The 1972 Readings

The Words — of Aka, spiritual messengers of God
298 min readAug 17, 2020
First, of your question, soul Peter, your question is that of the coming of the Messiah. And we should answer first in this manner. Within your mind is the name of the one known as Jesus, and that of the preparation for the entry of those who have reached the Christ state into this one. As we have said before, there are many who have reached the Christ state. And through the combination of these shall be the new Messiah. You asked that he should come walking from the clouds? And we shall answer your question in this manner. When he should first appear unto the Jewish people, and they shall see him first, he shall be standing upon a cloud. And the Jewish nation in their despair shall kneel before him. This was meant so that that that had been written should be fulfilled. And as we have said before, written upon the clouds, written upon the sky, our Father shall make known of this entry in this way. [See Acts 1:6–11, The Revelation of John, 7:2–12, chapter 10, 14:1–5, 14:14–16, 15:2–4, 19:1–16, 21:1–7, 22–27, 22:1–7, Zechariah, chapters 12–14.] But he should come unto the body form, for is it not written also that that that does not know of earth can not know of heaven? And those who do not know of heaven can not know of earth? For he should come to lead you through your thousand years of peace upon your earth. [See John 3:1–21 and The Revelation, chapters 19–22.] The spirit was left that it may flow through all mankind. As we have said before, we have come but for one purpose, and that is for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And we say unto you, all of you, open your door that we might enter, and therefore, there can be a place prepared within each of you for his coming. [See John 14:1–5, 14:15–26, 15:26–27, 16:7–15, 16:19–24, and chapter 17.] But from a mother’s womb, so shall he be born. Look within your book of Revelation, and you shall see of the same. [See The Revelation of John, chapter 12.] But hark unto these words. Our Father has written only upon the Tablets. Man has written upon your pages and your paper; therefore, many things have been extracted from, taken away from that that inspired the men in the beginning to write of the same, and some has been added to by others. We have come, not to change the Laws, but to fulfill the prophecies of the same. We have come not to change that that was given within Moses’ time. We have come not to change that that was given unto Isaiah. We have come not to change that that was given, and the gift that was given, in the one known as Jesus. But hark unto these words. We have come for this time. We have come from those who should make their entry. We have come from those who did say unto our Father, “Send those who know You best to prepare a way for our coming, that our Father’s words should not be misinterpreted.” (Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, December 29, 1972) [See John 14:15–26, 15:26–27, 16:7–15, and 16:19–24.]

Contents of the 1972 Readings: January 1, 7, 15, 21, 23, 28; February 4, 11, 18, 25; March 3, 10, 17, 24; April 1, 7, 14, 17, 21, 28; May 19; June 2, 14, 16, 23, 30; July 7; August 11, 18, 26; September 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 (page 2 and 3 are dated 9/30); October 6, 13, 20, 27; November 10, 17, 24; December 1, 9, 15, 22, 29 [3 transcripts are missing: June 9 (from Tape 12); October 11 (private reading from Tape 16); November 5 (private reading from Tape 16)]

See how you can learn more at the end of this article.


January 1, 1972

Globe, Arizona

[Aka is here.]

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better. Now all is in accord.

And we shall say again, for hark. For those who have ears to listen, and for those who have faith, both in their selves and in God, our Father, let them bring the bread that is needed, and the bread shall be the body of the same. And let them pray over it, and ask for healing of the same. And the healing shall be given, for as we have said before, we shall furnish the wine that is needed, and we shall turn the bread into yeast, that the healing may grow outward and inward.

From this day forward, your medical readings shall not be needed, for those who come in faith shall be given the healing that is needed.

And we say these words unto soul [1–1–72–001], we see thy need, and therefore, should give healing into the same.

And we should say unto soul [4–6–70–003], we see thy need, and healing shall be given into the same.

But we should say unto thee these words. We may only give what is needed for those who should ask. And for those who do need shall travel forward and come unto us that we may administer into their needs.

But there shall be some who should not have the faith to heal, and to receive healing. For those, we shall continue your health readings, but only for the specific need of the time.

We see thy other needs and the needs of thy group, and we should say, yes, upon this. We should change but one thing. Thy instrument shall be called of the prophet of the same.

We see thy other needs, and the needs of the financial of the same, and we would say unto thee in these words, as we have said before. For as in the beginning, we did say unto thee these words, the material things that shall be needed for this work shall come unto thee as they are needed. But ask of thy needs, not of thy wants. For within thy group, as things are needed, pray upon them, and we shall see that they are provided.

We have given unto those who should believe and have faith the help that is needed, both of the material things and the spiritual things. But as we have said before, we ask but one thing in return. We are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. Let this flow forward, and let the spirits of Aka enter into thy minds, that we may guide thee; for all thy must do for our presence to be with thee is but ask.

Thy have other questions, ask. But we see this need; one moment.

Yes. yes, yes, Father.

Yes, we see this. And we should say unto Luke, go back unto this land of thine; go unto the one that is needed and say unto her these words: For healing shall be given, for our Father should promise of the same. And we should say also in these words, for there has been the entry of the other sister, for this sister has psychic powers. We shall not allow this entry. But remember, also, we cannot interfere with free will. If it is the free will of the other sister to let her other sister dominate her, we cannot stop this. We may only give the healing that is asked for. We may only give the guidance that is asked for.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, only for the sake of clarification for others not present here, but I believe it is clear that you mean that the articles of incorporation are acceptable, except that you would like our instrument termed, the prophet. Is this correct?”

Yes, we see thy need.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, in regards to health readings, I had a request for [1–1–72–002] of Globe; he was born… 1969; he’s three. And he has been having problems with convulsions, coma, muscular spasms. And his home is in Kellner Canyon. His family has requested a health reading. Do you wish to speak on this at this time?”

We should say, we see thy need. If the help they seek is strong enough, let them come here and ask themselves. At such a time, our Lord shall decide.

Thy have other questions.

“I have no other question, other than the family had asked if they should move, and I think you mean for them to come here with their questions.”

Yes. We see thy need. But we should say unto thee, soul Paul, we have empowered in thee to give healing of the same. This healing shall come from our Lord. But the healing would do no good unless they could believe of the same. Can you understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Then we should say unto thee, soul Paul, fear not. There shall be many who shall venture to your door. Give your blessings freely. Some shall accept and some shall reject. For those who reject, take back your blessings and go forth to the next. But do not be fearful that they are not healed, for the Lord has given unto thee the power, as He has done unto all of these disciples. There shall be some that we shall wish that you should bring before our presence. But our presence shall be within thee. Lay hands upon the same, and the healing shall come.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto soul James, thy have brought the bread and laid it before us for offering unto our Father. Fear not, for we shall furnish the wine. But take up the bread and feed the multitudes of the same, for no matter how many you feed, there shall always be the amount that thy started with.

And remember, unto all, for our Father says unto thee, “HARK,” and hear our words. We have brought before thee the Book with wings.

Now we should say unto thee, provide for a guidance book for thy ministry. These things should come in this form:

· preparation for meditation, the difference between the prayer and the meditation of the same — a time for listening unto our Lord; a time for speaking unto the same;

· the manner unto which we have prescribed before, of giving unto the marriage vows between man and woman;

· the manner unto which thy should give up thy dead unto the Lord, that thy may help in the preparation for the changing of the two worlds, that thy may give guidance that they might see our Father’s light.

Thy have taken unto thyselves and brought the bread; we shall furnish unto thee the yeast for the same. Fear not, for as we have said before, upon this rock we shall build a mighty temple unto God, our Father.

For our Father says unto thee, “HARK, MY CHILDREN, FOR I LOVE THEE SO.”

And upon this day our Father says unto thee, “THE GLORY OF YOUR GOD IS UPON THEE,” and those things that thy should ask in our Father’s name should be given unto thee.

Soul Ray grows weary.

And we should say unto thee, now is the time of the Cherub, for the Fifth Angel rests upon thy earth. Walk lightly, that thy do not disturb his slumber.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

“Thank you, Aka.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


January 7, 1972

Globe, Arizona

[Aka is here.]

“[Good evening,] Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

Yes, we see thy need.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Aka, last week I asked for information for the [1–7–72–001] family, who are here tonight, and they have….”

We see thy need. Yes, we see thy need, and we should say unto thee, you must realize — yes, we see this — the healing that is needed shall be given. But we cannot create; therefore, this one shall remain an epileptic, as thy would know of the same, for the remainder of its life. But with the product known as Dilantin this may be controlled. The other damage done to the body unto the brain of the same, the healing that is asked for shall be given.

And we say unto these, thy parents, go unto thy home and pray unto thy Lord, thy God, unto three days, and the healing that thy ask for shall be given. But as all things must be planted before they can be harvested, thy faith unto the power of God remains within thyselves. Only if thy have the faith that our Father shall give this healing can it be given unto the same. Therefore, we say unto the parents, for as it is written before, “Honor thy father and mother,” and we say unto thee, honor thy father and mother unto thyselves, and so it shall be unto this child. But first, let the father and mother honor the child, and believe into the God, our Creator, of the same.

Of the father’s question, we should say unto these words. Thy have thought of other employment; this would be good. Thy have thought of moving to another land. This would not be good at the present time. Thy have planted thy seed upon the land that thy live. Harvest your own crop and let the seed grow again, and when thy harvest it again thy shall find only good fruit.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. ‘M_______ 2’ has asked for healing of an infection on her chin, and also a life reading.”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, the healing shall be given. The life reading shall be given at a different time.

Ask thy other questions.

“[1–7–72–002] has asked for a health reading, Aka.”

Yes, we see thy need, but we say unto thee, thy have the faith unto thy Father, thy God. And we see thy offering, and thy offering shall be served up into our Father. And the healing that is needed shall be granted, for as the wife of John, these things thy should ask in our Father’s name shall be given.

Ask thy other questions.

“Aka, [1–7–72–003] of…Colorado, who is here tonight…has asked for a life reading.”

We see thy need, and therefore, we should say unto thee in these words. Only one proportion shall be given unto thee at the present time. Therefore, we have before us now — yes — we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same.

Yes, we see thy need. And therefore, as this entry came forth in the Year of the Horse, and therefore, came through in a pure entry, in those lands that are now beneath what thy would know as thy South Pole, in such proportions of the islands of Atlantis. You must realize, at this time thy came through in that proportion — yes, we see this — this is good, for thy have memory of thy spiritual entry, and therefore, thy have memory of the God of One, for the soul has not forgotten from which it came — and therefore, are born unto man.

Thy do work at this time as a shepherd. You must realize, the animal form at that time was quite different than it is of your time. Your sheep, as you would know it, its form was quite different, much larger in proportion of the same, and complete disfigurement of the same. Thy have done good work as a shepherd. And as thy have gone unto your private place of prayer and did give offerings unto the Lord, our Lord looked down upon the same and was much pleased. And as thy did live in this lifetime for three-hundred and four [304] of your years, and did bear thy seed upon the earth and give forth many sons and daughters unto the Lord, thy Lord saw thy prayer and answered it. And not upon this time did this proportion of Atlantis sink into nothingness, for it remained.

And as thy returned unto the same land on thy third incarnation, and as thy find thy people at that time no longer worshiping the God of One, and as thy did give prayer unto the Lord that this land be taken as all of Atlantis was at that time — and as thy died with thy own children — and as thy passed forward into time again, not until we see into the land of Brittany of the same.

Yes, we see this time. Yes, we see this.

And as thy passed unto this time with memory of your other lives and the knowledge of both the scientific and the mental powers of the same, from childhood thy would practice thy powers. And thy did torment thy mother and father, and therefore, enslave them unto thy powers.

And as thy God looked down upon thee and said unto thee, “WHAT HAS HAPPENED UNTO MY CHILD?”

And thy looked back upon thy God and said unto your Father, “Thy have given unto me all things. Why should I not take what I want?”

And thy lived unto thy 80th year and did give torment upon the land.

And as thy did die then of natural causes, and as thy saw thy folly of before, and did again return unto this land, but not again until what thy know of thy 18th century, in the year of 1842.

Yes, we see this.

And as again thy were born of a poor family, and as again thy did select thy father and mother of before. And still thy returned with the memory of before. And thy did grow into an adulthood and find thyself as a lonely person, for thy fear of what thy have done before with the powers thy remember. But upon this time, thy have learned to honor of thy father and mother.

And in thy life, as an adult, thy would meet of the maiden that should be thy wife of this life. And as she was fair, thy became jealous of her beauty, and did in a fit of rage strike her dead with thy powers. And thy pray for thy own death, but it does not come, for thy have given unto the Lord not that what [is] given unto thee. And so, thy pray unto the Lord, “Take away these powers which I possess, and give unto me death.”

But the Lord hears not.

And then thy pray again unto the Lord, “Oh, Lord, give unto me life, that I may repent for this harm I have done unto Thee.”

And so, the Lord did give thee death, but life again, of thy own choice. For now, in this time, thy are with, as mate again, unto that one of before. And the Lord is pleased this time with [its] child. And we see thy needs, and these the Lord shall grant, for thy have asked [them] in our Lord’s name.

But we say unto thee, do not confuse this one thy call of Jesus with God, for he is the son of God, but he is not God. And as a good son should, he does give servitude unto his Father, and glory unto the same. It is wise unto thee to ask, “For is this one, Jesus, as thy would know him, should serve as a priest of the high priest of [Manacok] [Melchizadek] for all time?”

But we should say unto thee, we are here to prepare a way. We are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, and the Messiah shall be as a servant unto his Father. Then live each day of thy lives and await his coming. For as he called thee before, he shall call thee again.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, in the reading on January 1st, you spoke about the text that we should prepare, and you mentioned, among other things, that there should be a statement of marriage and burial. And I wonder if you could tell us what you wish us to say in regards to the marriage and burial ceremonies?”

Yes, we see thy need.

And therefore, should say unto thee in these words. For should a man or a woman come before God and offer themselves unto God, this is good.

But should a man and a woman come unto the ministry of the same, of this work, and ask that thy [they] be wed, at no time should thy ask them thy [their] faith. For remember, our Father has many mansions, and all roads should lead unto God, our Father.

Therefore, your ministry should say unto them these words. For they should come unto him three times.

And upon the first day, they should come and both kneel unto God.

And the woman should say unto the man, “Oh, Lord, I give of myself unto this man, my love.”

And the man should say unto the woman, “Oh, Lord, I give of myself, my love, unto this woman.”

And that one that should administer should say unto them, “I have heard. Go then, and come back unto the second day.”

And upon the second day, they should come and kneel unto our Lord.

And they should say, man unto woman, “Oh, Lord, I give of myself and all my worldly goods unto this woman.”

And the woman should say unto man, “Oh, Lord, I give of myself and all my worldly goods unto this man.”

And upon the third day, they should come and kneel before their God again.

And they should say, “Oh, Lord, I give unto my love unto my Lord; I give my love unto this, my mate.”

Each should repeat this vow, “For I shall take” — each man and woman.

And should it be the man, he should say, “I should take unto this, this woman, unto be my wife before God. I give unto her all of my love, all of my worldly things. I shall cherish her before God, loving and caring for her and all of her needs, before God.”

And the woman should say in this manner, “Oh, Lord, I take this man as the head of a household. I should cherish him, love him, and care for him.”

And then the minister of the same should say unto them, “Repeat these words after me. ‘Take this, thy husband and wife, take this both in body and soul to care for, both in health and sickness, for all of this plane.’”

And then, with their hands together in wedlock, he should pronounce them, before God, as married, unto man and wife.

And now, we say unto thee these words. Soul Ray grows very weary.

Soon thy should venture unto the land below the sea [Note: Yuma, Arizona, in the Imperial Valley]. We shall go with thee and guide thee, and give blessings unto the same from our Lord. And therefore, we should send those ahead of thee to prepare a way for the same, that all may be in accord.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


January 15, 1972

Yuma, Arizona

[Aka is here.]

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And therefore, we should say unto thee these words. Our Father has many mansions, and therefore, the way to our Father should be made through thine hearts.

Our Father has made no rules unto man to worship Him. He asks but two things, that you love of Him unto one-tenth of the love that He gives to His children, and you love unto your fellow man into the same manner.

Each man upon your earth shall worship his God in his own way. But he should do so in the privacy of his own heart and mind. And as you should pray unto your Father, say these things that should mean something to you, and therefore, it should mean something to our Father.

But if you should bring before our Father a gift, and have hatred in your heart for your brother, then take back your gift, and go unto your brother. But forgive thyself first and thy brother secondly, for if thy have not forgiven thy brother, how can thy possibly forgive unto thyself?

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Is the Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ, a book written by one known as Levi, a fairly accurate account of the life and times of Jesus?”

We should say unto these words, that Levi, and the descendants of Levi, they came before the one known as Abraham. But who should say unto these words, “I have written all things that are true?” For as time has passed, many things has [have] been taken from and added to. Therefore, we should say unto thee, if the truth as thy see it, is good for thine soul, then drink of this truth, and thy should know it [is] truth.

But as [has] been said before, there shall be many false prophets upon your earth. And those who should come in falsehood you should know by the fruit that thy [they] should bear upon the tree. For the bad fruit, thine should see with thine own eyes; then take it off the tree and cast it in the fire. But take from the good fruit, and plant again, that thy should grow good trees to bear good fruit.

Then we should say unto thee, in part is truth, in part is fantasy. This thy must decipher for thyself in thy own heart. But look at it in the same manner as thy would look at thyself. And the [truth] should stand before thee, as your Christ did once before.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. D____ S____ asks, he says, ‘I am concerned about my mother’s health and well being. I request blessings and healing for my mother, [1–15–72–001]. Also I request guidance in doing my best to help her.’”

Yes, we see thy need. And therefore, the offering thy have offered unto our Father should be given unto Him, and the healing that thy should desire should be given in the same manner as thy offering.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [1–15–72–002] asks about a person named [1–15–72–003] of Yuma. He asks, ‘Is there any way we may be able to help our son? If so, what steps should we take?’ And they wish to know, he wishes to know if he can be of further help to him? Or just keep praying?”

Yes, we see thy need. And therefore, we should say unto these words. Those things that thy should ask of our Father, in our Father’s name, shall be given, for our Father does not listen unto His children with deaf ears.

But as each individual upon your earth is a separate being within itself, and as our Father did say unto His children, “in our kind, in our likeness,” so did He make unto each of you as individuals with free choice, therefore, we should say, in realizing that this is this one’s free choice, that his path to your Father may not be the same as your own. And as it was written, “Honor thy mother and father.” But we say unto thee these words, honor thy mother and father unto thyself. But do so in the same manner as God should honor His children, and as He did give them free choice, give this also unto your children.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka.[1–15–72–004] of Yuma asks for healing in regards to bursitis in her right shoulder. And she also asks, ‘Would a move from my present address this year benefit my husband, daughters, and my grandsons, and allow me to use God’s purposes for my talents more fully?’ And she asks — just a minute; this is essentially it, she asks for help in regards to bursitis in her right shoulder, and should she move this year?”

We see thy need, and therefore, we shall say unto thee in[to] these words. For as the first shall be last and the last shall be first, thy have planted thy seed; stay there and harvest the same. Be as a mirror unto your family. Give unto what is given unto thee in the same manner, with love and understanding, and compassion of the same.

If a man should ask to borrow thy right arm, give him of your left, but do so in love and understanding. But if a man should ask for thy right arm for a selfish reason, give him not neither, but let him walk alone.

We should give of the healing thy desire. But we should ask into you in this manner; go forth and give into our Father three days of prayer. And upon the third day of the third hour of the third moment of your time, so should you receive the healing.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka.[1–15–72–005] has asked — she says, ‘I care to learn and become more aware of my life and my propose.’ She is also interested in a life reading….”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should say in this manner. Drink of this wine that we offer, but drink of all others in the same manner. But take that that should meet thy own taste buds. But only take of that that has not turned into vinegar and soured of the same. For remember, that that thy should take into your body should build your body, should build your mind. Therefore, take those things into your mind and body, [unto] your heart, that those things that thy should expel from the body should be with kindness and love of the same.

But do not close your mind to anyone or anything. Do not denounce a thing until you understand it, for how can you say it is wrong if you have never looked upon it and tasted of the same? For a good wine taster should know by experience the wine that he has tasted. Therefore, he should know of good and bad wine.

But there is a difference between tasting and going to bed with the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, in the spiritual baptism of D____ to John, and B__ to Paul, a prayer was said in a foreign tongue. Can you tell us the language of the prayer, and could we have the words of the prayer given to us in English?”

Yes, we see thy need, (chuckle) and we should say to thee in this manner. For those who should speak in the tongues of God, there shall be many. For those who walk in the path of our Father and come before Him in love, there shall be truth. For those who walk before God and say unto Him, “I shall test Thy will and Thy power, and Thy knowledge; if You should give unto me these things, then I should believe,” we should give nothing unto those. That is our question; that is our answer. So take this forth and do what [with] it as thy may.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. E____ H____ of Yuma, has asked, ‘Has the situation changed on the previous question or is there still a threat from a dragon, and if so, can it be avoided?’”

We see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For what thy have asked for in God’s name shall be given. And the blessings that thy have asked for shall come and thy cup should runneth over in the same manner.

Now we should say unto thee these words, for soul Ray grows very tired.

Now is the time of the Cherub. And the Fifth Angel rests upon thy earth. Walk lightly, that thy do not awaken him from his slumber. But as thy should walk, walk in the light of God, each in his own way, with God’s blessings unto all mankind.

Many should call their God in many tongues. But we should answer in this manner your question of before.

For as thy Father should give unto thee these words for thy own baptism of thy own people.

And as thy should take unto this one who should come before thee, thy should look upon this one and say unto them, “Do thy, before God, promise unto your Lord your spirit, your soul, and your immortal body? And in so, should thy try to live a life that thy Lord should look down upon His child and be proud of the same?”

And should this one say, “yes,” unto you, then have him go, and come again upon the second day.

And upon the second day, thy should say unto him, “Should thy give all things unto our Father that is His? Should thy give all things unto thyself that are yours? Should thy give all things that are thy brother’s into thy brother?”

And should he say, “yes,” then have him come again upon the third day, of the third hour, of the third moment.

And there thy should say unto him, “Kneel before thy God.”

And should he do so, take both water and sprinkle three drops upon his forehead. Take of the wine and sprinkle three drops upon his forehead. And then, should he rise, offer him bread. And say unto him, “I now thee baptize thee in the light of God.”

And he should say unto you, “I accept your baptism from God.”

And therefore, you have baptized the soul of this man.

Soul Ray grows very weak. And therefore, we should say unto thee, awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


January 21, 1972

Yuma, Arizona

[Aka is here.]

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Aka, [2–19–71–002] asks, ‘Would it be advisable for my daughters, [10–20–72–002] and [1–21–72–004], to live with their father and stepmother from March to August, 1972?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should say unto thee these words. As it has been said before, honor thy father and mother, unto thy selves. And in the same manner should your children honor thy father and mother unto thy selves. Therefore, we should say unto thee, let thy children journey forward unto the house of their father. And therefore, as thy do such, send unto the house of their father good thoughts unto the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [11–12–72–005] has asked for immediate guidance in a problem that she has.”

Yes, we see thy need. And therefore, we should answer in this manner. Give that to the Lord that belongs to the Lord. Give that to thyself that belongs to thyself. And thy body belongs to you. Therefore, we should say unto thee, go forth with thy chore, but do so in honesty with thyself. If thy give this gift away, do it in such a manner that is both honorable to thyself and to thy God.

We see thy other needs, and we should say unto thee in this manner. At a later time we should give diet that should be beneficial to thy health.

Of this one that thy should think of [wedding], we should say unto thee in this manner, go unto him in complete truth, and therefore, he should understand and accept it in the manner that it was given. But if thy give unto this one lies, then lies shall be returned into you in the same manner.

Of thy spiritual development we should answer, leave that of thy imagination in one place. Take thy of the spiritual and psychic development in truth only. Place this in the hands of God for development, and thy shall harvest from the tree only good fruit.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“[1–21–72–001] has asked for help. And she says that she is divorced and has five dependent children, and she does not know what she is supposed to do. And she wonders if you could help her and tell her how to receive a clearer vision and closer contact with a higher being.”

We do not find this soul at that location. One moment, please.

Yes, we see this now.

And we should answer in this manner. Thy have thoughts to be wed. This is good, for in this manner thy shall become as one. Thy have thoughts of increasing thy education. This is good. Do so. But beware of the dragon that lurks near thee, for in this one is not truth, for they come only to take from thee.

Thy have been reluctant to take the advice of thy mother, and we would say unto thee, thy mother speaks wise words. Listen unto her counsel.

Of thy psychic development, thy have progressed, in some manner good, in some manner bad. We should say unto thee in this manner. In your out-of-body experiences, do so, but link thyself with God. Should you do so in this manner, then the wine that is served to you shall not turn sour.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka.[1–21–72–002] has asked, ‘I wish to know what direction to [take] for my life. I must make a decision. Should I join Tim in Maryland and later marry him, or should I end my relationship? What may I give to him? Have I known him in a previous life?’”

For the last shall be first, and the first shall be last.

And we should answer in this manner, thy have known this one in a previous life, and he did take from thee in the same manner that he is doing now. If, in your relationship, thy do not enter in complete truth, in complete honesty with thyself and thy mate — and he should do so in the same manner — but we do not see this, for this one is using you to satisfy his own selfish needs.

But as we have said before, thy have free choice. We may not interfere with this free choice. But we should say to thee also in this manner, should you choose the path of this, it shall mean death of the body to you.

There is one near thee that thy think thy do not love. This one should make unto thee a good mate, and your spiritual development with each other would grow. But we should say unto thee, sanctify the marriage.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka.[1–21–72–003] has asked, ’I would like confirmation on a previous reading concerning my supposed psychic contact with the space brothers. Will it happen this winter?’”

We do not see this. We do not see this in the manner that thy describe. Of the spiritual nature, the contact that thy speak of should come through. But it should come through in truth. But do not say unto the Lord, “Lord, You have given this unto me,” but ask unto the Lord, “Lord, is this for me?” And in this manner, thy should know from which comes from Lucifer, and that that comes from our Lord.

As we have said before, we have but wine to offer. But do not place it in an old vase. Place this wine in a new vase, that it may last through your years.

But we should say unto thee once again, we are not great. We are here as instruments of our Father. We are here but for one purpose, to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. And we should say unto thee, this should take many hands, and much love and tenderness. And we offer thee thy wine. If thy should decide to drink of the same, and therefore, become one of the many that stand before God, then we should speak unto thee at a different time. We may answer all of your questions that we are given permission to do so.

And now, we should day unto thee in this manner. For those who should minister in this, thy work, let all who come before thee and ask that the ministers, therefore, perform the duties of burial, let not a minister charge anyone for this work. It should be done freely as an act of love unto your fellow man.

And we shall say unto thee in this manner. When those who have been left behind in the shell of their bodies come unto thee and ask that thy should perform this service, do not ask this one of their religious background. For remember, you can destroy nothing, you may only change its form. And for those who should take one [soul] from God, this, in thy own words, should be unto thee both karma and sin. So therefore, perform these duties unto any of mankind who should ask of the same. But do so as a shepherd.

After thy have been asked, go unto thy solitude for meditation. And therefore, let the words of God flow into the minister that is to perform this duty. Then, bring all of thy congregation, of all thy groups, into prayer. This does not mean that they have to be brought into one building, but be in union in their prayer, that they — first, the one who has deceased, should see the light of our Father, that those who should guide him should be allowed to come.

Then, if this is possible, perform the service of burial on the third day, of the third hour, of the third moment of the passing. Do not do so before this time has lapsed, for in this time the soul shall leave of the body, and therefore, join the spirit. And upon the third day of the third moment, of the third hour, the soul and the spirit, and the immortal body shall become as one.

Then walk before those who should gather, and ask that all should pray for the deliverance and safe journey of these unto the many houses of our Father. At no time, violate this one who has passed free will, for it is his choice, or her choice, to join our Father or not, but your prayers should be offered up that the path and the light may shine upon this one, that they may find their way.

After your prayer, walk up unto this one. And say unto this one, “I give unto our Father these things that belong to our Father. I give these things unto this one that belongs unto this one.” And give prayer again unto our Father.

Then, for those who are left, of his relatives, of his family, speak kind words of this one’s plane. But at no time shall you speak lies, for as we have said before, say these things unto your Father and unto your brother that mean something to you, and therefore, your Father and brother should understand these things that thy should speak of.

After this service has been performed, go into the private of thy homes, and therefore, give prayer unto the third time.

Soul Ray grows very weary.

But we should say again, our Father has many mansions. There is food for all.

Give unto thy Father one-tenth of the love that Thy, our Father, gives unto thee. Give unto thy brother in the same manner. Denounce no man, religion, and their beliefs unto the same.

Understand the way they should believe.

Give of this wine in the same manner. Those who should reject it, do not denounce them for it, but praise them. But take of this and go unto the next. And if this is accepted, go into their house and drink of their wine, of their knowledge, and let them drink of your knowledge in the same manner.

We should say once again, the Fifth Angel rests upon thy earth in slumber. Soon once again, he shall awaken. Before this time comes, our children shall know of it. But the children of God have nothing to fear.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


January 23, 1972

Globe, Arizona

[Aka is here.]

“Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And therefore, we should say unto soul Luke and soul James these words. Thy should always attend into the laws of your land. And therefore, we should say in this manner, go unto this, thy attorney. Then go unto those of thy insurance companies. But do not tell unto the insurance companies of your problem. See there that thy should have that of the liability insurance of the same. Do not discuss this matter any further with this person. We shall take care of your need. Be only unto this person kind, for let that reflect out which we have shown unto thee. Give of the words that we have spoken unto thee and the lessons of the same. Send into this one only good thoughts. But take such measures [as] are necessary to protect thyselves against such a person in a future time.

But we should say one thing further. Take what is necessary to protect thyself against this other one, for this one should cause further troubles. If you should send one from the house, send two.

We see of thy other needs, and these things shall be provided, for as we have said before, we shall allow no one from either side to interfere with this work. For we are here to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah, and this, in itself, is the preparation of both your soul, your spirit and the immortal body of the same. Do not act in haste. And beware of the dragons that stand near thee. But fear not, for the Lord, our God, walks with thee.

And we should say these words unto soul Ruth. We see thy need, and therefore, should provide for the same. Do not worry at this time for thy financial needs. They shall be provided for. Go onward and forward into the work that we have assigned unto thee. But remember always, this, in itself, is a yoke of love.

Then we should say unto soul Paul, let your labor[s] bear their fruit. We have given unto thee the gift to heal. Let this come first. Bear your other crosses second. Worry not, for we shall provide. But the labors of your household, move them forward. Take more time within your own household, and provide, therefore, for you family in the same manner.

For remember, soul Paul, we have chosen you to stand forth, and therefore, beareth great strength and be a pillar of the same. Prepare thee thy mind for visions, for for three days we shall provide them, both night and day.

And we say again unto soul Ruth, your visions shall be mighty unto the Lord.

And we see thy need, soul Bartholomew, and the healing that is needed shall be given. And we say, hark, unto thee; come forth. We have mighty work that thy should perform. Fear not those of the falling away, for we shall provide for their needs too, in the same manner of their own.

Yes, we see thy need, soul [4–3–70–002]. And the protection that is needed shall be provided, for we shall walk with thee both night and day and give thee blessings from our Lord. Can you understand of which we speak?

“I think so.” [She says.]


Yes, ask thy other question.

“You said for me to provide within my home for my family. Do you mean through my work, or by improving my home for my family?”

We should answer in this manner, both in your work and in your home, in this manner. “Thank you.”

And now, we should give a moment unto the healing unto soul Ray, and then awaken him from his slumber.

[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


January 28, 1972

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And as we have said before, hark, and hear these words.

And as we have said before, for meditation is the time unto talking to thy Lord.

One moment, please. [Editor’s note: Ray was having trouble going into trance.]

Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should say unto these words. As meditation should be unto a time for listening to thy Lord, thy God — and thy Lord, thy God, should say unto thee, “GIVE UNTO EACH MAN THAT THAT IS HIS” — walk before our Lord in such a manner that thy come without hatred.

For in thy mind thy have thought of these words, that as man is in, to live again and to die again, and therefore, pass before our Lord. And we say to thee, in the passing from one world into another, thy first thoughts will be the shock of knowing that little has changed. Thy body form shall remain much as it is in life; it shall be fed with what is known as cosmic energy in its purest form.

Many of you have thought unto see us. When we have made ourselves known unto you we have done so by making our form much as it was before. Our form within itself, now, is that of pure cosmic form, as you would know, pure light. And as we should pass among you, our speech, in those times that we should choose, not to choose through this, our prophet, but as we should choose to speak unto you, we should do so in thought form. Many of you as you should progress should hear our voices as we should come forth with teachings of the same.

But upon the first plane of passing, your form should change, as we have said, but very little of what it is now. This form should remain very close unto the earth plane.

Upon the second plane of rising, in this form you should have changed into such a manner that most of your prejudice[s] are left behind.

Even unto the plane of our time, you have the choice to return again for further learning upon the earth plane.

There are many who should come unto the earth for birth again upon new missions from our Lord. This should be done in such a manner of birth. But thy shall have remembrance of where thy have been, and therefore, shall know from where thy are going. But even upon returning upon a mission, thy have free will. If thy should decide not to remember of these things thy were sent to do, this is your choice, but it is also your choice to go backwards, down the ladder.

There are many lessons that we should give unto thy knowledge. If, before your readings, you should think these things out — think of the questions that thy need to know, plan them — your knowledge shall grow with each reading. There are many questions of your universe. There are many questions of your afterlife. There are many questions of the knowledge of God. And as we have said before, a good Father hides nothing from His children.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka,[1–28–72–001] of Globe, she was born…1918, in Richmond, California…. She has asked for assistance in regards to her health. She says she is overweight, and she wonders if you can give her assistance?”

Yes, we see thy need. You must remember, that because of thy overweight thy have a heart problem, fatty tissue passing through the coronary area. Therefore, we should give thee the healing that is necessary. But thy must have the faith.

But first, we should give unto thee, diet. And we would suggest the drinking of one glass of milk unto the morning meal, and one piece of toast; there should be no margarine or butter placed upon this.

For thy luncheon meal, one glass of milk. As many of the green vegetation as thy want thy can eat for foliage. Before the meal, one ounce of safflower oil.

Of thy evening meal, eat no fried foods. Thy should eat beef for one meal, and as many fresh vegetables as thy desire. Thy should eat of the fresh water fish of one meal, and as many green vegetables as thy would desire. Thy should eat of the salt water fish of one meal and as many green vegetables as thy should desire. Of one meal, thy should eat only of the cottage cheese and of the green vegetables of the same. Of one meal, thy should eat the beef, the liver of the beef, and cottage cheese. Of one meal each week thy can eat of what thy desire.

Before each of these meals, thy should have one ounce of safflower oil before each of these meals; thy should take a good multiple vitamin in supplement to the same.

If further assistance is needed this should be asked for, and it should be given.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. My daughter, K____, has had a recurring health problem, Aka, and I wonder if you can help her with knowing what to do about it?”

Yes, we see thy need. The healing that is needed shall be given. We should make one suggestion, reduce the amount of vitamin intake. In her case the vitamins are poisoning her system. We should further suggest, in her case, the taking of the Lydia E. Pinkham in adult dosage, but by reducing unto one-fourth the amount of other vitamins that she is taking at this time. Further readings on this subject shall be given as asked for.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [1–28–72–002] of Yuma… asks about her daughter. She says, ‘Has our daughter who recently passed on any message to her family?’”

One moment, please. Permission must be given.


Yes, we have permission to answer this question.

And we should say unto this one, your daughter is well, and happy. She is waiting now for the birth of a mother and father that she has chosen. She is learning. She has visited thy often, and seen to thy needs.

And she should say unto thee, upon the sixth day, of your days, should thy go into meditation, on the third hour of your evening — in your time that would be 3 p.m. — should thy do this, go into meditation and she should come into thy thoughts and speak to thee and give thee messages of the same. Permission has been given.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“[4–5–70–003] has asked for healing, Aka.”

Yes, we see thy need, and the healing thy ask for shall be given. But we should say unto thee, tilt thy head in prayer to thy Lord, and say after our words: “Lord of Isaiah, Lord of Moses, Lord of all, I ask thee, oh, Lord, unto healing into my body, my soul, my spirit, and my immortal body. Cleanse my body, my soul, of Lord; cleanse my spirit and my immortal body. I promise thee, oh, Lord, to try to walk in Thy light.” In these words, the healing shall come.

And now we should say unto thee these words. The time grows near when those of thy group thy have chosen for the ministry shall walk before our prophet, and therefore, be made unto ministers of this, our Father’s work.

And they should do so in this manner. Each should walk before this one.

And this one should say unto them, “Should thee promise in our Father’s light to teach these things our Father has given unto thee to teach?

“Should thee at no time be prejudiced against any man?

“Should thee at all time, for those who come in need, minister in both healing of the body and healing of the soul and the spirit, and the immortal body of the same?”

And should they say, “yes,” then he should take of what thy should know of the candelabra, but this one should have of seven candles. And each one who is chosen should be presented with this. And, as each time he should say, “yes,” one candle should be lit. And then unto another.

These who should be chosen should be versed into the words we have spoken unto thee. They should have the honest effort unto helping mankind. And above all, they should enter all things with an open mind, closing their mind to nothing. And they shall never cease in their learning.

But you should remind them that the oath that they should take should be for [their] lifetime upon this plane and all others.

And then thy should ask into them, “Are you prepared to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah?”

And should they say, “yes,” then have them rise. And walk with them, and break bread with them and drink wine with them.

