The 1974 Readings

The Words — of Aka, spiritual messengers of God
345 min readAug 16, 2020
Here are transcripts of readings given on January 4, 6, 14, 18, 25; February 8, 16, 19, 22; March 1, 8; April 5, 10, 13, 18, 28; May 3, 10; June 1, 7, 20, 26, 29; July 7, 8, 22, 27; August 2, 10, 15, 28; September 2, 10, 12, 21, 25; October 5, 26; November 9, 16, 23, 29; December 16 (this part of reading copied from fragmentary tape), 18, 26 (Six transcripts are missing: January 5 (private), March 6, July 28, August 11, September 11, November 24)

And we say unto you these words. At times it shall sound as though we have spoken in riddles. But take forth the words we have given unto you. Know of this. We come not to bring hatred or war upon your earth, or to turn brother against brother, or sister against sister, or mother against mother, or father against son. We come forth but for one purpose — that purpose in itself is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

And you say, “Hark,” unto us.

And we should say unto you unto these words. Your year shall be in the year of 1999.

Yet the mighty Sword stands above you. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Pestilence and famine spreads among your people. Fear has spread unto your hearts. And we say unto you, fear not, for those who believeth in the Lord, our God.

For the Sword that should cut two ways shall cast unto the land. Your earth shall move and shift upon its core. Your land masses shall change. There shall be many who should run and hide in the mountains. There shall be many who should hide behind the rocks. Yet, leste they walk in the light of the Lord, they shall perish. Yet some shall live and wish to die, yet they shall live on. [See The Revelation 6:9–17, 7:1–17.]

We say unto thee, as the Lord said once before, start now to prepare your thousand years of peace. Start now to prepare a new heaven and a new earth. Pray unto the Lord, God, and your prayers shall be answered.

All of these things should not happen if the Lord may see among you those who should stand firm in their belief unto one God.

Be not ignorant. Cast aside your prejudice. Look not upon a man’s skin, look into his heart, and, therefore, find brothers and sisters to walk together to build this new earth and new heaven.

But we say unto you unto these words, “For none shall know of heaven that should not know of the earth, and none should know of the earth that has not known of heaven.” (Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, July 7, 1974)

[See Matthew chapters 5–7, 13:24–52, 19:27–30, and Mark 8:27–38, 10:17–34.]


January 4, 1974

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And now we should say unto thee unto these words. For the deaf to hear let them listen; for the blind who cannot see let them see, for the words we should speak should come forth unto all.

For there are many gifts upon the Earth; and each person, each soul, has been given a gift unto themselves. Yet, much as the ass who should stand in a field of clover and look beyond the fence at another field of clover, he cannot see what he stands upon and the worth of the same. There are some asses that were brought to carry burdens, others who were born to be free and never carry a burden. Each should envy the other.

But the man, above all things, were given special gifts — the gift to oversee the land, the sea, and the sky. And in doing so, each was given his own tasks.

We should say unto you unto these words. As the Seven Spirits were sent forth upon the Earth to create the same, each within themselves had the power and wisdom to do a certain job in the creation of your Earth. And each did that unto himself that he knew well, and therefore, the Earth came whole and pure, and God looked upon it and found it good.

So it is so unto each of you.

Each of you look upon another with envy. Yet this is foolishness. Be that unto which you are. Be that unto which God has given you and the gifts that God has given you. Even a gift should take work to achieve and to see it come into full blossom.

God has placed within each of you a psychic gift, of sorts, each to be used in a different way.

Then He looked upon the Earth after giving these gifts, and He said unto Himself, “HOW SHALL MY CHILDREN ALWAYS KNOW ME?”

And therefore, He created into some the gifts of prophesy, the gifts of clairvoyance, the gifts of great projection. And into some He placed the gift that should lay belaten [belated] into themselves until the time was right, both for God and for them, for their destiny to be fulfilled. He did this for a purpose, that man should always know of God, that He could find those who He could speak through.

But we say unto each of you, cast out of yourselves your petty angers. Cast out of yourselves that that you and you alone must be so important unto man. Be important unto yourselves and unto God. Take the gift that was given unto you and use it unto its fullest. If you should wait, the gift shall gradually dwindle away, until one day it shall not be there at all.

You have, therefore, within your minds, of the Book with wings, and in which form it should be printed? And when it should be printed? Now, we should say unto you unto these words. Three months from this day it should be ready to go unto the printer and be in the printer’s hands.

As we have said before, we have given unto each of you gifts, fulfillment of your wishes. Within each of you, you asked and it was given. You promised, but yet, did not fulfill. We have said unto you, we are here to collect the indebtedness owed unto our Father.

Yet, it is said to forgive unto those that you should owe. But, most important, forgive unto those who should owe you. And so it is with our Father. For our Father makes no bargains. He has listened unto your prayers and given unto you that which you have asked for. He did not bind you unto an agreement. You only bound yourselves.

This work shall go on, and the fulfillment. As it should spring from a brook as the spirits of God, as it should spring into the river as the spirits of man, and as it should flow unto the ocean as the souls of man, and therefore, unto the many lands, so should this work go on. Many shall come, and many shall go.

If you should give unto another, give that with glad tidings, not with indebtedness, for only in this manner have you truly given a gift. Therefore, we say unto you, take of the work, place it in such a manner that it should flow, but do not change the meaning of the same. For beware, for those who should misinterpret our words shall bring forth their own wrath upon themselves.

There are some who should say, “Fear these who should speak, for they should speak in such a manner that should carry the wrath of the God.”

We came not to place fear in front of you, but glad tidings, for we have come but for one purpose, for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. He is born upon the Earth. Now, we shall prepare a way for him. For those who should give but one teardrop, and this is all they can give, this is enough. But for those who have many, then this is enough.

But that that the Lord has given unto your hands, the Lord can taketh away. We have said unto you before, this work, these words shall come forth as a new coveth [covenant].There are those of you who have handled them in not a respectful way.

Three months from this day we shall place within Ray’s mind that unto which he should do, and he shall do of such.

We have healed your sick; we have strengthened your bodies. We asked nothing then, we shall ask nothing now, for we want only those who should walk of their own free will. For we placed this work unto the river, and we placed the opportunity for it to flow beyond, yet this was not acted upon. The opportunity to take this work forward has lied dormant.

But we say unto you, the Fifth Angel walks upon your Earth. For those who walk in the righteousness of the Lord, a way shall be provided. For those who do not, they shall have to prepare the way for themselves.

We have told you to store many things. Yet each of you have not come together in fullness. You have stood apart. For those who should stand together, they shall live together. For those who stand apart, we say unto you, let the dead bury the dead, for our God is the God of the living, not of the dead.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


January 6, 1974

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For if you should go unto the desert and see not the beauty God has placed there, then you are blind. If you go unto the mountains, and see not the beauty that God has placed there, you are blind. Yet, both in the desert and in the mountains there are treacherous things. There are serpents in both places.

And you say unto us, Why should these serpents be placed upon the Earth? In what purpose do they serve?”

And we should answer in this manner. In the nature of all things there is a balance, one working for the other. If you can see this, then you can see the purpose of thyself.

Yet long ago, in the days of Atlantis the serpent had not fangs and was friendly unto man. But God placed the serpent both in the deserts and in the mountains that man should know that in his travels through life that all things should not be given without cause. For that that you should seek shall be given unto you. But if you should run from place to place, you should always take thine self with thee, and therefore, that that you seek you shall not find until thy find thyself, for all things come in a just manner.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [1–6–74–001] who is here tonight asks a number of questions. The first, she asks for a life reading, and asks, ‘What in the past lives can help me in my present life, and how can I increase my spiritual growth?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should answer in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same — yes — and therefore, we have the records before us. Yes, you are all things that thy have been before.

And we should answer in this manner. In the time of Troit we find this one. You must understand that Troit was a small continent near that of the third continent of Atlantis. You must understand that Troit was a separate nation from Atlantis, yet you had made pact of peace with these. And the Atlantans, therefore, did not bring forth war upon you until the later days.

At that time you were called upon through the council to venture forth unto them, those who worshiped the God of One, the mighty ones who lived in the hills and the valleys on the first continent of Atlantis. And so you did venture forth, and therefore, find the one known as Arcan. And Arcan sent you forth in council unto the land of Egyptan with the one know as Ra-Tai.

And after you had gone unto Ra-Tai with your plight, he did say unto you, “We shall bring forth the ships that are needed to transport your people unto the land of Egyptan. But we should take thee forth unto another land that is known as Greece. And therefore, you should farm as you have worked before, for there are many that should come unto this land of the Atlantans, and your presence would cause further warfare.”

But alliance has been made with this new land of Greece, and therefore, you went back unto the council with your message. Some wanted to stay and fight; some wanted to venture forth unto this new land.

But as had been promised, the huge ships arrived at your ports, and all your animals and all your people were taken forth from the island continent.

Your first sight of Egyptan was that of utter amazement, for your land was a rich land and fertile. The rains did come in plentiful amounts, your agriculture was good, and all things had been blessed by the Lord that had come unto you and your people. But in this land of Egyptan, the land was barren.

Yet, you saw forth the huge pyramid-type structures. And in your many talks with Ra-Tai, you asked why were these structures build. And Ra-Tai took you forth unto the many temples.

And one of these temples was the Temple of Beauty. In this temple through techniques of surgery and that of germination through cosmic generators with the use of negative ions, you saw the many wonders performed in healing and changing the forms of man and the man-beast. And you saw those that had been left and that were brought forth from the great wars, the atomic wars, the mutates, and you saw the great wonders performed upon them. You were taught, therefore, in that of the dietary food substance and feeding. You were shown through the use of herbs and healing.

You lingered long after your people had gone forth unto this land of Greece in this land to study that of medicine.

And then one day you were asked by Ra-Tai if you would like to visit unto the laboratory and structures of [Ray]. And with eagerness you ventured forth. Here you found plant life in abundance. Here you found fruit substance and vegetable substance of larger size. Those in attendance urged you to taste, and the taste was good. And then Priest Ra-Tai said that an audience was ready that you should meet this one.

You ventured forth. At first when you looked upon him you saw an eagle standing there, yet when you looked again there was but a man. You were afraid to mention what you had first saw. You talked long upon medicine and healing, and then you left this strange one.

Upon your departure you laughingly said unto Ra-Tai, My eyes deceived me this day, for when I first saw this one I saw an eagle.”

And Ra-Tai said unto you, “Your eyes did not deceive you; your mind saw the truth, for the Eagle you saw shall never die until the beginning and ending of his karma.”

And then Ra-Tai suggested that you go forth unto your people and teach them.

And as you boarded the craft that took you forth, Ra-Tai looked upon you and said, “Your mind is troubled, my friend.” And he said unto you, “I know the source of your trouble — first, that of what you saw upon our visit, but that does not trouble you as greatly as that that you have seen in the body substance.”

And then you spoke of it and you said, “Yes, this one does not look like any of the people I have seen, for he is different. Why is this so?”

And Ra-Tai looked upon you and said unto you unto these words, “For he carries with him that that he brought upon the Earth; for the structure of the man is the same as the structure he first brought from the old planet, the home planet.” [This was spoken sadly.]

And then he handed you forth scripture of many kinds. You went forth studying the scripture. You saw the measurements of the many stars, the distance and the means of travel and the reasons that the great pyramids were built.

You taught your students for many years and died, therefore, in old age form. You walked into your afterlife with full knowledge, and therefore, looked forth unto the other teachers.

And then one day you heard of this one known as Jesus of Nazareth and his birth that was soon to come. You chose entry, therefore, as a Roman. You became, therefore, a soldier and were sent forth unto the land of Israel.

And upon that fatal day you were among the soldiers that cast lots for his robe and saw the darkness come upon the Earth. And yet, your heart could not believe what your eyes had seen.

You went back unto this land of Rome, there to be promoted to a centurion, or captain of the guard. And as your life went on, you saw many Christians and many of the old faith brought forth and tortured and killed. And your mind thought, “Which is the difference between these two? Is that of the old faith, with [which?] the god, Jupiter, has ruled that we should destroy, yet they kill no one. Yet, they do not worship this one of Jesus of Nazareth, only as a prophet, one sent forth by God.”

And therefore, you went back unto the land of Israel, back to the hill of the skull, and something brought your eyes forward, upward. And there you saw a huge eagle in flight. And the sun brought forth upon its feathers, and it shined as gold, for this was that that would be known as the Golden Eagle. And feathers dropped forth from this one to the earth and you raced forth to gather one, but when you touched it, it turned unto blood.

You went back to the hill, and yet the blood had turned into a crimson red, and memory stirred deep within your soul, and you knew the words of Ra-Tai. You brought forth your saber, and you killed yourself.

This time your passing was not so easy, for you slumbered long, afraid to awaken; yet you had to learn. But when you did awaken, there were masters there to assist you. At first you wanted to re-enter. They told you that the choice was your own. Should you choose to re-enter, this you could do. But they suggested that you linger, for the Eagle had flown again in another land, and the Eagle would not fly for a long time. Only in small places would he appear, and then only for a short while, for he was here to prepare the way.

And so you waited unto this lifetime, and so you have chosen entry. You have seen death and pestilence pass before you, and you have sought healing for yourself and others.

Now you say unto us, “How should I know when the Eagle flies?” And we say unto you, for the Eagle has touched unto your body and healed unto it, and brought healing, both unto the body and unto the mind. But yet there is farther healing to be done.

The karmas that you brought forth have come to an end, but they can only come forth when you yourself realize that you brought forth them only to conquer them.

We say unto you, forgive of thine enemies. Forgive and forget thy fears, for now is the greatest time of all times. For we are here but for one purpose, and that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We have but one mission and one thought.

Thy have asked for healing. We have brought you forth unto this land unto soul Ray to administer to your needs and bring forth wisdom unto your mind; yet there is much work to be done and much preparation in the same. The choice is yours once again, for we advise you to stand firm. We advise you to heed the wisdom that has been give unto you. Go not back forth unto this one who should slay itself because it could not wash away the blood that came from the eagle. Take forth this blood, this single drop of blood that should come forth upon thy forehead, and you shall truly know the meaning of love and compassion. Fear not now for your body. Fear for that of others.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka She asks, ‘I have two lots on Padre Island. Is it a good time to sell one? Also, I would like to build a duplex on the other Padre Island lot with another family. Is it a good time to do it now?’”

First we should answer in this manner, the selling of the lot at this time would be a good time. The venturing forth into partnership of this type would not be suggested.

You have other questions, ask.

We see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Give forth that that is uppermost within thee to give, and fulfillment for thy days shall multiply into many. For the Fifth Angel walks upon the Earth, and so pestilence and famine shall reign, and healing shall be needed unto many, both of the mind and the body. Thy ask for purpose. Take forth that unto thy hand, and we shall deliver thee unto thy destiny. All you must do is open the door that we may enter.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript could not be compared with the audio recording because it was not made available.]

Copyright © 1974, by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


January 14, 1974

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

And first, we should answer that that is utmost in your minds. And we should answer in this manner. Remain as you are. Do not reincorporate at the present time. That that is needed shall be provided. As we have said before, for those who should stand beneath the cross and let a drop of blood touch their forehead, the way should be provided unto the same.

Second, we should answer your question unto that, the financial assistance that should be needed in the printing of the Book with wings. First, so that fairness should prevail among your group, let the seven who serve upon the Board of Directors go forth unto the money lender. Let each sign for one proportion of the monetary needs that are to be provided. We shall provide a way for the return of the money. Bring forth the loan from the money lender in such a manner that it should come unto one payment.

We should answer your question in this manner. For as the Seven Spirits of God did descend into the universes to create your Earth, each did their own job, that that was laid before them — one to create the water, another in the creation of the earth, another to create the ferment [firmament], another to create the fish that went into the water, another to create the animals upon the earth, another to mold from that of dust that of the man-animal. And yet, after all was laid forward they stood aside and let God blow life into all of it.

But from all things there is a beginning. Yet there need not be an ending, for ending only comes when you return to that from which you came. And so it shall be with all the souls upon the Earth. Some shall lose their paths for a short while and regain it again. Others shall lose the path and the light of God and never regain that that they have cast aside, for it has been said that no one but yourselves can destroy you.

And so it is so. For God is the God of love, compassion, and wisdom. He holds no vengeance in His heart. Yet, with love and wisdom and compassion, He should yield upon the Earth the Sword that should cut two ways. Yet, in the making of the Sword, He shall seek out those who may stand, and come forth without question.

And now we say unto this one known as [3–9–73–001], you have ventured forth, for you have opened the door that we may enter. We have brought you forth unto this land for a purpose. Have faith and your needs shall be provided for, for there is a need for you and your need for your God stands as one at this time. Lay aside the past, for the past is but yesterday. Today, and tomorrow, and the tomorrows after that shall blossom forth. Now we shall place the flowers at your feet, the wine and the bread. The yeast lays within yourself. For we build a temple in man — not a building, but the spirit[s] and souls of men and women that we seek. Come forth then and be a teacher. And so it is written, and so it shall be so.

We see that you have many other questions within your minds this day, but we must not overtax soul Ray’s body at this time. Healing must come back into his body.

Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your Earth. But be as one and you shall defeat him.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy. Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to protect privacy.]

Copyright © 1974, by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


January 18, 1974

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And once again we shall tell unto thee these words.

For we shall tell unto thee the parable of the plowman who should place the yoke upon his shoulders to plow his meager field.

And a rich man came riding, therefore, a chariot. And he stepped from the chariot and spoke to the plowman who carried the yoke. And he said, “Look, my good man, why should you, a man, carry the burden of a beast, for it is not fitting that a man should do such?”

The plowman looked up into the rich man’s eyes, and he spoke unto him these words, “For there is a field to be plowed that my family may eat.”

The rich man said, “Yes, but there are other ways to make a living. Why should you do the work of a beast? Have you not an oxen, therefore, to pull the plow?”

And the poor man said, “Nay, we have no oxen. But the yoke I carry I carry with love, for it brings forth the fruit that should feed of my family who I love. And I thank the Almighty God that should give me the strength and the land and the yoke to provide, for this is His way of providing for me.”

The rich man said, “Take off the yoke, and I shall bear your yoke.”

The poor man looked puzzled, yet he did of such. And the rich man worked until the dusk came. His clothes were soiled, yet he plowed on.

And the poor man came unto him and brought water and food. He said unto the rich man, “I understand why Ishould bear the yoke, but why should you bear the yoke?”

The rich man looked back unto the poor man, and he said, “All of my life I have been provided for by others. It is time that I learned humility and responsibility unto others. It is time that I bore the yoke of love as you have.”

But still, the poor man could not understand.

Yet, as they went forth unto the poor man’s house, there came forth thirteen strangers.

And the poor man said unto them, “Come into my house and share that which I have.”

And the rich man looked unto the strangers and said, “Poor man, why should you bear and give that unto the others which you barely have yourself?”

The poor man looked unto the stranger. Then he looked back unto the rich man. He said, “You know not of this, and these who have come forth? For the tall one is the one known as Jesus of Nazara [Nazareth]. And he has taught us to share that with one another in peace and harmony.”

The rich man spoke unto the one known as Jesus of Nazara, and said, therefore, unto him, “I have heard much of you. Yet, I thirst for your knowledge.”

Jesus looked long unto his eyes and said, “You have found my knowledge, for you have shared the yoke with your brother.”

Some of you shall say unto these words, that we have spoke[n] as riddles once again. But nay, study the words and you shall find meaning for all.

You have questions, ask.

“Thank you Aka. Aka, could you tell me what happened to the comet, Kahoutek, so that it changed and did not become visible as people had foretold it?”

We shall answer into this manner. The comet, Kahoutek, brought forth, as we had said before, its [karmic]. And as we have said before, bring forth prayer, and you may change your own destiny. And therefore, the prayer that was brought forth did end their karma, and therefore, the showering of the karmic action upon the Earth came not about.

Yet, we say unto you, judge not that that is shiny and bright. Judge, therefore, its journey from where it has come and to where it is going, for now a new Earth shall be created from the old, and Yahweh shall live again in the heavens. For as we had said before, it was brought forth as a sign of the changing of times. Your earth is changing; your people are changing. But as we spoke before of the yoke was bare, that should be borne with love, do not forget this lesson your Father and gift He has bestowed upon you, for He has given the Earth, this Earth, and the old — a new

heaven and a new earth.

Yet, ye should forget the lesson you have learned. For once there was a prophet who God foretold the destruction of a city, and he went forth to tell the people. And the people did repent, and therefore, God did spare them. [See Jonah, chapters 3 and 4.]

Yet the prophet began sulking and went out into the wilderness. And he said, “Oh Lord, why did You send me forth to tell them, and yet, this that You told me did not happen?”


For the Lord giveth and the Lord may taketh away. That is your answer.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, thank you. [11–9–73–006] asks for a health reading, Aka.…She says, ‘Please help me find a way to improve the use of my hands, arms, walk better and talk better.’”

We shall answer unto these words. Come forth unto soul Ray for therapy, and that that is needed shall be given.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [7–12–73–006] asks for a life and health reading. Specifically she says, ‘I feel at a crossroads, both health-wise and life-wise, and am seeking to readjust, to go forward, not back. What causes my extreme fatigue?’ There are other questions.”

We shall not give the life reading requested at this time. It should be asked at different time. But we should say unto her, the answer lays, lies in the beginning of this reading. The fatigue has come from within herself. For that into which she has seen, she has not seen, for that which she has heard, she has not heard. For the problem itself is not a physical problem, but a mental problem.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. There are a couple other questions regarding her. She says, ‘What can I do to correct clumping of red blood cells, and is there merit in chelation therapy or chemical endarterectomy as received in Anaheim, California?’ And then she asks, ‘What is the best method for me to develop spiritually?’”

First, we should answer that other question thy have asked first. And we should answer in this manner, we see not of a control of the disease thy possess. We would suggest, therefore, the taking of 3,000 units of vitamin E per day. We would suggest, therefore, the taking — yes. One moment.


The transfer of blood — taking that of three pints of blood from the body and replacing it with good blood. This should be done over a period of time. The transfer should be made once monthly for six months. If this were done, the problem itself would end.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. She said, on July 12, 1973, when she asked if she should go through with her plan for Anaheim doctor exam and therapy, you told her it would be good in one respect, but other knowledge should come forth at a different time, not in public, and she would like to know what you meant.”

We should say unto thee unto this manner, come forth unto soul Ray for consultation.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a health reading request for [1–18–73–001]. She asks, ‘What way am I to fulfill myself by serving others, and is there a specific man involved?’ Apparently this is not a health readings request; excuse me, Aka.”

We see not of this.

Soul Ray now grows weary.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your Earth. Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: This transcript has been compared to the audio recording for accuracy. Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.]

Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


January 25, 1974

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Look to thy feet and count thy blessings. “ASK AND THY SHALL RECEIVE,” and so be the words of the Lord. Make no promises that thy shall not fulfill. For remember, judgest not unto others, lest ye judge thyself first, for thy shall judge thyself in the end as well as the beginning.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have one question tonight. I wanted to ask, who is Lucifer, and under what circumstances was he cast from heaven, and when did this occur?”

Yes, we see thy need and we shall answer in this manner. Lucifer, as you would [know it], was of a spirit of God. And as a part of God, yet he was cast unto the Earth, and therefore, became part of man. He dwells within you, that proportion of you that should take over and produce hate and fear and chaos in your own lives and others. He sought to rule. And yet he has in his own way. For you, that within you, the spiritual form, is a part of God. If you let that form be dominated, then the form of God shall leave. Then you shall be left with a lost soul. Then think ye that thy are nothing, and Lucifer would have no longer a need for something that was nothing.

For the seed of Lucifer may be chained and cast into the pit of nothingness. Only when you, yourselves, shall cast him out, has God cast him out. [See The Revelation, chapter 20.]

In many universes in other planetary systems Lucifer has been cast aside. Yet, his power is great. Yet our Father’s is mighty.

Yet Lucifer should go forth, day by day, to prove his power over men. Yet God should plant flowers at your feet and fulfill your wishes and your blessings. Which should you choose?

Lucifer is madness within man. Lucifer is greed within man. But Lucifer, as a greedy person, only wants. Yet when he receives that which he wants, he has no use for it. He builds nothing; he only leaves destruction.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Last week I asked about [1–18–74–001]. And she asked, ‘What way am I to fulfill myself by serving others?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. For each of you has brought forth that from which you have come, and that that is talent of which you have come. Yet those who should have a talent and waste it [has] denied God, Himself, for God is the giver, and man is the builder. Take this talent that thy possess, the talent of serving the needs of others who cannot help themselves, the elderly people. Put this talent to use in this manner, and you shall serve God in a like manner.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. She asks one other question, ‘Is there a specific man involved?’”

We do not see this.

“Thank you. Aka, [1–25–74–001] asks, his parents ask, ‘What is the cause of [1–25–74–001]’s recurrent illness? Is there any cure?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. We have before use the body, the soul, and therefore, the spirit and the immortal body. One moment.

First, we should answer in this manner. The child in itself suffers from hypoglycemia, or that of low blood sugar. Over a prolonged period, damage has been done to the brain area, a lack of blood or oxygen flow unto the brain. This in itself has brought forth a form of epilepsy in the same.

We would suggest that biofeedback therapy be used in accordance, therefore, with hypnotic therapy. We would suggest the taking of 2,000 units of vitamin E per day. We would suggest the taking — yes, we see this — taking, therefore, of the Jerusalem artichoke, grinding it finely that it might be easilier eaten. More green vegetation be brought into the food substance. No sweets except that of honey in pure form. We would further suggest that the use of oxygen, developed forth into the system in mechanical means; the drinking of more of that of pure drinking water.

We find also, therefore, that of a sinus condition. We would further suggest the use of a negative-ion unit, with filtering system in accordance, be used while the child sleeps.

This is all on this subject. You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [1–25–74–002] asks for a health reading…She asks, ‘What is the cause and cure of chronic depression?’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

First, we would say, environment has a great deal to do with the problem set forth. The use of negative ions while in slumber would take away that of the depression periods, allowing more and more of new body and new tissue to form into the brain substance of the same. It would be further suggested, the taking of 1,000 units of vitamin E, 2,000 units of vitamin C. A good multiple vitamin substance should be added into this. We would further suggest the greatest improvement in all would be a change of atmosphere, or that of moving from your present location.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, she also asks what can be done about a recurrent rash on the hands, and also what is the cause and cure of recurrent severe headaches?”

We have just answered these questions.

“Thank you, Aka.”

Soul Ray now grows weary, and that that he has already overtaxed his body and mind, it is time for our departure. But we should leave with these words.

If thy should go unto the forest to find that of vegetation to sustain life, do not bring home weeds that are of no substance. For the wise to hear, let them hear.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

But as two should walk together, they must walk as one; yet each must retain their own separate identity. Let not one rob the other.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: This transcript has been compared to the audio recording for accuracy. Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.]

Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


February 8, 1974

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better, now all is in accord.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For we should tell of thee the parable, that as the earth was created. And the Fourth Spirit of God did lay his hand forth and bring forth unto the fowl of the air. He brought forth many who could sing and make the air ring with music. Yet he brought forth the predator.

And as man sought to see the reasons for this, he said unto the Fourth Spirit, “What need have I to rule over such as these? I need not the vulture, nor the hawk, and last of all, what should I need for the eagle? The vulture does not sing, he preys off of the dead and the weak. What good is this unto me?” he said.

And the Fourth Spirit brought forth time. And man saw that many creatures upon the earth did fall waste unto the land, and the vulture did that unto which he was intended to do, to clean this waste and decay.

And man said, “I can see that, that this fowl is a useful thing. But what of this hawk? He preys upon these of my beautiful songbirds. He preys upon the small things of the earth.”

And again the Fourth Angel cast forth time. And man saw the balance unto which the hawk would create.

But he looked, therefore, unto the great eagle, and said, “But what use could this one be unto me?”

And the Fourth Angel said unto him, “For he shall be your conscience, for he is much like yourself. You shall use him as a symbol. And beneath his structure shall come great continents and countries. But yet, you shall see the eagle fall and rise again, and this should teach you that man should do the same.”

And once again, the Fourth Angel brought forth time. And man looked, and saw the many catastrophes that were yet to come. And he spoke unto the Fourth Angel and said unto these words, “If I am created of their kind, of their image, how, therefore, could these things happen?”

And the Fourth Angel said unto him, “Study the fowl and you shall know.”

So the man sat and watched. Each of the fowl in its own way played a very important part upon the earth, to bring the earth into a balance.

Yet, as he watched the fowl he saw that they were jealous of one another, for some could sing more beautiful than others.

And we say unto you, take lessons from the fowl. And remember, the fowl were created after their kind. You are created, therefore, in God’s image. Do not become that of the man-animal beast again. Rise above this, for many gifts have been placed unto all. For the greedy, they cannot accept one gift, but they reach and take all that lies around them, and soon lose all that they possess.

Take forth the gift that was placed unto each of you and master this gift and mold it. A gift is given, but not without toil. And the toil must be in love, or the gift shall be taken away. But God should not take it, for you should take it from yourselves. Reap the harvest before it spoils.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a health reading for [2–8–74–001].They ask, ‘What is the cause of [2–8–74–001]’s allergy? What is the cure? Is this something that will reoccur each time that we move to another area? And is there an area we can live where this problem would not occur?”

We say unto thee unto these words, we have before us the body, the spirit, soul, and the immortal body of the same. Go forth, therefore, and obtain that of the negative-ion machine. Use this in slumber, and therefore, you may live in any location without fear, for the healing shall come from within in this manner.

You have other questions, ask.

Aka, they ask if he has other physical or mental problems that they need to help him with?”

Yes, we see thy need. We find hypertension, but this is normal. We find no other defects within the body substance of the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a request for a health reading from [2–8–74–002].”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same.

We find within this soul substance that of hypoglycemia. We would suggest that a high protein diet be used. We would further suggest the use of orange juice in the morning, one cup — that this subject matter should carry with him in their possession that of the natural honey from the location unto which thy dwell; at periodic times taking one tablespoon of the honey, but by not eating any other of the sweet substance. Replace the sweet substance with protein dietary matter. This should readily improve and cure this problem within the same.

We find, therefore, in this subject that of the prostrate, or prostate gland, inflammation of the same.


We would suggest, therefore, the taking of the sage tea, seeping of the same, sweetening slightly with the natural honey substance. We would further suggest the taking, therefore, of 2,000 units of vitamin E per day, 1,500 units of vitamin C per day, a good multiple vitamin and mineral substance unto your natural daily diet.

We find, therefore, infection of the bladder and liver areas. We would suggest that, as prescribed, medication be used, these problems should soon disappear.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a request for a health reading for [7–27–73–005].”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same.


We find, therefore, that of an arthritic condition, or of the rheumatoid arthritis type. This is attacking the central nervous system, causing, therefore, the sciatic nerve to protrude outward; further causing, with large amounts of calcium into the brainstem area, causing problems into the vision.

We would say unto this one, therefore, come unto soul Ray for consultation. If this is not to be done, then seek out that of a physician.

Thy have in thy mind that of the use of acupuncture. Do not do this. Permanent damage could be done.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a health reading for [2–8–74–003]. He asks, ‘What should be done to correct the problem with my knees?’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. We find, therefore, that of fluid substance of the knee joints of the same. We would suggest taking that of the Aloe Vera E Earth, placing this over the damaged area three times daily, taking, therefore, of the [cream] substance of the same and applying to the same areas. We would further suggest that the use of sauna baths be used, first in short intervals. We would further suggest the taking, therefore, of 12 of the dolomite substance of the same per day, taking therefore, into the body substance 4,000 units of vitamin C a day, taking, therefore, into the body substance of 5,000 units of vitamin E per day. This should be continued for three months.

We would further suggest — yes — that the drinking, therefore, of the sage tea substance be used. We find, therefore, in this subject that of a sinus condition. It would be suggested, therefore, that the use of the negative-ion unit be used unto this person, that the body substance rebuild itself in a natural manner.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, this person asks one other question, ‘Are there other physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual disorders? She….’”

We have just answered that question.

“Thank you. Aka, [2–8–74–004] asks, ‘Please, I’d like a general health reading. In particular I’d like to know if I could take a birth control pill to reduce bad pain until the digestive system is well. If so, for how long can I take the pill?’ She’s taking Lydia Pinkham, Safflower Capsules with B-6, Gesti-enzyme digestive enzymes, and occasionally Donatol and Camalox with a limited diet.”

Yes, we have before us, therefore, the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

First, we should answer into this manner. We find into this subject of an upper hiatic hernia of the same. This should either be closed with surgery or brought forth into psychic surgery.

We find, therefore, that of an ulcer, or of ulcer lesions, into the large intestine. We find three of such lesions and a fourth in a perforated form.

We find, therefore, into the left ovary the cyst substance of the same.

We find in the vagina area — yes — cyst substance of the same, or that of ovarian-type growths. This could be done, corrected, in two manners, either that of the psychic surgery or the surgery of taking forth one part of the intestine and alleviating this proportion and making a new opening into the stomach tissue of the same. The second proportion would be that which you would know as a hysterectomy of the same, and this would be of a total hysterectomy. Or, you may bring yourself forth and come, therefore, unto soul Ray, that he may use that of the psychic surgery unto the body substance in performing these tasks, and leaving, therefore, the female organs intact.

This is all on this subject at this time.

Now, we should say unto you unto these words. Study well our meaning of the parable of the fowl, or May shall never come. [Editor’s note: the Annual Meeting of the Association.]

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


February 16, 1974

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner, for we should use the parable of the Seven Spirits.

And as your heaven and earth was built, the Lord, our God, came forward to bless the land. And He looked upon the land, and He asked unto the Seven Spirits, “I SEE MANY CREVASSES AND MANY PITFALLS FOR MY CHILDREN UPON THIS LAND. WHY HAVE THEY BEEN PLACED THERE?”

And the Seven Spirits spoke as one, “They are placed there for trial and tribulation, that by their labors they shall grow.”

And the Lord, God, looked upon the earth, and said unto them, “I SEE BEAUTY AND LOVE AND UNISANCE. SHOULD THIS NOT BE ENOUGH?”

And the Seven Spirits spoke again as one, and said, therefore, unto the Lord, God, “Lord, Thy cast us into the sea, each of us, and You sent us forward to grow a crop. But only when we could return as one, You saw us fit, therefore, to create in Your image this world of worlds. Therefore, we have placed upon the earth in the same manner, for we found within the tests Thy sent us forward to do that it was good and lasting. That unto which was toil that we did earn we knew of. That which was not toil we did not appreciate or love.”

And the Lord, God, looked upon the earth, and the land, and the heavens, and the Seven Spirits, and He breathed life, therefore, unto the land.

And so it was.

And the planet, Yahweh, did spread her seed unto the galaxies of the many planetary systems.

And now the seed is planted once again, but in a different way.

As we have said before in the very beginning, we are here but for one purpose, that in itself is for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We are here to build within you the strength of toil.

There are many of you who shall find many excuses to say, “That which I should do I should place unto tomorrow. There are other things I’d rather do today.”

We have said unto you, there is a time for laughter, for work, for sleep. There is a time for God’s work. All must come in accordance.

We told you in the beginning that the financial needs would be provided, but as teardrops upon a dry desert — the needs but not the wants.

And now you approach the time and the preparation of the Book with wings. The time is now and near. The financial needs shall be provided in the same manner unto which we have provided before unto you. But they all shall come with toil. And if toil does not come in love, then stand aside, for love and toil must be of the same, for only then you have opened the door and allowed us to enter.

Each of you have developed in your own way, your own psychic abilities. And we have provided the knowledge through the grace of our God, the Lord, Father, that your knowledge should grow and multiply and be as yeast. We have provided the bread and wine. All that, that has been needed, has been placed before you.

