The 1973 Readings

The Words — of Aka, spiritual messengers of God
260 min readAug 17, 2020

(First half)

Can you see the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, in this photo taken in 1973 during a trance reading? Rays of infinite being and light stream from the Father who sends His spiritual messengers to enter into space and time – through universes, galaxies, and worlds beyond worlds — to Earth at this time, They shine above and around Ray Elkins’s unconscious body to enter, so they can speak to us in words we can hear. Do you see the rays of light aligned with the body? (The microphones to record their words that you read are attached to a mike stand in front of Ray’s face. The mike stand casts a shadow across Ray’s shirt from the dimmed chandelier on the ceiling in front of him, in the middle of the living room.) His head is to the east, as Aka had suggested, to make it easier for God’s spiritual messengers to enter.

1973 Readings (This is part 1 of 2)

January 5, 12; February 9, 16, 23; March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30; April 6, 13, 20, 27; May 4, 11, 16, 18, 22, 25; June 1, 8, 15, 19 (private), 22, 29; July 2, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 17 a.m. (private),17 p.m. (private), 20, 22 (private) 27, 30

1973 Readings (Part 2 of 2 is in the next article)

August 3, 7, 17, 20, 24, 27, 31; September 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 15, 21, 28; October 2, 5, 9, 12, 16, 19, 23, 27, 30; November 2, 6 (private), 9, 11 (incomplete), 16, 18, 23, 27; December 7, 28

14 transcripts are missing: January 15 (private), January 21 (private); April 2?, April 18 (private); May 28 (private), May 29 (private); July 3 (private); September 24 (private); October 20?, October 28 (private); November 3?, November 13?, November 15 (private), November 24 (private)


January 5, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see they need.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Aka, [2–19–71–002] asks, ‘Will a child be born of this marriage?’”

As we have said before, we see thy karma and we shall answer in this manner. Give that unto your Lord that should belong to your Lord. Give that unto your husband that should belong unto your husband. And therefore, prepare the way for the coming of a soul into your household.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [8–24–70–001] is having trouble swallowing air, pain in her diaphragm. Can you — ”

We see they need, and the healing that is needed shall be given. We should say unto you in this way, words. As your spray has happened, and as the deformities of the same within the land, so it did infect the animals. Your spray is gone, but the infected animals remain in your household. Remove these, and your problem shall end.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I don’t understand which animals you mean. Do you mean our dogs, our goats, our cats?”

Nay, none of these. The fowl.

“The parrot, Aka?”


You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [1–21–72–002] asks, ‘In your saying that, “that that does not know of Heaven cannot know of earth, and that that does not know of earth cannot know of Heaven,“ are you talking of the descent of the virgin sparks of God into matter and out again?’”

(Chuckle) Yes, we should answer your question in this manner, that that that should not know of Earth should not know of Heaven — and these should be the souls and the spirit of man, and these should be the Spirit of God that should enter man. For if man chooses not to reincarnate upon the Earth, he should not know of the Earth, and in truth, he should not know of Heaven.

For we should answer your question in this manner. Our Father did not send the Seven Spirits to Earth that He might create a plaything. You who should think that the escape from your Earth should be the all important is wrong, for it is in building the earth that is important to our Father and should be important to you, for here shall be your new Heaven and your new Earth. If you cannot do this, if you cannot do the earthly things, then how can you believe us of the heavenly things we say unto you?

As we have said before in the parable of the toil, the toil of man upon the Earth, that this was part of God, one of the most important parts of God. For a man who shall not toil shall not eat at our Father’s table, and a woman who should not toil should not eat at our Father’s table, for in truth, this one has become a lost soul, for it has lost the direction of that into which the Creator had planned. All it can see before it is its own free choice. It has created its own karma by hiding its head in the sand.

For an artist, as you would know it, to draw is toil. For a singer who should create into beautiful music is toil. For a writer who should trap the words of man that should come from the minds and many minds of the Earth is toil. And even when you do that which you do not desire, if it is done in a righteous manner, it is a righteous thing before our God, and therefore, should become a righteous thing before man.

But give not before your Father toil that you yourselves dislike, that you would say, “I do this thing, for it only needs to be done.” In all toil, do that and place that of the best of you within it, and soon it will become a part of you that is a part of our Father.

But a man or a woman that should deny toil denies their Father and denies the entry of any spirit of the Lord therein.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I don’t mean to be faltering in what I am asking, but when you spoke of our parrot, he is a very dear friend of mine, and I’m willing to do what I should, but do you mean for me to kill him? What may I do with him that would not be harmful to others?”

We should answer your question in this manner. We have told on you and your household to take of the sage tea. Should you deny this soul that that you should take upon of yourself to cleanse of his body? Do of the same unto the parrot, and the parrot’s age shall increase and health shall increase. Give unto the parrot that of the vitamin E within its food, and the problem should soon disappear, and the healing shall come in complete into your household.

Deny not one creature upon the earth that that our Father has given unto you. Can you understand of which we speak?

“Yes Aka. Thank you.”

You have any other questions, ask.

“Aka, [1–21–72–002] asks, ‘Will you please help us to know the meaning of forgiveness, as Christ did?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. Some would say it was within the suffering, and we should say, nay. But stand beneath the cross that the drops of blood could cleanse your forehead, and you should know the true meaning of the same.

Yet, again, we shall answer again in this manner. That as a young man who owned a farm of many lands, and he toiled long and bore himself four children. And in his elder ages he gave into his children a share of each. And he departed.

And the eldest said, “I shall be the ruler of this land. And I shall make the next to the eldest the king, And I shall make the third the war king, But being the youngest, he shall serve us all.”

And this went on for four score. And the father did return upon the land. And he drove his eldest and his next to eldest and the third to eldest from the land, to dress his youngest back in the robes befitting of his state in life. But the youngest had learned humility, and he went before his father and said unto his father, “Am I not one of your children?”

And the father answered into the youngest, “Yes, my son, you are.”

And the youngest said unto his father, “Are not my brothers also your children?”

And the father answered, “Yes, they are.”

Then the youngest said unto his father, “Would you not forgive unto them that that I have forgiven unto them, my father?”

And the father looked upon his youngest and knew in truth that the last should be first, and therefore, did learn from his youngest child.

And so it is so with your God, Father. For He should learn from the smallest of His creations the words of forgiveness.

And so it should be true of the spirit of the one known as Jesus, for there was great fear in his heart, yet he did his Father’s bidding. Yet he said unto these words, for those who should crucify him, “Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do.”

Yet, he did not forget. For the getting of such a deed would be a karma; the forgetting would be a karma within itself. But the forgiving would overcome all karma and place that before you in its proper place. Speak of mercy unto our Father; speak of righteousness unto our Father, and He shall learn from the youngest. And then, in truth, the last shall be first, and the first shall be last.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. ‘What are the sister planets of earth? Are they in another globe period at the same point of the descent of spirit into matter that we are? Is this a universe’ — just a minute, Aka.”

We see thy need, and we shall answer your question in this manner. Your sister planets of Earth are yet again in another world of worlds , some much like your own, and that on which you have come from before you entered this planet known as Earth. Other life forms dwell upon the other great galaxies beyond your worlds. Soon man shall know of these.

But think of the thirty-two, and this shall be the sister planets of the Earth, for these are like the elders spoken of in your book of Revelations. We should elaborate upon this further at a different time.

But now, we should say unto you these words. Hark, for your times are troubled yet before you. As we have told you before, now in the time of the Cherub. Now is the time of the great Sword. [See The Revelation, chapters 4–7 and 19–22.]

Your climate is growing colder. Your winter, when the land should sleep, should be more severe. Prepare for this. Protect both man and animal. New eruptions shall occur quite close. But your land, this land on which you dwell, our Father shall lay His hand and make it safe.

Harken on with the work that lays before you. Prepare the way. Bring forth this Book with wings. Let come forth the bird of the Great Pyramid. Let the knowledge flow upon your earth.

And we should say unto this one known as Peter, we shall give healing into the same.

And we should say unto this one known as Ruth, we should give healing into the same. And we should say unto this one, of thy children’s and thy family, we shall give healing. Increase thy doses of vitamin C and E into your family usage.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


January 12, 1973

Globe Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And we should say once again, unto those who should doubt that that we have repeated many times before and for those who should choose to overlook our words, as we have said before, soul Ray is I, and I am soul Ray. But this does not mean that soul Ray in his conscious state could overrule those of the spirits of Aka, nor can he take away or add to our words, for we are the spirits of Aka. We are present, and we hear those things that are spoke of in his awakening state, as we hear and see many things in many others in their awakening state. And as we see thy needs, so should we serve them, both of the good and the bad.

And so we should say unto soul Luke and soul James, as we have said before, do not misinterpret our words. We have given you the chance to walk away; you did not do so. We have given you the chance to find that unto which you have sought to find, first, of your soul and spirit form. We have given unto you the chance to place before mankind the records. But our Father should say unto you these words. So, as our Father has given should He taketh away. And we should say no more. For we have not asked you to build a large building. The temple we sought to build was in the hearts of man. We have listened, both through your lies and fornanations [fornications], and we shall listen no more. You have lied both to your Father and yourself, and to your fellow man. We have said before, the half times were over; go back into which that you have come.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a health reading from [1–12–73–001]. She says that she is having a cough which the doctors have been unable to help her with. Can you tell her what could be done for this?”

Yes, we see they need, and we should answer your question in this manner. The pollution of your air has caused permanent damage in the bronchial area and also permanent damage into the sinus area. We would suggest that at the present time that this soul should take up residence by the ocean. That of that salt water would clear this. We should also suggest for a period of time staying away from all chemical form, such as thinners for your paint. Only rest at this period shall clear this problem up. If this is done, within a two-month period you could return back unto your homeland.

We find other physical problems within this soul. Therefore, we should say that these should be inquired about at a different time.

If it is impractical to remove yourself from this location, then filter your air into which thy should dwell. Bring forth of the salt water, that this should be added through your heating unit and mixed with your air.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Aka, could you tell us if the Great Pyramid, the great bird of the pyramid, is knowledge?”

Yes, in that form.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [9–1–72–003] asks, ‘Are you what is termed in the Bible the Holy Ghost or Spirit, or the third part of the Godhead?’”

(Chuckle) Now thy should ask as a child, but we should answer your question in this manner. For all that dwell upon the earth are parts of the Holy Spirit; that is part of yourself, your conscience. The Godhead, as you would know it, should dwell within yourself. For did our Mother, Father not say into you, “We have created them of our kind, of our image.” And so it was done.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you. She also asks, ‘Are you allowed to tell us the name of the Lord, our God?’”

(Chuckle) The name of our Lord, our God, He has been called by many names, in many tongues. And that which you should call out from the spirit, our Father should know of which you speak and should listen. But should you call out a false thing, our Father should listen with false ears. When you speak to your Father speak in truth.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. ‘Is it against God’s will that different races intermarry, or is this part of God’s plan for all races to learn to love each other?’”

It is not against God’s will. For your intermarriages is the will of man. But we should answer your question in this manner, when in Rome, live as the Romans do.

You have other questions, ask.

“You said last week to ‘Think of the thirty-two, and this shall be the sister planets of the earth, for these are the elders spoken of in our Book of Revelations.’ You said you would elaborate more on this.”

We shall elaborate further upon this. But this should be given at a different time, for we find that soul Ray is very weak, and therefore, we should give time unto the healing of his body and his mind.

But first, we should say unto you these words. New earthquakes shall appear very shortly in different parts of your country and in different parts of the world. The time is now, but fear not. If you should look into the prophecies which were given, you shall find the answers and the dates.

And we should leave with these parting words unto soul Luke and soul James. We have not closed the door so tight that you cannot open it. But we should call you [4–3–70–003] and [4–3–70–005] from this date forward. If you care to go on with the work, this must be proven. If you care enough for yourselves and your descendants, then prove unto your Father that you can be worthy once again of the names, Luke and James. And we shall see. And our Father shall see. And man shall see.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: As Ray awoke, he described a vision he had while he was out of his body during the trance reading. He said, “…group was there. And on this side was a blue room, with the whole group of their council there. It was on — just as though it was, it was very solemn as though — it was almost like I was — almost, I felt as I walked through that they’d stop me at any minute, that there was something that they were going to say, but no one said anything and I came on through.”]

[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared with the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


February 9, 1973

Globe Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should say unto you these words. Fear not the thief that should come in the night, for it shall be but a passing thing, As we have said before, we shall allow nothing from either side to interfere with this work.

We have seen your problems in trying to understand some of the readings, and we should answer your question in this manner. For, as we speak of firment [firmament], we should speak of your atmosphere. If you should change the word from firment to atmosphere, you can see a clearer meaning of our words.

Yes, we see thy need, [5–7–72–004]. And we shall answer your question in this manner. For we should prepare a way within you, that you can see for yourself that that is before you and behind you. And in this manner, when we should ask you to walk upon the water with us, the choice shall be yours. But we did not feel that any man or woman should do so unless they have been shown within reality that the words we have spoken were true.

Yes, we see thy need, soul Peter. Then we should answer your question in this manner. For, as we have said before, we have used soul Ray in many forms. In this form, to teach you of the visions unto which should come before you. These visions should be written out and brought forth, that your group should study of the same. But fear not for your brother, for as we have said before, the hand of the Lord shall lay in the protection of those who should walk before their God in truth.

We see your other problems, and we should answer in this manner. There are many tests that you shall set before yourself, and many we shall set before you, and many Lucifer shall set before you. But remember, we are here but for one purpose, and that is the coming of the Messiah, to prepare a way.

Your thoughts, as the garden has been weeded, “Why should this be allowed?” And we should say unto you, we should provide that that is needed. But plant the field, and we shall add the yeast and the wine. And the multitudes shall be served in the same manner. But give praise unto your Lord and open your door that we may enter, and your financial problems shall fall away as they have arrived, in the same manner.

Yes, we see thy need, soul John. And you are learning, continue as you have. But now is the time to write, do so. Prepare the way for the Book with Wings.

And we should say unto soul Ruth these words. We have seen thy need and have provided, therefore, for the same. But give trust unto your Lord, and your Lord shall give trust unto you. Give that to God that is God’s, and God shall give that to you that is yours. But as you should plant a small seed, our Father shall plant the rest of the field.

And we should say unto you, soul Paul, fear not of yesterday, for yesterday is but a passing thing. It only carries your karmas forth unto today. You cannot overcome your karmas in yesterdays, but you can today, and tomorrow, and the next day.

Soon we shall give you new members into your group, and we shall show you the way. Do not falter under your load, for it shall become heavy. Yet, a sweet loving burden it shall be.

Yes, we see they need, [11–16–70–003], and we should answer your question in this manner. And you say unto us, “How can I walk forward in the light of God when I have seen much corruption around me and many lies?” And we shall answer you in this manner. For if this corruption and lies should stop, they must stop from within. Make of yourself much as a mirror — for there, before you in another time, a gift shall be given unto you. Do not ask us at this time to disclose the contents of the gift. Take it to yourself and let it grow within you.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes Aka. It’s awfully good to have you back with us tonight. Aka, soul Ray asks for a health reading.”

We should answer in this manner. Soul Ray has gone through the ritual of asking for a health reading. But he does not want the words that we would say, said before all, so therefore, we should give a health reading into himself at a different time.

“Thank you.. Aka, [2–09–73–001], [1–21–72–002]’s father, has asked for a health reading. He’s asked for help in regards to his health.”

One moment, please.


One moment. Yes, now we have the subject. Therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. Yes, we see this.

We find, therefore, minor problems of health within this one. Most of these are brought about by over worry, and overweight. At the present time, we would suggest unto this one the use of sauna baths for the circulatory system.

Yes, yes, we see this.

We find, as you would call them, fatty growths in the backular area. We do not see, at the present time, that surgery should be needed to remove these. But from many hours spent sitting (tsk), the whole backular area needs work. We would suggest a visit to either an osteopathic doctor or a chiropractic doctor. We would further suggest — yes, we see thy need, yes — that more exercise be used. But this should be done on a gradual basis, starting with five to ten minutes per day and increasing a little more each day. If this subject should require one, we should give diet of the same at a later time.

We find the problem of varicose veins, left leg. We would not suggest the massaging of these, nor packs. We would suggest the use of banana oil before, in a poultice be made and laid to the area before his slumber. This should be continued over at least a six-week’s period.

But we should answer one other question unto this one, and that, of the dragon that lays within his work area. The fear of this one is within yourself. Do not allow the fear to grow.

Strike away the fear, but do so within yourself, not into others.

But we should answer your other question in this manner. Give unto yourself that that is yours. Give unto your brother that that is his. Give unto your God that that is your God’s. If these things are done in this order, your God, who has waited long, shall help you in the giving and in the protecting of both.

This is all on this subject at this time.

You have other questions, ask.

“[4–23–71–002] asks, ‘Are the things I am dreaming of, or seeing, from me or being given from another source? And am I interpreting them correctly? Also, what do the numbers 5, 4, 6, 9 mean?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. Look into the numerology. As your interpretations are sometimes correct and sometimes leave much to be desired, we shall answer your question in this manner, as before. Make a time within your life. The doors are open. We are waiting. All you must do is enter for the knowledge you [may] seek. We have laid before you many dreams of dreams. And we shall answer once again, only for the unisis of the soul and souls, who should fear not and bind together, may the coming be laid before man. [Note: unisis is to be in union, and may be from the Middle Latin term, unisonis.]

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, soul Ruth asks, ‘Is the scene at the well in the desert a past life or a vision of the future? Is it in my mind or soul Ray’s, or both?’”

At first, it was in soul Ray’s mind, and you have picked it up from there. It is something that is in the future, yet in the present, but not of the past — only from that unto which he has come.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, you said last week to ‘Think of the thirty-two, and this shall be the sister planets of the earth, for these are like the elders spoken of in your Book of Revelations.’ You said you would elaborate more on this.”

We cannot do so at this time, for our time should run short. For soul Ray now wearies, and our time shall grow very short.

And we should leave with you unto these questions and these answers. For now is the time of Cherub. Look to the east. But watch the ground around you. New earthquakes and eruptions shall occur. Soon, very soon, an eruption shall cross your Arizona land, and your California land. More eruptions shall occur in South America and your Mexican regions. Soon one shall occur, shall cross the Atlantic from the Cubans. From there, it should follow up into that proportion you call of New York today. But this is only a warning.

Now is the time of the Cherub, and the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared with the audio tape to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


February 16, 1973

Globe Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better; all is in accord.

Yes, we see thy need, and first, we should say in this manner, we shall protect this one that we call the prophet.

And we should say first unto the ministers that were ordained, as we said unto you, you should hide nothing from one another. And this has been done. We have given unto your hands a prophet. Yet, you have refused to use his knowledge. And we shall say unto you once again, in the order of all things, as in the beginning, did God place Adam to rule the earth, and the descendants of Adam, in a just manner. So we have placed a prophet. And the prophet should give justice into his ministers and words of wisdom, and therefore, in the spiritual work of this we have given you shall reign as a leader unto you.

We have said before, do not misinterpret our words, for we have said unto you there shall be dividing of a land, and the land we spoke of was not of your people, but of your earth. And it shall be as a great Sword that cuts two ways, both of the land and of the people. But we shall do the cutting. We shall say in this manner, bring forth all your people into one house. And those who refuse to come unto the house, let them remain outside, and they shall be no more, for we shall weed your garden in this manner. But as we have said before, the action that shall be taken upon your parts shall be in accord with the laws of your land.

And you have in your minds a question, first, of [10–10–72–001]. We would suggest in this manner, that if this man, this soul, comes before you in a just and righteous manner, admit him. But he must do this himself. And it must come before the prophet, and the prophet shall take it before all the ministers.

Of this problem of [4–3–70–002] — and we shall say, in this time, she is [4–3–70–002] without a name and without a soul — therefore, we should not see of this again until such a time that she herself can bring forth proof unto her God and proof unto your prophet. and therefore, proof unto the ministers of this organization, she shall not be admitted to enter the kingdom of God.

And as has been promised in your book of Revelations that a new temple of Jerusalem shall be built — and so it has been, from this point beyond, in the measurements given, in the matter of the same.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I believe that when you say, let all people come together in one house; you are referring to the meeting that we are going to call? And I am very confused as to whether or not we should follow the proposed action of Ray writing them a letter, as he intended to, or not.”

We should answer in this manner. The house we have spoke of is the house of Jerusalem that stands here and now and should house the many souls of the many people of the many faiths who should enter with a love of God within their heart and a love of mankind in the same manner.

As far as soul Ray writing this letter, we should answer you in this manner. Let your board of directors first write a letter unto the three ministers, soul [4–3–70–003], soul [4–3–70–005], and soul Jude, advising them of the authority of the prophet. Soul Ray should not write this letter at the present time. The monetary values which they have laid forth should be returned. A listing of your membership should be submitted unto your national organization, but in a separate manner. Let all of your membership come unto one house — not two divided, but one house. This shall be the Spiritual Philosophy of God. We say in this manner, according to the laws of your land, dissolve your charters. Soul Ray, as your spiritual leader, should have the right unto himself to write and attend to the needs of his ministers at any time.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Aka, [5–7–71–002] asks, ‘What does the moon cut in three pieces like a pie mean?’”

(Chuckle) Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. As the natural bombardment of your sun and solar system of cosmic rays, both of the positive and negative form, the gastrode bombardment of your moon should come in the same manner. This should have a varied effect upon man. And those who should be born under the sign of moon should walk careful, but with great wisdom, should study each action they should take very carefully, should be cautious at the present time, but should act within your group in unisance. Each of your planetary parts should play a great effect upon mankind in his day-to-day life, but your sun and your moon are the two greatest factors. Within reality, at this time madness could besiege your earth.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. What did the meteorite of January 7th symbolize that we saw?”

We shall answer in this manner. Your meteorite of January 7th was a sign from the heavens of the completion and the new cycle of this work. It is telling you, in part, now is the time of the Cherub; complete your book with utmost haste. You shall receive another sign in short period. This shall be seen by all. And when you see it you shall know the meaning of the same.

You have other questions, ask.

“Soul Ruth asks, ‘Can you tell us more of the priests of the Mathotoc?’”

Yes, we see thy need. These, within the same, are part of the White Brotherhood. And as we have formed priesthood within your group, so should you be members of the same.

You have any other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. ‘Why do archeologists find evidences of only the most primitive societies on the North American continent?’”

You must realize that the ground that you are digging in at the present time, when most of your North American continent was submerged in water, that your earlier finds of mankind should be [in] the isles of Atlantis, and earlier still, before Atlantis, you shall find great cities lying beneath your North and South polar system. You must realize, as the natural migration came forth from your planet, Mars, into the planet, Earth, your Earth has greatly changed since that period of time.

You have other questions, ask.

“One moment. ‘Did the sons of God come from Mars?’”

Yes, we should answer your question in this manner. They came from Mars at a time when Mars and Venus lined up with your Earth in accord with your moon, for your moon was a stepping stone unto your earth. This is why many of your psychic people feel related to the planets. Put in your mind a full chart of your own solar system. You will find that as we have said before, it was set up in such a manner for man’s migration and timetable of the same.

Soul Ray now grows very weary.

Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your Earth.

We should leave you with these parting words. If a soul that has become lost should look and see his Father’s light and rejoin his spiritual form, then God should accept the same. But let these lost souls show proof, both to God and to you, God’s children. We should say unto you, send the copy of this reading to the Yuma people.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

Aka is here. Aka is here.

“Hello, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Yes, we see thy need. Soul Ray stands with God.


And we should say unto you in this manner, should you be attacked, it shall be because of these weapons.

“What weapons, Aka?”

We shall lay waste to the land that lays with under these who should attack your prophet. But do not go unto the desert without provisions of the same.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


February 23, 1973

Globe Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

And now we should say unto thee once again, we have come, not to change the Laws of Moses; we have come, not to change the laws of the one known as Jesus Christ, for they, within themselves, should all be the Laws of God. But yet, as many words have been spoken, and as Moses did give forth the Laws for a time and a people, and as Jesus did give forth laws for a time and a people — yet, as many have reached the Christ state — and we should say unto thee, come forth unto this time. For as you should build a building upon an old foundation, the new structure of your modern material the foundation could not withstand its weight, and so it should be true in this time of your people.

If a man is a thief, he should remain a thief should he steal a pencen or much more from a man. [Note: dative plural ofpenny.] Yet, if a man should steal for bread upon his table and he should have naught, then go to this man and say unto him, “Steal not from my table, for my table is God’s table. And as you should speak unto your God, speak unto me, and I should give from my table in the same manner my God should give.”

But if a man should come, as a thief at night, to kill and maim — and if a man should come and coveth that that belongs to another, whether it should be his ass, or in your time, your automobile, or any other thing — but yet, for what he has stolen can be replaced, even though it should bring great hardship upon you. But if a thief should come and steal your soul away, you cannot punish the thief, but only yourself, for no man can steal your soul without your permission.

Yet, there are some who are lost souls who should use their powers of temptation, much as Lucifer should use temptation. But we say unto you, should this happen unto a man, he should say unto this, “Lucifer, get thee behind me,” and it shall be gone. But if his strength is not strong enough, then he should go unto those who know of such, and his brother, they should remove this, for this, in itself, you would call a curse.

And we should say unto you these words. Give praise unto your Father in a righteous manner, and your Father should give praise unto you, His children. But give damnation unto your Father, and your Father should give damnation unto His wayward children.

And therefore, we should say unto you, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. There shall be many who should tempt your souls, for now is the time of the great Sword, the sword that cuts two ways, both of man and of the land. For as we have said before, where no water flowed, water shall flow. Rivers shall change their courses. Mountains shall bellow forth. Continents shall change their shapes, and man shall change his in the same manner. But if you are righteous before your Lord, fear not, for your Lord is a righteous God. Prepare within yourselves, each in your own separate ways, a place for the coming of the Messiah. Give love and kindness unto your brother. Give love and kindness, and love and kindness shall be returned. Walk, therefore, in a righteous path.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I’m not sure I quite understood when you talked about building a house on an old foundation. What are you referring to?”

There are many of the laws of Moses which cannot apply in this day and this time. We say unto you, abide by the laws of your land, but abide also by the Laws of God. Do naught into your fellow man that which you would not want done unto you. But as the face of your earth is changing, as your times have changed, your laws must also change. For as you know, your Lord, God, had a very stubborn people — and so He has now, for, as it has been said before, the descendants of Abraham has been changed as the turning of a stone.

Bring forth a due time, but bring it forth in a righteous manner. You have new tools upon your land. You have new weapons, new powers. In Moses time, Moses would have made war. But your Lord Jesus did not make war. In Buddha’s time, Buddha would have made war. But soon, you should pollute your land and your hearts with your wars. You are already polluting God’s gift to man. As the earth changes, this pollution should end. If man cannot clean the earth, then the Lord, God, should clean it for him. If man cannot bring his laws, that all men should be treated in an equal manner, the Lord, God, should change this for him. For we should say unto you, your minds have become a mighty weapon; use them in a just manner.

You have any other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [11–26–71–002] and she has asked for guidance for herself and her daughter, and a life reading.”

Yes, we see they need, and first we should say unto this one, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same; therefore, we have before us the records.

Yes, we see this.

We should give you a proportion at this time of your life reading.

You were born in the land of the California in your 1890’s. There you grew into young womanhood in the land known as San Francisco. You became a wayward woman, and therefore, you had three men who you flirted with in their lives. Each of these men would wed you, yet you wanted not of their love, but their money. And your mother who had raised you and who had worked very hard, this mother was dying of the disease known as tuberculosis.

Your daughter of today is your mother of that day. Yet, you cared not for her feelings. And therefore, your daughter of today should harass you in the same manner unto which you have done unto her. Both she and yourselves were very psychic.

Your husband of today was of the third man who you wed for money. And this has happened to you this day. Your husband of that day killed your other two lovers, and therefore, was hung himself.

At the age of 41, you ventured into the town of Truckee, California, and therefore, opened a new house unto which many sauces were sold. Your wealth had grown, yet you had no peace of mind. And one day, in this small village, a young man of the cloth came into your town. And the young man you soon became to respect and love. And therefore, you became repentant for the life you had led. You went unto this young man and said, “I know I have sinned, and I know that the monetary value cannot buy back the harm I have done unto others. But let me give that which I have. Let me build a temple unto God.”

This young man was of a spiritual church and spiritual belief, and he said unto you, “You have within you the powers of a medium. Go, therefore, unto the path that leads into our village upon the mountain, and give prayer unto your Lord, and let those who have passed away come forth.”

And therefore, you did of the same. And there, one by one, your mother and the other three men came unto you to show you that they did not carry malice.

Yet, we say unto you, they gave forth only the word value, for they carried forth malice unto this time. Yet, to overcome this karma that they have brought forth unto this time, they must find it within their hearts to forgive you.

Go unto your daughter and speak of these words, and therefore, you should both give love, one unto another.

But yet, of your husband of before, and of your husband now, as we said before, you cannot build a new building on an old foundation. Walk away from your karma and build a new one, and we should walk with you.

Of this young man of before, he awaits now, in a future time yet to come, for you died on your way down from the mountain from exposure, and he grieved. And yet, he is to come into your life once again. And you shall both have the same beliefs. This is important in any marriage.

But do not be hasty, for a boat without a captain sails nowhere. So to be the master of your own mind, which is your boat. You have received counsel. Heed these words that have been given unto you.

This is all at this time on this subject. We should give a more complete life reading at a different time.

Soul Ray now grows weary. That we should not overtax his body, we should say unto you these words. Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared with the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


March 2, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And now we should say unto thee, then thy have asked this question. If a man should come unto thee to defend thee, and if a man should come unto thee to take from thee that which is thine, to coveth all things that belong unto thyself, then we should say unto thee in these words. As this one should enter, as we have said before, if they should ask for thy cost, give them thy trousers also. But do not give of this unless they should give unto thee toil.

And thy asked unto us, “Which is toil?” Toil should come in many forms, the toil of the heart, the toil of the body, the toil of the soul, and the toil of the spirit.

Now we should say unto thee, the toil of the spirit is always, the toil of the soul is sometimes lazy, and the toil of the body is quite often lazy.

For there are many who should walk to thy door and say, “Give unto me this. Make unto me a miracle this day, and I shall give praise unto my Father.” Yet, these who should get their praise should soon forget. Our Father knows of these and has looked upon these selfish children in a just manner.

But be unto man as our Father is, for man should find his God in many forms. But our Father has given unto thee the Ten Commandments; “THY SHALL WORSHIP NO OTHER GOD BEFORE ME.” Our Father did not say in what language thy should worship; or what way thy should worship. But He should give unto His children, each in their own way, a truth that they may follow. And if they follow this truth within their selves, they shall enter the many kingdoms of our Father, for our Father has many mansions, each for its own truth and its own way. And each for its own time.

We have told you many of the secrets of the universes, of your world. Some, you could understand, others you could not.

But we say unto you, if a man should come unto thee and say, “I am hungry,” would you give him iron to eat? Nay. Neither should we. We give unto thy mind what thy mind can digest at a given time. And as the man grows stronger with more wisdom and can put this wisdom to use, then we should give of you more.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. My first question, [2–4–72–001] is worried about her head. Can you give any information to ease her mind or hasten her healing?”

We shall hasten the healing that is needed. Soul Ray should go unto this place and give healing in our Father’s name, to give healing, to bring glory unto our Father, and our Father should give glory unto this person you have spoke of. And the healing shall come.

But let her listen well unto the words we should place unto his mind.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Soul M____ asks, ‘Is Rolfing, the manipulation of muscles, good for people physically and mentally?’”

(Chuckle) There are many forms of exercise that cannot hurt the body; there are some that can. In your case, we would suggest that the body be maintained, but the mind should be fed more often of the wine that is needed into the same.

We have placed unto your hands mighty tools. Bring forth with these tools that that is needed. Prepare a way unto the coming of the Messiah, for this before all others is your duty, for these things you have promised unto your God.

Thy have other questions, ask

Yes, Aka. She also says that she would like an explanation of what the ‘Jesus people’ are trying to do so that she can understand them. She says they have a strange look in their eyes.”

(Chuckle.) Yes, we know of this. We have told you before of the emotion of thought. There is nothing there more than the building of the emotion for a need at a time. But we say unto you into these words. Bring forth not into our Father’s house the hypocrites who should shout upon the street corners and wear fine clothes, but bring forth those who should go unto the private of their closet and speak unto their Father as they would speak unto themselves. And therefore, our Father should listen unto them. For our Father does not measure His children by how loud they may shout, nor does He measure a donkey by the way he brays, only by that of the load that he should carry.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Soul Ru__ asks about the meaning of 101 in her dream.”