For remember, for those who you shall choose, among you, nothing can be hidden from one another. All things must come in truth from God, for you shall walk in the light of God, and should be known as men and women of God.

Soul Ray grows very weary.

Remember unto our words. Prepare you questions. Think deeply of the knowledge that thy should use, for the questions thy should ask and the answers thy should receive shall be passed on unto mankind. Make them wise.

[And] we should say unto the youth of your group, fear not that thy should prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. Thy have many questions; ask of these. For did our Father not say unto thee, “BLESSED ARE ALL MY CHILDREN.”

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


February 4, 1972

Globe, Arizona

[Aka is here.]

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And as we have said before, thy can destroy nothing, that all things upon your earth, both good and bad, come from the same source. And [it] has been said before, that both the rain and sunshine shall fall upon all, but as we have said before, we shall allow no one from either side to interfere with our work.

Therefore, we say unto thee these words. And therefore, hark, unto thee, for soul Paul and soul Mark; we see thy need. And as we have said before, there are many times that thy faith shall be tested, for this is the way of the Lord. And we say unto thee, stand firm and strong in thy belief in your Lord, our God. For these things that have happened, we have known about, and therefore, prepared a way for such. Fear this not. As thy must answer this letter, do so in this manner. Answer unto this one, first, unto these words, that that you shall give that that belongs to God to God, and that that belongs to this one into him. But you shall give that that belongs to you into yourselves.

As we have said before, we are here to prepare a way, and therefore, the disciples that have been chosen unto the same, they shall prepare a way. But first, they must prepare this way within themselves. As we have said before, our Lord, God, asks but two things of man — to love of Him into one-tenth of that that the Lord gives unto His children, to love unto his fellow man in the same manner.

But as thy turn thy right cheek that has been struck unto the left, and it has been struck also, then take [this] wisdom of God and place it in such a manner that it should speak truth. And in this manner, upon this rock shall flow the spirits of God — and from it should flow into the river, which shall be the souls of man — and from the river into the mighty oceans that should flow unto all lands of your earth — and from there into the mighty galaxies and the many universes within themselves. For we are here to prepare a way. And so we shall.

And we give of this, this warning into these. The wrath of the Lord is mighty; do not stir this anger. Therefore, you should take unto these words. Go before your radio medium, and therefore, place the truth unto the same.

Thy have other questions, but first we should answer one other in this manner. Thy have asked, are thy Christians?

And we should answer in this manner. You are the people and the children of God. And for all those, regardless of what word they should use to call themselves, who should bow before God and give reverence into the same, we have told thee before, do not confuse this one that is called Jesus, the Christ, with your God, for he was put before man by God.


And so, he did into which he was told. And he did give glory unto his Lord.

And now, we say unto thee, we give into thee a new coveth for your time. But do not take away or destroy anything. This is to add to what you already possess. As has been said before — we come not to change the prophecies, we come not to change the Laws, but to show you the fulfillment of the same.

If one should ask thee, “What are thy called,” tell them you are the people of God. Should they ask further, “Are thy Christian, are thy Buddha, are thy Mohammed,” say, “Yes, I and we are all of these.”

Thy have many questions, ask of the same.

“Aka, the Yuma group asks, ‘During the baptism service what does the wine and the bread represent?’”

And we should answer in this manner. The wine should represent the soul of man. The bread should represent the spiritual form of God. And if man should eat of both, then forever there shall remain the spirit of man.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“What wine should be used, Aka?”

Take that of the wine that comes from the grape, and that of the grape that should come from either the white or the dark; it makes little difference. For the wine in itself means nothing unless the one who takes of it should know of what they are taking of, and therefore, within their heart and soul place it in its just place.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Is the Messiah to come the reincarnation of Jesus?”

When the proper time comes, our Lord should make this, His plan, known unto us, and we should tell of thee this. But remember this, we can tell of thee nothing that our Lord, our God, our Father does not give unto us permission to do of the same. For our knowledge comes from Him who should know of all things.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka What does the seven-candle candelabra represent that we use in ordaining ministers?”

These should be used. And as we have said before, they are the seven spirits of God.

[See Numbers 7:89–8:1–4 and The Revelation 1:1–8, chapters 4–5.]

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, I have a request for a life reading for S____ M____.”

We see thy need, and we shall give this, but ask it first at a different time.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka I have a question concerning a previous reading. N____ G____, who you spoke to two weeks ago, is confused by your advice. You mentioned that she should follow her mother’s advice, but her mother has been dead for some time, and she isn’t sure what you mean.”

We should answer in this manner. As we have said before that those in the spiritual world can speak unto those of thy loved ones; they can give guidance. And we say unto this one, go unto meditation at least 10 minutes each day that those who come from God may enter. But before thy do this, unto thyself and thy Lord pray for guidance that none but the spirits of God should come through.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have two questions. The first one, when you instructed as to how the letter should be written and answered, should we say only that we should give to God what is God’s, as you mentioned, and to this person what is theirs, and to man what is man’s? Or should we first say that we do not have the power to dissolve this group, we are not empowered to, and then follow it with this remark?”

Yes, you should do this first, and then follow. But do it in this manner. Say [it] unto this one, that you should give unto the Lord that that is the Lord’s; you should give unto this one that that is theirs, but you should give unto yourselves that that should belong to you.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, thank you. “Margaret 2” asks a question. She says, ‘In The Urantia Book it is said that observers are welcome on Uversa, the capitol of the seventh super universe, if they have the necessary means of transport. Later it is said that only those who have reached the spirit level of evolution can make it there. Would it be possible for me to observe the different orders of the Father’s children on Salvington, the capitol of our local universe, where Michael and our Creator’s son dwells? Can you get permission to teach me how to apply to get there, or put me in contact with the beings who can? How can I begin the gain conscious contact with the Davis, the spirit who controls the nature forces on earth, as the holy Mother’s representatives?’”

(Chuckles.) Yes, we see thy need. And first, we should answer in this manner. At another time we should give lessons unto thee, during the readings of the same. As we have told unto this one before, go unto meditation. Forget, take all things from thy mind of reaching anyone, except God, our Father. Go unto meditation 15 minutes of the morning, 15 minutes of the evening. Choose this time daily. Once this pattern has been established, do not change of it. Upon the ninth day of the same, we should come into thee and answer thy questions more fully. But listen well unto the lessons that we have brought forth, and knowledge shall come in this manner also.

Thy have other questions, but one, for soul Ray grows very weak and tired.

“I have no other question, Ray, Aka.”

We see thy need, and therefore, we should answer this one.

One moment; permission must be obtained.

Then we should answer in this manner. As we have said before, our Father has many mansions. But for this who believes that there is a heaven and hell, we have told [thee] before, be careful of thy thoughts. For another one told thee of the same thing in the same manner, when he said adultery could be done in the mind also. For your mind can manifest any thought into reality. Remember, that as the body dies, as the soul and spirit leaves, [and] in the same manner, and reaches outward, whole [new] worlds. If they are prepared spiritually, this step beyond is a simple thing, very easily done. If they are not prepared, then they must, even in death, relive that [their, after] life again, until they should awaken with knowledge to know where they have been and what they have done. And even then, as we have said before, for some there shall be never, for some there shall be always.

As you go through time and space upon your planes, all things are possible within the mind. This is your reason for rebirth, when you are born and born again. But remember, there is no beginning and no ending. You have existed since the beginning of all time, for you, as the spirit of man, are the thought of God, for you became, upon our Father’s thought, part of God.

But remember, as we have said before, if you yourselves should forget your spirit, then the spirit returns to God. But the soul remains in nothingness. And the spirit in its thought has no use for this. And man has no use for this. And Lucifer has no use for this. For no one has use for nothing, and therefore, the soul must wander forever in nothingness.

As we have said before, soon there shall be a disturbance within thy country. It will come from certain political moves made among your leaders. Soon, there shall be attempt made upon your President’s life. But as the proper precautions are made, this should not come to reality. But we can change nothing in this, for we cannot take from thee the free choice that our Father gave unto thee. Unless this one who knows of this now does not change their mind again, all these things we have said unto thee shall be as we have seen them.

[Note: In February, 1972, Richard Nixon became the first U.S. president to visit the Soviet Union and begin talks on arms control, penning the SALT I treaties, which restricted the development of nuclear arms and helped ease US-Soviet relations. In June 1972, leaders instigated certain political moves within the U.S., known as Watergate, with five men, among them ex-FBI man G. Gordon Liddy and ex-CIA man E. Howard Hunt; President Nixon resigned in two years before impeachment. Was this the disturbance in the U.S. of which the messengers spoke?

Also, on May 15, 1972, George Wallace’s U.S. Democratic presidential primaries campaign ended abruptly when an assassination attempt by Arthur H. Bremer left him paralyzed below the waist.]

Now is the time of the Cherub. [See Numbers 7:89 and The Revelation chapter 4.]

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


February 11, 1972

Globe, Arizona

[Aka is here.]

“Good evening Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should answer in this manner.

As a man should die, as you would know it, and pass beyond, for as we have said before, those things that thy create in your own mind may be brought into reality. And as you would pass beyond, on your first step toward our Father, you must realize that all mankind is part of our Father. And as you are part of our Father, each step that you take up the ladder makes that a part of the whole.

Then thy ask, “Then what of Lucifer?” And we should say unto thee these words, that Lucifer dwells within all men. And as a man should become all evil, then his soul, and therefore, the spirit of God should depart from him, and as the spirit of God departs, so should the spirit of man in the same manner. Can you understand of which we speak?

“I think so.”

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Aka, you have spoken of the Fifth Angel upon our earth. Are you speaking of the Fifth Angel as spoken of in Revelation, and what does this angel symbolize?”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should answer in this manner. As we have said before, your books of your Bible, both of the old and the new, are the records of very psychic people, those chosen to receive the words of God. But as they have been handed down from generation to generation, they have been added to and taken from.

Your book of Revelations, this should make the second happening of the same. For once before, there stood a nation much like your own. At that time it was called the Roman Empire. And as it did fare before mankind, in the same manner, so should your own.

And the Fifth Angel unto which we speak should be of great disease, should be the opposite side of the great Sword, that which cuts land and masses, that which cuts into the souls and spirits of man, and therefore, changes them. All things that have been before shall be again. As Atlantis rose and so it fell beneath your seas, so it should be again. [See The Revelation 6:7–11.]

But we warn thee, the time shall come, as has been promised, of a thousand years of peace upon your earth. But it shall not come before the great destruction comes upon your earth. [See The Revelation 20:1–6.]

In our kind, we have come to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.

And as we have spoke of the passing between the two world, for there is [are] many who should pass who do not understand and are not in the position to go forth into the temple of wisdom, the temples of learning. And therefore, as you have read of the army of Armageddon, and prepare there, both upon heaven and earth for His coming, all these things must come to pass. [See The Revelation, chapter 19.]

As we have said before, no man can harm your soul or your spirit. Our Lord has given unto thee free choice. Only you yourselves may do this. And in this manner, you shall prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.

You have thought in your own mind, “Should he come today, they would stone him.” Nay. For as we have said before, a way shall be prepared, and no harm should come to this one. For your world shall receive him in [holy bless], for upon his coming, not one soul shall remain who shall not bow before the Lord, Christ. For as we have said before, your Jewish nation shall bow before him.

But remember unto these words. The Jewish people were the chosen; they were chosen unto be the servants of our God. And as He did give them a coveth, so it was good in God’s eyes, and as in the time of the one known as Jesus, Christ, did say unto thee, he had come to prepare a way. He had come not to change the prophecies, not to change the Law, but to show you the fulfillment of the same.

We realize there were times when we should speak as in riddles. But you should exercise your own wisdom by study. And only in this manner can we prepare this way for yourselves.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka,[2–19–71–00?’s] married daughter, B____, and her husband have asked a question. Should they seek work in the West here, or should they go east to seek work?”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner, go unto the East, and therefore, you should find that that thy heart desires.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka.[12–10–71–004] in Globe has asked, ‘Will I receive a reply from Mr. M____ H____, and how soon?’”

We do not see this.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“[2–11–72–001] of…Globe, who is here tonight, he has made a statement that he is interested in psychic research. Do you have anything to say to him, Aka?”


Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should answer in this manner. We have before thee the wine. Take it up and drink it, and we shall furnish into thee the bread and the yeast.

You have found there have been many subjects that we have brought forth which lie dormant; these things should be studied. We can only give you the bread that thy hunger for, and what thy stomach could digest at the time. When thy have studied these other readings, come forth and ask again. We should answer also in this manner. Twice each day, take 10 minutes of your time for meditation. Do not use this time, as you would know it, for prayer, for that, in itself, is a time for talking to God. Use this time to listen to God. Open thy mind, that those that stand near thee can enter.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have only one other question. Because of the misunderstandings that have occurred regarding our group in the past week’s time, I wonder if you have anything that you particularly want us to do?”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should say unto thee again, go on and use unto these of the radio waves. Explain your position. Do it honestly, and truthfully. But prepare you statement beforehand. Can you understand of which we speak?

“I understand, Aka.”

Then we should give healing into those that are needed.

And we see [1–1–72–001’s] problem. And we should say in this manner. At a different time, those that are needed shall stand by thy side. But we should stay this for now, and give healing into the body of the same. But remember, we are not great; we are but the servants and messengers of our Father. We can not create. Only our Father can do this.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Soul Ray grows very weary. Awaken him from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


February 18, 1972

Globe, Arizona

[Aka is here.]

“Good evening, Aka Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need.

Yes, we see thy need, soul [6–9–70–005]. And of thy life reading we should say of these words. We should change of these in this manner. We shall tell thee briefly where thy have been, but more important, that thy may learn from thy own karma, we should tell thee of thy after-life, of that time of the last between lives, as thy would call it.

And as thy of thy life before was a minister of the gospel, and as thy had worked hard to give unto others the words of God, thy did pass on. At first, thy rested for a short while. For some the rest is long, but for you it was but a short while.

And upon thy wakening, thy woke into a beautiful valley, much as you have dreamed of it would be. And there are many who walk by thee and speak unto thee. But thy are troubled, for there is no one here to judge thee. And thy pass on.

Then thy have thought in thy mind that thy have not truly passed on. And thy start on thy way to find thy church, and there before thee it stands. All things were the same. But as thy prepare for thy sermon, thy congregation is of those who have passed on before thee. And this thy cannot understand.

And thy say unto them, “If I am truly dead, why are not those who should judge me?”

And they answer back unto you, “This is in thyself.”

And thy ask them, “Where are the masters?”

And one who walks up the isle of your church is the one that was a beggar in your streets before. And they say to you, “Here is one of your masters, your teachers.”

And, you say unto them, “How can this be possible?”

And the beggar walks before thee and bows his head in reverence. And then you see that proportion that you have failed to see before in life, for there in that man’s eyes is a proportion of God. And then thy know, the judgment must come from thyself.

Thy advance on unto other planes of learning.

And when thy have thought thy have learned enough, and judged thyself according to the same, thy seek re-entry into the body form.

But as we have said before, know where thy have come from, and thy shall know where thy are going. Thy have brought forth the karmas of your before lives — and in its same was that of knowing that thy knew too many things, of not opening the mind, the true mind unto God. Do this now. Be gentle with others, and they shall be gentle with you. Be patient with others. Cast not even one stone. If thy can remember and prepare thyself, when thy pass again thy learning shall be tenfold. And in this manner should you climb the ladder unto God, our Father.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [1–1–72–004]…Madera, California….And she has asked if she needs another vocation in order to help herself and others around? She would like to know if she has talents she is not aware of?”

One moment, please.

Yes, we have before us the records, and therefore, should answer in this manner. Thy have tendencies and wants at the present time to write, and we should tell thee a little of thy life of before, and in this manner can answer of the same.

Thy were of a script [scribe?] of the before life. Thy were of the Greek script, and worked, therefore, for the Romans of the same. But, as of this time, thy writing became sour, for thy had the duty to write of the boasting of the Roman Empire, and therefore, knew what you were writing were lies. This did not sit well with thee, and therefore, now thy are afraid to enter into this same vocation.

We would suggest that thy use and study forms of meditation, but in this manner. Take the time of the morning for meditation. At first, start with five-minute intervals. Open thy mind, open thy mind unto thy God. Do not speak to Him in any form, but place thy mind totally with His. At first, it would be very difficult, and you should fail many times. But if thy continue, thy reward shall be abundant. After thy have [exceeded] thy first meditation, do also in the afternoon hours. But at all times, do so in the same place, at the same time. There are those who wait behind the veil that should advise thee, and help thee in thy growth.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [12–7–70–00?]”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Take of the sauna baths. Go unto the chiropractic doctor that adjustments may be made in the upper neckular area. At the present time the circulatory system is blocked in this area. Be careful and do not overdo this or thy shall suffer from blood clots of the same. This should be done for one month, at least one day of each of your weeks. We would further suggest the taking of a round rubber ball of two inches in diameter, placing this in thy left hand, squeezing it very tightly. Do not put all of thy pressure or bruise thy hands. This should be done two minutes of the first day, three minutes of the second day, and therefore, working upward unto 15 minutes. This should be continued for two months, at that time. We would further suggest that the taking, once daily, of the sage tea.

A follow-up reading should be needed within a two-week period. Should the same be asked for, it shall be given.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, there is one question on this subject that was not clear to me. You said that she should take sauna baths and chiropractic, and then you said something daily. Did you mean that she should go to the chiropractor, or take saunas daily, or did you mean that she should exercise her hand daily?”

Her hand should be exercised daily.

“I understand.”

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [2–18–72–001], who is here tonight, has asked about her son, [2–18–72–002], from Tucson, Arizona….And she has asked, ‘In question to my son,[2–18–72–002], do you have anything for or concerning his future?’”

Yes, we see thy need, but before this can be given this must be explained unto this soul — for we can give no information without the consent of the soul involved.

And now we should say unto these words. Now is the time of the Cherub. And the Fifth Angel rests upon thy earth. Soon he shall awaken. But fear not — for the children of God should have no fear, for they walk in the light of our Father. [See The Revelation, chapters 5 and 6.]

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


February 25, 1972

Globe, Arizona

[Aka is here.]

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

And we shall tell thee again of the seven spirits of your Father, and of the coming of the Messiah unto the same, for as we have said before, we were sent by those who should ask our Father to prepare a way for their coming.

And as man did come into five places upon your earth in the beginning, so it should be unto the five spirits that should enter at the time of the coming of the Messiah into the same, for he shall not be of one spirit, but he should stand as the five of before. And as the seven spirits of our Lord shall descend into the same, and so it shall be again, the twelve shall walk upon your earth. And then, our Lord, God, should enter into this one and it should be of Thirteen. [See Acts 1:6–20, 2:2–28, The Revelation of John 1:4–9, 12–20, 4:1–6, and 12:1–2,10.]

As we have said before, the chain has been broken many times by your people through your foolish acts unto the same. But none should harm this one who should enter, for our Lord, God, shall be present in this one.

And then should come your thousand years of peace upon the earth, and each day shall be as a thousand of your years, for they shall not be as you count, but as our Father counts. [See The Revelation of John 19:11–16, 20:1–6, 21:1–7, 22–26, and 22:3–7, 12–14, 16–17, 20–21.]

And as we have said before, the Hebrew people should bow before this one, for they should know that this is their Messiah in truth. [See Isaiah, chapters 11 and 52, Zechariah, chapters 12–14, and The Revelation of John 14:1–15 and 15:1–4.]

For as we have said before, Lord of Isaiah, Lord of Moses, Lord of Jesus, Lord of Buddha, Lord of Mohammed, Lord of Ishmael, so it should be again.

And we say, hark into thee, for as the first coveth [covenant] was given unto the Jewish people, and they, in themselves, were the servants of God, and as the second coveth was given unto the one known as Jesus Christ, so it has been in many lands, in many tongues, for as the spirit has flown and walked upon your earth. But remember unto these words. The coveth that was given unto the one known as Jesus was given not for the Jewish people, for they themselves had found their God; this was given that it may be given unto the world of the same. And as the coveth was given into Buddha, this was given that that proportion of your world should know of him. And as it was given unto Mohammed, it was given that they should know of the Jewish God, of the Jesus God, and of your God.

And now, we say unto thee again, we have come to prepare a way, and therefore, give unto thee a new coveth, and this coveth shall go unto the world. But remember these words — thy can destroy nothing; thy must build upon what is already there. And as we have said before, and the bird of the Great Pyramid shall, therefore, take wings again. [See Exodus 13:17–22, 14:18–24, 16:9–12.]

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [2–25–72–001] of…Seaside, California…has asked for help in regards to a weight problem. And she says, ‘I am very unhappy with myself; please get me back to normal.’ She has asked for help.”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should say unto thee theses words. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. And therefore, we have the records of this one.

And we should say unto thee, we see thy need, and thy need of thy husband also.

First, we should say unto this one, enter all things with love and compassion. Beware of thy jealousies, for they come not of reality. For in reality this one loves thee very much, but is shy, and does not know how to show their feelings. Do not pity thyself, for this is not for thee. Stand firm and strong.

And of thy children’s needs, see to their needs, not of their wants. Give them those things that are needed. Thy have given guidance, for it is said, “Honor thy father and mother.” But this must be done as thy Father honors thee, for He did give thee free choice. Do the same with these. And as a good father and as a good mother, stand firm upon your convictions. But open your mind, your real mind, that proportion of yourselves that always has known God, that the spirits may flow unto thee freely.

Of thy weight problem, we should answer in this manner. Of thy morning meal, drink one glass of milk, eat one unsweetened grapefruit, no more and no less. Of thy luncheon meals, take of the fresh water fish; thy may eat in thy proportion of thy needs. Eat all of the green vegetables that thy desire. Drink one cup of tea, no more and no less.

For the seven evening meals — eat beef of the first meal, beef with as many fresh vegetables as thy desire. Of the second meal, eat the beef liver, again with as many fresh vegetables as thy desire. But do not eat bread with this meal. Of thy third meal, eat of the fresh water fish, with as many vegetables as thy would desire. Of the fourth meal, eat of the fish of the salt; any food that comes from the sea would be good, but again, eat only of the fresh vegetables of the same. Of thy fifth meal, thy may take any combination of those we have given. But thy seventh meal, eat anything thy desire. Before each meal drink one ounce of safflower oil.

Walk one-half mile each day; this is preferably in the morning, early morning hours. In the afternoon, preferably after thy meal, walk again one-quarter mile. If this is followed in such proportion thy shall gain physically.

Before thy morning walk, take five minutes unto meditation of the same. For thy afternoon walk, take ten minutes of meditation into the same. These together should give healing mentally and physically into the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka.[J__] asks, ‘Do I need fear threats?’”

Yes, we see thy need, soul [J___], and we should answer in this manner. Give of thy heart, thy soul, and thy spirit into thy Father’s keeping, and thy Father shall take care of the immortal body of the same. But we should answer in this manner. Take those things that are truths, and make your judgment from the same. We would further suggest, your visits to your psychiatrist at the present time, take of this one’s advice, for this is good advice. But be truthful unto this one. For if thy do not, the physician cannot heal unto the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [2–25–72–002]…and he has asked for help. He says, ‘I am interested in the course the remainder of my life will take. I would like to plan the remainder of my life.’”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we have before us the records. And in this manner we should answer of thy question.

In your before life, thy were of a street merchant. And thy did make of great wealth. Thy have found that of this life these things come easy once again. But of your before life, they did not hear of the words of God; they did not heed that of the teachings of the between lives.

Thy have the potential to rise very high spiritually. Thy have the potential to use thy psychic powers in such a manner that would benefit man. Open thy door that we may enter. If our wine should taste sour unto thee, then go unto another and take of their wine. But remember unto these words, we cannot enter unless thy thyself should open the door unto thy soul.

Thy have asked of thy powers. Use this genius thy possess, and the use of the same unto the material things of the needs of man. For remember, there is nothing wrong with the making of money; it’s in its use that thy [dwell with] thy karma.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [2–25–72–003] of San Carlos…and he’s here tonight, he’s asking ‘Will I be practicing medicine in the future years? Where, and will it be a specialty?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner.

Yes, we see thy need. If this in itself is thy heart’s desire, and thy can make it into reality — but unless thy change thy path thy shall practice nowhere, for thy path at the present time leads only into tragedy.

Thy have thoughts of going back into thy schooling; this would be good. But of the vows thy have in mind to take, take them. But remember, say those things unto your Lord that should mean something to you, and therefore, they should mean something to your Father. But beware, for the serpent stands beside thee.

At a different time, we would suggest that thy should ask for a life reading, that thy should learn of thy karma, that thy should learn of the lesson that thy have learned before. For unless this is done, thy shall practice nowhere.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Can you tell me about the nature of the tragedy that you see?” [2–25–72–003 asks.]

We would suggest this be asked for in a private reading.

“Thank you, Aka.”

“Aka, [2–23–72–004] of Globe….She asks ‘I would like to hear what work you think I should be doing?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. If thy should take of the wine and drink it that we have offered unto the same, we should furnish unto thee the bread and the yeast of the same. Come forth. And we shall open a path for thee unto thy Father. And it should be beneficial unto thyself, thy family, and unto mankind.

At first, in thy thinking, thy will think that we should talk in riddles. But, nay, for all thy must do is remember. If thy should open this door, we should come unto thee in thy dreams. From two days of your time from now, your three days shall begin, and the knowledge that you should desire we should put in thy mind in thy dream state. If after that thy still do not understand of which we speak, ask again, and we shall explain this riddle unto thyself.

Soul Ray grows very weary. And before we depart we should leave thee with this message…. [Editor’s note: Both tape recorders malfunctioned at the same time so all of the message may not have been recorded.]

Your A.R.E. has requested certain tapes. These should be given, but they should be chosen very carefully.

Now is the time of the Cherub. And the Fifth Angels rests upon thy earth.


Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


March 3, 1972

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should say unto thee in these words. You now have heard the cock crow three times, and therefore, the time for the cock to crow is over. Pull yourselves together, and stand as the children of God, together. [See Matthew 26:26–35, 69–75.]

We have seen the need to argue among thyselves, and as been said before, if thy right eye offend thee cast it aside.

And we shall repeat unto thee in this time again, your A.R.E. groups have requested copies of your readings. And we say unto thee, give these willingly, for we do not come unto one people, but to all the people of God. But in the performance of the same, choose these that thy should release into their keeping carefully.

And we should say unto soul Ruth these words. In thy preparation for the Book with wings, do not restrict thyself unto one year’s of work; take the best of the philosophy and use the same in the preparation for this book.

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should say unto thee in these words. Thy have asked before, from whence we came? And we shall say unto thee in this manner. As soul Ray was reborn, and in this manner, so were we, for as has been said before, soul Ray is I and I is he. For as he prayed into his Lord for death, and this was given, but as he looked back upon his body, and looked into our Lord’s eyes and knew that with the gift that was given he should return and give it unto others, but he had to give it in this manner, with love, with compassion at all times. This word you use so often, yet know so little about, this small word of yours, love, you cannot give it unless it is done freely. For, in giving this, each step that thy take thy grow closer unto our Father. Can you understand of which we speak?

Nay, not fully. But the day shall come that thy shall. And we speak these words not only unto the disciples that we have named, for we name you all disciples before God.

But remember these words, we shall allow nothing or no one from either side of the curtain to interfere with this work, for it is far too important. We have given unto thee, as our Father has done unto all mankind, free choice. But we also have given unto thy keeping a prophet, a man who should stand before God, as he stands before you.

Thy have asked in thy mind, “Who should minister in your baptism, and who should minister in the sermons that are performed to each new minister?” This shall be done through your prophet. We have worked long and hard to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. And so shall you all.

Thy have asked in your minds, “What are these who speak to us?” And we shall answer in this manner. For those of the spirits who should enter and become one, and therefore, become your Messiah and ours, have asked into our Lord to send those who stood beside them before, to prepare a way. [See John 13:20, 14:15–21, 16:6–15, and 17:17–26, Matthew 17:1–13 and Luke 9:28–36.]

And we chose this one thy call thy prophet to [walk], work through, as once before in the one thy know as John the Baptist. [See John 1:6–34.]

Give praise unto thy Lord, thy God, and our Lord, your Father, your God shall give praise unto His children, and they shall become mighty both in heaven and earth. But remember, no man shall know of heaven that does not know of earth, and no man shall know of earth that does not know of heaven. [See John 1:6–34.]

But we say, hark, unto thee. Why should you believe the words we speak of your earthly things and not believe these things we speak unto thee of heaven, as thy would call it?

And they say, you say unto us, “What are these who speak in this manner? Are they angels? Are they archangels?” And we should say unto thee, these are words of your own. But we should answer in this manner. We stand in pure light before our Father and you. We have found it necessary to speak in your tongue, of your language. But go forward; bear this yoke of love, and our Father shall reward into each of thee in thy own way.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka.[5–2–71–001] asks for guidance with her finances. Also she asks if you could tell her whether, what effect cremation has on the soul?”

We should answer in this manner. Of thine financial problems, you shall find that these have already been taken care of. The exact specifics of these shall be told unto thee at the proper time. And we should say unto thee, worry not of these of thy earthly things, for for the children of God these things shall be provided. Go forth as a teacher. Open thy door that we may enter. If thy should take up the torch, we shall stand by thee and see of thy needs.

Of your second question, we shall answer in this manner. As the soul and the spirit leaves this shell of yours you call a body, it quite often hovers very close for its reluctance to leave this. In the burning of the same, it experiences some things that are quite harmful, that the mind can not accept, and therefore, goes into a deep sleep, or coma, as you would know it, and tries to hide from itself. There are those who will stand by to assist this one. But even there, you have free choice. Above all things, this should not be done until the third day of the third hour of the passing, or if you should do this at this time, all these pains you shall feel into yourself. At a different time, we shall go into greater detail on this subject.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka.[12–7–70–00_] has asked for a follow-up reading on the problem with the circulation in her arm.”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. At the present time thy are overworking your body, and therefore, destroying the damage — you are, therefore, destroying what good has come unto the body. Do not do this. Go back and start again with the rubber ball, back unto one minute per day, graduating unto the 15-minute time, of one minute longer each day. You should continue going unto the chiropractic doctor. You should continue taking the saunic baths. This should be done at least once a week. You should continue the drinking of the sage tea. In our next reading, we should give more information upon the same if it is asked for.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka.[A___ F_____] who is here tonight….He has a problem with his failing sight and he has asked if you can tell him what can be done about it?”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should answer in this manner. The healing that is needed shall be given, for all things shall come from our Lord. Go unto three days of prayer, both of the morning and the evening. Open your heart, your mind, that we may enter. Upon the third day of the same, your sight shall be restored into the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka.[S____ S_____]”

One moment, please.

Yes. Yes, Father. Yes, Father. Yes.

Upon your next reading thy shall ask again.

Our Father says unto thee in this manner. Bow before our Lord, and these things that are needed shall be given unto thee. But a life reading should be requested [of] this one; there is further assistance needed.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [1–21–72–002] wants….”

One moment.

We were not speaking to S______ before. Ask this question again.

[S_____ S_____] is trying to plan for this summer — where she will go, what she will do — and she is asking, ‘How can I open myself to experiences this summer, so that I might be enlightened spiritually and in other ways?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should answer in this manner. We shall give unto thee the necessary information for spiritual enlightenment. But thy have a dragon who stands near thee, who should take of the monetary things of thee. Beware of this one. Of thy spiritual needs, ask again, and we shall elaborate upon this in full.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [K_______ M_______] has been having pain in her stomach, and general sickness off and on for a long time, and she wonders if you can assist her with what to do about it?”

Yes, we see thy need. Thy problem is basically one of the female organs. We would suggest the taking of the Lydia E Pinkham. This thy do not always do, but do this as a ritual. And then we say unto thee, take of six days of prayer, the healing that is needed shall be given. And fear not.

Yes, we see this.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [1–21–72–002] wants to know what Aka wants her to do and how she can grow spiritually?”

Yes, we see thy need; then we should answer in this manner. There is one in the area that thy [leave — dead], where good fellowship could be joined. Talk unto this one. Thy can enter into what thy know as a bookstore business with this one. This would be good.

We shall give other guidance at a different time, for soul Ray grows very weak and tired.

But we should answer one other question, of soul R_____’s trip. He should not be left unsupervised, and beware of the water. Take your trip, but do not engage in what thy call as horseplay with the other boys. Do not go off by thyself. For if thy fail to heed our warning, thy shall leave of thy body.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

And the Fifth Angel is awake upon your earth. Beware.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


March 10, 1972

Globe, Arizona

[Aka is here.]

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should answer in this manner. Thy have asked of the genesis of Adam and the one known as Jesus. And we should answer in this manner. For in the beginning, there was the Word, and the Word was God [See John 1:1–5].

And God thought of man, and so God made of the soul and the spirit of man. And so He did make them of our kind, of our likeness. And then He did make the body of man and woman, and therefore, found it good. [See Genesis 1:26–30].

And therefore, the soul and the spirit did enter into the body.

And this did happen in five places upon your earth — and so, were the five nations, of the five creeds of your earth. And so was the beginning of man, and the evolution of man. And so were the five Edens of man.

But as man soon found temptation, he was no longer of their kind, of their image. And so man made death that he may return back unto the spiritual body, the immortal body of man, and therefore, learn again of his Father. [See Genesis, chapters 2 and 3.]

Man evolved many times into higher spiritual realms, but through his wars and his ignorance, and his times of only knowing of earth, he did walk away from his knowledge many times. And so did the ones known as Adam, [who] were born and born again.

And then the Lord God thought unto Himself, “I MUST SEND THESE, MY CHILDREN, AN EXAMPLE.” And so He did. And some were the descendants of Adam. And some were the descendants of Abraham and Moses. And some are the descendants of the one known as David. And so they should be as Isaiah, as [the] prophet[s] of before.

And so He looked upon the earth and the [b____] children of Israel, and these were a stubborn lot. And He thought unto Himself, “IF I COULD TEACH THE WORST OF MY LOT.” And so He sent unto them prophets, all of the line of Adam, and those who had chosen to be born and born again, and at each teaching did learn and grow higher and stronger in their Father’s eyes, and those who with their free choice did each time take a harder task before them.

And so He chose those who had entered the earth before — and so was born upon your earth the one known as Jesus. And still this one had to face temptation. And the last temptation was the greatest, for he came, not to change the Law, not to change the prophecies, but to show the fulfillment of the same. And so this was done.

But as I have said before, the last temptation was the greatest, for he must show the way that man had chosen, for death, as you would know it. He had to suffer long, for each drop of blood he must show his love of mankind, and at no time could he curse them. And as the last drop of blood did fall, he weakened, but not completely. And therefore, upon the third day of the third hour he returned back into mankind. But still, this was to show the fulfillment of the Law. For even those he had chosen for disciples did not know of him, and asked proof unto the same.

All these things were done in five places. The time was different. The words were not. They were said to a different people to seek, to suit their needs. And as we have said before, thy can destroy nothing, thy can build upon what is there. But remember, the temple that thy build in is God’s — and this is the body of man, the soul of man, the spirit of man, and the spirits of God that dwell therein.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [A____ F_____]…he was advised last time to request a life reading for more help.”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body — and therefore, we have before us the records of time.

As we have said before, to learn of thy last entry would be important unto this one. And therefore, the entry was that of a Viking. And we say unto this one, [Kayla hand-a-sey. She ne?]

Yes, we see this.

And as thy grow from boyhood into manhood, thy left of thy homeland, into what is known now as Iceland, and did journey unto the Americans of the time, into that proportion that is known now as Florida. And at first, thy made peace with the natives of the land and took into thyself a wife of these people, for thy found her fair. And thy did take into thyself thy religion of these people, the philosophy of the same. And as your warrior brothers of your own kind did depart, thy stayed in this land and grew strong in their knowledge.

In your later years thy went back unto thy own land, and there to depart.

And as your knowledge was great of the time of passing, thy knew what to expect when thy passed [in] the land that thy had been before, and there was greeted by thy wife. Thy grew in spiritual development [unto] the fourth plane, and therefore, did choose entry again.

And once again, thy have come back unto the Americans to seek that of which thy have lost. Thy have brought much of thy memory with thee. But remember, thy must live in both realms, that of the spiritual world and that of the earth plane; these must be brought together. And as thy have seeked into thy need and have seen fit to reward the development of others, and therefore, found the gift of giving, then give of your knowledge unto these of your Father’s children.

And as the passing comes forth again, those that are needed shall stand by. But as you have chosen to come as the time is made ready for the coming of the Messiah, so should our Father see fit to stay the hand, and therefore, let your learning grow greater into the same — and we say unto thee, [kay-la-nos], or brother of [love], for thy sight shall grow strong in the eyes of man and in the eyes of God. But wander no farther.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [J___ W_______], who is here tonight, of…Miami….And she asks, ‘I am in doubt as to what action to take; I want to know if I should have surgery next Tuesday, as the doctor wants?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, have before us the body, the soul, the spirit and the immortal body. Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should say in this manner. The surgery is needed, but not in the same manner as the doctors think at the present time. For these things that they should find should be of a minor nature and easily be corrected.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka.[C____ H____] is asking for [M____ J__]. She says, ‘Ever since [M____ J__] has been born he has been troubled with colds….Can you advise me on this? Also there seems to be a slight problem with his right foot, how can this be corrected?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And of the colds, as thy would know them, the healing shall be given into the same. Of the foot, we should answer in this manner. Once each day the foot should straightened and held in this position. Hold of the upper thigh of the leg of the same. Do not force the foot, bring it gradually and slowly into a straighter position. This should be done 15 minutes of the morning and the evening. This should be continued for six months of the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [J___ C_____] of…Fresno, California….And she has asked, ‘I need help with my problems at home and the future health of my husband.’”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should answer in this manner. This one’s diet should be greatly changed. Yes, we see the problem here of arthritis.