Soon shall be the time that should cometh forward into the certification of your teachers and ministers. As this is a philosophical organization, the ministers of this work are different than any other known upon your earth, and the teachers are different. Now is the time to take into thy mind serious thought of that unto which you, each of you that should be asked to serve, can fulfill. We have come not to take you from your religions or your faiths, but to build upon that that is already there. We have come not to change the laws of Moses, nor Jesus, but to show you the fulfillment of the same.

We have shown you that of the light in the sky you should call Kohoutek, the one we should choose to call Yahweh, that has spread and [coveth] one third of the earth at a time. We have shown you the light of our Lord.

Now cometh the time that we should show you the flowers.

But remember also that the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Now eruptions shall arise, and the toil upon the earth shall be heavy. The Anti-Christ is walking upon your earth. Greed is walking upon your earth in a multitude of manners; cast aside this monster. Jealousies should walk upon your earth; cast aside this monster. For each of these are a head of the Beast.

And for those who should stand apart and be not marked by these, then the new heaven and earth shall come forth into fullness. [See The Revelation, chapter 13, 20:1–7, and 21:1–7.]

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a health reading for [2–16–74–001]. She asks, ‘One, should I try to undergo surgery for three hammertoes on my right foot?’”

Yes, we see thy need. Yes, the arthritic condition throughout the body at this point should take that of surgical implication. We should say unto thee, thy think thy are allergic unto the vitamin substances which thy are not. Prepare thy body in such a manner that strength should come within, that the mind should think clearly, and the answers shall come forth one by one. We find that the healing thy have asked for shall come, but only as thy should earn it.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Perhaps you’ve already covered this, but let me ask what she asks. She says, throughout life she has had periods of extreme fatigue and illness. Nervous tension the last six years has caused intestinal pain and bleeding. She has been put on a strict, low-residue, no vitamin-pill diet with relaxants, relieving pain, but leaving her dull and exhausted. The doctor gives her B-12 injections, and she is wondering if….”

Yes, we see of thy need and we should answer further in this manner.

Take, therefore, 10,000 units of vitamin E per day into thy system for 30 days. Take, therefore, that that is knows as the dolomite into thy system in consistency of 12 tablets per day. Take, therefore, into the body substance and the use of both the Aloe Vera E Cream and the Aloe Vera E Earth. Use of these in the prescribed manner. Take, therefore, a general vitamin substance that should contain both of the mineral and vitamins. Take, therefore, of the A and D vitamins.

If the subject should build of tissue of the same, eating, therefore, of the liver of that of the beef three times daily — correction, three times weekly; eating of the fish that should come from the sea once weekly; eating, therefore, of the fish substance that should come from the fresh water once weekly. Take, therefore, of the Jerusalem artichoke, adding unto thy diet, eating of it in raw substance.


We would further suggest the taking, therefore, of the substance known as the Lydia E. Pinkham; this should be started in a daily substance of one tablet form three times per day. At the same time thy should take unto thy diet of the Safflower Oil with B-6, one three times daily. This should be done for one month, then increasing unto two, and then unto the third month unto three of these two substances. At the end of this period thy body and mind should come as one, and healing should come forth.

Thy have other questions, ask.

One other question, Aka. She says that her greatest longing is to learn to serve and love God with all her heart. Will it be possible for her to have strength and alertness to meditate and to serve God through helping others?”

We should say unto thee, there are many ways to serve unto the Lord, God. The body is the temple that God has provided for you to live in, and therefore, the temple of God. Destroy this with neglect, and the soul should have no house to live within, nor should the spirit. But by the building of this temple, you are serving God. And therefore, we say unto you, we place before you the bread and the wine. Provide the yeast. Take forth the philosophy we have given. Taste of it. Take, therefore, the proportions that should feed thy needs, and thy should know of the meaning we have placed within the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [2–16–74–002]. She asks, ‘My husband, [7–13–73–001], suffered neurological damage December, 1972, which doctors said would be permanent, but [7–13–73–001] has already recovered past the point doctors predicted.’ She says that, ‘Money, school, and parents dictate that we now be separated with [7–13–73–001], living on a farm in Virginia. I’ll be able to see him only every few months for several years until I finish school, which I must do now to be able to support us. What can I do for [7–13–73–001] now?’”

We should answer in this manner. Soon we shall bring forth the funds necessary for the bio-lab unto which is within soul Ray’s mind. At this time, bring forth this subject, and the help that is needed shall be given for the repair of the nervous system of the same.

We would suggest, at this time, that the taking of 2,000 units of vitamin E per day, the taking, therefore, unto the system of 500 units of vitamin C per day. We would further suggest that the taking of a good natural substance, vitamin substance, such as that as the one known as Lipoflavinoids, six tablets per day, taking, therefore, unto the system. At the present time, this would greatly help the body to improve itself.

We find other factors here unto which we are not allowed to answer without permission from the subject matter. Therefore, this is all on this subject at this time.

“Thank you, Aka. Aka, [10–12–73–001], who had a health reading October 12, 1973, asks, ‘What will dissolve the plaque in my arteries?’ Also she wishes to have help with her pain, please.”

Yes, we see of thy need, and we should answer in this manner. That of the vitamin E should dissolve the plaque within the system of the same. But this should be done in a proper manner, the taking of 5,000 units per day. We would suggest, therefore, that the taking — yes.

Yes, we see this.

One moment.


The use, therefore, of a negative ion machine would, therefore, help greatly in this.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. ‘Were the five Adams created as offspring of five of the Sons of God who were able to procreate, are these those whom you speak of as the five colors of God?’”

We shall answer unto these words. Upon your earth came forth the Sons of God, therefore, as seed for the land. We have answered further this question before in other readings, but we should elaborate in this manner — that as seed was cast upon the other planetary system after the war of your land, and that of the man-animal should stand as [equal] with the Sons of God, they did come forth as the many colors of our Lord. Remember, therefore, that the atmospheric conditions of your planetary systems each change, and living cell tissue and form should change in a like manner.

Thy have other questions, ask.

Yes, Aka, [1–21–72–002] also asks, ‘Was that remembered last night correct?’”

Proportions of the same, yes.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, Christ said, in that he was referring to time of the coming of the Messiah, that the sun would no longer shine, the moon would not give forth its light, the stars would fall from heaven upon the earth, and so forth. And he said that there were some people living then who would not see death before these things had come to pass. I do not understand this. Can you explain to me what he meant when he said some would not see death before these things happened?”

And so it has been. Some did not see death from then unto now.

You have seen the stars that fall from the heaven, yet create life. Yet, we should say unto you unto these words. We are here to prepare the way. Should we fail, then your land should go unto 3,000 years of darkness, and man should go back unto the man-beast.

The land shall change.

We have given forth this knowledge, that the Christ child is born upon your earth now. Let the Eagle [U.S.A.]spread its wings and continue to protect. Yet, the fuse has been lit from France unto Israel. And we say once again, let the Eagle spread its wings and protect.

Soul Ray now grows weary.

And we should answer in this manner, “For the last shall be first, and the first shall be last.” [See Matthew 20:1–16.]

Study well our words of the beginning of your reading. Do not listen to them once and walk away, and say, “What a fine reading this is,” and know not of what the meaning of the same. But study the words well.

And do not cast stones. We have brought forth the information to learn by. For remember, our God is the God of the living, not of the dead. Our God is the God of love and compassion; He asks not for the blood of the Lamb. Only man should do of this.

Listen unto these words, and then look into thyself, each within the same measure.

Remember, there is a time for all things. There is a time for planting, and a time for harvesting. There is toil in between, and there is time for laughter and dancing at the end of the harvest.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


February 19, 1974

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good morning, Aka, where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And now we should say unto thee unto these words, for we should tell thee the parable of the rich man who went forth unto the priest.

At each visit he would go unto the priest and say unto him unto these words, “Would you pray unto your God forgiveness for me, for I have sinned.” And each time he would leave a large sum of gold. The priest, therefore, took the money, but he did not pray for the man nor for forgiveness. This went on for many, many years, and then came the day of the man’s death.

And the man passed on. And he waited, and he waited for those who would come to take him, therefore, into what he thought was heaven. Yet no one came. Then finally one day he woke up. And he saw many people walking by. And he said unto them, “I paid the Lord great sums of money to get into heaven. Where is the gates unto the heavenly place?”

They looked at him and said, “Within you.”

He understood them not and walked on.

And therefore, he saw a church much like he had gone and paid his large sums of money, and he walked in. And as he walked through, he saw many of the priests that had served in his own church seated there, and yet he knew they had each passed on. Yet, he saw one that he had paid large sums of money to, and he said unto him, “I have paid you large sums of money to give to God. Why hammer I not before the gates into heaven?”

The priest looked down and about, and said “I am not a holy man. I am but a man. I, through trickery, have taken your money, for you see, God has no use for gold not silver. These are man’s tools, not God’s. You have bought your way not into heaven, but into yourself. Your own fears and the correcting of your fears and your problems, not the money, was that that ended your karmas. Now you must go forward, for you are more fit than I. Go forward there, to the pew, and tell the people what you have learned that they may also learn from you.”

“But,” he said, “I must be judged.”

And yet a voice came from within and said, “Judge not lest ye be judged.”

And for those who should kill with the sword should die by the sword. Glory be the peacemakers. Glory be those who live in love and tranquility with God. But glory be those who live from within and find themselves, for whether it be labor or money, that that belongs to God is God’s, that that belongs to man is man’s. But neither promise God that that you shall not do unto yourself, and unto your brother, and unto God, for then you have sinned against yourself.

You have questions, ask.

“[02–19–74–001] asks for a life reading.”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. And we should say unto thee, for thy have wandered the path of life. We shall give unto thee that which is the most important of all that has brought you forth time and time again, unto this time, unto this place. We shall not start from the beginning, but we shall take from the records your time and birth.

You were born 16 years earlier than the man known as Jesus of Nazara, in the same town. You are a cousin of Judas. And as you saw the young man that turned into a man and traveled far into the many lands, and came back and picked your cousin to walk beside Him, you could not understand why.

Yet the day came upon the earth when Judas did betray his Master. The betrayal within itself was not sin nor karma. The betrayal was that that was written and that that was to be. It was the wishes of God. And therefore, Judas was blessed. Yet he knew it not. And therefore, he committed suicide.

You watched this. Therefore, you went forward and took unto Judas’s wife unto your own, for you had long lingered for her.

This brought forth into your house two wives. Each day that passed one became more jealous than the other.

And your own first wife came unto you and said unto you these words, “For that that you have given me, so you shall receive. By all the gods of darkness I shall cast this curse upon you forever; for every female child born into your family shall commit suicide or die of waste.” And then she herself committed suicide.

It was not long before Judas’s wife which was now your wife bore a child. And the child grew unto young and beautiful and into a wonderful youth like a flower of love. And yet she grew into womanhood and married. Not long after marriage she died, committed suicide.

And we say unto you, one unto the other, for these two beings have come forward unto your life unto this time, for the curse of Judas lies, and has lied within you.

Your time upon this earth in the body form, in this shell you have chosen, shall not be for many more of years. This we shall tell of you. Therefore, cast aside this curse, and do so now. We say unto you, go unto the work of the Lord, God. Give labor and love into this work. And so, your soul, your spirit, and your immortal body shall free itself. And in doing so the karmic action that was created in Judas, these souls who have passed before you in this lifetime, also shall be free. But if you do not do so, then that that is most precious to you shall pass before you pass.

We have long waited your arrival. We have long waited, for the Lord has looked these many centuries upon your souls and wept, for it was not His intention that Judas should die by his own hand. Nor was it His intention that so many should suffer so great a plight.

Judas has found his way; now you must find yours. For brother and daughter, husband and wife, have all been the same throughout your lifetimes, and you have brought them forward. We say unto you, go forth, and we shall lay before you the greatest gift of all. We shall provide for your needs and not for your wants. But the needs shall [grieve] gardens in Eden.

And we say unto you, the land on which you should choose to dwell and travel is like a twisting snake. New eruptions shall occur in this area. And there are serpents there that should bite of you. Lay before yourself and unto mankind a path that is clear for the rest of your life. And then all life shall come in the light, and in clarity and in beauty. Glory be the name of the Lord.

You have come here to hear of your many lifetimes, and we have given you but a small proportion. But without it, you would perish. For soon your soul and spirit would depart from one another, for the anguish within your heart could not stand much more. Therefore, we have given what is needed.

Now is the time of the Cherub. Glory be the name of the Lord.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. No audio recording was available with which to compare this transcript.]

Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona


February 22, 1974

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And now we should say unto thee unto these words, for we should tell unto thee the parable — for in the days into which the temple of God stood as one.

And day by day it became that of a market place, until the walls itself should tumble down. But the true temple of God did not tumble; it stood erect, for it was within the heart of man, the mind of man.

There shall be many who should come and say, “I shall do this, and I shall do that,” and make bargains. But we say unto you, for those who should do the work of the Lord, there is no bargain to be made. If thy thyselves are ready to do the Lord’s work, then do so. If thy are not, stand aside, and walk forth away from those and allow them who should do the work of the Lord to do so in a righteous manner.

But we say unto thee, ask not a gift of the Lord with false promises. For we have weeded your garden once before, and Rebekah stood no more. Heed our words, for we speak not [in jest]. We have said unto you that the Lord is the Lord of love and kindness. But He is a just Lord. And remember unto these words, “Vengeance is mine,” sayeth the Lord. And for those who should not remember unto these words, they should perish.

And we should also say unto thee unto these words, do not misinterpret our words. We have brought forth unto you philosophy. Change not of this philosophy. Print it as it stands.

You have within your minds that unto which to do of your organization. And we should say unto you, do nothing. Stand aside and we shall do that that is necessary to be done. We have given you a structure and a way. Remember the miracle of the candelabras. And so it shall be once again.

Soul Ray has overtaxed his body and mind. Therefore, we shall depart.

But look to the earth beneath you. Look to the east and to the west. New eruptions shall arise all around you.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared with the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


March 1, 1974

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner, for there are those who would misinterpret our words in this manner. We set forth words, and yet, they gather many meanings. This should be fine within the philosophy of the same. But yet, in direction, each person takes within themselves the meaning to suit themselves. We said unto you to publish the work as it was given. It needs no explanation. Let each within their hearts seek out the meaning, and therefore, they shall find the truth within themselves. Lay forth the Book with Wings, and therefore, lay forth your introductory. We shall take care of the rest.

We spoke other words of weeding one’s garden. And we shall answer once again, for we shall not allow that from either side to interfere with this work. You are not trifling with your own life by setting a manuscript aside, but the lives of others. Therefore, you have no right unto do such, only if you are ready to take the weight of the karmic action of the world upon your shoulders and be that as our Father.

We say unto you unto these words. A rose that should come forth as a bud is a beautiful thing. Yet, it cannot stand alone. It must come forth from many branches and into the trunk and into the roots which came, therefore, from the seed of the same. But, we should say unto you, as the rose should be beautiful to the eye, it is useful into the life-giving substance of the same, of herbs. So therefore, even after the bud should die it still produces that that is useful unto mankind.

But remember the parable of the fig tree, and the one known as Jesus Christ, for we plant seed upon the earth for the return of the Messiah. We are here for no other purpose. [See Matthew 24:30–36.]

We are not here to build might in the eyes of man, for we care not for this. We are here that the rose may grow and come forth and produce unto the earth a rose without thorns, but it should not come without labor, and love and unity. [Editor’s note: a rose without thorns is said to symbolize the birth or preparation for the coming of the Messiah.]

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Do you mean for us to take the book as it is to the publisher at this time?”

Not as it stands. Place, therefore, a rhythm within the same. Place, therefore, introductory of the same, and place, therefore, an ending of the same, placing that that has been given in between. We shall speak no more upon this subject. But as a comet came forth upon the 3rd of April, so shall the Book of wings begin to spread its way by the 3rd of April.

“What publisher, Aka?”

That is already within soul Ray’s mind.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. John asks, ‘Would it be advisable for Ray to go to Phoenix to give healing for the many people that are requesting healing, and do you have any advice on this?’”

We say unto thee unto this way, unto this manner. For where he should go, we should go. No harm should come unto him, for we have placed this new knowledge within his mind for a reason.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request from [3–1–74–001]. She asks for a life and health reading, the health pertaining to lower back, menstruation problems and headache.”

Yes, we see of thy need. Yes, we have before us, therefore, the body, the soul, the spirit and the immortal body of the same.

First, you must realize the subject matter is suffering from that of hypertension, that of an imbalance in her own day-to-day life. But therefore, within the vagina area of the same we find that of — yes — nonmalignant growth of the same, that that would be more known as cysts upon the ovary. We find other cyst form within the uterus itself.


We also find that of an infection of the bladder area and kidneys. We would suggest — yes — that the subject in mind should consult a physician of surgery, or therefore, come forth, unto healing of the same.

We would suggest the taking, therefore, within the body substance of that of the sage tea sweetened slightly with honey. We would take, therefore, within the body substance of the same 3,000 units of vitamin E per day. We would take, therefore, within the body substance — yes — of 1,500 units of vitamin C per day. We would take, therefore, of a good natural vitamin and mineral supplement into the body. Taking, therefore, that of the cranberry juice and drinking in large quantities each day.

Yes, we see this.

We find problems, therefore, within the circulatory system of the same, that of a fatty tissue substance. We would suggest the use of that of the lecithin or safflower oil with B6.

Yes, we see this.

We would also suggest that the subject take not of any fatty tissue into the body substance. Eat none of the fried foods.

We would further suggest that the use of dolomite be used in that of nine capsule units per day.

We find — yes — the source of the problem of the circulatory system, also a lack of oxygen, damage, therefore, into the lungular area. We would suggest that the subject should find that of a higher, dryer climate.

Yes, we see this.

We find the subject matter suffering from allergies of the same. Therefore, we would suggest the use of the negative-ion machine unto this subject.

This is all on this subject at this time. One moment. If the above were used, surgery would not be necessary.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [7–12–73–002]. He asks regarding his, a life reading; he asks, ‘What karma do I have to work out specifically?’”

We should answer in this manner that in giving of yourself unto others in a manner that is just and fair unto yourself and just and fair unto others. Do not over give. We say unto you, if thy should go unto the market and pay, therefore, for that of an ass, and thy took the ass home and found him lame, and you return the ass back unto the market place, they would say unto you, “Let the buyer beware.” We say these words unto you, let the buyer beware, for they may buy more than they can bargain for. That the ass should not come home lame, examine well unto that which you purchase. And therefore, you should not leave the karma for the merchant or yourself.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. He asks, ‘Why does my belief system preoccupy my thinking, and why do I feel so comfortable when working on it? What value, what common denominator, could I use to hold it together?’”

Come forth in the words we have just spoken and the truth shall shine within the same, for we have just answered that question.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes Aka. He asks, ‘Where does his writing talent come from, and how may he best use it?’”

Your writing talent comes from this time, that of free choice. You asked unto us of which to best use it; we say unto you, at this time, when your world stands in turmoil, could it not use some laughter?

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. He asks regarding his interest in engineering; he says that he was told that he should go into engineering, but he does not know what type of engineering he should go into.”

We shall answer unto this question in this manner. You may take the horse to the water, and if there are three water wells before it, the horse itself must choose the water. We have taken you, therefore, unto the fountain of the water. Must we add the yeast unto the bread? Continue therefore, and thy shall find reward within the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“I have one last question from this subject, Aka. He asks if you can contact Seth who works through Jane Roberts of Elmira, New York?”

We shall answer in this manner. My Father has many mansions, and therefore, there are many missions; yet all lead to the same road.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Ruth asks, ‘”The Fifth Angel stands upon the earth, beware.”’ Do you mean we should get shots, and if so, for what?’”

(Chuckle.) Does a cow go into the pen to smell its own fertilizer?

Soul Ray now weakens. It is our time for departure.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Come forth together and study our last words and find, therefore, the meaning of the same, for we have not spoken unto riddles.

Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. The transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


March 8, 1974

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Now we should say unto thee unto these words, into this manner. For we shall tell thee the parable of greed.

For as the Lord cast Lucifer from the heavens, and Lucifer did spread greed into man as the seed, yet it was a small thing. Yet it grew within man. And it was like a leprosy, for it spread among the nations. And nations begot nations, and blood was spilt upon the earth. And kingdom after kingdom fell beneath the sword, the club, the spear, always for the same price, for gold.

And greed begot jealousy in man. And jealousy came forth as a monster with many heads. And it would devour the one who possessed it, step by step, until their soul was wrapped into nothing, for the thought was enough, for jealousy works upon imagination. It has no fact; it has no beginning. It only has a cruel ending.

And we say unto you, look upon your earth into that that lives in harmony. You do not find the trees jealous of one another or the plants upon the earth. It even was cast into the beasts upon your land, this horrible thing, this Beast of jealousy.

And the jealousy begot possession, and opened the doorway, therefore, of possession of the spirits, of the lost spirits to enter, [for] no longer could the jealous person protect themselves, and no longer could they listen unto those who would protect them.

Therefore, day by day it devours. Greed and jealousy run hand in hand. And from it, we say unto you, should cause the life and the life’s blood of an innocent soul. This has happened repeatedly upon your earth.

We have told you before that Lucifer should work in strange manners. Yet once the soul has gone and possession has taken forth he has no longer use for you, and then your way back unto the Father’s light shall be for an eternity.

Think into yourself, “Am I jealous of my brother? Am I as Cain? Shall I slay unto my brother because I am jealous?”

And jealousy begot hatred.

We say unto you, in the beginning God brought forth both he and she. And He found it good, for they were in harmony, one into the other, and both unto God. Yet, all of these things has made harmony an impossibility. And for the jealous one, they cast aside God, and denounce Him, and use His name in profanity, for they shall act as though they worship Him, yet they worship only themselves. And they shall say this and that in the name of the Lord, yet the Lord says naught unto them, for they speak for theirselves, not for God. And the hole they should dig, they should bury themselves.

And we should say unto thee unto these words, for those who should forget the words, we have come not to change the laws of Moses; we have come not to change the laws of God, Almighty, our Father, for upon the stone was written the Ten Commandments; “Thou shall have no other god before Me.” We say unto all of you, look well unto those commandments and you shall cast these things from your hearts. And then, plant your garden. And flowers shall bloom and the heaven shall come into fulfillment. And the earth shall no longer run red with blood.

We say to you, we come not for the blood of the Lamb, nor does our Father. This has been man’s thought, to bring upon the altar the blood of the lamb. We ask not for the blood of any man, or woman, or child, or beast or fowl. Let the dead bury the dead, for they are but shells. For our Father is a Father of the living, not of the dead.

Thy come unto us with many questions. And we shall answer in this manner upon this night. To show the true meaning of our Father’s words, we shall give healing into those who pray for it and ask for it in our Father’s name. And so it shall be upon this day, for death shall raise its head, yet not come forth. We shall hold of it, for those who asked in our Father’s name. Glory be the name of our Father. Glory be those who should walk in our Father’s light and keep His commandments.

For we came unto you as we came unto the Essenes to prepare a way, that the ways of our Father should remain upon your earth, and the earth should remain, and man should remain. We came unto you to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. We came unto you that the fulfillment of the thousand years of peace could come forth. But take from your hearts these things of greed. For way and woe be unto thee, for the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. We stay his hand this day and bring forth healing, but not for long, for death shall follow his path in great numbers and nations shall fall, because of greed, because of jealousies.

You have in your mind our words when we first came. And we say unto you, we spoke as in this manner, that “wise man should hunt beasts to feed the gods.” Yet, you misinterpret our words, for we spoke upon our plane, not upon yours. To interpret, interpret in this manner. The food you should hunt for your Father should be love and kindness, and forgiveness. It should be honor, one unto the other, at all times. As you should honor your father and mother, honor your brother and sister.

Yet you say, “They are not of my brother and sister,” and we say, therefore, you lie, for you are all God’s children, and you are brother and sister.

We bring peace and harmony unto the earth for those who shall listen in their soul.

Soul Ray now grows tired.

Yea, yea, unto the Father; these words we have spoken, write them in your hearts, or perish.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


April 5, 1974

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this way, for we should bring thee greetings. But, we should answer that all should know of and understand our words.

For as you stand upon your earth day by day, [new] species and old species disappear, both of animal life and plant life, from the face of your earth; yet, you know not where they go. It has been written and it has been said that not one sparrow should fall without our Father’s permission and knowledge. It has also been said that man may [ ] destroy the body, but they cannot harm thy self, only you thyselves can do this. For God has given unto thee free choice.

We came but for one purpose, to give unto the earth a new coveth from God. Yet some could see it not, and some [who] would crucify it, and some would look at it idly and walk beyond it. But, much as yourselves, no one can destroy it, that that we have brought forth. For we are here but for one purpose, that purpose in itself, to bring upon the earth a place for the new Messiah and the preparation for the coming of the same.

Yet you ask unto us, “What has happened to these species?”

We say unto you, for our Father has many mansions. Your earth is but a speck of dust in the heavens. And our Lord, God, has placed for there for life for all. For that that you should willingly destroy you should not have back, for it shall be given elsewhere.

Therefore, we give unto you a rose without thorns. Yet the thorns you place there yourself. You say unto us, “We cannot do this, or we cannot do that, for we would have to give up this or that.” We have come not to collect the indebtedness or the promises you have made to your God. Only you can fulfill these, and only you can collect these. For if we came for that purpose, the Seventh Angel would surely walk upon your earth, and this speck of dust you call an earth would be no more. We said unto you unto these words, that the Book with wings would be printed. We told unto you to go, those of your Board of Directors, and arrange, therefore, for the monetary value to be brought forth for publication. We told unto you to change not of the words, but to place them in the right arrangement of the same.

Our Father has grown weary, for He has answered your prayers, each of them, yet you see them not.

We say unto you unto these words. If your book, the book of the people, is not brought forth, then we should take that of our own and place it in a different environment, as we have done before, for we should take, therefore, unto the one you call soul Ray, as we have done before. For now is the time of the Cherub, and now is the time that the Eagle should fly. We leave this decision in your hands.

We should remind unto thee that that as one known as Jesus did need kneel in prayer unto his Father, yet he knew within his heart that his Father’s words and his Father’s work was more important than his own needs or wants, and therefore, he walked from the olive grove to the hill of the skull, and therefore, let his blood flow upon the earth freely. Each of you speak of love. Look upon your land, this land of the Americans. In every grain of sand we have placed beauty. In every soul we have placed God. In every spirit, therefore, should flow as the wind; it should swoop upon the ocean, and therefore, gather seed, and back into the heavens again to spread upon the many lands.

We have brought flowers unto your doorstep, but none of these thing could we do without our Father’s permission. We have healed your sick and brought happiness unto your lives, for those who could see true happiness. For those who could not see, they should make their own hell upon earth.

As soul Ray’s body is still in the mending state we shall not overtax his body at this time. But for those who should ask for healing, it shall be given. For those who ask for knowledge, it has been given. For those who ask for love, let them kneel before the cross and count the drops of blood.

Yet, our Father does not ask for the blood of the Lamb. Only man should do of this. Nor does He ask the blood of the Eagle, only man should do of this.

For as the river should flow upon the land, and cleanse it, as raindrops in the desert, your needs shall be fulfilled. Ask and you shall receive. Open the doorway that we may enter.

For you say, “Who are you?”

And we say unto you, for we are the spirits of Aka, for we stand as close to God that we feel His teardrops upon our forehead. Yet we are not great.

We have watched you as children, arguing, placing envy and jealousy above that of God. “If thy right eye offend thee, cast it aside.” If thy right eye offend God, cast it aside. If thy right eye offend thy brother, cast it aside. But give into God that is God’s; give unto your brother that is your brother’s; give unto yourselves that that belongs to yourselves, and all shall be part of God.

But we say, once again, Roberta [Rebekah?] shall not walk the face of the earth again.

The work that we have laid forth for a prophet — yet should care not to be called one — has just begun.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


April 10, 1974

Phoenix, Arizona

Aka is here….

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner.

For throughout your worlds there have been many prophets born upon the earth unto all races, unto all colors. All of these are the colors of our Father. But we should say unto you, that has been said before, for the first shall be last, and the last shall be first.

You say unto us, “Why does the Lord choose to place the gift of the psychic, or prophesy, into so few hands?”

And we say unto you unto this manner. The Lord has placed upon your earth these of His children that man may forever know of Him. But He did not place them here merely to walk on water for your amusement. He placed each for a purpose.

And you say unto us, “Then how can these teachers have teachers themselves?”

And as we said in the beginning, for the last shall be first, and the first shall be last, for there is no spiritual form that should stand near God and not feel His love for His children. Therefore, each should choose an earth incarnation where their brothers and sisters should remain behind, therefore, to guide unto them.

But, as children should be, we find jealousy in many of their hearts. We have said unto you, now is the time of the Cherub. Now is the time to cast jealousy aside, to stand beneath the cross and let the drops of blood fall upon your forehead, and then you should surely know the true meaning of love.

But remember in these words, the Lord, our God, does not wish for the blood of the Lamb, only mankind should wish for this. So we say unto you, let the Lamb be a living breathing symbol before mankind. Let your love for your God and your love for mankind be as one. Give forth unto your God one-tenth of the love He has given unto you, and then in truth you have given a true tithing unto your Lord. Give, therefore, one-tenth of that love unto your brothers and sisters, and war and pestilence shall reign no more, and your thousand years of peace shall come upon the earth, and our Father shall have a place to lay His weary head.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [4–10–74–001] asks to know, ‘Will our finances be increased by a better paying job for me, or will C___ be physically able to return to work soon?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner.

You have brought this soul unto soul Ray for healing, that of the surgery and the knowledge we have placed within his mind and through his hands. And therefore, we have brought forth and answered your prayer that he should live.

Therefore, we should bring forth your second prayer. Your financial condition shall improve, but it should come as raindrops. But soul C___ should not return to work for the present time. This shall come at a later date.

Blessed be the name of the Lord. Blessed be the gift, and blessed be those who should ask for the gift in our Father’s name.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [4–10–74–002] says, ‘I wish to know if I will make a trip in May to Mexico, and if the man who asked me will become a part of my life.’”

Yes, we see thy need. First we should answer in this manner, thy shall make the trip into Mexico that thy desire, and in your own way, of your own choosing, he shall become a part of your life.

But remember unto these words, the Lord, God, has placed unto every soul free choice. We say unto you, go forth, therefore, and stand at the place of Guadalupe. Stand and you shall see the roses grow without thorns, and the blessings of God shall be with you. But we say unto you, there are many roads that should lead unto our Father’s many mansions. Criticize no one else for choosing a different path. Bring forth the philosophy of thought unto this one. Share your thoughts, and the blessings thy seek shall come forth.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [8–24–73–003] would like to know if his investment of last week will turn out to be profitable.”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. That that thy have given shall come back in return, in a like manner.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [4–10–74–003], ‘I will appreciate anything on any subject.’”

(Chuckle) Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we shall say unto you unto these words. Thy seek within thyself spiritual growth and knowledge.

And we say unto you, now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Pestilence and famine shall come forth. Prepare, therefore, for this time, but fear it not, for those who carry not the mark of the Beast shall not perish. Men shall flee unto the hills and try to hide themselves and pray for death, but there shall be no place to hide. But the children of God who have not forgotten Him shall not feel the pain, for the faith in thy Father shall save unto you and thy kinship. [See The Revelation 6:9–17, chapter 7, and chapters 12–17.]

We give unto thee these words, prepare therefore within thyself. For we are not great; we have come but for one purpose, to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. Look therefore, as a man who leases land, for the owner to return, into each soul thy meet, and treat each person as though he was he who should come, and therefore, thy should know of him when he does come. For there was the time of Abraham. There was the time of Moses. There was the time of Buddha. There was the time of Mohammed. There was the time of Jesus, the Christ. There have been many who have reached the Christ state, for the beggar on the street may be the next. Treat each person as thy brother, and thy shall prepare within thyself a place for his coming and a place in thyself for thy thousand years of peace and harmony. But think not as you should count, for think of each day as a thousand years. Therefore, one of your years shall be one thousand.

Yes, we see the confusion yet in your mind. We should say unto you, come forth and learn of the knowledge we have brought unto your earth form.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [4–10–74–004]; the question is, ‘I am interested in knowledge if my new venture will be successful, and if the precious metal deal will give me a profit?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer the last first. Profit shall come forth, but not in abundance. The venture shall be successful.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [4–10–74–005] says, ‘My system is very run down, and there is hardly a time when I feel real well. What’s causing the problem, and what can be done about it?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should say unto thee unto these words. Come forth unto soul Ray for consultation, and the necessary information that is needed shall be placed before him to make the necessary repairs in thy system. We say unto you, come forth after thy ovulation period.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [10–19–73–002], ‘Where can I get a job where I can make a living? What is the problem in my left ear?’”

Yes, we see thy need and we should answer in this manner. The problem of the left ear comes from brainstem damage of the same, the lack also of blood circulation into the inner ear proportion of the same. We find, therefore, this of a ringing sensation. We would suggest, therefore, that of the Lipoflavinoid be used, of six capsule substances per day. This would greatly help to alleviate this problem. Take therefore — yes — of the dark clay substance, this which soul Ray brings forth of the Aloe Vera E Earth, applying to the back and frontal side of the ear, and to the forehead. Do this over the entire area. We would also suggest that you come unto soul Ray for consultation and ask of the new shampoo formula which is in his mind which should help to increase the circulation in the hair follicles of the same.

You asked of a job and we should answer in this manner. There are many opportunities where thy stand at this time. Look around you and take advantage of them. But look upon it in this manner, that the toil, place love within it and love shall be returned, and the toil shall no longer be toil, but should be happiness and faith.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“[4–10–74–006] asks, ‘What does the future hold for me in the psychic field, any major change?’”

Yes, we see of thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Become therefore a pupil, and therefore, become a teacher. But the teacher should never be greater than the pupil, nor the pupil greater than the teacher. Prepare thyself to wash of thy brethren’s feet that they should know that true humility should come from within you, and the change thy desire shall come forth in fullness.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“[4–10–74–007] asks, ‘What about the property? Will I need to borrow the $32,000 to repay Mr. S______ by next month, or will I be able to avoid that interest and sell my property for its appraised value of $110,000?’”

Yes, we see thy need. We shall answer in two-fold. As we have said before, there is that of free choice. At the present time, that of the property is in the process of being sold. But we also say unto you, prepare therefore, the extra monetary substance as a safety valve within the same, that you may be a wise seller and not take less than is needed, than the value of the property.

One moment. Yes, we see the confusion within your mind.

We shall explain in this manner. If you should go unto the market place and have chickens to trade for a calf, fatten the chickens, but not too fat, for everyone knows that a chicken that is too fat shall not lay an egg. Therefore, be a wise seller of thy property, and the monetary value shall be greater in return.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [4–10–74–008] asks, ‘Will I work in an institution with healing, and if so, when, and will it be in this state?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer, as we have said before, there is that of free choice. There lies before you an institution that deals with healing. There lies before you an institution that deals with healing that comes in falsehood. Choose not that of the way of false prophet. Within thyself thy have seen the truth. Enter, therefore, that thy heart and thy mind should guide thee, for God is everywhere, and God dwells within you, and the knowledge of God lies within you. Therefore, go unto the healers, and know of them. Do not listen to their boasting, but judge them by their records. Judge them, therefore, in this manner, not as a judge should judge, but in a search for knowledge, for a true healer shall heal, and a false healer shall only promise to heal.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, there are no more written questions unless you…”

We see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. You asked unto us from which we come. And we say unto you, we stand as close to God as His heartbeat. We see and feel His tears. Yet we stand to guide unto this one known as soul Ray, for he shall be I, and I shall be he. And we, of our, of not one, but [the] thirteen, for there is twelve and God, the thirteenth of all. We are not great.

