The 1971 Readings

The Words — of Aka, spiritual messengers of God
251 min readAug 17, 2020

(Second half)

“We see thy need, and therefore, should say again unto thee these words. We have said before, do not misinterpret our words, and we have told thee that we have come but for one purpose, that purpose is to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. We have said before to close your doors to no one, for all shall receive something, and if they are capable of shedding but one teardrop, this is enough.” (Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, December 10, 1971)

These are the second half of the messages given in 1971 by the spiritual messengers of God who call themselves Aka. This article is Part 2 of 2 of the 1971 Readings: July 1, 2, 3, 9, 10 (private), 16, 17, 23, 30; August 6, 13, 15, 20, 27, 29; September 1, 3, 5, 10, 13, 16, 24; October 1, 8, 9, 15, 29; November 5, 9, 12, 16, 19, 23, 26, 30; December 3, 7, 10, 17 (One transcript is missing: December 28)

Part 1 of 2 of the 1971 Readings is in the previous article: January 8, 15, 22; February 19, 20; March 5; April 3, 16, 17, 23, 30; May 2, 7, 14, 21, 25, 28; June 4, 5, 11, 18, 25, 30


July 1, 1971

Globe, Arizona

"Aka, is Ray safe?"

Soul Ray is safe with God.

"All right. It has been quite a while since we have talked with you; is there any information that you would like to give us at this time?"

One moment, please.

For soul Peter, we would say,...thy have done well.

For soul John, and we shall call him John, now, for he has found his way, we will say, do what is in thy heart, and by doing what is in thy heart, thy will come closer to God. And by doing this, the things that thy should seek will be there, but only as raindrops, a little at a time.

Now, as we have said before, you have asked the question, “Do all man-beasts have souls,” and we should say, no, that the man-beast is only complete when the spirit and the soul and the man are made one.

We should tell you of a time when Jesus would slay a demon and cast it from a man known as Nod. As he cast the demon, which was not a demon in itself, but he took a man without a soul and placed a soul, therefore, casting aside what was man. Can thy understand this?

"Yes, Aka.”

Now, there is one among you who would doubt, and we say, one, not for one soul, nay....If you would wait for a moment, please,...soul Ray must go deeper.

"All right."

Now all is in accord; yes, that is better. We would say again for the one who doubts, we would say to him who has doubted before, and this he said, “If I may feel the wounds, then I would know of thee.” Can the one who doubts understand this? Nay, nay. Then we would say to him, think thee of Thomas, and then thee should know of which we speak, and then thy would know from which thee come.

We have a message for you, sometimes and [the] worldly things must be taken from you and by these things being taken from you, then you would learn that thy [they] mean naught, that there are greater wealth in God.

We would say to you, if thy have once traveled the road in Bethlehem, if you could think of this, and think of God, then think of us as Aka, we would come to you and make ourselves known to you.

Now we have here soul J______. Yes, we have here the spirit, the soul, and the body; this is good. Therefore, the information which she seeks shall be given.

The adjustments that are being made are slightly incorrect. As we have said before, the correction of the pelvic area must be done in a downward motion, then by working out to the vertebrae area. He has corrected one, but not the other. The seventh is still not right or through.

Yes, now this is better.

Still we find she has not complied with the suggestions we have given her for improving her complexion; therefore, it would be useless at this time to give any further information on this subject. If, it would be suggested that a recording be made from the tapes that they [you] now have in thy possession, and send to her, that she may follow the rest of her reading.

And we would say to her, for her other problem, there is a time for waiting and a time to act. But now is not the time to act. Wait; be patient. The things that thy seek shall come to you.

Now we see through at this time with soul J____; it would be suggested before any other readings be given on this subject, id she would place herself in a better position, it would be easier for us to give these readings.

Now we see E________. Yes, soul E________, yes, we have here her body, her spirit and her soul; yes, all is in accord here. Therefore the information that she seeks shall be given her.

You ask, “Why, since I have had most of the other elements in this removed,” and we would [say], thy are still a woman. And thy chose to be this, and thy should remain such until the say that thy die. Therefore, there are other organs in thy body which need tending to. If you would do this, you will find that the problem you have at this time will vanish.

Now we also find here the problem of the upper neck area, yes. Yes, we find what you would call the neck bone area, which is known as the brain stem area; we find here pinched nerves. This could be corrected very simple by the visit to a good osteopathic doctor, should this be done. There are many good osteopathic doctors; there are a very good osteopathic hospital in the area in which you live at this time.

Then, yes, we see a deterioration here, an old lesion of the back area. We would suggest that a bar be erected which would be precisely two inches above thy reach, that thy might grasp this once a day. Do not strain yourself to do this; do it a little at a time each day. Build up at it. This will straighten the area out. It will not cure it, but it will keep it separated and functioning properly.

Yes, yes, we see the problem of the feet area. Yes, we would suggest that the eating,...of your problem mostly from not healing, you are a diabetic, therefore, the eating of Jerusalem artichoke; you will find there a natural substance that would feed thy body and take care of its needs. If thy do not care to do this, then consult thy doctor, a good medical doctor, having the necessary tests run for this, and they will probably find that at this time two grams of insulin daily by pill form will take care of the matter. Yes, but the artichoke, eating it in its natural form, either, even in the natural form or placing it in a salad, would not harm you. You will still get the necessary elements from this. [This] Would stabilize this area very,...yes, this is good, moment -- yes, yes, yes -- but at this time we would also suggest soaking of the foot in very warm water, what thy would call Epsom salts would help to extract some of the poisons from the area.

Now we find here over the body in various places arthritis. We would suggest also, for slight circulatory problem here, we would suggest that what thy would call sauna baths be taken. This would help. Go on with these very gradually; do not overdo it. Let your body regulate itself to this. If you would do this once a day, the poisons that are now in your body would be extracted from it. The heat there would help increase the circulatory system, also relieving the arthritis tremendously.

Now, we also find a problem here, in this. We would suggest a, if you would use eye exercises here, finding two objects approximately 20 feet apart, looking as far over to one side as possible to one object, and casting your vision back to that object on the other side, doing this at first five minutes per day, then, finding an object as high up as you can see, and an object as low as you may see, and casting your vision upward and downward. The whole exercise in the beginning should not exceed five minutes, two even would be sufficient. Yes, yes, if you would do this, gradually working this exercise up, trying to do it at the same time each day.

Now for your other problem, and yourself know of this problem which we shall not speak of at this time, we would say this. If thy would meditate first, one moment, please,...Yes, yes, this is much better – yes. In your meditation, do not exceed, in the beginning, over five minutes. Do it simply in the beginning. Think of God wherever you are. Do not think of Him as someone else would think of Him; think only of what He means to you. Think of Him and talk to Him of the things that mean something to you. By reciting something that someone else has thought or said, it means nothing to you; therefore, if it means nothing to you, it can mean nothing to God.

A more extensive reading on this soul can be given at a different time. Should it be asked for, it would not be necessary at any time that she journey here for this reading to be given. We may give it no matter where she is. At this time we would not give a life reading; later this can be done. Now this will be all on soul E_________ at this time.

Yes, yes, for soul Peter, and soul John, we would say this. If thy would think only from which you have come, the life reading that you seek at this time is there.

Soul Peter has already seen part of it, and in what he would call a dream.

Both of you have walked before by the sea of Galeah [Galilee]. Think of whom you walked with, and then ask again.

Now we would say, yes, for the one who worries so much, and feels so lost, come with us to God. And thy shall never be lonely. For thy must realize that God loves you and God forgives you and God will not punish you, because He loves you. He leaves that for you to do. And by His loving you, He has shed many a tear for you, but you ask, `But how do I know that He has heard my prayers?' Believe me, if He had not heard your prayers, you'd be on another plane at this time. Can thy understand this?

"Yes, Aka."

Then if thy should think upon us, in three days, as thy think of them, on the third night in thy sleep, we will come to you. Each night for three days, think of us, and on the third night, we will come to you. And there you will find what you seek. But all is not sin. And the things that some men would think of as sin is not a sin to God. For we would say to you, did not Jesus make water into wine?

Now you have other questions, ask.

"At this time is there anything that R______ should know?”

We have come to R______. All she must do is think of us each evening, and we will be there. It does not have to be evening; at any time, day or night, we are there. For you must realize, for from where we come there is no day or night. Can you understand this?


Now we would tell you of a time which was before, when men with hate and greed destroyed the things they loved most, of the time of Atlantis. And by telling you of this time, you will know what can happen again. For all the knowledge that came to them was buried beneath the earth, there to remain.

As we have said before, this knowledge is soon, all parts of it, shall rise again. What was dark shall be lighted. What was buried shall be uncovered. For, as we have said before, now is the time of the Cherub. For we are here to prepare a way, for we seek a place that the Messiah may enter. The time that he shall be known to you grows close; therefore, our time grows smaller. If thy would look at the last words that Christ, Jesus, said before he left his physical body, then to return to it, you will understand of what we speak of. [See Jesus' farewell discourses, John 13-17.]

Now we are growing weak. You have another question; ask it.

"Aka, J___ has asked….”

Yes, we know.

"Can you answer him at this time?”

We have answered you before. To each of you, as thy pray for help and guidance, help is sent, help to look after one soul or a group of souls. Fear this not; this is good. Can thy understand this?

"Yes, thank you.”

Now you should awaken soul Ray from his slumber, for we grow very weak.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. No audio recording was made available to which to compare this transcript to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


July 2, 1971

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Aka, the first question that we would like to ask you tonight -- can you give us any information on when the strike will end at the mine?”

Yes, we see thy need.

And we should say unto thee, as threes it has begun, and by threes it should end. At the present time, within a three-week period negotiations should begin. At that time, the strike should end, as thy would call it. First as one and then as two and then, as three, but not together. At the third month, the men shall return unto their work.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [7-02-71-001] asks, she would like to know God’s will for her. And also she would like any information you can give her in regards to her physical and spiritual problems. She requests a health reading….”

We see thy need.

Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

We have before us the body, the soul, and the immortal body.

Yes, this is good.

Then we would say unto thee, first, of thy spiritual advancement, remember unto these words, “Our Father has many mansions,” as a shepherd should have many pastures. But our Lord, your Father, your God, has given you free choice, therefore, to worship and to enter into the mansion of God in your own way. Our Father did not set up rules for the worship of Himself. He asks but two things, that thy should love of thy God one-tenth unto the love that is given unto you from Him; He asks that thy love thy fellow man and do not trespass upon him.

And for thee we should say unto these words. If thy brother should offend thee, first, forgive thy brother, that he may forgive thee. But remember also that as you pass through the plane of time, thy should repeat and repeat again until thy have learned all of thy lessons.

Then we should say unto thee, take thee this gift God offers thee, the gift of sight and hearing. Fear not those that would come to thee, for in thy psychic world, as thy would know it, remember, that as each man should pray, those that are needed unto this soul should be sent by our Father, there to with guidance. But we should tell thee also, that thy Father -- one moment.

Yes, we see this, yes. Yes.

Then we should say in a different way. Man may harm thy body, but he cannot destroy thy soul or thy spirit. Only you yourself may do this. And in the destruction of the soul from the spirit, the soul should become lost and wander forever in nothingness, for he has lost sight of thy Father’s light, and therefore, he should roam forever upon the face of your earth, and therefore, have not a mansion or a home to go. Therefore, he knows but only of the immortal -- of the mortal body. He lingers on the outer fringes of your aura, constantly, forever, waiting for an entry. Should this happen, your own soul, when it has lost its way from God, therefore, this other soul may enter, and therefore, as thy would know it, possess. This in itself is not good. Therefore, if thy should meet upon the path by the sea of Galilea [Galilee] a thief, would thy welcome him into thy home? Nay.

But if thy should meet on the same path a shepherd of God and ask him into thy home, and ask him to dine with thee, therefore, he would bring blessings into thy home and give thee guidance. And thy may take from his wisdom and he from thine.

Thy ask again of thy physical. Then we would say unto thee, we see this; therefore, information of the same shall be given.

First, we would say unto thee -- remember first, upon this plane thy have chosen to enter once again as a woman, and thy shall be as such for all of thy days upon this plane thy have entered. Remember also that the choice was thine. Therefore, we would say unto thee, first, of the constant headaches thy have suffered, these in themselves are from mental pressure.

We would suggest that thy should take a time for meditation, a time when thy can completely relax away from all of thy worldly problems. Open thy mind. Let thy psychic self come into thee. And project it outward, first, by lying upon a horizontal position, that thy should first relax all proportions of the body, then, by opening the mind as the body is completely relaxed -- therefore, starting at the base of thy body, with the movement upward, that it may pass through the spinal area, coming up and projecting from the base and upward to the upper [labordial] area of the skull -- therefore, placing thyself in complete healing, that the body may heal itself. If this was practiced, thy would soon find thy health would greatly improve.

We find also, of the left hip area, from old abrasions therefore.

Yes, we see this.

From a fall suffered as a small child, this area did not heal correctly, therefore, has given problems in thy walking.

Yes, we see this.

We would suggest for this, that the use, first, of a diet, changing thy diet in such a manner that of the breakfast meal thy would eat one glass of milk and one piece of brown, toasted rye bread – yes -- nothing more. Thy luncheon meal, we would suggest eating of some yogurt, some of the cottage cheese -- yes -- as many raw vegetables as thy would desire. Of thy evening meal eat no meat that is fried, only the meat that is boiled.


Eat okra.


We also find in thy diet should be added to that of the Jerusalem artichoke. We find that this soul is a diabetic. We would first suggest that thy go unto thy physician for treatment of the same. Remember, there are many things we could tell thee of, but thy physicians, as that of Luke, a physician, was placed here by our Lord for a reason, and for those physicians who should follow the teachings of the same, our Lord should give unto knowledge.

We find also, of the evening meal, drinking of no more than one glass of milk at this meal. Yes.

We would suggest that before each meal the drinking of one ounce of safflower oil.

Of thy other question, we should say unto thee, since this question remains in thy mind, and it is, as thy would know it, as a secret question, we should answer it in this manner. For, as in the beginning, thy Lord planted upon thy earth all fruits and [forms] of His kind, He should plant in thee of the same.

We find other problems in this soul. We would suggest at a later time a health reading and a life reading be given in accordance with the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [7-2-71-002] has asked that -- she says, ‘Is there anything I can do to improve several bad health conditions that have existed for 18 or 20 years?’ And she would also like any help you can give her regarding her current problems.”

We see thy need.

Yes, we see this.

We should say unto thee, of the vitamin substance, in itself, is not in completion; therefore, add more of the E in that of which thy are using at the present time. We would also suggest, that in these same diets should be changed radically, or basically, if the diet is wrong, the substance into which thy are using would not greatly change that of the body chemicals. The body first must be cleansed. By cleansing the body, therefore, you cleanse the soul. And by cleansing the soul, therefore, you cleanse also of the spiritual outlook of man.

Of thy own private problem, we should say unto thee, beware of the dragon that comes as a friend. Do not always trust those who speak too smoothly. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“No.”[She answers.]

Then we should say unto thee, do not take unto what is given to you as truth, for thy have with thee a liar.

Thy have other questions, ask of the same.

“Yes, Aka. Do you have any message for Paul in his healing efforts?”

We should say unto thee these words. For a short period of time, man, in this area, should be of a violent nature. Remember in thy healing, thy may heal only of those who should want this healing.

And now we should say unto thee, now is the time of the Cherub. We have given thee warnings before. Within two months -- we are not allowed to give of thee the precise time at the present -- new earthquakes should arise in that proportion of California and proportions of Nevada and Arizona. Fear not. But give unto God’s people of this warning.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.

July 3, 1971

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. Thy have many questions, ask.

“Aka, [7-3-71-001] asks for a health reading on her daughter, [7-3-71-002]. And she says, she asks for a health reading because of health problems.”

Yes, we have the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. Yes, this is good; therefore, the information thy desire shall be given.

First, thy must realize that as an entry was made upon this plane, this entry was made as an act of love on the part of our Father.

We should say unto thee, first, of the [pinalian] [pineal?] gland, we find in this location problems.


Underdevelopment of this gland has reacted in such a manner as not to give off the necessary gene to fight off disease. Therefore, it should be necessary –

Yes we see this.

Therefore, it should be necessary that this soul be given adult dosage of that proportion of vitamin E. Also this soul should be given in accordance adult dosages both of calcium and of the vitamin C.

We see the use of the drug known as [gamma globulin]. This in itself is good. But you must remember that overdosage of this substance, the body will become, and build, immunity to the same. Therefore, it would be far better that the body functions be brought back into their natural form.

We would suggest also that the extraction of any type of the white sugar be taken from this diet, the usage of either honey of the local, or of the use of sage honey, in the sweetening of substance for the same.

We see thy need, and our Father has given, therefore, healing into the same. But remember also, that as a parent, your duty lies in the protection of this soul. Therefore, it would be deemed necessary that those precautions that we have given unto thee be taken.

We find also the use of the Night-blooming Cereus in cubes of one proportion of cube of your inches one-fourth, therefore used once daily.

It should also be suggested for further development of both the growing of the hair and the hardening of the fingernails, therefore, the use of [trickle] gelatin. This you should find in that substance tonic known as the tonic known as S.S.S.

We find the lack of substance of iron.

Under no circumstances feed this soul any of your substance known as chocolate. The soul, in itself, is poisoned by the same substance.

Prepare a very healthy diet. We see the need for more nourishment than usual. Then we should say unto thee, let this child eat at least six meals per day.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes.”[She answers.]

Thy other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I would like to pause for just one moment and pick up a microphone. Would it be all right to pass around soul Ray?”

Yes, we should wait.

“Yes, Aka. Could you give me the dosage on the S.S.S.?”

Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we see of the child’s dosage.

Yes, this would be good.

No more at the present time.


Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [7-3-71-002] asks for a health reading on herself.”

Yes, we see thy need. First, it should be our suggestion -- one moment, please; the records must be checked.

Yes, we see thy need. We have before us now the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. Yes -- all is in accord.

Therefore, we should say unto thee, go unto a good gynecologist. Your problem is relatively simple. We see the large intestine.


The intestine itself has become, as thy would know it, kinked or crimped off. It is not aligned [for] proper digestive of the same. We would also suggest that of this soul a different, as thy would know it, of the vagina and [liverkine] area, a different wash be used of the same.

We find a problem of the thyroid; therefore, certain, as thy would know it, precautionary procedures must be taken. We could give further information on this area, but this should be taken care of by the physician.

We also find -- yes, we see this -- of the [malatosin] area, we find, therefore -- one moment, please.

Yes. Yes, yes, Father.

Then we should further define, this is of the mastoid area, of the inner ear problem. This is caused basically from infection of the inner ear, caused from sinus problems. We would suggest the drinking of the sage tea. We would further suggest changing of the present drinking water.


Or the filtering by carbon of the same.

Yes, we also see this.

We would also suggest that this subject have corrective lenses. We find the problem –


This could be simply done. It, in preference, would be done by thyself with exercise of the eye. This could be done in finding two objects approximately 20 feet apart, and then finding objects approximately 10 feet in height, placing both eyes, without moving the head, on the left object and then of the right, then up and then down. This should be done at first five-minute sequences a day, increasing unto 10, then gradually unto 15 minutes each day. If this were done over a four-week period this problem would take care of itself.

Yes, we see thy need.


We would further suggest that this subject go unto what is known as a dentist. There are certain problems here which are causing intensive head problems or headaches. This is caused by the misformation of the teeth. Should these be straightened, or the teeth pulled and removed, it would allow the skull itself, the [formular] area of the skull, to come back into place.


We also find that this subject – yes -- of the back area, both of the fourth and fifth vertebrae – yes -- problems here. This is causing the subject to endure unnecessary cramping during the [pinal?] period of her cycle. Therefore, if this was taken care of, she would no longer suffer this problem.

Yes. We find, also, there is a great deal of work here in the back area. We find also of pinched nerves of the upper, as thy would know it, brainstem or neckular area, that proportion which connects the brain with the spine. Therefore, we would suggest that either a good osteopathic doctor or chiropractic doctor be seen.

We would further suggest that a follow-up reading be given on this soul in two-week sequences.

This is all at this time on this soul.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [7-3-71-003], and he asks for a reading on his health problems.”

Yes, we see thy need.


On moment.


These records are in order; therefore, this reading shall be given. We find, therefore, body, the soul and the spirit, and the immortal body.


Therefore, we would suggest, at the present time, soul Ray grows very weak, therefore, we would suggest that a continuation of this reading [can] be given at a different time.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


July 9, 1971

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

We see thy need.


And we should say unto thee, soul James, go thee into thy way. Take thy healing into thy brothers, and we shall go with thee and give thee guidance and blessings from our Father. Therefore, fear not, for our Father has given permission to stay the arm, therefore, of the Fourth Angel, and therefore, all shall be in accord. These things that thy should desire shall be thine.

And we say unto thee, soul Luke, for as Luke, the physician, thy shall travel unto this, the isles of California. And therefore, be patient. For these things our Father has promised into thee, and these things shall be given.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, you have just spoken to Luke. [4-3-70-005] and [4-3-70-003] had asked the question, they needed help and guidance. Do you have anything further to say to them?”

We have already answered this question.

“Thank you. [7-2-71-001] has asked, Aka, that she was instructed to go to her doctor for a check for diabetes. And she says that the tests turned out negative. ‘Could you please give me any further information and advice on this subject?’”

We see thy need; therefore, we should say unto thee. Thy tests at the present time are negative, but unless certain precautions are taken at this time, thy are what is known as a borderline diabetic. If the precautionary measures that we have given unto thee are not done at this time, then thy shall be in chaos. Therefore, we may only, as we have said before, suggest unto thee. But for the good of thyself and thy family, take of these suggestions.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [7-9-71-003], and she asks, ‘Am I in danger of physical violence?’“

Nay, we cannot see this at this time. We should say unto thee these words. Go unto thy brother and forgive this brother who has offended thee, and therefore, this brother may offend thee no more. But if thy should go unto this brother, and still, thy do not make, as thy would know, of the peace, therefore, then take with thee two witnesses, and therefore, again go and try and make unto this peace. But remember, thy must forgive of this brother, therefore, that he may forgive unto thee. Can thy understand of which we speak?

Nay, not fully. Then we should say in a different way -- first, of the violence that thy fear, mostly is in thy own mind, but secondly, of the anger that thy feel, this is very real. Take this anger from thy heart, for this anger can only harm thy own soul. For remember, man may harm thy body, but only you yourself may harm your soul. And by harming the soul, thy would be, in itself, harming the spirit and driving it farther away.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [7-9-71-004] says, ‘I have a letter in my purse. Should I mail it? It’s been of thorough interest to me for over 23 years.’ She would like to know if she should mail the letter in her purse.”

Nay, we cannot see on this.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [7-9-71-005], and he asks, ‘Will I ever see or hear from my kids again?’“

Yes, we see thy need, and we should say unto thee these words.

Thy shall see of thy children again, for remember of these words, for what thy have spawned unto the world, for all of their lives and thy descendants lives, shall remember of thee. But remember also, for those who would defile thee, or those who would trespass upon thee, this is but their loss, not of yours. Therefore, in thy prayers unto thy Father, ask forgiveness of thy Father of these. For thy have not sinned in thy Father’s eyes. Therefore, give only of blessings of those who would offend thee. Can thy understand of which we speak?

Nay, nay, not fully. Then we should answer in a different way. For once before, in another land, there was one who lost of a child, and he did despair greatly. And therefore, he thought of this one as dead. And then during the time of drought, he and his sons did make of a journey into the land of Egypt, and there to find of his son. And though many years had passed, this child of his did not seek vengeance upon his father.

But remember of these words also. “If thy right eye should offend thee, cast it aside.” [See Mark 9:43-48.]

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [11-2-70-001] asks for a health reading.”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto this soul, because of thy deliverance into the Lord of thy body, thy soul, and of thy immortal body, then we should say unto thee, as has been promised before, fear not for thy mortal body, for thy Lord has much work for thee. These things that are needed within thy family shall be taken care of. As time should pass, we should give of thee the necessary knowledge to make of this [soul].

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [4-6-70-003] asks, `Will the property transaction be finished as planned?’“

Yes, we see this. Therefore, we should say unto thee, all things that thy have planned in this area should go well. But remember, thy also have a dragon, so check all things that thy should sign very closely.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, my mother has a very...”

We see thy need, and therefore, we should say unto thee. One moment, please.

Yes, we see this, and we should say, this should be given in a private reading.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [7-2-71-002] said that in the reading in which you spoke to her, you told her that she had a dragon, and also that there was a liar in her household or that someone was lying to her. And she says that she does not understand, even now, what is being said, and she wonders if you could clarify for her?”

We should say first of this, we do not have permission to violate, as thy would know it, trust of another. Therefore, the information unto which we have given could only be given in the manner in which it was intended. But we would say of this unto this soul, look unto thy friend.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“I have no other questions tonight, Aka.”

Then we should answer this one. For the soul who has lost, we should say of these words in thy mind. This loss shall be replaced, for in the law of karmic and in the law as the resurrection, so should this soul be replaced upon thy earth. And so that this, this sadness that dwells within thy heart, our Father sees this, and because of the great love within thyself, our Father should send back into thy heart one to take the place of the one that was taken.

Soul Ray grows very weary; therefore, awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


July 10, 1971

(Private Reading)

“Good morning, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stand with God.

Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

Yes, we see thy need. First, we should say unto thee – yes, this, as we have said before, should be safe. Most of that unto which thy would know as the spray has left, or dissipated, as thy would know. Therefore, the milk of the goat should be of purity, and the meat of the same should be of purity. Then we should say unto thee, fear not.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. My mother [B____ Mc_____, who is presently in California for a few days has found that she has cancer inside her and she is going in next week for an operation, and she has asked for a health reading and your guidance as to what she should do and how she can best recover from this?”

We should say unto thee, we see thy need. Therefore, we have the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. Yes, this is fine; this is good.

Yes, we would say unto thee, we find there, of the vagina area, the [mesomorphous, metamorphosis]-type growths.


Yes, we see thy need [sigh], and at the present time, we would say, go unto thy physician for treatment of the same. We should say, with meditation, these of the same should leave of thy body.

That thy might fully understand of this type growth, these are very much as thy would know of as a skin cancer. We should explain from which they have come. The spray of thy area has changed of the body genes. [Editor’s note: Agent Orange was sprayed on Pinal Peak, Arizona, by the U.S. Forest Service for defoliation, as it was in Viet Nam.]

All matter is made of cosmic matter; should this be disturbed in any manner then growths of the same should take place in the body. The spray used, in forming of the same, should attack of the pineal glandular area; therefore, causing this glandular area to produce more of the [antivaccine]-type serum into the blood. This same [vaccine] should create of a virus, which in itself is to fight disease. But an imbalance causes growth of its own, or foreign-type malignant nature. These are variously of a parasite nature.

Therefore, we would suggest the taking of what thy would call of the seed of the mistletoe, making of the same after drying into a powder, using of thy measurements 2 grams per day of this powder, this would greatly help in the healing of the same.

Within time, the body should become whole again.

This is all upon this soul at this time. Should further information be needed, if this soul should ask of the same, information pertaining to this would be given.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[This transcript was compared with the recorded voice for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


July 16, 1971

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.


We see thy need. Then we would say unto thee, soul Ruth -- in the forms that thy should write, take of the philosophy and place them into [booklet] form. Thy must realize there are many personal messages.

Then we should say unto thee, look upward, turn thine eyes unto the Lord, and as thy healing should come within thy body, both of sight and hearing shall return unto thee.

And for the one that should be [named] as soul Charlotte, we see of thy [name]. Then we should say unto this one, for as thine has kneeled before thine Lord and purified thy blood and thy body in the blood of the Lamb, so should the healing come into thine body. For we say unto thee, for as in the time of Isaiah, and as in the time of Johonah [Jonah?], as thy bore the flag of [Tinanah] through all eternity, and as thy walked through the time of Egypt, and as thy beared the burden, so thy have borne it in this plane. And as thy have seen unto thine karma and recognized the same, so should the Lord take from thee thine karma. Bear witness unto the Lord.

And we would say unto thee, soul Luke, and James, we see thy need, but remember also unto these words. Thy can destroy nothing, only its form may be changed. But we should say, as the Lord has stayed the arm of the Fourth Angel, beware. Return unto thy home by the 15th day of your time of August of this year, for from that time forward unto the 29th day of that month, no grace shall be given.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [7-16-71-001] asks for a health reading. She was born May 8, 1957, in Los Angeles, California.”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto this soul -- one moment, please.

Yes, that is better.

Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, and the spirit, and therefore, we have before us unto the immortal body.

Then we should say unto thee, first, thy diet must be changed. And we say unto thee, [eat] of one piece of toast; this toast must be cooked well done. This should be eaten with one glass of milk in the morning meal. Of thy luncheon meal, one glass of milk and not more than five bananas; nothing more. Of thy evening meal, one ounce of safflower oil before a meal; this should be done at least 30 minutes before the meal. She should not eat any of the fried meat of any kind. Do not use either of that of the butter that comes from the cow, or of, as you would know it, your imitation butters. This cannot be used. Eat as many raw vegetables as thy desire, no more than one-fourth pound of meat; none of the pork may be eaten. This meat must be boiled. It cannot be fried in any form. Take of unto the leaves of the petals of the rose. As these are dried, make unto them a powder, mixing 10 grams of this substance with one teaspoon of honey. This must be done before the evening meal and afterward. We would also suggest for the other necessary mineral[s] and vitamins lacking in this soul at the present time the usage of the substance known as Lydia E. Pinkham. We would suggest that an adult dosage of vitamin E be taken. Of the morning, before the morning meal, vitamin C should be taken. Before the morning meal vitamin B should be taken. This should be done before the morning meal and before the evening meal. This diet must be followed for a two-week period. At that time we should change certain proportions of the same.

We find that there are certain dental work that should be done in a corrective manner. We find that there are pressures from a secondary, wisdom tooths, which is putting [proportion of] pressure toward the brainal area. These should be removed.

There are other corrective measures in the backular area that should be taken care of by your local chiropractic doctor. We would also suggest for this period no loud music of any kind, only of the smoothing nature. Avoid loud noises as much as possible, and the healing into the same should come. We would also suggest that meditation be taken twice daily. Can thy understand of which we speak? Nay, not fully, but thy shall. We should also suggest that calcium be added into thy diet.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, one other question on the same subject. They asked, ‘Do you mean that the meat should be broiled or boiled?’“

The meat should be boiled.

“Thank you.”

“Aka, I have a question that I would like to read from V____ D____, Globe, and --.”

We see thy need. And we should answer unto this [plainly] in this manner.

First, of thy first question -- for to the usage of the powers that thy seek, first thy must cleanse thy soul and thy body. Thy must spend at least 30 days each day in true meditation. This should be done in a manner of placing thyself completely in accord with your God, your Father. If thy may do this, we should come unto thee and give thee guidance.

The other questions unto which thy should ask shall be answered in the same manner. For thy must become first a pupil before thy can become unto a teacher. But remember unto these words. The pupil shall never become more than the teacher, nor the teacher more than the pupil, for remember, in God’s eyes all are equal.

Thy have other questions, ask of the same.

“Yes, Aka, a number of times you have referred to the Night-blooming Cereus for medicinal purposes. There are, I am told, about a hundred varieties of this, and most of the varieties are available through nurserymen. Ah --.”

We should say unto thee, if thy should check into thy health food stores, thy shall find the dried variety. These have already been processed and are available in the dried variety of the same.

Thy have other questions, ask. One moment.

Yes, we see thy need. And as thy question should come in a secret manner, then we should answer this one in the same manner. [For] as thy have cast thy eyes upward unto the Lord, then give unto the Lord what is His, and give man that of material things that belongs to him. But fear not, for the Lord shall collect what belongs to Him, and in the manner that it was given.

And we say unto thee of the false prophets, for as a prophet should be false, the information unto which he should give should be false, for instead of the psychic eye, he sees with the eye of imagination. For only those who should place themselves in complete accord with our Lord, our Father, our God, may see unto the truth of the ways of the Lord.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“I have no other question, Aka.”

