The 1973 Readings

The Words — of Aka, spiritual messengers of God
253 min readAug 17, 2020

(Second half)

Ray Elkins sits outside of his healing clinic in Globe in 1973 beside his fiance, Judy, and poodle, Shadow. The spiritual mesengers of God, Aka, provided for the needs of the thousands of people who began to come to his front door seeking help. The Arizona Republic had featured a full-page story about Ray giving health readings like the famous “sleeping prophet,” Edgar Cayce, who had passed on in the 1940s. When more people came to Globe in need, the spiritual messengers of God guided Ray in what to pray and how to visualize healing as the Father and His spiritual messengers served their needs for healing of body, soul and spirit. This way, many more received healing when it became too taxing on Ray’s body for him to give many health readings in trance state. The health readings you’ll read here were the smaller part of the healings that God and Aka, His spiritual messengers, gave to those who came through Ray in his waking state. You’ll see that there are fewer health readings transcribed in future years because Ray healed thousands at his home clinic or from a distance from 1973 almost until his passing in 2001.

1973 Readings (This is part 2 of 2)

August 3, 7, 17, 20, 24, 27, 31; September 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 15, 21, 28; October 2, 5, 9, 12, 16, 19, 23, 27, 30; November 2, 6 (private), 9, 11 (incomplete), 16, 18, 23, 27; December 7, 28

1973 Readings (part 1 of 2 is in the preious article)

January 5, 12; February 9, 16, 23; March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30; April 6, 13, 20, 27; May 4, 11, 16, 18, 22, 25; June 1, 8, 15, 19 (private), 22, 29; July 2, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 17 a.m. (private),17 p.m. (private), 20, 22 (private) 27, 30

14 transcripts are missing: January 15 (private), January 21 (private); April 2?, April 18 (private); May 28 (private), May 29 (private); July 3 (private); September 24 (private); October 20?, October 28 (private); November 3?, November 13?, November 15 (private), November 24 (private)

You can learn more about the readings at the end of this article.


[Continued from previous article with the first half of the 1973 readings.]

August 3, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening Aka, where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And now we should say unto thee, as we have said before, if thy brothren [brother] should offend thee, go unto thy brothren. But first, before thy go unto thy brothren, forgive thy brothren and forgive thyself. And if thy should go unto thy brothren and he should not forgive unto thee, and thy problem cannot be solved, then take of two with thee and go back unto thy brothren, that they may be a witness, and therefore, give unto both counsel.

But those who should harbor within their hearts that of revenge, that that they cannot forgive unto another, does not damage another, but damages unto themselves, for they shall build within themselves a new karma, and therefore, their karma shall go on and on. They shall be born with it and they shall die with it, and they shall be born again.

Forgiveness of the heart is love of the heart. If thy cannot understand forgiveness, thy cannot understand love. A gift must be given with love or it is no gift at all.

The Lord, God, has placed upon your heart that of free choice. But he has also placed within us our free choice.

Take of these words we have spoken. If they shall pass by thy ears without hearing, then thy shall be deaf. If they shall pass by thy eyes without seeing, then thy shall be blind. But yet again, the words we have spoken, the deaf can hear and the blind can see.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [8–3–73–001], who is here tonight…has asked for a health reading.”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same.

And therefore, we should answer in this manner. We find, therefore, within the body that, a rheumatoid-arthritic condition.

Yes, we see of this.

We find, therefore, within the same that of diabetic. This within itself is not of a true diabetic, for it comes from an impurity of the blood within the same. We, therefore, find within the body small tumorous growths which are non-malignment. These are located in that proportion that was the uterus area. We should suggest, within the same, increasing of vitamin E to 1,000 units, the taking of therefore of that of the Lydia E. Pinkham. We would further suggest the taking of the Night-blooming Cereus in quarter-by-quarter [inch] cubes daily. We would also suggest that since none have prepared and none have stored of the same, of your Jerusalem artichoke, that you should substitute these with that of the fruit that should come from the saguaro cactus, taking of the small seed and grinding of the same, using it for seasoning within this one’s food. This at this time would take the place of the same. The eating of the fruit would help in the thyroid condition that lies within the same.

We would further suggest that should soul Ray give healing into the body, this would greatly help.

We would also suggest the taking of the clay which we have mentioned before, the adding of the vitamin E unto the substance, moistening this clay with olive oil; taking that of a warm towel, placing the moist clay in a thin layer upon the same, wrapping of the joints of these areas that are so inflicted. This would not only greatly reduce the pain and give smoothing unto the skin, but would also relieve at the present time this condition.

We find, therefore, imbalance — yes — of a glandular area, imbalance of that of the pineal gland within the same. We would suggest the use of a negative-ion machine be used while this one is in slumber at night. We would further suggest the drinking of pure, clean water, the filtering of the air unto which she breathes. We find, therefore, in a respiratory problem within the same, it might be suggested — yes — that small quantities of oxygen be fed through mask form, as the subject should respond to the same and have need of the same. We would further suggest the use of the sauna bath, but within the use of the same, if this could be done at very small intervals, no more than three minutes in the beginning, and building up into a 15-minute interval per day. This must be done with dry heat.

We shall say unto thee into these words. You have yet within your science to find the key that lies within the mind that should bring forth and stop your aging process. Within the mind lies the key to reverse the process, and therefore, taking mind and body slowly back into the youthful condition it once was.

But we should say unto thee into these words. As an old oak stands and looks upon the young, would it trade its knowledge for their youth? Thy have thy faith within God, and God has His faith within you. This within itself is the most important of all things, for the doors that shall open shall be beautiful, for roses shall be placed without thorns. [Editor’s note: a rose without thorns is said to spiritually symbolize the birth or coming of the Messiah.]

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. You spoke of storing Jerusalem artichokes. This last year we attempted to. We have many planted, but we don’t know how to store them. Could you tell us how?”

Yes, we shall answer within this manner. This must be dried with your ultraviolet light, or dehydrated in small pyramid-type state. This knowledge you already have we have given of in previous readings.

“Thank you, Aka.”

We shall state in this manner. That that food that should be dehydrated in this manner stores within it all of its value, that that is dehydrated within the pyramid state.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [8–3–73–002] has asked, ‘I would like a health and life reading, as my eyes are giving her a little trouble; they are dry, at night only so far, which can cause blindness. I would like very much to know how to correct this situation.’”

Yes, we should answer in this manner. Taking, therefore, of the hot olive oil packs, placing within the same that of castor oil, mixing together, making a porous [poultice] of the same; placing over the eyes at night before slumber, this within itself shall remove the problem and remove the starting of the cataracts as they have began to form.

You have other questions, ask.

“[8–3–73–003] asks for a health reading to find relief from pain in her teeth for which dentists have been unable to help.”

Yes, we see thy need. First, we should answer, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body.

We shall answer in this manner. They have been contaminated with lead. Thy have lead poisoning. This within itself has settled within the jawbone area. We shall suggest that the problem lies not within the bone of the jaw as much so as treatment through the blood. Therefore, we would suggest, first, seeking out that of a good blood specialist. There are several known drugs that this could be treated by. We would not suggest the use of cortisone within this; this would only irritate and add to the problem as it stands. We would suggest the use of that proportion injected into the jawbone area of penicillin. This must be done in small quantities. If this could be injected into the basic root center in eight places in the lower jawbone area, this problem could be removed.

If this is not found feasible, then we would suggest the taking of that thy would know as Vaseline, taking that of the vitamin E, mixing to one teaspoon of Vaseline 10,000 units of vitamin E, mixing it together, taking thy own finger and swabbing the gum area on both upper and lower proportions; drinking, therefore, of the sage tea sweetened with local honey and the drinkings of as much of the cranberry juice as the body will abstain [sustain].

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [8–3–73–004] asks for a health reading and about her future.”

Yes, we have before us, therefore, the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. And the last we shall give first. Of thy internal problems within the same, these shall soon be dissolved. Time within itself is one of the greatest healers.

You ask, therefore, for your own future. This within itself shall be made by you and shall be made by you and you alone. Therefore, we should say unto you into these words. As a pool of water should flow it does not become stagnated, and therefore, the water should cleanse itself as it flows. But your stagnation, as you stand without renewal of the structure within yourself — within each soul there is free choice, that to enter or not to enter. There is free choice, that to stand as one would with their head buried within the sand, or that to walk forward into life and take of it and live of it.

We should say unto this one, and so it is written, the Lord, God, said unto these words, “OF OUR KIND, OF OUR LIKENESS, SO WE HAVE CREATED THESE AND FOUND THEM GOOD.” Therefore, remember, a good father takes nothing from his child, nor hides nothing. That that you have found within yourself and thought to cast aside that was wrong could be that proportion within yourself that God, Himself, would not cast aside; then why should you?

We could speak many words. But hear the meaning of what we have given, and then we shall continue. The health reading we shall continue at your next reading.

Soul Ray now grows weary and our time for departure has arrived.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


August 7, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And we should say unto thee these words, for we should answer first that is utmost within thy minds.

First, we should say unto thee of the food storage. It makes little difference whether thy store thy food separately or store together. But yet, we should say unto you unto these words. Only through unity shall you stand and fare this, only through the unity of trusting one another and knowing that unto yourselves, that you can not only trust but love one another, and giving this love freely into each. But not as a demanding thing — love should come in many forms.

We have told you, store of the food. We have told you in the manner unto which to do so. But each within you have within yourselves your own families and relatives that you should not see to go hungry. So each of you have thought within your minds to store the extra food into your homes, that you may provide for those. But we say unto you unto these words. Store that in such a manner that each may share from what they have given. And then, should one care to share with another, let them store of this also. But if there cannot be unity in storing, then give back unto those who have given, and let them store separately.

We say these, into these words. For you who have given, bring this forth before you and decide of the same. We have said of the purpose. God has given unto thee, each, free choice.

But as there shall be many within thy groups who should want to give nothing, then we say unto thee, if thy should continue to store as a group, then store in a manner that each should give equally, and therefore, there shall be no quarrel within the same. But store in the amount [a] proportion, and give in the amount [a] proportion, of the ones that thy should feed from your storehouse.

We have told of thee the parable of the Seven Spirits of our Lord and the building of your Earth. We have placed within your hands the tools to reach beyond the river to the ocean. This must be done through the radio and television media, and the newspaper media. This task we have placed unto soul John’s hands. We have placed unto the hands of soul Ruth the gathering of the book material that should be printed. When this has been completed, come forth unto soul Ray and share with the knowledge he has given, but use within all of the talents within your group.

Of this book unto which lives in soul Ray’s mind, let it be so, for we have placed the thoughts therefore. Print of it first, and it shall lead the way unto the others. Make ready for the Book with Wings, for much has yet to be done. You have but barely scratched the surface in the preparation.

You have within your minds the thought that as we have called unto soul Ray a prophet and to each of you we have given unto names, how should this be handled before public? And we should answer in this manner. That unto which we have placed within you was placed before you and you alone, not for the public. And as we said that no other should call of thee of this name, this was as God would see thee, not as man would see thee. Therefore, as you should go unto the river into the ocean, that all of your religions shall accept you and accept the knowledge that you shall have and bear before them, print not of your names, but print of your own given names. We have placed this and these names in such a manner that one within the same of the Thirteen that shall be built shall know of one another and shall know from where they have come and to where they are going.

At times you have become ill-tempered with one another. This also happened once before. And we shall answer your question in this manner. Each of you have heavy burdens placed upon your shoulders. Each of you must share the burden of the other with love. But each of you must think before you speak, because your words can be misinterpreted, not only among yourselves, but before others.

Remember unto these words. We have placed before thee the name and the acceptance of the name to test your strength of character, to test within you the will to serve. For those who have accepted, we have seen that will and that need that shall grow forth and become, in the final days, those who should stand and be counted by the Messiah. The tasks that we asked you to perform are but minor tasks. The tasks that the Messiah shall say unto you, they shall be more than preparing the way.

We have placed into your hands this one we call of the prophet. It makes little difference how those of your membership shall speak as long as they speak of him with respect. It should be the same with all of your disciples. The respect that you should ask from another you should give into another. We have placed him before you as the captain of your ship, not because he wanted to be, but because of his own karmic development. In the beginning, he brought forth upon your Earth the sons of God. That his karma may come to its fulfillment, he has accepted the task before him.

And we say unto you into these words, can you understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka. I think so.”

Then call of yourselves before the public by your given names, unto yourselves and unto God we should know of you as we have called you. Cast not this aside. But you are building within a world that is foreign to the thought of many things. It is not by the use of deceit that we have advised you, but by the use of the building and the preparing of the way for the coming of the Messiah, which is our main purpose above all.

Soon we shall name others. Their acceptance shall be witnessed by no one other than those who should come forth and be counted.

Can you understand of which we speak?


To be ordained before God.

And now we should leave these words unto soul Jude, who should think that the piece of paper and the man who gave the vows were nothing. And we say unto you, say unto these words: for what God has giveth, God can taketh away. If she should sail on a ship without a captain, then how can she sail in any ship at all, for the ship shall beat itself against the shore and destroy itself. These words you should say unto her. Write unto these words, that as Aka has spoken, and the spirits of Aka have spoken, and we, who are the messengers of God and the tools of God, shall place before her. Should she come unto soul Ray, and therefore, bring herself unto the fold she should be allowed to return with her papers as a minister. But should she not, she shall never have a sheep that shall follow her, for the path shall disappear as it was given.

Of your other problem, give back unto her that which she asked. Of this problem with those who should steal, ask once again for their return. If this is not done, then step aside and let the path of the thief pass forth, and they are that of what they were once before. For you see, as we had known in the beginning, all this must happen that that had been written and had been prophesied, both by Isaiah, by David, and by Ra-Tai and Arcan, should come to pass this day. Therefore, their karma is much like Judas’s. What they have done is not as important as what they shall do. And the path they have taken forth, and the knife they have taken into their hands, shall pass away.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. P_______ W_____ … asks about her 10-year-old daughter, S____ J__ W_____. She says, ‘What direction should S____ J___’s life be directed? What talents does she have, for instance from past lives?’ She also asks for a life reading for S____ J__.”

We shall answer into this way, into this manner. Because soul Ray has overtaxed his mind and body, we have answered that that should be done.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Before we should depart we should say in this manner, repeat tomorrow night what you have asked tonight, and answers shall be given.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your Earth.

‘Ray, it’s time to start your journey homeward….”

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


August 17, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For within thy mind thy have asked this question, “Why can not I see God? Why can not I touch God? Does God laugh? And does He cry?”

And we shall answer your question in this manner. For if a man should go to the river, and therefore, find the water fair, and clean and unpolluted, he shall drink from it. But yet, should another come, he may drink from the river also, but not in the same place. For you see, our Father is like the river. Yet, He has made no rules that man should worship Him. Man has done so. Yet our Father has given man free choice. And much as the man who should drink from different places in the river, yet drink of the same water, one may drink from a cup, another a tin, another a plate or a bowl, or another from his hands.

And each may think within their mind that this is the only way to drink of the water. And we say unto thee, because a man drinks from the water different than yourselves, should you make war upon him? And we should say, nay. For this is but for children.

Yet, it has been said, “Come unto me as a child.” [See Mark 9:33–37.]

And you say unto us, “Does this mean we must return back unto our mother’s womb?”

And we say unto thee, nay. But for those who should know of the earth must know of heaven, and for those who must know of heaven must know of the earth. [See John 3:1–13, 6:41–64, 7:37–39, 10:14–18, 14:1–26, 16:13–30, chapter 17; and The Revelation 19:1–10, chapter 21, 22:1–5.]

For our Lord has left the judgment into your hands as He gave unto you free choice.

Yet man has created karma, or sin, as you would say, the karmic action unto which he should travel from one life unto another. He has chosen within himself, by his own judgement, that unto which he or she must learn.

Yet, they say unto us, “Then why should a person learn so much in one lifetime, yet forget it and have to learn it all over again?”

And we say unto you, if you should know where you are going you shall know where you have been, and only in that manner.

We shall say unto you the parable of that who thought of himself as the holy man.

And day by day, he put upon himself fine clothes and walked into his pulpit, there to teach unto each hell and damnation, and thought unto himself what a great man he was and how well he had served his Lord. But we say unto you, as a man should dig a ditch, or a woman should wash of clothing, this is all of God’s work. God’s temple is within man. And the building of the temple must be done each day by your own toil. But toil without love is no toil at all.

For if a man should go before man to say, “This is the way unto my Father, this is the only way unto my Father,” then he has forgotten unto that which he has learned.

And much as this mighty one we have told you about, upon death, he thought unto himself to walk forth unto the gates of heaven. But when he awoken from his sleep, he looked around him, and many stood and greeted him. And they were others who had passed on before him.

Yet, he looked upon some and said unto them, “You do not belong here, for you are a sinner.” And he demanded to be taken forth to be judged.

And each looked upon the man and said in this manner, “‘Judge not, lest ye be judged,’” so sayeth our Father.”

Yet, he went forth as he had done upon the earth plane, day by day, judging those around him. They listened and were courteous and walked away.

And he could not understand of this. And then he said unto them, “Take me to your Master; take me before God.”

And so his wish was granted. And he went before God. And God looked upon him and wept.

And he looked upon this One and said, “How can you be God and weep?”


And he looked around about him and could find no children. And he looked back unto God and said, “I see no children.”


Yet the man looked back to what he [thought] was the earth, and he said unto the Lord, “But where is the earth?”


You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [7–27–73–005] asks for a health reading. He says he has pain in his right leg and trouble with his eyes which have made him bedridden.”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer of your question in this manner.

First, we should say in this manner, of the lack of oxygen we see unto the brain. Therefore, we say unto thee, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit and the immortal body. Yes, we see of this. That within the same has caused — yes — damage unto the [labonier?] area, to the brain stem area — yes — causing much of what you would know as palsy. This, in itself, if not checked, stopped, shall continue and go forth. Therefore, we should answer in this manner. Venture forth into that which you would call this land, here. Come forth unto soul Ray and let him give unto thee of the healing that is needed.

We find damage unto the lower spinal area — yes — damage unto the liver area, improper circulation within the same. First, we should suggest that of 2,000 units of vitamin E per day be given unto this subject daily, vitamin A and D, that of the pantothenic acid should be taken, vitamin B — yes. We would suggest unto the diet more of the vegetation in its rawest form, well cleaned. We would further suggest that of the new compound that soul Ray has brought forth be used, that unto which he has created in the warm form. This should be applied, from the brainstem area to the lower proportions of the tail bone area, and done so at least once daily. We would further suggest that the eating of as many of the green olives as thy could desire to eat, purchasing large quantities, and when thy would want to snack, eat of these. Do the same with that of the banana and the milk. But for each glass of milk thy should drink, eating three bananas.

Thy have in thy mind, “Of how long a period this should take to bring about the healing?” This should largely be to the person, as the soul, as we have said before, has free choice. They can ignore our suggestions, and therefore, there shall be no healing, but the disease shall go on and increase. If the suggestions are taken, then immediate results shall be shown.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Aka, [8–3–73–004], and she asks for a health reading.”

Yes, we find of this, and therefore, one moment — yes, that is better — therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. Therefore, we find, therefore, within this soul — yes.

First, we should mention of a problem of the vagina area.


We find small cyst-type growths upon the ovary — yes — of the right ovary. Of this within itself medication could be sought to dissolve of this.

We find, therefore, within the soul — yes — of the 4th and 5th vertebrae, separation of the same, causing lower backular pains.


Of this we would suggest the use of either osteopathic or chiropractic treatment.

We find within this soul very poor balance of vitamin and mineral substance, imbalance within the same. First, we would suggest, therefore, the taking of the Lydia E. Pinkham. Second, we would suggest, therefore — yes — of a good natural vitamin-mineral compound be taken. Extra vitamin E should be added unto this.


We would further suggest unto this one that that of the extreme nerve condition which this one has suffered has been partially up to her own emotions, her own frame of mind. Part of this is due to the worry of an overweight condition. This in itself should not be as such. If thy should eat first before meals, 30 minutes before meals, taking that of the safflower oil, adding beef at least once meal per each week, adding the fish that should come of the sea of one meal of each week, adding that of liver of the beef once each week. It would also be suggested that that eating of the lamb should be done once each week. Eating more of the raw vegetables; this should be done with adding small quantities of salt, placing no, none of your — one moment, we must find this word — yes, yes — your dressing — yes — unto this. Drinking one glass of milk for breakfast and one piece of brown toast. For the luncheon meals, adding that of cottage cheese, fruits, and vegetables, with no other substances.

Yes, we find within this one that of a sinus condition, and therefore, we should answer in this manner. We would suggest the taking, therefore, of the sage tea, sweetening with the local honey if possible. Do not boil this, steep it. We would further suggest the taking of plain water, adding salt, that that should be extracted from the ocean, four tablespoons to each quart of water, bringing this to a boil, placing a towel over the head in such a manner to make that of what you would call a vaporizer, using this once daily to cleanse out this area.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [8–17–73–001] asks for a health reading. He says, ‘I have not been able to,’ one moment. ‘I have not been able, to the arthritic condition affecting the joints of my body, by physical means.’ I don’t get the sentence.”

We can answer the question, and therefore, we should answer in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, and the spirit of the same. First, we must advise this one that most of thy arthritic condition is caused, that from nervous imbalance. Second, we should say that you have of two forms of arthritis, one of which is a virus, and therefore, must be treated as the same. We would suggest that of coming unto soul Ray, taking, therefore, of the formula unto which he has brought forth, and placing compounds or portions [potions] over these areas. We would further suggest that, that taking of the Night-blooming Cereus in quarter-by-quarter [inch] cubes. As this plant — yes, we see this. Therefore, we would suggest, one moment — we would suggest that the taking of the Jerusalem artichoke. We would suggest that when the crops are harvested that they should be dried and made into powder form and stored, that this may be used for medicinal purposes. At the present time, should thy take of the fruit of the saguaro cactus, eating of the same, these shall be tasty; therefore, eat all thy want.

At the present time, we shall place new thought and new formula that this problem of your searching of the cactus[Night-blooming Cereus] may come to an end. We have new thoughts we shall put forth into soul Ray’s mind.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [8–17–73–002], he asks for a health reading, advice for a doctor or a remedy for his back. He asks advice to grow spiritually, and he asks about past lives.”

First we should answer, that of your past lives should be brought up at a different time.

That that you may grow spiritually, we have placed the wine before you, that this may be done.

We have said unto thee, those of the group, to place at least three of your readings, the spiritual philosophy that we have given forth, in your newsletter once monthly.

We have placed the wine and the bread. We have also furnished the yeast. Thy have come to our door. We shall give unto thee that unto which thy mind shall digest at a given time.

Of thy health, we shall answer in this manner, for soul Ray now begins to grow weary, and our time has grown short. Bring forth these questions at your next reading.

And now we say unto thee these words. Those who are members of the Board of Trustees, come forth one unto another. We have said unto that unto which we wish be done unto those of your bylaws. When we said unto thee, written material, this included that of the same. For a soul to grow it cannot be placed in a cage, that souls who are bound together in a common cause they must be able to walk as one. We have said before, we shall allow nothing from either side to interfere with this work. What the Lord has giveth, the Lord may taketh away. Call your Board of Trustees together that all may be in accord. We have told you before that where harmony cannot prevail we cannot reside.

Now is the time of the Cherub, and the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, birth dates and locations to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973, A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


August 20, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And we should say unto thee unto these words. As the universe and the universes were so placed for man’s expansion, we shall say unto those who should listen unto these words. You have asked before [of] that of karma, and that of astrology, and that of numerology, and how these should affect that of karma. And we shall answer in this manner, that as the soul should project forward from lifetime to lifetime, and the lessons they should learn should come forth with them, that of astrology, or that of the sign they should be born ‘neath, you have divided into 12 parts, and yet you must realize that they should be divided into 36 parts within the same.

Yet, working within your boundaries, we shall answer your question in this manner. As the soul should depart, and through this, therefore, in the knowledge he should gain, he will move from house to house.

But if his destiny is that that he has been sent unto the earth to perform a task, and this done only with his permission, he shall be sent forth under certain, as you would know them, sun and moon signs with each house and each square within its proper perspective, that as the movement from each, that from moment to moment and day to day should change, the opportunity to overcome that of karmic lesson is placed before him.

And you should ask unto us, “Why should this be so?” Without these opportunities there would be no reason for rebirth, or for future learning.

Then again you say, “What in astrology should determine the date of death,” as you would call it? The date of death is chosen much in the same manner as the date of birth, that the correct house may be that they have advanced unto, the house that they should learn from.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [8–20–73–001] is here tonight. She has asked for a life reading. She would also like to know, will she be divorced?”

(Chuckle) We shall answer your last question as that of which you already know, and the answer is, yes.

But we ask unto you this question, what is this word you should call, divorce? As two souls should walk upon a path and no longer can learn from one another, nor share nor give into each other’s destiny, then it is time that they should depart.

Yet, given free choice, as you already know, quite often they shall choose again for their mate the same characteristics that were in the other mate before. This in itself comes forth both in your astrological charts, your numerology charts — yes. This within itself is as you would call, destiny.

But destiny is not directed from the heavens as some would think. The paths are here before you, the choice is yours. God has given unto you this. As we have said before, what God has given, God may taketh away. But as he gave forth a coveth [covenant], and that was the first coveth that was given into man into five places, that in the beginning, as man’s own free choice to overcome these things that he had fallen into, these pitfalls, he chose death and life in this manner to learn. But even as he should learn the lessons of our Father, no matter how far he should climb unto the ladder, until he has brought all of God’s children into their many houses should he choose, therefore, to stop his own advancement, his own choice of re-entry. But for some there shall be many, for some there shall be never.

We shall answer one father question within this one’s mind. Your present astrology is based upon the twelve houses of Israel. But as we should answer unto you, think, therefore, of the lost tribes. Think, therefore, of the Atlanteans. Think, therefore, of those who would be known as the Sumerians. Think, therefore, of the Mayan calendar. It shall bring your thoughts and your knowledge of astrology forth into fulfillment in the same manner. But take, therefore, the art of numerology in the same manner. Use them together as a tool. Then lay forth that gift that God has laid before you, a natural psychic gift, and all shall come in fulfillment and knowledge of the same.

We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the records.

Yes, we see of this.

And we find this one in the first — and that as firment came unto firment, born in the Year of the Serpent. And as you look forth upon man-beast, you shuddered at the thought of entry. And you though unto yourself, “How can this be so? How can I breed forth unto these who God said is ‘of our kind?’”

Yet the Lord, God, would not listen, for He had turned a deaf ear upon His foolish child.

And therefore, your thoughts would project into the other firment and into the other worlds beyond. And one by one you found different phases of development, but still of this man-beast. And yet, you returned back unto the earth to find that the man-beast that you should have entered had passed away. You stood and watched them as they knelt in prayer, and you wept, for you said unto yourself, “This is myself that has died.”And therefore, you wandered away, and the years passed. And therefore, not again for one million years did you seek entry. As this time you entered upon the continent of Atlantis. You had entered in the early stages, and the continent had grown strong in knowledge and development. But you had brought with you the knowledge that you had gained from your wanderings in the stars. You were born into the house of [Heshna]. And as Heshna and [Aras] had bore no children and their aging had gone unto that of over a thousand years with hope of never having a child, they promised unto the Lord, God, that you would be delivered unto the temple. You should become a child of God.

And so it was so. Upon your second birthday you were delivered unto the temple. And the master, Arcan, walked down and received you.

And they said unto you, “What shall we call of this one? What is his name?”

And they named unto you, Ray [Re’].

And Arcan said, “Why should you name and give unto this one this name?”

And they spoke these words unto you. “We have waited long for his deliverance unto us. Our heart weeps that we should have to give him up. Yet we give him the name of Ray [Re’]; as the ray[s] of the sun should pass before men, the knowledge that God has placed unto this one should be delivered unto mankind.”

And as the days and weeks passed and came unto years, you heard of the great priest, Ra-Tai’s, visit from the land of Egyptan. All was made in readiness, and all the students knew that there was some that might be chosen to return back unto this land. And all had high hopes, for this was the greatest of all priests, the greatest of all knowledge. And the only hope that was left for the Atlanteans was through this one man and the alliance that could be made with those of Egyptan.

And then the day came that he should choose, and he spoke unto Arcan and he said, “You have shown me many, but where is this one they call Ray [Re’]?”

Arcan chuckled deep within himself, for he knew his old friend had chosen and chosen wisely. And so you were brought forth and presented before the great one. There he boarded the craft that should take you unto the land of Egyptan.

And there you brought forth the gifts that were given to the Atlanteans and the Semurians, or Sumerians, the knowledge of astrology, the science of astrology. You placed forth this knowledge both into medicine, and therefore, Ra-Tai…as you were tutored to become the head priest of the Temple of Beauty and the Temple of Light. And all was made ready.

Yet the days and the weeks passed, and as your age grew and your knowledge grew, you came forth unto this one, Ra-Tai, and said unto him, “Master, I know they shall cast you into exile. Let me go with you.”

And Ra-Tai said unto you these words, “Nay, stay and keep intact the records and the knowledge, I shall return.”

And so you did. And so he came forth. And you were in line, there before all, to greet him as he came forth in his mighty craft. But as those in Atlantis who had worked for his overthrow now should assassinate him, because when you stood by him, because they could not tell the difference in sight, your life was taken that his may go on, as you knew it would be.

Now many eons have passed. The work has been laid forth. The records are intact. The crystals have been placed in their proper place. The last crystal, that that should go forth and announce not only to the earth, but to the heavens, the coming of the Messiah, was part of your preparations within the last great temple. Now it with the temple of the records…. Yet you asked those around you as the Star of Bethlehem came forth, “Why should this, this one who has overcome so much, why must he stand before man and be punished, and man would never know the true meaning of the gifts he had brought to earth, only a few?”


We find entry again, 15th century, in the land of England and proportions thereof of what you would call Scotland. And here once again you brought forth your knowledge. You built a temple from stones that should light a way. You hid the way only for those who could truly see. But even then, there were those who would betray you, and you were burned, not as a normal burning, but they did as what was known as the torch burn. This was done by taking one piece if the body, cutting it from the flesh, and searing it over with the torch, until there was nothing left. You wandered after this time long, for you could not understand that that you had tried to bring forth.

And your next entry — yes — we find that in the continent now know as France, 17th century, and your thoughts that you shall not serve of mankind, you shall not give of them your knowledge. You are born a female. Your thoughts, “I shall empleasure myself, I shall have the pleasure I have denied myself.” And so you did of such, and you became the king’s concubine. You became quite wealthy. You left of this land to go unto the land that is now known as Sweden, there in your later life to bring forth farther studies, into that which you should be brought forth unto today. We find this time this one to die of old age and of great respect.

We find this soul not again — yes — until your 18th century. Born as a young girl, proclaimed as a great psychic of the earth, you brought forth your knowledge in full. But as time had passed and your knowledge had grown, you became once again inflamed with your old passions and your old ways of the lifetime of before. You would not listen to your physicians. Your lust for rich foods brought forth that which was known as the gout. Your lust for rich wines brought forth that known as uremic poisoning. You died of the same.

We find you not again until this time. You have brought forth all of your weaknesses, yet you have brought forth your knowledge in like manner.

We say unto you unto these words, we have come but for one purpose, that purpose is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We are not great. You have evolved through time but for one purpose, that you too may prepare this way. The knowledge has been passed unto you. We have given unto you the key to unlock the doorway that has been hidden for so long. Take these passions that you should need of and utilize them. Be wary of rich foods and wines. And be leery of the serpent that lies at your feet and acts as a friend.

Soul Ray now grows weary.

Now is the time of the Cherub, and the Fifth Angel rests upon your earth. Beware.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, birth dates and locations to respect privacy. No tape recording was made available with which to check accuracy of this reading.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


August 24, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And now we shall tell unto thee the parable. We shall tell unto thee the parable of the five spirits that God sent forth.