There are many here who have asked for healing. Bring forth thy quest in truth, and thy wish and thy prayer shall be granted. Glory be the name of the Lord, our God.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Soul Ray now grows tired. Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

“Ray, it is time to begin our journey homeward now. As we start homeward, you will hear no outside interference. All you will hear is my voice. Starting down the stairs, Ray, down the stairs that bring you back.

As you come down the stairs you feel stronger. You feel new energy flow in your body. Coming down, now, Ray. Down. Feeling stronger; much stronger, Ray. Down the stairs, Ray. You are coming down the stairs. Coming down Ray. You are feeling new energy flow into your body. Down. Down. Down. Feeling stronger, Ray.

Now you are at the bottom of the stairs, Ray. We will rest here. We will rest a little longer, Ray, and we will gather strength. This is a beautiful place, Ray. You like it here. You have been here many times before. There is a beautiful stream here, Ray, lined with roses….”

[Editor’s note: The moderator continues to bring Ray back to his body and then awaken him. These words were said to Ray at the end of each reading.]

[Note: numbers have been substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


April 13, 1974

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For within thy heart and soul thy have yet to accept death, as you know it, as the passing through the doorway of life. Yet you look upon the earth and its seasons and wonder not that spring should come again, that new life should come forth from the earth. It has been written that that “that the Lord should giveth the Lord should taketh away.” But the Lord taketh nothing He does not replenish tenfold.

For you, soul Ray, your heart has grown heavy from our burden. We can stand beside you and feel the tears shuddering within your soul. We have placed great knowledge before you. But the only comfort we could give unto you is to know that thy thoughts of light and sound in the mind are correct. that the day shall come forth when the disease of the body shall be no more, and the disease of the mind shall be no more, and the disease of the soul shall be no more.

The Lord has heard your prayer, and granted time that this one should put her affairs in order.

We have placed the knowledge within your mind, and your soul has guided the use of it. We know you see, day by day, the waste of mankind. We know of your frustration and your need to help. The time shall come forth when your prayers shall be answered.

We placed in your mind long ago to give healing unto the body for those who should come before you, to give healing of the soul and the spirit. We also placed within your mind the knowledge and the gift that they should see the light upon departure and fear not the passageway of eternal life.

You have done correctly in administering baptism unto this one. You have done correctly in asking prayers for her deliverance from your disciples.

You have seen these things, but your disciples must see them also.

You have stood beneath the cross and felt the teardrops of our Lord. Your disciples must feel this also, for this in itself is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Not all lessons come easy, nor knowledge, for is not new life come forth with pain?

Implant in the minds of all the importance of love and compassion and humility.

Now is the time of the Cherub. We have placed the drops of blood into your Book with wings. We have taken the blood from your soul, that whoever who shall read upon it shall believe and have faith and hope and the knowledge that God has not forgotten them. For we, as you, have come but for one purpose, for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. It has been as the thorn of crown [crown of thorns].


These things you have learned. New knowledge shall be placed within your mind.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: This transcript has been compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.

April 18, 1974

Tucson, Arizona

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner.

For as the Seven Spirits gathered upon your earth, therefore, in the creation of the same, and as they came from God, our Father, they looked upon each [parcel] of land, that that they had laid upon the earth and the firment [firmament, atmosphere] of the same.

They looked upon this land you call, your American, and each said to the other, “What gift should we give unto them?”

Each had a different answer, and therefore, they said unto themselves, “Let us go unto our Father for the answer.”


They stood aside, each asking unto the other, “What is the greater plant of love?”

Yet, again they could not decide. And they therefore went back unto their Father and said, “Oh God, we need of Thy knowledge, for we cannot decide the greater plant of love, for so much love has been planted into this of Thy earth, this planet Thy should call of earth.”


And so, as the time had passed, and many civilizations did come and fall, and the land did shift and change, and those of the Atlantans went forth into the land of Egyptan, and those came forth into the land of the American. And then came forth those of the White race. And therefore, the Red race handed unto the White race their gift of love, the love that should fill their stomachs and one day fill their warehouses that they should live. And as each race has come forward this same gift has been handed from hand to hand.

Yet the mightiest hand of all did give it unto you. It was given as a Father would give unto his children of all things he possesses, and the dearest things to his heart, for our Father should wish that the greatest gift upon the earth should be that of love, one unto another, and that His children and their children’s children should learn to live in harmony and peace upon the earth. He knew, therefore, that the day would come that this land of yours would bring forth unto all races from all proportions of the earth. And so it has been.

We say unto you, as He brought forth this one thy know as Jesus, and as he walked your land of the Americans, he also brought forth the gift of love from our Father. Yet in both places he walked, man has forgotten that unto which he would speak.

We say unto you, our Father wants not the blood of the Lamb. He cares not for idols built unto Him, or unto yourselves. He cares for His children. Give that unto God that should belong to God. Give that unto your brothers and sisters that should belong unto them. But just as important, give that unto yourself that should belong unto yourself. And in all ways, the body, the spirit, the soul, and the immortal body should therefore come unto one and know in fullness the love our Father has shed His tears upon your earth.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, we have [4–18–74–001]. She would like a general health reading, especially controlling weight gain.”

Yes, we see of thy need. We should answer in this manner. Take therefore of thy, from thy diet, of that of the salt. Use in its place either that of a salt substitute or that of the salt that should be hydrated [dehydrated] from the sea. Take therefore into thy system that of the safflower oil and that of the B6 compound unto one capsule, taking six per day of the same. Taking into thy diet form, of the morning meal, one glass of milk and one piece of toast. For thy luncheon, eat as much of the green foliage as thy desire and one glass of milk. Take therefore unto thy evening meals, therefore, of the green foliage and that of bananas for one meal per week. Take that of the green foliage and that of the fish that should come of the sea of one meal. Take that of one meal the fish that should come of the land water and the green foliage. Take therefore of one meal that of the liver form that should come of the beef and green foliage. Take therefore of thy other meals, eat them as thy would wish, only do so in smaller quantities.

We should also suggest thy should come therefore unto soul Ray that thy metabolism should be raised and adjustments made unto the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, we have [4–18–74–002]; ‘What’s my next step after I get well?’”

We shall say unto these words. There are flowers that lay beneath thy feet. Look upon them; do not destroy them, and they shall lead thee into the land of happiness. Go not backward but forward. Know where thy have been, and thy shall know where thy are going, for the past is the present, and the present is the most probable path into the future. Therefore, the dividing line shall lay before thee. If thy stop to see the flowers, thy shall take the right path. If thy do not stop to see the flowers and give blessings unto yourself and mankind and your God, then you shall take the wrong path, and your past shall be your future.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have [4–18–74–003]. The question is, ‘Will we be able to get our money out of this property?’”

We shall answer in this manner, not full value.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, we have [4–18–74–004]; ‘I seem to be at a point of life where change is indicated. I have thoughts of moving to Florida, but still am undecided. I want to do something meaningful. What and where is my place?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should answer in this manner. Look therefore within thyself and into the light that shines in the hidden place within thy mind, the candle that should burn forever. Go into that place and sit by the still waters, and open thy mind to the Lord, God, and the direction shall come forth. For wherever thy should journey thy should take of thyself. God lies within all of you, in that hidden place within your mind. Open the door that we may enter, and direction shall come forth in the form of guidance. And those that thy should pray to seek should come forth. For if a man should lose his arm and pray that he should learn to use one arm as two, then those who have lost their arms shall be sent to guide him, both of heaven and earth.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [4–18–74–005]; ‘I am experiencing a great deal of confusion affecting both my health and my work. Can you help me to perceive my present situation more clearly?’”

Yes, we see of thy need. And we should answer in this manner. The Lord, God, has placed into thy hands a gift, yet thy have not used it in fullness. Thy have sought out artificial means to stimulate thy mind. We shall tell thee that the time shall come forth of the machines that should take of the mind the light and sound, and therefore, to repair the body, the soul and the mind within itself. Yet these are only, have only started.

Therefore, we say unto you, take the gift that God has given you. Lay aside thy other things. The problems of thy body are not that of reality. They are manufactured from thy mind because you are afraid to pursue the gift that God has laid before you.

Each, in their own way, was given a gift, some to write, some to paint. Yet, much as an animal, you look unto other pastures and think they are greener than your own. Develop the gift that God has laid before you, and you shall develop the inter self.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [4–18–74–006]; ‘Who is Masau, a spirit of the Hopis, and can he be contacted at present?’”

We see of thy need, and we should answer in this way. Our Father has many mansions, has many roads that should lead to those mansions. We shall also say unto you, man brought forth the false prophets, not God. Know, therefore, of a prophet by his actions. Know, therefore, by a healer by his deeds. Divide and separate. Judge not lest ye be judged. Yet, as thy should seek a teacher, know that he has been a pupil, and the pupil has bee a teacher of the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka,[4–18–74–007]; ‘When I contact my inner voice, am I listening to my God-self or subconscious mind? Where does intuition fit into this? Why do I sometimes get conflicting advice?’”

We shall answer in this manner. In that quiet place within your mind that of the God-self should come through unto you and give unto you correct answers. The conflict should come of that of the argumentive conscious mind, which weighs and judges and casts aside. Sometimes man is so busy casting aside that he casts aside the better part of himself.

The Lord said, “IF THY RIGHT EYE OFFEND THEE, CAST IT ASIDE.” But make that of certain that it has offended thee before thy cast it down. That that is good shall last, and continue to come in truth. That that is your imagination should fall aside along the way. But that that should come in dream form should come in truth in many ways. If dreams should come and thy should not understand, be, therefore, as Joseph and the pharaoh. Go unto the one who can interpret the dream.

For as this one known as Paul did say, “There shall be those who shall dream and those who shall interpret dreams. There shall be those who should see visions and those who should interpret visions.” All of these are gifts of our Father.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, we have [4–18–74–008]; ‘Who wanted me today, and was it a test?’”

Yes, we see of thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Before permission was given unto soul Ray to come unto this land, we laid upon the land that to cleanse it, to take away confusion of the mind, yet to bring forth those who should seek spiritual development that they may pass it on unto others. For as a river should flow, and as a brook should flow unto a river, and as the river should flow unto an ocean, so should the spiritual words of our Father come forth upon your earth, for we are here but for one purpose, that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We are here to prepare a way, but in the same, to prepare a way for His children during the time of the Anti-Christ upon your earth, that those who should not wear the mark of the Beast should be spared, and life upon the earth should begin again, that the knowledge thy have should not be lost. We are here to prepare the way for your thousand years of peace upon the earth. Count not as you would count, but count a thousand years as a day, and you shall know the full meaning of the words we have spoken. [See The Revelation, chapters 12–24, 17, 19–22.]

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [4–18–4–009]; the question is, ‘Which direction should I take this coming year, relocation, and so forth?’”

Yes, we see thy need. We should answer in this manner. Thy have lived in turmoil. And therefore, walk away from this. As we have said before, we have come to prepare a way for the children who should not wear the mark of the Beast. New opportunities shall be laid before you. The door shall be opened, if thy wish to enter. Cast aside that of aggrievances, but look unto the doors we have opened of the future. Truth and prosperity and happiness shall lay before thee.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. We have [4–1–74–010]; ‘Am I over-anticipating my coming vacation trip or will there be problems?’”

We shall answer in this manner; there shall be no problems. Thy shall find much love at the end of thy journey.

Now is the time of the Cherub, and soul Ray now wearies. That we should not overuse his body form, it is now our time of departure.

But we say unto you these words. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Pestilence and famine shall rage. Prepare, therefore, for the same.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Tucson, Arizona


April 28, 1974

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And now we should say into thee unto these manners, for we should speak of the matters of God.

First we should say unto soul Mary [8–25–70–001–3], thy have come forth in thy light before thy God and shown guidance unto others. Thy have left behind thee the tribulations that you have found before as stumbling blocks. You have chosen well. Both our Father and ourselves are pleased. Glory be the name of the Lord.

And we should say unto soul Paul [8–10–70–003–1], we have heard your words. In choosing you we chose a likeness unto Paul; yet unto that that was his karma came unto you, and you have cast it aside. You have thought in your mind, “How may I better serve my Lord?” And we should say unto you, have patience, for unto each their time shall come, for thy shall serve at the right hand of our prophet.

Soon should come forth the time of the making of ministers and teachers. You have thought long upon soul Ray’s decisions in wonderment from whence they came, whether the man or the prophet did serve unto your needs. And we should say unto you, of the works of God the prophet did serve unto you, of the works of man the man did serve unto you.

We say unto you unto these words, glory be the name of the Lord.

A new decision shall be laid before you all. Handle each with patience and justice.

And now we say unto soul Ruth [8–10–70–002–02], we see of thy need, and of thy fears. We shall say unto you unto this manner, why should you fear the thoughts of others when we stand before you? We have said before that no one from either side should interfere with this work. Do unto that that is within your ability to do, and take one step forward, and more shall come. Soon the small tribulation shall remove theirselves. Worry not unto these of the Satanists. Go not unto their houses, for it would only serve to confirm others’ thoughts.

Each step has gone by, and as we have promised, we have brought this organization forward unto the respect of mankind. Your needs have also been brought forward. Cast aside these doubts, for nothing should stand still, not river, not ocean, not earth, not man, not seasons upon thy earth, for all shall change.

We say unto you, take unto your heart these words, for you are a minister of God. Thy have pledged servitude unto our prophet, as is just. Thy have pledged servitude unto thy Lord, which is just.

Remember of these things, for the things we should say shall be hard for you all to understand. Study the words well. Do not just listen once, but listen more than once, until each meaning of each word has brought truth within yourself.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

And now we say unto soul John [1–21–72–002–7] — we say unto soul John, come forth and kneel before us. Come forth, soul John.

And we place a drop of blood upon thy forehead, that thy should know the true meaning of love and compassion. There have been doubts within your mind, for you forgot that when you were made a teacher both God and ourselves stood in presence. We have watched your day to day progress. We have watched you fall and stand again.

We baptize thee, John, in the name of the Lord, our Father, from this day forward. Take, therefore, unto the oath that shall be offered unto thee. Shall thy accept this?

“Yes.”[she says.] “Yes.”

Then in the day of days to come thy shall become a minister.

[Ah kay nay mah. Yay, yay mah sah they. Fah, fah.] Hallowed be the name of the Lord, our God. And so thy have been baptized as John. And so thy have accepted. Your day of the candelabra is soon at hand.

Rise, soul John.

And now, we should say unto this one, [2–4–72–001]. You have been chosen to become a teacher. Instructions shall be given forth, both of the prophet and of the ministers of this work.

Thy are soon to become in wedlock. We have seen and shall continue to see, for as your Ministers’ Book should say, a rose without thorns. Before thy accept, go unto thy betrothed and discuss of this. Can you understand of which we speak?

“Yes.” [She answers.]

In your decision we say unto you, give unto God that is God’s, give unto your brother that is his, give unto yourself that is that is yours, and in all things you shall continue to do the work of God.

[11–26–71–002], come forth and bow. A drop of blood shall be placed upon thy forehead, and a teacher thy shall become. Study well the words that should come from the prophet and the words that should come from the ministers. Thy have been chosen to become a teacher. Answer now, do you accept?

“I do.” [She answers.]

Then we say unto you, from this day forward thy shall be called Mark [11–26–71–002–11]. Do you accept?

“I do.” [She says.]

[Allah, kay ne. Allah-nah-mu. Kay, kay.] Glory be the name of the Lord, our God.


[3–9–73–001], come forth and kneel. You have been chosen to become a teacher. A drop of blood shall be placed upon your forehead. Shall you serve before your God and in the light of the God of One?

“Yes.” [She says.]

Then we should call thee from this day forth Ruben. [Allah, kay ne. Kay, kay. No va lay-a-ney. Sah, nah.] Glory be the name of the Lord, our God, the Almighty.

Thy shall serve and receive instructions from the prophet and the ministers.


And we say unto soul Paul, this one known as [8–27–73–001] shall also become a teacher. He must be brought forth in the same manner. You shall understand our words.

And now we shall say unto you, we divided and cast from thy lot three ministers, James [4–3–70–005–5], Luke [4–3–70–003–4], and Jude [6–9–70–004–6]. Should they desire to come back unto the work of God, we have seen their travels and their destiny and found them good. But in all things, a leader has been brought forth, that into which we should call the prophet. Should they therefore bring forth their desire to serve again, and to serve under the instructions of our prophet, their ministerships shall be restored. They shall be notified of this. A copy of the tape of the same shall be sent to each individual, separately.

[2–4–72–001], after thy have discussed unto this unto thy husband-to-be, come forth and give unto us your answer. Can you understand of which we speak?

“I think so.” [She answers.]

Accept not that that thy could not fully coveth, both in your husband’s eyes and yours. And we shall stand and make your marriage into a blessed thing. But we see of thy doubts. We say unto you, long ago, in a different time in a different place, you were chosen once before. You accepted then. Should you accept now, your task shall begin, but we should not give forth the name until the answer should come forth.

This house shall stand, not divided. Both ministers and teachers should therefore meet together at the half-time of the month from this day forward. Both ministers and teachers should give in writing form that of their activities unto that of the prophet, that a better understanding should come among all of you. For the house shall grow beyond your wildest thoughts and speculation, for this is a house of God; this is the mansion of God.

And now we shall give you one other suggestion that you should talk among yourselves. The book of the ministers should not lie only within yourselves. There are certain proportions that should be taken from it, and then in its present form — and you know those instructions that should be taken from this book — it should [thus] far be gone into print and go and prepare a way for the Book with wings.

Can you understand of which we speak?

“Aka, are we to take it to a publisher or are we to print it ourselves?”

You shall print it of yourselves. Take forth all of the mentioned teachers, take forth all of the mentioned ministers except those of James, Luke, and Jude, and discuss upon the same.

“I don’t understand you.”

Study our words. The book as it stands shall help prepare the way.

“[11–26–71–002] understands.”

Take forth, therefore, the instructions of the installation of the ministers. Take forth, therefore, the baptism; take, therefore, the marriage vows, leaving all unto the rest.

“Do you want the exorcism taken out?”

Take, therefore, of the exorcism.

Only in parts. For a beauty has blossomed upon the desert, and a rose has grown by the well. It should not be hidden.

Soul Ray now grows tired and weary.

In your own language, we shall say unto you, butter it up.


Bring forth certain knowledge of your prophet, adding to and within the book.

Soul Ray now grows weary.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Fear not for the children of God. Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


May 3, 1974

Globe, Arizona

[Unpublished reading]

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray now sits among you.

First we should say unto thee unto these words. We gave you ample warning of this one thy would call Kohoutek, the planet, Yahweh. And we said unto you unto these words, that that that you had been before, the karma should come upon the earth for each of you to overcome. This was done by the wishes of our Father. For too long had these souls been condemned. Yet it was for greater wisdom, that each of you should overcome your own karmic background in full. And only in that manner should you truly be ready for the coming of the Messiah.

Yet you heard us not. You have looked into each other and cast demons about.

We shall first say unto you, we are here not to judge you. Only by the permission of our Father should we come forth in this way.

Can you understand of which we speak?

“We try.”

Can you understand of which we speak? Answer unto all.





Then we shall say unto you unto these words. Your jealousies that you brought upon this earth as the sons and daughters of God of another planet — a planet you destroyed by your warfare — you brought that warfare here upon this [our] garden of Eden. You brought it into the man-beast, and so Lucifer was cast from the heavens, one and all.

Those who could see the betterment of their ways left your planet to return into another planetary system. They have long observed you, waiting for the day they could join you again as brothers and sisters.

Can you understand us now?


Answer there one and all.

“We can.”

“Yes, we can.”

“We try. We try. We fall short.”

Then we should say unto you, first — unto you, Paul. We have told you you should stand on the right side of the one called as soul Ray. Yet we told you before, had ye an aggrievance; take it before the person. And should not the grievance, therefore, be settled, take it unto two of you that should go, two non-partisan people that should go between you and arbitrate.

Do you remember of our words?

“I do, and I also thought that taking it to the Prophet in confidence would be all right. I did not understand or I would have done it differently.”

Do you understand now?

“I do.”

Now, we should say unto you, do you now understand why the Prophet had no other choice but to bring this into fullness unto those accused?


Now, we shall go first on your accuser. So be it charged, that S________ K____ and J___ R___, both teachers, first, were practicing that of black magic, or the works of Lucifer. And we should answer unto these charges — nay. They were not brought here by us, but for a purpose, for the furtherment of this work.

Do you understand of which we speak?

“Yes. But I did not charge them of working for Lucifer. You are my witness that I did not.”

We have not charged that you have charged of this.

“All right.”

We have brought forth the facts, as they stand.

Second, you have charged, the one known as soul John did, therefore, obstruct the work of the Association of the Spiritual Philosophy of God.

“I did.”

Therefore, we should answer unto your charge. We have told you, count, therefore, the blessings into each of you each day, that of the good. Take full account of all things that each person has done.

First, we should answer into this and in this manner. The Book with wings was placed unto soul John’s hands, not by you, but by us.

Second, the duties that she has performed as a wife unto her husband, soul Ray, we shall answer this charge. This, of soul Ray, and this, of soul Judy, did come before their God and us and give forth unto their vows of love and marriage unto the same. We did, therefore, accept this.

Can you understand of which we speak?

“I understand.”

Therefore, we find not of the charge of adultery.

[Note: Someone is heard getting up.]

We should say unto one and all, remain seated.

Now we should say unto to you, as the duties of a wife she has performed. As the duties as your Corresponding Secretary and that to take care of the appointments and prepare a way that soul Ray should come forth into the public, she has done. Can any, therefore, deny of this?




Third, we say unto you, all of you have been overworked and overtaxed for too long. We told of you that we handed unto your hands a burden of love. We told of you that you could fall under it, but to rise again; that the falling was not a sin, only the staying, therefore, down into the earth and becoming that of dead or lost — that was a sin.

You have charged that all of the Association would confirm of this. If thy speak for thyself, speak for thyself. Thy have many members. Thy are the President. Unless thy have consulted all of the members, then speak not for them.

Can you understand of which we speak?

“I understand.”

Do you accept what we have said unto you?

“I accept, and I think you know my reasons for having brought the charges.”

Do you still stand by these charges?

“No, I do not stand by the charges; I withdraw them and apologize.”

Then we say unto you, soul Paul, kneel. By the authority vested in the Council and by the holy one, our Father, God, we take this burden from thy shoulders. We take thy karmas of thy past lives from thy shoulders. Build no more. The Lord loves thee.

Blessed be the name of the Lord.

From this day forward, as we have said, thy shall stand by the right-hand side of the Prophet. And the Prophet’s words shall be our words. And you shall accept unto the same.

We say unto you now, Paul, you have outlived and undone all of Paul’s karma, that that he left upon the earth in his sometimes greedish and jealous manner. This was the reason you were named Paul. Carry the name with honor.

Rise with the Lord’s blessings.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

Now, we should say unto the one known as Mary, can you understand of the words we have spoken?


We say unto you, you could not cast aside and judge for yourself. Can you so now?

“I don’t understand all the way. I can’t judge until I understand.”

Judge not lest ye be judged. Bring forth the true part of thy self. The karmas of Mary were cast upon your shoulders that you should rise above them, for she was dominated by her mother and father, her brother[s] and sisters. She did not stand up and speak that that was in her heart.

Can you cast aside these?


Then kneel, soul Mary.

We take, therefore, from you the sins of Mary. We take from you the karmas you have brought forth from the other world.

In the name of our Father, God, we speak unto you and give you full blessings and forgiveness. For those things thy have not forgiven thyself, we have cast them aside. They are no more.

Can you accept this?


Then let the light of God shine upon thee and walk from this day forward in truth as Mary, a minister of God.

We say unto you that the words of the Prophet shall be our words. When this of our talk shall end, when we have spoken unto one and all, your Prophet shall awaken. Yet he shall see and be seen in truth as a prophet, for he shall accept in himself that of a prophet, as a spokesman of our Father.

Do you accept this?


Then rise, soul Mary.

Glory be the name of the Lord, our Father.

We say unto soul S________ K_____, come forth, and kneel.

We say unto you unto these words. You have let your imagination, that that carried you unto this time — you shall remember that the name we placed upon you, this one, let his imagination destroy his brother. He gave away his inheritance, that that was given unto him unto God by righteousness.

This has been unto you the same. Can you see of this?


You shall not be swayed by one or another. You shall stand in the light of God in fullness. The word of the Prophet shall be the words of our Father.

Can you accept this?


Can you rise above, therefore, and cast aside all of these other things?

“I’ll try.”

Speak not.

We shall say unto you unto these words. We placed only in your hands, all of you, the ability to project love and healing. Unto each of you that has become angry unto another, your projection has returned into yourselves. You have thought this work the work of Lucifer.

We shall answer your questions in this manner. That of the machine that was turned off, your mind projected, and therefore, it was turned off. Therefore, at your work your thoughts were of an animal bound in a house, and therefore, you let the animal out, that he could feel the freshness of the air. There are no demons here. The spirits that stand in this house are the spirits of Aka, none other.

Can you understand now the fullness of what we speak? Can thee?


Of thy ailment, further healing shall come forth. Your death shall not come about in the manner [as] thy think. We did not bring thee unto this land, unto this work, that thy may lay down and die, nor hide from anything. We brought thee here for a purpose — that in itself is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

We brought thee here to serve unto the Prophet. An office shall be presented unto you. Shall you accept this office with the love and graciousness, even though it shall be a burden unto you?


Then we say unto you, rise, and sin no more.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

And now, we should say unto soul John these words. Thy have become frustrated. The injury into which you sustained did not fully heal until soul Ray did, therefore, the surgery. This added unto your frustration.

But you also brought forth from the old world your grievances. At that time, each of you turned unto each other and gave destruction. Yet we say unto you, you were the daughter of the one known as soul Ruth. This is why you have felt a love and kinship unto her. This love and kinship we shall not ask you to take from your heart. All other aggrievances, can thy cast them from thy heart now?


Then come forth and kneel.

Soul John, John was jealous of the one known as Jesus, for his love was so great unto him. The one we have brought unto you, this one, soul Ray, reminds you much of him. His facial structure is a likeness, in kind. Even the body structure is a likeness in kind.

Can you take there from your heart this jealousy that John possessed? Can thee?

“I’m not sure I know what you mean.”

John loved too much. He loved in such a way that he did not allow the full love of all of the disciples that Jesus had for all to flow in an even manner. He even possessed the jealousy of the love of the people unto this one. He spent his last days in insanity, because of his own sin. Soul John loved that of a woman and that of a man, for he could not forget within his mind that in fullness that he had been. And therefore, he loved unto Jesus as a woman should love a man. That was his sin.

Can you cast unto yourself, from him, for him, that his soul may rest and you shall rise for him, his sin? For you shall be asked to share the love unto soul Ray, not the love that comes between a man and a woman, but the love that the Prophet should give forth upon the earth unto all mankind.

Can you understand now?

“Yes. I can.”

Can you accept this?


Then we say unto you, we shall take forth, from this day forward, the sins of John and your own karmic sins upon the entry upon this earth. We say unto you, rise in the name of the Lord, John.

We say unto you can you accept the words of the Prophet as our words, and abide by them?


Then glory be the name of the Lord, our Father.

And now we say unto you, Soul Ruth, you hove long wanted to know who the opponent that stood upon the earth before soul Ray was. We shall answer. It was you.

“I remember.”

Therefore, you have brought forth the same action unto this time. All of these things now must be set aside. You have also brought forth the jealousy of Ruth.

“I remember Ruth.”

Can you cast forth from thyself of these things?

“Gladly would I be free.”

Then we say unto thee — in the name of our Father, God, Lord of all, we cleanse thy soul.

We shall now answer unto your question. We did not give unto you, or into any other, the ability to harm anyone. We gave you only the ability to heal and project love. Only your own hard feelings and those of the one known as J__ S_______ ,who once before stood at your side —

“I remember.”

Now we shall say unto you, he was cast then, therefore, from the land. He has brought forth all of his problems unto this time, yet he has made no effort to overcome these. Had he not accused falsely then unto this one, soul Ray, the war would never have happened. It was his jealousy that brought forth the war, and his false accusations.

In the name of our Lord, God, rise, soul Ruth, for forgiveness has come unto thy heart. Love of thy daughter as thy loved of her before. We place unto you two your own words. Each of you asked God for a sister. God granted your wish, for you are sisters of this time, that of soul sisters that shall never end.

Glory be the name of the Lord, our Father.

Rise therefore.

And now we say unto all of you. We have answered unto all of you the charges.

Your copyrights of all of your material shall remain in soul Ray’s name, and he shall remain the guardian of these, until you are ready to accept the responsibility in truth. The monetary value shall go forth unto the needs of this work.

Can you all understand of which we speak.



“We try”

Do you accept our words?

“We do.”

Then God bless you, my children, for our Lord has long waited this day.

And now, we say unto the one, soul Ray, kneel. Kneel, therefore, in your spirit form.

For long, thy have flown as the Eagle. For long, thy would not accept that of the Prophet. Yet, thy went through the eyes of Abraham, through the eyes of Isaiah, through the eyes of Moses, through the eyes of Jesus. Thy walked before and prepared the way, as the one known as John the Baptist. Yet you saw him die upon a cross and thought thy had failed, and vowed, therefore, to go back into the desert unto which you had come and prepare the way once again.

You would not accept our gift or our forgiveness, or even his. Can you now?

Yes. Yes.

Then we say unto you, do thy still want to resign as the head and as the Prophet of this organization?


Then we should say unto you, rise Prophet, and as you should, your robe shall be white as you should ordain the teachers and the ministers of this work. It shall be printed along the cuffs with the ankh, the Tree of Life. And near the sandals thy should wear, along the bottom of the robe, shall be embroidered in gold — not of material gold, but of gold thread only. Over thy heart shall be embroidered the candelabra. Above it shall be embroidered an eagle in flight.

We give this task unto the two sisters. Do the two sisters accept this task?



Then rise, soul Ray. And glory be the name of the Lord, our Father, and all shall be in accord.

You have long waited the end of the passing of Yahweh. It shall now be born again.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Let peace and harmony, and good health and love come forth unto all, for this is our Father’s words, “AND IT SHALL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT SHALL BE DONE ON HEAVEN.” For the Great Day has come about, and the trumpets shall play in heaven and upon earth.

Hark and listen, therefore, unto thy Father.




Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


May 10, 1974

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner, for we should tell unto thee the Parable of the Oasis.

And as the earth was created, as such, and the Seven Spirits of God did stand back and look unto their handiwork, one said unto the other, “Why have we created deserts? And why have we created green places in the desert where the water should flow?”

And they puzzled long. And therefore, they went unto their Father with this question.




And yet, the spirits did say unto Him, “Then, oh, Lord, why have You placed islands into the water, that should rise and fall? And why, oh, Lord, should these fall away one by one, yet rise again?”


We have told unto you this parable that you should know that it is much within the same as your group form and your work that you have done. We do not ask that you all stand in one place, for it shall take many hands in many places and in many parts of the earth.

For from the brook the knowledge shall flow into the river, and from the river it shall flow into the oceans, unto the many lands, unto the many universes beyond end.

We have come not to take from you your faith and your worship of God. We have come but for one purpose, and that in itself is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. This can only be done as each of you of many faiths — whether you be of the Jewish faith, the Protestant faith, the Catholic faith, Mohammed, Ishmael, of all faiths of all kinds — it is but to know we have sent many prophets unto your earth, each to bring forth unto different places the knowledge for that time

that our Father sought to teach. But much like children that should grow, our Father saw fit to place unto each of their minds that that they could digest at the time.

But time is like a river. It is but a measurement, yet always changing, and therefore, not relevant.

But yet, for this time, we bring forth unto you this knowledge, not to hold within your hands as you had picked a rose and hidden yourself, that only you could share it, for if you do so and crush the rose, you should destroy of it. Give unto it, cast unto it into the wind. Bring forth this Rose without a Thorn, and it should pave the way for the Book with Wings. Prepare it well, that it should last. Tend your fields in such a manner that you should know that your Father should see them at all times.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, tonight [8–27–73–001] and [2–4–72–001] are here to come before you.”

Yes, we see thy need.

And first we should say, therefore, unto [2–4–72–001] — it is, therefore, your judgment and that of your husband-to-be that you should become a teacher. You are in accord with this?

Yes.” [2–4–72–001 answers.]

Then we say unto you unto these words, kneel, therefore.

[Kay nay na say. Kay nay na say, lah, lah. Kay no, kay no.]

Glory be the name of the Lord.

Go, therefore, and rise, and upon your day of days come, therefore, before this one, and thy shall become a teacher, from now unto all planes.

We say, therefore, unto [8–27–73–001], thy have been chosen to become a teacher. Do you accept?

Yes, Aka, I do.” [8–27–73–001 answers.]

Then go, therefore, and kneel unto your Father.

[Kay nay fah. Kay nay fah sahnah noa. Kay nee, kay nee.]

And we say unto thee, rise David.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

Come, therefore, upon the days of the days, and thy shall see, and we shall see, and our Father shall see.

For those who have been [tongued] to become teachers, we shall be there to honor them, our Father shall be there to honor them.

For those who should become ministers, we should be there, and our Father should be there to honor unto them.

Take not of your vows lightly. Promise not unto your Father that that you cannot deliver honor unto Him. Only promise that thy shall try.

Our Father sees thy needs.

Some shall fall. There shall be those from both sides who shall help them rise again. It is not the falling that is important, it is the rising.

For in the hearts, each of you that have been chosen have felt humility and love and compassion. Each of you have felt the drop of blood upon your forehead. You have said unto yourself, “Why have I felt so differently?” From the moment the approval was given for the ministership and your teachership, the drop of blood was placed upon your forehead. It shall never be removed. Only you may do this.

We say unto you, within the structure of all things, we have placed a leader, a prophet, within your hands. Do each of you vow, now, to receive his instructions?







Glory be the name of the Lord, our Father.

Remember of the river. Accept change, for it shall come forth. Do not be stagnated, for stagnated water is useless to anyone. Close not the doorways of your minds. Leave them open, that those that are chosen for each of you may enter for guidance. Fear not, for we shall walk with you.

We see thy grief of this one, and the sorrow of the parting. Yet we should say unto you unto this manner. We shall allow you to look to the other side. In three days you shall have full knowledge of which we speak.

Can you understand of which we speak?

No Aka, I do not understand.”[A man answers.]

It is not meant unto you, only one [note: (5–10–74–001)]. And this one shall know. The veil shall be lifted that your mother shall be seen unto you, that you should know that [all] love is there, both love and forgiveness.

We say unto you, unto all of you, [new], a changing of the structure of your Government shall take place in such a manner that you shall think it is crumbling from within. The eagle was once carried as the symbol of the Roman. The eagle is now carried as the symbol of the American. Yet this eagle shall grow new claws.

Now eruptions on your West Coast shall begin to occur again. Both by fire and famine the land shall be destroyed. The ground shall shudder from that of the Aleutians unto the very tip of your South American continent.

New tornado hurricane-type storms shall sweep your Mideast [U.S.A.].

Fear this not, but heed our words. Travel not into these areas at the present time. We shall implant the knowledge that is needed unto soul Ray’s mind, that for each of your journeys he may give you safe conduct unto the same.

You have other questions, ask.

Yes, Aka, I have a request for a follow-up health reading on [2–16–74–001]. She says that the medicine makes her mouth sore and makes her constipated, and so she has cut back on the medicine to some extent, and she wonders what she should do?”

We should only answer in this manner. Come, therefore, forth before soul Ray, that healing may be administered of the same. This is all on this subject at this time.