Then we should say unto thee, this one thy should call of “the other B__,” yes, we see thy need. And for three nights we should come into thee unto thy slumber and make our presence known unto thee. Fear us not, for the blessings of the Lord shall dwell unto all of thy days, and as thy desire this for the working of the Lord, that which thy desire shall be given unto thee. But remember, these things shall come as teardrops, a little at a time. But they shall be happy teardrops. For give joicing [rejoicing] into the Lord, our Father, and all things should come in accord with thee.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


July 17, 1971

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And now, as we have said before, in the time of Atlantis, the Lord came into Noah, and did say unto [he], “Build thee an ark, and take those of those of thy own, who have HELD in their memory God, their creator, and go thee unto a new land.”

And they made preparations for the ship they were to travel in.

He did say unto them, “Go forward, and not backward,” as He did say unto the people of your time, of your plane. Remember of these words, for as He spoke unto the people of Israel words that they could understand, and now He speaks unto you words that you can understand. Then we say unto thee, go forward; go forward into this new time.

But do not bury thy knowledge. Do not bury it, so that in a different world people will seek backward into time to try to find this knowledge to bring it into light. For knowledge is not a sin, for God placed all things on thy earth to be used by man. Did He not make man the master of this earth of yours? Did He not give man the universes upon universes? For as He created man of His kind, of His likeness, and He did create he and she, one never to be greater than the other -- for remember, be a pupil first and then a teacher, and thy shall grow into that likeness of our Lord, and of that kind, of our Lord. But thy cannot do this by burying thy heads in the sand. [See Genesis 1:26-31.]

If thy grow a tree, and it grows good in the firment of your soil, and as thy harvest the tree thy take of its best fruit, and therefore, seed, year by year, these thy should plant again shall grow into a better fruit. And man should be of the same, for all this is in God’s plan for man.

And did He not promise unto thee a new heaven and a new earth? All these things should come. [See The Revelation 21:1-8.]

But as we have said before, if thy right eye should offend thee, cast it aside. [See Mark 9:43-50.]

But then, do not go backward to pick it up and use it again. Leave it there. Walk away from this, and go forward. This should be done with thy knowledge also. Benefit by what has happened in the past. This is why we have given unto thee the knowledge, thy would call, in thy life readings. This is why we have given unto thee the knowledge of your past civilizations.

And of your question upon Atlantis, we should say unto thee, within time Atlantis shall rise again beneath the sea and the ice, for Atlantis was in your northern hemisphere. And as the axis of the earth turned, these people fled unto a land much liking to their own.

And as God gave man the earth to ferment and plant his seed upon, and therefore, to replenish the earth, so He did in this time. For all things that have been before shall be again. For remember, we are not great. We are here for one purpose, that purpose is to prepare a way that God’s children may return back to their many mansions. And for this to be done, we must prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.

There are many things thy do not understand. Be not afraid to ask, and this knowledge shall be given unto thee.

Thy have many questions; ask of these.

“Yes, Aka. G____ C____ asks, ‘Are occasional items, such as commercial ice cream or root beer, harmful once or twice a week?’ And then she also asks about her child, L____. She says, ‘L____ won’t drink S.S.S. tonic because of the taste. Would the same vitamins found in children’s chewable vitamins, such as Super Plenamins Juniors, be just as good? Would they also supply the necessary calcium?’”

We should say unto thee, first, of thy first question, this is good. These things thy should give unto a child are good. But as a little wine is good for the body, so should these things be good, but not taken in excess.

Of thy second question, of the vitamin substance thy have mentioned, we should say unto these words, seek out a natural vitamin that is extracted in such a fashion that it comes out in a natural form. If the child cannot take of this -- yes, we see this -- then we would say unto thee, go and take of the natural vitamin form. There are many of these that are good. There are those which are of a malt flavor; these would be good, and the child should take of these.

We see this. Yes.

And of thy child, we see into this also, and we should say unto thee -- we would suggest for a short period of time, do not let this child walk upstairs or downstairs by herself. Make certain that some adult is with her, for she shall fall, and this should not be good. This should be only done for one week. Her star shall be different within that period, and therefore, her chances of accident shall have passed. We see there are things thy have done up into this time, and these things are good.

We would suggest unto this child, after this one-week period has passed, let her be a child. She may bruise herself or fall at times; let her pick herself up. But she shall know that thy shall be there to help her if you are needed.

And now we should tell you of this child. For she shall grow into a lovely young lady. At the age of 17, she will at that time want to be married, but this urge shall pass. When she has reached the age of 23 she shall marry. She shall bear unto you four grandchildren, one boy and three girls. She shall use the education, as she has done before.

But we should say unto thee, this is all we may tell thee of the child’s future at the present time. In her next reading we should give more of the information that is desired.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have one other question on this child. How many days should the Night-blooming Cereus be given?”

We would suggest that this should go onward unto a month of your time, and another reading should be taken again. You must realize that the body chemicals change every moment of thy life. This is all done according to God’s plan. As she develops, both mentally and spiritually, forward, as new ideas are born within her, so should her body chemicals adjust to adapt to this. Therefore, changes at that time shall be made.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. G____ C____ was supposed to request a follow-up health reading on herself. Do you have any information for her?”

Yes, we see thy need; therefore, we should say unto thee of these words. At the present time, we should suggest, before each meal, the drinking of warm milk. This would be preferably of the goat’s milk. This should be done approximately 30 minutes before the meal. We would suggest again another follow-up reading on this soul in a two-week period of your time.

We would further suggest, with the continuations of the plans thy have in thy mind, fear not, for God, our Father, has heard thy prayers, and they shall be answered.

But remember of these words. As thy speak unto [thy] Father, speak unto Him as thy would speak unto thyself. Spend a little time each day in meditation; put thyself in accord with thy God. Do this in the morning as thy rise, and these things that thy should desire shall come into thee a little at a time, as raindrops should fall.

But as thy prayer is a sacred thing, we should answer unto thee in a secret way. These things shall come in joy for those thy have desired it for.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, G____ C____ would like a health reading.”

Yes, we see thy need. And as before, the records are clear to us; therefore, this reading shall be given.

But first, we should say unto thee of these words. Of thy past life, thy were much as thy are today, in a different world. There are many times thy have seen, from close, to the Greek people. And this is not surprising. For as once before, thy were a student of philosophy, thy shall be again.

And of the medical reading, we should say unto these words. First, thy problem of thy feet, of the arch of thy feet, we see this. And therefore, we should say unto thee, first go unto your stores of footwear, and therefore, obtain corrective shoes unto the same. This should be done with a full-arch support. Also, we would suggest that a crepe-type-cushion instrument be used as thy soles, for in thy present work, this is not only affecting thy feet, but it should cause arthritis, much worse than the small amount that is in thy body at the present time. Therefore, we should say unto thee, go then unto the saunta baths, at least once a week. This would be good, very good for these soles -- and as a family unit, go as a family unit with all of thy family.

We should also suggest that because of the unusual noises of thy work, some of these noises could be detrimental to thy health and thy nervous system. We would suggest no walking of thy daily leisure time. We should also suggest that no alcoholic beverages of any type be taken for at least 30 days. We should suggest a diet of the same because of inflammation -- one moment; these words must be placed in thy language.

Yes. Yes, we see this now.

Then we should say unto these words. Because of inflammation of the kidney areas, we should give of this area a short rest. This also should be done in the diet. We would suggest that more of the raw vegetables, the eating of the greens of the same -- this would be good. We would suggest this be done at least once daily. Thy have at this time available of the melon plants, [forss], one moment – yes, your word of cantaloupe. It was spoken different before – yes. Of the cantaloupe, it would be good; this would be very good for thy system. The rest of thy meals could be taken much in the same fashion as thy are presently taking them.

Yes, we see this. Yes.

We would also suggest, after thy have left thy work, take a time then for meditation, placing thyself in accord with God. Thy shall find thy shall be able, therefore, to leave a little of your worries at work with thee.

Yes, we see this.

We find also that as a small child you quarreled with thy brother. Thy did injure unto the same and cause lesions unto the left kidney area. We find, as a child also – yes.

First, we should say unto the first. If thy should take of both above the right and left kidney, hot as thy may stand this, using of thy castor oil -- yes, this would be good -- making a compress of the same; doing this in 30-minute intervals.


If this were done for four days this matter would clear up.

And of thy second, we find an injury of the right thigh bone area. This area was, in your words, fractured. We cannot see this area mending quite properly. Therefore, we should give unto thee of thy luncheon time a little different of the diet. We should suggest the taking of calcium of the natural form. We would also suggest --

Yes, we see this.

We would also suggest that for thy lunch, one glass of, either of the cow’s milk or of the goat’s milk. It would be preferably, the goat’s milk would be much better. This should be taken also with only of the banana, not succeeding [exceeding] six of the same.

We would also suggest on this soul –

Yes, we see this.

Both of the morning, the noon, and of the evening meals, 30 minutes before each interval should be drinken of the sage tea. It would also be suggested in the evening, because of the congestion of the same, of the sinus area, making, therefore, a steamed broth of the same, placing over thy head a tent made of a towel and breathing inward. This in itself would help to quicken the immunity to the same and break down this congestion.

There are many other small complications of the body of area. We would suggest either of a chiropractor or a doctor of osteopathic of the same, be used to straighten out the backular area, working upwardly. This would help to relieve unto the same of the nervous headaches.

This is all on this soul at the present time. Additional information should be given as it is desired.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“I have one other question, Aka, from soul Ruth. She asks, ‘When I passed to the other side and returned, did my astrological sign change from Cancer to Capricorn, and if so, wholly, or in part?’”

Nay, we cannot see of this, for as there was a duty for thy to perform thy were kept unto the same as thy birth. Thy were returned because of this. And thy shall be protected into the same because of the same.

But thy asked, “At that time, was it God’s will?” And God said, “NAY,” it was not God’s will. But as God did give into thee free choice, therefore, the choice had to be placed into thyself, into thy inter self. For remember, our God and yours, our Father and yours, loves thee, and can not and shall not take away from thee at any time thy free choice. For do you not remember this same question being asked unto thee before, as they would call it, of thy time of passing over? But remember, He is the God of the living. There is very little difference, as thy would know it, in thy time of passing over, for as we have said before -- for some there shall be many, for some there shall be never. And for those who should desire to work, there shall be work. For those who desire more schooling, this shall be provided. But God does not choose for the separate soul; He may only ask that a duty be performed. But thy must perform it of thy own choice, of thy own will.

Be not disturbed that we may come to thee in thy slumbers, for thy shall develop, as thy would know it, further yet, that thy may perform the necessary task[s] that our Father has planned for thee.

Soul Ray now grows very weak. Therefore, we should say unto thee these words.

Now is the time of the Cherub. Now is the time of the great Sword that should cut two ways. Where no water flowed, water shall flow; where it was dry, it shall be wet again. What was hidden shall be lighted; what was buried shall be unburied.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


July 23, 1971

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better. Now all is in accord.

Yes, we see thy need. Then we should say unto thee these words. Of thy space vehicle – yes, we see a problem. Then we should say unto thee, pray for these, for these souls who should enter into your outer space. For we say unto thee these words, for them it shall be troubled times. For, as once before, there was a violation of the Thirteen. [See Acts 1:6-26, 2:1-24.]

Then we should say unto you these words. There shall be chaos.

And as thy enter into the time of the Fourth Angel, then we should say unto you these words. We have given unto you this work to carry from the brook to the rivers, and out into the oceans of time, that it may be carried to the many lands. [See The Revelation 6:7-17 and chapter 7.]

And as soul Bartholomew did take the step backward, then we should say unto you, as thy would know this person as “the other B__,” henceforth, he should be known as soul Bartholomew.

But there are others in the isles of California who should serve unto the Lord’s work. And as in the time of Abraham, show us but one soul, and we should spare of the many.

But we say unto thee, there is many there who should work of the psychic, and they have not heeded our words. Then we say unto thee, that the stone that was thrown into the brook should pass into the rivers and to your oceans, and as we have said before, not one stone upon your earth shall be left unturned. Then bring these forth unto us. Can you understand of which we speak?


Then we would say unto thee, bring unto us one soul, that the work of our Father may be implanted, that those souls who dwell in these isles may be given these words, and therefore, be prepared for the coming of the Messiah, but therefore, to be prepared for that day unto which the Seventh Angel shall drop his mighty sword upon your earth. If this is done, then our Lord shall spare many, for they must wash their clothes in the Lamb’s blood, for they must make their body and souls cleansed and purified in the light of the Lord. [See The Revelation, chapters 8-11, 14-22.]

Can you understand of which we speak?


Thy have many questions, ask.

“Aka, [7-23-71-001] asks for a health reading. He says, ‘I have asthma and have allergy difficulties, also eye muscle difficulties.’ He asks if you can help him?”

Yes, we see thy need. But ask your other questions first and then this shall be given.

“[5-7-71-004] and he asks for a reading because of health reasons.”

This shall be given. Ask thy other question.

“[7-16-71-003] has asked for a health reading.”

We should say unto this soul, strengthen thy faith in God. Thy have been given certain instructions. Take of these. With these, thy problem shall no longer exist. But as we have said before, thy shall have of thy son.

Ask thy other question.

“[11-16-71-001] has asked this question. He wants guidance; he says, ‘How can I help?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And therefore, we have before us the records of the beginning and the ending. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. Yes, we see thy need.

Then we should say unto you, as you were born in the beginning, and as your planes so have started, we have watched thee and watched thy advancement.

Then we should say unto thee of these words. Become thee, then, as a disciple. In the beginning, thy shall be as a student to study then underneath, as thy would know it, of our disciples. And then when thy time is right and the philosophy given of this work, then thy shall become then as a teacher.

Then we should say unto thee, go unto soul James. Walk beside him and carry of his pack. Act then as a helper in his work, and thy shall learn. And from time to time, we shall send of thee the blessings thy have asked for from our Lord.

But remember of these words. Thine are the temple of God, for as our Lord has said before, thy were created “in our likeness, of our kind.” And as the [firmament] of the earth and the [firmament] of the sky came together, then life was breathed into thy body. [See Genesis 1:26-31.]

But remember of this, as the Creator, all substances upon thy earth, above it and below it, were all created from the same source. Think thy of a time when men of thine species, as thy would know it, could have saddled then their energy of the earth itself. This shall be done again. And thy of thy people shall then have a choice, as the people of Atlantis did have. Shall you use this creative force, then, for the welfare of mankind or shall you again cast Atlantis below the sea?

But our Lord has promised unto thee a thousand years of peace. This time shall come upon thy earth, and the Messiah shall come again.

This Messiah shall not come until man is ready to receive him in the manner our Lord should prepare for him.

Then go unto thy earth and give of these words and blessings, for thy shall be empowered with the casting away of demons, as thy would know it, for there are many of these upon thy earth that must be chained and cast into the endless pit. [See The Revelation, chapter 20.]

But we say unto thee, do not take of our words, as has been done before, and turn them into thy own need; for if thy should do of this, then we should cut, as the Lord has done before, of thy right hand.

[Editor’s note: The earliest record found of scripture of the ancient Hebrew is a stone on which is inscribed the Lord’s cutting of the right hand.]

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. You spoke of contacting souls in California to get them to work for the coming of the Messiah, if I understood you correctly. Do you have in mind a certain person or certain manner in which you wish us to do this, or do you encourage a group effort in this? How shall we go about this?”

We shall say unto thee, if thy could do this of thyselves, thy should be that much closer to the communications of thy Father, thy Lord. And as our Father has given thee free choice, so He shall. Then do this of thy own will, of thy own free choice. If from time to time, thy should have difficulty, remember, our Lord stands behind thee in guidance and deliverance of the same.

Thy have now two health readings; ask for these and they shall be given.

“Yes, Aka. The first health reading that I had was for [7-23-71-001], and he asked about his asthma difficulty and his eye muscle difficulties.”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto this soul, we have before us both the body, the spirit, and the soul, of this immortal body.

Then we should say unto thee, first, of thy eye problem. This can be done quite simply. But it must be done as a ritual every day of your month and must be carried out for three months. First, finding two objects approximately 20-feet apart in a vertical line, then by finding two objects 20-feet apart in a horizontal line, first by casting of the horizontal line upward and downward, and then to the vertical of the north and the south -- do this, each daily, placing thyself on a north-south axis. The help thy should need should come. Stand erect, doing this in such a manner one day that the sun should cast on the right side of the face, the next one, the left side of the face. This must be done, first, for five minutes of each day of the first week, and increased up to 45 minutes. If this is done in this manner, thy eye problem shall be no more.

Then we should say, of thy sinus problem. First, thy have not done as instructed unto thy family. Drink of the sage tea, placing, if possible, the natural, local honey -- placing of the sage tea once a day and making a vapor of the same. This should be done.

Third, we should say unto thee, give of meditation. Talk unto thy Lord. Open thy mind for expansion. Do not close thy mind. But do not become impatient.

If the things we have mentioned have been done, the healing thy desire shall come into thy body, in fullness, and awareness shall come of the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [5-7-71-004], and he has asked for a reading because of health reasons.”

Yes, we see thy need.

Yes, we see this.

Then we should say unto thee -- one moment.

First, we should say unto this soul, for the records, therefore, have been checked, and as we find of both the body, the soul, the spirit, and now, of the immortal body, permission has been given for information of the same.

First, we would suggest that this soul go unto a dentist. The removal of all, therefore, as thy would know it, of the wisdom teeth should be done first. This would relieve the headual and backular area and stop the secretion of poison entering in the body. There is other dental work that should be done, and done as soon as possible.

We also find arthritis entering, therefore, into the body. Basically, this is not of a true arthritis; this is caused by an imbalance of the pineal glandular area and the [autum] glandular area. We would say then, go thy either unto a good osteopathic or chiropractic doctor. If the manipulation of the bonal area that houses, and therefore, encloses the brainstem area, certain corrective measures, and pressure relieved from this, would, therefore, let certain of fluids return back into these glands.

We also find -- yes, we find this -- that this diet should be radically changed. First, we should say unto this soul, fish should be eaten, of the salt water variety, at least three times a week. And this should be done in such a manner that all the vitamins, therefore, are kept within the same -- this, by taking of what thy would know as thy tin foil, wrapping all fish to be cooked in the same, and baked. We would suggest that there be no fried foods of any type consumed. And therefore -- yes, we see this.

We also see his need. (Chuckle). Then we should say unto thee, as thy ask in this form, as a child, then our answer of this problem can only be answered in the same manner. Of this problem of thy sex life, this is all of thy mind. If thy would think positive in this area, thy would have no problem. But we should also say of these things unto thee. Our Father only sees sin, therefore, that is cast out of thyself into another. For our Father asks but two things, to love of Him unto one-tenth of that love that is given, therefore, unto you, and to love of thy brother in the same manner.

Of thy other problems, should these be asked in such a manner that they are sincere, these other things in thy mind shall be answered.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. The question has been asked by one of our group, ‘What is the meaning of the blood of the Lamb, being washed in the blood of the Lamb?’”

For, as before, the Lamb should be of the Messiah. And as he was pure into the light of the Lord, and as the blood that flowed from his body upon his crucifixion and touched your earth, and therefore, made it pure, therefore, as thy would wash thy clothes in the blood of the Lamb, if thy could wash thyselves in the blood of the Lamb. He left unto your earth of the Holy Spirit.

He told unto you, ‘I have not come to change the Law, but to show you of its fulfillment.’ Therefore, in his passing was he not resurrected into life again?

And these same things, as thy climb the ladder to be born and born again, and as thy of thy own free choice, as he did, choose to enter over again, and enter in the pure light of his Father, so should you, if thy build upon this earth the temple of man, the temple of God within man. We do not ask of thee to build to our Lord of a great building. We asked that thy build His temple within man, for as the body should waste away, then therefore, this temple can be built again within three days.

Thy have but one more question which we shall answer. Ask.

“Aka, in the naming of soul Bartholomew tonight, do you have any specific instructions for him?”

Nay. For we shall say unto he again, think upon us for three nights. Open thy door that we may enter and bring the blessings of our Father. The thoughts that thy shall need shall be provided, therefore, in the same manner.

Now, soul Ray grows very weary. Then we should say unto these words.

There are other disciples. And as one by one, and two by two, and three by three, oh, what a mighty, mighty army we should build for our Lord, but as Thirteen was before and shall be again. For there was seven, and then there was four, and two remained. [See The Revelation, chapter 19, and Acts 1:6-26, 2:1-24.]

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


July 30, 1971

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

We see thy need. And has been said before, we should say unto thee these words, now is the time of the Cherub. For soon, as the fourth seal was opened, and as the arm of the Fourth Angel now stands in readiness above thy earth, our Lord sayeth unto thee these words: “Do not run and hide, My children.” For the children of the Lord, the Lord shall walk beside thee and guide thee, and protect thee in thy wandering. But the Lord gives of this warning, “Do not step backwards,” for as before, a karma should soon end.

Then we should give of thee this date of thy time, the 29th day of the Lord, of 1971, of the month of your time of August. [See The Revelation 6:7-8, and chapters 19-22.]

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, what will happen on the 29th of August, 1971?”

For as has been written before, blight shall attack thy land, droughts as thy have never seen shall wilt her, and these things that man has placed upon thy earth shall come then into fulfillment. Earthquakes shall attack thy land. Of your Western seaboard, chaos shall strike.

Ask thy other question.

“Thank you, Aka. [4-6-70-003] asks -- she says, ‘You said [ 4-13-70-002] should have frequent readings for her health. Can you give one now, and also, anything on her life if necessary?’ She also asks, ‘Would it be good for M___ and Andrew to continue their flying activities? Do you have any other advice for the family?’”

We should say, first, of the first question, the health is relatively good at this time. The child shall go through certain, as thy would know it, growing pains. These are not things to worry about. But as we have said before, teach this child of the waiting, not of the sin.

Of thy second question we should say of these words, we see no danger at the immediate time.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. K____ W____ of Miami, Arizona…asks, ‘I want to know how my legal action will come out?’”

We should say unto these words. All things thy have anticipated shall come within time. Do not lose patience, but beware, for a dragon lurks near thee. If thy should treat of this matter in complete truth, then the Lord shall walk with thee in all of thy daily chores.

We should say unto this one, take of thy time for meditation. As thy should awaken in the morning, place thyself in compete accord with thy God, thy Father, and all things should come within thee within time. But remember, these things, these things should come as raindrops, a little at a time.

Ask thy other question.

“Aka, M____ V____ asks, ‘Will I get the child who was offered to me this week?’”

We do not see this; nay. But be patient, for we see children ahead. Grow nearer unto thy male that thy have chosen. Become and grow as one. Build of thy love. Be patient with others around thee, and thy wishes and thy prayers shall be heard. But remember, as has been said before, the Lord should act in mysterious ways, sometimes unbeknowing to yourself. But as your prayers have been heard, those who have suffered in the same manner into which you have, and who have conquered their karma, should be sent unto thee for guidance. Give blessings unto the Lord, your God.

Ask thy other question.

“Aka, L____ D_____ asks, that she would like a general health reading.”

One moment, please. Yes, we see this.

Therefore, we have before us the records.

Yes, that is better.

Now we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body.

Yes, this is very good.

Therefore, that which thy request shall be given, but we should give of thee healing. But remember, we are nothing; we are not great. We may only give unto this one that that our Father permits us. Therefore, the healing that she desires shall be given. Then we would say unto this one, go then unto thy home, and for three nights we should come to thee. Upon the third night give thanks unto the Lord for this healing, and the healing shall come in fullness.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, soul Ray asks if you can explain what the nature of the psychic force is when it is projected -- when we use extrasensory perception what is this force?”

Thy have two questions. The first we should answer as the first.

The force that a true psychic should project is that energy projected from his Father. It is with him or her ability to make a tie with his God, therefore, projecting this force, which is known unto thee as cosmic magnetic force. Soon, not too far away, thy people shall harness this force in a different form for use in space travel. Later thy shall harness a different form of the same force. This will be used for complete mind travel, for the projection not only of the mind, as thy would know it now, but for the projection of mind and body from one location to another. Within time, within approximate of your years, of 100 years from now, man, in his evelation to become closer to his God, should use this same energy in a form to feed knowledge for the mind, for food for the body, and for all relevant things of thy earth.

The second of thy questions we should answer in this manner, of your E.S.P. In part, this would come, as thy would know it, as telepathic, the transfer of the thought or mental mind over the matter in such a manner that the human mind of the species is capable of picking up thought patterns from any proportion of your earth or universe. Properly developed, within time you should have no further use for your telephone.

Then we should say unto thee, when this force is harnessed in completeness, beware, for three of thy earths before harnessed this power. And for those who should have harnessed it, these people walked backward, and they destroyed their world and that around them. They left upon their earth their knowledge, and averted backward into what thy know as the cave man.

We should tell of thee also, that as cosmic energy is harnessed, the ability to change all form of life -- thy, as in then, if not very careful shall create mutations upon thy earth, [grassed] individuals who would divert back to the beginning of your time. And therefore, man again upon your earth would then have to crawl out of the caves, for then you would divert back unto the man-beast.

We know there are many things upon thy earth that thy soon shall discover. Do not hesitate in thy search for the truth. But remember, search for all the truths, not part. Do not place any lies before thee; do not believe any half-truths.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“I have no other questions, Aka, unless you have some information for soul Paul.”

We should say unto these words. Go ahead and form thy group in the form that thy have in thy mind, but always in full light of thy Father, God. For remember, what is covered shall be uncovered; what is not lit to the highest shall [be] made into brightness of day. For remember, as we have promised before in the beginning, these material things that thy should need shall be provided; trust thee in thy God. Trust thee then in thyselves, for if thy should walk on the water with us, thy must also have belief in thyselves.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


August 6, 1971

Globe, Arizona

"Good evening, brother. Is Ray with God?"

Soul Ray stands with God.

And as once before, we should say unto thee, now is the time of the Cherub.

For as Isaiah has said unto thee these words, as Moses has said unto thee these words, and as the one known as Jesus did say unto these words, and we say, as in the time of Mohammed, we are not great; we are here to prepare a way.

And as the Eagle should spread its wings for protection, these words our Father has said unto thee: “Do not slaughter the lamb, for we do not need of its blood. But as the Lamb was slaughtered before, cast this aside.”

And we should say unto thee, beware of the Red Horse, for now is the time of its passing, and it should make fools of thee, for as we have said, from the east should come at this time the Anti-Christ. But beware, do not carry its mark. For its time shall be lean. And then shall be unto thee the time of the Lord, for the half-times are over. And as the half-times should end, so should the time of the Anti-Christ end.

But for some, they should think that this time of the Anti-Christ should be forever, and therefore, they should lay in the bed of this [scarlet] one. But remember, Lucifer has no use for nothing, and for the souls who should follow unto the Anti-Christ, these souls should lose the spirit, and therefore, come unto nothing. [See The Revelation 6:3, 12:13-17, and chapters 17-18.]

Our Father weeps for His many children. For He should take them into His many mansions and, therefore, give blessings. But remember, there were many, and there shall be many who should reach unto the Christ state.

Thy can destroy nothing; build upon what is there. Clear away the rubble, and build there upon this, and build into God’s temple, which is man. Build there a mansion so mighty that Lucifer cannot enter, and therefore, shall be chained for a thousand years, as has been promised unto thee. [See John chapters 14-17, and The Revelation, chapters 5, 7, 11:25-29, 14:1-8, 15, 19-22.]

For the one who doubts we say unto these words, our Father has looked into thy heart and soul. Our Father sees no sin. But remember, as man, you have made many mistakes. But it has been your free will which has brought you back, time and time again, to overcome these mistakes. And our Father is the God of the living, not the dead.

Thy have many questions, ask.

"Yes, Aka, [8-6-71-001] of Yuma says, since the age of two when she had polio she has walked with crutches. When she was 12 she had a severe attack of inflammatory rheumatism. She is now in her early 60's and she has considerable pain in her back and her knees, particularly her knees. She states that she realizes that there is no cure for the overall condition; however, what, if anything, can she do to ease the knee pain to make walking less difficult and less painful?”

Then we would say unto this one, we have before us the records -- yes, yes -- therefore, we have the body, the soul, and the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body. We see thy need.

First, we would suggest, take time for meditation, first, by placing thyself in accord with thy God. Pray for forgiveness, but pray first for healing unto thy body.

Second, we would suggest the use of the [saunta] bath. This should be started in very small intervals at first – yes -- no longer than five minutes at a time. This should be done each day, gradually over a two-week period increasing up to 10 minutes, over a three-week period, 15 minutes.

We see thy need also. Most of thy pain comes from that upper back area; we find in this soul the stiffening, therefore, of calcium deposits of the same. We would suggest, if thy should go unto thy chiropractor and this area be very gradually worked over -- at no time should he forcibly place any of these back in their proper perspective. This treatment must be done over a very long, prolonged period. We would suggest in this case that the use of an osteopathic doctor.

We also find that bonular [bony] area of the heel, calcium deposits, therefore, of the same. These are giving pain upward into the upper lumbar area. We would suggest, therefore, that the use of the vitamin E be used, with more of this than the other vitamins and minerals, therefore, needed in the diet.

We would also suggest that during this diet thy should eat of at least three meals per day. Thy morning meal should be made up of toast and milk, no more than one glass of the same. Thy noon meal should be made up of warm, either [other] tea that thy prefer of the Orient, or therefore, of the sage [tree] of the same. Therefore, only of the green, raw vegetables of thy own choice would do. Of thy evening meal, we would suggest that thy meat be eaten as raw as possible. We would also suggest that no fried foods be used in this diet. We would suggest, therefore, that fish be taken at least once per day in small quantities. We would also suggest that one meal of each week should be made of fish only. We would also suggest the use of the evening meal, that thy would take upon this meal food supplements [low] in protein as possible.

We would suggest, therefore, that before your retiring in the evening that additional tea of the red sage be used, or in your case, the purple sage. We would also suggest, this can be obtained at your local food store, it is of the herb called of the laxative herb. This is in ingredients of several herbs. If this was used, this would put thyself on a daily program which, in itself, would help relieve in thy pain.

We should suggest, therefore, that if the program we have laid out before you at the present time cannot be followed in full that thy go unto thy local doctor, and therefore, through surgery, have the calcium removed from the heel area.

Thy have other questions, ask.

"Yes, Aka, [8-6-71-001] wants to know about the general health and attitudes of her two children. The first child is [8-6-71-002].The second child is [8-6-71-003].”

Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we should say unto thee these words. Remember, even as a snowflake is individual, these are two separate, completely different individuals with individual needs.

Therefore, we should say unto thee these words. Their needs are completely different, both of the food for the body and the food for the mind. Remember also that as these two souls have evolved through time, they have grown and their plane has grown. Therefore, their need is no longer as husband and wife, as before. The lesson that they did not learn in the time of before is not the same lesson of now.

Their lesson of this plane is tolerance, of humility of mankind. For in them and the deeds they did do of another lifetime, that we should look ahead, and we should say, first of the girl. She should marry at the age of 18. She shall have three children; all three of these shall be girls. There shall be many trying times in her life, but she, in her search for her Lord, shall overcome these. She shall take of the education thy have given unto her and bear witness forth unto the time which shall come, for remember, as we have said, now is the time of the Lord. Give her these things. But remember, also, there is a time for laughter; there is a time for sleep; there is a time for work, and there also is a time for this. Let her drink of all wines, that she may become a full and complete person.

Then we should say of the boy -- yes, we see this -- and in the lad, itself, he shall grow onward into adulthood. He shall go to war, at a war that man has never seen before, and he shall go through this. He shall have the time and knowledge, therefore, to study to become a physician and heal. But his new revolutionary ideas shall bring a form of healing unto your mankind that you have not seen before. This need shall grow from this time. Therefore, let him go unto the needs of his body. They shall direct him, and those that walk with him, who was with him before, shall serve him well. Do not be in a hurry. You shall see your grandchildren from this one, but this should take time. For time heals all wounds, even yours.

For remember, we see thy need also, and therefore, we send thee blessings, and we should send unto thy house those that are needed to see thee through this time ahead.

Thy have other questions, ask.

"Aka, [8-6-71-004] in Miami…asks if you have a message from her mother?”

We are sorry, but the message that thy seek is not permitted. There are those which should come unto thee in thy slumber, and therefore, the message shall come into thyself.

Can thy understand of which we speak? Nay, then we should say in a different way these words. For in thy slumber, the message that thy should receive should come unto thee. For remember, your God and ours should carry the blessings into thy home in a strange and mysterious way unto thyself. But remember, within time, all things that belong unto thee should come back unto thee.

Thy have other problems unto which we see. And we should say unto you these words, for this thy have not asked, so therefore, it should come in a secret way in a secret answer. But as a Rose should be given without thorns, so should the love that thy wish should come unto thee.