And so the five spirits commenced their journey. And, they paddled through the water alone, for God had taken from them the abilities to cast themselves from place to place by thought. He had only placed before them that of the mind body.

And as they paddled, one who kept looking back, and became afraid, and therefore, he returned back unto the Father.

And the Father asked, “AND WHAT HAVE YOU FOUND?”

And he said, “I have only found fear, my Father.”

The others, four, journeyed long. And three reached land before the fourth. And they returned back unto their Father.


And the first spoke up, and he said, “Oh, Father, I have found love.”


And the second said, “I have found hope.”


And the third said, “Father, I have found faith.”


And the fourth returned after a long, long time.


And he said, “Father, I have [then] found eternity.”

And our Father said unto this one, “AND SO IT SHALL BE. YOU SHALL BE THE IMMORTAL BODY OF MAN.”

And so it was, as both he and she were created in five placed upon the earth came forth upon the earth the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of man.

And the fifth dwelt forth unto man. And so it was, that man possessed fear within himself. And the fear was doubt. But the fear need not enter, for he was not that of a complete that was put forth in the beginning. For in the beginning, love, hope, and faith and eternity were those parts of man.

And so, we should say unto you, as you go on through your journey of a life and lifetimes, for those who should find fear within them and not cast it aside, there shall be never. But for those who should have the faith in God, there shall be always. And for those who should have the faith and the love, they shall find eternity.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [8–24–13–001] has asked, he says, ‘I seem to be stuck at a crossroads in my life. What do I do with my life, and where do I go from here?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And therefore, we should answer in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, and the immortal body of the same. We have given forth in our parable your answer, for we lay before you the wine and the bread. Take forth this knowledge unto which we have given. Have the hope within yourself and the faith, and the Lord shall provide a way. But stand not as the man who went into the desert without neither water or food, but take up of this which we have given, and therefore, you shall find fulfillment and guidance.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [8–24–73–002] asks for a health reading. She asks what might be done to dissolve the blood clot in her one good eye so that she might see enough to get around? Also she seeks relief from the pain she has had since her stroke this spring, and whatever help is possible.”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, and the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. And we shall answer in this manner. We shall take from this one the pain. We shall give unto this one a sight of seeing. But we say unto you, there are many doors, and our Father has many mansions. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [8–24–73–002] asks for a health reading. He states, since his head injury at age 24, he has had vision trouble, suffering dizziness, nausea and ringing in his ears, and has been told he has Meniere’s disease in his right ear and perhaps a tumor. He asks for help, and asks if he will get worse as the years go by, and if so, should he have surgery?”

First we should answer in this manner, we have before us the body, the soul, the immortal body, the spirit of the same.

Yes, we see this.

First we should answer of the ringing of the ears. This is a disease called Meniere’s, or inner ear infection. It is caused, therefore, from brainstem damage, partially. It is also caused, therefore, from a hardening of the arteries, the main arteries that should feed of the brain and the inner ear within itself. We would suggest, therefore, first, a drug known as Ardelin be taken; this could be taken in 10 grams. We would suggest, therefore, that the vitamin substance known as Lipoflavinoid be used in this condition, therefore, to soften these blood vessels that have become hard, and therefore, make them more pliable.

Yes, we find, therefore — yes, we see this.

We find, therefore, of a blood condition.


We find an infection in the lung area. We find, therefore, the blood within itself trying to coagulate within the system, and therefore, producing more red corpuscles to offset this condition of the lungs. We would suggest the taking of 2,000 units of vitamin E per day. We would suggest that the subject, the use of negative ion machine be used whilst in slumber. We would suggest — yes — that a filtering system be placed within the home, therefore, that the subject in mind could breathe clean air. We would also suggest that the changing of the drinking water in a more purified form. If the following recommendations are followed through, the subject should not grow worst, but begin to heal.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, he had one other question concerning a problem with hemorrhoids and bleeding and asked if there was anything other than surgery that be done for this?”

Yes, we would suggest taking of vitamin E and vitamin A, mixing together with the vitamin D, taking that of the white of the egg, mixing it into a slight compound, adding there of the safflower oil. If this placed unto the rectum area this should heal the wounds within the same and cause a shrinking of the same.

For those who have similar conditions, we would not suggest the use of this; this is for this one subject only. Because of his body chemical substance, it has been suggested in this manner.

You have other questions, ask.

“[8–24–73–004] asks for a health and life reading. She says her health is poor, liver and kidney trouble, rheumatoid arthritis, colon trouble, and so forth. ‘For my gout I am taking Benemid daily and vitamins and minerals. And help would be greatly appreciated.’”

We should answer in this manner unto this subject. Come, therefore, unto soul Ray for healing. We shall place the knowledge, therefore, within the mind that this problem can be taken care of.

You have, therefore, other questions, ask.

“Aka, [8–24–73–005] asks for a health reading.”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.


One moment, this subject must be located.

Yes, therefore, we have the subject in mind. First we should answer in these words. We find within the subject matter what is known as that of Valley Fever. This could only be treated in this manner — with rest, clean air, vitamin E in 1,000-unit per day, vitamin A, [B], the taking, therefore, of that compound known as chaparral, taking each unit six times per day.

We find, therefore, within this subject — yes — that of a problem within the heart within the fourth valve, a deteriorating of the same. It would be our suggestion that the subject should seek out the help of a physician. If the heart can be slowed down and the body to function off of less oxygen and blood substance, the healing of both could happen quite easily.This could be done with what is known as a bio-feedback machine and the teaching substance within the same. At the present time, your doctors do not have the knowledge to put this into practical use. Therefore, we would suggest meditation in that form that you should lie in a very comfortable position, placing within yourself and in your mind that of God. If you should contact soul Ray, a meditation tape could be supplied that would greatly help this in the same and help you in the learning of the same.

Yes, we find — yes — within the kidney-liver area small cysts-type growths forming upon the liver itself. At the present time these could be removed surgically, or could be dissolved [with] that of the psychic.


We find that this subject should seek out unto chiropractic or osteopathic doctor. The upper portion backular area is greatly in need of treatment of the same, 8th, 9th vertebrae. If this condition continues you shall find permanent disability within the same.

Should this subject require follow-up reading after the following suggestions have been taken, we would be glad to give unto the same.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [8–24–73–006] asks for a health reading. He says, ‘I have had an infection in the cavity above the upper palate of my mouth for as long as I can remember, and I have not been able to find a cure. What is the cause, and how can it be cured? Is there any relation between the infection and the tightness I feel in my chest at times? Also, what does the future hold in regards to my vocation?’”

We shall answer unto this one into this manner. First, we should say unto thee, we have before us the body, the soul, and the spirit, immortal body of the same. One moment, we must locate this subject.

Yes. Yes, now we have the subject.

Therefore, we would answer in this manner.


Of the infection within itself, we would suggest that the seeking out of a doctor that this substance be removed, and therefore, allowing new tissue to grow back within it same.

Of the other questions, we would suggest that you should ask at a different time, for now soul Ray grows weary.

And we should say to thee in these words. Now is the time of the Cherub. And the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Beware. New eruptions shall arise, close within your land this time.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, birth dates and locations to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


August 27, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And now we should say unto thee unto these words, for we have told unto thee the parable of the Seven Spirits of God. Yet, we have not told thee of the thoughts and the teachings that God placed into these.

And as they sat before God, the Third Spirit said unto the Lord, “But Lord, why should we place the wind upon the earth?”


And then the Fourth Spirit said unto the Lord, “But, Lord, the wind is sometimes confusing. Why should we place confusion upon the earth?”


And then the First Angel said unto the Lord, “But Lord, the wind can do great damage upon the earth, a shifting of the earth itself.”


And the Fifth Angel said unto the Lord, “But how could this be so, oh, Lord?”


And the Sixth Angel stood forth and said, “But, Lord, of the terrible storms that the wind can cause, what good could this do upon the earth?”



And the Seventh Angel, who was wise, had listened to all the other questions. And he said unto the Lord, “I see their need, oh, Lord, and their need for learning. But can these frail things which we call unto Thee the man-beast withstand all of these things?”

And the Lord spoke unto the Seventh Spirit, and said unto him these words, “I AM THE LORD, GOD. AND AS MY CHILDREN SHALL LEARN, SO SHALL I, FOR THE WIND SHALL BE AS A LEARNING TREE.



You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [8–27–73–001] who is here tonight…has asked for a life reading, and then he has a few other questions.”

You have not given unto us the full information on this soul. But we see thy need and we shall continue. Therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

Yes, we see this.

And we have before us the records.


Yes, we find this one, its first entry chosen in a land known as Yucatan. We find, therefore, the birth as that of a male child, and as that of the youngest of seven children. And though the youngest, all the others came unto this one for advice. But as he grew unto manhood, he would give that unto his brothers and sisters, most of his worldly goods.

And within the land of Yucatan was a priest known as Kata Moto. Moto, within himself, was a traveling priest who went from town to town to give forth unto the teachings as they had been handed down from all the clans and they had been handed unto the tablets that had been brought unto this new land. And he told unto the clans that their migration should continue. But these of your village had traveled far into many lands, and therefore, had tired.

And you said unto this one, the villagers said unto this one, “Why should we continue to wander?”

And he said unto you these words, “For soon, the master shall come, and he shall see that which you have done.”

And you laughed and you jeered at him and said, “How could this be? For long it has been said and written that help is coming.”

But upon this day a runner came into the village and said that the Master had appeared in a land known as [Yumapan], far far north, and he would soon journey unto you land, for he himself was making the migration so that all of man would know that this was the way of the Lord, God.

Many of you could not believe that unto which you had said. So you spoke unto this one and said, “Let us venture forward and go and see this so-called Master.” And many of the youths joined you. And so, you did venture forth.

You went forward unto the land which is now called that of Mexico City, unto certain proportions, therefore. And there upon the great temple, stood there with his arms stretched out, and the light shone that came from their God. And all the people had knelt before him. And he beckoned you to come forward. And so you did.

And he said these words unto you, “I shall place my hand upon your head. And you shall remember of this. The next man who should place his hand upon your head shall be here to prepare the way for my next coming. You shall remember, for when you look unto his eyes you shall see my face once again.”

You felt his cooling, healing hand that surged through your body. And you begged, “Oh Master, let me go with you, wherever you venture.

And he said, “Nay, not now. But the day shall come when you shall venture unto the Eagle’s nest. For soon the Eagle shall take flight, for he has but much learning to do. He shall touch upon your earth in many places, for there are many yet to learn from. But each time that you see an eagle in flight, remember that this one could be the one you have waited for.”

And you said unto him, “Oh, Master, should I go on with my migration?”

And he looked upon you and said, “Nay, for soon upon your land shall come those who your people will think is I who have returned. You must warn your people. But if they should not learn, I shall place upon the land, through our Father, God, a rose. And the rose shall grow. And from the rose shall come the Lady of Guadalupe.” And he said, “Now go back unto which you have come. But remember my teachings.”

And so you did.

And so, the days passed, and the years passed, and your day of departure had come forth. You had many disciples. Yet many of the people now laughed at you and said, “There is the man who preaches these bold tales.”

And so, you passed from one lifetime unto your afterlife. And upon the doorway of your departure and your entry, you looked back. And upon the earth was the shadow of the great Eagle. Therefore, you sought out those of a learned kind. Much knowledge was gained, traded, and bartered for. Much knowledge was given, for there you met that of the priest, Ra-Tai. You met of the priest, Arcan, and many, many others. And they gave counsel unto you.

And they said unto you, “Forget not from where you have come. Choose your entry well and carry this memory forward.”

And as you gazed upon the earth plane, you saw the Eagle light in many places. You went back unto the Ra-Tai priest and said, “How can this be? How can this Eagle exist through time? Why does he not die? Why does he not leave a body form, therefore, to be buried as other men?”

And they looked unto him and said, “Have you not seen the beginning?”

And you looked, and you said, “Nay.”

They said, “Then there, look backward. Look upon him, and you shall see his karma, for he led the sons of God upon this earth. Therefore, they did enter the daughters of man and find them fair. And that which he placed, the plight upon the earth, he himself must undo.

“And so, therefore, he shall travel onward and onward, never to rest, always to be that of an instrument of our Father, for this was his choosing.”

You looked upon the earth, and there you saw your people being slaughtered by the Spaniards, [to] great knowledge of medicine, great knowledge of astrology and astronomy being destroyed. And you chose an entry.

And as you entered, you entered as that of a Yaqui Indian who was partly bred of the Spaniards. And as the Spaniard father left your mother soon before your birth, and as you grew into manhood, you disliked these of the Spaniards. But your mother, who retains the knowledge of the Messiah yet to come, taught you to became a barterer of things. And through you mother’s experi… — yes, we see this — and through your mother’s determination, you returned back into the land of Spain to be educated, with only one thought, “That I shall learn of the white man’s ways and help my people to become whole again.”

When you returned back unto your land, the years had passed, and the wars had now turned toward those of the French. And there was another Yaqui without too much education, but with great faith, and he also was that of a breed. And he sought out your counsel, and told of a free Mexico, of a land that the Mexican people, both of the Indian, both of the part that was Spanish and the part that was Indian, could live in peace, of a self-governing government much as the government that lay to the north.

At first you thought him a fool, but when you looked into his eyes, you saw, therefore, the flight of the Eagle had touched unto this one, and the memory came back.

Because you had brought consumption back into the land with you, you gave advice and written, both in written form unto this one, and therefore, passed on yourself into your afterlife.

And in your afterlife, you went, therefore, unto those with more knowledge and said unto them, “Why had I forgotten so much?”

And they said unto you, “That the nations of the Lord should be formed upon the earth, it is sometimes necessary to forget and then remember, that the pattern should not be broken, that man’s development once again this time should come in full.”

You looked out upon the islands of the Pacific. You saw their beauty. You studied them with longing, and saw the plight of the people that lay within. And yet, you saw them in their purest form, yet saw them changing as those of the Whites spread their disease upon the face of the earth.

You went back unto the masters and said, “Oh, Lord, why is this allowed? How can it be that a man should speak of God with one hand and destruction with the other? How can they speak of the Master, who harmed no man, and kill in his name? How can this be?”

And they said unto thee, “Look forth upon the earth, and the earth shall answer your question. Take entry, therefore, for soon the time is near.”

And you said unto them, “What time should this be?”

And they said unto you, “Soon you shall see once again the shadow that the Eagle shall cast upon the earth.”

And so it was, you entered again upon the earth again this time, this plane. And good things were given unto your lifetime as rewards for your deeds of before. And you were brought forth unto the Eagle’s nest, and once again, you have seen the shadow of the Eagle.

We shall say unto thee unto these words. We have come forth but for one purpose. That, in itself, as we have told you before you were born, to prepare a way for the coming of a messiah. The Eagle is here. A way has been provided for the fulfillment of your life. That which you have asked for has been given.

The Lord, God, has placed into your hands free choice. As in many times before, as in now, doubt shall be cast before you, as you once cast doubt in your entry. Even now, you have cast doubt at times. You have thought, “How can this be? How can these things be possible? How can one simple man who has been placed upon the earth change the meaning of the same?”

And we shall say unto you, we have placed the mark upon his forehead, not the mark of the Beast, but the mark of the Eagle. Use that of your own free judgment in those steps you should take. We have gifts; it has not been by chance that you come unto wedlock unto this one.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, he asks, ‘Do you have any specific instructions for our Guam real estate?’ And, ‘Do you have other financial advice?’”

We shall answer unto your questions into this manner. You shall soon sell again of your Guam real estate.

We should say unto you unto these words, as thy needs should arise, bring them forth unto soul Ray. He shall give unto you sound advice. But be very specific. Bring forth all of the facts.

As the parable we brought forth of the wind, take heed and learning from the same.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

And soul Ray now grows weary.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, birth dates and locations to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


August 31, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And we should say unto thee into these words. For those who should give glory unto God, God should give glory unto His children in the same manner.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Aka, would the medicinal clay in small amounts be good for Ray’s health, taken internally with milk? Would it help his ulcers and blood disease?”

We shall place that of thought within soul Ray. That shall be the answer to the same.

They have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [8–31–73–001] asks for healing. He has a small upside-down, pear-shaped obstruction that looks like a second stomach in his esophagus, which is located above the regular stomach and has a very small opening in the bottom, causing him great difficulty in swallowing food. Sometimes, he says, it is so bad he is unable to get water or liquids down for two or three days. He also asks for a health reading.”

First, we should answer in this manner. The healing that is given shall be given in this manner; surgery must be performed upon this soul, corrective surgery. The surgery within itself is not as serious as the subject should think. Therefore, seek out that that is at your hand, and use it in the same manner, and the healing thy should ask for shall be given.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [8–31–73–002] asks for healing. She has a sinus problem and sometimes difficulty with her breathing. She has requested a health reading, ‘if you are able to do this.’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, and the spirit of the same, and therefore, the immortal body. Yes, we see thy need. One moment.


We should answer in this manner. First, we should suggest the taking of 2,000 units of vitamin E per day. Second, we should suggest the taking of the sea water, and therefore, bringing it to a boil, placing a damp towel over the head, that thy may breathe of the vapor that has come from the sea water. This should help in the healing of the same.

We find, therefore, within the same this that is called [of] varicose veins — yes — of the thighs, [an aspirate] area of the same, yes. We would suggest that use of the warm mud that has been perfected within the same, applied to these areas. This would help in the stimulating of the vessels and the drying and pulling forth of that of the blood substance of the same.

We find in the 3rd and 4th vertebrae area, therefore, damage within the same. We would suggest, therefore, the chiropractic or osteopathic treatment be sought, that this could be rectified quite simply.

Yes, we find that of a scalp problem — yes — that of an itching and flaking substance of the same. We would suggest, therefore, that the taking of the white of the egg, that substance known as baking soda, mixing together within the same. Add that of your liquid form, that which would come, which you would call of beer unto the same, adding, therefore, unto the same small quantities of olive oil, working this into the scalp area, leaving for 30 minutes, and then washing this substance from the scalp; this would greatly relieve this area.

Of the healing thy have asked for, this shall be given in the manner into which the instructions we have given you are followed.

You have other questions, ask.

Aka, [7–2–73–002] asked, ‘Do you find evidence of cancer in my prostate? Can you see a clearing of my present blockage, and if so, how soon? Do I need a special course of treatment which has been proposed on the theory that I do have a degenerative condition?’”

First, we should suggest in this manner, thy do have a degenerative condition within the same. But we would suggest, therefore, rather than prolonged treatment, surgery, that this could simply be rectified. We would suggest the drinking, therefore, of large quantities of cranberry juice, and therefore, of that known as the sage tea, sweetened with honey, as much as thy body shall allow. This in itself shall clear the blockage.

That of the prostate and the problem within the same is not of cancerous nature. It is not malignant within the same, but left over a prolonged period, it soon could become that. Therefore, we would suggest that this should be — that the tissue, therefore, that has grown into place should be removed by surgery.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [8–31–73–003] has had a problem in her right arm and hand. She says needle tests show she does not have complete use of her nerves in the arm. Doctors say she possibly had polio, but she had immunizations. She has had to give up working as a beauty operator. What is wrong, and can anything be done to correct it?”

Yes, we see this, and we should answer in this manner. First, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. We find, therefore — yes — in that proportion know as the brainstem area damage within the same. We would suggest, therefore, that through chiropractic treatment this condition could be rectified.

We further find — yes.

We would suggest, bring this soul forth unto soul Ray, and therefore, let him project healing into the area of the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, she asks also, she says she felt God was directing her to go to Colorado August 25th. Is there anything her mother, [M_______ S______], can do to help her, or should she postpone her move?”

We shall answer in this manner, we do not see of this. The move is that of a want, not of a call.

Thy have other questions —

“[2–4–72–001] who is her tonight…asks for a health reading on her left arm. Is it healing as it’s supposed to be? Is there anything she can do to help it? She also asks, did she damage her elbow as well, and what can be done to help it?”

First, we should answer in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. Therefore, we should answer in this manner. Come forth unto soul Ray that healing may be given unto this area, that the damage done, as we have said before, is a v-type break which lingered downward into the joint within the same. This has caused an irritation of the ligament within the arm. It would be suggested that she come forth unto soul Ray that healing should be administered. We would further suggest that that of the warm clay be used on the area. This should be done according to soul Ray’s instructions. We would further suggest that for the present time this arm not be over exercised that healing can be given and that the healing should not be destroyed that is given. Can you understand of which we speak?

“Yes.” [She answers.]

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. She has another question. She asks, when the goat kicked her did it do damage to her head or right ear?”

No, we do not find of this. We find bruises, yes, but no permanent damage within the same. We should place the healing within the body, and therefore, the healing shall commence.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [8–31–73–004], he’s in the need of a health reading.”

We should answer in this manner, give more specific information; our time is limited.

Soul Ray now grows weary.

Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. As we have told you before, earthquakes shall cross your land, from the tip of Mexico unto your Alaskans, through your Midwest Americans, through the Mediterranean and that land in proportion of the same. Fear not.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, birth dates and locations to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


September 4, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And we should say unto thee these words.

For we shall tell you the parable of the forest, and as the Seven Spirits of God did place each of their kind into the forest. And there were the mighty oak trees which were strong and tall. And there within the same forest were that of which you would call the scrub oak trees which did not grow tall. And there were maple within the forest, and cherry wood within the forest.

And yet standing there apart was that of the juniper. It stood in such a place that it gathered the sunlight, and it grew very slowly year by year. And at times parts of it would die, yet new growth would come from within. Yet it was not of beauty, as some would say.

And the trees spoke among themselves, each unto another, and said, “Oh, why would the Lord, God, place such an ugly thing among us?”

Yet as the years passed, the oak died, and the oak was cut up by man and hauled away and burnt within his fireplace. And the pines were used for that of man’s that you would build, your lumber, your houses from.

And each tree looked unto another they said, “See, we are useful unto man. But what good is this of a juniper? It can not be used to build houses. When burnt in the fireplace, it burns very quickly and very hot. What purpose has it served?”

But the juniper paid no attention to any of them. And as it grew and became a mighty tree, therefore, the life within itself began to fade away. And there stood within the forest the hull of the tree.

And all the trees looked upon it and said, “Why would God place such an ugly thing before us?”

And the Seven Spirits spoke forth and said unto these words, “For there is the proof of the resurrection within itself.”

And the other trees said unto the Spirits, “How could this be so?”

And the Seven Spirits said unto the trees, “For even though the shell which the spirit of the tree lived in remains, that joy that it gave unto mankind, it gave forth its branches for firewood. It drew from the sunlight that the Lord provided and gave forth life and shade that other small plants including yourselves may grow beneath it. It grew an age.”

But, they said, “Why then could it not be as the redwood which grows forever?”

And the Seven Spirits spoke unto them and said in these words, “The redwood was placed to show that death was not needed. The juniper was placed to show that the resurrection and new growth brought forth yet a mightier tree.”

So therefore, we should say unto you into these words. For all of mankind, even though a branch upon you might die, it is not lost, for all things that have been before are yet within the twilight of your lives, for all species that walked upon your earth yet exist, for they were of our kind. You of man were placed here as their keepers, and even though you have destroyed their earth form, you cannot destroy the spirit that dwelled within them.

And so it is so with man. For is it not written that not the smallest thing upon your earth shall fall without our Father’s knowledge? Look within yourselves, and you shall find new birth each moment, each day, of your lives. And new beauty shall be seen even into the ugliest things of your earth, for nothing upon the earth was not placed here but for a reason.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [7–6–73–001] has asked for a life reading.”

Yes, we see of this. And therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the records of time. And we should answer in this manner.

We find this soul in that proportion of the fifth planet — yes — in that proportion of Atlantis. And therefore, we find this soul — yes — this one worked within her father’s leather shop which leather goods were made from. At the age of 35 her long sought for wedding did come. And the wedding did come unto one of the priests of a visiting priest of Ra-Tai.

And so, therefore, as Ra-Tai and his priests did return back unto the land of Egyptan, so this one went forth. She was taken unto the high courts. Yet she said unto herself, “What have I to offer these people with so much knowledge?” And she continued as a past time her leatherwork.

And one day the priest, Ra-Tai, came unto her, and he brought soft skins and brought unto her plates of copper and bronze. And he said, “As you have engraved into the leather, engrave into the bronze the knowledge that we shall give unto you.”

And so she began. And as each was completed another was placed before her. Yet she knew not of what she was doing, nor for what reason.

And as some of the young priests visited, they said unto her, “What are you doing? These images you are making upon these plates, what do they say?”

And she said unto them, “I know not what they say.”

And so they scoffed at her and walked away.

And the days did pass. And the years did pass. And then Priest Ra-Tai came unto her and said unto her, “My day has come that the people shall cast me from the land. The work you are doing must continue. But we would ask of you of your own free will. Your husband must remain here to continue the work. Will you journey with my party into this land we should go into exile?”

And so they ventured forth into this land you would call the Dead Sea. And there proportions were set aside and buried that a future people should find them in a different time. These people would be known as the Essenes, or the [Estene] people.

And she asked unto the priest as they worked together long hours, “You have mentioned, master, many times of this great teacher that shall come upon the earth. Why do we not leave all of our knowledge, the knowledge of the ships that fly through the air, here in this one place?”

And he said unto her, “We shall leave a key, and the key shall lead to the three points of the earth unto which the records shall be kept. Many years from now, after even these people we leave these first records for, proportions of our records shall be discovered along with theirs. And they will call them of the Dead Sea Scrolls, yet they will not know that we have left them. But it matters not. It only matters that man shall gather upon the earth knowledge, the true knowledge of the God of One.

You have recorded therein of the things that have happened upon the earth, the pollution that man has lain forth upon the earth that has caused his downfall, that has caused him to walk away from his knowledge. Many will agree and many will disagree with the knowledge we shall leave forth. But we shall cast a seed into the ocean, for we are not preparing but for one time for his coming, we are preparing for the second coming. And so it shall be. For some shall deny his first coming, but all shall acknowledge his second coming.”

And so he gave unto her plates of gold. And they ventured forth, when she was through, and these were placed in the Americans.

And she said, “Why do we leave these here?”

And he said unto her, “We leave these that mankind shall find them and they shall know of the coming. And the people shall call them of the Mormon, or as ‘the Later Days.’ Yet we shall venture forth and place the records once again.”

And so they did. And they laid them in this land you call of the Yuma. We have told you of these records. But these shall never come forth, for now we shall tell unto you the truth and the true meaning of their search. For as we sent those forth into the desert to search, those who would seek out the records must first find their soul and their spirit. And the ground they stood upon was the ground beneath their own feet. And all of these things were written at this time.

And so it was that then Priest Ra-Tai was called out of exile, and therefore, into that thy would call of the Great Pyramid and the chamber beneath. These records were placed within, yet they were stepping stones.

And this one, as the days grew near, her husband and herself asked unto Ra-Tai to go unto the chamber when it was closed.

And Ra-Tai say, “Nay, for all of your years you have labored. Now bring forth the fruit of your labor. Take of the last of the ships and go unto the land of the Mayans.”

And so you [brought], and did so. And you begot unto a son. And they begot unto a son, and the son that would go forth, for the son through the generations of time was that of the husband of this time. And therefore, the two lives linked together and went into servitude once again unto the Lord, for you found within your own genesis therefore the entries that the two would make. And therefore, you brought forth unto this time the knowledge of the flight of the Eagle.

As we have said before, upon the earth you shall lay your seed, and you shall see forth to enter unto your seed once again, for that that has not been born shall be born, and you shall enter into that, your husband and yourself. For we say unto you, the promise that was made of God, the promise that was made by the priest, Ra-Tai, the promise that was made by the one known as Jesus Christ, were all of the same. And for that of which you did you have been rewarded.

But reward comes from within, the riches of the soul, much as the juniper tree. For we have brought you forth unto this time, unto this place.

Take forth the knowledge within this reading. Study it well. Place the reading of your husband and the reading of yourself together, and great knowledge shall come forth.

There have been days upon the earth when your faith has grown weak. Yet your faith to see the flowers at your feet has never grown weak, not in reality. Give forth that of the beautiful things within yourself that you have given before. For the greatest gift upon the earth was that within the juniper tree, for you see, the juniper did not wish to be of a redwood, or an oak, or a willow tree. The juniper was satisfied to be that which God had given unto itself to be. It gave forth no criticism unto others; it served upon the earth both man and God. And this is the lesson that you shall learn from within.

And we say unto you, oh Lord of Isaiah, Lord of Moses, Lord of all, for our Lord is that of the God of the living, not of the dead. And so this within itself was the proof of the resurrection, that that that was brought forth upon your earth, as man was planted upon the earth and given free choice, and upon many planets in many places, so, as your God is the God of the living, man is the man of the living, for he shall not perish, he shall only change his form. Glory be the name of the Lord.

Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. The earthquakes shall appear; the hurricane and tornado-type storms shall hit the earth. Many things shall happen upon the earth. But take aside the parable of the juniper tree, and you shall find within it a truth of many things.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: When Ray awoke from trance he described what he saw in a vision. The tape recorder was turned back on as he said, “…are the circuits that are producing electricity.”

“Like a farm windmill?” a woman asks.

“Like a farm windmill. And some of them were not over six-foot tall. And some of them were taller, but they weren’t — oh boy, hmm — I saw them mounted on top of houses! And I saw — hmm — I saw them mounted and there was like a huge condenser, and not a like a huge one, it was just a condenser, but when the juice flow broke at a certain point it would cut in like electricity. But you were using this until it — in other words, you were using, you had electricity sitting out there, but yet these things produced electricity until the current, until it — “

“Built up?” a man asks.

“Built up. But it had battery form, storing juice. And — hmm — something like the transformer or something. I don’t know. There was so much there so fast that I — hmm.”

“Do you think everyone was using these for power?” a man asks.

“I don’t know. But they were using them. And they were mounted on top of the houses and rooftops.

And first, and then I saw — oh, boy, too much at one time. And I saw a crystal thing, looking things, that were gathering some type of — and I knew they were producing power. And I saw — there were about five or six different things; I was seeing one right after the other. They all were circuits and — diodes and — they were entrapping….

“They were very cheaply constructed; it was a very cheap thing.”

“Like the ones they use in Australia, two-bladed?”

“Not that many blades on it.”

“Like a water windmill that they use, with a lot of blades?”

“Uh huh. But the blades were balanced to where if there was the slightest breeze, just a whisper of a breeze, it would start it to turn. It had weights, offset weights on it, once a breeze started it it would continue, almost perpetual motion.”

“Do you mean a flywheel action, to keep it coasting between rests?”

“[Wheel weights]. I don’t know, I’ll have to sift it out. I’ll have to do it later. There’s just too much at one time; I couldn’t grasp it all. There’s just too many things. If I saw it once I’ll see it again.”

Numbers have been substituted for names, birth dates and locations to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright 1973 © by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


September 5, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner, for we should give you the parable of the beggar.

For this is a parable of a young boy who had journeyed far. His parents had given unto him the monetary value to make the journey, but through his own negligence he had lost that unto which his parents had given him. And therefore, the boy to complete his journey, decided that he would become a beggar upon the street to obtain the food that was necessary.

Yet he knew not how to beg. All he knew was that he was hungry and in need of food. And yet he knew not from whom to ask. So his thoughts were that the first person who should pass his way he should ask for help.

And unto each he would say, “Pardon, but I am without food. Could you spare food?”

And each would look at the lad and pass on.

The lad could not understand this.

He trode on his merry way, mile after mile. But that which he thought was a great journey soon became a great burden. And his hunger increased.

Yet through the streets came a ragged old man. And the boy looked upon the old man and said unto himself, “This one should have nothing to give; therefore, I should not ask of him.”

But as the old man entered near this one, the old man stretched out his hand and gave unto the lad both coin and bread. And the old man went on his way.

The boy ate the bread and used the coin to continue his journey.