Yes, we see they need, and we should answer in this manner. On the right was the planet of Jupiter, on the left was the planet of Saturn, for as the planet, Jupiter, was rising, and as the planet, Saturn, was setting, each changed into that which has brought you unto this time. But as the children of Father, the children of God, came unto the Earth, you should see what was in-between these two planets. Those who lived through this trip was 101, one hundred and one persons, no more and no less. And as they came unto the earth and entered into man, they manifested into the twelve tribes of the Earth, each in his own way. But yet, they looked upon the Earth and saw the five colors of God. Some did enter in a righteous manner; some did not.

We have told you before that the planetary system is for man’s expansion. And so it is.

But once again, your 101 has come into fulfillment. Take away from your calendar, and then add to. Add, first, 22 days more to your calendar, and then take away 11. You shall have the calendar which existed at the time into which these two planets set before the Earth, and therefore, populated the Earth.

For Jupiter is your rising, and Saturn is your setting signs. Use both of astrology and numerology within the same, for now we have given you the key to answer your own question.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Last week when you gave a life reading on [11–26–70–002] there was confusion on the date, and she asks, ‘Should it be helpful to the work maybe to learn the name, the date, and place of death of the Truckee, California, life mentioned last week?’”

Yes, we see they need. As we have said before, that the birth or entry of the same did not come forth until the 1900’s. The birth came before this, but no entry. It was not until a soul found a karma to be lived within the body form that it made its own entry.

We shall tell you in this manner. The name was Elizabeth [Carren]. In your language it should be spelled with a “C.”

They have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. You said that, ‘to think of the 32, and this shall be the sister planets of the Earth, for these are like the elders spoken of in your book of Revelations.’”

We shall answer this at a different time. This should be asked at the first of a reading, sir, so that full elaboration can be made.

Soul Ray now grows very weary. And as our time should grow short, we should say once again, your Fifth Angel stands upon your earth. Your earth is trembling.

Now is the time of Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


Editor’s note: After Ray awakened from trance, Bob listened as Ray described a vision he had.

“For goodness sakes; you were looking in the rim of a volcano?”

Uh huh, and it was like this — and there was a great big tubular thing and it was a very hot flame coming out of it, like it was shooting.



“Where was it, do you know?”

I don’t know.

[Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared with the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


March 9, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better; now, all is in accord.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [3–9–73–001] has asked for specific information in connection with a life reading. She says ‘I must know if I am on the right path of our Father in conducting psychic and meditation sessions. At a meditation session on March 1st, I climbed a stone staircase into a tower room. Blue-white light emanated from the room. Once I had entered, I could not look upon the source of the light due to its brilliance. Unseen hands poured warm oil on my body and put a hat of some kind on my head. I knelt in awed silence. A tear rolled from an unseen eye and fell upon my head so that I might see. During this time I have emanated a blue glow to the members present who stated that I had disappeared. Is this what it appeared to be?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we have before us body, soul, spirit, and the immortal body of the same, and therefore, the records.

And we should say unto thee in this manner. As we have said before, that as God’s soul and spirits should be as a brook, as man’s soul is that of an ocean, but in between should be the spirits of man. For in this manner you can see quite clearly. There are many more souls than there are spirits. And the spirit should always know of his Lord. But the soul who has become lost, and yet, should repeat and repeat again until he loses himself completely, lays there in that vast wanderless, nothingness.

Because your destiny was to come forth unto your Lord, you have been protected.

But we should say unto you in this manner, let not those of the lost souls enter.

Of your blue-white light, as we have said before, this is of the fifth dimension, ninth plane.

Of your disappearance to those around you, as the spirit should enter, so, all was left to the human eye was the aura of the same.

Of your vision, for we should answer in this manner. We should place before thee the bread and the wine. And the Earth that shall be coveth by our Lord shall reach into many hearts, there to show them the direction of the way. But our Father has many mansions, and therefore, there shall be many ways, but all leading to the same chamber. The bread shall be the work we have laid before you. The wine shall be the many souls who shall assist you. Bring them forth into the immortal body of man that your Lord, God, may bring blessings unto His children unto the end of the planes of man.

But your Earth shall not end. It is but a beginning, for we are here but for one purpose, and that is in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We are not great. Our Father is mighty. Yet, He is humble himself before His children. And those who should humble themselves before their God shall drink of the wine of life and from the river of forever. Let this House stand. [See The Revelation, chapters 21–22.]

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [8–6–71–002] asks, is there something in her life reading which would give her guidance now? Is she going to marry happily soon or what?”

Yes, we see thy need. And first we should answer your question in this manner, for we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and yet, the immortal body. And we should answer your question in this manner, that you should full understand. And therefore we should bring before thee the records of time.

And we shall give this proportion of your life reading in this manner for these reasons.

Yes, we find thee. Thy are bound upon a wagon train. Thy are born in your Mormon community that should be established before the Mormon Temple of God. And thy are brought up in the teachings of thy prophet, known as Joseph Smith. Yet, thy had but wild leanings, for your heart looked out into the cities that glimmered, and though one day another wagon train came past you, your city, and there you met and wed, over the objections of your mother and father, this person who was not within your faith. Yet, you cared not, and you cared not for the words of God.

But at a later time in your northern part of Nevada in a mining camp, your lover was killed, and then, and only then, did you call out for the help from your Lord, for you knew not where to go.

And the Lord brought forth unto you a good man, a man of your faith. And you wed again, there to return back unto your city. But soon your wandering heart reached forth again to find a new lover. And your husband was killed by this lover.

And you cried forth again unto your Lord, for your own people stood therefore to banish thee. Yet, the Lord sent an angel to speak to your father. And he spoke unto your father into these words, “Cast not thy daughter aside, for she shall become a good woman.”

And your father took you back unto his house. There you were pregnant from your lover, and you bore a child.

And therefore, you soon married once again, this time to give forth unto your family a proud way, and a righteous way unto your God.

But now this time again, you have asked for help. And again, you should try to marry those that are not within your faith. But unless this person you plan to marry — for this you should know, this man is your son of before, and he is much unto the likeness of his father of before. And we should say unto you, you are of the Mormon faith. Do not defile thy body. Go back unto your church, and a way shall be shown to you once again. And life shall be given where it was taken away.

We shall say no more unto this subject at this time. If there are further questions to be asked, let her come forth and ask them.

But the door is open; all you must do is ask unto your Father, and a way shall be given unto thee.

Yes, we see they need. And we shall say unto this soul who is present these words, for thy possess within thyself a secret question.

And first, we should answer in this manner. If good came from the field of good, and righteousness came from this same field, would you cast it aside, or would you bring it forth and become a better man yet still? For a marriage to blossom forth, it should take two in the making. But we should answer your question in this manner. Too many hands in the dough should spoil the batter.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [1–21–72–002] asks, ‘Do you have anything to add to the prophecies for 1973 which were given by Ray recently? And which of these prophecies you have given will come to pass in 1973? Is there a way some of the disasters or bed ones might be averted, and if so, how?’”

We shall answer into you in this manner.

For those who should live in the land unto which we have spoken should give prayer unto their Lord and walk in a righteous manner before your Lord. Then, and only then, can these things be diverted.

But we should add to these prophecies in this manner. And we should say that what should be a “Black September,” if it should continue and give growth into a world organization — for this is nothing more than an organization brought forth of professional assassins. But yet, you shall not stop it in this year, for it is much like the barking dog at the heels of the horse.

There is much more we should answer unto your question at a different time. But soul Ray now grows weary, and that we should not overtax his body, we should leave unto thee with these words. For these who should stand forth in the righteous spirit of God, we shall stand with them. Fear not, for we do not sleep.

Now is the time of the Cherub, and the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth, and the cleansing hand shall take away from your lands this that man has planted from the air.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared with the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


March 16, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And now, we should tell thee once again, for those who should seek our Father’s house, and we should tell thee in this manner. Go unto a quiet place. And there, open thy heart and mind. And in the silence of thy mind, thy shall find a quiet pool. And as thy enter, there you shall find the throne of our Father. But you must enter this place with love. And if you do so, you shall find all the candles lit around you. And there shall burn a glorious light. Cast all things from thy mind, and let that part of you inter self listen unto your Father.

Go deeply, quietly, for it is not a mansion that you seek but your own soul. And if the soul should cleanse itself, in the quiet of the mind you shall find the kingdom of our Father.

But do not go from church to church, and seeking every door, for you shall find not what you seek, for it dwells within you evermore.

And we should tell you the parable of the Prince to come.

And he had bare to all riches beyond their wildest imagination. But he did not give just to one; he gave to all. And yet, there were some who wanted more than the others, and they stoned this Prince. And yet, he forgave them.

The Prince that shall come once again, as we have said before, shall be the Messiah. Yet, he awaits you now within the quiet place within you minds.

And we shall tell thee of the small girl who ventured far to the healing wells. And yet, she waited long for all the others to bathe.

But because her faith was great, our Father came unto her. And He spoke these words unto her. He said, “MY DAUGHTER, WHY DO YOU WAIT FOR ALL THE OTHERS TO GO BEFORE YOU FOR THE HEALING?”

And she looked upon the Father in her mind that spoke to her and said, “Father, that that shall heal me shall be the faith within myself of you. This cannot be used up by the others.”

And God looked down upon His child with love. And from His tender eyes have fell a teardrop on this one. And the faith that the child had held before grew like mountains and winds, and land.

Can you understand of which we speak?

“I’m not sure that I can, Aka. I would ask you one question.”

We know thy question, and we should answer in this manner. This must come from within. For we have watched your path.

And to you other question, we shall answer in this manner. That that has been was of another time. This day is new. This earth is new. Let your thousand years of peace start now. Prepare that way within yourself by giving unto others this peace you find within the quiet of your mind.

Now, we should tell unto thee what dwells so heavy in thy minds — of the time of the Fifth Angel and the preparations you should make. And now we say unto thee, start gathering your food, but do so in a sensible manner. Bring together a common pool for all your foods, that all may eat, that all many drink, that all may share the knowledge you have to offer.

Of you vegetables and your fruits, grow that that you do now. Bring forth all kinds of fruits of the same. But plant that that should grow in a cooler climate than what you have now.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a number of other questions that are quite important. I wanted to ask one question that is important to me since I’m not quite clear on it. Would you have me continue or leave the church that I am presently attending?”

This must come from within yourself.

“Thank you, Aka. Aka — ”

We should answer in this manner. As the Lord giveth unto His children, He also gave them free choice. Neither our Father nor ourselves shall interfere with this free choice. But a wise man casts not away his bread into the house of strangers.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. In a previous reading, you said to ‘think of the 32, and this shall be the sister planets of the Earth, for these are like the elders spoken of in your book of Revelations.’ You said you would elaborate more on this at another time, and [1–21–72–002] asks if you would, could do this at this time?”

Yes, we shall answer your question. But we shall answer it in this manner. We have given unto you the seed. You have the tools before you to answer this question. By doing so, this would be your step closer to God. And this does not just man for soul John; it means for all.

You have other questions, ask.

Aka, soul John asks, ‘Do you have anything to add to the prophecies for 1973 which we were given by Ray recently?’”

Now is not the time for prophecies. Soul Ray has given you that which was needed, that when the time is new again and new information shall be needed, we shall speak unto him again.

Thy have other questions, ask.

Yes, Aka. Soul John asks also about, ‘Which country is the Red Horse, the Brown Horse, the Dragon, the Red Dragon, and the Lion, the Eagle and the Bear and the Leopard?’”

Now you ask as a child, for you know the answers to these. Go within your books of Revelations; lay them before you, and look at the symbols of you countries. And you shall know the meaning of the same.

Now soul Ray grows weary. And our time should grow short. And we shall leave you with this message.

Take each of you, separately unto yourselves, and find the meaning of the words we have spoken to you in the beginning of the reading. Without this meaning, you are traveling a backward road.

Now is the time of Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

When you were a child, you ate as a child. Now that you are adults, eat as adults.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared with the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


March 23, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better; all is in accord.

Yes, we see they need. Thy have many questions, ask.

Aka, Soul John asks, ‘Is the White Mountain Ranch in Round Valley, or is it close enough to Round Valley to be a safe place to purchase for the storing of food and to live at the time of the famine? Also you mentioned Young and Round Valley.’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer your question in this manner. It is not necessary to flee farther into the mountains. Where you stand is perfectly safe.

Of this other land you’ve mentioned, this would be good for seed.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [3–23–73–001] asks for a life reading…He asks to know about his destiny, and what is his purpose in this incarnation?”

Yes we see thy need. Therefore, we have before us the records. Yes, we see this one in meditation; this is good.

We find this one in the third continent of Atlantis — yes, we see this — and we find the entry of the same. This one was the son of a fisherman. And as you grow into young manhood, you did work with your father upon the fishing vessel of the same. You used at that time upon your vessel a form of sonar in locating the fish. But one day upon your voyage you met unto the species that is know as the porpoise and became fast friends unto this species. And with the use of your electrical knowledge, you soon learned their language, and were to find that the species was much unto like yourself at this time. And because of their need and their friendliness to mankind, you sought to teach mankind not to kill of this species. But because of you conversations, you learned that they, too, did worship unto their God. And you knew then that they were all of God’s kind.

And as your father brought forth and built an ark, and as the Great Floods did come, these species were to guide your vessel for your forty days and forty nights of travel.

Upon this new land you wandered far inland, but never to forget your friends, the porpoise. And therefore, when at long last you reached your destination of Ur, and therefore, built a city of the same, you did build an altar that resembled the porpoise, that man should never forget his friend of the sea. You designed and build many [mafors] or picture rocks, as you would call them. You built them after the memory of these things the porpoise had told you of, of the early times of man. Therefore, you passed on in this land.

We do not find you again until the time of the Maya. And therefore, you grew into manhood. and therefore, you tried to become a priest, and of you far memory to tell these people of their time, of their land that would be destroyed if they did not come forth in the light of God. But they listened to you not.

Therefore, you placed unto the written words and journeyed into the land of Yucatan, and made forth much scripture. But as the Spaniards came, you were the first of many to be destroyed.

We do not find you again — yes, we find you again in the land of Persia. And therefore, once again, you bring forth memory, memory of your land. And as you have studied long in your between lives, you think, now is the time that man should find a unisance with his God. But there again, you are destroyed.

And in this between life, you wander from place to place to find the knowledge that is needed that man may bring forth the unisance of ability of peace upon the earth. And you asked unto those of the learned ones. And you say unto this teacher, “Why then, should I waste my life again upon this earth?”

And the teacher looks into your eyes and says unto you these words, “For if you know not the answer, how can we answer you? For thy answer lies within you, for none may rise until all have risen.”

Therefore, you look upon the land with this new knowledge, into this land of Massachusetts. And therefore, you find entry, but you choose into a gentler sex of womanhood. And you find many of your kind here. And your groups grow strong until the day of the betrayer, and therefore, you are slain and fall upon a part of the trap door which should lead your people unto safety. But there you have met a teacher. And even in departure as the flames engulf the house, there is a promise of a time which this one should come forth again and prepare a way for the coming.

And therefore, we find you now in this incarnation, and that is your purpose. This is what you have waited so long for. You have began to develop your physic abilities. We have placed before you the wine and the bread. We have even added the yeast. Take these up, and you shall know from which you have come, and you shall know from where you are going.

That is all on this soul at this time.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [9–16–71–001] asks if she should stick with the Miami school system another year in view of the distressing developments that have been upsetting her work situation, or should she plan a change at this time? She would be grateful for any guidance you can give her.”

Yes, we see thy need, and we see your situation. And we should answer in this manner. This one who comes and does not know that which he does shall soon be gone. Therefore, you may remain, if you choose, and all shall go well.

But you soon shall have another choice. If you choose this path, all shall go well.

There shall be a third choice. This one shall require you to travel a long distance. This one should not go well.

Therefore, use your own free choice, but do so in this manner. Give unto God that that belongs to God. Give unto yourself that that should belong to yourself. But give unto your fellow man the kindness and consideration that you would want from others.

We have spoken unto you before. Give forth unto your God one tenth of that which He has given you, but do so in a manner of love.

You have other questions, ask.

Thank you, Aka. [4–23–71–002] asks if you could give her a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer to two questions in her mind, and could you giver her a time so she can be prepared? Also, is it possible for you to tell her what the gift is that you mentioned before, so that she could begin working on it? She has not been able to determine what it is, herself.”

We shall answer in this manner, no, to your first question.

To your second question, we should answer in this manner. The gift that we have given is that that you should prepare for the coming of the Messiah. We have laid before you the work that is needed for this time. We have brought before you a prophet, that you may use. Tarry not in daydreams and wishful thinking. Use your time and energy for more useful purposes. There is much work to be done.

Of your meditation, soul Ray has given you the answer to this.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. What is the difference between cosmic-magnetic rays and anti-matter, as in sending thoughts — also, the energy that makes dowsing work?”

Yes, we see thy need. You must realize that your cosmic-magnetic rays come in two forms, that of the negative nature and that of the positive nature. The positive nature is that energy that is used in the traveling of a thought. This is also anti-matter. The negative proportion of the same is your matter. As these two are brought forth, you are harnessing a new form of electricity, but this can only be done by the rigid freezing of the material used. This would allow your space travel into the same.

Your mind in thought should send like a radio receiver. This would be the negative thought. The positive thought in the surge would be as the light of a star that travels on into eternity at many times your speed of light.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, John asks, ‘In the crystal in the Great Pyramid, what shape was the ruby center, cylindrical, like today’s laser, or was it very thin or thick? And what shape was the surrounding diamond- dust alloy, cone-shaped or level?’”

Yes, we see thy need. Of the ruby, this was very thin and round. This was made up of thirty-two of the ruby forms. Of the diamond dust, this was made up of a flat, but yet, into a teardrop form.

Soul Ray now grows very tired and our time should grow short.

We see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. As the Lord looks upon His many children and sees their need, He should send forth those unto man that should give them guidance in their day-to-day lives. Not always, in your hustle and bustle world, are you prepared to listen unto these. They would protect you and give you guidance. Take your time for meditation. Take your time unto listening to the messengers of God. But this does not have to be as the stork, to stand upon one leg and bury its head beneath its wing and hear not, nothing. It should be as the eagle flies — open, loving, and understanding.

Now is the time of Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Hark unto this, or woe be those who shall not listen.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared with the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


March 30, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. As we have said before, prepare for the day of the famine, but do not do so in a reckless manner. Lay aside ten percent of your income each month. Put this into a group fund for buying. But buy these things in a sensible manner. It is not necessary that you should build a pyramid for storing. Build yourselves a vault, placing it in a dry place. Store theses things in quantity.

The first of the famine shall come in the form — because you have, your society has inflated itself, it should come, therefore, in the form of depression. Plant food things that thy can rely on to grow in your locale. You know of these. We have placed forth upon your earth an abundance of water for the cleansing of the land. We shall continue this for a short period of time.

But we say unto you, if your budget shall not allow of ten percent, then place five percent, but do so in a sensible manner, and do so in a manner that each should pay their own share. Rotate your stock.

And we shall tell you into these words, of the time of [Egyman], when famine did hit the earth for seven years. And part of the people came together and stored their food, and placed it away. And the day that the rain stopped and the earth became bare they were joyful, for they thought they had plenty to eat. And their animals were joyful, for they had plenty to eat. But robbers came into their storehouse and took away most of their foodstuff.

And they prayed unto God, “Oh, woe, woe, for Lord, we have done unto Your bidding, and robbers have taken from us our food.”

And the Lord spoke unto them and said into these words, “GO FORTH AND BAKE YOUR BREAD.”

And they did so. Yet, no matter how much they took from their storehouse, there was always some left, for they had faith in the Lord. Without this faith, their grain would have soon run out.

And this is true unto yourselves. For those who have faith unto the Lord, they shall survive. For those who have no faith, they shall have none. For the measure of your wealth shall be the measure of your faith.

But do not be as the farmer who had many tasks to perform and ran from place to place and wrung his hands in despair and did nothing. Take upon yourselves one task at a time and do it well. And your Father shall provide, and your storehouse shall not become empty.

Put forth the effort that is needed, both in the building of your spiritual selves and the building within your group. Bring strength forth and unity. Plan together, but be joyful unto one another. Your garden has been weeded. Now is the time to grow from the good soil. Lift up your hearts.

But for those who should stand and only find fault and do nothing, nothing shall be provided.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have one question about the depression. When will this come, and how long will it last?”

We shall tell of thee things. But first, pick up your hoe, and show us the faith.

You have other questions, ask.

Yes, Aka. I would like to ask blessings for [12–4–70–001] who is in St. Joseph’s hospital in Phoenix. Also, [2–19–71–001] has been upset and is unable to keep on her diet, and she asks help with this and with finding a suitable place to live for her mother.”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall provide within the same.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [5–7–71–002] asks if she should plan a trip to Canada?”

We shall answer in this manner. Give unto the Lord that that belongs unto the Lord. Give unto yourself that that belongs unto you. Give unto your fellow man that that belongs to your fellow man. But do not forget the Lord.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [3–30–73–001] who is here tonight…Do you have anything that you can say to him on his health? Can we have blessings for him?”

We see thy need, and we find, therefore, the body, soul, and the spirit, and therefore, we find the immortal body of the same. And we find, therefore, within this, great confusion, because of the injury you have suffered.

Yes, we see this.

But we should answer in this manner. We shall place the wine before you. Take it up and drink it. And the yeast shall come foreword, and therefore, provide the bread.

We should answer in this manner, your injury is but a fleeting thing. New tissue shall be provided within the damaged area.

But you ask of your spiritual growth and of your confusion within the same. And we say unto thee in these words. Give glory unto your Father. Give thought and meditation unto the righteous path and it shall be provided before you. Cast aside your doubts, and the needs of yourself shall come forth. But we say unto you, see to the needs of others also.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Aka, some time back I dreamed of a serpent that I killed that was trying to grow many new heads. And I also dreamed another time of one that struck me on the forehead. Could you tell me the meaning of this?”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. The serpent was of the many duties that thy should have to perform. And each grew a new head and you ran from one to the other and tried to cut them away, but yet, they multiplied. Yet, the one serpent of wisdom that kissed you on the forehead, you were but frightened of it.

Then we say unto you, look into yourself, and you shall see the answer. You have first one duty, that is into your family and the providing of the same. Second, you have the duty of your oath unto God. You have become a minister before God, and therefore, have sworn to do the work.

Yet, you go unto many houses seeking ministers. They are no greater than yourself.

We have given unto you the Book with wings, a new testament before God. Prepare a place within yourself that you may give it to others.

You have taken the oath of Paul. You have studied of Paul.

And we say unto you, you have seen the miracles that have been performed, both unto yourself and unto others. We say unto you, work with Soul J___. Work with Soul R___. The three of you together should carefully bring forth these miracles and cast them into the winds, for this is a glory of your Father. Do so in this manner, and the serpent that kissed you once shall blossom forth, and your cup shall runneth over.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Soul J___ asks if you have any suggestions to help in the preparing the way for the Book with wings? Would it be fruitful to write magazine articles during this period after statements made by the returned prisoners of war to tell people of the prophecies of the time to come, or would another way? Are there certain avenues or persons that would be open to this preparation and more fruitful you could suggest? She asks, ‘How may I prepare people’s hearts for those times to come?’”

We shall answer in this manner. We have just answered your question. The healing that has been given, write of this. Write of the healing that is given of the body. Write of the healing that is given of the mind.

You have other questions, ask.

“J___ asks, ‘Did the Pharaohs, upon the death of their bodies, use the crystal within the pyramid and cosmic light and their pineal gland, and somehow project their astral body or soul or spirit towards Polaris, the North Star? Why? Was this bypassing several evolutionary steps within this solar system and progressing onward toward out Father? How is Polaris a pathway out of this solar system?’”

We shall answer in this manner. The passageway into your Father’s house lies within yourself. No crystal can do this for you. You shall write your own records, and you shall be your own judges. When you can stand before yourself and say unto yourself, “I have prepared the way within myself, and I have prepared the way within my brothers, and I shall assist my brothers up the ladder before me,” then your Father shall see unto you, and you shall walk unto your Father’s house.

But we say unto thee in this manner, the temple of God is within man. Go forth, therefore, and build our Father a temple. Build it mighty. Bring forth those, one by one and two by two. Build this House within the dimensions we shall give, and the Earth shall be coveth and blessed forever.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Is there anything that we can do to help [3–3–72–001] in Gila General Hospital?”

We shall answer in this manner. For the passing shall come, and there shall be no pain. But give prayers unto this one that he may forgive himself. If he should do unto this, first forgiving unto others, then he should open the door once again, and within his vision of the passageway of the one known as Jesus Christ, then he shall be the messenger that should go up into our Father’s kingdom.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, are the archives of another time that are in the valley below the sea of any importance to us now?” [Editor’s note: the Yuma, Arizona, or Imperial Valley area.]

We see thy need, and our Father should say only that sadness lies there now. Walk away.

At another time the knowledge that lies in the valley below the sea shall come forth again.

We shall give further information on the subject at a different time, but do not ask, for we cannot answer until our Father should allow us.

Soul Ray now grows weary, and our time should grow short.

And the Fifth Angel should walk upon your Earth. And we say unto you, give prayer unto those who should pass without our Father’s blessing.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared with the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


April 6, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka, where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

But we should say in this manner, give prayer unto healing unto this one, for his strength is not that we could come through. Therefore, awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[This transcript has been compared with the audio recording for accuracy.

Copyright 1973 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.]


April 13, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka, where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need; ask thy question.

“Aka, soul Ruth and soul Ray have been experiencing intense prickling. Can you give them the cause and treatment of this condition?”

Yes, we see thy need. Of soul Ruth’s problem, she has been picking up mental messages from soul Ray. The problem is within the medication taken. It would be suggested that soul Ray reduce the amount to one capsule per day.

It would also be suggested that the eating of more meat in his diet. He should eat smaller amounts, but more often. It is needed at this time of the red meat of the beef. It is also suggested that he do less strenuous exercises for a short period of time. We have seen the need here.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [3–23–73–001], of Tucson, a new member of our group…says that numerologically, ‘As my first name is a 63, the same as Christ’s, and my last name an 81, the repeated phrase of preparing the way for the Messiah has a special attraction or interest for me. I would like to ask if there is anything specific that can be given that I should be doing, not doing, or changing at this time in the preparation?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Go forth and bring together a group within your area. Further instructions shall be given at a different time.

Bring faith within thyself, and thy shall find faith within others. Give glory unto your God, and your God shall give glory unto thee. But we should say unto thee in this manner, we are here but for one purpose, and that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Therefore, make that preparation first within yourself, and we shall give you the tools to prepare the way for others.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [5–7–72–004] would like to know why he keeps hearing knocks.”

(Chuckle.) Yes, we see thy need. We have given unto you a duty to perform. Did you not think we should send those unto your household who should constantly remind you and give unto thee assistance? All thy must do is ask.

But we should answer in this manner, beware of lost souls, for within thyself thy do not have the strength as yet to set these aside. Look unto them and recognize them for what they are. And open the door that we may enter, and we shall do the rest.

But as before, “Go unto the door and knock, and if you are bid to enter, give of your wine, give of your bread; take of theirs. But if you are bid not to enter, then pick up your blessings and go elsewhere.” The knocking that you hear is those who would enter. It must be your judgment and your decision to let them enter or let them go elsewhere.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [11–16–70–003] has asked for a life reading, when it’s convenient.”

Yes, we see thy need. We should suggest that this life reading be asked for first before any other questions are asked at your next reading. It shall be a lengthy life reading, for there is much that needs explaining unto this soul, that this mold should continue in the path that he has set forth for himself.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, soul Ruth asks about faith, especially in relationship to working out karmas.”

We shall answer in this manner. We have told you the parable of toil. And toil shall be faith. And faith shall be love. And love shall be God. For as all things in the beginning were of God, therefore, all things were of good. Yet, as time passed, even before the first entry, some brought forth harmony that was not good.

Therefore, karma is like harmony, as though you had strung a bow, yet had a weakness within the bow and fear of shooting the bow that it might break. But if the bow is repaired, the arrow shall go straight and true and pass through all waste. But faith, without that faith the bow could not be repaired. The arrow could not be shot, and therefore, you would stand in the same place that you stood in the beginning and have climbed not to nowhere.

Can you understand of which we speak?

“Yes,” she answers.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Ruth asks, ‘The separations of the readings are nearly completed. Should the life readings be included as well as the philosophy?’”

Yes, this should come together. Bring them together in harmony. Place certain amounts of the life reading and certain amounts of the philosophy together. But do so chapter by chapter, placing explanations in between.

Give of the first of good quality. Lay aside some for seed. Plant as you would plant a good field, that all of the field could grow together and produce an abundant crop. We shall provide the rain.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. You were talking about building a vault for food storage. Would it be a good idea to have two or three different locations, and also, would building one in the hill where I proposed by my house be a good place to build one?”

This would be good. Prepare more than one. In this manner your foodstuff shall grow, but purchase all as one. Can you understand of which we speak?

“Yes, I understand, Aka.”

You have other questions, ask..

“Aka, some people feel uncomfortable about drinking wine with the bread. Can you comment on this?”

(Chuckle) Wine is only a symbol, nothing more. Water is the same as the wine. It is not necessary that wine be taken into the body. Use of the juice of the grape, as it comes from the grape, or use water; it means little difference. Take not into your body that that should do harm unto your body; take not that unto your soul that that should do harm unto your soul; take not that unto your spirit that should do harm unto your spirit. And in this manner your immortal body shall grow. But take not into your body that should do harm unto God, or your soul, or your spirit, or your immortal body.

You have other questions, ask.

“You said you would tell us more about astrology in relationship to working out karmas. Are we ready for that at this time?”

Yes, we see thy need, but our time grows short, for soul Ray now grows tired and weak. Give him time for healing unto his body.

But we should say before we part, give love unto your fellow man. Give love unto your God. Plant the flowers that others should see them grow. Be as a mirror that should walk forward, and mankind can see that it is good. And God can see that it is good.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona


April 20, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka, where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And now we should say unto thee, for we see thy need — for those who should come before our Father in a righteous manner, our Father should give glory unto them. But we should suggest in these words, that before one should become in whole, ministers, they should be teachers for one year first. Those who have been chosen should be honored as teachers in your May meeting. [Editor’s note: the second annual meeting.]

It is good that you should review all of the ministers within your group. Do so as you have suggested. But for the new, after they have served one year as teachers, then they should know in full within their hearts their own destiny before them.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. When you speak of these people as teachers, do you mean that they should teach in separate sessions in their own homes, or do you mean that they should work with the group much as they have been working?”

They should do both. But they should work at all times within the structure of your group.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, last time you said that we should ask first this time for a life reading on [11–16–70–003].”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. And therefore, we have before us the records.

First, we should say unto thee these words. Look into these words we should give unto thee with mercy and knowledge. If one should fall from the ladder, but rise again, our Father should love this one.

Therefore, we say unto thee, we find this one in the Year of the Horse. As a boy, this one brought forth the use of fire into the domestic camps. And as you saw it was good, you fell into folly and began to worship the fire itself. There were many of your elders which warned you against this, but you would listen not unto them. Therefore, you were cast out of your city.

And you dwelled forth into the land of Canaan. But your heart was heavy and you swore to return and to use this fire that you had worshipped into the destruction of the elders. There were many of the young men and women from your encampment that joined you. And you found many new who would follow you from other cities.

But as you dwelled in the land, you found those who had the knowledge of the crystal and found that this was even greater, yet, than that that you had sought. And you slayed those who would possess these and took them for yourself.

And you became a great conqueror and king. And you marched upon your city, there to destroy what you thought was all things. And as you stood before the altar of God, you thought yourself as a god. And then, and only then, did you feel the might of God, for He rained forth from the heavens and put out your fire and destroyed your crystal and all of your warriors. But still you did not learn.

And as you reached into the spiritual part of life once again, you dwelt long in this, in vengeance, for your thoughts were to re-create the battle over and over again.

And then one day there came before you one known as Moab. And you asked him from which he had come?

And he said unto you, “I am the god of Moab. I shall join you and show you my strength as greater than this other God.”

And in your confused mind you made an alliance with this one to make war into the heavens. But as you advanced into the city of the heavens, one who walked out from the city — and first you saw a man and then a dove, and then it lit upon your staff.

And the king of Moab, the god of Moab, looked upon this one in fear and trembled and fled.

And the Dove rose up and circled you tenfold and said unto you, “Come into my Father’s house, for all of your conquest here is only in your mind.”

