.

Yes, it would help a great deal if this subject should come here for study, both her and her husband. Yes, this is all on soul [6–6–70–002] at this time. It would be suggested, yes, that a physical reading be taken within four days.

“At this time, Aka, can you give a health reading on [4–6–70–002]?”

Yes, we have soul [4–6–70–002] here. We have his body. We find old injury of the left foot, in the templic (?) area, yes. It would be suggested for this subject, that first, as hot as he can stand it, the soaking of the foot in either hot olive oil or hot castor oil. It would also be suggested that this subject, the rubbing in of all joints of the body, as hot as he could stand it.

Yes. It would also be suggested — yes, we have a slight heart murmur here. This is caused by clotting of the arteries, yes. This is not good. It would be suggested that this subject get a great deal more rest. He does not have to sleep to get this rest. Yes, one moment — yes, (sigh) yes — yes, before further, yes, yes, before further readings should be given that as before he sleeps tonight he should think upon our name, the word, Aka. As he thinks upon this name, in his own way he should pray to God that we may come through to him and heal his body, and as we heal his body his life shall be dedicated to our work, and for as long as he lives he shall have good health.

Now soul Ray grows tired, and we are growing weak.

“Aka, before you leave, I have one question that I feel is important. Ray has been complaining of pains in his chest. Should this, is this anything serious?”

We have made certain adjustments to take care of this. How much longer we can build up these areas we don’t know, not at this time; only God knows this. (Sigh) he must have more rest, or no matter what we may do, he will destroy our lives — for as I have said before that “as we are Ray and Ray is I,” yet we cannot control his awakening hours, only up to a point. He’s a very stubborn person to the point of being stupid and bullheaded (sigh).

Yes, we have — (sigh) it would be suggested that he continue meditation of healing that he’s taking at this time. Yes, of the tea — one moment — yes, as soon as possible, it would be suggested, take of the sage root, take either of the Night-blooming Citros [Cereus] or the sagar [saguaro] bloom. Boil these together and let, and drink this, oh, we will say, at least an ounce in morning and the afternoon.

Yes, one moment, yes, this should also be suggested for soul [4–6–70–002]. One moment, yes — it would be suggested that in four days from now another reading be taken on soul [4–6–70–002]. We are going to make some adjustments here.

Now, we should tell thee one other thing. It is no longer needed, soul Ray may place himself in trance state of his own accord. Now all he will need is quiet and peace of mind beforehand.

It would still be suggested at this time that thy or one of thy group should bring him from trance state.

Now, it is to be suggested at this time that the learning of what thy call hypnosis in thy group, that study classes should be conducted in this. Set aside one day per week that this may be studied and that all forms of it may be learned. This shall be needed in thy group in the near future.

Now, we have one other question that permission has been granted to answer. The question has been asked, why we suggested that soul [4–6–70–002] check beneath the ground of 40 feet, his mineral rights. Very deep beneath the ground there is the only source of water that shall be left in this area. There is also another reason — there are those who are close to him in his family who walk as serpents and talk of land. They would steal the bread from his family. But God shall cast lightening and shall give him the weapons that shall be needed when the time comes.

Yes, now I say to thee, bring Luke into thy group.

“Aka, who should we bring into the group?” [There is a long pause.]

“Aka? Is it time to waken Ray?”

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio tape for accuracy.]

Copyrighted © 1970 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


June 9, 1970

“Is Ray deep enough?”

Ray, soul Ray, is deep enough.

“Is his soul with God?”

His soul is with God.

Now, we shall tell you again of whence thy came. We shall tell you of the beginning. And in telling you, it would be easier for you to know — one moment, now all is in accord with God.

In the beginning think of thy spirits as sun rays, and think of God as the sun, with each spirit knowing and getting its [light, life] from God because each spirit is part of God. Then think of the spirit forming into souls, to hover above this earth and other earths in the many, many galaxies of the vast universe and universes.

In this vastness, the earths, as thy call them, may have karma, for this is part of God’s work, as much, each living thing upon the earth and those who shall dwell in the earth and above it.

Then, as man took root upon thy earth, the spirits entered and the souls began.

If, in thy karma — and this is one that thy and soul Ray does not understand — as thy live through thy plane of life, each step is like a ladder, your climbing from whence thy came. If thy should fall and slip upon this ladder, then thy would go backward. And then there are times when thy would stay in one position until thy strength should grow, and then thy may climb higher.

Thy may have many karmas or thy may have only one. Now, the overcoming, as you would call it, of this karma can be done by the helping of others. If thy should stop on thy climb up the ladder to help another, then, and help this other soul up above thee on this ladder, then thy soul shall rise tenfold. In the teaching of God’s way thy shall rise, if this way is done right and done without selfish motives.

If thy stop to help the beggar in the street only to make thyself a bigger person, then thy have made thyself below the beggar. This thy must realize: even the poorest soul upon thy earth is rich in many wealths before his karma, his life, where he lives, he has chosen himself. He has chosen this to be nearer to God.

And as thy climb this ladder with love and with thy eye upon the Lamb of humility, and as thy learn the lesson that thy are not so important after all, but that thy are important to God, then thy shall reach what thy call Christ state.

There were many who rose to the Christ state, as there is now. You may not know them as you pass them on the street, for in their own way, they have risen, not by climbing over others, but by stopping to unselfishlessly help others upward.

Now, we have spoken before of the Great Sword, the sword which is here now that shall cut two ways.

On one side of the Sword, it shall change thy earth. Its whole form shall change. Where no water flowed, water shall flow. What was a desert before shall bloom into gardens.

Now, on the other side of the Sword, thy will see man. Those who should not heed God’s word, this Sword shall cut them from the face of the earth, for, because remember, we are here to prepare a way. We are here to build an army of minds for the birth of our savior who shall rule both heaven and earth for a thousand years, and his peace and his love shall be felt by all who would put their hands and reach to God. Can you understand this?

“Yes, Aka.”

There are other things upon thy mind.

“Do we….”

There is one among you who asks, “How may I help myself? How may I help others believe in me?”

To her, we would say this. Look within thyself, my daughter, and think upon us and think upon God.

We are not great; we only carry the message of God. This is a philosophy of man and a philosophy of God. This is why we’ve asked that thy would call thy group “the spiritual philosophy of God.”

For her, remember that God is with thee everywhere. It is not necessary to fall on your knees at a false altar. The altar of God is all around you. We shall help you if you will accept this help.

Now, you have other questions. You ask of the disciples we have chosen for this work, how shall they be known? There is only one way that they shall be known; they shall know within thyself, for as each day passes, a peace shall come to thee. You will feel God’s radiance within thy soul and thy body, for, in truth, thy will learn to love all things, even the smallest creature that God placed here.

Now, soul W_______ asks this question — why we gave information of a personal nature? We should answer you this way. Think thee tonight of a time which was before. Think thee of a road by the sea of Galleah [Galilee]. Think thee of the time when Christ, or Jesus, as you may call him, prepared a great supper with one liter of wine and one small fish.

Now, you have another question, “Who would take what is mine?” We have told you that the ladder from God, this will be taken care of. And so it has. But still, for the good of thy family, and thy family yet to come, below the depth of 40 feet, it would be suggested that thy look into the mineral rights around thy land. Check the old records. This information is not given to make thy family physically wealthy, but is given that, as we have said before, that as raindrops, the material things will be given that are necessary to carry on this work. Can thy understand this?

“Yes, Aka, I think I do.”

Now, soul B___ — yes, we see much improvement here.

Now, thy have information for thy son, P____, that he may walk in thy footsteps. Let him think of the story of David. Read upon this; learn from the scripture. It will help thy inner thoughts. Can thy understand this, son of Peter?

“Yes, Aka.”

Therefore, we see much improvement with soul ____’s physical health. As we have suggested in other cases, for the purification of thy body, in this locale at this time, we see a virus which most of you think is a sinus growth. It is affecting both man and beast. This virus was started by chemicals used near here, which has infected thy water, even the water at the depth that thy are now taking it.

We realize at this time that it would be impractical for you to drill to the depth of the pure water. Therefore, it would be suggested, find the root of the sage, boil it and drink at least one ounce both morning and evening, if possible. In your locale, it would be suggested to purify your water where you are. Drink, each of your family, of the sage.

But for their own personal drinking water, build thy slough, as thy would call it. In your case, build it 36 feet long. Build it in a one-foot cube, placing baffles every six inches. Drilling holes — the baffles should be made preferably of oak; if not, pine would do — oak would be better — drilling the holes in one-eighth diameter. Drill 50 holes in each baffle, at the last baffle placing carbon, either from the mesquita or it can be purchased locally. It would do as well. Then, in front and in back of the carbon, placing, as thy would call, the fiberglass back, wrapping this fiberglass in cloth of a close-knit nature, making a compartment where this fiberglass can be changed at least once a week. Therefore, this would purify thy water.

But still, at this time, to cleanse the growths that are starting in thy bodies, drink of the sage root, each of thy family.

Now, [in] the wife of Peter, we stand apart. There is one in her mind she wants very much to bring into this group. Do so. At another time, we will answer the other questions that are in your mind at this time, but the time grows short tonight. Give her of this, yes.

We find in soul C____, we have her, both body — yes, we find a great deal of trouble she’s having with her feet. It would be suggested that thy would take what thy call the greasewood. Boil this, not once, but three times. Bring it to a boil, and let it cool. Bring it to a boil and let it cool again. Bring it to a boil a third time and let it cool. As thy do this, thy will find a substance coming from this would turn almost into a jelly. Take what is commonly known as soda, placing in this substance. Then take — yes, one moment, please — yes, apply this to the whole feet area twice daily. After this, it would be suggested taking hot olive oil, first, rubbing the olive oil very vigorously into the foot area, yes, then placing the towels, as warm as she can stand them, over this area. This would greatly improve, yes.

Now we find a problem which was created by birth. This problem eventually, if not taken care of, is going to cause a great deal of trouble. Yes, we find infection in this area, the uterus area — yes, ah, yes, we find the — it would be suggested in this area, there are many very good baths for this area which could be purchased or a good vinegar solution, washing this area twice daily would help, yes, in this case. But we still find of the female organs, problems here. We would also suggest for this, this subject, that the taking of Lydia E. Pinkham as prescribed on the — would be suggested, yes.

Yes, this would also improve the blood area.

Thy have problems here.

Yes, we also see, yes, we find a slight problem in the third valve of the heart area. There are — yes, yes — yes, more rest of one form, and exercise of another form. Yes, we find, yes, rest would be needed of the rest, which is not sleep, just rest. Normal sleep would be suggested for this subject. Also, it would be suggested that this subject purchase a good electrical vibrator, placing this once a day over the heart area. Vibrations in this area would greatly improve the function of this heart. There are — at this time, we could suggest slight shock treatment, but this wouldn’t — no, I think we could do without this at this time. Now, this also would help in the heart and blood area. We would suggest, as thy call them, the sauna baths for this subject. This would help the circulatory system.

Now, we find that this subject — less salt in the diet, more vegetables in the diet, more meat in the diet — fish, one of the fresh water, one of the salt water at least once a week. Also, the eating of more liver in the diet would help. Because of past karmas, it would be suggested this subject eat less pork. Yes, it would also be suggested for this subject that the eating of certain foods that she is doing at this time is causing her a great deal of gastrial areas, both of the stomach and the pressure upon the heart. This should not be done.

We also find that the subject — yes, we find the problem; this subject has a back injury, at one time. It would be suggested there is a good chiropractor in the town of Blythe. It would be suggested that this subject go there for treatment. Oh, wait — yes, we find this subject with her various attitudes seems to not — well, then go to a good osteopath or find another chiropractor. Either. Let this be to her own discretion. Yes.

(Sigh) Yes, we find this subject also has a scalp problem (sigh), and she is also worried about losing her hair, but she’s not. But it would be suggested that the rinsing of her hair — washing her hair more regularly, rinsing it in vinegar, then rinsing it in good clean water, and then placing a good olive oil, rubbing very vigorously into the scalp, and then placing hot towels into this area as hot as she can stand it, would greatly help this area. And then leaving the olive oil on, oh, let’s say for 35 minutes afterward, then washing the hair with any good shampoo would do. Yes.

Yes, also we find this subject has a problem with a rash. This is from her own nervous [tension] condition. The drinking of the sage tea would be necessary here. It would really help this area. Yes, yes, it would take, relieve some of the nervous tension here. Most of the nervous tension she could really relieve with prayer into herself, in her own way. Yes.

Now, we find this subject has a denture problem. This could be corrected very simply by going to her local dentist.

Yes, we also find a lesion of the muscular area, of the left upper portion of the [plamic? practic? pectic? thighatic? sciatic?] muscle. Yes, we could suggest castor oil packs for this area, very hot, leaving them on for at least an hour at a time. It would help this area. Exercise, more exercise, yes. At a later date we will give more specific exercise for this subject. And we should go deeper into the diet.

This is all on soul C____ at this time, yes.

Ah, now we find, we find, yes, soul T____. She has worked so hard on improvement of her soul, and her spirit. Yes, we find she has entered into the spirit world, though in a stumbling way.

It would be suggested — yes, we find this subject — this is a very very old, old spirit. We find this spirit entering even before man could count, before there were any records, yes. Yes, we see this spirit hovering, yes; now, if thy could remember how we described the entry of the spirit, the soul, and the soul into what thy would call man at that time.

Then we see the spirit again, still again before man can count. The spirit at this time is called [Yaata]. Yes, now — now, yes, we see her worshiping the first worship, the stone [Bawa Kiwata], only she was not a she at this time.

Now we see this spirit born again, yes, yes, now into the tribe called [Kapia]. Yes, yes, we see this spirit at this time — yes, we see her inventing a stone ax.

Yes, now again we see this spirit floating forward. In the choice of reentry at this time we see, yes, yes, we see this spirit hovering over [Lota, Lota Mesa]. Yes, we see this spirit — now, now the spirit is looking back from which it came. Yes, yes, now this spirit [is] born again in ten one [1001?], Egypt. Now this spirit, yes, again looking from which it came and looking toward the heavens; yes, now this spirit shall live, for she shall rise higher than she has risen ever before. In what thy would call years, this spirit at this time lives 904 years.

We see her entering, yes, again — yes, yes, we see her, yes, yes, at the time of the large pyramid. Yes, we see her entering with the spirits of nine hundred and ten [910], there to stay with and guard the records of karmic.

Yes, yes, now we see the spirit born again. It must be understood, this was one of the spirits which evolved each time in pure spirit, in a pure form of body. This spirit evolved forward, yet was never interbred back, as some spirits were, yes. Yes, this is good. Yes, we see the spirit floating forward now. Yes, now, now we see the spirit again hovering, and this time, the abbey of the monks, yes, there to live in servitude to God again.

Yes, now, now we see this spirit hovering again, yes, now we see the spirit in what thy now call Yugoslavia. The time now is 15 A.D. — 15, — 15? A.D., yes. Yes, we see this spirit — Yugoslavia, yes, in a small village of [Samier]. Yes, we find this, yes, very psychic. There she works as the loneliest of priests, yes, very psychic.

Now we see this spirit moving forward again, moving forward, yes. Now we see the spirit born, yes, she’s now on her present plane. This time her problem, she has forgotten from whence she came. It would be suggested for this soul to come here and study, to study — yes, we have this spirit, yes, we do! We would talk again of this spirit [of this time(?)]. This should be all at this time.

Now, for the good of soul Ray’s mind, we will give a reading upon the little soul who in her own way, of Cinder. [Editor’s note: Cinder was Ray’s dog.]

Give this poor animal purer drinking water, each day. Because of the drinking water, she has formed a growth. Now, we shall try through the spiritual mind of soul Ray to help this animal, and it would be suggested giving this animal more vitamins. Get her a good vitamin, with fish — yes, more liver in her diet. Change, yes, change, the, ah, food completely if you can. Mix your own mixture of food for a while. Give bone meal. Also in the food pour two ounces of the sage in her food. Cut down on the amount; feed her at least twice daily only in smaller quantities. Yes, a little rare beef in her diet, yes, for you see, even in the animal which was God’s creation, it must have nourishment. On this animal [was] placed much love; that must be in her diet too.

Now, for the son of P_____, we should answer because the time goes slowly. We would suggest the same information given for the feet of his sister be used on the son. We shall improve upon this as time goes forward.

This, our information, could also be used on the daughter of soul M_______.

Now we see a question in thy minds of famine, of the day of famine. If what is in the mind of some men of this earth plane at this time, this famine shall be created for a short period. In the positions of the mountains, the worst of this shall go over though. Store seed of all natures. Store grain. Store as much dried and preserved fruits, vegetables, as thy can. Certain information has been placed in your hands at this time. This information has come from what thy call the Mormon church. They, in their own way, are preparing for this day of famine, for their prophets have told them of such.

Now, it would be suggested that thy try to bring into thy group the souls of P____ and C____ R____. Yes.

Now in the very near future, soul Ray shall journey to the valley below the sea. There a new group among you shall be formed.

And there, if she shall find herself and feel the presence of Luke within her, she shall build the group with the help of many others.

She asks, “How may I help my friend?” We should answer her this way. Some of the information given her friend was correct. Others, parts of it, was entirely wrong, and should not have been given — even at best it should not have been given, even if it were true, which it was not. Sometimes it must be remembered, in the psychic works there are many who shall suffer the wrath of God for the suffering they have caused. It would be suggested that in her daily meditation to meditate upon this other soul’s husband. The meditation should be good thoughts, [yet] also be for healing, for we must realize that on the other side of this there are the black arts, yes, the works of Lucifer. We must overcome at this time a curse placed upon this woman’s husband; therefore, all the groups, it would be suggested for prayer for her husband for the releasing of this curse. And then we shall do our part too. When soul Ray arrives, we should place in his mind the necessary information.

But for soul D_______, if she could think of herself as Luke, to study the works of Luke, then she would realize something about herself, that her missing carnation [incarnation]. And then she shall know what it was.

If thy have any other questions which we have not answered tonight, ask them now, for soul Ray grows very tired and we grow very weak.

“When we were in Cottonwood, Aka, something very strange happened to Ray, and it greatly bothered him. We’re not sure what it was, but can you tell us how to prevent this from happening again?”

It should never be prevented. A soul there, though he didn’t realize it at the time, he needed to be turned toward the light. He has helped this soul turn toward the light. Not only this one, there was a number of others there, because of his words, turned toward the light. These souls shall soon be reborn again of their own choice. He, very gradually, will gain the knowledge that we are placing at his disposal. Remember, do not misinterpret our words.

Now, it is time for soul Ray to awaken, for we grow very weak.

[Editor’s note: This transcript was compared to the audio tape for accuracy.]

The words are copyrighted © 1970 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


June 12, 1970

Yes, soul Ray stands with God.

Now, we have told you before of whence man came.

Now we shall tell you, as we have said before, that man’s soul shall be as a ladder, and with man and his free choice, he may either climb up or down this ladder. Now, we should tell thee of what thy call karma.

But first, we should answer a question which has been in all of thy minds. You ask from whence we came. And we should say to you, as has been said before, that we come as messengers, and therefore, we are not great. But God is great.

And thy ask of this soul, Ray, in which we come through — one moment, please. Yes, now that is better; now all souls are in accord. And as thy ask of soul Ray — and where shall his place be? — And thy ask why we do not bear thee great gifts? Yet, we give the gift greater than all to thee, the gift of God and His kingdom.

And in His kingdom, where do we fit? And this we should say, for we are not important, only now to God, as all men are important to God. And we speak of men as three, for without the spirit, the soul, and the man, thy have nothing.

For if we gave soul Ray great jewels, great wealth, then he would be great in the eyes of man, but less great in the eyes of God. For even as this finishes, he shall enter the kingdom of God in not the highest plane.

“So,” thy ask, “Could this be his subconscious mind?” Nay. “Then could this be, as thy would call it, of superconscious mind?” Nay. For the road that we walk upon is the same road as the road by the Sea of Gallea, for we are here to prepare a way. Can thy understand this?

“Yes, that answers a number of questions.”

Now, we would talk, as thy would call it, thy karma. As man is born and born again, think thee of Christ, of Jesus, and what he did say: “I have come not to destroy the works of Moses, not to destroy the commandments, but to — I have come not to destroy what has been before, only to make clear in the temple of God, which is man, that God should not be forsaken. Then, think thee, as John the Baptist was Isaiah, then who would have been the physical body of Christ?

As thy are born on this earth, thy are born with free choice, for before birth thy know of the knowledge which has been behind. Therefore, for the life in the future, look from whence thy came.

Did not Jesus say, “Fear not, for what can man but do but kill thy body? He cannot kill thy soul. He cannot kill thy spirit. Only God may do this.”

But only man himself may destroy the spirit. And by destroying the spirit, is he not but a lost soul? Has he nowhere to go, but to search and search again and never find what he searches for? For he may never, then, enter the kingdom of God. Therefore, he will look for the kingdom of Lucifer. Yes, and as he looks, he should see not. For, as thy would call them, “hell,” man would make because remember, only God cares for thy spirit, thy soul, and thy man. As thy would call him, “the devil?” all he has, then, is a lost soul. And what use has he for nothing?

Then we would think that if thy would remember the works of God, and follow — and follow the path of God, what has been buried shall be uncovered. Where there was darkness there shall be light forever and ever.

And there is thy karma.

And there is one among you who says, “Should I forsake my church that I belong to?” Nay. For does not our Father have many mansions?

Worship your God in thy own way. For we would say, it is better to worship God in an open field than it is to worship God, and not mean it.

When thy pray, should thy recite something that someone else has thought that means nothing to you? Too often, man forgets that God loves thee.

Too often, man would think, “Should I build a temple of material things to God, and buy his love?” For, we would say to you, did not Jesus go to the temple in Jerusalem and cast out there the money lenders, and drive from the temple the animals who were there to be sold.

And did he not say to them, “Destroy this temple, and I should build it back in three days?” Then, what did Jesus mean when he said of this? For the temple of God is in man. And no matter where Jesus went, the temple of God went with him.

Each of you, in your own way, are God’s children. And He loves all of thee.

When thy speak to thy Father, do not bow and scrape to Him. Walk up to Him with love in thy heart, and speak what is in thy heart, and God will listen. If thy speak what others have said, that meant something to them, but nothing to you, so, therefore, your prayer would be false.

Now, thy ask — one moment, please.


Now thy ask, “What shall be the work of thy disciples?” And we should say, build thee a temple in each man for God, and therefore, thy would prepare a way for his coming.

For as we have said before, there would be a thousand years of peace upon this earth, but think thee not of the years as they count them; think thee not. [But] as the years as God counts them.

We have spoke before of the day of the Cherub, and therefore, we say to you, it is here. If thy doubt our coming, look to the east from which we came, and there, for all to see — proof of our coming.

Now, there are many questions on thy mind.

“Yes, Aka, we have many questions tonight. You have spoken of ‘the time of the Cherub.’ Does this have any connection with the child that is to come? Is the child already here?”

The child shall be known to thee when the time is right, for we protect this child, and God protects this child.

“Is that what you meant by ‘the time of the Cherub?’”

Nay. “The time of the Cherub,” think thee of thy cherub. And the Cherub shall be the highest angel in God’s kingdom. For they have come to many parts of thy earth.