We would suggest the drinking of the sage tea. The pulp of the Night-blooming Cereus should be added, and if at all possible, should be taken in the fresh quantity. All calcium substances should be taken from the diet for the present time. We find also that this one is a borderline diabetic; the eating of the Jerusalem artichoke of the same should be done daily. We also find that the Vitamin D should be added in extra quantities of the same, and of the Vitamin B of the same. We also find that this subject should take the tonic known as S.S.S.

A diet should be given, that of all green substances. No meat of any kind, except that that should come from the ocean, should be eaten, of the salt water variety. No other meat should be eaten. Eat as many green vegetables as thy desire. For the present time, take out of thy diet that of the natural salt. The fish, as it comes, can be eaten. [Use of] a salt substitute or that of the salt that comes from the ocean. It would be advisable if this one could move into a much drier climate.

Of thy other problem — yes, we see this — and we should answer in this manner. Each in your own way has that of karma before thee; thy have chosen this. We may guide thee, but we cannot take that that thy have chosen from thee. Stand firm, but learn to be more giving. Learn to forgive unto others.

But we should leave thee with this message. If thy right eye offend thee, cast it aside. But, thy are thy own master upon this earth. Thy are a child of God, and therefore, are a very important soul. Do nothing into the body that would harm the body, for that would only cause thee new karmas into the same. For every action upon your earth, there must be a reaction to the same. For all things of the earth must be of heaven, and all things of heaven must be of the earth. Learn of these. Take unto thyself of the past readings. Learn of these. But remember, thy can destroy nothing; thy may only build upon what is already there.

Soul Ray now grows very tired, and our time grows very short.

And we should say again unto thee, the Fifth Angel rests upon thy earth, but he is no longer in slumber, for he has awakened.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


March 17, 1972

Globe Arizona

[Aka is here.]

“Good evening, Aka, where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes we see thy need, and therefore, we should say unto thee these words.

In the beginning, the earth was barren. And the doorway to birth of the soul and spirit was through the [immortal] body and the mortal body of man. And our Father did say unto thee, “GO FORTH AND BE FERTILE UNTO THE SAME.”

But now, in this time, your birth rate is so rapid; it has left your land into such a state of overpopulation. Your universe and universes were set up in such a manner that as your population grew there would be new land for the living of the same. But rapid birth within itself is not good, for it does not give those who have passed beyond time to learn the lessons that are necessary before rebirth upon your earth plane. And as a result of the same, you now are having many entries which neither possess the soul, the spirit or the immortal body of the same; therefore, you have those who come upon the earth without purpose. And this within itself is against your Father’s law of karmic. Therefore, if this should go onward in the same manner, it should be necessary for more of what you know as natural disaster to balance the same.

Therefore, thy have thought in thy minds of this thing thy call abortion. First, we should say unto thee these words, our Father gave unto each of you free choice. And as this was given, it could never be taken away, either by our Father or ourselves. Therefore, the manner that each human being should deal with its own body is entirely up to that individual. For as each individual should have needs within the same, and as the body cells are continually changing and growing, and therefore, the cells of the brain in the same manner. Thy have discussed, “When does the entry take forth?” And as the passing should take of three days, so should the entry take of three days. A normal entry should come about upon the third day of the third hour of the third moment of birth. Therefore, as thy think of abortion in its present manner, this is of man’s law and not of God’s, so therefore, deal with it in this manner. But we should say also into thee, do nothing that should harm the body, for the body is the temple of God.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, while you are on this subject, what do you suggest instead of abortion?”

We would suggest that controlled birth be used, in any manner that does not harm the body. We are not suggesting against abortion. This must come from each individual, and the decision must be made in the same manner.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes. Aka, [5‑7‑71‑001] who is here tonight, has asked for a health reading.”

Yes, we see thy need, then, therefore, have before us — yes — we have the body the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same.

First, we should tell unto this one that Louise is well, and she sent this one greetings.

Yes, we have before us the body, and therefore, find in the lymph glands of the same


Yes, we see this.

In the same manner, we find an imbalance of the pineal gland, and therefore, there are many substances, one of such is the wheat germ within itself. We find, therefore, that proportion that is secreted of the [lifelong] liquid of the same. We find, therefore, an unbalance of the system. We would suggest, first, the use of a good osteopathic doctor.

We find the diet [eaten] in its present form is a good one. But unless this is corrected, we find the forming of cancerous cells; a virus, therefore, that is secreted from the same, is now fermenting into the same, and therefore, in an incubative state.

We would also suggest that adjustments be made of the upper neckular area in that proportion of the brainstem in itself. This should be done in an upward manner, for the upper proportion, of the third [digitone] [digitonin (attached at C-3 of the digitogenin)] and of the fourth [C-4] should be moved apart. We would further suggest that medication be taken for the dilating of the blood vessels into the same.

We would further suggest that good minerals be used, a mineral compound. We would not suggest any of the calcium — a mineral with this substance left out.

One moment, please.

Yes we see this.

Therefore, we would suggest ‑‑ yes ‑‑ a Doctor Patterson, at the present time located in the Scottsdale area.

We would further suggest the use of the saunic baths, to increase the circulatory system.

Yes, we see an infection of the vagina. We also see — yes, in this manner — this is caused by imbalance of the bladder area. We would suggest that the drinking of at least six glasses of pure water. We would suggest the taking of the sage tea, both of the morning and evening.

Yes we find this.

We also find that this subject is a borderline diabetic; the eating of the Jerusalem artichoke would greatly help this subject in this manner.

In the presence of the doctor thy should advise him of your susceptibility to varicose veins. This should be guarded.

We see thy need and we should say unto thee in these words. If thy should take of three days of prayer, rest and meditation, the healing that thy desire shall be given.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [4‑6‑70‑001] asks, ‘Does Andrew [4‑20‑70‑001] have a physical ailment which needs treatment, and should I try to help him?’”

Yes we see thy need, and therefore, should answer in this manner. Yes, soul Andrew has several physical ailments. But at the present time it would be no benefit to yourself to try to give assistance, for this should not at the present time be accepted. At a later time, yes, but not at the present time.

We should also suggest, as we have said before, do not go at the present time into any business ventures. Stand firm on those things that thy possess. If thy do not thy shall lose them all.

But the most important of all ‑‑ thy would again dream of the many houses, which are your soul. Give that to God that belongs to God. Give that to yourself that belongs to yourself. But before all other, give that to your brother that belongs to your brother. And if your brother has offended thee, go to thy brother and ask forgiveness. But before thy go to thy brother, ask forgiveness of thyself. And if thy cannot find forgiveness within thyself, then go again into meditation, and therefore, find the source of thy problem. But do not denounce others; do not find fault in others, for the problem that thy should correct lies within thy own heart.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [6‑9‑70‑004], who is here tonight, has asked if you can give us further information for the writing of our minister’s book that she is working on? Also do you have any information on her life reading?”

(Chuckle.) Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Thy asked in thy mind, “What is meant by the life plane?” And we should answer in this manner. The life plane may be of one day, one hour, or it may be for a thousand, thousand years. Or it may be for never. These things must come from yourself, for none stands in judgment before you, but that that dwells within yourself.

And thy ask again of thy life reading. And we say unto thee in these words, thy were Jude, and therefore, stand forth and be known unto the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [5–7–71–002] has asked if the infant Messiah of which you have spoken, ‘Is it born already, as we understand it, and in what country?’”

And we should answer in this manner. These things are known only unto our Father. And for, at the present time, for his protection, the exact location shall be kept a secret into the same.

But answer in this manner.


For the wise to hear let them hear. And for the wise to see let them see.

And when the time comes, and the ocean roars and the mountain bellows their mighty force, our Father shall write upon the sky the entry of the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [3–17–72–001]…and she is very concerned about her feelings toward her loved ones and her instability. She has left her family, and she wonders if you can give her any assistance? She is presently living in Yuma.”

One moment, please. We do not see this. We do not find this soul.

We should suggest that thy get a proper address and a proper name of the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [11–26–71–002] has asked for help in guiding, teaching young people. She says, ‘Please ask for guidance on the best ways to reach teenagers today in school and out. For example, will group activity be more effective than the other way of lecture and testing in the classroom — how to reach out to their minds and spirit, and help them back from the distractions of today?’ Do you have any suggestions…?”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should answer this question at your next reading, for soul Ray now grows very tired, and we grow very weak.

But before we depart we should answer a question in the mind of one. Fear not, for thy husband shall walk with thee for sometime yet. But prepare for a long journey. This journey shall take you over the seas, and therefore, we ask of thee, take with thee these readings. Let the Word, for it was first in the beginning, flow into the souls of the ocean of man.

And we say again, the Fifth Angel is awake upon thy earth. Beware of the March winds.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


March 24, 1972

Globe, Arizona

[Aka is here.]

“Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should say unto thee in these words. There shall be rain, but not before the 24th day, of your time, of June, and this shall be slight. Thy shall have slight moisture from the Gulf of California. For the land shall become bare again.

But we shall say unto thee in this manner. As we have said before, this, in itself, can be changed; for as a group, through thy prayer this can be changed. Bring thy group together, and give forth in thy prayer for the same.

Yes, we see thy need, soul Luke, and we should answer your question in this manner. For there is nothing to fear, but fear in itself, for as we have said before, we shall allow no one from either side to interfere with this work. And as the time for the crow [cock] to crow is over, let thy groups stand fast together as the children of God. Send into thy enemies good thoughts, and leave thy trust in thy Lord, thy God.

And for those who should oppose the coming of the Messiah, as stones they shall be cast aside, as Lot, and risen again from the sea — for as the daughters of Lot walked forward and did sanctify Abraham, and as God saw it was good and gave blessings upon the same. [See Genesis 18:16–33, 19:2–29, and The Revelation 20:11–15.]

Yes, we see thy need soul [4–3–70–002], and we should answer thy question in this manner. Fear not, for the temple we have built is strong. Have faith in the same. Do you understand of which we speak?



“Yes, I understand.” [She (4–3–70–002) answers.]

And we should answer into soul Mark these words. Have faith and walk on the water with us. Those things that shall be needed shall be provided. But remember unto these words; ask for thy needs, not for thy wants.

Yes, we see thy need, soul James. And as the Lord placed His trust within thee and gives thee a light to carry above men and to men, as we have promised before, thy sight shall grow strong in the spiritual way.

And we should answer into all of those, and we shall leave these instructions unto the prophet of the same. As we have said before, “the first shall be last, and the last shall be first,” and in this manner, the last thing that this one should do in your ceremony — he should ask for a bowl and a towel, and unto each of these, who should become ministers of the same, should wash of their feet.

Yes, we see thy need, soul [8–3–70–002], and we should answer in this manner, for as thy have planted the seed, give ferment into it and it should grow. But be cautious as thy walk. See unto each man his needs. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Partly.” [He (8–3–70–002) answers.]

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [5–7–71–001] was given a health reading last week, and there are two questions that she needs clarification on. She was told to see a Dr. Patterson in Scottsdale, who is an osteopath, and she can’t find a Dr. Patterson, but she found a Dr. Peterson in Scottsdale who’s an osteopath. Also….”

We see thy need, and therefore, we should answer in this manner. From your English translation, Peterson and Patterson should be one of the same.

Of thy other question, we should answer in this manner. Take that that is needed into the body. Should thy feel that the body should reject the same, do not take of this.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [C____ H_____] asks if you can tell us who the little girl is that visits our group sometimes during the reading?”

Yes, we see thy need. (Chuckle.) Blessed are the children of the Lord, for they shall watch upon the children of the people.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [11–26–71–002] asks this question. ‘Please ask for guidance on the best ways to reach the teenagers today in school and out. For example, will group activity be more effective than the older way of lecture and testing in the classroom? How do you reach out to them, their minds and spirit, and help them back from the distractions of today?’ She asks for help on this, Aka.”

We should answer in this manner. As the one known as Jesus Christ who walked before, he walked not as a hypocrite; he walked before those, and spoke of the things that meant something to him, and in the same manner, they meant something to the others around him. The old manner, as you would call it, is good for this reason; it brings the teacher into personal contact with each of their pupils. This new manner in which you speak is good within itself for self-learning only.

But as we have said before, the teacher shall not become greater than the pupil, nor the pupil greater than the teacher. But a wise teacher gives forth that of which they know. They do not teach of something they do not know. But at all times, they are the teacher; they must be respected in this manner.

There are many variations of your teaching methods today. What was truth yesterday shall not be truth tomorrow. This should apply to your mathematics and your geography of the same, for complete new methods in the next five years shall be known to man. But teach that that comes today, for it is the foundation for tomorrow, as the foundation for your yesteryear was the foundation for today.

Can you understand of which we speak?

“I try.” [She (11–26–71–002) answers.]

Nay, not fully. But thy shall within time, for we shall make thee a teacher. For thy shall be a teacher’s teacher.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [J___ H_______], who is staying in the Lee Hotel in Yuma…and she has left her home and family and is very distressed. She feels that she can’t go back to them because she is very hateful, and she asks for guidance.”

We see thy need, and we shall say once again, we do not see this. Get, as thy would know it, the correct address and the correct name of this soul. The information shall be given when the truth is [put] forth unto the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [J__ S_____] of…Tucson….She asks, just one moment — she asks for a life reading, Aka.”

Yes, we see thy need. And as our time should grow short, ask this at the firsts of your next reading and this shall be given. Soul Ray now grows very tired.

Now is the time of the Cherub. Your Third and your Fifth Angel are upon thy earth — for, as they have come before, they shall stand together — and the earth shall tremble beneath their feet. [See The Revelation of John 1:4–8, chapters 4–5, 6:1, 5–11, 8:10–13, and 9:1–12.]

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


April 1, 1972

Yuma, Arizona

[Aka is here.]

“Good evening Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner, for now we see thy come before us in truth. For as a lost lamb, we shall act as thy shepherd.

Thy have toiled long and hard. And thy ask thyself, “Why should I do unto this, for is life in itself that of toil?”

And we say unto thee, nay. For as we have said before, give that unto your Father that belongs to your Father; give that unto your fellow man that belongs to your fellow man; but give that unto yourself that belongs to yourself. For through the female of your species was chosen that of entry, and in this method, that the male and the female should come together in what is known of your language as love, and therefore, the soul and the spirit could enter and all could be in accord of the same. But this must be done with free choice. Let none of the female species bear fruit, and then regret as it should ripen that it should be picked.

Thy have thought in mind of returning, and we say unto you, stay unto this land that thy have chosen. Find thy soul, thy spirit, that all may enter into the immortal body of the same, for it is not enough to possess just the body.

Thy have asked, “Have I ever loved?”

And we answer in this manner. For once before, there was this one thy call of Jesus Christ, and as he stood upon the cross, and as his brothren stood beneath and counted the drops of blood, one by one, and two by two, and three by three, they knew of this love he possessed for all, for remember, did he not say unto you, “I come not to change the prophecies, but to show the fulfillment of the same. I come not to change my Father’s Laws, but to show you the fulfillment of the same.” [See Matthew 5:14–20.]

And did he not say unto those of the temple, “Destroy this of my temple, and I shall rebuild it in three days.” And then again, upon your third hour, he died, as you would know it, for the body wilted and turned into dust. But from the dust rose another who had memory of where he had been, and therefore, knew of his duties before him.

Must you all be as Thomas? Think thee of the times of before. Think thee of the persecution within the temple. Shall you once again persecute this prophet unto which we have sent unto your keeping? Shall you cut again of his head? [See Matthew 14:1–12.]

But we say unto thee these words, our Father does not ask of the Lamb, of the blood, but only of this word thy use, only of the love of each of you.

And now, we should say unto this other one who has lost his way. And we see the hurt within his family, and permission has been granted to answer of this question. For he now dwells in what thy would know as the Los Angeles area. No harm has come unto this one, but you must realize, this one in his sanest moments possessed that of free choice, and that he did use. But remember, for the next one who should achieve the Christ state may be the beggar upon the street.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [4–17–71–001] has asked for a health reading.”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Go unto three days of prayer and meditation, and the healing thy desire shall be given, for in this manner, thy should open the door that we may enter.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [1–15–72–006] has asked, ‘Will you tell me if the new state of consciousness which I seem to have found is valid, and if so, what is it called? Also would you tell me any points of the past lives which would help me in this life?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer first in this manner. Of your past lives, when you are prepared in this life, then we should call thee, Thomas. But prepare thyself; open the door that the spirit should enter. Go forth and give glory unto your Father, and your Father should give glory unto thee.

Of this new state of consciousness, we see thy need, and therefore, as we have said before, we walk before thee and prepare a way. Fear not. Walk in the light of God, and we shall walk with thee. Have faith, and thy shall walk on water with us.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [4–1–72–001] who is here with us tonight has asked for direction. And she would also like a health or life reading.”

We shall answer first in this manner. We have come but for one purpose, that, in itself, is a preparing of a way for the coming of the Messiah. If thy should take unto thyself this purpose, carry the torch before thee and light the way for others. We shall enter and give thee guidance.

Thy have done many things in thy life. All has been of thy own free choosing.

Thy asked into thyself, “Were thy of the colored,” as thy would know it? And we shall say unto thee, in the beginning our Father set forth upon the earth five, as thy would know it, each of the creed and color of man, for there were five Adams, and each [was] the spirit of One. And as our Father chose, from time to time, to send examples back unto the earth, He sent each unto the five back again; and [with] each time of their entry was a time of learning, a time of doing that unto which they had learned in their in-between times.

Thy asked of thy past lives, and we shall give thee of this. In thy last life thy were of the colored. Thy were of a minister. But thy used both of the black and the white arts, that many should fear thee.

And upon thy passing, thy laid in nothingness, that of memory, waiting. You lived again and again as proportions of your life, but you lived them until you could recognize them as mistakes within yourself. You looked at them in the true light of our Father.

And then, slowly, upon awakening, there were those who had tried to awaken thee numerous times, and thy looked upon their faces, and thy asked but one word, “Where is God?”

And they said unto thee, “We see into thee, God.”

And thy could not accept this, and thy asked them, “Where is this one thy call Lucifer?”

And they said unto thee, “That is that that comes from within thee.”

And thy looked upon them again, and said, “Where are those who should judge me?”

And they answered back, “That that comes from within.”

And you asked them, “How could this be so?”

And they answered unto you, “By reliving each of your life moments until you could recognize each of your own mistakes and judge yourself, but in this manner — to judge yourself and know the truth, not to persecute yourself, for you are a part of God, but with free choice unto the same.” And they said unto thee, “Come and go with us.”

And thy looked around thee and thy said unto them, “I know not of this. How could all of this be so, for some are white, some are black, some are red? There is all the colors of our Father’s rainbow.”

And they said unto thee, “Use of your free choice and think upon it, and thy may become any of our Father’s colors. For these colors our Father placed unto man, for they were that part of our Father.”

And soon thy walked with all men and all women, and saw them and loved them in the spiritual self.

And soon thy were doing work back unto this land that thy had come from. Thy were tutoring those that are known as [Martin] Luther, and others.

But then, thy saw the need for re-entry, and said unto those around thee, “I have learned enough, but before I go, show me this one they call of Jesus, the Christ.”

And your answer came from the heavens around thee. And it was in this manner, “FOR THIS IS MY SON, MY DAUGHTER, WHO I AM WELL PLEASED.”

We know that thy cannot understand the words we have spoken, but we shall help thee to awaken thy far memory.

Thy have other questions ask, but before we leave this one, we should answer one other. Pray unto your Father; meditate unto your Father, and the healing thy seek should come.

Ask thy other question.

“Aka, at this time this is all of the written questions we have.”

Nay, then we should answer in this manner. For the one in need, we shall give unto thee three years of life upon this earth. And take each year as a day, and think upon it as you too were laid upon the cross. Within the third year of the third moment of this day, if you have learned, if you have shed one teardrop unto our Father, we shall extend this time. If not, you shall judge unto yourself.

And now we say unto thee these words. For those who should see us, for those who should see us materialize in human form, we should answer your question in this manner. For those who have seen us have seen our Father, for we stand before Him as servants. We are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. Glory be His name.

Go out among your people. Give them your message, and we shall go with thee.

But the time grows short, for the Fifth Angel lies upon thy earth, and beside him stand four more. There is but two to pass before thee, and pray that these seals are never opened. [See The Revelation of John 6:1–11.]

Give us but one soul in each of what thy know [as] thy towns, and we shall spare of this in our Father’s day.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared with the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


April 7, 1972

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should answer in this manner. As your candelabra should stand as a symbol, as once before in the time of Moses, and therefore, be given unto each of your ministers of the same, but it should stand only as a symbol, for your Lord, your God, has asked but two things, that you love unto Him one tenth of the love that He gives unto His children.

Yes, we see thy need, soul [4–6–70–003], and therefore, should answer of your question in this manner. For there is a time for laughter, there is a time for sleep, a time for work, and a time for worship. For in all things there is time, and as time should heal all wounds, push this thing from your mind and grow from it. Open your door that we may enter, and therefore, feel the warmth of our Father standing beside thee, for as we have said before, the door is open for the house you have searched for; enter, and become as one.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [4–7–72–001], and she has asked, one moment, she has asked for a life reading, Aka.”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should answer in this manner, for in your before life — yes, we see this — and we have before us, therefore, the body, the soul, the spirit and the immortal body of the same, and therefore, the records of time. And so that thy may understand thyself upon this plane, we shall give of thee of thy last life.

Thy were incarnated in the part of country thy know as Georgians. And thy labored hard under a cruel master of this time, for this master was not of the usual master, for he made his business in that of the breeding of the slaves. And as a young woman, he found you fair, and therefore, did enter you and kept him in that proportion for himself, and through time did grow to love you, but neither gave you wedlock before man, nor did he give your children his name. Upon his death you were sold again.

And as the war did come, and this one known as John Brown did take you into the northern part of the country, and therefore, give you freedom. But you choose to serve this one by the name of John Brown. But you saw him change, day by day, and became a cruel man of the same, that of a radical of the same. But because you felt you owed this one your life you choose to follow him. And therefore, you found yourself, after this one was hanged, a radical in the same manner as himself, and soon found yourself hating all Whites. Your hatred was so strong that you went back after the wars into that proportion known as Louisville, Kentucky, and therefore, did start a house of prostitution and flaunted it before those who should worship, as you would call it, their White God. And later, you were killed in an argument with another of your kind by stabbing.

Your sleep was long and troublesome. And as there were many around you to help you awaken, you cursed them and said they were all White. And therefore, when the one known as John Brown did come unto you and say, “We are all of the same,” you cursed him for ever following him. But finally, you see this one walk arm in arm with this one known as Abraham Lincoln. And you awaken and watch, and soon began to develop, and see the many colors of God. Gradually you began to develop, and you became a guide across from the other side.

Gradually, after watching many pass before you, you chose for re-entry upon this plane of this time. But you brought forth your prejudice once again with you. And once again, you find it necessary to persecute. You must learn what you did not learn before when you chose the life of a slave. You had chosen this life to learn humility before your fellow man and that of serving your fellow man. For remember, our Father has many colors. Give forth unto all mankind as that of your brothers and sisters of the same. Do that unto them that you would wish them to do unto you. Give of yourself. Walk in the light of God. Promise no man that you will do anything, only that you will try, and promise yourself in the same manner.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka.[5–7–71–001’s] osteopath in Tempe, [4–7–72–004], has suggested that she see [4–7–72–005] here, that he could do the same. Do you have any advice for her?”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should answer in this manner. Of these things are good. But remember, this must be done gently, working above the area and below it, above in an upward motion, below in a downward motion. This must be done gently for an eight-week period of time.

From time to time, as the progress is done, we would suggest that further readings be given. The healing that thy have asked for is being given. Be patient, my daughter, for all things, with faith, shall come.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [8–24–70–001’s] right shoulder is causing continuing pain. She wonders if you can give her a health reading on this particular problem?”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should answer in this manner. Your seasons are changing. Eat of the Night-blooming Cereus. Do so in this manner; make of this into the powdered form, placing it in a glass of milk. We would further suggest, also, the drinking of the sage tea twice per day.

We shall answer your other question in this manner. For from now and from this point forward, thy shall be known as Mary.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, one question on powdering the Night-blooming Cereus, how should this be done?”

Dry it in the sun.

“Thank you, Aka. Aka, [4–7–72–002] who is visiting our group and who is presently ill has a very serious financial problem, and she is wondering if she should get a loan, or if you have some other suggestion as to how she can solve her problem?”

We would suggest, at the present time, of obtaining a loan. Your other financial problems shall come to an end. But remember, we shall provide your needs, not of your wants.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka.”

One moment. Yes, we see this; yes.

We would suggest that this one check back with her physician as soon as possible. We see slight infection in the lower bowel area. The healing that is asked for shall be given.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, you’re speaking of [4–7–72–002]?”


“Thank you. Aka, [2–19–71–002], she is wondering if the spray that she was exposed to when she lived here will cause her to have a child that is other than normal?”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Nay, these things shall not happen; thy child shall be born completely normal. We would suggest for this one the taking of a good multiple

vitamin at the present time. We would further suggest — yes, we see this — this subject is anemic. We would suggest the vitamin B complex, preferably to be taken into the vein itself in the liquid form.

Yes, we see this.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [4–7–72–003] has asked for a life reading to help her in her future.”

We would suggest that this be done at a different time. Soul Ray grows very tired, and therefore, we would suggest that you should awaken from your slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared with the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


April 14, 1972

Globe, Arizona

[Aka is here.]

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

And first, we should say unto thee these words. We shall give healing into this one, of soul Jan [4–6–70–003?]. But it shall come as raindrops, for we have given warnings before, and these within themselves have not been heeded. Therefore, she should need time to wander in the between land. And as she should learn, then we should call her back.

And we say, hark, unto soul Luke and John.

And we should say unto thee these words, soul James, for thy have asked these words of communion into the same. And we should answer you in this manner. We are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. We do not ask from any of you other than the love of your God — and as we have said before, our Father has many mansions; therefore, you can destroy nothing, but you may build on what is already there.

We have told into thee to take [up, of] the bread and the wine, for the bread shall be your soul and spirit, and the wine shall be that of our Father’s — for as the body, the soul, and the spirit should come in completion of the immortal body of the same.

And they asked of the wine. Place of this before each. If they chose to, let them partake of the same.

But our Father does not ask for the blood of the Lamb. And the Lamb does not ask for the blood of man. For these things that belong to the earth also belong to our Father, for they were His in the beginning. And should the grape choose to become the wine for your offering, then the grape has seen fit to use of its free choice.

And should the wheat of thy bread choose to come forth of its free choice unto your offering — and should our Father’s children see to come forth of their free choice, and therefore, give up into our Father the offering of the same, this is their choice.

But remember, this can be done anywhere, for this is between them and their God.

But as you should become ministers in the light of God, and therefore, speak of the words of God, this can be done unto your own people and those with free choice who come unto thee and ask.

But as we have said before, go unto this house and knock. If they should bid you enter, drink of their wine, that they may drink of yours. But should they not, then take of this, and go elsewhere.

But we should say unto all of the disciples of this work, give that that is God’s to God; give that to your brother that is your brother’s; but just as important, give that unto yourselves that is yourselves’. But close your doors to no man. For we do not come to one people alone, but to all the people and all the children of God. Therefore, give glory unto God and God should give glory unto His children.

But mark these words — for those who have been chosen to walk in the light of God and minister in the same manner, walk as a man and a woman of God. Be as a mirror into the same. For as we have said unto thee, for those who should see us should see of our Father, and thine should be likewise in the same manner. Do not step backwards.

And now, we should tell thee of a time soon to come, this of your calendar of May the 2nd, of your year. [Editor’s note: the first Annual Meeting was held May 10, 1972.]

And as we have said before, the Fifth Angel stands upon thy earth. He no longer slumbers, but he holds in his hand the mighty Sword of God, that that should divide the people and the earth. And as we have said before — where no water flowed, water shall flow again. Where water flew, it shall not, for your earth shall now start its change.

And pray unto the Lord that it comes in your summer months. [See The Revelation, chapters 5–7, 14 and 19, Mark 13:1–4 and Mark 13:14–37.]

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [4–14–72–001] asks, ‘We are planning a move to the southeastern United States and would like your advice on this; it seems we are being directed to this move.’”

And we should answer in this manner. This move should not be good; it should divide, and therefore, conquer all in your family. Stand together. Stand as the children of God, and the light of God shall shine upon thy footsteps and show thee the way.

Yes, we see thy other needs, and we should answer them in this manner. Thy daughter should soon marry, and therefore, bring forth a good son.

Of thy son-in-law and his vision, we should answer in this manner. There are those who should use of this work to meet their own selfish needs; do not listen to this.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [4–14–72–002] says, ‘I have two skin problems that no one knows how to cure. Will you help me?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. Go unto the chiropractic doctor. Adjustments should be made in the upper neckular area. This should bring a balance of thy body chemicals into normal. Take then of the soda, take of thy bread, take then of the white of the egg; dampen all of these with boiled milk. Apply them to the infected areas, and the healing thy ask for shall be given in the same manner. Should follow-up readings be necessary, and they are asked for, they shall be given.

Yes, we see thy needs, [5–7–71–001].


[5–7–71–001]. And we should answer your question in this manner. The treatment as has been given is good. We would further suggest the working in the lower spinular area to bring this into a normal completion of the same. We would further suggest the taking, as we have said before, of the sage tea twice daily.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [4–14–72–003] asks, ‘Is there a chance that [4–14–72–005] will come home, and when? He is the husband of [4–14–72–003’s] sister, [4–14–72–004]. He is a prisoner of war.’”

Yes, we see thy need. Many should think of this one as being dead, as you would know it, but at the present time he still lives. His health is not well.

And we should answer your question in this manner. Death, in itself, as you would think of it, is but passing from one room to another. There is this time — as you would call it, purgatory — this time when thy should relearn thy problems of thy earth plane, and then for passing onward, beyond this. Here we call it, a time of sleep.

Does this answer your question?

Yes, we see thy need. And we should give prayer unto our Father.

One moment.

You must realize that neither our Father, nor His servants, as we stand, can interfere with free choice. But come back one week from now, and that the final decision shall be given unto thee. But give prayer each day unto your Father, and give meditation unto the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [3–6–71–002] has asked for a diet. She also asks, ‘Should I rent my house or plan a move in May?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer the last first. Plan thy move, as thy would suggest it. The renting of the house would be good to supplement thy income.

Of thy health reading, we should answer in this manner. This should be done in a special meeting; there [are] information that should be for thine ears only.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [12–10–71–002] has asked for a life reading.”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer.

Yes, we have before us now the body, [the] soul, the spirit and the immortal body of the same — and therefore, have before us the records of time.

And we see thy, in thy first entry in the Year of the Horse, in that proportion thy know [now] as China. This at this time is a very small island continent within the same.

Yes, thy have need here for thy service of the gas-propelled flying machines of this time. These are domelier [dome] shaped. Their looks are much like — these are [but] more what you would call of the flying saucers of this time. You must realize that they in themselves are propelled by rocketry gas, but in the same, they use another gas quite similar to what thy would know as helium. This is used for quick rising and descents. These are your design of this time.

Thy have done great work in the scientific field. But now in your later years, you have asked the council that thy may go forward unto the isles of Atlantis to prepare for your spiritual departure and re-entry. This is given.

And upon your arrival, there is a visit from the one known as Ra-Tai from Egypt. And he looks unto thee as a man, but he looks deeper and knows of thy ability. And Arcan and Ra-Tai walk before thee. And you are given [a] choice to return unto this land of Egypt with Priest Ra-Tai. And thy do of the same.

Thy bring great knowledge of the temples. Thy become a governor in that thy would know as the Temple of Beauty. And thy receive several reincarnations through this method.

But as the time of the end has come, and the great Temple of Knowledge should be used to destroy of the world, thy choose, with Priest Ra-Tai, to be one who should remain with the knowledge. Your death, as thy would know it, was not that of hardness, for you bowed your head in meditation, and therefore, descended.

We do not find thee again until this plane, this time, of your entry. Thy have come, for thy are in need again to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. We should leave unto thee this knowledge. Dwell at it. And come and ask again, and we shall [bid, give] thee farther in thy wisdom.

We can see in thy mind much confusion. But open the door, that we may enter.

Soul Ray now grows very tired.

But we leave unto all of thee these words. For the teacher should feel great and mighty in the eyes of man, but within their hearts, if they should stay humble in the eyes of God — and God shall make them great. But a student shall never become more than the teacher, and the teacher shall never become more than the pupil. But your time of learning has come forth, and the Great Pyramid and the bird of the Great Pyramid should take flight, for now we shall give of thee the powers thy ask for.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


April 17, 1972

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good afternoon, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. With thy emotional problem as it is, this in itself would cause this one to be overweight.

But, you have still another physical problem. This within itself is uremia poisoning. Kidneys within themselves are not at the proper time functioning as they should. We would suggest the drinking of six full glasses of water daily. This should be done for a period of seven days. Drinking as many other liquids as thy desire, drinking before each meal, approximately of 30 minutes before each meal, that of the sage tea of the same.

For thy morning meal, take before the meal one ounce of safflower oil, one piece of toast, and one glass of milk. Do not, at any time, skip any meal. Take them properly and on time.

For thy luncheon, as many green vegetables of any variety that thy desire. Soon you will be able to buy that that is known as the cantaloupe; take of as many of these as thy desire. Use of the salt that comes from the sea, none other.

For thy evening meal, still again one ounce of safflower oil before the meal. For one meal, take that of the fish foods that comes from the sea and again of as many green vegetables as thy desire. Of another meal, take of the liver that comes from the beef with as many green vegetable as thy desire. Do not cook any of these vegetables; eat them raw, as they come in their natural form. Of thy third, eat of the fresh-water foods and again as many green vegetables as thy would desire. Of thy fourth, take of the lean of the beef with again as many green vegetables as thy desire. Of thy fifth meal, thy may eat anything thy desire. Of thy sixth, again of the fresh-water fish variety. Of thy seventh meal, again of the salt-water fish of thy variety.

Remember before all meals, taking of the safflower oil, one ounce of the same. This should be continued for a three-month period. At such time, we should give further readings.

Of that that is in thy heart, we see thy need and thy longing of the same. We shall answer your question in this manner. Give that unto your God that belongs to God. Give that unto your brother that belongs to your brother. But just as important, service thy own needs. Do not cage your emotions. And thy were not born into chastity, therefore, give that unto your body that is needed. If you do not, your family and your self shall suffer from the same. Worry not again upon this one who waits in selfish need, for we have heard thy cries in the darkness, and we shall be there and serve thy need. But give unto this one what is his, no more or no less, for him demands come in selfishness, not in grace and not before God, therefore, as the journey of his should flow unto the river, and therefore, should flow unto the pit of the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes Aka. [2–19–71–002] of 1465 [Amperhand] Ave., Apt __, Yonkers, New York, has had a dream in which she saw two birds flying in the sky, and they came down and sat on a fence and sang beautiful songs and then flew away leaving some feathers. She would like to know the meaning of it.”

[Note: The spiritual messengers of God looked into the dream, saw what would be, and spoke sadly.] Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this way. Though where thy dwell shall be destroyed, it shall come again. And all shall come in peace before this one thy should know as the Christ, for, as we have said before, we come but for one purpose and that is in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“No, Aka, I cannot.” [See note below.]

Then give it thought into the same, and the answer shall dwell within thy souls.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, are you saying that this person should move?”


“Aka, [5–7–71–002] is concerned regarding the mining activity up the stream from their ranch. She wonders if you have any advice as to what they should do to protect their water or themselves from contamination?”

Yes, we see thy need. And as the time that shall come when the water shall be contaminated, protect thyself with other sources of land. But do not sell at the present time. We shall serve thee and tell thee of the correct time to sell, for as you have walked before your God, your God has walked before thee. And for those who should serve their God in serving this work, we shall take care of their needs. Have the water tested on a monthly basis from this point forward. Register these tests at the present time before witnesses of the same. Say nothing to anyone. Do not hide this, but do not take it forth unto others of the knowledge thy shall possess. When the time comes, those who should offend thee shall pay for it tenfold.Can thy understand of which we speak?


Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have one other question. Soul Ruth is concerned about a conflict in a planned trip to Miami and also the trip to Yuma. Do you have any, can you shed any light on this for her as to what will happen or what she should do?”

Yes, we see thy need. And as you have given honor unto your God, your God shall give honor unto you, and this honor shall be before men and women of the same. Fear not, for we walk before thee and guide thee, for thy have opened thy door that we may enter. Thy have given that unto thy Lord that is thy Lord’s. Do not reject the idea of making this trip, but let them give you more than ample notice. This they have not done. And this they will do. So worry not upon it. Let us take care of this need. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka,.” [She says].

Yes, we see this. Thy have other questions, ask.

Then we shall answer in this manner. Fear not this word thy call communion. Do you think that we shall not be there and guide each footstep in its proper place? For we shall answer you in this manner — for you shall always remember the miracle of your candelabra.

Now is the time of the Cherub, and the Fifth Angel stands upon your earth. Fear not, the children of God.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Thirty years beforehand, did the spiritual messengers of God foresee what would happen on September 11, 2001 — that two airplanes would destroy the twin towers of the World Trade Center — as they answered this question April 17, 1972, of a woman from New York about her dream?]

[Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared with the tape recorded voice for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


April 21, 1972

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better. Now all is in accord.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should say these words unto soul Ruth. Thy have asked thyself many times of your life in South America. And as an oracle of before who sought the fortunes and the future of your countrymen from the dissecting of birds, so it remained in your memory of this time. Can you understand of which we speak?