And then you looked about you, and all that you had thought to destroy was yet again beautiful and in peace and harmony. And you said unto this one, “How can this be?”

And this one said unto you, “For all is good, even this weak one who says he is the god of Moab; for this cannot be, for there is but one God, one Father, who created all. And in His creation he made all of man in harmony. Therefore, it is only you yourself who has been cast out of harmony.” And he said, “Come now, and we shall look upon the earth.”

And as you did so, you saw the mighty lands. And you looked into the land of Atlantis and the wondrous things these people of God had built, and you said unto this one, “These must be all of God’s children.”

And this one said unto you, “They are all of God’s children, but soon their harmony, their music which they live by, shall become unbalanced, and all you see before you shall be destroyed by the mighty wrath of our Father.”

And you said, “How can this be so if our Father loves His children?”

And this one said unto you, “That harmony shall be replaced unto man.”

Then you said unto this one, “Then it should be true that, ‘Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord.’”

And this one looked long unto you, and said, “Nay, there is no vengeance when you punish a child you love. You do so only that the rod he should carry should come as a beautiful thing; for what has been destroyed shall rise again, and birds shall sing, and flowers shall grow, and the wheat shall sing unto the heavens of their Father. If you wish, you may return unto this land of the Atlanteans. But linger for a while here, that when you return you might give of these people the knowledge that might save their land.”

And so you did unto this, to stay and study. And the time of the Atlanteans came and went, and still your thirst for knowledge went on.

And then you saw the star that was to come, the star of the East. And you rushed back to find the Dove, and asked many where it had gone.

And the masters said unto you, “It has gone to prepare a way upon the earth for a new time unto mankind, for it shall go and show the truth of the resurrection unto man. And it shall die upon the cross, yet rise again.”

And yet, your heart was heavy and you wept. And you turned in thought, “How can my Father, who has given beauty upon the earth, let harm come unto the Dove that He loves so?”

And then you heard the Dove’s voice unto you, saying, “Go forth and prepare a way unto the land for me. And shed no tear for me who should pass.”

And so you did, unto the land of Jerusalem. And upon that last day as you stood in the doorway with your sister and saw the Dove pass before you bearing the cross. you wept, not ashamed that man should see you weep.

And your sister said unto you, “Why should you weep?”

And you looked unto her and said, “Sister, I weep not, for these are tears of joy. But hasten, sister, we must go unto the land of the Americans.”

And so you journeyed.

And when you saw the Master walk upon the earth in this land, you held onto his robe and said, “Dove, will you leave me once again?”

And the Dove said unto you, “Nay, I shall not leave you, for I leave [thee] on the earth the Spirit that shall flow unto all mankind. But I have come not that man should live in peace of this time, but I have come to prepare the way, that when I come again, this land, this world of yours, shall have overcome its karma and live in peace. And you shall have upon your earth a heaven and a new world, and they shall be as the same. And upon your earth there shall be a thousand years of peace, but they shall not be as you count, but as my Father counts.”

And you said unto the Dove, “But Lord, grant me one wish.”

And the Dove smiled unto you and said unto you these words, “It shall be, for you shall be here when I come again. Go forth and prepare a way for me.”

And you looked and said, “What of my sister?”

And the Dove said, “Behold, for cannot you see the Eagle fly?”

And there was peace upon your land for that time. [Editor’s note: The life reading of the sister of that time when the Messiah walked the Americas was given November 17, 1972.]

You have incarnated many times since this time. You have brought karma from your other incarnations. But we say unto you, grow above this. Grow and prepare a way, and the Dove shall come again.

We say unto thee in this manner, we are here but for one purpose, to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. Start that preparation within your heat and soul, and the earth shall give forth its mighty bounty, and the heavens shall give forth their mighty bounty, and God shall have a place to rest His head.

This is all on this subject at this time.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [4–20–73–001] is having a glandular imbalance and skin and back problems, and she asks for help to improve her health.”

Yes, we see thy need. And first, we should say in this manner, we have before us the body, the soul, and the spirit. But we should answer in this manner. Let this one go unto meditation and ask again, and we shall give the healing that is needed. The position of the body at this time does not permit a reading.

Now we say unto you in this way, soul Ray now grows very weary. Give him time for healing.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared with the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973, by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona


April 27, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer your question in this manner. No one can take from thee thy own free will. This was given from the High One, the Lord, our Father. Therefore, we may only suggest and give guidance into thy paths.

And we shall answer your question in this manner. That of the spiritual work, we have given unto thy hands this one thy call the prophet. Therefore, the ministers and the teachers should serve under the direction of the prophet.

Your board of directors should henceforth take upon themselves the handling of the business affairs of your organization. We do not mean this in a manner that should take from this one his right to vote upon issues that he feels within himself a necessity. But let this come forward in a spiritual manner.

Your garden has been weeded. Your future now lies full and complete. As we have told you in the beginning, the material things that are needed shall be provided as raindrops. The spiritual things that are needed shall come until your cups shall runneth over. All you must do is ask.

Your land lies rich with flowers, and as the earth awakens unto the glory of God, He has placed these flowers at your feet that you should see the bountiful needs of the earth. We shall lay upon the land a cleansing. And the cleansing should come unto your government, that your land shall be of the people, by the people, before God, in a righteous manner. These things shall be done, and the earth shall be handed back into your hands.

We have done that that has been necessary in the preparation, and we shall continue. You should do that that is necessary for the preparation, for we have given you the wine and the bread. Must we also provide the yeast?

And for those who should doubt unto the words that we have spoken, let them too look at the flowers that we have placed at their feet.

We came and gave you a sign in the heavens upon our arrival. Now we give you a sign upon the earth of beauty. Give this beauty from your souls, that others may see the flowers also. Let each of you in your own manner come into your May meeting as a new beginning and a new birth. Come there with hope and happiness within your hearts. Show this into others. Let this be a festival occasion for all. [Editor’s note: Aka was speaking of the second annual meeting of the Association of the Spiritual Philosophy of God, as they called it then.]

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [10–27–72–002], she has asked for a life reading. Do you want to take that at this time?”

Not at this time. We shall give a life reading in your next reading. Ask your other questions.

“Aka, I’ve been having a great deal of trouble the last little while with my memory, I can’t remember things from one minute to the next. Is there something wrong with me that I should be doing?”

(Chuckle) We have asked for your attention. Place before your God those things within you. We have made within you a teacher, not of material things, but of spiritual. Take up the cup and drink from it. That that you have forgotten is that within you that should glow of God. We have given unto your keeping to give healing unto others. Do this. Your memory shall return.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, I have one other question on healing, Aka. I do not have people coming to me asking for healing, and you have told me not to give it where I am not asked. And in some cases I’ve tried to do this anyhow. What should I do in this respect? I’m glad to give healing where I can.”

We shall answer your question in this manner. We shall open the doorway that those who should seek healing shall enter.

“Thank you, Aka. Aka, Mary asks, ‘How should I consider time and my faith and others’ faith, and God’s will for me?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. Seek out this one you would call the prophet, for he knows where he has been, and he shall know where he is going. We have guided you and your footsteps to a small church. Take forth this that we have given you and give it to others, and the flowers shall grow within. For in giving teardrops, you should give laughter — for in giving laughter, you should give happiness — for in giving happiness, you should give glory — and as you should give glory, you should give God. Can you understand of which we speak?

“I’m not sure.” [Mary answers.]

Then we say unto thee, upon this night go unto meditation. Open the door that we may enter. Fear not the lights that thy shall see or the voices thy should hear, for we should bring unto thee the messengers of God for further learning.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [5–7–71–001], who is here tonight, is concerned about her plans to retire, and if it’s all right. She says, ‘Should I plan to retire from my job this coming September?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer your question in this manner. Plan to do so, but also plan to fill your garden, that the mind and the body can become abundant. You have long sought out the spiritual needs of others. Now become a part of the same. Fear not that you should be [radical], or ridiculed, for your knowledge within the spiritual realm has become of great value. Sow this seed, and reap its harvest. Fear not for your health, for when you reap the harvest your health problem shall end.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [2–19–71–001] asks about two archeological articles she has read. There was crystal carved skull found in South America and a three-ton bulldozer found buried in Poland. Nobody knows how these artifacts could have been produced. Can you comment on these?”

We shall answer your question in this manner. In the days of your Atlanteans, crystals of this type were used for transmitters. The shape means very little. The consciousness of the people who constructed the article is buried within. Therefore, it should be capable of bringing forth messengers of their time. But beware in this manner. This is like you would call, a memory bank. Each person who has possessed this article, their memory shall be attached to it. Therefore, a person who has possession of it should be very careful, or they should lose their individuality.

Of your other artifacts into which you speak, we see this not.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Soul Ruth asks, ‘What happened on Mars that the sons of God came to earth?’ And I would like to add a question. Where are the people from Mars now?”

Your people from Mars are now upon the earth. Of that which did happen, as we have said before, your planets were constructed in such a manner for the evolution of man. As Mars was lesser in environment than earth, and as man did make war, destroying this environment, a new land had to be selected. And as we have said before, both parties within the war came unto the earth. And so it was that they found the daughters of man fair and did enter. But they used those of the earth as animals, and therefore, brought karma unto the earth with them.

It is not yours to change and force, upon your will, that that you would upon others. Let them see what you possess. If they see it is good, they shall take upon it. But unto the smallest of God’s creations was given free will. And this free will changed the man beast into that that you would call a human being of today.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, do you have any words for us on the certification of the teachers?”

Yes, we should answer in this manner. Let the teachers come unto the prophet. And let the prophet say unto the teachers, “For the teacher can never be greater than his student. And the student can never be greater than his teacher.” Let the prophet say unto them, “Take from thy hands all prejudice, that they shall teach in a righteous manner before their God.”

They shall serve under the direction of the prophet. They shall learn from your ministers.

And let the ministers stand and take a vow before the teacher that all of their knowledge shall be given freely unto the teacher, and they shall hide nothing from one another. But we say unto thee in these words, let minister or teacher hide that that has been given from one another, they shall no longer remain of either. And we say unto you in these words, what the Lord has given, the Lord can taketh away. Beware.

For this day we have laid aside that these teachers should be honored. And the Lord, God, shall look upon them, and He shall honor them. And the Council shall be present, and they shall honor them. For we, as they, are but teachers. And we are not great. We are here but for one purpose, as they should be, for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

Let not they bring into this work prejudice of any kind.

And glory be the name of the Lord.

Soul Ray now grows weary.

We shall speak upon this further before you shall hold your meeting.

Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Beware.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared with the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973, by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


May 4, 1973

Globe, Arizona

[Aka is here.]

[“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”]

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better. All is in accord.

And now we should speak unto the one who has fear within her heart. And we should say unto you these words. We come as the peacemakers. Fear not that thy should feel our presence. Open thy heart that we may enter, and thy days of anguish shall be over, for we shall filleth thy cup, and therefore, a rose shall grow without thorns. [Editor’s note: a rose without thorns symbolizes the birth or the coming of the Messiah.]

Thy wonder within thy mind to whom we speak. Yet we should say unto you these words. The one we should speak unto should hear our words within their soul and should know of the same.

And we say unto you, lo, lo into the Lord, for these are the righteous days. For the Lord should pave His way with water. And if you should walk the path, you should find the bread along the way, and the multitudes shall be fed.

You have brought forth upon this day that that we have suggested. And tomorrow you shall celebrate your day of grace before the Lord. Do so with glad tidings. As we have said before, we have weeded your garden; therefore, we have planted flowers at your feet. But none of these things that we have done could we do alone, or could we have done them without the permission of the One, the High One, that that you would call of God.

And we shall say unto you, of that of the honoring of the teachers, we see of this and we are pleased. And we say unto the teachers, stand forth and receive that honor that is bestowed upon you. But upon that moment, we shall touch you and make our presence known to all.

[Editor’s note: The spiritual messengers of God were speaking of the naming of teachers, the first to be at the second Annual Meeting of the Association.]

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [5–4–73–001] asks three or four questions. She asks for both health and life. She said, ‘How can I best work for God and my fellow man? How can I cure the red spots on my arms, legs, and feet? And also, should my daughter sell their house in Tucson or rent it? If sell, how soon?’”

First, we shall take the last, and we shall answer within this manner. The house should be sold. Do so immediately. A fair price shall be given for the same.

Of the healing, we shall answer in this manner. Go unto three days of meditation, and the healing shall be given. All you must do within thy mind is see that the red spots would disappear from thy body. If you shall provide the faith, we shall provide the wine and the yeast, and the healing within the body shall be complete.

Of the life reading, we would suggest this be asked at a different time.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [4–20–73–001] who is here tonight, asks…”

One moment.

Yes. Yes.

Yes, one moment, please.

Yes, Father.

We should add unto this that we have given. Let soul Paul administer healing unto this one.

Now, ask your other question.

“Aka, [4–20–73–001] who is here tonight has asked for a health reading. She has glandular imbalance and a skin and back problem, and she has asked for recommendations to improve her health.”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body.

Yes, we see this.

We find a great imbalance within the diet of the same. First, we would suggest a diet. We should suggest that this one does not drink of the safflower oil, but this one should take of the safflower tablets, two before each meal. We would suggest that this one should eat as much of the natural green vegetation as possible. We should also suggest that this one should use — yes, we see this — a salt substitute. We would also suggest that this one eat a very minimum of sugar within the diet.

We would further suggest that this one go unto the sauna baths. This should be done in a gradual manner, no more in the beginning than five minutes at a time, increasing this up to 30 minutes in a day. We would further suggest the third and fourth vertebrae be adjusted within the backular area.

We find — yes — lacking of the vitamin E and A.

We would also suggest — yes — one moment, please.

Yes, we see this — problem in the vagina area — yes — infection. We would suggest more often washing of this area, preferably with the, not an acid-type wash, very mild wash. That that is being used is very dangerous. It is causing irritation, could cause cancerous-type growth if continued.

We would suggest increasing — yes — of the vitamin B; great lacking in this. We should add, within thy diet this should be supplemented. We would suggest eating four meals per day for a short period of time, building content. We would also suggest that this subject is a borderline diabetic; we would suggest eating of the Jerusalem artichoke. This should be done immediately, eating as much as you desire. Do not, in any way — we would also suggest that the charring of wood, preferably oak wood, charring and eating of the char itself. Do not eat a great amount of this, very small amounts.

Yes, we see this.

We should also add magnesium to the diet. We would suggest being very careful in the amount of calcium; we see an over amount of calcium in the diet at this time.

We would also suggest the rinsing the skin in a light vinegar and honey together, rinsing the skin, sponging the skin, taking away the moisture in this manner. This should be done for at least one week because of the high acid discharge that shall come from the body during this treatment.

If further information is needed, we would suggest a follow-up reading on this subject in a two-week period.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Aka, [5–4–73–002 of Tucson] asks, ‘What can I do to get rid of this fungus on my feet?’”

We should answer in this manner. This one should take of the chaparral. This could be bought locally at your health food stores. We would also suggest that at least four capsules be dissolved in one quart of water and the feet be soaked in them. We would further suggest that the taking of baking soda, the chaparral, vitamin E, and the white of an egg, mixed together, making a poultice for the feet at night, if this is done, within one week this problem shall be no more.

We also find on this subject [a] problem that is common within your teenagers, too much sweets, causing blemishes within the complexion area. We would suggest that this same compound be used on the facial area. This should clear this up.

We would further suggest that more of the vitamin E be given unto this person. We also find an imbalance of iron. We would further suggest that more of the vitamin A and D be given, and Pantothenic Acid.

Yes, we see this.

You have other questions, ask.

“Soul Ruth asks if there is something in particular she is supposed to remember about the poem?”

We should answer in this manner. That that has been put forth [for] memory has been remembered. From time to time, we shall place these things in your minds; share them with all. The poem was placed into your mind that in your talk of tomorrow it should be made part of the same.

You have other questions, ask.

“I have no other specific question, Aka, other than requests for life readings.”

We see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Star of Scorpio [01–21–72–002], we see thy need. First star that is seen at night, fear not that we have placed before you. Become that into which we have placed our trust. Lay aside your prejudiced. You have that within you to become the teacher that we have meant for you to become.

Be patient, for the work that we have before you and the work that you have seen behind you is but a beginning. As a tree should ripen, and the fruit should become whole, and sweet and tender to thy taste, we shall tell you when to eat, and we shall show you that that is fit for you to eat. And as thy should eat, thy should give abundance to all. Thy know not of which we speak at this time, but we should make ourselves more clearly known unto you, very soon.

Your earth is now awake, [and] abundance shall come from the earth. But beware. For the children of God, there is nothing to fear. But in the cleansing of the earth, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. And nothing that is hidden shall not be brought forth unto light.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

Mt. St. Helens erupted in 1980

[Editor’s note: After Aka departed and Ray returned back into his body, he described a vision he just saw as Aka spoke of the Fifth Angel before Ray was awakened. Was it a preview of the Mt. St. Helens eruption years later or another?

The tape recorder was turned back on as Ray was saying: “The whole mountain was falling off — the mountain was just falling. I started to go in and when I did that mountain started falling, and boy, I started coming back out, like 60 [m.p.h.] — it scared me.]

[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


May 11, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. As your wheat should grow ready for harvest, that that we have planted in the many lands, now stand ready to place it in your storehouses. As we have said before, the spirits of God shall be as a brook, the spirits of man shall be as a river that the brook should flow into, the souls of man shall be as an ocean that shall reach the many lands, and all shall flow together, and therefore, all shall be in accord. Therefore, stand ready within thyselves to receive thy bounty. Blessed be the name of the Lord, for we are not great; we are but the servants of our Father, God, and we are here but for one purpose. That in itself is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, and as has been told before, to bring forth upon your earth your thousand years of peace, but not as you count, but as our Father counts.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [5–11–73–001, of Tucson, Arizona] who is here tonight…has asked for help in regards to his health, specifically diabetes, asthma and eye problems, and has asked for guidance in what he can do about these?”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should answer in this manner. First, we should say unto this one, behold, for we bring healing from our Father into thy soul, thy body, and thy spirit, and therefore, the immortal body shall come whole again. We shall take from thee thy karma. But we leave in you these words, and remember them always — for what we have given, give unto others.

Therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

Yes, we find in this subject that of the dry sinus. This is caused by too dry a climate into which he dwells. It would be first suggested that this subject go into a higher altitude to dwell. The altitude and climate, both, of this land that is polluted — the air is polluted, the water is polluted of the same.

If this cannot be done financially within the family means, we would suggest, first, that sea water be brought forth and a humidifier placed within the home; second, the filtering of the air within the home. Third, we would suggest the changing of the diet — and if the diet is not changed, all that we can do will be undone.

First, the subject should have much more of green vegetation. Place before the subject of the green olives that the subject should be encouraged to eat them, [as] much as the body should demand. Second, adding to the diet that of the Jerusalem artichoke, this should be eaten whole and raw. We would suggest the eating of two to three whole of this daily for the subject.

We would further suggest, we find within the subject — yes — great deficiency in the vitamin and mineral substance of the same, of the chemicals. We would suggest much more of the vitamin E. We would suggest at least 1,000 units per day.

Yes, we see this.

We would further suggest more of the vitamin C, adult dosage. We would further suggest that meat, of the beef, be given into the subject at least three times weekly. This should be given as raw as the subject could eat it. Can you understand of which we speak?

Nay, not fully. This within itself is very important into the diet. Before each meal, the subject should be given in capsule form that of the safflower oil, one to two tablets before each meal. This should be done 30 minutes before the meal is eaten.

We would also suggest that breathing exercises be used. But this can only be done in clean air. The breathing exercises should go in this manner: first, breathing in, very, very deeply, filling the lungs [to] capacity. Do not hurt or damage the lungs. Let this subject breathe in till he feels within himself that the lungs are full, and then out, increasing this daily. We find a lack of oxygen in the blood, therefore, a lack of oxygen being fed unto the brain itself. This is not good. We would suggest within the diet the eating of more of the green vegetation. This will place within the blood system itself of the oxygen in which the body needs at this time.

We see the fear within the parents of the child’s health problem. As a result from the same, this has placed fear within the child. This is not good. It would be suggested that this child should be encouraged in his health, told, quite often, of his improvement in his health. This will feed the mind the medicine that is needed, helping the mind to overcome the obstacle of the health problem.

Of the eye problem, this in itself can be corrected. We should suggest that the child be taught to meditate. If the child shall go unto three days, of 15 minutes of meditation, we shall restore the eyesight. It shall never be restored into what you would call 20–20 vision, but it shall be more than adequate to serve his lifetime.

We would further suggest that the subject be encouraged in both of the art, of the drawing of obstacles [objects?], subjects, buildings, and such. In a prior lifetime this subject was a renowned architect. His desire now is a carryover from that time. He would excel himself in this area.


This is all on this subject at this time. Should further information be needed, it would be suggested that a follow-up reading be given on this subject in a three-week period.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [5–11–73–002, of Tucson, Arizona], and she says she would like a life reading to help her understand God’s purpose for her in this lifetime. What is her purpose in this lifetime, she asks?”

First, we should answer in this manner. Soul Ray has overtaxed both his body and mind, so our time is short. Therefore, we should answer in this manner, increase your readings to twice a week. We shall be present to answer your questions in this manner. Soul Ray must have more rest. He must be encouraged to rest more.

Yes, we see one other problem, and we shall answer in this manner, and we say unto thee, soul [5–11–73–003], these words. Of that unto which you seek, God has seen and answered your prayers, and therefore, the flowers that thy wish have been placed at thy feet. Give thanks unto your Father. And be not afraid to speak unto Him, for He loves all of His children.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona


May 16, 1973

Tucson, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better. Now all is in accord.

And we shall answer your question in this manner. If thy were on the desert without water and thy came upon a new well, and the water was sweet and good, would thy stop and ask the water its age, or its sex, or its color? Nay, thy would drink of the water.

And as we have said before, as the great bird from the pyramid should take flight, therefore, let the knowledge that we have given you take flight in your minds. But give it unto others without greed, without prejudice.

Take their knowledge and drink of it and be happy because of it, for our Father has placed many wells upon the desert for His thirsty children. Some should come from the old. Some should come from the new. But all should come from God, each in their separate ways.

One may not agree with the other, but if you should take the time to look into the other’s heart and learn to respect the other, then you have taken that one step closer to your thousand years of peace.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Aka, [5–16–73–001], she’s presently at home, she has asked for a health reading, specifically she has been having a problem with a bladder infection.”

Yes, we see of this, and we should answer in this manner. We have before us the body, [the] soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. First, we should say in this manner. The subject in mind is not at the location which has been given, but we have before us the knowledge needed.

First, we should answer in this manner, change of your drinking water. Your heavy chlorination is causing cancerous growths within this area.

Second, we would suggest the taking of the Jerusalem artichoke, using this in small proportions twice daily. We would further suggest the use of what you would know as the sage tea. This should be taken in, at least four times daily. We would also suggest that this be sweetened with your native honey.

We find other problems here in this subject, yes.

We find inflammation in the left lung area. We find that the overuse of tobacco in this subject, this should be cut down. We would not suggest that this subject completely stop this, because of overacting nervous system. The tobacco in small amounts would not hurt the system.

We further find in this subject — yes, yes — ulcers, lacerations, two old scar tissues in the upper tubular area, that in which is to enter the stomach itself. We find a new growth starting. We would suggest a more stable diet. But most of all, in this subject, we would suggest a vacation, rest, removing yourself from your present problems for at least a two-week time — during this time, staying into the liquid diet form.

This is all on this subject at this time. If further information should be requested, we shall answer.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [5–16–73–003], she is 75-years old, and she has a heart condition and cataracts, and she would like help with these. [There is a knock at the door.] One moment, Aka.

“Could someone go around and bring the…oh, I see, all right.

“Yes, Aka.”

One moment, please. Yes, that is better.

We should answer in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body.

First, we should answer that which is most important unto this one. We see thy karma, and therefore, that the time that thy have upon this earth should be used in a manner which is most beneficial to you, we should give of this first. Thy have — yes — one moment.

Thy problem comes from before time, that of learning to forgive, mostly of yourself. Our Father sees you as you see yourself. And as you speak to Him, speak to Him as you would unto yourself. Therefore, you would forgive God, and God would forgive you.

But you have not learned to forgive yourself. This is the most important part, for you are your own judge.

In the judging of yourself, see that into which you have done. Learn from it. Blame it not upon others. But blame it not upon yourself. Take from the knowledge of it and advance onward. But do not repeat that which you have done. You think in your mind that falling down is a sin. It is not the falling down that is the sin. It is the not wanting to get back up; that in itself would be the sin. Rise above this.

Of the eye problem, the problem in itself could be taken care of with minor surgery. But for the relief of this, taking first of a castor oil pack, placing the castor oil, warm, upon a cloth, not hot, not at any temperature that should irritate the eyelids, taking also that of a raw potato of the white [stead], crushing this and placing this over the eyelids themselves, then the warm castor oil pack. This would greatly relieve this area at the present time.

Of the heart condition, we can say unto you into these words. We are not great. We cannot create; only our Father can do this. We should answer your problem by saying unto you, walk onward in this lifetime as you have. Let God see thy need and serve it.

But we should also say unto you, we do not sleep. Yet, we are not bound by your earth or your universe. We pass from door to door. Yet, when we walked upon your earth in earth form, we thought within our minds that we saw all there was. Yet the vastness we see now is beyond all vastness, for they are the many wonders of our Father.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [5–16–73–004] and she has asked for a health reading — wants to know if cancer is recurring?”

Yes, we see thy need; therefore, we should answer in this question — the healing that thy have asked for shall be given into thyself. Give forth faith unto thy Father. Go into three days of prayer and meditation, and that unto which you seek shall be given.

Soul Ray now grows weary.

And we shall say unto thee in this manner. Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Beware.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


May 18, 1973

Globe Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer once again in this manner, that if you go unto the desert and there to find water, and if you have not, and you come upon a new well, and the well water should be sweet and kind and gentle to thy throat, would thy ask this well its age? If thy walked around the well and found a rose, and the rose was beautiful to your eyes, would you ask the rose its age? And as a bird sang in the tree and it was pleasant to your ears, would you ask the bird from where it came?

But in all these things that thy would gain knowledge in, if you should ask the well its age, the well should know its proper age. If you ask the rose, the rose could not reply. But if you listened to the bird long enough, and his song stayed sweet and did not change unto sour notes, then you would know that this knowledge given from all three was good knowledge.

But if you gave blasphemy unto the well and it went dry, and you gave blasphemy unto the rose and it withered, and you gave blasphemy into the bird and it died, then you would stand in a wasted land with none of God’s cherished things.

Now we say unto you these words. You have submitted in your last reading into us for a reading on a so-called [5–16–73–001]. Not adequate information was not given. We sought out a [5–16–73–002] who needed help and did give of this.

If one should walk in the path of our Father, would you say unto our Father, “Test me and see that I am fitting?” If you walked unto your brother and said unto him, “Test me to see that I am fitting,” and your brother did give unto you good things, then he too should be fit to walk unto the path of our Father.

We should answer also in this manner. We have said unto you, bring all before our door that they may enter and taste our wine. If the wine is not good to their taste, let them go elsewhere to seek their knowledge. But we shall not give them blasphemy because they chose a different path, for as we have said before, our Father has many mansions.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I would like to ask for a health reading on [12–7–70–001] tonight…She has been having abdominal trouble and also a skin problem on her arms and hands, and she is quite concerned.”

Yes, we see her need. First, we should say unto these words. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body. Yes, we see this.

First, we should say unto these words; she should go immediately unto her physician. The reaction she is receiving is that of belated reaction from the cobalt treatment. If treated it should clear up. I am sure that this matter shall be taken care of. Therefore, we should not give unto you further information. Have trust in this of her physician.

We see also that this one should go back unto the [sauna] baths, as was suggested once before. We find — yes — impurification in the circulatory system. We should also suggest that this one go unto the chiropractic doctor for adjustments of the backular area.

This is all on this subject at this time. Should further information be needed, ask.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. You said earlier of [5–16–73–001]; do you want me to say anything more on that at this time? Her name is [5–16–73–001].”

Should this one desire a health reading, let her submit the proper information. You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Aka, [5–18–73–001], he is here tonight, has asked for a health reading so that he can write and type better. He says, ‘Can anything medically or otherwise be done to cure or improve the stiffness and awkwardness of my right arm and hand? Can Dr. Hulls help?’”

First, we should say unto these words, yes, your doctor shall help a great deal. Second, we should answer in this manner. Take into thyself of the Night-blooming Cereus, one-inch cubes daily. Take into thyself of the sage tea, sweetening with local honey. Take unto these areas of the safflower oil, warming it and placing it on the swollen areas, doing this nightly before you go unto slumber.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [5–18–73–002], she is here tonight…has asked two questions. One of them, she says, ‘Is the silver at the south end of the basin where I think it is, and could I find it tomorrow or in June?’ The second question, ‘Are the zone therapy treatments I give to people as good as I think they are?’”

Yes, we see thy need.

First, we should answer in this manner. The silver is not in the location unto which you think. You shall find another location, and upon finding this, do not publicize it.

Of your treatments we should answer in this manner. They have great beneficial therapy.

But yet again, we should answer in thy mind’s eye a question. And we should answer in this way, for it is a question that is close to your heart. If thy went into the woods, and therefore, was approached by a serpent, and the serpent danced before you and put gladness in your heart, only to do this thing, to take from you those possessions that you had, you should walk away from this serpent and listen not.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [5–18–73–003] says, ‘It seems immediately necessary that I make several decisions that will strongly affect the life of my child, myself and my husband. I am deeply concerned and need advice and direction as to how I can best serve God’s purpose. What vocation should I pursue, approximately when, and in what location?’ And she asks about God’s plan for her.”

First, we should answer in this manner. The answer which we should give should be given unto this person; we would request that the person be present. The messages that this one should receive should be a private thing.

Now we should say unto you into these words; soul Ray now grows weary, and it is but again our time of departure.

But we say unto you, hark, for the Third Angel dwells at thy doorway, and the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared again with the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


May 22, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better; all is in accord.

And we should say unto thee in these words. As thy should go unto the orchard, therefore, to find many types of fruit, thy taste buds may have a liking for one particular fruit. But would you ignore all the others? Or would you tend each tree separately?

Then say unto thyselves, if I do not like the fruit, but yet I do like the tree, then go unto your neighbor who does like the fruit, and give unto your neighbor this fruit, but keep the tree. And so it should be unto the wisdom God should give His children. This is why our Father has many mansions. For as a wise tree tender should know, he must give love unto each tree separately, each in its own way, that the fruit should be bountiful.

And this should be done in the giving of water. Let each have its own share. Those who need more should take more. Those who need less shall take less. But let them only take unto their own needs.

And this should be true with wisdom, for as the mind should grow, the heart should grow, and in that which you have taken, you shall give unto others. But give it in a like manner; you cannot give half of yourself into anything.

But, as the fruit that you like, if you gorged yourself each day upon the same fruit, soon you would tire of this, and the taste buds would tire of this. So give unto the mind, the stomach and the heart a variety of the bounties that your Lord has passed unto you.

But do also in this manner. If you should have more fruit of one kind that thy cannot use, then barter for it unto thy neighbor’s, for he should have another that you can use. But look unto all things with the eyes of your Father, and your cup shall runneth over.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [5–22–73–001], she is here tonight….She has asked a number of questions. She says, ‘I have a throat problem, have had a throat problem for approximately a year now. I have seen a doctor and it was diagnosed as an allergy. Can you tell me please what the problem is? Is it truly an allergy? Is there any other health problem that should be brought to my attention?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and first, we should say unto you, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same.

First, we should speak of your throat problem. We find an underdevelopment of the bronchial glands. This has been caused from birth.

Second, we should speak in this manner, you live in a polluted land. Therefore, we should make the following suggestions. Take first, unto the natural honey of your area, adding one drop per teaspoon of vinegar into the honey — taking this twice daily, allowing rest afterwards, at least 30 minutes. Do not speak during this 30 minutes. But see in thy mind’s eye thy throat and the problem before you. Think only of the healing of this area, the growing of the bronchial tubes, the growing of the bronchial glandular area, and third, of the increasing of the blood flow unto these areas.

We further find other difficulties within this soul.

Yes, we see this.

Because of a long period of stays in this polluted land, this has caused problems in the circulatory system, the blood flow within itself. First, we would suggest taking of the [saunic] baths. If this could be done once a week, this would greatly stimulate this in itself.

Second, we find within this one into the third, fourth and eighth vertebrae area — yes — we find that this has damaged — yes, yes — quite badly as a small child. We further find that that you would know of as a tailbone was broken at this time. Therefore, we would suggest searching out of a good chiropractic doctor. This should be done in a very gentle manner. At no time should this one force any of these. This can be done with gentle massage upward, then downward, going to the base of the spine.