Yet his thoughts dwelled long with this old man. And upon the completion of his journey and returning home unto his parents, he went unto his father and said, “Father, I have these things to confess unto you. I was negligent with the funds you gave me and became a beggar. And I begged food and coin. Yet none gave unto me, but a man who looked much like a beggar himself. How could this be so?”

And the father looked unto his son and said, “Did he give unto you anything that you would not have given unto him?”

And the lad thought long unto himself, and said, “Yes, father, he did.”

And the father said, “What was that?”

And the lad said, “If I were ragged and poor and had but little bread and coin, I would not give it unto others, but would have kept it for myself.”

And the father looked unto the lad and said, “Then you would not have really given unto anyone.” The father asked unto the lad, “If you were rich would you give unto someone who was begging upon the street?”

And the lad said, “Oh, yes, then I would give.”

And the father said, “Then you would have given nothing, for it is only in the true gift that you give of that part of yourself and expect nothing in return can you consider this a gift of giving.”

The lad pondered on this long, and went back unto his father and said, “Father, how could this be so? Giving, whether rich or poor, is still a gift.”

And the father said, “No. When you were rich and you gave, you gave to make yourself feel better. But when you were poor and gave, you gave that another should receive from the gift, and therefore, in truth you have given of yourself.”

The lad pondered long upon this.

And many days did pass, and years. And as the lad grew unto manhood, and then unto old age, and his time of passing did come forth, and he passed forth unto the other side.

And the first to greet him was the beggar. And once again, the beggar reached out his hand and gave of him both coin and bread.

But that of the lad, who had turned into an old man, said, “What need have I of these now?”

And the old beggar said, “You did not learn that unto which your father had taught you; therefore, you have it to learn here, that you may return upon the earth and give in truth the gift.”

The lad said unto this one, “But why would you wait all of this time? Who are you?”

And the beggar said unto him, “I am your inner self. I am all of those things that you have been throughout your many lives.”

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [9–5–73–001], who is here tonight….And he asks, ‘Will I achieve the ideal partnership this year? And also what will my eventual relationship with R______ G______ be?’”

First, we should answer in this manner. Nay, you shall not achieve the ideal partnership this year. And the relationship into which you speak shall be but a passing fancy.

You have other questions, ask.

“Do you have other questions?” [the moderator turns to ask the man.]

“I would be very interested in my past lives,” [the man answers.]

“He would like to know about his past lives, Aka.”

Yes, we see of this need, and therefore, we should say in these words. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. And therefore, we have the records before us. And therefore, we should give unto this one that unto which he seeks.

We shall neither start at the beginning, but we should bring this one in that proportion of the world known at this time as France. This is during the great revolt unto which many thousands were slaughtered needlessly. This one was female at this time. She was a knitter, for she knitted into the scarves the names of all who should meet their end and upon the guillotine. But as at first within her was only the thought of justice for her people, but soon she found herself taking revenge upon those around her. And as the last head would fall from her [n]ever-ending list of names, she herself had gained great wealth. And as she went to claim her lands and wealth, there she was stabbed and robbed, and so did die.

And there between the minds of slumber and learning, there lay a constant fight and turmoil within herself, for she felt within herself that she had done that which was rightly so, yet many of her victims stood and tried to awaken her to show you, her, that thy held no vengeance against her.

But it was not until the young king who had died in prison did appear before her and say unto her these words, “Please maiden, forgive unto yourself, that we may forgive unto ourselves our deeds. Awaken from your slumber, for it is not our Father’s way that you should lose your soul now. Your intent in the beginning was good. Yet your way, your method, was that which was wrong. The killing of any human being is a wrong thing within itself. These things you must learn here now, that you might return unto the earth. If you do not awaken soon, those of us who are allowed to help you will have to move on with our studies, and you shall lay within your turmoil for endless time.”

Your eyes fluttered and did open, and you came from the sleep. You looked upon the lad’s smiling face, bright and cheerful, and said unto the lad, “How can you, who I have wronged, forgive me?”

And he said unto her, “You did not wrong me. There were others who knew not what they did. But our Father has forgiven them, and so should I, for you shall be the judge of yourself. Judge yourself fairly, and you shall return to the earth with knowledge for forgiveness unto others. Judge yourself or anyone else unfairly, and your journey shall be repeated all over again.” He said, “Now rise and walk with me, and we shall look upon this earth.”

And you looked upon the earth and saw the wars and rumors of wars. And you said unto the lad, “Why should this be so? Why should so many want to kill so many others?”

Yet the lad answered unto you, “Why did you want to kill unto others?”

And you said, “For I had felt that they had wronged my people.”

And the lad answered unto you, “Were you right in what you did?”

You thought long and hard upon this. Your thoughts were of the things, many things, that had been done unto your people. Then your thoughts were of the many things, cruel acts, that the people had done unto the others. And you said, “Nay, neither was right.”

Then the lad said unto you, “Then you have learned. Now cast you lot upon the water, for a time shall come, and in the generation you shall choose to be born in, when the coming of the Messiah shall be once again upon the earth. And all shall know of this coming, for it shall begin the thousand years of peace upon the earth, but not as we would count upon the earth, but as our Father should count. Water shall flow, and deserts shall bloom. The earth shall shift its form. Man upon the earth shall know of life from other planets.”

You looked at the lad and said, “How do you know of this?”

And the lad said, “Look, there, unto the other heavens.”

And there you saw worlds upon worlds, and life upon life. And you asked unto the lad, “Is our God their God too?”

And the lad answered, “Our Father is the creator of all things.”

And so, you had learned that which you had sought to learn.

And as we have told you the parable in the beginning, the parable was part of another chosen lifetime of your own. Take forth this knowledge unto which we have given you. Seek out honesty by being honest with yourselves and others. Seek out love by giving love. And your cup shall runneth over.

We say unto you, the time is near at hand when the things we have mentioned within the readings, the time of the famine, shall be upon the earth. Take forth from the knowledge and prepare within yourself for this time. But do more. Prepare for the day that you shall meet your self, that of your real self within you, and in that preparation you shall prepare yourself for the coming of the Messiah.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, fire shall blight the earth.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


September 7, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need.

And we should say, as we have said before, that if thy should go into the desert to search for a well for water, and you came upon a new well that should flow of new water, and the water was sweet and good, would you drink from it, or would you ask its age? Yet, as you journeyed farther and you found an old well, that the water had flowed long before man had entered upon this ground, would you say unto the well, “I cannot drink of your water because you are old?”

And we say unto thee unto these words, that nothing upon your earth remains the same, only a thought form that is trapped, a thought form when the door is closed and no more can enter. So take of the old and the new, and that that is yet to come, and bring it forth into knowledge. Let it be born upon the earth. Prepare, therefore, a way within yourselves.

And we should say once again, for those who would listen, for the yoke of love that you should carry, there shall be much work for all, and there shall be hands to perform this work. But it must be done together, much as the old and new well both play this, their parts, within the world’s system of man.

And so it must be in heaven as in earth. For as we have told you the parable of the Seven Spirits, all must work together in unisance. Take, therefore, not unto yourself to say, “This is my path and I can only go one way. I will accept only this help or that help.” But accept the hand that is handed to you in a friendly manner. End your prejudice unto one another. And the promises our Father has brought forth shall come forth as roses in the desert. Mountains shall grow, and the kingdom of God shall be born forth into man’s hearts and souls, and spirits and immortal bodies.

There shall be storms. There shall be those who should try to interfere with this work. But it shall not happen.

Bring forth unto the multitudes the words we have given unto you. Bring forth unto the knowledge, for it is not our knowledge, but a knowledge that was flown as free as a breeze that came from our Father. The knowledge was for all who should seek.

We shall say unto you once again these words. We are here but for one purpose, and that purpose shall be in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We have chosen the tools at hand. We have [both] brought forth fruit unto your gardens, and the fruit shall bear seed that more fruit shall grow again, and again. We shall see to your needs. Glory be the name of the Lord.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Can you make any suggestion for [5–7–71–002]’s tooth infection? She is allergic to antibiotics.”

We have seen of this need, and we shall have given healing unto the same. That was, shall be no more.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [8–17–73–002] asks for a health reading; he asks for your advice of a doctor or a remedy for his back.”

We shall say unto these words; we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

Of the problem of the backular area — yes, we see of this. We would suggest thy seek out a good osteopathic or chiropractic doctor; there are many. This could be remedied.

We would also suggest that the taking of this one, because of an infection within the liver-kidney area, all alcoholic beverages at this time. We would further suggest the seeking out within your own religion counseling that should come of a spiritual nature. Within this you shall find that that you seek, should seek.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a health reading for [8–24–73–006]. He says, he was told to have a continuation of this reading regarding his chest. He has a problem in his chest with — one moment, just a moment here — tightness in his chest that he feels at times. And also, he wonders, what does the future hold in regards to his vocation?”

We should answer in this manner; we find within this soul the body, the soul, spirit, and the immortal body of the same. We find, therefore, a hiatic [hiatus] hernia within the same of the chest area. It is not a serious problem. We would suggest, take from the diet that of the rich foods. Take from the diet that of the cheese forms within the same. Take, therefore, before each meal that of the safflower oil, taking into the body 1,000 units of vitamin E per day, with normal dosage of both mineral and vitamins supplement within the body.

Of that of which the future holds unto this one, we should answer in this manner. That that thy have done before shall be placed before you again. That of your past shall be repeated unless thy can change of what thy have already accomplished. If a man should travel an endless road and should find before him many turns in the road, the one who can stand before himself and judge himself in truth, and know that even though he may fall he may stand erect again, and that those who are with you constantly, day and night, stand ready to help you.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, I have a request for a health reading for [9–7–73–001]…asks for a health reading, reasons for pain across shoulder blades and back. She says she has heaviness in the chest, anxiety feelings, fear and so forth, and tremendous spasms throughout the body, head to toes.”

We do not see of this.

You have other questions, ask.

“[9–7–73–002] asks, ‘What should I do for my skin problem?’ She also had asked the question, ‘Should I take the job offered two days ago or not?’”

(Chuckle.)That decision has already been answered for you.

Of the skin problem, we should answer in this manner. Seek out consultation from soul Ray. A solution shall be found within the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [9–7–73–003] asks for health and life readings. She has had a viral infection from flu three years ago which is localized in the semicircular canals and vasculatory system of her right inner ear causing inflammation. For a year she has suffered a strange buoyancy, a floating sensation at the slightest movement. She also is a borderline diabetic, and takes weekly antigen shots for allergy to trees, grass and so forth, which showed up three years ago. Please tell her what to do for this dizziness, she asks.”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

First we should say unto this one, thy have developed what is known as Meniere’s, or that of an infection to the inner ear. This in itself can be treated by the use of the drug known as Antivert.


We would further suggest that the use of warm castor oil be used to cleanse the ear. This should be left in for short periods of time and then the use of that which you would call of the peroxide be used to wash out the ear within itself.

The backular area is greatly in need of adjustment. This would partially correct this problem. We would suggest the seeking of a good osteopathic doctor; that of frontal lobal area, that unto which, therefore, within first and second vertebrae, if adjustments could be made within this area the problem within itself would slowly reside [subside].

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a series of questions for [9–7–73–004]…and asks for a health reading, about her daily life, and future. She says, ‘I would like a general health reading,’ including, is she on the right dosage of hormones? She is also interested in knowing what to do to improve her eyesight.”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, and therefore, the spiritual body within the same. Yes. We see of this.

We would suggest the use of Lydia E. Pinkham to bring forth a balance of the hormones. We would suggest the use of hot — warm olive oil packs be placed over the eyes; first, of the olive oil, second, of the castor oil. Do not put the castor oil in the eyes themselves, only on the outer lid within the same. This would greatly improve that unto which you ask.

We say unto you unto these words. Now is the time of the Cherub.

Soul Ray now grows weary. That we may not overtax the body, awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


September 10, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner, for we shall tell unto thee the parable of the master and his lost lamb.

And the shepherd did have before him hundreds within his flock, and yet he knew that one lamb had become lost. He left of his dog to guard the herd and went in search for his lamb. He found the lamb had fell into a crevasse and lay there hurt and bleeding and crying alone. And so the shepherd did descend unto the bottom of the crevasse and there he picked up the lamb so gentle in his arms.

And as he climbed to the top he started back unto the herds, and a merchant who was passing by said, “Shepherd, tell me of why you have done this thing. You have hundreds within your flock. Why should you waste your time on one lost lamb?”

And the shepherd stood and looked upon the merchant. And he spoke unto the merchant unto these words, “For if I should look, overlook, this lamb and leave his body torn and bleeding there alone, my Father could hear his cries. And my Father should shed tears.”

The merchant thought upon this, and he said unto the shepherd, “Who is your Father?”

And the shepherd looked unto the merchant and said, “The same as yours.”

The merchant looked upon him and said, “But I am Oriental, and you are not. How can we, therefore, have the same father?”

And therefore, the shepherd did answer in this manner, “For we were all created by God in five places. Therefore, we have but one Father. And as our Father should see the smallest thing upon the earth that should fall, then it is my duty that my Father should not weep.”

The shepherd went on with his lamb to doctor and give healing unto the lamb.

The merchant went on and traveled far. And he came upon the one that was known of the Easter [Eastern] Star.

And he said unto this one, “You are wise of all things. I’ve heard these words from a shepherd, and he spoke of such. That our Father did place men, all of us, in five places at one time. How could we be of different races and colors and yet all come from but one Father?”

And that of the Eastern Star did say unto him, “For the shepherd is wise, for he speaks of the truth.”

And he went forth unto the merchant’s caravan, and he touched each of the camel and donkey and mule of the same. Then he said, “And of all this merchandise, who owns this?”

And the merchant said proudly, “I do.”

And hava he say — one moment, this must be put in English. And he said unto the, unto the merchant, “And who should be the owner of the camel, the donkey and the mule?”

And he said, “They are all of mine.” He said, “They are not of the same kind, but yet they came, came from your house, is that not true?”

And the merchant said, “Yes.”

“Then it is within the same truth that all should come from our Father. And all should go back unto our Father.”

The merchant thought again.

And in his travels, he came upon this one known as Buddha. And he said unto him, “Oh great one, I have heard of your wisdom and that you have talked with the great God. But how could He be the God of all of us when our words are different and our manners are different?”

And Buddha did say unto him, “You have five sons. Are they all the same?”

The merchant answered back unto this one, “Nay, each is different in his own way.”

And then Buddha said unto this one, “If I asked for one to be sacrificed, which one would you give?”

And the merchant said, “I would not want to give any.”

And Buddha said unto these words, “Neither does God want of the lamb’s blood from where the shepherd who gave healing unto the lamb.”

And so it was you, [10–09–73–001], who was this merchant. And you stayed, and you talked long unto this one. And he did tell unto you of the many days and years of your many lives. He told you of the stories of Atlantis. He told you the stories of Egyptan.

Yet, he said unto you, “The time shall be but the flickering of God’s eye when I shall be gone, and he who has God’s mighty plan laid forth for man shall come upon the earth. And he shall not be of our kind, yet he shall be. For he shall be born into the Hebrew nation, yet they shall reject him and crucify him.”

And you as a merchant said, “I have great wealth, I shall ransom this one.”

And Buddha said unto you, “Nay, you cannot pay the price, either in gold nor silver, for God shall place upon the earth this one, and he shall place before man living proof of the resurrection, that man may live again, that man may continue to climb up the ladder as long as he desires, that there are no limitation for man, for they were created as our Father Himself, for within each man shall dwell a part of God. “FOR THEY, HE AND SHE, WERE BROUGHT FORTH IN OUR LIKENESS, OF OUR KIND”, so sayeth the Lord. And the Lord did find it good. And so He said unto the five nations, unto the five places. [See Genesis 1:26–27.]

You dwelt back into this land that you had journeyed from, and you thought upon the mighty words you had heard.

Then you thought unto yourself, “I have riches I may leave for my family. I have great wealth and position. But now I have knowledge which yet I do not fully understand. I must go back unto those that should call themselves of the White Brotherhood, and they shall tell me that unto which I wish to know, that I may bring more knowledge back unto my people.

And so you began your journey. You went forth dressed in finery, that you thought that you might please those of the White Brotherhood. You brought great gifts of gold and ur [myrrh]. And when you reached of this land and bade admittance unto the same, you found that these men and women had little use for your riches.

And so you said unto them, “What should I do with them, cast them away? Give them to the poor? Shall I renounce all of my worldly things, that I may learn?”

And they looked unto you and said, “Nay, our Father did place upon the earth the many things which you now own. He did so that man should prosper, that man, as he should develop both mentally and physically, should place upon the earth monetary value. But merchant, we say unto you these words, it is not the coin that should bring of the sin, or karma, but in the manner unto which you should obtain the same. If you give forth, therefore, in a truthful manner and barter wisely, never to lie about your merchandise, then you, as a merchant, are serving a great need unto many. Therefore, you are doing God’s work. We shall say unto you, go back unto your people. Be a good merchant, and you will have done God’s work.”

And so you did of such. And you grew old. And you passed on. You passed beyond with much love.

Yet, as you walked from one side unto the other, you thought unto yourself that, “There is no changing. Where is this glorious place unto which that I have been promised?” And you looked around about you, and therefore, saw the shepherd tending his sheep.

Then you walked forth unto the shepherd and said unto the shepherd, “Where is this glorious place? I have passed beyond, I am now ready to enter into this heaven?”

And the shepherd looked unto you with wise, intelligent eyes. His words spoke softly. He said unto you, “For you were a good merchant in your lifetime, and I was a good shepherd. I still have my flocks, for this is my desire, but now I attend the Lord’s herds, as I did upon the earth. And you as a merchant must find your own way.”

As time passed, word had come, even into the lowest levels, of birth to happen upon the earth. And you said unto yourself, “Could this be this one who Buddha spoke of and who the one this Star of the East would speak of?”

And you heard of this one who should go forth before the one and prepare the way. Therefore, you went before the masters, and you said unto them, “Masters, I am a merchant, I am a good merchant. Selling and bartering has always been my business. Therefore, let me go before the two, that I may prepare people that will be ready to accept them.”

And the masters said, “Look upon the earth. Can you see those small people there? They are known as the Essene, or the Essene people. They, within the White Brotherhood, and from the people of the Sumerian, have been preparing the way for thousands of years. But go forth, as you wish.”

And so you did choose birth within the city of Jerusalem. And you did journey unto the Lost Sea, and therefore, study with the people as you became of age. And you did become a merchant, as you had been before. But you had also become a doctor of sorts and a healer within your own rights. And so you went before the ones that John to Baptist would speak to and told them of his coming. Many laughed at you. Some accepted you. Most accepted your healing, and most bartered with you and traded with you.

And then upon the earth, the day came. For an angel came to you in the night and said unto you, “Upon this day upon the earth shall be born a new Messiah upon the earth, which shall come forth in that proportion of Bethlehem. Go therefore, and see now, for your life, as it is now, shall be taken from you. Therefore, that that you must see, hear, for we have other work for you yet in another place.”

And so you did journey forward, and therefore, see the one known as Jesus. And, as you left the yards, you were put upon by Roman soldiers and killed, and therefore, left it once again, the body form.

When you arrived upon the other side, you said unto those with knowledge, “The angel appeared and said that there was work for me. I am ready for it.”

And they said, “Nay, not until the Eagle flies. Then shall be the time.”

And so you watched the earth. And you saw the Messiah as he entered upon the American continent, as he walked across the water unto the land, as he went from village to village, from city to city, leaving, therefore, a drop of blood upon all.

Yet you waited, yet you became impatient.

And then came unto the day when it was your time for birth. And therefore, you were born into the Montezuma family. You were born into the house as a girl child, yet you were held in high esteem.

But as the Spaniards came upon the land, and the people accepted them. They took you into captivity, and they cast you into a dungeon within that of the old temples. They fed you; they dared not slay you lest the people rebel. But they held you.

And then there was of your father who they brought into the same dungeon. You heard that they had made plans that you should be ransomed for much gold, the weight of each of you in gold.

And so the people did make ransom.

Yet you were both slain anyway, for there was no mercy within these people who said they were of Jesus, yet came bearing false gifts and false arms.

At this passing you became bewildered, and you asked, “Why should I have been sent there? What was I to learn? What was I to do?”

And the masters said, “Come, we shall show unto your next entry. And that entry shall come forth upon the earth. You will have forgotten all that has been placed before you. We will prepare a time when that is to be revealed to you, and then you will know your own place and those things unto which you shall do.”

And you looked upon the earth, and yet the earth had changed. Mankind had obtained more weapons. The killing was greater in number.

And you said, “Why should I be set forth upon this earth?”

And the wise one said unto you, “For once again preparations are being made upon the earth for the coming of the Messiah. And when you can see those that may be counted as Thirteen, you shall know that they are all parts of those who have reached within the Christ state. Yet they shall come not as masters upon the earth, for we shall speak in a small place, and we shall be of a humble man. But you should know of our name.”

And so we spoke unto you then, and as we speak unto you now, for the name is Aka.

Of you fears, of your direction, there has been much that you should learn. We shall provide the bread and the wine unto you; you should provide the yeast.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, she asks, ‘What course will my life take after my military obligation?’”

We shall answer in this manner. As we have said, we have placed the bread and wine before you. Therefore, you now must choose your own way, as you chose before. We did not interfere. Through the grace of God, you have been prepared in knowledge. After you have listened unto the words we have spoken, and you still do not know the direction, then ask unto us again, and we shall show unto you the path. For we have laid a path before you, one that should be fulfilling, both of a monetary and of a spiritual nature.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, she asks about her stepfather, [10–9–73–002]. She would like to know, ‘Concerning his alcoholic problem and Parkinson’s disease, how will it turn out? He is at a point of decision.’”

We shall answer unto you unto this manner. He within himself has his own karma. He will be given, for he has retained his soul and spirit, he will be given another chance upon your earth. But his time of departure shall be soon. We do not give of this to frighten you. We give of this that you within yourself may prepare your own way.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, she asks, ‘Why do I have claustrophobia?’”

We have already answered of that.

You have other questions, ask.

“She asks, ‘Is my life going like it is supposed to?’”

As you have cast your bread upon the water, so should the evolution of the same evolve. Think back unto the story of the shepherd who tended his flock.

You have but one more question.

“I have no questions written down for her, Aka.”

Then we should answer of the same. We shall answer in this manner, that loneliness and the path of loneliness is sometimes within itself a preparation for that of the development of a whole. Give forth unto thyself the strength and the time of waiting. Take this time to place forth within yourself great knowledge. Open thy door, that we may enter.

Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth, New eruptions shall come forth, earthquakes, storms. Fear these not; for those who should walk in the light of the Lord, no harm can come unto them.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. No transcript was made available with which to check this reading for better accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


September 11, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And now we should tell unto the parable. For as the Seven Spirits so, upon the Lord’s instructions, did create the earth and all within it, the Third Spirit looked upon the small ponds and meadows, and within it he delicately placed that which you would call the water lily.

The other spirits stood beside him, and said unto him, “Why should you place such a thing in this place? It cannot last.”

And the Seventh [Third] Spirit said unto this one, “For it shall be a reminder unto mankind.”

And the Seventh Spirit said, “How should this be so? How could it be a reminder unto mankind?”

And the Third Spirit said that, “Man in his evolution through time is always in such a hurry to reach where he is going that he soon forgets where he has been. But the water lily grows from the bottom of the pond, and floats to the surface, and therefore, to place a beautiful blossom for man to see. And so it shall be unto man, that he may see that though man should travel through the darkness of time, his reward should be that of surfacing and giving beauty unto mankind and unto himself and unto God.”

All of these thought for a while.

And the First Spirit said unto them, “Come, I shall show you what the Third should show you upon the earth. But we must go forward in time. First we shall stop here where man is created. And you see the entries taking place, one by one, and two by two, and three by three. And now look forward. And now you see this one who should come forth that should be called of the Prophet. And he should come upon the earth, and therefore, be called by our Father unto His first born, for he came as Adam, and he came forth as the one known as Jesus Christ. But look between the times.”

And the Fourth Spirit said, “Yes, we can see of this. But come and let me show you what I can see.”

And so they went forward in time yet again a short period, and looked upon the earth of that called the Americans. And there, once again stood the Prophet. They were not amazed, for they knew of their Father’s wishes. But the Prophet stood before the dawn upon a small hill. And beside him stood a great chief, not only in wisdom, but in size. Yet the Prophet was small compared to this great chief. But as the dawn cameth forward, a shroud of light from our Father surrounded this one of the

Prophet. And the great chief knelt before this one to grasp his garment. Yet the Prophet gently raised him up to his full height, and he said unto the chief, “It shall not be the size of man that should make the man, but it should be the size of his wisdom and that unto which he shall use it.”

And the Fifth Spirit stood forth and said, “Then let’s go forward in time still yet again, and I shall show you what I see that the Third Spirit’s meaning is.”

And they looked upon the earth. And they looked upon the heavens. And from the heavens they heard unto these words spoken, “FOR THE HALFTIMES SHALL COME TO AN END AND BE NO MORE.”

And out upon the vast lands death came forward upon the earth. And one by one, and two by two, and three by three, those who had evolved and evolved again without meaning ceased to be, and there were no more of these, for they were cast unto the bottomless pit. And the lost souls were cast unto the bottomless pit. And all became an eternal fire within the same.

And the Second Spirit looked upon the earth, and said, “Then I shall show you what I see that the Third Spirit had meant.” And a breeze blew forth upon the earth, and the fires were quieted, and from the earth sprung new life. Some of these souls were very old who should enter; some were very young who should enter. But all that entered came with a common cause, to reach and build their thousand years upon the earth. And they looked upon the earth, and among them stood the one we shall say unto thee is the Messiah yet to come. And from heavens and the universes came those of their kind, for they in truth had also learned from the earth’s karma that they must be shepherds also, for they are brothers, all in one, and sisters, all in one, all before mankind.

And so we have told unto thee the parable of the halftimes and their ending.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [5–4–73–002]…and she would like a life reading.”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, and the spirit, and the immortal body within the same, and therefore, we have before us the records.

Therefore, we find this one — yes — born in the year of the deer. This one came forth in original form upon the planet [Plutarius, Butarius]. Yet, much as the entry upon the other planets, and the souls did enter, this one was fearful of the entry. And she long looked upon the stars. And one glittered within her mind more than all the others.

And she said unto them around her, “For that shall be my home. That is my land, not this.”

And those of the wise said, “But you have been selected for this planet. You have free choice, and in this choice you have been, chosen this planet for entry.”

She said unto them, “Then who should I see, who should I talk to that I may take my choice elsewhere into the land unto which my soul says is home?”

And the wise one said unto her, “Take it into the Lord.”

And so she dwelt through long journey, across the rocky paths unto the mighty mountains, and through the lava beds, and through the meadows and the fields. She had become hungry, for now, these things that man called food were important to her.

Yet she lay in despair and said, “Oh, Lord, oh, Lord, where art Thy?”

And the Lord spoke back unto her, and He said, “I AM HERE, WITHIN THEE.”

And she said unto this One, “Then why should I have journeyed so far to have found You?”


And the words were familiar unto her. And she said unto the Lord, “But where should I go?”


And the Lord placed before her food and drink, and it strengthened her body, and she went back unto the village unto which she was born.

And day by day, within her was a waiting time of a promise yet to be fulfilled. And yet, she married, and bore children, and loved the land unto which she dwelt. And as she became old, her time of departure did come, and she passed beyond the other side.

And she met there many who were of her kind, but they spoke of different things.

And she said unto them, “Where have you come from?”

And they said unto her, “We are those of the earth.”

And then she knew her promise had been fulfilled. But yet she looked back upon her planet and her loved ones.

She lingered long between the planes, not knowing of which direction to take. Yet, upon the earth she watched as man evolved. And she saw the blessed one born upon her own planet, and she saw the blessed one born on the plant of earth.

And she went into the masters and she said, “But earth is much as my own planet was. Why do I linger for it so?”

And the masters said unto her, “Go forth and seek out that which you need to satisfy thy soul.”

And so she found entry upon this thy call the American continent. And she stood upon the shoreline as the one who walked upon the water did come forth. And she rushed forward to grasp his hands, and he gently laid them forward, and there, in each hand, were those strange marks.

And she said unto him, “But yet, I have seen you die upon that faraway land.” And she said unto him, “Why have you come here?”

And he looked at her, and to say these words, “For I am here to take care of my Father’s business, as a good son should.”

And she said unto him, “May I travel with you?”

And he said unto her, “Yes, you may travel, but only until the Eagle flies. And then you must make your own decisions upon this earth.”

And so she traveled far, and attained great knowledge.

But in the day that the Eagle flew, she looked upon this one they called the Morning Star, the Master, and said, “Master, now I shall follow the Eagle, for it has been my choice.”

And he said, “Then go unto the Eagle. But the next time you see his flight in full you shall know of the announcement of our coming, for there will be those who were sent to prepare the way.”

And now, you have evolved upon this time.

And we say unto you, as we have come with a mighty comet upon your earth, we have brought forth gifts and greetings.

For once again a comet shall fly through your air, through the earth’s atmosphere.

First, there was a comet of our arrival. Now this comet shall claim the changing of a time. And the earth shall now begin its mighty change to clothe itself in other forms.

Yet we say unto you, for the wise to hear, let them hear; for the wise to see, let them, yea [see]. For upon the heavens look forth. Count 11 days from the first sighting of the comet, and we shall once again be seen within your heavens, to give proof unto mankind of our presence.

[Editor’s note: The newly discovered comet, Kohoutek, became visible to the eye in late November 1973. It was predicted to be the comet of the century, but was less bright than expected. The brightest comet of the century was the newly discovered comet named Bennett with which Aka came in late March-early April 1970.]

Your life, you have brought forth both of the greed, the need to serve unto yourself more than unto others. This, by leaving your home planet, you did not think of the need of your people, but only of your own need. And even as you followed the Master upon the earth, you thought only, therefore, within yourself. And once, again as the Eagle should take flight, these thoughts are still there. Cast them aside. Prepare in thyself a place for others, and in doing so, many shall prepare within themselves a place for you. For the Lord has not placed us upon the earth for idle curiosity. We are here but for one purpose, and that is, within itself, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

We see in thyself many other questions. But to protect soul Ray’s health we must depart.

Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


September 15, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And therefore, we should answer in this manner. For blessed be the wheats that should grow upon the earth that should feed God’s children.

Yet we shall tell thee a parable, the parable that came forth within the beginning — the parable of the flower that should grow upon the desert.

Yet it was placed there but of one kind. And as it looked upon the earth, all it could see were cactus, but none of its own kind. And at first the flower thirst, for the water was sparse. And it thought into itself, “How can I grow in such a place where water does not flow?” But yet, as time passed it learned to store the water, the small amounts, that which would drop from the heavens. And therefore, it had learned that the Lord should take care of its needs.

But yet, it was lonely for others of its own kind.

For the others looked upon it and said, “What a strange lot is this? It is a beautiful flower, but it does not belong among us, for we also produce beautiful flowers, but in our own way. But not in the way of this plant.”

And the plant grew into adulthood. And as it produced forth the seed that should come from the flowers, its thoughts were, “How can I reproduce myself? My seed shall go upon the ground and be wasted.”

But yet the wind came, and the bees that picked up the pollen and took it elsewhere and brought it to and forth. And soon, its own kind grew from beneath the ground.

Yet the old plant looked upon these young ones that were born and took the desert as a natural thing and still could not understand even their thoughts. But now that there were more than one, the other plants had accepted it.

Yet all of its needs had been taken care of; it still wanted the valleys, the green grass, and the tall trees which lay within its memory and the memory before the memory.

And so it should be with mankind who should be cast, for within each soul and each spirit shall lie the memory of all lifetimes, and all memory.