Thy have many other questions.

"Yes, Aka, [8-6-71-005] asks, ‘What message can you give to help me with my future plans?’”

(Chuckle) Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we should say unto thee these words. Of the psychic development of thy mind, that it should come in fulfillment of the same, open thy door that we may enter. Go back into the writing, but go back in a different way. Write of thy psychic experiences, those that thy have seen, those that thy have felt. If thy should do as we suggest, the other things of thy life should come forth, and thy life should be in complete fulfillment.

Of thy financial need we see this also, and we should say unto these words. This should come unto thee a little at a time. Thy should become in later years quite wealthy. But we should say these words unto thee, do not forget from which thy come, for if thy do, it all must be done again. And there are better things ahead than to repeat and repeat again. From this day forward -- thy have looked back long enough, now look forward and thy shall move in that direction that thy should desire.

Thy have other questions, ask.

"Aka, we have four questions from D____ C____ of Yuma. The first question, ‘Is the Book of Mormon true or a fraud of Smith?’ The second question, he wants to know the truth about Joseph Smith and the Mormon church. The third question, ‘The truth about Herbert Armstrong and The World Tomorrow.’ The fourth question, ‘the truth about the writings of Emmet Fox and Earnest Holmes.’”

We should answer your question, your first question, in this manner. As of all legends of time, some of the truth has been lost. But remember, the truth of this from the time that these things did happen were in truth. Therefore, they built unto God a mighty church; these things were intended. If they were not intended, the blessings sent forth would not have been received and not have been sent.

Of thy second question, there are many mansions in my Father’s kingdom. Do not denounce any of them. And remember, thy are a physician; if thy should kill with the sword thy shall be killed with the sword. If thy should destroy the belief of man, then your belief shall be destroyed within thee, for there is doubt. And as long as there is doubt, there is no faith within thee. And faith must be there to heal.

Remember these words, and do not have us call thee Cain. Thy have been given a chance upon your earth this time to take away the harm thy have done before. Remember these words. If thy should kill with the sword again, there shall be no more chances, for thy shall become as Judas, lost into nothingness.

And as there was thirteen, become one again unto Thirteen, for we have use of thee. We should come into thee into thy dreams, both night and day, and we shall show unto thee the light of our Father, and the many things that thy think are impossible at this time, these doors shall be opened upon thee. But be patient. Do not ask as a child again, but come unto us as a man.

Of your other questions, we shall answer them in the same way. For in each story of your time there is truth, but remember also, there is falsehood also. You are a man; define these truths for thyself. But do not cherish them, for they shall rot away in thy hands. Give them freely unto others, and thy should be the greatest physician of thy time.

Soul Ray grows very weary.

Therefore, we should leave thee with this message. For now is the time of the Cherub, and the Fourth Angel is now upon thy earth.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared the tape recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


August 13, 1971

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

"Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?"

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

As we have said before, our Father and yours is the God of the living, not of the dead. Then fear not of the time of the famine; fear not of the time of the Anti-Christ. Then walk forward in the light of thy Father. For as our Father has said unto thee, “For thINE should be created in our likeness, of our kind.”

In thy mind thy have asked, “Are those who walk above and in our earth, as these of the archangels, as thy would know them?” And we should say unto thee, thy words of “angels” are thy own. But as man was created “in our likeness, of our kind,” so sayeth the Lord, “For all above the earth and that that dwells in it shall be commanded by man.” [See Genesis 1:26-30.]

And as before, in the time of Abraham, for as Abraham has no one but God to swear to, therefore, he used unto the son of God. And as God should have no one to swear His coveth to above Himself, so should He use upon His son to swear to. For as you are the daughters and the sons of God and the descendants of Abraham, so should you swear to, unto the son of God. But as our Father has given unto man free choice, so He placed His son in five places, therefore, that all of man, of all the five races, of the five kinds, of the five likenesses, should swear to. [See Genesis 14:19-20. 15:1-5, and John 13:.31-35, 14:1-26, 15:3-10, 26-27, 16:22-28, 17:1-5, 20-26.]

But promise not unto the Lord that that thy may not deliver. When thy speak unto the Lord, speak as thus into thineself.

But in thy time of meditation, too often thy should spend thy time in words. Take thy time in meditation to listen unto the words of the ones who should stand beside thee and thus give thee guidance, for it is a wise man who should listen unto his Lord.

But remember also, as there were past prophets of the old days, of the old planes, remember also that the Lord does deliver unto your time of a new time, of a new plane, and thus, He should speak in a new language, which all should hear. Do not tie thyselves unto the time of Lot, for what was done in the time of Lot is not thy time.

As your world progresses, go forth into this new time. Utilize these new ideas. For remember, our Lord should teach a man who has the knowledge of Lot one thing, but He should teach a man of your plane another. For with new knowledge, do not shun this knowledge and cast it aside, for remember, all things were placed upon your earth for the usage of man and for the advancement of man, both in the spiritual and the material need. If your material things are used correctly, man’s time of toil should be behind him, and more time shall be devoted for the spiritual development of man.

[Editor’s note: The audio tape recording which was made available ends here. What follows is copied from a transcript, that could not be compared with the spoken words.]

Can thy understand of which we speak?

"Not entirely, Aka. I feel that it is very hard in our present day scheme of things to spend as much time on spiritual matters as I would like to, and I think that others feel this. We do not understand how to use our material things.”

Within time, and with guidance thy shall know. And as once before, thy came into the Lord as thirteen, thy shall again. And then thy should walk on the water with us. But remember, with faith thy can now walk on the water, for the water is the spiritual philosophy of your God. [See Acts 1:12-26, 2:1-39.]

Thy have many questions, ask.

"Yes, Aka, [6-18-71-009] would like to know what causes her knee aches, and what she can do to prevent them?"

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, give healing into this soul. And we should come and assist thee in thy effort.

But we also see in her diet, one moment -- yes, yes, yes, Father, yes, Father -- yes, we see this. Then we should say unto these words, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit and the holy body; all is in [intact], for therefore, we see the immortal body. Yes, we see this; yes, we see this.

Then we should say unto this one, as thy have give[n] forth thy soul and thy spirit into the Lord, take our hand and we should guide thee. Do not walk backward, but forward, for in the time of [men nelbs?] time of thy birth, we see this and we see thy need. As then, and as thy eyes were cast into the heavens, keep them upon the Lord, thy Father.

Take therefore these words, and dine upon them as fruit. And as thy should bear fruit unto man, take this fruit again, and feed those that thy should bear. And let thy descendants, and thy descendants’ descendants should bear the same fruit, and therefore, walk always in the blessings of our Lord.

Of thy diet, we would say unto these words, eat more of the raw vegetation. Take also of the salt that should come from the sea. Once each week, dine from the fish that should come from the sea. Eat more liver. Consumption of more protein in thy diet, this could be added as the substance.

We would also suggest -- yes, we see this -- we should also suggest, therefore, the taking of the sauna baths, if this could be done at least of two-week intervals.

We also find in this one, both of the upper and lower backular area wherefore could be much correction. This could be done quite simply by the chiropractor. This also should relieve of the child’s headaches.

If certain other work were done of the 6th and 8th vertebrae – yes -- this also should relieve of that of what thy should call of thy menstrual periods. We should also suggest that the consumption of what is known as Lydia E. Pinkham be taken. We could not suggest at the present time the usage of calcium in the diet, for as the system, in itself, is not rejecting that that is fed in, we must first correct the system that it may digest all minerals and vitamins to the body.

Thy have other questions, ask.

"Yes, Aka, [5-7-71-002] asks, ‘Should I continue to read cards? If so, what must I do for improvement?’”

We should say unto this one, the continuation of the reading of thy cards in psychic development is good. We should say of these words, before each time of thy reading of the cards, spend 15 minutes in meditation, placing thyself in complete accord with thy God, that thy Father’s guidance will come into thy soul and spirit. If this is done in this manner, we should come into thee and give thee guidance. But if you should read these in such a manner as to make thyself a greater person in the eyes of man, we should not come.

Thy have other questions, ask.

"Yes, Aka, [4-6-70-003] asks, she says, ‘You spoke of a dragon in our property transaction; have we discovered and overcome it?’”

Yes, we see this, and we see that thy have overcome thy dragon. But we should say of these words, walk carefully and walk in the guidance of thy Lord. For we see thy needs, and we shall be beside thee and give thee guidance, and therefore, thy should receive the blessings of our Father and yours. But do never thank us for what thy receive; think only of thy Lord. For we are nothing. Only the things that our Father permits us may we do. Can thy understand of which we speak?

"Yes, Aka."

Thy have other questions, ask.

"Aka, Ruth states, in a reading about a year ago, sage tea was mentioned as food for the soul and body. She asks, ‘In what way is it a food for the soul?’”

First, it is a cleansing of the body. If the body cleanses, this, in itself, should leave thy room for thy soul development. And through the soul development and the cleansing of the soul, this, in itself, should rise into the spiritual development.

We should say unto thee these words, soul Ruth, for as we have seen thy needs.

First, of thy drinking water, in thy location of thy dwelling, thy home and the ground thy should dwell upon have been cleansed. Fear not any more from these things.

Of thy other needs, we have seen these, and as long as they should strive into the development of God’s work, we shall walk beside thee day and night, for remember, soul Ruth, from where we dwell there is no need for sleep. We should guard thee, but go forth, soul Ruth, in thy work.

But remember also, there are those who should make mistakes around thee; forgive these and give unto these blessings, for as they are men and women and have free judgment, they should make of these mistakes. But do not judge others, yet [lest?] ye be judged. Cast all stones aside. But as thy are alone, if thy should need, in thy daily life, to cast a stone, let us stand before thee and cast thy first stone at us. Can thy understand of which we speak?

"Yes, Aka."

Then our Lord gives thee blessings, and the dragon that dwells near thee shall walk away and be sorry for what he had done unto thee. And all that has been taken from thee shall be restored.

Ask thy other questions.

"Thank you, Aka. I am not sure if I understand how to meditate. I have always felt that I know how to pray, and I wonder if you could tell me the difference in prayer and meditation, or how you would have us meditate?”

In your time of prayer, this is the time that you pick to confess all things unto your Father, and this is good.

In meditation, listen to your Father. Open your mind. Place yourself with your God, your Father, your creator. Listen to Him well, and He should talk unto thee. And as His words come into thy mind, thy whole body shall, should ring on a spiritual beam. Spend this time to listen to God.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

"Yes, Aka.”

Soul Ray grows weary; therefore, we should give time unto his healing, and then awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. Only the philosophy at the beginning of this reading has been compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


August 15, 1971

Yuma, Arizona

Aka is here.

"Good evening, Aka Where is Ray?"

Soul Ray stands with God.

"Is there anything you would like to tell us this evening?"

We see thy need. Therefore, we should say upon these words. Thy have spoke many times of thy churches, thy places of worship unto the Lord, and we have said unto thee these words, for the temple of God is in man. For the churches of thy worship do not make the man, the man brings the temple of God into thy churches, and therefore, places his place of worship into the Lord.

Thy have many questions, ask.

"Yes, Aka, the question has come up that on the different nights of your coming there are different voices. Are we right in this belief?"

We should say unto thee these words. For as there is a council of Thirteen, and as we have told unto thee these words -- there are many souls, many spirits, as we were sent for the one who asked -- for the council of Thirteen, this is made up of many spirits, as thy would know them. But remember also, we are not great. For our coming, permission must be given from our Lord, our Father.

But we should say of these words of our coming, we are here to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. [See John 14:1-5, 14:15-28, 16:6-15, chapter 17, and Acts 1:6-26, 2:1-28.]

And we should say these words unto thee. Thy shall live through the dark ages again, for upon our coming also came the time of the Cherub. And the Fourth Angel is upon thy earth. For famine, for the infection thy have placed upon the earth of our God, not one stone upon thy earth shall be left unturned.

But your earth shall not end. Your earth shall go on, for our Father has promised into thee a new heaven and a new earth.

And for the children of our Father, there shall be a thousand years of peace upon your earth. But remember also, this is as our Father should count. For the wise to hear and the wise to learn. For this also is the time of the coming of the anti-Christ, and his name should be of six times sixty-six, as it is written upon the records of time. [See The Revelation, chapters 4 through 8, 12, 13, 14:, 15:1-4, 19 through 22.]

In thy study of astrology thy should think upon the 12 months of the year; but think thee upon the 24 months of the year, for this was as it is in the beginning, and so it should be in the ending.

Thy have other questions, ask.

"Yes, Aka, there is a request for a health reading on a child, [8-15-71-001]. The problem seems with the digestive system.”


“At this time can you help the parents?”

Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we have before us the records, and we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body.

Yes, we see this.

Therefore, as the substance thy would know unto this child, change on its diet, give unto this child of the goat’s milk. But do not give it to the child in a cool form; give it in its natural form. We find the lack on this soul of calcium, also the lack -- we would suggest that thy should take of the mesquita wood, char it, and let this child, as thy would know, teethe upon the same.

We should also see in this child other problems. We would suggest that this child be taken unto a physician and correction should be made in the limbs at this time. The bone structure in this area has not developed as it should; therefore, should braces be used at this time, the limbs themselves could grow strong and true. Should this be neglected, this should be a problem unto the child the rest of its life.

Thy have other questions, ask.

"Yes. Aka, there has been a request for a health reading on the child [8-15-71-002].”

Yes, we see thy need. Then we should say unto these words, we find no radical problems in this child. Give this child normal, healthy food; add to the child’s diet certain vitamins and minerals of a natural course. We find that if this child is left to grow and mature, this child should grow onward, and at one time, at the age of 24, should marry into one of your statesmen and be very instrumental in the changing and betterment of your laws. This is good. We find no problem here.

Thy have other questions, ask.

"Yes, Aka, [8-15-71-003] of Yuma has given permission for a health reading, and would like to know, will she live to see her children grown, and also asks how many more lives does she have to live before she will be allowed to rest?”

We should say unto these words, thy shall live to see thy children. But remember also, thy have free choice, the choice, as thy would know it, of life or death. For remember, our Father is not the God of the dead, but the living. For some there is many; for some there is none. The choice to re-enter and to repeat again is your own. The choice to decide that thy should rest by thy Father is your own.

As we have said before, in the beginning, man created death, as thy know it, in the means of learning, and therefore, purifying thy body, thy soul, and thy spirit. There is some who should lose sight of this. Upon losing of the sight of our Father, they should lose of the spirit, and therefore, become a lost soul to wander forever in nothingness.

Look upward; look within thyself and thy should see God. Look upon the ground, thy earth, and thy should see God.

Our Father, as He said in the beginning, created man and woman in “our image, of our kind;” therefore, He placed Himself within you. For thine are the most pure of creations upon the earth. Destroy this and thy should have nothing. But remember, thy can destroy nothing; thy can only change its form. For in its beginning, our Father gave man -- and as we speak of man we speak also of woman -- for remember, from where we come all spirits are of the same. And all is equal in the eyes of God. Only man makes this difference.

Our Father asks unto you two things, to love unto our Father one-tenth that love that He should give unto His children, to love unto thy fellow man the same as thy should love unto thyself. Do not run from thy churches, from thy faiths, for remember, “our Father has many mansions.” And there is many truths.

Thy have other questions, ask.

"Yes, Aka, [8-15-71-004] has asked, ‘Is there any physical condition that needs attention? If so, please elaborate on the condition and seriousness.’"

We should say unto these words, the only condition that we find, therefore, of the same – one moment, please.

Yes, we see this. Therefore, we have before us the records; we have before is the body, the soul, and therefore, the spirit and the immortal body.

Therefore, we should say unto thee these words. Should thy go either into an osteopathic doctor or a chiropractic doctor and have of the lower back area -- this should not be forced. This could be done quite readily in four different visits and the correction, therefore, become as whole.

We would also suggest a different type of exercise. This could be done with the use of the eyes, in the strengthening of the same. We see in this soul is starting, if what is known as [glaustiformia, claustrophobia?] [glaucoma?]. Therefore, we would suggest that each day objects be placed approximately 30 feet apart, the eyes cast first to the left and then to the right, then objects as placed as high above the eyesight and as far below, this be done, and the eyes first upward and then downward. Increase this for a period and this problem should take care of its same.

We should also suggest that more of the vitamin B be taken into the body. We would also suggest, in thy case, the eating, if possible, of the Jerusalem artichoke. We should also suggest the changing of the diet within the same. We would suggest, for a period of three days, the eating of nothing but milk and bananas. This in itself would help to flush the system.

This is all on this subject at this time. Should it be that this is asked for, there are other things that would be added at a later date.

We also find a need within the spiritual development of this soul. But permission has not been granted; therefore, it should be given at a different time.

Thy have other questions, ask.

"Yes, Aka. [6-16-70-00?] has asked if the experience that happened when she began reading the Book of the Essenes, was it what it appeared to be?”

As we have told thee before, as thy were before, thy shall be again. For the Essenes are the time of the waiting. And as you were before, thy shall be again.

Thy have other questions, ask.

"Yes, Aka. [6-9-70-005] has asked, ‘In the shifting of the earth will the Tennessee Valley be safe?’”

Nay. Nay, this should not be. But this should not come about into the latter part of your year of 1987.

Thy have other questions, ask.

"Yes, Aka. Are the treatments that I have been taking developing properly?”

Yes, we see this. We should add to these treatments the treatment of the saunta [sauna] bath. This should be done at least once every two weeks.

Thy have other questions, ask.

"At this time, Aka, I have no other written questions.”

Then we should answer the question of the one who asks. And we say unto this soul, our Lord and yours, our Father and yours, sees no sin here. Our Father brings thee blessings and love. Take from thy heart the hatred; replace it, therefore, with the same. And cast no stones. Should thy need arise to cast a stone, let us stand before thee, and cast thy first stone at us.

Then we say these words unto soul Luke and James. Thy have done well. Our Father blesses thee and sees thy need, and thy needs should come to thee as raindrops. And the needs of thy work should go on. All things that have been shall be again. But remember, this is not the time of Lot. This is a different time, of a different plane; therefore, prepare for the same.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor's note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Yuma, Arizona.


August 20, 1971

Globe, Arizona

"Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?"

Soul Ray stands with God.

Now is the time of the Cherub. And therefore, as the Fourth Angel now stands on thy earth, be patient, My children. There shall be many who should run and hide, but they should act as frightened children and not as the children of God. [See The Revelation 6:7-8.]

In the next three-year period there shall be many upheavals upon thy earth. But fear not. For that proportion thy know as South America, many proportions of the same should change. For that proportion thy [have] known as Siberia, this proportion shall change. New upheavals shall happen in the proportion known as Australia. But fear not.

In that proportion that shall be known as the isles of California, and in that proportion known as San Francisco, shall change. New lands should rise in the Pacific. Many should flee unto this land at first. But this would be unwise, for this shall sink again below the sea. But for the children of God, thy should fear not.

But for those of what thy know as the psychic world who have heard our warnings, yet use them to make something big of their selves, they should fear. For they shall not die; they shall live in an eternal life of death, for neither dead nor neither, as thy would know, alive. Yet they should feel the [wrath] of our Lord. For that they have deposited upon the earth, and in the earth, shall sting their bodies, and from their bodies should march forth this word thy [have] known as worms upon the same. And for those who should put their poison in the sea, they should drink of the same. [See The Revelation 8:6-13 and chapters 9-10.]

Thy have many questions, ask.

"Yes, Aka, [8-20-71-001] asks, ‘Do you have any advice for me or my husband regarding our family welfare and spiritual growth?’”

Yes, we see thy need.

Then we should say unto thee these words. If thy should go to a market and buy there a leopard to stand watch of thy household, beware of this leopard.

For in thy heart we see doubt. Then we should say to you in this manner. Thy would know of the things to come; then we should say unto thee, look backward into the things that has been, for thy have made thy own future.

[Remember…these words], if thy should kill with a sword, thy should be killed with a sword. But if thy should take a field, and therefore, plant wheat in one and barley in another, and harvest both crops and keep of the best of the crop for seed, then plant this seed again, and ferment the earth. And thy crop, therefore, should come in fulfillment. But add yeast to thy crop.

In thy mind thy have what thy would call a secret question. And we should answer this. For the dragon thy think that walks by thy husband does not.

We should say in this manner, change thy diet. Place in thy diet more of the vitamins, both B and E. Take into thy body more calcium. Eat more of the citrus fruit. Take forth for thy breakfast that that is known of the grapefruit. Take forth for thy luncheon meal as many of the raw vegetables as thy desire. Place more fish in thy diet, at least once a week, both of the fresh water and of the salt water. Eat less of the sweets that thy desire.

If from time to time thy should desire more information on the same subject and permission is granted, we should give thee further readings of the same.

Fear not for thy children, for they shall develop into normal, healthy children. Do not take them from their religious paths. Let them seek out this. But remember, as parents to your children, even though they have free will and have chosen [it] themselves, thy have chosen unto you, that thy must give discipline into the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

"Yes, Aka, soul Ruth would like to know if anything can be done about the rash on her face and the bloody patches in her hair?”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should give healing into thyself. But first, we should give unto thee a task to perform. And we should say unto this one, for the rash, take of the plain soda, take of the white of the egg, making a paste of the same and placing this upon thy face. Thy have other areas into which this virus infection has touched. Thy should use this in the same manner. Of thy patches of blood, we would suggest in this form. Take first of warm olive oil, placing this into thy hair, rubbing very vigorously; taking then of – yes -- of the vinegar, adding [of a] tablespoon to a gallon, of your measurements, rinsing the hair thoroughly with this. Then after this has set for 20 minutes, wash the hair with a good shampoo, and then rinsing it again with clear water. We should say unto thee, this should be done at least twice a week. It would even be better if this was performed every three days.

When soul Ray should awaken, we should have placed in his mind [the need] that he should give healing into thy body. Fear not of this. And fear not the one we have placed by thy side, for remember, as thy would call it, thy guardian angel. For remember in your prayers, your Father and ours, blesses thee. And remember….

[Editor’s note: This portion of the message was lost because the tape recording was inaudible due to a loud hum.]

…[We also find, therefore, infection of the same.] We would suggest the use [also] of the sage tea with [either] the Night-blooming Cereus or the blossom of the mesquite. either would do, preferably of the Night-blooming Cereus. This should be taken in quantities of quarter-inch cube over a period of two weeks. If this is not available, go unto thy physician. There are several antibiotics that could be used in the same manner.

We should say unto these words, of thy anger, remember, all things upon thy earth have been placed here for a purpose. If thy should need to cast a stone (cough), if thy should need to cast a stone, let us stand before thee, and cast thy first stone at us. But remember, all things upon thy earth in the [near] future should come out, as thy would call it, in a manner both beneficial in financial and physical needs unto thy family.

We would suggest, of thy diet, find first a good general, natural vitamin and mineral. Take of this daily, but take also of the vitamin B and C. Of thy other proportions of thy diet, at the present time, we would suggest thy add to thy diet of [the] morning of the citrus fruit, and more of the raw vegetables. This would do at the present time.

But our Lord also sees thy need. But remember, we should give unto thee healing, but our Lord cannot restore what thy desire to tear away, for in thyself, thy possess free choice. And if thy should use thy free choice to destroy that that thy build, then the permission should be taken away.

Then we should say unto thee these words; we should give healing, but we should need of thy help.

This is all on this soul at this time.

Thy have other questions, ask.

"Yes, Aka. Soul Andrew asks what is causing his two health problems and what to do about them?”

Yes, we see thy need. First, we should say unto soul Andrew, go unto thy physician, and therefore, request a urine take. [There] shall, for they should find unto the same -- yes, we see this -- and therefore, medicine could be prescribed that would help in this area.

We have suggested before, soul Andrew, that thy should go unto the osteopathic doctor and have certain adjustments made of the backular area. If thy should do this, thy would not need any other corrective measures. Thy would receive both relief of the kidney area and of the headaches.

We see this.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. B____ M_____ asks what would you have her do? She is unable to obtain mistletoe seeds, as you have suggested, because they do not seem to be in season at this time. Can you suggest anything that you would have her do at this time?”

Yes, we should suggest, therefore, taking of the red sage, and therefore, taking therefore of soda, and taking therefore of hops, making, therefore, a broth of the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

"This broth is to be drunk, Aka?”


"Thank you. J____ asks if the chaos which is coming in California will endanger the leaders of our country?”

At the present time we cannot answer [any further], for we do not have permission. But we should answer your question in this manner. For what is God’s shall be God’s, and what is man’s shall be man’s. For the men of God, therefore, shall be of God; for the men of men, therefore, shall be of men.

Thy have other questions, ask.

"Yes, Aka, I have one other question. [8-20-71-002] in Yuma, Arizona, has asked for a health or life reading.”

Yes, we see thy need; therefore, we should say unto thee these words. Soul Ray grows very weary, and this should be asked at a different time. Therefore, awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor's note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the available audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


August 27, 1971

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

"Good evening, Aka Is Ray with God?"

Soul Ray stands with God.

And we should say of these words. As thy walk with planes of life, remember that your so-called death was created by man of his own free choice, of his own free will.

Thy have asked in thy minds of karma. And we should say unto thee these words. If thy should create thy own karma in life, then why should thee call this God’s will? For remember, God gave thee free will. And as thy should go through life, thy should not always walk forward; there are times when thy shall walk backwards, and thy should stumble and fall. And thy should get up again, and therefore, walk again. But if thy should walk in the light of our Father, our Father should give thee guidance. But our Father, nor us, can interfere with your own free choice.

As the man known as Buddha did say unto his disciples, “If thy should go unto the desert and there die under the hot sun because thy did not bring water and provisions for the same, would this be thy destiny or would this be thy suicide?”

If thy should go unto the market and trade a horse for a rooster, is this God’s will -- nay. Nay, our Father has given unto thee thy free will to do, in thy own way, the best thy can. This is all, as we have said before, of climbing of the ladder.

For in thy minds, if thy would think of God as the sun, and the rays that come from [our] God like the rays of the sun, this in itself would be the spirit of our Father. But then again, the spirit of man that knows of our Father always should become part of the soul, and therefore, become part of man. The immortal body that we have spoke of before is the binding of the body, the soul and the spirit, and the spirit of God, all into one.

As thy climb the ladder, and as we have spoke of before, as thirteen, thy then, thy soul, thy body and thy spirit, and thy immortal body, and the spirit of God shall be bound as one -- and as 4 was the sacred numeral of 13, it should then become in unisance.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

"No, Aka.”

Then we should say [in] these words. As man should possess a karma, as the land he dwells upon should possess its own karma, as the worlds and universes, and universes and galaxies beyond galaxies should possess a karma, these they did create themselves because our Father gave unto them free choice. Do not put the blame upon your God, your Father, for your own shortcomings.

But remember these words, our Father who giveths, therefore, can taketh away.

And remember also, that now is the time of the Cherub, and the Fourth Angel, therefore, dwells upon thy land. And as we have said before, that these things that man has placed in the earth shall come forth and bite and sting of these men, yet they shall not die, for these things they have placed upon the earth they must live with. New eruptions shall start again in the California area. And they shall continue for some years to come, for “as the Fifth Angel should walk upon thy earth.” But beware of the Seventh. But if the children of God deny the mark of the Beast, the seventh seal shall not be opened, and therefore, your thousand years shall reign upon thy earth. [See The Revelation, chapters 6-8.]

Thy have questions, ask.

"Yes, Aka, [8-27-71-001], that is here tonight, asks if you can give her information on what causes her headaches and what she can do to prevent them?”

Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body; therefore, all is in accord.

We find, therefore –

Yes, we see this.

We find the problem of quarrels between the mother and father, and the child, in itself, feeling rejection from the same. This has caused, as thy would know it, nervous tension within the child, and rebellious attitude of the same. Within time, this problem shall dissolve within itself. But unless this child is taught of love, of kindness, and of the teachings of our Father and of the Son -- for remember, the love, and in this word thy use so lightly, matures both of the mental and the physical nature of the same. But beware, these parents, that they do not assume the karma of their child.

Thy have other questions, ask.

"Yes, Aka. [8-27-71-002] asks, ‘What advice can you give me in regard to a certain individual, very powerful, trying to rule my life?’”

We should say unto thee these words. If thy were given a free choice, exercise this free choice. For there is no one who has the right to rule another, for as the spirit was given of love, and as the soul was given of love, and as our Father did create man and woman with love, we should say unto thee these words. For our Father has heard thy prayers. And those who have been placed in the same situation, of another time, have been sent therefore [unto] give guidance unto the same. Fear not of these, for they shall walk with thee both day and night, and they should look after thee. Be not afraid, for they should send thee messages in thy slumber. And in thy meditation they should come unto thee and give thee guidance. Thy would know of these as a “guardian angel.”

But we should say unto thee at this time of these words. Give notice unto this one of the same. Thy have turned thy other cheek. Now is the time to stand forward, and should this one attempt to slap thee again, stand firm, and with the light of the Lord strike back.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

"Yes.”[She answers.]

Thy have other questions, ask.

"Yes, Aka, [5-7-71-000] has asked for a life reading.”

Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, permission has been granted, and we should say then of these words. We have before us the records, and therefore, we have the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body. Yes, this is good; all is in accord.

Then we should go unto the beginning, and therefore, we look.

Yes, we see this.

And we see thy entry into the Year of what is known as the Rabbit. And therefore, as a manifest of spirit and the entry of the same – yes, we see this.

And as thy first entry was of that of the one, we find, therefore – yes, we see this.

We find, therefore, that as a woman of the tribe, thy were there and did bury and carry of all things, for thy were of a servant unto the others of thy own kind.

And as the days did pass, there was one there in this time who looked favorably upon thyself, and therefore, in the quiet evening did speak of these words of his God. At first, thy did not understand. And then one day he took unto thee upon the mount, and therefore, knelt unto his God. And therefore, thy saw unto thyself the light of God, and stayed there for four days and four nights, as the blessings of the Lord poured into thy body and the knowledge of the same. Upon returning, thy chieftain was to punish thee, and therefore, thy died, as thy would know it, with the [Lord] and love of the Lamb in thy heart.

We do not find this entry again until the time of Atlantis. And at this time, we find this one in a high office, in the fifth island of Atlantis.

Yes, we see this.

And we see that thy have made many, as thy would know it, travels unto [Yumbad], the land of the black people, and therefore, give counsel and teachings into the same.

We find also into this soul the usage of the written word upon what thy would know as silk paper. This is used in thy teachings.

And therefore, we find this one traveling also into the land of what thy know as Peru, or “Peruto.” Therefore, we find teachings of the same, and of the God of one.

And therefore, at the later time of thy life, thy should meet in the land of Egypt a young teenager, as thy would know it, who was later to become that one as known as priest Ra-Tai. And thy are much impressed with this youth. And thy have spent many, many days and nights in his teaching. And thy are much in counsel of Priest Arcan [Arkan] of Atlantis. And as Ra-Tai has seen visions of the last days of Atlantis in his youth, therefore, the messages are sent unto the other civilizations.

And you go back unto your own land, and therefore, try to prevent this gigantic atomic chaos that should take place. Therefore, the people of the land did stone thee.

We find not again until the time, therefore, of what time thy would know of, and in the land that thy would know of as that proportion, of China, or in what is known as the land of Tibet. Therefore, we find again this entry on this plane. Therefore, again thy start as a monk unto the temple. But on thy journey to the high one, of the Lama, thy did commit sin, and therefore, commit adultery unto the same. And as thy are shunned, this bothers thee a great [and amountiful] person unto the same. And therefore, we find unto this one, thy should raise a family in the lowlands. And in thy prayers it should be that thy son should be chosen as the Lama of the same. And so, unto thy eighth son, did become of the same of the Lama.

But still thy have carried thy karma into thy next lifetime, and we find again, in the time of the Roman one and the rise of the Roman Empire unto the same, and of the conquest, therefore, of the isles known at this time as that of Great Britain.

Yes, we see this.

And in this village known as York town, we find, therefore, thy are bound again with new powers and memories of thy old ones. And in the practice and in the teachings thy practice without a purpose this time, and of the use of this time, as that that is known as the black arts.

Yes, we find this.

And we are going forward again, and as those who would stone thee again to death did of the same.

And an entry not again -- yes, we see this -- not again into the land of this time that is known as that land of the Californians. At this time thy are born in the tribe as before, as a woman of the village of the lowest servant class. And this time thy life is to serve, for thy live in those thy would know of as the flatheads.

We see this, yes.