We would further suggest that in the neckular area, this would help if this area could be massaged daily, going clear to the front of the forehead, slowly gracing this area in a forward position and then in an outward position, working slowly, gradually toward the back of the head. You will find an indentation at the back of your head. Work this indentation downward toward the spinial [spinal] area gently, at no time forcing any of this. Laying also, it would be preferred around the bronchial glandular area, the using of hot olive oil packs in the evening. Yes. This would help.

We also find this subject has been bothered by headaches quite frequently. After the above has been taken care of, you will no longer have the headaches.

We would also suggest the adding unto your diet first, twice daily two safflower oils before, 30 minutes before each meal — at the last, reducing this into one tablet. Yes, this would help.

We find that the taking of more of the green vegetation — it would be suggested that this subject find and locate vegetation to eat that has not been sprayed by your insecticides, only using that of the garlic spray. This would be good.

We would also suggest that an extra meal be added unto the diet. This should be of the green vegetation and sliced hard-boiled eggs.

We find also a problem within this one of varicose veins.

Yes, we see this.

We would suggest that hot olive oil packs be added to this. Now this must be done, not hot, lukewarm; it must be very carefully done. If within your mind you are not sure that you will follow these instructions exactly, do not do this. Unless it is done properly, you could cause great harm unto yourself. Warming the castor oil to where that you can put your hand into the oil — laying the cloth over the area and gradually seeping the oil into the cloth, keeping your oil warm that this can be continued. Then, after a 30-minute period, wrapping this area, not tightly, very loosely, that it may remain on overnight. You will soon find that this problem will take care of itself.

We find other small problems within this soul. We would suggest if further help is needed, she should have a follow-up health reading.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. She would like to know if she should change her major in college from medical records to nursing?”

Yes, we see this. Yes, this would be a very wise decision. You must realize that you are now returning back to your profession of before, that of your before life. You must realize that you have done this same profession for four consecutive lives. In the realizing of this, you will find great pleasure in the attending of other souls.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, she asks one other question. She would appreciate anything you feel should be given her as it comes to you regarding her children, herself, or her family.”

We shall answer in this manner. Give unto God that that should belong to God. Give unto yourself that that should belong to yourself. But give unto your fellow man that that should belong unto your fellow man. Give guidance and wisdom.

But we should answer one of your karmic problems in this manner. Because you were silenced once before, you find it necessary now to sometimes talk before you think.

This was not meant as a slight upon your character. This was only given. You have those around you who do not understand that you are a giving person, and they in turn are inclined to misuse your words.

Your wisdom has become great, but yet, it is as a shepherd who should take his flock unto water. For there are many wells. But let the wells flow. And as the Great Bird of the pyramid should take flight, so it should be within thy mind.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [5–22–73–002], who is here tonight…. She has asked three questions. One, ‘What will be the outcome of my father’s decisions and her cousin Bill’s hold over him?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. This matter shall finally be settled in the courts.

But as you have said, the Spirit has stood by you. You have been willing to listen to the messengers of God. You would call them your guardian angel. As they have stood by you, and that that they have given you has been good, do not deny them now.

But we shall answer in this manner; you have opened the door that we may enter. And we shall say unto you, we never sleep. Put thy trust in God. But we shall be no farther from you than your eyes and your heart. All you must do, when you need us, is to think of the words of Aka, but first, think of God, for without that we cannot enter.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. She asks, ‘Will the problems my daughter has be solved?’”

We shall answer in this manner. First we must say, we cannot give out information upon another soul without their permission. But we should answer your question in this manner.

Give trust unto the Lord. The problems of your daughter, some shall blossom into roses; some shall blossom into weeds. But rest assured, all were placed upon the earth by your Father, that this soul could learn from both.

You have other questions, ask.

“I have one other question, Aka. She asks, ‘How can I control my weight without starving?’”

(Chuckle)Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body.


But since out time has grown short, we would suggest that this question be asked first in your next reading, for soul Ray now wearies, and to protect his physical health, it is now time for our departure.

And we should say unto you, your seed is now ready for harvest, and the many fields shall come forth upon the land. Prepare yourselves within, that you can prepare for the one purpose of our coming. For we are not great; we are here but for one purpose, to prepare a way for the coming of a Messiah.

Now is the time of the Cherub. And the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared again with the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


May 25, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto thee, all is in accord.

And we should say blessed be the lamb who should come before his Father in such a manner that his Father can look upon him, not in perfection, as you would think of it, but as a Father should look upon a child, who has fell down, but risen again in such a manner that he curses not his Father, nor his neighbor.

For as we have said in the beginning, for as there were firment and our Father found it good, and as those who were to enter did so, and our Father found it good, and there were harmony upon the earth, yet, if this was all our Father wanted, then it would have been as such. But our Father is proudest of His children that walk the many roads, that toil the many lands, that plant seed upon the earth, and plant the seed of themselves upon the earth. Yet, He sees them fall, and as they cry, so our Father cries. As they build, so our Father sees them in eyes of a delight. As they dream and bring their dreams into fulfillment, this is as it should be, for what Father should not be proud of His children. And as they bring their gifts of love before our Father, and as they stop along the way to help even the smallest of creature upon your earth, so it should delight our Father.

As we have said, your fields are now becoming ready for harvest and new planting. Plant upon all the Earth. Plant in the valleys; plant upon the mountains; plant in the rivers and streams; plant upon the ocean. Do so in a gentle manner.

Yet, we have not taken from you the means to protect yourselves. But use this protection in a wise manner, for no Father would hide that from His children of knowledge that He should possess. New knowledge shall now come forth, for in the days of Atlantis, and as the men and women of God stood forth, yet they possessed not the knowledge that you yourselves do today.

We have told you of the famine to come. Do not run around as hysterical children. Do not destroy those things that you have built. We shall guide you. Take each step in a sensible manner. But remember also the feeding of your families, the seeing to their needs, is just as important as the preparation for that time, and it is in part of itself.

For if a man should say unto himself, “The Lord, God, has told me of this time of famine; so eat not, my children, for we must save for this day.” And so he saved. And yet, the day of famine came, and the children had withered and died. So, he looked upon his storehouse, and he ate and slept and traded and bartered during the famine.

Yet, he looked upon a neighbor who had also prepared for the famine, and his neighbor’s children were healthy and happy. And he went unto the neighbor, and he said, “How could this be? How could you provide for the famine, and yet, your children are strong and healthy?”

And the neighbor looked upon this man and said unto him, “Our Father did say on us to prepare; but not to become hermits, not to provide the needs of our children, and not to provide the happiness with their hearts that was needed, and not to deprive ourselves of these things.”

And the man said, “But how could you do both?”

And the man said, “Walk with me unto my storehouse, and we shall see.”

And they walked with him into his storehouse, and there were many provisions. But within each of these were those things that this man could grow again. Within each of these were foods that he could eat from day to day as he stored.

And then the man said unto him, “Let us go unto your storehouse.” And yet this greedy man hesitated for anyone to see his treasure. But yet, because he sorrowed for his children’s death, they went unto his storehouse, and there they found each nook and cranny filled with much grain and much substance. But the neighbor did clear away the surface, and there he found many fat rats who had eaten all of his storage.

Now you say unto us, why should we say these words unto you? We speak in this manner. There shall be many who should come unto you and say, do this, and do that. Store this, and store that. You within your minds shall know of those things to store. But we say unto you, store not that that you could eat today, as well as tomorrow, but store that — first, in such a place that the rats cannot enter, second, in such a manner that it should last over a long period of time. And worry not that those should laugh at you for doing so, for remember, there were many who laughed at Noah.

And we say first unto soul Ruth — and we say, hark, for we should place into thy body healing. Continue to take the medication given unto your doctor that your body should build and restore itself. Worry not about the substance of vitamin C at this time. Take into thy body more of the vitamin E, A, and D, and B.

But behold this light that comes from God, the healing light that reaches down His mighty hand upon you! Feel His strength! See His light! For there, and now is healing unto thee!

And we say unto John, who has had such a difficult time seeing the honor that we have placed within you as a teacher, but now that you have seen within the same, now we should say unto you these words. As thy should teach, we have placed unto thy hands a prophet, who we should speak through, and who the Lord, God, shall sometimes forgive his transgressions.

Yet, if you should plant corn today, you would not go out and try to pick it tomorrow. Good corn takes many things. It takes the sun of the sky, the love of the earth, and the bountiful water of the soul to feed it. Yet, as the corn should grow, some that is not fitting should wither and die away, for that that should stay upon the earth must be able to withstand great pressures, high winds. It must anchor its roots firmly. Give this time of growth, yet use it in your time of teaching. Yet, we know you know not of what we speak. But yet, look into your body. Have we not placed within you the miracle of the Lord?

And we say unto you, soul Paul, the Lord looks upon you in favor and lets the sun shine through you. Soon you shall go unto this other land to teach. Prepare your words carefully, and you shall be received graciously.

We shall also say unto you that soon one should come unto you to purchase the land claims of mineral. Be a good barterer, but be a sensible barterer, and more shall come from the same, for the seed we said to hold shall soon ripen.

And we say, hark, unto you, soul Mary. We see thy need. And you have not walked alone, for we do not sleep. But remember unto these words, soul Mary. You have been chosen. We have placed unto you the name of Mary and not for shallow means. Be patient. Our purpose shall be known unto you when it is the Lord’s will.

We should say unto your group form, the time grows nearer that your book must be published. Yet, the time is also at hand that the new plants we have placed in your hands must be fed. Provide that unto your newsletter. Provide it in such a manner that you should keep their interest, for they are but small children yet.

In the next few months ahead there shall be work for all. We shall instruct you from time to time. We have laid all the tools at your hands, but now is the time to become as one, for one with many hands builds all in the same direction. Your decision in the next few months shall be the most important decision in all of your lives ahead. Be wise.

And we say unto you, [5–7–72–004], we have placed at your decision much responsibility before you. Take up the cup and drink of it, and the reason we kept you in this land you call Globe shall be fully known unto you.

And we say unto you, soul [11–16–70–003], you have come into manhood. But yet, as a boy, you shall long for the merrymaking. Provide of both. But now is the time that shall strengthen you. Give forth your thoughts and your energy, for you have thought of yourself as a least, yet we have looked upon you as as important as ourselves. But remember, we are not great. We are here but for one purpose, that is the preparation for the coming of a Messiah.

And we say unto this one known as D___ [3–23–73–001], we see thy needs. We see thy confusion. There is many willing hands into this land. We shall provide that that is needed, and the wisdom that is needed.

And fear not of ridicule. But we should answer your question in this manner. You have come forth as a person who runs from fountain to fountain, seeking good water. The water that should flow upon this earth, there is much good in all. But go unto the philosophy of this work. Do so in a wise manner, to learn from it. You read, but yet, you do not see. With your heart and your soul. This should be.

And we should say unto all of you, the material that you have compiled for the book should be released to no one at this present time, and should not be copied — only in such a manner that you should store it in more than one place. This would be wise.

We should also suggest, and in each of your newsletters, select philosophy given of that month, some small proportion, adding it as a reminder into your membership.

You have before you a vitally important question of a person in meditation. So that your records can be kept, place forth, therefore, the information at hand, that we may answer the question.

“Aka, I have a question from[5–25–73–001]…. She has an illness, and she would like information and correction for pain in the leg, tumor or any other problem. ‘Any information I need to know, or to correct the situation,’ she says, ‘that I may be able to overcome this illness. I need to know the cause and what to do about it.’”

We shall answer in this manner. You have a fear of medical doctors. Overcome this fear. If you do not, and seek the assistance now, your condition shall become worse. We are not creators; only our Father may create. We have placed upon your Earth doctors who are healers. If you should have the faith to go unto the medical doctor, we shall provide the healing that is necessary.

Yet, you shall say in these words, “How could this be true? How could these words be true?” And you shall deny us. Yet, we shall answer that you should know that we speak unto you the truth.

First, we should say unto you, there are many paths to our Father’s house. Yet, you worry all the time of serpents at your door. Take from us the philosophy given in the first of this reading. All your storehouses shall do you little good if you are not upon the Earth to eat them, and share them.

For those who should do the work of God in truth, our Father shall provide for their needs, but not their wants. Soul Ray spoke unto you certain words, and he did place unto your body healing. This healing, at his request, was given from us also. Show us the faith you had in the beginning. Walk forth, as David did. Lay your hands upon the sore and speak unto your Father as you would speak unto yourself.

This is all at this present time on this subject.

You have a soul in the city of Phoenix, Arizona. Ask this question.

“Aka, [5–18–73–001] — “

This is not of the soul we have spoke of; this soul is in meditation.

“One moment, Aka.[5–22–73–002], one moment. [5–22–73–001] says she has changed her major, as you suggested Tuesday, and has applied for nursing school. She wants to know if she will be accepted? Also, if you have any other suggestions for her, she says she is receptive.”

We see her need, and we should answer in this manner.

First, we should give the healing that is needed. This, in itself, was more important than your question. We shall take from you this virus within you, and we shall place healing into your body.

We shall take care to see your acceptance shall come. Be patient.

Soul Ray now grows weary.

And now is the time of the Cherub.

Give prayer for healing unto all this night. Let there be peace and love upon your Earth.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your Earth. Beware. Build shelters for your animals, and do so immediately.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared again with the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973, by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


June 1, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner.

As a fountain should push forth as knowledge the waters of the earth, as the tree should reach upward unto the heavens, so should your truth be. For thy shall not give false witness unto any man, for truth shall be thy saber in the days ahead. For as a river should flow, and yet, as you stand in one place you shall never see the same river twice, for new water shall flow past you every moment, and so it should be with knowledge. But truth should come in many forms. And because one should speak differently, yet meaning the same, thy should not walk away from knowledge that is truth. Should a man come before thee, and yet, within thy mind, say, “Look upon the earth, for it is not there,” do not call this man a liar, but store his knowledge for another day, and let the time pass, and through time the truth shall be known unto thee. And so it should be true with prophets upon the earth this day. Choose your words wisely, yet come forth in truth. But yet, and we say unto you, your God is the God of the living, not of the dead. And we have come forth but for one purpose, and that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [5–18–73–001] has asked for a problem, a health reading or assistance concerning a lack of blood circulation in his left foot and leg. His question, he says, ‘My left leg and foot at some times seem quite cold and has a very disturbing tingling sensation as if blood circulation is being impaired. During cold weather it feels uncomfortably cold. The arch is weak, almost flat. Should medical attention be sought, and can Aka offer any remedial suggestions? Thank you.’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto thee, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

Yes, we see this problem within the same. Medical attention should be sought immediately. Do not, at any time, treat this with either hot or cold packs. Do not take any warm baths, only lukewarm baths. Massaging this area that you shall find directly above the groin area, you will find therefore, within the same damage unto the artery. You shall further find that the rubbing of cold, skin — not very cold — skin temperature, of the castor oil above this area. We should further suggest the taking of the vitamin known as Lipoflavinoid. This can be bought at any of your drugstores without prescription form.

We would further suggest that this one seek out, first, of a medical doctor; that of a regular M.D. could see to the problem within itself.

But we would suggest further because of the need of adjustment unto the backular area, into the eighth vertebrae, you shall find damage there causing nerve damage into the legular [leg] area. Adjustments should be made. This in itself should greatly improve this area. But you must realize that these treatments within the same must be done over a prolonged area. You must also realize that if this is done too suddenly, the adjustment within itself, it could cause further damage. Therefore. the seeking out of an osteopathic doctor would be wise.

We further find within this subject arthritic condition, which has not at this time become a problem, yet if the use of the body-temperature castor oil upon the joint areas at this time [were to] improve this. Because of the condition, we would not suggest that any type of strong antibiotic be used onto this subject because of the chemical make-up of the body substance would react quite strongly against this.

We should further suggest that follow-up readings be given at the subject’s request.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [6–1–73–001], who is here tonight, says, ‘I am doing a story for my newspaper on Ray Elkins and am personally interested in his work.’ He has a series of questions I would like to ask. The first one, ‘I have been having headaches recently. What is the cause, and is there something I can do to prevent them?’”

Yes, we see they need. First, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body. We would say unto this one, the headaches are not of a recent thing. The headaches are from overtaxing the body, not enough rest. But we would also say that the use of vitamin E within the diet would greatly relieve this. The growth of the headache substance within itself is more from nervous exhaustion, nervous tendencies not released. Therefore, we would suggest thy should either dwell into the desert or into the mountains. Say unto the desert or unto the mountains that which is within thy heart. Release these tensions. The headaches shall go away.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“He asks, ‘Do you have any other advice about my health?’”

Yes, we see thy need. First, we would suggest the changing of the footwear, more of the orthopedic type. Because of thy height, thy are causing a problem within the spinular area. If these shoes were made in such a manner that should throw the weight to the front of the foot more than to the heel, this should cause this person to walk in a more upright manner.

We would further suggest changing of the diet, adding to thy diet more of green substance. We would further suggest adding to, before thy meals, approximately 30 minutes before, taking of the tonic substance known as S.S.S. This can be found in any of your local drugstores. Because of a deficiency of certain minerals within the body, if this substance is found foul to thy taste, we would suggest, therefore, the taking of Lydia E. Pinkham in the capsule form, adding to this more of the vitamin B, A, and E.

Thy have had in thy mind a fear of other illnesses. We cannot see of this. Add more pleasure to your diet, and you shall find reward within the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, he asks, ‘What course will my future take?’”

Your future shall go forth in this manner. Thy shall find great achievement within thy work field. Thy shall achieve that, because of your work, rewarding substance, that of the Nobel prize and various other honors.

Thy have thought in thy mind that thy shall not have a long life, but thy shall have a long and honored life. Seek out this field thy have chosen. Yet within you it is but a spark. Yet it shall grow.

There are other parts of your future, that that lies within what you would know as romance. And we shall answer for your ears only in this manner, for as a bride shall come forth and serve unto you in a manner which shall be of becoming to you.

Yet, yet we should say unto you, you shall soon experience a short time of despair. This time shall pass away. Fear it not.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, he asks, ‘I have been practicing transcendental meditation recently. Am I doing it properly? Will it help me?’”

Yes, but we should answer in this manner. Go into your meditation. Do nothing more than open your mind. Say unto yourself, “Oh, Lord, I come unto you to listen this day. Place forth unto me Your many wonders.” Open thy mind, which is the doorway to the soul, and those who await you shall, therefore, speak unto you. Yet at first, it shall be as whispers, as symbols.

We would suggest, go unto group form for further study in this field. Yet find unto yourself your own path, that that should fit unto you — unto your soul, and your body, and your spirit, and all shall be in accord of the same.

But we say unto you in this manner, waste not your time in idle words, to speak as others have spoken when you speak unto your Father. Speak unto your Father as you would speak unto yourself, and therefore, your Father shall listen.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, he says, ‘I purchased a gun recently after considering doing so for a long, long time, for a long time. Do you have anything to say about that?’”

We see thy purpose. A gun, as you would say, a weapon, a weapon can come in many forms. It is the use of the same that could bring destruction unto yourself. We should say unto you, protect thyself, but give unto God that which belongs to God, give unto your fellow man that which belongs unto your fellow man. and give unto yourself that which belongs unto you. But do not become confused which belongs to who. As words are weapons, use them well. We should say no more on this subject at this time.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes Aka. [5–7–71–002] wonders if she should have any special guidance?”

Yes, we see thy need. And yet, we should answer in this manner. Thy have done thy duty unto thy family. Thy have filled thy vow unto God. And now thy shall do thy duty unto thyself, which shall also be thy duty unto God. And we say yet into thee in these words, as thy should become a teacher, present thyself, that this honor may be bestowed upon you. But do so with a whole heart, and therefore, be ready to dedicate the time, the energy, the effort, the love that must go forward with the acceptance of the same.

We shall give healing unto this child thy have thought of.

Now, we should say unto you, soul Ray now grows weary, and yet our time has come once again to depart.

Yet we say, the Fifth Angel walks upon thy earth, and we warn once again that tornado-type storms shall come forth through Californians, through your Arizonians. Other stormular areas shall reach across the land. Prepare for these. But do so in a sensible manner. For if thy build of sticks and mud they shall wash away, if thy shall build of stone and timber they shall remain, but yet add steel unto thy stone.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared with the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


June 8, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And first, we should say into these words. Give that unto your Lord that is praise. Give that unto your Lord that is your sorrow. Give that unto your Lord that is happiness. Open your doorway and let the Lord share all things, and thy shall never walk alone, for in your hour of desperation you shall reach within that quiet place that the [internal, eternal] candle shall burn, and therefore, find the Lord within. Yet, we see that within each soul’s daily tasks is all part of God, our Father.

Yet we should say once again, if thy should give a gift unto thy brother, give it in such a manner that you should expect nothing in return. Only then can thy give the true blessings that are within man to give to one another.

And now we should answer this question you have had within your minds of the shroud. First, we should answer in this manner, as the body of the one known as Jesus was taken, therefore, from the cross, that those who bare him and the bearers who carried him brought for the body, and there, both of the first wrappings were taken place, but the ointments were first applied to the body. This was done very soon after the death itself, as the oils and the ointments of the chemicals within the same were used to cleanse the body, and then the body was wrapped much, as you would know, in a mummified state. After this was done, cloth that was soaked in the same ointment was used in such a manner as you would cover a body with a blanket.

Now, as we have said before, as those who would come upon the morn, therefore they found within the tomb both shrouds, as you would know it. The true shroud would be that into which the body was wrapped of cloth. Yet, the second was also true, and this is which you have spoke about.

The wrappings themselves were never recovered from the tomb.

They were passed from living disciple to living disciple, yet there to stay with John in exile.

But the impression, or the picture form, which should show upon this shroud was a distorted, at best. Yet, if you should mix the same chemicals, secreting that which come from the body as the soul should leave the body and make ready for the resurrection, you shall find that it should give you picture form, much of the manner unto which you have.

But you must understand, from boyhood to manhood, this one known as Jesus was touched by God, and therefore, as the scars of life should show upon each man and woman, so should the scars of goodliness, that which should become the blessed one, the Lamb of God.

We shall answer into your words once again. Make your questions in a direct form. You must realize, for us to use unto this one known as soul Ray, and then the passing of the information that is needed, and the sources unto which your questions are gathered from are many, therefore we have looked into the question of this one. We saw those unto which he had mentioned. Yet we are not great. We bring forth the knowledge that is placed before us. We are here but for one purpose; that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

Therefore we say unto you all, bear not false witness unto any man. Take of each other’s knowledge and share it equally, as we have shared knowledge with you.

Make you questions in a direct manner, for our time is short, for the use of Ray’s body, and overuse could burn it, as you would know; the internal organs, of both body, mind, overuse could destroy it.

Now we should say unto you who has seeked our knowledge and who should seek direction, have conference into soul Ray. Come forth in a just manner, and the knowledge you seek shall be given.

But as the man that should go and buy the ass, he does not look at the ass once before he purchases, he sees the ass over a prolonged period of time. He sees the yoke the ass should bear, and whether the ass should carry the yoke in love or from greed for the hay, the reward he should get. Each part should come in truth.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Aka, [5–11–73–002] who is here tonight…and she has asked for a life reading as it relates to — she’d like to know, what is her purpose in this lifetime?”

Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we should answer in this manner. We have the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. We find, therefore, the records of all time that lie before you. One moment. Yes, that is better.

Yet, we see this one who seeks in truth, and we should give in the same manner this truth.

You have little to learn from past lives, for you have brought that forward with you; therefore, we should tell you of you in-between life.

And we should answer in this manner — as you did toil long and hard in the location of your Arizonans, which you now call part of your Superstition Mountains. You shall find a range of mountains that is called the Back Gila country, that unto which your Gila River should flow through. This in itself is the land unto which the land was known as the Lost Tribe of Israel dwelled, and therefore, became mighty. Yet they made much of their material from copper, silver and gold; therefore, their riches were great, yet to barter with these with the outside tribal people, those who should be known as Hohokam. You taught them much of irrigation, providing food. You helped them in you excavation of these type things. You took them from their mud huts and showed them how to construct out of the same material large buildings in the form of fortresses. And, you were the keeper of the people. Yet your duty was tradesman, that of good will among other men. You have chosen once again in the same.

But yet, the day came when you should venture farther into the land that is now known as Yucatan to therefore visit with some of your kinsmen that dwelled among the tribes and had given knowledge, yet all the time preparing for the coming of the Messiah of that time. And yet, your prayers were that you should live long enough to see this one. Yet as you knelt in prayer, those who had assumed power feared you, and therefore, slayed you.

You left the earth plane somewhat confused, for you had done no harm to no man. You had brought good will and good teachings. Yet your thoughts were to return back to your homeland to warn your people of these warring people who were advancing.

Yet, when you arrived back into this land, you could not make those who were there understand. And yet, there dwelled among you those of the Bird Clan of the Hopi, who had taken your ways, who had taken their knowledge and gave it unto you. And you had given unto them. And as the Bird Clan had prepared therefore of summer, for the coming of the other clans, to provide water in greater amounts, as the ceremony had reached its peak, one known as Tokokan saw you standing and looked upon you and said, “Oh brother, why do you linger so close?”

And you spoke unto him and said unto this one, “We know of your problem. We know of your peaceful intent. But we say unto you, from what I have known, flee now, for the one who should commeth, I cannot see.”

And yet, he said unto you, “Why do you think we are gathering all the clans, for the one who has commeth has already arrived in the land that you have just left.”

Yet you could believe him not. And so therefore, you fled again unto the Snake land. And therefore, you found one again that you could speak unto. And as this land was the land known as the valley below the sea, and yet, in a different form of this day, and as the one, the ointed [Anointed] one, had reached this land, you looked upon him. Yet you were not sure. And you said unto myself [thyself], “If this one should be the one I have waited for, then surely he should know of all the tribes of Israel.” And so you spoke unto this one and he heard your words. Yet, when you spoke, the earth opened and a light from within, yet the skies opened and a light from without, came forth unto you, and said unto you, “Do you know not that unto which we have sent?”

And you knelt in reverence and said, “Master, forgive unto me.”

And he walked to you and bade you stand.

Yet, you were taller than he, so you slumped your head. And he said unto you, “Why do you slump your head?”

And you said unto him, “For you are king.”

And he looked upon you and said unto you these words, “For I am a teacher sent from God, and as a teacher should never be greater than his pupil in the eyes of the Lord, give forth that which God has given unto you. Stand erect and see my Father’s light.”

And therefore, you did of the same.

And he bid you journey with him.

And, as your journey went forward up into the Eagle’s nest, and there you should see the wedding of the Eagle, and you knew the full meaning of God’s words.

And you went unto the Master and said, “Master, what should I do now?”

And the Master looked unto you and said, “You have learned much. But journey now into the between plane. Learn from those. And you shall return upon the earth again at another time, and therefore, you shall prepare once again for my coming. But remember, I have come for this time, but the time I should come again should be for that time. Do not dwell backward, but forward. Learn from those we have placed before you.”

And you looked at the Master and said unto him, “Why not can I go where the Eagle flies?”

And as you looked into those eyes of beauty, of God’s, he said unto you these words, “For you shall know the Eagle when you return. And the blessings of that day, you shall see again my eyes through his.”

This one has asked within her mind of other questions. And we shall answer in this manner. Each person must find within themselves that to serve unto themselves, and that to serve unto fellow man, and that to serve unto God. All of these are important.

Your karma that you brought forth was only the karma of seeing the flowers that lay before your feet, which you could not see before, for you looked at the stars in the heaven to see God, when the temple of God has been with you, for it is in all man.

We have sent teachers. Yet we come now to prepare the way. Prepare that way within yourself, and give it unto others in the same manner that the Master would give it unto us, and you — with love, compassion. Learn that it is not the knowledge that should come from written words, but words that are put into written writing that are wisdom. As a teacher should teach always in a simple manner, our God said not words unto His children they could not understand. Say not words unto the children you shall serve.

This is all on this subject at this time. You have other questions, ask.

Aka, I don’t have a question on this, but [10–29–71–002], [2–19–71–001]’s mother…has had a hemorrhage in her eye, and she has asked for healing.”

We shall stop the pain. But we are not allowed to interfere. The choice has been made within this soul. The time is near. Give comfort and love, and understanding, even in this one who has given now out spiteful things. You must understand that the passing is that of choice. Yet, even in the passing there is lessons to be learned. But there is nothing to fear. The confusion within this one shall be but for a short time. Our Father sheds tears. Yet, even our Father can not interfere with your free choice. And we shed tear with our Father.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [5–18–73–001] who is here tonight…has asked for a follow-up on his health reading. Specifically he would like to know, ‘Are the zone therapy treatments now being given to my feet of any benefit in relieving the poor circulation in the left leg and the stiffness and awkwardness in my right arm and hand? Should they be continued? Thank you.’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. Yes, but as we have said before, go unto the sauna baths. Use of these.

Thy have found within thyself an improvement within your health. You have also found an improvement in your mental condition.

We would suggest at this time the taking of more of the vitamin E, but not internally. Taking this and rubbing it into the joint areas and into the feet area. If this could be done, this would greatly improve this.

We would further suggest that take one day a week, using this one day and drink milk, one glass at each mealtime — placing forth three bananas at each mealtime, doing this three times in the day — this would give the body cleansing time. As we have also suggested, drinking the sage tea before and after each meal, continuing with the other suggestions we have placed before you — your healing shall come. Your faith is good. Your intent is good. Blessed be the name of the Lord. And we shall add one other ingredients, love of your fellow man, and the healing thy ask for shall be given with love.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [6–8–73–001] who is here tonight…and he’s asked some questions in regards to, it says, ‘For future safety in planning for me and all others listening.’ His question, his question is simply, ‘What are the dates and exact changes associated as in my mind with the following word symbols, “jet stream,” he’s interested in the date; “storm paths,” description; “martial law,” date; “Michelle Marian,” date and description; and “climatic changes,” description.’”

We shall answer all of these in this manner. We have said before, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Famine shall come. Storms shall come. Man shall survive. A cleansing shall come of the earth.

In the land you dwell, you shall have unusual storm periods during the summer months. These shall reach tornado proportion. Prepare for this within yourselves, but do not run away. Do not hide. Become part of that which is preparing for the same. But prepare within yourself. For if you doubt us not, you have seen from which we came. You have seen the signs we placed upon the earth and in the heavens for all to see.

But we say, hark, unto you, that the blind should see and the deaf could hear. For those who walk in a righteous manner, no harm shall come unto them. But do not go into the desert without your provisions and blame it upon God.

If you came upon a well that gave good water and you looked up into the heavens into God and said, “Oh, Lord, I’m afraid of this water; I’m afraid to drink of it, for I know not whether it is poison or it is rich, sweet water.”

And the Lord should look down upon you and give you a sign. And so He has.

The final date, we shall give from time to time those things that shall happen. It should give you ample warning. Take heed from the readings. There is much knowledge stored here.

All of these things you have asked, at first, you shall think we have not answered them, for you shall not understand of which we speak. But study them and you shall see your answer is here before you.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [5–22–73–002] who is here tonight…would like to know, ‘What does the future hold?’”

(Chuckle) Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. If you should plant a tree and fertile it and give it ferment and the tree should grow strong, and as the winds should come, the tree shall bend with the winds. But if you have given the tree the proper care, it shall not break. If shall only lose a few leaves and a few branches, but give it time, and it shall grow new leaves and new branches.

Each person’s destiny and path, as that of a tree with many leaves and many branches — rather than ask unto us, “What does the future hold?” ask unto us this question. “Which is my path? The one I have selected? Or is there another path that should take me from this storm?”

We shall leave unto you these words. There is a storm before you, and there are those who say, do this and do that. And we should say unto you, do nothing for now. Go about your daily toil. Listen not unto these who speak false words. But bring wisdom by listening unto God and listening unto yourself.

We have placed at your disposal the one called soul Ray. In his awakening state, we have placed much knowledge. Come unto this one in counsel, and he should answer your questions.

But yet again, we should say, hark, unto all, for the time has come for further development of soul Ray. From this time forward, he shall be allowed to observe your readings; therefore, he shall have memory to some degree of the reading after it has been given. This should help in the easing of his mind, but yet, it should help all of you in another way, for now he is ready for further development.

Now is the time of Cherub, and the Fifth Angel dwells upon your earth.

But hark unto these words. Prepare that way within yourselves. Lay aside your doubts, your jealousies, and come forth unto one another in a truthful manner. Start that day now of those thousand years of peace within yourselves. And we shall not sleep, but dwell within you both night and day.