“Not completely.” [She says.]

Then think upon this, and the truth shall be known unto thee.

And we say hark into thee. For as we have said before, now is the time of the Cherub. And the Fifth Angel rests no longer upon thy earth, for now is the time of the great Sword that should cut of land and masses.

And we shall say once again that your earth is slowly changing upon its own axis. But your earth is sliding with this change. It has done this many times before. But this time it should be done with purpose, that mankind may hear and heed the words of God.

Our Lord has given unto thee free choice. But yet, you go onward with your wars and your killing. And we say unto thee, our Father does not seek the blood of the Lamb, but gave it to you that thy may see for thyselves in the resurrection of your own. Yet you took this and misinterpreted these words, and misinterpreted the deed within itself.

And now, as we have said before, your earth, this planet of yours, shall show that it has karma too. For earthquakes should come within your land. The earth should heave and give forth unto new life. And the temple of God that is in within man shall shine forth, and come again.

And thy ask unto thyselves, “Why do they talk in riddles?” [Yet] we have given unto thee many words. We have given unto thee many lessons to pass forth upon the people of the land. We do not come to you alone. We have chosen you first to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. But first you must prepare the way within yourselves.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Aka, last week [4–14–72–003], who is here tonight, asked about the husband of her sister, [4–14–72–003, who is interned in the war. And you said that you would tell her this week whether or not he would come home or when or something about it? Do you have more that you can tell her tonight? [4–14–72–005] is his name.”

We see thy need, and we should answer you in this manner.

This one should come home, for new strength has been built within the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

One moment.

Yes, yes.

Upon the eight month this should happen.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [4–21–72–001] has asked, ‘Will my son, [4–21–72–002], go into the service after graduation from college this June?’”

One moment.

Yes, we see this. And we should answer, nay, unto this. But fear not, for this one should make thy proud of thyself.

We would suggest unto this one that she should request a health reading into herself. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, I will.” [She answers.]

Thy have other questions within thy mind. Come unto soul Ray in his awakening state and we shall give unto him the knowledge to answer your questions.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [4–14–72–001] has — just a minute. [4–14–72–001] — ”

We see thy need. And we should answer your question in this manner. The healing that is needed shall be given. We would suggest at the present time the swirl baths be used to this injury. We would further suggest the use of what thy would know as the sunning lamp, starting with three- minute intervals and going forth. We would further suggest massaging at least eight times a day. This must be done very gently.

Thy ask in thy mind of this that the doctor suggests at the present time. We would suggest going unto a specialist, for what is said is not needed at the present time.

We have answered your other questions in prior readings. And we shall say unto this one once again, three days hence from this day, go unto three days of prayer and meditation. Open thy door and we shall enter.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [6–9–70–005] has asked for guidance.”

We see thy need and we should answer in this manner. Give unto your Lord, God, that that is His. Give unto your fellow man that that is theirs. But give unto yourself that that is yours. Give unto thyself self respect, and those things that thy desire, of wedlock, shall come in fulfillment.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [4–21–72–001], and he says, ‘I do not fully understand why I have undergone a recent experience.’ He is asking for help in this respect.”

Thy have three experiences at the present time within thy mind, and we shall answer them one at a time. Of your first experience, this is your psychic self, that that has been buried beneath the surface, coming forth. Of your second experience, (chuckle) the ways of love and the affairs of the heart are often confusing, even to us. But be patient in this, and your patience shall be rewarded. Of your third question, that of your financial needs, give unto God what is His and He shall give unto thee what is thine.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. You have made reference a number of times to the Seven Spirits of God. Could you tell me more about what you mean by this? Are they part of the council of Thirteen; are they different? What do you mean?”

The Seven Spirits of God are of the Seven Spirits of God. They are no part of any council. This dwells within thyself. As we have said before, open the door that we may enter. And we shall say once again, have faith and thy shall walk on the water with us.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [4–7–72–003] and she has asked for a life reading.”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. One moment.

Yes, we see this.

And we shall answer in this manner. For before, thy entered in thy last lifetime in that proportion that is now known as Colorado. Thy psychic ability was such that from childhood thy saw many things of the future time. And as thy grew older thy told thy father who was a banker that thy would die within his bank, yet not from fear, for you had accepted the knowledge that had been brought forth.

Yet, you grew to love one who worked in the town that thy resided, and who was a gambler, but also worked as the deputy sheriff. Thy psychic self told thee that this one was also a thief. But thy heart told thee that thy loved this one. And as the days grew into many, thy love grew and shadowed thy mind.

Then the day came when he came to steal, not only your heart, but your father’s money. They had shot your father and the other two tellers within the bank.

And you screamed and called this one’s name, and therefore, he also killed you.

Because you were no longer prepared, your sleep was long in your anger and your hurt. Thy could not accept these things as they were. Yet your father sat beside thee and tried to awaken thee. You could see your father, yet you could not face [his] shame. And as time passed thy still slept onward.

Your lover was killed in another robbery a short time later. And he also slept. But he woke before you, and saw his folly and came to you for forgiveness.

And you woke with a start, to curse this one. Yet he stood beside your father, and you could not understand this. And you walked away from both and thought that you were not dead. You thought that it had all been a dream.

Yet as you walked through the valleys and the hills, they were not familiar to you. And your thought was, “I must still be dreaming.” Yet you thought, “If this is death, then I must find those who shall judge me. And they must also judge my lover for what he has done.”

And thy traveled far, asking the same question over and over, “Who shall judge me? And who shall judge this one, he does not belong here. He should be in hell and damnation.”

Yet all answered in the same manner, “This is within thyself.”

And suddenly you thought, “If I could just go to the minister from our little town, and talk for a short while.” And there before thee was your church. Yet thy walked up to thy minister and he could not hear you.

You thought in your mind, “Because of what I have done he is ignoring me.” And you walked out [at] the street. And no one could neither hear nor see you.

There was one in your town, who most had shunned, for they called her a witch. And you went to this one and spoke through her. And there, from those who gathered there, who were those known as spiritualists, you lingered long and learned from them of this passing.

And you returned back to you father and your lover, and therefore, forgave of your lover, and of yourself.

Thy lingered long in this between time.

Yet thy came back again to put into practice these things that thy had learned. Yet your problem sets before you once again. Listen to thy psychic self. Develop this. Let it come forth and mature as it should, as it was meant to in the beginning of man and God, for did our Father not promise unto thee that He created you in “our likeness, of our kind?” Fear not this, to love and give love unto others.

Thy have brought forth many karmas. Thy are well on thy way to overcome these. As we have said before, open thy door that we may enter.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“I have no other questions tonight, Aka.”

Then we shall answer in this manner. We see thy need, soul Ray. Fear not, for we stand beside thee. No harm shall come to thee or thy family. Listen to thy heart and thy emotions. These are good. But remember, (chuckle) we do not sleep. We are there night and day to give blessings unto the same.

Then we should say unto thee these words. We shall give blessings unto your May meetings of the same. [Editor’s note: The first Annual Meeting of the Association of the Spiritual Philosophy of God (renamed Association of Universal Philosophy in 1974) was on May 10, 1972. Seven ministers were ordained, including Ray.]

Now is the time of the Cherub. Earthquakes shall come upon your earth. Fear these not, for the children of God shall walk with God and give guidance unto the children of man.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared with the recorded voice for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


April 28, 1972

Globe, Arizona

“Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

And we should say unto thee these words. We have been patient with this one who should crow. But our patience now wears thin, for as we have said before, none from either side shall be allowed to interfere with this work. For this one who walks as a man, but who should talk as a woman — thy should speak of God’s words, yet thy do not know the meaning of the same. Thy should speak of love, yet know not the meaning of the same. Beware, for the wrath of our Lord is mighty, for as our Father did give unto those of those who should deserve of the same His wrath in the time of Moses.

Yet we come but for one purpose — that in itself is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And we come with love. But we also come from the one we were sent.

And our Father should shed many tears for His children.

But remember unto these words, “Thy shall not bear false witness into thy brother,” nor his house, and “thy should not coveth anything that should belong to thy brother.” But we did promise unto thee these things, that we wouldst give unto thee the material things as they were needed, and the protection of our Lord, God, unto His children.

And our Lord, God, says unto thee — “HARK, AND BEWARE,” this dragon. For you have come to become possessed from the other side, and none such as you should walk in the house of the Lord.

In thy mind thy think to ask the name of this one; do not do so, for as our words are spoken unto thee, they shall be spoken unto he.

And we should answer unto those of the disciples of the same — thy have in thy mind, and we should answer in this manner. Wear of these things thy choose. But wear, for this time, and this time only, unto white covering of thy clothing. But wear no ornaments before God, other than the one we have given unto thee. [Note: the ankh.]

Place into thy house no false images unto thy Father, for we have not asked that thy should build a mighty temple. The temple we should seek is within thy hearts, thy souls, thy spirits, and thy immortal body of the same.

And before your ordination, let all go unto soul Ray, and we should place in his mind these things he should say unto thee.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [A______ R______] has two questions tonight. One: ‘May we have some guidance for replying to general letters asking for help from Ray, any comments you care to give about how to respond to these letters?’”

Yes, we see thy need. Respond thus from the heart, as thy have done. This is good. Worry not these things to write, for we should send those who should protect thy fingertips, and therefore, give knowledge into thy minds. Thy have done well. Fear not, for we shall stand before thee, and those who should cast stones shall have them returned.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [A______’s] second question: ‘Would the use of role playing, based perhaps on some of the life readings, be a constructive teaching technique in this work?’ In other words, should people act out some of the things that we are trying to teach; would this be helpful in teaching in this work?”

Yes, we see thy need, but we would suggest — take of this that we have given unto thee; do not distort, but bring forth in completion. Do not disclose unto any other soul the true knowledge of the one this reading was given for. Make of this unto short story form or long. Do that that is within thy heart. This should be good. We shall give guidance unto the same. All thy must do is point thy pen in readiness and we shall send those who should enter and give thyself assistance unto the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [5–7–71–001] has requested a life reading.”

Yes, we see thy need. We would suggest, because of the lengthiness of this reading, that this be done at a different time.

Thy have other questions, ask — one moment please.

Yes, yes. Yes, Father.

Yes, we should say unto thee in this manner. Of the treatments unto which she has received, the later adjustment of the same has been done incorrectly. This must be done in a gradual, downward manner. The relieving of the third and fourth vertebrae would greatly relieve the pain unto the same. Unto the eighth and ninth vertebrae — yes, this should be adjusted also. This would greatly relieve the pain. But these should not be done with force; very gradually. If force is used it could cause permanent damage unto the same.

We would suggest that the use of hot olive oil packs be used nightly. This should be done into first, 5-minute intervals, increasing unto 30-minute intervals.

Yes, we see this.

As we have said before, the healing that is needed shall be given.

Of the life reading, this should be asked first, at thy next reading.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have two questions that bother my mind, even though they seem perhaps trivial. One of them is, I am disturbed if I should continue to go to church because of the problems it presents, but I want to do what is right and that which will make me grow spiritually. The second thing is, I am disturbed about leaving my children so long when I go to Yuma, and I wonder if you could give me any guidance in these matters?”

We should answer in this manner, first of thy church. You are growing spiritually in the attendance of the same. Fear not, for we shall walk before thee and prepare a way.

Of thy leaving of thy children, we would suggest that an adult be with them. Can you understand of which we speak? This shall be provided at a no material cost unto you. Fear not, for we walk before thee, soul Paul and soul Ruth, for those things that thy should need for the fulfillment of the same have already been done.

And now we should say unto soul M________ — but we should call of this one, soul Martha. We see thy need, and we have provided that that is needed. For you must realize, our usage and possession of soul Ray is sometimes overbearing unto this one. The changes within this one you have seen. And the two personalities shall come back into a whole again. But this one shall never be the same, nor shall you. [Editor’s note: The tape recording ends at this point, so the following words could not be checked.]

You worry that this one is advancing faster than you can keep up with. Fear not, for he loves his Father above all things, but second unto none he loves of you and your children. Be patient, for there is times when we must speak unto this one, and he listens only unto our Father.

Make certain that he should get the rest and proper diet, and therefore, we shall restore the body, but we cannot create. Give him peace of mind or he shall destroy his own body.

As we have said before, now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared with the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


May 19, 1972

Globe, Arizona

[Aka is here.]

[“Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”]

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner.

We should say unto thee, soul M_______, we should not interfere with thy free choice. Thy have chosen your own karma. But still, we should say unto thee, all thy must do is open the door that we may enter, and we shall bring thee both love and blessings from our Father.

But we should say unto thee these words. We shall allow nothing from either side to interfere with this work. Do not cast stones. If thy must cast stones let us stand before thee, and cast the first stone at us. And our Father should say unto thee of the same.

As we have said before, the Fifth Angel sets before thee. The strong shall stand, and the children of God shall walk forward and prepare the way. The weak shall fall. Help them to stand, but do not become a crutch for the same. As we have said, from your May 2nd, great pressures are upon your earth from your planetary system. These within the same shall cause the same pressures within man. Tempers shall become short. Death shall come unto many. Your earth shall erupt in many places. Fear not this. That that man has placed in the sea shall come forth to sting him and torment him. We have said before, now is the time of the great Sword. Where no water flowed water shall flow. Where mountains rose they shall be no more.

These times of trial shall continue into your year of 1999. Wars and rumors of war shall rage upon your earth. But for the children of God, we shall walk before thee and prepare the way. Thy thyselves must prepare the way within thyselves. There shall be many who should shout angrily at thy. Forgive of these, for they know not what they do.

But we have said in this manner, thy are thy brother’s keeper. Take each morning with love, and end it with love. And in this manner love shall blossom forth upon your earth. And therefore, as has been promised, your thousand years of peace shall come. But they shall come as our Father counts, not as you. And each day shall be as a thousand years upon your earth.

Within your Government great scandal shall come forth. And your Government shall shake and prepare to fall, but it shall not. For from it shall grow a better, more Godly government than exists at your present time.

But remember, let none of the children of God strike with their hand or their mouth to another. For as the spirits of God shall flow as a brook, as the souls and the spirits shall flow as the rivers, and as the soul of man shall flow to the oceans and to the many lands, so shall these words that we have given unto thy keeping.

And now we should say unto thee, soul J__ A_______, we see thy need, and therefore, we should answer in this manner. Prepare thy home. You shall soon journey into the land of your mother, and there, to prepare a place for a new life and a new husband into the same. In your choice shall be many, but choose of your own kind. Your financial burden shall lift. Give prayer unto the Lord. And we shall say unto thee, we have given unto thy keeping a prophet of the same, as we have given unto the keeping of all of God’s people. Ask of this one’s advice and it shall be given in truth, for we shall guide his words.

And now, of thy question in thy mind, and that of the health of soul Ray — we warned unto thee many times of the strains that could come from mental pressures. We have prepared unto this body many times. Of thy request, this is in God’s hands; give unto it prayer. If our gift unto thee has been good, then ask for the healing and it shall be given. If it has been bad unto thee, then do not ask, and it shall not be given.

And we shall say unto soul Luke and soul James, and soul Jude, we did not implant in this one we have called a prophet lies, nor has he spoken any unto you of his health. Look within thyself for the truth. It rests there; the knowledge has always been there.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [C____ H___] — ”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. First, the healing shall be given, if this one can believe in the same. If there is doubt in their mind we may not violate the free will. Yes, there is a small, non-malignant growth of the breast area. This could by extracted surgically, and should be done so if there is any doubt of the mind of this one. We would suggest the drinking of the sage tea four times daily. We would further suggest the taking of the Night-blooming Citros [Cereus], at first in quarter-by-quarter cubes, of your inches. We would further suggest the taking of the herbs known as Lydia E. Pinkham in the adult, prescribed of the same.

Of the rash of the same of the vagina area, we would suggest the changing of the washing powder of the same. But, we would say unto this one, thy have proved thy principle, now forget and forgive of the same. And forgiveness shall go before thee.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [4–21–72–002], the son of D____ T_______ who is here tonight, has received a draft notice.”

We see this. Yes, we see thy need, and as we have said before, there are medical reasons that could exempt this one from the draft, as thy know it. By asking with faith these reasons could be removed, or left. But this is of his free choice, not of yours. Let him who wishes ask. Can thy understand of which we speak?

Nay, not fully. Then we would suggest the asking of soul Ray in the awakening state.

Yes, thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Do you have any advice for soul Paul in how he is handling his help to, handling the help to his friends at the present time?”

We should say unto thee in this manner. Give love into all and forgiveness in the same manner. If this is done in the light of God, all things of thy asking shall become in reality of the same.

And we should answer the question of the one known as S_____ H________ in this manner. That that thy have asked for in thy Father’s name shall be given. Do thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, I do.” [She answers.]

Yes, we see thy need, this one, soul B___ K___. And we should answer in this manner your question. We have placed before thee the bread and the wine. If thy find them good take of them. We know at the present time thy do not understand of which we speak. But thy [soon] shall know in reality of the same.

Yes, we see thy need, soul J__, and we should answer in this manner. Thy have done well in thy preparation of the children. Do not hold these so tightly, but be prepared for the day they should go in the manner they came — for they came to fill that that was needed within you and give you knowledge and truth. For as we have said before, the children of God shall come to the people. For should a man lose his hand and pray in truth unto his Father that he might learn to use one hand as two, then we should send those that have lost their hand, from both sides, to teach thee. Can thy understand of which we speak?

Nay, but thy shall. In many forms we have brought unto you these lessons.

And thy say unto us, “How can we stand if this one should be taken, of soul Ray?” But as we promised, he shall be with thee in either form for as long as thy needs shall be.

Soul Ray now grows weak and tired. And we shall [put] healing into his body.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Note: Numbers have been substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


June 2, 1972

Globe, Arizona

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should say into these words.

But first, we should say unto those — we have placed a block within Ray’s mind, but we did not leave him defenseless. And we should say unto those who should walk a false path, that what the Lord has given the Lord shall take away. Thy have walked long before this one under the Lord’s protection. Beware.

And we say unto thee, soul Luke, these words. Thy have taken the vows before God; yet, thy know not the meaning of the word of love. We have said before, do not misinterpret our words; do not twist them to meet your own selfish needs, and this has been done. And we should say unto thee, beware, for the wrath of the Lord is great, for nothing from either side shall be allowed to interfere with this work. We are here but for one purpose, and that is in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And those who are chosen should prepare first within themselves. If they cannot do this, let them walk away. We have asked you to promise nothing. Those things that thy gave unto thy Lord was given of thy free will. We have asked but two things, to love unto thy Lord one-tenth of the love the Lord should give unto thee, to love unto mankind in the same manner — and to coveth nothing that should belong to another. And for those who should encourage this, then they should walk alone and become lost souls. And we should say unto thee these words, the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, for not one stone upon your Earth may be moved without His knowledge and His consent.

And now, we should tell thee of this time of stress. We allowed these things to happen as they did, both for the test of soul Ray, for within him was the power of the mind to have destroyed all. Yet, he has not done this. He did not curse his Father, nor blame his Father, for he accepted that that was given unto him as karma, that that he himself had chosen.

And we should say to those who should walk away, all thy must do is open the door that we may enter, for we are not great; we are but the servants and messengers of your Lord, God. But we have given unto thy hands a prophet. Beware, those who should stone him. Beware, those who should cast false accusations unto the same. Your Lord, your Father, is a loving Father. He should give love and kindness unto all. He has given unto thy keeping free will, but only that thy should not violate another’s free will. Thy have chosen thy paths. And it shall be a lonely path. Those things that thy have done shall be new karmas. But we warn thee now, cast no further stones, or we shall stand before this, and the wrath of the Lord shall be mighty.

But beware of one other thing. Should we take away the block that lies within this one, then chaos should come, and we should leave, and thy should walk in darkness for 300 years, but not as you count, for each day shall be as a thousand years. And your earth shall run red with the blood of man, and the plagues should strike thy land, for only through this work have the hands of the Cherubims been stayed; for, as we have said before, should the Seventh Seal be opened, yea, yea, beware, for mankind, for there is many who have cried unto our Father for justice. [See The Revelation 6:9–17, chapters 7–8.]

And so, we say unto thee.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [5–7–71–001] has two questions. One, recently you spoke of someone by the name of Louise who sends greetings to [5–7–71–001], and [5–7–71–002] cannot think who this Louise is, and she asks if you’d tell her? Secondly, she would like a life reading.”

Then we should answer your question in this manner. Of the one called, Louise, should be unto her as a guide who has stood beside her, and therefore, given unto her the guidance of our Father, and given protection unto the same. She has not opened her mind completely, that this one could speak unto her. So she chose unto this manner to speak.

Of your second question, this one known as [5–7–71–001] has requested that she be present when this be given; therefore, it should be given at another time.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [6–2–72–000] who is here tonight, has asked in regards to a job. He would like to know if he should take the railroad job when it comes?”

We should answer in this manner. Take first of the wine and the bread that has been placed before thee. Learn of it, taste of it; know of it. Thy mind shall develop into a very psychic mind. Thy have walked one path most of thy life. Now, thy may walk another. This thy must choose for thyself, but the path that thy would walk in the light of God would never be a lonely one, and we should be there to light thy way ahead of thyself.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [6–2–72–001] has been having a problem with her husband in that he hides legal papers from her and is abusing her, and she says, ‘Could you advise me what to do about my property? Is it in my name only. Can he touch it? It is my living, and I would like to know.’”

Yes, we see thy need. But first we should answer in this manner. As a man and a woman should come together in wedlock, they should share all things in truth. They should hide nothing from one another. For if love, as thy should know it, should be complete, it must be a thing of sharing, one unto the other.

Of thy legal documents, nay, thy husband cannot, as thy would say, touch this, for the laws of thy land are set up in such a manner that yours is sole and separate property.

But we should say unto this one, thy have guarded this to keep the thieves from thy door, yet, the thieves have crawled beneath the door and still taken. Open thy door in truth. Lay these things before man in truth. And in the light of God, and in the light of man, what lays in the light, a thief shall not steal. Cover it, and the thief shall steal.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [6–2–72–002] asks, ‘I have had an ear infection for over four months, and doctors haven’t been able to help me. I am very allergic to foods, drugs, and plants. Can you help me? Any pertinent information would be greatly appreciated. There are other problems that I would like help with, also.’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Thy body, as each body and the body chemicals should change daily, was not made to live in the climate thy are living in. Therefore, the plant life, the air thy breathe and the water thy drink, is poison unto the same. Go into the higher climate, and thy [current] problem shall take care of itself.

Of thy other problem, we shall answer in this manner. If the heart guides thee, sometimes it should tell thee lies. Let the mind guide thee. Use meditation, both morning and night. If thy should remain where thy are, go unto the [saunic] baths. Graduate these, first, at 5-minute intervals, up to 30-minute intervals.

Thy have problem in backular area, in the menstrual periods of the same. This is due to the organisms of the same not being properly used. These should be brought into adjustment by either osteopathic or chiropractic treatment. Swimming would be a good exercise for this one.

Of thy other question of thy mind, we should say in this manner. Those who would advise these sometimes wouldspeak with false tongues. Do not let this happen. Soul Ray in his awakening state would give unto thee much guidance and advice. Come unto him. Let him speak, that we may speak through him in this manner. Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a rather lengthy letter that I’d like to read to you for a moment so that you will know what I’m asking. [2–19–71–001], from New York, says that she had a very strange dream. It started out that she was going to a movie:’ Lots of people, so I sat in the balcony. The movie was a monster picture. I put my hands over my eyes and was scared to look at the creature. When I did look, it was eating people, and blood flowed freely; it covered the screen, bright red. I left in terror as the creature became real, looking for new victims. I took refuge in an old farm. People were turning on each other. An odd thing happened to the farm animals; they became bloated. Chickens were the size of beach balls.’”

We see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Thy dream was of another time, a future time. As we have said before, that that has been placed in the sea should come from the sea. Proportions of the land thy live in shall be destroyed, and shall not be fit even for your animals to dwell within. And man shall kill man in his greed and his lust for survival.

But we say unto thee, become as a pillar; stand firm. We shall walk before thee and guide thee and protect thy family. Do not fear. These things shall come. Pray unto the Lord it shall not be in your wintertime. But when this time should happen, take of thy belongings, only that thy can carry, and flee the land. Do not tarry and do not look back. We shall send the messages into thy mind that thy shall understand of which we speak. Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have one other question. [6–2–72–003] says, ‘I would like to know if the physical problems I have been having have a physical or mental cause, and what should I do about it?’”

First, we should say unto this one, go unto thy physician. These can be treated. Proportions, yes, are of a mental nature. Thy have tried to develop thy psychic abilities alone; this is not good. Come into group form and go unto soul Jude for direction and advice. We shall light the way before this one and prepare a haven unto you. Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. There is another question that has been asked. ‘Could you clarify your possession of Ray, or explain how you and Ray are the same, or how you and Ray are separate?’”

As we have said before, soul Ray is I, and I am soul Ray, for I come from a different time, a different plane. For the link to be made, the souls had to be tied together. As a before time, when soul Ray asked his Father for death and was given this gift unto the same, but yet, as he was given the gift of life and the gift to go forth and prepare a way for the people, he chose this. It was of free choice.

We are of the Council of Thirteen. As we have said before, for those who should see of us in their mind’s eye, they shall see our Father, for we shall stand as close to soul Ray as his breath, but yet, we shall stand as close to our Father as His eyes and His heart and His tongue. For those things that were given in truth shall be received in truth. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

And now, soul Ray grows weary; and because of his physical condition, our time has come to depart again. But we should leave thee with these words. For those who were chosen, you said unto one another, “I shall hide nothing from the other. Everything I say and do unto each other should be in the truth of God.” Remember thy vows.

And we should say unto soul Jude, and this one known as soul [4–1–72–001], venture forth, come forth, and have counsel with soul Ray, for the mind that wandered in his time of trial is now as it was before, for the love in his heart for all mankind is there.

But we say unto thee, in your scripture is these words. For the Lord set forth upon your earth a prophet, and man did destroy him, and in three days we rose him back and gave him unto the people. And so, that the scripture should, would be fulfilled, so it has been. [See The Revelation 11:2–13.]

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Note: In the April 17, 1972 reading, another woman from New York asked for an interpretation of her dream, which may have foreseen the World Trade Center attack on September 11, 2001. But this woman from New York dreamed of another disaster there. Let us pray that it does not come to pass.]

[Editor’s note: numbers have been substituted for names, locates and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared again to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


June 14, 1972

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should say to thee these words. As a physician, soul Luke, heal thy wounds. But, heal them with truth. As we have said before, your half times are over.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a number of questions for [9–16–71–001], that is here tonight, and I’d like to ask them one at a time. Her first question is, ‘Has the time come that I should change my job, and how could this be done?’”

This in itself must come from thyself. But we should answer your question in this manner, that that thy seek stands close at hand. Take from it the things [of life] that thy need. Give into others the love that is within thyself to give, and so it shall be returned. But at the present time, should thy change thy job, thy shall find chaos and unhappiness.

Thy have received of one gift. Many shall come, but only as you stand where you are. Can you understand of which we speak? Nay, not fully.

Then we shall answer in this manner. As your oak stands strong and tall, and forceful against the elements of the same, it gathers much moss. As a willow should bend with the elements, it also should gather much moss. But that that thy seek must come from within thyself. We have opened a door for thy studies of self-development. We have provided unto thee this prophet. Yet, as we have said before, the blind may see, and the deaf may hear, but only if they want to.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Her second question, ‘Have I known [6–14–72–001] in a different lifetime?’”

Yes, we see this, and we shall answer in this manner; for he was, as you would know him, a girl friend of another life, and thy were close in thy relationship, but as sisters, and that was all.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“She asks, what was the lesson she was to learn from him?”

The lesson thy were to learn from this one was of the giving of yourself in love, yet still farther. Thy have not learned of this fully, so other obstacles have been placed in your path to learn more fully.

As thy would plant a seed which could grow fertile into the ground, and watch and see a beautiful thing grow in this manner, and the ferment that came from the earth and the heavens did bring forth man into love, that of love from one to another, this thy still have not seen in fullness. But as we have said before, stand firm; do not close thy heart, but act now as a one of waiting. Stretch out thy arms unto the heavens and to that of man, and receive the love that is offered from the same.

But not of this one thy speak of. For the love that a sister can have for a sister is one love. The love that a brother can have for a brother is another. The love that a man should give unto a woman is one of fulfillment.

But remember, thy were not born of chastity. These things of thy self should see fulfillment of the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, she asks, ‘Could you tell me if I will marry, and if so, when this will be? Do I know this person now?’”

We shall answer unto your question in this manner. Thy have knowledge of this person. But we should answer (chuckle) also in this manner. A man and woman should not really know of each other in truth. They may know their bodies; they may think they know their minds, but only after marriage do they really know each other.

You shall marry within two years.

Yes, we see this.

But we shall answer one other question which is in your mind. No children of your own shall you bear, only that that God should bring unto thee to love of others.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, she asks, ‘Should I remain with realistic painting, or should I go into abstract action painting this month?’”

Thy should remain with the realistic painting. That of the abstract must belong to a different mind than your own. There are none of the spiritual world which waits to guide you in this other manner. Of the realistic painting, there are many who wait at your fingertips to guide you and give you psychic knowledge of the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. She has one final question. ‘Could you recommend a diet for me so that I could lose weight, about 25 pounds?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer, first, in this manner. Of thy thyroid, this thy should see a physician, for this must be corrected within its same.

Your main weight problem is that of loneliness. Therefore, we shall answer further of the diet. First, we would say, for three meals of each day, drinking of one ounce of the safflower oil before each meal.

Of thy breakfast, soon shall be of your melon season, eating either of one cantaloupe of the breakfast meal [or of] one glass of milk.

For thy luncheon, eating as many of the green vegetables as thy desire, and one glass of milk.

Of thy evening meal, once of one day, the green vegetables — yes, this is good — meat, that of the beef, one meal; liver, one meal; of the ocean salt-water fish, one meal; of thy fresh-water fish, one meal. These may be repeated as often of the evening meal as thy desire. One slice of bread may be eaten of each meal. Of one meal each week, thy may eat of that which thy desire, but do not overeat. Always, at all times, leave thyself a little hungry. Take unto thyself a good natural multiple vitamin twice daily. This should supplement of the other thing.

That thy breasts should not become, as thy would know, loose, exercises must be done. These thy already know of the same, the cupping of the breasts, first, with the left hand and then of the right, bringing forth and upward and releasing of the same. Of thy thighs, that they, as the weight should be lost, should not drop away, walking at least one-half mile, of the morning, should be done. Of that of the excess that should remain and the sagginess that might appear of the stomach area, taking of the pillow, rolling it into a tight knot, placing it upon the floor and laying upon it, rocking back and forth 30 times each day. In this manner, these muscles shall become firm and come unto thy desired measurements of the same.

That of the sagginess of around the throat area, this can be done with massage — slowly, easily, do not bruise of this area, in an upward position. We would further suggest that for further health, seeing of a good chiropractic doctor. We find within the backular area strains because of the excess weight into the 8th and 9th vertebrae of the same. This could be easily corrected.

Of thy mental health we should answer in this manner. We have given unto thyself knowledge. We have placed before thee, work, that that should be done unto thy Lord, God. We have shown thee that that that thy desire can be given unto thee. We asked in return your love unto thy Father, and one hour’s of work unto this work per day.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, my nephew [6–16–72–002] has written me a letter, and he feels that he has a special calling and mission, and that he is being directed in some direction that has to do with God which he does not yet understand. And I have been asked, he’s asked me to write him back and give him my thoughts, and can you give me counsel for him?”

Yes, we should answer in this manner. As the prayers were given unto our Father, so they were answered. As the guidance was given unto our Father, so this was answered.

Temptation shall be cast before this one. And we should answer in this manner. If this, now, is what thy desire, if the debt that thy should pay should be in full, prepare then thyself, within thyself, for the coming of the Messiah. Venture forth unto this land. And now, we shall give unto thee the bread and the wine. But this must be done of your own free will.

So far, we have given unto this one the guidance that was needed. For, as we have said before, as our Father and the spirits of God should be as a brook, as the spirits of man should be as a river, as the souls of man should be as a vast ocean, all should come unto the many lands.

We shall say in this manner, we have reached and touched unto many lands. Many shall venture forward to taste of this wine, that it shall grow.

And we shall unto you, soul Paul, prepare of that within thyself, for now, that that should reach the many lands shall come into fulfillment, for light shall be shown unto all who should venture outward. Encourage soul Ray to now use of the radio communications in all respects to broaden the knowing of the people of himself and the work.

Now is the time of the Cherub; now is the time of the preparation for His coming.

Oh Lord, oh Lord, Almighty of all. Oh man, oh man, almighty of all, bow before these who should make their presence known, for they should come of the spirit of our Father, yet each of a separate part, but into one.

Place upon your Earth that that should be in man. Save of the many religions upon your Earth. Give feast unto all.

Praise and glory shall come from our Father. And those who should give glory unto our Father, glory shall be unto man of the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have another question. In the last few days, last Thursday, I went out prospecting with [6–14–72–003] and [9–24–71–001]. They wanted me to go for a long time, and you know that we thought we found something. And my only interest is in your work, and I feel guilty when I go out prospecting. And I wonder if you want me to follow up what we found, or if you feel that I should leave this alone. I would be very happy to leave it alone.”

We shall answer in this manner. Go forth and stake claims. Then put them as seed that later they shall mature and grow. This in itself is to provide for your family’s needs. But do no more than stake these claims; then let those who should come forth to toil the land do so. We have other work for thy hands.

Yes, we see thy need, soul Ruth, and we shall answer your need in this manner. As we have said before, the material things that shall be needed shall be provided. This we have said and so i shall be done. That that thy have toiled and given unto the Lord, the Lord has seen, and the Lord has known of thy desires.

And we shall answer in this manner. Thy have seen, as we have placed before thee this of the one we shall call the prophet, and thy have toiled unto this one to see of his health needs and mental needs. Our Lord gives glory unto thee. The work thy have done has been mighty and great, that of the work of the Lord and the preparation for the coming.

Fear not that thy should get lost, for we shall stand before thee. For in thy dream, did we not place the prophet before thee as a fisherman? Even though thy looked and could not recognize him as the same, yet all was the same, for the spirit that we have built upon your earth is but of one spirit and that [is of] God.

Thy have asked this question before of the correct ties between ourself and soul Ray. Yes, we have need unto this one, a man of God, but we shall answer still further. He must also live as a human. He must feel those things of the human form. For, as we have said, despair not, for soon his mind shall reach out and seek love from that of the opposite sex. And this is good within itself. At first, he shall be as a child, and timid, but his confidence within himself in these manners will grow again.

We should answer you, all of you within your groups in this manner, accept this one as a man, who is also a prophet. But God would not take from him this, for if He did so, he could not live in your world and be part of your world. Can you understand of which we speak?


Thy have one other question, ask.

“Aka, my daughter, [2–4–72–001], has been having a problem with her lips swelling, and she wonders what is causing it?”

Yes, we see this. This is because she is allergic to certain growths that has come back anew since your spraying, We should answer in this manner, the healing that is needed shall be given.

Remember also, thy daughter is becoming of a full blossom unto the woman form. Part of this swelling has come about during her monthly cycles. Fear them not. As we have suggested before, take of the Lydia E. Pinkham in its natural form, of the adult form, once, and as prescribed daily.

Now, soul Ray grows very tired. That we should not overtax his body in its present condition, we shall give healing into the same.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations, and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared again with the audio recording for better accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


June 16, 1972

Globe, Arizona

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need and we should answer in this manner.

As the flowers were given upon your Earth to show you the beauty that lay within man’s soul, as the gift of love is given unto mankind, not once, but many times from your Father — and as your world came apart from itself and, therefore, joined unto the mighty universe and universes of the vast planetary system, and that, within itself, became part of your Father — each of you in your own way have reached to the heavens and touched them. Each of you in your own way, for only a moment, have opened your hearts and souls, and felt the love that is given by our Father.

But so often you should pull away from Him, and therefore, become lonely and alone.

As a man and woman should join be joined before God in matrimony, and therefore, give of their love unto one another, therefore, they should feel within themselves a touch of God, a touch of the creating power which lays upon your Earth. This same power was given unto the smallest.

Yet, into man it was given unto the mightiest of all, sometimes in a simple form, [some others] in mighty forms. Throughout the plane of man there have been many who have touched the psychic world and returned. There have been many who could not return. Yet, few of these were looked upon by mankind with love and kindness. They were set apart, apart from others, and separated.

We have said before that the sons of man and the sons of God were of much the same in making. But we should say, now, that as the sons of God did look upon the daughters of man and find them fair, and therefore, did enter, and lose their way, and therefore, could not return, all of mankind, even into the smallest animal, this psychic power was given. [Genesis5:1–32, 6:1–4]

But unto the sons of God it was never forgotten, and therefore, the descendants and the descendants of the same have come forth upon your earth with far memory, memory of the psychic abilities they possessed in each lifetime. And yet, as in that time, they were set aside, and the man-animal became afraid of them, and did destroyed them.

[Editor’s note: the telephone rings.] We should suggest that thy should answer this, of thy telephone.

Answer it. Answer it.” [Aka pauses while the phone is answered.]

And we should say again unto thee these words. Destroy not the prophets that we have placed upon your earth, for they shall be the gateway unto your God, for so it was written in the beginning. But measure your prophets in this manner. If that that they have given unto you is true, and truths, then accept this as a gift from God. But if that which they have given unto you is false, and not true, and should not stir that memory within thyselves of thy Father, then walk away from these, for they are not prophets. And so it was written in the beginning, and so it shall be.