And once again thy did go unto the mountain unto give prayer. And thy have seen with thy eyes this one who carries the cross, and thy watch of him, both day and night. And as those among your tribe that would kill of these, thy plead that they are those who come of the Spirit, and therefore, they are accepted among thy own people. And thy did live out thy days in servitude of that of the Lord.

We do not find -- we do not find again this one until this plane. And again upon this plane we see thy with a psychic mind and the development of the same. And this is good. But remember, thy have carried thy own karma with thee. Thy karma before was that of a closed mind. And once again, thy are in servitude of others. There is time when thy should grow impatient with these. Thy have now the chance unto give unto these teachings of our God, our Father. But remember, thy can destroy nothing. Do not take of them their religions, for remember, our Father has many mansions. Thy should add to.

This is all on this subject at this time.

Thy have other questions, ask.

"Yes, Aka, I overlooked, a little while ago, an important reading that I should have asked. [28-08-71-001], he was born..., and he asks for a health reading and any other advice that you can give him.”

As soul Ray grows very tired, we would suggest that this be asked at a different time. But yet, we would give of now this information. For we find inflammation of the liver. We find, therefore, of the kidney area great strain. We would suggest that this one to go unto the chiropractic doctor and certain adjustments be made of the same. But as these adjustments should be done in a prolonged period, readings should be made upon each adjustment of the same.

And now we should say unto these words. We see of thy need, soul James, and blessings and healing shall be given unto the same. Do not grow weary, for we are pleased.

And unto soul Luke, be patient, for all things shall come. But they shall come unto thee as raindrops.

And we should say unto soul Ruth these words. The work that thy have to prepare shall soon be needed unto the people; therefore, go forward with haste unto the same.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


August 29, 1971

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

We see thy need.

And we should say these words into thee. For we are not great. We are but the messengers of God, our Father. We are here for but one purpose, to prepare for the coming of the Messiah.

And we should say these words into thee. For as Peter should walk on the water, he must have faith. Should he falter or lose his faith, then he may not walk on the water.

We see into thy heart and soul. For as it has been said before, what has covered shall be uncovered; where no light shone light shall shine again. But as we have said before, at times, to translate, as you would say, from your plane to ours is very difficult.

And as you have asked before of the council of Thirteen, and as we have said before, do not misinterpret our words.

For once before, as in the time of Adam, man was created in five places, and this [were] the sons of God. And yet, many entries went into the man-beast and these were the sons of man. And as the men of God looked unto the daughters of man and saw them fair, and therefore, did enter into the same, thy were cast out of thy Garden of Eden, and therefore, thy created death. [See Genesis, chapters 2-7.]

For remember, our Father is the God of the living, not of the dead. And so, we come once again, but not in five places, but in one -- therefore, as the spirits of God flows as pebbles, as the spirit of man should flow as the pebbles of a river, as the souls of man should flow as the pebbles of an ocean, unto the many lands unto the many tongues.

And as we have said before, this is not the time of Lot, for we come upon your plane upon your time. [See Genesis, chapter 19.]

But as we have said before, the half-times are over. Now is the time of our Lord.

And as we have said before, do not misinterpret our words. Thy cannot drive half of a calf to market, nor can you take half of a word and receive a meaning. If there are stones to cast, let us stand before thee, and cast thy first stone at us.

Thy ask in thy mind of this 29th day of your August, and as we told thee before to think of the 24 months, and not of your 12 -- we have told thee of the beginning of the Fourth Angel upon your earth. And so it shall be. And we have told thee of your free choice, which neither our Father or us may interfere with. We have given unto thee these messages, that you, with your free choice, might alter the events or catastrophe that should destroy thy earth within itself.

If thy have no faith, and as our Lord did say unto thee, “if thy eye should offend thee, cast it aside.”

But we should say again unto these words, for that that was placed into the earth should come from the earth, and that that was placed into the sea should come from the sea. And that that belongs to the earth shall stay in the earth, and that that belongs to God shall stay with God. And that that belongs to Lucifer shall stay with Lucifer. But should a man kill another with a sword, so should he be killed with a sword, for that in itself is karma. But do not blame your Father for your own shortcomings. [See The Revelation 6:7-8, chapters 7-8, and Mark 9:43-48.]

Yes, we see thy need, and we should say unto soul [4-3-70-002] these words. Of this war within thyself, if thy should fight a justly war and a righteous war, our Father should walk beside thee, but if thy should fight a war against your loved ones and your children, our Father should not walk beside thee. If the blessings our Father has given unto thee are unjust, then thy thyself in thy quiet of thy room should tell thy Father, and He should take these away. “For if thy should go to a door and offer blessings and they are not accepted, then take them back and go unto another door. If they are accepted, then go in a drink of their wine and they shall drink of yours.” [See Matthew, chapter 10.]

Yes, we see thy need, soul E_______, and we should say unto thee these words. Beware of the dragon in thy household.

But of thy illness we should say unto thee, continue thus with the medication thy are now taking. Stay away from all barbiturates, for they are part of your dragon. Go into the arts. There are many groups in thy city; join of these, work of these, learn of these. Go into thy university, and therefore, learn, for thy shall learn for eternity; and what thy do not learn of this plane, thy shall learn of the next and the next.

Soul Ray grows very, very tired.

And now we should give healing into those in need.

For we see thy need, soul James. And we see thy need, soul Luke. And the healing shall come of the same. But we should say of these words, our Lord has chosen thee for this of the yoke of love. Thy should write, and store of the records, and provide there a haven for the children of our Lord.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona


September 1, 1971

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

"Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?"

Soul Ray stands with God.

Thy have many questions, ask.

"Yes, Aka, is Ray safe in this storm?"

Soul Ray is safe, for he stands with God.

"Aka, [9-1-71-001] of Merideth, Colorado, has asked for help in regards to the disposition of her children, and she asks -- she said, ‘Aka, for the best welfare of my children, where should they be raised and by whom?’”

We see thy need. Therefore, for the welfare of thy family, thy questions shall be answered, for permission has been given.

Therefore, to answer thy question, thy must understand of whence thy child has come. And we should say of these words -- that as karma goes forward into your time, and as your world has karma, so has the soul. Thy must understand of a time of before.

And we should tell thee of this time of thy own, as thy would know it, of the Civil War within thy nation. And as this child of thine was at that time of a slave in the land known, of yours, as Georgia -- and as you were at that time married once again unto the husband of thy choice of now, and as thy husband of before was of a cruel master, and therefore, did harm unto this soul, we find this child of now placed as a child of his own. And therefore, we find two karmas that must come together, for if this karma of this child should end, she must, therefore, of her own free will, be able to forgive unto the master of before.

And as the master is the stepfather of now, we should say unto these words. Unless, on this plane, these karmas should come to an end, thy shall be done again and again. We should say that these children should stay at the present time in thy household. And the stepfather, who was of a cruel master of before, should, therefore, be of a true father unto these children.

But remember also, [that] thy karma and thy first husband, for forgiveness must come from thee, for this husband was also a slave of before. And as the denial of thyself, therefore, these two karmas, and of the karma of thy second child, should come forth; for we find that this child at that time was your brother of before, and therefore, could live in the same luxury of wickedness unto the slaves of that time.

Unless all of these karmas should come to an end, they should be repeated again.

Therefore, we would suggest, since the [religion, allegiance] shown from the child to the stepfather, that both of kindness, that if this of the stepfather should spend more time -- find of the need of this child, and in these terms we should suggest this progress should be made.

For we must go back farther into another time and find, therefore, into the time of your land called France. And we find, therefore, this child at that time was of an artist of the same. It possessed clairvoyant tendencies.

We see this. Yes.

And we must go back farther again unto a time still farther in another plane. And we find this child at that time in Egypt, of the land of the same, and therefore, we find great work done in the temple of the sacrifice and the temple of the beauty, and [altery, of the] work of the [neuron]-type done of the same. And as this was one of those sent from the land of Atlantis who was mutate of the time of the same, we find this child of that time, through gradual, as thy would know it, reincarnations, done both in the temple of the beauty of the same. And as both of the learning of the arts of the music, and of the time of the learning of the arts of the written word, did come forth, we would suggest, therefore, that in this life of this child, these things should be brought forth, therefore, to expel the energy of the same.

For you must remember, therefore, that upon the land of Atlantis, of the third island of the same, we find, therefore, of that time, leanings toward, not of the God of One, but of the god of Babylon, of Babel, as thy would know of the same. And therefore, we find this problem again in this child. Should this continue to come forth, both of the killings done in that time should manifest in the time of now. Therefore, with proper schooling from both yourself, your husband of now, and your husband of before, these should be joined together in unity and shown a proper, wholesome front unto the child. And therefore, all karma would come in unisis of the same.

Should this not be done, this soul should evolve backward unto what it was before, and thy problems of now shall be minor compared to what should come in the future of the same.

We find also in the health of this child of a nervous condition and bronchial condition. Therefore, we would suggest, first, for the nervous condition, thy should use both of the mistletoe and of the hops of the same. These should be done in two parts of the hops and one part of the mistletoe, with two parts of the red sage with the honey used from the locale of the same that thy should live in at the present time. This should be done each night before the child goes to bed.

Therefore, we find other problems, for we find in this child of the nervous system of the lower backular area. This could be corrected quite simply by the use of either a chiropractor or an osteopathic doctor of the same. We find of the neckular area, therefore, of that in which the bones connect, therefore, unto [there] of the spinal area, we find adjustments of the same should be made. This should be made in such a proper position that they should be worked outwardly. Do not force this area. This should be done in a gradual, four-stage program of the same.

This is all on this subject at this time. We find that other readings should be given if they are asked for.

Thy have other questions, ask.

"Yes, thank you, Aka. [8-28-71-001] has been to the chiropractor as you had suggested, and he has been quite ill. And do you have any other recommendations for him at this time? You have mentioned in the last reading that he had kidney trouble and, I think, liver trouble. Do you have any suggestions for him now?"

Yes, we find this; therefore, we would suggest that the continued visits be made. We find also that an improper adjustment has been made, therefore. Therefore, he should return unto the same. This treatment should be done as we suggested before, not to force this area. This should be done, first, of the sixth and the seventh vertebrae. This should be moved outward and downward. We find, therefore, that this area should be massaged. Thy could use of the wintergreen oil, therefore, use, therefore, with that -- yes, we see this -- therefore, we would suggest that of the tonic used. One moment, we must see this again.

Yes, we see this; this is better.

We would suggest, therefore, that the tonic of the S.S.S. -- we find, therefore, that the subject would be declined to take of the same, so therefore, we would suggest a good, natural vitamin be used, strong in the iron content. We would also suggest that the minerals of the same be used.

We also find, therefore -- yes, we see this. We would suggest that four times daily that that of the red sage be used. We would also suggest that that -- yes, we see this. Therefore, we would suggest -- yes, yes -- we would suggest that a visit be made unto the local medical doctor, and therefore, prescriptions of antibiotic of a strong nature be taken. This should be done for a period of seven days. This would greatly improve in this area.

We find other problems here. Should, as we have said before, these that have been suggested be done, follow-up readings of the health be done of the same.

You must remember of the massage. This must be done each night before retiring. If possible, it should be done of the morning also. We find that this should be done in such a position to go clear unto the lower limbiar [limb? lumbar?] area.

This is all on this subject at this time.

We find, therefore, that soul Ray is growing very weak. Of thy other questions, they should be answered at a different time.

We should leave in thy mind this message -- of that if the 29th of which has commenced. As we have said before, prepare thyselves for those who should flee into thy land.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor's note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


September 3, 1971

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

"Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?"

Soul Ray stands with God.


Now all is in accord.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Aka, [8–20–70–002] of Yuma is supposed to have a follow-up reading on health or life. Do you have anything this evening on him?”

We see thy need; therefore, we should say of these words. We find, therefore, into this soul — yes, that is better.

Yes, we have before us now the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body. Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we find into this soul the need of more of your vitamin B. This could not be taken in the regular, oral manner. We see the need, therefore, to go unto a physician, and therefore, this be given directly by the physician of the same. If this is not done — we find many other problems into the soul of the same. But all of the problems unto this soul go back unto the need of the vitamin B, and therefore, taking orally into the vitamin D.

We also find into this soul a radical change of the diet is needed. We should put more fish into the diet, at least twice a week. We should, therefore, place more of the green of the vegetables. We also find that, as this soul is allergic to the cystic-type foods, we would suggest that the taking of vitamin C orally would greatly help unto this soul. We find, therefore, as this soul is allergic to these of the same, we would suggest that the honey from the local locale be taken twice daily. This should be placed, therefore, in with two [microdrops] of vinegar, therefore, placed into the same, of one tablespoon of your measurements of honey.

We should also suggest of the taking twice daily of the sage tea, this should be done also, sweetened, therefore, with the use of the natural honey of the same locale.

We find the greatest problem, therefore, into the soul of itself.

Yes, we see this.

And we should say unto this soul, thy have brought forth unto this plane great karma, for the one thy have chosen for a father of this plane thy did kill in thy last lifetime, and therefore, thy are placed, both with praise and misgiving. Of the lifetime of before was in the locale thy known at this time as the land of Colorado. The man of this time, of thy father, thy were partners with in a mining claim, and therefore, thy did slay of him for the riches — later, to be slain by a gambler, therefore, that is thy mother of this plane.

We would suggest, therefore, that the necessary karma be lived out, and therefore, [reparation] within the same be done.

We should give of thee this knowledge. And remember, our Father has given unto thee free choice. Neither our Father or ourselves may interfere with this free choice. But “if thy right eye should offend thee, cast it aside.” And therefore, as in karma, find thy karma, and therefore, overcome of the same. And this can be done only in forgiveness.

And therefore, as it has been said before, “respect thy mother and father.”

We can see that, at times, this is a hard task on your part. But of the same, we should say unto thee, it can only be done in pureness and in love. And give it of the same love our Father has given unto thee.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, you suggested for my mother, B___ M______, that she use mistletoe and hops and sage. And I wanted to ask if the mistletoe which Ray obtained can be used in the same proportions, of two grams a day, as the mistletoe you have spoken of previously?”

Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we should say unto this soul, if in the preparation of the same this could be done, made of the morning, and drank, therefore, of the evening, letting this seep into the same, therefore, it could be rewarmed at that time.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes. Only the proportions are in question, Aka.”

The proportions should be done, therefore, in this manner — of two parts of the hops to one part, therefore, of the mistletoe of the same. We would suggest, as there is a difference, placing of the sage in one proportion of the same. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, only the amount in the proportions — do you mean spoonfuls, or grams, or what quantity, Aka?”

We should suggest one teaspoon of the mistletoe to two teaspoons, therefore, of the hops, to one teaspoon, therefore, of the sage tea. Can thy understand now of which we speak?

“Yes, thank you, Aka.”

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [8–28–71–001] was advised to request an additional reading after each adjustment by the chiropractor, and he also has been taking the medicine which you recommended. He cannot get the doctor to give him antibiotics because the doctor does not know what is wrong with him and won’t prescribe for him when he does not know what he is prescribing for also.”

There —

“Excuse me.”

Therefore, we should say unto the same, of the adjustment of the same. And as thy are going unto, therefore, the chiropractor, we would suggest that x-rays be made of the back and lower proportions of that of the back, and the upper proportion, therefore, of the back. We should suggest also that x-rays be made of the ribular area. Adjustments should be made in this area also. This, in itself, would give the physician, or as you would call of this, the chiropractor of the same. We would, therefore, suggest, of the antibiotic needed, take of the Night-blooming Cereus, therefore, of the same, in proportions of one-quarter-inch cube per day. If this was done for a two-week period — remember also unto this soul, the improvement will come gradual. Upon the third week of the treatment of the same, this soul should greatly improve.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. We have a request for a health reading from J____ H____ of…Mesa, Arizona. He has diabetes, he believes, and his health is not good, and he asks for any advice you can give him.”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same; therefore, the information that thy request shall be granted.

We find unto this soul diabetic — yes — but not of a great proportion; therefore, we would suggest the eating of the Jerusalem artichoke. This should be done twice daily. If would be preferably done before each meal.

We would also suggest, for a period of two months, the eating of no raw sugar forms should be done. If thy would eat of the fruits of nature, this could be done into the same.

We would, therefore, suggest that we find also into this soul that of the grout [gout] of the same, and therefore, we would suggest the vitamin D be increased, and therefore, vitamin C be taken. This should be taken twice daily. We find also the need into this soul of a good, natural vitamin of the same.

We would also suggest a change in the diet, therefore, of the same. For the morning meal, we would suggest one glass of milk, and therefore, of one-half of grapefruit of the same. Of the evening meal, therefore, we find — yes, we see this.

Of the evening meal, this should be done, only take away of thy salt at the present time. This could be done in its manner as it is at the present. But remember, this should be done, eating of three meals per day. We find that in this soul that quite often it has forgotten to eat because it becomes so interested in its work. If during the day the need should arise for additional food, this should be done, only of taking of the grapefruit of the same.

We also find into this soul rashes of the skin, and therefore, we should say unto this soul. Take first of the warm olive oil, placing this upon the skin; second, we would say, taking of the white of the egg, therefore, mixing of the baking soda of the same, making, as thy would know of it, a paste of the same and applying it to the areas needed.

There is other work that should be done, and therefore, we would suggest that thy should visit unto either an osteopathic doctor or a chiropractic doctor. This could be done quite simply for the treatment for the lower backular area. We find, therefore, that from a fall as a child — yes, we see this.

We also find that in thy childhood thy were struck in the backular area, which added, therefore, unto the injury of the same. This could be corrected, therefore, with manipulation of the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. C____ M____ has requested a life reading when you have time.”

We see thy need. This should come at a different time, for soul Ray grows very tired. Thy have other questions, ask.

“I have a release form which I do not have with me for the friend of J____ H____, Mr. C_____, who had requested information as to why he feels cold on one side. Can you help him in this?”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should say, this shall be given in parts. Therefore, we find unto this, the soul; we find nothing more. And we should say unto this, look upward into thy Father’s light, for thy shall lose the body thy possess and wander into nothingness forever.

Of thy illness, thy warmth is the lacking of the warmth of our Father.

We should leave thee with these words. Now is the time of the Cherub. Therefore, look upward unto [our] Father’s light. And remember, our Father weeps for His children.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


September 5, 1971

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Now, all is in accord.

Therefore, we should say these words unto thee. For as before, of the God of Moses, of the God of [Isaiah], of the God of Abraham, and of your God of Jesus Christ, we say unto thee these words. For the same God is the God of Buddha, the same God is the God of Mohammed, as the same God is the God of Ishmael. For as the spirit of God should flow as in the brook, it should flow into many lands of many tongues. And as the tongues should be different, yet the Gods be the same, for “There shall be no other God before our God, and there shall be no other God after our God.” [See Exodus 20:2, Deuteronomy 5:7–11, Mark 12:28–31.]

Thy may call of Him many names; this means very little difference. But as man should pray, one unto another, unto their God, thy should respect of the same. For remember, as we have said before, our Father has many mansions. And as the one known as Jesus Christ did go before thee to prepare a way, so should you go before others to prepare a way. But each of you should go in his own way unto our Father, and there give praise unto Him, that He may love thee and you may love Him. [See John 13:31–36, 14:1–29, 15:7–17, 16:6–30 and chapter 17.]

There are many paths through the forest and unto the valley, and if you should travel far enough, there are many planets in many galaxies. Yet our Father created all; and as we have said before, these should be “of our kind.” For as He did place upon your earth the five races and the five tongues that could divide and divide again, yet of these five, they were of the children of God. And as we have said before that as the children of God did dwell unto the daughters of man and find them fair, and therefore, enter of the same, and therefore, were cast from thy Garden of Eden, so it was in the many lands of the many worlds. [See Genesis 1:26–31, chapters 2–6.]

Thy have asked these questions of these other lands, “In what form do [the] they have taken?” And we should say unto thee, for these children of God, even though they have entered the form of man, they should still be of God’s image. Their colors may change; their tongues may be different, and they may call of thy God of a different word, but they are still our Father’s children. And He brings all of them into His many mansions.

But some may climb the ladder in a different way than thyself.

If thy go before this one, go there to prepare a way that he may enter unto the same as thyself. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Then we should say these words unto thee. As we have said before of the 24 of your months, at the time of the writing of your Bible, your calendar was different, and therefore, as John should write of the book of Revelation, his calculation of that time was given to him upon his months, upon his days. And so did the form of numerology and [genecology]. And these, you must realize, were all of the same. Today thy have of new signs. But they are not new, for they have been here before.

And as we have told unto thee these words, to store of [the] knowledge, the seed of knowledge, that thy should not lose this time again and go backward unto what thy were, for those who should be born of the future time, they shall be of yourselves. For remember, thy should climb onward unto this ladder. But remember also, if thy should fall from the ladder, thy have left thy knowledge of the soul, of the spirit, and even that of the immortal body behind, and thy should dwell into nothingness. And thy must start the climb again.

We see in thy mind many questions, and of these we should answer in this manner. Thy ask of the readings, both of the health and of the soul reading. Therefore, we should say unto thee of these words. Thy must realize that we are using of the functions of soul Ray’s body; therefore, time must be given unto healing of the same. These things we should take care of from time to time. But yet, we should use of the projection forth of his brain, therefore, to locate all souls that thy would gain knowledge of. And in this proportion we should say unto thee. Of the health readings, place this person in one location that we may give of the readings of the same. Of the soul readings, for that of the past, we read from the Book; therefore, it makes little difference in its location. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Then we should say, thy have asked this question — of the private readings. These should continue, for each soul may learn from that, his own records, for as we have said before, this is not the time of Lot. Look backwards into which thy have come that thy may look forward into the time that thy are going, and therefore, correct these things. For this is your free choice. [Genesis 19:1–26.]

We may give of thee the information, but we are not allowed to interfere with your free choice. And in this manner, we may not give information without the permission of the soul of the same. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Then, we should answer this question unto the storing of food. And we see that thy grow impatient for its need. And as we have said before, if thy should go into the desert without the provisions of water and food, and therefore, die for lack of the same, should thy blame thy Lord for this? Nay. Then prepare for this time. Remember, with thy free choice thy can change of your future. But as man, and we speak of the man’s soul, of the man’s spirit, now stands before his Maker, he should have need of these things. But we should suggest that among thy groups thy should order of these provisions together, that thy may in this proportion have of these things. Should a member of thy group leave unto another land, therefore, in thy group thy may use of these provisions unto this soul, that he in his own light should become a leader, and therefore, store again. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“I think you are saying that our group should store on a group basis, and that if someone leaves, they should leave this, their portion, behind to be used by others, is this true?”

Nay, nay.


We should say unto thee these words. Store of thy food in many places, within thy group, but order of the proportions of the same as a group.

But also, if one should leave of thy group, make certain that this one should take with him provisions for his family.

As we have said before, we can only tell of thee these things that our Lord permits, and of these things He would give us knowledge to transfer into thy time. And as, from time to time, we should give unto thee knowledge, so our Lord should give of the knowledge unto us.

For the time of the need, our Lord says, “Be patient, and pray that thy should never need of the same.”

And we should say unto these words. For we look into the soul of soul Bartholomew, and we see thy need. And we should place in thy mind the message of thy duty unto the Lord and unto mankind. The first proportion we should give of thee in dream form. The second proportion, we should say of these words. Thy are, and have been placed, and positioned of — to direct other souls of the same. Take of this knowledge and let them drink of the same.

Fear not, for we should look after thy family. But remember also, there is a time for thy work; there is a time for laughter; there is a time for rest, and our Lord unto the beginning did say unto man, thy have taken this time for rest. Take of this, but then take of thy time for the worship and the duty unto the Lord.

For soon our Lord shall have other work for thee. Be patient and stand tall. And of thy need, it should come as raindrops, a little at a time.

Unto soul Paul we should say of these words. Thy have done well, soul Paul. But remember, unto a clean house dwells unto the clean man — and as thy body should carry in it the soul, never give vengeance from the same. Give righteousness unto those of thy fellow man, and give healing unto the same. But beware of the dragon that should walk upon thyself, for we shall not allow this to happen. And the vengeance of the Lord should be greater than the vengeance of all mankind.

And unto soul Ruth we should say of these words. Thy have done well, my daughter; our Lord is pleased. And remember, for thy [should] add a new book of God’s upon thy earth.

And then we say these words unto soul Mark. We see thy need. And remember, what has been covered shall be uncovered. Where no light shone, light should shine. For now is also the time of the great Sword which cuts two ways, both of the land and the masses. And of this other side, should cut away the decay of the souls upon thy earth. So fear not what others should think; go forward in thy duty. Leave the doubting unto Thomas.

And to soul Luke, we see thy need, and therefore, should bring blessings into the same. For as time has passed, thy should know of the guardian of the veil and the duty of the same. But remember, soul Luke, guard well this veil, for thy are learning. And the healing thy should ask for we should give unto the same. For three weeks’ time, the messengers should come to thee both night and day. And at the end of your three-week period, new knowledge should come of the same.

And of soul James, for we find thee as the guardian of the records. And we are pleased of the same. Go unto the valley below the sea [Yuma, Arizona], and therefore, prepare a haven for our children. And prepare there a resting place unto the Book of the Lord. But prepare this Book with wings, that it may take flight upon thy earth.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I had one, I think, brief question that had to do with a health reading. [9–5–71–001] has a rash on her foot and skin, and also a problem of swelling which she has been unable to get any help from doctors or specialists with. And I gave healing to her on it, but I wondered if you have any advice for her on it in regards to anything additional that you would like her to do?”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto these words — to take of the mistletoe, and therefore, make a powder of the same, to take of the olive oil and add to the same, this should be done that a gelatin should be made of the same — to take, therefore, of the soda and add of the same; to take, therefore, of the white of an egg, and therefore, add of the same; to take, therefore, of the sage and add of the same — if this were placed upon the feet in a [poultice] of the same before this soul should rest at night, this rash would soon leave of this soul.

And now, we should say unto thee these words. Remember, we may only answer these questions unto thy own minds. We may give of thee what thy mind should take of the time. But if thy own mind should flaunt away and lose interest of the same, therefore, we can only give of thee the food of the mind that thy might digest at that time.

Weigh careful your questions — for remember, they are not only for thyselves, but for thy children’s children. And remember, now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


September 10, 1971

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

And now, as we have said before, we should tell thee again of thy karma.

And as the one known as Jesus Christ did say, “If thou should be born again unto my Father, then every man that should leave this earth unto my Father’s kingdom should return to the earth. And no man that has not been born again should enter thy Father’s kingdom.” [See John 3:1–21.]

And you say unto us these words, “How could this be true?” And we say unto thee these words — that as thy leave this earth plane unto this that thy should call death, thy should once again enter our Father’s kingdom. But you do so of your own free will. For as we have said before, “Our Father is the God of the living, not the dead.”[See John 5:21, 11:25–27, and Matthew 22:31–33.]

Death, as you would call it, was invented by man, that he might meet his Father as his Father said unto him, “For man was created in our kind, of our image.” [See Genesis 1:26–27.]

And through the passing of what thy known as death, and through the incarnation of the same — and as your climb upon the ladder, one day you too should reach unto this Christ state.

And we say unto thee these words. Then be transformed. For as you are of four, come unto our Father as thirteen. And as 13 and 4 are the same, then come into our Father as thy were in the beginning. For, as thy come unto our Father, thy should leave of this shell they call the body. Thy shall go into the soul, and from the soul [through] the spirit. And the spirits of our Father and the spirits of yourselves shall join as one. But this can be only done with the use of your free will — and in your learning through the centuries of time, and through the universes of time. All things shall come again as they were before.

And as we have said before, now is not the time of Lot. Look backward from which thy came, that thy may know from which thy are going.

But remember, also, that what was given unto Abraham to give to his people were those things that his people could use at that time; and what was given unto Moses were those things that his people could use of that time; and what was given unto Isaiah was of what the people could use at that time — but of what the people could use of your time.

And as the one known as Christ did say, “My Father has many mansions. And I have come not to change the Law, but to show you the fulfillment of the same — not to destroy the prophecies, but to show you the fulfillment of the same. But as these prophecies are fulfilled, then I give of you new prophecies of your future.” [See John 14:2–26, 17:20–26, The Revelation 1:1–3 and chapters 4–22.]

And we say unto thee these words. Thy can not live as in the time of Abraham, or Moses, or Isaiah, or of Jesus Christ, for this is your time once again. Then use it wisely and use these modern things that God has seen fit unto give unto thee. But guard them well; use them wisely. Worry not unto what Lot did. But walk your paths in such a way that you are always climbing upward, forward, ahead.

Can thy understand of which we say?

“Yes, Aka.”

Then we should say unto this one thy call soul Ray, and of our entry of the same, for we should use this one as our instrument. And as our Lord, our God, should say unto him these words, “IN THY PRAYERS THY ASKED THAT THY BELOVED CINDER COULD BE MADE WHOLE AGAIN. BUT THY ASKED THY FATHER THAT SHE SHOULD HAVE NO PAIN. AND UNTIL THE END SHE HAD NO PAIN.” But remember also, soul Ray, that she walks with our Father now. She is whole; she sees all things. And she took with her the love that thy gave her upon thy earth. And remember also, the Lord taketh and the Lord giveth, and of another time, the Lord shall giveth again.

And we say unto those of thy groups, we see thy needs. Thy must realize that we regulate our time unto soul Ray’s body, that no damage may be done unto the same. But this does not stop us from sending the blessings. For remember also, from where we come, we need not sleeps, for there is no day or night. We see thy needs and we send our Father’s blessings. And as we knock upon your doors and you bid us enter, we come unto your houses, and therefore, drink of your wine, that thy may drink of ours.

And we say unto your groups, thy have done well.

And of this one of thy calling of [6–9–70–004] and [6–9–70–005], of these two souls, we send thee our blessings, and our Lord sends thee His thanksgiving.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Soul L____ asks — was the way that she spoke with the spirits acceptable to Aka and God?”

Yes, we see thy need. And therefore, we should say unto thee, if it is acceptable unto your Father, it should always be acceptable unto us, for we are but messengers, the instruments of God. And therefore, we send thee blessings unto the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [4–23–71–002] asks two questions; I’ll ask the first one now. ‘In past readings you have mentioned the time of the red horse. Are you speaking of the second horse of the four horses of the Apocrypha?’”

Nay. The red horse is a horse of your time. For look to the east and thy should see of the red horse. And there upon it thy shall see thy charlot [scarlet] woman. And look there for the ten horns and the seven heads that should appear. Then go unto thee of thy Revelations, as thy would call of them.

But we should say of these words of this red horse, beware. For what should come with the dove upon its shoulder shall have a dagger in its hand. [See The Revelation, chapter 17.]

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [4–23–71–002] also asks, ‘In the reading of May 2nd in Yuma, you mentioned a valley which is the Lord’s chosen spot for His people. Was this valley Young valley near the town of Young, or Round valley in the White Mountains?’’

We spoke, therefore, of two places, one of the Young valley, one of the Round valley. Thy should need in thy time other places. These should be given from time to time. But fear not. Before this time should come we should give of thee warning.

But for now, beware, for on your land now stands the Fourth Angel. [see The Revelation 6:7–8, 16:8–9.]

And remember of these words. “If we should tell thee of earthly things and thy cannot believe, then how should they believe of these things of heaven unto which we have told thee?” [See John 1:10–13, 3:2–21, 12:37–50.]

Thy have other questions, ask.

“[4–6–70–003] asks, ‘Can you tell me the owner of jewelry that Millie found and how to find the owner?’”

We should say unto thee these words. Keep of the jewelry. Put it to the use of the education of the child of the same. The one who owned this jewelry has departed, and therefore, has no longer use for earthly things.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“A_____ asks, ‘Should we buy the property and go into the business as we are considering?’”

Nay, not at the present time.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“[8–10–70–002] has asked for a life reading, Aka.”

Yes, we see thy need. And therefore, we should say unto these words. For we have before us, therefore, of the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal spirit of time, and therefore, all is in accord. And therefore, we have the records of the same before us.

And as thy first entry upon your earth was in the Year of the Lion of the same, we should say unto thee these words. Thy were of a vicious kind, and of a vicious tribe of your time. Thy were, of that time, known as [Yawn.] Thy did mighty war against those of thy own kind. Thy made enslavement of these people. Yet, in that lifetime thy did live out thy years into nine-hundred and sixty-six years.

Yet, upon thy passing, thy stood above thy own body and knew not where to go. And thy wandered into nothingness for nine-hundred and sixty-eight years. And thy listened for all those years unto the priests of your times. Yet, thy knew not where thy light was.