We have placed that within soul Ray’s mind which should give you more knowledge.

Awaken soul Ray form his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


June 15, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better.

Wee see thy need. And we should answer in this manner.

As a man should travel across the desert, and as the sun should grow warm upon his head, and as his throat should become parched from thirst, and yet he should place a pebble within his mouth for moisture. The moisture he is seeking is that which has been in his body all along. Yet we say unto you in this way, in theses words. The knowledge each of you are seeking has laid dormant within your minds. Yet as the man in the desert, seek out the shade of a tree; seek out a brook, an oasis within the desert. Do these things within your mind. But do not do them to escape mankind, yet for the betterment of mankind.

Yet as the man whose thirst’s for water, upon sighting the water, he sees not the grass or the flowers, nor the sky. All he can see is that which he seeks, that which he himself needs. And so it be true within mankind as they seek out their spiritual development.

Each man should say, “I am this or I am that.”

Yet should another man say unto him, “Explain that which you are, that I too may understand,” the man should become angry. And his anger is only fear of himself, that he does not understand that which he claims to be.

If a man should seek his spiritual development and give not unto others, he has gained nothing unto himself. If a man should go unto the well at the spring, his arms could not carry all the water. Would he cover the well that no one else could share from this?

But we say unto you, as God placed man upon the earth in five places, that all of man through karmic lesson could learn that within the same of living together, of understanding and giving of knowledge unto each other, reach not for the mountaintop until you have understood the valley; reach not for the valley until you have understood the mountaintop.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [5–7–71–001] said that she would like to know if the vitamin E that she brought at Revco for her is safe for her to take?”

We shall answer in this manner. You must first understand that this soul is highly allergic to artificial substances. We would suggest that taken of a natural form would be much better. There are many natural vitamins that could be found in capsule form. But we say unto this one, as we have said before, take of the vitamin E, but take of the herb substance which lies within this one as Lydia E. Pinkham. Your body is changing.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [5–77–17–002] had a fire, bad fire, at her ranch, and she has asked if there is something that can be done to protect her land from more fire.”

Yes, we say unto you in these words, first remove that which has caused the fire. We shall answer in this manner. Quite often your alcoholic beverages and nature do not mix well at all. But we see thy need, of domestic problems in the removal of this person from your property. But fear not. We shall give the protection that is needed. And we shall give the rainfall that is needed to replenish the land.

You have thought unto thy mind, “How can this thing happen unto me? Why should such a thing fall upon me?” But as we have said before, both the rain and the sunshine should cometh from our Father unto all mankind. Yet, you have given forth prayer, and that which you have asked for shall be given.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [6–15–73–001] who is here tonight has asked, ‘Would it be advisable for me to move at this time?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer into thee, nay, it would not be advisable, not at this time. In a short while all signs shall be right and then ask again.

But we see of other problems. And we shall answer, as this problem is a secret problem within thy mind, we shall give in a like manner your answer. There is beauty in many places, yet weeds grow in the best of gardens.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [5–18–73–001] who is here tonight asks, ‘Is it proper for me to continue the revision of my short story called, “Going Home?” Would my agent in New York be able to sell it? Thank you.’”

Yes, we see thy need. Yes, but we would answer in this manner, bring forth this question unto soul Ray with your manuscript, that he may give unto you counseling of the same in his awakening state.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [6–15–73–002] who is here tonight…has asked a number of questions. He asks, ‘What is my mission in this lifetime, and what type of person was I in past lives?’ Also, ‘What do I do to make or improve my health condition where I have an incurable lung condition?’”

First, we should answer unto thee the most important. Come forth from the polluted land in which you dwell. Second, we should answer in this manner. Change thy diet form. Add first of 4,000 units of vitamin E daily. Add second 1,000 units of vitamin C daily. Breathing exercises should be done four times daily — not over-laboring of the lung, but slowly breathing in, counting unto yourself, “one, two, three,” breathing out in the same manner — doing this first for five-minute intervals.

Second, we would further suggest that more of the green substance be given into this one, that more of the protein and the broth of protein of the meat substance, of the beef. You must realize — you have thought within your mind that you detest this of the carnivorous-type animal of man, and we shall answer in this manner — as the sons of God did enter into the daughters of man, so the need for both, that the body should be strong. Each chemical within the body is a separate part of a whole; yet each part reacts as though it has its own mind. Yet, your mind controls all proportions of the same. The most important tonic that you can take at this time is positive thought, that of the thought that thy shall become well.

But yet, we shall give unto you a last ingredients — open the door that we may enter. Show unto us and our Father of your belief and we shall give healing, for we cannot give healing where there is no faith, for we would be violating your own body, and this we are not allowed to do.

Of your other questions, our time has grown short. It would be advised that this be asked at a different time.

But first, we should say unto thee in this manner. We are here but for one purpose, that in itself is the preparation for the coming of a Messiah. Prepare that way within yourself, and then go forth and give it unto others in the manner unto which we have given unto you. Yet, we give of you this year, of 1999. Yet we say unto you, prepare not this way and you, and all those others who have thought of peace upon the earth, yet done nothing to establish it, shall see your 3,000 year of darkness upon the earth. Yet we have said unto you, as Adam was born in five places upon the earth and of the five beautiful colors of our Father, as a flower should blossom, yet live again, so should your life be spared unto you.

We shall say unto you, go unto this one known as Al. Speak first unto soul Paul, that he may direct you. And you shall find, therefore, that unto which you have sought. And then come back unto us.

You say unto us, “You have spoken as into riddles.” But study of what we have said, and you shall find we have not.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [5–22–73–001] who is here tonight asks, do you have message for her?”

We shall answer in this manner. Of your thoughts, prepare this way of this meeting place. And then we should say unto you, prepare this time when you should come unto our house and do labor.

For the ones who should ask, we should prepare the way and give fulfillment that thy have waited for.

Yet we should answer still farther, that you should understand. This one you have thought so long upon, first, you must understand of a [loma]-type disease, that unto which slowly destroys [in the, limbu-] bodier part of the brain, causing decay, causing this one to give extravagant thought unto all things. It was not his experiences upon this earth plane that put these thoughts within his mind, but in his weakened condition, therefore, came forth possession.

As we have said before, his soul, for those who should lose the sight of our Father and the soul should depart and leave, and the spirit should depart and return unto his Father. Yet, you have the entity of a lost soul who should wander in nothingness; his only thought was to re-enter into this one. His mind had become an empty shell; therefore, the man of before, his soul, his body, had long, long before departed back unto his Father, yet left the body, an empty shell of a deteriorating mind, which a lost soul did enter. Therefore, he became possessed. His actions were not of his own. Yet the lost soul saw the desperation and could not within it withstand the pain of the disease, so the lost soul sought to destroy one other, that it may enter into you. And so it left correspondence. And this is the path unto which it had taken.

Now we say unto you, and we say unto you from our Lord, our God: WE REACH UPON THEE; WE LIE THY HANDS UPON THEE, AND THEREFORE, DRIVE FORTH THIS DEMON FOREVER. Hallowed be the name of the Lord. [Allah, kaynee shayneenallah, gehvoah, gehvoah.]

Now is the time of Cherub, and the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


June 19, 1973

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall tell you the parable of the Seven Spirits of God. And God had sent them forth to plant their fields, for He should make them ready to create your earth. And in the beginning, each helped the other in the toil of the planting of the fields. But as the time of harvest grew near, they began to argue. They began to argue, and to separate. And they continued to argue. And the fields ripened in the fields, yet they argued even more. And the grain they had planted rotted in the field. And then the Lord called them back before Him. And each stood to blame the other that they had not brought back unto their Lord their harvest.

And the Lord sent them forth again to plant the field. And again, they argued and the fields did not become planted. And this time they were afraid to go back unto their Lord. But the Lord, God, appeared before them and said unto them, “THY SHALL PLANT YOUR FIELDS OVER AND OVER AGAIN UNTIL YOU COME BACK UNTO ME WITH THE LESSON YOU HAVE LEARNED FROM THE PLANTING OF THE FIELDS.”

Time passed. Days passed. Years passed. Thousands of years passed.

And then one day the seven walked before their Lord, and with them they bore the grain they had harvested from the many fields.

And the Lord looked unto them and said, “WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED?”

And they spoke forth together and said into these words, “Oh, Lord, we have learned this lesson, that to plant a field and to harvest a field each of us must depend upon the other; none of us can be greater than the other, that each of us must use the other’s talent.”

And so the Lord sent them forth to create the Earth. And each depended upon the other, for one who laid upon the earth the ferment of many kinds, and the other who brought forth the animal life of many kinds, and the other who created the ocean and water and streams, and the other who planted life within the streams, and the other who brought forth man, and the other who brought forth woman, and the last who breathed life into all and did place upon ferment on your earth.

And they went before their God. And God looked upon the Earth and said unto them, “IT IS GOOD, FOR IT OF OUR KIND, OF OUR LIKENESS.”

Now we say unto you these words. You have sought to blame many things upon your shortcomings, when the fault had laid within yourselves. You have cast blame, one upon the other, and we have watched and God has watched. And we say unto you once again, we are not here to make you great in the eyes of men. We are not here to make ourselves great in the eyes of men. We are here for but for one purpose, and that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. For this in itself to happen, there must be unity within your groups.

We have laid before you a prophet, that he may use his knowledge to guide unto you. Yet he is overtaxing his body. This in itself would not cause a problem, because of the overtaxing the body which he would tire and stop. But we have spared him but for this one purpose. If you cannot again find unity and purpose within yourselves, as the Lord has given, the Lord shall taketh away. He is of many times. Yet we should send him forward once again. But you within yourselves shall continue planting the field until you come before your Lord in such a manner that you know how to depend on one another. This in itself must be your philosophy. The one medicine that he must have is tranquility in his daily life. He sees many things, yet he is but like yourselves, yet of human form, of blood and bone, of body, of soul, of spirit, and of mortal body.

We say unto you that this way must be prepared.

You have many questions ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Soul Mary is concerned about her skin breaking out, and she says, ‘What should I take and clean my face with so that it will remain healthy?’”

We should say unto you, use of the vitamin E. Place this lightly upon the skin, but first, taking that substance of the alcohol to sponge free the dirt from the skin, then placing this upon your skin early of the morning and late of the night.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [1–21–72–003] asks, is she right that a cause of Ray’s blood disease — ‘of the blood cells increasing is the absorption of undigested proteins into the blood stream because of ulcers and poor digestion?’”

We would say, nay. We are not allowed to give the information you seek, for this should come from soul Ray. Soul Ray knows of the problem, and he knows within himself the cause. But we should answer in this manner. Should he become upset the problem increases. If you should give him medication give him tranquility.

You have other questions, ask.

Yes, Aka, R___ asks, ‘We have a confusion in the dates of the people contemporaneous with Ra-Tai. Is it 1,000 or 10,000 B.C.?’”

We should answer in this manner. Ra-Tai, as you would know, Priest Ra-Tai, lived from the year 1,000 through 10,000 B.C. Therefore, both dates would be correct.

You have other questions, ask.

“What was the date of the Great Flood, Aka?”

You have no date or calendar known to man. We would answer in this manner. Of your Mayan calendar it would have been the time of the Horse. You, as an archaeologist, may see this within your mind’s eye, for you shall see of the 24-month period in the Mayan calendar; therefore, you shall see of the 24-year period, and you shall see of the 24,000-year period, and so forth, in your counting. From this, you shall see clearly marked upon the Mayan calendar. As we have said before, add 22, subtract 11, do so by 10,000, divide by 3, multiply by 9, and the date shall be given unto you.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, were the Sons of God people of Sumer, Ur Lagash, or of Samarian?”

We shall say unto you, they, as you would know, were called of the Sumeria, but yet called before this time. In your interpretation of the word, they called them “those of the air,” for the people of the earth knew not of where they came. Yet those who should depart from your land, and who did depart from your land, after laying seed upon it, took part of the species of your man to plant seed upon other planets. And so the genesis of man began.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, are these seeds still living; are the descendents of these seed other places?”

(Chuckle) Yes, and so we should pick the descendents once again upon your earth. For the leader of that time remainded upon your earth, and we shall say again, for I am soul Ray and soul Ray is I. [Note: Remainded may be a Middle English term for remained.]

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes Aka. Soul Ruth says, ‘We have a number of spellings for Arcan; are all the same person, and is our spelling acceptable?’”

The spelling is acceptable, and all are the same person.

“Should we spell Ra-Tai like it sounds, or like the A.R.E. spells it?”

We should answer in this manner, put the spelling forth in the form of the sound and it shall be correct.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Was the destruction of the island of Atlantis remaining in the time of Noah because of the earth’s slipping on its axis or because of an atomic explosion?”

First were the atomic explosions; second was the earth’s slipping upon its axis. Both were interrelated to parts of the same. That of the splitting of the atom, as you know it, is but a minor thing from the power unto which they had harnessed, for they had harnessed that of the cosmic power, the splitting of the cosmic rays within themselves, therefore, the changing within your atmosphere of the amount of cosmic energy laid forth upon the earth and into each individual. This is why your form did change. And so it shall again. But fear not, for those who do not wear the mark of the Beast shall walk upon this new heaven and new earth, and live within the thousand years of peace, and shall see the Messiah walk upon your earth.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, can you tell us the name and about the destruction of the planet that was where the asteroid belt is now?”

Yes, we should answer in this manner. This was of the mother planet, of that of which we dwelled. And so came forth those who should make war, those who cast aside our prophets, those who no longer worshipped the God of One, and our home land was destroyed. And what small knowledge we could bring forth, we traveled forth from planet to planet, seeking a planet we ourselves could live upon and plant seed. Yet we knew that the see that we planted would take thousands of years to come forth as our Lord had planned upon our homeland.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, when was the Tower of Babel, was this at that time or when?”

This, as you would know it, was at that time; not upon you planet, but upon ours.

You have other questions, ask.

“Did the Sons of God bring the worship of the God of One to Earth?”

Yes, we brought the God of One, the worship. But God had already planted the seed. Yet we were not the only ones who reached your earth. And much as the Seven Spirits of God did cause chaos, confusion, over-breeding, so our people were guilty of the same. Yet it’s been thousands of years. Yet, what could be could happen again upon you earth. But you earth shall not be destroyed, for as we brought new karma upon your earth, and as man chose death to overcome this karma this time upon this planet and others, so we gained in knowledge.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, did the Sons of God bring the White Brotherhood, and is Melchizedek the same as Mathatoc?”

Both are of the same, and yes, we brought forth and established upon your earth the White Brotherhood.

“Is Limbad the same as Lobellat?”


“Aka, the words you spoke last Friday while exorcising the demon, that were not English, what language were they, and what was said?”

You have come close to interpreting the language. We shall not give you the language in which we spoke; we shall leave this within you minds. This was for the use of your own protection. Speak these words in the manner unto which we have spoken them and no outside entity may touch you. But be careful of your thoughts when you speak them toward another human form. For the one thing you have not asked — you see, we at that time could make war with our minds. You shall grow forth to that time again. Therefore, make peace upon your earth, and it will not be necessary for the dark days to come upon the earth, for the ignorance to enter man’s mind, for them to separated once again into the many tongues.

Now, we say unto you unto these words. Soul Ray now grows very tired.

And the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. We shall answer your question. New earthquakes shall erupt very soon. We shall tell you more of this at a different time.

Awaken soul Ray form his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared with the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


June 22, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner.

For as your Lord, God, has provided many ways for His children, of all creeds and colors, and all religions. Yet God did not place forth a temple upon the earth and place the many doors within it. Man has done so. God does not say unto His children, “You must enter by the back doorway.” Man has done so.

But go unto the valley of God. And there you shall find a restful brook. You will find all things there in tranquility. Yet, He did not take from you any part of yourselves, for if He did so, He would destroy Himself.

Yet, from His valley lies many doorways unto that which you should enter, each of your own free choice. Yet, do not be a hypocrite and enter the doorway of another, that it should make you great and famous only. You have many doorways within your lives. Some you shall open; some you shall close. Some you shall close forever and walk on, upward. But never close a doorway that another should choose to enter. Let each, through their own free choice, choose their doorway unto their Father and the doorway unto themselves. Force not upon your brother blindness and deafness.

We have told you before of light and sound, and how this may be used for the improvement of the body functions and the healing of the same. It may also be used for spiritual development. But each soul, each spirit and each immortal body must develop in their own light and that light that they stand before their God.

There shall be many who come to your doorway for knowledge, close it not. There shall be many who come to your doorway with knowledge, accept it freely as it is given and give of yours.

We should tell you the parable of the servant.

And the servant that served his master was never allowed to enter through the front doorway. And he served the master long and many years.

And then, one day within his tasks, he passed unto the other side. And not long after, in the same manner, his master passed upon the other side. Yet the servant woke, awoke from his sleep and went about his tasks upon the other side. Yet the master slept for many thousands of years before he could accept that of awakeness. Yet the first to greet him was his servant.

And the servant took him by the hand and led him into the temple of God. And there were many teachers within this temple. But as they approached the doorway, the master said, “You may not walk with me now, for you cannot enter the front doorway.”

The servant did not become angry. He stood and watched his master, and as his master walked forward, he could not enter this doorway.

Yet the servant walked past him through the doorway, and then turned unto his master.

And the master said, “I who have been higher than you, why does the Lord lock the doorway unto me?”

And the servant looked unto this one with sad eyes, and said unto him, “God does not block the doorway. You have done so with your own mind.”

The maser wandered on, there to learn many lessons.

And one day, once again he came back unto the same temple. And the servant stood outside of the temple. And the master said, “Would you walk with me unto the temple?” And so they did together.

Yet the temple was not a building, for the temple of God dwells within you. If you should destroy this temple, then you have destroyed part of God. If you should seek out the doorway within you, within your mind, then the light and sound shall complete. But each shall be done in their own way. Therefore, we say unto you, forgive first of yourselves, and then you shall find forgiveness unto others.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, the son of [5–7–71–003’s] niece, [6–22–73–001], is in the burn unit of Maricopa Hospitable in Phoenix with burns over 90 percent of his body. And [5–7–71–002] has asked for blessings for him and any comment you might have.”

We should answer in this manner. We may not interfere with his free choice. We shall give unto this one that unto which he desires; we shall take from him the pain. But the final choice must be unto him.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [6–22–73–002], he’s age 10, has asked for a health reading.”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit and the immortal body of the same.

We should answer in this manner. A changing of the diet — put more protein into the diet. Take away most of the sweetness of the food he should eat and that of which he should drink. Theses within themselves are poisoning his body.

Give unto this one of breakfast fruits; of eggs, that of the chicken; of good bread with small amounts of jams or jelly. Put more, place more of the milk substance, that of the dairy product into his food. Give of him pure butter, that that should come from the extraction from cow’s milk.

Give of him into his luncheon meal good hot food. Place potatoes and other vegetables, placing corn.

Of the evening meals, placing that of the fish that should come from the sea of one meal in the week, placing beef, or lamb or pork into the evening meals.

If he should desire sweetness, let him eat of the honey. Give of him of the three meals per day that of the sage tea sweetened with the local honey of the same.

We would further suggest that for the welfare of his mind that tasks be assigned him that he should perform daily. This should teach his mind of discipline, which would be good for the body. Exercise, more of the same. Teach of the mind strength given in the form of assurance that he can stand as a man. Place forth those of his own age to associate with.

At the present time, there is a lack of calcium within the body, calcium and magnesium in daily quantities. We find the lack of vitamin E, A, and D. We find the lack of vitamin C and mineral substance of the same.

We find — yes — if this balance is not reached, this child should soon be that of a borderline diabetic. Take into the body substance that of the Jerusalem artichoke. Take away all candy substances. Place only within the body that of natural fruits. This would be good for the body.

We find that of a virus, of a slight virus, yes, within the body.

We would further suggest the changing of the drinking water. We would suggest the buying, not of the distilled water, but of the cleaner, bottled water.

If the following is done, you shall see a great change, both in his mental attitude and his physical health.

This is all on this subject at this time.

You have other questions, ask.

Thank you, Aka. One moment. [6–22–73–003], the subject is at home, and has asked for help regarding nerve damage ‘to help improve the use of my hand.’”

Yes, we see before us the body, the soul and the immortal body of the same; therefore, we have the body substance before us.


And we should answer in this manner. We find arthritis within the shoulder, upper part of the body, but we also find, in the backular area, that of the neckular area.


We would suggest the massaging of this area. We would suggest the, the attendance of either an osteopathic or chiropractic doctor. This area must be worked in such a manner that the neck should be slowly pulled upward. This must be done very gently. This will take at least two months of treatment before the nerves that are blocking this area shall be relieved and can function properly. This will also relieve the headaches that this soul has suffered.

We find other problems in the backular area. These also should be attended. We find — yes — we would suggest that that of the whirlpool baths be used of this subject. Of the location — yes, we see unto this — if this area is massaged daily, the use of warm olive oil packs upon the area at night.

We would further suggest that the taking of the cow’s milk from this and replacing it with that of the goat’s milk. We would suggest sweetening the goat’s milk with a little honey; taking also of the sage tea twice daily. We shall assist this in this manner.

We find, because of an improper tooth extraction, pressure in the nervular area. This should be corrected.

This is all on this subject at this time. We would suggest that a follow-up reading be done after the following has been submitted to.

You have other questions, ask.

Aka, [4–23–73–002] who is here tonight asks, ‘Why have I been unable to get information regarding the settlement of my father’s affairs, and what actions do you suggest I take?’”

We should answer in this manner, that an attorney should be hired to handle this affair. But we would also suggest that punishment of those involved would serve no good cause, only to push those of you farther apart within your family. Take that which is yours. Do so in a righteous manner.

We would suggest that as you should come unto soul Ray in an awakening state, he should give further information that would come in a private manner. We could give of you this information, but as it is such a private manner, it should not be for others’ ears.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [6–11–71–001] asks. ‘Who was Andrea, and what was our association?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. You were friends. This answer should come further in the request, at a later, time for a life reading. It would help unto thee for further understanding of the same.

Can you understand of which we speak?

“’Yes,” [6–11–71–001 answers.

You have other questions, ask.

“[2–19–71–001] asks if the fishhook feelings in her skin is because of vitamin deficiency or nerves, or how to treat it?”

We shall answer in this manner. Because of the emotional condition of thy mind at this time, that brought forth by the care of thy mother, has caused a nervous disorder. Only time at this time shall cure this, but be patient, for the waiting time shall be but a little while. Release that unto which you are trying to hold, and let it pass, for the separation of the soul has already come about.

Thy have other questions, ask.

Yes, Aka. [6–22–73–004], and he is presently in Salt Lake City, has asked a question about his youngest son. ‘What will happen to [6–22–73–005],’ he asks.”

We cannot see of this.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“[5–4–73–001] has three different questions. The first one, ‘What are the chief reasons for my incarnation in this lifetime?’”

We see this and we shall answer. But soul Ray now grows weary. Bring forth this question first at your next reading.

And we shall say unto thee these words. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. New earthquakes shall stir quite soon, from that of the California area, from that of the Mexican area. But new tremors shall be felt in the central part of your Untied States and Canada. Soon an earthquake shall be felt in Arizona. We shall give further information upon this in your next reading.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray form his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared with the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


June 29, 1973

Globe Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And now we should say in these words, as we have said before, at the time of our coming that that was known as soul Ammie died, and gave you forth soul Ray.

As we have said before, now is the time that new knowledge shall come forth unto soul Ray, for as soul Ammie has died, therefore, we shall bring them back unto one, but in this manner. Soul Ammie shall now be able to give unto you part of your readings. We are doing this in such a manner that by our entry, we are consuming too much of soul Ray’s energy. In this manner, it shall prolong soul Ray’s life span. It shall also give of you readings more often, as you shall need them in the future.

Soul Ammie has now reached a state unto which, upon his return, he may read of the Akashic records. We shall say in these words, at first soul Ammie shall only give unto you of life readings. Later he shall be able to give unto you the health readings. We are also presenting this in this manner, for soul Ammie may, therefore, reach out unto other spiritual form that shall be needed from time to time. But at all times soul Ray shall be I, and I shall be soul Ray. The voice value shall be much of the same you have heard, spoken much in the same manner.

At you last reading we asked that you present the request for a life reading first. You shall do so at this time.

“I have a request for a life reading for [5–4–73–001]. She asks, ‘How can I best work for God and my fellow man?’ And, ‘What are the chief reasons for my incarnation in this lifetime? How shall I overcome what barriers hold me back in this life? What last life relationships did I have to my daughter, [6–29–73–001], and to my son-in-law, [6–29–73–002], and why does he seem antagonistic, covertly antagonistic, to me at times?’”

Soul Ammie is here. Yes, we have before us the records; therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. Therefore, that the question should be asked and answered in complete, we shall refer back to your 17th century. Time, August 4; date, 1778; place, Cornwell, New York; continent, North American continent; sex, female; stature in life, that, we would say, of upper class; husband’s occupation, banker; children, four — two boys, two girls — oldest daughter, daughter of this lifetime.

Great interest in the psychic; have made many trips into greater Massachusetts for study of those who have brought forth the knowledge; feel kinship to those people; have lied to your husband, stating that you have a half sister in this location whom you should visit.

Son-in-law of this time works for husband, is suitor of oldest daughter; [man, non-] psychic. Daughter has felt love emotions for this one, but both you and your daughter have taken the words and the vows within your clan, and therefore, may not marry out unto others. Young man greatly distressed, feels that you are keeping them apart because of your stature in life. Accuses you.

Your daughter has stood forth to say this is not so. But one day, the young man, blind with jealousy and in rage, attacks you with a knife, and therefore, does slay you. Young man in question was caught. And therefore, thought of to be of the devil, drowned as a witch, and body was burned and consumed.

Daughter grieves for both. Yet, later in life marries one of her own kind.

You awaken quite readily, and have observed the events that have taken forth upon the young man’s slaying, and therefore, you wait for his awakening. Yet the rage dwells within him, and he will not awaken. Time has passed, yet with [new] knowledge, the time has come for rebirth upon the earth.

Therefore, you are born again in the land of Virginia. There [you build], bring forth and place into practice an organization which would make forth for the coming of the Messiah. This time is 1802. Long life. Have achieved much, and in the preparation for the one known as Edgar Cayce. Therefore, you have prepared his way, that he should prepare another’s, and yet another to come.

Therefore, you have sought out this life, this time, a prophet once again.

Yet, the karmic situation between yourself and your brother-in, son-in-law is much the same. Yet it is not your karma, but his. We would suggest that you neither try too hard to make friends with this one, for this is a karma he must overcome in his own way. Be social, be understanding. But you must realize that you have a greater responsibility upon this lifetime than all others, for your time has grown short. And we say to you, prepare the way.

Now I, as soul Ammie shall depart and soul — and Aka’s shall return and finish this reading in this manner. You must forgive my language and my lack of knowledge.

Aka is here. Yes, wee see thy need. You must understand that as you have brought forth a choice this time to develop, not of yourself, but that of others, therefore we should say unto you, bring forth the love that soul Ray has seen in your eyes. Place it within this work, and let the Lord, our God, enter, and let the spirits of Aka enter. If you should open your door, we shall therefore place forth [new] knowledge and purpose of the same.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Will it be safe, and would it be advisable for Ray to give trance readings at the Fountainhead Bookstore in Tucson July 12th and August 30th?”

One moment, permission must be given.

Yes, but only for one at the present time; therefore, it would be suggested that the July 12th date. It must also be understood that soul Ammie shall be giving parts of the readings.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [5–7–71–002] asks for blessings for [10–8–71–003],who is in the University Medical Center, Tucson.”

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall take of the pain and give blessings unto the same. But the blessings shall come from our Lord, God. But this one must open the door that we may enter.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [6–15–73–001] who is here tonight asks for healing, or health reading, if necessary, for the back of her neck and spine.”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should say in this manner, we should bring forth healing from our Father, God. Look upward, for the healing light has entered unto thy body and shall continue for three days and three nights. You shall hear voices, but fear them not. And so our Lord, God, commands. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka.”

One moment.


It has been suggested that after the reading soul Ray administer further healing, and the healing shall be complete.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [6–29–73–003], and he has asked for health information — I have a note here — prayer for finger of left hand. And also, he asks specifically ‘to find my directions in life and to learn if knowledge of previous lives and developed abilities can reinforce my life in terms of service and help to others.’”

First, we should give the healing unto the hand. And so it shall be. Glory be the name of the Lord.

Soul Ray now grows tired, and it would be suggested that the balance of this question be asked at a different time.

He shall at first have problem adjusting to the presence of Ammie within himself, but as he has adjusted to all things, for now there shall be Ammie, there shall be Ray, and there shall be the spirits of Aka which dwell within him, each a separate part, yet all a whole.

Now is the time of Cherub, and the Fifth Angel dwells upon your earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


July 2, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And we should say unto thee, as we have said before, as the water should be as the spirit of man. Yet we should tell unto thee of the parable of the river that came from nowhere, the river that had no beginning and no ending, and so it should be with the spirits of man, and so it should be with the spirits of God. Take forth your ark, the ark of the soul, and let it flow into the river, that the river should flow unto the many lands. And we say unto thee, look unto the east, yet look among you, for we are here but for one purpose, that is in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Make this way within your hearts. Open the door that we may enter.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Aka, [2–7–73–001] is here tonight. She has asked for a health reading. She has also asked, what should she be doing for God and humanity in this new age? And she is concerned about, should she take money from the co-op credit union and invest it in real estate?”

First we should answer that of the health, and we should answer in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same.

Yes, we see this.

We find within this body that of arthritis, the virus. We also find within this the virus of the same which has attacked unto the circulatory system of the same. This in itself has caused headaches, has also caused hard of hearing, eyesight problems. We would suggest that for this condition that the sauna baths be taken. The sauna baths should be taken first in five-minute intervals, no more. At no time should a strain be placed upon the heart. This must be understood. The virus of the same has attacked the heart muscles causing a weakening throughout the whole system. We further find in the backular area, of the 6th and 7th vertebrae, that of the vertebrae in itself being worn down. We would suggest that a bar, an iron bar, be erected approximately three inches out of her reach that she may reach up to and let the full weight of her body pull and separate these. We would not suggest traction of any type. This must be done lightly and not for prolonged periods. If this is overdone, more damage could be done unto the same area.

We further find within this subject that of borderline diabetic. We find that the subject within the same has treated this, but we would further suggest the taking of the Jerusalem artichoke. We would further suggest the taking of the sage tea sweetened with the local honey of thy locale.

We further find within — yes — of the left arm above the elbow, of small tubular-type growths. We find these also in the back area. These are nothing more than cysts; they are not malignant. If the sage tea is taken, first by bringing your water into a warm condition — do not boil the water — letting the tea steep to a strength that is good to thy taste buds, this then sweetened with honey would slowly dissolve these cyst-type growths. We would not suggest that over massaging these or heating them. We would suggest of the areas within the same that the taking of hot castor oil packs be used, not — only to body temperature, this must be understood. At no time should anything be placed against this body that is above body temperature. This would affect the nervous system. Only of the sauna baths, these may be used.

Of the financial condition that thy asked of, we shall answer in this manner. As thy would invest, do so in real estate, but do so wisely. But do not plant all of thy seed in the same field. We would further suggest that the taking of certain quantities of the monetary value and turning these into that of silver. We would also suggest that the taking of certain quantities of this and placing it into food substance.

We would say unto thee in these words. Thy have worked hard of thy years of thy life. Take forth, therefore, these years and place them into spiritual growth. If thy should open the door, we should place before thee the wine and the bread. Take them up. If they should taste of the food substance to your liking, then take of this. But as the river we spoke of unto which has no beginning and no ending, enter into this river. But as thy heart, do not enter in such a manner that thy should become a hypocrite. Enter in the manner into which thy should believe. Speak unto your Lord in the manner unto which you would speak unto yourself, and therefore, His answers shall come in truth unto you.

But we say unto these words. All things upon the earth are of one, but yet, separate and different, and yet beauty within all. But as in the beginning, when man was as a violin and the violin was in perfect tune and perfect harmony, and as the violin then became out of tune and out of harmony, so has man. For we say unto thee, would your Father create that of badness? Yet you are of His likeness, of His kind. And yet, as man was created in five places, all of the colors of the Lord are [of] God. Prepare that way within thyself, and you shall have your thousand years of peace and the beginning, and therefore, upon your earth shall be your new heaven and your earth within the same.

But we say unto you, our Lord does not judge thee. Then judge of thyself not so harshly. The past is but a fleeting thing, that of light. The future is that of light also. Let all parts of the light go forward and light your way, and therefore, you shall stumble not upon your own errors or that of others.