But the plant had forgotten one thing, that as it had been cast from the earth and cast from the likeness of God’s own flowers, it too was of God. And though it be a stranger in a strange land, God looked there and saw its needs, and provided also.

Though our parable may sound strange, and though the meaning shall take a time for you to understand, find the meaning within the same, and you shall find no strangers in your home. And you shall find no stranger within yourself, for the body of man is the temple of God. Destroy it not. Though man may harm your body, none can harm that secret place that hides within the mind, into which the soul should dwell, where the candle is lit. None but yourselves can do this, for God has given unto thee free choice. He did so unto the flower.

But do also unto yourself as you would unto others. In your daily lives that should be so busy, stop but just for a moment, and think of all needs God has taken care of for you.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a health reading request for a 34-month-old boy, [8–37–73–004]. His parents ask how to treat or eliminate hyper kinesis?”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we have before us the body, soul, spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same.

The treatment within itself, and the diagnosis within itself, is not the same. We find small non-malignant growths in the lower [lombera] [mastoid?] area, which has, therefore, placed pressure which has caused the problem within the inner ear. Therefore, should this be removed with minor surgery, the problem within itself would readily disappear. This could be determined quite simply with the use of what you call of your x-ray.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [9–7–73–004], has asked, ‘I have had a stapedectomy on my left ear which has been very successful. Would one on my right ear be advisable and successful, especially with the fenestration and plastic surgery that was performed in that ear approximately 23 years ago?’”

We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. Your present problem is not of that that you had before. The problem is that which you would call the hardening of the arteries. The suggestion would be, therefore, with medication. This could be done with either the use of nitrogen in small quantities or with the drug known as Ardelin, 20 milligrams per day once — twice daily, given orally. We would also suggest the use of a vitamin known as Lipoflavinoid, This should be taken in such a manner — yes, we see this — that the subject in mind could also use this as a vitamin supplement, therefore, taking six capsules per day.

We further see the problem — yes — problem of the left ovary — yes — pressure against the same. We would suggest therefore, come, therefore, unto soul Ray, that healing could be given unto this area.

We further find in the liver area a degeneration of the same. We would suggest the use of vitamin E in quantities of 1,000 units per day. We would suggest the use of vitamin B, preferably — yes — preferably this could be done by injection into the bloodstream. If this is not found practical, use that unto what you would call your vitamin B-Plus supplement in such a manner that you would take three times the normal dosage, or six of these per day. This should only be done for a 30-day period, no more. Then go back to a normal dosage.

We find, therefore, within this subject — yes — we see this (sigh), that of the overactive thyroid, that of which would be known as a borderline diabetic. Neither of these are serious. The eating of the Jerusalem artichoke, the taking, therefore, of the substance known as Lydia E. Pinkham would stabilize these areas within the same.

We find that of a cosmetic problem. We would suggest, therefore, that you should seek out that of the clay of soul Ray. This could be used to rectify the condition.

We find, therefore, the problem of slight overweight, therefore, pressure against the heart area. We would suggest that before the eating of any meal the taking of two capsules, units, of safflower oil — yes. This should be done at least 30 minutes before the eating of your meals. We would suggest that your breakfast consist of no more than one glass of milk and one piece of rye toast, that your luncheon meals consist of no more than one glass of milk and as many of the green vegetation as you should desire. You shall find that the breaking out, the reddish spots upon the body are caused from the lack of green vegetation. We would further suggest — yes — the taking of the vitamin A and D in normal quantities.

This is all on this subject at this time.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, She asked about how she could improve the lives or health of her loved ones and those she comes in contact with. And she asks whether or not she would be suited to go into the ministry, for she is interested in this.”

We should answer her question in this manner, and we shall answer it in such a manner that you shall not ask any more questions on this subject at this time. Therefore, let her come into consultation with soul Ray. These are private, and of such delicacy that they should not be answered at this time.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [9–15–73–001] asks for a health reading and about his job. He says x-rays show three degenerated discs in his back, and he needs to know what to do to strengthen them or bring them back to normal. He’s concerned about his eyes. And he says his arms are getting too short to read by.”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same.

We would suggest, therefore, chiropractic help be sought, that that of the third and fourth vertebrae, therefore, should be adjusted, that that of the brainstem from that of the scalp or skull unit which should come into eight parts should therefore be shifted, therefore, to relieve pressure upon nerves of the same.

We find, therefore, that this soul has a great problem with the dentures of the same within the teeth. If this problem, if this soul could seek out a good oral surgeon and the gum disease within the same could be rectified, this would cure the problem of the eyesight, with the proper adjustments of the head and neckular area within the same. We would suggest that at the present time the use of vitamin E be used, rubbed in all along the gumular area. These should be massaged for at least two minutes per day. This would greatly help to alleviate this area within the same. [Editor’s note: the tape that was available ran out at this point, so the rest was not checked.]

We, therefore, also see of his other questions, and we shall answer in this manner, that these too should be sought out in private consultation unto soul Ray, for they are of a personal nature too delicate to discuss in public.

Soul Ray now grows weary. That we should not overtax his body, it is now our time for departure.

As we have said before, the Fifth Angel dwells upon your earth. New earthquakes shall erupt in your California lands. They shall soon sweep across proportions of your Arizona lands, downward again into the Mexico area, upward toward you San Francisco areas. You shall soon have earthquakes within the Kansas areas, and that proportion known as St. Louis shall find, soon feel tremblers of the same.

Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks across your earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


September 21, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka, where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And now we should say unto thee these words. Blessed be the meek upon the earth. Yet, blessed be the strong. Blessed be those among you who should build the temple of God within you.

But we say unto thee, we have come not to change the Laws of Moses. We have come not to change the testimony of the one known as Jesus Christ. We have come but for one purpose, that in itself is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Glory be the name of the Lord.

But we should say unto thee, each of you, for in stone upon the mountain was cast in flame and brought forth unto mankind. And the tablets you brought from planet to planet, and the knowledge therein, that unto which you call your Ten Commandments, they are the words of God. Yet, He asks unto you but two things — love unto Him one tenth of the love that He should return unto you; do so in the same manner unto your fellow man.

Coveth not that that should belong to another. That thy should overcome thy karma, understand into which that that each of you are. Only by understanding can you cast the seed upon the earth that should grow the fields that should prepare the way for the coming.

We say, therefore, unto you, soul Paul, many has been the day since we have spoke unto you directly, yet we have spoke many times in an undirect manner. We have placed unto soul Ray’s mind many new thoughts. At times these thoughts have confused you. It was not intended as such. Yet, we are prepared to go into the ocean. And as you should go unto the ocean, many changes within yourselves shall take place.

We should say unto you, we shall come into thy mind for three days and three nights. Therefore, we say unto you, go unto prayer and meditation, that we should enter, and the confusion shall be gone. And the glory of God shall lay before you. You have thought within your mind and your memories now have come into fulfillment.

And we shall say unto you, each of you who stand within this room, each of you who has been named, and unnamed, for we shall tell of thee now of the beginning upon your earth.

For as soul Ray brought you forth from the destruction of your own planetary system, he brought you forth of a warring kind, yet with great knowledge, therefore, to enter unto man. Yet, that that had saved you was the Lord in Himself.

Therefore, you did enter into the daughters of man, “and find them fair.” And you became within the self earthbound. Yet, that that had destroyed your other planets, you cast forth your lot, once again. You went into warfare. And you cast out from your heart that of God.

Yes, you stood on opposing sides. For soul Ray, as before, had asked of his Father’s permission that you all be spared, and therefore, he would give servitude unto his Lord for all of his planes, that his life would never be his own, that not one lifetime, or any lifetime, would ever be unto himself. Therefore, his karma was to bring forth you unto one house.

Because your minds were so mighty, you destroyed and killed thousands of the man-beasts. But soul Ray, because his mind was stronger, destroyed you.

And yet, he destroyed you only to save you. Yet, it is written, “Thy shall not kill.” And therefore, you in an unknowing manner had slain others. But soul Ray, in a knowing manner, had slain you all. Therefore, it is his karma upon this earth.

We shall say again unto you, if you fail, this time, it shall be 3,000 years of darkness.

But yet, you who would call unto this one friend, and teacher, you shall have that within you of free choice, to choose unto the directions and unto the lifespan….

[Editor’s note: The message is cut off at this point, as though the tape recorder was turned off to not record the rest of this message. It is uncertain how much time passed before the recorder was turned back on. By the increased fatigue in Aka’s voice, it sounds like much more had been said before the recorder was turned back on for Aka to say these closing words.]

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[This transcript, as it is, has been compared with the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


September 28, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. For we should tell unto thee the parable of the land of plenty and the horn of plenty.

For within this land all great substance grew, many fruits and many vegetables, much timber and coal and oil that flew [flowed] from the ground. At first, when the people entered this valley they gave thanks unto the Lord for the abundance that He had placed forth for them.

But as the days passed and went into years, they soon forgot to give this thanks unto the Lord. They forgot unto which they had come. And the rumor came forth that the horn of plenty was running out, that less oil was flowing from the ground, that the coal was running out and could not be dug from beneath the ground, that the timber was being used up, that the fields were not as bountiful as should be. And so each in turn ran out to gather and hide for themselves all of these things.

Yet there was one, one old man among them, who remembered what the Lord had provided, and he went about his way. Instead of hoarding, he gave unto others.

And [then] the land did dry up, and the wind blew against the earth and made it sparse. And the rains did not come. Yet the old man continued to tend his flocks and give unto others. And yet, his flock was fat.

The others suspected the old man of practicing witchcraft. The others suspected the old man of hoarding foodstuff. And so they plotted to follow him. And the old man went far into the meadow unto the mountain. And there he knelt in prayer. And as he prayed, they rushed forth to seize him. But as they seized him the mountains roared and the skies opened.

And the old man looked up and said, “Forgive them, Father, for they are but children; they know not what they do.”

The people became frightened and released the old man, and he went back into prayer. And as he prayed, bread was placed before them, fruits and vegetables of all kinds.

And so they learned from the old man that the Lord that had giveth could taketh away. But in truth, He did not taketh away, for the Lord had given unto them free choice. They with their own free choice had taken all of the beauty and bounty of the valley away.

They returned back unto their own land, and therefore, went into counsel.

At first, the children went forth unto the old man, and said, “Oh, master, teach unto us these prayers thy know unto the God that is so gentle and kind and gives [love] unto His children” And so, the old man gave forth his teachings. Second, the women came forth, and some of the men.

But yet there was one who stayed back and said, “I shall observe. When the time is right I shall strike and kill unto this old man, and take his power from him, and then I shall have power over the people.”

And so he waited his chance. As the old man went forth for his daily prayer, he came forth with a knife to strike him in the back and kill him. And so he thrust the knife deep into the flesh.

Yet the old man rose and looked upon him, and tears ran from his eyes. And as they struck the earth, rain fell from the heavens, and the valley below was restored back unto its kind.

Yet the old man said unto these words, “My prayer was unto the Lord that He restore the valley and a place for people to live. You have destroyed this flesh, this shell unto which I have lived, yet I live on, for I go now unto my Father’s mansions. Yet before I go, I forgive thee. Now go forth and find a place that you may forgive yourself.”

And so as the parable, therefore, find the truth within each of you from the words we have spoken.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a health reading for [9–7–73–001]. She asks for a health reading on pains across her shoulder blades and the back. She says she has heaviness in her chest, anxiety feelings, fears and so forth, and tremendous spasms throughout her body, head to toes.”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

Yes, we see this.

First, you should understand these words. You are going through that period of the change of life. You have the need of estrogen within the body. We would suggest that the taking of the Lydia E. Pinkham be used for the same. There are other herbs within this that should calm your nerves.

Second, we would suggest the taking of 1,000 units of vitamin E per day.

Yes, we see this.

We find, therefore, of a disease that has been since childhood. (Sigh.)This is a disease of the blood vessels within themselves, a deterioration of the same. It would be wise at this point to seek out, therefore, a surgeon, that transplants may be applied into the same.

Yes, we see this.

We would also suggest, because of the financial condition — yes — come forth, therefore, unto soul Ray that healing may be given unto thee.

This is all on this subject at this time.

“Aka, [1–21–72–002] asks, ‘Could you please give further information on November 15th, the date you will be visible in the heavens for the whole earth to see?’ Is it your wish — ‘If it is your wish,’ she says, ‘I would like to write of it, so many others may see you. Can you tell us what to look for, and what position of the sky or constellation you will appear, and if possible, what time, Arizona time, you will appear?’”

We shall say unto thee, look forth unto the sky unto the east, and therefore, you shall see, not of a constellation, as we have [spoke] of before, but your heavens shall light. But yet, there is more. But our Father shall not allow us yet at this time to bring forth into words. When permission has been given, we shall bring forth this knowledge unto you.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [8–10–70–002] would like to know what her relationship to Katon is, and why she feels strange about him.”

We shall answer in this manner, that kind attracts kind.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“[9–28–73–001] asks for a health reading, and asks, ‘What should I do about my acne condition? Are there any treatments I should take?’”

We have before us the body, the soul, and the immortal body of the same. Therefore, we should answer in these words.

Bring forth first unto more purified water unto the system, taking, therefore, into the system of 1,000 units of vitamin E per day. Of the acne condition within itself, come forth unto soul Ray, therefore, taking of the mud substance of the same, applying unto the proportions of the body that are infected in the same manner.

Yes, we see this.

We would suggest the use of calcium and magnesium that the leg spasms might be relieved. We would suggest the going forth unto a chiropractic doctor that this problem could be ratified [rectified]. You will find between the 7th and 8th vertebrae a problem within the same, therefore, nerves extracting, and contracting. This problem can be easily ratified.

We find further problems within the backular area, of the upper neckular [prebonial] area, therefore, within the brainstem area, pressure caused — yes — from that which you would call of a car accident. We would suggest that adjustments be made in this area at this time.

If other suggestions are needed, a follow-up reading would be suggested.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [9–28–73–002] has asked for a health reading. She says she has a buzzing sound in her head, not from high blood pressure. A naturopathic doctor found she had low iron and said she was tense and tightens up around her shoulder. Also she feels neglected by her sisters and brother and her neighbors.”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body.

First, of the buzzing sensation within the head, first you must understand that you have that which is know as hypoglycemia. It would be suggested that you should seek out that of a regular medical doctor, that that substances of Ardelin [Arliden] be used to expand the blood vessels, the smaller blood vessels, that more blood could enter unto the inner ear in the same proportion. The problem within itself does cause, or called, Meniere’s — it is quite common and can be treated. We would suggest for that of the vitamin substance known as Lipoflavinoid be used that the blood vessels within themselves may be made more pliable, and therefore, more servitude [serviceable]. We would further suggest the use of saunic baths be used in this case. We would suggest avoiding all loud noises. You will find that once this is corrected, the medical problem within the same, you will find a greater harmony within yourself, and therefore, a greater harmony within your family.

Soul Ray now grows tired, and therefore, it is our time of departure. And we should say unto thee unto these words.

As the river flows unto the ocean, it should change of the ocean; as the ice should melt from the mountains, so the rivers should change. Therefore, your earth is changing. Fear not.

Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Glory be the name of the Lord. We are here but for one purpose, that in itself is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


October 2, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Give that unto yourself that belongs unto yourself. Give that unto your fellow man that belongs unto your fellow man. Give that unto God that belongs to God. But as the sun should come forth upon your earth, and for the rays of the sun, so shall be the souls of man.

Thy have thought in thy mind, “How should I climb the ladder unto my Lord?” And we should answer in this manner, our Father has many mansions. But think of man and the souls of man as the rays of the sun that should filter forth upon your earth unto all proportions. Think of night, and think of day. Yet the sun shall shine where darkness lies, and darkness shall lie where the sun should shine. For think of that hidden place within your mind. Go unto that hidden place and find the knowledge therein, for we have placed upon the Earth teachers for all the mansions.

We have come not to change the laws of Moses. We have come not to change the laws and gifts of the one known as Jesus Christ. We have come but for one purpose, that purpose is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah upon your Earth. And so it shall be. Glory be the name of the Lord.

Thy have questions, ask.

“[10–2–73–001] asks for a life reading and has one other question.”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

[Editor’s note: Aka’s words are interrupted by people at the front door.] We should wait.

Aka is here. And therefore, we should say unto thee into these words. We have the words and the wisdom, and therefore, we have the records of time. We look up these records and find many incarnations. We shall give in part those most pertinent to the soul.

For we find of this one in the fifth island of Atlantis — yes. We find this one at [a] time before Atlantis was even given of its name, for upon this island came forth the sons of God.

Some came forth unto that one known as Arcan. Some came forth unto the one known as Aka, for Aka brought forth all of the people from the other planet, from the home planet. Because of their own stupidity and their own mistrust in their leaders and in God, they brought chaos upon their earth; they brought destruction of the same. And the one known as Aka gave prayer unto the Lord, and peace was made upon the planet. But peace was too late in its coming.

There was a pact of trust, and therefore, you all came forth under the guidance of this one.

And this is why we have said unto you, think of the records that are kept forever and ever; think of God, our Father; and think of the word, karma — and therefore, you shall have the name of Aka. For karma, as we have said before, brings forth vows, and therefore, brings forth teachers upon the Earth.

You chose, after your entity upon the Earth, to fall back upon the one known as Arcan, and therefore, new war was created upon this Earth.

And yet, you saw unto the heavens the light unto the east, and as it grew brighter by the day, you knew unto yourself that your choice had been wrong, and therefore, you knelt before God and said unto these words, “Oh, Lord, I have lost my way, for from one side, it tells us we must conquer these people and utilize them and utilize their bodies. We must speed up their incarnations. Yet, Lord, when I look upon them I see but beasts. Yet this one known as Aka tells us they are all of God’s children, and the interference by us, other than by Godly teachings, are wrong. Which is the road I shall follow?”

Yet, no answer came, only the star became brighter. And as all of the ships unto which you had passed through to gain entity on Earth were in the hands of the one known as Aka, you heard rumors that many of the people were preparing to go unto the other planetary systems. And you thought unto yourself, “If I could remain with this one, I might learn.”

And yet, as you threw down your arms and walked forward, this one stood upon a hill, and the rays of the sun encircled and enflamed. And you bowed your head into prayer, as many of the people of the Earth had. And the others thrust their weapons forward, yet he stood. And as the rays of the sun became unto fierce fire and encircling, all of their weapons turned back unto them that had cast them, and when you rose and looked around you, there was nothing but ashes upon ashes, as though that proportion of the land had turned unto volcanic ash.

You came forward, and he said unto you, “For you shall be as Cain. Go unto the wilderness and build unto the people of the Earth. Go unto [that] which will be called Ur, and you shall become that known as the Sumerian.”

And so, you did so.

But he warned you, “There shall come a time upon the Earth when great floods shall destroy it, for our Father shall wipe clean upon the earth all things, that the Earth shall come forward.”

And so you went unto the lands. And you found there beauty, as though in Eden. Yet the Earth began to shift and turn and twirl, and you thought unto yourself, “All mankind, nothing can live through this.”

But of the temple you were told to build, light of the sun rays came forward from temple to temple, and those temples emerged.

[Note: There is another interruption at the door.]

And so, unto the Earth came the words that the dimensions of time that were given unto each of those sent forth upon the Earth were built.

And in the land of Egyptan, the great one was built, and Earth’s ice and snow melted back away and receded, yet all was changed.

And yet, you heard Arka [Aka’s] voice once again as he spoke and said unto you, “You shall hear me many time, for now I must go forward. There shall be a time when the rays you have seen shall become as one, for I shall enter unto the ray, and soul Ray shall be I, and I shall be soul Ray.”

And so it was written, and so it was done.

You lived and taught, and departed. Yet you went unto the masters in the afterlife, and you asked unto them, “Where we have built these temples, we were taught that the Earth should turn again and the Earth should be destroyed by water. Shall the temples be destroyed?”

And masters said unto thee, “Nay, for they shall be fed from the other planetary system, for it is part of God’s work, part of God’s knowledge that He has given unto man. For now you are of man. Your entity shall be of this Earth there before you, not of the others.”

And so you watched, and you saw the one known as Arcan and the one known as Aka change form. Arcan through each incarnation began his own growth; yet you have never seen death unto the one known as Aka.

And word came forth unto you of a great priest, a disciple of Aka, who would be born in the far north, yet would travel into the land of Egyptan. The chief priest’s name was that of Ra-Tai.

Then you said unto the masters, “I would like to enter upon this time.”

And the masters said unto you, “Then make your choice by karma, that you should learn the most from your voyage.”

And so, you came forth, but yet a small lad, a babe in swaddling clothes, for Atlantis was gone and only Ra-Tai remained. And Ra-Tai built many temples, and yet he chose of the large temple of old that new structures should be built beneath. Rumors from the Atlanteans were that Ra-Tai would take from them and put beneath the earth the knowledge of the Atlanteans. Yet even though they revolted and sent him into exile, he came back upon the land of Egyptan.

By now, you were a young lad, a young man. Upon his landing in the great city, there were those of the Atlanteans who would destroy him. Yet you had asked and been given permission to be of bodyguard unto this one. Yet, as the spear of light was cast, you grew fearful and dropped to the ground; yet the light did not harm Ra-Tai.

For your fear, you lay humbly upon the earth, and Ra-Tai walked forth and laid his hand upon you, and he said unto you, “This is twice your fear has overcome you. Overcome your fear that you may learn. Go, therefore, and become a worker within the great temple, that the new chambers should be built.”

And as the days went into months and years, you had wed and bore children, and therefore, you could not become unto the priesthood of that time, for you would not be of the chosen lot that should be entombed with the knowledge.

And the day came forth that each of the giant granite slabs were released and slid into position. You looked upon the great temple, and the light shone from the heavens and blanketed the earth, and darkness came forth.

And you said unto our Lord, God, “Oh, Lord, why must I always be a pupil and not a teacher?”

Yet this time the Lord said unto you, “BE PATIENT, FOR WE HAVE MANY THINGS TO SHOW YOU.”

You watched the people as the knowledge was gone, day by day, year by year, losing that of the true knowledge, diverting back. You saw the pharaohs come forth and set themselves forth as gods. Yet your mind became confused, and you cast yourself unto the River Nile and departed.

You slept long this time, for many econs [eons?].

Upon your awakening, you had seen your folly, for upon the Earth was a new teacher, one known as Jesus. And the words upon the Earth were that this was the son of God, yet the son of man. You watched from the heavens, from birth to crucifixion, yet you saw the resurrection and the truth within the same.

And you saw him walk forth upon the American continent, and so you chose your entry. There were many there, as he chose his twelve for teaching, who thought of him as an evil spirit. Yet day by day, as he taught of kindness and not of warfare, they began to love him and cherish him.

And the years passed, and you ventured into the city of Toltan [Tolteca?]. And as these days passed, you saw him depart yet from the Bay of [Carlan] and promise, therefore, to return.

And years passed, and soon you saw him walking forth upon the water. But the people had become back unto the worships of wickedness and sacrifice. And they told of the people that the one that should come forth was an evil one. And so they plotted and sent their armies forward before the people.

And yet he saw this, and he walked upon a hill and raised his arms and knelt, and loud across the valley were his words, “Oh, Father, if this is the end of my teachings, I shall accept it in this manner.”

But suddenly, as you had seen before, the sun rays struck upon this one and swirled and became into fire, and as the spears were thrust, they went back into those who would thrust them. Yet those who remained tried to retreat, and there was fire behind them, and they were consumed.

And you saw the Prophet, the pale one with golden hair and golden beard, walk back, back unto which he had come across the water. And the people followed, and they waited by the shoreline, but he was gone.

And therefore, you started back unto your city, but the fire had brought lava form, and all water was gone upon the earth, for where water had flown, no water lay, no more upon that proportion of the Earth. And yet, you traveled for many days, and many died of thirst. And your children shrunk. Yet memory had been stirred within you of a fire you had seen so many years ago, and you knelt in prayer, this time, not that you be spared, but water be given unto the children.

And suddenly before you appeared that of a prophet. His body shined, as though by light, yet it was darkness. And he took his shaft and struck the earth, and from the earth came forth water all about you. And the people rejoiced. Yet when they turned to thank him, they looked forth yet to see the star, nothing more.

You lived out your life span and chose, because of the Prophet’s teachings of the coming of the Black Robes, the Spaniards, you went into that proportion now known as Mexico City. And the Spaniards went forth upon the temple the Prophet had built and they found a statue therefore of a prophet, and in his hands was that of a lamb. And they hacked both it down, yet they could not destroy the temple. The people came forth, therefore, for healing, so they ordered the people to bring forth great mounds of mud and bury unto this, the temple; and so it was.

And you thought unto yourself, “Here I have been cast forth once again, yet I was not able to save the Prophet, nor was I able to save my people from the coming of these, the Black Robes.”

But yet there were some among the Black Robes who were kind and different from others, but you trusted them not. They bore the sign, unlike the one, for it was a cross with the crucifixion. For within your mind you had remembered the story the Prophet had told you of the faraway land unto which he had come, of the faraway land and the people who were jealous of his powers to heal, who were jealous of his gentle and kindness, and became fearful of him, and therefore, did crucify him. But the sign he bore were the sign of ankh.

Yet you knelt upon the mound of mud and said in despair, “Oh, Lord, where are Thou? How may I teach my people?”

And the Lord cane forth unto you and said unto these words, “GO FORTH THEN [UNTO] YOUR OWN KIND. TEACH THESE THINGS THAT HAVE BEEN GIVEN FORTH UNTO YOU TO TEACH.”

And so it was.

Now we find you upon this plane, this Earth plane, this time. And we shall say unto you these words of wisdom. We have brought forth the wine and the bread. Provide, therefore, the yeast. But be a student, and then a teacher. We have placed thou upon the Earth. But look forth upon the one who still washes the feet of his disciples, and you shall find the way, for we are here but for one purpose, that purpose is in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

Take forth the wisdom and the knowledge we have given unto you, and life shall bear life, and kind shall bear kind, for thy halftimes have ended.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Soul Ray now grows tired. It is our time of departure.

But beware. The Fifth Angel walks upon the Earth. In the land of the Californians and Mexico, in the Mediterranean and in your Eastern seaboard, new earthquakes shall arise.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript could not be compared to the audio recording because one was not available.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


October 5, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For we shall answer through the parable of the two brothers; you have called them Cain and Abel.

And Cain labored in the fields, and he did his labor that he might bring forth unto God the bounty of his fruit of his labor. And Abel labored in the fields, yet Abel was a dreamer. And those things that came easy for Abel came very hard for Cain. And so, therefore, there was conflict between the two.

And Cain slayed Abel and went before the Lord in the lie.

Yet the Lord did not slay Cain; He sent him forth, that he may teach unto others of his own folly.

But we should say unto thee unto these words. Unto each of you there is that of Cain, there is that of Abel, for the Lord in His wisdom knew that it took both parts to make a whole man. Too often each of you seek out to destroy a part of you that you think in your mind is not fitting or un-godlike. And too often you judge unto others that part of them that you do not like in yourselves.

Before you cast judgment upon another, look unto yourself and say unto these words, “Do I myself possess these same qualities?” In this manner, you may learn from the folly of others, but you may also learn from the folly of yourselves.

Though another should strike you with a stone, and you should fall dead upon the ground, if in truth your heart is in that of God, there is no death, for there is everlasting life. But in truth, if your heart is not in God, there is still life, but therefore, within the same, this one would become a lost soul.

So look within yourselves and see. First give judgment into yourselves. For as your Father has given unto you free will, give wisdom unto yourself. Seek out those hidden places within you. Take your toil in a loving manner. For remember, nothing is hidden, for what has been hidden, light shall light be shown upon, what is covered shall be uncovered, for now is the time of the Cherub.

Many of you have thought unto your minds, “This is the later days.” And we say unto you, this can be you later days, or this can be your new beginning.

But remember unto these words. Your earth was here long before man, and it shall be here long after man has perished.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading from [3–9–73–001].”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. Therefore, we have the records before us. And we see thy need unto this soul.


We find this soul, entry of the same, in that proportion and the entry in the land you now call Persia. At this time, this land within itself was but an isle. You must realize that the people or this isle made their living from that of the fishing trade.

Yes, we see this.

And you have chosen, as a [follower], that of a fisherman. Yet you are a dreamer. You continually fumble and foul the nets of your father until he becomes angry with you and sends you into shame to assist the women of the village.

Yet your dreams become stronger. But the shame your father has cast upon you, your mind reaches out to the fisherman’s nets each night, and each day the fish are driven away.

The men of the village say that you are responsible for the same, and therefore, you are placed within a craft, given provisions for three days, and sent adrift.

The storms rush upon you, and you fear within yourself for your life. Yet, your thoughts go back to that unto which you had done unto these people, and that that they had done unto you. You had been taught since childhood of the God of One, and your entity brought forth was very close unto the Godhead itself. And you said unto yourself, “If this is what they have cast me into for death, then let me have death.”

But the ocean rose and great waves picked upon the earth of the ocean and drove the small craft across the mighty sea. Day by day you traveled until thirst had driven you into madness. You could see land, yet the wave would not let you touch land. And yet, death would not come.

This brought you forth unto the American continent in that proportion now known as Yucatan. The land in itself at this time was basically uninhabited; the people, very backward, not developed. Yet, they nursed you back to health. And soon you learned of their language. And you learned of the red land unto which the flying vessels came forward and made captives of these people.

And so you banded the men together, that you may capture one of their vessels. And you made plans. And so you took the best specimens from the village and used them for bait, much as you had seen your father do when he cast his net.

But you knew in your mind that you must separate the other vessels, and have one single vessel land, that you may attack it. A huge pit was dug near the village. You implanted false trees, that the craft itself had but one clearing to land in, in that in the area where you had placed the pit. You labored long.

Then the word went out unto the other villages that they too could lure the other crafts away by placing themselves as bait.

And the day came forth. And as the craft landed, the pit gave way, and the timbers you had placed falsely were flung upon it. And then you began to wait, and abandoned the village and covered that of the great pit. You watched as the other vessels circled over the area until you knew that the occupants, inside, themselves had died, and soon the search for the lost craft was given up.

And then you expanded the pit, took away the debris, and entered.

From the diagrams within you learned that of navigation, for parts of the same you had been taught by your father. Soon you mastered the ship and its weaponry. And soon you had captured other vessels by luring them away one by one. And soon you were making attacks on the continent of Atlantis.

Yet all these things you had done for vengeance, that you might return unto your homeland as a conqueror.

And so it came, the day that you did go unto the homeland, and your thoughts were to destroy the people. But then your thoughts were, “How can they see me as a great person if I destroy them? So I shall bring my crafts forth and bear them gifts.”

Yet, when you landed, the people were frightened and they ran. Among them was your mother and father. In your anger, you did destroy them.

But while your ships were ground-bound, the mighty wave again slashed forth and destroyed your ships. And yet, there was one small parcel of land that you alone were spared upon. You looked upon the earth as the wave receded, and the land was barren. Yet, in the storehouses food was preserved.

You built again a small craft and set asail [sail], and the wave again brought you forth. Yet you had prayed for death.

At this time, the waves and the destruction had come forth upon all the earth, and the storms lasted unto 40 days and 40 nights. You saw the crafts pass above you, those known as the arks. Yet they paid no attention to you. And again you were crazed by thirst and hunger, but yet death would not come unto you.

And you came forth [only] to land of Egyptan. And yet, you were young of body, but yet you had lived, in your years, of 2,000. And your thoughts were in yourself. “I shall destroy unto myself.” Yet no man, no matter where you went, would bear arm against you.

Until one day, half out of your mind, you entered into the Temple of Beauty, and shouted, therefore, unto the priest.

Yet, the priest, Ra-Tai, came forth and said, “You seek of death. Yet you bear the mark of Cain, and therefore, death cannot come unto you.”

Your wits came back about you, for you knew the man spoke the truth. And you said unto this one, “If I should bear the mark of Cain, then how may I take this from me?”