Think thee this — as we have said before that Aka was born at the same time as soul Ray, therefore, could he not be born in five places upon this earth?

But yet, thy cherub shall be known to each of you in it’s own way.

And we say to you, look to the east, for there shall be the light of God.

Remember, for those who look, we would say this — the eyes are the light of man.

And for those who look and cannot see, then therefore, there is no light. But think thee not we speak of a blind man, for a blind man sees the light also. For those who look to the east and do not want to see, then they shall not see. And those who listen and cannot hear, then they can not hear.

For our message is for those who may see and hear, and want to hear. And the light in the east and the Cherub shall only be there for those who believe in God, our Savior.

We must ask for permission. Now, if thy would wait; one moment, please.


Yes, we would say to you this, the child has been born.


Yes, and thy say to us, “Therefore, if the child is born, why cannot we see him and worship him now?”

Be patient, for in God’s plan the time is not yet now, but soon. For we must prepare a way, and therefore, [cough] and therefore, when the time is right, our Lord shall tell us, and we shall tell thee, for all things will be known to you in time.

Now, thy had another question, ask.

“We have many more questions tonight, Aka. Is this child, the one that has been referred to, was it born in 1957?”

The date is close, very close.

Ask thy next question.

“When we last talked with you, you told [4–6–70–002] how to purify his drinking water and the water for his family. [Prior?] you described a similar method to us. You have told us to put sand in the baffles. Was he also to use the sand?”

(Chuckle). Sometimes, in the translation from our plane to yours, yes, it is sometimes confusing.


But we would say this. In the first baffle, place crushed rock — better of granite for the first baffle; of the second baffle, sand, and then again crushed rock. Can thy understand this?

“Yes, then do we alternate?”

Can thy understand this?

“Yes, Aka.” [4–6–70–002 answers.]

Now, there is a question in the mind of [4–20–70–001]. His first question we would answer this way. Only after the reading did these things happen as they did. We warned you earlier of caution. Remember, we can only suggest. You have your own free will to be born again or to choose the direction that thy would take upon this earth plane.

Now, the next question, “What can be done now?” We would tell you — nay, we would say this then. You had been offered a job already and you are thinking this over. Soon, you shall make a trip, and [there] you shall be offered another job. And when you return you shall be offered a third position.

Now you say, “Of which of these shall I choose?” Then we should answer you this way. Be thy own mind. Make thy own decision. Do not chase after the leader goat, for may not this take thee to the slaughter? Therefore, of the positions that shall be offered to you, the one in thy travels would benefit thee the best materially. The one that thy are thinking of would benefit thee both spiritually and materially.

Now, we have a third, “And where should it go?” For the third, as man, you will have to make up your own mind on this one.

Now, you have another question. You ask again of this child. And we would answer you the same way. We can see no change there. Remember that other parties have free will. Remember that God does not want one drug to Him, but wants one that would walk to Him of his own free will.

Now, we ask your friend, yes, usually this can not be granted because permission from the soul involved here has not been given. But — one moment, please.


Yes, it has been suggested that this information shall be given.

First, the soul involved is highly affected with the chemical that was sprayed not far from here, the seepage into the water. We also find here an acid, a very strong acid in the body. Yes, we also find that this has attacked the whole nervous system and caused a very irregular growthage in this area. Yes, at this time we would suggest that this soul be given — first of all, the changing of your drinking water, then a very, heavier bombardment of antibiotics. The physician in attendance at this time has knowledge of this.

Second, at this time, [emissive fields] shall be necessary for a short period here.

One moment. If, if this soul could at this time be given of the sage tea, of the root of the sage, in quantities of four ounces three times a day, this might help to neutralize this area.


Yes, (sigh) we also find other problems here. We find that the liver and kidney area at this time, if they could be relieved by what is known at this time as a kidney machine, therefore, helping to relieve some of the poison being thrown off in this area, this would help.


Yes, we also find — oh, no. We would suggest, before we continue at this point, that this whole group should pray for this soul. Each pray in his own way, that the words may mean something to you. Pray for this soul. Pray for the deliverance of this soul. And we shall pray.

Yes, now thy have other questions.

“Thanks. [4–20–70–001] asks that the message that was given to him in a different language, what language was that and where can he go to have it interpreted?”

The interpretation of this language is in himself. But if he should know it and cannot interpret it, then the university, in Duke University, thy would find one there who would interpret it. Record the message and send it there. But first, try to interpret it yourself; therefore, it would mean more to you. Tonight before thy sleep, if thy would think on our name, Aka [Atka?], and think of God, a message shall come to thee.

Now, now we should say this — look thee for Matthew, for he is close. And this shall be the task of soul Peter.


And Bartholomew, this soul is close too.

Now thy have other questions in thy mind. And for [7–18–70–001]’s question, we would answer you this way. In the time of Christ, remember, there was dancing, there was song. There was good fellowship there. You do not have to forsake thyself, thy inner self, to be with God, for He is all around you. All you must do is believe.

Yes, and for the soul that [4–6–70–003] asks about, we would answer you this way. Be patient, [all is not over?]

Now, for Peter’s wife [5–21–70–003], we would say this. Do what is in thy mind. This is a personal thing, and therefore, we shall not discuss it in front of others. But do what is in thy mind, and it should be right. Can thy understand this?

“I think so.”

Now, if thy have other questions, ask. Our time grows short.

“We are all preparing to take trips. Is there any reading, or [anything] there any of us should do to take special precautions in our trips?”

Yes, for the [4–20–70–001] family, it would be suggested that they purchase a spare tire and wheel for their trailer. And do not let any of the children ride in the trailer at any time, or any grown up.

For the [4–6–70–002] family, thy should beware there too.

For soul Ray’s family, we shall be there.

And to all, we would say, if thy would carry the thought of us with thee, then we shall be there also.

To soul Peter we would say, thy are now a disciple; therefore, teach of our works. But remember, in thy teaching, do — never denounce any faith; do never say they may not reach God in the way they are going. Teach of us; teach of God. But first and foremost, remember that if we are to prepare a way for his coming and for the enlightenment of the soul, and therefore, of the man, we cannot do this with destroying what has been, only building what is there already. Can you understand this?

“Yes, Aka.”

Now, speak thee, soul [4–3–70–002], what is in thy mind.

“[J__] has asked if there is anything about money which she could know at this time?”

This shall come later; speak thee what is in thy mind.

“I would rather not.”

I think thy should for thy peace of mind.

Then we should answer you. As we have told you before, we have chosen you, and each of the disciple’s wives, therefore, to work with them. Therefore, as [my] mate, of soul Ray, think thee of God, of the mental block that we have placed there in the mind, that others may not enter. Therefore, only thyself may enter. But even we cannot enter without thy permission. Does this answer thy question?


Now, we should talk of soul [4–13–70–002]. Yes, we have soul [4–13–70–002]. The first thing thy have asked [for] — the plant that thy have now is not the same as Jerusalem artichoke. That plant may be purchased, as you are thinking of it, right here locally. Therefore, buy Jerusalem artichoke and feed it to the child.

We can only tell you — can only suggest to you. It is up to you to either take our advice or reject it. As we have said before, if this is not done, and done soon, then take the child to a doctor and start her on mild insulin. But when she has started this insulin, the dosage shall vary.

Now, we have suggested before that the child is rapidly developing. We have suggested to you that, suggest to this child of the waiting, not of the sin of the body.

We can also see, yes, we would suggest that the child go back to the eating, not of the black olive, but of the green olive.

It has also been suggested before — yes, this can wait.

We see the child has taken a fall within the last week. She is complaining of headaches. The reason for this is a pinched nerve in the back area, of the fourth vertebrae. This should be taken care of.

Also, the child, we see, has a dental problem; this should be taken care of too.

We should take another reading on this soul at a different time. This is all at this time.

We would suggest that the child be taken to a good osteopathic doctor, or — yes, a good osteopathic doctor.

We would also suggest that there are other children of thy family who need help.

What other questions would thy ask?

“No others.”

Therefore, we are growing very weak now; it would be suggested at this time that soul Ray should be awakened. It would also be suggested that, as we would come to you, if thy are in accord, it is easier for us to come through.

“Relax, Ray.”


Think thee of the day of the Great Pyramid. Think thee of the bird which took flight. And from this, the house of Abraham and the house of Isaiah were built. Think thee [being] of the 940, and soon, yes, very soon it shall be uncovered.

Yes, we have a problem here.

Yes, yes.

We have [4–6–70–003]’s body and soul here.


Yes, we see [editor’s note: The dog is barking as the front door opens] — yes, we see this birth of this soul. Yes, at this time, this soul is not of the worship of One. As she leaves Atlantis, she is not a she but a he. She carries with her great wealth, yes. And now she would make war against RaTai — [note: a noisy airplane is flying over, making it hard to hear Aka.] — And therefore, she would make war against RaTai.

Yes, for we see the descendant of a cat here. Yes. But as she approaches the temple of knowledge, there is one she would meet. And as he met the disciple of the temple of beauty, he saw great favor in her. And there they went together, and there to hear the priest speak. And as he spoke, the light came to thee, and thy knelt and said, “I worship thee, oh, RaTai.”

And RaTai said to thee, “Nay, for I am nothing, for look into thy heaven and look all around thee, and there thy shall find the One to worship.” And RaTai said, “Come with us to the temple of beauty and there we shall remove the traces of the cat. But so that the memory of these days will be there forever, your memory will remain in thy mind for all of thy planes. Therefore, thy will put thy cat in its proper place, and the heart of man in his proper place.”


Now we see this soul hovering again, in [the next? or that that?] thy call Peru. Yes, on this plane, the year was 1600 B.C., 1647. And therefore, thy are a trainer of animals. Again, thy would befriend and [walk] with thy cat.

And there, thy came to know a beggar. And thy said to thy beggar, “Who art thou?”

And the beggar said to thee, “Do you not remember me from before?”

And you remembered.

Now, we see this soul again in the year — these reincarnations are really not important this time, because they are all the same.

We do not see a rise again until the year 1736. Now — this is 1736 A.C. — now we see this soul again — yes, a very psychic soul, a very confused soul, [who] therefore, has forgotten from whence she came.

Yes, we see this soul born on this plane. And we would say [note: the dog barks while the door opens] — we would say thy are born as a woman; then be thy husband’s wife. Use thy psychic ability only for the betterment of man. If thy use it wrong, then thy would forget again from which thy came. Can you understand this?


Now you must awaken soul Ray.

“Thank you, Aka.”

[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1970 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


June 16, 1970

“Is there anything you would like to tell us this evening, Aka?”

There are many messages. First, we would tell thee of the valley below the sea. [Editor’s note: Yuma, Arizona, is in the Imperial Valley.] And as it was before, it shall be again. For as thy think it in thy mind, it is not so. For once before, it was a mountainous region, and at the same time that Atlantis sank and vanished from the face of the earth, this land became an ocean. And the souls that dwelled here, at that time were souls who did not worship the God of One, remained here forevermore. And so it shall be again soon, for in God’s plan — one moment, please.

Yes, yes.

For in God’s plan, we should tell thee, it shall be no more, for as water flows, so shall the spirit of God flow.

It would be suggested that the group here tonight and the groups that shall come should first study our last four readings, and from this they shall learn more of what we would say.

Now we see that an urgent reading is necessary on the peril of [5–13–70–001]. Yes, and all, all is in accord here; we have the body, and the soul, yes, and the spirit. We see from mutilation of the body, a problem there.

First, we would say, for those who have sinned against this body and soul shall sin no more, for they have lost their soul, but worse, they have lost their spirit.

Yes, we would say, yes, this, this soul shall soon have an operation. The problem that they shall find will not be the one they seek. We find thyroid tumors in the vagina area. Yes, we also find a cyst-type growth here. Yes, these should be removed. We also find that if this soul becomes pregnant again it may cost her her life unless certain corrective measures are taken here.

Yes, we also find, this patient, yes, the appendix area, quite swollen. This should be also taken care of, of the bombardment [with] antibiotic. This should be done before the operation; otherwise the infection here shall spread. Then we — [from this] sharp, tubular area to the valve we also find infection. We would suggest the antibiotic cause of immunity [that] built up the system to be changed and increased. There should also be tests run on the heart before, before this operation is performed. The equipment should be on hand for electrical shock treatment if it were necessary for the heart.


Yes, this soul very definitely should have no intake of alcoholic beverages at this time. We find inflammation of the liver area. It would also be suggested that her drinking water be changed.

We find — yes — sinus infection here. We find — at this time it shall not be found, but a small growth forming in the sinus glands and also the pituitary glands.

Yes, we also see that the — that this soul should have corrective lenses at this time.

More important, at this time we shall give a life reading. Yes, yes, all is in accord here, that this may be done. One moment, please.

Yes, we see the entry and birth of this soul as the spirit shall enter. We must, there, first understand that this soul is a [latoorne.] This soul was an interbred.

Yes. Yes. What is now known as the isle of Puerto Rico, this soul was taken captive there, therefore, transferred to the isle of Atlantis. Servitude. Now, because of a visit by Priest Ra Ta, we see certain work being done here.

We now we see this soul hovering again. Yes. We see birth here in what thy would call at this time, Israel. Also, we see servitude again.

Now, a second birth of — again Israel. We see — yes, this is much better — this time this soul is born, yes, as the daughter of King Herod, yes. Now we see — oh, yes, we see a problem here — yes — fear, much fear. She should have a son. Yes, we see this son being taken as hostage to Rome, of the Roman Empire, not — yes, we see also the, the soul has committed, as thy would call it, suicide.

Yes (sigh), we see a vast period of learning here.

Now the soul is ready for re-entry again, not again to 1443 A.C.


Yes, during this time, back to servitude — very humble, this soul, again. It would not be suggested, at this time, that we should tell the profession of this soul at this time, for we feel that it would only harm her.

Now the soul is hovering again, yes, ready for entry again, this time, Massachusetts, 1632. Yes.

(Sigh) yes, this soul died again not by her own hand, but violently.

We see an entry again here in 16 — yes, one moment — yes, the records show again 1678, this time very close, within a few miles of the last birth. Yes. We see the soul climbing, very psychic this time, yes, living full life, complete family. Yes, this is good. Now the soul chooses to learn again. This time she has not tied herself so close with earthly things.


Now, we see soul born again, 1910. This time soul born of black race. We find the soul this time in the army, very drudgery life.

Yes, now we see this soul hovering again; this time new life — no. No, this soul soon is killed in Mexico, war.

Yes, now we find this soul again, born, yes, 1926. Yes. This time soul dies in its servitude.

Now we see this soul back as a woman, this plane — many problems. Her biggest problem is finding herself and the truth within herself. Yes. This time she is searching for this truth. Yes, we will help her. In her prayers and in her sleep at night we shall come to her, and it shall flow outward into her daily life. The only suggestion that we have here at this time for the overcoming of her karma is that she does not step backward; then we cannot help her. At this time, in her own way, should she choose to help others, then this help will come — but only as raindrops, a little at a time.


This is all on this soul at this time.

We find many souls here, yes — yes, problems. Some of the questions that are in thy minds — thy must understand, ask permission of these souls. The information that thy seek cannot be given because of psychological block upon the soul. Yes.

You have many questions; ask these, and permission shall be asked that they may be answered.

“[6–9–70–004] has asked what she can do to help her family.”

(Chuckles) Yes, first, we would suggest, listen, if thy will, to the balance of these recordings. Study them. Do not take from them what others would suggest; take of them of thyself.

For thy family, this information will come to thee. Prayer, for one, meditation, and also thy shall — we see thy shall help to write of our work. Yes, this we would like. If this — one moment.

Yes .

As Matthew walked with Christ and asked not for favor, think thee not as Judas who gained but silver, for in thy heart thy know that the material things that are necessary for thy family are already here. So, for what thy would seek is the same thing that Jesus gave to Matthew, and that is all around you, for that is God’s work.

There are many times that God has shed teardrops for His children, not only on your world, but upon many worlds. And that this world shall overcome its karma and that God’s work shall be complete, for, as we have said before, we are not great, we are but messengers of God, and we are here to prepare a way. For there shall be a thousand years of peace upon thy earth, but not as thy would count, but as God would count. And the time grows near that the Messiah shall be known to thee; therefore, sometimes we should be, or seem to be, impatient for our search for souls.

For thy family, give them a little of our wine that their souls and their spirits shall be one. Can thy understand this?


Yes, we also see impatience, yes, and for this, we would say for the impatient one, look in thyself and thy shall find peace. Look to God, and thy should find happiness and peace.

Our time is growing short; ask thy other questions.

“[6–16–70–001] asks, is there anything that can help her physical and mental problems so that she can have children?”

Yes, bring her here to us that we may speak to her and a message shall be given to her. Do this as soon as possible. Yes, yes. I’m sorry, let her come here that we may speak with her.

Ask thy other questions.

“Last Saturday, Aka, [4–6–70–001] took a picture of Ray in our living room. Was this what it appeared to be, or was it an accident that 4–6–70–001 caused?”

(Chuckle.) This was an accident in two ways. There is both truth and false in this photograph that thy speak of. This is all until the permission has been given for the information we may give on this subject.

“All right. [4–3–70–001] was quite concerned tonight about something in Globe. Is there anything that we should know?”

He has this knowledge in his mind. This concern that he felt for Globe was more his concern for what he felt here.

“All right. There have been quite a few of us recently that have been dreaming of a baby. Does this have any….”

The dreams shall go on. These dreams shall go in the minds of many until they grow into the millions. We have said before that we are here to prepare a way, and the works of God and the wonders of God are many. We would suggest at this time that, if possible, another reading should be taken within the next three days.

“All right. When you are giving the date, you refer to the date as A.C. instead of the commonly used term, A.D. Can you explain — is there a reason for this?”

Yes. For us, you must realize, as many men have reached the Christ state — and we call them men not because they are male or female of your plane, but there have been many of many faiths who have reached this in their own way — so that you may understand, and the dates were given to you and of your religious beliefs that you may understand of which time plane that we are speaking, we are either referring to before Christ or after Christ. Can you understand this?


This — now go on with your other questions.

“[6–9–70–004] has asked, what can she do to improve her psychic ability? Have you already answered this in her studying of these tapes?”

Yes, but we would suggest that for her, if she would — yes — if she would pick a time for meditation, spend fifteen minutes each day, preferably the same time each day. At the beginning of her meditation clear everything from her mind, all material things, and if she would think on us, her wish shall be granted, but only as long as this is used for God’s work. If it is ever used for material gain, we should take it from her, and by taking it from her, we should cut of her right hand. Can thy understand this?

Can thy?

“Yes, Aka.”

Now we grow very weak. Thy have one more question, ask it.

“You said earlier this evening that this valley will again be under the sea. Is there any danger to the people living in this valley in the near future?”

Not at the present time; within the next ten years, yes, there is.

“Will we be notified at the time?”

Yes, the first warning shall come in the form of what thy would call an earthquake. At that time, this land as thy know it now shall start sinking. But still this will not — there will be many who will not consider it as a warning. And when the final blow if the Sword is struck, many shall die here.

“They will have a warning though, first?”


“All right.”

The first shall be so small that thy shall not even feel it. The second, thy will feel it only by looking at the water. The third, thy will feel it, for the ground shall shake all around thee, and some will die. The river shall change it course at this time, or attempt to, and man shall try to stop it. While they are trying, it shall happen again. That, for the warned shall heed our warning, should have left before then.

Now we grow weak. It is time to awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Note: numbers are substituted for names to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared to the recorded voice on audio tape for accuracy.]

Copyrighted © 1970 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


June 18, 1970

“Thank you for waiting.[6–16–70–001] has come to talk with you tonight, Aka. Do you have any information for her?”

Yes, we have information for her. We see here all is in accord. We have here the body, and the soul, and also the spirit. This is good. All is in accord.

Yes, first we would answer the question. She has what is known as a tilted uterus. Yes, it shall be necessary before each time of birth that she should visit a good physician, preferably a good gynecologist. And the knowledge is already there. Each time before a planned birth, it would be necessary that she take what is known at this time, as you would call it — one moment, please, yes, this is better — that she should take, as thy would call it, birth control pills, preferably three months before. We see also a slight problem in the blood here. We would suggest at this time, and also that after the first birth of the first child, that the organs continue to function as they should, the taking of what thy would call as Lydia E. Pinkham. We also find calcium is lacking in the diet. Yes, we find in this subject a problem of the menstrual period, yes. We find cramping, very hard cramping here, yes. It would be suggested that thy change at this time the washing that thy have done of the vagina, yes. Change to a milder substance here. Yes, there are many good [kinds] of this product on the market.

Yes, we see also that soul has suffered injuries in her youth, and also, she has suffered injury to the back area and the pelvic area. We would suggest that she consult either a good osteopathic doctor for adjustments here. If this is done and treatment carried out, it may not be necessary — if done correctly, it may not be necessary — this could be, if it was done correctly — in working, the adjustments to be made in the pelvic area and the lower sciabic [sciatic?] part of the pelvis should be worked in an upward position, therefore, relieving the nerves in the central nervous system from the back area.

Yes, yes.

At the same time, working upward, we find both the sixth and seventh vertebrae here, pinched nerves in this area, yes. Yes, we also find a mastoid problem here. This also could be relieved if this area was straightened out.


Yes, we also see this patient has, one moment, please — yes — a skin problem here we would not need to go into at this time. This, you already have treatment for this in other readings.

We also find that this subject is a borderline diabetic. We would suggest the eating of Jerusalem artichoke. Also, we would suggest at this time, eating not of the black olive, but the green olive, as much as she would want, to satisfy her desire for this, yes. Do not force this, but eat what you want. Your system will tell you the amount it needs.

Yes, we also see headaches, yes. She is entirely wrong in her belief in the source of these headaches. Once the back area has been relieved, if it is done properly, these will go away.

Yes, yes, most — yes — your other problems you have taken care of already.

Yes, we see this. Yes.

Now we would tell you of this — that as God has said and as the one known as Jesus said — fear not that man might harm thy body. Fear not, for he cannot destroy thy soul. He cannot destroy thy spirit. These are things that only you may destroy. And by your destroying them, then you have nothing for either God or Lucifer.

Now, you have another problem, another question in your mind. To this, we would say, nay. Can you understand this?

“Are you still talking to [6–16–70–001]?”

Can you understand this?

“No, Aka. We do not understand this. Are you talking to [6–16–70–001]?”

Yes, we are talking to soul [6–16–70–001]. Can you understand this?

“No, Aka,” [she answers.]

“She said that she did not understand it.”

You are in fear of losing someone very dear to you. This shall not happen at this time if caution is used. Now, can you understand it?

“Yes, Aka.”

Now, we find for the good of your mother of this plane’s and the peace of her mind — at this time we would not suggest a life reading on soul [6–16–70–001]. We would suggest, instead, that a follow-up reading be taken within two weeks. It is not necessary that you travel always to where soul Ray is, for if you request it, the reading shall be given if this is what you really want.

Now, for the mother, we would say, sometimes when a mother bears many fruits and she plants the seed to grow, sometimes we are inclined to pamper one seed more than the other. And we should answer you in this way. In God’s eyes all are equal; in man’s eyes all are not. Therefore, the ability of one is sometimes greater than others, but we should remind you that if one of God’s children is only able to shed one tear, he is loved as much as those who are able to shed man years. Can you understand us?