But we say unto thee, and we speak unto thee as man and wife, what God has given, God can taketh away. But what God has given unto man, that of free choice, God does not taketh away. And so it was, and so it shall be. Glory be the name of the Lord.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, one moment. [2–7–73–002] that is here tonight has also asked for a health reading and advice regarding their house and future investments, also his future occupation or social involvement.”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and

the immortal body of the same.

Yes .

We find in this one that of the problem of the liver, in through and that of the problem of the digestive system within the same. This comes from abuse of the body in your early years. Yet, you have taken the steps to cleanse the body. This is good. We would suggest more of the vitamin E be added unto the diet, 1,000 units per day. We would further suggest that more of the vitamin C be added to thy diet, 500 units a day.


We would further suggest that thy do not eat of any fatty substance, for within the digestive system we find there scar tissue of ulcer-type lesions.

We also find scar tissue of the left lung region. These have healed, yet they can be irritated with improper diet.

We also see that of worrying where worry is not needed. We say unto thee, there is the healing of the body, and there is the healing of the mind. Both must come together as one, for if there is no healing of the mind, then the mind can destroy all healing of the body. Therefore, for your treatment we would suggest, cast aside these things. Thy have thought of death, yet death is no more than passing from one door to another. Thy have thought that thy might be departed from those of your loved ones and that of thy wife. But yet, this should not come yet. But yet, we should say unto thee in these words, all things that have been before shall be again, that your love that was born in many lifetimes shall not part with the opening and closing of a door. For there has been nothing upon your earth that has not been of heaven, and yet, there is nothing of heaven that has not been of earth. Each within you have thought to make the other’s way more gentle and easy. Yet you seek out that that you already have. When spring comes and a rose shall blossom, just because the earth should sleep in winter does not mean that it shall not blossom again in the spring. But you have brought forth a rose for the earth to look upon, and this has been a beautiful thing that all mankind has seen within you.

You say unto us, how do we know of these things? Yet we say unto you, you have spoken unto your God as you would speak unto yourself, and therefore, the records that you should keep and God should keep can be read. But we have spoken for your ears to hear. As we have said before, for we speak that the blind should see and the deaf could hear, for all things that have been buried in darkness shall be brought to light.

Sell not of your house. The house has been good unto you. It has become part of you. There is much ahead for both.

We have placed unto your hands that of the bread and that of the wine. Bring forth the yeast, and that unto which you shall do from this day forward shall be known unto your mind. But come not to judge others, but place before them in such a manner the gift that we have given unto you in the same manner. Can you understand of which we speak?


You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [2–7–73–003] has asked, ‘I would like to know details concerning my present health condition.’”

Yes, we before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. Therefore, we should answer in this manner.

That of the heart condition, and the transplant within the same, the body has accepted. There is irritation in the tissue of the muscular area around the heart. This has come forth from too early abuse of the muscular tissue. This should not be done. We would further suggest in thy dietary, supplement these with those of both natural vitamin and mineral. Yet, we would suggest that the fatty tissues be removed from all meat substance in thy diet.

Thy have the circulatory system well in hand. Thy have done this with the power if the mind. We would further suggest — yes, we see this — we would further suggest that the taking of the larger quantities at this time, at least 1,000 units of vitamin E daily, adding normal dosage of A and D, and E.

We find, therefore, within the body of the headaches. These are brought on by the food substance thy have placed within thy body. These should come forward from that of what is known as the grout [gout]. Reoccurrences of this should come forth in thy lifetime unless thy change thy pattern of food. Stay away from rich food, spicy substances thy like so well, using smaller quantities of salt in thy diet.

We would suggest that a follow-up reading be given in this case.

For now soul Ray grows tired, and it is our time to depart.

But we should say unto thee, now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon thy earth. Within your month’s time, earthquakes shall be within the land thy dwell, both that of the California and the Arizonans.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. No tape recording of this message was available for comparison.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


July 6, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And we should say unto thee these words. As we have said before, thy have found the rock unto which the brook should flow — and that that should flow from the brook shall be the spirits of God — and the spirits shall flow into the river, and the river shall be the spirits of man — and the river shall flow unto your oceans, and as each pebble is separate and apart, so should be the souls of men be separate and apart, but yet, again it shall flow unto the many nations. It shall flow unto all tongues. It shall flow unto all mankind, for we are here but for one purpose, that in itself is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

And we say unto thee, as thy should plant a field [cough], as thy should plant a field and go on to plant another, go back and weed each field. Do not become so busy that thy cannot weed the fields and cannot pick the grain that comes from that. Always remember from which you have come. If you may do this, you shall know where you are going. We have placed unto your hands this man whom you call the prophet, yet he is not great and we are not great, for we are all but humble servants before our Lord. Go unto the valley and pick the lilies. Share them with one another. Go unto the valley and pick the fruit and the berries that should grow wild there. But should the birds come, do not drive them away, for they must eat also. For what our Lord has provided, all may share. For did it not be said that the darkness shall be lifted, that the light should come through, and that knowledge should be shared by all of mankind. If you may do this, then your thousand years of peace are but of hand. Give forth the love of our Father unto one-tenth unto your fellow man.

But if you should go unto a desert, and therefore, find a well, and it is sweet and good unto taste, and yet, you should leave of this well, take some of the water with you and the memory of the water shall remain forever within your minds, your soul, your body, and the immortal body of the same.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

You have many questions, ask.

“Aka, [7–6–73–001] would like a health reading. She has a polycystic condition of her kidney and liver. Can you explain, can you suggest anything that might help her, and can you give any other information about this?”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto thee, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

First we should say, come unto soul Ray for healing.

But second, we should say unto thee, change of thy drinking water. Drink only that of the bottled water in its purest form, for within the land you dwell, the water is polluted. That of the chemical substance which has been sprayed upon your land has now reached your Phoenix areas. There is no way, into which they are seeking now, to extract this chemical from the water. It is attacking your body in such a manner. But second we should say unto this one, take unto the sage tea, sweetening with the local honey. Take unto this one 3,000 units of vitamin E per day. Change that of your filtering system within the house. Because of the heavy air pollution this is adding to your illness.

We should also say unto this one — yes — we see this. Of all liquids thy should drink, drink only at this time of pure water. Second, drink that juice that should come of the cranberry juice. Let this flush out the system. Third, because of the heavy pollution within the circulatory system of the same, we should suggest sauna baths. But these should not be overdone. Too much heat upon this soul could destroy the chemical balance of the same. Take no more than five minutes per day of this — never any more.

Third, we find a hernia of the stomach area, a lesion within the same. The tissue, which is to hold intestines up, there is lesions there also. We would not suggest that this soul lift anything more than ten pounds at the present time until the healing can take place.

This soul has other questions, ask.

“No other questions at this moment, Aka.”

We shall answer of the question. And we shall answer, for it is in that that she seeks in a secret manner. If a farmer should go unto the field, and therefore, say unto his cattle, raise unto me only the finest of cattle, but yet in their trying, that of their youth should stray, break through the fences, and go beyond their own control, then who should be of fault, the farmer, or the cow? We shall answer in this manner, we find no fault in any of these. Yet would it be within the youth itself that has gone astray? Our Father gave unto all souls upon the earth that of free choice. It is said, “Honor thy father and mother.” But it is also said, “Honor thy father and mother into thyselves.” Glory be the name of the Lord.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [7–6–73–003] at the time of her request for a health reading was carrying a deceased child within her. Do you have any — can you give any assistance on this in regards to her health?”

Yes, we see thy need. Yet, you have not given us sufficient information upon this. One moment.

We should answer in this manner. Go unto thy physician and take of his counsel; it has been good. We shall give the healing that is needed unto this one. Glory be the name of the Lord.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [7–6–74–003] has asked for assistance on his health, a health reading. He asks, ‘What is the matter with me? Why do I always feel dizzy, why is my mouth always dry? Can you tell me anything about my health? Is there something wrong you can tell me how to correct it?’ And he’d like to know what course his future holds.”

We shall answer in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, and the immortal body of the same. Therefore, we see thy need.

First we should say, of your ill feeling, you must understand that within each soul is that much like the tide of your ocean. When it sweeps out it leaves upon the land many fish and other eatable things. Some of these things it lays upon the land should they be eaten should destroy you. And this within itself has been your problem. Your greatest problem has been that of an emotional one; therefore, an unhealthy mind makes for an unhealthy body. Thy have sought out and found no rest within your mind and within the people you are now with.

Yet, you say unto us, “Even if this were so, what could I do to change it?” And we should say unto you, change unto yourself. Be as a mirror that should shine out and give the love and blessings of our Father. That that you should give should be returned in kind. But if you should walk forth to offer your knowledge, your bread, your wine, your goodness, and it is rejected, then walk on. Go unto a field that should grow, and that you should grow with it. Only in this manner can your future come in completeness, that of a whole and complete thing, for you are but half a person, for you have hidden the other part. Bring it forth, let it blossom. But when you see the flowers that are placed at your feet, do not walk on them, but step over them, that others may also see the flowers. Give blessings and healing into all. And this should be the commandment of your Lord.

You have long worried within your mind, it is wrong to do of this or wrong to do of that?

And we shall say unto you unto these words. Our Lord asks but very little of His children — that they should give of one-tenth of the love the Lord gives unto His children back unto Him, and give unto your fellow man in the same manner.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [7–6–73–003] has asked for a health reading regarding his liver. He’d like to know the cause of [7–6–73–003]’s liver cirrhosis and what can be done at this time to heal him, or how can he be helped?”

We shall answer in these words. Let soul Ray go unto this one; we shall go with him, and therefore, give the healing and the knowledge that should be given unto this one at that time. Arrangements should be made that this can be done. Can you understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Nay, not fully. But listen to our words again and thy shall.

You have other questions, ask.

“One moment. Aka, [6–11–71–001] had asked for, you asked him to have a completion on a life reading; do you want to take it at this time?”

Not at this time; we shall do so at another time. This should be a lengthy affair. You shall arrange for more readings. Submit this at your next reading first.

You have other questions, ask.

“[7–6–73–004] has asked, ‘What can I do to improve my health and stamina?’”

Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, and the immortal body of the same. The spirit shall flow, and therefore, all shall come in completeness.

First, we should say unto this one, thy have business at hand; complete it. Let that of the past be the past. Bring forth unto this new time.

We should say unto thee, we have come forth to prepare a way. We have seen of your need and your desire. And therefore, we should say unto you, come forth and help us prepare the way, and we shall take these burdens from thy self and place the answers before you. But we do not barter with you, for that that which we give is given, as all things, from our Father.

We find within this one only mental anxiety.

We also find that much of the questions that thy have asked thy should come unto soul Ray for consultation. He should do unto this one that, that the two men should come together and bring healing. This, in itself, would answer the remainder of this question.

You have other questions, ask.

“[7–6–73–005] has asked for a health reading. One moment….”

One moment. The records are not within balance. Go forth and read this again.

[Editor’s note: The name, which had been incorrectly read, was corrected by the person in the room who had brought the written request.] “[7–6–73–005] has asked a number of questions. The first one, ‘I have been to the doctor’s to correct my problem of weight….”

First, we should answer in this manner, the weight problem — once again, we have placed new knowledge within Ray’s mind. That he should use it in a proper manner, it would be suggested that the use of hypnosis be used upon this one, implanting of the suggestion that her own body and mind could work in accord with this.

We also find chemical imbalance that has been of long accord. The husband in question has extracted this. This soul has not extracted this. And therefore, we should give that that is needed at this time to take forth.

Therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. Healing shall be given. We would suggest that the use of hypnosis be used that this chemical can be extracted in a slow manner. If this is done too fast, it could kill of the body. We would suggest large quantities, 4,000 units of vitamin E be taken into the body daily. We would suggest, no milk at all unto this soul, magnesium be added unto this one; that of the dehydrated or de-fatted milk could be used. Before each meal, the use of safflower oil; one capsule should be taken before the breakfast meal, two capsules before the luncheon meal, and three capsules before your evening meal. More of the fish, that that should come from the sea. Once weekly beef should be eaten; this should be eaten as raw as possible. Bananas should be eaten at least three times a day, at least one banana. Take all sugar from your diet and use natural honey within the same. Sweeten, all you want, all things with this substance. You must realize that the chemical in itself has caused the body to hold large quantities of water. These are also affecting the kidney and liver area. It would be suggested that cranberry juice be used in this to extract the same. It would also be suggested that sage tea be used at least twice daily.

And now we should say unto you, you have other questions; you should ask them again at the next reading, for soul Ray now grows weary. And that we may not overtax his body it is time for our departure.

But before we should go we should say unto thee, woe unto the earth, for those who shall commit crime, those who you should know as the Black Septembers, are causing destruction in your land. They shall attack that of your transportation. They shall work through terrorism, through explosing [explosions], destroying trains, buses, and airplanes, blowing up bridges, causing hysteria within your country. These are nothing more than organized, national thieves. They are being used that others may walk away from their sins. But as we have said before, the cleansing shall come to your land.

Soon, earthquakes again shall be felt in the California area. The Oxnard area shall be one. Most shall be in the Medina area. Fingertips shall reach upward and downward, crossing unto the San Berdino [Bernardino] faults. Some shall cross into Arizona, into Mexico. Others shall erupt in Central America, in your eastern shore board. Your Mediterranean area shall experience new earthquakes and eruptions. Tornado-type storms shall increase their intensity, causing great destruction.

Look within yourselves, you shall know. We shall place within you that that the animal should feel before the storm. Heed this warning, and you and all of yours shall be saved from the same.

Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared with the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


July 9, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Afternoon, Aka, where is Ray?

Soul Ray stands with God.

And we shall say once again unto these words. As in the time of Moses, there were some who should wait their forty years, therefore, for a time of learning. There were some who were hasty and should cross the river before the Lord should give unto them their time. And for those who did so, there was no return. Yet, for those who waited and had faith in the Lord, all came in complete.

The light that shown above came forth unto the one known as Jesus. It was the same light that had come forth to guide Moses and his people, yet it was more brilliant and more beautiful than all light that had been seen before. But yet, each was for a separate time.

And we should say unto thee into these words. We have come not for the time of Moses. We have come not for the time of Jesus. But we have come now in this manner to prepare a way, and this way should be the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Yet, we have come with the knowledge of your day, this day, upon your earth, and of your tomorrows, that new wisdom may be placed upon the earth, new understanding, that brethren should not kill brethren, that love shall come upon the earth, and so it shall be in fulfillment.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Aka, [7–9–73–001] is here this afternoon…and he has asked for a health reading, and some other questions. Firstly, he says, regarding his stomach, that he has had a digestion problem. One hour after eating he needs to lie down. He has a nervous stomach, and digestive aids do not seem to help.”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. First, you must understand that thy have more than what is known as a nervous stomach. Thy have one intestine which is lapped over another, therefore, causing a blockage within the stomach area, not allowing the full usage of the digestive system within itself. Therefore, we should answer in this manner. That your digestive system should work first in completeness, this must be cleansed.

That the intestine may be straightened into its proper place we should give of you exercises. First, we would suggest that this subject lie upon the floor. Relax. As soon as the body feels complete relaxation, roll to the left side, relaxing again, doing so for five minutes. Then, roll back onto your back once again. Then, rolling to the right side, staying in this position for five minutes. After this has been done, roll back upon the back. Do not try to rise until complete tranquility has entered the body once again.

Before each meal we would suggest, 30 minutes before the eating of the meal, taking that within the substance of the milk that should come from the goat. Take this, find a cool place, and then drinking it and preparing your thoughts for your meal. Your thoughts should be in this manner, that the food should taste good; second, that you have cast from your mind your day-to-day worries and chores. If done in this manner, the stomach would soon heal itself. And in healing the stomach, so the nervous system should be healed.

At the beginning of each day, take a moment that you should tell of yourself the good things that have happen to you the day before, taking that some moment and placing the things you should do that day before you. Do not worry that you should get them all done. But do them; take one at a time and doing it thoroughly. When it has been accomplished go to the next task.

We would suggest that your family enter into this same meditation with you. Therefore, their thoughts should become tranquil along with your own. This in itself would greatly relieve your nervous tension.

We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. We read from this, and therefore, we say unto you unto these words. For the mind and body to heal together, tranquility should be the greatest medicine of all. We would also suggest that this subject eat at least four bananas a day. We would also suggest that the substance known as dolomite be used, six units per day. We would also suggest that 1,000 units of vitamin E be added unto the diet.

We would further suggest — yes — one moment — that the vitamin known as Lipoflavinoid be used. We find within this subject that similar to the hardening of the arteries. We find that not enough oxygen is reaching the brain. We would suggest that as much green substance as possible could be eaten by this subject. We would further suggest that these should be eaten raw, placing nothing upon them besides a small amount of salt, none of your salad dressings at all.

We find also within the subject a recurring blindness, that of the eyes not seeing fully, a spottiness before the eyes at times. This has come, as we said before, from the lack of oxygen to the brain area.

We would further suggest, in addition to this, a good multiple vitamin be used and mineral substance. This preferably should come of the natural sources. Any of the above can be purchased at a health food store.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. He mentions back trouble, arthritis. He says the vertebras go out and need adjusting when he exercises or lifts.”

We have seen this problem. This, in part, is of the exercise we have already suggested. We have also suggested the dolomite, that of calcium and magnesium, to add to this area. We would further suggest that a chiropractic or osteopathic doctor be consulted, that treatment upon the same, into the 8th and 9th vertebrae. This in itself would greatly relieve this area and give immediate relief unto this subject. But this subject, in the relieving of this, this should be done in a gentle manner. We would also suggest that a bar be placed in your doorway at home, if possible placing this bar two to three inches above your normal reach, letting the full weight of your body hang from this. Do not do this over a prolonged period; do this only for at least one moment, one minute in one day, no more. In the evening before you go to bed this could be done. This would help the separation of this, and therefore, the healing within the same, in this manner.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. He mentions low blood pressure. He says he becomes dizzy if he stands up quickly after sitting for an hour or so, like in church.”

Yes, we have already answered this. That of the respiratory and the problem of the blood pressure we have answered within the same.

We also find a problem within the respiratory problem, area. This is due to the polluted air into which you dwell, into the land into which you dwell. It would be suggested that frequent visits into mountainous areas be done. If this could be done periodically, this would give the lungs a chance to bring in the extra oxygen and the cleansing of the same. We would suggest that swimming exercises be used. None of the others; it’s more strenuous. This should only be done as the body, in itself, should grow in strength.

Of the circulatory problem which you have mentioned, we have already given that which was needed within the same.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. You mentioned his visiting the mountains. When he goes to his cabin in the mountains he says he does not get enough oxygen.”

This should be supplemented in this manner, the use of a small oxygen container. But we would suggest that you should not go into the high altitude; go that into the four or five-thousand feet area only at the present time until the healing has had a chance to take effect. As the healing begins, the problem shall end, that of the same.

“Aka, he mentions a hemorrhoid problem.”

Yes, we see this. Therefore, we would suggest the taking of the substance known as Bag Balm. This is a salve tissue which can be purchased at any veterinary supply. It is used, in common use, for that of the treatment of a cow’s urine [udder]. In this case, the salve within itself should be, some placed upon the finger and inserted directly into the rectum. This should be done at least three times daily. It also should be that this area should be washed with soap and water at least three times a day before the salve is applied. We can see the busy nature of this subject, but this could be done by carrying the same with them, with a clean cloth, three clean clothes, that the same cloth should not be used to cleanse the second time. This in itself is a virus, infecting-type virus. It is very similar in course to that of cancerous growths, but it is not of cancerous growth; it is not a malignancy. Yet, in likeness it is much the same as could occur upon the skin. If this was done in this manner that this problem should be literally cured, it must be done promptly. Set a time and follow through these instructions in their exact form.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, he mentions his elbows have tendonitis, or he has tennis elbow. Can you suggest what to do for these?”

This in itself is a lacking of green substance within the body. This we have already seen. This we have already given, that which should give relief and cure the same. We would further suggest within this the using of Jerusalem artichoke, eating one a day raw. Cleanse this substance well before eating. You may also use that of the Bag Balm salve on the elbow areas.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, regarding his business, he says, ‘With the mathematical method I have been using for the last four years, I am wondering what will happen to the people, as to how they will be serviced after I retire,’ excuse me a minute; let me start over. He sells insurance, Aka. ‘I have a method of selling life insurance where I can usually double a person’s coverage without him paying more out-of-pocket dollars. The internal costs are dividends on his old policies. With the mathematical method I have been using for the last four years, I am wondering what will happen to the people, as to how they will be serviced after I retire, quit, or die, or become disabled. Most agents don’t understand my method in its entirety.’”

We should say unto these words, take upon thyself an apprentice. Teach of the same, and the knowledge that thy have stored shall, therefore, be handed from hand to hand. You shall find that at a later time it shall be adopted widely.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. He says, ‘Some agents have criticized my method because they either (a) don’t understand it, (b) are jealous or © believe in savings more than protection. I feel that life insurance should be used more as an instrument for protection rather than savings because of our inflationary factor. Isn’t it true that our economy is due for a downfall?’ One moment. ‘Yes?”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Your economy shall go into that form of an inflationary depression. Therefore, the method in question we shall give this manner. Give that unto God that belongs to God, give that unto your fellow man that belongs to your fellow man, but give that unto yourself that belongs to you. In all three you are doing that of God’s work. In returning that of a dollar, place that before man that should grow in its own worth. Thy have thoughts of this within thy mind. We find no fault within the same, and therefore, continue with the work in the same manner into which you have done.

But we say unto you, it has been written, “Bear false witness against no man,” and this should come from others that should bear false witness against you. Therefore, they themselves must judge themselves in their life, and in their death, and in their life again. All must become in complete, for “He who should kill with the sword shall be slain with the sword.” But the beginning and ending of a karma, or an incarnation, can happen many times in one lifetime. Within truth [and] knowledge, the overcoming of a karma is that when a man or a woman truly sees and understands without giving unto another person blame, but receiving within themselves the understanding that that unto which they have done, and shall do, shall be right before themselves, for no man shall judge you other than yourself.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. He asks, should he consider retirement with Prudential Insurance company next year and do something else, or wait a few years?”

We should suggest that next year would be that of the best time to do so. This would give you a chance to reach outward and develop other resources of income, and of spiritual growth within the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, regarding his future, he says, ‘Do you have any suggestions as to how I could be of better service to humanity?’”

We shall say unto thee unto this manner. We have come not to make man great. We have come but for one purpose and that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Therefore, we place before you the bread and the wine. Apply the yeast, and the multitudes shall eat from the same, and therefore, you yourself shall have a hand in feeding all.

There is much knowledge that we have placed before you. But yet again, true wisdom must come from within — that that you see, that that you hear, and the opening of the mind to understand. Take into thy mind, much as you would take into your stomach, that which you can digest at one time. If you should eat smaller quantities, your stomach should digest it. Do the same with the mind, as the digestion has completed then take that on within the mind that should bring forth more knowledge. Soon you will find the mind has expanded and grown and is capable of taking great quantities of knowledge at one time.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, he asks, ‘I have been told by several psychics that I would be doing another type of work some day. Do you have any comment on that?’”

We have just answered that question.

“He asks, Aka, ‘Would an apartment house be a good investment now?’”

Yes, it would be a wise investment at this time, but not in the locale that you have thought of. We shall answer you in this manner. If you should go into this type of business, new cities have come forth and old cities have grown forth. Go, therefore, unto the mining communities. Go unto that areas that either the government or the mining companies themselves own most of the area; therefore, there is no housing for the many who should flock there to work. This in itself would both serve you and mankind in one gesture.

You have other questions, ask.

“He asks one final question, Aka. ‘Are gold and silver coins a good investment now?’”

We should say go unto the silver. Worry not about the gold. We should also say, provide that that you should store of foodstuff. You shall find this knowledge within the readings that shall be put at your disposal. Store of this. Then, in the time of famine, you may barter and trade, and therefore, you may have the gold and the silver and something to eat also.But provide that not only for yourself, but for others. We have made many suggestions of this type in previous readings. Ask for them and they shall be given unto the same.

Soul Ray now grows weary. For his body not to become overtaxed, it is now our time of departure.

Now is the time of the Cherub, and the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Beware.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


July 10, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And we say unto thee unto these words. As the great nations should gather unto the great loop of life, and therefore, stand beneath the Tree of Life and eat from its bountiful fruit, first they should see the tree grow dormant as the land should go unto its slumber. But yet again, the spring shall come, the rain shall fall, and the tree should bud again and give full life, so bountiful and so beautiful, and give forth upon your earth the miracle that God has placed within it. Then the leaves should come, and then the buds shall turn into fruit.

And we should say unto thee, yet there are many types of fruit upon this same tree. Just because you should not like of a fruit, do not cut it away. Leave it for another.

In many lands before, there once grew this tree, and it was for all to behold. And man became selfish and stole it away unto a hidden place and covered it that no light should shine upon it. But we say unto thee, what was covered shall now come forth unto the light. And light shall begot [beget] light, and light shall begot life everlasting upon this earth.

And we say unto those who should say, hell and damnation upon this earth, thy have not heard the words of our Father. For our Father does not ask the blood of the Lamb, He should only ask unto you love, and thus, the tree should grow from the same.

You have heard our words, yet you understand so little of which we speak. Then stand beneath this one thy should call of the prophet and count the drops of blood he should shed upon your earth from his own body, and the drops of blood shall flow unto the rivers, unto the oceans, and unto the many lands. And the ones that should fall upon each of you, cherish them, for they come with love.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Aka, [7–10–73–001] who is here tonight, has asked a number of questions; the first one, ‘How is my arthritis and what can I do for it?’”

First, we should say unto thee into these words. Of the arthritic condition, this in itself is not the virus type; it is caused from the nervous system. We would make this suggestion in this manner. More rest should be given unto this soul in this manner, for we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. We should say, go unto the desert, and therefore, find unto this one known as the Night-blooming Cereus. Take of this in quarter-by-quarter-inch cubes, three times daily. Take unto thyself of the sage tea sweetened with local honey. Steep of this, do not boil of it. Drink of this and let it flow unto thy body, and therefore, go into the circulatory system of the same.

We further find within this body certain nerve damage. The nerve damage within itself was caused from this soul, as a child, falling from a chair, striking the back of the neck and the headular area; therefore, we find problems within the backular area of the same.

The hearing problem could be rectified. Also the improvement of the eyesight could be improved by chiropractic or osteopathic treatment of the same. This should not be done, not at one time, because of the weight of this subject. It should be done in a gentle manner, therefore, causing no pain.

We find — yes — problem of the lymph gland area. Yes.

Problem of the thyroid. Yes.

We would suggest — low sugar — yes, we see this. Therefore, we would suggest the eating of the raw Jerusalem artichoke within the same.

We find the lacking of the vitamin A. This has caused increased aging beyond years. This vitamin, within itself, should be taken at least four times daily, adding the vitamin D once daily. In this particular case, these two vitamins should be taken in separate quantities; increasing the vitamin E input, that that has been taken orally, unto 1,000 units per day. The vitamin B, therefore, for the correction of the circulatory system, this should be taken in what is known as B-plus, added quantity of vitamin B.

Yes. We see this.

We further find — yes — a problem of that similar to the hardening of the arteries in the legular and hip areas causing swelling and pain within the same, of the lower limbs. This could also could be rectified partially by osteopathic treatment of the lower spine area. We would also suggest the taking of the vitamin known as Lipoflavinoid with [serocone] within the same.


We would further suggest — yes we see this.

We would suggest the diet of this soul, that more of the green substance be placed in the diet. This would be good. We would further suggest that less calcium be placed in the diet, more of protein. We would also suggest that before the eating of each meal, 30 minutes before, the taking of one capsule of that of the safflower oil, or the drinking of one ounce in raw form.

We would further suggest — yes, we see this — correction of the footwear. This is causing problems within the backular area within the same. This should be done as soon as possible. At all times this one should use the proper footwear. If this is not done, a permanent crippling condition shall arise at a later time.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. One moment. The operation she had last fall, ‘Was it necessary? Was it good or was it harmful,’ she asks.”

The operation was, in itself, was good within itself, but not totally necessary.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“She asks how to correct her weight problem to bring it down to normal?”

We have already answered that question.

“She asks, how is her health otherwise?”

We have already answered that question.

“She asks, ‘How will my book do?’”

The book shall be fair. At first, it shall start quite slowly, and then, within time, shall gather in momentum. This must take great patience upon the same. Better illustration within the same. Consulting others within the field of the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“She asks, ‘How long will my work among Indians continue? And is this work among the Indians worthwhile?’”

The work within itself is good. But we would say unto thee give unto those who are worthy of the gift. The work should be for the needy, not the greedy. It shall last until thy have lived your karmic fulfillment of the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [7–10–73–002] who is here tonight asks, ‘I have been working with, for eight years, somebody’s leg that is very sore, and will I be able to heal it?’”

We shall answer in this manner. First you must be able to see that which you are healing. You have caused a lessening of the pain, but not a healing of the same. Therefore, we should say unto thee, go unto the light; walk from the darkness into the light that thy may see the injury that thy are healing. Reverse the cycle of thy own body. You must take on this injury unto your own body and dissolve of the same. We would not suggest this at the present time, for within you is not the ability or the knowledge to do of this at this time; therefore, pray of healing. This would be good.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, he asks, ‘Could you give me any help or advice to improve my neck?’”

Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we have before us the body, soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

Yes, we find this problem. We find a fusion of a vertebrae.


This must be done over a prolonged period of time. It must be done with the use of magnesium in capsule form, 250 units, three times daily. We would also further suggest that thy should consult an osteopathic or chiropractic doctor that massage treatments could be given unto this area, first, that the loosening of the calcium deposit within the same.

We further find nerve damage within this area. You must realize we are not great, we cannot create that that has been destroyed. Only our Father may do this. This damage is permanent. We shall give forth unto this one the healing that is needed to take of the pain.

We find that of ulcerated condition of the stomach.


We find — infection of the liver, inflammation within the same. We find — yes — infection of the uterine canal within the same. This could be rectified by the use of the tonic known as S.S.S. It may be purchased at any of your local drugstores. We would further suggest that the taking of 500 units of vitamin E, A, D, in normal dosage, a good multiple vitamin and mineral, preferably of a natural source — yes — more of the fresh vegetation should be eaten with as little seasoning as possible upon the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“I have no other questions.”

Then we shall answer of your question within the mind of the same. And since this one is a personal question of a private nature, we should answer in this manner. Go not into the forest to find the ocean. Go unto the ocean to find the ocean. But that that thy should seek is partially real and partially but a dream. Therefore, there are those who should use you in a selfish manner. Beware. Let this not come to pass, for it shall harm them and you as well. Take not that for love that is but friendship. For friendship is love, but there are many kinds of love.

Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Soul Ray now grows weary. It is come time for our departure. Soul Ray should have repairs made on the right, rear tire of his car before he should venture forth upon his trip tomorrow.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


July 12, 1973

Tucson, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And now we shall say unto thee, as we have said before, there stands many upon the earth who should bring forth God’s gift to mankind.

And you say unto us, “Then why should you bring such as these before us?” Yet, we say unto you in this manner. Man lifts up those unto the light that he should see truth in and think is important; God lifts up into the light of His children, and therefore, gives blessings unto them all, each in their own separate way.

If a river should flow, thy may place a dam upon it, yet part of the river shall reach the ocean, and part of the water shall come back unto the river from the ocean. And in this manner God has given blessings unto the land and unto all mankind.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [3–23–73–001], who is here tonight asks, ‘What is in store for Tucson during the predicted earth changes? Will Tucson remain above the surface?’”

And we should say unto thee into these words. Tucson shall remain above the surface. It shall suffer a change, for there shall be upheavals that shall raise the area within itself unto a higher climate. There shall be damage upon the earth in forms of earthquakes. But fear not; do not run like children, for before the time should come we should tell of you these things.

Be not unto that of the person who should store of all things just for their selves. Unto those things of knowledge that thy should store, give into all mankind.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. He says also, ‘You have previously mentioned the fifth dimension, ninth plane, and the ninth dimension, fifth plane. How many planes are there, and how many dimensions are there?’”

(Chuckle.)We should say unto these words, there are 32 planes; there are also 32 dimensions. But we should say unto you in this manner. From each planetary system, or galaxy, as you should know of it, this should be multiplied again and again. For life does not dwell but upon one place, nor into but one kind.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [7–12–73–001], she is not here tonight, asks, ‘How does my work at A.T.P.T. fit in with my life, and how does A,T,P,T, influence the plans I have for buying land?’”