Thy have many questions, ask of the same.

“Yes, Aka. [5–7–71–001] is here tonight and she would like a life reading.”

We see thy need, and therefore, should answer in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same, and therefore, that that that which thy should ask for, the records, shall be opened.

For this one, we should reach back, far back, for there is no time in this element.

We should reach into the time of the Horse, and therefore, should find this one in the soul form, yet not to enter — of the spirit form, as you would know it, of energy form — searching and watching of mankind, and yet, afraid, afraid to leave the Father. Yet, knowing that the true way, of that of returning back to the Father, must be done.

And therefore, we find this one entering into the body form of the man-animal, of the woman form. And therefore, we should say that as these things came forth, and came into fulfillment, we find the problem here that still reaching back out of the body form into energy, afraid to face that which was needed, and leaving this body to wander endlessly upon the earth. And therefore, the body, without the soul and spirit, did enter into the worship of the evil one, and therefore, built the first karma upon this soul.

We find not again until the rise of Atlantis the entry again. This time we find, on the third continent of Atlantis, this one working within, as a child of nine, working within the temple of the worship of One, and therefore, using her clairvoyant abilities.

Therefore, we find the elder, one of the elders of the temple, showing kindness unto this one. And as days passed into years, a love formed. But as in those days, a woman of the temple could not wed. This in itself was wrong. But man sometimes stumbles in his search for perfection. So this one left of the temple to wed of this elder, yet used for many years this same power, this same ability of searching into the truth, into the universal minds of the same. This one, at this time out quite a normal life span for the times, and reached back unto the soul form, natural, and had overcome the karma of before.

Now, we find this one again in the time of the Essenes. And as thy were friends with the one known as John the Baptist. Thy watched and helped in his studies and growth, and therefore, was to give birth unto one of his disciples — and, as this one came from the wilderness unto man to give the gift of the ointed [anointed] One, did know of her mind of this which would happen, that man would do unto this one, and was present of the day that the ointed One came forward unto this one, John the Baptist, to be baptized unto the same. And yet, as your heart lingered to stay unto this one, of John the Baptist, he did send you forth to serve to the one of Jesus of Nazareth. And therefore, you should not meet of this one again until he was cast into the cell for the last time. And as your desire to make his needs easier, you had become a servant in the king’s household. And as he was brought forward to be beheaded, and as this should happen, thy cursed again all things upon your Earth.

“Why should this one,” you said to yourself, “who had given so much, be destroyed in the eyes of man?”

And then, the Lord, God, spoke unto thee and said “DO YOU NOT KNOW?”

And you looked upon Him in bewilderment.

And then He pointed unto the east, unto the Anointed One, and said unto thee, “THAT THE SCRIPTURE MUST BE FULFILLED, SO IT SHALL BE. AND YE SHALL BE PRESENT UNTO THE CRUCIFIXION OF THIS, THE OINTED ONE.”

Thy left of the household and your heart was sad.

As thy wandered, then once again, as the one known as Jesus made unto his last journey into that of Jerusalem, thy thought unto thyself, “I must warn this one.”And thy ran forward and said, “Master, Master, go not unto this, for thy shall not return.”

And he stopped and looked deep into your eyes, and said, “Worry not, for I shall return, and I shall [leave] within thee the spirit, the spirit of my Father,” and then turned and walked away.

And thy heart was heavy, and thy knew not which way to turn. And again thy Father spoke unto thee, and said, “CAN THY NOT SEE?”

And thy said unto thy Father, “Why must these things be so? Why must this happen?”


And so thy did. And of that morn thy saw of the ointed One come forward. And thy stood and watched as the hands and feet were staked unto the cross. And thy walked forward and bent in prayer and in humbleness. But as thy walked forward, one drop of blood fell upon thy forehead, and thy looked up and knew what God had said, that it was not an ending, but a beginning of the same.

Many miles and many lives thy have lived since this time. But remember, thy were chosen to count the drops of blood, and thy were chosen to carry One forever. Thy should reach upon thy forehead, and therefore, should feel the love that was given unto your Father that day.

But as we have said before, we have come, not to make mankind great in the eyes of other men. We have come once again that those drops of blood should not be spilt in vain. We have come to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. Therefore, reach unto thy forehead, for it shall be there. Prepare that way within thyself as before. For now we have returned first one [the prophet] unto thy keeping, and soon another [the Messiah]. But this time there shall be no dungeon. This time there shall be no crucifixion.

If what we have done and the time that we should have left to prepare this is used well by all, mankind shall rise above himself, and when the coming, that that shall be written in the sky, is felt in full, then all of mankind shall feel truth and humbleness. And upon your earth shall dwell a thousand years of peace, but not as you count, but as our Father counts.

But remember, those thousand years shall be different unto each one. Your years of peace could start at this moment. Find that peace within yourself, that love that was given within this drop of blood, and return it into your fellow man in the manner that it was given.

We know thy do not understand fully these things we have given unto your keeping, but thy shall. For as before, thy reached and sought for the meaning of true love, and our Father spoke unto thee, so He shall once again. Thy life has not been in vain, for once again those thy dwelt with thy dwell again. And so it shall be again.

There are many other parts, and many other lives and in-between lives that could be brought forth. But we have chosen in this manner, that thy should learn from the same and seek meaning into thy heart to give it in this manner.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [4–21–72–001], who is here tonight, would like a health reading.”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we have before us the body, soul, and the spirit, and therefore, should say but unto thee [these] words. Thy have faith within thee, for now we shall give unto thee the healing of the body that is needed. We shall reach forward and touch unto thee. All thy must do is go unto three days of prayer. This must not be a continuous thing, but as we should touch you in your slumber tonight, let that feeling grow through thy body, and the healing thy ask for shall be given.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [12–10–71–002’s] wife, [5–19–72–001], has heard a prowler around their trailer at night when [12–10–70–002] is at work, and [12–10–71–002] would like to know if there is a prowler and what he should do about it?”

Yes, we see this. And we should answer in this manner, we would suggest that the notification of your police department. But fear not, for we go before thee to prepare a way, and therefore, no harm shall come unto thy wife or children.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“I have no other question, Aka.”

We see thy need. And therefore, should answer in this manner, first unto soul Jude. Thy have journeyed forward and seen truths, and the truth that was given was of truth. And thy have left with the blessings of our Father within thy heart, and so it shall be, for thy have come forth in a true manner and departed of the same. Thy have come forth and given love, and returned love, that that is given from our Father. Never again close this door.

And we should say unto soul James, there shall be many words spoken, but when in doubt, bring that forth unto us, that we may place the truth before thy eyes. But we should say unto thee in these words. That thy should be a servant of God, let it be so. And as thy have chosen the path of the Lord, do not depart from the same.

And last we should say unto soul Luke, thy paths have been varied. As in the beginning, thy had ceased to learn, ceased to grow. Go back unto the path of the Lord, but do so as a humble servant, that the blessings of our Lord should continue. We shall say unto thee that a karma should end. We shall not elaborate on this further, for thy know of which we speak.

But we should say last unto those who should walk into the pit with Lucifer, and do his work, remember these words, for as Lucifer was cast from the heavens, it took but the thought of our Father, our God. And remember, Lucifer’s power into the same was much greater than your own, and our Father’s power is greater than all.

And we say again, yea, yea, should say unto our Father these words. There are many who have asked for justice. [See The Revelation 6:9–17 and chapter 7.]

Our Father has waited long and been fair. Do not cast down this, what we have given, for this should stand between yourselves and the Seventh Seal [The Revelation 8:1].

And should thy cast this down, upon your Earth, 300 years of darkness and bloodshed shall prevail, but not as you count, but as our Father counts. And each day should be as a thousand years. And man again will make upon his Earth his own heaven, but not in reality, for he shall make upon it his own hell and dwell within it, and shall be stung as scorpions should sting of thy body, and shall hide, yet there shall be no place to hide, for no mountain shall be mighty enough to ward off this. Not one stone upon your earth shall be left unturned, for the natural elements of your earth shall turn against mankind. [See The Revelation 13:1–18, 9:1–12, 10:15–19 and 16:1–21.]

We have given of this warning before. We shall not give of it again. Burn it firmly into thy minds, for now is the time of the Cherub, and the Fifth Angel stands ready, and is striking thy earth. And soon thy shall feel the [tremors] beneath thy feet and know that the words we have spoken are true.

But we should say unto thee, if thy should believe of the things of Heaven we should tell thee of, believe also the things of Earth we have told thee of, for remember, we are not great, we are but the servants of our Father. We can do nothing, either to save of thyselves or to destroy of thyselves, without our Father’s permission. So therefore, the wrath that thy should feel shall be the wrath of our Father. But remember, even that shall be a loving wrath. For yea, yea, do not anger Him futher. [See The Revelation, chapters 6 through 19.]

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers have been substituted for names, locations, and birth date to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared again with the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


June 23, 1972

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner.

For we have spoke before of the Fifth Angel upon thy earth. And as we have spoken unto thee of this great Sword, the mighty Sword that cuts two ways, therefore, we should speak again of these things. And we should say unto thee, where no water flowed, water shall flow, that the clouds shall open unto abundance of the same. And this, in itself, shall be the first sign, for as he walks upon your earth, that that thy have built shall be destroyed, that that thy have placed within the ocean shall rise and poison man.

Yea, yea, we say unto thee these words. For those who have been written in the beginning, their names shall be taken a poll unto the same, And our Lord, God, should give unto them guidance and peace of mind, and the gift of life shall be given unto those.

But for those who should walk away and turn their backs unto God, and should serve unto Lucifer, they shall be cast aside. [See The Revelation, chapters 6 and 20.]

For as we have said before, we shall walk before thee, and therefore, the might of the Lord shall be present within thee. Therefore, give unto the Lord that that is due unto Him. Give unto your fellow man that that is due unto him. But give unto yourself also that that is due unto you.

And we should say in this manner, proportions of your Earth shall now start to change. In some areas they shall come as a rapid thing. We have given warnings before, and thy have not listened unto our words. For what was unclean shall be made clean again, for now is the time that the preparations shall be made for the coming of the Messiah.

For those who should walk in the light of God, no harm shall come unto those.

And we should say unto the one, of Ruth, we see thy need and have walked before thee, and therefore, given unto thee the healing that was needed.

And they say unto us, “Then why should this be a time of turmoil and testing?” And we say unto thee of thy own words, “Thy should follow this doorway that has been opened unto Me.” Thy shall wear the yoke of God, and therefore, look unto the blessed One’s eyes, as [this] in the beginning. And as the coming should come forth, so shall your thousand years of peace begin within thee.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Soul Ray and soul Paul both have gardens which are using soil which came from our pond — ”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should say unto thee in this manner. Worry not of the vegetables that are taken. These in themselves shall grow through to the good soil, for they are shallow planted. That that thy may say, what was laid beneath the earth, we have shown unto thee of the same in the growth of other plant life. This [moist clay] had been brought forth in such a manner that is also could be cleansed. Worry not of these things, for we walk before thee and prepare a way.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [6–23–72–001] and [6–23–72–002] in Miami, Florida, both have health problems and have asked for help. [6–23–72–002] has a bad disk in his back, and can you give any kind of a health reading on him?”

Yes, we see his need, and therefore, we should say in this manner, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same.

We should answer in this manner. Surgery on this one should be done; the sooner, the better. The problem that lies within can only be corrected in this manner. Relief of the same can be taken within the sauna baths, but it should be only of a temporary thing. For there are pinched nerves within this area that are blocking off other areas. Therefore, only by the opening up and the removing of the same can these be extracted.

Of the other question, we also have before us, the body, the soul, and therefore, the spirit of the same. Yes, we see thy need; then we should answer in this manner. First, of thy emotional problem, thy have not found within thyself the peace of mind to live within thy own body, and therefore, seek that that is on the outside. Thy have also sought to live sometimes beyond thy means, and this, within itself, is a karmic thing. We also find within this one other difficulties. We find that the area thy now dwell in is too moist for thy health.

We also find that rheumatic problems of the same have set forth. This within itself is a virus. This could be taken from this one in this manner — first, with the use of the rays that should come from the sun. This should be done in small proportions daily and building into larger proportions. But you should also realize that these same rays can increase the aging process, if over taken. Therefore, do not overdo this.

Second, we would suggest saunic baths, first, in 5-minute intervals and building up into 30-minute intervals. This should be done. We find many problems of the back and neckular area, therefore, should be sought out by a chiropractic or osteopathic doctor and corrected of the same.

We also find within this one the problem of the varicose veins. There — this, in itself, if thy should consult with your physician, could be taken care of by medication, quite readily. Some shall have to be done by surgery.

But more important than all of these, thy should find within thyself a mental healing, a mental rest. We would suggest that thy should take a short vacation away from thy own family, and therefore, count blessings of thy family within thyself, in this manner.

Further information on this subject will be given as asked for.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka,[4–6–70–003] asks, ‘Is my choice of a mate the right one? Do you have any advice on my livelihood? Can you tell me where the missing tools went to?’”

We should answer, first, in this manner. Your choice of a mate, this thy shall find within thyself. As we have said before, in your choice of a mate find the peace within yourself, your own peace of mind. Do not play one against another. Of the full content of this knowledge, we would suggest that this question be asked in privacy at a different time.

Of thy tools, yes, we see this. And thy in thy own kind already know the answer to this. Therefore, it should not be necessary for us to confirm it.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, she asked also about her livelihood.”

Yes, we see thy need. This, as we have said before, has been set forth and taken care of. Thy have taken the step in thy talk with soul Ray. That that was needed to be done has been done. We would suggest further talks with soul Ray on this subject.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. We received a reading from [B____ K____] in New York. She has asked for a life reading.”

We should suggest that this be brought up at your next reading.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, you asked Ray to use radio time. Are you pleased with the way that this has been handled, or can you suggest how you would prefer to have it handled?”

This in its present form is good. Thy shall soon find other opportunities open of the same, take of these. We shall stand before this and give the protection that is needed of the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“I have no other question tonight, Aka.”

We see thy need and should answer in this manner, For the one known as soul [8–6–71–001] we should answer your question of your mind.

What you say was in truth. It was given that thy could accept the passing of the same. This time has passed now. Therefore, we should say unto you, walk forth into this life thy Father has given unto thee. And we do not speak of father as a small thing, but Father as God. There are new things before thee, new and beautiful and just. Thy have paid thy karma, and therefore, have learned from it. Do not create a new karma from over mourning from this. That time has ended of the same.

Yes, we see thy need, soul [12–10–71–002] and we should answer in this manner. For as it has been said before, “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth,” but, it is also said, “Blessed are they who are merciful, and mercy shall be given,” in this respect.

But we should answer in thy mind this question. Give unto God that that belongs to God, but also give unto yourself and your husband that that belongs to you. It is said, “Honor thy father and thy mother” as into thyself. This honor has not been given unto thee; therefore, they that should make the karma should live of it. But justice and mercy shall be given.

We know thy do not fully understand of our words at this time, but worry not, for truth shall walk before thee.

And we should say unto the one known as soul [8–3–70–002], thy thoughts have varied. In the thoughts of forming groups within the Tucson area, go forth, and do of such. We shall walk before thee and give thee guidance, and thy financial needs shall come in a manner that shall be just before yourself and your God.

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should answer unto this one know as [6–23–72–003]. And the peace of mind thy seek should come, but give of it meditation and guidance. Take of the time now that is needed to bring thyself into one again. Consult soul Ray on this subject. These things can be given from himself.

Yes, we see thy need, soul C____, and as we have said before, as C_____ was Mary, soon thy shall journey, and therefore, plant new seed within the earth. Do of this as we have shown you, and it shall ferment into greatness of the same.

Yes, we see thy need, [12–10–71–002], and we should answer your question in this manner. As we have said before, worry not, for we shall walk before thee and provide a way. And soon, we shall call thee of another name.

And we see thy need, soul F____, and we should answer in this manner. Of thy dreams, that are learning dreams, these should come, as we have said before, that thy should provide a way for mankind to enter in your later days.

And now we should go, and come again.

But we should answer all of your questions in this manner. Bring forth your God these things that are necessary within yourself. Speak unto your God as you should speak to yourselves, but do not do so as hypocrites. Speak that that is within thy heart. Do so unto your fellow man in the same manner, and truth and righteousness shall prevail. But only through truth can these things come forth.

The healing that is needed among your groups shall come now. But as we have said before, the time to cast stones is over. Cast no stone at no man. But, as we have said before unto thee, if thy right eye should offend thee cast it aside, and this should also be of thy group.

Soul Ray now grows weary, and therefore, we should say unto thee, now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared again with the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


June 30, 1972

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner, that is of of before time, when the Earth slowed in its axis, as we have told you before. And as the time that the Earth and your time stood still — and your Earth is now again reaching its same position, for as we have said before, not one stone upon your Earth shall be left unturned.

But we say unto thee, beware, for the Fifth Angel walks upon thy Earth.

But for the children of God, thy have nothing to fear, for we shall walk before thee and prepare a way. We have come unto thee but for one purpose and that is for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We have given unto thee the keeping of the date and time. And of your year, 1998, so it shall be upon your Earth. But first shall come the sign and the writing in the sky.

And we say unto thee in these words, for all shall bow and pay homage into this One.

Yet, all shall be glad within their hearts, for your suffering upon the Earth shall end, and as has been promised, a new heaven and a new earth shall begin. But we saw unto thee in these words, as we have come to prepare this way, do so within thy own hearts and souls, that thy may serve the Messiah in the manner unto which your Lord, God, should wish of this, the same.

But first, proportions of your earth must be cleansed, and that that man has placed in the sea shall come forth and sting of them, as scorpions. And that that man should place in the earth should cause destruction and movement of the earth in the same manner. We have told thee of the Amchitka zone and that of the destruction that would slowly come from this. We have shown thee of many paths and many lessons. We have told thee before that before the destruction should come in any proportion, that this work should go forward. Warnings should be given in advance. And even though we have given warnings, some have not believed and had little faith, and therefore, were destroyed by their own lack of faith.

We have told thee of the things to do for those would suffer from that of the spray of your own area. Yet, these things were not done in full. [Note: The U.S. Forest Service sprayed a defoliant used in Vietnam, Agent Orange, on the Pinal mountains near Globe, Arizona, about 1969–1970.]

And now they bring before us this child.

Yes, we see this, thy need, and we should answer in this manner, of the child, of the [6–30–72–001] child. Yes, we see this. We would suggest that only of the pure drinking water be given unto this child. We would suggest that double quantities of vitamin E be given unto the child, and more of the vitamin A into itself.

We shall say unto thee in these words, we cannot create, only our Father could do of the same, but the healing that is necessary, and that that should come from our Father shall be given. But we should also say unto thee, that that is in the heart of the mother and father, we cannot violate, only should they come in truth and ask for the same can it be given in full.

So we say unto thee, [5–7–71–002], in this manner, we shall stand by the doorway; if it is opened we shall enter, and therefore, do the things that are needed. We can do no more.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. A life reading was given on [5–7–71–001]. Can anything further be given on this soul, such as earlier or later entries? Is there anything she should know concerning her health?”

Yes, we see thy need and we should answer in this manner. For further information bring her here, that we may reach into her mind, and therefore, give that that is needed.

Of the other information she seeks, this also can be given. But let her journey forth, and therefore, serve unto the effort of giving of the same. And we shall return her effort and her glory back into her in the manner it is given.

Thy have within thy mind the question — yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this way. That of the hiring a secretary within thy group — yes, we see this — and as we have said before, those things that are needed shall be provided for. Do so.

Thy have thoughts of donation for private readings — yes — and in the manner of thy thoughts, this is good. Do so.

And we should say unto soul Ruth these words. The healing has been given and shall be given. And fear not, for those that are needed shall stand by thy side and give the guidance. But thy must also be patient and let the healing come forth. Do not overstrain or overdo or the lesions shall form in a worse way than before.

Yes, we see thy need, soul [6–30–72–002], and we should say unto thee these words, of what thy have seen upon this day, the infliction that man has placed upon one another, of this word, cancer. And you say unto us, “Why is there no cure?” And we shall say unto thee, there is of such, but as man was given free choice and the will to find these things for himself, at the present time, the information that is needed for this cure is being given unto those who should listen.

And we shall say, once again, of the secret of the transplant within the same. And this should come from the sperm of man and from the creation of man — and therefore, brought forth into chemical form, and therefore, applied unto the nervous of the same — and this in itself shall make acceptance of one heart unto another.

Can thy understand if which we speak?


Nay, not fully. But your time is soon.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka.[5–19–72–001] says, ‘My dog has been missing since the latter part of February. Could you tell me what happened to him? Was he killed, stolen, or if someone took him, can you tell me who? And can we possibly get him back now?’”

We should answer in this [way] manner. The dog within itself became lost, and therefore, wandered from thy home. The dog may be found in the Miami area, alive and well. It has been accustomed to its new masters. We would suggest that thy should leave the dog where it is at the present time, and therefore, go forth, for there is a new soul of a dog who waits to enter into thy lives, and therefore, should give of thee the protection that is needed.

But we should answer your other question that is within thy mind in this manner. As we have said before, fear not, for we shall give into thy household the protection that is needed.

But we say unto thee, guard, therefore, of that that is in thy heart, and do not be careless with the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. In some of the readings, you have spoken about the sons of God in the beginning, as referred to in Genesis, I believe, and Ruth asks the question, ‘You said that psychic people are descendants of the sons of God.’ She wonders if you could tell us who the sons of God are, or were?”

We shall answer your question in this manner. And as it was written, and so it was true. The sons of God looked, therefore, upon the daughters of man, of the man-animal, and therefore, found them fair and did enter, and therefore, give sperm and life into new births upon the earth. But as they did so they became earthbound, and therefore, lost that that could return back unto their Father. They became trapped within their own karma. Yet they had the knowledge that came from their Father. Therefore, these men and their descendants, and as they were born and born again, retained that of the knowledge of the psychic, and the powers of the mind.

Throughout your time, your people have killed of these. These people were known as your Sumeritans [Sumerians], and they gave of thee your knowledge of mathematics, of astrology, of medicine, and of the powers of the mind. Yet, the sons of men feared these people because of their knowledge, and therefore, because of their gentle ways, to destroy of them. Yet, we have said unto you, thy can destroy nothing, thy may only change its form, and therefore, through birth and rebirth these people have come forth unto your time again.

And we call of them as prophets of before. Some of their far memory lays dormant. Yet, our Father should use of this ability, and has given unto your keeping one of the same.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [2–19–71–001] of New York, has asked for a life reading.”

Yes, we see thy need. We would suggest, because our time grows short, that this be asked again at your next reading.

Yes, we see thy need and we should answer unto this one, in this manner. And the one we shall not speak of in name, yet they shall know that we have touched them.

Thy have traveled far in thy mind. Thy thoughts have even come to the thought of suicide. Thy have given of thyself in love, and had it thrown unto the ground. And thy cannot understand and have become bewildered.

And we should answer unto you, as once before.

As the disciples of Jesus did see unto that that gave love and it was thrown unto the ground, and therefore, it was crucified — yet, as this one known as Jesus did say unto men, “I have come not to change the Laws or the prophecies of the same, but I have come for this time, to show you the truth of the same.” And so, within the resurrection of the same, he did show man the truth.

Yet, man did even take that and misinterpret it and cast it aside. For man was given free will by our Father. And even unto His most beloved son, our Father could not interfere with that of the free will.

And thy have reached and reached again for love. But we say unto thee in these words, thy have stumbled over thy own self. Reach out your hands and we shall provide within thee the bread and wine. And we shall plant within thy mind the seed, and thy shall provide the yeast of the same.

We know that thy do not fully understand of which we are speaking. But we say unto thee, give glory unto thy God and thy God shall give glory unto thee. Put thy God first, and thy God shall put thyself first in this manner, for thy have only to walk away from thy own karma to see the truth.

Soul Ray grows very weary, and therefore, our time has grown short.

And we say unto thee, now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared again with the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


July 7, 1972

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God, and now we should say unto thee these words, for this reading shall be different from all your others —

One moment, Aka, we’re….Ok.”

And we should say again, this reading shall be different from all your others, for before we should not give of thee, this one, soul Ray, information of himself, nor would we give unto the one known as soul M_______ information of herself, for within these two dwelled a karma. And we should tell thee of this karma.

For as before, in a before life, thy did meet and wed under the same conditions. And as before, this one known as soul Ray did carry into this marriage a karma of his own. But, as we have said before, we could not interfere with his karma or the overcoming of the same. This, in itself, had to come from himself.

For, as in a before life, he did cast a stone upon a different person who he had thought had sinned. For as he was sinned against in a previous marriage, so he himself built a mental block never to look at this again, and therefore, it was necessary that both should relive this once again. And so you have.

And we should say unto both of thee these words. Cast no further stones, for you have learned from your karmas. The love that thy possess for one another still remains within your hearts. Mend that that is between thee and bring it into a whole. And in this manner, thy can end both karmas together.

This one of soul Ray has now seen in full his karma, and therefore, we shall remove the block which was within him, for he should no longer need it, for now he is of a whole man. The block was necessary to be built within him for the powers we intended to store within his mind, that he could not even harm no other person. But now, this is not necessary, for it shall be of his own judgment, and that that he should judge of himself. And so, as we have said before, it was an ending of a karma.

And now, we should say unto you, soul M________, these words. Thy have gone unto a lost valley, there to dwell with a lost soul. Should this come unto fulfillment, your karma shall repeat and repeat again. This, thy must find within thyself.

But since this has now been found within soul Ray, any information that either of you should desire shall be given freely.

And now we say unto soul Luke, soul James, soul Jude, soul Mary, soul Ruth, soul Paul, we say unto thee these words. For his karma to come in completeness, come together, and he shall ask unto each of you forgiveness. If thy cannot find it within thy hearts unto all of you, then this work shall depart and be no more, for he shall choose to walk away and we shall hold him no longer. But we say unto thee, as this is done, soul M________ must also be able to cast her lot in fulfillment, for she should vote as Martha, as once before.

Now, we should say unto thee, we have come before thee but for one purpose, and that purpose is for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We have seen that that thy have done to develop thy own psychic abilities, and we have blended into thee the knowledge that was needed. We shall not take this away from any of you, but it shall remain. And should you cast your lot and not wish for soul Ray to continue, we shall not take from him this knowledge he possesses, for in his own way he shall work for this purpose.

Thy have had many questions in thy minds. We have watched and waited for this day to come forth.

And they say unto us, “How could we do of this, and not interfere?”

For our Father gave unto thee, His children, free choice, and we could not interfere.

Therefore, we should say unto thee, now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared again to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


August 11, 1972

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And we should say unto thee again, let the dead bury their dead, for our Father should be the God of the living, not the dead. And for those who should dwell as lost souls, let them bury their dead also. For now shall be a new time. And we shall bring forth the knowledge that has hidden before.

And we shall tell thee of the time that shall come before thee in fulfillment, for as once before, as Judas should slay a Prophet, and the Prophet rose again, so it shall be in this time, for not until the Prophet was slain should the truth come in fulfillment. And as it was written, so it shall be.

And we shall say unto thee into these words, as we have said before. Thy Father asks but two things of thee, love unto Him one-tenth the love given unto thy fellow man, love unto your Father in the same manner.

And we should say unto thee these words. Coveth not that that should belong to another.

For we should answer your questions in this manner. For the Lord of Isaiah, for the Lord of Abraham, for the Lord of Ishmael, for the Lord of Moses, and for the Lord of the one known as Jesus Christ, and so it shall be for the Lord of the one known as Buddha, for they did not worship false idols, nor did they lay any idol or prophecy before themselves. For the Lord came in truth unto man and gave unto him the Spirit, and the Lord should stand before thee in the same manner.

But man can harm thee, yes, this is true, but he cannot take from thee thy soul or thy spirit. Even your Lord, God, should not do unto this of thee. But He should allow thee to do it unto thyselves. If this in that manner has been done, then woe unto thee who had walked in a false light and given unto his fellow man lies, and not truths.

But now we should say unto thee these words, we have come but for one purpose, and that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

Your earth, as we have said before, shall start to change. Your changes shall come from Alaska, through the Mediterranean, through the Mexican and South Americans, and all land within the same shall mold and come forth. The land that should be of the Brittany shall change. And the land that thy should know of the valley below the sea, it shall change, for it has changed in man’s eyes already. [Note: the Yuma, Arizona, or Imperial Valley, California, area.]

Of this we say unto thee, your thousand years can begin at any time, but not as you should count, but as our Father should count.

And for some there shall be many, and for some there shall be never. But the half times are over, for those who should pass beyond this time, they shall be. For those who should lose of their souls shall be no more, for they shall wander in nothingness.

Thy have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [11–19–71–001] who is now living in Globe, has asked for a life reading.”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul and the spirit of this one. Yes, and we see thy karma once again.

Therefore, we should give of thee this proportion of the same, of a between life or an after-life, as thy would know it.

And as we have said before, thy were a mistress of a plantation, of your Southern states of your Americans, and therefore, did give unto these, of thy slaves, cruel and ruthless punishment. Thy did not give unto them the words of God, for thy thought of them as animals, and then again thy should speak of them as the children of Cain. But in truth, we should say unto thee, upon your earth there came upon the earth in the beginning in five places, of the five races of your earth, and all were the children of God.

Therefore, into these things that thy did, thy were much hated by these people. And they rose and slayed thee, and thy could not understand this. For as thy lay in thy state of waiting, and as thy rose from the body form, thy wanted to be treated as a great lady.

Yet, thy saw the many colors pass before thee of mankind and the colors of God, and thy could not understand this. And day by day, the one who sat beside thee and waited for thy awakening had been of an old mistress who had passed on before.

And as she sat beside thee to try and awaken thee, thy would fight this. For thy looked into her face and said, “How could heaven be that for of those of your color?”

And thy answered back, this one, and said unto thee, “For we are the people of God, all of us.”

And then, as thy saw the others pass by, thy learned the truth. But not in full, for thy rose and awoken and ordered her to take thee to your home. And so she did so. And thy wandered in this house which was empty. And you said unto her, “Where are the servants?”

And she said, “I am a servant, as you are a servant.”

And you lashed at her. And therefore, she did not strike thee back, but stood before thee.

And you said unto her, “Bring of me the teachers that I should learn of this other time,” and therefore, entered an elderly man who had been a slave of thy plantation who had been killed because of your cruel treatment.

And you drew back unto yourself and said, “How could this be true?”

And he said unto thee, “From this day forward, thy shall have of the psychic mind. From this day forward, in your birth again, you shall know of that which you have done before, that you should never again do it unto mankind.”

And you looked unto him and said, “Therefore, let me born unto the colored race.”

And he answered unto you this question, in this manner, that “That of which we are, we must be, that the clay that we have chosen we must go forward and learn from it. But the changing from one race to another would teach you nothing.”

Therefore, he took your hand and led you unto the higher temples of learning. And thy chose unto this lifetime thy possess, and your children chose you in the same manner.

And we should answer your question in this manner. You have known of both of these men. And you have grown weary of both in your own mind, yet still you have not learned that that was given unto you to learn. You have used your psychic mind to reach out, but yet, you have not seen before you this of which you must learn — tolerance unto your fellow man, love, a love that is greater than yourself.

And we should say unto you, as in the days of Moses — and as the Ten Commandments were given unto you, and given unto Moses and given unto mankind, so they should be. If thy should find of thyself in this lifetime, look into the Ten Commandments. Look deeply, and learn of them. Take each one, one at a time, and apply them to yourself.

Coveth not that that belongs to another. Look unto your God, and say, “Oh Lord, I have seen in truth, and I shall try to use this gift our Father has seen fit to hand into your hands for useful purposes.” Develop it not in the eyes of Satan, of Lucifer, but develop it in a manner that your children’s children shall walk beside it and know it came in truth from our God.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have two questions from [8–11–72–001], Claypool, Arizona….She says, she would like to know about her husband and how he is, and his health. He had a serious operation in 1967, and how is he doing?”

We cannot answer of that question, for this would be to violate this one’s fee will.

Ask thy other question.

“Her second question, she says her son [8–11–72–002] has turned 20 and has been drafted. He was married in January of 1972. Could there be anything he can do to get deferment because his wife is pregnant?”

If he should choose to serve of his country, let him walk forth as a man. But if he should choose the path of Lot, then let him walk forward and serve unto himself.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [4–23–71–002] asked if you have any message for her?”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. We have seen unto thy needs, and have given the protection that has been needed.

We should answer your question in this manner, come forth. Come forth and we should give unto thee the blessings of health that thy desire, for both thy family and thyself. But dwell within a house complete.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. My sister’s daughter [8–11–72–003] is working in an American school in Tokyo as a teacher, and she has asked for a life or health reading.”

Yes, we see thy need, but we should answer at a different time, for soul Ray now grows weary. And we should leave unto thee these words.

For as we have said before, the Fifth Angel dwells upon your earth. Your years shall come rapidly, and your time shall appear before thee, as we have said. For let none who should wear the mark of the Beast remain. Let none who should wear the mark of the Beast come before us and drink from our cup, for our Father has little tolerance for those. If thy right eye offend thee, cast it aside.

We have given unto thee both the wine and the bread. Now, must we also furnish the yeast unto thyselves?

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


August 18, 1972

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Thy have set a new course, and therefore, shall at last, that that has been placed in the brook shall flow unto the river. This in itself is good. [Exodus 17:1–7.]

As we have said before, thy shall walk unto many doors and knock, and therefore, give unto them your blessings. [Mark 6:1–14.]

There shall be some who shall accept for a while and then reject the same. There shall be some who shall stand as hypocrites in false robes and say the vows before our Father, but yet they shall wear the mark of the Beast. But as we have said before, only those who should stand forth and not wear the mark of the Beast shall enter the kingdom of God in fullness. And from this shall come unto the time when all mankind shall live within the temple of God, and our Father shall call His many children back unto His many mansions.

But as a field is sown in many places, yet in the most unlikely places shall come the best crops, so do not fail to sow them all, one by one, and two by two. [Matthew 13:1–23.]

But as before, the chain was broken, a chain may be built of many links. But that a chain may stand before our Father, each chain must tested and tested again; each length must stand strongly and firm within the shadow of our Father. [Acts 1:9–26 and The Revelation 20:1–6.]

As we have said before, you shall build a mighty army unto God, but it shall be an army of minds, and nothing shall be hidden from this army. [The Revelation 19:11–21.]

For when they shall build the last wall, none shall enter that should wear the mark of the Beast. [The Revelation21:9–27.]

But unto our Father’s words, “There is a time for all things.” There is a time that the rain should fall upon the earth. There is a time that the seasons shall change. [Ecclesiastics.]

And for a man who cares not to see the season change, he should not see his soul and spirit and the immortal body grow in fullness, for he should hide and continue to hide. [Matthew, chapter 24 and The Revelation, chapters 6–7.].

But as we have said before, this time is over, the half times. For nothing unclean shall come into our Father’s temple. [The Revelation 21:27, 22:6–7, 10–16.]

For those who should wash their clothing in the blood of the Lamb, all things of their past shall be forgotten within themselves, and so it shall be forgotten within our Father, for those who should step forward in righteous sake, and cast no stone upon his brother. [The Revelation, chapter 7; 14:1–16; 19:7–10; 20:4–6; 21:1–8, 27; and 22:7–15.]

But we say unto thee these words. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. If thy right eye offend thee, cast it aside. [Exodus 21:18–27.]

For none shall enter the kingdom of God that does not know of earth, and none shall not know of earth that does not know the kingdom of God.

But we say unto those who should doubt, why should you believe the words we should speak of heaven, yet believe the words we should say of earth.

But mark unto these words, your Fifth Angel stands upon your earth, and your cleansing process has already began [The Revelation 6:9–11, 8:13, 9:1–12.]

But we say unto you, if a wall is mighty, and the foundation is strong, and the roof is built well, then you shall weather the storm. But if one link is weak within this structure, then it shall fall to the earth. [Acts 1:6–26 and The Revelation 21 and 22.]

So be unto thy brother’s keeper, and do so in reality, that thy may look into thyself and start thy thousand years of peace. [The Revelation 20:1–6.]

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [6–18–72–001} is in the Gila General Hospital with a possible miscarriage, and we’ve been asked for help for her. Do you have any?”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. The healing that is needed shall be given. And we answer also in this manner, for this one, give unto God that that belongs unto your God. If this is done, then God shall give unto you and show glory into the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [8–18–72–002] of Sabinal, Texas….He’s presently in Central Heights and he is very ill with a gall bladder problem, and asks for help.”

Yes, we see thy need and we should answer in this manner. If the faith was strong, then the healing could be given, but the faith is weak, so therefore, the healers of your earth shall give unto the healing. This should be removed in a surgical manner, but the help that has been asked for shall be given in the same manner.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka — ”

One moment. Yes, yes, yes we see thy need, yes.

And we should answer, dust to dust.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [8–11–72–003], who was given a health reading on June 23, 1972, is working in an American school in Tokyo; she’s a teacher… And she has asked for a health or life reading.”

This should be given at a different time.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes Aka, could you tell me what the mark of the beast is?”

The mark of the beast shall be that that you shall write upon your soul. If thy should give unto evil unto your fellow man, this mark shall show. If thy should give unto greed unto your fellow man, this mark shall show. If thy should trespass upon another, this mark shall show. All things of your lives shall show upon your soul, one by one, where you have built them. [The Revelation 12:17, 13:1–18]

Yet, we say unto you, in one moment all this could be taken away. But within that moment, if thy should take a backward step, they shall be stamped again.