Soul Ray now grows weary.

Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


June 1, 1974

Globe, Arizona

Ray Elkins began talking before he went into trance. The tape recorded message began with these words, as Ray was describing the coming of the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, in early April 1970.

Ray Elkins in 1974 before giving a lecture and healing to many individuals

…She [Ray’s wife] asked, why did they come? And the answer came back that they had not come to that person, they had come that — “my flock.” I looked up when I woke up and there were two people in it. And I don’t think anybody laughed any louder than I did. I thought, what? You know.

Well, this organization is designed, not as a religion; each of you here belong to you own religions, and this is as it should be. This is a philosophy. If you can take any part of it and add it to that that you already have, then you’ve grown from it.

And it’s not up to one person to say, “This is the way, the full meaning of each reading.” I think that it’s up to each individual in their own individual way, upon hearing the reading, they interpret it themselves to fit their own needs. And they take the philosophy into their own lives and put it to use. And this is way I wanted it to be. I think maybe this is the way God wanted it to be.

And, I can’t express my gratitude — not because, the one thing I never wanted to do is become widely known for anything — but my gratitude, I’d like to express it in this way, that the philosophy that is good will last. And my gratitude is to the people who have made it last, to the people who have taken the work, or the readings, and shared it with so many others.

As all of you know, we don’t advertise. We don’t solicit. Everything has gone by word of mouth, one into another. And it’s grown, sometimes I think beyond anything I ever thought it would. But the main place that I’ve seen the growth is in the people who’ve done the work — their growth, and the growth I’ve seen in other people who, who just shared in their work.

You know, work is a word we consider as a hard thing. There are many types of work. But a labor of love has no price. It’s something that cannot be bought nor sold.

That’s all I have to say.

After speaking, Ray leaned back in his recliner with his head to the east and went into trance, climbing up a stairway to stand with God.

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner in this way.

For as our Lord, God, sent forth the Seven Angels, and the Seven Spirits unto the same to create thy land, and therefore, the creation came forth, and the Lord, God, found it good — and now we should say unto thee of the Eighth.

The Eighth was that that you should know as Lucifer. And Lucifer came forth unto the Seven Angels, the Seven Spirits of the Lord, and did become jealous because of their creation, for he was the youngest. And therefore, he came upon the earth and did bring forth lie and deceit.

And the Lord, God, looked upon the children of the earth. And He did cast Lucifer from the heavens unto the earth.

And yet, the Seven Angels went back into the Lord, God, and said, therefore, unto the Lord, “Oh Lord, why have you cast unto the earth this one who should harm of our children?”



Yet the Seven Angels, the Seven Spirits of our Lord, still did not understand. And the angels, the spirits of the Lord, said unto the Lord, “But Lord, they have many obstacles to overcome. Why should You add to their burden?”




Yet, as He spoke, one of the spirits of God shook his head in despair, and he said unto the Lord, “But Lord, I can understand all you have spoken. But why have you allowed this one known as Lucifer to place the seed of doubt in their minds? No one placed the seed of doubt in our minds as we grew the fields of grain.”


And so it was done.


And as each whispered into the other’s ear, the last came forth.

And the Lord said unto this one, “WHAT MESSAGE HAVE YOU RECEIVED?”

And the last said unto the Lord. “That the worst thing within the heavens and earth is doubt.”







And there shall come forth upon the time upon the earth when blood should run upon the earth like the rivers, and spill into the oceans and pollute the oceans. And the grass and the tree and all living things they should destroy, one by one, until they themselves can grow beyond this and see that unto which they have destroyed.

All of these things we have known, yet we know of a greater thing — that the day shall come that each shall gather, as the pebbles should flow across the land from brook to river to ocean, unto the many lands and universes, their overcoming of doubt, their replacing this with faith. There shall be no more mistrust.

For the Lord, God, says unto you, “BLESSED BE THE PEACEMAKERS.


Can you understand of which we have spoken?

Nay, not fully.

We have told of you unto these things, for we have seen your seeds of doubt. But we say unto you unto this manner, as we have said before, none from either side shall interfere with this work. There shall be weeds that should grow in the garden, but the Lord is a good farmer. He shall pluck the weeds, for their own doubts shall strip then naked before mankind, and show mankind that unto which they are, their own jealousy.

We say unto you, as you build unto the temple of God unto thyself, place, therefore, first, a good foundation, and pick thy mason well. Put plumbing into the house, that it should not clog up and pollute the house, that it should carry away the waste. Place a good roof upon the house that the storms should not damage the interior. Make the walls strong.

Do so unto others as you would wish them to do unto you.

We shall say one other word before we answer your questions. There has been doubt in soul Ray’s mind. Only hecan overcome this. For as in his dreams that he should sow the many lands, yet he had doubt that he would have enough seed to sow them all, we have shown him that there shall be seed.

We have said, bring forth this new book. We have said, work together upon it. Cast aside all of thy doubts. Place each word with love from thy hearts, and let it flow unto the many lands, and your rose shall not have thorns.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [11–26–71–001] who is here tonight asks, ‘How may I guide and help my children to grow in the right direction towards greater spiritual growth?’”

We shall answer your question into this manner. For as a farmer should ready his field, he should know in his mind to rotate his crops, that he does not take from the land the goodness that the Lord placed there. He shall plant a crop one year that should strengthened the earth and another year that should take from the earth, only to replenish it the next year. He should weed his garden.

Through thy guidance, and even with the best of care, same of the crop should grow fruitful, yet some should grow slowly. Yet given time, all of the crop shall bear fruit. After the farmer has done all that that he can, there comes a time that he himself must stand aside and let the earth and the plant become as one. There comes a time within man and woman as they should bring forth their children.

It has been written, “Honor thy father and mother.” But we say unto you, honor thy father and mother as into thyself. If a child does not give honor into the father or the mother, then the mother and father cannot give honor into the child.

The Lord, God, is your Father. He gives glory into His children. Yet, as we have said in the beginning of this reading, it was by His choice that He gave you the tools to grow by.

Love unto thy children enough to let them have of their own minds and their own hearts. If they should fall, be as God. There is a time that thy shall help them up. But there is a time that thy must love them enough to stand aside and let them grow by themselves. This may sound harsh or cruel. There is no harshness or cruelty, for it is only in reality can growth come from within oneself.

Can you understand of which we speak?

“Yes.” [She says.]

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [1–6–74–001] who is here tonight asks, ‘Is it all right for me to buy a small farm in the Rio Grande Valley around Harligen, Mission, Willesco or McAllen? If not, where should I?’”

We shall answer in this manner. That of the seaboard into which thy speak, and the rivers that flow unto the same, shall be the pathways for the tidal waves in the eruptions of the earth. We have said unto you in this manner, this time shall not come for seven years. Yet, proportions of the same shall come before then.

It has been written of the pharaoh of Egypt who listened unto the shepherd boy, and he did interpret the dream of the coming of the famine, for there were seven good years and seven lean years. Soul Ray has given unto you counsel. It has been good counsel. The land that shall be spared from the massive eruptions shall be within this land thy stand now. It shall not change its shape this time. This land has been unto the Lord as the land of Egypt, the land of Yucatan, was once before — shall be the refuge of the people. For your earth has shifted and changed its form many times. Your civilizations have grown, yet man has lost its knowledge.

You and others have made it possible that your biofeedback therapy should come into reality. We shall say unto you, from this shall come a new form of electricity, and from the study of the same, that the cosmic-magnetic electricity that should sustain your civilization shall come forth from the research done through the same.

We shall continue to implant in soul Ray’s mind greater knowledge.

But that that is good should come from toil, [unless] man throw it aside as nothing.

All of the knowledge of your earth has been lost many times. Plant, therefore, upon the earth a place for storing knowledge. We shall provide the yeast, the grain to feed your multitudes.

You shall not understand fully of what we have spoken about, and confusion shall lay within your mind. But we say unto you, we placed within your mind two forms of dreams. We shall place within your mind more of the same. It shall come as raindrops upon the desert.

Go forth and do that unto which thy wish. For unto this land thy know of, the island, shall be one of the first to be destroyed. Its destruction by hurricane and tornado shall come very soon. Therefore, we would suggest, that be about thy business, soon. We shall stay the hand until your business is complete.

Then come back unto us, and we shall give of thee the rest that the mind can digest.

If thy have faith, thy dreams shall come forth in beauty and truth. This must come from within yourself.

You have had doubts, placed there by Lucifer. For you must realize that as the days grow short, he works in desperation, for his time grows short. For the thousand years of peace that was promised shall soon come upon the earth.

Yet, there is but the time yet of the Anti-Christ, and many have been marked already and carry the mark of the Beast. And he shall be slain and grow a new head. And this has come about.

Your battle of Armageddon shall be fought upon the earth and in the heavens. For as it was written, so it should be done, on heaven and earth. [See The Revelation 13:1–8, and 19:11–21.]

Glory be the name of the Lord.

Can you understand of which we speak?

“Yes, I don’t like it, but I can understand it — because it’s shattering all my hopes and dreams.” [(1–6–74–001) says.]

Your dreams shall come more in full. You have asked for enlightenment. You have asked for a way to help unto others. Take back that wish, and we shall take away the dreams. Which is your choice?

“I’ll go this new way — and forget the old way, the old dreams.” [(1–6–74–001) says.]

Then we say unto you, for the dreams thy should dream shall make your old dreams look as though nothing. And your reward shall come in a manner greater than your wildest dream.

Be as a good barterer; trade well, with counsel. We have placed before thee a prophet. Use of his knowledge. You shall not want.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [11–9–73–006] asks for a health reading. She says, ‘Please help me find a better way to improve use of my hands, arms, walk better, and talk better.’”

Yes, we see of thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. That you should understand fully the meaning of ourwords, we shall place, therefore, your needs in soul Ray’s mind. Come forth, and he shall administer to the healing of the body, the mind, the soul, and the spirit.

We have given forth much healing unto your people. That this one should know the full meaning and the full love of our God, we give, therefore, the healing she asks for.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka.[11–18–73–001] asks how he should apply for disability and what disability to apply under?”

First, we should answer in this manner. Of the question of disability, at the present time the disability should come under the factor of a mental problem of the same. He should, therefore, seek the counsel of psychiatry. The rest should come in a natural form.

But we say unto thee, soon the bio-therapy that is needed to make the corrections of thy mental process shall be laid before you. Come forth, therefore, and receive of the same.

You must realize that permanent damage has been done in the cerebella region of the brain. Only by overlap of nervous systems and the main nerves into the same can these corrections be made into the brainstem.

Of the nervous system which should go from the pineal to the pituitary glandular system of the same, damage and hemorrhage has taken place in this area, causing a malfunction within the same. This can be corrected with bio-therapy.

Do not grow impatient, for the healing thy have asked for we have given in a reading. Yet they grow [grew] despaired. Thy would not continue with the therapy that we suggested; thy cast it aside.

A disability is not the answer to your needs. New growth and health should be your answer. But since within your mind you should seek this, then follow the path we have given, and the disability thy ask for shall be given.

We say unto you, each should have free choice. It was our Father’s will in the beginning. It was man’s will that he should [choose] death and life again, therefore, that he should become of our likeness, of our kind.

But if a farmer should plant his crop, and go out the next day and see the sun is shining and the crop has not grown into maturity in one day, should he walk away from it? These things you have done; therefore, these things you must correct.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [8–17–73–002] has asked for a life reading on his past lives and advice to grow spiritually.”

We should answer in this manner. This question should be brought forth in your next reading, for now soul Ray grows weary, and our time of departure grows near. Before we should depart we should answer in this manner.

For each teacher and each minister we chose carefully. Yet in each of your minds, because of your acceptance, Lucifer has begun to attack you. We shall answer your question in this manner. The one known as Jesus was tested by Lucifer. And who should be greater, one than another?

If you weaken, then you shall be cast from the garden. It shall not be us who cast you, it shall be yourselves.

We have told you before, you that have been chosen, come forth unto your prophet and bear witness unto your faith. Only then can he see your hearts clearly and your intent, for if you cannot do this, he cannot bring forth your ordination and teacher’s certificates, for he would do so as a hypocrite. We have accepted you, knowing all things that lie within your mind, and soul, and body and spirit. You, therefore, must come forth unto your prophet, that he should know in fullness of your intent.

We have said unto you unto these words, break not the laws of your land nor the laws of God. The laws of Law of Moses, the laws of our Lord, were those of the Ten Commandments. The laws of your land are laws that you as men and women have made. If they are bad laws, change them. As the Lord has learned from His children and has changed His laws, can you not learn from your Lord?

Now is the time of the Cherub.

New earthquakes shall occur in your northern California region, upward and downward, across unto the Mediterranean. They shall occur on both the eastern and western seaboards of all continents. Hurricanes and tornados shall plague the earth. Beware. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. [See The Revelation 6:7–11 and 7:1–17.]

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


June 7, 1974

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer your question in this manner, for we should tell unto thee the parable of the wind.

And as the Seven Spirits came forth unto the many universes, each said into the other, “Why has God placed wind upon the planetary substance of the same?”

They puzzled long, and one thought unto himself, “For it must be to carry the clouds from place to place.”

And another thought, “Nay, it should take the autumn leaves from the trees.”

And another said unto them, “Nay, it is for cleansing of the water upon the earth.”

And yet another said, “Nay, it is for changing of the earth’s form.”

Yet, they thought long, but none could agree.

Therefore, they went unto their Father, and said unto God these words, “Oh, Lord, why have Thy created wind?”





For death as you know it is much like the wind. It is only there for a moment and then the form should change, should evolve — become, therefore, within a whole.

For within your minds many have thought of death, as you would know it. You have accepted this of your own free will. This is your way of learning. Life is death and death is life, and so it shall be through all the planes. Many shall climb to the last step upon the ladder only to choose to return, and fall to the bottomless pit, there to look up and see our Father and climb again.

But as a Father, He has hidden nothing. Like the wind that circles your earth, so thought form shall circle, and so, it shall repeat and repeat again. So shall your life form be of the same.

Yet, into each of you, you think unto yourselves of a life reading, of knowing where you have been, and then you think you should know from where you will go. But we will say unto you unto these words. Saying and doing are two different things. Hearing and listening are two different things. We may speak unto you the words, but if you hear us not, then our words are as the wind; they pass on.

We say unto you, as we have said before, the book with roses, the Rose without Thorns, comes dear to our Father’s heart. We told of you in this manner, to cast from your hearts all jealousies and doubts and greeds, which are monsters. They are beasts and the Mark of the Beast. Humility is of bread, for our Father has shown you humility many times. He has shown you tolerance many times. He gave of His children free will. Neither He nor we can violate this. We come as teachers but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And so should the Rose without Thorns come for the preparation for the Book with Wings.

We say unto you, think unto yourselves. Give that unto God that should belong to God. Give that unto yourself that should belong to yourself. Give that unto your brother that should belong unto your brother. But give not unto either if you come before God’s altar and in the kingdom of God, which is the body, the temple, with grievances in your hearts.

We have placed before you both man and prophet to give guidance. His task has not been an easy one. It was not intended to be easy.

Thoughts placed in love upon paper bring forth more love and more understanding. Thoughts placed on paper without love brings confusion and doubt.

Your country at this time is going through one of its greatest changes in history, this history. But if it should survive as one nation before God, if it should overcome its karma and rise above the ashes as the phoenix bird, as the bird of the Great Pyramid, with greater knowledge, then in truth it shall be one nation before God. And it shall be as a mirror, and other nations shall follow its example.

There are those who say that the pathway unto our Father should come through fasting. If the body is not fed, it withers and dies. Proper food and proper exercise is needed. But a man should not run himself to death, nor eat himself to death.

It is said, to become closer to God that you must eat this or that. We shall say unto you, in the time of Moses, the Laws of Moses came forth for the protection of the people, to rid the people of the diseases that plagued them. So therefore, all of the things that Moses brought forth were for his time and place, in proportions of the same. This does not change the Ten Commandments given from God. For there was that that came from Moses and that that came from God.

For time is like the wind; it has no beginning and no ending, and constantly changes. If it stayed but the same there would be no purpose for life.

You will say unto us, you have talked once again as in riddles. But we say unto you — for those who should hear, let them hear. For those who should see, let them see.

But we say unto you, we have come that nothing should be hidden. We have come forth to bring the light unto the Lord’s people, all of the people.

Each man has chosen his way unto worship God. We are here not to destroy this, but to give unto you the philosophy, and in doing so, the preparation within yourselves.

For some shall hear our words. And others shall misinterpret our words. And so is the ways of men. But we say unto you, for those who should misinterpret, we are here to prepare the way. Are you? Can you prepare the way within yourself?

For no one but our Father knows the exact day or moment. Therefore, we say unto you, be prepared at any moment that that he who should come should walk up unto you and you should extend your hand with love and knowledge and know of him.

We have brought forth knowledge that we have implanted unto soul Ray, that the knowledge may not be misused. Half a thing is nothing. Half a book is nothing.

We have been by your side as you have written. We are pleased. Continue.

We have selected among you teachers and ministers. We have asked each of you to come forth unto soul Ray. And each of you accepted and agreed, therefore, to take forth the knowledge we would implant in his mind to prepare you for this.

We say unto you, for those who have been afraid to speak unto him of their true feelings, not the slightest [wind] shall escape his sight, nor his mind. For we are soul Ray and soul Ray is I. Yet we are many. For we stand as close to God as His teardrops, and as close to soul Ray as his heartbeats.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a life reading request for [8–17–73–002]. He asks for a reading on his past lives and advice to grow spiritually.”

Yes, we see of thy need, and therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body, and therefore, we have the records of time before us.


Therefore, we should give you that in proportion for guidance and spiritual growth.

First we should say unto you that in the [days] of Atlantis you made of that of the plastic substance, much as you have before you today. You also worked, therefore, in that of the fiberglass containers. The containers were made, therefore, within the pyramid shape, with exact dimensions and calibrated.

Yet, you lingered forth with many ills of mind. And you did come unto the Priest Ra-Tai upon one of his visits.

And he said unto you, “There is much counseling I should give unto you. But both of the field into which you work in and for better understanding we shall take thee unto the old one, the one that has never grown old, yet is older than time.”

And so the journey was made ready. And you did venture, therefore, into the land known as Egyptan, and therefore, did venture forth into the old one. You marveled, therefore, at the massed of knowledge of plant and animal life that matured and grew there.

This one talked long unto you. Yet, because of his shape, that of his body substance, because it was not like that of your own, nor the color of the skin the same, you were very suspicious. And you fled from the place and went back unto the priest, Ra-Tai.

And Ra-Tai, after you had said forth unto your thoughts, Ra-Tai said, “We have no desire to frighten you. You asked that certain help be given unto you. Then we would suggest, that as the great chamber for the records should be built, that you should become as an engineer, using your knowledge of the great crystal in the building of the substance and the cutting of the stone within the same.”

Therefore, you engrossed yourself for many years into the final calculations of its structure.

When the time came forth that Ra-Tai, and the other priest, and those who should enter the hall of records for the final sealing, you said, “Oh, Lord Ra-Tai, I should like to venture back, forth unto this one of the old one.”

And Ra-Tai shook his head very sadly, and he said unto you, “Watch for the Eagle and you should know of him, for he has once again changed his form. Your time shall come, and once again the Eagle shall appear unto you. Yet you should know him not. And once again, he shall give you a task to perform, and you shall look upon it and say it is impossible.”

Once again the Eagle has appeared unto you. And you misunderstood his words, for he said unto you, “Find, therefore, means to produce canisters for the storing of substances in different measurements. For now is the time of the need of them.”

Yet, you have designed the canisters; you have designed the handles to go upon the canisters. All of this information was implanted in your mind by the Eagle. Yet, you still have many fears. You have come unto him for healing and healing has been given.

Now is the time to gather those around you. For as before, you were reluctant to do the work laid before you. For as the ark should set forth, and the foodstuff and the medicine and the knowledge should not be lost, these canisters were built before.

Your famine shall not come forth in the manner unto which you think. It has been written, it has been said, that man should run about, and go unto the mountains and hide, therefore, within the rocks. But nay, none of these things should do to man that which he seeks it to do. [See The Revelation 6:12–17.]

You have sought to build refuges, places to hide. And who may hide from God?

Places of learning are a wonderful thing. Places of hiding, of throwing humanity and mankind to the wolves that you may be saved, you are only repeating your karma once again.

Come out from your shell. Build once again, and pray once again, and meditate once again.

If prayer from the many should come forth, the Seventh Seal should not be opened. We say unto you, take unto the words of Jonah, read them carefully, and you should know, therefore, that your thought forms may not only change matter, but may change the mind of our Father, God, also. [See The Revelation, chapters 7–11, and Jonah, chapter 3.]

Be transformed; therefore, turn around.

Be not impatient. Be humble. Do not become, in your search for humility, a floor mat for men to wipe their feet upon. Stand as a man, and be respected by both God and man as a man, but give your life meaning and fulfillment.

We have laid the tools before you, the bread and the yeast. We shall also provide the wine. But you must provide the body, the soul, the spirit and the immortal body for the evolutionary growth of the same. Or you may stand still and do nothing. This is your choice. This is where you have been many, many times, and this is where you are now. The pathway is your choice.

Pick up the Sword, the Sword that cuts two ways. Yield it in truth and love and compassion.

We say unto you, do not become so busy cutting away from the soul that thy cast aside the parts that have grown, the better parts that have grown [through] all time, for you are all of that that you have ever been.

Yet your destiny is of your own choosing. We may only show you the pathway to where you have been, and [to] where you may go, if you choose.

You shall have other questions. You have some in your mind now, but our time should grow short.

For we should answer into the mind of one. Cast from thyself thy imagination, the destructive part of thy imagination. There are weeds that grow in the garden and there are flowers that grow in the garden. We should place before thee, in our own way, flowers. If you choose to eat the weeds, you shall only renew the karma.

Soul Ray now grows weary. Our time grows short.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. As we have said, tornados shall strike the land; hurricanes shall strike the land; earthquakes shall strike the land. The earth shall tremble and shake.

We have told unto some, prepare a place for shelter for thy animals. For they are of God’s making also.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


June 20, 1974

Tucson, Arizona

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need.

And we should answer in this manner. For upon the earth the Father saw forth to place the mighty redwood tree, to stand in stature above men. Yet man was mighty within himself, for he took his ax and cut down the mighty tree.

Yet the forest looked on, and so it wept, for it had lost a mighty friend. And each tree said into another, “Oh woe, what is this that man had done again? Shall he destroy the whole earth?”

And days and months passed, and there upon the granite rock grew a new sapling, each day, each year. And day by day it grew and counted the days as the forest came and went, and as man came and went.

So we say unto you, you can destroy nothing. You may only change its form.

In this day of yours of great trail, many should think they should run into the forest and hide beneath the rocks. [See The Revelation, chapter 6.]

Nay, we say unto you. For there shall be no place to hide. For those who should carry the mark of the Beast, their days shall be long and many. For those who do not carry the mark of the Beast, there is no reason to hide. You may be persecuted at first by those who should carry the mark. But for those who carry the mark, they shall perish and you shall not.

For famine shall ravish the earth, and men shall kill for bread. But we say unto you, man may take from thee thy hand and arm, or thy life, but within truth he cannot take thy life, for life is everlasting. He can harm you not. Only you yourselves may do this. For he cannot cut away the soul of man and separate it from its spirit that belongs to God. Only you can do these things.

And for those who should carry the mark, they will have done so without scarring the body. But they should go, therefore, into the land of the lost souls, for they should never see again the light of our Father.

Be thus, as unto the redwood tree who fell mightily upon the earth only to rise again, for your God is the God of the living, not of the dead.

You have many questions, ask.

Aka, [6–20–74–001] says, ‘Please tell me some events that would be surrounding my life in the next few months.’”

Yes, we see of thy need, and we shall answer, in your question, in this manner. You are soon to travel unto a distant land. You have had thoughts to make this land your home. But other journeys should make it necessary for this to come into fulfillment.

You have within yourself deep spiritual guidance, and have had those our Father has sent to stand beside thee, those thee have that you have asked for, for guidance.

We shall answer in this manner; for each there is those who should stand beside them. If a man should lose his hand, those who have lost their hand shall be sent to him, so he may use one hand in the place of two. But when he no longer needs that learning, and new learning is needed, and new teaching, then new teachers shall be provided with greater knowledge. And yet, the teacher shall never be greater than the pupil. And thus shall be your future time.

For you, there shall be months of growth and guidance.

Many shall hear our words in different forms. But all shall be the same, for they should come as from our Father, for whether a teacher or a student, or a master, or a priest, all are but the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“[6–20–74–002] says, ‘Should I stay in Tucson, or would Phoenix be better? Or will I be a gypsy for a while?’”

We shall answer into your question. Thy have within thee a talent, a gift from God. Go forth and use of this. Venture forth and give unto man. We say unto thee, we have placed upon the earth A Rose without Thorns. Hark thee, then, and look forth unto the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“[6–20–74–003] says, ‘In a recent past incarnation I was hung by the neck until dead. I would like to know if I was hung for the crime which I suspect that I hung for?’”

We shall answer in this manner. Of the ways of man, sometimes are little understood, for they are but children.

We say unto thee, we see not thee of being hung, only of this time of the strangulation of thyself, and the fear within of the day of resurrection.

You should know of where you have been so you can know where you are going. Therefore, we should answer in this manner. We find, therefore, before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. And therefore, we have the records.

We find the last incarnation in what thy would call that of Woodley, England.


We find this one as a wood[ed] cutter. And in the preparation and the land thy should live on, thy come under the domination of the cruel duke. You have labored long under his whip and tongue, and your family has suffered greatly. But the final insult came when this one took, therefore, and raped of thy daughter, the youngest. And thy slay him with thy ax.

Thy were brought, therefore, unto London town in shackles, more near death than life, and thrown unto the prisons of the same.

But, therefore, came forth this king of kings, and looked upon this man, yourself, and said unto the guards, “Why should you treat a man as a beast?”

And he said, “Oh sire, he has killed unto the great duke.”

And the king looked long, and he said, “He has not killed unto the duke. He has only killed but a snake; turn him free. Any punishment shall be between himself and God.

And that is your memory of the hanging.

You have other questions, ask.

“[6–20–74–004] says, ‘How can I ground my knowledge and maintain it on all levels without upsetting the forces of nature?’”

Yes, we see of thy need, and we should answer in this manner.

As we have said before, we have placed upon your earth A Rose without Thorns. Venture forth. Open thy door. We shall provide the bread and the yeast that growth should come in fulfillment of the same.

We should say unto you, if a man is worth his hire, pay of him. If a man should buy, therefore, with that he has earned a fine horse, envy him not. Say unto thyself, “With my labor, so shall bear my fruit.” If he should buy of a great robe, and you care not for robes, then provide, therefore, within yourself for your own needs.

We say unto you, give unto yourself that that belongs to yourself; give unto God that that belongs unto God; give unto your fellow man that that belongs unto your fellow man, and all shall be the works of God. But take this time to find that hidden place within your mind, in the quiet place where the still pool of water dwells, where the candle stays lit. Walk within the same, and thy shall find an inner beauty within thyself. When thy come out from this place be as a mirror; let that beauty reflect out and others shall share it in the same manner.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“[6–20–74–005] asks two questions. ‘Will I find a man I will truly be happy with in marriage? And will my three sons, [G_____, L____, and B_____ J____] be happily married?’”

We say unto you, happiness comes in many forms. Therefore, all shall come forth, each unto itself. As thy should plant corn into the ground, each should reach for the heavens in its own way. Some shall wed and some shall bear no fruit at all. Within thyself thy have bear [born] the fruit, and now thy should seek out companionship; this thy shall find.

But stand not and look at thy sons, and judge them not, for they shall seek their own way. It is said, “Honor thy father and thy mother,” as into thyself. Let this be so unto thy children. But first, let the father and mother honor the child.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“[6–20–74–006] asks, ‘Where was I born in my last reincarnation?’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same, and therefore, we have, therefore, the record of time.


We find this one –


Thy nationality shall be that of Israel; thy birthplace in that of Prussia, Prussian lands. Thy father was a merchant, yet he constantly told you the stories of the return of the people unto Israel. He also said unto you, that when all the people had returned and brought forth the nation of Israel, a Messiah should come upon the earth. He said unto you, “Look unto the heavens and thy shall see the flight of the Eagle. As the Eagle should fly, he should prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah.”

We say unto you, we are here but for one purpose, for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

Your father told you of the prophet, Jesus, for he greatly believed that in truth he was the son of God, yet he also believed greatly in his own Jewish religion.

He said unto you, “Remember unto these words. If thy should reach the land of Israel, go there forth unto the hill of the skull and make upon the earth two marks, one of the fish and one of the cross, and last, of the ankh.”

You looked unto your father and said, “Why should I make of these?”

And he said unto you, “For the fish shall feed the multitudes that should come unto Israel; for the cross shall be he who should come; for the ankh shall be the representative of the Tree of Life for our country and for all mankind upon the earth.”

Therefore, your fondest hope was to tell and to tell again your own children that this time would come, and you told unto them this same story.

And we say unto you, in the year of 1948 a descendent of thy father’s father did make the mark in two places upon the hill of the skull and upon the wall of Israel, Jerusalem.

And so, it has been written, so it has been done throughout times of times.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka [3–23–73–001] is concerned about the apparent fragmentation of various spiritual groups having the same avowed purpose, that of preparing the way for the return of the Messiah. He would like to know whether these groups should try to communicate or coordinate with each other, and specifically whether some communication between Ray and another group to which [3–23–73–001] belongs which had not adopted a name would be recommended?”

We should answer in this manner; let all come before their Father, each in their own way. Let each man, let each woman, respect the way that another should believe. For God did not bring forth rules for His worship. He asked but two things — they should love unto Him one tenth of the love He should give unto His children, and they should give forth unto their brothers and sisters the same love.

For all those who should prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah, look not at the color of their skin, or the way they should bow their heads, or the robes they should wear. Look only to the true purpose.

We say unto you, a prophet shall be known by his deeds, not by how loud he can talk. For in truth, if he is a prophet sent by God, he will have little time for anything else other than his Father’s work. All of those, and all of you, shall each go unto our Father’s many mansions, there to live again of free choice, of free will.

Glory be the name of the Father. Glory be the name of His children, and glory be those who prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah.

Thy have other questions ask.

“[7–12–73–00] says, ‘What can I do in the next year to implement my anticipated change in profession?’”

(Chuckle.) Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto you, as a student, study, therefore, unto thy new profession. And it shall come forth into reality. Give that unto time unto your studies. Give that unto time that bread should be brought forth and placed upon thy table. Give that unto time for prayer and meditation unto the Lord, our God.

We see thy need. That that thy should ask shall be granted.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [4–18–74–009] asks, ‘What do you see in the way of employment this year?’”

Yes, we see of thy need. That of employment shall be good. But we should say unto you, seek out that of thy true talent, that of servitude unto man, unto the sick and needy, unto the healing of man, for it should come in many forms. As each person brought forth from another lifetime a gift, or memory of that that they had been before, so you have brought this gift forward. Let it mature and grow.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“[6–20–74–007] asks, ‘What is my karmic debt, if any?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. We, therefore, have before us the records.

And we should say unto you, hark, for these are words for thy ears alone.

For thy went thy way of the one known as Mary Magdalene. Yet thy went the full way; thy followed unto the footpath and the footsteps of the one known as Jesus Christ.

Thy stood not far from the hill when he said unto you and unto all mankind, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

Thy took not these words as they truly meant, and hatred for men entered thy heart.

Thy have brought that hatred forward. Your karmic action is to learn forgiveness and humility, as he had learned it, and as he, who died and who lived again, had came forth from his Father to bear proof unto the same.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

Soul Ray now grows weary. But before we should part we should say unto you unto this manner.

Beware, for soon across the lands shall come the mighty storms — hail, rain, wind, all of these things. Prepare your homes, and prepare those things you should have in store, that they should not be destroyed of these mighty storms.

Soon, therefore, in that of the Californians new earthquakes shall erupt. They should finger across proportions of the Arizonians, down into that of the Circle of Fire of Mexico. These should increase, intensity.

As the storms should come forth, great fires shall sweep the lands, destroying much life before it. Cities shall burnin its path.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

The Fifth Angel walks upon thy earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy]

Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


June 26, 1974

Phoenix, Arizona

…Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For the Lord should taketh, the Lord should giveth, but the Lord should taketh nothing that He should giveth tenfold.

For within thy minds, thy think of the word, death, and we say unto you, the Lord giveth not death; He only taketh up that unto His keeping. For man in the beginning chose your death and life as a way of learning.

For remember unto these words. “Our Father is the God of the living, not of the dead.” “For those who should know of the earth should know of heaven, and for those who should know of heaven should know of the earth.”

We have brought forth upon the earth unto you healers of many forms, and you say unto us, “Then why should there be death at all?”

And we say unto you, that karma should end and begin. Within the span of lifetime, one lifetime, man marches forward from birth. Within your eyesight thy see them becoming older by the moment. Yet we say, nay, unto thee, for they return as they were born, that they may enter once again into our Father’s many mansions to learn and be born again.

And you say unto us, “Then must we go into our mother’s womb to be born again?” [See John, chapter 3.]

And we say, nay. Be transformed. Change thy direction. Learn from thy past. “If a man should know from where he has been, he shall know from where he is going.”

But we say unto you, we are the spirits of Aka, who were sent here for but one purpose, for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah, that your earth should know of its thousand years of peace upon the earth, but count not as you should count, for each day shall be as a thousand years.

We come forth that you should know the word you use so often, yet know not the meaning of, your word, love. We say unto you, stand beneath the cross and let the drops of blood fall upon your forehead.

But we say unto you, our Lord does not demand the blood of the Lamb, nor does He demand the blood of yourselves. Our Lord does not kill. Our Lord does not destroy. Our Lord has laid upon the earth all of His beauty before you. He brought forth man and woman of His kind, of their likeness, and He did find it good.

Then think thee in thy mind, thy are like the sun and the rays that come from the sun and return unto the same, for life is eternal; it has no beginning and no ending. It is like your universe and universes.

Your days shall soon come upon the earth when those of other planetary systems, your brothers and sisters of long ago, shall come upon your earth. Greet them in peace.

Bring forth not war and destruction.

Be as a mirror, and you shall know that the passing from one lifetime unto another is a beautiful thing, for it is like the rose without a thorn. Take it into your hands. Do not hide it and cast it away unto darkness. For the Lord say unto you, “WHAT IS HIDDEN SHALL BE BROUGHT FORTH IN LIGHT.”

Then we say unto you, we give you A Rose without Thorns.

[Editor’s note: A rose without thorns is said to symbolize the birth or the coming of the Messiah.]

Thy have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [4-I0–74–003] asks, ‘What do you suggest I devote my time and effort to in the future?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. Your time of the famine upon your earth is at hand. The containers that thy possess are of the wrong shape and dimension for storage. All of your food substances could be prolonged if they were shaped in the precise shape of that of the Great Pyramid, brought forth unto scale of the same. Both vitamins, minerals, and food could be preserved for indefinite periods. These can be made either from that you would know as the plastic or cardboard containers. They could be made very uncostly. In the present shape of your containers, your sun rays destroy most of the vitamin and mineral substance within the same. They allow quick deterioration. In the pyramid-type container this would not happen. If thy should choose to make it of plastic or glass, make it thus, that it is of dark substance. White substances may be used for the outside; the inside must be dark.

You have other questions, ask.

Yes, Aka. [6–26–74–001] asks, ‘What can I do to increase my psychic awareness?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this question, in this manner. As the Lord, God, sent forth the Seven Spirits upon your earth, therefore, to build of the same, to put of His likeness, of His kind upon the earth, He hid nothing from His children. To most, that of the psychic gift comes naturally. To a few it is like a singer. It is greater into one than another. But yet the gift is given unto all — unto the composer, the writer, the singer.