We cannot see of this.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“[7–12–73–002], who is here tonight…has asked — he would like to know about his purpose of this life, and he would like to know, ‘What value does my belief system have?’”

We should answer in this manner. Of thy purpose upon the earth is that that you have chosen as a free soul and a free spirit that should come in fulfillment of the immortal body; therefore, you have chosen that. You have brought forward both of good karma and bad karmic; therefore, you are to place both into forceful action, for light should reflect light, yet darkness should reflect darkness in the same manner.

But we should say unto this one, what has been covered shall be uncovered. Therefore, we say unto thee, bring forth your knowledge and share it with mankind. And fear not their wrath, for you shall find many who shall welcome you with open arms.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, he asks, ‘Could you suggest a good place for him to go to school and what subject to study?’”

Yes, we have before us, therefore, the records, and we should answer in this manner. Thy should excel yourself well in an engineering field. Therefore, we should suggest the land known as Prescott at the present time.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [6–8–73–001], who is here tonight…has asked, ‘What is the task you have for me?’”

We should answer your question in this manner, for we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body, and we have before us the records of time. And we should read from the same.

In a before time, that of the time of 1743, thy were a man who dwelled in the land at that time which is now known as Italy. Thy brought forth inventions of aircraft and designs before you teachers. At first, they laughed at you. But one said unto this one, “We shall build a working model of your design and together we shall add our two brains together, and therefore, shall make it fly.” And so you did. But those of this church did think it a wicked thing and did destroy it and your plans. You were cast from the land, never again to build of this.

Thy have an inventive mind that thy have brought forth. Therefore, we should say unto you, place it into good use, for mankind should need much of this.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. He also asks, ‘How does [7–12–73–001] affect my near future?’”

And we say unto you, does not light bring light? You are not a child that should be led by the hand. Thy know thy own heart. Be not so foolish and let this one pass you by.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“[7–12–73–003], who is here tonight…has asked, ‘What profession will give me the most spiritual and intellectual fulfillment, and what trades do I especially need to develop to be personally successful in this profession?’”

As the last should be first, and the first should be last, we should say unto thee in this manner — patience, humility. These are the two qualities thy have come back to learn.

Thy were a teacher of a profession before. Thy have knowledge hidden within thy mind of that of known as astrology. Thy also have that knowledge that should come as one, in that of placing astrology and numerology unto one science and that of placing the psychic mind within the same.

Thy have thought thyself at times not worthy to reach for the stars. But look at the flowers before your feet and there shall lie your answer into the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [7–12–73–004] has asked, ‘In what direction should my occupational interests go in the next two years?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. In the next two-year period you shall change your occupation. Thy shall leave upon this land and travel unto another land unto the east. There you shall build a place both for yourselves and others.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [7–12–73–005], who is here tonight, has asked, (1) ‘Where, considering all factors, should we look for another building for the fountainhead?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should say in this manner. Go unto the county. Reach further out into the undeveloped areas, we should say those of your Rincon Mountains. There is a building which is of size. The inner structure is not, at first sight, what you think you should want, but it can be developed into all things thy need.

You say unto us, “Where shall these funds come from?” And we say unto you, as rain should fall upon the desert, so should the needs of our Father’s children who should do their work be given forth. Fear this not.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, she also asks, ‘What should we do now to improve business at the Fountainhead?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Bring forth within the Fountainhead that of the health food and that of the dried food that could be stored to be sold with your books, with your lectures. There are many who should seek this out.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [7–12–73–006], who is here tonight, has asked, ‘Should I go through with my plan for Anaheim doctor exam and therapy?’”

Yes, we have before us the body, soul, spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. We should say, this should be good in one respect. But there is other knowledge that should come forth. This subject should be asked at a different time, not in public.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes Aka. [7–12–73–007] has asked, ‘Please give me some understanding of my future.’ She is here tonight.”

We should answer unto thee unto these words. Come from the forest unto the valley. Hide not thyself. Bring forth the beauty within the soul; let it flow unto mankind. Give unto it, unto thyself gracious thoughts.

Thy have thought in thy mind of a land unto which thy would like to dwell. Yet you have feared this land, that the destruction might come unto it. But as all things must begin and all things must end, yet there is no beginning and no ending, as you would know of it. A rose should bud, and yet it should wilter [wilt] away. Yet the bush that the rose came from should remain. So we say unto thee, while the rose is in blossom, take of the rose. Fear not of the time when it should go away, but enjoy it while you have it. But even that that should go beneath the sea shall rise again. And that that has been beneath the sea shall rise again.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [7–12–73–008], she’s here tonight and has asked for a life reading.”

We should say unto thee into these words. Soul Ray’s body now grows very tired. This question should be asked at a different time. Give forth one more question, and our time should come forth to depart.

“[7–12–73–009] has asked in regards to travel, one moment — prospects of travel and rest in the next two months?”

We should answer in this manner. In the central parts of California, earthquakes shall erupt. This should go upward into the area toward your land of San Francisco and downward through the San Bernardino fault, outward unto the coastlands. There is a certain amount of danger to dwell in this land at the present time. Of the other areas thy have thought of, these would be safe, and the journey should go well.

Now is the time of the Cherub, and the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


July 13, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And now we should say unto thee unto these words. For we shall tell thee the parable of the raindrop and the rose, and that of the wild rose that should grow upon the mountaintop, and of the angry man who climbed the mountain.

And he saw unto these roses, and he rushed forward and ripped and tore the bush from the mountain to carry it away with him. He did not ask permission of this plant, nor of the mountain, nor of his God. He stole away, as a thief in the night, this beautiful thing that God had placed forth for all of mankind to see.

But in doing so, many thorns had ripped his hands.

He went into the valley, there to drop the rose, the bush. And a small girl came forth and saw this beautiful thing starting to wilt. She took it up into her arms quite gently, and carried it to fertile soil by a brook, and with her hands she dug into the earth and placed each root gently, with love and care, and covered the roots with earth. And then she looked unto the heavens and said, “Oh, Father, please save the life of this beautiful thing that others may share its beauty.”

And God spoke back unto this little one with a teardrop in His eye, and He said unto her, “FIRST I SHOULD ASK UNTO YOU THIS QUESTION. CAN YOU FORGIVE THE ONE WHO RIPPED THE PLANT FROM THE MOUNTAINTOP?”

And she said, “Oh, yes, Lord; this I can do.”


And so the child sought out from place to place. And there she heard, in this small place hidden behind all other buildings, the moan of the man whose hands were swollen with infection, and bleeding.

And she went unto the man, and she said unto him, “Oh please, kind sir, let me heal unto your hands.”

The man began to laugh at her, and said, “What can a child do, that I who am so strong cannot do?”

The child wept — but not for pity, not for shame, but for his sorrow within his heart, for his anger within his heart.

And this one looked upon the tears that fell and reached out his bloody swollen hands, and her small hands encircled his. And his hands became whole. Yet hers retained the swelling and the blood and the pain.

And she said, “Thank you, sir. Now I must go.” And so she left and went back unto the plant.


And there she did as she was told unto the Lord. And the plant sprang forth new life, new beauty. And the rain began to fall.


And so we have told unto you the parable. But yet there is more.

For this rough man had stood and watched. And he ran before the little one to bow, and said, “I have seen unto this day a miracle.”

And the little one looked into his eyes, and said, “In truth, the plant was a miracle before you destroyed it. So there is no miracle that has been performed, except that unto the Lord.”

And the man said unto the little one, “How can you have such faith? Where does it come from? And how may I remove this mark of the Beast from my forehead?”

And the child pointed to the mind, and said, “From within — forgive of thyself, for you are the only one that should judge of thyself.”

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [6–11–71–001] who is here tonight…has asked for a life reading.”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, and the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body. And therefore, we have before us the records of time. And we should read from the same.

And we should go first into the land thy know as Greece. For this, your reading shall come, but yet in parts.

For within this land thy lived, thy dwelt in the small village. And in the village there lived one who they called unto the prophet. It had been your desire long to go and learn from this one. And you went unto your father and bade permission.

And so, your father took you by the hand and led you unto the house of the prophet. And when you entered, therefore, the prophet did look upon you and kneel. And you felt embarrassed. And you father felt embarrassed. And your father said, “Why should one so great kneel before my son?”

And the prophet said unto this one, “For he shall be the one who walks beside the Son of Man, the Son of God.”

And you looked long at him and thought, “How could this be, for I am not of great stature?” And you asked permission to learn and to study under this one. And so this master bid you come in, and you studied many years.

And yet one day, your master’s time to walk through the doors of life had arrived. And he bid you come unto him. And he said unto thee in this manner, “For many lifetimes shall pass before you, yet you should remember these words I spoke to you when we first met. Should you forget, then the honor the Lord has seen fit to bestow upon you shall pass beyond your grasp.”

And so it was. You yourself became the prophet of the village, and so you taught of many. And your time came and passed.

And other lifetimes passed before you, each with the small remembrance of the same, each within a different land. Within all, you learned to sculpture, you learned of arts, you learned of man in many forms.

And then one day, you dwelt beside the Sea of Galilee. Within your hand was your sketchbook, and you were sketching fisherman as they cast their net. And yet, suddenly you turned, for one who wore such clean clothes walked over the hill. And you began to sketch this one.

Yet, suddenly you looked upon your sketch pad, and there, beyond the body, you had placed both fish and wine and the many colors of the aura which God should surround His children with. And you looked, and yet you had done all this with nothing more than charcoal, yet of one color. And you were amazed. How could this happen?

And yet he walked closer.

And he walked unto you and said these words, “Come and walk with me, and I shall show you the glory of my Father, yet the glory of the people.”

And yet you knew this man at first to be of Jewish birth, and you hesitated within you. Yet, you looked back at your pad, and all you had drawn was gone. You picked up your pad and you [walked] followed this one. And you followed him through your lifetime, there to perish in the land of Egypt.

We do not find this one again, yet again until 1890’s. And we find this one in the land thy would call as thy Ohios. There this one is a trapper, a gambler, and sometimes a thief. And there along, as the river flowed, within this house that some would call the house of prostitution, you lingered long between your trips. You gambled. You spent of the money that you had stolen and that that you had earned in trapping.

And then, one day there walked through the doors of this house a very small, fine-boned young Indian girl. And yet, all things that had been before suddenly came forth again in memory. And you walked up unto this one and you said unto her, “Do you speak of the French tongue?”

And she made the motion of “No,” but she made the motion that she should understand you.

And so you wed this one.

And yet again, soon the urge came back unto you, not of your old ways, but of all the memory of the psychic knowledge that thy had possessed of all your before lives. And so you came from the forest unto the valleys. And you traveled westward, for you had heard of this Messiah who had come among those of the Indian people.

Yet when you reached this land, he had come and gone, for all you had heard [of] the legend of his passing. There you served in many forms, that of teacher, that of artist, that of man and husband.

You have brought forth unto this lifetime all within the same. We have answered your question within your reading that laid within your mind. We have placed this life reading in such a manner that only you, and you alone, should know of the karma that lies within, should know of those we have spoke of, and who they are within this lifetime, for as you were before, in forms of private souls, so you are in this lifetime.

But we should say unto you, we have opened the door. The rest is up to you, for God does not take, from no man, his free choice.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [7–13–73–001], he’s asked for, in regards to health .‘Dear Aka, please heal me, or advise how I may be helped or healed of my present mental and/or physical condition. The doctors have been unable to help or even pinpoint my problem. Please offer to those who love me and are responsible for my well being any advice or help you can concerning decisions they may have to make about my life.’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. One moment. This soul must be located.

Yes. Yes, we have this before us now.

Of the physical nature we should answer in this manner, that of a mental state, first, we should suggest that the dental work necessary be done immediately. The infection from the same is poisoning the whole body and the mind.

Third, we have that which would be known as brainstem damage, damage in a form that should affect complete nervous system of the same. We would suggest that saunic baths be used. This in itself can increase the circulatory system. We would further suggest that a good diet, a sound diet be used. We should add protein unto the diet. Three meals per day, this should be done; not in such a manner that thy should [gorge] thyself, but in a sensible manner. Take forth upon that of the salt water fish at least one meal per day. Take forth that of the beef, of the liver of the beef, of one meal in the week per day. Take forth that of the other parts of the beef; this should not be overcooked. Take forth that of the raw vegetation, as much as thy can consume at thy luncheon meals. Take forth that of the fruit, both of the pear, peach, of this type, adding a little milk unto the substance, sweetened with that of the honey.

We would further suggest — yes, we see this — a chiropractic treatment should be used. We find a deformity of birth in the spine within the same. We would suggest that this, that x-rays be used before treatment be given. The chiropractic or osteopathic doctor should know in detail of the injuries unto the spine.

We find that — yes — infection unto the kidney area, infection that of the liver area. We would suggest that no alcoholic beverages whatsoever enter unto this one, of no kind. We would suggest –- yes — that that of the sage tea be used, sweetened with natural honey.

Yes. We find, therefore, a fracture, that which would be known as a hairline fracture, of the left side of the [labonial] [mastoid?] area. We find that this within itself has caused an imbalance. This has irritated the nervous system within the same. We would suggest that in your visit to your osteopathic doctor that the substances known as antiverts be used to stabilize the equilibrium of the same.

We would also suggest that a follow-up reading be done unto this soul at a different time, should it be asked for.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [7–13–73–002] who is here tonight…has asked for a health reading. He says, ‘Peripheral stagnation and swelling of feet, lack of balance, can’t stand on toes.’ One moment. He says, ‘The balancing of my body when standing is one of my difficulties. Then when I first start walking or exercising I am somewhat short of breath, but this leaves quite soon upon easy exercise. Also have a mucous condition of throat, and nasal system. Otherwise I am fairly well.’ He asks for help in this, Aka.”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. First, we would suggest that no salt at all be used in this one’s diet, obtaining that of a salt substitute.

We further find that of a borderline diabetic. That, in itself, we would suggest the use — yes — of the Jerusalem artichoke, preferably two to three of these be eaten raw per day.

We further find — yes — that of retaining, over-retaining the water substance within the body.


This in itself is not caused from the usual substance, that of the deterioration of the kidneys within themselves; this is coming from a heart condition, therefore, within the circulatory system within the same.

First, we should answer in this manner. This condition can only be worsened by too much exercise. Therefore, we would suggest a form of exercise less strenuous. We would suggest that of swimming as much per day as the body will allow. Do not overdo this, but it should be a daily exercise. This in itself would allow the pores of the body to discharge these fluids and bring that back into a normal balance.

We also find that of an inner ear infection. We would suggest that thy should go unto the eye, ear, nose specialist and therefore, unto the left ear, have this examined. This has been caused by the breaking of the eardrum at an earlier time in life, the healing over and granules of foreign substance being left within. It would be suggested that surgery be used to remove of this. At the present time, that this condition might be overcome, the use of the antivert substance within the same; we would also suggest that the stabilizing of the equilibrium could be used by the substance known as Dilantin. These subjects should be brought forth unto your doctor.

We would further suggest that 3,000 units of vitamin C be used daily for a short period of time, for at least four weeks, then going back to 1,000 units per day. Also for the four-week period, we would suggest 1,000 units of vitamin C [E?] be used in the same manner, and then at the end of four-week period going back to 500 units. We would suggest the vitamins A, D, B, C and E be used in that order. The vitamin B should be that of the thermal type, in such a manner, that that you would know that would stimulate the white corpuscle growth within the body, that that should act as an antibody to fight off and ward off the disease form.

We would also suggest — yes, we see this — we would suggest the massaging of the head area for ten minutes per day, that of the temple area, of the top of the head, throughout the whole area; this should be done.

We would also suggest for the blemishing, that of the small growths in the facial area, that the use of vitamin E be used, rubbing into these areas [through] over the skin. This would greatly help in the healing of the same.

This is all on this soul at this time. A follow-up reading can be obtained upon request.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [7–13–73–003], who is here tonight…has asked, ‘Do you have any suggestion that could help my husband’s health problems?’”

We should answer this question in this manner. Bring forth unto thy husband, permission, and your answer shall come forth in the same manner. Thy have health problems within thy own body that should need rectifying. We shall give healing both unto your husband and unto yourself. Glory be the name of the Lord. For the Lord giveth in this manner, that your free will should not be violated.

We would suggest, since soul Ray now grows weary, that this same subject should bring forth further questioning at your next reading, in further detail.

Now is the time of the Cherub. Your Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Beware.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


July 17, 1973, 11:30 a.m.

Globe, Arizona

[Private reading]

Aka is here.

“Good morning, Aka, where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. (B____ G________)…has asked for a health reading. She would like to know, ‘What is wrong with my health, and is there some treatment?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in these words — we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same — yes, we should answer that first that is most in mind, of the [backular] area. We find, therefore, fusion of the same. This has come forth from surgery, calcium deposits. We also find within this area that of crimped nerves. The upper proportion, sixth — eighth vertebrae, distortion. We find disease unto the nervous system attacking of the same.

We should answer in this manner, this can be corrected. We should suggest the blood therapy: first, the taking of the sauna baths; second, in the dietary, the removal of calcium from thy diet, magnesium added to the diet within the same, 1000 units of vitamin E per day, 500 units of vitamin C per day. It would be suggested that the vitamin B-[N, in]X complex be used; this taken orally would not be sufficient. It could be in large enough dosage. It would do much better if this was injected into the vein itself, into the circulatory system.

We further find the lacking the vitamin A and B.

We would suggest that surgery be done to remove the calcium deposits and the fusion of the [bonular] area. If this is not done complete fusion shall take place.

We further find that, within this soul, kidney problem. This in itself is nothing more that the lack of exercise. We would suggest that the subject, the use of swimming exercises, that of a floatation unit be placed around the body that the legs and arms could be exercised in this form. This would stop the fusing, breaking loose the calcium deposits within the same and they could do this, naturally dissolve with into the body. This also, as the muscular areas have become no longer in use they are slowly deteriorating. This should be done daily. This in itself as a therapy would be the greatest medicine for this one.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. She asks, ‘Will I have financial trouble?’”

We should answer in this manner. We do not see of this at the present time. Yes, thy shall not be overly wealthy.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“She asks, ‘Will I find marriage and happiness in the near future? And if so, what would be his first name?’”

The name of the subject we are not allowed to release. We shall [bring] forth into the initial of “B,” nothing more. The marriage that thy should seek out shall come forth. That, in itself, should be fulfillment.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“She asks, ‘Will I stay in Arizona or return to my place of birth?’”

We would suggest at the present time, due to your medical condition, that you remain in a drier climate, that of the Arizonian. We would also suggest that due to a slight sinus condition the taking, therefore, of the sage tea, sweetened with local honey, would relieve of this.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“She asks, ‘Will my parents live much longer? Also, will their health be good?’”

You must understand, this in itself is pertaining to free choice. That that has been given unto you shall be given unto them, in the same manner.

But should you go unto the forest, and therefore, stand beneath an oak, and look up and see a strong and beautiful thing, would you think that this was the only tree that stood in the forest? Yet, look beneath the oak and you shall find young oak that has come forth from the oak. This in itself is part of the same. This in itself was God’s plan.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, she asks, ‘Will my children be healthy and happy?’”

We shall answer in this manner. Happiness comes from within. It is that quiet place within the mind that reaches out to others and gives them that if their selves. And as each is a separate thing upon the earth, as rose should have of one root, yet of many branches. Each bud shall be beautiful, but different in its own way. Therefore, each should seek out happiness in their own way, and sorrow in their own way. But it is the growth of the same that should come into fulfillment into all things, as one, yet not alike.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“One other question, Aka. She asks, ‘Will I be crippled the rest of my life, or will I be made well? And if so, how soon?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. We have given unto your hands that that could heal of you. Go forth and do of these things that e have asked. And we shall place the healing within thy body that is needed. You stand before you now, two roads to follow. One, you could remain a cripple, as you would call it; yet a cripple is only in the mind. The other road you could follow should bring unto you partial, not complete, healing. This in itself is but another road to follow. And yet we say again, that that of being crippled should be only of the mind. For God has placed forth before you — for those who should lose of a hand, those who have lost their hand before you should stand beside you, and therefore, show you in a manner that you may use of one hand as two. We shall take from you the pain of the body. You must do the rest.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Mrs. (V____ L_____)….Excuse me?”

[Mrs. V____ L______ speaks to Bob]: “I can’t hear over here.”

[Bob answers her]: “We’ll play it back in a few minutes.”

[She says]: “Well, I have to get closer because I can’t hear a word.”

[Bob says]: “One moment. [Mrs. V____ L_______] has asked for a health reading, Aka.”

[Speaking louder, Aka says]: Yes, we should answer of your question in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same.

[She whispers]: “What did he say?”

We find [more] nerve damage unto the [bonial, the boney, labonia?] area, that of the mastoid, which has caused deafness unto the same. We would suggest, therefore, surgery be done unto this area, replacing that of the damaged third center in the [curricular (cochlear)] area of the ear itself. This could be done quite simply, and inexpensively.

We would further suggest, this one, because of high blood pressure, we find therefore of a low sugar count. Therefore, we would suggest, in this particular case — and this must be understood — that the taking of the sugar from the diet should be necessary — only small amounts, replacing it with that of the natural honey.

We would further suggest that a chiropractic doctor be sought out, or osteopathic doctor. X-rays should be taken. The numerous injuries to the backular area is too — at this time, are too many for us to discuss at the present time. But this problem could be solved quite simply with adjustments through the spinal area for this one. This would also relieve, greatly, of the pain, of the headaches this one has had. It will also increase the circulatory system in such a manner to add to this one’s hearing.

We would further suggest — yes — that of the vitamin, Lipoflavinoid, be used to expand and relax the [veinliar (veinous)] system within itself.

We would further suggest that this soul — yes, we see this — that an osteo, osteopathic doctor, at the same time advice should be sought out on that of the feet. Corrective shoes could be placed upon these enabling this one much relief with this area.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [M_______ U____] who is here….and she has asked if she has a heart condition? She also wants to know what is wrong with her back? Can it be cured? And can her arthritis be cured?”

First, we should say in this manner, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body.

We find no heart problem here. We do find high count of the white blood cells causing the heart to overwork. We would suggest the seeing of your physician as soon as possible so that the proper medication, in this, could be taken.

We would suggest that the osteopathic doctor be sought out, or chiropractic doctor, that adjustments into the lower [backular] area would greatly correct that of the problem within the same.

We would further suggest unto this one that 500 units of vitamin E be taken daily, a good multiple vitamin-mineral be supplemented. But this must be understood, take that of a natural form, not of a synthetic.

We would further suggest that this one is highly allergic to the salt unto which she has taken into the body; therefore, replace the same with a salt supplement.

Yes, We also find — tumor, non-malignant tumor, left side. This is called a fatty tissue; this was caused from an early injury in life. This has caused problems of slight pain. It is not dangerous. It could be removed, either by diet or surgery, whichever this one should desire.

Soul Ray now grows tired.

Therefore, we should answer in this manner.

We shall give of soul John that that she desires in a later reading.

Of the other questions of these subjects, these should be taken up at different time.

Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[This transcript has been compared with the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


July 17, 1973 p.m.

Globe, Arizona

[Private reading]

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka, where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And we should say unto thee, for those who should go to the forest to find our Father, there they shall find Him. For those who should go to the valley to find our Father, there they should find Him also. For those who should walk in the light of our Father, He shall walk with them. But for those who do not know the valley, yet in their own way do not know of the mountains, then our Father should walk with neither, for they have yet to find that which is sacred within them. But yet, should they open the doorway to that hidden place within their mind, then they may know of the mountains and they should know of the valley also, in the same manner. For that that should grow in the mountains should grow in the valley. It is not where they seek it, it is that that thy seek within thyself.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, (B H) who is here tonight….has asked as number of questions. He asks — one, ‘What do you think is wrong physically with me, my leg and left ear?’”

Yes, we see of thy need. And we should answer in this manner.

We find, therefore, the damage that was done in that of an accidental [form, fall]. Therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same.

“One moment, Aka. It is his right leg he has marked, and his left ear.”

Yes, we see of this. Yet, we should answer as we have answered before. We should find, therefore, from this accident thy have had, therefore, what is known as brainstem damage. We find, therefore, in this same area scar tissue of the same, and nerve damage within the same. It would not be suggested that this area be relieved with a surgery, for the nerves are damaged in such a manner that the correction of one should cause blindness of another. Therefore, it should be our suggestion first, therefore, for chiropractic treatment of the 6th, 7th, 8th vertebrae. The slow movement with chiropractic treatment of the [bonier, labonia?] area — this can be done by the shifting of the right side of the head in a very slow motional manner. If this is not done correctly, you shall find no results from the same. We would suggest in this case that as each treatment is taken that readings be following, to work within accord. Can you understand of which we speak?

“Do you understand the message?” Bob asks the man. Then Bob says, “I understand, Aka.”

Then we should answer further in this manner. Full use of both cannot be restored — thy have already that knowledge in thy own mind — but use that thy could go on in life in such a manner to live a full and rich life.

We find other damage within thy body. We find, therefore, the subject within the same is a borderline diabetic. We would suggest the taking, therefore, in addition to the other medication at the present time, of Jerusalem artichoke in raw form.

We further find — yes, we see this — lacerations in what thy would know as the large intestine. These, of ulcerous-type lacerations, have grown scar tissue which is blocking the tract within itself. Therefore, we would suggest the use first of a mild laxative. This, of thy would know as the milk of magnesia, would do. But this should only be used when absolutely needed. It would not be wise that the subject become dependent upon the same. We would further suggest, therefore, that milder unseasoned foods be used. We do not prescribe that all seasoning be extracted from the food, but that of a rich nature. You must realize that your taste for such foods come from that of another lifetime.

We should also suggest unto you into this manner, of that of karmic nature thy have brought forth, this in itself has caused you to seek out suffering within your own body. This, you must realize, is not necessary. This should not rid yourself of the karmic. You have already done so in your own manner. It is often within a soul that a soul should over-punish themselves, or seek beyond their own means that for understanding, when in truth the understanding lays at their feet.

We find — yes, we see this.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, he asks, ‘What can I do to remedy my condition?’”

First we should answer further upon the same question we have already answered, that osteopathic or chiropractic treatment be sought. X-rays of the area should be taken, that in truth a doctor should see that of the movement as it is done, from time to time.

“Of the back, Aka?”

Of the back and [up there, upper] [neckular] area of the brainstem and the bonier area. That thy have still not fully understood of which we speak, that the skull, you must understand, should contain eight parts. It has been your theory of life that the skull has hardened and, therefore, cannot be moved. This is not true, for the skull can be moved. If this was done so that the left side be shifted slightly forward and upward, then the nerves within themselves could be relieved, and relieving this situation. As we have said before, as this is done readings must, should, be taken as the adjustments are made. Can you now understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Nay, not fully. Then we should answer in this manner. Study of this that we have given, and then thy shall fully understand.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, he asks, ‘How permanent is my job?’”

We do not see of this.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“He asks, ‘How is my wife’s (B____’s), health’….”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. Therefore, we should answer in this manner. We find first infection of the vagina area. Yes.

We should answer in such a manner that she should know. That of the washing of the area should be done so with a milder medication. It would be suggested that the drinking of the sage tea, four to six times daily, sweetened with your local honey, this in itself should flush out the kidney and liver area, [add] to that into the circulatory system.

It would also be suggested that this subject should change that of the drinking water into that of a purer form. This subject is highly allergic to that that is known as your chlorine. This subject, therefore, has that of the cramping of the lower abdomen area.

Therefore we find — yes, we see this — of the [upper] left [lungular, lung, uh,] area, scar tissue of the same. This in itself is caused from that of lung damage as a young child. We would suggest it that the filtering of the home be done in such a manner that while the subject should sleep she should breathe that of pure air. This should take forth some of the pollution.

We find — yes, we see of this — we would further suggest in the backular area, the lower proportion of the same, adjustments be made. We find that of pinched nerve, which has led to discomfort, therefore, of the arms and upper neckular area unto this subject. We would suggest that further adjustment be made within the same.

Yes. We find within this subject that lacking within the mineral substance, of magnesium, the lacking of the subject of that in of calcium. We would suggest that these be taken unto 250 units, four per day.

We would further suggest in both subjects the taking unto the body substance of 500 units of vitamin E per day.

We would further suggest — yes, we see this — a lacking of the subjects. We would suggest into this subject in particular that the eating of four to six bananas per day; this could be done by supplementing within thy meal — eating more of the green vegetation, preferably very fresh — taking from thy diets less of the heavier proteins, adding to the diet before each meal, 30 minutes preferably, that of safflower oil in the form of two tablets 30 minutes before the eating of the meal. Yes, we should go back again unto the first subject, add to unto this one unto the same. Since this reading has been given on both subjects we shall combine both of their readings unto the same. Can you understand of which we speak?

“Ruth can.”

This is good. Therefore, we should say unto thee, thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, (B__ H___) asks, ‘Am I pursuing the right vocation? And if not, what should I be doing?’”

We should answer in this manner. Thy pursuit of thy vocation has been in a slightly lazy manner. Therefore, seek out unto thyself that which would come forth in fulfillment, both unto yourself and unto your family, in a like manner.

Each person, therefore, within life brings forth that from other lives. They find that within themselves which they are naturally good at. They find that which is a hidden part of themselves. If they do not pursue the occupation unto which they were best at in a before life, therefore, they bring the gnawing instinct into the mind that they should pursue a certain profession, for they carry forth, therefore, the knowledge from one time unto another in a like manner. Can you understand into which we speak?


Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, they ask, ‘Would a move to Arizona be a good move for our son,(R_____), age 21, from Aloha, Oregon?’”

Yes, at the present time it would, for both employment and health within the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“He has one other question, Aka. He says, ‘Should my wife, (B____), stay in the real estate business or seek other endeavors?’”

We shall answer in this manner. Seek out that into the field thy already have. But we should also say in this manner, there are new areas within the state which should blossom forth, and therefore, the monetary value within your real estate should come forth from these areas. In your mining-type communities at the present time, they shall come forth in greater demand for a home of that which you should call, of small trailer park areas. You shall find that people, in general, would rather live in smaller trailer parks than in the larger of the same. If these could be developed and sold in separate proportions — that unto which a man stand and owns, he shall build upon; that which a man stands and rents, he shall just pay upon and do nothing. In this manner, thy should serve both of thyself, of the youth of your country, of your land unto which you dwell. Can you understand of which we speak?

Thy have other questions, ask.

“I have no other questions for them, Aka.”

Then we should answer unto the silent one. That that thy have sought is but much like a brook . The brook that should dwell and run into the sand, and go beneath the sand, therefore, should become hidden from man. And it should flow down unto the rivers that should run beneath the ground, and unto the lakes that lie beneath the ground. But all shall flow back unto the sea, that the lakes, the brooks, may be replenished from the sea. That thy have sought out is much like this brook. Therefore, we should say unto thee, if thy are not prepared to drill for the water, then walk away from it.

Soul Ray now grows weary.

And we should say unto thee unto these words. Soul John, we find therefore within thy body these substances. Thy have of the measle form, which in itself has attacked the weaker parts of your body. You must remember that that that you have, but one kidney, it must do the job of two. Therefore, we should say unto thee, go unto thy doctor. Take of the things thy have thought of in thy mind. But at this time, antibiotic should be sought out unto the body.

We would further suggest unto this one that chiropractic doctor be sought out for adjustments of the lower body. The upper necklier [neck] part should not be disturbed in any manner at the present time.

Now is the time of the cherub. And the fifth angel dwells upon thy earth. Your time walks closer for new eruptions. We say unto thee, earthquakes shall cross thy lands. Your time us very soon. Your 3rd of August shall mark the beginning date. You shall feel tremblers in your California area, central proportions, before this date. They shall cross unto the Arizona land, but be therefore not afraid.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[This transcript has been compared to the tape recorded voice for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins of Globe, Arizona.


July 20, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And we should tell unto thee the parable.

And upon an ugly rock amongst the beautiful forest there sprung, therefore, a young tree. And the tree grew tall and mighty. And the other trees looked unto it and said unto themselves, “How can this be, that this tree, so huge, could grow and place its roots unto the rock?” Yet as days passed and years passed, all the other forest died away, and yet, the mighty tree stood and recorded time, for in each circle within itself there was a larger circle.

And so it has been with all religion through time. But there is a core within the tree. And without the core, the tree would die, and so would all that that has surrounded it.