And then again, upon the priest’s passing, thy stood beside him, that thy could follow him, and know not again of where the light was.

But thy asked the priest, “Where do thou go?”

And he said unto thee these words. “Can thy not see of the light of our Father? Have thy lived but such a short time and have already forgotten the knowledge that God gave unto thee, the natural knowledge of [our] time?”

And then thy looked upward, and therefore, saw unto our Father’s light.

And as thy began to walk forward, thy saw the light of earth below thee. And thy became confused and ran back unto it. And therefore, thy lived a life in complete opposite of which thy had lived before. For thy raised of a family, and therefore, was at the age of 40 years slain by a man of the same caliber as thyself.

And again, upon this passing, this time, thy could see thy Father’s light. And as thy started again to climb, thy saw the light of earth, but thy knew of thy folly, and therefore, waited again.

And therefore, we find unto this, the entry, in the time of Atlantis. And therefore, we find as a fisherman of the same, and of the lower class of that time. And as these fishing[s] were done unto the state of the same, and as the time thy wandered forth, thy heard again of this one known as Noah, and thy did go unto Noah, and therefore, receive the teachings of the Lord, of the God of One, and therefore, bring the same into thy family. And in the later years upon thy life upon that plane, thy entered into the temple in Mount [Serma], and therefore, use of thy psychic power did befold before thee. And as the time grew near, and thy knowledge of the Lord’s destruction of the same, thy did choose to stay with the people, and therefore, was destroyed at the time of the same.

And, we see this entry again, but not again until the time of this one, and of this time, of the one known as Jesus Christ. And of this time we say unto thee, as we have said before, welcome, soul Ruth.

And therefore, we find this entry not again — yes — we find not again, therefore, unto the time, and of — yes, we see this — at the time of this of the ship should be made to sail unto the Americans. First, thy colony is made, therefore, of English, and then thy should go and wait, and therefore, did give prayer unto the Lord in the land of Holland unto the same.

And as the years of waiting did pass, we see thy entering then again into the Americans. All had gone well, but yet, the use of thy psychic power had not been forgotten. And as one of the 14 who were tried, therefore, unto the same, as a witch of the time, thy did die in the dunking pit of the time of the same.

And we find this entry this time in the time and in the land of that land after the time of the Spaniard, in that proportion known as Mexico or Mexico City, or into your language, “Yantan” [Yucatan?]. And therefore, we find thy take of the old religion, and therefore, gain great knowledge of the same.

We find this entry again into your early 1900’s, and therefore, the entry we find — yes, we see this. And as thy left of thy continent into war of the same, and thy did dwell in this proportion of [thy] continent of the Californians of the same, therefore, to go into war — and therefore, to leave of the war and come unto your homeland again — we find, therefore, that of the gas of the same, thy did die upon reaching thy homeland.

And therefore, we find the entry of this time. And, we find of the short death of your lifetime of this time and rebirth of the same. And thy must remember, for our Lord has need of thee. From this time forward, thy shall remember the knowledge and of the time of before, and therefore, bring these things forward unto this time, that all of thy group may prosper from the same. And, as in this time, we have given of thee a chore, a teaching chore, a writing chore, carry your burden, therefore, with love, and tenderness. Carry it as it was given unto thyself.

This is all at this time on this soul.

Therefore, we should leave thee, for soul Ray grows very tired.

But we should leave thee with this message. Look, there, therefore, into the land of thy Californians — for as the 29th has come, so it should continue. Look there, but look quickly, for that time has passed. The danger should dwell upon this land past the first of your year, and therefore, destruction should come of the same. Thy should have earthquakes upon this land. Thy should have storm and famine unto the same. There should be destroyed by fire proportions of the same. And this that was placed into the sea should erupt from the sea, and therefore, place harm unto those who did deposit of the same. And that that was placed upon the land should do harm unto those who did of the same.

Therefore, now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to further improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


September 13, 1971

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Now, all is in accord.

And we should say unto thee these words. For in thy mind they have asked of the miracles of our Lord.

And we should say unto thee as we have said before, as man was created as the children of God, and as God did create His children in His likeness, of His kind, therefore, we should say unto thee, should a man create a child, and yet rob him from his heritage? And we say, nay, for what our Father possesses He has given unto His children. Yet, His children refuse to believe unto this, for they do not have the faith into their Father. For the miracles our Father has shown His children, He has also showed them, with faith, they too may perform such miracles. For remember unto these words; should thy walk on the water with us, have faith unto our Father.

Thy have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [9–13–71–001] has asked if she should tell her friend of the doctor that is in Germany? And is there anything that she can do to help this friend?”

And we should say unto thee these words, for we see thy need.

First, of thy friend’s illness, it is not in completeness as thy have; such information is not full. And we should also say unto these words. Should thy friend ask for the information needed, we should give of this information. But of thyself we should say, nay. Show thy friend the light of our Father. Pray unto our Father that she may accept this faith.

We also see thy need, and we should say of these words.

Yes, we see this.

We find unto this soul. Therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, and the spirit of the same, and therefore, we have before us the immortal body.

We should say unto thee, do we, therefore, have permission unto the same to give a medical reading of the same?

Yes, we see thy need, and we see that permission has been given, unto soul [9–13–71–001].

Therefore, we find unto this soul, first, of the digestive tract, we find problems here — yes. Of the lower intestine, we find [tublars], therefore, of the same. Yes, we find of this lower part of the stomachal area into the entrance of the same, abrasions, therefore, of the same. Of the short intestine, therefore, we find abrasions, therefore, of the same.

You must first understand that the subject in mind is of a highly nervous structure. Therefore, we say unto this soul, first, to combat the lesions and tublars of the same, it should take a very radical change of thy diet. Thy should eat of no fried foods. For a period of 30 days, this soul should take only the [insumption] of foods that have been boiled down into, as you would call them, or crushed, therefore, unto the same. Thy may find, as thy would know it, of the baby food, eating none of the acid-type foods of the same. If this were done for a 30-day period, this would give the same a chance to heal. We also find into the same the drinking of goat’s milk. If an earnest effort, therefore, was done unto these two areas, this would greatly improve this soul’s health.

We should also find that, of the hops should be taken before thy slumber; this should be taken with warm milk unto the same. In the preparation of this it should be done — bring, as thy would know it, the hops in warm milk, therefore, straining away the hops of the same. A slight bit of honey, preferably from the local locale, could be used. This could be done also of the morning, luncheon and the evening meals. This, in itself, would help to control the nervous tension of this person.

At first, this person should be inclined to sleep a great deal. Worry not about this; this should be good, for in her slumber she should heal of herself.

We should also suggest, of your morning meditation — in the morning upon awakening, take five minutes, placing thyself in complete accord with thy God. Open thy mind; listen to thy God. Reach out unto the lovely, wonderful things upon thy earth that thy Lord has placed before thee.

And we should say unto this soul, of that that has passed beyond, do you not trust thy Father? Then show Him respect unto the same. For what has passed on unto thy Father’s keeping should be enough for thine eyes to see. Release of this and have gladness unto the same that new life should come. And therefore, all should be in accord with thy Father, thy God.

We find, also, that corrective lenses should be worn by this individual during all of its awakening time. This also, because of thy loss of eyesight, has brought upon nervousness into thy [system]. Worry not about thy vanity, for thy husband loves thee; is that not enough?

Then we should say unto this soul, therefore, go unto the chiropractic or osteopathic doctor; therefore, there is corrections to be made unto the same of the backular area.

We also find unto this soul abrasions upon the sides of the left toe. This is caused by not wearing correct footwear. We should, therefore, suggest the taking of hot castor oil, rubbing it very vigorously into [these] areas. This should be done each evening before thy slumber, and these callous areas shall soon remove themselves.

Yes, we see this.

We find old abrasions on the left — yes, we see this — [of] the left shoulder. This was caused as a child from a fall on a stairway — yes, we see this. We find hard scar tissue of the same. We would suggest the use of banana oil. This should be rubbed into the scar tissue at least twice daily. Of the inner abrasion on the collarbone of the same, therefore, we find lesion.

Yes, we see this.

Therefore, we would suggest the use of warm, castor-oil packs unto the same. These could be prepared quite simply by folding a cloth large enough to cover this area, taking two cloths, saturating the same with castor oil, therefore, warming each cloth. If this was done for a three-day period, we could find healing unto the same.

We also find congestion, therefore, of the right and left lungular area.

Yes, we see this.

We find this caused from a flu virus of the same; therefore, we suggest that the same castor oil packs be placed over the lungular area. We would also suggest that most of the congestion, therefore, from the same is from the sinus area. Therefore, we would suggest the taking of the sea water, making, therefore, a tent over the same as it is boiled, and breathing of the same. This should bring up and out, and drain these areas. We should, therefore, find that the drinking of the sage tea, sweetened with honey from the local locale would greatly help. But we find most irritation from the dry climate that thy dwell in. Therefore, the use of the sea water quite frequently should be needed.

We find other symptoms unto the same.

We should suggest unto this soul that frequent medical readings be given.

We also should suggest these words, for there is different type of healing, both mentally for the mind and soul, and physically for the body. Therefore, therefore, we would suggest — as we have said before, now is [not] the time of Lot; therefore, thy are allowed to look behind into thy lives. But in your case, we should say unto these words. Yesterday was yesterday, today is today, and tomorrow shall be tomorrow. Therefore, live unto today unto its fullest. For blessed are those who give not of a dead lamb into the Lord, but the worship of the Lamb in itself unto the Lord. And do not give Him of yesterday’s meal; make it of today.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


September 16, 1971

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [9–16–71–001], her mother is in poor health at this time — because of this will she be called on to console her?”

We see thy need. And for the peace of thy mind and for the peace of thy soul, we should give thee this information. Thy mother — yes, we see this.

One moment, please. We should need the name and location of this soul.

“At this time?”

Yes, we see this.

“Her name is [9–16–71–001A]; she’s in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania”[a woman whispers.]

“What’s her last name?”


“Could you hear her, Aka?”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should give healing into this one.

But we should say unto thee these words. Give thy blessings into thy mother, and let her know that her daughter loves her and has forgiven her. And the healing thy seek shall be granted into the same.

But we say unto thee these words. All souls upon your earth plane have free choice. And even though our Father should grant the healing, our Father, or us, does not and cannot interfere with free choice; so therefore, give this soul a reason for living, as you would know it. But remember, our Father is the God of the living, not of the dead. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“What do you mean by Father, God?”[the woman asks.]

“I think she will, Aka.”

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. C____ [C____] asks if she should consult a specialist about her foot?”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should say unto thee these words. Go unto the specialist, for we see — yes, we see this — the removal of the calcium deposits upon the same. But remember also that within this soul is that of which thy should call arthritis. Your technology at this time has yet to harness the cosmic powers of your earth. Therefore, we should say, with the knowledge that thy physicians bear at the present time, surgery should be necessary.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have two questions this evening.” [4–3–70–002]. “First of all, the hot olive oil treatments that you have recommended for many people, is this for restoring hair — will it help the growth of new hair, or would it be better to use the Tesla current to restore the growth of new hair?”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should say unto thee, the use of both — first, of the hot olive oil. But remember also that as each individual has free choice, and therefore, the body chemicals of each individual are different, each person, as you would call him, or soul, should be treated accordingly. Do not take the reading for one person and try to apply it to another.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, at this time, I am quite concerned about the rash that has appeared on my hands. Is this anything to be concerned about, and if so, what can I do to stop it?”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should say unto thee these words. For we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same.

Yes, we find this.

First, of the rash in itself is caused by the plants thy would know as ragweed, into the same, has come into bloom, and therefore, the seed from the same. We find, therefore, thy are allergic to the same. Therefore, we would suggest taking — yes, we see this — we would suggest the taking of the mistletoe in one part, taking of the sage tea in two parts, adding, therefore, natural honey in the third part. This should be done three times daily. Prepare this that it may [steep] for one hour. We should also suggest — yes, we see this. In thy work we would suggest the use of gloves be worn for a short period of time. We find that in the system, at the present time, that any gold that should come in contact with the body, therefore, would cause a chemical reaction of the same. We would suggest that this of the wedding band only be worn during the day, and at any time thy are using the chemicals in thy work, it should not be worn. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Therefore, we should find further into this area — yes, we see this. We would suggest that more of the vitamin C be used at this time. We would further suggest that more of the vitamin D be used, preferably in adult quantity. We should find also that more minerals should be added into the diet, and therefore, we would suggest the eating of more of the green vegetation. It would be preferable if this vegetation came from thy own locale. But we see this is not practical at this time; therefore, we would suggest the taking of any good mineral at this time would do.

Yes, we see this.

Thy have other questions, ask.

[4–3–70–002]:“On the tea that you told me to take — is the mixture I have at the present time, would that be sufficient?”

This would be sufficient.

Yes, we see this.

“All right. At this time, Aka, we have no other written question. Is there any information you would like to give us?”

Yes, we see this.

Then we should answer the question of before. [9–16–71–001]

For her God, for our Father, is the creator of the universes and galaxies and planets. For remember, her Father loves His many children. But as we have said before that as each individual should have free choice and that each person upon thy earth should worship their God in their own way, for our Father did not set down rules of worship unto Himself, for He asks only that thy should have no other god before Him, and that thy should love thy God unto one-tenth that of which He loves His children, and that thy should love of thy fellow man unto the same as thy love thy God.

And thy say in thy mind, “Where is this God?” Then we should say unto thee these words. Thy God is everywhere. And in yourselves our God does dwell, for in that proportion of yourself thy should call thy conscience, and in this word thy use so often, yet know not the meaning of, in that word of love. For if thy should doubt of our Father, look at thyself.

But we should send into this one a teacher into the same. And then we should call thee, Francis, yet thy know not the meaning of the same.

And we should tell thee of these words. For our Father and His son did promise unto man that before the Seventh Angel should strike thy earth He should send two prophets upon thy earth — and therefore, to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.

And as the prophets of before, beware, for this one thy should not stone again. [See The Revelation 11:1–13.]

But we should say unto thee these words. If a prophet should come unto thee and speak of our Father in an untruth manner, and he comes not of the Spirit, then beware. [See Matthew 24:3–6, 23–27.]

For our Father has seen fit to place upon [this] earth the new Book. And this Book should have wings. And for those who have ears to listen, then hark of our Father should say unto thee. For if thy should dwell upon the earth, wear not the mark of the beast. [see The Revelation 20:4–15.]

But for those who have come to say our Father is not merciful — for these are not the children of God. For remember, not one stone upon thy earth shall be left unturned. [See Matthew 24:1–3.]

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


September 24, 1971

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And as we have said before, we are not great. We are here for but one purpose, to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah — and that he may walk upon holy ground.

Then we should say unto thee these words. Blessed are they who should worship unto our Father. Blessed are they who should give unto the poor. And blessed are they who should give glory unto our Father this day.

For hark, we should say unto thee these words. For [sHe] should give unto thee a new Book upon this day.

There are many among you who, like soul R___, has asked within herself, “Was this my full life?” And we say unto thee, nay.

But we should say unto thee these words. As a woman should give birth unto a child, so should our Lord give birth unto your minds. And as the pain is great before the birth, but therefore, upon the birth and the knowledge of new birth upon thy earth, this should give thee great joy, and therefore, thy should forget of the pain that came before the birth. [See John 16:18–24.]

Therefore, our Father should place great joy upon thy minds.

It matters [not, of naught] to our Father that thy should climb His ladder slowly. But what does matter to our Father is your struggles to climb it at all. And therefore, should you give glory unto our Father, our Father, therefore, gives glory unto His children.

And we should say unto thee these words. Was not the one known as Jesus Christ, did not God prefer that he be born upon your earth, that he come into the world as a man-beast? And therefore, as we have said before, even our Father has learned from experience.

For as before, as the sons of God found the daughters of man fair and did enter, and therefore, bring forth upon thy earth the children of God, and as your Father did bring upon your earth His firstborn child, and therefore, to show unto His children the truth of our Father’s Law, and to fulfill the prophecies of the prophet[s] — and therefore, once again these prophecies shall be fulfilled upon thy earth.

And we should say unto thee these words. We have much knowledge; we have many messages that we should give unto thee from our Father. Be patient, for as good wine should take time to make, so should the knowledge of God in the telling take time.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. An old friend of mine, [9–24–71–001], has failing eyesight, and I have attempted to give healing to him, a number of us prayed for him, and to restore a part of his sight so that he could see, and we have been unable to noticeably help him. And he has asked — let me step back a minute; his name is –“

We see thy need. And we should say of these words. For as an apostle of before, we have given unto thee, thy disciple, the power of our Lord unto healing. But we could not give thee something we did not possess. For we may not interfere with the free choice, and neither can thyself.

But we should say unto this one — that thy may see more clearly, thy sight should fail, that thy may see the light of our Father, that the lesson thy have chosen to learn upon this plane may come more clearly in your later days. But fear not this passing, for it should come in great joy.

In thy mind, thy should ask us of thy son, and we should say unto thee these words. For the father shall be first before the son, and they shall be reunited in a short while. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Then ask thy other questions.

“[5–7–71–002] asks, should her husband, [8–27–71–001], continue with the chiropractor for the price of $252? And also she asks, ‘Why is he ill after he eats?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should take the last first.

Therefore, first, we should say unto these words. We find that of what thy would call of a nervous stomach — secretion, therefore, unto the stomach area and the lining of the same.

We should say unto thee, first, take of the warm goat’s milk, and therefore, add of the myrrh. This should be done 30 minutes before eating.

And of the second, we should say of the same. This, in itself, should be fulfilled, for as a man should do a day’s work, and therefore, do it in honesty, we find, therefore, he should be paid for the same. He has not asked for overpayment, and you shall find that in fulfillment, shall be just rewarding unto the same.

Of these other things that enter thy mind, we should say unto this — nay, we do not see this. We do not find these things, for as they are said, they are not in truth.

As we have said before upon this soul, there should be continued follow-up readings of the same.

Ask thy other questions.

“Yes, Aka, if I may, one question — did you say add myrrh to the goat milk?”

Yes, we see this.

“We would not know where to obtain this, Aka.”

We should say unto thee these words. These things may be obtained at the health food store. If they cannot be readily available, then we should say, take of two parts of the hops to one part of the mistletoe. This should not be as good, but it would do at this time.

Ask thy other questions.

“Thank you, Aka, C____ asks, ‘Is soul Mark in any physical difficulty or danger at this time?’”

Nay, we do not see this.

But we should say unto soul C____ of these words. Our Father has looked into thy soul, into thy spirit, and therefore, that thy should come into the immortal spirit of our Father, we should say unto thee these words. If thy should have faith, our Father should come into thee and give thee healing, and should make a vow into thee for the remainder of thy days upon this earth. If thy should serve unto our Father, therefore, your wish shall be granted.

Ask thy questions.

“[6–18–71–008] would like to know the cause of swelling in her feet and hands.”

Yes, we see this, and we should say unto the soul, take from the diet at the present time of the salt; add, therefore, unto a salt substitute of the same. Give of this child of two parts of the sage to one part of the hops. Find, therefore, of the laxative herb; add unto the same. This should be done once daily.

And we should say these words unto soul Bartholomew [6–11–71–001]. For we have given unto thee the power of sight, and the power of healing. But remember unto these words — that the teacher should come unto thee and wash of thy feet.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“[4–3–70–002] asks about the dream she had last night. Can you explain it to her?”

Then we should say unto soul [4–3–70–002] of these words. For in thy mind thy have shunned the knowledge that we have made unto thy husband a minister of the gospel of the same. But now, before thee, our Lord is prepared to give into thy hands a new Book. And as a child of thy own, guard it well. For remember, our Father loves thee. Give back unto our Father one-tenth of the love and blessings He should bestow upon thee.

Thy have asked of thy past lives. And therefore, we should tell thee of another time, when thy brother was rised [raised] from the dead. And in the time when he lay in the tomb for four days, and this one known as Jesus Christ did come, and stand beside the tomb and tell him, unto this man, to walk forth. And you did give praise unto this, the Son of God. And you did give glory unto the same, that this wish may be granted in that time. Therefore, a time was own [owed] unto the Lord. [See John, chapter 11.]

And now, we say unto thee, we may not interfere with thy free choice, but thy have a debt owing unto the Lord, and we are here to ask payment of the same. For as a life was given, so shall a life be taken. And as you did in this lifetime, again, ask deliverance unto the same — for as soul Ray passed beyond, you did ask unto your Lord that he may be given back unto thee. And thy made a vow unto the Lord that if he could be given back, thy both would be made instruments, and therefore, become bondage unto the Lord. And therefore, our Lord did give back unto thee these things.

Now, this thing that we should ask, that thy should be guardian of the new birth, of the new Book, of the new time of the Lord.

Soul Ray grows very, very weary. And we should say before departure, now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


October 1, 1971

Globe, Arizona

[Editor’s note: The first part of the reading is missing.]

.…And thy Father shall look upon thee with love. Be thyself as a mirror; let thy inner proportion shine through. If this is done in this manner, then thy should give glory unto thy Father. And thy Father should give glory unto His children.

But remember also these words. In thy prayer, do not be as a hypocrite. Say thy prayer in such a manner that it should mean something to you, and therefore, it should mean something to our Father.

But if thy go before thy Father with hatred in thy heart, and therefore, lay sacrifice before Him, then take back your offering and go to the brother that thy have offended and ask there for forgiveness. But before thy go, be prepared to forgive thy brother, that he may forgive thee also. And in this manner thy Father should forgive thee.

But remember also, if thy brother should forgive thee of an offense unto him, and another should come before you to be judged, and therefore, you judge him harshly, then why should your Father then, in turn, forgive thee of the same offense? [See Matthew 18:21–35.]

But remember these words, our Father asks but two things from His children, that they should love unto Him one-tenth of the love that He should give unto His children — and that thy should love thy fellow man in the same manner. [See Matthew 22:34–40, Luke 10:25–37.]

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, one moment, please.

“Aka, the next question is from [10–1–71–002] in Globe; question: ‘Can you give me any information regarding my mother? Is she worried about me, and does she know where I am?’”

We should say of these words into thee. First, of thy mother, we should answer thy question for the good of thy soul. Thy mother has shed many tears for thee.

And we should say unto thee these words. “Honor thy mother and father,” but as the Lord, God, should honor thee, for He has given unto thee free choice. And even your Lord, your Father, cannot interfere with this free choice.

But remember these words. “If thy right eye should offend thee, cast it aside.” But remember, if thy have done something that offends thee, then thy must undo this thyself. [See Mark 9:42–48, Luke 6:41–42, Matthew 18:8–9.]

But we say unto these words, “judge not lest ye be judged.” And “that that would kill with the sword shall be killed with the sword.” For not one small sparrow upon your earth should not fall without our Father’s permission. [See Luke 6:37, 12:6–7, Matthew 10:29–31.]

And should thy pray unto thy God, and do it loudly, remember, our Father knows what is in thy mind before thy have even spoke a word. For the eyes should be the light of man. But remember also that man should be the temple of God.

Then we should say unto thee these words. Where thy mother dwells all is well.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, the next question is for [10–1–71–003] of Globe. He would like any information concerning health and also information concerning building of the house.”

We should say unto thee these words. Build upon a strong foundation, but build the foundation first. If thy should build a house in sand and gravel, the strongest foundation that thy should build should fall apart. But if thy should build upon rock and stone, then build a foundation first. [See Luke 6:46–49.]

But we should answer your other question in this manner. Before thy should build a house build a home, and therefore, let the house house the home.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [4–6–70–003] says that there are apparently rumors circulating which may hurt her and her family. She wants to know if they should try to do anything about it?”

We should answer thy question in this manner. “If a man should strike thee on the right cheek, turn of the left.” But should the man strike of the left cheek, then raise the mighty hand of God and defend thyself. But we should say in this manner, if thy should know the truth, then a lie cannot harm thee.

But we should say unto this one, remember of these words — for we have made unto thee a pact. But remember also, the Lord should giveth and the Lord should taketh away, for a bargain must be fulfilled on both sides.

But as we said before, beware of the dragon. Yet we should say of these words. For as forgetfulness shall be planted in the minds, so should the wrath of the Lord should best not be aroused.

For as we have promised thee a new Book with wings, spend thy time in meditation. But, we should tell thee the difference between meditation and prayer. In prayer is your time that thy should talk unto the Lord, God. In meditation is the time thy should take to listen unto the Lord, God. For our Father should speak to all of His children.

But remember also, now is the time of the Cherub. And remember, we are here to prepare the way. But remember also, now is also the time of the great Sword, the sword that should cut two ways. [See Genesis 3:22–24 and The Revelation 19:11–16.]

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, S_____ S_____ would like a life reading.”

Yes, we see thy need; therefore, we should say unto thee these words. We have before us the body, [the] soul, [the] spirit, and the immortal body, and therefore, we have before us the records of time.

And we should say unto this one, that in the beginning, thy were born in the Year of the Cow. Thy were born of labor in a field. Thy did till the earth.

But we should go beyond this time, into thy spiritual entry of the soul, for there in itself, is a lesson to be learned. For as we have said before that in the beginning, that as thy come of ferment, and as man should enter into the man-beast, and therefore, should bear upon thy earth a new beginning, that of the soul, for as the spirit should enter, it should watch of this man-beast. And therefore, as thy Father has given unto thee free will, and as thy have looked upon the earth as [the] place of harvest, and thy have yearned for a solid body. Yet thy have yearned for [sustence?] even stronger, for thy were the sons of God, and therefore, saw the daughters of man and found them fair.

Thy must remember that as a son of God, a child of God, they were endowed with the powers of God. But once the transformation into the man-beast was made and the soul was born, then thy were trapped in that proportion of man that is known as death, and therefore, your karma was born. But of this type, the memory lingers forever, through all eternity, for as each new birth upon a new plane did happen.

We do not find the entry again until upon the continent of [Labella]. And therefore, we find an entry of the same. But this time we find as a warrior. Thy must realize that thy are born upon the Black continent. But as thy should make war upon those of Atlantis, and as of the machines of the same thy did use to destroy unto the 12th continent of Atlantis — and as of this time that man has also made war upon the stars — at the time of the one thy should know of as Noah — and as the catastrophe that destroyed of your world, so you were destroyed.

But some of your kind did escape, and therefore, did wander into nothingness into that land that is known as Africa, and therefore, build upon this land many nations. But in the time of destruction thy lost of thy knowledge, thy worldly knowledge. Thy had also lost even that that thy have walked away from before, and that was of the worship of the one God.

And therefore, we find thee again upon that plane. And we find, therefore, as the sacrilege doctor, thy did find many maidens fair. But thy should find that in thy laws which would forbid thee from marriage unto any maiden, yet thy find one among them fairer than all others, and this one should come before thee for sacrifice. And therefore, the maiden and thyself did run away into the forest, and there were killed unto the mammoth animals of that time.

We find this entry — yes, we see this — we find thee again, at the birth and the time of the one known as Jesus. Thy dwell, therefore, in the temple of Jerusalem, and therefore, are of faith, or as thy would know of the same, a priest of the Jewish faith of the same. And we find, therefore, thy did listen unto this one, and therefore, become converted unto his knowledge. And therefore, after the death, thy did go forth into that land of Rome, and therefore, find thy own faith. But remember, as our Father did say unto this one — for as He gave forth His first-born child, and therefore, He did find the glory in the same, He forgave those the sins of man. But as you were of the true following, therefore, thy own people, those who would change the faith — for as thy knew thy Lord had died upon this day and did arise again unto the third day, and as thy were present and did see, then thy knew that the faith that he had told upon the earth was true.

We find thee not again until the 16th century of this plane. And therefore, we find thee in a land — in the land and in the proportion of Spain. And therefore, we find thee in the true teachings once again. But once again we find — in this plane, thy must understand thy have chosen of a womanly body. But thy are taken by the authorities into custody, and therefore, killed over a long period upon the rack of the same.

And therefore, we find this one we see now, dying again, but not in the same manner, for as Judas, he did take of his own life in the same manner, because in this manner he did betray thee for his 30 pieces of silver.

We find this soul at this time should wait to learn again. We do not find this until the period of 1890, and therefore, we find in this proportion thy should know as Colorado. And we found thee at that time as a member of the Hopis — the Hopi are “the people of one.” Thy must remember that thy should belong unto the Eagle clan of the same. And at the festival days, thy did give race unto that of the Corn clan, and the Water clan. And as the race did commence, thy desire to win this race was so great, thy took the form unto that of eagle, and did kill your other competitors — and therefore, were there upon the mesa stoned by thy people, and were [bidden], therefore, unto the [cycle] of the same — and did go unto the back door for re-entry, knowing full well that this in itself was sacrilege into thy people, and therefore, were sent as Cain.

We find thee not again upon this earth plane [until] thy present one. And we should leave thee with these words. Thy biggest crime upon this earth has been within thyself, against thyself. And we should say, look upon this one with the eyes of wisdom. But be patient, for thy have brought forth upon this plane many karmas. Your biggest problem is that of self destruction. If thy should give a gift, give it with love. But once the gift is given, do not ask to be repaid. Take thy gift into the next door and knock. And if it is accepted, go into the house and eat the wine. But give of them there your wine to drink, that they may drink of yours.

Soul Ray grows very weak.

Therefore, we should say unto thee these words. Now is the time of the Cherub. But we bring upon your earth a new Book with wings. [See Genesis 3:23–24, Exodus 13:21–22, 14:19–20, 33:7–11, 34:28–35, 36:8–9, 37:8–9, 40:34–38, and The Revelation 14:1–16, 19:1–16, 19:4–6, and chapters 21–22.]

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona


October 8, 1971

Globe, Arizona

[Aka is here.]

“Welcome, Aka. Thank you for coming. Is Ray safe with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And the Lord, God, sayeth to thee these words, “Hark, for in My name I should give forth a new coveth, [covenant] and therefore, for the children of God.”

And we should say in these words. Give not of blasphemy to those who should sanctify the old coveth, and give not of blasphemy who should sanctify those things that man should believe, for remember, thy have lived before. And the Lord did giveth of these things that man should evolve forward into this time. But remember, as we should say unto thee these words, your Lord has given of thee this time before. Therefore, the words we should say are for the wise to listen, and for the wise to speak.

Therefore, hark. For as David has passed before thee, and as David has walked upon thy earth and done the bidding, therefore, of his Lord, and as David, therefore, passed into your time and bare his own karma, so should the children of this plane, therefore, bear witness into these words.

For as it has been said before, in the old coveth it did say unto these words; let not a man, therefore, be with a maiden unless he go unto the father of the same and bear permission for marriage. And of the second coveth it did say unto these words, that if so a man should look on a woman with lust, therefore, he bare forth his karma. And now we should say unto thee these words; let not a man or a woman look upon another without love in their hearts or they should bare forth their karma.

If a man should take of thee to borrow of the same, if he should come to thee in need, then give unto him with gladness. But after he has taken of the same, and therefore, bares hatred for his own shame in his own heart, then take back that that thy have given unto him.

And we should say unto thee these words. Bear not upon thy brother false witness. And we should say, bear not upon thy sister of false witness. For that that has been done to thee shall be done with thee. For that that man should bear forth, his fruit, good or bad, all fruits he should carry with him. Therefore, that thy burden should be light and sweet and that thy yoke should only [bare] good fruit, plant there of good fruit of the same.

And therefore, we say unto these words. Hark, for our Father should speak unto thee.

For as the Book is given unto thy hands, the Book that should bear wings, “For now is the time of the Cherub,” therefore, place the Cherub upon the front and the back of the book; place the sign of the ankh upon the front and the back of the book — and therefore, place before thine eyes the time of the great Sword that should cut two ways. [See Genesis 3:22–24 and The Revelation, chapter 19.]

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [10–8–71–001] asks for a life reading.”

We see thy need. Therefore, we should say unto thee these words. We have before us the body, the souls, and the spirits; therefore, we have before us these two immortal bodies. Therefore, we have before us the records of time.

Yes, we see this.

Therefore, we find this entry in the Year, therefore, of the Tiger. We find this entry in such a land as thy know of at this time as Tibet. Therefore, we find — yes, we see this.

One moment, permission must be given.

Yes, Father.

Yes, we see this; therefore, permission has been given.