And the wise one said unto you these words, “Remember where you have been. Remember unto those acts you have done unto others into which you have used your God-given ability to harm unto others. You used of the people of that far-away land, unto which many now dwell of the Atlanteans, to destroy your own people, your own kind. You have forgotten that giving was more important than receiving.

But you said unto him, “But when I landed our craft, my thoughts were to give unto my people, but yet, they were afraid.”

And he placed his hand upon you and said, “Look up into the heavens and see of that unto which the Lord, God, has given. Do you fear Him, for He is mightier than you? And He has seen fit that you live. If you want death, as you would know it, you must first know of life. If you want heaven, you must first know of life.”

You left the land of Egyptan and traveled northward, always seeking out death. Yet death would not come unto you.

But word and messages you heard of the people known as the Essenes, and you thought unto yourself, “If I cannot have death, then I shall have of life, but I have wasted all of my life. Now I shall learn what this life is about.” And so there you went forth to study.

And they sent you from there back into the land of Egyptan, and unto the land of Tibetan, and you studied.

Yet, you had learned of the coming of the one known as Jesus Christ and the one known as John the Baptist, and the preparation made across the land for their coming. Yet, your appearance was that of a young man; yet you still aged.

And you looked forth unto their coming that you may learn from them. First you went unto John the Baptist and said, “Why must I live? Why can I not know of death as other men? How can I remove the mark of Cain from me?”

And John the Baptist reached forth and said, “Bear your yoke with love, and not with hate, and the Prince of Peace shall soon come upon the earth. Go unto him and speak that that you had denied when you spoke to him before.”

And you said unto them, “But I have not seen this one before.”

And John the Baptist said unto you, “You have seen him in many forms, for he is the Prince of Salem, the Prince of Peace. He is the one that Abraham gave tribute unto, for he had no beginning and no ending. He shall be born as I was born. And so it has happened, for in truth we are cousins. But in truth, he has stepped beyond, for he has stepped in the footsteps of Buddha, he has stepped in the footsteps of the one known as the Eastern Star. Go unto this one, for he shall soon return back. Go unto the city of Jerusalem, and you shall find, there in the olive groves, he who shall be giving of healing, and ask the healing for of yourself.”

And so you ventured forth. Yet, though you saw that this one, John the Baptist, was soon to die, you spoke not of this with him.

And so you ventured forth unto the land of Jerusalem. And there you met the one called the Teacher, or Rabbi. Yet when you saw him you knew of him of many times. And you went forth and you kneeled before him. And you said unto him, “Oh Lord, remove this, this yoke, this mark upon me. Forgive me for that that I have done unto others, for I bear sorrow within my heart in truth.”

And he looked upon you and said, “Then come forth, and I shall put ointment upon your forehead.” And as his fingers touched your forehead you began to age, and death came unto you.

But as you were aging and your death was coming forth he spoke unto you these words. “Go unto the land of Salem, go unto the land of the American. Go unto the land you have been to, that of Yucatan. Go unto the land of the Black Mesa. Choose each of these entries. You shall see the Eagle fly. When you see the Eagle fly the second time you shall have a vision. You shall be surrounded by blue light, and I shall appear unto you. This shall be a sign unto you that the Eagle is here to prepare the way.”

At times, you now on this earth plane of this time, you, more than all others, should know that the mark of the Beast that can be placed upon man; therefore, do not use the abilities given unto you in folly, or once again the mark of Cain, the mark of the Beast, shall be placed upon you. Bring forth this that you have seen, for we are here but for one purpose, that purpose is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Your abilities of the mind have been restored, but remember unto these words, that that the Lord has given, the Lord can taketh away. For the half-times are over.

We have placed the bread and the wine at your feet. We have shown you where you have been, that you should know where you are going. Cast aside these follies. Think back upon this time we have told you as a lad, as a fisherman’s son.

We shall say unto you these words, waste not your time in this land, that shall soon to die. [Note: A ghetto of St. Louis, Missouri.]

Bring forth your gifts and your abilities. Bring forth the wine the Lord has given unto you to give. Open the door and we shall enter, and the cup shall runneth over.

Soul Ray now wearies.

The healing that you have asked for shall be given.

Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth, beware. Your earth shall tremble, fear not. The days are now numbered. Your next quake shall be larger than the last. It shall be in the proportion of the Californians.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


October 9, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Thank you, Aka, for coming [to talk to us]; where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

As we have said before, as the brook should run forth to the river, and the river should roll forth unto the oceans, and the storm shall pick up the water and spread [it’s brook] upon the earth, so should come the blessings of our Father.

You have within your minds this question, of that unto which you have been seeing. We shall say unto you unto these words, as we have said before. Many signs shall come before you in the heavens, each a separate and individual sign. From the 26th day of your month, these things our Father should have you see shall be before you in fullness. Count, therefore, 11 days from that date. That that has been before shall be again. That that we have placed into the heavens was placed there for you to see to renew your strength and your faith. For those who should seek, light shall be placed.

We should also tell unto you these words. The fuse has been lit. War is upon the land. And yet, it should go unto the battle of Armageddon. Beware of, therefore, that of the Anti-Christ, for the name should be before you often now.

New eruptions shall arise soon upon the land. Fear not for these. Prepare in all ways, for your winter storms shall soon be upon you.

We shall say unto these words, beware, for the printing of the Book with wings should come forth. Place it first, for there are those who would misinterpret the words and give them in printed form.

Therefore, we say unto soul John [1–21–72–002], we have said before, prepare a way. Now we say, prepare therefore, the book to be printed. Do so now. Let all of your little, small tasks that have been before you fly from you. We shall find ways to take care of these. The task now should be, before all things, that this book should be printed. Therefore, we have provided all of the way for you. Throw aside your fears.

We say, therefore, unto that one known as [11–26–71–002], prepare therefore to become a teacher. Prepare therefore to accept within yourself the name that shall be given unto you.

We say, therefore, unto the one known as soul Ruth [8–10–70–002], time shall be made unto you that the lecture form shall come forth unto a second book. But it now shall be the second book, not the first.

For now is the time of Armageddon. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. But beware — should the Eagle [U.S.A.] not spread its wings and give protection, then the Anti-Christ shall reign upon the earth, and the time of famine shall be upon your doorsteps. We have prepared that, as we have said before, to give you warning before each of these that should happen. But the nation of Israel shall stand, and the nation of the eagle shall stand, for they stand before God. And where once before the eagle nation [Rome] destroyed and scattered among the nations those of the servants of God, now the karmic action stands forth again. Therefore, place your minds in unisance.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, one question on, you have spoken repeatedly of eruptions. Do you mean when you say eruptions that these would be volcanic eruptions, or do you mean earthquakes and things like that?”

The eruptions shall come in the form of volcanic actions, of earthquakes, of tornados, of hurricanes. They shall sweep across all the lands.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Aka, I have a request for a life reading from [6–19–73–003]. He asks, ‘a life and health reading to find my direction in life and to learn if knowledge of previous lives and developed abilities can reinforce my life in terms of service and help to others.’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. Therefore, we should answer in this manner; we have before us the records of time.

This soul, within the same, is a newly evolved soul. The spirit, therefore, was lost from the soul of another, and the soul came forth of new.

We find, therefore, the entry of the same in that proportions you would know of as China. We find, therefore, this soul as a disciple as the one known as Buddha. Therefore, this soul was sent into Tibet into that proportion of the Himalayan Mountains of the same. Within these mountains lived therefore that of the early man-beast. Because of the high altitudes the man-beast had not taken from its self its own protective coat.

As a young student, therefore, you were sent therefore unto the pilgrimage to go into counsel, therefore, with that of their council. He did travel far unto the mountains into a very perilous journey. We find, therefore, that at that point of the Himalayans, that opened forth where the warm springs ran and gave forth vegetation and abundance of fruits of many kinds. Those who were to guard of the entrance saw, therefore, of the entities as they came forth of their council, as you yourself saw them. Because of their difference in characteristics and their huge size you became frightened.

The old priest who was with you cautioned you.

But you spoke out and said, “These are but animals. How could we counsel with such?”

Then the priest said unto you, “Nay, these are men, children of God. Because of the altitude and their atmosphere, only their features are different than yours.”

And you spoke and said, “But look at the hair upon their bodies and their nudeness.”

And the priest said unto you, “They need not clothing, for God has provided such. They have, therefore, no nudeness, but live in the manner unto which God had created them.”

And you said unto them, “Then why have they not evolved forth?”

And the priest said unto you, “Some have chosen to. Come forth and you shall see.” And there you saw those of the mothers who held within their arms children who were much in your likeness.

Then you said unto them, “Then why do we come here?”

“We come forth,” said the old priest, “once a year, that those who have evolved forward unto our likeness, if this is what you would choose to call evolving, those who choose to may leave here and enter through our priesthood back into our society.”

And therefore, you came unto the house of counsel, and you listened at the great wisdom and philosophy that these had to offer.

And as the counsel went forth from left to right, and it became your turn to speak, you curiosity overcame you, and you said unto these people, “Why then have you chosen to remain as you are? Why do not all of you come forth unto civilization?”

And the head man of the man-beast spoke softly. He said unto you, “Long ago, those of your kind entered, came upon the earth, but they were not of your kind. Some we accepted as gods sent to us from God, and therefore, we placed upon them the name of the Sons of God’s. Some were kind and gentle, taught us of many of their own ways, taught us of the ways of the mind. But others used their mighty minds to dominate us, to enslave us. After the mighty war, those of us who had not interbred with those of the Sons of God chose to depart unto this place. We saw the mighty floods. We saw the earth change unto ice. Yet, in our refuge we found this place, and God has kept it sacred for us. There have been many stories of our people, of our entrapment of their female species. Your own priest shall tell you this is not so. We have only accepted into our land those who would choose and were chosen to come forth. But as you see, there is beauty in our form as well as yours. All we have asked for is to live and let live, to live in the house of God, this world, and upon it. We do not try to dominate your part of the world. We do not wish domination by you. We give you all things that we have in friendship. Yet, when you leave here you shall be sworn to secrecy. As you were guided into our valley, you shall be guided back out with the children of your likeness. For as you have died and chosen death, you brought forth upon the earth the sin, not us. Therefore, we live. Yes, sometimes your people try to track us down and harm us, yet we have harmed none of you, as we have harmed none of our own. We know not of your wars, for we have no wars.”

Soon came time for departure, and soon your own high priest brought you forth, and you were given the oath of silence. And the gentle man-beast guided you from the encampment, the valley. And you started the long journey back into that proportion, of Tibet.

Years passed. And the day you were taken unto the depths of the city, unto the very depths, through the great tunnels, unto those where their light came forth beneath the earth. And there stood encased in ice, yet clear to see, were those of another kind.

And you spoke forth and said, “Why have you brought me here?”

And they said unto you, “The new Lama you shall be. But first you should know. You have seen of the man-beast. Now you shall see of those of the Sons of God. They are preserved, their body form.”

And you said unto them, “But they are masses of energy; they live yet.”

And your master said unto you, “Yes, for you see, God intended that man should not perish from the earth, that life was eternal. We are of both of those. These things you must accept, but accept in secrecy, in the oath of silence you have taken. For one day we shall be invaded. One day those of those of the Chinese nation and the Mongolian nation shall dominate us. And all of this we shall seal, and we shall seal the passageway unto the man-beast, and no more children shall we bring forth across the trail each year. But you shall live in that time, and you shall live and come from the land of the eagle. But all of these things you shall know only when you see the Eagle fly once again.”

You grow old in time, and as time and as your choice had been, you departed.

Therefore, you went into your afterlife. Yet you had many questions to learn, for there in the afterlife you found that all of God’s colors that had been placed into men walked side by side, some teaching, some learning; some changing color at will.

As you asked the teacher, “May I be born of any race of my choosing?”

And he said unto you, “Yes.”

And you asked into him, “Then I would choose to be born in the land of the eagle, for there I should see with my own eyes the time of the Eagle that should take flight.”

And so it was.

And so you came forth upon this life plane this time. You have journeyed far to see the Eagle. You shall listen unto these words we have spoken unto you. They shall confuse you. But come forth, and we shall provide the bread and the yeast, for we say unto you, we are here but for one purpose, that is in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Our Father has many mansions. Our Father should ask unto you, as you ask unto Him, “PREPARE THEREFORE A PLACE THAT I MAY LIE MY HEAD AND REST MY SOUL.”

We have shown of you the two sides of the Sword. And as you were told before of a future yet to come, now you have been told again of a future yet to come, the fulfillment of the same. But as you were given free choice of entity, free choice to come forth, open the door that we may enter, for in God’s house there are many hands that are needed for the preparation of his coming. Glory be the name of the Lord.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [8–3–73–002] asks for a life reading, but she also asks some other questions. She asks, ‘Are my dreams significant, and how do I learn to interpret them correctly?’”

We shall answer of the last. Of the first we should give at a later time. Your dreams have been, as you would say, significantly, yet you have yet to learn of the understanding of the same. Venture forth, therefore. Soul Ray should give of many lectures in your city; we shall provide the knowledge. Soon one of his lectures shall be upon that of dream interpretation. Yet, there are other parts of learning and growth that can come forth from the words he should speak.

Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Glory be the name of the Lord.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


October 12, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And now we should say unto thee unto these words, for we shall tell unto thee the parable of the wind.

For the wind said unto the rain, “I rule over thee, for I may cast the clouds anywhere that I choose, so therefore, I am the strongest of all.”

Yet, the ocean spoke forth, and said unto the wind, “Nay, for without me, where would you get your water? And where would the clouds form from?”

And the wind said unto the ocean, “Nay, I am the strongest, for I may take my water from where I please.”

Yet, the brook sat silent and said nothing, and went about its chore, day by day, providing the water that went forth unto the rivers and unto the oceans.

The wind could rule the ocean, and the lakes and the land. Yet the brook, much as the Seven Spirits of God, flowed onward through eternity.

We should say unto you, this is much as the same as that quiet place within your minds. The quiet place does not have to brag of that into which it can do, for it knows of that that it can do; so therefore, it goes about its day-to-day tasks. It stays hidden from others. Only on rare occasions, when you are alone, does it reach forth, not only giving you comfort, but comfort unto those of your loved ones. This in itself is the way of God, for in His quiet way He moves about the earth,touching man, always seeing and caring for his needs, always loving.

We say unto you, be as the brook. Go forth and give unto the people sweet water. Give forth that in truth, though sometimes truth is not given back. Give forth that in kindness, even though kindness is sometimes not given back. Give forth that in love, even though love is not given back. But when you give these things forth, all shall come back, for the seed you should cast upon the earth, or the ocean, or a brook, whether it be good or bad, shall all come back to its center. So therefore, give unto good thought unto your fellow man, and good thought shall return unto thee.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Regarding a health reading for [8–31–73–004]. He had a health reading on his hyperkinesis recently in which you said growths were the cause. And they state that the doctor’s x-rays failed to show any growths. His father… says, ‘How do we go about finding them and treating them?’ He also has a rash on his legs.”

We shall say unto thee unto these words. With the proper use of the bio­feedback, this growth could be reduced. Or it could be removed with surgery. Bring this child unto soul Ray, that he should administer healing into the same.

If that of the lower [limbordier] [limbic?] area was x-rayed, from front to rear, from the pituitary to the pineal glands, therefore, beneath the same you should find, therefore, of the growth. The growth in itself is nonmalignant. Yet, it should give, and therefore, react upon the nervous system of the same, for therefore, giving improper balance of the signals therefore sent from the mind to the brainstem, and therefore, throughout the body. That is all on that subject.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have a request for a health reading for [10–12–73–001]. She says that she has pain in her feet which the doctors think is caused by diabetes. She feels they will have to be removed. She also has difficulty with her arteries. She asks for help with her feet, diabetes, arteries, including the big artery that goes to her heart. Any suggestions of vitamins or food to her would also be appreciated.”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we have before us the body, soul, the spirit and the immortal body of the same. One moment.


Now we have the body before us. We would suggest the taking of 2,000 units of vitamin E per day; the taking, therefore, of the substance known as Lydia E. Pinkham in that of capsule form 30 minutes before eating; taking, therefore, in capsule form of the safflower oil, two tablets 30 minutes before eating, three times daily. We would suggest the use of the Jerusalem artichoke be used, eaten raw; add, therefore, unto the green olives, as many as you should desire of the same.

We would further suggest the use of the clay form unto which we have mentioned before. This should be applied to the both, of the lower limbs, feet area, and up unto the upper thigh.

We would further suggest that the taking of the sage tea and that of the hops be mixed together in equal proportions, therefore, making of tea form. This should not be boiled, but seeped, sweetened slightly with natural honey, but very slightly.

We would further suggest taking of the substance known as dolomite. Six capsule units should be taken per day — two three times a day, one in the morning, one at the evening — two in the morning, two at the evening meal, and two before bedtime of the same. We would not suggest the amputation of these limbs or surgery of any kind on this subject at the present time. This should only have cause for further infection.

We find, therefore, into the urinary tract, of the vagina, a problem of infection of the same. We would suggest, therefore, the use, first, of nothing more than vinegar and clear water be used as a cleaning substance.

We would further suggest on this subject that that of the 6th and 7th vertebrae be worked on or adjusted, therefore, by either an osteopathic or chiropractic doctor; that of the upper brainstem area, therefore, be moved in a upward position, deviating, therefore, the structure of the spinal column to go in that proportion that is needed, therefore, in an upward position. Therefore, we would further suggest that the spleen within itself be opened, and allowing the spine, therefore, to go back into its proper place. This would greatly alleviate the problem of the nervous system within itself, and therefore, allow better flow of blood into this area.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [10–12–73–002], this must be Phoenix; I don’t see the city — one moment — asks for a health reading. Do you see this person, Aka?”

We do not see of this. You have other questions, ask.

“Yes. [3–24–73–005] asks for a health reading.”

We should answer in this manner. Therefore, be more specific in your questions, that time may be saved. Ask this question at a different time after consulting with the person. A broad health reading on this subject would serve no purpose at this time.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [10–12–73–003] asks for a health reading. She has headaches affecting the back of her head and neck, bridge of nose, and back of eyes, constant aching throughout limbs, arms and legs, lower abdominal stress.”

Yes, we have before us, therefore, the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. One moment.

Yes, yes.

Therefore, we should answer in this manner. We find, therefore, that of rheumatoid arthritis. We find, therefore, within the heart area, that which would be known unto the third valve of the same, malfunction.


We would suggest, therefore, one moment — yes, we see this now — that of the sauna type baths be used.

We would further suggest that this subject should seek out, therefore, of a good oral surgeon. Therefore, we find this subject with that that is known as lead poisoning. This was brought about in early childhood. The substance of the same, the poisoning, has settled, therefore, into the gumular area. If this problem was removed, this subject would respond immediately. This is caused by what is known as a low form of constant infection feeding into the body form. We would suggest that the taking of 2,000 units of vitamin E per day. We would suggest the taking of 1,000 units of vitamin C per day. We would suggest the taking of A and D in normal adult dosage, no more. We would further suggest — yes, yes — taking, therefore, of the ginger leaf, taking, therefore, of the mistletoe leaf, taking, therefore, of the sage leaf, taking, therefore, of the hops. These should be placed together in equal proportions and tea brewed from the same, not boiled, but seeped, sweetening, therefore, with the natural honey. This in itself should cleanse the circulatory system within the same, and therefore, bring forth a cleansing, therefore, in the blood within the same. We would further suggest the taking, therefore, of the safflower oil in capsule form three, three times daily, 30 minutes before each meal, therefore, removing that of the cholesterol of the bloodstream. We would suggest taking, therefore, of the Jerusalem artichoke be placed in raw form daily.

We would further suggest — yes — yes, we would suggest that a visit to either a good osteopathic or chiropractic doctor, that the whole backular area should be adjusted, therefore, within the same. This will have to be done not once, but repeated times because of permanent damage into the vertebras and a softening of the same. These adjustments should be done at least once a month.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [10–12–73–004] says, ‘I have tinnitus, nerve damage, osteosclerosis [arteriosclerosis?] in both ears, arthritis, especially in my hands, lower back trouble and pains in my left foot. How can I regain my health?’ Also he asks if you can tell him the hour and minute of his birth since there is no record?”

Soul Ray now grows weary.

Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angels walks upon your earth, beware.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


October 16, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For blessed is the day of the Lord. Yet the day of the Lord is not as you count, but as thy Lord counts, and each day shall be as a thousand years. Take upon thyselves these days within thyself, that thy soul rejoice within them. What has been hidden let it come to light. What has been covered let it uncover. And so is the words of God, our Father.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading tonight for [10–16–73–000].”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should answer in these words. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same, and therefore, we have before us the records.

But first we should say unto this one, the karmic date of birth is that of choice, as the karmic date of conceivement [conception] is that of choice. But even though the choice of conceivement, yet there is but more, and that is the date of birth. Therefore, take unto thyself three days from your birth date, and there shall be your entry. You have long thought of astrology; therefore, you have within yourself now the knowledge to see from which you have come.

We find not of this soul until the time of Atlantis and the entry of the same. And therefore, we find that as a young child, a girl child, she showed great signs of that that would become a dancer of the courts. Her dancing, therefore, did bring forth the attention of the highest members of the priesthood. And as Priest Ra-Tai came forth upon his journeys, he did ask her to bring enlightenment into the land of Egyptan.

Yet, her heart had grown fond of one of the young priests. And so she bade unto the Priest Ra-Tai that the priest might venture forth into this land with her. And, as Arcan and Ra-Tai, therefore, did concur, you both were allowed to go therefore unto this land.

But you ventured forth first into that land known as Ur, and therefore, sought forth counseling into the land of the Sumerian. You saw the wonders of their work, that that they had handed unto mankind. You saw the gentleness of their ways. You saw therefore that not one child went hungry, that not one child hungered for knowledge, for they were all fed from schools of knowledge. Yet within this land, which you therefore wanted to call your home, you took much knowledge.

And you went therefore unto the kind priest, Ra-Tai, and said unto this one, “This is where we should live; this is where we should raise our family.”

And Ra-Tai looked long unto you, and he said unto you, “Nay, my child, for a day shall come when this land shall be no more. Come forth, for your knowledge we shall place forth in the Temple of Beauty, that many, many others shall learn from you.” Aboard the craft that you traveled in, Ra-Tai did bring forth marriage unto you and the young priest. And, he allowed that both of you taught within the priesthood.

There were many of the people who were visiting from that planet of Atlantis. But you noticed none of the people of Ur, therefore, visited unto this land. And one day you went back unto the priest, Ra-Tai, and said, “Oh. Master, why do none of those from Ur come forth unto this land?”

And he studied you long, and he said unto you, “For I shall let you look deep from within myself, and therefore, I shall give you a vision of that to come. For this land shall lay barren, for all of the temples we have built shall wither and become the wonders of man. And the great Temple of Knowledge, that the Great Bird of the Pyramid should take flight from, they should scale it and take its outer facing. Many shall try to copy it, and they shall fail. The true wisdom that should lie within this, of this great temple, shall come forth unto mankind. All the knowledge of Atlantis shall rise again. But before this time should happen, one should come upon the Earth, and he shall walk upon many lands and give teaching and blessing. Therefore, we say unto you, fear not of this lifetime, but bide your time. And as the Great Bird of the Pyramid shall take flight, and therefore, go unto the Eagle’s nest, then the fulfillment of all things we have worked for shall come forth.”

And as your days passed, you gave forth much knowledge and wisdom.

But the priest, young priest, became vengeful because of your closeness unto the great priest, Ra-Tai. And he said unto you, “You are but a woman. I should be the one who should go unto counsel unto Ra-Tai, not of you. You have bore me no children; therefore, you should be cast aside, and I should be allowed to choose another. And by the laws, so it was.

But Ra-Tai did not cast you aside. He brought forth therefore you into his inner sanctuary. And when Ra-Tai was sent into exile, you went forth and became unto his second wife, and therefore, did bear a son. And from the descendants of this son, Ra-tai opened once again the doorway to the future, that you may see. For after the birth, even though the medicine was great, your time had come, therefore, to wither and to go unto dust. But he gave of you a vision. And in the vision you saw of this tall, golden-haired prophet that walked the Earth in his white robe. And then, you went into the aftertime, therefore, to learn from many great masters.

And therefore, you came forth upon the Earth. You were born into the land as a peasant, daughter. And you go forth into womanhood. You had great use of your psychic, but you had within you the weakness, and the urges of God’s own temptation. And therefore, you became that of a prostitute. You lived within the village of Jerusalem, and therefore, you were drug out to be cast with stones upon you. They had whipped you. And you were to be stoned to death. And suddenly you looked out and there came the gold-headed one. Yet, the eyes were soft and great in wisdom.

And they said unto this one, “Oh, Rabbi, the Laws say unto this, that should a woman sin and commit adultery, she should be stoned. These are the Laws of Moses.”

And he looked long at you. And he looked long at them.

And he said, “Yes, those are the Laws of Moses. But now I give you the Law of God. For those who have not sinned, in any form, let them be the one to cast the first stone. And he who casts a stone and has sinned, the stone shall come forth and kill him first.”

All of these had heard of the great powers of this prophet. And so they all feared to cast that stone, for each knew in his own heart that none of these were perfect, that some of these men had lain with you. They all ran to their homes to hide their faces. Yet the Prophet did not hide his face. But he reached down with gentle hands and healed your wounds. And you became whole again. He gave unto you God’s blessings, and turned and walked away.

You followed this one unto the day of his resurrection. You lived out your lifespan and did marry and bear children. And then, once again you passed unto dust.

But in those last hours, you prayed unto God, “Oh, Lord, if I cannot be with this one, at least let my spirit score [soar] with his.”

And so, it was true. For there, upon the mountain in the nest of the Eagle, stood the Prophet. And as the Eagle took flight, he turned unto the people and promised that when they should see the Eagle once again, this should be the sign of his coming.

And so, we find not of this soul and entity — into the land known, therefore, within, as Salem, Massachusetts. Once again, you have come forth in the girl form. Your psychic abilities are great. Yet, your mother at times looks at you in wonderment. For your mother has two smaller children, and you are of age to be married. And so the arrangements are made that marriage should come forth.

And so it was that marriage came forth. Unto that unto which you have married, we shall tell you of this at this time, was your father of this time. But you were barren and could not bear children. Yet, you yearned for them.

You had, therefore, a meeting place of the people of your own belief. And upon the day of the Sabbath you went, therefore, to praise your glory unto God, your husband and yourself. There was much food, and feasting and merrymaking, and all was happy. Yet nights before you had had dreams of fire that would consume you. And you had woken your husband to tell him of these. He knew of this, and it feared into him.

But he said unto you, “Should we turn our backs on our own beliefs and our worship unto the God of One? Should we run and hide, even though we should walk forth into our surely doom?”

And you looked at him and said, “Nay.” And you said unto him, “This is our curse, that I could not bear children unto you.”

And he looked unto you and said, “Nay, this is no curse. For within God’s realm there is purpose for all things. It is not necessary that some flowers should blossom upon the earth, and not spread seed, for the seed has been cast long ago, in another lifetime, which shall bring forth entry one day.”

You looked unto your husband and thought unto yourself, “Such wisdom has he, to bring such gifts of growth and fulfillment and happiness into my every day. Such love he has given unto me; it has been bountiful.”

And so, you entered into this place with all of its joy. And therefore, those people of the townspeople came forth, their ministers, their clergymen, and therefore, did slay and burn until nothing was left, not one of you left, for they burnt of their own sin, they thought, into hiding.

But we say unto you, they have laid away nothing; only the karmic action that they have done unto those now has been done unto them. For the weak, a part shall die away and go unto nothing. For the strong and the faithful, there shall be forever in our Father’s house.

And so, you have come forth unto this plane, of this time. And therefore, we should say unto you, all things you have been before you shall be again. And there­fore, we give unto you this name of Mary Magdalene. And so it shall be, for you shall become a teacher. And so you shall know the truth, that that the Lord taketh, He should giveth in fulfillment. And so you should see your life come forth into fulfillment, therefore, unto a different way of all before, for you are of all things you have been before. But most important, above them all, you are yourself. For as God created each separate part and nothing upon the Earth the same, you are one of a kind.

Think long upon our words, for we have brought forth knowledge and wisdom into your house. We have also brought you into the Eagle’s nest. And as the Great Bird of the Pyramid should take flight, remember unto these words, “Our Father is the God of the living, not of the dead.” And let so flow through your heart — let the brook flow, and the rivers flow, and the ocean that should touch your many lands. For those things that have been taken from you shall be given back in fulfillment. Glory be the name of the Lord.

Remember unto yourself, all of the temptations of before lie within you. All of the strength of before lies within you. But God has placed the most important ingredient of all, and that is your free choice.

Now is the time of the Cherub. And the Fifth Angel dwells upon your earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, address and birthdates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


October 19, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Let all that come in truth receive in truth, for he that should ask in our Father’s name, that that he should ask shall be granted.

You have many questions, ask.

“Aka, I have a request for a health reading for [10–19–73–001]. She has a problem particularly on her lower spine.”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit and the immortal body of the same. Yes, we see thy need.

But we should answer first in this manner, the fall, the problem in itself has originated, a fall that was taken from a bicycle as a small child. That in [the] proportion known as the tailbone has been broken. The sciatic nerve, therefore, within the same, we find damage into the same. We further find into the third, fourth [to] sixth vertebrae separation of the same. We would suggest, therefore, that this soul go unto that of either an osteopathic or chiropractic doctor, that adjustments should be made.

We would further suggest that a good bone specialist therefore be sought out, and the first problem, therefore, should be corrected with surgery within the same, removal of the same, therefore allowing the spine to protrude downward into its normal position.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a health reading for [9–7–73–004]. She says she is following your advice. She has noticed a burning sensation the last two or three days in her upper urinary tract, she thinks, and wonders what is causing it? She asks if the combination of vitamins added to her usual Merdex synthetic vitamin and mineral complex which she has taken for years might be the cause?”

Nay. We have before us, therefore, the body, the soul, the spirit and therefore, the immortal body of the same. The problem, therefore, lies [in] nothing more than a staph infection within the same. We would suggest taking, therefore, first of the sage tea. This should not be boiled; it should be seeped within the same, sweetened with local honey. We would further suggest that in the washing of the area, the use of apple vinegar be added into the normal washing proportion of the same. This should readily take care of this problem.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, you mentioned some time back that you might recommend a substitute for Night-blooming Cereus. Do you have something to recommend at this time?”

We have placed this in soul Ray’s mind. This compound shall soon be brought forward.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a health reading for [10–12–73–002]. She says, ‘What is the cause of me having a low-grade fever of 99 to 100 degrees every day, and what is causing pain in the urinary bladder area? Can it be cured?’”

Yes, we have before us, therefore, the body, the soul, spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. We should answer first of the first question. This is caused by what you would know as the — known as Valley Fever. We would suggest that rest, the taking of 2,000 units of vitamin E per day, a good natural vitamin-mineral supplement be added into the same.

We would further suggest, therefore, of the bladder infection of the same — first we should answer in this manner, for more care should be used in that that is placed within the same, more cleansing. Second we would suggest that she should go unto her local physician, therefore, that antibiotic could be prescribed. This would simply cleanse this area. We would further suggest the drinking of as much of the substance known as cranberry juice as possible. We would further suggest — yes, we see this — that the subject in mind, we find, therefore, into the ovary, left ovary, a small cyst, secretion of the same, which is causing the problem, therefore, into the same. This in itself should either be removed, psychically or surgery [surgically]. If further information is needed on this subject, we would suggest that she should bring this question forth at another time.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [10–12–73–004] has asked regarding health reading. He says, ‘I have tinnitis, nerve damage, osteosclerosis [arteriosclerosis?] in both ears, arthritis, especially in my hands, and lower back trouble, and pain in my left foot. How can I regain my health?’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, and immortal body of the same. We would suggest that in the above-mentioned areas cold packs be placed unto the same; after the cold packs have been placed into these positions, that that of a hot olive-oil pack be used. This should be repeated twice daily. We would further suggest the use of the mud substance that lies within soul Ray’s mind.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, he asks if you can tell him the hour and minute of his birth? He says there is no record.”