Yet we say unto you, the simplest of methods is the easiest and quickest. We have brought forth unto much knowledge unto this subject matter.

For this one, we say unto you, learn first to meditate, and know the difference between your meditation and your prayer. It is not necessary that thy starve thyself. It is not necessary to place thyself in one position or another. But we say unto you, find a quiet place, and then, look into thy own mind. In that quiet place within your mind you shall find a candle lit by a still pool. And as you approach it in prayer you shall find many candles lit. And there within yourself you shall find the God part of yourself.

Sit beside the pool and listen. For the difference between prayer and meditation — in prayer, you should talk unto the Lord; in meditation, you should listen unto the Lord and His messengers. There stands near each of you that which you would call your guardian angel, your teacher. As each lesson is learned and a greater teacher is needed with more knowledge, the teacher shall be provided.

But we say unto you, take unto thy mind, much as you would take unto thy stomach, that unto which you can digest at one time. Digest it well. From it you shall have new growth. If you eat too much all you will get is a stomach ache. If you devour too much to the brain all you shall get is a headache.

Take one step at a time. We have placed teachers upon the earth. Our Father, with His permission we have placed unto this one known as soul Ray great knowledge, the gift to heal, the gift to see visions, and the gift to translate the visions. We have also given unto this one the gift to pass between all planes. Come forth unto him, or come forth unto his teachers, those who should walk as his disciples. But remember, he is but a servant. His disciples are also just servants, for they serve the one God.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [6–26–74–002] says, ‘Will I be able to evict my renters?’”

(Chuckle) We shall answer your question in this manner.

For we shall tell thee of the parable of the landlord who left his land in the hands of his tenants. At first, when he needed the monetary value from the land he sent his servant to collect of the same, but the tenants slayed of the servant and thought that he would know better than to try to collect a second time.

The landlord thought unto himself, “And I shall send my son. Surely they shall not kill of him.” But then thy slayed of his son.

And the landlord came forth, therefore, with his army to slay his tenants. And the land ran red with blood. The landlord neither succeeded in bringing back his son, nor in bringing back the life of his servant, nor bringing back the lives of his tenants. Had the landlord been wise he would have been waited until the tenants had left and locked the door. If you should do the same, no blood shall be shed.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [6–26–74–003] asks, ‘Am I to remain in Phoenix to be of use to God?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer your question in this manner. For now is the time of the Cherub, for the Eagle flies. We are here to prepare a way for his coming. Open thy door and we shall enter, for the Eagle is among you now.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [10–19–73–002]: ‘What is the problem with my gums? Also, how can I heal my gums?’”

We shall say unto you unto these questions into this manner. As has been stated before the reading, no medical questions would be asked. We shall answer in this manner. We have placed a healer among you. Come forth unto this one, and he shall administer unto the same.

Thy have other questions.

“Yes, Aka. [4-I0–74–001] asks, ‘What changes at home and at work will there be in the next six months; will there be a job change or more money, or a different department?’”

Yes, we see thy need. First, we should answer thy question in this manner. Prepare, therefore, to move unto another city, for you are right, there shall be a job change that shall take you forth unto another city. This shall be good. And you shall fare well from this, and it shall be beneficial unto you.

We say unto you, we have planted the seed. We have given you the yeast. We have placed before thee the wine and the bread. Pick it up. Take it with you. Prepare, therefore, that from the brook, unto the river, unto the mighty lands, through the ocean, our presence shall be known, for we shall walk with thee.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [6–26–74–004] says, ‘Will my trip be prosperous? I mean will I go to Vegas, and any other counsel you will give me?’”

(Chuckle) Yes, we shall answer your question in this manner. Your trip shall be prosperous. But we say unto you, when thy travel among thieves, keep thy hand upon thy wallet.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [6–26–74–005] asks, ‘Is it advisable for me to keep the automobile I have much longer, or any longer?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. If thy should keep unto the automobile three weeks longer thy shall be involved in an accident, which could be fatal unto thyself. Remove thyself from this that carries a karma.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

Nay, not fully. Then we should go farther in our explanation. The automobile into which you drive has carried forth a karma from a previous owner. And death did follow it. And death may follow you. You may change this karma simply by walking away from the automobile.

Thy have other questions, ask.

Yes, Aka. [3–1–74–001] says, ‘I want to thank you for my health reading. In my reading you said I am suffering from hypertension, that of an imbalance in my day to day life. Could you please explain the cause and how I can correct this? Thank you.’”

First, we should answer in this manner. As we have stated before we are not here tonight to provide that of the health reading. We shall answer your question in this manner. Soon, the necessary equipment shall be made available for bio-therapy. We should say unto you, come forth, therefore, unto soul Ray, that implant, brain implant, may be done, and the overlay of nerve center into the same.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, what of the coming days in relation to those here in this crowd? Please give us guidance.”

Each shall follow unto his own path — and our Father has many mansions — but yet all paths shall lead unto our Father’s house. In the beginning of the reading we spoke unto you of A Rose without Thorns. We say unto you, if thy should give a gift, give it in such a manner that thy should expect nothing in return. If thy should give love, expect not love, but as a mirror, it shall reflect back into you, and grow and mature. If thy give forth kindness, it shall become part of the love and grow and mature. If thy give forth faith, it shall become part of the love, and it also shall grow and mature. But to give all of these, thy must give forth hope everlasting.

We say unto you, our Lord has shed many tears for His children, for not one upon the earth should fall that He should not be there, gently with His hands to help them up. He has not become a crutch for you, for He wants not puppets. For as a good parent He has given forth love; He has loved you enough to let each of you grow and mature in your own way. This is necessary.

We come to you, not to take you from your churches, or your faiths, nor your groups. We bring forth unto you the spiritual philosophy of our Father. We come forth unto you for but one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

Glory be the name of the Lord, our Father. Glory be the name of His children.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. What would you say are the purposes and direction of this center in the months and years ahead?”

We shall answer in this manner. The purpose should be but for one, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. A place, a house, that my Father’s children may gather in, to learn the true meaning of love; a house that healing we have brought forth into; a house that knowledge may flow.

We shall answer in this manner. In your psychic growth, leave your imagination at home. Bring your God-self into presence and your psychic senses shall become alive and aware of all the universe and universes.

Long ago, some of us walked upon your earth and other earths much as your own. Some of us built great temples, we thought, unto the Father. Yet the thought temple our Father desired was the temple of man — the body, the immortal body of man. There was to be built upon the rock the church of God, each in its own way.

If these purposes are brought forth, then all of God’s children shall come forth unto thee, each to bring forth their gifts in their own individual way.

There are those here who have asked for healing. And we say unto thee, as thy have come to the healing well, as a child with faith, so our Father shall give forth that unto which thy ask.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, I have no more written questions. Are there any questions that you see in the minds of the audience that you need to ask, answer?”

Yes, we see in the mind of one, and we shall answer in this manner. Thy have in thy mind this question, “Should I follow in the path of my brother?”

We say unto you, there were Cain and Abel. And Cain killeth Abel. Yet he saw in Abel the way toward God. It is not necessary to killeth thy brother, for God loveth all.

You have seen the change in thy brother. It has frightened you. There are many brooks upon the earth and many rivers. All should flow unto many oceans, unto many lands. Our spirit and that of our Father shall flow with you, for as we have said before, the Eagle flies. He is among you, yet you know him not. We are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah.

Soon new earthquakes shall ravish the land again. More and more, your hurricanes and tornados shall ravish the land. The land shall burn and become into flames. We say unto the children of God, fear not. But we also say unto you, prepare for your famine. Store now, but store together in group form.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


June 29, 1974

Globe, Arizona

[The third Annual Meeting]

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto you, unto thee unto this manner. Blessed be the name of the Lord. For the Lord, God, has seen, and we have seen.

We say unto you that all things our Lord has seen He has give glory unto, for this is the day of joice and rejoice, both upon heaven and upon the earth. For we have seen you cast aside your grievances. We have seen you build together and become as one.

A house divided cannot stand. The house is no longer divided, for it stands.

Now we shall say unto you, more hands shall be needed to do unto the work that we shall bring forth unto you, for now we shall lead thee from the river into the oceans. We shall open the doors that have been closed. Your work shall be praised by many.

We shall remind you in this manner. As we are the servants of God, as we are teachers, remain as such. There have been many that the gifts have been offered to who have thought themselves as gods and closed the doorway unto their Father. Leave your doorway open. Let the multitudes come forward. Place forth now this Rose without Thorns.

Your media, your television, your radio, your newspapers, all shall be set in motion. We have already started the thoughts into many minds that the way should be prepared.

Some shall come unto you and take. Some shall come unto you and give. Remember in these words, that a gift, a true gift, is giving without expecting anything in return. Let the words we have given unto you flow now freely. Do not be hypocrites. Do not flaunt yourselves in such a manner that you should disgrace yourselves and your God.

For the Lord, God, gave unto you the Ten Commandments. And Moses, on his return from the mountain did see his people in idol worship and did cast the stones, therefore, unto the people. Yet, that day the Lord, God, learned from Moses, as He has learned from His children. But a true teacher should always learn from their students.

But even though the tablets were cast unto the flames, He brought forth the Cherubim.

Now we say unto you, now is the time of the Cherub.

Now is the time of the great Sword that should cut two ways. The land should become parched and hard and dry. And fire should consume much of the land. Earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, shall ravish the land.

We have given thee a way to prepare for this. But we say unto you, do so, yet in a sensible manner. Do not be as the man who was so busy storing that he forgot to plug the holes that the rats should come in and eat what he had stored.

Build upon this foundation we have given unto you. Become that within yourself as the Seven Spirits of God upon the earth. Build forth a new earth and a new heaven, and all shall rejoice.

Fear not, that though chaos may be around you. We have seen to your needs as we promised in the beginning. Your wants and your needs are two different things. Your needs shall be provided as raindrops upon the desert. Yet they shall be provided for.

Cherish within your heart this day. Let none forget the vows they have taken.

We have placed in your hands this one thy call soul Ray — not by chance, not by accident, but by purpose. We have cast him into the fire, and led him through the fields of temptation.

And now he is ready, for we have made from him our Sword. The steel is fine and sharp.

Our Lord says, “GLORY UNTO THEE.”

But yet, we have told thee the Messiah is born upon the earth. Yet we can still not take him from his hiding, lest he be slain, for Lucifer lurks nearby to devour him from his mother’s womb. [See The Revelation, chapter 12.]

Each step thy take shall be a step closer to your thousand years of peace and plenty. Each step you take shall build the temple of God in man.

There are those who have said vows and those who have not said vows. Yet we see in thy hearts the strength of all — leste she not be here [1–21–72–002].

We should tell unto thee the parable of the man and the boy who walked upon the hillside.

And as they approached a valley they saw before them wild dogs. Each was playful into their selves. But one was chasing its own tail.

And the boy looked at his father, and said, “Father, why should the dog chase its tail?”

And the father said unto the boy, “For he chases his tail out of pleasure. He sees not what is at the right of him or to the left of him. All he can see is the end of his tail.”

The boy looked and thought upon this. And he said unto his father, “But why should he do such as this?”

And his father says, “For he knows not where he has been; therefore, he knows not where he is going.”

And suddenly the dog caught his tail and bit it, and howled quite loudly.

And the boy looked at his father and said, “Father, why has the dog bitten his tail?”

And the father said, “He did not know it was his own tail he was chasing, and therefore, when he caught it he bit upon it. But he thinks that it is another dog that is biting his tail, and so therefore, he bites harder in revenge and hatred.”

Upon hearing the loud howl, the other dogs grew curious and came forward. And they too started biting the dog’s tail, until they were all biting one another.

And the boy was greatly confused and he said unto his father, “Why are all of them fighting?”

And the father said unto the son, “For you see, my son, hatred and revenge can only destroy those who should hate. But people are much like the dog. When one is wounded they feel he is weak, and therefore, they try to dominate him. Because of their jealousies they want that which another possesses.”

And the boy looked farther beyond the dogs, and there stood three coyotes — a female, a male, and a young pup. And they watched the wild dogs, much as the boy was.

And the young boy said unto himself, “Father, I shall never be as the dog. I shall be as the coyote.”

And the father looked at him and said, “Why should you wish to be as the coyote?”

And the boy said unto his father, “For they have learned from our God. They love one another. They do not chase their tails. They do not fight, and tear themselves apart to steal from another, for they know where they are going, for they know where they have been.”

Our words may seem as riddles, yet we speak them not for idle conversation.

Within each of you we have bestowed certain gifts. These gifts, as A Rose without Thorns, should mature and blossom. Take jealousy from thy hearts. Accuse not lest ye be accused. Judge not lest ye be judged. We say unto you, restore the Tablets in their original form.

When we first came unto you we said there was a chain of Thirteen that had been broken many times upon the earth, and each attempt to build it, it had been broken again. [See Acts, chapters 1 and 2.]

Build it once again upon the earth, and peace shall come upon the earth. And where no rivers have flown rivers shall flow. You lands shall no longer be parched, but shall blossom forth and bear fruit.

Give forth love, as the waters of the river should give forth life.

Give forth hope, as the raindrops should fall upon the desert.

Give forth faith, as a plant should have the faith from seedling to grow into maturity.

For those who ask for healing in our Father’s name, it shall be given. For we shall heal, not only the body, but the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body, that all may come in accord with the same.

But we say unto you, for those who can give, let them give. For those who have but one teardrop to shed for our Father’s light, it shall be enough.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


July 7, 1974

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner.

For as the Seven Spirits of God stood above the earth, and therefore, brought forth of their kind, each said unto the other, “We have brought forth the mountains, the rivers, the oceans, the meadows, and fertile land. Yet why must we bring forth the desert, this barren land of waste?” Each spoke one unto the other, yet none had the answer. [See Genesis 1:1–28 and The Revelation 3:1, 4:5.]

And therefore, they went unto the Lord, God.












And so spoke the words of the Lord, our God, our Father, long ago.

And we say unto you these words. At times it shall sound as though we have spoken in riddles. But take forth the words we have given unto you. Know of this. We come not to bring hatred or war upon your earth, or to turn brother against brother, or sister against sister, or mother against mother, or father against son. We come forth but for one purpose — that purpose in itself is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

And you say, “Hark,” unto us.

And we should say unto you unto these words. Your year shall be in the year of 1999.

Yet the mighty Sword stands above you. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Pestilence and famine spreads among your people. Fear has spread unto your hearts. And we say unto you, fear not, for those who believeth in the Lord, our God.

For the Sword that should cut two ways shall cast unto the land. Your earth shall move and shift upon its core. Your land masses shall change. There shall be many who should run and hide in the mountains. There shall be many who should hide behind the rocks. Yet, leste they walk in the light of the Lord, they shall perish. Yet some shall live and wish to die, yet they shall live on. [See The Revelation 6:9–17, 7:1–17.]

We say unto thee, as the Lord said once before, start now to prepare your thousand years of peace. Start now to prepare a new heaven and a new earth. Pray unto the Lord, God, and your prayers shall be answered. All of these things should not happen if the Lord may see among you those who should stand firm in their belief unto one God.

Be not ignorant. Cast aside your prejudice. Look not upon a man’s skin, look into his heart, and, therefore, find brothers and sisters to walk together to build this new earth and new heaven.

But we say unto you unto these words, “For none shall know of heaven that should not know of the earth, and none should know of the earth that has not known of heaven.” [See Matthew chapters 5–7, 13:24–52, 19:27–30, and Mark 8:27–38, 10:17–34.]

You have many questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [7–7–74–001] asks, ‘Will I live to raise my children?’”

Yes, we say unto thee unto these words — for we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit and the immortal body — the healing thy ask for shall be given. Glory be the name of the Lord.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you. [7–7–74–002] asks, ‘Will H___’s health improve?”

We have not of this, for we have not of permission of the same to answer this question.

“Thank you.”

You have other questions, ask.

“[7–7–74–003], he asks ‘What is the outlook, and or general plans for the E1Paso-Southwest portion of the United States in the next 10 to 15 years?’”

We should answer thy question in this manner. For the Red Horse [Pakistan] hands out a false hand of peace, and the Bear [Russia] stands and sharpens its claws. Leste the Eagle [U.S.A.] be not ready to fly and spread its wings and protect this land of Israel, then Armageddon should be lost.

We say unto you, in the year of 1985 war shall come once again upon your earth, yet there shall be rumors of war before this time. Within this year shall come the war of Armageddon. Great masses of land shall perish from the earth. Yet the Lord, God, shall take those nations who should stand as nations under God, and therefore, protect of them.

The northern proportion of your European nation shall divide and separate. The armies shall march forward. Cities shall be obliterated. Great masses of land shall be turned into nothingness. Yet the earth, and God, shall prove that He is the God of all. For with His hand He shall turn the tide of battle.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you. [7–7–74–004] asks, ‘What will be the Presidential results in 1976 and its good or bad effect for the United States?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Your Presidential election shall go, therefore, unto the Democratic Party. Yet a third party shall arise and emerge unto the same, and a restructure of the same, and from that shall emerge your President. Yet, there shall be a government within a government.

We shall answer your question in this manner, for we know of soul Ray’s desire not to sway the people in their right to vote, in their right to vote as free people. And because of his words so many should vote upon an answer, we shall only answer that proportion that we have given. Yet we will say in this manner, it shall be good for your nation.

[Editor’s note: U.S. President Richard M. Nixon resigned a month later, on August 8, 1974, in the wake of the Watergatescandal. Four months later, in November, 1974, incumbent President Gerald Ford ran against the relatively unknown former governor of Georgia, Jimmy Carter. Ford was saddled with a slow economy and paid a political price for his pardon of Nixon. Carter ran as an outsider and a reformer and won.]

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you. [7–7–74–005] who is here tonight…asks, ‘When should I get the benefits from job-related disability that has been filed?’”

We shall answer in this manner. Within one month’s time you shall receive notice of the same; within three months’ time the monetary value shall be in thy hands.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“[7–7–74–006] who is here tonight, asks, ‘Will my son make a go of his marriage?’”

We shall answer in this manner, nay.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“[7–7–74–007] asks, ‘The atomic blast that Ray mentioned last night, that is to occur in 1985, how far a radius around E1 Paso will it cover, and where will be a safe place to go?’”

We should answer in this manner. Because of the shock waves that should go through the earth, go therefore, into the land of Taos. Go, therefore, into the land of the Arizonians; the land of the Globe area shall be safe. There shall be other land in Colorado that shall be safe. There shall be land in the land of Nebraska that shall be safe. There shall be land in the land of Wyoming that shall be safe. There are other lands upon the earth too numerous to mention at this time. Come, therefore, unto soul Ray in an awakening state and he shall give, therefore, the knowledge thy desire.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. These are all the written questions that have been submitted tonight.”

We see, therefore, the question, and we shall answer in this manner. As we have said before, we have come but for one purpose, and that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We have come not to serve the petty needs of those who should seek for themselves. We have brought forth amongst you a healer. We put forth the knowledge in the mind. He may teach you, and unto you, the basics of this knowledge, but only you may seek the knowledge between yourself and your God, and only He may choose you.

We say unto you in this manner. If you cannot stand in truth — full truth, not the truth thy have manufactured within thy mind — if you cannot serve in the manner of thy vows then walk away, leste we weed the garden ourselves.

We say unto you, think, therefore, of the tree and the woodsman who should cut down a mighty tree, and therefore, see the core of the tree, for the Lord, God, is that of the core, and the circles around each should be the lifespan of the tree.

Yet you say, “How should I return back unto the core of the tree, and be like that of the tree?”

You may only be like that of the tree by laying thy seed upon the earth and the ferment come from the same. For be as a leaf upon the tree, then as a branch, and one day thy should become the trunk of the tree, for thy seed shall go unto the earth, and come again.

For some there shall be many; for some there shall be never. But we say unto you unto this manner. For as the Lord, God, giveth, the Lord, God, should taketh away, but He should taketh away nothing He should not give in tenfold.

For remember unto these words. Upon your earth are His seed. Become, therefore, as you were in the beginning, of His kind, of our image, in truth. [See Genesis 1:26–31.]

Glory be the name of the Lord.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Give prayer unto the Lord; give glory unto the Lord, and the Lord, God, shall give glory unto the people.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.

Note: The spiritual messengers of God often repeat what is said in scriptures, that no one, except our Father, knows the exact hour or day the Messiah will come. But the beginning has already begun. Therefore, the spiritual messengers of God may have been warning that if events had continued as they were from 1974 on, the dates of Armageddon and the coming of the Messiah could have been as early as the dates given to them. But man has free will, and our Father answers our prayers. Aka’s hope is to be as the prophet, Jonah, whose warnings were heeded and the people changed their path, so the destruction did not occur.

The editor’s impression is that the war that could have happened in 1985 in the Middle East over Israel was diverted by prayers and protective measures, perhaps by Israel or the U.S. Was the timeline for Armageddon delayed by the Israelis destruction in 1985 of the nuclear operations in Iraq provided to Saddam Hussein by France?

Sometimes prophecies may be averted by the choices and prayers of people. The timetable of Armageddon and the coming of the Messiah, who will appear first to the Jewish nation in their despair, may have been changed.

Scholars believe this term, Armageddon, refers to the valley of Meggido in Israel. The prophet, Zechariah, writes of this. Ray Elkins, through whom the spiritual messengers of God spoke these messages, was given a dream in late 1973 of which he spoke many times. He saw a fuse that had been lit in France that went to Israel, and if ignited, might go on to enflame the world. However, Ray was shown that there are two possible paths for the world.

The spiritual messengers of God have said much destruction may be averted, or prevented altogether, if each individual soul begins the thousand years of peace within himself or herself, and a way is prepared within people’s hearts and minds for the coming of the Messiah. They tell us they have come that the Seventh Seal need never be opened. (See The Revelation, chapters 4–8.)

September 10, 1970, just before “Black September,” when Yassar Arafat first organized a group of radical militant fundamentalists (terrorists) into a movement — which later has become a worldwide network of professional assassins — the spiritual messengers of God said: “Now is the battle of the minds of men. Remember, your greatest work is to unite all your religions unto one. And by doing so, not to change a man’s faith, but so that thy and that man should respect each other’s religion and your worship of God in such a way that each of you may enter our Father’s many mansion in his own way. But your love for your fellow man shall be such that even though he enters our Father’s kingdom in a different way from yours, you shall help him enter.”

These words of scripture about the opening of the Sixth Seal on the Lamb’s Book of Life beforehand, speak of the preparation for the coming of the Messiah: “Then I saw another angel rising out of the east carrying the seal of the living God; and he called aloud to the four angels who had been given the power to ravage the land and sea: ‘Do no damage to sea or land or trees until we have set the seal of our God upon the forehead of his servants.’” (See The Revelation, chapter 7.)


July 8, 1974

El Paso, Texas

Ray began speaking to the El Paso crowd before he walked up the stairway to stand with God and allow the spiritual messengers of God to come from God to enter into his body to speak.

“I’ll be very frank with you in saying this. Last night those who usually hear me speak in a normal voice wanted to see the difference between the two voice values. So they said, would I please say a few words before I went into trance (chuckle)? Well, this is something I seldom ever do because usually at this point my mind is pretty well blanked out (chuckle). But I’m giving it a try, so they can do a voice comparison. We’ve done this once before to see how a voice comparison — in other words, a voice box comparison. And the people that did the testing said that it was utterly impossible for my voice box to change that radically. But anything, this is left up to everyone’s own judgment. Other than that, I hope I’ve talked long enough for them to gather their comparison between my voice and the one that you’re going to hear.”

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner, in this way.

For we should say unto thee the parable, that once, of long ago, upon a hilltop there grew that of a wild rose. It grew in a meadow surrounded by tall trees, and other flowers, but none of its own kind.

It looked upon the trees and the meadows, and it said unto itself, “If there is none of my own kind, then from where did I come? There are trees of their own kind. There is a clover of its own kind. There is the grass of its own kind, and there are many flowers of their own kind. Yet I stand alone, apart.”

This rose was a different rose, a rose without thorns, for its beauty within itself was all it needed for protection. For all the animals in the forest looked upon it as it blossomed forth, from bud unto full rose. They looked upon it in the winter time when the earth slept. And when they saw the first bud there was the promise of new life upon the earth. And none dared to destroy of it.

And then man came upon the earth. And man looked unto the rose, and he grasped it in his hand to hide it, and ran away unto a hidden place, to share it with no one. But when he arrived at his hidden place and unclasped his hands he found there before him crushed petals.

We say unto thee, thy can destroy nothing, thy can only change its form. But from that day hence, the Lord, God, placed thorns upon the rose, that man in his greed could not destroy that of such beauty, that others may share of the same.

But now, once again, your Lord, God, has seen fit to offer unto the earth A Rose without Thorns for all to share, for all to see.

Note: A rose without thorns is said to symbolize the birth or the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. It is also the name the spiritual messengers of God guided us to choose for the first book the Association published.

And we say unto you unto these words, for the blind shall see, and the deef shall hear, for nothing shall be left uncovered and nothing shall be hidden. Yet there will be those who can not see, though they can see with their eyes, and yet those who can not hear, yet they can hear with their ears. But we say unto thee, hark. For those who may hear we say unto you, we are here but for one purpose — the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [7–8–74–001], he asks, ‘What are the limitations set forth governing space explorations by the people of planet Earth? Will we discover life on other planets; if so, in what year?’”

We shall answer in this manner. Life has already been discovered on other planets.

We shall also answer in this manner. The atmospheric conditions, life adjusts to the same. Life shall be found in humanoid form, yet the form shall not be of your image. Yet we say unto you, you shall all be the children of God. For would not a wise farmer plant but one seed in such a vast field? We say unto you, this planet of yours is but a small proportion of our Father’s domain.

New forms of energy shall come forth and the utilization of the same by you, the people of the planet, Earth. It shall come forth in that of cosmic-magnetic energy form. The harnessing of this source of power shall be limitless, and your space travel shall be as common as your earth travel today.

You have other questions, ask.

Thank you, Aka. [7–7–74–003] asks, ‘To what degree should soul Ray’s work in the psychic be publicly promoted, by whom, and what means, and how soon should this public promotion begin?’”

We shall answer in this manner, as we have said before. For as the spirits of God should be as the pebbles in a brook, as the souls of man should be as pebbles of an ocean, as the spirits of man should be as the pebbles in a river, all shall flow unto the many lands. The doorway shall be opened. We are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah.

We have brought you forth. The psychic abilities we have placed within the same, of soul Ray, should be utilized and publicized to the fullest extent. We say unto you, go forth. We shall open the doorways for you. Hasten, leste the Seventh Seal should be opened upon thy earth, for the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth now. [See The Revelation, chapters 5–20.]

We say unto you, thy haven’t known of the story of Jonah, that our Lord, God, sent him forth unto the city to warn the people of a day of destruction of the city? And the people did change their ways and turn back unto their God, and the Lord, God, spared the city. Jonah became much disillusioned and walked out of the city and said, “Oh Lord, why have you placed me into such ridicule?”


This choice has been given the Earth this day, this time. If man shuns these words, this Rose without a Thorn, then man shall perish in a polluted land and no rose at all shall grow.

Each man is worth his hire. That that you should make profit from should not be shameful[ly] thought of, for you shall earn, and reap, from the field thy should sow. But sow not in greed.

We have placed before you a prophet, a healer. We have molded into “our kind, of our image,” a gift unto man, that he that should come after this one should bring forth your thousand years of peace upon your earth, a new heaven and a new earth, that the earth may join with the other proportions of the galaxies in peaceful harmony, that God’s children may return back unto their many mansions, each in their own way, each by their own free choice. [See The Revelation, chapters 21–22.]

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [7–8–74–00–3] asks, ‘Considering the hard tasks which we may possibly encounter in the next few years, would it be advisable to begin a family at this time, or to wait, and judge the outcome?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. At the present time, for yourself, and in your own financial position, it would be far wiser to plant your fields before, and make them ready before you sow the seed.

You do not understand of which we speak; therefore, we should clarify of the same. Your husband and yourself are starting anew on the pathway of life. For your own financial needs and the needs that thy may provide for your children, time should be given before birth first should come forth. The nest must be prepared.

We say also unto you, of that to come forth upon the earth, we hand unto the earth at this time the Rose without Thorns. [Yet] if it is grasped, then your earth shall grow into a paradise of peace. Once again the Garden of Eden shall be brought back unto the earth.

But children are the fiber of a nation and the world; they are the pathway for the rebirth and the recycle of other souls onto the earth. They are your Earth’s tomorrow, and they are your tomorrow. Even in the worst of times children have been born upon the earth. In this day, when your earth has become overpopulated it is wise to choose the time and place. Soon, as the Lord planned, the rest of your own planetary system will be open and other earths provided for your expansion. All of these things lie before you. All of these things are at your fingertips.

Even in the time, the time of the barbarians, in the hours of darkness, if the Rose is not picked up, then the years of darkness shall come upon the earth. But even then, it shall emerge into light again.

Be patient. Does not the wise bird prepare a nest before she lays her egg?

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [7–8–74–008] asks, “What can I, as a parent of young children, do to help educate and prepare them for the new era of spiritual unfoldment we will experience in the coming years? Also, any particulars about my children, L___ and J____, as to the work they may be called to do?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. We have brought forth unto thy doorstep the doorway. Enter, and we shall show you the light beyond — and your children’s light. For all that has been shall be. Glory be the name of the Lord.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [7–8–74–004] asks, ‘Will I ever get back down to my normal weight, and when or how?’”

Yes, we see thy need. There are certain glandular problems within the same. We would suggest that thy should go unto soul Ray for consultation and healing of the same. We would suggest that thy should write unto soul Ray, that he may answer in letter form and give, therefore, unto you a dietary substance that would help in this manner.

But we say unto you, all these things may be done. Yet without faith or hope — the Lord, God, placed in your hands free will. Some parts you must do yourself. We may give you the yeast, the bread, and the wine. We cannot drink it for you nor eat it for you.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [7–8–74–005] asks, ‘What can you tell me about my father, whom my mother left when I was a baby?’”

We may only answer in this manner. We are not allowed to violate the free choice of another. One moment, permission must be given. [Note: a 15-second pause.]

Yes, now we may answer the question in this manner. Soon there shall be born into thy family that of a girl child. It shall be of the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [7–7–74–004] asks, ‘Concerning the famine, which you have spoken of, how widespread, and to what degree will it affect the E1 Paso-Southwest area? And when can we expect its coming?’”

We shall answer in this manner. The time of the famine is now. You are entering into that of an inflationary depression. Crop failure across the land has multiplied unto the same. Your dollar has inflated itself beyond comparison and shall continue for a period of time to do the same. And then will come forth the time when it will stabilize itself and be worth more.

Yet we say unto you, store, therefore, unto seed and grain. Store, therefore, unto the foodstuff, of both fruits and vegetables of all kinds. Store in such a way that you may take from your storehouse and replenish as time goes forward. And in this manner you shall be prepared for the same. But as your dollar inflates, that that you buy today, you shall pay more for tomorrow.

We would suggest in this manner, that full knowledge on this subject has been placed within soul Ray’s mind. Come unto him for consultation — or bring forth him into lecture form that he may tell unto the multitudes.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [7–8–74–006] asks, ‘Do you see any big change in my family situation in the near future?’”


Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you. [7–7–74–007] asks, ‘Will I continue in the same line of work I am now in?’”

We should answer in this manner, in this way. You shall continue in the same profession, yet it shall change its form in the capacity of the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [7–7–74–004], who has asked a previous question, asks, ‘What changes to our lifestyle as we now know it will take place in the next 10 to 15 years?’”

We shall answer in this manner. Much shall depend upon your own free choice, and that of your fellow mankind.

We say unto you, give unto God that that is God’s; give unto your brother that which should belong to your brother; but just as important, give unto yourself that that belongs to yourself. If you should do of such, in all manners you should be serving God.

We should say unto you, plant your own field first; then go unto your neighbor and help him plant his.

Your lifestyle shall drastically change in the next 10 years. Medicine, as you know it, of this day shall take a drastic change. New power sources shall be brought forth upon the earth, new forms of travel. All these things should come forth.

But war, also, may come forth with it.

This is your earth. This is your time. Make your choice.

But we say unto you and to all mankind, the Lord, our God, loves of His children. But we say, as He gave unto Moses the Ten Commandments, must it be necessary once again that the days of Noah shall come forth upon your land? Must these days of darkness, must the Sixth Seal be opened, and then the Seventh? Must all of the words we have spoken not be heard? Nay. [See The Revelation of John, chapters 6–8.]

We come forth not to take from the words of Moses. We come forth not to change the prophecies of John. We come forth with love from our Father, with A Rose without Thorns for your earth. Pick it up. Be as a mirror; show it to your brother. Judge not his skin, or the color.

We have told of you of life on other planetary worlds. Shall you kill of them when they come [up] in peace? For the crafts that have landed upon the earth, so far all you have done is try to destroy them — yet they have harmed you not — because their forms are different than yours. When you leave your body, this shell that you should live, it should wither away and turn back into dust. And as is proper, should you look upon it and stand and watch it decay, you would think it a horrible thing and fear it.

Pick up this rose, and fear not, for the Lord, God, walks with you, for those who carry not the mark of the Beast shall not perish from this earth, or from our Father’s kingdom. [See The Revelation of John 20:4–6 and chapters 21–22.]

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. That’s all that we have written.”

Then we should answer in this manner. There is that among you who has come for healing. We see thy need.

Glory be the name of the Lord. Ask in thy Father’s name and thy shall receive.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


July 22, 1974

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner.

First we should say unto soul Ray, for that that the Lord taketh the Lord should replace tenfold. Therefore, we placed into your hands the Rose without Thorns. We should say into you, soul Ray, take of the last that we gave, for it was the words of thy sister, yet the words of our Lord. Give on it unto thy family, that they, in turn, their sorrow should be lessened.

But we say unto you unto these words, the passing has been an easy passing. Those who awaited her loved her, as you know.

Yet, she waits, and says unto you — you know, therefore, unto the truth, that she did not take of her life. Yet, we say these words unto you, “‘VENGEANCE IS MINE,’ sayeth the Lord.” Let that that should happen happen, but take no part in harming anyone. For vengeance she does not desire. Love, compassion was her wish in life, as it is in the life everlasting.

You, with your gift to see beyond the walls, have known the truth.

Place, therefore, in the beginning of the book, as you have done, in your dedication, that none should ever forget the love she placed upon the earth. Do so in the manner unto which we have given unto you this gift. Yet we have not been great. The one who should come after you was the giver of the gift.

Yet her gift should go on and multiply and become a part of yours. For she is resting now, but for a short while.

Glory be the name of the Lord forever and ever.

Now we say these words unto soul John [1–21–72–002–7]. For you are now a minister within the work and the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Go forth, now, and use of thy talent in a manner of love and forgiveness. Take from thy heart regrets and hard feelings.

There is a time for all things, as we have told you before. There is a time for planting, and there is a time for harvesting, and there is a time when the earth must sleep. Take of these into thy daily life.

But we say unto you, the marriage that was is no more. It can be built again. But as we have told you before, we would allow none from either side to interfere with this work. The work shall go on. For those who wish to work within the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, in some ways it shall give them, sometimes, heartache.

But we say unto you, you saw the soul of [7–1–20–002] depart. And you saw the happiness within it. This we desired for you to see, that in truth no soul either upon heaven or earth can live in entrapment; they must be free, to take, therefore, in free choice. And your free choice must come from within yourself. All hatreds and mistrusts must be taken from yourself, and this will come in time. But give yourself the time that the healing should take place. And then, if the two souls should desire, then let them come before man and God, and into wedlock. But only in this manner can it be in a righteous way.