“Yes, Aka.”

Now, we would leave a message. We have told soul [4–6–70–002] of chaos, of the serpent who would take what is his. This serpent is, shall bite in two directions. It would be suggested that he ask for this information.

Now you have another question in your mind; ask it, soul [6–16–70–001].

“What about Rick? Is he the one I will be married to?”

It would be suggested, since you are out of our field at this time and that we cannot hear you, but only feel your vibrations, that you would convey the message to the conductor, and therefore, the message be conveyed to us.

“One question she wanted to know, Aka, was, could [6–18–70–002] correct her back?”

He could do a great deal of good here, but we would suggest that thy journey to the osteopathic hospital in Tucson, Arizona. There is also a very good one in what thy would know as Los Angeles, California, very good. And there, let them have a complete examination. This would help them, yes.[6–18–70–002] is good, but it would also be suggested that, that, — one moment, please — yes, yes, yes, yes — yes, start the treatment here, then ask for another reading. If the reading, if the adjustments are not made according[ly], then we will — we shall place a message there, yes. Start them.

“Thank you, Aka. Then the treatment she was to use for her complexion problem, is that the soda and olive oil that you have recommended?”

Yes. In her case we find it has been, one moment — yes — we find that in her case — yes, yes — yes, in her case we would suggest that the use of a raw egg in the soda, the white of the raw egg, be used to dampen the soda with, therefore, making what thy would call a mask. After this has thoroughly dried on the skin, washing the skin with a very good, clean water. Yes. Yes, it would also be suggested, yes, then the applying of the olive oil and then a good — either alcohol or a good substitute therefore. But, we also find another problem here. Upon the — it would be suggested at this time that she change her drinking water. The chemicals in the water that she in now drinking are affecting two things, her blood flow and her denture problem. It would be suggested to, for her to purchase more purified form of drinking water, yes. Yes, this will be all on soul [6–16–70–001]. What other question?

“She also asks in Rick is the person that she should marry?”

(Laughter). Now you ask as a child. Look into your own heart. There the truth shall be known to thee.

“Aka, on your readings before, Aka, you had mentioned words that we are not sure of their meaning. At this time, can you give us information on those words?”

Yes, we have said before, at any time — you must understand that upon the plane we take this information and the translation back to this plane of yours is sometimes rather difficult. Therefore, if sometimes we may sound as if we are talking in riddles, we do not mean to talk [like] this. Therefore, at any time that the meaning of this is not understood, ask, and this information shall be known to thee.

“All right. The first one is in reference to the life reading on [5–13–70–001]. You said that she was a ‘latuun?’”

Yes, the word, [latuun], as thy, as we would say, means that this soul is a divided soul; it has yet to become into [a] meaning. We would explain here that, as we have said before, as those souls hovered above this earth and chose their entries, and have done so since, this is not guided by us, nor God; this is done of their own free choice. And as there is karma, so we find that two souls shall try and enter the same body, therefore, each fighting for survival. When this happens, the karma shall ride, can ride forever and never end, and go to the end of the planes.

Therefore, in this case, if the separation of this is done — this is why we have suggested that thy group know all forms of hypnosis and the treating of such. For the day shall come soon when the communication of the mind shall be widely known. Can you understand this?

“Yes, Aka.”

Now, thy ask, in what manner did Priest Ra Tai travel? We have told thee before of the cosmic magnetic rays, or beams, as you would call them. The source of travel, as it is now on other planets and soon shall be on your own, was done by locking this beam upon another planet, projecting the altitude necessary of travel. If they did not raise above the earth’s atmospheric, then they would travel in, as thy would call it, in a direct land circle. There are also certain gases known, which thy know at this time of what thy would call liquid fuel rockets, [that] were used for the propulsion of [above, off, to?] the earth they bound.

These secrets, it was found — you must understand that those of the worship of One were dying out. The few that escaped — no, we cannot give this information at this time. We must ask permission.

Ask your other question.

“Was the word, ‘ming toy’, in reference to the inbreeds, was this anything like the ‘latuun?’”

Yes, only this was a carnivorous cat-like animal, half man, half cat.

Now, time is growing short and that we should leave our message which is more important than all, for this is part of God’s work, and without His permission, this could not come as it has — and we have said before, we are here to prepare a way. We would tell thee now, this, since thy would know of the beginning — that not all of the man beasts did the spirit enter; therefore, you have those among you who does [do] not wear the mark of God. And we would also tell you, if thy connect thyself so close with the earth plane into earthly things, then as thy re-enter, thy re-enter only for the earthly things, and thy should know only of earthly things. For those who would talk of God would know of God. Can you understand this?

“Yes, Aka.”

Now, we have asked before that in thy minds thy would search for Bartholomew, for the time grows near when the disciples should all be known.

And we would say of this, should Luke not know of herself, then we should choose another. Can thy understand this?

“Yes, Aka.”

Now, we have a message for Peter. If he would think of us, three days from now we would come to him and give him the blessing that he needs at this time, for his heart is heavy.

Now we grow weak. It is time to waken soul Ray from his slumber.

We would — one among you — yes, we would say this. If thy can forgive thyself, then God can forgive thee. But remember, for forgiveness, all thy must do is think of God, for He loves all His children.

Now waken soul Ray.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared to the words on the audio tape for accuracy.]

Copyrighted © 1970 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


July 1, 1970

“Aka, is Ray safe?”

Soul Ray is safe with God.

“All right. It’s been quite a while since we talked with you. Is there any [kind of] information you would like to give us at this time?”

One moment, please.

For soul Peter, we would say, thy have done well.

For soul John, and we shall call him John now, for he has found his way, we will say, do what is in thy heart, and by doing what is in thy heart, thy will come closer to God. And by doing this, the things that thy should seek will be there, but only as raindrops, a little at a time.

Now, as we have said before, you have asked, you have asked the question, “Do all man-beasts have souls?” And we would say, no, that the man-beast is only complete when the spirit and the soul and the man are made one.

We should tell you of a time when Jesus would [slay] a demon and cast it from the man known as Moab. As he cast [out] the demon, which was not a demon in itself, but he took a man without a soul and placed a soul [there], therefore, casting aside what was in Moab. Can thy understand this?

“Yes, Aka.”

Now, there is one among you who would doubt. And we say one, not for one soul. Nay.

If you would wait for a moment, please; soul Ray must go deeper.

“All right.”

Now, all is in accord; yes, that is better.

We would say again, for the one who doubts, we would say to him, he has doubted before. And this he said, “If I may feel the wounds, then I would know of thee.” Can the one who doubts understand this? Nay.

Nay. Then we would say to him, think thee of Thomas, and then thy shall know from which we speak, and then thy will know from which thy came.

We have a message for you. Sometimes the worldly things must be taken from you, and by these things being taken from you, then you would learn that they mean of naught, that there are [is] greater wealth in God.

We would say to you that thy have once traveled the road of Bethlehem. If you could think of this, and think of God, then think of us as Aka, we would come to you and make ourselves known to you.

Now, we have here soul J____. Yes, we have here the spirit, the soul, and the body; this is good. Therefore, the information which she seeks shall be given.

The adjustments that are being made are slightly incorrect. As we have said before, the correction of the pelvic area, this must be done in a downward motion, then by working up to the vertebrae area. He has corrected one, but not the other; the seventh is still not right, or true.

Yes, now this is better.

Still we find she has not complied with the suggestions we have given her for improving of her complexion; therefore, it would be useless at this time to give any further information on the subject.

If — it would be suggested that a recording be made from the tapes that thou now have in [your] possession and send to her, that she may follow the rest of her reading.

And we would say to her for her other problem, there is a time for waiting and a time to act. But now in not the time to act. Wait. Be patient. The things that thy seek shall come to you.

Now, we are through at this time with soul J____. It would be suggested, before any other readings be given upon this subject, if she would place herself in a better position it would be easier for us to give these readings.

Now we see — yes, soul E____. Yes, we have here her body, her spirit, and her soul.Yes, all is in accord here. Therefore, the information that she seeks shall be given her.

You ask for a physical reading. We would suggest that some of the medication that you are taking at this time is incorrect. It is way, very far too, too heavy a dosage.

We find here menopause, yes. It would be suggested to see a good gynecologist, and therefore, the necessary medicine should be prescribed. There are very good, widely known medications for this. And you ask, “Why, since I have had most of the other elements in this removed?” And we would say, thy are still a woman. Thy chose to be this and thy will remain such until the day thy die. Therefore, there are other organs in thy body which need tending to. If you would do this, you will find that the problem that you have at this time will vanish.

Now, we also find here problems of the upper neck area, yes. Yes, we find, in what you would call neck [boner] area, which is known as the brainstem area, we find here pinched nerves. This could be corrected very simply by a visit to a good osteopathic doctor. Should this be done — there are many good osteopathic doctors; there are — [is] a very good osteopathic hospital in the area in which you live at this time. Then, yes, we see a deterioration here from an old lesion in the back area. We would suggest that a bar be erected which would be precisely two inches above thy reach, that thy might grasp this once a day. Do, do not strain yourself to do this; do it a little at a time each day. Build up to it. This will straighten this area out. It will not cure it, but will keep it separated and functioning properly.

Yes. Yes, we see the problem of the feet area. Yes, we would suggest that the eating — your problem mostly from not healing, you are a diabetic, therefore, the eating of Jerusalem artichoke. You will find there a natural substance that would feed thy body and take care of its needs. If thy do not care to do this then consult thy doctor, a good medical doctor, having the necessary tests run for this, and they will probably find that at this time two grams of insulin daily by pill form will take care of this matter. Yes. But the artichoke, eating it in its natural form, either — even in its natural form or placing it in a salad will not harm it, you will still get the necessary element from this. It would stabilize the area. Yes, this is good.

One moment. Yes, yes, yes. But at this time we also suggest soaking of the foot in very warm water — in what thy would call Epsom salts — would help to extract some of the poisons from the area.

Now, we find here over the body in various places arthritis. We would suggest, also for slight circulatory problem here, we would suggest that what thy would call, sauna baths, be taken. This would help. Go into these very gradually; do not overdo it. Let your body regulate itself to this. If you would do this once a day, the poisons that are now in your body would be extracted from it. The heat there would help increase the circulatory system, also relieving the arthritis tremendously.

Now, we also find the problem here, and to this we would suggest, if you would use eye exercises here — finding two objects approximately 20 feet apart, looking as far over to one side as possible to one object and then casting your vision back to that object at the other side — doing this at first, five minutes per day, then finding an object as high up as you can see and an object as low as you may see, casting your vision downward. The whole exercise in the beginning should not exceed five minutes; two even would be sufficient. Yes, yes. If you would do this, gradually working this exercise up, trying to do it at the same time each day.

Now, for your other problem, and you, yourself, know of this problem which we shall not speak of at this time, we would say this. If thy would meditate first — one moment, please. Yes, yes, this is must better. Yes, in your meditation do not exceed in the beginning over five minutes. Do it quite simply in the beginning. Think of God wherever you are. Do not think of Him as someone else would think of Him, think only of what He means to you. Think of Him and talk to Him of the things that mean something to you. By reciting what someone else has thought or said, it means nothing to you; therefore, if it means nothing to you, it can mean nothing to God.

A more extensive reading on this soul can be given at a different time, should it be asked for. It would not be necessary at any time that she journey here for this reading to be given. We may give it no matter where she is.

At this time, we would not give a life reading. Later this can be done.

Now, this would be all on soul E____ at this time.

Yes. Yes.

For soul Peter and soul John, we would say this, if thy would think only from which [whence] you have come, the life reading that you have, you seek at this time is there. Soul Peter has already seen part of it in, what he would call, a dream. Both of you have walked before by the Sea of Galleah [Galilee].Think of whom you walked with, and then ask again.

Now we would say — yes — for the one who worries so much and feels so lost, come with us to God. And thy shall never be lonely. For thy must realize that God loves you, and God forgives you, and God will not punish you because He loves you. He leaves that for you to do. And by His loving you He has shed many tears for you.

But you ask, “How do I know He has heard my prayers?” Believe me, if He had not heard your prayers, you would be on another plane at this time. Can thy understand this?

“I think so.”

Then, if thy should think upon us, in three days as thy think of them, on the third night when thy sleep, we will come to you. Each night for three days, think of us, and on the third night we will come to you. And there, you will find what you seek.

But if all is not sin, then the things that some men would think of as sin is not a sin to God. For we would say to you, did not Jesus make water into wine?

Now you have other questions, ask them.

“At this time is there anything that, that we should know?”

We have come to R____. All she must do is think of us each evening and we will be there. It does not have to be evening; at any time, day or night, we are there, for you must realize, from where we come there is no day or night. Can you understand this?


Now, we would tell you of a time which was before, when most men, with hate and greed, destroyed the things they loved most, a time of Atlantis. And by telling you of this time, you will know what can happen again; for all the knowledge that came to them was buried beneath the earth, there to remain.

As we have said before, this knowledge is — soon — all parts of it, shall rise again. What was dark shall be lighted; what was buried shall be uncovered, for as we have said before, now is the time of the Cherub — for we are here to prepare a way — for we seek a place that the Messiah may enter. The time that he shall be known to you grows close. Therefore, our time grows smaller. If thy would look at the last words that Christ, Jesus, said before he left his physical body, then, to return to it, you will understand of what we speak of.

Now we are growing weak. You have another question, ask it.

“Aka, J___ has asked…..”

Yes, we know.

“Can you answer me at this time?”

We have answered you before. To each of you, as thy pray for help and guidance, help is sent, help to look after one soul or a group of souls. Fear this not; this is good. Can you understand this?

“Yes, thank you very much.”

Now, you should awaken soul Ray from his slumber, for we grow very, very weak.

[This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyrighted © 1970 by A. Ray Elkins of Globe, Arizona.


July 3, 1970

Soul Ray is with God.

“Then is he safe?”

Now we shall tell you, as we have said before, of karma, and how karma, or sin, as some would call it, would effect thee. This thee must understand. But what would be sin to man, nay, would never be sin to God. Therefore, man would make his own sin.

Therefore — therefore, as God has spoken before, “An eye for an eye,” this would mean — we should tell it to you in this way — that as you are born and born again, you know of these things. You know from which thy have come. And by knowing, it is your own free choice that you overcome, as you would call it, karmas. Therefore, as thy have done to others, so [it] shall be done to you, for you shall choose this. And then again, should thy do unto others wrongly, but then know of this wrong and correct it within thyself, then there no longer is a karma for the next life or this. This is what was meant by, “An eye for an eye.” Can thy understand this?

“Yes, Aka.”

Now, as we have said before, what has been before shall be again — that in the days of Atlantis, that Atlantis shall rise and shall fall again, but only if man cannot learn from his past mistakes. But, we would speak of man — and when we speak of man, we speak of the body, the soul and the spirit. Without all three, on your earth plane, there is nothing.

Now, we would tell you of a — new-born spirits. This you must realize, there are beings, even today, spirits entering for the first time into the soul, and the soul entering into man. These we would call new spirits or new souls. The older spirits who have chosen since the beginning of time to enter, as we told you before of the ladder, they have had a better chance to climb this ladder, and also a better chance to fall from it. But, in God’s eyes. as we have said before, if they are only able to shed but one tear for God, and this is all they have, it is as much as those who shed many.

Then you say, “Why should I try so hard? Why should I try in my climb up the ladder when those who have the ability to shed one could climb the ladder above me?” And we would say to thee [in] this way — in man’s eyes all are not equal, in God’s eyes all men are equal. Therefore, that soul that is on this plane and that is only capable of shedding that one tear should climb. Those who are able to shed many tears shall climb. But those who stop on the ladder to help another shall climb tenfold. Can thy understand this?

“Yes, Aka.”

Now, there is one among you who asks, “May I change my job?” To this one, we would say, if you are changing for the betterment of your family and the welfare of your fellow man, do so. But if you are changing for the betterment of yourself only, then walk by yourself.

This one would ask, “What is God?” And we would say to you that in the beginning, God created man in our image. Can you understand this, Bartholomew?

Nay, nay, then we would say it, we would say it in a different way. As thy walk the ladder and do not climb, it is better, then, to walk with thy hand in God’s than walk it by thyself. Now, may thy understand this?


They say, yes, but thy mean, no. At a different time we shall discuss this again. If thy would wait one moment, permission must be given.

Yes, yes, yes.

Yes, permission has been given for thy request; therefore, we would let one [who’d, would] thy better understand speak with thee.

[Editor’s note: These words are spoken in a different voice with a drawl — Edgar Cayce.]

“Yeh, we (chuckle) — boy, you’ve got a problem. But, we’ll see if we can’t help you. You know, before, it was harder for me, for with my own background, I kinda, kinda, didn’t very well understand it myself. I even thought that by using it to build something for other people that the material things, that I could use this for this. Each time I tried, I failed. The reason for this, is what I didn’t realize, was where my information was truthfully coming from. I thought it as many things, but that wasn’t right at all. Now, over here, it’s quite different.”

[Editor’s note: These words continue in the first voice — Aka.]

Now, we would say to thee, for your other answers, look into thy self, and ask again. But do it in this way. For two days, think as thy would go to sleep at night, first of God, then of us, that we might come to you. And we shall, if you want this. If thy do not want it, then this we cannot do. For permission always must be given, both from [thee] and from God. Now can thy understand this?

“I think so. May I ask a question, Aka?”


“Was I just now listening to Edgar Cayce, just previously?”

You ask now as a child. But we would answer your question, but permission must be given. If thy would wait, one moment, please.

Yes, permission has been given.

Yes, you were listening, as you would call it, to Edgar Cayce. For now, he is with God. He shall return again on this world at a different time of his own choosing, for then, again, the world shall need him. He shall return, not precisely on the day he thought, but he shall return at the time when the Messiah returns, and therefore, he shall sit in council. Can thy understand this?


Now, soul John, we see, has a problem. And we would say again, as has been said before to soul John, have thy no faith — at least a drop enough that thy may catch the blood from thy wound? Must thy always be as Thomas?

Quit doubting yourself. We call thee John because in thy heart thy are John.

Thy want to know from which thy came. We could give you this, all but one life — this thy must realize thyself, the one life.

Therefore, yes, yes, we have the body, the soul and the spirit of soul David.

We find thee entering in a country known at this time as Ethiopia — therefore, the very beginning of man. For your information, we would tell you, thy walked quite differently than thy do now.

Then, we see many more entries here. This is before man learned to count.

Yes. Yes, now we find the entry, on the sixth birth, the entry of the soul. But still again, the spirit will not enter this time with the soul.

We go forward again in time eight more births. And at this time, the soul, the spirit shall enter together, and therefore, making complete.

We see that evolution, in itself, has been very [kind] on this life plane. It has provided this soul, in a more complete form, for the atmospheric conditions in which it is born. Now, at this time, you feel completely out of place in your surroundings. We see you are very restless. Your mind is grasping and reaching forward — a very — psychic [flickers] this time.

Yes, yes.

Now we find this soul again, entry again, this time still again before man can count. This time you are looking toward the heavens from which thy came — yes — and you’re wondering. We see thee in a field gathering, as thy would call it, wild wheat. You at this time have learned how to use this substance. You are thinking in your mind at this time, “If all these things are here, how did they come, and from where did I come?”

And then we see — and then we see again, birth, again, at this time in a land known, as you would call it, here, within a very few miles of here. We are not allowed at this time to give you the information to the exact location to this birth. On this plane, you are building a temple. Therefore, your temple is to the sun god, as you would call it. But in your heart you know, even though you are worshiping the sun, you know there is something even greater than the sun. At this time, and in this lifetime, you would live 900 years. In this lifetime you would learn of the solar system. You would learn, with your mathematical deductions, that the earth, this earth, is round. You are learning also of the sky — of the universe and the universes.

Now, at this time, we see a birth again, at this point within almost ten miles of this same present location. At this time, we find you being born at 1002 B.C. Yes. Yes, we find this — at this time you are born with the full knowledge from which you have came — and all the knowledge you have had before is with you. And from the knowledge that thy have created, [they] are creating a new world. But you have been born at the end of a world, and an end that thy realize. But the same discoveries that you started, and others of your kind — this you must realize, that others of you were born in five places of the world before. Man would destroy, completely destroy his self with the knowledge he has at this time. For this time, after conference with priest Akon, priest Ra Tai, and yourself, it has been decided that all knowledge would be buried, therefore, in man to discover again.

Now, we must omit your next reincarnation, as you would call it, or birth — or entry. This time, you — and because we call you at this time, David — you must know of it yourself.

Now, we find you again, that you would enter. This also is a time when we would call you, John. You must know of this lifetime thyself.

Therefore, we find you again, back — very near here in birth again. This time we would find you in the year 1918 A.C. This time thy are a priest. This time thy are working and building a temple again to God. But in your building of this temple, you shed the blood and the tears of others’ souls; therefore, you fall from the ladder.

And this again, you do not enter until this plane. On this plane you are born with psychic power, as you would call it. You were brought to one [Ray Elkins]. The rest, thy would know of thyself.

This is all at this time on soul John.

Now, we spoke before of the ones who doubt — and this we said, “ones” — more than one. We would say to these, if God would reach out and touch thee, would thee still be blind?

And now, we would speak again of soul E____. Yes, we have the spirit, the body, and the soul of E____ — this is good; all is in accord here.

Thy ask first, in what part may you play in the groups that we have asked? We would say this, speak of what you have seen, and what you have heard and what you have felt here, for when you leave you shall have a better knowledge. You shall have God within thee to walk with thee for all thy days. And if thy should choose to walk in His path, thy shall never be alone. Thy shall always be happy, for thy shall know that God may be with you in thy daily life on this plane.

We would say, your other question in this way. If thy would wait one moment, and we would ask permission.

Yes, permission has been given; therefore, we should answer your question. The one thy loved would say this — birth has happened again; therefore, this soul thy asked about has entered again on another plane. At this time he is very happy. But we would say this to you, thy shall meet him again, but not as a he, but as a she. Can thy understand this, soul E____?


“She said, yes, Aka.”

She does not fully understand [of] what we have said. Then, we would answer you in this way. It would be suggested that if thy would listen to the tapes that the group already has, thy would understand [of] what we have said.

Now, thy ask, [of that] what you are taking too much of. We have suggested that by the use of meditation it would allow you to reduce the number of sleeping pills that thy are now taking. This is necessary. Now we would make this suggestion also that thy return back to thy art. Try using thy hands again. Use them for the creation of writing. The ability is there. If thy would write of this work, your mind would be too busy to think of the small quiblings of man. Can thy understand this?

Nay, then we should place in soul Ray’s mind a message for you.

Now, as time grows short, we would answer soul T____’s question — why, on this plane, since she had climbed so high upon other planes, what happened? We would say this, look backward from which you came. Be more generous with your fellow man. Be considerate. Stop along the road in which thy are traveling to smell the flowers, but in smelling them, ask someone else that they may smell, that they may taste the wine that thy drink — if thy should do this — and with the study of the other recordings that are here of our readings and our work.

You have had the thought, why should we, would we choose disciples? We chose them that they may choose souls like yourself to be disciples and disciples again. It is not because each of them are so important; it is because in their minds, from which they came, they have done this work before. Therefore, when we ask them to do it again, and they find this in their soul, they may help to give it to others.