We have given, therefore, the information he has requested.

“Thank you, Aka. I have another request for a health reading from [10–19–73–002]”

One moment, please..


Yes, we find this subject born at 2:45 a.m.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a request for a health reading for [10–19–73–002]. She says, ‘My main health questions pertain to general state of my health in regards to recent diagnosis of cysts in the bladder. What should have been the correct diagnosis given before coming to Arizona, also,’ she says, ‘the swelling in my legs that I am currently experiencing?’”

Yes, we have before us, therefore, the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same.


We would suggest that the subject seek out that of the assistance of her physician. One moment.

Yes, we see this.

The subject in question has that known as uremic poisoning, and therefore, should be treated in an according manner. If this is not corrected it could cause death.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. She also asks, ‘Should I follow real estate employment? Which would be the most lucrative for me?’”

We would suggest that in the location into which you dwell, real estate within itself would not be a profitable asset. We would suggest that you seek out other clerical employment.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Could you tell us when it is likely, when our rainy period is likely to start here?”

Yes, we see thy need. We shall answer in this question. Give forth prayer unto thy Father, and thy Father shall answer thy prayers. If thy do not do this, in your later days of November rain shall come forth.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have another request for a health reading from [10–19–73–003]. He asks for a health reading and about his future. He asks, ‘How should I prepare for my own particular circumstances?’”

We would suggest that this question be brought forth at a different time due to its length and substance.

Soul Ray now grows tired, and our time for departure has come very near.

Beware of the Bear [Russia]. Beware of the Dragon [China]. Let the Eagle [U.S.A.] coveth that of God’s servants in the land of Israel, for the Fifth Angel walks upon your Earth. New earthquakes shall arise. Tornado-type storms shall hit your Eastern Seaboard. New tornado-type storms shall come forth from the southern proportions of Mexico, with earthquakes centering within the central proportion of the same. In that proportion of the Californians, the central proportion of the same, earthquakes shall arrive. These same earthquakes shall cross that proportions, lower proportions, of the Arizonans within the same. Do not panic, for as yet these are but warnings. We shall say unto this, the time of Armageddon is upon you.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


October 23, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And now we should tell unto the parable. We shall tell unto thee the parable of the stone mason.

The stone mason carved in the earth day by day, and therefore, made bricks of stone. His task was hard. And his thoughts as he carved the stone was, “Lord, why have You placed me to such a meager task, when as a boy I dreamed of all the wonderful things upon the Earth I should accomplish?”

And the Lord answered back unto him and said, “THEN GO FORTH AND CARVE THIS STONE INTO MY LIKENESS, OF MY KIND.”

At first the mason was astounded, for in his mind he could not conceive of such. And so he ventured forth, therefore, first to find a sculptor of sort. And he said unto the sculptor, “Would you teach me, that I may learn about this trade?”

And the sculptor said unto him, “Go forth. I have no time, for I am busy, for I have many of the rich to please.”

And so he went forth day after day being rejected.

And one day he came to a mountain of the white granite, and there the men were carving the huge stones from the earth. And that he might earn money for food, he asked that he might labor with them. The men were a jolly sort, yet there was one who they all stood in respect.

And he asked another, “Who is this man, this man who stands alone?”

And they said unto him, “Why he is touched by the Master, for he is the one known as Michelangelo.”

And this poor mason, frightful even to seek unto this one, went forth, and he told his story of how the Lord has spoken unto him.

And this one said unto him, “Look therefore, and there shall be your stone, for it is a castaway, that which others say there is a flaw within. Carve upon that, for I shall be here, and as you should need me, I should give you guidance. But most of all, if the Lord spoke unto you, you shall need little guidance from me.”

And so the man began to carve. His labors went on day after day. At first, he carved a huge globe, and then he carved a hand that rest upon the globe. Yet this hand rest upon a globe of land that had yet to be known unto man, of this European nation.

And he said unto this one known as Michelangelo, “I know not what I have done.”


There were those who said unto both, “We have heard the words of the Lord, and therefore, you both must be holy.”

The stone mason shook his head and said, “Nay, for learning is the doorway, and knowledge is the path unto our Father’s house.”

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading and some other questions for [10–23–73–001]. She is here tonight.”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit and the immortal body of the same, and therefore, we have the records of time. Therefore, we find within the same the knowledge she seeks.

She had entity before the stone mason. And we shall speak of this, for she came from the land of Atlantis unto Moah. And Moah she went forth unto the land Muton there to gather knowledge of the great builders. But within her mind lay that that all mankind could live in a peaceful land, that one nation could become a united nations, and no war [?]. And wherever she journeyed she spoke therefore unto these words, yet none heard her.

She went forth, therefore, unto the land of Egyptan and therefore was the young priest Ra-Tai. She spoke long unto Ra-Tai, and she said unto this one, “You have great knowledge for your age. Where then for did you gather such knowledge? I must venture forth unto this place.”

And then he said unto her, “Then go, and we shall go unto the pharaoh of the sun.”

And so they did venture forth. The temple was of none that you had seen before, for it was not made of stone, but a hard aluminum-casting type dome. Yet filled within this room was book knowledge that you would know of as computer knowledge. From room to room you ventured. You saw the solar system and all of its working parts. You went forth unto the high priest Re an Aquayos. His form was different that the Earth form. Yet you knew not how to approach him. Yet you saw the one known as Ra-Tai walk forth with a smile, and this tall one turned and smiled back. Ra-Tai explained your mission.

He explained back unto you that what you had seen there would soon depart into other galaxies, that if it did not do so, mankind would once again destroy the Earth, that the knowledge that was left would be buried in three places upon the Earth in what you would know as time capsules to surface at intervals, yet one part would mean nothing without the other. It would not be until all parts were brought forth would man truly know his ancestry.

You left and soon that that you thought as a temple rose from the earth and disappeared into the heaven. At first it hovered and then made departure across the heavens. All the Earth saw of this, and so they erected forth god-forms and called it Re or Arcan. Ra-Tai tried to explain to the Earth, yet they would believe him not.

He suggested that you should go unto the land of Ur and learn from these people, and so you did. He told you of a time when a great flood would soon arrive and most of the great continents would be destroyed.

You went therefore, and found for the first time in your life one who cared and you cared for. Your studying, your constant studying, this one would share with you, your constant searching. And you told of him this strange story. Yet you said unto yourself, “I shall remain here,” and so you did. And so the floods came, and so you entered into that of your afterlife.

We do not find this one again, yet learning in her afterlife, always searching, and you spoke of the words, “Where can I find of this one known as Re?”

And always the same answer came forth, “When the Eagle flies you shall find him.”

You could not understand of that which was spoken unto you. And so you did enter in the land of Yucatan. But your land, this land, at the age of 24 was invaded by those of the Black Robes. You had heard the stories of the one who had walked upon the Earth, this land, and had given teachings of many sorts. Yet the memory stayed, and your search continued. But yet, you were taken slave, and back unto this land of the Spaniards. There you died aboard the ship.

We find you again still searching, yet with the same manner. And so we find you then as the stone mason which we have spoken of. And now we shall tell unto thee that you carved, therefore, from the stone the form of three eagles.


You married, but yet you could not find love unto this one, only for a short while. You left of this one, adventuring back into the land of Egypt to marry once again. Only for a short time did the love stand.

And so you walked the path of learning. You learned from all the great scripture, yet it was not enough. And therefore, you ventured forth into this land known as England and sought the teachings of the stoneway, or what you would know at this time as the Wicca. Yet still, with all your knowledge, you found no love.

And so you ventured unto the Abbey of St. Francis, and therefore, you knelt in prayer, “Lord, why can I not love upon this Earth? Why can I not be satisfied? What am I seeking?”


But you said unto the Lord, “Why must I waste my time?”


And so you went forth, and for the first time the whole earth became alive and real unto you. It danced before your eyes and in your heart. And yet in that moment, you clung to life because it was so important, and that is when it was taken, for in truth you had learned the purpose of this life.

Now we bring you forth unto this time, unto this time, unto this plane, you have chosen. And once again you have the wanderlust. Now we should say unto you, we have shown you of your past. Now we shall show unto you that that should lay before you.

But first, we should say unto you these words. The Eagle is in flight. We are here but for one purpose, that is in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, that peace may come unto your Earth in your lifetime. But yet this is your choice.

The grass is green and beautiful all about you. The hills, the mountains, and the springs. Love lays but at your fingertips. We have brought you into a land of milk and honey where all of your wants and even your needs are taken in abundance, yet you see them not. We have brought you here that we may speak to you. We have spoken to you long ago in your before time, for we are those that were known as Re or Arcan, for we are Aka. Your search for our knowledge is but at your fingertips. All you must do is ask.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, she asks, ‘Am I going to marry in the near future?’”

Yes, but it will be of the second choice, not of the first. Take forth our words of knowledge that we have placed before you, and see the beauty we have lain at your footsteps. See the flowers that lay there, do not walk upon them; treat them gently, and they shall respond to your needs.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, she asks, ‘I would like to know if I will have good health for the remainder of my life?’”

We find within this soul a health problem. At the present time we should say unto her, come unto soul Ray for consultation.

You have other questions.

“She asks, ‘Am I being double-crossed by a close friend?’”

Serpents, as you would know them, lay close at hand. But those who look for serpents, they shall find serpents. For those who look for life shall find life, and life is more precious than all other things. Take bitterness from your heart and replace it with love. Fear not. Open the door that we may enter, and no harm can come unto thee.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“She asks, “Will I be a success in my present occupation?’”

Yes, unless once again the wanderlust leads you elsewhere.

You have other questions, ask.

“She asks, ‘How can I solve the pressures I have been having?’”

Come forth unto soul Ray for consultation. Bring forth these problems; seek out his advice. Come forth in truth, and truth shall be given.

You have other questions, ask.

“Her last questions is, ‘Will there be many changes in my occupation in the near future?’”

Yes, some shall come. But the greatest one shall come from within yourself. Study of these words we have given; the answer to all of your questions lay within the same. Overcome this that we have laid at your footsteps. Reach out. The flowers are there. Reach for more than a physical thing. Reach for a spiritual thing, and you shall find the true meaning of love, unto another.

And now we say unto you, we live within a house of tranquility. That we do not do damage unto soul Ray’s body upon entering, let his house be tranquil also, or we shall take steps to make it so. We have spoken before of this. We shall not speak again.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. No audio tape was available with which to check the accuracy of this transcript.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


October 27, 1973

Phoenix, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And now we should say unto thee unto these questions, unto these words — for we shall tell unto thee the parable of the tree.

For as man sought forth death, that he may learn again from life, he came forth unto the Seven Spirits of God, and he asked unto this question, “How should I know in the direction that I am going?”

And the Seven Spirits answered back unto he in this manner. “Go unto the forest and find the oldest of trees. Cut the tree down. Use all of the wood to build with. After you have finished this and wasted nothing, go forth to the tree trunk, and therefore, count the circles from the center out. You will find lean years there, and you shall find those engrossed with much spiritual development. You will find circles very close together and those that are wider apart. And so it shall be, from the heart of the tree to the bark of the tree, but yet all is part of one.

“The longer the tree should live, the more circles it should obtain, but its life span is not as important as in the manner into which it should grow. For if the wind should come when it is young and bow it to one side or the other, it shall straighten itself and reach upward unto its Father, who giveth life. And this shall be the manner unto which this death you have chosen shall be life everlasting.”

Some of you who hear our words shall wonder at the understanding. Therefore, we say unto you, study of our words, and you shall find the understanding within yourselves.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [10–27–73–001] who is here tonight asks, ‘Will we move to Minnesota and be engaged in agriculture? How soon in the future? And if not, what should I do about my career?’”

First, we should answer unto your question. Your move would be very unwise within the same, for as we have said before, the great Sword is upon you, the one that shall divide the lands. Where no water flowed water shall flow. Where nothing grew, gardens shall arise, but where first, forests stood, they shall stand no more.

The opposite side of the Sword shall be that that should cut away and make bare man’s soul, that others may see them as they really are, naked before God.

Therefore, within your career, continue that unto which you arc searching, and it shall be a righteous path, and fulfilling, both financially and spiritually within the same.

You have other questions, ask.

Yes, Aka, [10–27–73–002] who is here tonight asks a question for her friend, [10–27–73–003]. What is the significance on our own personal lives — ‘What significance on our own personal lives will the comet have, and will it affect each one differently? Also, how can this be related to the influences of the other planets?’”

We shall answer the question, for it shall be general information. But we shall not answer questions relating, for we are not allowed to interfere with the growth, the natural growth, of any soul.

Therefore, we should answer in this manner. The comet shall affect your Earth. For the ignorant, they shall think of it as the last sign of the Earth. For those who profess great knowledge shall think of it as just another passing within the heavens.

But unto each of you, the passing shall come forth in this manner — for as we have said before, we are here but for one purpose, that is in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah; therefore the sign that we have promised shall be seen by the whole Earth, to observe the might of our Father. It shall be the brightest star in the heavens.

Count, therefore, 11 days from the first day it can be seen with the naked eye, and there in the heavens above you shall be a sign for each of you — for as it has been said once before, “He did cometh with the morning star, and he did go back unto the same.” Therefore, in the hours before your dawn, it shall be the brightest.

But all of your earth shall know of our coming and that unto which we have come to do upon your earth.

But you ask of the effect upon the other planetary systems within the same, upon the galaxies and galaxies. Similar signs have been cast forth upon God’s domain, that all may see and know of the same.

You yourselves have seen unto each of you that which you would call of your UFOs. These have been sent forth from other planetary systems to observe the effect upon the Earth. Yet, they should look unto the effect upon themselves, for our Father has sent forth these words, “THE HALFTIMES ARE OVER. PREPARE THERE, EACH WITHIN YOURSELVES.”

But the promise that our Father left upon the Earth for a thousand years of peace, if man heeds our words, you shall have of such; your year shall be the year of 1999. But count not as you would count, but count each day as a thousand years.

If the messages that we have brought forth upon the Earth is not heeded, the other planetary systems shall go on without you, and the Earth shall go unto 3,000 years of darkness, and you shall dwell as you once did in caves before the coming of the Sons of God.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, there was an additional part to this question. ‘Do the comets carry souls between spheres? And what is the difference between the makeup of the comet compared to the makeup of the sun?’”

We shall answer in this manner. As the cosmic dust should gather forth unto the same unto the heavens, and therefore, given heavenly guidance, your comet, as you would speak of it, is brought forth first in the form much as a new world would be. But then it is cast from any orbit and sent forth in its direction.

The sun, as you would know of it, is not a planet, but a star. Some would say that this is a dying star. Look beyond, and you shall find that it is yet a living star, one who a planet shall be born from. Our words are contrary to your astronomical thoughts. Yet there are many truths.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [10–27–73–002] who is here tonight asks, ‘What is meant in the Bible, there will be people seen coming from the heavens and people from the earth; the earth shall run red with blood?’ She asks, ‘Is this an actual battle or a war for men’s minds?’”

We have placed, therefore, unto soul Ray’s mind the vision. We placed, therefore, the vision that as the fuse was lit and came from Europe and went into the land of Israel — and from the fuse entered many lands and many unto battle — and therefore, your world began to smolder — and all of those of the Jewish belief, therefore, should see before them coming from the heavens the first signs of the one you would know as Jesus Christ, yet he should come forth in a form that they would know, and they shall bow before him. Yet, your world should runneth red with blood, for there shall be in reality, in the valley of Armageddon [Megiddo], so shall the valley [battle] be fought on Heaven and Earth.

If the Eagle [U.S.A.] should fail to give the protection that is needed, then the Bear’s [Russia’s] claws shall tighten upon the Earth. But as the Eagle and the Bear should come, therefore, into clutches, one into the other, the Dragon [China] should come forth and bare forth its teeth. And the whole Earth should smolder, therefore, unto the same. And therefore, the Seventh Seal will have been opened.

Yet, your Earth shall not perish, nor shall man, for the Lord’s hand shall be placed upon the Earth, and the Earth shall change form. And the men with the spiritual development and the women with the spiritual development shall, therefore, come forth and rebuild your earth. And those from your other galaxies shall, therefore, find that the earth karma of war has ended, and therefore, join them in the rebuilding of this small speck of dust you call Earth. And a place that our Father may lay His head shall, therefore, come in reality.

These things that were written, these visions that we have implanted upon the Earth, this Seventh Seal does not have to be opened in this manner. The battle of Armageddon, as we have said, may be avoided, if the Eagle acts in a valid manner. If he shows weakness, then the Eagle’s feathers shall be plucked, and he shall fall from the Heavens. And the war of Armageddon shall be diverted unto the year of 1985.

Yet, all of these things that we have shown you can be avoided. But only you, as the people of the Earth, can change your paths. We are not allowed to interfere. We are not allowed to take from you the gift of God of free choice. Act, therefore, according to that hidden place of God within you.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [10–27–73–004] asks, ‘How can I quickly and completely resolve my problems concerning [10–27–73–005]?’”

Yes, we have before us — we shall answer your question in this manner. Should you walk away, your problem should be dissolved, and yet, you shall carry the karma.

But we should answer in this manner. Bring unto this soul and yourself unto private consultation unto soul Ray, and that that need be answered in private, you shall have a full answer to.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [9–15–73–001] asks, ‘Where can I find a door for a 1967 hardtop two-door Corvair, used, less than $40?’”

(Chuckle) Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Go, therefore, into the town thy would know as Coolidge, Arizona. Therefore, unto the local paper make advertisement of price and quality, and that of your need shall be fulfilled.

You have other questions, ask.

“[11–2–73–005] asks, ‘Am I doing what I should be doing with my life, vocational and personal life?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Your direction has been good. But we should answer further in this manner. As we have said before, we arc here but for one purpose. That in itself is for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

In the beginning of our coming, we did say unto these words — form, therefore, a group. Call of thyselves unto the Spiritual Philosophy of God. Form not unto thee a church, for the church of God should dwelleth in man. Take no man from his religion, but replace that which he has lost and send him back unto his churches. Bring forth, therefore, philosophy and knowledge.

And this we should say unto you. For the way to be prepared, it should take of many hands, hands that are willing to work, hands that are willing to carry a yoke of love unto other of mankind. We did not promise an easy way. We said only that we would provide for the needs of those who were willing to work — not the wants.

We also said that we would provide for the material things that were needed to carry on this work, but not the wants.

And, take from the philosophy that we have given; study it. Find, therefore, unto thyself that of wisdom or that of false. But seek and you shall receive. Open the door and we shall enter, for we shall provide the bread and the wine if you shall provide the yeast.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [9–7–73–004] asks, ‘When will I…make my final real estate sale?’”

We shall answer in this manner. Your question has been answered in consultation with soul Ray. Your first real estate sale should come within the month. But that unto the land that thy dwell, you have too many dealing in the same market. Take of your wares and bring them forth unto consultation, and soul Ray shall give you location, and therefore, your efforts shall not go unheeded. This should bring tranquility in two forms, that within your own personal life and bring improvement unto those around you of a spiritual nature also.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [4–2–73–006] asks, ‘What creative talents should I concentrate on to get more fulfillment out of my present life? Should I concentrate more on astrology or writing?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer your question in this manner. Writing should be your greater talent. Astrology shall be your hobby. Yet both shall bring forth monetary gain.

You have other questions, ask.

“[11–2–73–007] asks, ‘Will my daughter receive a settlement from her accident, or must she go to court? If court, what sort of settlement then?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. For all things shall be made for readiness, first for the court, but the settlement shall come forth, and therefore, come forth in fullness, not in part.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [10–2–73–001] asks, ‘Is my time coming within the next 30 days?’”

We see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. You have brought forth unto soul Ray unto consultation. He has told you to go forth and bear labor that should bring fruit unto your family. When you have bore the fruit for three months, and the yoke, and therefore, brought forth in fullness your responsibilities that God placed within your hands, then the Eagle [Eagle spirit] shall show you the way, and that which you seek shall be given.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [8–27–73–001] asks, ‘Aka, I have made available the remedies and cures you have suggested in various readings. How do I get the people who need these things notified that they are available?’”

First, we should answer in this manner. Those things we have brought forth unto you, patent of the same.

Second, therefore, as we have said before, a new form shall be laid before you, for new advertisement fields shall be reached. We have laid these and the knowledge within the same within that of soul Ray’s mind. Now is the time that he shall show you a way to harvest your crop.

Fear not, for the sign within the heavens unto which we showed you was reward for your faith, yet further reward is yet in the making. Continue with the faith, and that of the harvest shall be plentiful, yet the seeds shall not runneth out.

You have other questions, ask.

“I have no other questions, Aka.”

Yes, we see thy need, and then we shall answer in the mind of one. For that that thy have prayed upon, we looked upon you and gave healing unto the child. We have looked, therefore, upon the mother and gave healing. We shall also give healing unto that of the grandfather.

But for those who should ask in our Father’s name upon this night, healing shall be given unto all.

Hallowed be Thy name. Hallowed be Thy name of the Lord, our Father, God, unto all worlds.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Soul Ray now grows very weary. Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared again to the audio recording.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


October 30, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner.

For upon your Earth there has come forth unto thee many of what thy would call as healers, in many forms, each in their own way, a servant of mankind and a servant of God. There are many who would become teachers. There are many who should become students. But let no teacher think that he is not a student first and always, for these words we spoke to you in the beginning, “Ask and thy shall receive.” But bring forth honesty, and honesty shall be given in return. For those who should ask for healing, healing should be given, but only in proportions to their own faith.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have a request for a health reading for [10–30–73–001]. He is here tonight, and he asks what is causing his dizziness, headaches, and what can be done about it?”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we have before us the body, soul, spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. We find therefore in the seventh and eighth vertebrae, therefore, protrusion of the same, damage. We would suggest that either by osteopathic or chiropractic treatment these first be placed back in their proper proportion.


We find that which is known unto thee as sinus, or the sinus glandular. We find also within this one that which is known as Valley Fever. We would suggest, therefore, that 3,000 units of vitamin E be taken unto this unit, unto itself, daily. We would also suggest, an irritation due to the dryness is causing, therefore, inflammation within the same. We would suggest that sea water be brought forth, that it be brought unto a slow boil, and that of cloth be placed above and over the head allowing the subject to breathe in this substance. If this is impractical, we would suggest the taking, therefore, and adding to water that known as the Aloe Vera Juice or plant of the same, taking, therefore, of the dehydrated salt that has come from the sea, placing 10 teaspoons full of Aloe Vera to one quart of water and 10 teaspoons of salt into one quart of water. In this manner that which is known as a vaporizer could cleanse this area and cause healing into the same.


We further find that which you would call as an inner ear infection of the left ear.


We would suggest that the body in itself has become immune to the antibiotic into which it has taken unto itself. Therefore, we would suggest the use of the Aloe vera in liquid form, six tablespoons per day.

We further find within this subject — yes — that of hypoglycemia. The subject has that known as low blood sugar. We would suggest, therefore, that the use of orange juice be given in 8-ounce quantities three times daily unto the subject.

We would further suggest — yes — that more rest for this subject.

If the following that has been given is followed in its precise manner, the problems that have been set forth shall soon leave.

We would further suggest that a correction be made in the corrective vision lens that the subject now uses. This would greatly help. We find — yes — that of light vision problem in the retina of the eye. It would be suggested, therefore, that a slight tinting be placed in these lenses within the same.


We find, therefore, unto the thyroid of the same an imbalance. We would suggest, therefore, the use of that known as your safflower oil with the B6 be used in capsule form 30 minutes before eating, six capsules in total in daily use of the same.

We would further suggest — yes — the taking, therefore, of the sage tea that cleansing of the circulatory system could come about. This should be done by steeping the tea, not boiling it, sweetening, therefore, with local honey of the same.

We would further suggest that the subject eat less of sugar, but be allowed to eat in proportions of honey as needed into the body.

Yes — this is all on this subject at this time.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [10–30–73–002], who is here tonight, asks for a health reading regarding neck and shoulder tension problem, and he would like to know what is causing it and what can be done for it?”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. First, we should mention unto this subject that the tension and neck problem within the same is due from exactly that which is mentioned, over tension, that of too much, causing fatigue. We would suggest that the subject take, therefore, periodic periods of rest form. This should be done in the exercising form of that known as swimming. This would relieve and allow the spine within itself to go back within its proper proportions.

We find, therefore, a slight problem of that known as rheumatoid arthritis. We would suggest, therefore, that the mud substance that soul Ray has brought forth be used. We would suggest therefore that the white substance that Ray has brought forth be used, this white substance which should be massaged into the neckular area, and lower shoulder, lower back section or proportions of the spine. We find, therefore, that the subject, due to this slight deformity, therefore, of the left leg is shorter than the right. This could be corrected with orthopedic shoes quite simply, but before this is done we would suggest that the subject go unto either osteopathic or chiropractic doctor for correction of the lower back and spine and pelvic area unto the same.

We further find — yes, yes — scar tissue, slight damage, both lungs. We would suggest the taking of 2,000 units of vitamin E per day. We would further suggest — yes — the taking of a good natural vitamin-mineral substance be added unto the diet. We would further suggest that this subject eat three, at least three, meals per day. They should not be heavy meals, and if the desire is for more, then eat more often, but this should be done skipping no meals.

The subject in mind, we find, therefore, in the large tubular area of the stomach in the stomach lining therefore within the same what is known as a nervous stomach, slight lesions or ulcer form starting within the same. Unless the tension is brought down, unless that which is kept within is allowed to come out — more relaxation.

This is all on this subject at this time.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [10–30–73–003] asks for a health reading. She asks, ‘What is causing my digestive disturbances, and what can I do for it?’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit and the immortal body of the same.


We find therefore within this subject — yes — of that of lesion attachment unto the intestines. We find that of nervous stress in greater quantities. We find, therefore, within the same stress brought forth from not placing ideals into practice, great frustration from the same, lack of communication.


We find, therefore, an upper hydroaic lesion unto the diaphragm of the same. At the present time this is quite small and would not take surgery if properly cared for. We would suggest the taking of that substance known as Lydia E. Pinkham, three capsules per day, 30 minutes before eating — one capsule unit taken 30 minutes before eating, three in the course of one day. We would also suggest the taking, therefore, of the Safflower Oil with the B6. This should be taken two, 30 minutes before eating — six capsule units per day.

We would also suggest that a cleansing of the circulatory system be done by the use and taking of the sag tea unto the same.


We would further suggest that this subject within itself is that of a borderline diabetic. We would suggest the use of the substance known as Jerusalem artichoke, eaten in its raw form. If the substance cannot be obtained at the present time, take that of the Aloe Vera in four teaspoons per day, one 30 minutes before eating each meal, one before bedtime. We would further suggest the taking, therefore, of that substance known as Dolomite, combination compound of calcium and magnesium. We would suggest that these be taken in one compound, therefore, taking three capsules of the morning, and three before bedtime. If nervous tension should build, you may increase this to nine capsule units per day, but no more.


You have other questions, ask.

“I have no other questions.”

We, therefore, shall answer the question, and we shall answer in this manner. Bring, therefore, your house unto a home. Take, therefore, 30 minutes a day to count your blessings and your home shall become a whole. If this subject — we see within thy mind of private things thy would discuss. Bring them forth unto soul Ray for consultation, and he shall advise you in a just manner.

Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your Earth, and famine and pestilence shall be thy enemies. Prepare, therefore, in a just manner.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. No audio tape was available with which to check the accuracy of this transcript.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


November 2, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. So as the Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away. But as the Lord should taketh away, the Lord takes nothing that He does not giveth, therefore, tenfold.

For thy have prayed that moisture come upon your earth, and the Lord has not listened with deafened ears. Yet, there is a time for all things, and that your land should be better prepared for that that should come. For the land that thy stand upon is blessed land, for the children of God should walk upon it, and it has been made as such.

For we blanketed your earth with flowers, yet we have told you that now is the time of the changing of times, that the half-times are over, that the Fifth Angel should walk upon your earth, that a new comet within your sky shall be seen by a third of the Earth at a time and should [coveth] one third, and that famine and pestilence should reign. But for those who have kept sacred His words, fear not. For as the mark of the Beast has been implanted, those who have [sterned]away, even through the ridicule of other men, shall not be touched. [See The Revelation, chapters 7 and 13, 14:1–14, 20:4–6.]

We have told you of the storing of many things. We have placed before you each of these. We have also told you that the monetary value that should be needed shall be before you as the times are needed, that the needs shall be taken care of, not the wants. Therefore, in your preparation, prepare for the needs.

For seed was strewn upon the earth in heavy harvest, therefore, to lay dormant until the time it was needed to grow again, and so it shall be. For even though there shall be pestilence and famine, new seed shall rise from the earth and growth shall come forth, for our Father shall prepare a way for His children in this manner.

You shall find that nations shall fall, yet rise again from the dust. But those that shall rise shall be better nations because they have fallen. And new governments shall be born within governments, and so it shall be within your own. So fear not this trying time.

Thy have many, questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka.[10–19–73–003] asks for a health reading and about his future. He asks, ‘How should I prepare for my own particular circumstances?’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. We [shall] therefore, see the karma within the same. And we should give of thee the last first in this manner, that thy future should be marked by many wayward lanes, yet for every door you should not enter, there shall be a door beside it that you should enter. Therefore, use that unto which the Lord has given of thee, that of free choice, and the goals thy should desire shall come forth. And a way shall be provided.

We should place before thee the bread and the wine. Bring forth, therefore, the yeast unto the same, and feed the multitudes.

Of thy physical problem, we find, therefore, of minor substance, and therefore, we should say unto thee, give glory unto thy Lord, and healing shall come unto the body of the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [11–2–73–001] asks for a health reading….”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. We therefore see within the same that of rheuma — yes — a [rubella] rheumatoid arthritis. This has caused a dizziness and a thickening of the bone structure of the skull within the same; pressure, therefore, into the brainular areas; a restricting of the blood flow unto the brain as such. We would suggest, therefore, that the use — yes — taking of the substance known as S.S.S. This within itself is a tonic of herbs. We would further suggest the use of the substance known as Lydia E. Pinkham, three capsules per day. We would further suggest the taking of that, substances known as calcium and magnesium; it would be far better using this in the forms known as dolomite. We would also suggest the taking of six teaspoons of aloe vera juice per day.

We further find within this subject that of a poisoning of the liver form — yes — a problem, therefore — yes — within the kidneys of the same and bladder causing this subject, therefore, to have what is known as false urination, pressure, yet the dispensing not of the urine. We would further suggest, therefore, that the taking of the safflower oil in three capsules per day, adding within these capsules, therefore, of the B6 substance. We would further suggest the takings of 900 units of vitamin E per day.


We find within this subject, therefore, the problem of the vision. This could readily be corrected with the replacing of the lens within the spectacle form of the same.

We further find within the subject, into the 10th and 11th vertebrae — yes — this within itself should be corrected by either osteopathic or chiropractic treatment.

We would suggest that the subject, therefore, bring forth into the home that of filtering clean air. It would also be suggested that the subject use that in slumber of the negative-ion machine.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka.[ 11–2–73–002] asks for a health reading and for spiritual guidance. She wants more spiritual improvement..”

Yes, we see thy need, and first we should answer in this manner. Of the spiritual development within the same, come there forth and seek from within the group thy belong those who dwell near thee. This would greatly help in your development. We have provided the philosophy, yet there are many others.

We do not say unto thee, leave of thy churches. We do not say of thee, cast aside thy faith — only that thy should come in preparation, as we have come, for we have come for but one purpose, that in itself is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Bring forth this as intended, and thy cup should runneth over, for God dwells within all mankind. All thy must do is open the door that we may enter.