We say unto thee, soul John [1–21–72–002–7], we took from you the karma of soul John. We took from you your own karmas. The karmas you build henceforth from that day were your own. And you yourself must undo those.

But once thy have taken the vows, let no man put asunder that that God has given, for thy shall be a minister for all planes, for all times.

And now we say unto thee, soul James [4–3–70–005–5], and soul Luke [4–3–70–003–4], and soul Jude [6–9–70–004–6], we see of thy needs. But a house cannot stand without a foundation, nor can a ship sail without a captain. Come thee forth, therefore, in a righteous manner. You, once you had taken the vows, remain so, as we have said before, for all planes, for all lifetimes — all for a purpose. We have bestowed the right unto soul Ray to make unto thee either active or inactive ministers. This must come from within him, and yourselves.

And now we say unto soul Mary [8–24–70–001–3] these words in this manner. Have faith. The Lord sees of thy needs. Yet, there is a time for waiting and a time for planting of the seeds. All shall be in their proper time.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [7–22–74–001] of New York city, who is here tonight, asks, ‘What have I not been able to do — why have I not been able to make my living through my psychic abilities? Or would you suggest another way to support myself?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer thy question in this manner, in this way. Through a funnel of light thy came forth upon the earth. There have been times that thy have been jealous of thy own gift, yet times thy would rid thyself of it.

We say unto you, the land unto which you dwell is a land despoiled by man, a land corrupted by man. It is a Babylon that shall fall beneath the sea. It is part of that that shall be cut away. We say unto you, take of thy talents, of thy gift, and take it elsewhere.

You asked of other employment, and we should say unto you, it would be good to seek of this.

But we say unto you, soul Ray has worked upon the body and administered unto the healing, yet it is not complete yet, for it should come forth into the third day. Yet your mind can destroy all that we or he can do if you allow it to do so.

We say unto you, you have traveled into a different land and different people, yet they are all of God’s children. You have brought forth part of those people with you that you have left behind. If you should seek other employment for your own health’s sake, come, therefore, into a warmer, drier climate, that thy may flourish once again into womanhood. Care not, therefore, what others have done.

We shall place that into soul Ray’s mind, that in the morn that he shall give into thee consultation. If thy should take of our advice and his, then your problem should cease, and be no more.

But we say unto you — as he sees, so do we. When you speak unto him he should show you courtesy and not say, “You are not telling me the whole truth.” But we see in thyself. When thy speak, speak of the whole truth, not a half a truth, and that that thy ask for shall be given.

We say unto you, take, therefore, of thy life that God has given and thy shall be as a murderer, for thy would destroy the temple of God, thy body. You must judge unto thyself, and thy sleep would be long and painful, for thy would live again and again until thy truly saw the truth within thyself. We have opened a doorway that thy should see it now. We have answered your questions.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

But we say unto you, the Eagle flies now. We are here but for one purpose, that purpose is the coming of the Messiah.

Now we should say unto you, [7–22–74–002], because of soul Ray’s tiring we should give unto thee a life reading at your next session here. But we say unto thee, all things in life must come in [completion] — whole, not half a thing. Travel, therefore, unto the land that thy husband desires. Speak out in truth of your desire to live a different life. But make it a whole truth, and we shall go with thee.

The reading that thy desire shall be given.

But we say unto you, who have traveled so far for healing and should wish a child, and conceivement of the same [7–22–74–003 and 7–22–74–004] — that we shall give. Continue with the treatment of the same, and the child shall be given forth from the Lord, God.

Can you understand of which we speak?

Then we say unto thee, you shall.

The Fifth Angel walks upon thy earth. Tread carefully.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


July 27, 1974

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Across thy land has been much turmoil. The earth is yet infected with the planet Yahweh, and its passing, the comet you would call, Kohoutek. Yet it is a time for learning, for you have seen madness upon the earth. You have felt sorrow, yet joy.

And you say unto us in this manner, “Why, therefore, could soul Ray save the life of one, yet the life of his sister he could not?” And we shall answer in this manner. For where disturbance dwells, it is hard for us to penetrate and reach through unto his conscious mind. When the turmoil left his mind, then we could place that knowledge once again within his grasp.

Yet we say unto you unto these words, in this manner, for there was that of free choice, the linking and the building of the instrument. You may seem — as it may seem to you, a harsh manner that he should learn from. But, it was the releasing of a soul, long sought freedom from this earth, and the filling of further knowledge into the instrument of the same.

We say unto you into this manner. For within your desert grows many flowers. When your rainfall is plentiful, the flowers are abundant across your land. When your rainfall is sparse, then the flowers grow few. Yet the seed does not die; it lays dormant within, and therefore, shall come forth in full blossom unto all to see. And so it shall be from this, this thy should call of a tragedy. Yet, we have answered a prayer, and freed a soul, for the soul and the spirit and the immortal body now dwell as one.

Glory be the name of the Lord, our God.

We should say unto thee of the parable of the rose. For once again, from life to death we have shown you the resurrection unto the same. And a rose without thorns shall grow upon the earth once again.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [7–22–74–002] asks, ‘Aka, you know what is in my heart. Please give information on past lives that will help in this one, the people I am close to now, the reason for being here.’”

Yes, we see of thy need. And therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, the immortal body, and the records of all time. And therefore, we should give of the same.

First, we should say unto this soul, many [arcans] ago you dwelt upon a land, this land known as Atlantis. And there your father worked upon the land. You were of the male species at this time. But your heart and soul was not in the land, for you had a longing to score [soar] unto the heavens as the craft of the people did fly, but yet in a different way.

Many times you had gone unto the temples, therefore, to seek knowledge. And many times you had asked to become a priest of the God of One. Yet, they handed you a hoe and said, “Go, therefore, and weed our garden.” You did the menial tasks from day to day, yet within your heart you could not find the meaning of the tasks you had to perform.

And a day came forth when the great priests Ra-Tai and Arcan were to meet in your city. It was your thought, if you could only speak to these two. Yet, you felt unworthy of the same and continued with your tasks with the hoe, weeding, therefore, the gardens. You head was bent low when you heard the voices close by. And suddenly, as though from nowhere, a gentle hand reached down and touched your shoulder and took the hoe from your hand. He wore a white robe with gold lacing upon the same. Upon each arm were embroidered in gold and the great ankh, or the Tree of Life. You knew, therefore, their meaning, of the one that was yet to come, the promised one.

He took of the hoe, and as he raised the hoe, above his heart you saw, therefore, embroidered the seven candelabra. And he began to weed the hoe, the ground with your hoe. Yet, he spoke, and he said unto you, “This land is not the land you should dwell upon, for soon I shall return back into the land of Egyptan. There are many gardens in the house of the Eagle that you should weed.”

You could understand him not. Yet as he laid the hoe aside he said, “Go, therefore, unto your father, and say that Priest Ra-Tai has requested your presence in another land.”

And so you went unto your father. And your father gave forth his blessings, and you ventured forth into this land of Egyptan. You saw, therefore, the Temple of Beauty, the Temple of Knowledge. You were shown the great records. And all you saw, you were amazed and baffled by. Your head swam, and at times you had wishes to return back unto your homeland unto the simple task to weed the garden.

And then the day came forth when the priest, Ra-Tai, came unto you, and said, “Come venture with me, for we shall go, therefore, unto the Eagle’s nest.”

The craft rose and soon within a short time you arrived upon this mysterious land unlike any land you had seen before. You ventured forth, there to see much wonderment — and there, to see this strange one with the strange eyes.

And the Eagle, therefore, spoke unto you. You looked upon him, and there he wore a robe as white as the snow upon the mountains, yet trimmed in gold, and yet, upon each sleeve, the Tree of Life. Above the heart was a candelabra representing the Seven Spirits of God, yet above it was an eagle in full flight.

You were greatly puzzled. He brought you forth through the many laboratories and said unto you unto these words. “For soon all this shall be no more. For soon it shall be time once again to return back unto the future. In that far-away time, you will have lived many lifetimes. Yet, I will appear twice unto you, for you shall see me as I go forth to prepare the way for his coming. Now take up your hoe and weed the garden, and learn from such. Take thyself forth a wife. Bring forth children, and take them, therefore, first, into the land of the Sumerians. Second, venture forth into the land of Yucatan, and go forth and raise thy family and see to the needs of the same.”

And then, as strangely as he had appeared, he was gone again.

You picked up the hoe and began to weed the gardens. Then suddenly, as once before, a gentle hand touched your shoulder and took the hoe. And he said, “Now, my son, it is time for your departure. I have brought forth one from the Temple of Beauty who has much to learn, who is frightened, who knows not where she has been, nor where she is going. We shall place this one into your keeping. If you wish take her as wife and venture forth now into the land of the Sumerians.”

As the craft rose, all that had been suddenly disappeared, the gardens, the buildings, the laboratories. And you said, “Oh pray, master, what has happened? Is the Eagle dead?”

And Ra-Tai said unto you, “Nay, for death is not his way. He has gone forth to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. We carry with us the records of a future time, of much scientific knowledge of all his work. It shall go, therefore, into the three places of the earth. One, you shall carry into the land of Yucatan.”

And so it was.

And you took the strange one unto as wife. Yet, your heart, and though she bore you sons and daughters, she was that of naught. She was half of the God of One and half of the god of none, for she was that of the man-beast that had been processed through the Temple of Knowledge and the Temple of Beauty.

And so you ventured forth into this land. And your days were long, and your days were plentiful, and bountiful. And you rose from peasant into priesthood, and into the ruler of a land. Yet, you told of your people of the day of waiting that would soon be at hand. You passed and went back unto dust.

And then we find the entry again upon the continent of Yucatan. And we said, you had known where you were going because you knew where you had been. This time you were born as a girl child. You told of your parents of the great wonderment you had known in another lifetime.

At first they were doubtful. Yet, there was rumors of the Eagle in the far-away lands of Jerusalem, of Bethlehem, of the American, and across the land. Some had said that he had died, beheaded. Yet death was not his, for he rose and went on.

And then, one early morn, there was word came forth that the holy one who walked upon the water was coming forth. The trumpets blew and flowers were thrown into the air. Yet the craft which he was brought in was rowed by many men. Yet all seemed changed; they were not of the warrior type. As the craft drew near he brought forth his hand and the sea seemed to still, and he walked from the craft upon the water, there to heal the sick and injured, there to teach, there to give.

You broke loose from your father and mother and ran forth. He stopped, and the gentle eyes that had so many colors looked down upon you. He placed his hand upon you, and said, “Fear not, for the Eagle goes forth before me to prepare a way. But marry once again in this land. And one day you shall be born again in this land. For the Eagle shall reappear to prepare my way once again, for half a thing is nothing.”

And he reached forth and took from a gardener a hoe and handed it to you, and said unto you, “In the future you shall know that there shall be a time to weed the garden.”

And so he passed on.

You married once again and found a husband who could provide well when he would work. But there were many times when he was much very unsure of himself. You lived out a full life. And then one day you heard of the second crucifixion of the gentle one, the one who should walk on water. And you heard the story that the Eagle had flown from that of the Black Mesa.

And the words came unto you, “For I shall see the Eagle again, in the Eagle’s nest, for there beneath the earth shall be buried the records.”

You passed forth again, there to be born again in this land, this land that was to be called Mexico. Then you ventured forth into the American land, that of United States. Yet inside you knew there was a time of waiting. Your time came forth and marriage vows you did take.

And then came the time when you saw the Eagle once again.

And then came the time when you saw him as you has seen him before, in full robe, and you knew that he was here to prepare a way once again.

We say unto you unto this manner. Once again we hand you a hoe and say unto you, “Weed your garden.” You cannot do this by running away, nor can you accomplish this by throwing away all that God has given unto your keeping. We are here but for one purpose, that is the same purpose that the Eagle should fly again, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We have weeded the garden here.

But we say unto you, as the man of Jesus said, “For should a shepherd who had many in his flock and lose a lamb, yet to leave his sheep with his flock to go forth to find his lost lamb, and find it in a crevice, injured, and risk his life to save this lost lamb, none should understand, but the shepherd.”

But we say unto you, that that is lost is important as the many who are not lost. And the saving of the lost was greater than the keeping of the many. Therefore, we say unto you, stand unto this land which thy dwell now. Be patient and wait. If the garden should be weeded, we shall hand thee the hoe.

Much frustration shall enter into thy thoughts. But we say unto you unto these words. The Eagle is here but for one purpose, to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. The Eagle and our instrument are one of the same.

Much shall pass before, and much shall pass after, as a river flows.

Look into the heavens and thy shall see the Eagle fly, and he flies in freedom before his God. Entrap the Eagle with a net, and he soon should wither and die away. All things must be as they are.

If thy should wish to work in this work, then we say unto you, welcome. If thy should not wish to work into this work, we still say unto you, welcome, and God be with thee.

For many hands and many minds shall be needed across the land, that as a brook should flow and be as the spirits of our Father, and as the brook should flow into the river and be as the spirits of man, and as the river should unto the ocean and be as the souls of man, so should this that we have brought forth flow unto the many lands and the many universes, that all should see and know of.

We say unto you, glory be the name of the Lord, our God.

We have given thee the knowledge of where thy have been. Now, thy must know where thy are going. But do not be hasty. As we have said before, if the garden should be weeded, we shall hand thee the hoe — but not before.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [7–27–74–001] asks, ‘What will happen to us?’”

Come forth there, and repeat the question. You have not given full information unto the same.

“Aka, [7–27–74–001], husband of [7–22–74–002], asks, ‘What will happen to us?’”

We shall answer only in this manner. God has given unto thee free choice. Study fully of our words and thy shall know the answer.

We should say unto you into this manner. Proceed as you have and your soul shall become lost into nothingness.

We say unto you, you have given vows unto this woman. The Laws of Moses were the Laws of God that he did bring forth from the mountain. Yet, Moses saw unto the people that worshipped false idols, and he told unto them, “For you are not ready for these,” and cast them into the idol, and flames devoured and destroyed both. Yet the words stand, for they are the words of God. Go forth, therefore, and study the words of Moses, and the Ten Commandments into the same, and the answer shall come fully into thy mind.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, regarding [7–27–74–002], son of Bartholomew, [6–11–71–001] and [4–23–71–002], they ask for any insight at all you can give them in trying to help their son. Among other things, he has been having regrets that he did not go ahead and become a priest.”

We shall say unto these words, unto this manner. Bring forth this one unto soul Ray for consultation, and the words shall flow as from us.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [7–7–74–001] asks, ‘May we please have advice pertaining to what can be done to help my parents and improve this relationship.’”

We say unto you unto these words. For it is written, “Honor thy father and mother.” But it is also written, “Honor thy father and mother as into thyself.” Give that unto God that should belong to God; give that unto your brother that should belong to your brother; give that unto yourselves that should belong to yourselves. And in this manner, all shall be the work of God.

In your relationship with your father and mother, say these words, “For I shall not go before my Father’s altar in sin, nor shall I go before Him in anger, for I love and honor of thee. I ask that you should love and honor unto me in the same manner, and show respect.”

But we say unto you, if you should go unto a door and give your blessings, and the door is slammed in your face, then go elsewhere and give of it.

But we say unto you, our Father is the God of not but one nation, but all nations. The Israelites were chosen people as the servants of God. But all of His children were His children. But the Lord, God, can change an Israelite as easy as you would turn a stone, for those who call themselves Jewish should not necessarily be from the Twelve Tribes. Yet, we say unto you, there was a thirteenth.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [7–27–74–003] asks, “I would like to ask, if it is for me to know, whether or not I should bear another child in my lifetime, whether or not the motivation within me to bear again is self-orientated or is it truly what should be? Thank you.’”

We should say unto you at this time, there are certain adjustments and healing that soul Ray should administer into the body. But for the present time it would not be suggested that you should bear another child until healing should come in complete. There are other problems, that, both of your monetary value and that of your relationship, that should come into full blossom with your mate. Another child at this time would not be suggested.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [7–27–74–004] asks, ‘What is my exact time of birth?’”

Yes, we have before us the records. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.


We find the time as 2:31 a.m.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. ‘Could you please give us your counsel on the outline for the new book and our proposed method of writing?’ Soul Ruth [8–10–70–002–2] asks this.”

We say unto you, the new book shall be that, and we shall give of thee the title. It shall be called unto these words, A Psychic Gift before the Dawn. It shall be in preparation for the Book with Wings. Each step shall be taken, one at a time. It shall also be used as a textbook in that of parapsychology. You shall use, therefore, the lecture form and the knowledge we have placed in soul Ray’s mind as material that should be brought forth and placed into this book.

Can you understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.” [8–10–70–002–2 answers.]

Other information shall come forth from time to time.

We see the other question within your mind, of the historical value that should be brought forth. And we say unto you, we will show you how to place certain proportions within the same. But a book, separate, at a different time, should be brought forth in this manner.

Can you understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.” [8–10–70–002–2 answers.]

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Soul Ruth [8–10–70–002–2] asks also, ‘When I saw the vision of the Guadalupe, was it really her or was it a teacher taking that form to shock me into surviving?’”

We say unto you, the Lady of Guadalupe has taken many forms. But the vision was also to show you that all powers of God have been placed in this work at this time. And all instruments shall be placed, that the work should go on, for we shall allow neither from either side to interfere with this work. Glory be the name of the Lord.

And now we should answer the question that should lie in the mind of one who has been treated by soul Ray. Continue, therefore, unto the treatment form of the same, and full enlightenment, both spiritual and physical, shall unfold. You have felt but a small proportion of the gift within.

And yet all say unto themselves, “This is meant for me.”

And we say, for the last person he treated upon this day, [7–27–74–005], this information is given.

Yet, we say unto the others in the same manner, in the same way. For as healing has been asked for, so it shall be given. Glory be the name of the Lord, our God.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Your Government shall now face its greatest hour in the next coming months. Yet, fear not, for all shall end well.[See note below.]

Eruptions across the land shall continue. Hurricane and tornado-type storms shall continue, as we have described before. Yet, for the children of God, fear not. For not one sparrow, unto the smallest thing shall fall without our Father’s permission.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.

President Nixon leaving the White House

Editor’s note: Was the greatest hour for the U.S. Government 11 days later, when U.S. President Richard Nixon chose to resign August 8, 1974, as he faced impeachment for the Watergate scandal? Then in the November 1974 Presidential election, the now-incumbent President Gerald Ford was defeated by Jimmy Carter.


August 2, 1974

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And now we should say unto thee unto these words. For as river should flow so should your time of change come forward, one unto another. In the beginning we gave of thee a name for thy organization, that of the Spiritual Philosophy of God. Now we should give unto thee a new name, for now is a new time, that thy messages should flow unto the universe, and be accepted unto all faiths, of all religions. That the brook may flow, as our Father’s spirits unto the ocean, we say unto you, unto this manner. From this day forward thy name shall be the Universal Philosophy, the Association of the Universal Philosophy.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka. What about our corporation, Aka?”

You shall change of the name of the same, and it shall flow with the words we have given unto thee. For there is a time and a purpose for all things, and we are here but for one purpose, that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Your book and all material shall carry the name of the same. Your newsletter form shall be called the Rays of Philosophy.

And now we say unto you, as the Rose without Thorns has been prepared, and therefore, now ready to flow, we should add unto thy task yet another burden. But it shall be a burden of love, for thy shall call of it, A Psychic Gift before the Dawn. And thy say unto us, why, therefore, such as this, a name? We say unto thee, what is in a name but words? If the words should cometh together and have meaning, then they should cometh as bread and all shall take of it. But let each man take of it in his own manner.

As the bread is provided, let it, therefore, flow unto the universes and universes beyond. Your times are changing. Change with them. Be as an open doorway that much knowledge may flow through you. Yet, as we have said before, we shall go before you and prepare the way. Glory be the name of the Lord, our God.

For as man was brought forth upon the many planetary systems, above and beyond your universe and universes, he was but the thought of man, yet the thought of God. And therefore, he came forth in a spiritual form.

And God looked upon man and He said, “AND THEY SHALL BE OF OUR KIND, OF OUR IMAGE, AND IT SHALL BE GOOD.” And as the Seven Spirits created the heavens and earth, and therefore, God blew life into man, and that life was the soul, and the body formed, therefore, from the dust, that that you would know of cosmic energy. And so it was.

Yet, as man emerged from the dust, that he should rule above his domain, God placed within him all things of His likeness, the abilities that he could move mountains with his mind. But yet, He placed within his mind the knowledge that a mountain moved without reason was a useless thing. And yet, as man came forth upon the earth, and as day by day, he could use mechanical means in the place of his own mind, these abilities began to waste away, back unto the dust that they had come from.




Yet we say unto you, the years of darkness can appear, the Seventh Seal can be opened. We have said before, and we have been tolerant in each of the things we have placed before you. For humility is that that you must learn, as the Lord, God, has learned it from His children. For how many times has the Lord, God, said unto His children, “COME FORTH.” And how many times have His children promised false promises unto Him. Yet, God, in His humility, has granted your prayers, has brought forth that that thy have wished, and asked for so long.

The Lord, God, has placed into your keeping this of a prophet. And after him shall come your new Messiah. Yet he shall not be new upon your earth, for he has walked it before. And he so loved it that he left his blood upon your earth.

You say unto yourselves, now that you have completed the book, the Rose without Thorns, that it should soon be behind thee. Yet it is just as a beginning. For now, the rose shall blossom and come into fullness. And for each rose that is taken another shall be placed in its place, for the rose shall be as the stalk, and the stalk shall be as the roots, and the roots shall be as God.

Thy have questions, ask.

Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading from [8–2–74–001].”

We should say unto thee unto these words. For as soul Ray has taxed his body, ____ once again, thy have other questions. Ask of these now, and we should answer of your other questions at a different time.

“Yes, Aka. [3–23–73–001], who is here tonight, asks — he said he would like to know if there is anything else you would, you can tell him at this time regarding where he has been or where he is going,, or what he should be doing at this time?’”

We say unto thee unto these words. We have answered your question in the first of this reading. Look within the same. Study it well, and you shall find many answers.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [8–14–70–001–3] asks, ‘Would you please explain the resurrection of Jesus, _____ his body, and the resurrection of the last day, that I might understand more fully?’”

We say unto thee unto this manner. For as the day of crucifixion came forth, and they brought him forth, beaten, stoned, to bear the cross, yet his body became weak and frail, so another picked up the cross. They crowned him though with thorns, the thorns that we should taketh away. And there they placed him upon the cross. And then upon the third hour, as you would know, at 3 p.m., the body force did die, as you would know it. They placed him upon the cross at 12 noon. Three hours he did live, as you would call living. And then, three days did pass, and the resurrection was complete. For it takes three days for the full body energy — the body, the spirit, the soul, and the immortal body — therefore, to leave this body form. And then, the resurrection would come in a complete manner.

We will explain to you in this manner. It was God’s wish, to know that He did not stand in judgment of man. It was God’s wish that he should know, that man should know the love God bore for His children. Therefore, He taught — brought forth His first-begotten son. Yet, the first-begotten son came forth in the spirits of the five colors, of the five Adams placed upon the earth in the beginning. And from Adam unto the one known as Jesus Christ, therefore, did flow the spirits. And therefore, He gave forth unto them as proof of His existence.

Yet, he came forth not for the Jewish people, for they were of His servants. This is why Jesus of Nazara was chosen, and the firstborn would come into Mary of the same. For these thy should call of the Israelites had accepted God in all forms. They’d accepted Moses, Isaiah, yet all.

And so, therefore, that the true meaning of life and death, as you would know it, be shown to man complete, yet though Jesus was murdered, yet though he was stoned and beaten, he came back, not back to the earth with hatred in his heart and vengeance.

He returned, yet his own apostles knew him not. And Thomas said unto him, “Be you our master, show me your wounds.”

And so, therefore, he did of such.

The resurrection was the Tree of Life; the sign of the ankh was that of the promise of the resurrection.

And so it shall be again, for the resurrection shall come forth. The new Messiah shall come forth upon your Earth, and a new heaven and a new earth shall be born.

We say unto you, due to the state of the soul Ray’s health, we shall bring forth further information on this subject at a different time.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Tornados, hurricanes, pestilence shall ravish the earth. Yet, if the children of God should not wear the mark of the Beast, if they should not depart from their love of their God, if they should begin now to build that thousand years of peace, if they should begin now to prepare the way for his coming, fear not.

For those who walk within light of the Lord, there shall be eternity.

For those who walk in the light of Lucifer, there shall be never.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


August 10, 1974

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner, in this way. For we should answer, as the children of Abraham came forth upon the earth, and as Abraham begot the children of Egypt, and the children of your Arabian nations, so one was as into another, for they were of brothers, yet they knew each other not. And so it has been, that for all the descendents of Abraham, they did make war upon each other, and cast stones upon each other, for they were a jealous lot. Yet, each and all in the same manner believed, therefore, into our Father, the God.

Yet, as Abraham ventured forth into the land of Egypt, because his wife was, therefore, so fair, he told not of the truth; he said she was of his sister. And therefore, many did pursue this maiden, Sarah. And therefore, Abraham did bring forth lie before his God.

And as time passed forth, and the brother of Abraham, who was Lot, did live within the cities of sin, and therefore, as Abraham did argue to persuade the messengers from God that should they find ten honest men in all the city, they would spare the city, but they ventured forth, and therefore, found none, but Lot ­and his two daughters and his wife. And Lot did bargain with the people who had besieged him, to trade them his daughters, but still they wanted to destroy these that had been sent by the Father, God. For it is as in your days, this day, this time.

Abraham [Lot] went forth from the city with his family, as he was directed and told, therefore, not to look back. But his wife, therefore, did of such and was turned, therefore, into the salt and into the soil, and destroyed, of the body form.

And therefore, Lot hid into the mountains and into the caves, for nothing could grow upon the land, for the land had been destroyed, much as you would destroy now with your atomic weaponry. Yet, the daughters of Lot thought unto themselves that they should drunken their father and beseed themselves in pregnancy. And so it was done. And so, the karma of the family of Lot was sent forth upon the earth. And from this karmic action came forth and was born into a son. [See Genesis, chapter 19.]

We say unto you, as the nations and nations of the world have come forth, one by one and two by two, to live in the house of the Lord and take direction from the same, each has come forth, in their own way, that they should enter our Father’s many mansions. But yet, there is still this charlatan.

And as we have said, the great Sword that should cut of two ways has cleansed your land, has brought forth unto the land a new Government, and it shall grow forth and produce yet a better Government. But your Government and your country can only remain as it should stand as one nation before God. It was God’s promise that the land of Israel be returned back unto the Israelites, and so this time has been fulfilled. Yet before you lies the battle of Armageddon. We say unto you, fight among yourselves and the Beast shall win, and the Beast shall rule, and the land shall become desolate and polluted. And man shall die and waste away in a polluted land.

But we say unto you, hear these words, oh Israel. Hear these words, you modern, of the Roman nation, that call themselves, Americans. Our Father’s will shall be done, and the Sword shall cut again. And those who carry not the mark of the Beast shall walk forth and inherit the earth. But for those who should walk forth with the mark of the Beast, they shall become as lost souls and shall be cast aside into nothingness. [See The Revelation chapters 19–22.]

We have given unto your keeping now this time, your book, your Rose without a Thorn. It is but a beginning.

There’ll be many of you who can say, “Nay, I can only do this,” or “I can only do that.” Yet, you will ask your-God day by day to do his bidding, your bidding. And your God shall answer. Which of you shall now answer your God?

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading from [8–2–74–001].”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner, in this way.

First, we should say unto you, as your rules were made for the answering of questions, each should be taken in line as they were submitted, that fairness should be shown unto all. Of late, you have not done of this. But we should answer your question and give [you], therefore, the information, this time. But take forth your questions and bring them back forth and put them into order.

And we say unto you, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. And therefore, we have the records of time before us.

We find this one coming forth in the time of Atlantis, born as a son of the priesthood, yet born not in wedlock. We find this one in early age did bring forth much knowledge in the scientific field, in crafts, therefore, that should travel beneath the water for exploratory purposes of the same. We find also this one in exploratory work in building cities beneath the water. He was at such a task when the great floods did come. The city in itself was not destroyed. And after the waters had descended, crafts were sent forth to explore. And they did reach unto the land that thy would now call the Gulf of Mexico. Therefore, they left their crafts to seek out new homes upon the land. As time passed forth, they built new cities. But the land was not settled, and it did erupt, and the city fell beneath the flow of the lava.

We find this one not again until the time of Lot. And he came forth as a son of Lot, from the firstborn daughter of Lot, and therefore, came forth once again out of wedlock. Yet he went, therefore, into the descendents of Abraham to carry forth his father’s name. And they did send him from their house saying he could not be a true heir of the same, for he was born from wedlock.

Then we find him once again, as he should travel forth into the land of Egyptan. There he found sanctuary. And there he traveled onward into the land of the Lama and did study, therefore, into the priesthood of the same. He was sent, therefore, into the land that thy should call of the Great Brittans as an emissary of the same, there only too to be sieged upon and destroyed once again.

We find him not again — we find him born once again into the tribe of Dan. As a small lad he had heard of the one known as Jesus of Nazara. And he begged his father, therefore, to go unto the land of Jerusalem for the festivals, for his greatest wish was to speak unto this one. But by the day of their arrival, the festivals had ended, and this one lay crucified upon the cross. He tore, therefore, away from his parents and rushed up the hillside, and there knelt beneath the cross. The eyes opened and looked down upon him as this, a drop of blood, touched his forehead. And yet, he was blinded. And yet, he saw all that had been and all that would be. And then sight was given back unto him. And darkness came upon the earth. His parents in great fear rushed and grabbed up the child. Yet, there was an inner calm within.

As he grew unto manhood he sought out the teachings and traveled with the one known as Timothy — yet at times in great despair, for he had seen the teachings of the one known as Jesus spoken through many lips and changed in many ways, and used each to their own advantage.

And therefore, in his travels he came upon the one known as Paul. And Paul and he became of great friendship. And he did travel with Paul, even though the other apostles did hate of this one, for he knew in truth this one, even though he showed great arrogance, truly believed in God, and therefore, believed in the resurrection. He brought forth many writings that were later brought forth as the words of Paul. Yet, he said unto Paul, “I have traveled with the apostles, yet I travel with you. And you are not an apostle. Why are your words different than theirs?”

And Paul said unto him, “Each of us have a task to perform, each in our own way. Each of us should see a flower from many sides, yet see a different side. I give forth the side that I see only, not the side that others see.”

And you looked back unto this one and said, “How can this be?”

And he took you forth where there was a building being built. And there were workmen working on all four corners of the building. Yet the workmen on one corner could not see of the workmen on the other corner, yet the building continued to grow and manifest in style. Yet, it was all of the same house. And then you understood.

In this life you lived long. And Paul told you of the knowledge, and told you of the one that would be — that Jesus had not died, that he traveled onward into the land of Americans.

And you said unto yourself, “Someday I shall become part of the same. But how shall I know?”

And Paul said unto you, “For it has been written that the Eagle shall come again to prepare a way, in the land of the Americans. Yet his words shall reach far, into the four corners of your earth, and you should hear him, but know him not.”

And so it has been; you have come forward unto this time, unto this place. And you have heard the words spoken and repeated many times — we are here but for one purpose and one purpose only, as the Eagle is here but for one purpose and one purpose only, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

This is all on this subject at this time.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [8–10–74–001] asks three questions. Her first one, ‘Where will I make my permanent home?’”

We should answer in this manner, in the land of the Arizonans.

“She asks, ‘When will I marry again, and whom?’”

We answer in this manner. You ask a child.

You have other questions.

“The third one is, ‘What is the best thing to do about the land at this time?’”

We say unto you, sell the land.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [8–24–70–001] has asked if you could explain why the people close to Jesus did not recognize him when he was resurrected.”

We should answer in this manner. For he chose a different body form, that he should surely prove unto man that as he was born and born again, his form not need be the same, but the man within was the same, and could be the same, and could grow beyond that which he had already been, in a just manner.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [8–10–74–002] who is here tonight…asks about land in various places. She would like to know if Arkansas; or Oklahoma; or the Ozarks; or Big Bend, Texas; or Tyler, Texas; or Alpine, Arizona would be a suitable place for her to gather a group of friends to survive physically and spirit­ually so that they can start a good future?”

We shall answer your questions in this manner. The Arizonian country would be of the best. If thy should reach into the higher altitudes thy people could not survive. We say unto you, the land unto which thy stand shall remain, for it shall rise again, as it stood and held its records of time in the time of Atlantis. It was not by chance that we chose that our instrument should be brought unto this land, for this is the land that should become, therefore, of a holy place unto the Lord. This is the land that shall provide a sanctuary for the children of the Lord.

But we say unto you, if thy should come forth, come forth in truth with thyself.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I apologize for not having the questions in the proper order tonight, but on the life readings, we thought we had them organized in the right order. Do you have a suggestion on organizing them so that I can get them in the right order?”

We shall repeat once again, submit them as they have been submitted, for those who should be members of thy organization. We should also say unto you unto this manner. Those who wish private readings, and wish that theirs should come before one of the others, then let them make arrangements unto the same. But a good shepherd should take care of his flock before he tends his neighbor’s flock. God’s gift is given freely unto all. Yet, should you hire a man to dig a ditch, would you pay the man who has not dug a ditch at all? Or should you hire three men to dig a ditch, would you pay the last one you hired before you paid the first?

We still see one other question unto this one who has asked the previous question. Let it be asked.

“Yes, she asks ‘if at some later date I and my angels can be instrumental in helping soul Ray recover total physical health?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. We have maintained the health, yet we cannot interfere with either his free will nor God’s. Therefore, we would wisely suggest that neither you nor anyone interfere with this that he has been placed before him to accomplish upon the earth. If thy should come forth, come forth as helpers, that a new heaven and a new earth should be built upon the earth, that peace and love should come into all households.

Open thy door that we may enter, and thy shall know the true light of God. But we say unto you, our Father has many mansions.

There lies within this work much yet to be accomplished. We shall allow no one from either side to interfere with this.

But this is not the full question, ask again.

“I have no more question here….I have nothing that isn’t written here that I have not read.”

We shall answer the question in this manner, in this way.

As God said forth unto Moses, “TAKE MY PEOPLE FROM ISRAEL [EGYPT]” — and as Moses went unto the mountain and brought forth the words of God, the Ten Commandments, and he looked, therefore, upon the people and they were worshiping the calf, a false idol, and Moses did say unto them, “You are not befitting of these,” and he did cast them into the eternal flame, and the eternal flame did destroy the false idol, and did devour those who carried the mark of the Beast — for the mark was, therefore, greed, and lust, and jealousy — and therefore, the people did wander into the wilderness for forty years that they should overcome their karma, and Moses sent them, therefore, into the promised land, yet he could not cross, for he had within himself his own karma, and he was, therefore, taken up by God to come again — all things shall be as they have been before. The dividing line of those who should follow God and those who should follow their false idols shall be as once again.

There will be those who should think they are holy by taking, therefore, those of the hallucinatory drugs. God did not place a perfection of the mind only to be destroyed by such.

There shall be those who should come forth and say they are this or say they are that. But the instrument that we have placed, and the instruments we shall place within each, and the gifts that shall be given, shall not wither away, but shall grow in strength and be enduring.

For this one who has asked these questions, we say unto you, when thy return back unto thy home, open thy door that we may enter. Go forth and prepare, therefore, that our instrument should travel into thy land. Prepare well, that all may hear and know of our words. For thy shall become part of a river that shall flow unto the many lands. Yet work with others in the preparation. Leave not one stone unturned. Cast aside all your jealousies. Become as brethrens, one unto another. And the reward thy seek, this that thy ask for, we shall grant.