We find this as not, in the beginning, of a whole entry. We find two souls, therefore, entering — one who should become as a monk of that time unto the holy order of that time of [Kay Khan]; the other that entered, therefore, into the same body, therefore, was a thief of the time, that therefore, raided of the holy cities. For as, of day, the monk did give blessings unto the people, but as of night, the other soul did take possession, and therefore, do destruction unto those that had been given of the healing. We find, therefore, of this of the monk did ask permission to be sacrificed, therefore, at the holy altar.

Therefore, we find of this one that has passed, not again — yes, we see this — not again until on the land of [Labumba], in that proportion of your land now known as your Australian, therefore, to enter this time as one. Yet, we find that the other is on the outer fringes of the same, awaiting for an entry.

We have found this to repeat and to repeat itself again upon this same continent. This did go unto 10,000 of your years — first, of death, as you know of it, and then again, as life — two souls, one of the good, one of the bad, both fighting for the entry of the same body.

And therefore, of this we should call of the good did pray into its Father, but thy Father could only give of that that thy do not request, for it is not our Father’s choice to interfere with your own free will, for in all man there is good and evil. Therefore, thy Father did give unto thee the third, that proportion of man that was both, and therefore, at that time, the third soul did enter.

We find this soul not again until the time of Buddha, for you longed in your soul for a more familiar sight, for familiar ground to walk upon. Therefore, we find at this time thy did give want into Buddha. And as Buddha traveled unto those lands that were then part of the same continent, which is now of your time proportions, therefore, of Japan — yes we see this — and again thy did give want unto Buddha. But then thy saw for thyself of this man, of this man who should reach unto the Christ state and of the knowledge of our Father. And thy could not slay of this one. Thy gave upon the altar of thy God thyself in place of Buddha, and therefore, your past karmas did leave thee.

We do not find again this one until the third dimension of the Egyptian empire. Therefore, we find — yes, we see this — thy are of the 16th order. Thy must remember, all of thy lives of before have been as men. And that thy might learn the full lessons of thy karma, thy did come unto a strange land, for unlike those of the time of Egyptian times, thy came of light skin; thy came of the red-beard ones, but yet, was held holy in the eyes of Pharaoh, and did give advice unto the same. In your later years of this time thy tastes became rich. Thy became useless unto thyself. Instead of using your psychic powers to give of good judgment, thy were too busy with the maidens of the time and of the rich food. But then thy came before this one known as [Arcan, Arkan, Ak-kan], and therefore, saw the light of God in his eyes, and therefore, did write of that time, and therefore, do great good upon your continent — but as your time of rich food did destroy your body, the shell of thy soul.

We find not again this one until the time of this one known as Jesus. After his death thy did write of the same, [as the] man, and thy used thy psychic power, therefore, which had came forth form the one in the beginning. But because of thy truth in sight, thy were stoned in the Jewish temple of Jerusalem as a witch for blasphemy in the temple of the same.

We find thee not again until the 15th century of your time. We find thee, of this time, as the daughter, therefore, of a true witch of that time who did practice of the truth of the old religions. Thy must remember, for those who practice in the truths — not of the sons of Babel, but of the God of One — were fair in our Father’s eyes. But we find, as a young maiden of 16, thy did die upon the [sparks, spikes].

We do not find again until of this time, of this plane. But we find thy have brought forth from the times before, of the three. And now we should say unto thee these words. Thy have seen the times that the good possessed thy soul. Thy have seen the times when the bad possessed thy soul. Let the spirit come through. Let that that possesses both of mankind enter — let that proportion of yourself, your conscience, that proportion that is God-like in man. For we should say unto thee these words, your Lord, your Father, did create thee in His likeness, of their kind, for even in God’s realm did, therefore, bear fruit of Lucifer.

Thy have brought the need of the time before to write. But we find laziness in this, thy soul. And we should say [in] thee, get behind thee, Lucifer, for now is the time of the third. If thy should take upon the third at this time, thy Father should find grace in thee, and thy should find grace in thyself. Do not wait until your later years, as before, to do you finest work. Do it now.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [10–8–71–001] is disturbed about her daughter who lives in San Diego, and she says that her daughter has mental and emotional problems and is very desperate. How can she be helped?”

Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we should say unto thee for the good of thy soul, we should give of this information. But thy must understand, we do not have permission to interfere with the free will of any soul.

But we should say unto thee these words. For thy daughter shuns the psychic world; thy daughter fears that man should look within and see, therefore, her karma.

But we should say unto this one, we see no sin, as thy would know it. We see the small karmas thy have brought forth. Yet we see these are minor. We find, therefore, thy would think of thy body as the temple of sin. And we say unto thee these words; we do not see this. Your Lord, God, did create thee, and give thee of all of His knowledge, of His emotions; therefore, these urges of the body are not of sin. Seek out and satisfy that of the same, but do it with love. This in itself would cure a frigid woman.

But we find physical problems unto this one. We do not have permission to give of the information that is needed. Therefore, we should say unto thee, go forth unto this daughter that permission could be given.

But we find into the soul of your same, physical problems; therefore, we should say, for we see permission has been given. We find, therefore, numerous problems of the backular area. We find, therefore, through bad use of a chiropractic doctor certain nerves in this area have been, as thy would know them, crimped off, therefore, giving pain into the same, and therefore, the nervous condition of the same. We find, therefore, this is secreting fluid into the stomachal area and of the lining of the same.

We also find that as a small child thy did take a fall. We find that as thy played thy fell over what thy would know as a saw horse, did strike of the right side of the kidney area of the same. We find, therefore, pains, both of this area and of that of the crimped nerves of the same. We would suggest, therefore, first seek out a good chiropractic or osteopathic doctor; in this case, we would suggest an osteopathic doctor. We would also suggest that of the hot olive-oil packs be placed on this area, that a [poultice] of the same be made, therefore, and applied. This would give thee immediate relief for a time, but unless the backular area has made corrections in the same, the pain should return.

At a different time we would suggest a full health reading on this, [thine] soul.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [5–7–71–002] asks, ‘Why is [8–28–71–001] so ill after each meal?’”

Yes, we find — for we have before us the body, the soul, and therefore, the spirit of the same, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. And we should say unto this one, because of the prolonged period of the uncorrected, of the backular area, we find that that proportion of the upper neckular area that has been damaged, that that should secrete the acids into the stomachal area has been cut off. This in itself would cause nausea before eating and after eating, and therefore, would cause of the backular [bowelular?] area, therefore, not proper digestion of the same. Therefore, we would suggest — yes, we see this. One moment.

We would suggest that thy go unto the valley below the sea [editor’s note: Yuma, Arizona], and therefore, give unto the physician known as Dr. Caine the information from this reading, and therefore, the necessary corrections can be given.

Thy have other questions.

“Yes, Aka, [10–8–71–003…Miami, Arizona] and he asks for a health reading.”

We would suggest that this soul be placed in a better, proper position, for in the position we find this soul at the time, a health reading would be very unpractical. If this could be asked for at another time, the information would be given.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“[10–8–71–004] of — .just a minute, Aka — of Buckeye, Arizona…asks for a health reading.”

This should be given at a different time.

Soul Ray grows weary; therefore, awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


October 9, 1971

Globe, Arizona

[Aka is here.]

“Good morning, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

Thy have questions, ask.

“Aka, A____ H____ sister’s daughter, A__ F_____, is missing, and her sister, S____, is very disturbed about her daughter. We have asked before about this missing individual, and we wonder if you can help us with information to ease their minds?”

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer thy question for the good of thy soul.

Yes, we see this.

We should say of these words, we find this soul well at this time. We find of this soul at this time of sentence [area], in the province of, Brazil? We find that — yes, we see this — we find interference, therefore, by the law officers.

Yes. Yes, we see this.

We find that, that this soul has made attempts to contact its parents. We find that these letters have been intercepted.

Yes, we see this.

We find that this soul is held in incognito.

Yes, we see this.

We find that — that should this soul be needed for the further persecution [prosecution], she shall be brought back into these United States. But we say of this. This soul has fled of its own free will. We can not interfere with this free will.

This is all on this soul at this time.

Thy have other questions.

“Yes, Aka, last night you said that in the, on the covers of the new book that we’re working on, that we should have the sign of the Cherub, and also the ankh. And I have two questions: one, may we have, may we ask Bartholomew to do this design? And secondly, can you tell us what the Cherub looks like, because we do not know if it is a baby, or as we would call it, an angel, an adult?”

We should say unto thee these words — that as the cherubim is the highest order of what you would know of as the servants of God. But think not — think, that as these words were spoke unto the people of God, they had fled out of Egypt.

But we should place in the mind of soul Ruth this knowledge, for we should come unto her in dream form, and therefore, she shall see of this for herself.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, soul Ray asks, ‘When you discuss Buddha, as you did last night, and mention his going to Japan, which Buddha do you refer to?’”

There is only but of one Buddha, that of Anton, Prince of Peace.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

“I think.”

Nay, not fully. Then we should say unto thee — for as Buddha sat beneath a tree, and there found new knowledge of the God of One, and therefore, gave unto his disciples the work that was needed. But as was said before, there shall be many false prophets come after me. But those who do not come of the spirit speak My name in vain.

Then we say unto thee these words, hark. For as two should come of the Spirit, yet thy stone them and they shall not perish from your earth, for the Lord, God, did place His hand upon them and took them up into Himself. And as [is in] before, as of three days they did rise again and stand before your world, so it shall be again, for they shall come once again in the Spirit. [See The Revelation, chapter 11.]

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Note: This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


October 15, 1971

Globe, Arizona

[Aka is here.]

“Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

And we should say unto thee these words. One moment, please.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto you, soul [Jan?] [4–6–70–003?], judge not [yet] ye be [that] judged. But we should say unto thee these words. Thy conscience was given to thee by the Lord. But man, himself, developed his curious nature. Then we should tell of thee that what thy have lost was taken from in thy own household. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes.”[She answers.]

Then we should say unto these words, for in this manner we should tell unto thee, soul Bartholomew, this message. For as thy go into the forest, and therefore, not find the peace of thy own soul — but should thy come back and go into a second forest, there to find the peace of another soul, beware, for [she] should give unto thee this power that thy should dwell in many houses. But remember, before thy enter the house, knock first at the door of the Lord, and give prayer unto thee, that thy may be entered in the manner that the Lord should choose thy to be. But should thy knock, and therefore, be refused, do not grow impatient or weary, for thy carry the yoke of God. Carry it with love. And as thy would not trespass upon another man, neither shall another man trespass upon thee.

And we should have these words for the wife of soul Bartholomew. If a man should ask thee to walk a mile, walk two. If a man should borrow thy shirt, then offer him the waistcoat to go with it. And should the Lord give thee a gift, do not reject this gift, for it is given with love. Then we say unto thee these words, cast out this part of thine self that should offend thee. For remember, “judge not lest ye be judged,” and judged in the same manner, for what thy should think in thy mind, thy mind could make of it a truth. And remember, also, that as thy drop a pebble into the brook, and this pebble be that of the Lord’s, it should flow, therefore, into the river, and flow onward to the ocean and to the many lands. Then drop this pebble with love. Be thineself as a mirror, and let that that shines from within shine from without.

And we should say unto these words unto soul Luke. For we have given into thy holding that of the veil, and thy have looked into many of the mansions there to find the use of the same. And we should say unto thee these words. For from this day forward, the block in thy mind shall be complete. Therefore, lift the veil. Let those from the other side who have messages and have yet to exercise their free choice to return upon your earth, let them, therefore, bring their messages through thineself. This should happen both awake and asleep. But we say unto thee, do not use this gift for idle curiosity; guard it well.

And we say, therefore, unto soul James, who we have chosen as the keeper of the records, thy have had many thoughts that pass through thy mind. Bring these forth. For as we have said before, soon thy shall have in thy hands the Book with wings. Give it with love. And we should say unto thee these words, we should give unto thee the gift of sight.

And we should say unto soul Andrew these words. Thy have traveled far in thy journey. Yet we see thee and thy needs. And we should say unto you these words. Become a pupil and then a teacher. But when a pupil should become, as thy would call, perfect, then he should become the master. But even the master had to be a pupil once.

And we should say unto soul Mark these words. Yes, Mark, we see thy needs, and therefore, these things that thy desire should be given unto thee. But remember, soul Mark, as they are given with love, give them also with love.

We have seen thy financial needs, and therefore, given them as raindrops. Yet thy have become embittered in thy heart. Remember, soul Mark, there is a time for giving and a time for receiving. Be patient. Do not send out hatred. Do not send out profanity or blasphemy, or these things thy shall receive also in return. Give into each and to all each day, love, kindness, and these things thy should receive. If thy should walk upon the path beside the sea of Galeah [Galilee], and therefore, find the small shepherd boy who limps and is lame, heal not the foot that made him lame; heal first his heart and soul. And then should he come again and say, “Master, heal my foot that I may serve God,” then do so. We should leave you, soul Mark, with this thought in mind. Give unto thy wife and thy children the love that the Lord has given unto thee, for remember, thy are a teacher of thy family.

And we should give unto the wife of soul Mark these words, for we see thy need. We see thy medical problems, and we have laid once before at thy feet that that thy desire. We shall do this again. But remember, we cannot interfere with thy free choice. Give of love, give of blessings, and we shall give unto thy keeping that of heaven. For remember, thy were promised a new heaven and new earth. [See The Revelation 20:11, 21:1–7.]

And we should say unto these words, for we see thy need, soul John [8–10–70–002?], and we have seen thy travels and been with thee. And we should give unto this one, as once before, the gift of waiting. For as we have said before, we are not great; we are here but for one reason, to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. [See John 21:20–24.]

We cannot interfere with thy free choice. We can only but knock on thy door, and await thy entering. If thy beckon unto us, we may enter. If thy should close the door and make us wait, this we should do, but only for a short while. For our time grows short, and therefore, we need unto thee thy [help]. We have given unto thee the power to heal; use this power. Use it readily. But heal first of the soul, and then of the body.

And we should say unto soul Ruth these words. We have looked into thy heart, and therefore, we find no sin. We have sent the [messages] that thy desire, and we shall continue to send these into thee. And we shall come both night and day. For now we should take away the one who has been thy shadow, and therefore, we should send into thy keeping one of the Cherub. Thy shall see this one in many forms; fear not this one.

And now we should say unto soul Paul, we are well pleased. But we are not allowed to give unto thee the full message that thy desire, for the Lord has much work yet for this one. In thy mind, thy have asked for a life reading. We cannot give this at the present time, for [for] the work that lies ahead of thee, thy must do this with faith.

For, as we have said before — and we say now unto this unto all of the disciples of this work — if thy should walk upon the water with us, have faith, for we have faith in thee. Have faith in God, for He loves His children so. And yet, He weeps. And He says unto His children, “MUST I WEEP FOREVER? MUST I SHOW MY WRATH WHEN IN MY HEART THERE IS BUT LOVE?”[See The Revelation, chapters 16–18.]

Remember, now is the time of the Cherub, and we are here but for one purpose, to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.

Let this time be a time of gladness. And let God’s children have before them the hands of welcome. For only with the use of your own free will can this happen.

Soul Ray grows very weak now; therefore, awaken him from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971, by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


October 29, 1971

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And we should say unto thee these words, as we have said before. Your Father asks but two things of thee — that thy should love unto Him one-tenth of the love given unto you, His children, and that thy should love unto thy fellow man in the same manner. There have been many laws, as you would know them, made by man, for the worship of our Father. Our Father has never interfered. There were times He should frown upon His children’s folly.

And we say unto thee, for in the time that we asked of you to form a group, we gave unto you your free choice, there to exercise of the same in making your laws for your organization. But we should say unto thee, beware that thy do not make so many laws that thy drive the children of our Father from His house. Learn to be patient unto these children. For remember, you are the shepherd and they are your flock. But also beware, for a good shepherd should watch for wolves among his flock.

There shall many come out of idle curiosity. There shall many more come to prove of this a [farce]. But that in itself is good, for all shall leave with a new insight into their own souls. Each shall take with them that that is needed into their selves. For as we have said before, this work shall be as a pebble that is placed in a brook that should flow to the rivers, and from the rivers to the many oceans, and to the many lands. Can you understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Nay, not fully.

Then we should say, and as we have said unto Peter, for we shall placed four angels with the veil, and four winds to raise the veils. And we shall say unto thee that soon, as thy grow ready, your work shall begin to flow out of the rivers. Be prepared for this time.

And we see thy need, soul Andrew. Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should [give] healing into the same. But remember, soul Andrew, there are some things that thy must learn for thyself. For now thy shall come from the forest and see the sunlight. But still again, thy have many obstacles. And yet again, thy shall find before thee many dealings. We shall remove some of these, but still again, others thy must remove thyself. For remember, soul Andrew, if thy drop a rock in a stream it must go somewhere. And then again, it may lodge upon another rock, and therefore, stay and wash into nothingness.

Therefore, we should give unto thy body healing, and we should take from thee the pain. And therefore, our Father should give unto His child the love and compassion of a Father who weeps for His children.

But we stand before thee to prepare a way. Yet, we cannot force thee to take the paths we have prepared, but we should light the way before thee. But as raindrops, these things should come a little at a time upon a barren desert.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [8–6–71–001] would like to ask if she should….”

We see thy need. Therefore, we should say unto thee these words. We did not complete the physical reading upon this person, of thy husband, [7–23–71–002]. Then we should say unto thee these words. This person’s biggest problem is that he is mentally deranged. His problem could be corrected. But we would say unto thee that thy are not in a position to administer healing. Therefore, we would suggest first, as thy would know it, commitment, that he may receive the proper medication for the same.

We would also suggest that thy should continue in thy present employment.

We would also suggest that thy should resubmit to the proper authorities the necessary documents of the same. We shall say unto thee, protect thy children and thyself, for if thy should not do of these things we have suggested, then we shall tell thee of the other path before thee. And we will say unto these words. As the karmic action should take place, which therefore, is not a necessity, harm shall come not only to your children, but to yourself. And remember also, your children were placed in your care. If thy do not look unto this care, then thy shall build upon thy self a new karma.

Remember also, return unto the faith of thy worship. These things have been told unto thee before. Go unto the bishops of thy church, and therefore, ask their advice. And this shall be given and the help shall be given.

Yes, we see thy need. And the Lord shall put grace upon this. For remember, the Lord, our God, did make thee “of our kind.” All the emotions of your body are a natural thing, and we see no sin. Then go. And take the blessings of our Father, and take His hand that He may guide thee.

We see other problems that shall arise, but we shall take these a step at a time.

When the time comes, we shall answer your other questions.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Ray asks, ‘What will be the effect of the proposed Amchitka Island atomic test?’”

Yes, we see this. And as we have said before, those things that man places in the earth and in the sea shall come from the earth and come from the sea, and therefore, strike mankind.

Therefore, we should say, from the tip of the Alaskans to the southernmost tip of thy earth, into the Mexicans and proportions of South America, these things will come gradual, across the northern proportions of Europe. All this shall be as it was before, because mankind has not learned what to do with its knowledge.

The shifting of the earth, of the eruptions of the same, shall cause the melting of both of your north polar region and your southern polar region. Water shall appear, therefore, where they have not flown before. And as we have said before, where no water flowed, water shall flow.

Thy have other questions, ask — but remember, now is the time of the great Sword that cuts two ways. One shall cut of mind and body; the other shall cut land and [ice, life]. But remember, now is also the time of the Cherub. And, the Fifth Angel dwells upon thy earth. [See Genesis 2:10–19, 3:22–24 and The Revelation chapters 1 and 4–7.]

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [10–29–71–001] is concerned about her flower business and her health-food business, and she wonders if you feel she should put more emphasis on her health-food business, and perhaps, at the expense of her flower business?”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto thee in these words. Too many beans in a pot without enough moisture should cause them to burn and be of no value to anyone. Therefore, we should say unto thee, go onward into your flower business. At the present time, you health-food business would not venture the profit that thy need. But wait and use it for seed.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [10–8–71–001 of San Carlos] has asked for a health reading.”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. One moment, please.

Yes, yes; now we have this. Yes.

We would suggest in the future, that for all of your health readings, place these who should request of the same in a positive location. This would be better. You must understand that if the body in mind is over exercising or doing other things, it makes the readings very difficult.

Therefore, we would suggest that before this reading is given, bring her here, or find one location that we may find her. Can you understand of what we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Thy have other questions, ask.

“I also have a request for a health reading for [10–29–71–002]. I do not know if she is at home. Would you like me to delay this also?”

Yes, we see thy need.

And therefore, we should say of other things.

And we should say unto those in the valley below the sea [Yuma, Arizona], we bring thee blessings from our Lord. We see thy needs and thy [activities, anxieties]. Therefore, as our Lord has requested, the messages shall be given unto thee.

At the present time, because of things beyond thy control, thy are [in] need of a reading within thy city. These things were not possible, at the present time. You must remember, for soul Ray to let us enter, he must clear his mind of all things. If he cannot do this, it would damage his body and mind to attempt to do the same. Therefore, we shall soon be with thee in thy city, as we are now.

Do not grow depressed. Continue with thy work. We shall send these blessings that thy should need. And we should stay the hand that should do thee damage. But remember also, we cannot change the plans of our Father. Only our Father can do these. But remember also, we can give thee the messages that are needed, both mentally and physically.

But we should say unto thee, soul Luke, for the mind to work properly, it should have a healthy body to dwell within. Therefore, we should give unto thee the healing that is necessary.

And we should say unto thee, soul Jude [6–9–70–004], remember, thy husband should be thy first concern. For remember, thy shall not be together in the next plane. Therefore, to overcome the karmas that are necessary, face this with love and understanding. If he should ask thy to walk one mile, walk two.

Now soul Ray grows very tired, and we grow weak. Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


November 5, 1971

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And we should tell thee again — for as the great Bird should take flight from the pyramid, as in the time of Moses, and Abraham, and as in the time of Isaiah. But remember, do not transfer your thoughts into this time; transfer and use your thoughts and your powers for the times ahead.

And as we have said before, not one stone upon your earth shall remain unturned. But hark — we say unto thee these words. For the children of God should not fear, for remember, no man may harm the children of God. For the earth shall change into many forms, and so should man.

And as we have told you before, now is the time of the Cherub.

And the Fifth Angel does hover above thy earth.

And as we have told thee of the isles of California, the time grows very near. But remember, it will come a little at a time until the last time. But we should give thee warning of these things, as we have done on all other. So fear not. Do not flee as sheep, but stand fast, as shepherds. Tend thy flocks.

And now we should answer in the mind of one, this one who should build the cosmic generator.

Yes, we see this.

And we should answer in this manner. The mind possesses many powers. But first, build the instruments in thy mind in accordance with thy thoughts, and we say, these things should work if thy mind is in accord.

We should also tell thee of this, that the pyramid, as such, in its form of today, could not perform the task[s] that it was originally built to do because of time and deterioration, both by the elements and by man, and the removal of such forces within the same. We know at this time thy do not fully understand of which we say, but we should tell thee in this measure, that the rebuilding of the cycle of man and the regeneration of the cells within the same can be done. But remember, as the sperm of man did create other forms of life, there shall lie the secret, within the regeneration form of man.

Thy have thought many times of the aura. The aura, within itself, is the pattern of man form. It is that substance that the soul and spirit should escape to upon the departure of the mortal body. But this same form can be used to rebuild any proportion of your body.

You, at this time, are trying to duplicate — take from one body and transplant unto another — and you find the problem of rejection into the same. We shall tell thee that the nerve centers into the same, with the use of chemicals from the sperm of the same thy shall find the necessary elements to counteract that proportion of the body that would reject of the same, and build new cells into the same.

We know at the present time thy do not fully understand of which we speak.

But thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, C___ B_____, age 6…she says — her mother is asking for her; she says her daughter has a beggar’s growth behind her knee. Can you help?”

Yes, we see the need. We would suggest at the present time that the necessary knowledge that thy desire for the removal of the same, any good physician could do this. But we should say unto thee, since this is a test of faith, then pray thee and we should assist.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“[10–8–71–001] asks for a health reading.”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. And we should suggest, once more, that this be done in a private reading. There is certain information that could be given, but should only be for the ears of this soul. The healing that is needed shall be granted, and therefore, healing shall come within the same. But the healing of the mind, we can only tell thee that this may come with full enlightenment of the mind of the same. Therefore, we [may] remove these things that should cause physical problems, but they should return unless the mind is treated.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [10–29–71–002]…in Globe, says that she is concerned about her weight and asks for a health reading and a diet.”

Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

Yes, we find this; yes, all is in accord.

Therefore, we should suggest first, for the scalp condition of the same, the use of plain vinegar with that proportion of water used as a rinse twice a day. We would further suggest that the use of a hot olive oil treatment be used here.

Yes, we find this.

We further find in this –

Yes, we see this — a skin condition, yes.

We would suggest, first, the washing of the skin with, not of soap, as thy know it, but of just pure water. We would suggest, therefore, the use of hot olive oil packs on this area. We would also suggest the use of the white of the egg, placing equal amounts of soda into the same to perform a paste, and this be placed to perform a mask.

Yes, we see this.

We would further suggest a radical change in thy diet.

For the morning heal, we would suggest the eating of one banana and one glass of milk.

For your luncheon, we would suggest the eating of any good green vegetable growths, and one glass of milk.

We would suggest in the evening meal, adapting to the same — we would suggest one meal each week of the fresh water fish; we would further suggest that one meal each week of the salt water fish. We would suggest once each week the eating of the liver of the beef. We would further suggest the eating twice a week of good beef — this should not be fried within the same; it should be broiled in its own juice. We would further suggest that before the eating of the evening meal one ounce of olive oil be taken internally.

We would further suggest that for the luncheon one ounce of olive oil be taken internally.

We should say unto thee that thy, because of your own nervous condition, should desire the intake of further food substance. We would suggest taking of either the black or the green olive, eating as much as thy desire between meals of the same, but of nothing else.

We find other physical problems within the same. We find a slight condition of the heartal [heart] area. Yes, we find this.

This is due from fatty tissue overcrowding the intestines. We would suggest, therefore, exercise be taken. We would suggest after exercise — at first, this exercise should be done for 15 minutes in the morning and in the afternoon. Do not overdo this. We would suggest that at least once a week [saunic] baths be used unto the same that the respiratory and circulatory systems can be increased.

We would further suggest — yes, yes, we see this — that the use of either a good chiropractic or osteopathic doctor at the present time be used to correct the backular [back] area.

We should also suggest that the use of a good dentist be used to correct the dentular [dental] area. We find problems in this area.


From this area we see secretion, poison being administered into the body, which at the present time is causing infection into the [vaginular] [vagina] area.

Yes, we find this.

Of the bladder area.


We would suggest that twice daily the use of the sage tea be used, once in the morning and once in the evening, to cleanse this area. We would further suggest that a washing be used in [the] same area. There are many washes, as thy would know it, upon the market. But do not use an acid content of the same, [before] the body would reject of the same.

Yes, this is all at this time. We would suggest that a follow-up reading be given on this soul at a different time.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [11–5–71–002]…Central Heights…has asked for a health reading because of weight.”

We see thy need. But therefore, as soul Ray grows very tired, we would suggest that any further medical readings be given at a different time.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Soul Ruth has asked if the — if you can tell her who the Virgin of Guadalupe is — is she — how she relates to the Christian faith?”

We should say unto this manner, that the Virgin of Guadalupe is a gift from God unto the Mexican people — but not as thy would know it. For what was taken from these people in the name of Christianity was given back in this manner. For as we shall say again, for the last shall be first and the first shall be last. But she comes form her own people. For she was sent with love — that love, that small word that you use so often, but so few of you know the true meaning of the same. Give unto our Father one-tenth of the love He should give unto His children; give unto your fellow man in the same manner, and this, thy Father should bring His many children back unto His mansions.

We shall say unto you these words. We have placed in thy hands the Book with wings. And as we have said before, we have placed in thy hands, and in thy mind, a new thing unto man. Give it also with love.

Awaken soul Ray.

“Thank you, Aka.”

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared with the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


November 9, 1971

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here….

“Is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Thy have questions, ask.

“Aka, [10–8–71–002] is here asking for a health reading.”

Yes, we see thy need. As we have said before, we have the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body. Yes, all is in accord.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto this soul, first, we should speak of thy karma, for this, in itself, would greatly improve thy health.

For as before, in your last life — yes, we see this.

Yes, in the year of 1870 — we see this.

At that time thy are of a young girl, of 14. Thy name at this time was Hope Longfield. And as thy married, thy did marry into that of the family known as Leonard Snow.

Yes, we see this.

And therefore, as he was a miner, thy bore him four sons and three daughters. And as the winter months were barren, thy husband and thyself separated. Thy did raise these children.

But as before thy were searching for thy mate, for thy longed for this one. And as he left you and never returned, and therefore, felt guilt for the same, and as your longing for this one remained — and as you were born again this time with that same longing, and with that same karma, thy must continue to live from mate to mate until this need is satisfied.

And we should say unto thee these words. This time thy shall marry again soon, and it shall be to this mate. But should you find forgiveness into the same, this is necessary for you to overcome both of your karmas.

We shall tell you in this manner, the needs of the body are not of sin. These things thy Father did give unto thee. If thy should look into thy own soul thy should see of these things. But at the present time, your course and your desires, we cannot see fulfillment of the same. But soon, this fulfillment shall come, but in a different way than thy know at the present time. Therefore, we should say unto thee, be patient, for remember, a healthy body must go with a healthy mind. And thy body cannot be healthy if thy mind is in despair. We have given before the necessary suggestions for thy body. We find that none of these things has changed at the present time.

But, with each of your mates, you have looked for the same requirements to happen again. And thy have looked for the same results of rejection. Look no longer for rejection; look forward for fulfillment. This, in itself, shall be necessary, that the body may mature and grow, and that the soul may mature and grow.

At the present time, you have remained on your present [pain] [plane] for seven lifetimes. You have neither fell from the ladder or climbed. But neither have you stopped along the way to help others above thee. Therefore, we should say unto thee, think of our Father and the climb back to Him, as a ladder. Think of our Father as the rays of the sun. Think of your climb upon the ladder with tenderness.

Thy soul has it in mind to never climb again. This in itself would be wrong for thyself. For within this soul we find much psychic power that has lain dormant from other lifetimes. This psychic power should mature and grow. We find that thy have looked long for a way that this may grow. But we should say unto thee, for this to happen thy, thyself, must look within thyself and start to remember. We shall help thee in thy task. For remember, if thy should know from which thy come, then thy should know in a manner of where thy are going. If thy should return back to thy Father’s side, then love thy Father.

We shall say unto thee these words. We are here but for one purpose, that is in the preparation [for] the preparing of the coming of the Messiah. We have selected those who should help, one by one, and two by two, and three by three. We still search for those who should make up of the thirteen. To each of these, we have given [triste] and trial. For some have fell along the way. For in the time of the one known as Jesus, there were thirteen. And one did fall. This cannot be. Each person who is chosen must be ready to give their lives, as you would know them, for God. [See John, chapters 16–18 and Acts, chapter 1.]

We shall help thee to bring forth the psychic ability within thyself. And we shall help in thy healing.

For those who we have chosen we have given unto those the ability to heal. We have given unto these great powers. But as we have said before, the Lord should giveth and the Lord should taketh away.

We shall ask thee to be patient, to let us bring healing into thyselves, to let us change thy paths, and therefore, bring the love of the Lord into thy heart and soul. But remember, we can do nothing without our Father’s permission, for we are not great. We are but the messengers of our Lord. For we have been before your time, and we shall be again after your time. But remember, too, the half-times are over.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. V____ W____, a longtime friend of my family, who I asked about once before, she lives in…and she’s in St. Luke’s hospital in Phoenix, and she has cancer. Apparently it has turned into a runaway cancer and they are sending her home within any cure. And my question is, is there anything that we can do to help her? She has asked for help.”

We shall say unto thee these words. At the present time, your science has not developed far enough to cure such needs. If thy should look backward into our back readings, thy shall find, of our talks unto thee, of a cosmic generator, of the chemicals that could be extracted from the sperm. But only the generator within itself could extract these. For remember, the only way unto cure this is to place the body into what you would know as that period that the sperm is incubated into life. This can only be done with a pyramid-type structure that should gather into itself cosmic magnetic rays. But even that, within itself, must be placed at the right and proper height, that the body must be placed at a precise north-south axis. Should this be done, the cure could come into reality.

But you must remember also, man shall develop great science; he shall go forward into the creation itself.

But, there are those who have chosen death that they may live again. For now, above thy earth is a gathering of the soldiers of God. This soul shall be taken there. There she shall meet many friends. [See The Revelation, chapter 19.]