If thy would help but one soul to grasp this. This thy must understand — we are here for God’s work. In doing God’s work we are here to prepare a way. This way is a war of the minds, for the Messiah — for when he is made known — may reign for a thousand years, and we speak of a thousand years, not as you would count them, but as God would count them.

Now, at this time, we would suggest for soul Ray’s good, that your medical readings be given at a different time. Now, as I have said before, we are growing — we are growing weak; therefore, it would be suggested thy should ask thy other questions.

“We have one that I feel is very important at this time, Aka. A few weeks ago, you made a prediction that on July 22nd there would be an attempted assassination of our President. Has this been taken care of or will it take place?”

This has been taken care of. The President has altered his plans to comply with our message. Therefore, the assassination shall fail. The one that they shall attempt to assassinate shall not be the President. They shall be apprehended and dealt with by your laws.

This you must understand, that these people — as we have said before, in some man-beasts there is not the soul, the spirit and the man. Then again, there are those who live upon your plane as lost souls, and then again, there are those who exist, you might say, as lost souls, never to enter, and wander aimlessly, until they shall be cast in the pit with Lucifer.

Now, during this time, as we say, that the Messiah shall reign, all those without the body, the soul and the spirit will not enter at this time. Their entries shall not be again until God has completed this part of God’s plan. Can thy understand this?

“Yes, Aka.”

Now, ask thy other question.

“This information we realize possibly cannot be given, but David has asked for information of his Father.”

This would be suggested, that on the next reading, this information can be given because the soul, himself, has requested it. Therefore, we would give this information. But do — as we have said before, our time is growing short here, tonight; it would be better that it be given at a different reading.

“All right.”

Now, we would say this, from the one who asks from the Valley below the Sea [Yuma, Arizona] — how may she improve what she is doing at this time? We would say this to her, let her come here. If she cares to make the journey, then we would speak to her. Can you understand of whom we speak?

“Yes, Aka, I understand.”

Therefore, it is time to waken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: This transcript was compared to the tape recording for accuracy.]

The words of Aka are copyrighted © 1970 by A. Ray Elkins.


July 5, 1970

“Is there anything you would like to tell us this evening, Aka?”

We would tell you, again, of karma, of what thy would call, sin. Therefore, in telling you of this — in thy Book, thy have read, “if thy eye offends thee, cast it aside.”

Now, we should tell you in this way.

One moment. Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.


We would say it in this way — if thy eye should offend thee, cast it aside. Therefore, we mean, if part of you, your thoughts, have offended thee, then cast them aside, and by casting them aside, thy would find that thy would overcome thy karma. Then we would say unto you….

[Editor’s note: the following three paragraphs could not be accurately compared to the audio tape, because of the poor quality of the sound recording.]

…If thy walked down the street and meet an enemy, and have hate in thy heart, if thy can cast this hate aside, then that is what we mean, that if thy eye has offended thee. If thy would walk down the street and meet a rich man and envy him of these riches, then cast this aside too. But, nay, do not cease to think how thy would love to have certain things. This is not a sin as long as thy use thy back, thy mind, and thy body to obtain these things and thy love. There is nothing wrong with this.

It is not a rich man who is poor, not a poor man who is rich. It, as we have said before, is the temple of God in the man; therefore, we would say, all is complete. Can thy understand this?

“Yes, Aka.”

Now, we would say to Bartholomew, thy ask — one moment, permission must be given. Yes. Yes. You ask, “In what way shall I act as a disciple?” And we would say to you this way, you are a free soul; therefore, as a free soul, act on your own. But remember to use the counsel of the other disciples, and, as acting on your own as a free soul, remember also, as you have been chosen as a disciple again this time, therefore, we would say, thy know what to do. But remember, we will be there with you. We would give you guidance, and we have chosen one of thy own to walk with thee. Now, if thy can understand this, can thy?


[Editor’s note: The transcript could be checked from here on.]

Now, for the wife of Bartholomew, walk tall by this man, and by walking tall thy should be a disciple within thyself, and always a disciple to others. Does this answer your question?


Now we would say to soul E_________ who has so many doubts of herself, we have no doubt in thee; why should thee doubt thyself? We know of thy soul, thy spirit, and thy body. We find no sin there, why should you?

Now, we have told thee of this, look toward the east for the Cherub. Look through thine eyes to God. Therefore, thine shall see and thy shall hear.

Thy have asked the question, “What should we write of?”

And we would say, you are right. In writing of your brother, you are writing of this work. But remember, write of it, not to make him a bigger man in man’s eyes; write of it as you see it, as it is, and always have truth before thee. Therefore, with truth, which we see in thy heart, thy have nothing to fear, for remember, man may cast stones at thy body, and may kill thy body, but he cannot kill thy soul or thy spirit. Can you understand this, soul E_______?

“Yes, but that is not the question I asked.”

We know this. We would take, as thy should say, a step at a time. Now, we would go on — one moment, please. We find the question that thy ask is in thyself, the answer to. Therefore, if by the end of this reading thy still do not understand, we shall answer your question.

Now, we have the body, the soul, and the spirit — yes, all is in accord now of soul W______ I___. Yes, we find this. And as finding it, we find the choice of soul Peter, yes. Thy cannot understand this, soul Peter. We would try to explain it in this manner. Thy choose thy father and thy mother. Think thee of this.

Now, as we have said before, we find the body, the soul of soul W_______ I____, yes. Yes. We find in the feet area, on the third toe of the right foot, a problem here. Yes. We would suggest for this that if he would soak this area, first, by taking what is known as castor oil and warming it, and applying this in packs to the area, this would greatly improve this. We also find a rash on this area. This rash is, is of his own making. We would suggest, wear the lighter, as thy would call them, socks. Also, for a short time, we would suggest the wearing of sandals. This would allow more air, and natural healing to the area.

Yes, now we fid over the whole body, arthritis. Now, we would suggest the [diet? baths?] we have suggested before, yes — also of the eating of the Night-blooming Citros [Cereus], the root, in quantities of one-inch-by-one-inch per day.

We also find, this soul, too, is a very slight, slight — it would be good, the eating of the Jerusalem artichoke. We find his diet, there, should be completely regulated — less of the rich, more of the lean; therefore, more vegetables in the diet, more [fruits? fish?] in the diet.

Yes, we would also suggest at this time, a good natural vitamin be taken daily for a period of time. There is a tonic know as the S.S.A., or one other that is known as “S.S.[S].” Yes, either of these would be good. These will be rather difficult for him to purchase in the location which he is now. We would suggest that these should be found in the store of the compounds known as the Central Drug in Miami, yes, Arizona, yes.

Now we find here a kidney problem. Yes. Now we would suggest for this soul the drinking of wine, preferably of the black grape, in the quantity of, oh, four ounces per day would be sufficient; a little above this or below would still be sufficient.

Yes, we find here a back injury. The back area, that whole back area, is very much in need. Yes. Therefore, we would suggest a good osteopathic doctor or chiropractic doctor. Yes, we would suggest this as soon as possible; this would greatly relieve the problem he is having of the ear[s]. Yes. We find pinched nerves; we find, oh, many things here. It would be suggested this be done right away. Also, work in this area in a downward fashion, up to the area of the rib area, and above the ribular area working in an upward position.

Now, as we move upward, we find old lesions, yes. Yes, for these — yes, we find that there are pains of the heart, pressure of the heart, gastroid trouble here. Yes. We would suggest for this, ah — one moment, please. Yes. We would suggest of the flat cactus, the cactus of the flat leaf. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Therefore, we would say, gather the blooms from these. Boil these and make a tea. Drink of this tea, as much as thy can, [as] this soul, can take at one time. Do this for a period of 10 days; therefore, by flushing of the kidney area, therefore, relieving the gastro pains.

Now, we find other problems here. Some of these problems are caused from very, neglect of the body; others, as thy would say, from getting, as he thinks, old. This is not good. We would say, keep thy mind and thy body busy; therefore, the body would stay as young as the mind.

Now, we also find certain growths, or you would call them non-malignant tumors. These are very small at this time. These are caused, in this case, from falls taken at different times in his lifetime. We would say, for these, the drinking of the sage tea, the leaf of the sage, would help in reducing in this area.

Yes, now we also find, yes, of the left ear drum, a slight infection in this area. We would suggest, at this time, there are many good washes for this. Wash this area daily; this would clean this area up. Yes, continue to take the medication prescribed.

We find, yes, yes, we also find here — do not overtax this body at this time. Yes, we find — yes — we find other growths here. We would give a further reading on this subject at a different time.

This should be all at this time on soul W_______.

Now, we find a great need here for the soul, for the son of the spirit — yes, we find this, Bartholomew’s son, yes, should heed this reading.

Therefore, since it has been requested, we would give, first, the life reading. First, we would say, thy have chosen thy mother and father. Thy have chosen this entry, for there is work for you. Help thy father and help thy mother, and by helping them — but do not be as the leader goat. Choose thy own way; there is nothing wrong with the way you have chosen, and we have said before, that even in the time of Christ, as long as it was done in good fellowship, a little fun, a little laughter, is good for all of you. For there is a time for laughter; there is a time for sleep, for rest; there is a time for work; and there are times for this. Take all of these things and all of them are God’s work, for the temple of God must be built a little at a time. Can thy — yes, we see.

Yes, we see. Now, we would say, we find the body, and the soul and the spirit; all is in accord here. Therefore, yes, this is a relatively new soul; its entry did not start until 1890.Yes — and as this entry came forward, we see an innocence here, a seeking, for you must realize that this soul has spent a long time in study before it chose to enter — the spirit and the soul together with the body, yes.

Now we see this soul upon its first entry as a chaplain, what is known as a chaplain in the French army. Yes. Yes, we find this soul doing good work here, good work. Now this soul, and many others, the body itself was destroyed in bombardment, yes, and left. This is why we find this soul afraid of fire.

Yes, now we should travel forward. The soul at first is afraid of entry again, because of the way its body was destroyed. But after many conferences determined, the soul determined to enter again — this time, not again until 1926. 1926, we find this soul again. Yes, this time again we find this soul as a missionary in what thy would call the American army. This time this soul was destroyed in what is known as Guadalcanal. Again this soul was destroyed by bombardment, and therefore, the fear again. And this time the soul cries out, “Oh, Father, how have I sinned?” And his Father has said to him, “Man may not destroy thy soul or thy spirit.”

So therefore, we find this soul choosing to enter again upon this plane. We find this soul seeking in all areas.

Now, we would suggest that, this soul — there are, we see there are three paths this soul may follow. You must understand, we may only see the paths; it is up to the soul[s] to choose these paths. Therefore, we do nothing, we do nothing to force this soul to take these paths. And [as long as] this — this must be understood, this shall be this soul’s choice. We see work in the area, first, as thy would call it, the maker of thy laws. Yes, we see, then again, work as a healer. Then we see, third, the choice of the labor, that should work with his body very hard; there is nothing wrong with this, if this is the choice the soul [itself] should take; he should take it of his own free will.

Therefore, we would say, this soul has only one problem — look backwards from which thy come, and therefore, thy should know from which thy go.

This shall be all on this soul at this time.

Now, we see that soul E________ still has a question; therefore, ask it.

“She has two questions, Aka. She says, ‘I am always seeking and never finding.’ She asks, is she never to find?”

Yes, she shall find; she has already found. First, forgive thyself, and others shall forgive thee, for God has never thought thee insane. This is [what?] thy must understand, soul E________. If thy eyes should see, so thy ears should listen.

There is beauty all around thee. Accept the beauty as it is, not what thy would change and make it. Use thy artistic ability. If thy would do this, thy would create beauty for others to see. You have always in your lifetime found many things. What you are seeking is yourself, and that is already with you.

And, yes — we see, yes, we also see — at a later time we shall give a life reading on this subject, for our time grows short. Therefore, we can not give it at this precise time, but at another day, we should give it. And this would fully answer her question.

Can thy understand this, soul E________?

[E________ answers:]”Yes.”

Now, ask her other question.

“She asks, how can she help to blot out her feelings and the knowledge of her despair? E________ says, ‘My knowledge of my despair, and my knowledge of my feelings.’”

You never blot out your knowledge of your feelings — they are natural; they are God-given. There is no sin there.


Therefore, let not others cast a stone and let not thee cast a stone. These are natural feelings. Find that — within a short time, we would let you look this far into your future. Within a short time, if you go on in this work and write of it, as we have said, thy should meet someone. And by meeting of this one, fulfillment in complete shall come to thee, for thy shall not work, walk thy years of this plane alone. Can thy understand of what we have said?

Nay. Then, we would say, take a step at a time. The road is there for thy to walk.

Now we find that soul M_________ has a question; let her ask of it.

“Aka, as I feel I am coming closer to God, my divorce bothers me.”

(Chuckles). Now thy think as a child. We have said before, we have given each soul, free choice, both of the woman plane and the man plane. Let this not bother you, for yesterday was yesterday, and today is today, and tomorrow shall be tomorrow. Can thy understand this?


Then, as God enters you and you reach out for Him, take each, as thy would call them, raindrops, to thy heart and love them. Fear not from where they come, for there is love in each drop. Can thy understand this?


Then fear not, my child, for God has blessed thee.

Now we see in soul T____, a problem. And we would say to thee, if thy would think of us for three days — and as each night, as thy should sleep, we should come to thee — and as each day unfolds into another, more of us shall be with you than in the day before. And by us coming to you, God will be with thee, and thy will know from [which, whence] thy came. Remember, God loves thee. God loves thee, for thy are a very important soul to God. Can thy understand from which we speak?


You say, yes, but you truly do not understand. We would say, when you think of us, then we should try and let you understand this.

Now, for soul Peter — yes, soul Peter, you have done well. And God has come to you upon this day and shall dwell forever in thy heart, thy soul, thy spirit, and thy body.

And for Peter’s wife, we would say — yes, one moment, for there is [work, word from another]. Yes, yes. We would say, forgive those who would offend thee, and do not doubt those who have offended thee, for they shall offend thee no more. God is with thee now, shall walk with thee through all the days of this plane. Thy shall never look backward, for thy shall always walk forward.

Now soul Ray grows weak. Wait one moment.

We would say unto soul Luke, God has looked into your heart. God loves thee and blesses thee, and therefore, we call thee, soul Luke.

And now thy must look for Matthew. And Matthew shall come to you very soon, for thy know of him.

Now soul Ray grows tired, and we grow weak.

“Shall I awaken him, Aka?”

[Part of this transcript was compared to the audio tape for accuracy.]

Copyrighted © 1970 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


July 11, 1970

Globe, Arizona

Soul Ray is with God.

“Is he safe?”

He is safe.

“We have a very important question that [7–3–70–001, Bartholomew] wants to ask.”

We know of soul [7–3–70- 001]. Yes, all is in accord here.

Therefore, we would say, you are needed — through thy arm of thy wife — first, we sent the message and it was not, at that time, taken. We came to you again, and still, again. This you must remember — as we have said before, as thou should think upon us, we shall come to thee. And in that hour of need, we shall come to thee.

For — one moment — yes, this is better. Now, as we have said before, we shall come to thee and lead thee. And for all thy days thy shall walk in the path of God, for God shall walk with thee. And in His footsteps and through His eyes thy shall see thy God. This has been done.

You worry, now, of thy wife; worry not, for as we have said before, for those who should work, there shall be a block placed; therefore, none but the soul and the spirits that shall work through God shall enter. Can thy understand this?


Now all things shall be, as we have said before, in accord. Now we shall tell of you this — we shall tell you of the time when Christ, or Jesus, as thy would say, was but a boy, and sat in the temple of the wise, and discussed many things.

And you would say, “How could this be; how could this knowledge come to such a small child?” As we have said before, now is the time of the Cherub. For those who would see and those who would listen, they shall never walk alone. And so it was, once before, and so shall it be again. There Jesus went to study, and there Moses went to study — and there they heard their Father. There was one you would call Buddha [who] went to study; there was one you would call Muhammad [who] went to study. The list who studied there is long. All of these souls were dear in God’s eyes, for they asked God, not for the material things, for they wanted to give man God.

You ask in your mind, Bartholomew, “Where does this fit in the things we have told you before? And how may each person or soul reach this height on the ladder?”

Therefore, we would say to you, as we have said before, in the climbing the ladder, it is not that thy would stop and help the beggar on the street, and then to tell the world of this help, that thy would climb. It is not in man’s eyes, it is in God’s eyes that thy climb this ladder.

Therefore, we have called you all together that thy may listen to these words.

One moment, permission must be given. Yes, yes, yes. We will ask thee for one moment, that thy all would think of us. And by thinking of us, first, think of God, and then in thy mind’s eye say to thee our name, but always place it second. If thy would do this at this time, the one who would speak to you, each of you, would come at this time. Can thy understand this?

“Yes, Aka.”

Then, at this moment, think of God.

Now, we have told thee before of the coming of the great Sword — the Sword that would cut of two sides. Now the Sword shall strike, very soon. For this is all in God’s work. For those here and the other groups, there is no fear. Can thy understand this?

“Yes, Aka.”

Now — yes — now we see the soul, the body, and the spirit of [7–3–70–001]. Yes.

We see here that certain suggestions that we have made have not, at this time, been complied with. We would suggest that this, the suggestions that we have given, be done as soon as possible.

Also, we plead with this soul to rest — for Matthew, you are needed here! Can you understand this?

Nay. Nay. Then think of thyself, and study the works of Matthew, and thy shall know of which we speak.

Now, we have here, the body, the soul, and the spirit of soul [7–1–70–003].

Yes, yes.

We [see] here many, yes, many problems.

We find here headaches, severe headaches. We find here blacking out. We would say at this time, we find that some parts of this reading might embarrass this soul, but if she would take it as part of God’s work, therefore, we shall give the information. At this time the soul is passing through what is known as menopause. This shall linger on for a number of years; therefore, we would suggest that thy consult a good physician and the necessary medication shall be prescribed for this.

We also find a scalp problem here. The scalp in itself is tightened. This is causing this soul great discomfort.Therefore, we would suggest the use of the hot olive oil packs, as hot as this subject can stand them. First, massaging the area very, very briskly. Then it would be necessary that this soul, yes, that these hot, that these packs be placed as hot as possible.

We also find that corrective vision at this time is needed, very desperately, and that these should be worn at all times. This would help relieve the nervous tension of thy body tremendously.

Now, we find glandular trouble in this area.

Yes, yes.

So that thy may understand of which we speak, we shall say, of the third gland of the right side of the neck area. Can thee understand this?


Therefore, it would be suggested that this area, that a good osteopathic doctor may relieve the nerves an the third vertebrae, therefore, relieving the pressure of’ this glandular area.

Now, we also find that, as a child, a fall here. Yes. We find, yes, a fall from a chair, striking of the left kidney area. We find lesion here of this area. We find dislocation of the spinal area here. It would be suggested that the drinking of a little wine would be very good for this. This may sound at this time to you very foolish. You will find that if you will try this, it is not so. This, also, with the drinking of what is known as the sage tea will relieve the gall bladder area. Therefore, your kidney area shall be flushed and a cleansing of such.

We also find here arthritis. We would suggest that the baths in which we have suggested before be taken. If possible, these baths should be taken for a period, short periods at first, building up, we would say, to 15-minute intervals. But do not exceed two minutes to begin with; this would be dangerous.

We also find here — yes, yes, we find this — we find as a small child, falling, scaring, causing concussion of the head area. Yes. We believe that at this time the proper, either chiropratic or osteopathic treatment of the whole back area and upper neck area would greatly relieve this.

Now, we also find, yes, at this time we would suggest — you are having a problem of the digestive tract. This is causing pains in the upper atrum [atrium?]; therefore, we would suggest — yes — a very simple, a good, simple physic; therefore, putting you on a normal — yes — daily regularity. Can you understand from which we speak?



Nay. Then we would say, consult your physician on this subject. Therefore, we find here a lack of diet — yes. For this we would suggest a more complete diet, more vegetables of this diet — yes — more fish, more — less of the rich in this diet; this is not good, too much of this is poisoning the system. More, less pork, more beef.

At a different time we would suggest another reading on this soul be given. Can thy understand this?


This will be all on soul [7–1–70–003] at this time.

Therefore, at this time we have this — yes, one moment. Yes.

Permission has been given that the reading, the life reading of [7–1–70–002] be given. Yes. Yes, we have here the body the soul, and the spirit.

Yes, yes.

The records, therefore, show the entry of this spirit in the year — yes. This is a relatively new spirit, but yet, wise. We find this entry chose in the year, 1866 A. C. Yes. We find here a normal entry, very normal. At this time, we find this entry in what is known at this time as Israel, that part which is known at this time as Jerusalem. Yes. We find servitude of a sort. At this time, we find this entry of the Jewish belief. Yes. We find this entry persecuted by the Arabic people for the denunciation of Muhammad. Yes.

Now we see this entry again, not again, until the year, 1902. Yes. We see this entry this time born very close at hand. This time this entry is what thy call, at this time would be, Papago — working in the missionary. This life, very normal, until the end. This life, this time becoming very psychic, but psychic with a use. Therefore, look back from which thy have come, and thy will see thy handiwork; it is close at hand.

Now we see this entry again, this plane — again born psychic. This time, confused. This time has forgotten from which the entry has come. Therefore, we would say to thee, think of us in tby slumber tonight; think of God. Therefore, we shall come to thee, and make ourselves known.

Now, we find other questions that thy should ask. Ask them.

“Aka, [7–2–70–001] asks if the word, Aka, is the lost word of the mystics?”

(Chuckle) The word, Aka, is the lost word of what they would call, the mystics — for the word, Aka, and the word, Cherub, and the word, the God of One, is all of the same.

Ask thy other questions.

“At this time, can you answer the question that Mark has asked?”

We have already answered his question in the beginning of this reading.

“All right.”

[4–6–70–003] wants to know if there is anything she can do to help her stepfather with his kidney stones?”

If permission is given from the soul, information shall be given.

Now, soul Ray grows tired; we grow weak. Before our leaving tonight, before two days of thy calendar have passed, another reading should be taken as soon as possible. There are [is] other information which is urgent at this time.

Now we would suggest that they should awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

“Thank you, Aka.”

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared to the audiotape for accuracy.]

Copyrighted © 1970 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


July 12, 1970

“Is Ray safe?”

Soul Ray is with God.

Now we have very important information.

First, we should tell you of your troubled time. There, as we have spoke before, there are many of other forces who would destroy this work if they can, for you must realize, when this work is finished they and all their kind shall be cast into the pit with Lucifer. Therefore, they would prolong their time as much as possible. Can you understand this?

“Yes, Aka.”

Now we see many problems in thy minds.

First, soul Bartholomew, you ask, “In what way should we do this work?” Then we should tell thee, we do not want to bring you from where your work or thy livelihood is, but rather, that we may be permitted to go with thee. And by going with thee, there thy shall do great work. And thy wife shall walk tall beside thee. Do not let doubts enter thy mind, for even as doubts have dwelt there, we shall destroy them, for these doubts are demons of Lucifer. Be not afraid — as we have said before that the material things needed for this work shall come as raindrops. Can thy understand from which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Now, they ask, why would we see send thee to the dragon’s mouth? There are many there that need thy help. And through you and thy wife, we may enter, and by our entering, these souls shall be saved from the great Sword.