Yes, we see, therefore, of the health problem within the same. And we should answer in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. We find, therefore, within the same that of rheumatoid arthritis. We find, therefore, within the same that of a borderline diabetic. We find, therefore, within the same — yes — of an acne skin problem.

We would suggest therefore the taking of the substance known as aloe vera juice, taking, therefore, of the substance known as Lydia E. Pinkham, taking both, one teaspoon to one capsule, 30 minutes before eating.

We would suggest the filtering of thy air. This is causing within the same a bronchial condition. We would suggest, therefore, the changing of the drinking water, bringing, therefore, into a purer form.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [11–2–73–003] asks about her future.”

We should answer in this manner. Thy future shall change, and therefore, look unto the stars, unto the heaven, for that that thy have wished for shall come forth unto thee in a like manner. Yet there shall be a trying time within your life within a six-month period. Rise above these trivial things, and your future shall be that of your own choosing. Fear not these things that lie before thee.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Soul Ray now grows tired. Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared again with the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


November 6, 1973

Globe, Arizona

[Aka said, “The words we have spoken tonight are not for publication.”]

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka, where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And now we should tell thee as we have told thee before, now is the time of the Cherub. And the Fifth Angel walks upon your Earth, for now is the time of the famine. But it shall come slowly, for the rain upon your earth shall be sparse. Where no gardens grew gardens shall grow again. Where rivers once flowed they shall not flow again, but shall change their courses. The earth shall come in upheavals.

Man shall fight man. Turmoil and distrust shall come across the land. Neighbor shall fight neighbor. Mother shall fight daughter, and father shall fight son. Only those who should stand before their God and be counted shall be spared in such despair. Many shall attack you. Many shall cast you from their homes. But so it has been written and so it must be. Yet, we say unto you, this is a needless task that should never have been performed, had man listened unto their God.

A new sign is in your heaven. [Editor’s note: the comet, Kahoutek?] It shall pass, and with its passing, so shall the great Sword strike the Earth in many places. Wars, and rumors of wars, pestilence, disease, shall sweep your lands. Governments shall fall, and yet, some shall rise again from the [dust, past.]

As we have told you before, the Red Horse shall attack the Bear, and the Bear shall attack unto the Eagle. But the Eagle shall show its claws. And yet, the day shall come when they shall come forth united.

In the land of Israel, in the land of our Father’s servants, unto whom our Father made known Himself, there shall lay forth the struggle for the freedom of the Earth. And all the nations shall turn against her, and call her whore. Yet, hers is a holy battle of cause. And from her shall come forth this new Prophet.

If the Eagle does not now stand and coveth her with her wings, your land shall fall barren. And yet again, the war of Armageddon is close at hand.

We came forth in an effort that this day should not come upon your Earth. Yet, so it has been.

Your winter shall turn cold, and those who have not provided fuel for their needs shall be the first to fall. And disease shall fly across the lands, as on the tips of the eagle’s. Yet, man shall not perish from this earth, for yet before you lies the new heaven and the new earth, and the thousand years of peace that was promised unto you.

Look, therefore, unto this time. Do not act as crazed children. Do not scurry about, and make accusations which you know nothing about. Prepare, therefore, a way. In your manner and in your speech you can cause more chaos, if man becomes afraid. Therefore, prepare a way within yourselves and for those who should listen. Knock upon the door and give your blessings.

The Book with Wings lays dormant in your keeping. We have given forth tasks; yet, we did not give forth in such a manner that we did not give you time to accomplish this task.

We see thy need and we shall give healing unto those who desire the healing. For upon this day of days, we shall give healing upon the Earth. Yet the healing can only continue for those who wish it to.

Soul Ray has overtaxed his body, and we have overtaxed his mind. Therefore, your reading for this night shall end, that we should go no further in the damage.

The words we have spoken tonight are not for publication.

You should wish to see our sign. Then we say unto thee, look into the heavens, and it shall be before you this day.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[This transcript has been compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright 1973 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


November 9, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?

Soul Ray stands with God.

And now we should say unto thee unto these words. For within thy minds, thy have asked thyself of the preparation within thyself for the time of a passing. And we shall say unto thee into these words. When a man does not know where he has been, he cannot know where he is going, for if he has forgotten unto which he came from, he can carry none of these things unto the other side with him. Therefore, in the preparation within yourselves, each, within their own way, shall find their time of passing.

For those who know where they have been, it is but a stepping stone, and those are ready for more learning. And therefore, their climb up the ladder is an easy one.

But for those who do not know where they have been, they become earthbound. Their constant search to communicate on your plane is their strongest need. Yet, you must realize that should a person not know where they have been, this soul has no more knowledge than when he departed. If he was a liar and bragger upon the Earth, then he should be a liar and a bragger on the Earth plane, for all he can see is not the light of our Father; therefore, all that lays before him is the thought of re-entry. But yet, if he is not prepared with that knowledge, he cannot even seek out that, for he knows not how. He will relive that last moment of his life over and over again.

He is much like the farmer who had a bad crop; his dreams stop.

But the farmer who has had a bad crop and prepares, therefore, within himself for a new crop, he knows where he has been and the mistakes that he has made, and he has learned from them, and therefore, he should work and toil toward a better crop.

This should be true in all things upon your Earth. The parable that we have told you shall apply to the smallest thing upon your Earth. Within all mankind and all animal and plant life, the psychic, as you would know it, exists — intelligence into all belongs of all kinds, whether plant or animal.

But man is sometimes like the deer who is being hunted. He becomes too busy to take heed of his warnings, and therefore, the deer becomes food for man. This is true in all things, for many man has become the food for another man, for he did not learn from his own experience. Yet, should a man fail with his crop and learn from that unto which he failed — should a man build a dike in front of his farm and not maintain this dike, when the rains come, the land shall be swept clean, and yet, you call these things an act of God.

We say unto you, God has placed within you a part of himself, a mind to think with and free choice. He gave you all the tools of His kind to prepare for any catastrophe. But as we have said before, if a man goes into the desert without food or water and perishes, therefore, in the desert, would you blame God or blame a foolish man? Yet even then, your Father has looked down upon such souls and spared them, for their mission was yet to be completed. And yet, even though that that was given to them, they soon forgot and did the same thing. Within each of you God has laid many gifts. God has interceded, giving back to you that you would call life. He put upon your Earth those of the healers in many kinds. He placed upon the Earth those who could prophesy and see the future. He placed, within each of these, those with greater knowledge that they themselves possessed. And for those who are wise and shall listen, they shall hear. And for those who wish to see may see even though they are blinded, for the light is placed before all.

We have placed, as we promised, unto the heavens that that each of you shall share, each in your own way, yet each of you shall know of our presence. And we shall reach upon the Earth, a third of the Earth at a time, yet all of the Earth shall know of our presence. But yet, there will be some who cannot see, and they shall not look. There will be some who will say, “This is a natural phenomena.” And we say unto you, not one speck of dust upon your Earth could not be moved without our Father’s permission, for He who created all things, both upon Heaven and Earth, has placed, therefore, a promise, and He has not failed to give you, each of you, a sign in your own way.

Continue to look into the heavens, but also look upon the Earth in your day-to-day toil at the many miracles, as you would call them, that God performs for you every day. Place, therefore, within yourself once a day that small time of thanksgiving. Take out that moment within your day to give thanks unto the Lord for your many blessings. Count them before you start your day, and your faith shall grow and multiply.

But be not as the greedy one did so during the famine, who stored just to be storing. Store not from greed, but from need.

We have told you before to store as a group, in group form. We told you to give unto that of ten percent for the storing of the food, for those who could. For those who could not, let them give five. For those who cannot, let them give that unto which they can. If they can give labor, let them give labor. Let each give in his own way. But store in a manner that you may feed all. And fear not, for we shall replenish your storehouses, for the loaves of bread shall not run out.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [11–9–73–001] asked for our prayers for him. We would like to ask blessings for him.”

We see thy need, and we shall give unto this one and unto his family the blessings that our Lord has allowed us to give unto him. But we shall give it in his own way that should fit his need, unto each of his family’s needs. Glory be the name of the Lord, our God.

But we say unto thee, do thy not see thy Lord weeping? For He loves His children so. For your anguish is His anguish. Therefore, have faith; have the faith of a mustard seed. We shall provide that which is needed, but yet we are nothing. We are but the messengers of God. We are but the instruments of God. But remember, the Lord takes nothing that He does not replace, for those who should have faith.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [11–9–73–002], and she asks, ‘Could you please give healing and cure for my father of multiple sclerosis? In the name of our Lord, Jesus, I pray.’”

We shall answer you in this manner. We are not allowed to interfere with the free choice of another soul. For is it not written, “Ask and thy shall receive?” And for he who should ask in his own words, that that he should ask for shall be given.

You have other questions, ask.

“I have a request for a health reading from [11–9–73–003]. She asks for a reading to try to find why her back pains constantly between thoracic vertebrae four and five.”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. One moment.

Yes, now, yes — now we find this soul, and therefore, we have the body before us.

First we should answer your question in this manner. This comes from a virus, arthritic condition. This type of arthritis eats away at the bone tissue in itself, allowing the chemical balance to deteriorate. We would suggest that this soul come forth unto soul Ray that help might be given unto the same.

We would suggest that as soon as possible that soul Ray obtain that of the negative ion to be used in such cases as these.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [11–9–73–004] asks a number of questions. The first one, ‘We do plan to move from this locality if [C____] can find suitable employment in another city. Can you tell us if that would be possible as well as profitable, also, when?’ She says, ‘By profitable, I don’t mean materially, except for being a livable salary. I mean whether the same location would be good for us spiritually and job satisfaction?’”

Yes, we see thy need; we shall answer in this manner. Satisfaction must come from inside. That which you seek, you shall find, but only in this manner. If you should seek those who are reaching for spiritual enlightenment, you shall find it where you are. But within itself, that same spiritual enlightenment must come from within the person. By the changing, and going from town to town shall solve nothing, for you shall take yourselves with you. It is that within yourselves that the satisfaction must be found.

You asked, shall you move? Yes, we see this. This shall come shortly after the first of the year, your calendar year. But that which you seek lies at your feet, for they are flowers. All you must do is see them and place dreams within them, and place wings upon the dreams and let them fly into reality. But even the best of ships can flounder if a captain is not at the helm.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. She asks this; she says, ‘Please, don’t think I intend any disrespect, but it is important to me to know whether Mr. Elkins, as well as Aka, believes Jesus is the son of God’”.

We shall answer your question in this manner, that soul Ray’s beliefs are that of God, and that that of the man known Jesus was therefore of Adam, and therefore, His first-begotten son.

But we shall say unto you into this manner. There have been many who have reached the Christ state, for there have been many sent to all of mankind from our Father. For did not the sons of God find the daughters if men fair, and therefore, enter?

But we say unto you, prepare therefore for his second coming — and much as his own apostles did so, for upon his resurrection, they knew him not — for Thomas he had to produce wounds that he should believe. Shall you be the same? Or shall you be ready for his coming? For there has been a thousand years of peace promised upon your Earth, a new Heaven and a new Earth. Prepare [so], therefore, within the same. Start that preparation within yourself.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, she asks for help regarding her sinus condition which has been worse since moving to Fayetteville, North Carolina. She says, ‘Can you tell me whether the move to a drier climate would be helpful? Is there any medication I can use?’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. One moment.

Yes, yes. Yes.

The soul has been located.

First, we should answer in this manner, yes, the moving into a drier climate would be very helpful, but that of pollution, into a polluted land, should not improve the situation. Therefore, we should say unto you unto these words.Obtain, therefore, for the present time that of the negative-ion machine. Obtain, therefore, that of filtering of your air. Obtain, therefore, that of clean, pure drinking water. Taking therefore of the sage leaf, preparing a tea from the same by seeping this; sweeten lightly with natural honey. Taking therefore of salt that has been dehydrated from the ocean, placing 10 teaspoons to one quart of water, therefore creating a vaporizer by bringing this water to a boil and placing a towel above thy head, doing this three times daily, that these area shall not only be drained, but healing shall come from the salt of the same.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, she asks, ‘Why do I not have the necessary will power to lose my excess weight?’”

That comes from the same question you asked in the beginning, the lack of faith within yourself, and therefore, you should question the faith of another. Learn, therefore, to respect yourself in the body that God has given you, for remember, the body is the temple of God. Pollute it not.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. She asks, ‘Is my narcolepsy a karmic condition, If so, please explain. Is there any effective treatment or medication available other than Ritalin?’”

(Sigh.) You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Would you like me to move to a different person or continue with this one?”


“This last year has proved to be a great step forward for my family and me. We feel after having read some of the Edgar Cayce material that it has also left us somewhat confused as to what is really Jesus’ church on Earth; that is, is there one church as we have been taught? What forms of public, also private, worship are pleasing to God?”

God placed no rules for the worship. He only asked unto you to love unto Him one-tenth of the love that He has given unto His children. He asks that you love unto mankind one-tenth of the love you would like to receive unto yourself.

There have been many prophets placed upon the earth, each to serve man in a different way. As there are many paths unto our Father’s kingdom, so should there be many ways to worship. Learn to respect that of another. Take that form of worship that you can believe.

But we say unto you, should your Father listen unto you, speak unto God as you would speak unto yourself. Take no rituals that have been made up by another man, for they fit his needs, not yours. But respect his right to believe as he will. You will have taken one step closer to God in that manner, for our Father has many mansions.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, she asks, ‘What can I personally do to best serve Him?’”

We have just answered that question.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, she asks for health information on her 18-year-old son, [11–9–73–005].She is concerned, among other things — one moment, here. She says, ‘He has always been and still is when at home a bed wetter. What, if anything, can be done to correct this?’”

First, we should answer this question in this manner. As we have said before, we cannot violate this one’s free will. If he himself should desire an answer, let him ask, and he shall receive the same.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a health reading from [11–9–73–006]. She says, ‘Please help me find a way to improve use of my hands, arms, walk better and talk better.’”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore — one moment.


Yes, we see we have overtaxed soul Ray’s body, and therefore, this question should be brought forth in your next reading form.

We should say unto thee unto these words. God loveth His children in many ways. For He should leadeth His children, if they should listen, each down their own separate paths.

Now is not the time for separate paths. Come unto one in your food storage. Be as one. Pool your knowledge. Pool your resources. Bring them together. Do unto these things and we shall see of thy needs.

Each of you have seen that unto which God has allowed within us to do. Each of you we have given healing. Each of you we have given life and purpose. Bring these together, for in truth be as brother and sister. Give knowledge unto one another.

We have placed into your keeping this one we call a prophet, who prefers to be called an instrument. We have placed knowledge for your use. Open your eyes and your ears. Your separate paths will only bring you chaos. Bring this house into one house, not divided in any way, and the blessings of God shall not be denied.

Each of you have duties to perform. Allow us to perform our duty, our function.

We can force you to do nothing. We can only ask. Study our words well. You shall find we have come not for our needs, but for yours.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy. ]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona

November 11, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And now we should say unto thee unto these words.

As the Seven Spirits of God were sent forth to create your earth and your heaven, so they placed upon the earth the four seasons, two which would be longer than the others. Your winter season is a time that the land should sleep, yet it still bears fruit unto mankind in its slumber. Yet then cometh the spring, and the spring is a time for planting and planning. And then your summer cometh forth, and the growth begins upon the earth, that to replenish all of its kind.

And so it has been.

Yet then comes forth the autumn, and the autumn is the time for storing, to store that unto which you have harvested and planted and planned. And yet, winter comes again.

And so be the works of the Lord to replenish each within its own kind.

Yet we say these words unto you. Why should you believe us who should speak of heaven, when you cannot believe the words we speak of earth?

Upon our coming, we spoke unto you these words, “Ask and thy shall receive.” For our Lord is the God of the living, not of the dead. He planteth seed upon your earth, the seed of man, and the seed of animal, the seed of plant, the seed of soil to plant within. And ferment came unto the earth.

But we say unto you, man has chosen his own karmic action. And for those who should fail to overcome these karmas upon this earth plane, your own laws of karmic action shall be the prevailing wind that shall carry you into another lifetime.

Yet life is precious. And each thing upon the earth placed therefore by the Lord is precious. And the temple of God should dwell within man.

You call these things nature. We see them as the hands of God delicately molding beauty before you all and harmony within all.

Yet before famine, good years are provided that storing may come from the harvest.

This should be true within your own lives. Store each moment as though it would be your last forever. Store it in such a way, and be prepared at every moment, that should the Master of the land return and reclaim what is rightly His, you should be willing to give it up. Yet you should know of Him….

[Editor’s note: The published reading ends here. No audio recording was made available with which to check accuracy or complete this transcript. The remainder was probably a private reading, one in which questions were answered for one individual, rather than a reading held publicly. That may be why only this portion was published in the newsletter, because it was of general interest.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


November 16, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And now we should say unto thee unto these words.

For as the Lord, our God had placed upon the Earth all things, that they should begot within themselves, and bring forth new life upon the Earth — and as the Seven Spirits of God stood forth upon the Earth, each thought long and hard of a message that they might send unto the Earth, that man could see of hope. Each thought of the great mountains and the ocean and the heavens. Yet still, all of these were of the works of God. Yet they wanted to place upon the Earth a reminder of His presence.

And so, one by one, they ventured forth unto the Lord.


And so it has been.

For love, this word you use so often, yet know not the meaning of, we say to you, look within that hidden place within your mind where the light glows brightly. Yet there is a quiet place there, as though standing by a hidden brook of knowledge. Look deep within, and there within yourself you shall find the ending of the rainbow, for there within yourself shall be the temple of God.

Forget not these words. Cast your eyes into the heavens from which we have come, for we are of many galaxies, of many universes; yet, our God is the same. And His love is the same.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Is the carbon tetrachloride, called Weevil Kill, safe for our grain storage when used as directed?”

Yes, this is safe for grain storage. But we should say unto these words. Use that within what is known as a cold pack. This is simpler than most methods and safer.

You have other questions, ask.

“Do you mean the dry ice, Aka?”

Nay. Take that form of the goods, heating the containers of the same in hot water. When they are thoroughly hot this would force the air form and bacteria form from the inside. Therefore, by placing the cap upon the same, it should cause of a vacuum. This is a simple form which cannot do damage unto that which you should package.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a request for a health reading, Aka, for [11–16–73–001]. She asks, she says she is worried about her 65-percent hearing loss, since her husband has not worked for more than one and one-half years and probably will not again; her hearing loss is becoming a real problem. She also has arthritis in both feet and ankles which is very painful. She also asks about her husband.”

First, we should answer first unto these questions — in this manner. We may only give information unto those who should ask, for they are the ones who should receive.

For the arthritic condition, first we should answer in this manner. Take, therefore, of the white and black clay forms that soul Ray has brought forth, applying them in the prescribed manner. Take, therefore, of the Aloe Vera Juice, taking therefore eight tablespoons per cay. Take therefore of the Night-blooming Cereus. This can be preserved in this form by taking that of hydraulic pressed juice forms and dejuicing the substance of the same, and cold packing as prescribed before, then therefore of taking three tablespoons of the juice form per day. We would also suggest the taking therefore of the calcium-magnesium in the form, therefore, of Dolomite. We would further suggest the taking, therefore, of the chaparral in the form of eight tablets per day.


We would further suggest the taking, therefore, of the Lipoflavinoid vitamin substance. We suggest this because of hardening of the arteries leading therefore from the heart into the brainal area. We would further suggest that the use of the drug known as Ardelin [Arliden] and Antivert be used. This must be acquired from that of a physician.

Yes, we see this.

This should be used therefore — yes — of the Ardelin [Arliden] 10-milligram units per day, of the Antivert, units in one 10-milligram unit per day, of the Ardelin [Arliden], twice daily.

Yes, we see this.

We further find — yes — in the pituitary gland imbalance. Yes — you must realize that through this gland you have that that should secrete into the pineal gland, therefore, which should regulate the chemical form or forms of the body, causing cell growth or delayed growth, or growth therefore out of proportion, and affecting each cell as a separate and total individual substance of the same.

We would suggest, therefore, the seeking out, if possible, of that of either bio-feedback therapy or that of hypnotic therapy to be used upon this subject in above prescribed manner — that the subject in manner be regressed therefore back into such an age as before that that she has had, the present condition. In this manner, the body and the antibodies therefore to attack unto the virus of the rheumatoid substance would come about much quicker, and recovery of the same.

Yes, we see this.

We find therefore infection, therefore, of the liver area, and kidney, bladder, and therefore, secretion from that of the vagina of the self and the uterus. We would suggest therefore unto this subject the using, first, of the large quantities of that of the cranberry juice, drinking as often as thy can; the drinking therefore of clean drinking water; placing in the diet that of 2,000 units of vitamin E per day.


We would further suggest the cleansing of thy air form within thy home. This would greatly help into this area. We would further suggest that you use that in vagina area for the cleaning of the same, using proportions of one quart of your measure to one pint of your measure of vinegar, apple vinegar, into that of the same, adding therefore 10 tablespoons of Aloe Vera into the same. This should be used as a washing form regularly.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [7–6–73–002] asks for a health reading….And she asks, ‘Will I have children, if so how many? Will I graduate from school into my chosen profession this year?’ She has not been specific on her request for a health reading.”

Yes, we have before us, therefore, the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. You asked, will you go unto your chosen profession, and we shall answer into this manner. You will receive that of the doctrine [doctorate] necessary to enter the profession, yet marriage shall interfere in this manner. You shall have three children, two of which shall be girls and one of which shall be a boy.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, she had asked also for anything in regards to her past lives.”

We would suggest that this question be brought forth at a different time.

“I have a request for a health reading for [11–16–72–03–002]. He asks, ‘What do you recommend for my heart condition, and what do you recommend for phlebitis and poor circulation?’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. One moment, please.

Yes, we see this. Yes.

Of the heart condition, first we should answer into this manner. Of the [severe (sinus, sinistra, semilunar?)] valve, we find blockage within the same. This is caused from long overweight. This has caused of the building up of fatty tissue, therefore malfunction of the valve within the same.

Of the circulatory system and improvement of the same, we would suggest in this manner — first, of the taking that of the safflower oil in four capsule units before eating, 30 minutes before eating; this should be added with the B6 compound which should lie in the capsule unit within the same. We would suggest the taking of 2,000 units of vitamin E, added therefore with 1,000 units of vitamin C. We would further suggest the taking, therefore, within the same of mineral oil, the drinking of one ounce per day before eating.

We would further suggest that that of the sauna baths be sought out and used, first in a graduating manner, no more than five minutes a day in the beginning, and building up into a 30- minute unit. This within itself would answer all three of the questions within the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [11–16–73–003] asks for a health reading, specifically, can anything be done for her spinal condition?”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit and the immortal body of the same. Yes, we see thy need — one moment.


Therefore, we have before us the body.

Yes, we see of this.

We would suggest, therefore, that either the seeking out of an osteopathic or chiropractic doctor, that if adjustments of, in an upward proportion of the eight and ninth vertebrae are made, in the correct manner, the opening therefore of the pelvic area, allowing therefore the spine therefore room to go back in its proper proportion, this would greatly relieve the curvature of the spine.

There is permanent damage there unto the nerve center, that into known as brainstem area. This within itself will cause problems and difficulties at different periods of this one’s life span. Corrective surgery could be done. If — yes, we see this — if the surgery was done in the above subscribed manner, and that is what is called the searing of the [ceverian] nerve, if this was done in the lower proportion of the left leg area of the spinal unit, this would [alleviate] this problem. But you must realize that as this is done, your warning signals unto this proportion of the body shall no longer be fed back into the brain, and damage could be done to you in other manners. We would suggest, therefore, that you might venture forth for therefore unto soul Ray and let him give forth healing unto the same.

Soul Ray now grows tired, and our time is short, so we should leave with you unto these words.

As we have said before, a sign shall appear in the heavens for all to see. The sign has not entered; the time is yet but now. It shall grow stronger. Look, therefore, into your month, of the 16th day of December, and then look therefore unto the 25th day of your month of December.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your Earth. New earthquakes shall erupt in the Mexico area. The land should prepare within itself for tornado and hurricane-type storms unto your eastern seaboard and that of the western, of your Pacific. It should bring storms therefore upward into your land. New storms shall develop into your northern Pacific bringing storms, therefore, unto this land. Prepare, therefore, within the same.

There are those here tonight who have asked for healing for loved ones. We have seen of their need, and therefore, healing shall be given in the manner unto which it was asked. Glory be the name of the Lord.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editors note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins


November 18, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For within all species, both of man and beast, and fowl and fish, each in their own way should seek out a place unto which they should fit in the order of the world. Yet we should tell unto thee the parable of the dolphin.

For as the dolphin was born, its mother and father and kin all gathered around the mother and to give forth protection from all other beings, so its path into the world was gentle. The mother was loving, and cared greatly for the dolphin. But as the dolphin began to grow, it could not understand that there were unfriendly beasts in the water. It looked toward the huge whale, yet the whale paid it little attention. It would send its friendly call from being to being, yet none looked its way. Quite often it would stray far from its parents, yet not finding beings that would look upon it in a friendly manner.

But one day it came across a huge man-made craft. And as it swam around the craft, many gathered upon its side to watch it. And a young girl fell from its side. At first the dolphin thought the girl would like to play, but soon it found it could not swim. So the dolphin lifted the girl gently upon its back.

Yet many aboard had not seen such an animal as this. At first they though it a shark or some being that was trying to engulf the girl. But yet, one of the older sailors aboard the ship looked down and said unto the other, “Fear not, for this is a friend of man.”

And so the old sailor climbed down the rope ladder, and the dolphin brought forth the young girl.

From that day forward the dolphin saw a purpose within the world and the order of things. It guided ships, it saved sailors and many human beings.

And then one day it wed into one of its own. Yet, still the answer lingered in the dolphin’s mind. “These strange beings that we feel kinship to, why should this be so?”


And so sayeth the words of the Lord.

And so it is upon the Earth, for this one who seeks our knowledge, who has come with an open heart, we shall give that which he seeks.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [11–18–73–001] who is here tonight has asked a number of questions. He has asked firstly for a health reading regarding a cure for allergies, specifically sinus. Also he has a perceptive block in his mental coordination, and he would like to know how to regain and continue to grow, or what can he do to clarify his thought perception?”

Yes, we see thy need, and first we should answer that of a physical nature.

First, we should answer in this manner. Of the allergies within the same, at first as they should attack unto the human body, they are nothing more that irritations into the membranes. But soon the body consumes into the bloodstream, and this becomes unto the same a virus. Your mankind, as it is today, has not sought forth this knowledge. We would suggest that the use of the negative ion be used, the negative ion machine, using that, therefore, within the same of a filtering system placed before it.

We would suggest, therefore, that thy should go unto this one known as T_____ O___, for there are many types of these within the same. We have placed the knowledge therefore, that [that] in the machinery that is needed could be built, and so it is being done. The wrong type of negative ion machine would emit deadly ozones. These would kill germs, but would also destroy cells within the human body.

If this is used in a proper manner during your slumbering hours, it would allow the pollution of the positive ion which has entered the body, and therefore, formed a virus or mutate, to reverse itself. This within itself would take a matter of time. It will not come about immediately, but very slowly. Day to day, you shall notice changes within yourself.

You will also notice a great change in that of the mind. The destroyed matter within the mind will become whole again, and the problem that you now have before you shall slowly disintegrate.

We know that the answer we have given you is a simple answer.

We would further suggest that this subject take, therefore, of the sage tea, Do not boil this, but bring it forth — yes — bring this forth by steeping the same, sweetening this with natural honey, honey that is brought forth from your own locale.

We would further suggest, for immediate relief, taking that of the sea, or that salt that has been brought from the sea, placing it into water, and therefore, bringing the same to a slight simmer, placing a towel over the head and breathing of this. This should be done in one-sixth part — one- sixteenth part of salt to one quart of water. This should give the subject immediate results; it should relieve the pressure unto the brainular area, relieving, therefore, and allowing the salt substance to dry out the sinus cavities and cause healing into the same.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. He asks for the causes for mental and physical grief and instability of last year and asks how this fits in with spiritual development, and how can he gain calm and vital energy?”

First, we should answer in this manner. Once the physical problem has been taken from this subject, the mental and spiritual growth shall begin within the same.

You speak of your problems of last year, yet we shall say unto you, look back unto where you have been. This within itself shall fit within the parable of the porpoise. Study this well, for upon this Earth each soul seeks out its own karmic action. But should you go before and lay yourself before a butcher, and a butcher shall take you and butcher you. Should you lay yourself into the flowers, then harmony shall grow with the same. But should you say unto yourself, “I shall take only the flowers of the earth,” then a disharmony should grow. That that thy seek out, thy find in this Earth form, for this is a learning time. If it is a time that you would experiment with and learn and place into practice that that you have known before, for remember, you are all parts of that that you have been before.

Taking these things into consideration, that that you give shall be returned to you in kind, in all manners, for is it not written that, “he who should slay with the sword shall be slain with the sword.”

But there is a time for the picking up of a sword to defend thyself. This is not against God’s commandments. It is said, “Thy shall not kill.” But it is also said, stand firm upon thy beliefs unless proven wrong. Protect of thy kind, but do so in a just and righteous manner, killing not for the sake of killing, but killing knowing you detest that which you have to do. Yet do nothing unto one another that you would not, placed in the same situation, wish to be done back unto yourself. For remember, the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Yet the Lord taketh nothing He does not replace tenfold.

We have come but for one purpose. Our purpose is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.


And so we say unto you, we place forth from this day forward the wine and the bread, that you supply of the yeast. Open the door that we may enter, and the growth thy ask for shall be placed within thy grasping hands. But do not grasp it. Let it flow within you as a free, beautiful thing, as a rose without thorns, and all beauty shall come forth in full blossom.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, he asks, ‘Where can I find a good job around Phoenix or Tuscan?’”

We would suggest that within the Phoenix area that the subject might apply, therefore, within this corporation known as the Motorola Company. If thy can grow tolerant with thy mankind, then that that thy should seek out should be placed before you.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, he asks for news on his service discharge.”

We see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. The seed has been planted, but cast not that from yourself that thy should need. Place, therefore, in such a manner that it should serve you and you should serve it in a like manner. We would suggest that that of a disability be suggest out from your Veteran’s Administration.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, he asks, ‘How can my brother help himself?’”

In the same manner that you can help yourself. Prepare within yourself that when the day the Master comes to claim which is rightly His, that you will be willing to give it up. [But] prepare within yourself in such a manner that He should look upon you and return it. We have given you knowledge. As you are your brother’s keeper. Give forth the knowledge unto you brother in the same manner. [See Matthew 20:1–16 and 22:1–14.]

You have other questions, ask.

“I have one final question. He asks, ‘How can [11–18–73–002] help her allergies?’”

We usually will not give out information upon another soul, but since the concern is real, we would suggest that the prescription in the prescribed manner that we have given forth be given unto the one you have spoken about.

And now we should say and go farther, should thy need of consultation, come forth unto soul Ray. Bring forth that that is needed, and it shall be provided for in a like manner.

Now is the time of the Cherub. The Dragon rests but a short period of time. We say unto you, the children of the Dragon are the children of God also, but they are a greedy lot. Beware.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. No audio tape recording was made available with which to check the accuracy of this transcript, perhaps because this was a private reading recorded on the tape with other private readings. Some private readings, such as this, which also contain guidance of general interest were transcribed and published in the newsletter of the Association of Universal Philosophy, “Rays of Philosophy.”]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


November 23, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For those who have ears, let them listen; for those who are deaf, let them listen. For those who are blind, let them listen. Yet for those who have sight, let them see.

For upon your land, as we have said before, marches onward unto the Fifth Angel.

We have told unto thee of the coming of the famine, and yet your nation, your world did nothing. We also told you that this need not be.