We are sorry that thy should feel remorse. But do not feel this. Thy Father loves His children — and as a father should, He should take them to His breast and lift them gently from one world to another. Fear not for this one, for we shall make the passing easy.

And now we should say unto soul [4–3–70–002], who at times become weary of her tasks that we have given unto her. We realize that we have been harsh with this one. We realize that because she asked to be chosen for this task, we have been severe and demanding. We have not given her [the] right to see her past in fulfillment. But we should give this a little at a time.

The reason we have not given unto her this privilege — for soul Ray must not know his own identity, not as long as we should use him. In his time of death, as you shall know, you shall be together again.

But remember, our Father loves this soul. And our Father chose from the highest for the task before thee.

Bear thy yoke of love. For as each breath thy take upon this earth, thy should know of our Father’s love.

And now, soul Ray grows very weary.

But before we should depart, we should leave into thy hands this message. Now is the time of the Cherub.

Fear not, the children of God. But begin to prepare for the time of the famine.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


November 12, 1971

Globe, Arizona

[Aka is here.]

“Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto thee these words.

Unto soul [5–7–71–002] we should say unto these words; the passing shall come soon. Fear not for this one. But the karma should be relived again. Our Father has seen fit to forgive, this as thy would know, soul [7–23–71–002]. And we should send unto him in his last hours the necessary teachers that he should need to pass over. And they shall wait for him, and therefore, guide him through the threshold between the two worlds. But we should say unto thee, go unto thy heart and ask forgiveness of thyself, that thy may assist those that are needed.

We see thy other needs. And we should say unto thee in these words. As thy would know it, the beggar on the street should stand next to our Father, and yet give Him advice, if [it] he should enter into the kingdom of God in the right manner.

But you must remember also, these things that happened unto him, he has asked for them to happen. And unless he should learn the lessons that were placed before him, he must do these things again. And so should your daughter and yourself do these things again. Therefore, release this soul with your blessings. Send him to our Father with full forgiveness in your hearts.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [11–12–71–001] is concerned about her family situation, and she asks for help, for advice.”

Yes, we see thy need, And we should say unto thee these words. The dreams that were given unto thee for guidance thy did not fully understand. But as thy walk in the light of God, and therefore, should be a shepherd unto the Lord, then we should answer your question in this manner. If thy should take of the rooster to market, and therefore, your children should bring horses to the market, you cannot trade the chicken for a horse. But you can learn to do the work of a horse.

But our Lord did not mean for a man to labor in such a manner. Our Father did place upon each child his own conscience, but yet He gave them free choice. Should you love your children any less than our Father loves His? Yet our Father placed into your hands the duty to raise your children, to guide them, to place in them your own conscience, as He did place into you. Therefore, in the time of Moses it was said, “Honor thy father and mother.” And in the time of the one known as Jesus it was said, honor thy father and mother as thyself. But give unto them free choice. Give them the paths to lead in righteousness.

We find of thy first problem, at the present time, as our Father has done, place unto this one the knowledge of yourselves. If he does not accept the same, let him stand by himself; yet he must stand with his own choice. If this was offered in this manner, we see that he should stand by himself, but yet, stand with you.

We should say to you in this manner, should this one marry and not marry unto the faith of God, then he himself should create his own karma.

Yet, we should give unto thee the knowledge and the guidance that is needed. And fear not, for as we should come into thy home, all thy must do for guidance is to open the door, that we may enter. Remember, we are not great. We are here but to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. We may do nothing that our Father does not allow; we may tell thee nothing that our Father does not allow, for we are the servants and the messengers of our Father.

Of thy second problem, we see this. And we should say in this manner, give unto the other the necessary knowledge for schooling. You have given the necessary knowledge of God unto this one. But remember, there is food for the mind and food for the soul. Remember also, that as Joseph did before, yet he in his own way bore his father’s sin, and therefore, stood before God and made it whole again. You cannot carry the cross of this one. It must carry its own cross, in its own time. Do you understand of which we speak?

“Yes. Yes, I understand.” [She says.]

Then, we should give unto thy hands this gift — the gift of love from the one known as Jesus Christ. For as he stood before as your savior, so should his spirit walk with thee.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, H_____ DeL_____…has asked of his children and future. Do you have anything additional to say to him?”

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer your question in this manner. At the present time, the help thy need is within thyself, for thy need of the healing. And we should give of this. But remember, do not overload the burro or it should become lame and not be able to carry any load at all.

Stand firm, first, as the husband of your wife. Respect her in all manners, that she should respect thee in all manners of your household. Give thanks unto your Lord. But remember, there is two things that our Father asked of His children, that they should love unto the Lord one-tenth of the love that God should give unto His children, and that they should love of their fellow man in the same manner. Can you understand of which we speak?

“Yes, I understand.”[He answers.]

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [11–12–71–003] is asking for a health reading in regards to a problem of eczema.”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should say in this manner. Discontinue the use of washing with [the] soap. Wash only with clean, fresh water. Apply the white of the egg mixed with the soda. Do this four times daily. At night, before thy should go unto slumber, apply hot castor-oil packs to this area. This should be done unto a two-week interval.

We should say unto thee, thy should change of thy diet. Add more of the protein to thy daily diet. We should tell of thee first, in your case, take twice daily one ounce of the safflower oil. For the morning meals, eating one grapefruit and one glass of milk. For thy luncheon, eat as many of the green vegetation as thy desire. For the evening meal, eat again of one grapefruit daily; thy may supplement this with as much of the citric food as thy desire. Eat twice weekly of the fish that should come from the salt. Eat once weekly that of the beef liver. Eat no fried foods at all. Eat once weekly of the fish that should come from the fresh water. Of your other weekly meals, thy may eat as thy please, but only of the evening meal. We should further suggest that a good supplement, general vitamin, be used. We would further suggest that vitamin C and E be taken in adult quantities daily.

We find in this soul other medical problems. We would suggest that chiropractic or osteopathic treatment be used for the upper backular [back] area.

We further should suggest — yes, we see this — that the use of eye exercise be done. This should be done in such a manner as placing objects 20 feet across. This should be done with placing objects as high above thy eyesight and as low as thy could see, looking at one and then the other. Do this for five minutes intervals daily. This would greatly improve unto this area.

We would further suggest that the use of the saunic [sauna?] baths be used to stimulate both of the respiratory system and help the circulatory system unto the same.

We find that follow-up medical readings should be given at different times, as they are asked for.

Thy have other questions, ask. One moment.

Yes, we see this.

We would suggest that a visit to your local physician, therefore, for infection to the bladder area — yes, we see this — this should be done promptly, antibiotic be given unto the same. We would suggest that the drinking twice daily of the sage tea — yes.


This is all on this soul at this time.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [11–12–71–004] has asked me to give him healing. I wonder if you have any advice for me in regards to this?”

As we have said before, we may not violate one soul unto another, but we shall give unto thee this knowledge. Suggest that the necessary tests be run for a diabetic. We find that this soul is a borderline diabetic of the same. The healing that thy should ask for shall be granted; give of the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [11–12–71–005] has asked if you could tell her, she says, ‘I would like to know a little about myself.’ She was born… in Cambridge, Massachusetts.”

We shall say unto thee these words. Since thy find it necessary to test the psychic power, we shall answer your question, for we should answer even of the curious. The question that thy desire answered is a matter of the heart. And we shall answer in this manner. From what comes from the heart goes to the mouth, therefore, is loosened by the tongue. This, in itself, is your main karma. Learn to give praise unto this one, and thy should receive back these things that are needed unto thyself. By feeding another soul, you feed your own. By forgiving, thy forgive thyself.

Thy have a possession of the psychic power within thyself. Thy have wondered how this could be expressed, and therefore, used. And we shall say unto thee in this manner, become first a student, that thy should become a teacher. But remember also, the teacher shall never become greater than the student, nor the student greater than the teacher. But, as in God’s eyes all man are equal, this is not so in men’s eyes. But remember, our Father loves those who have but one teardrop to shed.

And now we should tell unto thee of a different time. Your nation is growing steadily into the claws of the Red Horse [Pakistan], of the Red Dragon [Communist China?]. Soon many nations shall be ready to make war upon you. But fear not, for the Eagle [U.S.A.] shall grow new claws. We know, at the present time, thy do not fully understand of which we speak. But the Leopard and the Lion should grow new skin, and therefore, repent for their mistakes. And the Bear [Russia] shall stand firm beside the Eagle within time. [See The Revelation 6:3–4.]

But remember, now is the time of the Cherub. And the Fifth Angel is now upon your earth, for what was placed into the earth and what was placed into the sea shall [go] forth, and therefore, bite the men who placed it into the same. But fear not for the children of God. For remember, the descendents of Abraham have been changed as stones, and no harm shall come unto them. But remember also, man may harm thy body; he may cut of thy arm or kill of the body, but he can not harm the soul, or the spirit, or the immortal body. Only you, yourselves, can do this. Therefore, guard these well. For those who were [in] the Book of the beginning shall be in the Book of the ending. That this may be done — as we have given unto thee the Book with wings, the Book of knowledge, we know that we have told unto thee many times of the lessons that we want thee to learn. And we shall give unto thee many examples of the same. [See The Revelation, chapter 4, 6:9–11, 16:10–11, and chapters 20–22.]

Thy have asked why we would give of the life readings. These, in their selves, are examples of the lessons thy must learn. Even those who should ask in idle curiosity shall be answered.

Soul Ray grows very tired; therefore, we should say unto thee, awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


November 16, 1971

Globe, Arizona

Soul Ray stands with God.

“You have spoken of the sea of Gallea. Is this the same as the Sea of Galilee?”

We shall tell thee of a time of before — in the time as the great floods should recede. In this time, all the land was fertile and great forest. There were beautiful streams and many flowers, and a animal life, as you would know it, was abundant, for food grew for both man and beast. In that proportion that thy know now as the Sea of Galilee and that proportion that thy know now as the Dead Sea were as one. For the Lord should prepare a garden. Thy must realize that as man was born in five places, then thy must think of five Edens upon the earth. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“I think so.”

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Have you a message for E____ H____?”

As we have said before unto this soul — yes, we see thy need. Then we should say unto thee, prepare a haven unto the children of the Lord there, that they may have a meeting of the minds. But first, open the door into thy soul that we may enter.

We shall tell thee, at the present time do not enter into the business transactions that thy have in mind, for a dragon dwells within. Within the sixth month, the financial condition that worries you at the present time shall be no longer. But remember, these things shall come as raindrops upon the desert, a little at a time. Answer the needs of thy heart. This should be done now.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, do you have any advice for [4–17–71–00_] and/or the children?”

Yes, we see thy needs. And we should say unto thee, if thy should stand tall as a woman, thy mate shall come to thee, but he should be strong of mind and clean of soul. Then, therefore, prepare thyself. We shall say unto thee in this manner, a woman who should give birth to a child has a responsibility to the child. But she should also have a responsibility to herself, and in this manner, she should have responsibility to look her best. Therefore, take the necessary steps to make thyself, on the outside as well as on the inside, a beautiful woman. Do not neglect thy looks. Remember, if thy should go unto a good tree to pick a fruit, and the fruit does not look pleasant, thy stomach shall not eat of the same.

We shall take care of the other needs of thy body. We shall give healing into the same. But remember, we are not great. We may only do these things that our Father permits us to do, for we are the servants of God, our Father, and we are here for but one purpose, to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. Therefore, we should ask in return, make fallow his bed.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, is there anything that can be done to comfort Mrs. McN___ about the loss of [5–2–71–001]?”

Yes, we see her need. And we shall say unto thee in these words. We do not approve of the manner in which she chose to take of her life, but remember, our Father is the God of the living, not of the dead. But she has seen her mistake. For the present time, she should need schooling and she has asked for the same.

But, she shall choose again for life, as thy would know it. Then we would say unto thee, look unto the newborn children, [for] remember, none may enter the kingdom of God who has not suckled upon his mother, and none may enter who has not entered into heaven first.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Aka, [11–12–71–001] is not clear on what you meant when you were talking about taking a chicken or a horse to market. And I wonder if you could clarify it for him, what were you trying to tell him when you said that one was not equal to another, but that he could learn by watching, he could learn to work as a horse?”

We said unto these words, that the man was not meant to work as a horse. As thy should take of a chicken to the market for trade, and as thy children should own of horses, and therefore, take of the same, thy cannot carry the full burdens of thy children alone. For remember, they are souls within their selves. They have free choice. And as thy should walk and find a beggar in need and thy lift the beggar to walk again, thy cannot be a crutch. As the chicken is thyself, as the horse is thy children, thy children should not ask of either their father or mother to carry forever their burdens. Can thy understand now?

“I understand.” [He says.]

But remember, as a good father should, our Father sheds many tears for His children. He loves them all. But as a good father, He must let His children fall, sometime. And sometimes He should bend and pick them up and love them unto His bosom. But He should send them out again of their own free will, for as He said in the beginning, He did create both he and she in our image, of our kind, and this cannot be done unless they learn to pick of themselves up, and choose to go on. And as they should learn of their own mistakes, then they shall be given children of their own. And their children shall make mistakes because each of these are souls, souls who have chosen to enter unto life, as you would know it, to learn lessons. They have chosen their mother and father long before their mothers and fathers are born. And some must wait patiently for this time.

There are things that thy should learn from thy children, and things that they must learn from you. This is both the beginning and the ending of a karma. For did He not promise unto thee a new heaven and a new earth?

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [11–16–71–001] And she has asked, ‘Can you advise me about my stomach problems?’”

Yes, we see thy need. Then we should say unto thee, we have before us here, the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body into the same. Yes, all is in accord.

We should say unto thee first, thy should go unto a radical change of thy diet. First, we would suggest the use of only of the milk of the goat. For the morning meal this should be taken, one glass of the goat’s milk. This should be done in this manner; the egg must be poached in the milk of the same. Then by taking toast and placing the egg in warm milk of the same, this should be done for the morning meal. Before the morning meal one ounce of safflower oil should be taken internally.

Yes, we see thy need. For thy luncheon meal — yes, we see thy need — for the luncheon meal, thy may eat as many of the green vegetables as thy desire, but none of the acidy [acidic?] content. Again, take one ounce of safflower oil before the meal, and one glass of goat’s milk unto the same.

For thy evening meals, [you] may do it in any manner that thy choose. Eat no fried foods at all. Eat of one each meal of the seafood, and toast. Eat one each meal of the freshwater fish with toast and milk. Eat of the beef liver, one each meal. Eat, therefore, any other substance for the proprietor of the meals in the week.

Take of a good — yes, we see this — take, therefore — yes — of a good natural vitamin; this should be done daily. Take more of the vitamin E and D into thy body. This can be done in a natural vitamin form; therefore, of vitamin C in the same manner, and therefore — yes, we see this — we would other suggest the taking of the substance known as Lydia E. Pinkham into the same.

This would be all at the present time on this soul. But we should suggest that a follow-up reading be done in two-week intervals.

Soul Ray grows very tired, and we grow weak.

Therefore, we should say unto thee these words. Now is the time of the Cherub. For the Fifth Angel now rests upon your earth. [See The Revelation, chapters 4–6.]

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


November 19, 1971

Globe, Arizona

[Aka is here.]

“Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And now, as we have said before, we shall tell thee of the time of the famine. Now is the time of the Red Horse. [Editor’s note: In 1988 Aka said, “The Red Horse is Pakistan.” See The Revelation 6:3–4.]

At this time the Red Horse has made the moves of peace, the sign of peace, but it does so in falsehood, for there is many in this land of the Red Horse who think that treachery.

Once before, your nation was betrayed, and therefore, was wounded, but the Eagle flew again, as it shall again. But we see danger for your land. For in the mind of the Red Horse, the thought is to attack the Eagle [U.S.A.]. In that proportion of the land which shall be known in the future as the isles of California, in that proportion known as San Francisco, eruptions shall be caused by the Red Horse. And it shall be caused from explosions under the sea. These, with your own explosions, shall trigger a great earthquake into the same. We also find in this proportion known as San Pablo destruction. Therefore, we have said unto your groups that we should make these things known unto thee before they happen[ed], that the children of God would not be harmed. For now [unto] your three-year period, this danger shall stand.

But if the Eagle should fly first, if the Eagle should guard and do the duty that it was made to perform — we see in the minds of some of your people the thought not to protect that proportion of Israel. This must happen, for it is part of God’s plan. But the fuse is lit in that proportion known as France, and is growing steadily toward Israel. If this should ignite, so should your world ignite.

And we say unto these people of your group, prepare now for the famine. Prepare a way for others. Store of the feed. Store of the seed. Do this in a gradual manner. And fear not, for the angel of God hovers above thee.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Mrs. B______’s daughter, B____ [T____ K____] has asked for advice on the behavior of her daughter. She is very concerned about her daughter’s behavior.”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we shall say unto this one in this manner. A child is born unto its mother and father of its own free will. But the parents of the same should give it discipline. And at the present time, this is a childish whim. Therefore, we should say unto thee, spare not the rod unto this one. But do it in a manner that this child knows the wrong it has done.

We see because of the age of this one, at the present time, it is not responsible. Yet, it remembers from the life before. As we have said before, for this, thy husband, was cruel, a cruel master unto this one in another lifetime. And these things thy must realize. But you must be firm and explain to this child that you love it.

But, also give of this child knowledge of God. We see thy have not gone into the churches of thy choice. This is needed, at the present time, for the wine that is offered into the same; this child needs to know of the love of its Father. Through this knowledge, give it of your wine, also, but do not place new wine in an old vase.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, C____ [C____] wants to know if a specialist in Phoenix should read her x-rays that were taken here?”

No, we do not see the need. The proper diagnosis shall be made here at this time.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [11–12–71–004], and because of the problem with his arm, which I discussed last time, and his other health condition, he has asked for a health reading.”

Yes, we see thy need. And therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same.

Yes, yes, this is good.

Yes, all is in accord. Therefore, permission has been given and the information desired shall be given.

First, we should say unto this one, there is much damage here. We find in the kidney area much damage, bladder area.


We also find a thyroid or a thyroid secretion of the same.


First we should — first we should say unto this one, under no, for no reason, do not take into thy body any type of alcoholic beverages. This is killing thy body. This comes from an old karma of before. Thy must realize that of another life, of a time of a Roman, this one did drink to forget what he saw on the cross. Yet he drinks now for the same reason. But look at the love that was given from this cross. For did he not say unto you, “Forgive them, Father, for they know what not they do.” Therefore, fear not of this. For if this is not stopped at the present time, we find cell damage in the brainular [brain] area, both of the left and right lobular [lobes].

Yes, we see this.

Therefore, we should suggest, at the present time thy are taking certain antibiotics. These are too strong for your body. These should be changed and reduced in the amount. We find inflammation of the right lung area.

We find — yes, we see this — high sugar content; therefore, this soul is of a diabetic nature.

We find growths, [subformian] growths, of the [lopian] type — yes — under the surface of the skin. If these are not treated and taken care [of], they should grow on into the bonular [bone] area of the rib cage, and therefore, cause very severe damage unto the same.

We find, if this patient into itself does not reduce, take away some of the fatty tissue, give room for your own organs to move, give them room to heal into their selves — this could be done by changing your diet.

Yes, we see this.

First, we would suggest, that for thy morning meal, the eating of no more than two grapefruit. Yes — this could be followed with a little coffee or tea, using an imitation sweetener into the same, but no milk in the coffee or the tea.

[However] we would suggest that a sub-meal be eaten at approximately 10 o’clock. This could be done with a little toast and tea again.

For the luncheon, we would suggest that any combination of the green vegetable type, followed again with a glass of milk. We also find of an ulcer-type growth in the stomachal [stomach] area, of the lower tract. If this is not treated at the present time, it will start to bleed, for we find of the stomachal area — yes — a sub-form of the blood vessels — yes — which is known as a nervous stomach. Therefore, the milk used, we would suggest into the goat’s milk of the same.

Of thy evening meal, we would suggest no fried foods. You may eat broiled or baked meat; eat no pork. We find that the diet toward lean meat would be better in this case. We would suggest that for one meal each week — yes — fish from the salt water should be added into this diet. For one meal each week, the liver of the beef should be used. The rest of the meals of the week can be made as thy please at the present time, eating as much of the raw vegetables as possible; eating okra either cooked or raw would be good — yes — eating as much raw carrots as thy desire.

We also find that this soul has a hearing problem; the hearing comes and goes.

Yes, we see this.

We would suggest that either from a chiropractic or osteopathic doctor — we see pinched nerve[s] in the third vertebrae — we see that the relief from the same would greatly help both the nervous system and the backular [back] area. We would further suggest of the [saunic] baths.


This would be good.

This is all on this soul at the present time. Should further information be desired it shall be given.

And now, we see in the mind of one, the question of a loved one which she is greatly concerned about. And we shall answer your question in this manner. Go as thy heart directs thee. Do not look backward, but look forward, for what has been before shall not be again.

Soul Ray grows weary.

And therefore, we should say again, now is the time of the Cherub. And the Fifth Angel rests upon thy earth. [See The revelation, chapters 4–6.]

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


November 23, 1971

Globe, Arizona

[Aka is here.]

“Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

Then we should say unto thee these words. Hark, that thy may listen, that the deef [deaf] may hear, and that those without sight may see. For we say unto thee these words.

And to soul Mark we say unto thee, thy have done thy task well. And we should give unto thee a new task, that thy should write of one chapter that shall go into the Book. And these things we shall provide thee in thy dreams.

And we say unto thee, soul Paul, hark. And thy shall write one chapter that shall go into the Book. And we shall provide these things into thee.

And we say, hark, unto soul John, for thy shall write one chapter that should go unto the Book.

And we say unto thee, soul Bartholomew, hark, for thy shall write one chapter that shall go unto the Book. And these things we shall provide into thee.

And we say unto thee, soul James, hark. And [thy] shall write one chapter that shall go unto the Book.

And we say, hark, unto soul Luke. And thy shall write one chapter that shall go unto the Book.

And as we have said before, one by one, and two by two, and three by three, those that should be the disciples for this work shall be chosen.

And we say unto thee, soul Ruth, thine shall be a disciple unto this work, and thy shall write one chapter that shall go unto the Book.

We have others that we shall add to this list. For soon, we shall announce unto thee their names, unto the Thirteenth, but only unto the twelfth. For the Thirteenth, as it stands in our council, shall remain upon all councils, [but] they shall be complete. [See Mark 3:12–19 and Acts, chapters 1–2.]

And now we say, hark, into thee, for has it not been said and written in your Book of before, and unto the old coveth [covenant], that the riches of man shall be in heaven. [See Luke 6:20–38, 10:1–12, 16:10–13, 18:18–26, and 22:35–37.]

And we say unto thee, fear not that thy should gather riches upon the earth, for we see no sin in thy gathering, if it is done in the light of God. For as all men are born equal upon your earth, and equal in the eyes of God, they are not equal in the eyes of men. Therefore, gather those things and the good fruit of your earth, each [unto] himself, and in this manner give unto those that are needed, both of your knowledge and of the food for the mind, the food for the soul and the food for the body. But should one man be lazy unto another, do not give unto this one. For let him wait until the rains come and the weather is foul, and therefore, he should know of his folly. But then, should he come and ask, give him a task to perform, that he may shown himself worthy of your gifts.

Then we say unto thee these words, for hark, for those who have ears to listen, and for those who have wisdom, let them hear. For as your Lord, God, did provide the heaven and earth, and as men did till the earth, and therefore, make it fruitful, so should your Lord, God, provide those things that are needed in your groups, that they may grow and prosper.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [_____] in Miami, and she asks for help in regards to a health problem of eczema.”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we have before us — yes — we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body. And as we have said before, place these souls who should require health readings in a location that we may find them more easily. But we shall give of this.

Yes, we see thy need. We would suggest a very radical change in the diet. For this one, The use of the safflower oil should be done three times daily in the diet, one ounce before, and preferably 30 minutes before — yes — 30 minutes before the eating of each meal.

And to this one we would suggest the eating of three regular meals daily.

For the morning meal, we would suggest — yes — the eating, preferably, of one grapefruit and a little tea, no coffee.

Yes, we see this.

For the luncheon meal, we would suggest the eating of as many green vegetables as possible. These should not be canned or cooked in any manner, but should come as they grow from the earth.

Yes, we see this.

We should suggest, that since thy body has become used to the drinking of coffee, that thy may have your coffee at 10 o’clock in the morning, but no more than two cups. We would suggest that this be done without sugar, if possible, or sweetened with the natural honey of the same.

We would suggest that in addition to thy beverage of the morning and noon meal be added one cup of sage tea, sweetened, if preferably, with the sage of the same, either in that proportion, or honey which is taken from thy own locale.

We would further suggest that for the evening meal — yes, we see this — we would suggest that no hot foods be taken into thy stomach at the present time. We would suggest the eating of as many cooked vegetables for the evening meal as possible. For this one, we would suggest taking out of thy diet any meats for the present time, for at least six weeks.


We would further suggest that the taking of a good natural vitamin supplement — we would further suggest that the vitamins C and D, and E, be taken in accordance with the same, for we find that the body at the present time is not using that which is being brought in in the proper manner. Therefore, more should be added.

We would further suggest — yes, we see this — that at no time should any of your known detergents touch this area. We would suggest taking — yes we see this, yes — making, first, a portion [poultice?] of what thy would know of the mistletoe; this should be applied to the area, and therefore, heat be placed upon the same. This should be done for one week, and a follow-up reading be taken at this time.

This is all on this soul at the present time.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have a request for a health reading for [4–16–71–003]. I have not ascertained if she is at home.”

Yes, we see thy need. And therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body. Yes, all is in accord here.

Therefore, we should say unto these, this of thy soul. We have seen thy travel through time and as you would know it, energy form. And we see thy need at the present time.

As we have said before, that a child shall be born unto you, as of before. And we shall tell thee of this of thy need. But as before, thy did take Moses into thy arms and love of him, why do thy fear to take an infant, through it is not bore [born] from thy womb now?

Of thy need at the present time, and of thy surgery which is planned in the future — yes, we see this, yes — corrective surgery shall be done of the tubular area of the same. And therefore, this sperm may be planted into the same in the future.

Yes, we see this.

We find — yes — [dirithical-type] [discoblastula?] growths of this area and blockage of the same, scar tissue of this area and blockage of the same.


We find a cyst of the right ovary — yes, we see this. This in itself could be taken care of without surgery at the present time. We find other adjustments that the surgeon shall find.

Yes — we see that the uterus at the present time is not in the proper position for receiving the same, and therefore, [could] reject these things, the egg of the same.


We find infection in this area; this shall be corrected with the surgery of the same. We find, therefore, that the high use of antibiotics on the [Cesarean] area [are] that of thy known antibiotic of [its] time. Therefore, we say unto thee, these things shall be granted, and the healing that thy have asked for shall be given. And therefore, we say unto thee, for thy blessings unto your Lord — and therefore, thy Lord shall kneel before thee and place into thy womb in the future a soul that thy desire.

That is all on this soul at the present time.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [N____ D____]…she says, ‘I am searching for help to find myself. Why can’t I concentrate on my studies?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we shall go into the records of time to answer thy question.

For at the present time, as before, thy have approached womanhood, and therefore, the yearnings of the body are very strong within thyself. And we see thy need.


And once before, in your other life, as thy would know it, thy were the sister of Hastings, or [of] that king of Curia of the same. And thy took unto thyself a lover from the Roman [guard] of the time. And because this one was not of the faith of your own, thy grew fearful that thy brother would slay of thee, and therefore, bring war unto thy time and country. And therefore, as these things did happen and war did come, destruction into thy country, thy felt that it was thine fault, and therefore, did destroy thyself.

One moment, please.

Yes, we see this need; therefore, we should say unto thee, we shall continue this reading at another time. Soul Ray grows very weak, and therefore, we shall give healing into the same.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


November 26, 1971

Globe, Arizona

[Aka is here.]

“Aka, is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

And we should say unto thee these words. If we should tell thee of the heavenly things, and therefore, should bring faith into thy [life], yet we have come not to bring heaven upon the earth, but to bring heaven, as thy would know it, into the temple of God. And therefore, the temple of God should be in man. We do not seek out a great building. Nay. We seek out that proportion of man that knows of God. We seek out that proportion that may be awakened from its long sleep.

As we have said before, our Father has many mansions and that no man may destroy anything. Thy may only change its form, and therefore, build upon the temple of God that dwells within each man. And therefore, we say unto thee, be transformed. Take into your hearts the love thy should possess unto your Lord, and give it unto another in the same manner that it was given unto thee. Yet, this word, this word of yours, that thy use so often and know not the meaning of — as was said unto Abraham, show me one soul that, in truth, should give of the love unto their fellow man, even one-tenth unto the same that our Lord should give unto man, and the Lord would weep no more for His children.

Cast not a stone because a man should use a word thy do not understand. And as has been said before, if thy must cast a stone, let us stand before thee, and cast the first stone at us. Do not blame your Father for your own misgivings.

Open your hearts that we may enter. And therefore, as the great Bird took flight upon the pyramid, so should the knowledge of the Lord take flight in thy hearts. [See Exodus 6:1–8, 7:1–6, 12:7–14, 28–42, 13:1–3, 9–10, 18, 20–22?]

Thy have thought that there is many hidden words in your scripture. And as we have said before, there shall be no darkness that we shall not bring the light upon. There is nothing hidden that shall not be uncovered. But do not take your souls and place them in darkness, for then thy hide the knowledge of the God from thyself.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, ‘I wonder if you could give us some help as to what can be done to assist S____ H_____’s husband, B___, in his health problem?’ We don’t seem to be getting anywhere with it.”

As we have said before, the assistance that was needed shall be given.

As we have said before, we see thy doubt. If in the manipulations had done, been done correctly by the chiropractor, the stones of the same would have been dissolved. Yet, this has not been done. There is still hope that this could be done correctly. But the gall bladder, in itself, has become, as you would know it, to the stage of gangrene into the same. Soon, this shall have to be removed surgically.

You must understand, in the suggesting of certain doctors, we do this only that they should meet both of your financial and mental needs. We do not do this to violate your free will. But we cannot create; only our Father may do this. Therefore, we would further suggest, go to any good osteopathic doctor. Have the same to examine in the gall bladder area; you will find, therefore, infection of the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Last week you were giving a reading on N____ D____, and she was asking for help in her studies. She said she could not concentrate on them, and you gave part of the reading that had to do with a life reading. Do you have any more on this for her tonight?”

Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we should say unto thee these words. Go, in the morning, upon thy awakening, and use of the meditation of the same. Open thy mind. Take from it all the worldly things. Therefore, let God flow in to thy mind. As thy should finish thy meditation, then take thy moment for prayer, asking for guidance. We shall be there. We shall assist thee.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, R____ E____, who is here tonight, her home is…in Phoenix; she has had a sickness after surgery and she has a pain in her side, and she asks for assistance or affirmation regarding this.”

Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. Yes, we see thy need.

First, we should say unto these words, we see no sin in this one. We see thy need for love.

Yes, we see this.

You must remember, therefore, for the mind to work well, it must have a good body, therefore, and the necessary nourishment of the same should be fed into it.

First, we should say unto this one, change of thy diet.

Of thy morning meal, we would suggest the drinking of one ounce of safflower oil into the same. We would suggest, therefore, the eating of no more than three pieces of toast. Therefore, the coffee or tea may be drank. We would further suggest of the drinking of the sage tea for the morning meal.

We would suggest, therefore, for thy luncheon meal, the eating — yes, we see this — the eating of two bananas per day for the first week, the drinking of the sage tea in the same manner, taking one ounce of safflower oil in this manner. For the second week, the luncheon meal could consist still of one ounce of safflower oil and as many good, fresh vegetables of any kind as thy desire to eat, drinking still of the sage tea of the same.

Of thy evening meals — yes, we see thy need — for one meal, each of the evening meal, eating still of the fresh vegetables, adding to this diet of the seafood. None of the fried food should be eaten. For the second meal, [the] eating once a week of the liver of the beef, with still as many good vegetables. This should be done for the third meal, the eating of either the lamb, in this manner, still eating of as many fresh vegetables as the body desires. For the remainder of the week, thy may eat as thy desire. Do this [until] the second week. Of the second week, change only in this manner. Take one evening meal per week and fast in this manner.

Add to your diet a good, natural vitamin of the multiple type. Add to your diet of the vitamin C, D and E in this manner; add to thy diet of calcium — all into [the] adult dose of the same. We would further suggest the taking of the Lydia E. Pinkham in the adult dose of the same.