And so we say unto you unto these words. As man walks upon the valleys and hills, should he remove the core from himself, then the soul should wither and die away and become lost and unto him nothing.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [7–20–73–001] has asked — he’s had a massive stroke, can’t swallow solid food and only some liquids, and is having trouble getting sufficient nutrition. ‘What can be done to restore health and rhythm and strength and energy,’ he asks?”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. And therefore, we should answer in this manner. The healing that was needed was given, and yet it was cast aside. If this one should hold onto the thread of life, those instructions it was given before must be carried out to the very letter. Only by bypassing those damaged parts of the brain and nervous system can this one be allowed to continue to live. This can only be done by the implanting of the thought and the placing of the healing within the same.

We would suggest there is one other therapy, that the taking of hot olive oil packs be placed around the nerve and up, covering the left side of the face and headular area. This must be repeated eight times daily. This must also be done before the subject should go to sleep at night. This also should cover the left eye which also has been damaged.

There are numerous other problems within this soul, both mental and medical. We should answer in this manner. There is yet one other therapy that could be used to re-stimulate these nerves. That is placing the electrodes that you use in starting that of the heart after it has stopped in the exact same position. This in itself would excite these nerves and start them to rework.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [7–20–73–002…Tempe] has asked for a health reading concerning ‘hypoglycemia, uterus infection, eyes, sinus, ears, mouth, infections and physical problems since we moved to Arizona.’”

Yes, we see thy need. First, we should answer into your question in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

Our suggestion, first, is that that is needed in a higher climate and purer air. That unto which you dwell, and unto the land unto which you dwell, has become poisonous to your system. You are highly allergic to the [mineral] substance of iron that should come against your skin.

First, we should suggest the seeking out of the area within the same known as Indian Hot Springs, therefore, using of the mud baths within the same. There is within this soil that which could neutralize your body chemicals and make them less susceptible to your surrounding area.

We would further suggest that increasing of the vitamin E into 1,000 units per day, vitamin C into 500 units.

We would further suggest, one moment, please — yes — we see of thy need, the taking therefore of the honey, one teaspoon six times per day, placing that of a natural apple vinegar within the same — taking twice the amount of honey to one part of vinegar, stirring it rapidly within a small container mixing it thoroughly, adding, therefore, one-fourth of one-fourth teaspoon of plain baking soda into this substance — adding, therefore, four parts to the one part of the compound you have just mixed of that of the sage tea and drinking of the same. This in itself would help in the neutralizing of your body chemicals, and help in the overcoming of this problem within yourself.

We find, therefore — yes, we see of this — a skin problem, that of reddish blots.


We should suggest the taking, therefore, of the white of the egg, taking that of the baked bread, mixing within the white of the egg unto the baked bread, making a [poultice] of the same and applying to these areas.


We find, therefore — yes — we would suggest also the taking of the tonic known as S.S.S., adding to this in this manner. This tonic may be found foul to the mouth, but yet good for the body.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Aka, [8–6–71–006] asks, ‘What and who, or is it the same person of the last two years, that is starting the same with my life, and what should I do — interfering with life?’”

We should answer in this manner. Karma should seek karma; kind should seek kind. Therefore, walk away from the kind, and the problem shall fade away and be no more.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [7–20–73–003], who is here tonight…asks, ‘For several years myself and my family have been plagued by an evil presence. I would like very much to know how to make it go away.’”

And we should say unto you these words. For we shall cast from your house this spirit. We say unto thee, go unto thy house and repeat unto these words:

Oh Lord of God, Almighty of all, bring forth Thy presence, and let none befall.

We say unto thee that is half of Heaven, half of hell, walk away from these walls.

[Kay-ah, kay-ah.]

And so, in the name of the Lord it shall be done. Nothing more. And cast it from yourselves and from your minds.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [7–20–73–004] has asked…”

One moment.



“…for a health reading. She has had much surgery, the last for cancer. She has allergies, early glaucoma, Meniere’s disease (inner ear), bad back, arthritis and circulation problems, high blood pressure, exhausted nerves. ‘Is there something else that can be done besides taking so much medication,’ she asks?”

Of the medication that thy are taking at the present time, we find no fault within the same. We should answer in this manner. Should thy change of thy diet form, add more of the green vegetation to your diet. Add that of the fish that should come from the sea, three to four times per week, into thy diet. Add that unto the raw beef form, the rawer the better that this could be eaten. Add unto the diet liver at least once weekly. Add a good natural vitamin and mineral substance compound unto the same.

Seek that unto the ocean; implant thyself into the sands of the same. If this cannot be done, we would suggest the taking that of the earth, finding that similar that could be used of a bathtub, implanting a mixture of sand and water within the same, emerging [immersing] thyself except for thy face into this. If this was done for a two-week period, once per day, your problem [in] your chemicals would return their balance unto the same.

There are many healing qualities that should come from your earth that you have ignored, for the Lord, God, placed upon the earth that that should make His children grow healthy and strong.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [7–20–73–005] asks for healing for her father.”

We shall answer in this manner. We shall take that of the pain and give that unto the body and soul and spirit, and the immortal body, the healing that it desires unto the same. Glory be the name of the Lord.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka.[7–20–73–006] has asked — she has hypoglycemia and rheumatoid arthritis, and asks for help concerning that. One moment. She asks, ‘Will the D-cell water I am using help me to get better?’ And also, ‘Will I be completely healed in this lifetime?’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. We shall answer this question in this manner. The healing thy seek is but at thy fingertips.

First, heal of thy mind into positive thought. We should answer of the arthritic condition,

first, you must realize that partially this arthritic condition is brought forth from your own nervous condition. We would suggest the taking of Lydia E. Pinkham. We should further suggest that the taking of the Night-blooming Citros [Cereus] in quarter-by-quarter cubes twice daily. We would further suggest the drinking, therefore, of the sage tea; we would further suggest the adding to this of natural honey. If this cannot be obtained, taking unto this — yes — of the sage honey or that of the mesquite honey. We would further suggest that the taking unto that of the mesquite bean, grinding this unto a fine powdery substance; taking that, therefore, that should come from your saguaro cactus, the seed of the same, grinding this into fine powder form; adding these substances into the tea, and drinking of the same.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Aka, [2–19–71–001] has asked if there is anything specific in her life reading that would be helpful to our group?”

We should answer of this question at another time.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“[7–20–73–007] asks, ‘Should I move to California to study under Dr. Parker in group therapy?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. That unto which thy seek and find within thyself unto thy own soul should be therapy. If the wine that comes from this well should meet of thy taste buds then drink of it. But we should say unto you, be that of a wine taster.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. She has one other question. ‘I have adhesions in my shoulder joints which are very painful. Is there a simple answer to this problem?’”

Yes, we should answer your question in this manner. Find that, as we have said before, of the mud baths. We should say, take from the clay that should come from this area, take from the sand that should come from the area and the soil that should come from the area. You shall find between Chandler and Coolidge, Arizona, there once was a small town known as Dock. There lies soil that could be added for baths that could have great healing qualities within the same. You can either take the soil from this area or from that. Both substances contain the mineral compounds that could be absorbed into the body that could give healing.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [7–20–73–008…Globe] has asked for a health reading headaches, pain in the lower lumbar region from injury. She wonders, she says, ‘How much longer?’”

Yes, we see of thy need. We should answer in this manner. Come forth, therefore, unto soul Ray for healing, and this problem can readily be taken care of.

Thy have other questions. Ask.

“One moment, Aka.” [Long pause] “One moment.”

We are sorry, your time has expired. We should say unto thee, prepare, therefore, two days in advance all questions you shall submit. Place them in an order that they may come and be read in an easy manner. Therefore, we may give more information in the time that is allotted within the same for us.

Soul Ray now grows very tired and our time.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


July 22, 1973

Globe, Arizona

[Private reading]

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka, where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner.

For as the water should flow unto the land, and therefore, bring ferment into the same, and as the flowers should grow unto the valley, and bring beauty unto the eyes of man — and as the water should flow and the fields should grow, the water should go unto the earth, and therefore, unto the underground water of the same. And the water should form unto lakes, and rivers. All of these things, are they things that thy cannot see with thy eyes, unless thy drill beneath the earth?

And so it should be the same with the soul and the spirit of man. What thy should see upon the surface is not always necessarily so. Reach beneath the surface of both thyself and unto others. And as the water that thy should bring forth from the well that thy should dig and bring beauty unto the desert land, so should you bring beauty forth in the same manner by, therefore, bringing forth the soul and the spirit and the immortal body of the same.

Thy have questions, ask.

“Aka, [D_____McC___] who is here tonight…has asked two of three questions. The first one — she has a lump in her throat. And she asks, ‘Would there be other problems coming from this lump?’”

Yes, we see thy need. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. That of the lump that thy should speak of is that of an infected glandular area. We would suggest that this area be lanced and drained. We find a small [tumulor, tubular] growth within the same; this is a fatty tissue. It is not malignant. It should be removed; it could cause further problems. We would suggest — yes, we see this — therefore, an imbalance with the body. We would suggest, therefore, that the taking of herbs, that that should come — one moment. Yes. Take that, that that should come, therefore, of the mistletoe; therefore, that that should come of the sage — this should be sweetened lightly — yes — with honey from the area unto which thy live.

We find the cause of this. The water unto which thy are drinking has become polluted from chemical sources, that man has sprayed upon the ground. It would be our suggestion, therefore, of the taking of 1,000 units of vitamin E per day; therefore, taking unto the system 250 units of vitamin C per day; the taking into the system of the vitamins A, D should be added unto the same. We would also suggest that in thy market, as thy should buy of the green stuff unto the same, these should be thoroughly washed. But do not use the same water that thy have at hand. Take of clean water. Buy, therefore, of what thy would know of the bottled water, that in the form which should be pure.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. She asks, ‘Do you think I need to go to the hospital?’”

We would suggest first consulting thy physician, and therefore, arrangements should be made that the growth within itself should be removed, and the glandular area should be drained. This can be — over a long period of time, if proper medication were given — could reduce this area. But the operation within itself is very slight.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, she asks, ‘Will we sell our restaurant, and make a little money on it?’”

The property in mind, we should answer in this manner, shall bring, therefore, a profit within the same. That that thy toil for and that that thy should hand unto thyself is not of a profit, it is that of which you have worked for.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, she would like to know about their future, good or bad.”

Yes, we see, therefore, unto which thy ask. And we should answer in this manner, that none should be offended from the same. There shall be a dividing of the ways. This, in itself, thy already know.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“I have no other questions here, Aka.”

Then we should answer this that is utmost within the mind. This of the division shall come forth in such a manner that all shall benefit from the same. But we should say unto you unto these words. This does not have to happen. There is another path unto which thy may travel. Tolerance is sometimes a virtue. If thy could be more tolerant at the present time, that of the problem unto which is utmost should fade away, and therefore, your future, and days upon days of the future, could be [coming, calmer], more in complete. It [ ], it is better in sharing with someone these days then the days thy might walk alone.

We shall answer, therefore, one other question which is utmost within the mind, and that is a problem within that of thy mate. This, in itself, is a physical problem, which could be corrected.

And we should say unto thee, now is the time of the Cherub.

But unto this one, thy have closed one doorway that we may not enter into, unless thy ask.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[This transcript was compared with the audio tape recorded voice for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


July 27, 1973

Globe, Arizona

[Aka is here.]

[“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”]

Soul Ray stands with God.

Now we should say unto thee unto these words. In the time of Atlantis, in the time before that of the last of the islands of Atlantis to sink beneath the sea, in the time that the continent within itself was vanished from the earth, in this time there were many who could prophesy and many who could see forth unto the time of the destruction. Of these people, they had great machines capable of moving large quantities of earth. And there were those who said to build dikes; yet there were those who did not want to lose that of the beauty of their shoreline.

Yet the engineers of that time came together. And some spoke in these words, for they laughed at their prophets, and they all said, “Why should we go unto such a great undertaking on the word of so few?” And of the priest, Arcan, and the priest, Ra-Tai, they banished from the land.

Yet there were a few who tried to build such dikes. Yet as they started, they began to quarrel among [among] themselves. Each thought in their own mind, “Why I should I do the task of another? Why should I help this other person? Why should I, who is so great, pick up a pick and shovel when we have such great machines that do the work? Why should this not be left for the peasants to do?” Yet, the peasant worked on.

Yet there was that who was known as Noah. And Noah came unto these men who should build the dike, and said unto them, “Come, let us build unto this craft that should float above the ocean.”

Yet, of the engineers and those in charge, they laughed at such an idea. They said, “If our dike could not hold back the waters that has been prophesied to come, how then could such a craft stand such storms?”

And Noah said unto them, “For God shall guide the craft, and God shall lift it up and protect it.” And all laughed.

Yet there was one who did not laugh among the peasantry, and there was one who did not laugh who was of an engineer, and there was one who did not laugh who was a doctor, and another who was of a lawyer. And they said unto this one, “We shall go and build your craft. But some shall stay and build of the dike.” And [the ____] — And the craft and the dike grew together.

And then there came the time the lands began to sink. Earthquakes began to rip the land, and the land began to slide. Yet those that were to stay behind and build of the dikes, one by one, began to flee.

And as the waters rose, the Lord looked down upon this one and said unto him, “WHY, MY SON, SHOULD YOU STAY, DAY AFTER DAY, AND TRY TO BUILD THAT WITH YOUR HANDS THAT THE OTHERS HAVE ABANDONED WITH THEIR MACHINES?”

And he looked unto the Lord and said unto these words, “But Lord, I must have faith.”

And the Lord said into him, “WHAT FAITH HAVE THEE?”

And he said, “I have faith in my God, who should not desert me in my hour of need. And I have faith, oh Lord, in myself, that the Lord would not place me to such task just to destroy me.”

And the Lord reached down and picked up this one, and therefore, took him unto the land of Egyptan.


And so it was done.

Now we say unto thee in this manner, in these words. We have placed some of you in positions that are that of labor. Your knowledge is great. We have placed some of you in positions to do certain jobs. But we say unto you, in the eyes of God all is mighty. Look through the eyes of God unto yourselves, and you shall see that each within themselves are very important.

But you can build once again both an ark and a dike, that your 300 years of darkness shall not come upon the earth — and the 300 shall go unto 3,000 — that man should not walk backward and be that much less than the smallest animal upon the earth, that the way shall be prepared for his [the Messiah’s] coming.

Prepare, therefore, within each of you that way. But prepare it in such a manner that you should look unto yourselves, and see the righteousness of your paths.

We shall say unto you these words, a man should be paid for his labor. Toil that is done in harmony shall grow, and we shall continue to see that the things that are needed for this work shall be provided. Your machines have stopped, and they shall remain stopped, until harmony once again comes forth. Therefore, do that unto which you must do. Prepare the work, and the machines shall be provided that are needed to build the dike.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [7–27–73–001] asks for a health reading. She had surgery this morning. She asks, ‘What kind of help can you give me?’ And says, 1969 and ’70 she had pain in both legs; in November of 1970 she had a spinal fusion in the lower lumbar which was to relieve leg pains, but didn’t help. She has had a backache since. January 1972, she had three operations for artery transplants in both legs. The morning of June 25, 1973, ‘woke up with blockage in the left leg; was in the hospital for 10 days.’ For the next two or three weeks, she is on blood thinning, then back in the hospital to operate on the left leg transplant again. So she’s asking for help. ”

Yes, we see thy need. And first, we should answer in this manner. We shall give forth the healing that is needed, that that should make of a speedy recovery.

As the patient is released from the hospital, we would suggest that castor oil packs, not hot, but of body temperature, be placed both over both leg areas, of the upper chestular part of the body, and of the shoulder areas, that which should lead from the backular upper neckular area. We would suggest that this subject should take of 2,000 units of vitamin E per day. We would suggest that this subject drink six times per day that of the sage tea sweetened with the local honey. We would suggest that the vitamin B in multiple use form be used. We would suggest the taking thereof of the subject known as Lydia E. Pinkham.

We would suggest — yes we see this. We find, therefore, of the back, lower backular area, that proportions of the body — sores of the same. We would suggest the use of sugar packs be placed over these. This in itself would greatly speed up the healing of the same. This should be done in this manner, that the sugar should be mixed with small quantities of the white of the egg, placed over the sore portions of the body, small quantities of vitamin E be added within the same.

This is all on this subject at this time.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [7–20–73–006] asks for a health reading.”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. One moment, the subject — yes, yes, that is better.

Yes, all is in accord now. Yes.

We find, therefore, pain in the lower abdomen. We find problems, therefore, of the liver and both of the kidney areas. We find, therefore — yes.

Yes — of the ovaries.

We find the swelling of the same, that — yes.

We find — yes — problems of the upper backular area. We would suggest, therefore, that these adjustments be made, by either an osteopathic or chiropractic doctor, of the upper area that surrounds the brainstem within itself. We find, therefore, [the] protruding of nerves.


We find this should be adjusted .

Yes — of the 6th and 7th vertebrae, this should be adjusted.


We find curvature, therefore, of the spine.


We find — yes — slight deformity [at] birth in this area. We would suggest, therefore, that most of these problems within themselves could be corrected, either by an osteopathic or chiropractic doctor. We would suggest that x-rays be taken of this area, that the doctor may be readily advised, therefore, of the problems existing.

We find — yes — that of a rash [upon] the vaginal area, irritation in the same.


We would suggest, therefore, that the cleansing of this be done by adding small quantities within your wash you are presently using of that of the apple vinegar within the same.


We find a problem, therefore, within the respiratory system — nervous condition, highly irregular.


We find, for the circulatory system, this highly irregular. These are being caused both by that of the backular area and that — yes — we find therefore, pain, upper left side of the [labonia] [mastoid?] area.


Corrections should be made in this area also at this time. We would suggest, therefore — yes — that none of this of what you call your nerve relaxers be used. This is only increasing the problem as it is within itself. We would suggest, therefore, that after this of the osteopathic and chiropractic doctor has made the proper adjustments, you should seek out that of the assistance of soul Ray in the awakening state.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [7–27–73–003] asks for a health reading. She has backaches and heaviness in her legs.”

Yes, we have before us, therefore, the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same.


Therefore, we have before us the body.


First we should, it should be understood, the lack of that of blood. The vessels [for] the main arteries are that quite similar to that you might call to the hardening of the arteries. This is causing great pain. We would suggest that of the seeking out of the Lipoflavinoid-type vitamin. We would suggest — yes — the use of body-temperature castor oil packs on the hip, upper back, and lower backular area be used.


We would also suggest the use and the drinking, therefore, of the sage tea, therefore, sweetened with slight amounts of honey.

We find — yes — the subject in mind is that of a low blood sugar.


We would suggest, therefore, that that of the natural honey be with the subject most of the time, that the subject shall have urges, therefore, to take of it; do so readily, it shall not harm you.


Adjustments of the back — yes — this should be done.

We would further suggest that this subject seek out that of a clay that should come from this area, and therefore, use of baths of the same, that the lower proportion of the body might be emerged [immersed] within the same. This in itself would greatly help in that of the arthritis that is now creeping into the body. The hands also should be immersed within the same, hands and elbows. This should be done repeatedly for a three-week period. We would further suggest that small quantities, that proportions of one ounce might be taken internally, mixed with small quantities of milk, be taken daily of the same.

We would further suggest that more of the vitamin A and E [D?], and vitamin B, be taken into the body. We would further suggest the taking of at least 1,000 units of vitamin E be taken. We would further suggest — yes — that the taking of either of the S.S.S. Tonic, or that of the Lydia E. Pinkham in capsule form or liquid.


This is all on this subject at this time.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, could you — one brief questions about this clay. Could you tell me what it contains that makes it beneficial to peoples’ health?”

Yes, we shall answer in this manner. First, there is magnesium, that of the copper extract, that of your, both your vitamins A, B, C, that of dolomite, that — yes — your clay within itself holds that of an antibiotic, that that of yet you are to have placed a name upon. You shall find that the antibiotic can be used in many forms. You shall find that the clay within itself may be used in that of treating ulcers. You may [be] find that that of the clay may be used of that of heart condition. You will find also quantities of radioactive material within the same. These you shall think might be harmful to the body, but they are not. In that proportion that the body is lacking, it shall bring forth and excite the antibodies within the body to fight off disease within itself.

We could give you much more lengthy descriptions of the question unto which you asked. We shall say unto you unto these words. Only as suggested should this clay be used, and only within the amounts that we should give, and in the manner unto which we should give. Soul Ray in his awakening state shall know of these things and should be capable of giving to those in need that knowledge that they need at the time.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Aka, [7–27–73–004] has asked for a health reading and other information. He asks, ‘What is the cause and solution for the stiffness and pain in my upper back and neck?’”

Yes, we see of this. The cause within itself was caused as a fall as a very small boy, injury to central nervous system, causing that of rheumatoid arthritis within the body. The solution should be that of the taking of the Night-blooming Citros [Cereus] in quarter-by-quarter cubes. We would further suggest the use of the same clay, and immerging of the body in the same manner. We would suggest the taking of that of vitamin E. We find that of too much at this time of the vitamin C within the body. Therefore, the use of the same should be avoided for the present time. Substitute this with orange juice in your early morning and late evening hours.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, he asks for advice on his economic affairs in the next four months. And he would like to know, will he be moving from Arizona in the near future, and if so, where?”

First, your move shall be into the East.

Of your economic problems, as they stand at the present time, shall become much better. You shall not become of great wealth, but yet, that of a — one moment.


That of thy problem that thy shall seek financial help upon shall be given, and an expanding and growth within thyself, both spiritually, mentally, physically, and financially.

You have other questions, ask.

“He has two other questions, Aka. One, what will his job status be for the next few years? And he also asks about previous incarnations?”

We shall answer, that of the job status shall remain. Soon you shall be that, you would say, of a promotion within the same.

Of you reincarnations, we should say unto thee into these words. Lay aside one reading for health and one for life.

And we shall give of these in these manners. Place one night of the week for health, one night of the week for that of life readings.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [7–27–73–005] has a list of questions which, since they all run together, I would like to read it all. ‘What are the internal physical causes of each of my symptoms? What are the original external causes or events which started these health problems? What would be the best treatments for each of these symptoms? If medicines, herbs, and so forth are suggested, where can I obtain these? If particular medical treatments, operations, osteopathy, etc., are suggested please give me the names and addresses of the best doctors to do these. For how long should these medicines be taken or treatments be administered? Shall I change my diet? If I follow the treatments and/or medicines judiciously, how long will it be before I begin to feel improvements? And shall I discontinue or change any of my current treatments?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. That that thy should seek in life should come forth in life. That that thy should demand from life shall not always be that that should best suit thee. If thy should wear of another man’s clothes, first ask permission. If thy should ask of a question, that, a door must be opened that we may enter. Rephrase your question, and ask again.

Soul Ray now grows weary.

And therefore, we should say unto thee unto these words. As we have said before, thy did not watch of the water, so therefore, thy did not see of the warning. Your earthquake was small. Yet it is but the beginning. The path shall spread and multiply.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Beware. [Editor’s note: Was Aka speaking of a slight disturbance to the Colorado River near Yuma, Arizona, where the Yuma ministers and group lived?]

Yet, we should say unto thee unto this manner. For those who have stood before us and their God, and did swear unto our God, reread that unto which you have sworn.

Give unto thy God glory, and [thy] God shall give unto His children glory. But unto each, cast aside small jealousies. We have told unto thee the parable of the Seven Spirits. Therefore, bring them forth in fulfillment.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


July 30, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. That that you have brought before God in honesty shall be given in honesty, for thy have prayed unto the Lord, and the Lord has seen fit unto thee to place forth His blessings within thee. And these blessings shall shine forth as many great stones [stars?] for all to see.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Aka, [7–30–73–001], who is here tonight, has asked for a life reading and also for a health reading. In regards to her health reading, Aka, she has two questions. One, ‘What was the cause of the headaches in the spring of 1965? And what caused the accident I was involved in May 1966?’”

First we should answer of the last. And the last, as thy know within thy own mind, was carelessness.

Of the headaches within themselves, you must realize that you [are] within thyself a form of epilepsy. The form within itself could readily be corrected with the use of biofeedback machinery. This within itself would relieve the hypertension within the body, also relieve that of the high blood pressure. This also could bring forth your full personality if it were used in a correct manner. At the present time, the machinery in the form and in the use that we have proposed only lies within Ray’s mind. The treatment within itself could bring forth your full personality. This you yourself are in great need of.

We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. Therefore, we should say unto thee into these words. We have before us the records of time. This soul within itself is not of the old soul. This soul did not choose entry until the time of Egyptan, and in its later periods. Thy had ventured forth and become, come one within the same of the White Brotherhood, therefore, to give teaching into those students who should come before you.

One came before you who should be called Jude. And you looked upon this one and said unto Jude, “And so you shall be the teacher of the Master yet to come.”

And Jude was small at that time, yet but a child. And she could not understand in full meaning that unto which you had seen. But yet, as she grew into young womanhood she would make her first journey into the land of Israel. And as the Israelites knew not fully of the intent of the Essenes, therefore, you hid your identity and dwelt forth in the town of Yoshon. This in itself lay within that of the Lost Sea.

And soon word came unto you that two had been born, first, of John the Baptist, second, of the one known as Jesus, and both were to flee into the Egyptan. Therefore, yourself and soul Jude did journey back unto this land, and therefore, gave knowledge and teachings unto the same. You journeyed far into the land which is now known as India, Persia, into the lower continents of Africa. You journeyed across into the Americans, and then back again into proportions that thy would know as Russia, and then back into this proportion known as China, the youth always learning. And soon you knew that your student was now your master.

As you journeyed homeward unto this land of Israel to go forth into Nazareth, on the wayside, your time had come near. And the youth rushed forward to lay hands upon you. And you spoke your last words unto this one, and said, “Nay, not, master, for it is but a short sleep and there is much I should learn from our Father.”

And therefore, as the entry of the Lord had come forth within this one, you knew of what you had said, and [s]he promised unto you that this brethren of John the Baptist, even though his destiny had been laid beforth [beforehand] and his death unto Herod, that he would have at least a decent burial.

And then the Lord looked up upon you and the skies opened and you were lifted forward, yet youth came forth back into your body. And as you stood with the other masters, tears fell from your face.

And yet they said, “How could this be? Why should you shed tears?”

And you said unto this one, “Because of his pain.”

And yet, the Lord spoke again unto you and said unto you, “For man to know the true meaning of the resurrection they must first know that my son is of their blood, that he may bleed and weep the same as them. But fear not, for though he shall weaken in the last moments, all shall be as it has been written.

And as you heard those last words echoing through the earth you said unto the Lord, “Lord, I know it is not my time for returning to earth, but could I travel with spirit unto this one?”

And the Lord bid you, “YES.”

And as this one appeared on the American continent to start his treacherous, long journey from village to village, from town site to town site, and as all made him welcome as he had never been welcome in his homeland, you saw that thatthe Lord was wise, for even though the Lord had shed his blood upon the Skull [Hill of the Skull], the Lord had favored him in the eyes of those who should never forget him and should await his day of coming. And therefore, in the eagle’s nest, and you saw the Eagle score [soar], you bid him farewell and walked back into the planes. You walked long, for you had learned that the mightiest of all that if he should truly love his God and mankind, his choice must be to return to God’s beloved earth.

And so thy look upon the earth and knew that this was the time of re-entry. But the land had become covered with blood. The Spaniards had begun to slaughter the people who had waited. And so you thought unto yourself, “I must stop this. I must spare this. For I shall come forth unto the Indian nations that they shall not lose faith, that they shall surely know that the Messiah shall come.”

And so you came upon the earth, yet a babe, yet old and wise. And as you grew you gave counsel unto many and told of the coming and of the day of the coming. Yet many misinterpreted your words and tried to bring you forth yourself as a messiah that had been promised unto them.

And so thy did flow unto Black Mesa. And in your flight you walked before the clans and the clans knew of you. And you said unto them, “I am here only to prepare a way within my people, that they should not lose faith.”

And so it was that each clan sent forth their runners. And so it was that the spirit dance was brought forth in truth, the dance of promise, the dance of hope, the songs of peace. And from you came the visions unto many chiefs and many medicine men. You dwelt unto this land until your departure once again.

And so you looked upon the earth once again. And this time you saw once again, in the land of the Spaniards had conquered those of the French would conquer again. Your heart was heavy for your people, and so you did enter again. And as a child you walked forth, for in your heart was left a promise, the promise of the Lady of Guadalupe. But even though the promise was fulfilled, and even though the Spaniards were gone, and the French were gone, there came unto your land those of the Americans who raided of the borders and killed and hunted of the Apache, those of the Pelicano tribes. All these things you had seen, and yet, to die in the far away land once again.

Yet death was not death, but stepping of a step beyond, for the paintings you had painted within your mind, within your heart, and so as you had painted upon rocks and canvas, you brought them forth unto this time.

But we should say unto you unto these words, that as man should ride upon the river, and he should run the same river over and over down in his boat through the rapids, past the falls, into the clear water, and yet into the sea itself — and if he should do so day by day, then one day he becomes careless and he forgets from where he came, and where he has been, and that that he has to do. And so his craft crashes against the rapids, and his body is thrown over the waterfalls, and piece by piece his many parts should flow into the ocean. But just in the same moment he could have been careless and lost his soul, and his spirit, and his immortal body. For there shall be many who shall say unto you, do of this and do of that; there shall be mothers and daughters, there shall be those who should hold you to the earth and bind you in such a manner that your soul can no longer fly free and give birth unto that unto which the Lord has placed within your hands.

There is beauty in sorrow, as you have seen. And there is sorrow in beauty, as you have seen. But all parts are part of God, and all parts are part of man down his wandering, watery path to the sea. And if he should reach the continents of the land, he should take all of these with him and the memory of all.

But we say unto you, you are of all parts of what you have been before. This has brought you forth to this time, to this place. Give praise unto your Lord.

But we shall say unto you into these words. We cannot interfere with you free choice. God has given this in the beginning, and God shall not take it away.

But we are here but for one purpose. That purpose within itself is for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Each reading that we have used soul Ray’s body has been for that purpose. We chose of this body because deep within it lay the wisdom, and the memory of where it had been, within the soul and spirit form and the immortal body. But yet, we knew it had much to learn, much to remember. We placed within his hands and his mind that to teach, and that to heal, and that to teach unto others.

We lay before you your free choice. You have seen unto where you have been. You may go unto many others, and many others will tell you other tales. But we say unto you, a prophet shall be known by his deeds, not by how loud or coarse he can talk, or by how much profanity he can throw upon others, for a true prophet should only have time for that that lies before him.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, she asks, ‘Is my family situation primarily my fault, and if so, how can I change it without giving up my sense of values?’”

We shall answer in this manner. God gave unto you free choice. And your sense of values, if you should give them up, you shall destroy that unto which God has given you. Your family situation shall be — within time, all shall mend and float into its proper place. But there is a time of a parting of the ways. This must be for growth. If you choose otherwise, you shall stifle your own growth. Stand firm. Believe in the values that you have set before you. Walk away from that which should harness you except with love. If you cannot carry the yoke with love, carry it not, for you give nothing and receive nothing. Toil with love is true toil. Toil with despair and no direction is like a lost storm who does not even know where to place its raindrops.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. She asks, ‘Where did the gift of painting come from?’”

We have answered of that.

“She has asked, ‘Where did the gift of poetry come from?’”

We have answered of that.

“She has asked, ‘What will be the outcome of my trip to the Midwest?’”

It shall go well, if thy do not throw aside thy principles.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“She has one final question, Aka. She asks, ‘Will I visit the holy land?’”

Thy have already visited the holy land, for do you not know of where you have been, that that land that thy stand on is as holy in God’s eyes as any land? Yet you seek out to walk in the footsteps of the one known as Jesus. Walk upon this earth, upon this mountain, and here you shall find a treasure that thy shall find no other place.

But seek out that that thy heart guides and directs thee. And she shall say unto thee unto these words, “Blessed be the name of the Lord,” for the Lord shall give His thanks unto man, and man shall give his thanks unto the Lord.

Now is the time of the Cherub, and the Fifth Angel dwells upon your earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. No tape recording was made available with which to check the accuracy of this transcript.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


Read Part 2 of 2 of the 1973 Readings.


Study each year of the readings from the 1970 to the 1989 here, in this publication, The Words of Aka, spiritual messengers of God.

How did the readings begin? See “We Give This Message from Our Father.”

See all the articles in the publication on, “A Stairway to Heaven.”

Would you like to join the Association of Universal Philosophy the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, asked us to form? Here’s how. Then send us an email at or, or message us on our Facebook page, Association of Universal Philosophy, to let us know where you email your newsletter, “Rays of Philosophy.”

All of these readings have been gathered together for you in three books — the philosophy, the past-life readings, and health readings — as the Book with Wings series. Study and learn from them this way.

And be blessed!



The Words — of Aka, spiritual messengers of God

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.