Yet we should tell unto you the parable of the tree, the woodsman and the young boy.

For as the woodsman and the young boy went into the forest and cut, therefore, a huge tree, and the woodsman was busy cutting away the branches and leaves of the tree, the young boy called unto him and said unto him these words, “Sir, what does all the circles in the trunk of the tree mean?”

And the woodsman answered back, and he said unto them, “If the circles are thin, those are dry and hard years for the tree in its growth. If they are fat, then those were plentiful years for the tree. Yet each circle should constitute a lifetime of the tree within the same, for all should come from the heart of the tree.”

The lad looked long at the circles. He said, “Yes, but sir, there are circles that lead back into one part of another circle.”

The woodsman stopped his work and ventured forward, and therefore, looked unto the trunk of the tree as the lad would. And he shook his head and could not understand this. And he told unto the lad, “I do not understand this, but maybe God would. Let us give prayer unto God that He should answer our question.”

And as they bent their head in prayer a stranger approached, and as both the boy and the woodsman looked up they were surprised. The stranger walked forward and laid his hand unto the tree trunk and he said, “Look, therefore, unto the heart of the tree. In the beginning, it was pure and clean. Yet you see, therefore, of the days of famine for the tree; yet it grew and grew in knowledge. Yet there were days when it received plenty of nourishment, and those are the wider circles. Yet you see, even the wider circle comes back unto one of the thinner circles.

“And I say unto you into these words, for the tree had its own karma and learned not from it. A stone was cast there by a thoughtless person, and the tree, knowing not how to rid itself of it, the circles led back into the same place. But yet, you see beyond this, and the circles once again become even and whole, for the tree, like man, took many lifetimes to learn to cast out its karma, its problem.”

And we say unto you that even though the back of the tree has been blemished, if that which is inside of the tree in the beginning stands forth unto all stones that are cast upon it, the bark shall return and the tree shall grow forth. And this is much as the same as a man, for the body of man is the temple of God. Man may cast stones and harm the bark, but it cannot destroy that which is truthfully inside. That is the soul and the spirit which is enhoused within the body, the temple of God.

Yet we say unto you, destroy this temple, and if that which came from the inside was pure, it shall restore itself in three days.

Before you stands that which you would say is the birth of the one known as Jesus Christ.

He said unto you unto these words, “I come of this time, not to bring peace upon the earth, but to show you the fulfillment of the prophecies yet to come.” And so he did. And he showed unto you the resurrection of the body in three day, yet you knew him not.

And yet we come but for one purpose, to prepare the way for his coming, the coming of the Messiah. And yet his name should not be Jesus, or Mohammed, or Buddha; for the name shall come from our Father, and the spirit shall come from our Father.

Yet before you lies this land of Israel. And our Father promised that they should return unto their land. And our Father promised that the Lamb that you had slain should come forth.

But He has also said unto you, beware of the anti-Christ which come upon your earth, for it shall be a beast, and even though its head shall be cut away, a new head shall come forth from it, for she is a foul thing, this nation of Babylon. We have told unto you that that of your Book of Revelations should now have its second fulfillment, for you shall be as those of the modern Romans. Yet we have told unto you that the children of God may be changed as though the picking up of a stone. But this must come from within. Yet all parts, as the tree has done, must repair itself, and prepare itself in a like manner. We have said unto thee, if thy eye offend thee, cast it aside. The tree did not kill itself by casting aside the stone. It repaired that within itself and went on with life. Do so within yourselves.

You have that of, in your mind, of your marriage ceremony, and we shall answer into these words. The answer unto this should be left to the discretion of the one known as soul Ray, as we have given forth that unto you for spiritual guidance.

But we say unto you unto these words, that should that of a minister be apart and no communications be allowed, then the minister must act upon his heart and soul and that unto which he knows is right before God. Yet unity must prevail. This is why we have placed soul Ray before you who have been placed as ministers. And as long as your organization shall exist, one such as he shall reign in this position. Should he be wrong in his decision, our Father shall let it be known unto him in a just manner. Should you be wrong in your decision, He should let you know in a just manner.

Of that of the burial ceremony, in extreme conditions, the whole ceremony also may be done at one time. And of that of the burial, and baptism, and marriage may all be done at one time, for you shall find those who should ask for, at their last moments of life, for baptism. Ask not their faith; give forth that that has been placed before you to give.

We should answer unto another who is present unto these words. Because of the long fatigue of soul Ray’s body we shall not go unto lengthy description of the abdominal parts of your body. Instead we shall implant the knowledge that is needed into soul Ray’s mind. Come forth, therefore, into consultation, that he may examine you and answer your questions. We shall be there to assist.

Soul Ray now grows weary. Our time has come for departure.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


November 27, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka, where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord. For we shall tell thee the parable, for soon before thee thy should celebrate this day of the birth of the one known as Jesus.

For as much preparation was made upon heaven and earth for his deliverance unto the land of Israel, yet the people lived under a foreign power. Yet they were allowed their own beliefs, but only in such a manner that they gave glory unto the Roman empire. Therefore, they were not a free people. Yet they held dear to them their belief in God.

And yet, he did come upon the earth. And they grew hopeful that he would deliver them. Yet the kingdom he spoke of was not the kingdom of earth, but the kingdom that lie within each and every one of them. He built no temples upon the earth. He rode but an ass, or walked the dusty roads of Israel. He asked no tribute unto him.

And the day came forth when he entered the city of Jerusalem and was led, therefore, unto the temple. All expected him to walk forth and proclaim himself as the king; yet he did not. For he turned his head, saddened at the sight that he had seen, for there before him lay the barterers, the traders, those who would enrich themselves from their own belief in their God.

Now we say unto you, our Father asks not the blood of the Lamb. He asks no temples be built. For in reality, all He asked was the Ark, that He may house Himself, and therefore, give voice unto those who would believe within Him.

And this nation of yours that you take for granted, our Father looked upon and gave birth into this nation, that it should be a nation under God and before God. You have built many false temples. You have worshiped idols. All of these things our Father has told unto you not to do.

Yet we shall tell unto you the parable of the young artist who stood in the town known as Florence, Italy.

He was a great craftsman, and skill lay within his hands. Yet he knew within himself that permission must be given before he should erect any image of God. And yet, he was called forth to make, paint the murals upon the great temple ceiling. Yet he went forth unto the mountains and saw thereforth, and sought out his God in reality.

And God looked upon this one He had placed so much talent in and gave His permission. But He said unto you, this one, “YOU SHALL PAINT AS THERE WAS A BEGINNING. BUT PAINT, THEREFORE, NO ENDING. ONLY PAINT, THEREFORE, THE LOVE, NOT THE VENGEANCE THAT HAS LAID BETWEEN THE PEOPLE AND MYSELF.”

We say unto you unto these words. Be watchful, as the keeper of the land, for the Master shall return unto it one day.

But remember long in your minds the blood that should drip from the crown of thorns. And should one drop fall upon you, you shall know within yourself the true meaning of love.

Fear not, for those who should struggle in the name of the Lord and show of themselves their true faith, God should not desert of them.

Yet woe be this land, and woe be those of other lands that should not protect God’s people in Israel. For we say unto you, protect now, or your war of Armageddon shall come upon the earth. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth in a righteous manner. For those who have slaughtered the Lamb and eaten if its flesh they shall be the first to feel our Father’s wrath, for your peace you talk about and have done so little to accomplish shall soon end once again, and the fuse shall continue to burn.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading for [7–6–73–002].”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit and the immortal body of the same. And therefore, we have before us the records. We shall bring forth unto this one the knowledge that she should need.

First that that should satisfy her curiosity, we shall tell her of first. Thy were born of a male child in the land of Atlantis. Yet, but a small lad, you ventured forth unto the land of [Moah], and therefore, sought out new land, that of your father, for farming and settled unto the wastelands, the lands that knew of the giant animals. Yet your armies were nearby and your weaponry was great to destroy of these beasts. And as the day came forward when Moah and Atlantis went therefore into war, your father knew not of which to be loyal unto. But at this time you were a young lad.

The weaponry was great. And Moah did look unto the polar cap and say, “We shall [re-destroy] proportions of this, and therefore, causing floods into the continent of Atlantis.”

And so your craft did venture forth with your weaponry. And the polar caps were attacked, day and night, until the earth itself shuddered.

And yet, there were many of your scientists that warned against this. The earth itself began to shudder, and then came forth, as though a world gone mad, that day of drastic change for all the lands. Where no water flew, water flowed. Which was ice and snow became barren, but yet fertile land. Man and beast alike were frozen as the weather changed as they stood.

You ventured forth unto this land known as Egyptan, for you had heard of the old ones and their plan for rescinding that which was known as the ice age by the building of great cosmic generators of the same.

Yet when you came forth you were not welcomed, for many of the Atlantans were there and they accepted those of the Moah as enemies, and they were driven north unto the cooler climate. Therefore you became a warrior. Yet weaponry was stripped, the knowledge of the great weapons was lost. And so, therefore, you molded your spears of stone. You used the fur of the animals for dress. And armies were built. And then came forth death unto you, for land and armies and villages stood apart.

You walked from your afterlife with strides of a warrior. Your thoughts continued onward, only for vengeance unto those who had cast you out. Yet you looked upon the earth, into this land of Ur that had rebuilt itself into new cities, and there stood the descendants of the old ones, the Sumerians. And there you did choose once again your incarnation. But your memory stayed of the fair-haired people.

And once again you were born as a male. Yet upon one day there came from the north the people of the golden hair with eyes of blue.

Yet one stood apart. He was tall. He had been a captive of this land before, a captive unto a prince of their land, and had returned back unto his own land. Yet his eyes were brown; yet his look was strange, for as he looked at the sea, his eyes turned green as the sea, and when he looked at the sky his eyes turned blue as the sky. And such a one you had not beheld. Yet his knowledge was great.

And so you ventured forth, for you had memory of these. And you sat in council with them and told them of your before-life, that you had were one of them, and you wished, therefore, to come into their camp and be of them.

Yet the tall blonde one, the golden-haired, listened long and spoke but little. Then he said unto you these words. “We are here not to make war. We are here, for soon should come the Priest Ra-tai, and I shall sit in council with him.”

And so the day came forth. And Ra-tai came forth unto this one, yet bowing his head.

And this one said unto he, “Stand forth, Ra-tai, for you know of me.”

And Ra-tai said unto he, “Yes, you have come forth, therefore, to give on us, unto us, and to the people of the Sumerians the knowledge, that we and our kind shall not perish from this earth.”

And he looked around about, and ordered all of the warriors to stand and pick up their spears. And he stripped himself naked before all, and he said, “Cast you spears unto me, for you shall not destroy this temple of God.”

And they struck their mighty weapons. And yet he fell before you, bleeding, and pierced and dead unto all.

Ra-tai walked forward and ordered that he be placed unto the moon and the sun. Upon the third day he rose, whole again. And your eyes and your people were unbelieving.

And Ra-tai stood and spoke unto you. He said unto you, “Cast this out of your heart, all of wars, for we prepare now for this one who should come another day. And he shall not perish when he comes forth. Stay in this land. Prepare your people.”

And so you grew old, and passed yet again.

Yet birth came once again into the same land.

And from afar you saw from your charts of astrology and astronomy that a great star should appear in the heavens and a new king should be born upon the earth, and therefore, you were among three who ventured forth into this land. You reached unto the town of Bethlehem and were guided unto the stall for animals, and there lay a babe is swaddling clothes. Yet you knelt before him and gave unto him great gifts, and then departed.

It was many years did pass, and one day came forth unto your village this golden-haired one. But before he came forth, you saw three eagles in the sky, one much larger than another.

And he said unto you, “Let us go unto counsel.” And so you did so, and he told you of the things to come. But he said unto you, “Fear not, for the eagle shall fly once again in another land. I would much enjoy your company in this other land.” And he left.

And one day came the news of his crucifixion on the Hill of the Skull. At that moment a light from the heavens came forth unto you and picked you up and took you forward. And there you descended unto Black Mesa.

You looked around about you. Your skin was dark, much like the people, yet they all bowed before you.

Yet you knelt in prayer and said, “Oh Lord, what have Thou done unto me?”


And at that moment you were changed from man into woman, yet young. And the legend of your people were that of the Eagle Clan and the waiting of the coming.

Yet there was a prince among you who would be prepared on this day to be the ruler of all of your kind and of your clans. Yet the prince went forward and turned the eagle loose, which would have been sacrificed and his feathers used to be placed upon this prince. Yet this prince looked very familiar to you, for he was unlike those of these others; yet his eyes were brown and his hair was gold. They cast unto the prince unto the desert.

And then, one day came forth once again this one known as Jesus Christ. And as he entered, the young prince entered, and yet a great eagle came forth with the young prince.

And Jesus looked upon the two, and said unto all who would listen, “For when you see the eagle fly again, you shall know him not. But he shall know in his heart the turquoise that he should wear upon his neck.”

And therefore, two great eagles scored [soared] into the heaven, and a third joined them.

And he said unto you, “Stay and wed into these people.” And so you did.

We find you not again until the days that the Spaniards had conquered all the land. Your faith was still strong, and yet, you heard from afar that those who called themselves the Americans were approaching. Yet across the land came the word of the Great Spirit and the song of the Spirit. And upon [your] mesa sprang first a twig. And from the twig came forth a bush that bear a flower you had not seen. And all behold it.

And the flower was a rose and it spoke unto you, and it said unto you, “There shall be war and tribulation, yet once again a way shall be tried to be prepared. Let your people not forget these teachings we have brought forth. Let them not bow before these false images that shall be brought forth unto them. Let them remember that there is but one God. And let them remember they shall never shed the blood of the one to come.”

And so the memory went forward.

We find you now again, a woman, and therefore, in search. And we say unto you, as we said in the beginning of your reading, be as that as a workman in the field. Know that soon the Master shall return and reclaim what is rightfully his. But the eagle flies once again upon your land. Give forth that within thyself. Cast aside these small things that lie before you. Fear not to be loved and give love. Prepare within your heart a truth of giving, and you shall know the true meaning of the giving of gifts upon this day you celebrate. But prepare a greater gift within your heart that you may give of him when he returns upon your earth, for his name shall not be of Jesus, for only our Father knows of the name that shall be given unto him.

But your land shall have many who shall deceive it, as it has now before it. This land of Japan has not overcome its karma. This land of Germany has not overcome its karma. And as of Abraham did cast aside to build a nation that of his concubine, his wife’s handmaiden, and the son that he bore unto her built into the Arabian nation, they have forgotten from which they have come, for they are of one blood; they are of one servitude unto God. But soon they shall see the Star of David.

Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


December 7, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And now we should answer your questions that lie within your minds.

And first we should say, of your group form, you have pursued that within thyselves of giving unto others, and doing so in a non-profit way. Thy group has suffered that which would be known as growing pains. Yet, as we have said before, we should provide thy needs and not thy wants. And therefore, that that is needed shall be placed before you. Take therefore, and pursue farther your need, as a non-profit organization, and fear not, for we shall stand with thee.

For each of you we have handed a staff.

We say now, unto this one, [8–27–73–001], take forth this staff that your brother shall hand unto you. Do so in a fair manner. Employ that that is needed. But do so in a manner that that is employed should be paid for their labor. Can you understand of which we speak?

“I understand, Aka.” [8–10–70–003, the moderator answers.].

Can you understand of which we speak?

“I understand.” [8–27–73–001 answers.]

Then we should go farther into thy thoughts in thy mind. For many shall come forth unto our instrument for healing. If those that should come forth, let them come forth in faith, and the healing they should seek shall be given, and it shall be given in our Father’s name. Glory be the name of our Father.

And for those who have traveled far, the gift they seek shall be given, according to their faith. Therefore, we say unto thee, take this night for prayer and meditation that by morn thy soul, thy inner self, shall be prepared for the healing that shall be given into the body. But take forth more than just the healing of the body. Take forth the light that has been lit deep in your mind, that it may be carried through all the days of thy life and be shared with others. And that that thy shall receive thy shall give unto others.

We shall go further into the thoughts of thy mind. New areas shall be opened in your television, in your newspapers, in your radio media. The words shall be spoken and shall not be silenced. Therefore, unto all who seek the betterment of mankind, let them come forward.

For those who should have thoughts of soul Ray’s health, we have said before, we have laid before him a task, a task of God’s work. It shall come before all others. And for those who should fear death unto him, death shall not come until the task has been fulfilled. Yet he is a man and flesh.

We shall go further into thy minds. Thy have thought within thy mind of the storing and the preparation of your food substance for the time of the famine. We shall answer in this manner. We have told you before to provide for your family, but your family shall be of great multitude, for each within itself shall be brother and sister. Cast aside within thyselves, and act in accord with God, and you shall find the answer, therefore, within yourselves.

We shall answer one other thought of mind, and this is for he who should travel far and seek of knowledge. Fear thy not, for that that thy seek in thy business shall come forth. But be that of a trader and a barterer. Do not hurry unto the slaughter gate. Let those who seek seek thyself out, and you shall be in a better bartering position.

In all of your minds is the question of the great comet, Kahoutek, or the comet, Yahweh, for they are both of the same. Much as a ship should sail and touch each port across the universes and universes, so this shall be. Some ships carry upon them without knowing it deadly diseases, and therefore, by entering the port leave behind that that they carry that has not been good for mankind.

Yet, they leave behind them not all of bad things. Eruptions shall come upon thy earth. A changing of time shall come forth. But if man is wise, he may take advantage of that that he had been forewarned of and use it for his own discretion. Do so with the events that are setting forth. You asked for a way that man, all of man across your mighty earth, could see for themselves the changing of times and a cleansing of the world. Therefore, we have brought forth that of the old karma that was once before carried unto your earth in a different manner.

Let none that see and feel and hear deny that that lies before them.

Yet there will be some who will not see nor hear nor feel. But blessed be the ignorant, for they know not better of their acts.

Yet karma is karma, and each shall judge within themselves. And each karma shall build into a new karma until that that is laid before them shall be as that of their nose. But do not cut off thy nose to spite thy face.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a health reading for [12–7–73–001]. He asks, ‘My health problem is suspected heart trouble and severe chronic sinus condition. In the evening and morning I get a hoarse throat . No doctor so far has given me any relief. I don’t know if anything can be done, but I hope so. I also suffer from hypertension around people and while driving. I had to give up driving in heavy traffic. I am being treated by Dr. Holmes of Maricopa County Health Clinic. My extreme nervous tension started when I had my first heart attack December 10, 1971.’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, and therefore, the immortal body of the same.

First we should answer in this manner. Permanent damage has been done unto the brain from the lack of oxygen being fed unto the brain over a prolonged period. Damage, therefore, has affected many cells within the same. We would suggest that that of the biofeedback therapy be used and that of the negative ion therapy be used in accordance with the same. But this must be voluntarily done on the part of the subject. Therefore, without this, there can be no cure. Both the irregularity of the heart and the damage within the same could be corrected under these conditions, and of the mental condition of the same.

The movement of the closeness of the moon, affecting, therefore, the fluid substance that the brain lies in, at night, would cause unto such a person great difficulties and stress within the same. Only in these manners, as we have suggested, could this be treated.

We will also suggest unto this one that if the above therapy treatment is not taken, it would be suggested that this one voluntarily commit himself into an institution, for at his present rate, he shall soon harm, bring harm, physical harm, unto the ones he loves the most. And therefore, that that thy would know of for the use of controlled voltage to the mind could reverse some parts of the pattern therein.

That is all on this subject. You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [12–7–73–002] asks for a health reading…She asks if there is anything she can do to help arrest rheumatoid arthritis which will not bother the diverticulosis she has.”

Yes, we see thy need. And first, we would suggest the taking into the body substance — yes — one moment. Yes — we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. One moment.


Correction must be made here. At the present time we have — yes, yes — one moment, a decision must be made.

Yes — yes, we find this.

Yes, now we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. Now we have the correct subject in matter form.

We would suggest, therefore, that this subject take into the body substance 2,000 units of vitamin E per day. We would suggest the taking, therefore, within the body substances of 1,000 units of vitamin C per day, the taking in of the vitamin substance of A and D in 2,500-unit per day. We would further suggest the taking and the use of both the white and the black clay forms, unto which has been presented unto soul Ray’s mind, be used into the infected areas. The vitamin E should attack that that is flowing into the bloodstream and attack the virus into the same. The mud substance should increase and therefore the circulatory flow of the same, and therefore, attack unto the superficial and into the bone marrow-type of flow of this type of the same.

You have both types of arthritis — one that attacks the bone marrow and travels through the same; the other attacks and flows within the bloodstream of the same — both, commonly close, but yet apart. They both are a virus.

If the above subject could be placed, therefore, in direct line of a cosmic generator, or therefore, within the same of a magnetic field, north and south, this could cause an arresting of the case, and therefore, a reversing of the cycle of the same. We have given this information in prior reading form.

We would suggest, therefore, of the biofeedback be used with hypnotic therapy in regression [for] the brain cells within the same. This could be done.

Your magnetic form and field could be done by the placing of negative ion machine — two, one to the north of the patient, one to the south of the patient. This could be done in such a manner that the positive ion within the body substance which has caused the virus could be reversed.

By placing the mind form into a younger state during treatment — this must be carefully recorded by use of oscilloscope and data transcript, graphic, and be checked, the progress be checked, in a daily manner — this would reverse the cycle, but not over-reverse the cycle, only bringing it into its normal state.

All factors of the body and mind and cell change could be brought into its normal form.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have one question; where might this subject get these things done? She lives in San Francisco.”

We are sorry to say that only that which lies within soul Ray’s mind now, could this be done. There are bio-feedback centers in both that of Sacramento and Los Angeles, and Albuquerque, New Mexico. Yet their theories are yet far behind, and yet progress is being made.

We would suggest the taking of the above, our first-mentioned, descriptions of the vitamin substances and the white clay and dark clay substances be used. This should arrest the case, but not fully cure it.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. She asks,’ Last September, 1972, she had a simple mastectomy. Are there signs of problems with cancer in the future?’”

Other than superficial, or you would call them, skin cancer, at the present time, we find none. If the process that we have described above could be used, this could eliminate such reoccurrences of the same.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, she asks, ‘Health wise, would I be better off to live in Phoenix or return to my home in California?’”

We would suggest at the present time that your health would be by far better off in that proportion of Phoenix, at the present time. We would suggest that the arthritic condition should be in that of a dry atmospheric condition or the creating of the same.

We would further suggest unto this subject the changing, therefore, of the drinking water into the purer form. This information has been made available. We would further suggest the filtering of the air into which thy breathe in thy household. This information has been made available in your prior newsletters.

You have other questions, ask.

“She has one other question. She asks, ‘Do you see other health problems to deal with?’”

There shall be other health problems, but if the above that we have suggested is done, this should, these should not come forth.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [12–7–73–003] asks for healing for her son, [12–7–73–004]. She states as follows, Aka, ‘At age seven M___ was in an auto accident and lay in a coma for six months. After patterning…..’”

We see of thy need, and our Father weeps.

We would suggest that the help needed for the child, take, therefore, of the information that we have given in the before reading, the reading we have given on the subject’s prior to this one.

We shall give unto thee and unto thy family that that is needed.

We also see that this soul has sought for deliverance. Yet, as our Father weeps, we weep. But we may not interfere with this soul’s progress. And therefore, we are not allowed to give that that thy ask in full, only in part. Yet, our Lord, God, sees thy needs and shall deliver into thy hands the healing that is needed.

Within the forest there are many trees. And yet, not one bird may fall from the tree without our Father’s permission. Yet, in the nature of all things, some birds must fall to create a balance within the bird itself. Yet the beauty of the song the bird has sung never dies, for once you have heard with your ears its beautiful tones, memory shall remain forever in your heart. And so it is with some children. The beauty of his song shall never be forgotten, that he shall know where he has been, and therefore, he shall know where he is going.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

For from the heavens thy shall find within your Book is written that the stars shall fall from the heavens, and the earth shall be cleansed and a new Messiah shall be born upon your earth. [See The Revelation, chapter 12.]

Soon you shall celebrate the birth of the one known as Jesus Christ.

He said unto those who would listen, “Look unto the heavens, and ye shall know that I shall return upon the earth. Therefore, be good shepherds unto your flocks and tend my fields.” [See Acts 1:6–11 and John 21:15–17.]

We are here but for one purpose, that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. None further need walk.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


December 28, 1973

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer your questions in this manner.

For as a ship should be seen in the sky and should travel from planet to planet leaving seed behind it, so it should be with the light we have placed within your heavens, this you should choose to call a comet. For this is the dust of the old world from which the seed was first planted.

And as you would count one day, our Father should count one day as one thousand. And so it was upon the old world. Your world shall come and is coming closer to this time.

By the beginning of February, eruptions shall fall upon the earth in many places. The earth’s outer shell is beginning to move, as we have told you before. The earth in itself possesses three shells and then the inner core, each shell of liquid form, or lava form, allowing the earth to retain its own balance. This balance has slowly begun to deteriorate; therefore, it will have to rectify itself. This full time shall not come until your year of 1999.

Man’s experiments into the earth could increase this time, causing such to happen earlier. Therefore, as we have said before, it has been vitally important that now that you are preparing for your famine you have felt the first tremblers of the famine.

In your coming year you shall feel the second tremors of your famine.

Food will be in forms that no one should go hungry. But slowly, as in the days of Pharaoh, the famine is close at hand. Therefore, in your planning, plan to store knowledge, for without it you shall be nothing. In your storing, store that of the making of metals of all kinds, of the making of machinery and the component parts of all kinds.

Your laws of physics, as you should know them now shall drastically change, and new knowledge shall come forth. Your laws of medicine shall drastically change as you know it now, and new knowledge shall come forth. New forms of electrical power shall be sought out and found now. The use and harnessing of cosmic generators shall be placed into use of the same.

We shall say unto you these words, the wind passes upon the earth and comes free unto all from God. Harness the use of this into the making of electricity.

We should further say, within soul Ray’s mind lies the secret of a healing power. One step has been taken forward, but many more must come in accord with the same. It has lied within your minds that the unit provided is not an adequate one. This in itself is not so. You shall find that this is just a beginning, for as we have said, that that is needed shall be provided.

Do not panic. Do not throw caution to the wind and throw your dollars behind it. Your dollars, your monetary value, shall be worth its value. It shall be highly inflated, this is true. But do not throw all things aside. Store of your currency as well as your food.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a health reading from [7–17–73–005]….She says that she has very severe pain at the base of her skull, numbness on her left side. One doctor thought she has symptoms of M.S. What does she have, and what can be done to help her?”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. Yes — one moment. Yes, this is better. Now all is in accord.

First we should explain in this manner. This person is highly susceptible to your pesticides and defoliant that have been used upon the ground and in the air. Therefore, nerve damage has been done.

We also find that of a — yes — of a minor stroke, or that of a blood clot of the same. The clot in itself is slowly deteriorating.

You must realize that from these toxants damage has been done, not only into the pancreas, but into the spleen itself, therefore, affecting the bone marrow.

We would suggest that the taking of 3,000 units of vitamin E per day. We would further suggest that the use of negative ion machine be used, that the patient be placed on a north-south axis, placing an ion, negative ion unit, at the head and foot at a precise north-south axis. We would further suggest that biofeedback therapy be used, but not in its present form. We would further suggest the taking — yes — of all forms of vitamin substance at the present time in large quantities; that of the C, 1,000 units per day; that of the A and D, these two should be taken together, we would suggest 48,000 units per day; the taking therefore of the pantothenic acid form be used.

There is another form of treating the subject, and this is with a blood transfer of total substance of like kind.

We would further suggest the use of both calcium and magnesium taken in equal parts.


You have that which is known as shock therapy. If this were used upon this subject, this would help to correct electrical imbalance of the body.

All of these are all of the same of alternatives of the same, all causing the same effect.

We would further suggest the drinking of pure drinking water. This is a must. The water thy now drink is polluted with chemical imbalance of the same.

We would further suggest the cleansing of the air unto which thy breathe.

We would suggest that this subject drink at least one gallon of water each day. This may be done in different forms: preferably of just water, second of the sage tea sweetened slightly with honey, third in the form of fruit juices of the same.

This should be continued and a follow-up reading be given at a later date on this subject.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have one other question on this person. You said biofeedback, but of the present form. Do you have any comment as to what would be the correct form?”

In soul Ray’s mind lies the secret of the precise form that should be used. And until such a time as his studies are complete it would be unwise for others to attempt the same.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. You said that the comet was part of the old planet. Was this the original home of the Sons of God, and what was the name of that planet?”

This was the planet, Yahweh. This was the original home of the Sons of God. [Note: Said with sorrow.]

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you ,Aka. I have a request for a health reading for [10–12–73–003]. She says she has headaches affecting the back of her head and neck, bridge of her nose and eyes, constant aching throughout limbs, arms and legs, and lower abdominal distress.”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.


We find before us here that of a malfunction of the heart, the lack of circulation within the same. First, we would suggest the taking of the Safflower Oil with B6. Second, we would suggest the sauna baths be sought out, these to be started at 15 minutes and growing gradually up to one hour, but this must be graduated slowly. This in itself would stimulate the circulatory system, cleansing that of the same. We would suggest the taking of 950 units of vitamin E per day, the taking of 1,000 units of vitamin C to day, the taking that of the Lipoflavinoid vitamin substance, six per day.

We would also suggest a radical change in the diet form in the above-stated manner, that for breakfast, one glass of milk and one piece of toast, no more; for luncheon, all the green substance the subject should care to eat and that of small quantities of cottage cheese. If hunger should impair, you may eat one banana, no more. For the supper meals we would suggest in this manner, the eating twice weekly of fish substance, three times weekly of beef substance eaten as rawly as you may eat it. Small quantities of potatoes and other vegetation may be taken into the body along with this. We would suggest the eating of the liver form once weekly. Of the last day thy may eat anything thy wish in the supper form, one meal, only.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a request for a health reading on [12–28–73–001]. He asks for a health reading or a healing for his eyes. His doctors say he has a blood clot on one eye, and that his eyes hemorrhage, and that it’s a matter of time before he loses his sight.”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. One moment.


Now all is in accord.

The hemorrhage is caused from clogging of the blood vessels leading from the inner ear, therefore, unto the eye socket, or back of the eye socket, within the same, this allowing clotting to take place. We would suggest the taking, first, of warm castor oil packs be placed on the eyes three times daily; at night, when the subject sleeps, castor oil packs be placed on each eye, placing in the eye once daily one drop into each eye of that of the aloe vera and the castor oil mixed together in equal parts.

We further suggest the seeking out of a physician, that the drug known as Ardelin be taken to open up other smaller and dilating other smaller blood vessels and allowing more blood to flow into the same. We would further suggest the taking of that of the Lipoflavinoid vitamin substance in six capsules per daily. This must be done that the blood vessels should become more pliable. If the above is used, the problem should cease.

Soul Ray now grows weary, and our time has grown short.

We shall leave with this message. Your new Messiah now dwells upon your earth in child form. He shall be protected. Glory be the name of the Lord.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


Read Part 2 of 2 of the 1973 Readings.


Study each year of the readings from the 1970 to the 1989 here, in this publication, The Words of Aka, spiritual messengers of God.

How did the readings begin? See “We Give This Message from Our Father.”

See other articles in the publication on, “A Stairway to Heaven,” “The Great Sword Is Here,” “Now you ask, 'What is the great Sword that cuts two ways?'and “Prepare for the Time of the Great Famine.”

Would you like to join the Association of Universal Philosophy the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, asked us to form? Here’s how. Then send us an email at or, or message us on our Facebook page, Association of Universal Philosophy, to let us know where you email your newsletter, “Rays of Philosophy.”

All of these readings have been gathered together for you in three books — the philosophy, the past-life readings, and health readings — as the Book with Wings series. Study and learn from them this way.

And be blessed!



The Words — of Aka, spiritual messengers of God

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.