Therefore, we say unto you, wash of thy clothing in the Lamb, of the blood, and the blood of the Lamb shall be cleansing of the same. And we do not speak of the blood that thy would know, but of the soul, and the spirit, and the immortal body of your own, for they shall be, as all things shall be, a righteous thing given unto our Father. And this thy shall take unto the altar of our Father.[The Revelation 6:9–11, 7:13–17, 11:14–19, 12:7–12, 14:1–4 and 10–14, 19:5–9, 20:1–6 and 11–15, 21:1–7 and 23–27, 22:1–5 and 12–14.]

Thy have asked in thy minds, “Then what could be of this, this immortal body?” It is all the acts upon your soul and spirit. It is that that thy have built, for when thy have reached unto the immortal body, thy have come as four — and as four was of Thirteen. [Mark 3:7–19 and Acts 1:6–26]

There have been many who have stepped unto five and thought they had climbed the ladder in complete. But only as five they had opened the third eye of man.

Yet, some had cast a veil upon it. [Exodus 26:31–37, 27:21, 34:10–35, 36:35–38, 40:1–35.]

And some through lifting this veil and passing beyond, have thought to become as six; yet they were tossed back unto one. And therefore, that that they should see should not come as truths, but as half truths. And that that they should talk of should not come as truths, but half truths.

Take up unto thyselves unto five, and therefore, remember, that as we have said before, bring forth unto us, one by one, and two by two, and three by three, and therefore, show unto our Father the immortal body of man. Let it walk unto the psychic world.

But those who should use of their psychic powers in the wrong manner, their powers shall be taken from them, for the psychic power of man is a gift born into all mankind, for as a child should suckle its mother, it should possess this. Unto the smallest creature of the earth, it should possess this.

Then bring it forward; learn of it, put it to use, into common practice. Let it become part of your normal lives. But do not fill the stomach with more than you can digest, and do not place into the mouth more than you can swallow (chuckle). For in either case, you can give yourself a sickness that can not be cured.

And for those who should do of this, let them bury their own dead, for our Father is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living, for as Egypt buried the dead, so should these.

But remember unto these words, for I am soul Ray, and soul Ray is I. But do not confuse that that should come unto Thirteen, for in fulfillment of your life and your missions, all things, for those who should not wear the mark of the beast, shall come.

But remember, “Judge not, lest ye be judged,” for all things that man should think of is sin, is not sin in our Father’s eyes. Before you cast that from yourself remember, look deep within yourself and say unto these words, “Is this part of my Father I should cast out?”

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Is there anything we should be spending more time on in our study sessions?”

Thy have advanced well. Bring forth unto your peoples these things that we have shown you. Develop your psychic abilities into full awareness, but treat the cause first, and if you should do so, there shall be no effect.

“I don’t understand you, Aka.”

(Chuckle.) You shall within time, for new knowledge shall blossom and come forth a step at a time, for as we have said before, the material things that are needed for this work shall be provided.

Soon your time of waiting shall end, for you have entered the river. Let the waters of the river flow through all of thy groups.

And we say these words, for those who should not understand of which we speak, let them come here and learn.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Is there anything that should be done at this time for Soul Ray’s blood disorder or general health?”

Those things that are needed are being done. But let him not despair, for we shall bring forth one. And then it shall come as a complete thing. And when this one is brought forth, let all those of all of the groups stand forth, for it shall be a time of joy and fulfillment. But as the Autumn leaves should fall, these things shall come a step at a time.

Of his health we shall say in this manner, in your month of November we shall stand and give you full answers.

But we should answer in this manner, let no one misinterpret that of which we have spoken. Let no one from this day forward cast a stone. For we have stood before you and stones have been cast, and before, we said unto you these words, “If you had a stone to cast, cast it at us first.” But that time has passed, for we have no more time to waste upon those who should cast stones. Therefore, let the dead bury the dead.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Soul Ruth asks, ‘Can you describe the nature and function of the immortal body? Can it be used as a pattern in healing?’”

Yes, this can be used as a pattern in healing.

Within soul Ray we have placed the knowledge of the aura, and the treatment of the same.

You have thoughts now of machinery that should bring forth the creative force of man, and therefore, be able to change the function of the brain cells into full healing. As we have said before, both through the sound and light lies the secret.

But as the sperm of man and woman should be dissected, so you shall dissect the light and sound which are the true healing of man, which can change the pattern of the genesis of man.

You must realize that, as these secrets should come forth, disease, as you should know it, shall be wiped from the face of the earth.

Your thoughts upon this subject are correct. We shall elaborate upon this further at a different time. More knowledge shall be given. It is being given to you daily, but as questions arise, ask of these. This is an important field, very important, for as the immortal body is used in the function of man’s soul and spirit, a sick body should be of a sick mind, and a sick mind should have not of the immortal body.

Soul Ray now grows very weary, and our time grows short.

But we should say unto thee, blessed are those who have stood through the time of trial. Blessed are those who should carry no false faces before our Father. Blessed are they who should end their karma. But woe upon those who should build of the new, for they should wander forever as lost souls in a nothingless land.

Now is the time of the Cherub, and we should leave thee with healing, the healing that shall be given freely upon your touch.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: So it was that Ray began to use his gift of healing and his healing work began.

About 35 people a day from the U.S. and Mexico would come to his door and knock to ask for healing.]

[Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


August 26, 1972

Yuma, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should say in this manner, for those who should come before their God in truth, our Father should bow before them. [The Revelation 4:1–11, 11:14–19, 21:1–5, 22–26, 22:3–9, 17].

And thy should say unto us, “How could this be so?” And we should say unto you, for as you see our Father, so you should see unto us. And as we see our Father, so we should see unto thee in the same manner, for all things upon your earth shall possess the Seven Spirits of God, for all things upon your earth are part of God. For did He not say unto thee, “Of our kind, of our likeness,” and so all life was created. [Genesis 1:26–31.]

And did He not take from His vineyard and plant in yours? Did He not take from His ocean and plant in yours? And therefore, as your land grew fruitful and gave forth unto mankind, so mankind should give forth unto God. And as mankind should give forth unto God, God should give forth unto mankind in a like manner. For we have said many times, our Father asks but two things of thee, to give unto Him one-tenth the love that He should give unto His children, and that thy should love unto thy brother in the same manner.

Our Father did give unto His children free choice, but our Father also gave unto His children the Ten Commandments unto Moses. And before Moses, He did give unto the wisdom of Adam. And we should say unto thee in this manner, as the sons of God looked upon the daughters of man, and therefore, found them fair and did enter and become earthbound of the same, and the knowledge that they possessed was not taken from them, but for what they had done, their karma must go on and on through all of mankind.

As we have said before, for some there shall be many, for some there shall be none at all. And we say unto you these words, thy can end all thy karma in but a moment, yet restore it with a second thought.

Thy thoughts are like that of God, for you are part of God. As your mind grows stronger, all things are possible unto the mind, for distances and energies can be transformed into whole beings.

We know that at times we should speak unto thee as in riddles, but as we have said before, the half times are over. Use of the knowledge we have given unto thee. Bring forth this thousand years upon your earth. Go forward and prepare a way, but first prepare it within thyself, for thy can give nothing unto another that thy first do not possess within thyself.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [8–26–72–001] who is here tonight…asks for help. He says, ‘Can you give a reason for the pain in my back and recommend treatment?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And therefore, as a child, thy had what is know as spinal meningitis. This problem was brought forth unto a fall of the same. The lower backular area has decay; therefore, as we have said before, we cannot create. But into thy own mind there is knowledge.

We would suggest that of a good chiropractic or osteopathic doctor. We would further suggest that a bar be erected that thy could barely reach, using this to stretch the backular area, at first, two minutes and increasing up to ten each day. This must be done, the increasing, over a prolonged period. Do not overdo this.

We further find problems in the third and fourth vertebrae. This from itself, is caused from a virus. We would suggest a changing, radical changing within your diet. Cut down on the amount of salt within the diet at the present time. Eat more of the green vegetation. We would not suggest the use of any alcoholic beverage. The spinal fluid, within the same, is at an off-balance at the present time; this must be restored.

There are many other various problems within this soul as it is at the present time. First correct these, and come back and we should answer you other questions.

We say unto thee three words, blessed are they who should wash their clothing in the blood of the Lamb, but cursed are they who should wash it and use it as wine.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [8–26–72–002] asks for a better understanding of his problems, specifically a life reading.”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should give unto thee this at a different time, for your time is not of needs of this reading. We would suggest that at your next reading this question be asked, but we also see thy need, and we should answer in this manner.

Thy have thoughts in thy mind of a mate, yet thy have prolonged these thoughts. Why should thy be so foolish? You are wasting not only your time, but that of the other. Go forward and make of the earth fruitful unto the same. And as the fruit should come forward, it shall be good fruit.

But we should say unto you in this manner, of this that thy have in mind, our Father should give blessings upon the same. Thy fear only lies within thy own mind.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [8–26–72–003], age nine, of Yuma…asks, ‘I want to know what direction God wants me to take to build for the future.’”

We should answer in this manner. For we have come but for one purpose, to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. This can only be done with an army of minds. This can only be done within each soul. We have come to take from the brook into the rivers, from the rivers into the many lands, and unto the universes and universes, as the heavens themselves. [But as] each soul comes forward once again to take from that their karma — no one else can do this for them only they themselves — but if you should stop along the way to show the path unto others, then blessed be those who should give of the Light. Go unto meditation, open thy mind, and therefore, the door shall be opened that we should enter, and we should give unto thee the knowledge that is needed.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [1–21–72–002] asks for a follow-up reading about her relationship with Tim. She asks, `Does all that which was said previously still hold true, including the death of her body, or spiritually?’ She also asks for guidance. She says, ‘What does our Lord wish for me to do with my life?’ She asks help in growing spiritually and asks about a life reading.’”

Of the last, the life reading should be given at a different time.

Of the first, we should answer in this manner. Our Lord has seen fit to stay the hand of destiny. But fate is but a fickle lover, do not tempt it.

We have shown unto thee a way. Be transformed. We have shown unto thee and given unto thee the gift to write. As the way must be prepared, so should it be done as a script of the same.

We cannot interfere with thy free choice. We have stayed the hand once, but we shall not be allowed to do so the second time. But open thy door, and we shall enter and give directions of the same, for there is much work for those who should enter. But have faith, and thy should walk on the water with us.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [M___ DeG______] would like to know how she can improve her sight so she can continue her work?’”

We have seen the need, and therefore, given forth unto the healing of the same. And we shall continue to do this. Your sight shall improve, and yet again, but we should give unto thee a different sight. That is the sight of the spirit, that thy may look within thyself, that thy may plant a rose. And as the rose should grow within thy soul, so it should grow within thy body, and as all mankind should look into your eyes, they shall find the beauty of the rose, therefore, within.

And we should say unto thee, as your Lady of Guadalupe, so you shall walk in truth before man.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, soul James would like to know what can be done to improve his hearing, as he is going deaf?”

We should answer your question in this manner. Your deafness is not a physical problem, only a mental one. Your nerves, and then within the self, is reacting in such a manner to deafen out that which thy do not wish to hear.

As once before, we came unto your home, and therefore, did bring blessings, we shall again, and therefore, restore the house divided. And as the temple shall be built from within, so it shall be built from without, and all things shall come in fulfillment. Pick up thy staff and walk again with us.

Thy have other questions, ask.

Yes, Aka. I just have one other question. Did someone go to soul Ray’s house to do him harm on Friday? And could you tell us if our thoughts on this are correct?”

(Chuckle.) Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For one walked, therefore, to do harm, but within your own words, and within ours, none from either side shall interfere with this work. And therefore, we say unto those, let the dead bury the dead.

Yes, we see thy need, soul Luke, and we should answer in this manner. The staff we have handed into thy hands is strong. Do not allow those from without to bend it. For within thy faith shall now grow strong, and thy shall walk again upon the water. Protect that that we have given unto thee to protect. Love that that we have given [unto thee] to love. Bring unto your house one God. Bring unto thy soul one God. And we shall stand beside thee and build.

But if a serpent should enter, cast down this rod we have given [unto] thee, and it shall eat the other serpents. But do not waiver from your faith, for as we have said before, we have given unto thee and unto thy hands a prophet. Guard this one well, and all things from the fruit of the tree shall grow, therefore, within it.

But do not listen unto those who should come in falsehood, for the wrath of the God is mighty. But as a small child who suckles [its] mother, go unto the temple of God for knowledge, for none who should know not of heaven should not know of earth, for none who should not know of earth shall not know of heaven.

And we should say again, for the time grows near, for written upon your sky, the earth shall bellow forth its mighty force. And there, upon the desert it shall lie, close to the ocean, for within real, but Satan, therefore, cannot steal. [See Matthew 24:29–33, Acts 1:6–11, The Revelation 14:14, 19:11–16, and The Revelation 12:10–17.]

Soul Ray grows weary.

And we say unto thee, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Not one stone shall be left unturned. [See The Revelation, chapters 5–7 and Matthew 24:1–8.]

And soon, from Alaskans, the earth shall churn, through your Mediterraneans, through your South Americans. All things shall come, as written before. And as [a last] Atlantis did rise and fall, so shall many lands upon your earth. But for those who should not wear the mark of the beast, no harm shall come unto these. [See The Revelation, chapter 7, 14:1–14, 15:2–4, 19:6–9, 20:1–7, chapters 21 and 22.]

We have given unto thee a child, a new James upon the earth. Thy have seen him, yet thy do not know of him. And we say unto thee, let no harm come unto this one, for there are those who should harm him. For these who should do so, we should wipe them from the face of all earths, for this shall be our Father’s will.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


September 1, 1972

Globe, Arizona

[Editor’s note: The first of this reading was not on the tape recording.]

And we should say once again in this manner. Give unto your Lord glory, and your Lord should give unto thee glory in return. But, as in the days of David, so glory came from the earth and into the heaven and gave unto the people of Israel glory. [I Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings.]

But as in your days of Rome, as Rome gave glory into the Romans, so they fell upon the earth. And so it shall be once again. For those who should walk in the light of our Father, all things shall come unto past, for as the Book of the beginning was so, so should the Book of the ending be of the same.

Thy have asked of the cosmic energy, and we should answer in this manner. Yes, there are two sources of cosmic energy. Thy have done well, continue of the same. Your thoughts have been of the static electricity. You shall find a new source of electricity within itself, and therefore, shall find a new name of the same. For as we have spoke[n] before of cosmic energy, soon you shall know of the cosmic magnetic-electrical cells within the same. Therefore, you should find the secret of light and sound. Continue with your train of thought. This is good within itself.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I need a health reading tonight on [9–1–72–001]. This person is bothered with depression.”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall say into this manner. First, change thy drinking water. Your second problem is in locale of which you live. You must realize that this area has been contaminated. We should answer also in this manner. We would suggest the moving into a different location. Your depression, within itself, is caused from negative ions within your air. If this cannot be found practical, the use of oxygen as a supplement for breathing at different periods during thy day would greatly improve within this one.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [9–1–72–002] wishes a health reading, particularly the cause and treatment for the severe pain he is experiencing.”

Yes, we see thy need. But we do not find this soul at the location thy have given. We would suggest more specific information. Thy have other questions, ask.

“Last week, Aka, you told us to ask for a life reading this time on [8–26–72–002].”

Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we have before us body, soul, spirit, and the immortal body of the same, and therefore, the immortal records.

Yes, yes, we see this.

And therefore, we should answer in this manner, for we should give unto this one of, not of a before life of this time, but of a second before life.

Within this time, we find this one within what thy would know as the land as Israel in the city of Jerusalem. Thy have joined a new-formed group known as the Estenes, or Essene group. These people within themselves have held holy of the old ways and of the old gods. And therefore, as thy have worshiped unto the God of One, thy should journey from the city of Jerusalem unto the city known as [Hosann, Heshban?], or within your time the location should be known as that of the Dead Sea, there to learn from the one, of the righteous one, and become part of and practice with those of the White Brotherhood who have journeyed from Egypt to give teachings, and therefore, have known of the one known as Judas, and become unto servitude and apprenticeship of the same, and are taught of the time of the coming of the one know as Mary.

And therefore, as this time has come forward, thy should be a bonded one of thy own choosing unto the one of Mary and Joseph, and should journey forward unto the birth of the holy one.

And as the time has grown near when danger lurks for the life of this one, thy should flee into the land of Egypt. And therefore, under the teachings of Judas and thyself, the young one should grow strong and tall. And thy should journey unto many lands, therefore, that the great knowledge should be taught unto this one. Thy find this one a ready student with before knowledge.

Yet, as this one grows, you are told that this one should be of a sacrificial lamb, and thy cannot understand of this.

And as your days have grown old and your eyesight has grown into nearsight, thy asked to be taken back unto this holy city of Jerusalem. And this wish is granted. And there thy dwell.

And as the lad known as Mark should come unto thy household and read of the messages and of the travels known as the one of Jesus — and as his first days of coming unto the city, he has come unto your house, and therefore, given blessings unto the same, and day by day, your heart cries out unto your Lord for the kindness and gentleness thy see within this one. And thy asked unto thy Lord, “Oh Lord, why must this one be sacrificed in such a manner?” But yet, your answer comes back unto thee to wait.

And the day after the crucifixion, thy thyself pass on, and there unto see the glory of our Father and the glory of the one known as Jesus. And therefore, thy can see with thy own eyes that the sacrifice was not within, a criminal thing, but a glory unto God and a glory unto mankind. Thy choose to wait of a long time of learning unto this land that thy dwelt. And thy watched the world as it passed before thy eyes.

And now, as another time has come upon your earth, thy have chosen to return once again to see this time. Yet, within thy heart thy have not seen where thy have been, so therefore, thy have not chosen direction of where thy should go. And we say unto thee these words. We have come but for one purpose, for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah, for no other reason. And we say unto you, many souls have chosen to come again upon this earth for the same purpose. But even through their choice they must still choose to prepare the way within themselves, first.

Do this. Become as one, but yet, become as five. And walk before thy God and know what thy God said unto thee, “COME UPON THE EARTH, AND YET, BE FRUITFUL. GIVE UNTO THE HOUSE OF THE LORD THE CHILDREN THAT SHALL BE NEEDED FOR THIS TIME.”

And this thy have not done. Thy have chosen to walk alone. Yet, we say unto you, take the doubt from thy mind and go forward in a just manner.

There are many lifetimes of thy past and which thy question, and thy wonder within thy mind why we have chosen just one to give unto thee. Yet, we should answer in this manner. If thy can learn from just this one, then thy should know within thy heart and soul of all the others.

We should give unto thee this. At another time we shall fulfill thy cup until it should runneth over, and thy should know of many lands and many places.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [5–7–71–002] asks, ‘Would you give information on what happened to the lost tribes of Israel?’”

Yes, we should give of this. For they are not lost, for they have walked among you, for they came unto the Americans, this land thy walk on now. For they were of the Hopi, yet, they were of many tongues and many languages. They were of the Maya. Yet, part became unto a people of themselves. But you must realize, as time has passed, your interbreeding, way before your first Spaniards reached this land, these people had bred into another race.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

“No, I don’t think so.” [She answers.]

Nay, not fully. Then we should elaborate upon this subject further at a different time.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [9–1–72–003] had two dreams that she would like to ask about. She asks,`Can you explain about the baby I saw in meditation with the beast? And also the dream with the red door and the tiny lights in my room?’”

We should answer of your first question in this manner. For as the Messiah should come upon your earth, so should Lucifer stand near to gather from the mother’s womb that which was placed upon the earth. Yet, this shall not be allowed. [The Revelation 12:1–17].

For as we have said before, it shall be where the stars shall shine of brightness, where the sea shall be close at hand, and yet, the desert in itself shall coveth this one. Therefore, if the way is prepared within thee and within others, this of the child shall not be taken back unto God and guarded, but shall be given unto mankind.

Go unto the readings of the before, and thy shall find the answer to the fulfillments of your last dream, and of your first.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading from my niece, [8–11–72–003]. Do you want to take that tonight or another time?”

We should take of this of another time. Soul Ray now grows weary, and therefore, our time should grow short.

And we should say unto thee, now is the time of the Cherub, for the Fifth Angel stands upon your earth. Not one stone upon your earth shall be left unturned. But remember, as in the time of this one known as Jesus, and was said before, can not our Lord change the descendants of Abraham as you should turn a stone? And so it shall be within your land.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared with the audio recording for improved accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


September 8, 1972

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should say unto thee these words. Thy have within thyself this question, “And who should be the young James we have spoken of?” And we have said unto thee that he should walk among thee, and you should know him not, for he should walk among you as a child, and you should know him not. But as he should walk as a child, so he should see with our Father’s eyes.

And you say unto yourselves, “How could this be?” And we should say unto you, have we not chosen unto Mary? For it is not your age that should give you wisdom, but your heart and your loving souls. For we should dwell within the soul and spirit of man, and we should choose now, as the river should prepare to flow into the ocean and unto the mighty lands, for our Father is not the Father of the dead, our Father is the Father of the living, and therefore, is living God unto all mankind.

And yet, we speak of another time, for the James we have given into thy keeping shall be a James of Atlantis. He shall be the James of David, and he shall be the James of Jesus.

For now, as the spirits make ready and are prepared that they should be known upon your earth, and as the Cherub now walks upon your earth, we shall look into thy children, but not through thine eyes, but through the eyes of our Father.

And we say unto you, for we should prepare a new prophet upon your earth, for as it was written in the Book, so it shall be.

For as he should reach onward, now is his time of learning, his time that he should be tutored.

And we say unto you, give him of the love of the earth; give him of the love of mankind. And upon his 12th birthday, if those things that are there now should remain, we should enter, and therefore, continue his guidance unto mankind. But yet again, his time shall not be then, for we should prepare this time, for only our Father should give of this.

This is all the information thy should know at this time. But we should go one farther step and say unto you, you have called him Jimmy. But the heart must remain pure for the entry to come.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, we have a request for a health and/or life reading from [8–11–72–003].”

Yes, we see thy need. Thy lack the information that is necessary. One moment, please.

Your information is incorrect. We shall allow for this; one moment, please.

Yes, yes, that is better; now we find this soul. We have, therefore, before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. Yes, all is in accord here.

We find no direct physical need at the present time; therefore, we find emotional problems within the same. But at the present time, the soul would rather not that we speak of these; therefore, we shall not.

Of the life reading, we should answer in this manner, that as thy have traveled unto the land of thy before life, and therefore, are finding a new peace and a part of yourself that you did not know existed within yourself, and as your memories are now being stirred, then we should tell thee of this time.

Thy were of a before life of the Buddhist priest. Thy had just finished thy apprenticeship as a Tibetan monk of the same, and upon your arrival to your new parish, you find that it is necessary that thy should have audience before the emperor before you can take your post. This, in itself, annoys you greatly, for you do not feel that any man should interfere with the work of God. Yet, as your elders bade you caution, you go before this one.

And you are asked many questions, and therefore, asked to perform miracles unto this one.

And then you say unto this one, “May I go into your garden, therefore, to show you the miracle?”

And as he has abiden that you should arise, you walk into the garden, and therefore, kneel unto your God, and hold up your hands and say it, unto this one, “There is the heaven and here is the earth, and therefore, is your miracle, the greatest miracle of all.”

And he thinks you should make folly of him.

And you look unto this one and say, “Nay, sire, for I have shown unto you a miracle of God, for here before you I stand as a man, and here before you you stand as a man, and that, within itself, is a miracle of God, for if God had not commanded it, I should not be here. And if God had not commanded it, you should not be here, and therefore, be the emperor of this beautiful land.”

And as this one should take of flattery, he bids you rise again. And because of his youth in age, he would have you stay and tell him stories of this faraway land. But yet, you wish to be among your people and give of the healing that has been taught unto you, and therefore, you ask for time for meditation.

And in your meditation you reach unto the Dalai Lama of the same. And as you bid audience, the Lama glances in. And as the two should make of the spiritual contact, the Lama speaks unto you and says unto these words. “For you, as a good student, have traveled far. We have need, that we may send other priests into this area, that you should act as a diplomat between myself and this emperor. Therefore, linger long and speak the words of wisdom. Teach this one the mind-to-body existence. Teach this one that as the spirit should travel, the body is not of an important thing.”

And so you do.

But in the later years, there is an uprising of the war lords. And they should destroy of you, for they fear you have brought them ill demons into their empire. And as your body lays within its pool of blood, and your mind has risen far above it and gone into the soul and the spirit, you look upon it, but yet, you should need the advice once again of the Dalai Lama, for you say unto yourself that others should not die as you have died. And as the studies and work and worship of God should be great, you should remain upon the earth plane and yet give further knowledge unto this emperor. And as you were granted audience, and therefore, given permission to do of this, you enter quite slowly into the emperor’s mind and speak softly and give advice. And through this time are the greatest achievements and advancements of this people.

We find you not again, until upon this earth plane at this time. And yet, you are here again among these same people, and therefore, should give of teachings. And we should say unto thee, you should make more of your work, of your job; make into it a precious thing, a gift, a gift of giving unto God. Think long and hard upon the words you should speak unto others.

Ask that in your meditation that we may enter, and we should come unto your mind, for as we have said before that as the spirits of God should flow as a brook, as the soul of man should flow as a river, as the souls of man should flow as an ocean, yet the spirit of man should flow through all. Yet, not all of mankind that walks upon your earth should have of the spiritual form. Therefore, we should reach you into the many lands, and as you should be reached, so should others, so should the other knowledge that can be given.

There are many of your kind in the land on which you dwell. We are here but for one purpose, and that purpose is to prepare the way for the coming of a Messiah, and therefore, should build an army of minds, but first, the way must be prepared within yourself. Pick your time each day for meditation — quite simply that pray unto God that the words of Aka may enter; therefore, by opening the door, we shall enter and make ourselves known unto you.

If thy should take of the wine, we should provide of the bread and the yeast, and therefore, thy cup should runneth over. We should await thy answer unto the same.

This is all on this soul at this time.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [9–1–72–002]; he has asked for a health reading, particularly because of the severe pain he has been experiencing. He wonders if you could tell him cause and possible treatment?”

Yes, we see thy need. One moment, please.

(Chuckle), we should say unto thee, this is a traveling soul.

Yes, that is — yes, now that is better.


Yes, we have before us the body, the spirit, and therefore, the soul of the same.

Yes, we find this problem, and therefore, the healing that is needed shall be given. We would suggest that this soul go unto the sauna baths. This should be done at least once daily, for a four-week period. We find this soul should go unto either a good osteopathic or chiropractic doctor, that the corrections, therefore, that could be given would greatly relieve the pain, therefore, within the same.

We see further — yes, we see this — we should answer in this manner, that the soul in question has but little faith. Therefore, we should say unto this one, thy have come unto before us to ask for healing, and we should say unto you these words. Have the faith, of a mustard seed, and it should grow and move the mountains that thy desire to be moved. Build unto our Father a temple, and the temple shall be built within thyself.

We see great emotional problems — yes — here. Upheavals within the mind; doubts within the mind; doubts of yourself and your fellow man. Do unto the things that we have suggested, and then ask for other information, and it shall be given upon your request.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Soul Ray asks, ‘Do we incarnate under a given astrological sign in order to correct a given karma? Do we change astrological signs from one incarnation to another, or do we always keep the same one?’”

We should answer this question in this manner, and this shall be your last, for soul Ray grows very weak. Nay, we should not answer at this time. We have been advised that soul Ray should be awakened. Give within him a moment that we should place blessings and strength back unto the body.

Can you understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


September 15, 1972

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should say unto thee these words. Soul Ray stands with God.

And we should say unto thee, blessed be that that is brought unto our Lord, and blessed be that that is given from our Lord. And for those who should choose to walk in our Father’s light, have they but one teardrop to shed, then all is in accord. But give that unto your Father that thy would give unto thyself. Give it in the same measure. For those who should walk alone, and be lonely, they shall never be alone, for our Father shall walk with them. All they must do is open the door and we shall pass through unto the same….

But we should say unto thee these words,… there shall come upon your earth many changes of your seasons. And we shall provide for each of these. But as a tree should grow we have pruned this. Bear no one ill will, for only that that was done, was done at the will of our Father, which was written in the great Book should come in fulfillment. As we have said before, we are not great, we are but the messengers of our Father.

Can you understand of which we speak? Nay, not fully.

Then we should say in this manner, for all upon heaven and earth has been made in readiness. Have faith, for we are here but for one purpose, and that is to prepare a way for the coming of a Messiah. Have faith in your Father and He shall have faith in you. Give unto your Father glory and He should give it unto you. Give unto your Father love and He shall give it unto you. And the love of our Father shall be shown before all mankind, and proof shall be given of the same.

But give unto mankind glad tidings. For though your earth’s surface shall change, and though the Sword that should cut two ways shall be present, even in all of these things shall be the joy of His arrival upon your earth. For has not our Father promised unto thee a new heaven and a new earth? And so it shall be. But prepare within thyselves the valley of our Lord.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [9–15–72–001], he’s almost six years old — the parents ask for healing of the asthma

and hay fever condition, and any instructions you can give them regarding the general health of his body in the future. Also, is he being helped from the antigen injections he is receiving, and should they continue them?”

Yes, we have before us, therefore, the body, the soul, [the] spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. Yes, the injections should be continued. But the main problem of the child, within itself, is within the area that thy now dwell. Because of the pollution of the air, this, in itself, should increase and destroy the membranes within the [nasal] area, causing infection into the sinus area, And if not corrected, could cause damage unto the [lung] area.Therefore, we see thy need, and we should provide the healing that is needed.

But we should say unto thee in these words. We are not great, we cannot create; only our Father can do this. Therefore, take the precautions that are needed. Install in thy home filters of the air. These are known to you, and should not be beyond your budget. If this is done in this manner, this would greatly improve the health of the child in general.

We would further suggest, that the taking of the sage tea, twice daily. We would further suggest the using of the Night-blooming Cereus, once daily, for one week, in quarter-by-quarter of your inches, of cubes of the same. This is all on this subject at this time.

“Thank you, Aka.”

Should farther —

“Excuse me, Aka.”

help ne needed, ask, and it shall be provided. Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Aka, there was a question asked at last week’s reading concerning the astrological signs. ‘Do people change or retain their astrological signs, and if so, why? And what does the astrological sign signify according to karma?’”

(Chuckle.) Yes, we see thy need. And therefore, we should answer in this manner.

First, of your last we should answer in this manner. Your astrological sign within itself, would sometimes be misinterpreted, should be that of the karmic character that this soul should be born under, both of the good and the bad karma. This you have not realized, that karma should come of two forms, that that you have already learned and you have learned to build it from, and that that you have yet to learn. This in itself is good, for as we have said before, you have free choice, and therefore, in your climb upon the ladder, upon each re-entry, that that you have not learned before you shall choose to learn again. No one should judge you but yourselves. And therefore, it is you choice of time.

As woman and man should prepare upon the earth a nesting place within the womb, and therefore, make ready for a birth, this is the one time the entry should make itself known before the actual birth, and therefore, shall choose mother and father for the lesson that there is to learn. You must realize that the same entry has seen forth those things that should happen unto the mother and the father, and therefore, in the learning, both mother and father can be changed or replaced, according to the entry’s growth, and the growth of the mother and father within the same. Should the mother or father choose to overcome any karma, this in itself should help the entry to overcome a karma of their own. This is what you should call the influencing of a child, half by the mother and father, or the environment around the same.

Therefore, as each entry should take place upon your earth, the actual entry itself should not come until the third day of a normal entry. Yet, there are some who, in forgetting that that is needed to be learned, [revolve] so rapidly that there is no growth at all. Therefore, from the beginning they are born under the same sign, repeatedly, for they have learned nothing.

But for those, again, who should come upon a mission, they of your sun sign should be drawn together for a common cause, and therefore, the bidding of our Father should be done in complete. But remember into these words, “as you should turn a stone, the descendants of Abraham can be changed by our Father.” And so, within reality, for that that came before Abraham and that that should come after, both are of the same, and of the same God.

Can you understand in fully of which we speak?

“No, Aka.”

You shall. Study of which we have given. We have given what the stomach shall digest at this time. And then ask again.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. We have a request for a health reading for [M____ J__ H_________], Yuma, Arizona….He is eleven and a half months old. And he has a rash on his face, chest and arms that is not being cleared by the medicine that is being used. They have seen a doctor at sometime, sometime ago; he said that it was infant eczema. But it has not been cleared and is spreading.”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should say first unto these words. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. One moment, please.


We would suggest that a skin specialist be consulted. That that has been given is not correct. We would suggest in this manner, that of the glands that provide the moisture unto the body are, therefore, producing an overabundance of the salt form. Reduce from the salt intake unto the child.

We would further suggest — yes. One moment.

Yes. Yes, we see this.

We find a blood disorder. Therefore, we would suggest the vitamins be given unto the child, with more of the B’s. We would suggest a changing of the diet in this form, that by blending, using of the raw, natural vegetables, the blending of these, it should make them easy to digest, crushing and blending. Can you understand of this?


This is very important, the crushing and blending of the natural vegetation. This must be given unto the child. At the present time the child is very low in a natural vegetation. We would further suggest that of the Vitamin C, that thatshould come from the orange juice, this should be given unto the child, more of the same. If this is not practical, then use of the lemon juice; extract this, using small quantities of honey from your local locale to sweeten the same, using good pure drinking water unto the same.

We would also suggest that the child should see a good skin specialist in this area. This would require — because of your lack of doctors within the area itself, we would suggest that in your land of the mythical bird of Phoenix — yes, this would be suggested; this would be good. This would not only ease the problem of the child, but the problem of the mother. You must realize that part of the rash, that the child is picking up from the mother the feelings of anxiety, and therefore, should appear upon the mother and child in the same manner. Can you understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, you mentioned pure drinking water. Is the water of the Yuma area pure enough, or should this be bottled water?”

For this child, we would suggest the bottled water, at the present time. Your Yuma water contains too much salt.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. We have a problem with another child of the same family. [D___ C______ H______] has been having peculiar things happen. He received a bump on his head that he said happened here at my house, grandma’s house. He said that someone closed and locked a door on him. [Aka chuckles] We wondered if it was imagination, or if something did happen?”

We should answer in this manner. Go back unto the child’s first reading, and therefore, you shall find that the child’s psychic abilities are sometimes more surprising to that of the adult. The child, in slumber, should experience out-of-body experiences within the same, or as you would know it, astral travel. As a child should learn to crawl and then to walk, his experiences in astral travel, sometimes he shall fall. But he shall know where he fell. It is not of his imagination, but that within reality of the same. We know thy do not fully understand of which we speak, but as we have said before, we shall prepare the ways through the children, also.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, is there any reason to worry about someone shaking his bed?”


“He’s been awakened twice.”

Nay. His playmates, within his astral world, he can control. As we have said before, the door is open; therefore, we shall enter and give the protection that is needed, but none but the children of God shall enter unto the same. Therefore, worry not of these. We shall stop the shaking of the bed.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, I have no further questions tonight.”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should answer in the mind of one. And we shall answer in this manner. For that that is beautiful within thy heart, let it blossom and grow forth. Fear not.

And we should answer in the mind of another in this manner. Thy have come, both out of curiosity, but more important, thy have come for the need of faith and belief in that of which you have always known. Thy say unto us in this manner, “Then give forth unto us a miracle.” And we say unto thee in this manner, we shall give you the miracle of life. But of the proof that thy need within thy mind, open your door of you mind, and therefore, with your permission, we shall enter and give the proof that is needed.

Soul Ray now grows weary.

And as the Fifth Angel stands upon your earth, so we should stay his hand. But nay, not for long, for it is our Father’s plan and our Father’s wish.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


September 22, 1972

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should say unto thee these words.

And we should say first unto soul [1–1–72–002], have faith. Our Father sees of thy needs and has sent those unto thy life, and unto the lives of thy daughters, to strengthen the faith. But we should say unto thee in this manner, we have not sent unto thee a false prophet. Therefore, what thy had seen as good before should remain good. And that that we have given you has been good, and the instruments that we used to direct you to our doorstep. Do not falter within thy faith. All things shall come within time. But as the rock should be built, and strengthened, therefore, we shall lay under the rock a good foundation. And we shall set those beside the rock who should not falter.

At first, when thy should hear of our words they should mystify you and confuse. But take them one by one. Pray upon them, and the clearness of the meaning shall come in fulfillment.

Yes, we see thy need, soul Jude, and we should answer in this manner. Give that unto God that should belong to God, but do so in this manner. If thy cannot believe these things of the earth that we have given unto you, then how can you believe these things of heaven we have given unto you? For all comes from the same source.

And you should say unto us, “Why should you call this one a prophet, and no longer call of him an instrument?”

And we should answer in this manner. For we have placed within his mind, the awakening mind, the ability to see those things of the future clearly. For has it not been written that your Father should send unto one who could not be slain, and for those of the beast who should try to slay him, our Father would let him lie dormant and then rise him before the beast? [See The Revelation 11:1–13.]

And so it has been done. And the beast we speak of is the doubt and greed within the minds of many.

Yet, we say unto you, remember of these words. That we may continue using this one, his fulfillment as a man must be also in complete.

And you asked of his different moods. And we say unto you, as the wind should change and the leavleaves should blow, his mind should reach forth into the many areas of your world, and of your minds. But we did not bring this one forward in this manner to make him great in the eyes of men, for he did not desire this. He granted permission to be used, but only in this manner, for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

That that was done unto him has healed, but the scars are still new. Walk carefully upon them, for we have removed the block within his mind. And we should say unto you, nothing is hidden from his mind. This, in itself, he must become accustomed to. Before, he knew that he could not harm any person or thing upon your earth with his mind. But now he must govern it with his own conscience, and this, in itself, is a learning time within him. But fear him not, for his conscience shall walk with God.