Soul Ray now grows tired.

The Fifth Angel walks upon thy earth.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


August 15, 1974

Tucson, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. We should answer in this manner. For upon thy earth should walk the Seventh Angel.

And you should say unto us, “What this could mean unto the earth?”

And we should answer unto you into this manner. For it should mean pestilence and famine. That that man has placed into the earth should come forth. That that man has placed into the heavens should come downward. Rain shall not fall, but when it comes it shall come in abundance. Crops shall not grow. All of these things man has done unto himself.

For we should tell thee the parable of the Seven Spirits of the Lord, and as they placed there forth within your atmospheric that that would produce the clouds into which the rain should be carried about. And therefore, each was different and separate, and each did serve its own purpose. And therefore, the earth was green and fertile, and all things came in abundance.

And then man came forth. And day by day and year by year, he has polluted the land, the sky, and the earth beneath the land. At first he learned to rotate his crops to rebuild the land, but then he found, through the use of chemical compounds, that he could force the growth of the plant life, he could change the genes within the plant life. And these were good, for these were intended.

Then man became lustful. And as he became lustful he tried to make the earth produce more and more, beyond its own endurance. And therefore, the land polluted into itself.

We shall tell thee of another time, of a land of Egypt, when famine did come upon it. And in this land God sent forth in dream form he who should dream the dream [Pharaoh]. And then He sent forth the one who should interpret the dream [Joseph]. And in both God’s work was done.

And we say unto you, your earth could feed the world in bountiful form with­out such as this.

Many have asked, “Then what is the answer for such?” And we say unto you, as you in this land of your Americans have put forth what you call, soil banks, take these from the soil banks and put them into production. Take the land that is no longer productive and lay it aside that it may restore itself. Plant upon it these things that will put back into the soil and not take from it. If such is done, if man in his lust should stop, then the famine would stop.

But all is in free choice. Should you go onward with your lust as you have, man shall die away in a polluted land where nothing grows.

You have changed your cosmic radiation, or cosmic bombardment, unto the earth form, which all mass and all form should come from. You have polluted the sky in such a manner that no longer is there an even balance. Therefore, a form change should take place. For those who can adapt themselves to this form change shall live. But many thousands shall die. And yet, the thousands shall be into millions upon the earth.

We have placed before you means to overcome and change your own environment. Yet you have heard us not. We came before you and told of you of the coming of the famine, and to store, and yet, you heard us not.

Now we say again unto you, heed our words. Store of grain, of tools. Store of seed. Store of knowledge. Do of these things, that your civilization should preserve itself, that it ­should not crawl back into the caves once again, that it should not revert itself totally back unto the animal form that the spirit first found it in.

Take lessons from your clouds. Know that each is different and each is changing. But a cloud can go not where it is not wanted. It can only come unto the lands for those who should give praise unto the Lord.

Yet, you have used up your water from the earth, your natural storage tanks. And your ground should settle and cause earthquakes within the same unto this land, the land you stand on, the land of the Tucson.

And we shall tell thee of the land of the Tucson, for the land of the Tucson was the tribe of the thieves. And the thieves, therefore, were the thieves of Yucatan. They were the thieves that came forth from the land of Atlantis.

And yet, the time came forth when the one known as the Christ did walk upon the earth, and he came forth among these and he taught them of their ways. And he showed them to plant the corn and the grain, and the melons, and to make the ground fruitful unto them, and showed them there were no longer a need to be thieves. Yet he left among them no curse words, no profanity. This is why you find not that in their language, for it was cast aside. For is it not written, “Should thy right eye offend thee, cast it aside.” And so, therefore, this land became a peaceful land.

And then came forth upon this land those of your Spaniards; once again thieves walked the earth. They walked and they brought forth the Black Robes to imprison the people, and they cut forth out their tongues, and they made slaves of them, and they did destroy of them. And they did play trickery upon them, and they made them believe that the enemies were of their own people, of their own kind. And so, they went forth and they did burn pueblo after pueblo, and it did go unto the earth. All in the name, they said, of the Christ one who had come before. Yet the old ones who know, said unto them, of the people, “This is not his way. This is not those we have waited, that should come again, as he should promise.”

And then came forth those of the Americans from many lands. And they came forth. And yet, these peaceful people do not make war upon them, but greeted them, only to have trickery performed upon them once again. And these who scratched the earth and brought forth the gold, the silver, the copper, and they took more and more of the land, and once again this land called Tucson diverted back unto the town or the land of the thieves.

And now you have your modern thieves, those of your time, of your day. And we say unto you, cleanse this land or it shall be cleansed for you. For not one pebble upon the earth shall be left unturned. For now is the time of the Cherub, and the Cherub shall carry the great Sword, the sword that should cut two ways. One side of the sword should cut away land, and cleanse it. The other side should cut away those who have the mark of the Beast, the thieves. [See The Revelationchapters 13 and 19.]

And we say unto you, look unto yourselves. Cast aside your greed, your lust, your envy. Look unto your brothers and look unto your sisters in such a manner that you should be as a mirror. Do unto them as you would wish them to do unto you, and you shall change the destiny of this land. If this is not done, then as we have said before, the land shall be cut from the earth and cast unto the sea. Yet the sea should not want it. And it should throw it back out, but not in the form it lies of today.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [8–15–74–001] asks, ‘What direction is best for me to direct myself towards at this stage?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Go forth, therefore, and take from these of the colleges. Go forth, therefore, unto the field of medicine, for it shall change rapidly, very rapidly, within the next five years. Go forth in the field that we should call, bio-therapy, for the true healing shall come from the light and the sound of the brain, for from all substance the body functions can be changed. Take of this knowledge and use it. Or take of the other knowledge and the other path that lies before you. But pick either path and do it well, and you shall walk in the light of God.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [8–15–74–002] asks, ‘For what purpose did the entity enter this incarnation?’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. Therefore, we have before us the records.


Yes, we find this one in the Year of the Horse did enter, in that proportion or land of the third continent, therefore, of what thy would call of Atlantis, and therefore, came forth into the male body.

This one was of the carpenter of ships, a ship builder. She, he was very good with his hands. He could mold of the metal for many ships of the sea. And he did place of a finery of the wood carving in the inner proportions of the ships. His work was known throughout the land. Yet, he heard of the one known as Noah, who should build of an ark, for it had become a common joke among all of the people. Yet he ventured forth unto Noah to see of this for himself, and there he saw a sturdy craft.

And he said unto him unto these words, “You are a man of God. I wish to serve and be part of this, of your work.”

And Noah said unto you, “Then go, therefore, and carve that of the cherubim upon the front of our craft, that it should be the guiding light, that God should guide us when the time comes forth.” And so you did of such.

And then the great day came of the great floods, and rain did come and come again. And the lands, one by one, sank beneath the sea and the craft went forth. You chose to remain behind with your loved ones. Yet your cherubim went forth unto the new land.

We find this one not again — we find this one in the land you now call of Ethiopia. And you had heard of this one who would soon visit your land, who performed miracles and could walk upon the water.

But many said, “If he should come, he should change our ways and our worship.” And you were with those who agreed that when he should come you would stone of this one.

And yet, as the days came forward, a great eagle appeared in the sky above you, and spoke unto you and said, “I am here to prepare the way for his coming. If thy should cast a stone, cast thy first stone at me.”

And yet, you cast the stone, and it turned into a cherubim before your eyes. And the eagle changed into a dove. And the cherubim changed unto a crown. And the dove did land upon your staff and said unto you, “Now can you see I am from my Father? You shall prepare the way for his coming, for you shall be a priest of God.”

And then the dove took wing, and the dove turned back unto an eagle. And the crown turned back unto a cherubim, and then unto a stone, to fall upon the earth.

And you took your staff and you walked out into the city, and walked before this one. And you brought your staff forward and as they cast their stones, their stones turned unto flower petals. And all the people knelt before this one.

And he said unto you, “Rise, kneel not unto me, but kneel unto my Father, your God, for I am but here to do His bidding.” And from that day hence you went forth, and you walked with him and talked with him.

And he said unto you, “I should need such as you to walk with me in this land of America, for soon I should go back into my Father’s mansion, that I should come forth and walk upon the water unto this new land.”

And you looked unto him and said, “But master, how can this be? In what form of transportation? How should I know the way?”

And he lifted his hand and grasped thy staff, and thy staff became a craft, and the craft’s head carried the cherubim. And the eagle swooped down and picked both up and carried it forth. And it did take it unto the land of the Black Mesa, there to set you gently upon the ground. And there you went about your way. The days seemed long, and many stories came forth of this one who should walk and perform the miracles upon the land and speak of peace and love, but you knew that you must wait.

And one day came forth back the eagle. And the eagle did say unto you, “For I shall enter and be born upon this day, and you shall know of me.” And so it did happen before you. And the eagle grew unto young manhood, and at the time of the ceremony of the eagle he was cast out and ridiculed.

Yet when the master came, he brought forth and said unto you, “Give me your staff.” And he touched of the two eagles and they became of one, and said, “You shall see him not again until he has come forth to prepare the way again for me. But you shall go forth, and you shall prepare a way. For when you see the eagle fly, you will know that we have sent those forth to prepare the way for both.”

And you asked unto us, “What purpose for this entity?”

And we say unto you, thy staff is thy mind. Build upon it, and within it. Build, therefore, the kingdom of God.

For soon we shall place in your hands A Rose without Thorns, and you shall know the truth of our words. Count the days. Look and you shall see. Listen and you shall hear. When thy see and hear and feel the rose without thorns, the staff shall become a crown, and the crown shall become a dove, and you shall know where you have been, and you shall know where you are going.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, I have no more written questions this evening….”

We shall answer in this manner. Soon the Eagle [Ray and Aka] shall depart from this land and go from land to land preparing the way. Fear not, for as he is our instrument, so we should use him, and so should we protect him.

Glory be the name of the Lord, our God.

There are those among you who should say we have spoken in riddles. Listen not once unto our words, but many times and you shall hear new know­ledge each time thy should listen. But if all thy can do is listen, then thy have learned nothing.

Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared with the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


August 28, 1974

Phoenix, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner, in this way.

For as two shepherds carried their flock from the mountain ranges unto the lower plains, they did meet upon the same pasture and begin to quarrel over whose flock should graze upon this pasture. And they quarreled long and their anger grew stronger. And then physical violence came forth, and they fought. And one of the shepherds overcame the other shepherd and grasped a rock and was to kill the shepherd. But as he raised his rock he looked back, and all of the sheep had come together. And he dropped his rock and jumped, therefore, unto his feet, and said to himself, “How shall I know which are my sheep?”

And the other shepherd came to his feet and looked. And both looked into each other and said, “How shall we know which sheep belong to our masters?” For each knew the exact number of their sheep, but they did not know the exact kind.

And as they stood in wonderment a stranger passed forth. And the stranger said unto them, “Who owns such a fine flock?”

And each said unto the stranger, “My master.”

And the stranger said, “Then you both have but one master?”

And they said, “Nay,” unto the stranger, “for each of us has separate masters.”

And the stranger said unto them, “How do you know this to be true?” And he asked the first stranger the name of his master, and he gave forth of it. And he asked the second stranger, and he gave forth of it. Yet the names were the same. Therefore, all of the sheep belonged to the same master.

And we say unto you, that you, as the children of God, all come from the same God, that that has created all.

Yet you say unto us, “Which is real then, this that we dream of in our slumber? Is that a real world, or is it fantasy?”

And we say unto you, for matter, as you know it, there is none of such.

Then you say unto us, “Then how can we be real, and if we are not real, then how can God be real, a whole thing?”

And we say unto you that you are as a city that God should dwell within, and each part of your body is, therefore, part of God. Yet the Holy Spirit should dwell within all.

Yet, we say unto you, “If your right eye offend thee, cast it aside.” We do not say unto you, cast aside a part of your body, but cast out that unto which you dislike. That that you see unto others and dislike the most is that that which dwells in yourself. Look unto yourself as you would look as unto a mirror. See, therefore, the truth, not an image built in your own ego, and you shall in truth know of heaven, and therefore, you shall have known of earth.

But we say unto you, remember, none can know of heaven that [it] does not know of earth, for this is our Father’s way.

But it was not our Father that created death, it was man, that he could evolve back unto that unto which he was in the beginning, the sons of God.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [8–28–74–001]. And he asks, ‘What should I be doing to improve myself in my work, with teaching music, tarot, and yoga?’”

Yes, we see of thy need. And we should answer in this manner. We are here but for one purpose. That purpose is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, that ye should know him as he should walk upon the earth.

Then we say unto you, take each day and know it within thyself that thy are thoroughly prepared for the Messiah’s return upon the earth plane. Be as the shepherds we spoke about. Do not fight or quarrel over the ownership of knowledge, for all knowledge should come from God.

Share your knowledge freely, but be, therefore, that thy should walk and knock upon the door, and if they bid thee enter, then dine with them. But provide, therefore, upon the table both the wine from your cup and theirs. Share of it. Learn from each knowledge a whole truth.

Should a man come unto thee and say, “I believe in such and such,” then ask unto him, “Why should you believe in such a manner?” Should he become angry because you have asked, then walk away from him because he believes in nothing. But if you should ask of him and he should tell of thee, then sit, and learn from his knowledge, and grow from it, and give of him your knowledge that all should grow in unisis, and therefore, prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah in this manner.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [8–28–74–002]. She wants to know, ‘Will my son take care of our business to our advantage while I am in Colorado? And will my husband and I be changing or trading in our trailer, and if so, when?’”

Yes, we see of thy need. And we shall answer first of the son. And the son shall act in his father’s stead, and therefore, gain glory in his father’s eyes. But he should also act in his own stead and gain glory in his own eyes. And in both he should serve his father and you.

Of your second question, we should answer in this manner, this that thy desire shall come into fact.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“From [8–28–74–003] — would like to know, ‘I would like information regarding my husband’s profession, his professional growth and his success.’”

Yes, we see of thy need. First, we should answer in this manner. We are not allowed to violate the right of another or to answer a question that would affect another’s free will. But we shall answer in this manner. That that thy seek shall come into fulfillment. That that your husband seeks shall come into fulfillment. They shall both not come in the same, exact manner. But as you are different, and as you are individuals, so that that thy seek should come forth.

But we say unto you, thy have asked a question without a meaning. Therefore, we should answer that which is in your mind, [on] that of the child to be born yet unto you. It shall come forth and be a healthy child. It should know of the God of One, and therefore, be blessed unto the Lord.

For the children that should come forth upon these days should be blessed unto the Lord. And they should lift their eyes upward, and [ye] should listen unto them, for they should come forth with much wisdom, for they shall know where they have been and they shall know where they are going. Yet they shall be the first to recognize the Messiah, and not cast him aside for the Anti-Christ.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [8–28–74–004], ‘I would like to know should I look for work or will they accept me in the school I want to attend; if so what kind of class should I take?’”

First we should answer in this manner. Continue with thy studies; you shall be accepted. You would do well in the field of nursing, and nursing teaching, the admin­istrative type of both. But we also say unto you, affairs of the heart are close at hand. These are good and shall be fine, but let them not interfere with your own quest for knowledge.

You have other questions, ask. One moment, please.

Yes. Yes.

“From Dorothy — ”

One moment.



Yes, we have been instructed, therefore, unto this one, that this message should be given unto her in this manner.

It is said unto you that thy have known in thy past life of Roberta. Prepare, therefore, for the time that should come of Lazarus. The words we have spoken, we have spoken in such a manner that only you, and you alone, shall know the answer from within. We shall give this much further information. We are here to prepare for the coming of the Messiah; the Eagle flies once again.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [8–28–74–005] — ‘When will I sell my store? Will the health food industry get the Food and Drug Administration off its back, and when and how?’”

Yes, we see thy need. Yes, in a three-month period of time thy shall sell thy store, but we shall answer in this manner. It would be a foolish move at this time.

The health food industry shall get the federal government off its back, as you would call it. And it shall happen in this manner. The new administrative government within a government is now taking form. Your Government shall come forth of the people, by the people, and for the people, that their voices shall be heard throughout the land. Let no man’s voice be silent.

We say unto you, all who dwell within this psychic world, you call it, you have defeated your own purpose, for you have divided and separated. We say unto you, the time has come to put your house in order. Come forth in unisance. Let one hand lay into the other and your words shall be heard across the world. Prepare for the coming of the Messiah, but start that preparation within yourselves, that you could look into thy brethren with love and understanding. And your brethren shall stand side by side until the army of the Lord’s should be mighty beyond all. [See The Revelation, chapter 19.]

If this is shown unto any government upon the world, the minds of the psychic world, you could change all substance of your world in a twinkling of an eye.

You have other questions, ask.

“There is a question from [10–12–73–004]. ‘My wife’s brother…died under unusual circumstances. Could you throw some light on this?’”

Yes, we see of thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. As we have said before, we are not allowed, therefore, to give information that would be in violation of another’s free will. But we should give of you this. And we shall say in this manner. It did not come, this death, of free will. It came out of an act of greed by another. And the greedy person should stand close at hand, and thy shall know by that that they grasp.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“This is from [8–28–74–006]. ‘I feel my life is in a real turmoil and that there are changes coming about, and I don’t know how or if I will be able to handle them in the right way.’”

First we should answer into you in this manner. Come, therefore, unto soul Ray unto a wakening state for consultation. And we shall be present within the same and give unto consultation, for the matters thy should speak of are those of a private nature that should not be voiced into the public ear. We shall give thee the strength that is needed for the situation thy have spoken of.

For those that should walk in the light of God, we should answer, “Let those who have not sinned cast the first stone.”

And we should say unto you, for the one known as Jesus, those of the priesthood did bring forth Mary [of] Magdalene to be judged by Jesus. And he looked unto her and said unto them, “Let those who have not sinned cast the first stone.”

They looked into themselves and were honest. And all walked away. He did bless upon her and walk away himself, for in Jesus’ heart he knew, unto himself, that with pureness that he had grown in this, that lifetime, and the temptations he had overcome — yet he knew where he had been and he knew where he would, was going; therefore, he could judge not, lest he be judged himself.

The wisest ears may hear us not; the sharpest eyes may see us not, yet, we should speak. And if the eye and the ear should be in tune with our Father, then thy should see of us and hear of us, all of thee in thy daily lives. For we say unto thee, enter the door we have opened. Open thy door that we may enter, and the kingdom of God should grow.

The pebble that should form the rock that the brook should flow from, that the spirits of our Lord should flow, therefore, unto the river — and as the pebbles of the river should be as the pebbles of the spirits of man and should flow there forth into the ocean — and the pebbles of the ocean should be, therefore, as the souls of men — so should we send forth now unto thee a gift this day, for we should give unto thee A Rose without Thorns. It should come forth into thy hands.

For those who should prepare of it, we prepared well. We weeded the garden many times. We cultivated the crop. And when the fruit was ripe for harvest we brought it forth and laid it gently into each of these pages thy should soon have in thy hands.

There is a simple truth within. Seek it and thy should find a rose without thorns. Only you within your hearts may place rose, thorns upon a rose of this type. [Note: a rose without thorns is said to symbolize the birth or coming of the Messiah.]

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. From [8–28–74–007] — ‘What is my real name? When, where and to whom was I born? Are my father and mother still alive, or any of their immediate families? If so where? Do I have any sisters or brothers?’”

The first should be last and last should be first. There are five brothers, one sister. You were born in Arlington, Ohio. Your mother’s name was Mary Jew — incorrect — Mary Sue. Your father’s name was Jonathan. Your last name, their last name was Snow. Your Christian name, as it was given forth, was Jonathan Albert Snow.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka, from [8–28–74–008], and she asks, ‘Am I still progressing as I should be? I feel I am at a crossroads and am not sure of the path to take.’”

We should answer in this manner. We see thee as David, who would stand at the Ark. We shall place the Rose without Thorns in your hands. Pick it up. Carry it forward.

We have come but for one purpose, that purpose is to build unto you in a spiritual way that you should be as mirrors, that others should look unto thee and see of the God within, and therefore, could see the God from without, and therefore, pick it up and drink from the cup.

Although it has promised unto thee a thousand years of peace upon your earth — but count not as you would count your years, count each day as a thousand years, and multiply by the same — that this new heaven and new earth should become possible, that it should come forth upon the earth, many hands are needed. Our Earth, this Earth of yours, is in great danger. Your species is in great danger of annihilation and extinction. Your enemy is yourselves. That the Seventh Seal not be opened we make this plea unto thee, that your year of 1999 be the year of the Messiah.

Much work is to be done, much to be prepared for, for would you not ready your home for a marriage? Then ready thyself unto the same fashion. [See The Revelation 19:1–9, 21:1–7 and 22:12–17.]

We should hand unto thee the bread and the yeast. Give it forth unto all.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, would you give us information as to why we are on the earth plane?”

Yes, we see thy need and we should answer in this way, in this manner. Most of you who should think of the spiritual plane — one day upon this earth plane you can learn more and progress farther than in a hundred years in the spiritual plane.

You should think because the mortal soul and the mortal body should pass away, that this one or that one should become smarter. This is not true. They stand as they left the earth plane, sometimes bewildered, sometimes to sleep years, and sometimes thousands of years, before they will allow themselves to awaken. And sometimes they are bewildered by where they stand, for all their civilization has made them ready to pass before a judge which does not exist except within themselves.

There is much bewilderment in the first of passing. Therefore, they run around, as you would say, as a chicken with his head underneath its wing, making great noises, but knowing very little.

We say unto you, we, this council, has existed since the beginning of time. Yet, we must go to our Father for information, for knowledge. Our Father, your God, is kind, and gentle and loving. Yet each of us has existed upon your earth planes and others throughout the many galaxies, and galaxies beyond galaxies. We have lived lives upon [yet] what you would call the earth plane. We picked one from among us and sent him forth upon the earth plane as a teacher.

And he stands within your grasp.


But each should be different in kind, but beautiful in all, for the kingdom of God lies within you, each of you. For who could not love of God’s beauty He has placed upon the universes? And who could walk out among them each day and not know of His love?

Look at the flowers that He [has] placed beneath thy feet. See them. Give rejoice and great tidings each day, for each day is another day closer to his arrival upon your earth, that he should make himself known unto thee.

Blessed be the name of the Lord, our God, forever and ever! Blessed be the name of the one who should come.

And we say unto you, pray that the Seventh Seal is not opened. But show unisance unto each other, that you may show unisance unto God. For those who would wear the mark of the Beast shall be cast unto the bottomless pit for that one thousand years, as the Lord should count. Cast it from thyself. [See The Revelation, chapters 19–20.]

We stand as our Father stands. Ask and thy shall receive.

Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth; pestilence and famine. Prepare, therefore, into the same. Earthquakes shall shatter thy Western and Eastern seaboard. Hurricane and storms shall race across the face of you land. Prepare for the famine.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared with the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


September 2, 1974

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. For that that that the Lord has giveth, the Lord should taketh away, but all things that the Lord should taketh, He should replenish tenfold. For your land is sparse and dry. We have told you of this time. Yet we say unto you, give prayer unto the Lord in unisis, and that that the Lord has taken shall be replenished upon your earth.

Your earth should travel forth into economical disaster. All nations now stand and tremble. Yet we say unto you, fear not. But beware, for one shall come forth who shall seemingly make all things right. Yet, in truth, he is a taker of the land. He is the Anti-Christ. The nations shall crumble and fall. And as he walks forth he shall put bread upon the table, yet he shall ask for souls in return.

As we have said before, we are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. As [the] bread should leave the tables, many shall lose their faith in our Lord, and many should turn their faces away from Him, unto this one. And we say, beware.

The earth shall tremble. Chaos shall come upon the earth. Yet the worst chaos of all is fear. And fear should breed fear, so we say unto you, fear of this not, for as we have said before, we shall provide that that is needed. And for those who should walk in the righteous light of our Lord, bread shall be placed upon their table, and their needs shall be taken care of.

Around you, you have those who should worship of false images. And they should call of themselves, Christians. And they should say unto you, “This is the way to go.” And they shall say unto you, “This is the Messiah.” And we should say unto you, nay. Wear not the mark of the Beast.

We say unto you, this of your Common Market, of the world commodities, shall grow in strength. Europe, as you know it, shall become that of a United Europe. And none should trade nor barter lest they seek this passageway. But we say unto you, this harlot shall fall. And all nations shall look, yet they shall not find. And they shall be saddened at the fall of this.

And we shall say unto you, this one shall set himself up into the throne of Rome. Yet, we say unto you, his days shall be short, for he shall come forth and promise the thou­sand years of peace upon the earth, and his words shall be mighty before men, yet he shall fall. [See The Revelation, chapters 13- 19.]

And wars and pestilence shall ridden the land. And the Lord, God, shall split the land and set it aside. And that thy know of as China shall make war upon other lands. And the Bear should make war upon other lands. And this of your United States economy shall falter and seem to die. All of these things shall be made forth by those who should seek and worship of gold. But the gold shall fall away [upon] their hands and mean not naught unto man.

We have shown you that that lays before, should all progress and should all mankind continue to seek out their own selfish needs. Yet, all of these things we have told you can be altered by your free will.

We say unto you, we come in peace. We come with the gift of our Father. We lay into your hands A Rose without Thorns. We ask for no crowns. We ask for no glory. The glory we seek is through yourselves.

Soon, each of you shall say unto yourselves that the times are hard and you can no longer prepare the way, that you shall have this or that that should be done. We say unto you, continue with this that we have handed you, and we shall see that the needs of each of you are provided for. The bread shall be upon the table, but we warn you, waste not the bread.

We should say unto this one, of soul Ruth [8–10–70–002–2], in this manner. We see of thy need, and that that is needed for the healing shall be sent forth. Only if the one in need [9–2–74–001] may accept our gift in the name of God can it come in ful­fillment. Within soul Ray’s mind is that that is needed for total healing and longevity given back unto the soul. We say unto you, do that unto which thy can to provide that they make a journey unto this land, that he may tender to their needs.

Thy have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have a request for a life reading from [9–2–74–002].”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. And therefore, we have the records of time immortal.

First we should answer your question. And you say unto us, “What is this we speak of?” And we shall answer in this manner. As light upon the universes, all action has been recorded in light form. This is your akashic records. All thought, all that was and shall ever be — time immortal knows no barriers, for it has no beginning and has no ending, yet lays between it all things, both matter, anti-matter, and all planes of all times, both in heaven and earth.

Therefore, we see this one.


We find this one — yes — in that of Atlantis, of the first continent.

First, we should explain in this manner. On the first continent there stood the highest temples. There were all of the high priests. Yet, as they would worship unto the Lord and come forth, soon they thought that the miracles that were performed unto the Lord were miracles performed by themselves. And the greater the temples that they bought and built, through the labors of their people, the greater they would strut. They shrouded themselves in robes that were newer of their earning.

Only few priests, some of the young, looked toward the great priest, Ra-Tai, and the great priest, Arcan, for knowledge. And they listened unto these two. Yet the other priests, high priests, were angry, yet they dared not feel the wrath of these two, for wherever they walked, the Lord walked with them. Yet they walked in humble, knowledge.

They came forth upon the great day of celebrations of the kingdom. And as the great priests were saying unto the people that the civilization of Atlantis would never end, each stood forth and said unto them, “All that is here shall be no more.”

And as they spoke one came forth. He was of a wealthy family. He had his young bride beside him, and he listened unto Priest Ra-Tai and Arcan. And he asked that he should speak with them in private. And he said unto them, “There shall be many who may escape the great floods that are to come. But much of the animal life shall die away and perish and be no more. What should we do to prepare this?”

And Ra-Tai and Arcan said unto him, “Noah, thy shall prepare a craft that should carry both man and beast. Gather together one of each kind and its mate. Show not fear. Do the gathering first. Provide a zoo, and therefore, the funds shall be sent forth for further work in this area.”

His wife, Isabella, looked at her husband and said unto him, “Why should you listen to these, when our own high priests tell us we have nothing to fear?”

And her husband said unto her, “For we shall have sons and they shall make of kingdoms upon the new lands. Yet I have had within this night a dream. I have seen us both being ridiculed and thought as fools. But I saw the great hand of the Lord reach down, and upon His hand stood, therefore, an angel, a messenger of the Lord. And the messenger said unto me, ‘I shall come unto you and tell thee those that we should send that should give unto thee the knowledge of the preparation and the building of such a craft.’”

Isabella looked upon her husband. She could not fully believe, but she said unto herself, “If this is the way of my husband, so it should be the way of myself.”

And time passed and sons did come forth. And many and all were brought from the many lands. And the craft grew in size.

And then came forth the last message, that it would be time to board. You were fearful, for you were the wife of Noah. And you said into him, “How should our craft survive when all of the other crafts should not survive?”

And he said unto you, “For on the front of our craft the Lord has placed, there­fore, one to call the Cherubim. And it shall guide us forth.”

And so you picked up your set of white dovelings and boarded the craft. And the storms did rage, and the waters did breaken through the dikes, and the land was flooded, and the craft gently rose. And the rain came, more intense day by day.

And finally the day came forth that the rain would stop. And you looked out upon the land, yet there was no land, only water. And each was sent forth — a raven, yet it returned with nothing.

And then that night a dream came forth unto you, and it said unto you, “Send forth that of your white dove.” And it was sent forth and it returned with the olive leaf. And therefore, land came forth.

And so, the craft settled upon the land and the water receded, and ferment, and farming came into the land.

And your sons did grow into manhood. Yet your husband, who had been listening long to the Lord, drank much of the wine from the vineyards, and he was cast asunder. And he cast his sons asunder.

Yet the great city of Ur did arise, and the great city of Canaan did arise. And city by city, as the sons went forward, did rise. And the people of Yucatan and the people of the Egyptan did join unto you. And so, therefore, you did set free those of their kind, and they did replenish the earth.

And you passed on. You said unto your husband after death, “We have done our task. Let mankind build upon what we have given them.” Yet, you saw war and pestilence.

And then, upon the plane of life, there was much hurried words being spoken of a new birth upon the earth — that the Lord, God, should make ready for the birth of His first-begotten son. And all upon the heavens said unto themselves, “For we shall bring forth gifts unto the Lord. And so the day came forth, and many gifts were brought before the Lord.

And you had carved the small figure of the ankh. And you brought it before the Lord and knelt.


And He beckoned unto the heavens and a great eagle came forth, and all was frightened. Yet the eagle stood very still. And the Lord placed, therefore, the Tree of Life around his neck.


And so it was. In each incarnation you were persecuted. For you watched each time for the Tree of Life. And each time you saw the Eagle in flight you knew it was but for a short period that he would come and yet go again back into the future time.

In those last days, before the gathering, you said, “I see that soon Eagle should leave us and we shall perish.”

And he said unto you, “Great is that in my heart. I have prayed long that your pathway might be changed. But the Lord says, ‘Nay’, unto me, that by fire so shall you be made ready, in readiness for the days of preparation.

“Yet, when you should come again your life shall be troubled.” And he said unto you, “For I shall come before you, and yet you shall know me not. And many shall say this, and many shall say that, for this lifetime that I should come should be your greatest trial. For in the seeking of the truth you shall falter and fall down. Happiness shall be grasped from before you, and you shall be sad.”

But we say unto you, that of the confusion you knew in the beginning was not confusion because you had faith. And the faith grew and became as one, and so, therefore, you accomplish that that you were brought forth upon the earth for.

Now you have brought all karmas unto this lifetime. The knowledge of the psychic lays within you. Yet your heart is heavy because you have no male mate. And each that comes forth comes forth in the form of gigolos.

We said, as the readings began, as we came forth this time, that one should come who would have knowledge of the Black Arts. Yet we should pave a way for her, that she might find the righteous path of our Father. Yet, she may use the name and that that had been shown her in an incorrect manner. We also said that soul Ray should see through and know of her, yet try to lead her into a righteous path. She gave vows to become a Teacher, yet cast them into the ground. Yet we should take them not from her. We should wait, and that that she should take shall be of her own taking.

But we say unto you, leste [she, ye] build a new karma, leste [they, thy] seek the light that we have laid before thee, thy should bring harm unto thy son. For we have said before, blessed are those of the children born unto these times, for they shall pave the way for the coming of the great Messiah. And blessed are the mothers that should bring forth such children.

We have shown you your past that you should know where you have been. We have shown you a proportion of your own future that you should know where you are going. But most important, we have shown you where you are now standing. As a new spring should come forth, we can only offer the water. It is up to you to drink it or walk away. But let this choice be your own.

Glory be the name of the Lord for ever and ever.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [7–27–74–001] asks a question…His question is, ‘Where have I been, and where am I going/ And what can I do to straighten out my family life? And where should I live? What is my purpose here?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. You say unto us, where have you been? And we say unto you, you are all parts of that that you have ever been.

Yet we say unto you, as we said before, the Lord, God, brought forth the Ten Commandments, not Moses. The Lord, God, has not changed these. We brought thee forth upon this land that a way, that a resurrection of thy soul might be provided for. Yet thy sought and thy ran from it, as thy have ran before, in fear. The Lord, God, has heard thee and heard thy lies and thy false promises. We say unto you, come forth in truth before thy God, and the perils of thy lifetime shall end. And life shall be given unto life.

We say unto you, those who should slay with the sword should be slain with the sword. We say unto you, the sword that should slay you lays before you of your own making, of your own kind. You have free choice. You have the choice now to resurrect your soul, your spirit, and your immortal body into one, or you have the choice to cut them away and become that of a lost soul who should wander into nothingness forever and ever.

If a man should dig a ditch to provide for his family, and do it well, and all he can place upon the table is that that he earns from his hands, there is no shame in this or sorrow.

But we will tell you this in this manner. The Lord, God, made in perfection the human mind, a total and complete wonder. No machine shall ever be built that shall be superior to the human mind. For it was made in God’s likeness, of His kind. Yet man can destroy this with his alcohol, with his drugs. First a decay takes place in the pituitary gland, and then the malfunction between the pineal and the pituitary decays away. And then, the nervous system falters and cannot stand alone, and decays. And then the pancreas decays. And then that that you would know of as uremic poisoning, because neither the bladder nor the liver will function properly. And so, death, as you would know it, should follow.

These are the things thy are feeding into this perfection that God has given unto you. Continue, and you shall die by your own sword.

We have shown you the paths. The other path should be of this. Come forth. Obey the Ten Commandments — not because they are laws, but because you wish to maintain thy own body, thy own sanity. But we warn you, harm another, and the harm shall be returned in kind a thousand fold. Destroy thyself and thy shall destroy the spirit and the immortal body, and you shall wander into nothingness.

Come forth and bring that of the Ten Commandments into whole. Bring thy family into a righteous path. For thy son looks upon thee and follows in thy own footsteps. And your fate shall be your son’s fate.

For as Pharaoh did say, “Let the wrath be the destruction of the first-born,” and as Moses said, “You have said it; let it be written, let it be law,” and so it was. And so, all of the first born of Egypt did pass away in one night.

And you, we say unto you, you have asked where you have been. You were that Pharaoh, of that time. And you did make hatred into those of the Hebrew. And the Lord parted the sea and let them pass. Yet this was not enough. You would run and ride through, yet to destroy again. And yet, the sea closed, and there you perished. And those of the Hebrew nation, the Israelites, did cheer.

Yet, the Lord wept that day for you, and your kind, and your nation. And He said to the people, “WHY SHOULD YOU WEEP WHEN MY CHILDREN ARE DYING?” And so He did lift you up from the water.

He should lift you once again, if thy could open the doorway that He may enter. Let the choice be yours once again.