Now thy ask, “What is the great Sword that cuts two ways?” And we would say to you, the great Sword, first, is a battle of minions and spirit and soul for the minds of men, but therefore, by gaining their minds we gain their soul again, and by gaining their soul again, we gain their spirit. For, as we have said before that the spirits of God shall be as the pebbles of a brook, the spirits of man shall be as the pebbles of a river, but the souls of man shall be as the pebbles of an ocean. Therefore, we would say this to thee, there are more bodies than there are souls. There are more souls than there are spirits. For the spirit should know of God at all times. Can thy understand this?

“Yes, Aka.”


“Yes, Aka,” [Bartholomew answered].

Then, now we should explain again. Thy cannot destroy, it was not God’s intent. God did not give man the power to destroy anything. He may change its form only, and use it — for in the beginning God created man and beast, and the earth itself, and all things in the earth and above it, and all universes and all galaxies. For God created the heaven and earths and earths beyond earths. Can thy understand from which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Now, soul Peter, with this in mind, remember — as thy build, for remember once before, once before Christ said, “Upon this rock I shall build my church,” he did not mean a great building, he meant the kingdom of God in man.

Now, soon you will find it necessary that a larger meeting place shall be needed. These raindrops we have seen and we shall provide thee with the necessary tools. But as has been said before, have faith and thy may walk on the water with us.

And we say — soul John, have faith, even though thy catch of the blood. These things are dear too.

For you, and as we say, you, we mean all of you, shall build God’s kingdom on earth. And by building on earth, so shall it be in heaven, and then my Father and yours may bring His children home to His many mansions. Remember, my Father loves you, and He sheds tears; yet, He laughs with you, and cries.

Now we should tell thee of thy prayers, and by telling you of thy prayers, thy may understand. If a man should lose his arm, and pray for guidance that he may learn to use his other hand in place of two, then we and our Father should send those who have lost their hands to teach this man how to use one hand in place of two. Can you understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Therefore, there are many questions on thy minds at this time. We wish very much to answer all your questions, that thy may understand. But, at this time, there are other things that must come first; can thy understand this?


Now, in the next 10-year period, eruptions shall occur across the face of the earth, which shall be the other side of the Sword, the great Sword — for it has begun to cut and slice as we have said before. Now, as we have said before, for those who walk in God’s light, fear not, for God walks with thee. And remember, man may hurl stones at thy body or even kill it, but they cannot destroy thy spirit or thy soul. Can thy understand of which we speak?


Then, of what thy think, and as what has been told before, shall be not of the same. The earth shall rise and fall again. Where no water flows water shall flow. Where no land has been for many thousands of years, land shall appear again.

Now we would tell you one other. Very soon entries of another world shall make themselves known upon your world. They shall not try — they will come peacefully to offer your world the gifts of love of theirs. This is all part , as we have said before, of God’s plan. That is why this work, the accepting of those who come from the heavens and those who emerge from the earth — you will be the ones who emerge from the earth, they will be the ones who emerge from the sky — at this time, the whole earth shall bow before Christ, for they shall know of Him — and there shall be the end of one karma and the entering of another — to save this world of yours that God loves, this work must go on. It is very important at this time that it reach every living soul on this earth. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Nay, thy do not fully understand. But think upon it. And tonight as thy should sleep, think upon God and think upon us, and we should make ourselves known to all of thee.

And now, remember one other thing. We realize that in thy daily lives thy tempers in the locale that thy are might be inclined to grow short with each other, that thy may say things that thy do not mean. First, we would say this, forgive thy brothers and sisters of this plane. Love them. Do unto others as thy wish done unto thee. For remember, and this we should repeat — what thy do unto others shall be done unto thee, even to the speaking of words. For what thy do not realize, thy minds are much stronger than thy realize. We have made them so, especially of this group. Your minds shall grow even stronger yet. Be careful of thy thoughts, that harm may come to someone because of them. For each of this group’s minds shall develop far beyond your wildest dreams. We would say, can thy understand this, but we know that at this time thy do not.

Now, for soul Matthew — thy say, “Why me?” Why should we reach down and pick this soul? We would tell you, think of a life before, when you were not father and son and daughter, when you were all brothers of a kind, when you all walked by the sea of Galeah [Galilee], and therefore, all loved the same. If thy could think of this in thy heart and if thy could think of us for three days — each night, as thy go to bed at night and sleep for slumber, if thy could think of God first and then of us, we shall come to you in a way that you shall know of yourself, and therefore, believe in thyself.

Remember, there is great work here.

We will expect great things from each of you. But remember, each one of you will stumble. Another will bend and help his brother up again, and his sister up again. You shall cast stones at each other. And before the end you shall denounce us. We know this. But in the end, you will know of us and love us because we are from your Father, and we love you — not as much as our Father, though we wish we could, for there is no love anywhere like our Father’s love. Can thy understand of which we speak?

Nay, thy soon will.

Now, soul Ray becomes tired; therefore, we shall become weak. Before three days of thy calendar has passed, we should come again. There is more — important messages for thee. Can thy understand this?


Then, it is time to awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

But before this, tonight — form thee a club. Permanent records must be kept! Can thy understand this?

“Yes, Aka.”

[This transcript has been compared to the audiotape for accuracy.]

Copyrighted © 1970 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


July 15, 1970

Globe, Arizona

Soul Ray stands with God.

Now, as we have said before, man can destroy nothing. We know of the many spirits of man, we know of the many souls of man, and we know of thy questions.

And you ask, how could there be the spirits of God, as though the pebbles of a brook? And we would say to you — now, that is better, all is in accord. And we would say to you, it would be better, far better, that man should cast himself into a pit of fire with Lucifer than it would be for man to take one other person from God. That is why we have told you before, our Father has many mansions. Each man, in his own way, should believe in God. God has not set rules for worshiping Him. Nay, man should set these rules for himself.

And as we have said before, if a man should lose his hand and pray to God for guidance so that he may use one hand as two, God would send to him those who have lost their hands. And by doing this, each man, in himself, would know of God in his own way. That is why we have spoke to you before of all the religions, as thy would call them, and all the worship of God.

We have told you before, do not repeat what others have told you when you talk to God. Talk of [to] Him as to yourself; therefore, God would understand you. For if you repeat what others have said before and not mean them, they would mean nothing to God, for they mean nothing to you.

Can you understand this?

“Yes, Aka.”

Nay, not fully, but the day should come that thy will.

Now, thy would ask again of us, who comes to you, and from where we came? For we were sent for one who asked God. And he who sent [us] and asks did say, “Father, send Thy these who would teach, and send Thy these who would know of my Father.” [See John 13:14–17, 20; 14:1–5, 15–21, 27–29; John 16:16–19,22–24, The Revelation of John 5:1–7.]

There were those before him who did the same.

[Editor’s note: Early prophets and teachers taught man to know God through oral tradition long before some teachings were written in books such as the Torah, of Moses (300 B.C.) or Nevi’im, the prophets; the Upanishads (700 B.C.?), or the Bhagavad Gita (500 B.C.?).]

We have told you before, you would pass the beggar on the street and that beggar would be above you, for he would be the next to enter the kingdom of God and stand beside Him. And God might ask this beggar for advice.

Does this seem strange to thee? Yes, we see this. We also see — one moment, please.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, Father.

Then, we would say in a different way, one more liking to our Father’s words. We have made ourselves known to you as our Father has suggested. For we call, as thy would call it, ourselves, “Aka.” Think thee of the first of the name, Aka, and thy will think of the Almighty. Think of the second of the name, and thy will think of the word, karmic. Think of the last of the name, and thy will think of the records, the records which are kept from the beginning, of all planes, of all knowledge, which man was born and born again.

This knowledge, as our Father gives us permission, we should give of thee. We give this knowledge so that man, all of man, would know the love of our Father. And by knowing of the love our Father has to give, of the tears our Father sheds, that all man, of all religions, should come to our Father together in peace and love.

For we have said before, when thy pray, pray for guidance. This, in itself, is the ending of a karma.

Pray for acceptance of thy brothers and thy sisters. If your brother should offend thee, then go to this brother and talk to him privately. But then, if thy brother should still offend thee, take three of thy group and talk again. Can thy understand of what we tell thee?

“I think so.”

Then, it does not matter how you spell of this. But if all of you here could agree upon this one simple thing, then you have taken one step closer to our Father.

Now, we would say to one of thee, God is with thee. God loves thee. God has known of you many times before. Stay in the light of God, and permit God to walk with thee, for God loves thee, my son.

Now, we should say of one in the valley below the sea [Yuma, Arizona] who asks, how may she improve her business? This we would say to her, for the things we shall suggest shall improve the material things for her, but by improving the material things for her, it will also improve material things for God’s children. We would suggest to this soul, work with the development of the vitamins that may be preserved in canisters for many years. There are many who would be in need of these. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Now, we see soul Bartholomew. We would say, do not despair, God is with thee. Do as thy have thought to do; this is right.

We would say to the wife of soul Bartholomew, walk tall. God loves thee and blesses thy thoughts.

And now, as we have said before, there is [are] those among you who would cast stones at each other. This, this is not part of God’s work. Cast a stone if thy have not sinned not. But if thy should cast a stone, then let us stand before thee, and cast thy first stone at us. Can thy understand of which we speak?

Nay. Thy shall.

Thy have other questions, ask them.

“We have some of what we think is sage. Is this what you were referring to?”

We have seen thy problem in this area. This is a very poor grade; therefore, we see the necessity — this thy may understand — from what grows from the root shall grow to the leaves, the stems and the flowers of such. The root is the source; therefore, in thy root is the larger quantities of what is needed. And with thy problem, we would say two ways — first, to start now. Buy thee of the commercial sage leaf. Then, for the second part of this, purchase the script [a written description] of the desert plants. The natural substances for the healing of thy bodies are in these plants. And now, we would say, before it should be too late, go into the desert and gather the fruit of the cactus, all that thy may find. Then ask again, and we shall tell you of their uses. Can thy understand this?

“Yes, Aka. The one we are to purchase, is that the sage, what is called sage tea, or is it the sage seasoning that we should buy.”

Nay, the sage tea.

“Would it be to our advantage to plant the seeds of the sage that we have?”

It would be better to order seed and plant it.

“All right.”

Therefore, you will have a better quality of what thy seek. But remember, there are very many of this plant which grows close to thee. Thy have yet to recognize it. First, take of thy script that thy may recognize what thy seek.

“All right.”

“If a man loses his spirit can he regain it?”

We would tell you of this. You have asked many times in thy minds what we mean, that “a man should speak as a child?”

Then, we should tell you of this. In the time of Christ, or Jesus, as thy would call him, he was asked a similar question. And he said unto his disciples, as he laid his hand upon a child’s head, that all [who] shall believe with the faith of this child, thy will know of the coming of God.

Therefore, each man, as we have said before, in himself, may destroy the spirit, therefore, leaving only, only of the soul. And in leaving of the spirit, there is no knowledge left of God. Therefore, it becomes a lost soul.

Now, if this knowledge is placed back in this soul, then the spirit shall re-enter and this man shall come, become complete.

And this, we would say, for some time, for there shall be the time. This is why we urge that this message that we have given thee be taken to all the living souls of your earth. Pray for the lost souls which are not of your earth, that they may see the light, and by seeing of our Father’s light, they may see their spirits again, and be born again. Pray also for that of man which has neither spirit or soul, which dwells upon your earth. And by praying for them, then of the soul and the spirit’s free choice, entry may happen again. As you have seen, we talk of new souls and spirits. These souls and spirits are by God; they are waiting to be born. They can only be born in truth as three. Can you understand from which we speak?


Now, soul Ray is growing very tired, and our time grows short.

Thy have one among thee that has a question in her mind. If she would but ask, permission has been given to answer.

Then, we should ask her again in her sleep tonight. And if she would think of God first, and the word of Aka, we would come to her and give her peace.

It is time to awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: This transcript has been compared to Aka’s recorded voice.]

Copyright © 1970 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


July 18, 1970

Globe, Arizona

Soul Ray stands with God.

“Aka, is Ray all right?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

“In bringing him out, is there any way that I can improve this so he feels better?”

Your mistake was in the entry.

Now, we would tell thee, first, of thy question of soul [4–9–70–004.]

Thy have fear, but the things in thy heart — nay, we should say to thee — as we have said before, do as thy heart should tell thee. And when we speak of the heart, we speak of thy soul, not because of your internal organs. Thy have set a course; therefore, follow thy course. Thy must understand, we do not have and are not permitted to change your destiny. Can thy understand of which we speak?

Then we would say to thee, love thy brothers and sisters as thy would love thyself. [We] also see, and we would explain this to thee, when the Lord changed thy races — this you must understand — for as a man picks up a rock and casts it, so can the children of Abraham change color of race, change from male to female of [the] organism. Therefore, in the overcoming of their karmas, at times they would choose to do such. We, or our Father, for you must understand, our Father has given thee free choice, our Father does not control this free choice. These entries, as same, are done for the overcoming of each individual’s own karma, therefore, or as thy might call them, sin; but remember, what man should call of sin or karma, God would not call of the same.

And thy ask, “How many times should I forgive my brother or sister?” And we should say to thee, God, as thy would call Him, our Father, could forgive His children, as has forgiven them, since the beginning of time, for He loves you. Do the same as our Father; forgive those who would offend thee.

And we would say to thee, as one has spoke[n] before, that the king forgave his slave all indebtedness. Yet, the slave could not forgive another, and therefore, the king should cut of his right hand. If thy should offend one, and [they] should forgive thee, then forgive those who offend thee. But remember — remember, all things that thy should do to another shall be done unto thee, both good and bad. But do not regulate thy life always according to man-made laws, for they are not always God’s laws. God has never made laws for the worshiping of God, our Father.

We speak in terms sometimes as riddles. We do not want this. But sometimes, as we take information from one plane to another, sometimes it is very difficult for us to speak on terms that thy would know of. Therefore, at any time you do not understand of which we speak, ask, and if permission is given, we should explain the same.

Now, for soul Luke [4–3–70–003], we would say to thee, God loves thee and blesses thee. God knows of thy work. And if thy could believe of this we would say to you, remember, you do not walk alone.

Now, we would say to soul John [4–6–70–001], you have asked for destiny of thy life. One was taken from thee. Remember, even to the smallest things of earth, to the smallest things of God’s creation, they also have free choice. And should one choose to leave a plane, we, nor you, can prevent this.

Thy ask, why was not thy faith strong? Thy faith is strong, and God walks with thee; but now, with the smallest of one of God’s creatures you have been shown a way. Remember, as thy sought the doctor of the animal and he was not there, therefore, we would say to you, that could be your destiny, for healing. We do not say this to take away from thy free choice. Thy cannot understand this at this time; we know of this, but thy shall.

Now, as thy would call soul [S ], this, all of thy group must know, at no time should thy think that we, or our Father, is too busy, as thy would say, to listen or to speak, or to send help where it is needed, to any of His children. At any time, to the smallest of questions, should permission be given, we should answer. Can thy understand of which we speak?

Nay, but thy should one day. Therefore, we should tell of thee in a different time.

We, at this time, would make a suggestion. When thy ask for a life reading, put soul Ray’s head to the east from which we came; therefore, the dizziness that he has upon awakening would not be there. We want to give this reading, but if thy would ask it when his head is pointed to the east, this information would come easier and be less strenuous upon him. Can thy understand this?

“Yes, Aka.”

Therefore, ask thy other questions.

“Is there any additional information that [4–7–70–002] should have at this time?”

Yes, our Father has given thee help in healing, and we have sent the help to thee for guidance, and thy have ignored this help. It would be up to thee to either cast it aside or accept it. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka,” [she answers].

Now, thy have other questions, ask them, for soul Ray grows tired.

“The fruit that we were told to gather, this has been done. Can you give us more information on it?”

First, as thy gather the fruit, lay each separate — this thy must understand — dry this fruit. Lay each separate blossom aside so it may dry by itself. Therefore, split the blossoms of the green that thy gather open, that the sun, the natural sun, should dry of them. If — yes, we see this, and this would be better — yes, yes, yes, yes — if thy could obtain what thy would call of the ultraviolet ray lamp, using this to dry the fruit, cutting these in four halves, all of this fruit, and drying it. Do not place it in containers of the same; this fruit must be kept separate or in the mixing from it you may obtain dangerous gases. After this fruit has been dried, thoroughly dried, take this fruit into the powder form. Some of it thy may store in the form in which it dries, making of it into separate proportions of powders. Therefore, each chemical may be added together. In the next reading we should give of thee the chemical contents of such. Can thy understand this?


Also, so that the gathering shall be complete, get thy a script of the cactus fruit, and not only of the cactus fruit, of the other desert vegetation. This thy must realize, there is great healing in these plants’ state.

Now, ask thy other question.

“Is there any information that you can give [7–18–70–002] to guide him at this time?”

As we have said before, soul Ray is growing very weak. If this should be asked at the next reading, information shall be given of the same.

Now, thy should waken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to Aka’s recorded voice.]

Copyright © 1970 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


July 20, 1970

Globe, Arizona

“Can the storm in any way endanger Ray?”

There is no danger to soul Ray, for he shall stand with God.

“All right.”

Now, now, we should tell thee of the Anti-Christ. As thy have known and been told before that the time of the Messiah is very near, that we are here to prepare a way — and as the birth shall happen and has happened, then we would tell thee of also, at the same time as the birth of the Messiah, of the birth of the Anti-Christ.

The Anti-Christ shall wear seven crowns, and shall rule seven nations. But we would say of this, that the Lord, God, our Father, shall protect His children. Those who would worship the Beast, or the Anti-Christ, which would come from Lucifer, many foul things shall come from its mouth, and it should use thy Lord, our Father, in vain. And it should mock both man and beast, for it knows that its time is short. But fear not, for its rule shall be lean. And God’s anger shall be mighty.

As we have told you before, our Lord, God, Father, has taken the necessary steps to protect the Messiah and has taken His protection to the womb of all heaven, and as we have said before, “on heaven so shall it be on earth.” The war has been fought in two places, and the war shall be won in two places. But this thy must realize, that now that Satan has been thrown to the earth, and now we would tell thee, for those who have ears to hear, the name of the Anti-Christ shall be six times sixty six — and there shall be the name.

Now, of the Messiah — the Messiah has been transferred unto a place in the desert where our Father shall protect him, and then the Eagle shall spread its wings and shall take this child and protect it, and it shall be protected in the desert. All necessary steps shall be taken that no harm should come to this one. For when the time of our Lord shall be as one, the Messiah shall rule on the earth as in heaven, and on the earth and many earths across our vast universes. Now there shall be stars cast from the heavens. And as these stars are cast, so shall Lucifer be chained. [See The Revelation, chapters 12, 13, and 19.]

We know thy do not understand of which we speak at this time. But thy soon shall know. Thy shall know of all things, for our Father has opened His mighty door and the light shall shine through for thee to see. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“I think so.”

Nay, not at this time thy do not, but soon thy shall.

Now, we have at this time, as thy would call this soul, soul [S ]. We have the body, the soul and the spirit; all is in accord at this time; therefore, a life reading shall be given at this time.

We see this soul and the spirit — now, as the spirits shall hover in the beginning, we see this soul. This is before all man can count. At this time this soul is a builder. He shall build on the outside instead of on the in. He shall build, as thy would call it, the first house — and he builds of reed and mud. And as he builds, so shall others. But we see impatience here, even in the beginning. And we see this impatience, that he should not study from the masters.

Now we see this soul again, and the entry of the same. This time, as thy would call it, 200 B.C., before, as you would call it, Christ’s birth. We see this soul at this time, a great builder in the city of Atlantis. And this time he shall build of the three. You must understand of this soul, it is not that his faith is not strong, his problem here at this time is that he has not looked from which he has came [come.] He wants his building to rise fast, faster than all others; therefore, he does not build a foundation under the same.

Now we see this entry — now, we see this entry again, this time 1021 B.C. This time again, he is working under a master. But still he does not take the time to learn from his master. We would say to this soul that if thy would think of these words — that a student should be satisfied to be as high as his teacher, and a teacher should be satisfied to be as high as his student. But for the teacher to teach and the student to learn, both must be in accord. If the student should learn half from his teacher then he does not rise to the same level as his teacher; therefore, all he may build shall fall to the earth and crumble into dust and be nothing.

Now, we see again, this time in the time of 1321 A. C. This time, in what is known at this time as the city of Jerusalem, he shall work on a temple for 43 years. And this temple should be destroyed in one day. And at this time he was told by one, “Tear down thy temple and we should rebuild it in three days.” But then again he did not heed this word.

Therefore, again we see this entry, not again until 1894 A. C. Therefore, we see this entry in what is known as Nuremberg, Germany. Therefore, this entry shall build a “brunway,” as known at this time. Therefore, this entry, again, work does not stand fast, for he has not still learned from his masters.

Now, we see not again until this plane. And we see upon this plane, again, not taking the time to look from which he came and not taking the time, again, to learn from the masters to be. This thy must understand; God loves thee and blesses thee. Otherwise thy would have not had the entries that thy have had to learn the lessons from entries, as such. Can thy understand of which we speak?

Nay, nay. Thy soon will. Then, we would say to this soul, put thy self in accord with God. Put thy learning in accord with God. Do not cast stones at those above thee and below thee, but build thy ladder in such a way that thy might help thy fellow man above the ladder that thy may climb. And by helping this one thy shall climb tenfold. But be a student first, and then thy shall become a master second. Can thy understand of which we speak?


Then, with this in mind, we would say once more, cast out. If thy right hand should offend thee, cast it away. If impatience should offend thee, cast this away. Can thy understand of which we speak? Nay, not at this time, but thy soon will. Or thy building shall fall again and there shall be another plane. Can thy understand that by climbing the ladder now, the next plane shall be a brighter ladder still?


If thy grow in thy field a tree and it bears sour fruit, dig it up, and plant a new tree. If this fruit is sweet to yourself and others, then take from the seed and use it for meat, and therefore, plant again. And this seed shall reproduce tenfold to thee.

And now we see that thee have many other questions in thy mind.

But first, we would say to Andrew, we see thy have come to us at this time, this is good.

And then we would see one other, of youth. And, and in his heart we would see that of Mark. Think thee of these things and we should speak again to thee, and come to thee, if thee would think of us in thy slumber tonight. But think thee for three days, first of God, and then of the word, Aka, that in this way we may enter into thy soul.

Now thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [R ] is very concerned about the drugs that she took. She wants to know if they harmed her body?”

Now we would say to [R ] this. Listen to both, of thy life reading and of thy physical reading, and by doing of such thy will know how to bring two into one, and by bringing the two into one, then they shall have the spirit, the soul and the body, and all will be in accord.

We would say one other to this soul. Think thee not of thyself, but of others, and by doing this, thy soul shall grow and become one. Do unto others as thy would have them do unto you. Love thy brothers and love thy sisters and forgive those who have offended thee. If thy can do this, and cast all this aside, then thy have taken the first step toward God, our Father. And our Father shall come into thee in such a way, and dwell in thee, for all thy days upon this plane, and thy riches shall become seventy-thousandfold and seventy thousand again. We know thy do not understand of which we speak. But thy soon will.

Now thy have other questions, answer [ask].