And we see thy need, soul [4–3–70–003] and soul [4–3–70–005], and we should answer in this manner. Those things that have been given unto thee have been given in truths, that have come from us and from our Father. And we should answer in this manner; the half-times are over. The decision must remain within your own conscience. Think long and hard. But remember, in reaching your decision, put forth before you the Ten Commandments, all of these. And when you do you shall find it in this manner. Give back unto God one-tenth of the love that He has given unto His children. Trespass upon no other soul. Coveth nothing that is not of your own or has not been sent to you from our Father. Do unto your brother that that you would wish him to do unto you.

But take from your house the thoughts of the dark horses. There is no one who should harm you, but your own. Cast from your house those of the lost souls, but even in dealing with this, do so in a righteous way before our Father. Speak only of truthful things. If these things that we have said unto you should come, that that the, [you] should desire shall be given unto you. But do not misinterpret our words, either to yourself or others.

Yes, we see thy needs, soul Paul, and soul Ruth, and we should answer your question in this manner. Blessed are those who should walk in the light of our Father. Blessed are those who should stand humbled within His light. Blessed are those who should give of themselves unto others. And we should answer unto you, have patience, for all things shall come in fulfillment.

And unto soul Ruth, we should say unto you these words. Give unto yourself that that is needed. Give unto your Father that that is needed. Give unto your fellow man that that is needed. But do not hurt the temple of God in giving, for the temple we have built within you must stand firm. We see of thy needs, and we shall take care of these — (chuckle) and even sometimes thy wants.

And of soul Paul, these words shall be separate from the others, for we see the cross has grown and shall grow. We see the [blocks] of blood that thy have gathered upon thy forehead. We see the clothing thy have washed within the blood of the Lamb. And therefore, we should say unto you, we shall place new love within all of these things. Your learning now shall come much faster. We shall enter your mind in dream form and place new knowledge within the same. We shall place within soul Ray’s mind more knowledge to give unto you. But first, we shall place within his mind that, that now is the time that he should give the knowledge he bears forth within himself.

Yes, we see thy mind and thy need, soul [5–7–71–002]. And we say unto thee, come forth and replenish your faith, and we shall call thee Matthew.

And soon, we say unto your groups, we shall give unto thee new names and new souls.

Thy have thoughts that thy group has come not unto good paths, but we have seen of this need and shall reach outward and bring those forward that should be needed as workers and helpers within the same. But it must come with love, love of God and love of mankind. No jealousies should come among you, none whatsoever.

And we should answer also, for those who should use of your abilities in a selfish manner, see of their needs, but also see what they should need of these things for. If their need is for a selfish purpose, then draw back thy blessing. If their need comes honestly and truthfully, we should take care of these also.

But we should answer one other question, and this one should know of which we speak, who have walked before us and promised unto our Father many things. Our Father has not asked you to promise anything, but once you do, then this must be fulfilled. Say unto this, these words, that thy should try to perform the necessary tasks within the same. This is enough for our Father.

Thy have asked for the health of thy children, and this our Father has granted. Thy have asked for the help financially, and this our Father has provided. Thy have asked for the help to bring unity within your family, and this our Father has provided. Thy have asked for financial needs, and this our Father has provided. Now you see once again these things leaving your household. If you should put your house in order, our Father should see of your needs. But give unto God that that thy have promised.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Of your experiments with light and sound, go farther. Go unto the thought waves of man, the sound the brain should make as thought should generate within itself. Go into this and you shall find light within the same. Do not become discouraged, for many thoughts we have let flow through thy mind. What you have done up to this point is good, but new knowledge shall flow therefore.

And thy asked of thy brother, and we should answer in this manner. Thy are thy brother’s keeper only if thy brother should allow thee. But when thy brother should offend another, and another, and then should offend the hand that was given unto his keeping, and the hand which would help him stand up, then stand aside and let your brother fall. When he reaches the bottom of the pit then he himself must look upward to see the light. But until this time comes, and as long as there is someone else to take the blame for his folly, he should continue that that he is doing. He should continue to try to harm himself and others. Then we say unto you, stand aside, for our Father should weep for His many children, for He loves them, so deeply. This word of yours that you use so often, but know not the meaning of the same, look unto your Father and see His tears, and then you should know the meaning of the same. Stand before the cross and let one drop of blood come upon thy face, and the true meaning of love shall come within thee. For it is only through love of mankind can mankind grow. And sometimes you must love your brother enough to see him suffer that he should grow, and you shall know the love our Father has for His children.

And you say of these new things that have been placed into your life, the sorrows of others, of mankind, for humility has been placed before you for your growth. And as your wife should stand beside you, both should grow together, and both as children of God. We shall see to thy needs and to your development as long as the door remains open.

Yes, we see thy need, soul [1–21–72–002]. And we should answer your question in this manner. There are many paths that stand before you. We shall not direct you, but we shall let you make your own decision now. We have laid before you flowers. It is your decision, now, to pick them up and walk with them, or leave them for someone else. This is your decision. We shall take care, and place flowers before your friends, of another kind. And their needs shall be seen to.

Yes, we see thy need, soul [3–3–72–001], and of thy disillusion. But this was necessary that thy should grow. Thy have come unto soul Ray for counsel, and the counsel he has given unto you has been good. Therefore, grow from the same. Open your heart. Give of yourself. Give of yourself, both to mankind and to God, and the growth we have given shall continue.

Yes, we see thy need, soul [9–1–72–003], and we should answer in this manner. Take unto thy hands the ankh. Come unto soul Ray and he shall give wisdom into thy mind. And the knowledge, the secret knowledge that thy wish at this time, we shall place in his mind. Your development has been good. But we have placed unto the mind that that it could digest at the time. We shall continue to see of the healing that is needed.

Yes, we see thy need, soul [5–7–72–004], and we should answer in this manner. Come walk on the water with us, and that of the past shall be forgotten, and that of the future shall be of abundance, and that of the children shall come into fulfillment. And we shall dwell in your house forever and ever. And you shall walk in the valley of our Lord with the children of God in this same manner.

We see of thy many needs. And we should say unto these of soul [11–16–71–001]. Thy have asked within thy mind, which we should send unto the Indians to prepare a way for the coming? And as we have said before, we have sent but one, and he should walk as John, for the Ray should mean of naught. Take of this wine we have given unto you, take of this prophet we have given unto you, and hand it into the Indian nations, that it should flow from one to another. For long, all of the people have waited.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Soul Ray now grows weary. Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


September 29, 1972

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better. Now all is in accord.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Of thy question, that of the matter and anti-matter, of gravity and anti-gravity and the conjunction of the same — of that of the crystals within the pyramid, you must realize these within themselves served of many purposes. But they were not of one substance. They were of four substances, with the center substance of ruby crystals within the same, of the outer, a blunt-faced wider part of the crystal. This was a crystal alloyed, much similar to your diamond dust. These are made, as you would know it, as a synthetic diamond. Of the point of the crystal, these were of a carbon substance. Of the third part of the crystal, this, within the same, was electrodes, similar to what you would know as diode form. Your substance of gold was used within the same. We shall go into the complete part and usage of these at a different time.

This, within itself, could be used both as a transformer and as an anti-gravity unity. These were used to gather within the same huge quantities of cosmic energy, therefore, used in the lifting, at this time in which you speak, of huge bulk forms of stone or other material and conveying them over huge distances. Smaller units were used in the building of the pyramids themselves. These were also used in number within the base of the boss of the pyramids within the same.

You will find the last of these exploded and was disintegrated approximately at the same time as the birth of the one you know as Jesus Christ, for it had served its last purpose of that to mankind, and therefore, was self destruct[ed] within the same. These were used from the last proportioned and transfer of energy into outer space.

Of your thoughts of matter and anti-matter in that of the psychic mind, yes, this is true, for there is no time barrier, only within your minds, only your thoughts of the same. For all events that should happen upon your earth shall continue on through time.

Your minds are capable of that of the matter form. This you use in your everyday life. You also use that of the anti-matter continually in your everyday life, that of a thought and sending the thought. That of the thought within itself is matter; that of the sending is anti-matter.

The mind is also capable of receiving anti-matter and transforming it back into matter within the same. We shall go into this further at a different time.

You have other questions, ask.

“[6–11–71–003] — he has requested a life or health reading, whichever you think would be most help to him at this time.”

Yes, we see thy need, but at this time we shall give no life readings, for you reading tonight shall be short. Bring forth those questions that are important, for our departure shall come soon.

“The only question we have had submitted tonight is from [5–7–71–001], who believes she has lost her wallet. She would like to know who took it, if she can get it back, and how she can get it back?”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. As we have said before, we can give no information from one soul unto another. This is not allowed. Therefore, we shall answer only in this manner, that the person that has taken the wallet shall not return the same. But they have built a new karma, and therefore, one moment, please.

Yes, yes. Yes, we see this.

The wallet, within the same, is within the area of her work. This is all the information we are allowed to give.

“Thank you, Aka.”

Yes, we see thy need, and thy question, [5–7–71–004]. And we shall answer in this manner. Come closer within your group work. Place more emphasis upon that of group study and group advancement. If this is done within the same, that that thy have in your mind shall come within fulfillment. Can you understand of which we speak?

“Possibly.” [5–7–71–004 answers.]

Yes, we see thy need and thy understanding. And we shall answer also of the one who dwells in the valley below the sea. [Editor’s note: Yuma, Arizona.]


The healing that is asked for shall be given.

And now, we should answer your other question in this manner. You must realize that your air is heavily polluted with the chemicals that drift from your smelters. [Note: in Globe, Arizona.]

This, within it same, in the quantity that it is now forced into your air, is highly dangerous to your bloodstream. This, in the same, could and is causing forms of leukemia. This is also causing the pollution of your water streams once again. This will also kill off most of your plant and vegetable life if it is not soon stopped. The damage to the respiratory system is increasing.

“Aka, if soul [4–3–70–001] installed an air conditioning system which he has been considering and put in a chemical filter, would this help his blood problem?”

Yes, this would greatly help his blood problem.

“Thank you.”

One moment please.

Yes, we see thy need, soul [9–1–72–003], and that that thy have not obtained of the Night-blooming Citros [Cereus]within the same. And we see thy effort put forth upon the same. And therefore, we should answer in a different form then.

Take of the mistletoe in one part, take of the hops in the second part, taking of castor oil of the third part, mixing thoroughly, making a compress, placing this upon the child’s throat and lung area. Taking of the eucalyptus leaves and mixing within the same — these must be crushed into fine pulp; it is far better if they come in their green state. But do not allow the child to eat any of this. Then, over the same, making hot compresses. This should be done in morning and evening. Do you understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

And now we speak unto soul Ruth [8–10–70–001]. And we see thy needs. And as we have said before, these shall come as needed. Fear not, for we shall see unto the safety of thy family. Can you understand of which we speak?

“I think so.”

Now is the time of the Cherub. We should suggest this message unto soul Ray. If there is confusion or irritation on the mind, do not attempt to reach trance state. This, within itself, is what harmed you once before.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers have been substituted for names, location and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared to the audio recording for better accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


October 6, 1972

Yuma, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better; now all is in accord. Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner.

For as the great bird should take flight from the pyramid, and so it shall be once again upon your earth, all knowledge shall come again into mankind. [See Exodus, chapter 13, 14:15–20, 19:3–6, chapter 20.]

And as once before, when many of those who possess this soul this time walked upon your earth, our walk upon your earth, even then, was at our Father’s bidding. And we asked those upon the earth to prepare within themselves a way for the coming. But nay, it was but a half a thing, and so our Father gave unto those a half time. But now it shall be a whole, a whole part within itself, for the half times are over. [See John 1:6–23.]

And so, upon your earth a new time shall come forth. And that that has been unclean shall be made clean, and new temples unto God shall be built within men and women, for hatred shall be cast aside, and prejudice shall be cast aside. And greed shall be cast aside. [See The Revelation, chapters 21–22.]

And we say unto you, give that unto our Father that shall belong unto Him, and our Father shall give that unto you that should belong unto you. But do not carry sad faces, for this is a time of joy, for a new heaven and a new earth is in the preparation of the same. And your thousand years of peace is in the preparation of the same. So be glad that the great Sword strikes your earth. Be glad that that of the Cherub should walk upon your earth and cleanse of the same, for the earth shall be of heaven, and heaven shall be of earth, and all things shall be of God within the same. [See The Revelation, chapter 19, 20:1–6.]

For your days upon your earth shall be marked, but not as you count, but as our Father counts. And for those who should prepare a way, all karmas shall be cast aside, all prejudice shall be cast aside, and heaven shall blossom upon your earth [within] reality of the same, for your rivers shall flow of beautiful wine, for your land shall come as bread and give full, fruitful things unto the children of God. And the bird that should take flight from the pyramid shall dwell within all, and knowledge shall come, and wisdom shall come forth from mankind, and into mankind, for we are implanting new knowledge within soul Ray’s mind each day. And each day it shall grow and blossom forth.

Fear not this knowledge, for it is part of the same knowledge to that that we have given in trance state. Your questions of matter and anti-matter — and yet, you ask unto us of the different races upon your earth. And we say unto you, these are the colors of our Father, and He loves them all as one, for if it was not so, He would have told you of the same. And if it was not good, He would not have provided of the same, for goodness and knowledge shall come from our Father, but woe be those who should stand against the great Sword, for your days of Armageddon are at hand.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [10–20–72–002] has been bothered by something bunching up the mattress of her bed, causing her to sleepwalk.[19–71–002] has moved the bed and put up a white cross which seems to help, but would like to know the cause of the problem and if she should take any other steps?

Yes, we see thy need. And we should say in this manner, take that of the ankh and place it at the head of the bed, and nothing more shall happen.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Soul Ruth has been thinking of her great grandfather [10–6–72–001] daily for the past year. Was he in a previous incarnation, or is there some other cause for this?”

Yes, we see thy need, and thy have already discussed that of truth with soul Ray.

Thy have other questions, ask.

Yes, Aka. Aka, we have wondered if the Beatitudes in the Bible were originally part of the 40 commandments of God given to Moses, before he was given the Ten Commandments?”

And we should answer in this manner. As we have said before, there are some which were given for a time and a place. There were some that came from the minds of men, who would add to or take away. And there were some that were given for all mankind for all times. But as we have said before, we have come not to change the Laws of our Father. We have come not to change the true prophecies within the same, but we have come that the fulfillment of the same should come in God’s righteous light. But we have also come, not for Moses’ time, we have come for this time, and therefore, should bring all things from our Father within the light of God.

Thy have many questions upon the scripture. Define these and ask. Thy have many questions of our Father. Define these and ask. Thy have many questions of that of the spirits of Aka. Define these and ask. But remember, they have all come from the same source. But as a brook should have many pebbles and many parts, and as the water should always change, yet look the same, the brook should never be the same, and therefore, new water should flow through it daily, and so you shall find the spirits of God and the spirits of man.

Can you understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [9–29–72–001] asks, ‘Would the sorcerer’s hat be an aid to mental telepathy?’”

Yes, we see thy need. But the sorcerer’s hat has been changed. In thy next reading, that more time should be given to the elaboration of the same, more precise information shall be given on this subject.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [1–1–72–002] asks for advice with the hotel. If the opportunity arises, would it be better to lease it to release herself from so much physical labor, so she could have more time and strength for herself and for serving our Lord, or should she continue to labor as she has?”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. That that is needed shall be provided, for as we have said before, as the roses of Guadeloupe did come from the earth and come for a people [where] knowledge that the beautiful was taken away, so shall your need be served.

The path that you shall follow we shall direct. Thy have provided a house. Therefore, we shall provide the bread and the yeast. Within thyself the need and the time shall be provided. Listen well, and our Lord shall provide those who would come to lease your land, but in a better form.

We see thy cannot fully understand of which we speak, but be patient, and thy shall know of the workings of our Lord, God, and you shall see once again the miracle of the roses. (Chuckle) For did we not give unto you the miracle of the candelabra — and did ye not say into thyself, a light which could be carried forward? Carry thy faith as the torch thy have saved, and we shall provide the bread and yeast.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [11–16–71–002] asks why all her life injured or crippled animals, such as lizards, and horny toads, and toady frogs seem to come to her for help and healing?”

And we shall answer in this manner. For not one thing upon your earth shall fall without our Father’s permission; therefore, the knowledge unto the healers of the same shall be placed. And do you not think that the same knowledge is not placed into the smallest of things? For they are all of God’s creatures. But did not out Father place you, man and woman, to rule above the sea, above the land, above the sky, and as the keepers of the same. You would be poor keepers if did you not look after your children and that of your lot.

But do not misinterpret these words we have spoken, and do not take them in jest. For the knowledge that thy should need, we shall place at thy fingertips. Open thy mind in such a manner that thy may receive. Open thy mouth in such a manner that you can give. But as we give, and as our Father should give unto us, give into others that that their mind can digest and understand. Take of thy knowledge and place it into the written word, and then decipher, add to and take from, and give unto mankind that that they can digest, one unto another. But remember, as a pupil, thy come in learning. As a teacher, thy also come unto learning and knowledge, for the teacher who would cease to learn, ceases to teach and becomes a dictator unto the same. We have said unto thee, we have provided the yeast and the wine.

Thy have asked of the Indian people, and we have said unto you, take of this knowledge unto which we have given and place it in their hands, but do so in a wise manner. Take of their knowledge and place it into the written word and into the language of all mankind, that others may learn, that they too must prepare a way within themselves. But hasten, for we hold back the hand of time in your case.

But remember, there is a time your Father has provided for all things. If the flowers that are cast in front of you are not picked up and put to use, they shall be given unto others.

“Thank you, Aka. We have no other questions tonight.”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should say unto this one, for you stand before us as the star of Scorpio; you stand before us as the star of Saturn; but yet, you stand as the first star that is seen by man. Therefore, pick up the flowers unto which we have provided.

There are many among you who will think these words are meant for you, but only the one that they were truly meant for shall know of which we speak, for the Lord giveth, and the Lord should taketh away, and glory be the name of the Lord in all tongues on your earth and in heaven and the many universes upon the same.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona

October 13, 1972

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better. Now all is in accord. And we should say unto these words.

First, we should say unto the one known as [5–7–71–002], walk as Matthew, and thy cup shall runneth over. But we come not to promise thee the worldly needs, we come not to make thee great in the eyes of man, we come but for one purpose, that purpose is in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

And we say these words unto you, if thy should believe the earthly things, then thy should believe those things of our Father. But if thy cannot believe of which we speak, there are many mansions and our Father shall provide one for you. Our Father has planted into your hands that of free choice. Neither ourselves or our Father shall take this from you. We have entered into thy house many times, for thy bid us welcome. We have placed unto thy hand our wine.

But we also placed unto all those who do the work of God a time of temptation, a time of doubt. We did this in this manner that the house of God could be cleansed. For those who should walk in the light of our Lord and the work that is needed in the preparation for his coming shall have the strength to carry the mighty Sword, for now is you time of Armageddon. [See The Revelation, chapter 19.]

For many doors unto your mankind shall be opened. Your radio and television media shall be placed before you. The hearts and minds of thousands and millions shall be placed into your hands.

But all those, one by one, and two by two, and three by three were to be tested. And those who could not stand should be cast aside. And those who shall not stand shall be cast aside. For is it not written that if thy right eye should offend thee cast it aside? For thy Lord, God, is a jealous God, and He shall have no other gods before Him, or after Him.

And for the one who should come shall not come as a god, but as a servant of God. Yet, he shall carry the spirits of God within him, and he shall carry within him that of the Christ-state of many. For he shall come as the first-born son of our Father. For is it not written that our Father loved this world of yours and mankind that He should hand into your hands once before His first-begotten son who He loved very dearly. And is it not written that the descendants of Abraham should be changed as stones. For you shall serve one of your own kind. Yet, as the spirit of God should dwell within you, so it should dwell within this one. But the power of God should also dwell within this one, and the wisdom and the love our Father has for His many children.

For if it was not so, our Father would have told you. For our Father has hidden nothing from His children. For what has been laid in darkness shall be placed into the light. What was covered shall be uncovered. For a new heaven and a new earth shall come and all things our Father has promised shall be as it was written. [See The Revelation, chapters 21–22.]

For did not our Father promise that two prophets should come to the earth and they should be slain and risen again. And so it shall be. And so it is, for have you not seen it with your own eyes? [See The Revelation, chapter 11.]

Yet, thy say, of the many, unto us, “Perform, therefore, a miracle, and we should believe.”

And we say unto you, we have come not to perform miracles, as thy would know them, for we can do nothing without the permission of our Father, for it is not us who should give healing, but our Father. It is not us who should show you light in the darkness, but our Father, for we are but the servants of our Father, and we walk in His holy light.

But those who should walk in our Father’s light and give praise unto Him, of the Creator, the Father, the God, then light shall be shown forever and ever.

But we should also unto you these words, for those who should not believe, watch your earth tremble. Watch those who should not believe fall into the earth and be devoured by it, and yet live in fear. Watch those who have become so concerned with their selves that they have no room for God create their own hell and walk in nothingness.

Yet, you say unto us, then now is the time of sorrow. And we say. nay, you are but foolish children, for now is the time of joy, and the joy should be in your hearts for the day of the preparation. For upon your earth shall be a thousand years of peace, but not as you count, but as our Father should count, and each day should be as a thousand years.

And your earth shall change its form. Where no water flow, water shall flow; what was desert shall be made into gardens.

Your times of trail are but a short time. This time of the Anti-Christ, that is short upon your earth to come, is but a short time. Yet, for those who should not show the mark of the Beast, all things unto our Father shall be given. [See The Revelation, chapters 12–13, 14:8–12, and chapters 15, 17, and 19–22.]

And we say unto thee, give glory unto our Father, and our Father shall give glory unto you, and glory be the name of the Lord, our Father, forever and ever. Let that of the light that was placed there in the beginning to see, open this, and let it see, and thy shall see us, and thy shall see thy Father. But deny thyselves, and thy shall see darkness.

And we shall say unto soul [9–1–72–003] these words. Take of this we have given unto Matthew and be patient, and your time shall come.

And we should say unto soul [5–7–72–004], our Father has seen of thy needs. And thy shall walk with the children of God. Give patience unto thy Father, for what is a day in the time of glory and happiness? For thy Father has shown unto you love, has shown unto all of His descendants since the disciples that of love, for you all are the children of God.

And we say unto the disciples, prepare therefore a haven within thyselves of love. But remember, thy are shepherds; do not allow the wolves to attack thy sheep. Stand as David, and thy shall stand as the shepherd of people of God.

We see thy needs, soul Paul. We see that of the questions thy would ask. The healing that is needed shall be given to those with faith in their hearts upon this night of nights. And therefore, we should say unto you, for we shall place in thy mind a prayer unto your Father, and before your meeting should end this night, thy should tell of the people of the same.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


October 20, 1972

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul, Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

And we shall answer your question in this manner. As has been said before, in the preparation of the book, take that of many parts and place them together. We realize that in the translation from your plane unto ours, our form of the use of your English language would not be considered proper, and not be as it was intended, spoken very clearly. Therefore, we should say unto you, take this and correct of the same. Bring forth unto the true meaning of the same. But do not place words within our mouths that we have not given. To interpretate is one thing, but to completely change would be wrong; therefore, use of your abilities we have placed within you to interpret these readings, but do so within the thought and knowledge of God, our Father and yours.

Prepare, therefore, the philosophy that is given. Prepare, therefore, a place for the philosophy within yourselves. But as it should come unto the written word, that the Book with wings shall be passed on unto mankind, do so with honest intent, and we should provide the rest that is needed. For have we not given unto thee keeping of the yeast? Have we not placed upon your table the wine and the bread? But the hands that should work of the door must come from you.

Can you understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka; are you speaking to soul Ruth and [1–21–72–002]?”

Yes, we see thy need. There are other books within thy minds. These are good. We shall give guidance unto the same.

And we should say unto the one known as soul Ray, and the preparation of your study classes, this good. You are using both of thy own knowledge that we have placed from within and your scientific knowledge of the same. As we have said before, all shall come from the same source. For those who have honest intent to learn, let them now come forward. But, as a good gardener, those who do not have the intent to learn shall be weeded out, and therefore, good fruit shall come from the same. And those who have intent to learn shall become teachers of the same.

We should say unto you, as you use your recorder to record these words we have spoken, use also of your recorder within your study session. This will give unto you fulfillment, both for yourself and others, that you may learn from the same.

As each new subject within your teaching courses should be brought forward, we should elaborate upon the same.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [8–3–70–002] is trying to buy a home in Tucson and having much trouble. He asks if he should, if it is right for him to pursue this plan?”

Yes, we see thy need, and a way shall be provided for the same. But as a man should have of two fields, do not neglect one for the other.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [10–20–72–001], and he has a high blood pressure problem; he’s asking help with that.”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. Go unto your health food centers and purchase, therefore, of the compound of the low cholesterol form of the same. This knowledge is known unto those. We would further suggest the taking of the vitamin C and E in larger quantities.

We would further suggest the changing of the diet as it is within the form. We would suggest the eating of no fried foods at all. All food should either be broiled within its natural juices, or the use of the safflower of the same. Before the eating of any meal, we would suggest the taking of one ounce of safflower oil. This can be done either of the liquid or the pill form.

For the breakfast, we would suggest the eating of no more than one piece of white bread, toasted; no more than one glass of milk. We would suggest taking out of thy diet any form of tea or coffee except that of the sage tea. This should be sweetened with the natural honey of thy own region.

For thy luncheon thy may eat as many of the green vegetables as thy desire and one glass of milk.

For thy evening meal, and this should be eaten early in the evening, that thy should have at least four hours of awakening time before thy rest, we would suggest the eating of the liver of the beef and as many of the raw vegetables as thy desire. For thy dessert, we would suggest taking of good milk and bananas. This should be taken in moderate terms.

This should be eaten at least three times per week. Of thy fourth time per week, the eating of beef of thy own choosing, but no more than one-half pound of beef, again with as many raw vegetables as thy desire and no more than one potato. Thy may add unto thy diet that of the tapioca- type puddings. This may be done for two of thy days per week.

For one day of thy week, the eating of the salt-water fish, again with as many of thy raw vegetables as thy desire, and the eating of the okra in a cooked form. Again, thy can choose either of the tapioca or the banana for thy dessert.

Of thy seventh day thy should fast of the morning, eating very lightly of thy luncheon, and for thy evening meal, that of the fresh water fish of the same. Thy may eat of any other cooked of raw vegetables thy desire with this. And thy may eat of any of thy pudding or pie desserts of the natural form thy desire.

We should further suggest the use of the sauna baths, for this one is also inclined, at times, through heredity, to contact the virus known as arthritic. This would greatly help within these areas.

We would further suggest — yes, we see this — due to a fall from a chair, the eighth and the ninth vertebrae has been dislocated. We would suggest that, through the use of either an osteopathic or chiropractic doctor, these be placed back within alignment.

There are other suggestions that could be given. If they are asked for at a later time they shall be given. This is all on this soul at this time.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [11–16–70–003] has a rash under his ears that has been bothering him, and I wonder if you can tell us what we should do for it or what he should change? What would help?”

Yes, we see thy need. And we would suggest taking of the vitamin E, adding soda unto the same and the white of an egg, making of a compound of the same, and placing, as a salve, on these areas. This should be repeated for at least two weeks. We would further suggest that more citrus be added unto the diet of the same at the present time.

Thy have other questions, ask.

Aka, [10–20–72–002], the daughter of [2–19–71–002], needs a health reading. Her address, just a minute, she’s at home, Aka, which is….”

We would suggest that more specific information be obtained. We find within this person no radical problems.

“It’s a digestive upset, Aka.”

This, within itself, is only a temporary virus, and that of a temper tantrum within the child. We find no radical changes within this child that are needed. The only suggestion that we would make is the taking away of some of the sweet, sugary forms that have been within the diet. Too many of these are not good for the growth of the child.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Do you have a message for [4–23–71–002]?”

We should answer in this manner. If this soul should desire that which is in her mind to be answered, let her come forth, and we shall answer of the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [9–1–72–003] has requested a life reading.”

Yes, we see thy need. We would suggest going on with thy study form. Within a two-week period, we shall complete, and give unto thee that that thy have not discovered thyself. And we shall make corrections in that that thy have added unto thy imagination. But do not let this disillusion you, for what you have seen has been good.

And the advancements you have made toward the true meaning of the ankh is good.

And we say unto you these words. Give glory unto our Father, and our Father shall give glory unto His children, but bring before thy Father into the altar those things that pleases Him, and that is of a clean heart and soul.

Many within you have asked these questions. “In which manner should we cleanse our bodies?” And we shall say in this manner. Use thy forms of meditation, that thy may listen unto thy God, thy Father. But thy shall cleanse thy body within the food thy eat. Thy shall cleanse thy soul within the food thy eat, and the spirit shall grow from the same. But healing must come mentally as well as physically, so food must be provided for both, that they may grow together. Can you understand of which we speak?

“Yes, I think so.”

Nay, not fully. And we shall answer this question once again. Search unto thy souls. Throw out thy petty grievances. Add to thy study sessions the true meaning of love. Search within thy soul, and make a list of those thy should love upon the earth. Write them out in full for one week. And count thy blessings, both unto thyself and unto thy Father, and unto thy fellow man. And thy shall find within thee the true meaning of which we speak. Take not our words as beautiful phrases, but take them up into thy heart and soul, and therefore shall dwell forever within the immortal body. And as thy should plant a garden and cleanse it of weeds, do so within thyselves, and thy Father shall show glory unto thee. [See Genesis 2:5–25 and chapter 3.]

Glory be the name, glory be the sight, and glory be the sound that should dwell from our Father.

Soul Ray now grows weak, and we must depart. And we leave with thee within these words.

Now is the time of the Cherub, and the great Sword stands slashing at thy earth, and the form shall be changed as the children of Abraham and their descendants were changed.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared with the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


October 27, 1972

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better. Now all is in accord.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. If thy should walk in truth and use your powers for God’s will and the needs of mankind, then bring forth thy gift, and give it as thy have intended.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Could you tell me what I should do to correct the problem of severe headaches that I have occasionally?”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Increase thy dosage of vitamin E. Do so in this manner. Add the vitamin E to the sage tea, of one capsule per cup. Increase the amount of natural honey into the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [9–1–72–003] asks for a health reading for her son, [10–27–72–001]. She says, ‘We would like to know what causes the ear and throat infections, and how to treat them or prevent them? Also, is there any other problem we should be aware of?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And as we have said before, the filtering of the air in this location, this would greatly to help improve this child’s health.

One moment, please. Yes, we see this. Therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

We would suggest giving the child more of the vitamin E and the vitamin B, adding to the diet more of the raw vegetable form within the same. We would further suggest taking of the vitamin E capsule, adding small quantities of olive oil, warming this, slightly, to body temperature, using an eyedropper and placing three drops in each ear once a day.

This is all on this subject at this time.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [11–27–71–005], and she needs a health reading…She has a problem of boils.”

We would suggest a direct location be given of the soul at the present time. We do not find this soul.

“At 30 Atkin Street.” [A woman says.]

We do not find this soul. Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [6–11–71–003], and he is concerned about his health. Can you help him?”

Yes, we see thy need. One moment, please.

Thy should ask thy question of the last soul again.

“Of [6–11–71–003]?”


“Of [11–27–71–005]. She would like to know about her problem with boils.”

We shall answer in this manner. The soul does not reside within the quarters thy mention; therefore, we have found the new residence of this soul.

And therefore, we would suggest in this manner, that the stopping of the use of the regular soap for cleansing that is used at the present time; we would suggest the using of germatic soap in its place. This can be purchased at any of your drug stores.

Yes, we see this. Of thy present medication, these are good. They should be balanced with the system; in their present form they are too strong, and therefore, causing increased nervous condition. This must be determined, also that the subject in mind is a highly neurotic person. We would further suggest psychiatric treatment for the same.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka….”

Yes, we see thy need, of [6–11–71–003]. We would suggest good, natural vitamins be used, a more substantial diet within the same, stronger within the protein of the same. We would further suggest more rest at the present time for this subject.

We see a dissatisfaction within the soul itself, a searching for the spirit and immortal body, which this soul believes has not within the same, but we should answer in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. Therefore, all is in accord.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [2–19–71–002], her daughter, [10–20–72–002], has been having trouble with someone shaking her bed and she’s been frightened by it, and she wonders if you could identify the person or the cause of this problem?”

We are not allowed to give identification in the manner in which thy speak, but that that was a problem has been taken care of, into some form. We have suggested the use of the ankh. This, in itself, has not been done. Therefore, we would suggest the use of the Christian cross be placed at both the front and the head of the bed. The problem, in itself, shall be taken care of in this manner. That of the shaking of the bed is but a small child of the spiritual form. It shall not harm the child. It only desires love.

We shall send those who should give it love and take it unto its Father’s arms.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [5–7–71–002] has a question. Because of the impending catastrophes, she wonders where people should put their money. ‘Should it be invested in the banks, or savings offices, or real estate, or if you have any suggestion as to where they should keep what limited finances they have?’”

(Chuckle) We would suggest in this manner, that upon the day of the catastrophes, little will have changed. Your financial structure shall remain much as it is. In those areas of destruction, catastrophes shall take care of their funds. Therefore, you should worry over a dead horse.

We would suggest you worry over a live one. You have within your own religion wise men who have suggested the storing of food. We have suggested the storing of food. But do so in a wise manner. That that is needed store in strong, dry places, such as vaults. You may copy those of the Egyptian form, only using your modern terminology.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka.[5–7–71–002] also asks, ‘On the seven candlesticks mentioned in Revelations, are they us and a reference to our bodies?’” [See The Revelation of John, chapters 4–5.]

Yes, we see thy need. And these shall be, as we have said before, the Seven Spirits of God. But you must realize that that was before has happened already in the rise and fall of the Roman Empire. As a Messiah did come of before, and a Messiah shall come once again, this should make your Revelations twofold.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, I have a request for a life reading from [10–27–72–002].”

We would suggest that this life reading be asked for at the next reading. Soul Ray now grows very tired. We should not overtax his body at the present time.

Now is the time of the Cherub. Give glory unto thy Father, that thy Father may give glory unto thee.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


November 10, 1972

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better. Now all is in accord.

And we should say unto thee these words. Glory be the Lord, and therefore, glory be the name of the Lord, for He looks upon His children in the many lands and sees their needs, and for those who should sing glory unto the name of the Lord, so our Lord should sing glory unto the name of His children.

For once before, in a time that your minds cannot conceive, within a garden of a garden, your history was laid before you. And as man chose to change from that of energy form and enter into the man-beast, and as man chose to take that of death near his heart, that he may become like his Father; but remember unto these words, as our Father has not asked for the blood of the Lamb, neither does He now. He looks upon His children within their folly and loves them so, and should weep at their gestures. Yet, within His love, He has given you a beautiful earth, an earth of plenty, an earth that should runneth over of all kinds, for He gave unto man’s keeping both heaven and earth.

Yet, man has made his world. And yet, our Father does not grow despondent with His children, but places upon the earth His love once again. We have said unto thee that now was the time of the Cherub. We have said unto thee to choose within you to start your thousand years of peace.

We have seen unto your needs and been as servants unto you. We have given healing into your sick and grace and dignity into your dying. But we say unto you once again, our Father is the God of the living, not of the dead. But as our Father should have many mansions that should house unto His many children, so should His children give forth life in the same manner.

And you say unto us that once again we have talked unto you these words as in riddles. And we say unto you, for the wise to hear, let them hear. And the blind may see, and the deaf may hear, and the crippled may take up their mats and walk again.

Therefore, we should say unto this one known as [9–1–72–003], give faith unto our Father and healing shall come into thy children. You have asked unto their needs. And we shall see unto their needs and provide for the same. Can you understand of which we speak?

“Yes.” [She says.]

Then give glory unto your Father this day of days.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [9–1–72–003] says, ‘My husband would like to know whether we should sell our land at Queen Valley in order to ease our financial position at this time, and also, if he should try to go to work at Pinto Valley the first of the year or stay where he is working?’”

First, we should say unto you, stay unto where you are working. Second, we should say unto you, sell of this land, but do so within your own time and place. You have used unto this as seed. Do not cast it away for nothing, but go unto the market as a wise trader.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [10–27–72–002] asks for a life reading.”

We should answer this at a different time.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [1–1–72–002] of Yuma asks, on October 13, you said she had not been sent a false prophet. Do you mean [10–10–72–001]? If not, who did you mean? Is [10–10–72–001] true or false? Also, [1–1–72–002] is greatly distressed by the present upset in Yuma and asks for spiritual guidance.”

First, we should say unto you these words, the prophet we have sent unto you was of soul Ray.

Of this other one, he has much to learn, and yet, at times his faith is weak. We have seen his karma, and therefore, he should hear of the words unto which we speak.

Give forth love and devotion unto thy Father, and your sins shall be forgiven. Yet, your karma, this is something you must work out within yourself. And these words are for [10–10–72–001].

Of your upset in Yuma, we have also seen of this, and we have placed these things in order, one by one, to bring them into full blossom. But we should say unto you that you can destroy nothing, but you can rebuild any building that has fallen down, but look into the foundation and make it sound.

Of the stress and disorder, these are nothing more than jealous children. We have said unto you in this manner, this land is the land beneath the sea. It may be spared at the whim of our Lord. Only the acts that are performed there can stay the hand. And as the city of once before, we have placed grace unto your city, but if it is rejected and cast into the water, so should your city be. We have spoken many words, but we should speak no more, for our Lord should act, and it shall be the decision of those who dwell within the city.