We would further suggest the taking of the hot olive oil packs, therefore, placing them in the evening before thy should slumber into the same area for periods of 15 minutes each time. Do not overstrain this area at the present time.

Do not take any alcoholic beverage into thy body for the present time, for at this time, it is poisoning thy body. You must realize that due to the surgery of the same your body chemicals are changing quite radically.

This is all on this soul at the present time.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“A____ R_____, who is here tonight, asks, ‘What is the basis of my dread of Christmas this year?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. Thy dread of Christmas is the dread of the gifts thy should receive. But fear not, for remember, accept a gift as it is given with love. Do not enter into that proportion that is given from those with false faces. Send them love unto the same. Ask in thy prayers that we may enter, and we should enter, therefore, and give guidance and healing into the same.

But as your Christmas is a time to celebrate the birth of the one known as Jesus, and of a gift from God unto you, and as man chose to give gifts unto this one known as Jesus, he has chosen to give gifts to one another.

Quite often we lose sight of the true art of giving. For remember, you are the children of God. Therefore, the Lord should look into thy needs, and therefore, give a gift into thee in a manner that will be most marvelous for thy eyes to see.

But fear not, for we see no sin. Remember these words, what is sin to man is not sin to God. You have made many rules, therefore, to worship our Lord, and your Father. But remember, as you celebrate the coming of the Messiah, we are here but for one purpose, that is in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah upon your earth. But remember, not only your earth shall celebrate this, for in all the galaxies that thy can think of, they shall celebrate this also.

For as the Lord should change a stone, so should this happen on your earth — for in the preparation we are here to open the doors of your souls. We are here to build the temple of God in man.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, B____ E______ wants to know if her uncle, T____ G____, is all right, and if there is some way we can contact him? He has been missing for some time.”

Yes, we see thy need. We should say in this manner — in the manner in which you speak, this one, we should say unto thee, has departed. Therefore, his need upon your earth is no longer. Pray that he may see the light of our Father.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“We have a request for a life and/or health reading for [6–9–70–004] from Yuma.”

Yes, we see thy need. But as our time grows short, we shall put this into another time.

For soul Ray grows weak, and therefore, we should say unto thee these words. The Fifth Angel now rests upon thy earth. Remember, give prayer unto God that the seventh seal is not opened. For now is the time of the Cherub. [See The Revelation 4:5–8, and chapters 5–8.]

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor's note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


November 30, 1971

Globe, Arizona

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

“Is Ray with God?” [Editor’s note: There were technical difficulties with the tape recorder.]

“Is Ray all right, Aka?”

Soul Ray stands with God. Fear not.

“May I check the recorder?”

Yes, we see thy need.

“Now it’s all right, Aka.”

Aka is here.

“Is Ray safe?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Thank you.”

Yes, that is better. Now all is in accord.

We see thy need, and therefore, we should tell thee of these things. But first, we should tell thee — yes, we see this — and as we have said before that peace shall come unto your earth, and therefore, you shall be given your thousand years of peace upon the earth; but as we have said before, this shall not be as you count, but as God counts, therefore, for as a day shall be as a thousand years, hark, then and hear these words.

For the Red Horse stands ready to do destruction into your country. Unless the proper precautions are taken, an attempt will be made in February, of your month, of your time, of your calendar, upon the life of the President of your country. [U.S.A.] Therefore, we say unto thee these words, hark. And war shall come upon your land, but fear not, for it shall be lean in time. And as we have said before, peace shall come.

But beware of the Brown Horse, for in this land thy know as South America, and in this land thy know as the Panamas and the Mexico, there shall be a new threat unto your earth.

For beware, for as you land was given unto God and given unto man as a new beginning, and as you brought your past with you forward into time, then we shall tell thee in these words, and at the present time they may seem as riddles unto thee. For as we have spoke before of the coming of the Messiah, so should he be born of the descendants of the Pharaoh and of the queen — and so should he be given up unto your earth and to your people, and therefore, born with much wisdom.

And as thy have asked before of his beginning, for all these things shall come in fulfillment between your years of 1800 and 1999. But your earth shall change, for as we have said before, not one pebble upon your earth shall be left unturned.

For the fuse is lit from France to Israel. Unless the steps that are taken and the Eagle should protect unto the same, your earth shall be woven into blood of the same.

And as we have seen into your minds and souls, therefore, we should say unto this one, of [11–31–71–001], give praise unto your Lord that we may enter, that we may plant new knowledge before thee. Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, the statement you just made, was that for [11–30–71–001]?”

Yes. We see thy need.

“All right. At this time, can you give us some information concerning good insurance, health?”

Yes, we see thy need. And the healing that is needed shall be given unto the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. In the past few weeks, Ray’s [4–3–70–001] dizziness has been getting worse. Is there anything I can do to help that?”

Yes, we see thy need; therefore, we should say unto thee in these words. As we have said before, we may mend the damage that is done, but we cannot create. Therefore, we shall say unto thee, we shall give such healing as needed unto this one, at the present time. But remember, even though he may re-channel those proportions of the brain that is needed, if these are overtaxed in any way, the dizziness shall reoccur. This blow he received upon the head, this shall be taken care of.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Last week there was a request for a life reading on [6–9–70–004]. At this time, could this be given?”

As our time grows short, this should be done at another time.

“All right. We have a request for a health reading concerning her vision, for [11–30–71–002]; she is here with us this evening.”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto thee in this way, and in this manner. That as man is born and born again, and as was said unto this one known as Jesus did say unto man, that man must know of heaven to be of the earth, and man must know of the earth to be of heaven, in your later years your eyes shall grow worse, but for this reason, so that thy soul may see. But fear not. [For] if you should give praise unto this one known as Jesus, and give praise unto God, your Father, and think of the words of Aka, that we may enter, we shall do so and give healing as needed. This must be done for three days and three nights. At the end of this period, your eyesight shall commence to heal itself, and at that time, thy shall be able to see with thy soul, thy spirit, thy immortal body, and thy physical body. Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. There has been a request for a life reading on [11–30–71–003]. Can this be given at this time?”

Soul Ray grows very weary; therefore, we shall do this at a different time.

And we should say unto thee into these words. And we should make of this knowledge unto the one known as W____ H____ [10–8–71–002].

If thy know not where thy have been, thy should not know from where thy are going. As was done unto the one known as Moses, for as these people knew that they had been in Egypt, and therefore, the Lord did say unto them, “We shall deliver thee unto the promised land of the same ,” and as Moses did not enter, but therefore, was taken up into God to be held in His gentle arms — and as was said unto the one known as John the Baptist, “For was he not of Isaiah and Moses and of all mankind before him?” — was he not sent, therefore, to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah? Yet, do you denounce and deny these words? And we say unto thee in this manner. We are here but for one purpose, for the coming of the Messiah, for we reach outward for the need of your souls, to prepare a way upon your earth for this time. [See Exodus 3:1–18, 12:14, 13:21–22, 14:15–20, 20:1–21, 33:5–23, 34:1–35, 36:8–9, 37:1–24, 40:34–38, Deuteronomy 31:9, 24–27, 34:1–5, and John 1:1–34.]

And as we have said before, he has been born upon your earth. And as the Lord has sent him into the desert to be guarded, the time grows nearer. Must our Lord take him back to protect him? Or will thee stretch out thy arms and prepare a way within thyself? [See The Revelation, chapter 12.]

Soul Ray grows very weary; therefore, we should say unto thee — now is the time of the Cherub. [See Genesis 3:23–24, Exodus 13:21–22, 14:19–20, 33:7–11, 34:28–35, 36:8–9, 37:8–9, 40:34–38, and The Revelation 14:1–16, 19:1–16, 19:4–6, chapters 21–22.]

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


December 3, 1971

Globe, Arizona

[Aka is here.

“Does Ray stand with God?”]

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. Thy have many questions, ask.

“Aka, [4–6–70–003] asks for soul Andrew, if there is anything that should be done for his shoulder that he is not doing?”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should say unto, to thee in these words. Forgive of thy enemy, and therefore, thy Father should hear of thy prayer, and give healing into the same. For as we have said before, if thy should walk and give an offering unto thy Father, and therefore, have hatred in thy heart for thy brother, then take back thy offering, and go and forgive thy brother. But forgive thyself first, that thy brother may forgive thee also.

For we see thy need, soul Andrew — and as you were chosen unto the twelfth, we should say [of] these words unto thee. Come forth that we may wash of thy feet.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [1–30–71–002] would like a life reading. She was born….”

Yes. We see thy need. And therefore, we have before us the records of the same, and therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same.

And we should say unto thee, of this one. Yes, we see her entry in the Year of the Serpent.

Yes — we should explain unto thee that this is an old soul who has evolved many times.

We should give unto this one first of these places. For in the time before Atlantis, in the time of the Ukraine of the same, this one was born upon another planet of another solar system of another galaxy. And as their mistakes were not of your own, this one chose, during the time of space travel of the same, to come forth upon thy Earth, and did bring great knowledge. But upon the arrival upon the Earth, as you would know it, found these people a simple sort, and did use this power to make it known unto them, as though this subject was a god, and therefore, did use it, [and] the knowledge of the same, to violate the law of man and that [was] its choice, of death. It did live forward unto the time thy would know as Greece, unto the time thy would know as 100 B.C., therefore, to be of one, as thy would know of the Greek god, and did give blasphemy unto the God of One. And therefore, our Father looked upon these. And as it has been said before, “Thy should have no other god before,” our Father did lay waste upon these who had come, and therefore, reduced them unto the human form of the same, and they did know of death and poverty.

We see not this subject again unto that proportion of the land thy know of as France, unto the 15th century A.D., and therefore, was born with much memory of what it was before, but with this knowledge, used the knowledge of the same to work for the God of One. But as in that time, those who were working within your churches were possessed, therefore, of demons of the same, this one was tortured very violently, and did confess unto the witchcraft of the same of the time, before death.

And there again we do not find this one, again — yes, we see this — an entry again in the 16th century upon this continent — yes, we see this — and therefore, is a friar of the same into what is known at that time [as] the Holy Church. But this one comes from Spain, and therefore, again to do the work which is known, does use those psychic powers to gain the respect of those of the Indian faith unto the same. You must realize that much treachery was used upon these people, for these were simple people who in their own belief were closer to God than those who brought the belief with them. And as it has been said, that whosoever should take one soul away from God, therefore, has committed a greater sin, and therefore, should take the karma of others upon their shoulder.

Therefore, we do not find this soul again until this plane, this time. And therefore, we find this entry, who may see of both sides, but yet, with their psychic power does only see of the evil side, but with the fear of the other karmas that it brought forward, not only their own, but of the Indian nations they did cause to be put to death.

And we should say unto this one, take away from thy mind your imagination. Go into your psychic powers in truth. Place thyself in accord with your Father. Look at thy karma. Look at thy problems into the same, and therefore, by seeing them and asking forgiveness for the same, thy may be removed, but only in this manner. Because of those you have harmed before with your psychic powers, you must, in turn, help others who have fallen along the way, and therefore, in helping these whom you have hurt before, you may overcome your karmas of the same. For remember, for all things, for all times, that you have done, these things must be done unto you, for you have chosen this in your climb up the ladder to our Father.

But as you did choose chastity before, do not make of this mistake again. Our Father placed unto this one, and to His children, their desires of the body, that thy may be fruitful and multiply, but not as animals. Do so in a sensible manner, for man was placed here to rule above the animals of the earth, the fowl of the air, and all life upon the sea, for you were created in our kind, of our image.

You may need guidance again at a different time, for your walk upon the ladder shall be hard and sometime troubled. There shall be many teardrops, but if they are shed for God, fulfillment upon this lifetime shall come, and these things that our Father has offered to all of His children shall be given. For remember, our Father loves His children. He can see of thy foolishness and folly and forgive of the same.

But we leave with you this warning. If thy use thy imagination and thy psychic power to frighten thy mother that thy have chosen this time to gain attention unto thyself, thy shall forget of where thy came, thy shall forget of the spirit that knows of God, and thy shall become a lost soul to wander forever in nothingness.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [12–3–71–00]…She asks, ‘What can be done to help cure my depression?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should say unto thee in these words. The mind was created by God, and therefore, created in perfection of the same. All things that are taken into the body must be as pure as the mind itself. Therefore, take nothing into the body that would cloud the mind. Take only that of the natural powers that was placed into man. For remember, your Father has forsaken you nothing. He created you “in our kind, of our image.” He did hide nothing from His children; His children have hid from themselves the natural ability to use all [of] your mind, not part.

Develop that psychic ability that thy possess, but develop it in such a manner that you would in truth be of our kind, of our image. Use it in such a manner that it can serve mankind and God, for in serving mankind, you are serving God, and therefore, shall build the temple of God in man.

Your confusion is of this in itself; you are searching for a home for your soul. Therefore, as a good farmer should cultivate a field, cultivate your friends, for there are those around you who care not for you, but care only for their own selfish needs.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka,[ _-__-__-___] was here last week and asked for help for her hearing, do you have any — ”

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall give such help as is needed, for this shall come as raindrops upon the desert, a little at a time, and as your faith grows stronger, so shall your hearing grow stronger. We shall give thee a gift, for the sounds that thy hear now, we shall add to these, and we shall enter into the spiritual world, but we should send those [to] you that is needed to guide unto the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“[12–3–71–003] and she wants to know if she should change her occupation and will it affect her future plans?”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto this one, remain where you are at the present time. As a seed is planted into the ground and the ground is ferment into the same, and it should grow and bear good fruit, so should your job. Remain, as you are, at the present time, but do so in a giving way. You must realize that there is nothing wrong with material things; it is their usage.

To gain great wealth is not a sin. It becomes a sin only when man grows to worship material things more than himself and others, and more than his God.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“[12–2–71–004], and she asks, ‘I want to develop my spiritual abilities.’ Can you help her with a suggestion?”

(Chuckle) yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should answer in this manner. Upon this rock we shall build a kingdom of God. Upon this rock shall flow a brook, and from the brook a river, and from the river to the ocean and to the many lands, to the many tongues of the same. Therefore, thy have arrived. Plant thy roots, and grow.

And now we should say unto thee, soul Ray grows very weary; our time grows short.

And we should say unto soul Paul [8–10–70–003] these words. Our Lord has seen fit to place into thy hands the power to heal. Because thy have failed, thy think thy have failed, but really thy have not. For remember, there is many types of healing, that for the mind, for the soul, and that for the body. Our Lord watches thee and sends His blessings into the same. Use this power; use it readily. Do not fear, for we walk beside thee.

And we should say unto soul Bartholomew [6–11–71–001], give the Lord the time that is needed. We walk with thee and shall provide thee with the things that are needed. Fear not.

And we say unto soul Mark [11–2–70–001], give that unto the Lord that is the Lord’s. Give that unto man that is man’s. Open the door that we may enter, and no dragon shall walk beside thee.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


December 7, 1971

Globe, Arizona

[Aka is here.]

[“Good evening, Aka.] Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

We see thy need. Thy have many questions, ask.

“Aka, [6–8–71–010?] is ill, and his mother wants to know if there is anything that she should do specifically for him?”

We see thy need; therefore, healing shall be given unto the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [11–26–71–003] asked recently about her uncle, [11–26–71–004], who had returned to the other life, and she wishes to know more information about him.”

As we have said before, without the permission of the soul involved, we may not give of this information. But we should tell thee in this manner, for those who have sinned against this soul, the soul has forgiven unto the same. And as it has used its free choice to be born again upon your earth, we should say unto this one, look into your own family at the newborn, and there you shall find a newborn baby girl. And this shall be your uncle of before. For the choice, and through your prayers, have been answered unto the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“I have a request for a life and/or health reading for [6–9–70–005] of Yuma.”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same.

Yes, we see this.

First, we should say unto this one, go unto your physician. For we find spasms of the heart vessels of the same. This, in itself, should lead unto the disease of a [cardirary] [cardiac?] area, and therefore, could cause the respiratory system to slow down into such a manner that eventually could cause death, as thy would know it.

We further find — yes, we see this.

Yes, we find migraine headaches of the same, and therefore, this is caused from low blood pressure of the same. We further find large deposits in both lungular [lung] areas caused from the overindulgence of tobacco. We would suggest that this one that this one should use of the [saunic] baths to remove and stimulate the blood flow of the same.

We find damage, therefore, of the bowelular [bowel] area.


We would further suggest that a radical change of the diet, therefore, within the subject, should take place. We would suggest, first, that for the morning meal, the eating of a good, sound breakfast of the same. We would suggest for the morning meal the eating of two poached eggs, one glass of milk, and one piece of toast within the same. For the luncheon meal, one glass of milk, and as many green vegetables as you desire. For the evening meal, for one day of one week, we would suggest including as many green vegetables as is desired into the diet.


We would suggest that no fried food be taken into this diet. Either broiled in its own juice, or baked of the same in its own juice, as much [new] beef as this subject would desire, taking away from the diet your starches. For one week, of one day, the eating of the liver of the beef. For one, the eating of — yes, we see this — of the fresh water fish should be added; of another, the sea fish of the same. We would further suggest into this diet, coffee at 10 o’clock in the morning, no more than one cup, and one cup with the evening meal. We would further suggest that the taking of one ounce of safflower oil before each meal. We would further suggest that a good supplement vitamin of the natural type be used into the same. You may add as many cooked vegetables as you desire to the evening meal, but try to substitute them with more of the green vegetables.

Yes, we see this.

We find arthritis throughout the bonial [bone] area of the body,

Yes, we see this.

You must understand that this is a virus, and should be treated as the same. Therefore, we would suggest the use of the saunic [sauna] baths be used. We would further suggest — yes, we see this is not practical, yes, we see this. Therefore, we would suggest that the drug known as [cortisone] be used. This should be used and adapt into the body itself. We would further suggest that the drinking of the sage tea be done between each meal of the same.

This is all on this subject at the present time.

Yes, we see this.

Therefore, we have before us — yes — we have before us the records of time.

Yes, we find this soul in that proportion of Atlantis of the third planet of the same.

Yes, we see this — of the island known as [Platazone]. We see this one — yes — as a printer, for as was known at that time as the Devil’s mechanic, this, you must realize, is only a phrase used in their work. This was done as this one did mix the ink that was used in the printing of their newspaper at that time.

Yes, we see this.

And, as your wife was of the [woman] of the temple, and as a conflict grew between thee — and as your wife did have you brought forth, and therefore, slain for your slander against the God of One at the time; you must realize that our Father has never sanctioned the killing of another. Therefore, she bore your karma.

Therefore, we do not find this again until that proportion (cough), into that proportion — yes, we see that — of what at this time is called the British Isles, but at that time was part of your European continent. And therefore, we find you again in the same trade of the time, but in this time, you only write what is favorable for the administration of the [ten] [time?] of the same. And we find, one moment, please.

Yes, we see this.

We would suggest the balance of this reading be done at a different time. Soul Ray grows very tired. Therefore, we would suggest that you should awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


December 10, 1971

Globe, Arizona

[Aka is here.]

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

We see thy need, and therefore, should say again unto thee these words. We have said before, do not misinterpret our words, and we have told thee that we have come but for one purpose, that purpose is to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. We have said before to close your doors to no one, for all shall receive something, and if they are capable of shedding but one teardrop, this is enough.

But for those who should come to cause chaos and destruction into the same — before, thy have destroyed [thy prophets] and the prophets that came before, but this shall not be done. We shall allow no one in any form, either that that walks upon the earth in the form of the human animal, or that that walks in spiritual life, to interfere with this work. Therefore, we say unto thee these words. If thy have a stone to cast, let us stand before thee, and therefore, cast the first stone at us. This should be forgiven. But cast a stone at God, and this shall not be forgiven.

As we have said before, when we placed the block in soul Ray’s mind, we did so that no outside force or powers could enter, that he could not do and could not use the powers placed within him to harm another. But we did not strip him of the power to defend himself and his loved ones. Therefore, we say unto those who should either harm one member of this group, beware, for the wrath of the Lord is mighty.

And we should say, first, unto “Margaret 2,” we see thy need, and we shall give of the same, for new enlightenment shall come, but do not misinterpret where it shall come from. We shall give thee guidance and we shall give thee the power of sight, that thy may see into the souls of others, and therefore, give assistance to the same. For three days we shall build a block in thy mind. Fear not those who should come, for your prayers shall be answered into the same.

And we say unto soul Paul these words; we see thy need. And we say unto thee, pray that thy enemies shall receive the love that thy have to offer. Think good thoughts unto these, and leave for the other to God, thy Father.

Thy have spoke of the words of philosophy and their meaning. There is only one philosophy, and that is truth. As has been said before, upon this rock we shall build a mighty kingdom for God. And from this rock shall flow a brook. And from the brook shall flow a river, and from the river shall flow many oceans to the many lands, to the many galaxies, to the many universes. But it must be given with love, love for all mankind.

My Father has many mansions.” [See John 14:2.]

Remember, you can destroy nothing. Build upon what is already there. Give unto those who should receive with love and understanding. If they reject this, go to another, but take back your blessings. And give it again. If it is received, then take their blessings and learn of them, that [they] may learn of yours. Fear not the wrath of man, for man shall not harm one hair of the children of God, for not one sparrow may fall upon your earth without the permission of our Father. [See Luke 12:22–31.]

But remember also, there is a time for laughter, there is a time for work, there is a time for sleeping and rest, and there is a time to worship your God, each in his own way. For God has not made rules for the worship of Himself; man has done this. He asks but two things, love of Him one-tenth unto the love He gives to His children; love of your fellow man in the same manner.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a note here. Can blessings please be given to the friend of [12–10–71–001]? The friend has broken his back and is in traction.”

Yes, we see thy need; therefore, healing shall be given unto the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [6–9–70–005] of Yuma, has a request for a life and health reading; I think we started this and didn’t finish it.”

Yes, we see thy need. We should suggest that the balance of the life reading be asked again and we should finish this.

Ask your other questions.

“Soul [4–6–70–003] has asked — she has two pieces of property that she is trying to get, and she is having obstacles in this, and she is wondering if she should be trying to get either one of these properties?”

We should say unto thee, nay. Count thy blessings as they stand. If thy have enough seed to sow one field, do so. But if you take the seed thy possess to sow many fields, they should all dry up and blow into the wind.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [12–10–70–002], who is here this evening, his home address is…New York City, and he has said that he is interested in an answer, he is interested in having an answer to something within his own mind. Can you assist him?”

(Chuckle) Yes, we see thy need. And since your question comes as a secret question, your answer shall be of the same. And we should answer in this manner. If thy should go to the market to buy bread, and upon arrival at the market decide to buy other things that thy do not have the coins to buy the same, as long as thy mind remains confused, thy stomach shall grow weary of waiting. Therefore, we say unto thee, buy the bread, and pray upon it, and our Father shall provide the wine.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [12–10–71–002] of…Blythe, California…he has asked, ‘Will a physical problem that seems to be heredity develop in me? And have you any advice?’”

Yes, we see thy need. The possibility of the same could be very strong, but, in your case, it shall not happen. We shall say unto thee these words. Give that that is God, God’s. Give that that is man, man’s. Give that that belongs to yourself to yourself.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [12–20–71–003], she was born…1907, in Paradise, Arizona, and she asks — ‘I am searching for what I believe’ — or wait, she says, just a minute. ‘What is going to happen to my son-in-law and how long until it happens?’ This is her question.”

We see thy need. As we have said before, we cannot give information regarding another soul. But in your case, we shall say unto thee these words. Your son-in-law shall receive his just reward, both on earth and in heaven, and this shall come very soon, within the six-month period.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“[12–10–71–004], born…1918, in Bayview, Texas, has asked, ‘Will my husband contact me, and what was accomplished by his early death?’”

You must realize — one moment, please, permission must be given.

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should answer in this manner. Thy husband’s departure was of his own free will. But you must realize that with his early departure and the shock of the same to himself, he has had a needed time to find his own way. We should say unto thee, pray that he can see our Father’s light; pray for guidance unto the same. And your husband shall make contact in your dreams of the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [12–10–71–005] of…Yuma, Arizona, says, ‘I need to understand myself and to know why I am as I am. I am very confused. I need guidance desperately, need to realize my wants and feel confident, useful. I need to relieve my frustration. I want to know more of myself, know how I am. I want and need guidance and assurance that I am loved and needed.’”

Yes, we see thy need. You must remember that you never walk alone, that the spirit of God walks within thee. Soon there shall come into your life a mate of the same, and your union shall come before God. We have given unto you a task. Perform it and the reward that thy seek shall be given. In your meditation, if thy could say our name. that the door could be entered, we shall enter, and therefore, give thee guidance in thy daily life. And we should leave those with thee to guide thee and give thee counsel.

Remember, you are a child of our Father. You are the most important person you know. For remember, as it has been said before, the last shall be first and the first shall be last. But stand before God, and the blessings of the same shall enter and guide thee. In your meditation, think of our name, and then listen. Listen well.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [12–10–71–005], who is here tonight, asks, ‘What effect will our future business plans have on our family, and would it be to our family’s advantage to teach there — teach these? If so, where?’ I think is the question.”

Yes, we see thy need. Your question, therefore, is a financial one. We should answer it for the good of your family. Your financial crisis shall soon end. Of your business proposition, we should say, beware. Go on with your teaching a little longer, for a new horizon shall enter unto thy lives, and your lives shall change of the same. Do not take of this first choice. Do not take of the second choice, but wait for the third, for it shall reward thee both spiritually and financially. Do you understand of which we speak?

“Yes.” [He answers.]

Soul Ray grows very weary.

And therefore, we should say unto thee these words. And hark, for those who have ears to listen — for now is the time a new coveth [covenant] shall be given unto your earth, and it should come through the Book with wings.

And we should say unto soul Andrew, write, therefore, a book that shall be placed in the new coveth. Pray, therefore, for three days. Upon the third day, we shall enter, and the information and peace of mind shall come. And the healing shall come. But believe that thy Father has the power to heal and the healing shall come.

Now is the time of the Cherub, and the Fifth Angel rests upon thy earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


December 17, 1971

Globe, Arizona

[Aka is here.]

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better. Now all is in accord.

Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we should say to thee these words. For as thy reach the time of year that thy should celebrate the birth, [as] the one known as Jesus Christ, we should say unto thee these words. For as a gift was given once before, so it should be again. But we should tell thee of the words and of the birth. For as we have said before, for God gave of His first-begotten son. And as He did give of Adam, so He begot of the same into this one known as Jesus. And yet, he did say unto man, “For [a] man to know of heaven, so he should know of earth.”

Then we say unto thee, hark, and get these words. For the wise to listen, let them listen. For the wise to see, let the see. [See Isaiah 42:6–9, 18–21, 43:5–10.]

For as we have said before, we have come not to prove to you that we are great. We are but the servants of God. And as it was so in another time, we did come upon the earth and prepare a way for the coming of [the] Messiah, and this we do again unto mankind. But as your time is a different time, so it should be done in a different way. But the glory of God upon your earth shall be the same. For He says to His children, “Hark, and prepare a way that I may rest My head upon your Earth.” [See Luke 3:3–6, Isaiah 40:3–11, 11:1–10.]

Then we say unto thee, as the time grows near when you should celebrate the birth of a before time, prepare that way within thy hearts and souls. Prepare the way, that as before when he walked by the sea of Galliah [Galilee], and therefore, called unto his brothers, and they did come and walk with him — and as he did say unto them, “Come and I should teach thee to catch men,” and so it was. [See Mark 1:14–20.]

But he brought unto this Earth love for all, for he could not see the difference in man’s skin, for he looked only into their souls.

And as he came in five places upon your earth, it shall not be again. But he should come unto all races as one. And as he should love of all, so should man love of all.

And as once before, your planetary system was posed to give forth the light of a birth of a savior unto your earth, so it shall be again.

But we say unto thee, thy can destroy nothing. Therefore, build upon what exists of the same. It is not necessary that a man should call himself a Christian. It is not necessary that he call himself Mohammed, Ishmael. Nay, these are not important. It is what is in his heart, his true love for his God. These are the things that shall be counted.

And therefore, we say unto thee, as thy celebrate the birth, stand below the cross and count the drops of blood unto the same, and thy shall know the true meaning of this word you call love.

But be not sad. Rejoice unto the same, for thy Lord has not forgotten thee — for this day shall come again. Then let your teardrops flow with joy unto the Lord.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. You spoke of the Star of Bethlehem, I believe. When the Messiah comes, will it be at the time that this star comes again, about 1998?”

Yes, we see thy need. And if all is in preparation for the same, and if we have accomplished our mission upon your earth, then all shall be in readiness. If we do not accomplish, then there shall be 300 years of darkness and bloodshed upon your earth. For remember, the last shall be first.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [4–3–70–002] asks, should she see — asks about a health reading. Should she see a doctor, or is she just tired?”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. We would suggest three days of rest and meditation, and healing shall be given into the same.

Thy ask other questions. Ask.

“Aka, J____ N____ lost a considerable sum of money and she is very disturbed about it. Can you help her with where this is?”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should answer in this manner. The one who has taken this money now thinks of returning the same. Proportions shall be returned, but not all.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [11–15–71–002] asked for a health reading one time and was delayed on it. She is concerned about her diet and weight problem. Can you help her at this time?”

We have answered this question once before, but we should answer again in this manner, for it is necessary to add to. We would suggest the drinking of no alcoholic beverages. The only alcohol that should be taken in is three ounces of wine should be drinken [drunk] before each meal. At a different time if additional information is asked for, we should give a more elaborate diet of the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [11–26–71–003] who is here tonight asks for blessings for a friend who has been ill for a long time and was recently been injured in a car accident.”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should answer in this manner. For healing should be given into the soul.

Yes, we see this.

And thy must realize that man cannot harm the soul, only man himself.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [4–6–70–003] asks in regards to a question that has been asked once before. She asked about the choice of two houses they were considering, two properties they were considering buying, one of which was in Miami. She says that she is afraid that Andrew will, they will have to move to Miami and, in regards to his job, and she is wondering if you have any suggestions as to what they should do in regards to a home there if they do not buy the house in Miami they were thinking of?”

We see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. At the present time remain where you are. Take care of those things that thy now possess. If thy do not, thy shall lose them all.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“I have no more questions tonight, Aka.”

Yes, we see thy need. And therefore, we should answer in this manner.

For as we have said before, upon this rock shall flow a brook, and this brook shall be as the spirits of God — and from this brook should flow a river, and this river should be as the spirits of man — and from this river should flow an ocean, that should be as the souls of man. But remember, God’s spirit flows through all, and therefore, flows through all the lands, all the universes, all your galaxies.

But as we have said before, there shall be many who should not have but coin enough to buy but one loaf of bread. Let them buy of it, and pray upon the same, and we should turn thy water into wine, and we should make of thy bread into yeast, and therefore, should feed the multitudes of the same. All thy must possess is the faith of God. And the faith, if it be so small into the smallest creature of thy earth, this should be answered.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


Next, read the 1972 Readings.


Ray Elkins leans back in his reclining chair and leaves his body, walking up a ladeer to God. Bob, sitting by his side says the Lord’s Prayer, that all who are present may be in accord with God and His spiritual messengers coming. As soon as they speak, “Aka is here,” the microphones are moved in front of the face and a tape recorder is turned on. People quietly sit around Ray’s living room to listen and also to feel the loving, powerful presence of the the spiritual messengers of God. They speak after they enter the room from heaven, where they stand always with the Father shining in and through all there is, then enter into this time and space, and into Ray’s unconscious body, to speak to us in words we can hear.

You can study each year of the readings from the 1970 to the 1989 here, in this publication, The Words of Aka, spiritual messengers of God.

All of these readings have been gathered together for you in three books — the philosophy, the past-life readings, and health readings — as the Book with Wings series, so you can study and learn from them.

See all of Aka’s books.

How did the readings begin? See “We Give This Message from Our Father.”

Also, see the articles in the publication on Medium, “A Stairway to Heaven.”

Would you like to join the Association of Universal Philosophy the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, asked us to form? Click on the link. Then send us an email at or Or you can message us on Facebook at Association of Universal Philosophy to let us know where to email your newsletter, “Rays of Philosophy.”

We hope you’ll join the Association and help to go on with the work of the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

“New words shall be written upon the sky,but they must be written in men’s hearts first.” (Aka, spiritual messengers of God, December 1, 1972)



The Words — of Aka, spiritual messengers of God

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.