“At this time can you give some information on [4–20–70–001]’s general health?”

Yes, yes, we have soul Andrew, body and soul and spirit. We see here, yes, if this soul at this time would think upon the word, Aka, and our Father, tonight, and for three nights, then help he needs at this time shall be given. At this time ask for another reading and we shall give [the] same. This is all on soul Andrew at this time.

[6–9–70–004]’s son, [7–18–002] is searching for something.”

We see. We see this. But this thy must understand. This, of what he needs, has been made available to him and can be made available, through her. If in his search he should come here, we should give at that time the necessary instructions this soul should need.

You have other questions, ask.

You told us to obtain an ultraviolet light; we obtained an infrared. Will that work in its place?”


“All right.”

But, the use of the infrared and the ultraviolet together would give thee a more complete and faster form of obtaining the things that thy desire at this time. We repeat a warning — do not mix these chemicals together. Thy have asked, “What could this be?” Then we would say to thee, as thy would call it, the root of the Night-blooming Cereus, contains the strongest natural antibiotic known or grown on thy earth at this time. Can thy understand of which we speak?


Second, as thy would call them, the saguaro blossom, these shall contain the same, as thy would call, a headache powder, or form of pain relief, used in a nominal form. Also, they are a very good natural food supplement. The contents of these in their natural form are a very good blood and circulatory system builder. They are very high in certain vitamins that thy need at this time, and shall need in the future. Thy must understand, by the year of 1998 all shall be in accord. Can thy understand of which we speak? Nay, but thy soon shall.

Therefore, we have told thee, together — of the flat-leaf fruit, the fruit of this with the root of the sage or the tea of the sage, which would be of the same — these should be used in dissolving of what thy call small tumors. These same tumors, with what thy are calling at this time — there are natural substances in these which could cure, as thy would call it, thy sinus problems. Can thy understand of which we speak?


Then ask thy other questions.

[7–15–70–001] has requested help. At this time can you give us some guidelines for her?”

At this time soul Ray grows very weak. We would suggest that the reading be taken for soul [7–15–70–001] at the next reading. It would also be suggested at this time, right at this time, for her respiratory system, the reduction of the amount of tobacco at this time that have same, through intake. Can thy understand of which we speak?


Now, we would also suggest at this time, as she would call them her “Triple X,” the taking of these for her would be very good.

But, we also find here that this soul should change her drinking water immediately. The usage at this time for her of the sauna, as thy would call it, bath, as we have suggested, would be very, very good for the cleansing and purification of this body at this time, in the extracting of poisons from same.

In the next reading that we should give, full instructions for [the] same shall be given, and the building of such, in the locations of the groups, should start as soon as possible. There are certain poisons in thy system that the natural form of extraction cannot carry at these times. Also, we find one other problem here, and this thy should know of the location in which this group, here, is at this time. Due to the large amounts of mineral substances in the earth, and of the different types of [the] same, the drinking water that comes from this earth affects the nervous system in such a way that the man-animal [has], as thy would call it, temporary insanity for periods of a time. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Therefore, we would give further information on this subject at a different time.

You have one other question; we shall answer it before we go. [Editor’s note: Aka waits for 20 seconds.]

Then, it is time to awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared with the audio tape recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1970 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona

July 25, 1970

“Aka, with your permission, I would like to conduct Ray’s journey homeward. Would this be all right at this time? For I wish no harm to come to him,” [a man asks.]

This is good.

“Thank you.”

Now, as we have said before, we should tell thee of the Anti-Christ and of the coming of the Anti-Christ, and how it shall affect God’s children. And I say, of God’s children — of those who are of three. [Editor’s note: Three often refers to those with body, soul and spirit, or those who have not become lost souls.]

Now that our Father has given us permission, this we would say to thee — that in the days of the Anti-Christ, father shall slay father [son] and mother shall slay daughter. Of all foul things shall be. But for these of God’s children who have walked tall, nay, not one hair upon their head shall be harmed, for the Anti-Christ shall have no power over those of God’s children.

And that is the reason we have told thee, prepare for the famine. The famine shall be lean, a very short period of time. But during this time — during this time God’s children must prepare themselves. And it is not in the preparation only of food substance that we speak, for there shall be the time of the testing of your faith. And for those with faith shall walk upon the water, and they shall heal. Can you understand of which we speak? Nay, then we should explain in another time.

Now — now, you have many questions, ask of these questions. Permission has been given and they shall be answered.

First, we would say to soul [6–6–70–002] of thy question.

And this we would say to thee. It is not permitted for information to be given about one soul to another. But in this case, permission has been given, for the permission of the other soul involved in this situation has been given from the same. Therefore, we would say to you in this way — in the life before, the one you speak of was not a mother as in this lifetime. In the life before, as thy would call it, both mother and daughter were rivals. Therefore, their karma upon this earth, at this time and at this plane, would be as such. Can thy understand of which we speak? Other information on this subject can be given, should either of these souls ask.

Now, at this time, we have here the body, the soul, and the spirit of soul [7–1–70–003]. First, of a physical nature, we would say — we would say certain suggestions which have been given before have not been complied with. These suggestions should, at the earliest convenience of this soul, be complied with. Also, at this time, rest.

Now, we have a new problem here. Yes. This problem is what thy would call of a mastoid infection. We would suggest at this time that she consult a physician and the necessary medication for this shall come forth.

Now, for the life, as thy would call it, of this soul. This soul is a very old, old soul. We find here a karmic action in family which has been born and born again — first, your mother, then to daughter, then to sisters, and then to brother. Yes.

We find this soul in the beginning, as thy would call it, in man state.

This time we shall say shall be at 1032 B.C. Now, we find this soul as a clerk, working as servitude as a clerk. At this time, this soul is working for one known as Priest Ra-Tai. She is keeping, or he is keeping the records at this time of the Temple of Beauty for all those who enter and the records of those who leave. We see long servitude here, long life here. This soul at this time, through the knowledge of Priest Ra-Tai, shall live for over 300 of your years.

Yes — but because of the blessed, as thy would call it, spot in the earth, her entry is sudden again. She does not take at this time the necessary schooling before re-entry. Instead, she chooses again to re-enter very, very soon. At this time, she chooses to enter as the Jewish people are leaving Egypt, as they wander for their 40 years with Moses. And she lives through this wandering and sees many miracles performed by Moses. And she sees the sea that parts, and she sees the mountain of fire, and then she sees the promised land. But as Moses did not cross over, neither did she. Can thy understand of which we speak? Nay.

Then we would say of this, again we see this entry. Again, we see this entry in the time of Christ, or Jesus, as thy know him. Again, this entry shall see both brother and daughter and father and son all be as one.

Now we see again, at this time not again until 1644 A. C. At this time we see the beginning of a karma, two sisters in rivalry for one. The one they are in rivalry [for] on this plane is not the same one in which they think of upon this plane they live now, for the son is not the same, only resembles the same.

And these words of grace we would give this soul. For remember, God loves thee and blesses thee for the children and the children’s children that thy have [bore] into the Lord, our Father. And our Father sends His blessings into thee in thy time of need. And as we speak now, these blessings shall come into thee, and for the rest of this plane thy shall walk tall and happiness shall come to thee. These things we promise thee, not we, but our Father.

Now, this shall be all at this time on soul [7–1–70–003]. All is in accord, at this time, here.

Now thy have other questions.

And, again, we would say to soul Bartholomew’s wife, we have answered your question [as we] did the same time we did thy sister’s.

Now, again for soul [6–6–70–002] — the words of wisdom that thy seek are with thee. And this we would say, if thy can find peace in the house thy dwell, then the material things that thy seek are already there. But we would say one other. This we do usually not, but this time we do. The reason for this — you and your husband and your children, God has given free choice. Therefore, we would suggest a path only, the choice shall be yours. If thy would seek the mountains, yes, then do of these things. First, bring your husband and yourself into one, and your children into the same house. Second, bring all of thy worldly goods into one bundle, and then as thy walk to the market to trade them, thy shall have what thy need.

Now, thy ask, “Why can not I get my husband into this house at this time?” Remember, our Father has many mansions, and He loves His children in each mansion the same. And He sheds tears for [these] [His] children the same. But remember, a divided house cannot stand; therefore, we shall help thee in bringing this house into one. This thy must do. For three days and three nights think of us. Think of us early in the morning and think of us again before thy slumber, and we should come to thee. And by coming to thee that [that?] would open the door of thy household, therefore, we should enter. For we would say in this way, for each bridegroom there must be a bride. Can thy understand of which we speak?


And now we would say — yes — we see this problem. Yes. And for this one we would answer in this way. If thy should do the things that are necessary in thy mind at this time, there should be no problem of thy livelihood. Can thy understand this?

“Yes.” [A woman answers.]


“Yes.” [A man answers.]

Nay, then we would say in this way, each of you in thought, this thought would mean something to them. Take it to your hearts and study it.

Then, we would answer to the old soul of [5–15–70–001].Yes. We see no problem at this time. You shall have one in the future, but not at this time. But we would have one other suggestion for this soul. If thy would open the door, as we have said before, then think of our Father first, and then the word, Aka. Then we may come to thee in thy slumber tonight. Then come back and let us speak with you again.

Now, we see a problem — yes — you ask a translation of our words. [Then] [We] speak of this translation and we should answer, for permission has been given. Then, we would say in this way. In the beginning, your world is part of a greater world; your universe is part of a greater universe — and as the worlds, and worlds to be, and worlds who have passed into nothingness, and shall pass into nothingness, were created by our Father, created — the rays which shine from always our Father, these are from which we speak.

And thy ask of how we speak? Remember, in the translation between your time and ours, between your plane and ours, our Father said, “SPEAK.” Our Father made His choice of the instrument. And in another time, the first of the name still meant the same, for the first of the name [Ammie] at that time meant “beloved,” or “David,” or “unto.” All, in many, many, many languages mean the same. Now, of the second, [Ray] — and those were chosen for the rays that came from our Father, in which we travel, and the direction they came would be the same, for we travel from the east. Can thy understand from which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Now, soul [4–6–70–001] would ask a question. But first, we would speak to this soul. Study, soul John, of yourself in the time before. Therefore, your problems would be less, and the understanding of yourself would be easier, for what has happened to you before is happening again. Can you understand of this?


Then ask. Ask of this question.

“[4–6–70–003] asks [4–6–70–001’s] question. ‘As Aka has spoken before — as in our eyes, as we see it, it may not be a sin in the eyes of God — what sin in accordance to the Ten Commandments; how may we be forgiven if we sin in accordance to our Ten Commandments?’”

If thy sin in accordance with the commandments, first, we would say to you of this. The commandments were written by God upon stone with fire. Therefore, we would say in this way, once thy have knowledge that thy have sinned, that in itself is the ending of a karma. If thy have sinned, by knowing of this and by admitting it to thyself, and forgiving thyself, but learning from [the] same and going on to face whatever is in front of you in life, that is forgiveness in itself.

But remember, our Father loves His children. Our Father loves His children more than themselves. And all our Father really asks, the one commandment, love thy God greater than thyself, for God loves you greater than Himself. Can thy understand this?

“Yes, Aka.”

Then, soul [4–6–70–001], we would say to you, be careful in your speech. Your mind at this time is stronger than thy realize. We have given to you the power to walk upon water because of your faith. Your hands and thy mind may heal, but they may also destroy this healing. So remember, touch only with love each creature, even to the smallest of this earth. And as thy touch them, both with thy hands and thy lips, and with thy speech, then healing and love of our Father shall be known to thee. Can thy understand of this?

“Yes, Aka.”

Remember, my son, our Father loves thee with all His heart and soul. And for our Father, [work] is a great deal of love, more than your whole world has ever known.

Now soul Ray is growing tired and we are growing weak; thy have another question, ask.

“At this time, Aka, is there any more information on soul Andrew?”

Soul Andrew shall know of himself. Therefore, the healing that is necessary shall be taken care of. Can thy understand of which we speak? Nay, then we would say again, think of us for three nights before thy slumber. Each day, during these three days, each time thy see the smallest creature upon your earth, think only of what a miracle of creation you have before you. Can thy understand this, soul Andrew?

“Yes, Aka.”

Now is the time to waken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Note: Numbers are substituted for the names which were spoken, to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared with the audio tape for accuracy.]

Copyrighted © 1970 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


July 29, 1970

Soul Ray stands with God.

Therefore, we would tell thee again of thy prayer. And we would tell thee of a time of prayer.

We would tell thee of the time of Judas, and the betraying of one known as Jesus. And in telling you of these things, thy might guide thy own lives.

These things did happen with Judas because they were of the written word — not only of the written word, but they were the things that would happen that Jesus, or Christ, would take the last steps necessary to end his planes, and therefore, to stand at the right of his Father forever and ever more.

Now, Judas saw many things and many wonders, and many miracles performed before him. Now Judas was the keeper of the purse; therefore, to him all things were entrusted into him. Therefore, when he betrayed, as thy would say, Jesus, he did so in thinking that Jesus would be forced into the position of revealing himself as a material king of the Jewish people. Therefore, what he did not know and was soon to learn, it was not for a material world that Jesus would rule, but a spiritual world. He had no desire for the material things of life. These he had learned before; these he had possessed before. He knew of all things in the past — and by knowing of these things in his past, he also knew of the things in his future, and therefore, could speak of the things of his future. Can thy understand of which we speak? Nay, not fully.

Then we would say to you in these words, as — as thy would call this one, the betrayer, he therefore did not betray; therefore, he only did what was necessary at God’s command. But we would say, then, of those who would betray their brother in heart and soul, if thy should betray thy brother for silver or material things, then thy shall be betrayed. If thy should lie to thy brother, then thy should be lied to. If thy should coveth thy brother, then thy shall be coveth [coveted]. All things that have been done before into others because of yourself shall be done into you.

Therefore, think of Jesus, that all things were done into him which he had done into others, and therefore, he too, also, had this lesson to learn, that he then might become a Son of God.

Now, as we have told you before of the beginning, and the beginning and beginning of beginnings — now on your world plane we would talk of the beginning as in five, in five places at once. Can thy — no, no — one moment please.

Then put in the words of our Father, that “in the beginning God created the heavens, and the earth and all therein it,” and knowing of this, therefore, Jesus [did] overcome, in his own way, his karma. He did so in a way that his Father did not have to lead him as a Judas goat, or as a leader goat. He did so in his own way, and therefore, he may stand by our Father. Can thy understand these words?

“I think so, Aka.”

Then we would go back to the time of Judas again. And Judas took of his own life. And by taking of his own life, therefore, he created a karma for himself again.

Now thy would say, “In which way did Judas go after that?” This we could tell thee in a different time, as permission is given.

But remember, do not misinterpret our words, for by misinterpreting our words, and twisting them to meet thy own ends, thy are creating a new karma. Take of these as they should mean to you, in thy heart and thy soul. Do not add from or take away from any of this. For we, as we have said before, are here to prepare a way for the Messiah, that he may enter into thy world. And as he enters on this earth, so shall it be in heaven. For at that time it shall become God’s time. And remember this — our Lord shall have the last word in all things.

Now, thy have of questions. For Bar…, soul Bartholomew, we would say of this. We shall answer thy question, for we feel at this time that by easing the material things, thy may go on with our work. Therefore, we would say to you in this way. You really have no problem, for the answer is in thy own mind.

If thy go to market and trade, as thy would call, a rooster for a goat, and in this trade, thy do not have the necessary funds to pay the difference between the rooster and the goat, then thy can either do one of two things. Do without the goat, or if the goat is important in thy daily life, then first take thy rooster and build it up to where it meets the requirements of the goat. Therefore, take of the one home, as thy would call, a long-term lease, to others. By doing this, therefore, mortgaging the first home, the funds that thy need would be there for the second home, and therefore, preparing a way for funds thereafter. We also see though that if thy would but ask the one close, the funds are already there. And in thy own mind they know of the one we speak of to ask.

Now we also see soul Bartholomew with another problem. We would say of this, soul Bartholomew, thy should be the master of thy home, but do it in a way that both souls involved are part of the home. We would say also here — each soul that is born unto you, you are responsible for, and the guidance of such. Therefore, there is a time that is necessary — we would say it in a word more liking to your own — “spoil the child,” this is not good; therefore, if thy spare the rod, this is not good. Placing both together and making them work as one, guidance and discipline are necessary. Without these — but remember, this soul and each of these souls that are placed in your care, you are held responsible. This comes from the commandment, “Honor thy father and mother.”

Therefore, now we see [in] the mind of soul Andrew [4–20–70–001] a question. We have told you before the problem that thy have created. We advised you at that time against taking certain steps. The one thy seek is the same one. Therefore, we should say no more.

Now we have here, soul Peter [4–6–70–002]. Yes, one moment. At this time this information shall not be given to you in full. Your third dream shall be in completion. Then at that time, if thy fully do not understand, ask again and we should answer. But remember, we are preparing a way in thee. For, as once before, you were told if thy have the faith to walk on water then why do you not have the faith to heal? And healing is in many ways. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes Aka.”

Now, we have here the body, the soul and the spirit of soul [4–3–70–002]. This, thy must understand, in thy reading; because of the karmic action involved here with soul Ray, certain information we cannot give. Therefore, proportions of your reading cannot be given.

Therefore, the beginning we may not give. This plane must be omitted.

Your next entry was in the time of Atlantis.

From Atlantis, this is all the information on Atlantis we may give you, other than your next entry was in Egypt. This is all on this entry we may give you.

Your next entry is in a land known as, at this time, as Indonesia. At this time, again we may not give this information.

Your next entry again was what is now known, was in the city of Bethlehem. This information cannot be given you.

We can tell you of another entry, this entry was during the early voyages of what is known as the Americans, continent. And again, this information we cannot give.

We would tell thee only that thy have been chosen at this time for a task. But thy must remember thy marriage vows, and every proportion of these marriage vows. They were given to you differently for a purpose. They were given to you that thy might walk tall by thy husband. Thy must help him in completion of his mission upon this earth. He shall be used, and you shall be used, as our instrument.

If thy do not walk, as thy would say, backward, but walk forward with this man, then thy blessings from our Father and yours, who in your heart you know better than you think you do — remember this, thy have always loved our Father.

If thy will study these readings and do not misinterpret the words, this is the task we give you, which will be harder than for most. For your reward in some ways shall be bigger than most. For your task shall be a hard task, for many shall come and many shall ask. But we would tell you this much. These words, and the one who asked our Father, and the ones we are preparing a way for, is, as thy would call it, Jesus Christ — and we bestow upon thee this mighty task. We know that at times thy heart shall grow heavy from it, but thy love thy Father and He loves thee. This shall be all at this time on soul [4–3–70–002].

[Editor’s note: After a long pause the tape recorder may have been turned off, then on again, for there is a loud click. Perhaps a question was not recorded.]

Ask them, for soul Ray grows weak.

“Aka, at this, at this time — do we have time — soul [T ] asks for the life reading on her son, [J].”

Not at this time, at another reading. We would suggest at this time thy awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared to what was on the audio tape for accuracy.]

Copyrighted © 1970 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.

August 3, 1970

“Is Ray with God?”

One moment. That is better. All is in accord; soul Ray stands with God.

Now, we should tell thee, as we have said before of our Father, and in telling thee of our Father, we should tell thee of a time of Christ, or Jesus, as thy know him.

There once was a time [in] which Jesus, as he stood in a temple, as he told those people who gathered around him that he loved them, but they cast stones at him. And he asked this question, “Why should thy hate me? Why should thy kill me or destroy me?” And these people said they were children of Abraham.

And he said unto them, “Nay, thy cannot be the children of Abraham, for Abraham would do not of these things.” These people were the Jewish people of that time.

Then thy say to us, “How could these people, as we think of them, as the chosen people, not be the children of Abraham?” And as we have said before, that God may change the descendants, the race, color or the creed, as thy would call it, of man, as the pebbles of stone. For man’s spirit shall be, as we have said before, as the pebbles of a river, and man’s soul should be, as we have said before, as the pebbles of an ocean, but God’s spirit shall be as the pebbles of a brook. Yet God’s spirit may shine and cast above all others. For remember, our Father and yours created all things on this earth of yours, and on the earths, and many earths in your own galaxy, and universe, and universes beyond universes. Can you understand of which we speak?

“I think so, Aka.”

Not fully. One day thy shall.

Now, we should tell thee of the people upon thy earth, the psychic people, as thy call them. And we should say to you, our message has been cast, as a stone into a large river, and the river shall flow into the ocean and spread over many lands in many tongues. For in your time you shall see this. And these of the psychic world, as thy would call them, shall become as one. Those who do not become as one, and do not place themselves under God’s hand, shall be no more. And for those who would use this ability, not for God’s work, but for their own selfish needs, they shall be no more.

We say to you, it is not sin that man should want material things. It is sin, and the beginning and the ending of a karma, in the way you obtain these things. As we have said, love, love of thy fellow man, unselfish love, and if your world could learn to love one-tenth, and know one-tenth of the love of our Father, that’s all that would be necessary for the saving of your world. Without this, your world shall destroy itself; your people shall destroy themselves. But they cannot destroy God’s children on this world of yours, for there is no way for another man to destroy the soul and the spirit that grows toward God. Only the man himself may do this. Can you understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Then, with this knowledge that we have given you, go forth upon your earth and cast your stone into the brooks, that they may flow into the rivers, and that the rivers may flow into your ocean and spread to the many lands. If thy may do this, God shall walk with thee in all thy days upon this plane, and the knowledge of where you have been shall be before you, and the knowledge of where you are going shall be before you. For we have said before, we are here to prepare a way — and in preparing this way, we should bring God’s children back to His many mansions. Can thy understand this?

“Yes, Aka.”

Now, you have many questions, ask these questions.

“Aka, at this time we have a request for a health reading on [8–3–70–001]. Is it possible to get one on him at this time?”

One moment, permission must be given.

Yes, we see here, all is in accord; therefore, we find the body, the soul, and the spirit of [8–3–70–001]. Therefore, we should say to this soul — one moment, additional information must be obtained.

Yes, yes.

We should suggest permission for a life and a health reading be given at this time. We see here without both, one by itself could not fully serve in the way that is needed.

Therefore, we find that permission both from the soul and from our Father, have been given. Therefore, first, we find many problems here — old injury, first. Some of these problems, this soul through meditation, and the meditation of thy group[s], these could be helped, for permission has been given for this help — but only if in his meditation he should think of us that we may enter.

We find here a problem, in your, in a language that thy may understand, we find an [ambroious]-type cyst growth of the left pelvic. Yes. This was caused in a fall as a child from riding horseback.

We also find here — yes — a circulatory problem of the blood. We would suggest first, that this soul, in the taking of a blood tonic, such as, uh, “S.S.S,” yes, this would do at this time. Also, we find fatty tissue in the blood area; this is not good. We would suggest, therefore, a change of diet. This fatty tissue is clogging the third valvulatory area of the heart; this could be very dangerous. Therefore, we would suggest for this soul the eating of more, as thy would call it, vegetation, vegetable — okra, as thy would call it, squash, more radish, more of salad-type vegetation. Yes. Any of these would be good — also more exercise, but not of the stringent type; we see an overly, too much exercise at this time could cause complete failure of this area. Yes. We would also suggest massaging of the heart area. This could be done, starting at two-minute intervals a day; [it is] suggested early in the morning. Do not do this in the evening; therefore, at that time the heart is very taxed. This could cause, as thy would call it, heart failure. If this subject at this time could purchase, oh, there are many good vibrators, as thy would call them, on the market; vibrating for two-minute intervals in the area that is just beneath the heart, this would relieve the pressure here. Then, after this has been done for a 20-day period, it would be suggested, then, at that time, another reading be taken. And, if feasible, at that time the type of baths that we have suggested, sauna-type baths, this would do away with a lot of the extra, as thy would call them, too many white corpuscles of the blood area, overly attacking.