We have said unto you to build us a temple, and we do not mean a great building. We ask for nothing more than the temple of God that dwells within man. But for those who should place any god before our Father, lo, lo, be on his soul. For our Father should say unto you, “I AM A JEALOUS GOD.”

We have placed teachers, and yet, these teachers should quarrel among themselves. Before, you would listen unto your prophet, and now you do not. We have placed wisdom within his words; yet, you hear him not.

We have said before, let the dead bury the dead, and yet, you have let the dead rise and rule you, for we have no place within this work for lost souls.

Set aside your grievances. Come before your Lord in truth. But remember unto these words, our Lord does not judge you, you judge yourselves. Within your lives, you are all and parts of the many lives you have lived before. Within one moment, your karmas can be forgotten; yet, within the same moment, a new one can be made. But our Father knows that His children can make mistakes, and therefore, He is a loving, forgiving Father. Come before Him in humility. Come into His mighty arms of love. Come into the light out of the darkness, and there shall be no room within your hearts for bickering. But do not waste your time, and ours, and most important, of our Father’s, in this manner.

We should say unto this one know as [1–1–72–002], we see the goodness and light that lies within your heart. We see within thy self a Rose that never dies and has no thorns. We have seen your children’s needs and listened to your prayers and sent those to provide the needs you have asked for. Listen carefully to the words we have spoken, and ask again.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have been interested in this meditation approach which a [10–10–72–002] has offered through the A.R.E. Is his approach to meditation something that would be beneficial, or should I stay with the approach I have been using? Is It all right to explore it; will it be beneficial?”

We cannot see this. We shall provide that that is needed, and we shall provide new things that are needed within your mind. Be patient, soul Paul, (chuckle) and soon your meditations shall come in fullness. We know you do not understand all that we have spoken, but you soon shall, for new thoughts are being sent, and soon these things that you should need shall be provided.

But we should answer your question first in this manner. You speak of meditation, yet you have grown near to God. And you have seen of our Father’s love. You have seen of the earth’s beauty. Then go forth into the valley of our Father within your mind and touch His hand and know that all is in truth.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“I don’t have any other question other than requests for life readings, Aka.”

We should give no life readings at this time.

Yes, we see thy needs, and we should give blessings unto the unborn spirits. And we should give blessings into this house, for the light of the Lord shall shine upon it.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Soul Ray grows weary. Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


November 17, 1972

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better. Now all is in accord. And we shall answer your question.

We shall answer your question in this manner — yes, of the fifth dimension of the ninth plane and of the dividing between two worlds. These are the people of the twin sisters of the earth. As we have said before that from the rock should flow the brook, and from the brook shall flow to the rivers, and from the river into your ocean, to your many lands, and on to the many worlds. You, of this world, should learn from those of the other world. For the words that have been spoken so easily unto you, these same people have waited for three thousand years.

From this time forward, as you should conduct a reading, it shall be heard in two worlds. If you should reach the other world, this must be done through meditation in group form, but let only those who are prepared to serve do so.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have one question about the twin sisters of the earth. Are these of another dimension or are they in our galaxy?”

They are of another dimension from without your galaxy.

“What of soul Ruth’s dream of teaching in a place which seemed to be in the future; was this the same place?”

This would be of the same place.

“Thank you, Aka.

“Aka, last week when we asked for a reading for [1–1–72–002], apparently we misunderstood her message of September 22, 1972, regarding the one sent to her, and ….”

We did not misinterpret. The answer that was given was given in truth.

“Should readings….”

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Should requests for readings of this type be given in writing in the future? Should we ask for them in writing, or is it all right to take them over the phone?”

Nay, they should be received in writing. Only in emergency situations should they be given through the phone, and then, the request should come from your ministers from within.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [1–21–72–002] asks for a life reading.”

Yes, we see thy need.

Yes, we see this one born in the time of the Dragon. Therefore, we should say in these words, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same, and therefore, we have before us the records that should remain forever. And we see that in which thy have requested.

As we have said before, as the birth took place in the time of the Dragon, in the isles known as [Labunda] which was at that time a continent within the same — you now refer to it, the small proportion left, as your Philippine Islands. Some of your scientists have though that this was land that had drifted away from the main continent of the European, when in truth, only that of the mountain tops of the continent are left.


Yes, we find this soul at this time as a plate maker. You must realize that at this time is the time when the sons of man did look upon the daughters and find them fair, and therefore, the sons of God looked upon the daughters of man and found them fair. [See Genesis 6:1–8.]

And this one is a child of birth from this type of parent within itself. And much of your father’s wisdom and mother’s wisdom was passed on into this one. But yet, since you are considered as an outcast within your people, you shall try to hide this, of your own abilities, and become a warrior-servant into the temple of the [Pe-Tan], or of what you would call, the unworshippers of the God of One.

And even as you are slain, you know that your life has, therefore, been a lie within the same, for you know of the way unto your Father. And as your between life begins, you have no problem in passing. Yet, you are afraid of re-entry. Here, your abilities are accepted as a natural part of you.

And then you are told of this of the land of Atlantis, that the abilities are used commonly into the worship of the God of One. And yet, you find of the parents of your choice for entry, but before this can happen, your parents are killed in the Great Flood of the same.

So your eyes are then cast to the east, to the land of Egypt, and there you look for entry. But yet again, as an entry of parenthood should be chosen, you find that the mother should bear you out of wedlock. Yet you choose entry, and therefore, come upon the earth.

And as Priest Arcan and Priest Ra-Tai rule with their scientific knowledge at this time, you find it good. And yet, as the preparations are made to bury the secrets of Atlantis beneath the city of Cairo, you are yet of a child, and even though you have requested to be in attendance at the time the tomb is sealed, this is not allowed. And therefore, your way becomes much harder. And as the plagues hit the earth, and those of the users of the temple have no longer returned from the heavens, the people at this time start their march back into time itself, for they have buried and cast aside all their knowledge. And yet, what small schooling you have had has come as a hard thing, and your mother works very hard to provide for you.

And as the barbarians of the north recede down to dominate and conquer this land, your mother flees this land. And therefore, you go into the city of Ur and find there of a new people. And therefore, under a just and righteous ruler, you are educated and become unto a teacher of your time. Yet you know there is of different ways, and more knowledge. But yet, again, this city is to be destroyed, annihilated, and the people, therefore, are destroyed also. And that of the priesthood should set sail in your small crafts, to journey upward into your northern regions. And there you did die of old age.

We do not find this entry again until this time you should call of Christhood. As the one known as Jesus Christ did walk upon your earth and teach upon your earth, you hear of the many tales through your older brothers and sisters, and your heart yearns to lay hands upon this one.

And yet, in the morning of the skull, they have drug him off to the mound. And as he falls, you lay out your hands and say, “Oh, Master, grant me one wish.”

And he blesses you and says, “Nay, child, for these are my Father’s wishes.”

As you grow into womanhood, your heart lingers, and you are raised within this new faith. Yet, you remember, deep inside, of these time of before.

And within your memory you should remember of the last and lost tribes of your people, and therefore, should journey into this land thy should know as the Americans. And there you find this one walking again and find your wish has been granted, and you walk with him upon the many lands. And the day that thy have reached this land, as Black Mesa, and therefore, you find, for the first time in your life, that that should go with you throughout this lifetime. But because of the royal position of this one, it is not until the Master himself should give blessings can the marriage be consummated.

But as his father should say unto him, “Go unto the mountain of the eagle, unto the mountain of the eagle’s nest, and if, within truth, you can score [soar] into the heavens and become an eagle, then, and only then, can you wed.”

And so, he did go to the edge of the great cliff, and giving his faith unto the Master, he scored upward into the body of a great eagle, and came to the valleys and mountains and back to the earth, and therefore, you did ride upon his mighty wings. And as the Master saw it good and as the people saw it good, he turned you both unto eagles to score the heaven and see the land. And so your clan became the Eagle Clan through the mighty hand of a Master.

Your other lives, that that you should live as a monk, has been quite accurate.

Your other life, into the time your people had looked and seen, of what you would call of the witch hunts, was accurate.

There is more that could be given, but our time grows short. And we should give unto you these words. As before, your struggle was hard to gain an education, and you did mighty things with it, this time your struggle was easy; yet, you have an education of sorts. Yet your education has yet to begin. But this must be your choice, not ours. Show unto us your wisdom of choice, and we shall show unto you the rest of your education.

This is all on this soul at this time.

Yes, we see thy need, soul Matthew. And yet, we placed within the minds of despair and of forgetfulness. This was not done from lack of love, but so that we could truly call thee Matthew.

Soul Ray now grows very weary, and yet we see thy many questions.

We should leave with thee these words. For the healing that is needed shall be given. Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations, and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


November 24, 1972

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner, for thy should ask upon this, of the sons of God, which did find unto the same the daughters of man fair and did enter. [See Genesis 6:1–8.]

And we should say unto thee, look into thy selves, and ask again, and if then thy do not have the answer we shall give unto thee this knowledge. But we should say unto you these words. Within soul Ray’s mind lies the knowledge that thy seek.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [9–1–72–003] asks, ‘Did the Night-blooming Cereus cause the attack [11–24–72–001] had today about 3:30 p.m.? If not, what, and is there anything we should give him?’”

We should answer in this manner. As long as thy air remains polluted and as long as the wind of the same area should carry the pollution into your area, this problem can remain. At the present time, you may treat the cause, but until this problem is corrected, you cannot achieve a cure. We shall give the healing that is needed into this one. Fear not. Have faith.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I am still having a problem with very severe headaches. Is this the same thing that is causing them?”

Yes. This problem has covered your land. Continue as we have suggested; then this problem shall turn away from thyself.

But we shall answer yet further. Within thyself, we have placed that of soul Paul. But not as the same, for soul Paul should overcome his arrogance. This was his karma of before. He must overcome and become humble before himself. This is a fight within yourself, a turmoil of the same and of your own making. As we have said before, give that unto God that belongs to God; give that unto yourself that belongs to yourself; give that unto mankind that should belong to mankind, in this order. If this is done, then you shall make peace with yourself. For as we have said before, there is Saul, and there is Paul; they must come into one.

Cast aside that of suspicion from your nature. If there is a sword, be patient and wait. If there is grain to plant, plant that first. But do not take up the sword until the grain has been harvested.

We know that thy do not understand fully of which we speak, but the healing that is needed shall be given. But the knowledge that is needed shall be given also. For three days we shall enter into thy mind and implant new knowledge. This shall come in your awakening state and your dream state. At first, you shall feel confused and sometimes bewildered, but fear this not, for as we have said before, now the brook shall flow to the rivers, parts of all things shall flow into the ocean, and there the seed shall begin to grow. And soon it shall be ready for harvest. But do not harvest too soon, but wait until God has placed His hand upon the kernels of grain and they shall be in full blossom of the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [10–27–72–002] has asked for a life reading.”

Yes, we see thy need. But we shall say again, our time is short. We shall answer this at a different time.

Ask thy other questions.

“[2–19–71–001] has asked if psychic ability is passed on through heredity or if it is attached to the soul and the spirit, reincarnated with the soul and the spirit?”

We shall answer your question in this manner. Through your heredity, the vehicle is made ready for the presence of those who should house the soul and the spirit. This is done in this manner. The choice of the vehicle of the mother and father should be made; then the choice of the soul which is involved to enter is made ready, but yet, this must be done with free choice. The opening of the mind to the wonders of your universe are for those who should be the descendants of the sons of God.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. There was a request for a life reading for [9–1–72–003]; would you like to take this at another time also?”

This should be done at a different time.

“Aka, can you advise us as to, if you are pleased with our study sessions, or if you would like us to work on something other than what we are doing?”

Your study sessions are well. We have implanted the knowledge that is needed within your teacher, that you may become teachers. We have done this in a manner that should become increasingly more fruitful. But remember, only those who should wait for the harvest shall fill their baskets. And for those who should fall away from knowledge shall fall away from themselves.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“I have no other questions at this time, Aka.”

Then we should answer in this manner.

First, we should say, we have looked into thy mind and heart, soul Matthew. We have looked, and we should say, soon the words shall be said that should come from the Master, that should make it in full, but first we should implant in your mind new dream form. We should take away those you call your guardian angels for the present time and replace them with those of higher knowledge. Do not fear these, for they come bearing gifts from your Father.

And we should say unto the one known as [9–1–72–003], be patient and continue your work.

But now we should speak unto soul James and soul Luke. We see thy need. And we see the needs in that of the valley below the sea. But you must realize that a cleansing was necessary before a new foundation could be laid and built upon. You are tested and tested again, for the work we have prepared shall be a hard task. Be patient and wait for our message. Do not act harshly.

And we should speak unto the one known as soul Jude. And we should speak in this manner, as a child should eat a child’s food, a child should grow one day into that thy would know of as an adult. And if an adult is to grow unto a wise person, and have faith, they may walk on the water. But if they should lose their faith, they shall not. Cast out from thyself these thoughts of thy mind. Cleanse thy house.

Thy have other questions within thy minds. And we shall answer in this manner. A home is only a home when thy should put love into it. A house is that to dwell in, but a home is that in which you place your heart into it. And only by placing love, can your body become a home to house your soul, your spirit, and your immortal body.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


December 1, 1972

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should say unto thee in these words, for as we have told you of the beginning, and as we have told you of the twin sisters of your earth, and therefore, we shall bring those forward into one house, that all may prepare for the coming of the Messiah. For look deep within yourselves; bring forth that that belongs to your Father. Place it upon the altar.

But do not cast before an animal that that belongs to God, and do not cast an animal before your God, that thatbelongs to man. And thy say once again unto us that we speak in riddles.

Yet, we say unto you, for the wise to hear, bring forth the altar of our Father. Lay it before you. Cast aside your animal instincts. Cast them aside and throw them to the winds. But remember, even that the wind should blow should be our Father’s will. Bring forth that part of yourselves that was in the beginning. Place forth before our Father of pure kind.

And we say unto you, soul Ruth, we have opened the door of memory, but not to dwell in the past. We have opened it that the future should be made more clearly, that as the Book with Wings is prepared, you should enter with a clear mind. Yet, you have become more confused. We have brought forth this knowledge that your psychic senses could come unto their full strength, that the knowledge of what you do, now, is more important than that you have ever done before, for all things that you have done before has brought you to this time, this place, now. Give forth our Book wings and let it fly unto the people.

And we say unto you, soul [1–21–72–002], we have placed flowers before you. But now is not the time for flowers, for now we have come to collect your indebtedness. And our Father shall collect it in full in this manner. New words shall be written upon the sky, but they must be written in men’s hearts first. Thy have the knowledge. Use of it.

And now, we say unto soul Paul these words, your debts shall now be brought before you. For all things that are promised unto our Father shall be fulfilled. Give healing unto those that are needed. Give guidance unto those that are needed. But yet, as we placed you, not third from the right, but first to the right, that you should stand as a pillar and give strength unto soul Ray, and bear the yoke.

And now, we say unto soul [5–7–72–004] these words. Come forth unto us as Mark. Come forth unto us in fullness, for the children should wait unto your coming. But as your promise of before, your time has arrived, and now our Father shall place before thee a way to repay your indebtedness.

And now, we say unto soul Luke these words. As we read from your records and your promises unto our Lord, we come before you, therefore, to collect this indebtedness to your God, your Father. You have made promises unto your Lord. Take forth this Book of Wings and spread it unto the nations of the earth.

And now we say unto soul James, those tools that are needed shall be placed in your hands. And as we read from your records of your indebtedness, we have come to collect of the same. Go forth and spread the words that are given unto you.

And now, we say unto soul Jude, your time is here, and now we have fulfilled our part of the bargains. We have saved and spared the life of your son. We have saved and spared the life of your grandchildren. We have saved and spared the life of your daughters and your husband. Now is the time our Father should collect that that is owed unto Him.

But yet, unto all, we say these words. Promise not unto your Father that that you do not wish to repay. If a promise is made, fulfill it.

And we say unto Mary these words. We have come to collect your indebtedness. And so it shall be — an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. Prepare, therefore, for the coming of the Messiah. Do so by word of mouth, by action and deed, for the time of the coming grows close.

The time for the Book of wings is now. Spread upon your earth glad tidings. Give joy unto your fellow man. Or we shall give unto you your three thousand years of darkness, and the debt[s] shall be paid in full.

We see thy need, soul [3–3–72–001], and we should answer in this manner. We have given you the sight to see, that of the sight of the mind. We have placed into your keeping the messengers of your people. Yes, we see thy need now, and the healing thy have asked for shall be given and the hand shall be stayed. But do not tarry too long, for the hand that is stayed shall be the messengers’. Give forth that that thy have seen, but do so in an unselfish manner, and your times of trials and tribulations shall end.

Yes, we see thy need, soul [9–1–72–003], and we should place the name of Peter before you. Come before us, and we shall see that that you shall see, and you shall see that that our Father should see.

Soul Ray now grows weary.

And we should say unto you these words. Of the fifth dimension, the ninth plane, dwells in your house tonight, and all has been brought together. When your reading ends, go into meditation, and all shall dwell in the house of God.

Make haste in delivery of these messages into those of the valley beneath the sea, for they have great need for them. [Editor’s note: Aka was speaking of the study group in Yuma, Arizona, that was said to be in the valley beneath the sea.]

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared with the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


December 9, 1972

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner.

We have waited long for this moment that the information that we should give you should be used in a righteous manner. Thy asked, “Where is the records buried?” And now, we shall give you the information you desire.

But first, soul Luke, you must go to the valley of the dead. You have been there before. And there give praise unto your Lord. This must be done for nine days.

On the ninth day, you shall look into the sky, and there before you shall be the wings of the Eagle. And we shall appear and go before you. You shall travel unto the mount of the caves, and there, we shall stand above the place, for they shall rise from the earth. But you may not take them from their hidden place.

Again you must pray for nine days.

And soul James shall remove the stone. And again, you must pray for nine days. And upon the ninth day the wings of the Eagle, that lay above the records — the wings are made of gold and turquoise, and the tablets are made of gold and silver and turquoise.

But you must go with this thought in mind, for as we have said before, the Master walked your land, and this land was, within itself, the Sea of Galilee. And as each of you took part in this land, as in the land of Israel, so all the tribes of Israel came into one and into one time, for this land was not of the same of now.

You must remember that you shall pass over in your search the “hill of the skull,” for there the Master was crucified on this land by these people. [Note: In Yuma, Arizona.]

If you act in accord, all of your groups, then in truth your karmas shall be brought forth, and the drops of blood that were spilt upon this land shall not have been spilt in vain.

And now you shall know the reason we have called the Book with wings as such, for the legend of the eagle was in truth, for it was through the drops of blood shed upon the tips of the Eagle.

Once your records have been removed, you shall not translate them until we come unto you.

Can you understand on which we speak?

“I’ll do my best.” [Soul Luke says.]

“I also will.” [Soul James says.]

That of God shall be of God’s.

Hallowed be the name of the Lord, our Father. Hallowed be the name of His children.

As you should make ready upon this land for the celebration of the one known as Jesus’ birth, let each of you place forth upon this night of nights unleavened bread, that that has no yeast. Let each of you take of the wine. Kneel before your God and give thanks that once again your Messiah shall come into you and your world shall give joy everlasting. Open your hearts. Let the spirit of this one enter, for he left it upon your earth to flow as a river — but not rushing — gently, slowly, ever more beautiful.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question. You speak of a crucifixion taking place on this continent. Was this after Christ was in Israel, and was it an actual crucifixion, or was he put to death in some other manner?”

This was an actual crucifixion, for given in kind, so it was in kind. For as our Father has said, “IT SHALL BE WRITTEN, AND SO IT SHALL BE DONE.”

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [12–9–72–001], he asks, ‘I would like to know who and where I was during the time of Christ, also any other information that might help in this lifetime?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. You dwell[ed] in the land that you are now. But we say unto you these words. [All] sin, as you would know it, shall go unto the seventh generation of man. Therefore, we should say, pick up the yoke of love. Study of the wine we have placed before you. You shall have many questions. We have placed teachers at your feet. Come with understanding, and the knowledge thy seek shall be given with understanding. Come with love, and the love shall be returned in kind.

You shall answer us in this manner, that you fully do not understand that we have spoken of. But we should answer in this manner, let your mind digest that that it can. Let it hold that that it cannot for another time. But cast not aside any part, for new knowledge should come each moment through all the planes of time.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [1–21–72–002] asks if you are the same messenger as the one who came to Joseph Smith, who began the Mormon faith?”

We are many. We have come unto many throughout the time of times, for where we dwell there is no time, and where we dwell there is no form. We came upon the earth, this you should call of your home, in the beginning.

For that of myself, for I am soul Ray and soul Ray is I, and that his karma should be no more, for that that he was in the beginning, so was I.

Yet, as life was given into his body, we were allowed to enter.

For both of the prophets thy should ask about are one of the same. Yet each shall do that which they were placed upon the earth to do, for they are but instruments of our Father.

And from the beginning and through to the ending is but the same, for life to life, as dust to dust. For does not a wise God place His children upon the earth to hunt and feed that of His kind?

Thy have other questions, ask.

“One moment, Aka.” [He turns to his wife, an anthropologist, and asks, “Could you ask the question?”]

“Aka, are you also speaking of Nezahualcoyotl?” [Soul Ruth asks.]

Yes, we see thy need. And we speak of the same.

And glory be the name of the Lord.

Our time should grow short. And once again, that of the fifth plane — of the fifth plane now should enter, of the ninth dimensions should enter, and of the ninth plane of the fifth dimension should enter, and both be that of the same, for now, your three sisters of your earth should come. For now is the time of the knowledge unto all. In the beginning of our visits unto you, we spoke unto you these words, all that that does not violate another soul [the] knowledge shall be given unto you. The door is open. All you must do is ask.

Soul Ray now grows very tired. Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


December 15, 1972

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this way. Blessed be the name of the Lord, our Father.

And we should answer your questions in reference to soul Ray [4–3–73–001].

His struggle to hold both parts of himself as one has become very hard for him. It has become very hard for him to shed old scars and wounds. It has become very hard for him not to judge others. It has become a moment to moment struggle within himself. For within him lies the love that we seek. Yet through his testing left the scars of time upon his soul, and they may leak to the surface. And we shall explain in this manner. The body and the nervous system is like a violin. If strung too loosely, it should play a foul tune; if strung too tightly, the strings may break. And man must enter, as a musical instrument; to play a mellow tune, the body must be of an equal balance. All parts must be of the same. We have told you before of light and sound. Each body should possess that of sound that should be in tune with the rest of their body. If sound is not in tune, your nervous system becomes tight. This, in itself, is the reason why we have said to feed him harmony, that he may be in tune for our entry. The light we have spoke of is the light of God that dwells in man. If these are in an even balance, man may become in tune with the whole universe and universes. If you draw them out of balance, then the man no longer follows its natural axis within itself, and therefore, like a world, would run wild within itself.

We should say these words, for soon you should celebrate the birth of the one known as Jesus Christ. It makes little difference of the date of the celebration. The difference that should be made is in the harmony that is placed together and the force and forces that are projected toward your God. If these are in harmony, then that that thy should project to another human being should be in harmony in full. This word of yours, this simple little word, love, is but like a flower. Each petal is different and separate, yet part of the same. If nourished, it should blossom forth into a beautiful thing for the world to behold. If not properly nourished, it should wither and die within yourselves. And the soul becomes that of the body, and the spirit grows farther and farther away from the soul and the body.

You have questions within your mind of the book of Revelations and the timing we have given unto you. We should repeat again, for the wise to hear, that only our Father knows of the last days. But the beginning has already began. Your Father has promised unto you a new heaven and a new earth, and this promise shall become complete within each person, within each soul that dwells and becomes part of our Father’s love for all.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Is there anything that, other than working for harmony, that we can do to help soul Ray?”

No. No, not at this time. Those adjustments within himself, he must open the door, that we may enter. But we should say again, let the dead bury their dead. If bad fruit should appear upon the tree, cast it aside before it should destroy the tree itself.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [9–1–72–003] has asked for a life reading.”

Yes, we see thy need, but we say unto this one, learn more of Peter, and then ask again. For the cup that you may hold can runneth over and spill upon the earth, and therefore, be no use to anyone.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka.[12–22–72–001] has asked for a life reading. Can you take that at this time?”

This will be given at a different time. Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [5–7–71–002] asks what they should be doing at this time in regard to their water situation at their ranch?”

We have already answered this question in a prior reading. Do these things we have asked of you and your problem shall be no more.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [1–21–72–002] asks, ‘Are you, or could you tell us about the Creative Elohim of God? And are you the Seven Spirits which evolved from Tao Great? What does it mean in the Aquarian Gospel that man’s soul lives within the seven breaths of Tao Great?’”

We should answer in this manner. Within our council lies the Seven Spirits of our Father.

And as thy have asked of Tao Great, our Lord sent those forth unto the universe as His messengers and as His tools and instruments, that we should do His work. In some places we have built whole universes, in others but small souls, yet all was mighty in the eyes of our Father. For as we have said before, we stand as close to our Father as His eyes, His ears and His heart, yet we do so in humble reverence of our holy Father.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [1–21–72–002] also asks about the meaning of your words, ‘Star of Scorpio, star of Saturn, and first star that is seen by man.’”

Thy shall remember in thy memory of the time of the Eagle. This message was for yourself. Look within yourself, and you shall find the answer. And as you find it, the star shall be kindled that others may see it also.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, should we be concerned about [9–29–72–001], who we understood had started to come here?”

Nay. This is of his own free choice. We should give of you this message. Because of deception, soul Jude should be brought up to date on all of your happenings.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. ‘Could you tell us who the beings were who used the pyramids, and how these were used for travel?’ And ‘Could you tell us more about their use in relation to spiritual journey, in relation to the design of the universe?’”

The answer to this question should take a lengthy time, and our time should run short, for soul Ray has grown very weary. And that we not overtax his body, we shall depart. But we should leave you with this message.

Now is the time of the Cherub. For all who are wise to hear, let them hear. For once again, the star of Bethlehem shall burn in your heavens. Give joy and reverence unto all mankind, for the birth of the new Messiah is at hand.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations, and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


Ray Elkins stands in his garden with his minature poodle, Shadow.

December 22, 1972

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And now, upon your day of days, we shall give a full definition of soul Ray’s dream.

He dreamed he had many fields to plant upon, and three different types of grain to plant in the many fields.

He dreamed that some of the fields were of rock. And of the fields of rock we shall tell you first, further, for there was a poor farmer who had but a field of rock to plant upon. And he toiled the land year in and year out. And the riches that he sought he never found. And one day, came upon his path a miner, who looked upon the rocky fields and told the farmer to dig within the field and he would find the riches that he sought. And so he did, and there he found gold and silver of many fold.

And of the watery fields he planted upon, there was a fisherman who, day by day, who cast his net into the water, and found not fish at all. And most of the fish he caught were those he dared not keep. And then a miner came to him, and said to him, “Dig beneath the water that you fish upon.” And so he did, and there he found the oil to light his many lamps.

And of the fields that were fertile, we tell you this, that no field at all shall yield your riches without your toil. And the heaven you should seek should be that for which you should toil for. And that that you should find upon earth shall be your heaven also. For your heaven is not in the sky above you, it lies within each separate soul. It dwells upon the earth within the man and woman.

And of the Book you read, and of the many pages you should seek within, to seek the hidden meaning of God’s words, when in truth, the truth should dwell in many hearts in many ways. For as there were many paths and many fields to plant upon, these were the many ways to seek your God. It makes your Father little difference of the name, or the tongue, you should seek Him in. It makes your Father little difference in the manner you should say your prayers. But when you reach your Father, speak as that unto yourselves, and the riches of your reward shall come from within and without.

But the riches that you should seek should lie beneath your feet, for that is where you walk.

Upon this day you should celebrate the coming of the Messiah. Do not plant it in one day, but set your seed upon the earth in many places every day, in every way, and your Father, God, shall see the toil, the loving toil within your hearts.

Can you understand of which we speak?

Nay, not fully. But study our words well, for we have not spoke in riddles, as it may seem, but in fullness, with the wisdom our Father should give on us to speak.

Give blessings unto all. And watch the heavens every day, and soon the light that shone before upon the valley of Bethlehem shall shine again, and your new Messiah shall be born unto men.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [12–22–72–001] has asked for a life reading.”

Nay, not yet, but soon we should give of this, for we should answer in this manner. Give love unto your Father, as thy have sought to give love into others. Open your door, that we may enter and place within thy mind of many dreams, and then shall be the time we should give of this, and it should come of a full and rich and meaningful thing. But should we give it now it would be meaningless unto you.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [2–19–72–002]’s mother, [10–29–71–002], is in the hospital….Do you have any advice for her health?”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. The problems within this soul, the body of the same, are many and numerous. For there is a time for birth, and a time that dust should go to dust. There is a time for waiting, and a time when the soul and the spirit and the immortal body shall join in fullness. This is not a time of sadness. We should suggest that kindness be given unto this one; that is the best medicine of all, and love and respect for that that has been given unto you.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [1–21–72–002] asks, ‘Could you tell us more about the word, love?’”

(Chuckle.) Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. Does not the parent love the child even though it is naughty?

But love comes from our parable of before, and that of toil, of giving love day by day — and of those many fields we have told you about, if love is added to the toil.

Love is the giving unselfishly. Love is giving and never expecting anything in return.

Love is like a flower as it blossoms and comes into full bloom; each petal is a separate part, and yet again, it comes from the same plant.

Love is that which dwells in the many hearts. Love is that that comes from the earth that should feed the many souls. Love is that that comes from the heavens to bring your heart warmth.

Love is laughter. Love is tears.

Love is morning. Love is evening. Love is all.

For love is looking into the heavens and seeing the star, and even loving the star knowing that by the time you have seen it the star has gone out.

Love is that that you can see, and that that you cannot see. Love is that that you can hear, and that that you cannot hear. But most of all, love is faith, and faith brings wisdom. For if our Father did not have love, how could have He had the faith in His children to know that they would return unto His many mansions? For love is God. And God is love.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Could you tell me about faith, because we are raised oftentimes to not believe things without investigating them, and yet, we are told in scripture to ask and believe that these things shall be given. Could you tell me more about faith?”

We should answer your question in this manner. Faith is that of a belief that God, your Father, has had in His children. For your Father, God, gave unto the Seven Spirits the faith to build the universe and universes. And He breathed life upon the earth that faith could enter into man, and man could enter into faith.

Faith is that which allows you to walk upon the water. For like a small boy who should cast a stone to watch it walk upon the water, without that faith the water would disappear, and so should the stone.

But faith is that that you see in a newborn’s eyes when it looks upon its mother. Faith is that which should be in a mother’s eyes when she looks upon her child, for she knows that this child is born of free choice. Faith is life and faith is death. But remember, your Father is the God of the living, not of the dead, and that is the faith He has placed into His children’s hands. And as a good father, He has hidden nothing from His children; therefore, He should have the faith that His children should take nothing from their Father, but return all that was given back into His gentle hands.

Soul Ray now grows very weary, and that we may not overtax his body — at this time, we shall give healing upon your earth. For three days, that that you ask for in our Father’s name shall be given.

Now is the time of the Cherub. But hark unto these words, for new eruptions shall occur upon your earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


December 29, 1972

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner.

First, of your question, soul Peter, your question is that of the coming of the Messiah.

And we should answer first in this manner. Within your mind is the name of the one known as Jesus, and that of the preparation for the entry of those who have reached the Christ state into this one. As we have said before, there are many who have reached the Christ state. And through the combination of these shall be the new Messiah.

You asked that he should come walking from the clouds? And we shall answer your question in this manner. When he should first appear unto the Jewish people, and they shall see him first, he shall be standing upon a cloud. And the Jewish nation in their despair shall kneel before him. This was meant so that that that had been written should be fulfilled. And as we have said before, written upon the clouds, written upon the sky, our Father shall make known of this entry in this way. [See Acts 1:6–11, The Revelation of John, 7:2–12, chapter 10, 14:1–5, 14:14–16, 15:2–4, 19:1–16, 21:1–7, 22–27, 22:1–7, Zechariah, chapters 12–14.]

But he should come unto the body form, for is it not written also that that that does not know of earth can not know of heaven? And those who do not know of heaven can not know of earth? For he should come to lead you through your thousand years of peace upon your earth. [See John 3:1–21 and The Revelation, chapters 19–22.]

The spirit was left that it may flow through all mankind. As we have said before, we have come but for one purpose, and that is for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And we say unto you, all of you, open your door that we might enter, and therefore, there can be a place prepared within each of you for his coming. [See John 14:1–5, 14:15–26, 15:26–27, 16:7–15, 16:19–24, and chapter 17.]

But from a mother’s womb, so shall he be born. Look within your book of Revelation, and you shall see of the same. [See The Revelation of John, chapter 12.]

But hark unto these words. Our Father has written only upon the Tablets. Man has written upon your pages and your paper; therefore, many things have been extracted from, taken away from that that inspired the men in the beginning to write of the same, and some has been added to by others. We have come, not to change the Laws, but to fulfill the prophecies of the same. We have come not to change that that was given within Moses’ time. We have come not to change that that was given unto Isaiah. We have come not to change that that was given, and the gift that was given, in the one known as Jesus. But hark unto these words. We have come for this time.

We have come from those who should make their entry. We have come from those who did say unto our Father, “Send those who know You best to prepare a way for our coming, that our Father’s words should not be misinterpreted.” [See John 14:15–26, 15:26–27, 16:7–15, and 16:19–24.]

And we say hark unto you, unto this one known as [1–21–72–002]; prepare now a way within yourself, and we shall call you John. But not John of the after time, but John of the Beloved.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Soul Ruth has noticed a change in her chemical balance. Is this some change you are making, or should she seek to readjust this?”

Nay, we should answer in this manner. The body chemicals are changing. We shall make the adjustments that are necessary for this time. At a later time you should seek out a physician, for soon your time shall come for other chemical changes. But we shall see the balance is kept within the perspective of the entry we have placed within the same.

And now, we should say unto all of you, you ask unto us why we have named disciples unto the same and named them knowing that they would leave, one by one, and walk away. And we shall answer into these words. For the words that we spoke were not spoke for the present soul. The soul that we spoke was that that should enter into the one that would stay, and stand and be counted. So for each of you who have taken the place, as you would think, of another disciple, study of the words within the readings that were given and you shall see that they were meant for you and no other.

And as the time grows closer when your thirteen shall be complete, new teaching dreams shall enter. Discuss these freely with one another. [See Acts 1:13–26, 2:1–28.]

And we should also say unto you that as your vows are taken, and those that are yet to take these vows, take of them now and study them. Make certain within yourselves that once your promise has been made that you can give that unto your Father that shall be His. But we say unto you, take these before you and read them aloud unto yourselves. Seek out the meaning of the words that were given. They were not idle words to be recited, but they were words of our Father unto you.

And we should say unto you, and for those who should seek to change of this, woe, woe unto you, for our Father’s wrath is mighty. [See Amos .]

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. 12–29–72–001 asks, ‘Will I receive my old age back pay?’”

Yes, we see this, but it should come in a form of four.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [2–19–71–001] is having trouble with soft corns growing between her toes. Can you tell her what she should do for this?”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner; the healing thy ask for shall be given. Go unto three days of prayer, and upon the third day, your illness shall be no more.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [1–21–72–002] asks, ‘Will you please help us to know the meaning of forgiveness, as Christ did, and if it is God’s will, will you tell us about our karmas? Please, we want to understand compassion, and love, and turning the other cheek.’”

(Chuckle.) Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Stand before your accusers, and let them accuse you. But do not stand there idly and let them strip you naked before men. Should a man ask for your coat, give him your trousers too, but before you do this, make certain that your undergarments do not have holes in them.

If a man should strike your right cheek, turn unto him your left cheek. But if a man should strike both the left and the right, then give forth the mighty arm of the Lord, for the wrath of the Lord shall stand with you. For our Father did not create man to be destroyed by fools.

If a thief should come in the night and steal all you possess, and you should meet the thief, then take back that which you possess, but do so in a righteous manner. There have been laws made in your land to deal with thieves. This is what you should call civilization, and in your own words, it is sometimes wise to “walk softly and carry your big stick.”

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. When you said that the halftimes are over, do you mean that those who die before the coming of the Messiah will not return during the thousand years of peace?”

Nay. Those who choose entry shall come as they wish to come, but they shall come in complete accord and with knowledge and memory of the same.

You have other questions; ask but one more.

“[1–21–72–002] asks about ‘the meaning of music and art in relationship to the stars and the universe. Is music a pathway or door to the universe, or is there a higher spiritual step beyond aesthetics? Does this relate to Neptune and Pluto?’”

The question unto which you have asked should take a lengthy time, and soul Ray has grown quite tired now. And that we should not overtax his body, we should say unto you, now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel stands awake upon your earth. New eruptions shall occur. New earthquakes shall occur. Look within the back readings. We have told you of these.

And we should say unto those of the valley below the sea, watch the water. [Editor’s note: The Yuma, Arizona, group watched the water level of the Colorado River.]

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, birth dates, addresses or locations to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


Study each year of the readings from the 1970 to the 1989 here, in this publication, The Words of Aka, spiritual messengers of God.

How did the readings begin? See “We Give This Message from Our Father.”

See all the articles in the publication on, “A Stairway to Heaven.”

Would you like to join the Association of Universal Philosophy the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, asked us to form? Here’s how. Then send us an email at or, or message us on our Facebook page, Association of Universal Philosophy, to let us know where you email your newsletter, “Rays of Philosophy.”

All of these readings have been gathered together for you in three books — the philosophy, the past-life readings, and health readings — as the Book with Wings series. Study and learn from them this way.

And be blessed!



The Words — of Aka, spiritual messengers of God

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.