This, you must understand, we also find here one other problem, a problem which this soul in the settling of himself, the searching for his own soul. We would say to you in this way, no matter where thy would go, thy take thyself. Thy might find thyself anywhere, if thy should sit still long enough and look into thyself. We cannot at this time give a full life reading, for permission from this soul has not been given, only for the partial reading.

We should also find here an injury to the head area. We should suggest at this time that, that the type of medication that this soul needs, he himself could not obtain; therefore, we would suggest that he sees a good medical doctor for attendance therefore.

We see that this soul has at this time [been] taking certain astringents of the type medication [for, or] — therefore, we would suggest the continuing of these.

We see here that this soul has at times problems in remembering the taking of these, too; this is not good. We would tell this soul, it would be, you would be creating a new karma
for yourself by neglecting your body — therefore, by entering our world, as thy would call [it] — therefore, then rebirth, with more lessons than thy have to learn now at this time then thy had before.
We find here a psychological block in this area; therefore, certain information that is required from this soul should be asked in, in a private reading.

Now we look — yes — we find arthritic-type tissue growing. You must understand, and this it will soon be learned by your own medical doctors, this is caused by a virus, not by the things at this time that are thought of the same. As the virus attacks, not of the tissue, but of the inner tissue of the bone area, at this time you have no known medication for this area; therefore, we would suggest the eating of the Night-blooming Cereus in the quantities of two inch cubes per day for this subject would greatly help this subject.

Now, we find other old lacerations of the body.

For the present time we would suggest that another reading be given within a 20-day period on this subject, if consent is given. This is all at this time on this soul.
Now we also see, as thy would know it,
[8–3–70–002], soul [8–3–70–002].
Yes, we have the body, the soul, and the spirit here. We see permission has been given; therefore, a reading shall be given. The records show, first, of your karma and your desire to overcome this karma. Then, at this time we would tell thee, if thy would drink of this wine, study it, study all phases of this wine, and in thy meditation if thy would ask permission that we may enter, help shall be given to this soul. But remember, if help is given and thy step backward, then thy shall become what is known as a lost soul. So before entering in the area that thy desire, think first of where you have been; therefore, we shall tell you from where you shall go.

Now, we see here in this soul, pulled ligament area in the third vertebrae. We find osteopathic treatment desired here.

We also find a problem here that could be corrected quite simply by dieting. This soul desires to carry more weight than the body structure at this time will handle. We should suggest more of the raw beef, more of the raw vegetations. We do not, when we speak of raw, mean, not cooked, but not overly cooked.

Now, we also see here that if this soul constructs, at this time, a bar approximately six inches above his reach, that he may for periods of five minutes per day, as thy would call it, hang from this bar, therefore, stretching this area out. You must remember, this area is permanently damaged. Through thought concentration thy may rebuild a good part of this area, but this area has been destroyed in such a manner that complete recovery is not feasible at this time.

First, take of the first of the reading, and then of the last.

This is all on this soul at this time. Another reading shall be given at his request.

Now thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [D ] asks that a health reading be given or he has permission from a [JCM]. Could you give a health reading on this man at this time?”

We would suggest that this soul place his self in a better position, that we may give this reading. At this time, he is not at the location you have given. We do not find this soul at this location. Also we would suggest that this soul be brought more in accord, that this reading shall be given.

Now, soul Ray grows weak. We should suggest at this time that thy should waken soul Ray from his slumber.

But before we go, we should tell thee that this time of the Cherub is now.

[Numbers are substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared to the tape recording for accuracy.

Copyrighted by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.]


August 10, 1970

Globe, Arizona

“Good evening, Aka; where is soul Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Now, as we have said before, the time of the Cherub is now. Therefore, first we should tell thee, as thy have known before, of our Father, and our Father’s plan. That all may come in accord, we would tell thee that the time of the Messiah is close at hand.

Now, first, should tell soul Bartholomew — yes — one moment — yes, yes, yes, we see this — therefore, we would say, we have sent thee and thy family into what shall shortly be known as the isles, and therefore, great work shall be there. After the splitting of the earth, the land that they stand on at this time shall be as island. And other earths shall heave from the sea, and therefore, other islands shall be there too. And these islands, many inhabitants shall flee to. Some shall sink back into the sea, and many shall die. But for their people and for the people of the Lord, our Father — as we speak of those who were created in the beginning and who are listed in the Book, these people, as thy would know them, are the children of God. Many names have fell from this list; yet, many names have been added to this Book, that it may be complete. [See The Revelation, chapters 7 and 20.]

There shall be a time of famine — yes, we see this. We see that thy need spiritually shall be greater at that time than any other time in thy life span. At that time, brother shall attack brother, sister shall hate sister, father shall slay son.

But no Father shall slay his own son. Can thy understand of which we speak? Nay. Nay, not at this time.

Now, we have sent messages with soul Ray for thee. We say, thy have neither heeded these messages or meditated upon them. Then we would speak again of these messages and their meaning. There are many ways of healing. And that healing shall come about, for the times and the half times shall be over at that time. As we have said, for now shall be the time of our Lord, our Father, our God. And our Father, who has shed many tears, should not shed but one — and those tears shall be shed for His children. And our Father shall walk with thee, and His light shall shine upon thee. And all His angels, as thy call them, shall be with thee. For we have said before, if thy should pray for the use of one hand to take the place of two, then those who have lost their hand shall be sent unto thee. But remember, these cannot be sent unless thy ask. And when thy ask, ask of thyself, not as another, so our Father would know of thee.

Now, for the wife of soul Bartholomew, your time to smell the flowers is now. Your time to let others smell your flowers is now.

And we have said before to both of thee, look backward from which thy came, so thy would know from where thy are going. This time is now. There is great work for both of you. There is great work for [thy. their] children.

Now, thy ask, “Shall we survive? Should we survive this famine?” And we would say unto thee, yes — if thy stand tall in God’s light, thy shall survive, all things. But for thy sake and for the sake of thy family, and for the sake of many souls where thy dwell, do not step backward at this time, for the half time[s] shall be no more.

Now, we should say for soul John. And we should say in a different way — that at the time that Jesus was to leave thy earth in the physical form, he did say unto Peter, “What should it mean to you if this one should wait until I come again?”

Thy do not fully understand of which we speak, at this time. Bring thyself in accord in thy meditation. Think thee of thy Father and thy Son, and then thy should know of us. Remember, that as thy traveled before the road by the Sea of Gallia, as thy stood at the foot of the cross and caught of the drops of blood, all these things shall be again. Prepare thyself, John, for there is mighty work for you. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes.” [John answers]

Now, we should say to Peter, there are times, soul Peter, when thy think that thy work is totally right, but we should remind thee of a time, of a half time, after Jesus, or Christ, as thy would know him, had left this earthly plane in physical body. This time is written in your book you call the Bible. These things are called the Acts of the Apostles. Remember this, there was never a time that Jesus said, slay a man. There was never a time that he cast, even to the smallest of things upon this earth, in a downward direction. Therefore, we should say unto you — on this time, thy work is more important than it was before, for the half times, [the microphone is bumped and the dog yelps] for the half times are at an end.

Think, then, thee of Davarious, and think thee of these words, “Cas ay nos mon, cas ay tu?” And Davarious walked upon the earth and slayed all in front of him. You saw all these things; do you not remember? Nay.

We have said before that, as Christ said before, or as you would have it, Jesus, said before, “On this rock we should build our church.” And we said unto you, as he said unto you — this temple shall be in the hearts of man, not of a great building. Now we would say to you again, think of God’s spirit as the pebbles of a brook, think of man’s spirit as the pebbles of a river, think of man’s soul as the pebbles of a[n] ocean, and then think of the pebbles thy should throw into the brook, that should flow to the river, that should flow to the ocean and should reach many lands.

There is great work ahead. Thy must stand tall and bear the yoke. Thy will stumble, and thy, at some times, shall deny us; we know this. This, and this sin, we pardon. But do not deny thy Father, for this sin we cannot pardon.

Now, thy ask — nay, we should not tell thee of this. Thy know this already.

Then we should say that very soon, almost in the twinkling of an eye, parts of the upper proportion of Europe shall split apart, and the earth there shall change. We should tell thee, that at this time, the work that is happening — as thy know it, Israel — if your country denies, or does not give the gift it was intended to do, if it does not spread its wings and protect this area, then a new karma shall be born for your country and for your world. For it was God’s plan that the time and half time should end, and therefore, the Jewish people should kneel before Christ.

Thy do not understand of which we speak, but thy soon will.

Then we would say unto thee, be cautious of the Lion, be cautious of the Red Horse. They are both moving very swiftly. Be careful that they do not bite in such a place that the wound cannot heal. Your greatest threat in your country is not from without, it is from within. If thy country should survive, then this stone thy would cast into the brook, that should flow to the river, and then flow to the ocean — this work must go on as fast as possible.

Therefore, we should tell you that the work that you have planned in California, as thy would call it, which shall soon be known as the isles of California, this trip should be made. Remember, even those who should come out of idle curiosity should leave with something. It is not your job to judge. It is your job to carry the message of God. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Now, we see, for the father of soul Andrew — yes, we see this problem at this time, yes — we would say, this soul should see through his work. We should also see that he should come here, that both a life and physical reading should be given, that help in this area may be given. Therefore, we might at this time say this, permission from our Father has been given, but not from the soul. This is all on this soul at this time.

Now, we find a soul within thy group who would ask for healing. Yes, we see this. If thy would think upon us for three nights. Before thy slumber, think first of God, and then the word, Aka, and ask that permission may be given that we enter — and we shall, if this is desired in the soul — and the healing that thy need shall come into thee.

Now, we see one other problem here, in this soul. We would say, answer you, in this way. You have the answer within yourself. There is a course that thy might take. If, in handling this other soul, in which you refer, to, if thy would think upon this soul only in kindliness, there would be no problem.

Now, we find for the other soul. Both of these souls would know of themselves.

At this time, our time is growing short, for soul Ray become tired; therefore, we become weak. We should suggest for both of these souls, first, before this information is fully given, if thy would study of these works. And then, in six days — nay, nay, nay, one moment.

Yes, yes, yes, Father, we see this, yes, Father.

Then we should say in this way, our Father has asked that better words be used. Our Father says to this soul to think of that time in your half time, in the time of the separation when thy walked in His light. If thy could think of this, our Father shall let us enter. But remember, thy children shall grow old after thee, and thy children’s children shall grow old after thee. Dying, as thy would call it, is only part of life. Can thy understand of which we speak?


Nay, then in three days come back. In these three days, use them for meditation. In three days, all thy questions that have not been answered in the course of these three days, we should answer for thee. Can thy understand of this?


Now, as we have said before, soul Ray grows weak.

We have told thee before, if thy have the faith to walk on water with us, why do you not use that faith for healing? Cast aside thy petty thoughts. Pray to God for this healing for others. We have given you this gift; yet, you wait for miracles. Is not the gift of God a miracle in itself?

Now we see one other. She has seen the cross of the sun, and it has frightened her. Nay, remember, God blesses and loves thee. God[’s] only wish is thy should walk in His light. If thy should remember this, we should come to thee in thy slumber and take these doubts from thy mind.

Now, as we have said before, is the time of the Cherub.

[This transcript has been compared to the tape recorded message for accuracy.]

The words are copyrighted © 1970 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.

August 20, 1970

Yes, now soul Ray stands with God again. And now he shall stand for eternity, for he is his Father’s son. For he shall stand always with his Father.

Now, we shall make the necessary adjustments for his body functions. At this time we would suggest that soul Ray gets more rest.

All is in accord with God, his Father. The body functions we shall take care of.

Now, we would suggest that thy should waken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Note: no tape recording was available with which to check this transcript.]

Copyrighted © 1970 by A Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


August 21, 1970

“Is Ray with God, Aka?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

“Thank you.”

Now we see much turmoil in thy group. Because of soul Ray’s time of temptation, many have walked backward. But now we see — yes, yes, we see this — and in seeing this, remember, as we have said before, there shall be times when thy shall reject us and even denounce us, and these things shall be pardoned, but never denounce or reject our Father. For remember, our Father and yours loves you.

Now thy would ask, “Why, then, did we send to soul Ray a message in the form — ” yes, we see this. And then we would say unto you, soul Ray, in his prayer and in his talking with his Father, asked that he should be shown a sign. And this sign was shown — for it came from the East.

Now we should say to soul [6–6–70–002], we see — yes — her problem here. This soul has still the same karma over and over again.

To her, we would say that a house may stand; it must not stand divided, but stand as one. And for her we would say, remember, our Father has many mansions. But, you are the wife of your husband and, your husband, in your life, shall lead, and you may guide. And by guiding, and by leading, you both shall drink from the same trough. But you can destroy nothing, for this is not part of God’s work. Building upon what is there, yes, this is part of God’s work. Be truthful with thy husband, and then ask of us again.

Remember we cannot answer if you and your husband do not open thy door. We may enter only into thy soul, for your door is open, but the door to your home into which you and your children and your husband dwell, has not been opened; therefore, that door we cannot enter. In thy

prayer and in thy meditation, if thy would think of healing, and of good thoughts unto others, and if, by doing this, thy show thy husband of thy good intent, then he also shall drink from thy trough. But, if thy force this, thy shall destroy even the door which we might enter forever and ever, and therefore, it shall be again in another life that thy shall try and reach us.

This shall be all on soul [6–6–70–002] at this time.

Now — yes, yes, we see this. Yes, we see this problem. And we would answer your question in this way. Over and over again, we have sent you prophets, and you have destroyed these prophets. But the Prophet that shall come after us thy shall not be able to destroy. For he shall have the power of all things, even into the smallest of things on your plane upon your world.

We also see another house that is beginning to grow back as one. Now, at this time, we should suggest, again, that these two souls think upon us.

Our Father should answer thy question in yet but another way. You look for miracles — then, look into thy children and see the miracle that we shall perform. Thy look for miracles; then look into thy wife and see the healing that we shall perform. But remember, thy must have faith. And this faith, as husband and wife, must walk together.

There are other things that we would talk to thee upon, and we should speak upon, but we see at this time thy are not ready for this.

Now we should answer an other question. As we spoke before, in the eighth month of our coming, your water shall be pure again. Your water at this point is not, and shall not be dangerous at this point to thy health, but for the prevention of future growths, continue to use purified water. All things shall come back as they were before, and life shall return into thy household again, and shall blossom and grow.

For now we shall give you a rose. And in thy mind this shall be a rose without thorns. And the fragrance from this rose shall bind thy family as one. For this rose shall be the word of our Father in your home.

Now we would say, go into thy Bible, read of the script, read of the script of Paul. This is the reason we have called you, for you walked with Paul once before. But, since soul Paul’s soul is dead and shall never return, you shall walk in his place, for you have been chosen. But this, you yourself must accept. Look into your soul, cleanse it, and all things of thy prayers shall be answered, for we give you the gift of our Father.

Now we see other questions, and these thy must ask.

“Aka, [6–9–70–001] has had some very bad nose bleeds. And [(4–3–70–002) (or 6–9–70–001?)] would like very much to know if, at this time, she could have a health reading or if she could have some explanation as to what she can do about them or what is causing them. Can you give us any information at this time?”

Yes, we have the soul, the spirit and the body of soul [6–9–70-­001]. One moment — yes — at this point we would suggest the giving of Lydia E. Pinkham in the adult dosage. Also, we would suggest here that calcium is lacking in the diet. This should be added to the diet. Also we find that more salt should be added to the diet, a lack of salt in the diet. Yes. It should also be suggested that the purchasing of a good, natural daily vitamin, and be given once per day. There are many good ones on the market. Therefore, we see a child that shall soon [spring] the first steps of early womanhood. Prepare her soul and mind for this time.

We also find here a problem of the feet area, of a rash in this area. This is not as thy think it. This is a virus. With the proper dieting these things may be corrected — but as we have told thee before, taking of the greasewood, boiling of this, of the leaf of the greasewood, boiling it to the point of boil, letting it cool, doing this three times — it shall form a jelly-like form — ­therefore, adding, as thy would call it, baking soda. When this application, after this application has been placed on, then placing towels over this area, as hot as the child may stand it — ­then taking olive oil and briskly rubbing in to this area — then using the ultraviolet light to treat this area, not over, oh, five minutes per day of the light. Over usage of this could be dangerous.

Yes, we see this. We also see at this time — yes — problem of the [lymphro] area. Yes, we would suggest massaging this area in a downward position — this could be done at home — massaging this area in a downward position; then by firmly placing both hands on the child’s neck as the child lays flat on its back, stretching the neck area very gently; this could relieve the pressure in this area, therefore, secreting the necessary chemicals that would do away with this entirely.

Yes, we see this. We also find here, [mortiporeses? more type-oresis? ornithorhynchus? ornithosis?] type growth in the [flambrous? flatus? flabbiest? flexuous?] area. Yes, we find that this area, the drinking of the sage tea, and with the other treatment prescribed at this time, should take care of the medical needs of this child, at this time. We would suggest that another reading be taken in the near future.

We also would suggest that a life reading be given on this soul.

This is all, at this time, on soul [6–9–70–001].

“Aka, we know that you have made certain adjustments on soul Ray. But what can be done to ease the pressure on soul Ray’s overwork? Is there anything we could do to, even the pace?”

These things he must regulate himself. He knows his own condition. He knows in his own mind the strain that is being put on his physical body by overworking. If thy could remind him.

We often remind him. But you must realize that soul Ray in awakening state is a very stubborn person, almost to the point, at times, of stupidity. Therefore, it would be suggested that you remind him frequently. The necessary adjustments have been made, but remember our Father, and us, may only do and only restore, but we cannot restore those things that he should destroy.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka, I think we can.

“We have this evening, Aka, requests for several various health readings. We would like a reading on [8–21–70-O01], a health reading.

“Ah, have you any suggestions as to how we might conduct these different readings, health readings and life readings, as to time element and soul Ray’s condition as to being tired, overtaxed? There are many requests for health readings and life readings which we haven’t been able to get into our readings because of this.”

We would suggest at this time that all of the health readings that thy have requested, we would suggest that at every third day, a health reading should be taken. Do not request a health and a life reading at the same time. These do overtax.

There are times when we must give in proportion to both; therefore, it would be suggested and would save a great deal of your time, and ours, that when requests are made for both health and life readings that they be given at the same time — in other words, permission from the soul be given. Therefore we, at that time, would be free to give the necessary information.

Now, we would suggest that for soul [6–21–70–001], her problem is very simple, she is pregnant. Therefore, we would suggest at this time that the taking of Lydia E. Pinkham, also we find the area low in calcium. We also find a problem of the back area, in the [limbrone? limber? lumbar?] area, which should be corrected. This should be done a little at a time. We would suggest that she see a good chiropractor and these pressures be relieved. We also see a pressure here in the upper neck area; this is caused from, as thy would call them, pinched nerves, [nervous] system. If work was done in both of these areas we would see a great improvement.

Therefore, we could also see in this soul — yes — bring thyself closer to thy Father. Bring thyself closer to thy God. Speak to Him as thy would speak to thyself that He may understand of which you speak. Remember, if thy walk through thy plane in life with thy God, thy Father, all things are possible. And we feel that, at this time, when thy speak to thy Father, ask Him that we may enter and that we may give the healing that is necessary in thy body, and soul and spirit. Can thy understand of which we speak?


“I think so.”

Not fully. Thy shall, in time.

We would say to this soul, let others smell thy flowers, let others see the goodness in thy heart. Do not be afraid of this goodness.

This is all on this soul at this time.

Thy have one other reading which is important, and then thy shall waken soul Ray from his slumber.

“We have had — ”

We find this before us, the body the soul, as thy would know her, [8–21–70–002]; therefore, we find — yes — your problem is from an old laceration. In this area, the upper shoulder and down through, causing pain down through the finger tips — yes — taking hot castor oil, rubbing it into this area very briskly — then applying the same castor oil into a cloth pack and wrapping this area, then taking, as thy would call it, a heating element, and placing it over this area, and leaving it overnight, this would greatly relieve these pains.

We find a[n] other problem in this soul. We find a growth. We have spoke[n] before of this growth.

Now, at this time, and we say — not of another time, but of this time, now — all members of this group shall pray. Pray each of you in your own way. If thy prayers are strong and if thy may walk on the water with us, then we should heal of this woman at this time.

Now pray of thee. [There were two minutes of silent prayers.]

Now thy should waken soul Ray from his slumber.

[[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for spoken names to respect the privacy of individuals. This transcript has been compared with the recorded voice for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1970 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


August 24, 1970

Aka is here.

“Aka, is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

“Thank you.”

And now, for soul Luke, we see your problem, and we shall help. And our Father shall travel with you that no harm may happen. We also see the problem with thy group in the valley below the sea [Yuma, Arizona]. It would be suggested, as the groups gather, that as many as possible gather with this at one time. It should also be suggested that certain corrective measures be taken in thy group meditation in this area, for remember, if all are not in accord — and as we say in accord, we mean with God, our Father, and yours — the help that we may give, the door shall be closed that we may not enter.

And now, for [6–6–70–002], yes, we see thy problem in thy time of need.

And we would say at this time, our Father loves you. He has always loved you. But open thy door that we may enter into thy family.

We also understand, and we also see from thy past lives — and this we should have explained before in more detail and did not — that since the beginning thy have looked for a way for the acceptance of God’s word into thee. Now we tell thee this, and we shall try and explain it in a way more liking to your soul; God’s work comes in many, many ways. In each soul, and each spirit, and each body, as we have said before, are those who, upon your asking, shall be there to help you.

Now we have sent six of these to assist thee. These six are very psychic people and were psychic in their life span. Some of these six have reached the end of their planes, and therefore, remain with God. Some of these six shall come back upon your life and into your life, and you shall know them. And some of these six shall return upon this earth of yours. Now they are there for guidance unto you, and this guidance shall come from our Father unto you.

We see your need to teach, and this is good. But we ask but one thing, and then the gift shall be given to you to teach, and at that time we shall call you Thermaque. And remember that in thy scripture they shall find Thermaque, and he was not of the first of the disciples, but of the second. And he loved Christ, and he loved God. But his house was divided also, and therefore, the work he could have done, he did not do fully; therefore, to make all in accord and all in completion, make your house stand as one.

Now we see at this time, the soul of [7–18–70–001] in another land. Yes, we see this. If in thy heart they may find the time to think of us, the help that thy need at this time, we shall give to you. But remember thy must ask that we may enter and that the helpers that our Lord should send may enter.

Remember, we are here to prepare a way for the Messiah. And as, as those before were called Essene, they were known as those of the time of waiting. We have called this group the philosophy, the Spiritual Philosophy of God.

Now there are others groups, as thy would know them. One of these groups are known as the A.R.E. group. Very soon they shall become part of this work. And this, at this time, we shall say, is good.

Now for soul Bartholomew, we would say, what thy have in mind at this time is good. But we would say one other. There is a dragon who would bite of thee. Be careful. Do not over trust this dragon, and do not, at any time, underestimate this dragon.

And now we would say to soul John, thy are acting as Thomas. Why have thy left thy flock? Do thy not love thy Lord? Have thy so little faith that thy should run and hide? Remember, soul John, our Father loves you. If thy could think of us that we may enter, these things shall be put into righteousness again. We have sent many messages, soul John. Prepare thyself, for as we have said before, we are here to prepare a way for the Messiah, and did he not say unto you that you would be here when he arrived, that you would wait upon him?

Now thy have other questions.

“Aka, we have a question that our group discussed on your references to Paul. Can you explain to us why the soul of Paul is a dead soul?”

The soul of Paul was taken back into Heaven, for the body in which this soul at that time would enter, cast it aside. Therefore, this soul could not enter and chose to return to his Father.

Now we asked another.

“Did our prayers for [8–21–70–002] meet with our Father’s wishes?”

Yes, they met with your Father’s wishes. But we would say, pray again and again for this soul, for much prayer is needed. The help that came, and the help, that thy now fully understand, that is needed, should be prayed upon also.

“Aka, [4–3–70–002] asks if the pain in her solar plexus from over lifting is something that she needs to consult a physician for?”

Yes, yes, we have the body, the soul, and the spirit of [4–3–70–002]; therefore, the necessary information shall be given. [4–3–70–002] first should consult a physician. We find pleurisy and the necessary prescribing of certain antibiotics at this time. Yes, we find congestion in the lower lung area, inflammation between the tissue.

Yes. We also find on [4–3–70–002] at this time that certain chiropractic treatment should be done as soon as possible. This we have suggested before, which was not complied with. This would greatly relieve this area also.

Also we have suggested that this soul, for the taking of a good blood tonic, “S.S.S.” would do. We would also suggest that this soul go back to the taking of good natural vitamins, taking this very regularly, daily.

We find also that the saunic baths we have suggested before — yes, this should be done — at this time, that as soon as possible the constructing by your group of the saunic bath, that all of thy group and the many others of this area, that these could be used at this time.

We also find here that the drinking of the sage tea would help improve the sinus area. We find that the — as we have said before, certain growths caused by certain bacteria pumped into the drinking water in this area has caused nervous disorder. By the drinking of the sage tea, this might neutralize this area. It is also suggested for the neutralizing of the acid in thy water.

We also suggest that in thy bath water that a, the bath water used for the vagina area be changed, that this area be bathed in a different way. I think at this time the soul has in mind a different type of bathing for this area. This would be good. This would greatly improve. We find infection of this area due to the bathing at the present time.

This is all on [4–3–70–002] at this time.

“Aka, [8–10–70–003] asks, what should he do about his interests in mining in light of the urgency of other things?”

We would suggest that, very strongly, retain thy interest in a silent manner. Retain it only to the point of keeping the present claims that thy possess. But as thy would store wheat for another day, store this also. The time shall come when you shall need of this, but the time at this time, do your other work first.

We find in this soul, thy are thinking of, as you would say, a mosaic. This has also entered upon thy wife’s mind. Then, we would say, think of the Almighty; think of the records that are kept forever and ever; and, think of the coming of the Messiah. If you may put in thy minds a picture, this would bring all in accord with God.

We see in this soul the love for his wife and children, and his desire to express this love. Be not afraid, for the love that thy have now shall come tenfold, for they are climbing upon our ladder. Thy shall walk upon the water with us, and as thy walk, thy family shall walk with thee. Thy wife shall walk tall, as she has done before.

We would say to her, think thee of Ruth, and thy would know of which we speak.

And now, we also see in thy minds a fear for thy children. As we have said before, if thy would construct the saunic-type baths, this would take care of the problem. At this time, the chiropractic treatment is only a temporary thing.

We have a problem of arthritis here. We would suggest that the taking of the sage root; we would suggest the taking of the flat-leafed cactus — boiling these two substances to a boil, barely to a boil — letting it cool, and drinking of this, this would greatly help this area. Now we would also suggest that the eating of the Night-blooming Citros [Cereus], from the root of the same, quarter-by-quarter inch daily, also would greatly help this area. This might be done by all in thy family for a short period of time. We would give a further reading on these subjects at another time.

Now we look into the heart, and the soul, and the spirit, and the body of this soul’s wife. And as we have said before, think thee of Ruth, and thy would know of thyself. Think thee of the love thy have had for our Savior, and think thee of the time of thy walking by the Sea of Gallea once before. As we have said before that the healing, both in thy children, and in you, shall come; have faith. Walk on the water with us, and thy faith shall blossom as thy have never seen a rose blossom before.

God loves thee, and God heals thee, and thy healing shall come now. [Editor’s note: there is about a 25-second pause as the healing is given.]

Ask thy other questions.

“Aka, what, if anything, can I do to help my sister’s situation, without upsetting her whole household?”

Thy sister shall know the things to do.

Continue thy work, as thy have done it before, Peter. Think thee of healing, both in the mind, and the soul, and in the spirit, and in the body, and these things shall come, and they shall be made unto you a new gateway. And through this gateway shall have three sides, and the towers upon this gateway shall have of three sides, and the boats thy shall sail in shall have three sides, and the ground that thy walk on shall have three sides, and there shall be the answer into thy prayer. Think thee upon this, and we shall come to thee tonight.

And then, think thee again for three days. And then, return unto us that we may speak to thee again.

“Thank you, Aka.”

But remember, think of thy Father who loves thee. Thy are walking the path in which thy are attended, and thy attendants shall be many.

Now, we see soul Andrew at this time. We see the problem of soul Andrew at this time. Be patient and think of our word, Aka, in thy meditation. Think of our Almighty God, our Father. Remember, if thy do not allow is to walk with thee, we cannot, for each soul has upon itself free choice.

And remember, soul Andrew, there are no souls, or spirit, or body which is identical. All things, our Father loves; that is why He has made it so, for remember, all things upon thy earth and in thy heavens, our Father created.

Thy have one other question, ask of it.

“Aka, the question that I have here is a, the continuation; I know you have given a small portion of [8–3–70–001]. But before he left, he consented to a health reading. Do you have time for that this evening?”

We have given [8–3–70–001] his health reading.

“Excuse me, Aka. I meant a life reading.”

His life reading shall come at another time. There shall be — yes, ask again and this shall be granted, for permission has been given for this.

Now, our time grows short. Soul Ray grows very tired, and we shall grow weak. But before we go, we would remind thee that now is the time of the Cherub, or as thy would call it, the cherubim.

Now, awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared to the audio recording of Aka’s voice for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1970 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


August 28, 1970

“Good evening, Aka, is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Now, at this time, we should tell you more of what thy call prayer. Too often, too often thy should pray to thy Father and then thy, themself, forgot thy prayer. But remember, thy Father does not forget your prayers. And those prayers that are said in earnest, that mean something to you, that should mean something to our Father, shall be answered.

But then, we would tell thee of the prayers that are said by others — the prayers which are said in greed, the prayers that are said to place temptation, temptation before others. Then we should tell you in this way. If thy should offend thy brother, the shall be offended. If thy should say a prayer to God and mean this prayer for Lucifer, then Lucifer shall answer the prayer and not our Father. We know thy do not understand of which we speak. Then we should say in a way our Father would prefer. Walk thee in the light of God, and by walking in His light, thy shall become as He.

We should tell thee of a different time, for your world has been as three. We should go back before the time of Atlantis into a civilization, as thy would call it, greater than any that has ever been on your earth before, with more scientific knowledge, more powers to heal than has ever been on your earth since. Now, of this civilization we would tell you this, this civilization made war upon other planets, and therefore, as you would call it at this time, the heavy bombardment by radiation changed the form of man, and has continued to change its form into what you are today.

Therefore, when the Father spoke and said He would make man of our likeness — now, by telling you of this time, we should tell you of a time that shall be again. As your earth should change again, and as the earth shall change from north to south, from east to west, man must change with this time, for in this time he shall walk forward and have more spiritual vibrations to the body than ever before. And at this time he shall become closer into what is known as the God state, or the Christ state. At this time, those who do not change shall be no more. This is not a threat. This is something that shall happen upon your earth, and those who shall be prepared for this time shall survive. Those who are not prepared shall not survive, for their body, their soul, shall be no more; the spirit shall be dead and, therefore, there shall be no more entries.

During this time, and this time shall come about between the periods of 1900 — yes — no, this is wrong; one moment, please.

Yes, Father, yes, Father. Yes. Yes.

This period shall come about in the year, two thousand — no, the records show, 22–02 2 — yes, this is the records show. You shall have to wait, one moment, and permission must be given.

This you must realize, only our Father, and at His grace, shall disclose what stands in the times that stand for His great plan. And it shall be on earth and heaven and in the universe and universes. Therefore, this time shall be 2022. And at this time, your bodies must become accustomed to these things.

This shall begin in 1998 — and at this time has began before in your year of 1932. Your earth’s rotation shall change. It, your earth, shall gradually become closer to what is known as your sun. Therefore, the entries upon this earth must change with your earth to survive this time.

Therefore, we should tell you of the time before.

Before, these people were too greedy to change; therefore, many became mutates and other forms. Their bodies changes almost to the animal state. Their thinking changed back to the animal state. This you have record of — this is what you should call your cave man state. It has taken you thousands of years to develop from which this time came.

Now, we would say, if all is not in accord, destruction shall be again, and man shall revert back again into what he was before.

But as those who survived to Atlantis from this other time, and were capable of taking part of the knowledge to Atlantis — then as Atlantis was destroyed — this same knowledge, therefore, was transferred into three places. Therefore, the leaders at that time realized, rather than revert completely back into the mutate, or caveman state, they buried these secrets.

These secrets shall be known shortly into your world again, for as we have said before, all things shall be uncovered unto thee. Where there is no light, light shall flow. Where no water flows, water shall flow. Where desert and dry land dwell, mountains shall be. All things shall change upon your earth.

Very shortly, you shall have what you [would, will] call another earthquake in your Southern Pole area. As these earthquakes happen, a great melting of the same shall happen.

In the Mediterranean area, the earth shall begin to rise from the sea, in what you now call your Florida area shall rise again from the sea. Others we shall tell you in a later reading.

What is now known — proportions of the British Isles shall sink into the sea; other land shall rise. A bridge, a natural bridge shall rise from the ocean bed, and therefore, what is now known as the British Isles, and what shall be left of them, shall then become part of the continent of Europe. Other proportions of the upper proportions of Europe shall change as though in the twinkling of an eye.

Your South American area, great upheavals shall come about. We should tell thee more of this at a different time.

Soul Ray grows weak; therefore, we should grow weak. We should tell you at this time, we know of the many questions thy should have answered. If thy should ask at another time, we should answer these. But remember, we are here to prepare a way, and the time should grow short. The information that thy shall need for the preservation of God’s children shall be given to you. If these things are acted upon, none of your group of God’s children shall be harmed.

Now is the time to awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[This transcript has been compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1970 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


August 29, 1970

Soul Ray stands with God.

“Is there any information that you would like to give us at this time?”

At this time we should give the life reading on [8–3–70–001].

Yes, we have the body, the soul, and the spirit at this time; all is in accord.

Therefore, we should say — one moment, the records must be checked.

Yes, we see this entry in the time of Tibam. This entry at this time should be a musician, or musical player.

We see this entry moving forward into time — many births, over and over again.

Now we see this entry as the captain of a vessel — much cruelty, much chaos, new karmas.

Now we see this entry in the time, as thy would know it, of Atlantis.

Now again, this entry shall sail upon the waters and shall be responsible for the discovery of fuel used in the underwater vessel, one of the same type vessels used in the shipping of slaves in what is now known as Peru. Because of the nature of these people, they are considered not as humans. Therefore, they shall be known as interbreds [interbreeds].

Now, the entry shall study under Priest Aras, and shall transfer Priest Aras into Egypt, and there shall become the personal captain of the vessel for Priest Ra-Tai. This is good.

Now, again, we do not see this entry until the year ten-thousand forty-two [1042?] B.C. Yes, we see this. At this time this entry chooses to be among the people in enslavement in Egypt. These are the people God gave into bondage. This entry should deny Moses in his first coming, yet should be among the first to accept him in his second coming.

Now, we do not see this entry again until thirteen seventy-two [1372] A.C. At this time, this entry was a member of the tribe and of the belief of the God of One, and as thy would know them, as the Essenes, the people of the time of the waiting. Now, at this time, again we find this entry as a wanderer. He is following, not in his search for his soul, but for the sake of wandering, and shall be taken captive among other known Christians, and taken to Rome; therefore, shall stand trial for treason against the Roman Empire. Therefore, we find this entry and death upon the cross, but a new karma in dying, for this entry should die not for the love of his God, but should deny even his God at this time.

Therefore, we do not find this entry again until the year of your known plane, and much time of learning has passed. This time we find this entry in search of its spirit and its soul, to make them as one, for if this should happen, this entry shall be, become complete again.

This we should say to this entry, you have taken the first step. Take the second, and then the third. And upon the third, ask again, and we shall help thee to become complete as one. And we would say these words unto you, “Que asa, que se morse, namasa.” And you shall know the meaning of the same.

This is all at this time on this soul.

“At this time, Aka, can you answer [7–18–70–002]’s question?”

Yes, we may answer your question. But you ask now as a child, for you know the answer within yourself. Walk tall, as thy have done before, and if thy still do not understand, ask again, and we shall answer thee.

Thy have other questions, ask them.

You have one among you who asks.

For the first of thy question we should say of this, quit thinking of thy self; think of others. We find your own sin here, your own karma. We find the taking of your own life would be a foolish thing. If thy should have the faith to walk with us, then why do not thy have the faith to heal thyself? Your physical health and the fear of the same is a very foolish thing.

You ask for a life reading. This shall be granted.

We find in this soul the entry in the time before Atlantis, ten.

We find in this soul in the times of Atlantis, five.

We find in the time of Egypt, thirteen.

We find in what now is known as Russia, five.

We find in the land known as a proportion of the same of the Inca nation, thy have reached, at last, your desired place upon earth as a priest. We find you have built great monuments to God.

Then we would say to this soul, if thy could build this monument, and in your heart this monument must be of a material thing and this is the only way thy know of worshipping your Father, then do so, but do it in the way that others should not suffer, for much blood was shed in your building of your last temple. Why, then, should it be shed in the building of your temple in yourself again? Lift thyself above this. God does not expect you to shed one teardrop more than you are capable. But He should expect you to shed each teardrop that you may be able to shed. Now, remember, our Father loves you; more love than you have ever known in all of your lifetimes together, our Father has gave unto you.

There are other things we should mention, but we do not find these things are necessary at this time, for this soul knows of which we speak. And we should say unto this soul, ‘if thy eye offend thee, cast it aside;’ and thy shall know of the eye we speak of. But remember, should thy grow a rose in thy garden, and the smell of the bud of the rose is sweet, save the seed and plant it again. If thy fruit that thy should plant shall multiply and be sweet to thy taste, then plant this fruit again and watch it grow; and take the meat of the seed of the same, and watch this fruit grow, for this thy shall use for meat. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes.” [the person answers.]

Not fully, but thy shall within time. If thy shall take some of our fruit, think upon our name for three nights and think of God, your Father, that we may enter, the help that thy need shall come into you. But remember, you must open the door first.

Now is the time to awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1970 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


August 31, 1970

“Aka, where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

“Then he is safe.”

Now we should tell thee of a time. And as we tell thee of this time, thy shall know, many of you, of a time where you have been before. We shall tell thee of the last days of the man thy knew as Jesus Christ, and in telling you of these days, thy shall know in which thy have come.

Once, just before his death of the physical body, he was asked these questions.

“If a man should have of seven wives, then which wife should he have in heaven?”

And he would answer in this way. First, the temple of God is in man; second, if this man should reach, as thy would know it, the Christ state, he should not know of a wife, for all shall be in the same; therefore, it would make little difference if he had seven of a hundred and seven.

And then thy ask, “Then what God should he go to?”

And we would say, remember his words, that “God is the God of the living, not the dead.” [See Luke 20: 27–38.]

And then, thy would say, “How could this be so?”

And we would say unto you, those who are dead are dead forever; those who would live shall live forever, and therefore, enter our Father’s mansion as one. But then again, no man shall enter our Father’s kingdom as one, for he shall come in the same way in which he was created, for he must have with him the spirit, the soul, and of the immortal body.

And thy would say, “What would be the difference between the physical body and the immortal body?”

And we would say in words more liking to our Father, the immortal body is of three, and therefore, may never die, for our Father has made it so.

Now, we should say that we have called you to our doorstep, that thy may act as our pebble that we may cast into the brook that shall flow into the river and flow into the ocean, and by flowing into the ocean, shall spread to many lands. And remember, you have free choice, for our Father has made it so.

But, if thy accept this work, do not step backward again, Judas [8–31–70–001], or thy shall destroy thy spirit. For we have waited a long time for thy coming, and now the chain that was broken before shall be bonded back as one, and again, there shall stand on your earth the completed chain of thirteen.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, we have many questions tonight. At this time [4–6–70–003] is quite concerned about a very dear little friend. Is there anything that can be done?”

First, for this friend, we should give the help that is needed.

First, change thy diet, change it for this friend. Take of the fresh vegetables, chopping them and then grinding them — take okra, take of the radish, take of the corn, take of the spinach. Then we would suggest taking of a blood tonic known as S.S.S., grinding this finely, mixing it, then taking of fresh liver, cooking it very slowly. With this, you must remember, the one you speak of has what is known as tick fever.

Now, we would suggest one other. Take of the Night-blooming Citros [Cereus], grinding this within the food. Take of the sage tea, preferably of the root of the sage, grinding this within the food.

And third, remember, if you should have the faith to walk on the water with us, and if you should talk to thy Father and it should mean something to you, you have but to ask. But have faith in yourself, and by having faith and believing that your prayers shall be answered, then your prayer shall be answered.

You have other questions on thy mind, ask.

“Aka, [7–18–70–001] would like to know, in what way is he supposed to walk in his father’s footsteps, and how to go about informing his fellow students?”

For the son of Peter, walking in thy father’s footsteps is not an easy task. Then we would say, walk in your own footsteps and make the print from the same a strong and firm stand. Build thy faith in thyself, and when you speak of us and speak of our Father and you speak of the coming of the Messiah, then you shall be believed. Have faith in thyself, my son, for we have faith in thee.

Now, we see the difficulty in thy mind. And we should say, then, to soul John, you have done well. In thy meditation we shall come unto thee and answer the question that is in thy mind, for the question that is in thy mind must be answered in private. Can thy understand of which we speak?


Then, for soul Paul, we should say, have faith, and fear not, for we watch over your household, and we shall watch over it both night and day, for these is no night or no day from where we come. Can you understand of which we speak?


Then, for [6–9–70–004], God blesses you and sends you His love, and that love shall flow to the bottom of the valley below the sea and shall coveth all things that thy should touch. [Editor’s note: she lived in Yuma, Arizona, which is in the Imperial Valley area.]

Your question of your son, remember that even of the best of trees sometimes may produce bad fruit. But with prayer and faith on your part, and with the help of the others who should pray with thee, the help that thy need we should give unto thee.

And now of thy doubts of soul Luke we would say, sometimes soul Luke must gather strength within his self. This time must be given him. Love him, and cherish him, and bear with him, for in the end, he shall stand at your side. Can thy understand of which we speak?


Nay, not fully. Then we should answer your third question in [a] far different way. For the one thy fear for, there is no fear, and no reason to fear, for the help thy have asked has been given, and there shall be no problem here again. Now can you understand of which we speak?

“I think so.”

And now, for soul [4–6–70–003]. In her mind she has asked of her time of turmoil, and why this should come about. And we should say unto her, if thy should ask thy Father that we should enter, and think upon us for three days, we should give thee the answer and the help that is needed. But we should warn thee, as thy walk, tread carefully, or thy shall be bitten by the dragon. Do not over trust this dragon, for he is from Lucifer and should cast you asunder.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [7–3–70–001] has asked, “How do the Hindu sand writings correspond with Christianity?”

[Chuckle]. Soul Bartholomew asks now as a child, for he knows this answer already in his mind.

Then we should answer this question again. As we have said before and as our Father has told unto you, there were many before the one who did ask and the one who did say unto our Father, “Send thee those who knew and loved of our Father.” [See John 13:20 and 16:7–15, Acts 1:6–8.]

And we should say unto you, thy can destroy nothing. Our Father has many mansions; therefore, build upon each belief, each religion. Accept those from all faiths and give them into the gift that we have given unto thee.

Remember, if a man should have but one teardrop to shed for our Father, and this is all he is capable of shedding, this is enough. But remember also, if a man is capable of shedding many teardrops and does not, and only sheds half of what he is capable, then this is not enough.

For those of you who we have chosen as disciples, and those of you who choose disciples among you — first, first of the first, and first of the second, and then of the third — we should expect great things of thee. But remember, our Father loves you more than all your worlds [lumped] with love together, and remember, He shed tears for you. And He should come into your house, if thy should open the door.

But our Father has given unto each of you free choice, and should you close the door unto Him, He cannot enter. But remember, those who have not opened that door shall be of no more, for they shall be, as we have spoke[n] before, of the dead, for our Father is “the God of the living.” Can thy understand of which we speak?

Nay, not fully. Then, take with thee one message, and remember, as we have said before, our Father has spoken. We have made you in our Father’s image, and as your physical body shall change and the doorway shall open for more in spiritual enlightenment, then you shall, as you would call it, look as our Father has made you.

Now soul Ray should grow tired. You have of one question that is important. Ask of it.

“Aka, [8–31–70–001] would like to know why he was sent here?”

We have answered this question.

“I thought so.”

And now, thy should waken soul Ray from his slumber.

But before we go, remember, now is the time of the Cherub, or the Cherubim, as thy would call it. And remember, your time and half-time are at an end, and now shall be the time of your Father.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared with the audio recording of Aka’s voice for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1970 by A. Ray Elkins through whom the spiritual messengers of God spoke.


Please continue to Part 2 of the 1970 Readings.

Study each year of the readings from the 1970 to the 1989 here, in this publication, The Words of Aka, spiritual messengers of God.

How did the readings begin? See “We Give This Message from Our Father.”

You can listen to the first few months of the recorded messages in the Archives of the Readings at AUniversalPhilosophy on YouTube.

See all the articles in the publication on, “A Stairway to Heaven.” And see other articles in “The Great Sword Is Here,” “Now you ask, ‘What is the great Sword that cuts two ways?’and “Prepare for the Time of the Great Famine.”

Would you like to join the Association of Universal Philosophy the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, asked us to form? Here’s how. Then send us an email at or, or message us on our Facebook page, Association of Universal Philosophy, to let us know where you email your newsletter, “Rays of Philosophy.”

All of these readings have been gathered together for you in three books — the philosophy, the past-life readings, and health readings — as the Book with Wings series. Study and learn from them this way.

And be blessed!



The Words — of Aka, spiritual messengers of God

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.