Soul Ray now wearies and tires.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


September 10, 1974

El Paso, Texas

Aka is here.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Within thy mind thy should ask of the akashic records. And we should answer in this manner. For every moment upon your earth and all galaxies, all substance, light force should come forth. For every action, there is a reaction that is created in the light force. This light force can never die. Once an action has been taken, a thought thought, it is implanted forever within this light force. Each light force is separate and different, and should travel on its own wave length, much as your radio or television, or telephones, do today.

You have said in thy mind’s eye this question, and we shall answer it. And we say unto you unto these words. For in the quiet place within your mind there lies a still pool. Approach it quietly and gently, and you shall find a candle that is ever lit within your mind, for it is the God force within all man. It is where beauty lies and never dies, where all memory of all lifetimes are stored.

It is transferred from the mind force into the spiritual force on the third day of death, upon the third hour. This, the one known as Jesus Christ of Nazara, was sent forth to give you proof of the same. Yet you heard him not. Did he not say, “Destroy this temple and I shall rebuild it in three days.” He did not speak of rock, or stone, or mortar, or wood. He spoke of the temple of God within you. Did he not say unto you of our Father’s many mansions, that each should enter through their free choice, yet to be born again?

We say unto you, man chose death that he may rebuild in his Father’s image, and come forth, therefore, through trial and error, not only to better himself, for he may reach the top of the ladder, only to look back and see his brother in need. If you should climb this ladder, climb it in such a way that you should help another before you, and in truth you shall climb, therefore, in tenfold.

For the Lord, God, our Father, has brought us forth yet but for one purpose, and one purpose only — for we are here but for that purpose, to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. To prepare this way, we should bring forth and answer your questions, the knowledge of all times, of all places. But we do not do this just to satisfy your curiosity. We do this that you yourself may prepare the way within yourself, that when the Master should come upon the earth, you should know of him, and therefore, willingly give back unto him that that he has given unto you, the love.

Our Father did send forth upon the earth His first begotten son. And he came forth in the Christ state. Yet there were others, we say unto you. Yet they were of one, yet separate and apart. But as you have climbed, so did the son climb. And we say unto you, it may be the beggar on the street who in his own way should reach the Christ state.

Cast no stones upon thy neighbor. Give unto the Lord, God, that that belongs to God. Give unto thy brother that that belongs unto him. But just as important, give unto thyself the bountiful things of the earth that belong to you.

But give each with love. And if they should take toil, then give of the toil. Wear the yoke in such a manner that even though it becomes a burden of love and heavy upon thy shoulders, it should be lightened by the Lord, our God. For does not one thing fall upon your earth leste our Father should see.

You have many questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [9–10–74–001] asks, ‘What information can you give me to assist me in my endeavors, my work, and the fulfillment of my heart’s desire. Are my thoughts regarding the latter correct, and how can this be accomplished in the easiest manner?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Thy have brought forth thy question in such a manner that it should pertain to you, and you only. Therefore, we should answer in the same manner.

Of the last, you are incorrect. The outcome shall not be as you have seen it. We say unto you, love, true love, is knowing when to turn that that you love most free. This can pertain to another, yet it can pertain to yourself in the same manner. For all in truth, though at the time it may not seem beautiful, can come in a beautiful manner.

But we say unto you, of these, of the prayers you have given unto the Lord, our Lord has seen and heard, and the answer shall come, and it shall come in a bountiful manner. We say unto you, look at the flowers He has already placed at your feet, and you shall know it in a fulfilling manner; in that that thy wish, then thy cup shall runneth over.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [7–22–74–003] asks, ‘What type of lifestyle would be best for my family and myself considering the work of my husband and the temperament of family members. Please be specific as to detail, especially as to place.’”

Yes, we should answer in this manner. Thy say of a place of employment; we should say unto thee that seek out thy work in the country known, therefore, as San Diego, California.

Thy say unto thyself, of the type of employment for thyself we should answer, go, therefore, into the real estate, that of the selling of such. [With] this you are better in fulfilling, [inclined] to fulfill.

But we should say unto you, thy husband should have of his own free choice in the choosing of the time, place, of his work. Come together in full agreement, and wherever you should go, then love should follow thee, and with love, fulfillment shall come forth in the same manner.

If thy should cast a stone into the water to watch it skip across the pond, without faith [there] could be no water, there could be no stone, there could be no you. For the Lord, God, looks into thy heart and sees the faith within, and therefore, measures the truth of thy wishes, thy dreams, thy prayers. And then He should send those forth who should aid you, from both sides, for the fulfillment of the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [9–10–74–002] asks, ‘Are these here, which have been healed or will be healed by the force through the channel of Ray Elkins, being prepared to accomplish specific purpose to prepare for the coming of Christ? If so, please tell us about these channels, who and what they are to do?’”

We should say unto you, this healing power, this gift from God, was a gift from that which would come, the Messiah himself. Each of you are being healed as proof of his coming, that you should have the faith within yourselves to prepare the way.

We say unto you, our Father’s children have been separated too long. You within your psychic world are becoming enlightened each day toward the needs and desires of our Father through many channels. Yet we send, therefore, a healer and a prophet among you. He has no desire to become great in the eyes of men. His only desire is to heal, as the one known as Jesus did heal.

Our Lord, God, gave unto John a vision of that that was to come, but yet He gave unto man free will to change that that stood before him. We are here for that purpose. [See The Revelation of John.]

Should we not be successful in our mission, then man shall go back into his caves, as the Sons of God did find them. They shall go back and for 3,000 years upon your earth there shall be a darkness before the light shall shine again.

But we give you this year of 1999, a year of fulfillment, a year of the coming of the Messiah. We say unto you, this one has been placed upon the earth.

Yet, there is another placed upon the earth, that of the Anti-Christ. He is working at this time to try to extend his realm of domination upon the earth.

It is up to you; which shall you have? Which cup shall you drink from? Shall you [more] the mark of the Beast?

The Lord, God, does not ask for the blood of the Lamb. Nor has He ever. Only man has done of such. Should you know the true compassion and love, this word you use so often, then we say unto you, stand beneath the cross to let the drops of blood fall upon thy forehead.

From these hands and mind and body the blood should pour and it should heal of you, and prepare you, that each of you should prepare another. And one should prepare ten, and ten should prepare a hundred, and a hundred should prepare a thousand. And the millions shall flow. We say unto you, think of our Father as a brook, and the spirits of our Father as a brook. Think of the souls of man as a river and the pebbles therein. And as the brook [should] flow into the river, and as the river should flow unto the ocean and reach many shores, and the spiritual proportion of man shall rise within all, and reach into the heavens, and all beings from heaven and earth shall kneel before the new Messiah.

And your hundred [note: thousand] years of peace shall come forth; not as you count, but as our Father counts. And each year shall mark a thousand years. Let [that] the wise listen. Let the wise see. For each year shall be as a thousand years. One year in heaven shall represent a thousand years upon the earth. Multiply that, and you shall know of the kingdom of God.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [9–10–74–003] asks two questions. Number one, ‘Do you know the whereabouts of [J_____ H______] a missing 21-month-old boy living in E1 Paso, missing about 24 hours?’ And secondly, ‘Will I and the co-owner of a condominium apartment in Honolulu have difficulty in July 1976 in the final disposition of this apartment; that is, will the present occupants of this apartment be able to make the final payment and rid us of our responsibilities?’”

First we should answer the last. You shall have no problem with the financial responsibility of the same.

Second, we shall answer in this manner, for we cannot violate the free will of another. That the Lord has taken He shall replace tenfold, for [that] the Lord taketh, the Lord should giveth. Glory be the name of the Lord forever and ever. Yet we say unto you, the Lord should shed a tear.

Thy have other questions, ask.

Thank you, Aka. [9–10–74–004] asks, ‘How can I best prepare myself as a channel through which the necessary vibration can be raised to speed the coming of our brother, the Christ?’”

We say unto you, we should give forth the bread and the wine. We should place the yeast before thee. We have brought forth A Rose without Thorns. Pick it up. It is the first of many.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [9–10–74–005] asks, ‘What has drawn the members of the E1 Paso A.R.E. study group number 2 together, and what is our purpose as a group, and as individuals?’”

We say unto you, your purpose as members, and your purpose, should be the same purpose as the founder of your A.R.E. His purpose was the preparation for the coming of a Messiah. This is what should bring you together. We say unto you, many shall come forth and say these words are not true. But we say unto you, the founder of this, your organization, stands very close to our Father.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [ 9–10–74–006] asks, ‘Are my present teaching, writing, and singing fulfilling my purposes for being here, and if not, what should I add or delete in order to fulfill them?’”

We see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. We have heard thy music many times. It has been both pleasant and fulfilling, to both our ears and our Father’s ears. Continue to use your gift. For we say unto you, the Lord, our God, is happiest when His children are smiling.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [9–10–74–007] asks, ‘If my kin folk is against the work you do, and I believe in, will that cause my vibrations to be lowered?’”

We shall answer, nay, for this reason. Upon your earth many religions have come and gone. The true philosophy of the Lord has remained. Yet man should take from and add to, to fit his own needs. But we say unto you, our Father has many mansions. Our Father gave forth unto you the Ten Commandments. He asked but two things. Give back unto the Lord one tenth of the love the Lord has given unto you; give forth one tenth of that love unto your fellow man. And the fulfillment of all shall come in complete. But be as a mirror, and those of your relations or relatives, or ancestors, shall look upon you and know that that that you do should come in a righteous manner.

Soul Ray now grows weary, and our time should grow short.

We should say unto you, now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for improved accuracy.]

Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


September 12, 1974

Aka is here.

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Across thy land and across the world so should stand the Fifth Angel.

And thy should say unto us, “How this should affect the world?” And we should answer unto thee into this manner. Pestilence and famine shall coveth thy Earth. First, by drought, then by storm, so should your food provisions be wiped away.

And you say unto us, “Why should this happen?” We should answer back unto you, for we have warned you, your Lord, God, has warned you, and your prophets have warned you throughout the land that the time was at hand.

Long ago, in the land of Egypt a pharaoh dreamed a dream. And a shepherd came forth to interpret the dream. And they did prepare for the famine that would come, and therefore the people ate from the storehouses. [Genesis, chapters 43–47.]

We say unto you, it is not too late to store thy needs.

But your crops shall be lean each year. First you should plant them and they should die of thirst. Then you should plant them and the water should drown of them. Your winters shall be harsh. Where no water has been before, water shall flow. In lands that nothing grew, flowers shall bloom across the earth. Yet, you shall not know the time of planting and what to plant. You shall run and hide thyselves, yet there shall be no place to hide.

And then shall come forth upon your earth he who is already born, the one that shall bear the name of the Anti-Christ. And the seven nations shall rise, and they shall represent the seven horns or crowns. And they shall multiply into ten, and from the ten they shall choose their leader, who shall become the Beast, and the Beast should take power from them, and should feed off of them. And the rule shall be light and lean, and all things shall be done to preserve this time. [The Revelation, chapters 13 and 17.]

But yet again, then the one, the long-waited one shall come forth. When the earth shall run red with blood and smolder, he shall lay his gentle hand upon the earth and the earth shall rise again as though from the dead. And all nations shall bow before him. And for those that do not wear the mark of the Beast, there shall be a thousand years of peace upon the earth. But think not as you would count; think as a thousand years, those thousand years shall be multiplied into a thousand, for each day shall be of a thousand years. [The Revelation, chapters 18–23.]

Many of you shall be, in this time of famine, sure that the earth shall destroy itself. And we say unto you, nay.

But all of the things that we have said can be prevented, for we are here but for one purpose. That purpose is for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And in that preparation the Lord, God, should send His messengers forth to prepare a way within each of His children.

There shall be those who should not listen. There shall be those who shall not see. There shall be those who shall stand and say, “What foolish talk is this?” But the earth shall be cleansed, either by men or by God. The choice is yours.

But should the Sixth and Seventh Seal be opened, woe, woe be that upon thee. For as we have said before, man shall run and hide. He shall go to the mountaintops to hide beneath the stone, yet the stone should shield him not. He shall wish in mind for death, and pray for it, yet death shall come not. [The Revelation 6:12–17 and chapters 7–10.]

And we say unto thee, you who have founded a nation unto one God and made a mockery of the same, you who should go unto the churches in your fine cloth and say, “I have built a temple unto God,” when within reality you have only built a temple into yourselves, we care not for your temples. We care for the temple of God that dwells within man.

This word you use so often, yet know not the meaning of, this word of yours you say, of love, our Father, God, gave you this word, and He placed upon the Earth His first­-begotten son and stood aside that man slay of him. And as his blood should strike the earth, the Earth did change, and darkness did come upon the Earth for three hours.

We say unto you, prepare not for this time, and the darkness shall come for 3,000 years, and man shall come back into his caves where the Sons of God did find him.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

We have come not with words of doom. We have shown you the paths that lie before thee. The choice is yours.

Find the true meaning of the word of love. Go into your churches and find God, both inside and out. Pick not just one day, but use all of them, and then you shall be as a mirror and beauty within shall never die.

We have brought forth unto thee A Rose without Thorns. You may place the thorns upon it if you wish, or you may pick it up, and hand it to a friend, a brother or a sister. And roses shall multiply and all that could happen will not happen. And your earth shall flourish in abundance, and your cup shall runneth over.

For those who should not wear the mark of the Beast, even in the times of famine, we shall see that thy needs are taken care of. But know the difference between your needs and your wants.

“Yes, Aka. A question from [9–12–74–001], ‘What are my talents and to what purpose I supposed to use them in this lifetime?’”

We see of thy need, and we say unto thee, that you may fully understand we shall take, therefore, from the records, and therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, the immortal body, and the records of time.

Yes, we see this one in the land known as Yucatan. And therefore, this one from birth was trained as a flower girl. She did tend the flowers upon the lakes and the ponds.

And you say unto us, “How could this be of importance?” Unto the royal blood and unto the people, should the flowers die, then their nation should die. So all who should have of this task were picked from birth. The astrological signs, all were chosen from the same. This method of choice was used on the 24-month basis or that you would call of the Mayan calendar.

Yet, even in the choice, as she grew forth into early womanhood, within her mind as she gazed into the water were thoughts of another life, of a time unto which she has seen the Master walk upon the Earth in another land, and of his promise that she would see him of again.

And as she tended the flowers, she looked forth into the heavens and there she saw the Eagle in flight, yet this was different than any she had ever seen, for upon the neck of the eagle was the sign of the Tree of Life. And yet, as the eagle approached no animal stirred; they did not become frightened. And he came forth and stood upon the temple top.

And she looked up, and across the water came one that walked. And he beckoned unto her. And she did walk upon the water and did meet him.

Yet, she was to kneel, and he said, “Kneel not, my daughter, kneel not unto me, but unto thy Father, thy God.”

And then all the knowledge of where she had been began to flow within her, and she wept, and he said unto her, “Weep not. But I say unto you, all, all of your people, though the people be swept away, they shall live again. Watch the heavens and you shall see the Eagle once again. Yet, when you see him you shall know him not. For he shall come forth to prepare a way for my coming.

“When this time [comes], and you see the truth within the same, then go forth, and prepare a way for this one, that he may prepare a way for myself. But yet, not for me, but for thy Father and man.”

We have answered all of thy questions. We say unto you, study the words we have given well. We have not spoke in riddles, but in truth.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. From [9–12–74–002] — would like to know, ‘I was born April 20, 1917, in Perth Amboy. What was the exact time of my birth?’”

[Note: There is a long pause.] Since thy have asked in riddles, we shall answer in riddles. Thy were born in the month of the Dragon on the day of the Cow.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“[7–7–74–003] asks, ‘Although there are many things which could aid the Anti-Christ, and be confused as such, can you please give a person, name, for every location that we can watch for negative guidance to come from?’”

Look within thy own land. We are not permitted at this time to give the name. As the time approaches, when permission is given from our Father, this shall be given, in full.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. From [9–12–74–003], ‘If it is so that time is getting short before our Lord’s second coming, is fundamentalism the shortest and best way to our Father?’”

We shall say unto thee, the Lord, God, handed each unto His children special gifts. Some should be good carpenters. Some should compose and write of the music. Some should sing of the music. Some should prophesy, and some shall dream, and some shall interpret the dreams. But none shall be more important in the eyes of the Lord than the achievement within the same, and the satisfaction of achievement within your own hearts.

Some shall say, “We shall not build the dike or dam the rivers.” Some shall say, “We should throw away our coin; we should run and hide.” We say unto thee, go about thy day-to-day tasks. Make them fruitful and bountiful, both unto thyself and to others, and from this growth shall come within. Be always mindful of thy brother, that thy brother shall always be mindful of you.

There are many mansions in our Father’s kingdom. Our Father has prepared these in such a manner that, as man in his free choice may enter, that simple thing of understanding one another shall be the first step in true love.

If a man should come unto thee and say, “How and why do you believe as you believe,” do not become angry. Answer him. And if he should have wine to offer, take of this, this knowledge he should offer back in return. Do not become angry, for this one should seek of understanding.

Yet, ask of another that you may gain understanding for yourself. In truth, then you shall grow.

But we shall say unto you, a tree seldom sees itself grow. It can only compare its height by that of the other trees. It is not how high a man climbs upon the ladder, but in the manner he climbs that should count.

You have other questions, ask.

“[9–12–74–004] asks, ‘Many doctors have made many diagnoses of my son’s condition. What is your diagnosis and am I following the right course?’”

Yes, we see of thy needs. First, we should answer in this manner. We may not answer questions about another soul without the soul’s direct permission.

But we shall answer in this manner. Thy have asked for healing, and healing shall be given.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, from [9–12–74–005], ‘I have been told by someone who has a spirit guide that I have one. In meditation I see in outline a physical body. I would like to know his name and how I can communicate with the spirit, and if it would help me in my spiritual growth?’”

We shall answer first in this manner. As you should pray unto the Lord, our God, for guidance, those that are needed shall be sent unto thee to provide this guidance, but those from this side of your plane shall be sent also.

If a man should lose his arm and to pray unto the Lord to learn the use of one arm instead of two, then those who have lost their arm and know the task shall be sent from both sides.

Each of you should have your spiritual guides, but they should change from time to time as your needs and desires should change, and also as your growth should change. If you should grow on a higher spiritual level and say unto the Lord, “Oh, Lord, provide me with those teachers that are needed,” then your prayers shall be answered. So has the spiritual guides that stand near you.

Quite often, because of the Indian spiritual religion, people often take forth upon themselves Indian guides, much as your own people did as they first came unto this country to guide them across the land. The guides at hand are no different. But we say unto you, there shall be many guides brought forth. The higher guides thy should ask for shall have no race, shall have no sex, shall neither be of male nor female, nor have they any form except that of energy form. These forms, much as ourselves, must find instruments to speak through.

Long ago, some of us walked upon your earth, yet we have walked upon the earth of many lands in many galaxies in many universes. Long ago [by] our choice to remain by our Father’s side and to fulfill the missions upon the Earth we did give freely unto our Father servitude.

There is much of your spiritual world you do not understand.

We say unto you, if a man should be highly spiritually developed upon the earth plane, one day of learning upon your earth plane, you can learn more in that one day than in a thousand years in the spiritual world, because on your earth plane you have all the tools for development. You are all parts of all the things you have ever been. You have these tools at hand for recall. Within the brain substance lies dormant all memory. You can destroy nothing; you can only change its form.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [9–12–74–006], ‘Will I be married soon?’”

We shall answer in this manner. As a fisherman should go out into the ocean and cast the net, he should try and place himself in a place that the type of fish he is fishing for, he should catch. But not always does he bring up that that he desires. Should he bring up a fish not of his liking, he destroys it not, but throws it back into the water. You shall do likewise.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [9–12–74–007 — ‘In your opinion, how important is a vegetarian diet to us and how strictly do you think we should adhere to non-animal byproducts?’”

We shall answer your questions in this manner. You have both the vegetarian and carnivorous animal within the man. If the genes and the ancestry that should make up of your mother, your father, your grandfather, your great grandfather, and so forth, should be of a vegetarian type, then that in itself, your body genes, that that you were born into and the…shall be of the same.

But we say unto you, far memory in its awakening should help change those genes. If your mind should cast back into another lifetime that you were vegetarian, then your body substance should change and body chemical, biochemical make-up, should change that the vegetarian diet could be sustained. Yet again, if the genes and the far memory is that of a carnivorous type, then the vegetarian diet, strict vegetarian diet, could kill of this one.

That that you place in your stomach should not make you closer to God. That that you place in your mind comes out of your mouth and is given unto another; that should place you closer to God.

But we say unto you, the mind is much like the stomach. Place in it only what thy can digest at one time, and in this manner good growth should come forth from both.

Soul Ray tires.

Yet, we should say unto you before our departure, none from either side shall be allowed to interfere with this work. If the garden should be weeded, then we should weed of such. Those who should be needed to carry on the work shall see the Eagle in flight.

Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript could not be compared with the recording because no tape was made available.]

Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


September 21, 1974

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God,

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner, for we should say unto thee as a parable of the same. And we should say, hark, into all, or listen well unto our words.

For as the farmer went forth and bought, therefore, two fine workhorses, and as he started to leave he saw, therefore, a donkey. He took of the three unto his home, and everyone that passed praised his workhorses. Yet, the beast of burden, the small donkey, they praised not. And because of the praise the farmer groomed and fed his horses well, yet worked his donkey long hours with little food.

The horses became fat and useless unto him, yet the donkey went on working day after day. And at night in his tired stall with little to eat, the donkey would soon fall into his slumber. And the work horses would laugh upon him, and said unto him, “If you were beautiful such as us, then you would not have to work as hard.”

Yet the donkey answered back and said, “I work unto my master for love, not for praise.”

Yet one day, as the farmer loaded the donkey heavy with a burden, the donkey faltered and fell. And the farmer looked down upon the gentle animal and thought to himself, “Oh, what have I done?” And he gave love unto the donkey and he unloaded the burden and gently nourished the donkey back to health.

And then he brought forth his beautiful work horses to put them to work, but they had become fat and lazy and cumbersome. They could no longer work as a team because of their jealousies. And the farmer became angry and did use of the whip. And the horses could not understand of the sudden change. Yet the little donkey came to his feet, and struggled forth to help them pull their burden. And the farmer stopped.

And the horses looked forth unto the donkey and said unto the donkey, “We have not given you praise. We only gave you scorn. Yet you come forth in your weakest state, yet again to help us carry our burden, the burden we should have carried long ago, and we have forgotten how.”

And the donkey grew yet again in strength, and went back to his master, and took from his master the whip and laid it aside. The master stroked the donkey, for he knew in his heart that the donkey was right. Then the donkey went forth before the work horses and taught them once again to carry their burden. But this time they carried it with love as the donkey had.

Because of soul Ray’s ill health your reading shall be short, yet we have placed much meaning into the same.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared with the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona

September 25, 1974

Aka is here.

Yes, we see thy need. Soul Ray stands with God.

And now we should say in this manner. Blessed are they who should seek the enlightenment of the Lord. Blessed are they who should give unto another.

For we should tell unto thee the parable of the Child born out of wedlock.

And all those around him did look upon him and say foul things unto him.

At first the Child did not know of which they spoke. So the Child went unto its mother and said unto her, “Why do they speak to me in such a manner? What is this name that they call me?”

And the mother knew not how to answer him. She hung her head in shame and sorrow for her son. And they each held each other and wept.

And the Lord, God, heard unto their tears and He did speak unto them. And He did say unto the woman, “IS THIS, OF THY CHILD, BORN AND CONCEIVED IN LOVE?”

And she said, “Oh, yes, Lord, for I loved his father quite dearly. We were to be wed, but he died before the wedding date.”


And the Child said unto the Lord, “Then why, then, oh Lord, should all of the people look upon me and call me names, and say I am different from them?”


And the Child said, “No, nay, oh Lord, this we would not do, for a tree is the love and the life of the earth, and the love of our God, You.”


And so it was.

And yet, the people feared the Child. They did no longer call him names. Yet, behind his back they said, “Surely this one must be possessed of the Devil, and bewitched.”

Yet the Child went on in his day-to-day life and on into manhood.

On his 33rd birthday, he walked upon the earth as a Messiah. He came forth as Jesus of Nazara. For you see, his Father was God, and he was the first-begotten son of God.

Yet many should reach the Christ state. For many, the Lord, God, should hear

your cries in the wilderness and come forth to answer them. For remember, your God and ours, your Father and ours, is the God of the living, not of the dead.

And we say unto you unto this manner, we are here but for one purpose, that is in the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. We have placed A Rose without Thorns. Only you can place the thorns within it.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [8–28–24–007], his place of birth is unknown, his date of birth is unknown…. His question, ‘If my name is Jonathan Albert Snow, exactly when was I born? Please give the day, the month, and the year of my birth.’”

Yes we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. You were born in the year of the Horse. You were born in the month of the Dragon. You were born on the hour of the Moon. And your second and minute were both of the Cherub.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, he says, ‘What is my sister’s first name? If she is still living what is her married name?’”

We see not of this. You must understand we are not allowed to violate the free will of another without the direct permission of the soul involved.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Can he give the date and time as we know it?”

We have given the information that as an ass should sit upon a fire it should rise.

You have other questions, ask.

Yes, Aka, [6–26–74–002] says, ‘‘Thank you, Aka. Do you have a message concerning my health?’”

Thy have come forth for healing. And the Lord, God, has heard thy prayer and healing shall be given. Glory be the name of the Lord.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [9–25–74–001]. She says, ‘I had a dream, which I do not remember. In my sleep I wrote the words, (notes of diabition). That’s spelled diabition. What could the meaning possibly be?’”

We shall answer in this manner. Your dream was that of another lifetime. In that of the Egyptan, in the land of Egyptan, your word, diadition, was quite simple. You only have only one proportion of the word, The word was, a shay ray diadition, meaning the route of travel after death. In this day and in this time, men and women took great heed to prepare for their after life, and in preparing for their after life, they prepare within themselves that they should live each day in such a manner that the passing was the walking from one door unto another.

This is the one of many dreams thy should soon have that should bring forth much knowledge into your mind, for you shall remember a temple of the times, the temple of the Eagle.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [9–5–74–002]. ‘I feel that I am about to face a big change in my life soon. I would like to know what I can do to prepare myself for this change?’”

Yes, we shall answer in this manner. Thy have thought, and sought out for spiritual development and knowledge. The binding of the wounds of the many groups of your psychic organizations should come forth now.

The time grows short upon your earth for the healing of mankind. Within your minds are the prophecies of the prophets across the land of the new machine that shall control disease with the use of the changing of the brain waves. We have implanted into soul Ray’s mind the knowledge of the building of these machines. Soon the first of such shall become forth and be ready for use unto you, of mankind.

But mankind must overcome its ignorance, its fears of brain wave change or brainwave implant. There is much to learn within this field. There is much within this field that could be helpful unto mankind, both unto the salvation of the body, the mind, the soul, and the immortal body of the same.

Such machines shall also be used in a future time to divert warfare among nations.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [9–25–74–003]; her question is, ‘Will my husband return soon, and will he be in good health?’”

Yes, we see of thy need. We shall answer in this manner. Yes, he shall return soon and he shall be in good health. But we say unto you, beware of the one who should speak as a dragon. Look for truths, but see all. Do not believe only that which you want to believe, but look at a whole truth.

You have other questions, ask.

Yes, Aka. [9–25–74–003] also says, ‘Will I move soon? Will there be a death in the family?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. Each thing in time and in its place shall come forth. But each shall be done in such a manner — the Lord, God, takes nothing from the earth that He does not replenish tenfold.

You have other questions, ask.

“[9–25–74–003] says, ‘What about a strange dark man?”

We see not of this.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [9–26–74–004]; he says, ‘I would like to know for what main purpose I’ve incarnated in the earth plane at this time, and whether there is a past life karma to be met in this life? If so, am I meeting this karma and am I following the purpose for which I incarnated?’”

First, we should answer in this manner. Many who are born upon this life plane were present at the birth and the time of the one known as Jesus Christ of Nazara. Many of the same that were born at that time lived in the days of Atlantis. And many did not worship the God of One, but worshiped Babylon.

It was easy in the land of plenty to forget thy God. But in the last days of Atlantis thy looked toward the heavens and toward thy God and knew of His vengeance upon the earth, and knew that you must die to live again.

You ask for your purpose and we say unto you, it must come in this manner. For we are here to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. Your year shall be 1999, your month shall be July. We can tell thee no more without further permission from our Father. Look within the book with roses; look, therefore, in the Rose without Thorns and ye shall find the message. It shall tell thee the time, the day, the hour, and the place the Lord, the Messiah, shall appear. It is placed in both astrology, numerology, in this form. It was placed that the wise may hear and that the wise may see, both with their mind, their eyes, and the heart.

Look unto this. Take up the cup. Open the door that we may enter, and let the cup runneth over unto others.

The day is at hand.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth, as in Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham said unto the messengers of the Lord that he would bring forth ten righteous men. Yet, nay, none survived, but Lot and his daughters. And his wife died in temptation. {See Genesis 18:16–33 and chapter 17.]

Let this not happen. Let this earth be born again in each of you — a new love.

When this birth comes from within you, your brothers and sisters of your other planetary systems await you, for they come with the knowledge of God and the love of God.

Must it wait until you have destroyed your earth, that they may become your brothers to help you rebuild it? Or shall you give praise unto the Lord? And the Lord shall hear, and the nations shall hear your words, and the Seventh Seal might never be opened.

You have other questions, ask.

Thank you, Aka. [9–25–74–005]; she says, ‘In April 1970, my 27-year-old son was missing for three weeks. Then his body was found on the bank of a river in Philadelphia. Was it murder or suicide?’”

We shall answer in this manner. It was murder for the foulest sorts. Yet the murderer has paid well for his crime, for he himself fell in his death by his friend’s hands.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [9–25–74–006]; ‘Please advise on type of employment suitable to me and guidance into realization — who, what to bring this and when to make this change into a different life?’”

We shall say unto you, the time is now. The place is here. The opportunity lays before thee. Go, therefore, and study, therefore, and bring forth unto thyself the doctrine [doctorate?] needed of divinity. But take, therefore, in the same form in the field of parapsychology. As we have said before, new knowledge, new methods, are now taking form. The machinery that is needed to bring forth proof, as parapsychology as a true science is but at hand now.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [9–25–74–007],’Is there any reason to hope I will be married as originally set within the next four month? What is obstructing the plans?’”

We shall say unto you unto this manner. It is only fear; but we say unto you, fear not. Have faith in the Lord, God, and the way shall be cleared before you. And it shall come in a righteous manner before man and God alike.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [9–25–74–008] says, ‘How can I translate or correct any missed, created ethnic records in my body and transmutate and subsequently translate these imperfections, physical conditions, so that I can become pure and perfect again?’”

We shall answer your question as we have already answered it, through the use of biotherapy, through the use of the new machinery which is being brought forth. It should be used to treat the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. Great vasts of knowledge can be transformed within moments. Knowledge will never die, for the thoughts of all your great philosophers can be brought forth and implanted into another’s mind, therefore, to build upon the same. The creativity from one shall be added unto another, only to build and rebuild again, but never to rob from any man that that is righteously his. Until these machines we have spoken of should come forth into total reality, come forth, therefore, in a righteous manner and soul Ray shall administer to thy health needs and thy spiritual needs.

We say unto you, for he who was Buddha did be as Christ, and he who was Lama was as the Eastern Star and also was as Christ. But each came in their own time to deliver a message to their people from God, to set an example of life and death and all in between.

But it was for that time. Today is a different time. We come not to change any of the prophecies. We come not to destroy any of your religions. We come to unify and prepare within your hearts and soul for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. In this simple manner should you know of the beauty within and the beauty from without. The lotus blossom blooms in thy heart.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [9–25–74–009], ‘Should I make a move from Arizona for optimum survival in the future, spiritually? Oregon, Ohio, Colorado, or stay here?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. Do not run and hide. The land of your own mountains in this land shall stand and give forth life. It shall not change as drastically as the other lands. Food from the high desert shall be in abundance, for those with knowledge to eat upon the same.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, I have no more written questions. I think there is a question in the audience that was not written.”

Yes, we see thy need and we shall answer in this manner. For in the heart of one there has been much confusion. Yet we say unto you, you are old enough to know that love is a beautiful rose. Fertilize it. Let it ferment. Treat it tenderly. Take out from thy heart jealousy or greed. But lay it bare and give it with outstretched hands, and fulfillment shall be rewarded a thousand fold.

But do not be as the farmer who should plant today and expect to harvest tomorrow. Let that that you are planting have time to grow and mature. Let the sun and the sky and the rain come forth. Let the waves of love that lie within your heart flow outwards, that the other may see. And that that is seen in truth shall be rewarded.

Now, we say unto you unto these words. As we have said before, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. More hurricanes and tornadoes shall strike the eastern and western seaboard of your lands. Upward from Mexico, downward from Canada, snowstorms shall cripple the lands, and rain shall wash it away.

Your nation’s wounds have yet not healed. And in this time of trial and tribulation many false prophets shall stand forth and promise many things. But we say unto you, look deep into these.

Your nation was founded under God. It was founded as the eagle should fly. It was founded, as all things, in God’s time. It was made mighty before men. It was chosen that the last should come first and the first should come last. So we say unto you, we shall interpret one part of the riddle. The land, where the stars shall shine as thirteen and more than three, is within your land.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared with the audio recording for improved accuracy.]

Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


October 5, 1974

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Greetings, Aka, where is soul Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this way. For in the house of the Lord, there is no time, as you would know it. Time is but a twinkling of the eye. Yet you, who walk upon the earth, shall walk upon the heavens.

As we have said before, come now and walk with us. For we have given unto your keeping the Rose without Thorns, and its beauty shall enter the ocean and unto the many lands.

Prepare now, all of you, that your next book should come forth. As we told you in the beginning, your needs would be provided for, for those who were willing to help prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, for this in itself is our sole purpose. It is the reason we have come unto you.

Now we say unto you, [4–3–70–003] and [1–21–72–002–7] and [4–3–70–005–5].

For [1–21–72–002–7], we weep for thee, and our Father weeps for thee.

For [4–3–70–003–4], we say unto thee, healing shall be given unto thy hands. Take forth of the clay formula unto which soul Ray has brought forth, and healing shall come about. But yet, a greater healing has come about, a healing of sores, and wounds, and time.

Now that you have come all unto one house, we have given unto you the parable of the seven spirits, and the many times the Lord sent them back, and back again, until they could bring forth a bountiful harvest with their hands linked together, one providing the needs unto another. And so it shall be.

And you, [4–3–70–005–5], the archives shall continue. And we shall say, and now give fulfillment of the message we gave unto you once before. For we said, in turquoise, in silver, and in gold lay the messages of the Lord. And we told of you to go unto the desert and you would see of such. What we sent you forth to search for was that that was already within you, for we told you once before it lay beneath thy feet, and so it was. Yet, within your search you found many things. We sent you forth in the same manner our Lord sent the spirits forth unto the ocean, that each should find his heart that that should belong to man and build man, and the things that should be placed upon the earth.

You have said within your mind of the many things you do not know. Fear this not, for in a twinkling of the eye the knowledge shall be placed within.

We say unto you, [10–5–74–001], for thy shall be known as Thomas, and not a doubting Thomas, but because of the love that Thomas bestowed upon the earth we give unto you this name. We say unto you, look thereforth unto The Gospel according to Thomas and you shall see the reason we have given unto you this name. Glory be the name of the Lord.

Thy have many questions, ask.

”Thank you, Aka. From [10–5–74–001], ‘What does the future hold for me?’”

We say unto you, we have opened but one door this day. Many doors shall be opened from this day forth. Have faith, and one by one and two by two, the true meaning of our words shall come forth and be laid before you. We shall say of you, take from the others of the ministry their story of the miracle of the candelabra and you shall see the pathway which you shall enter. [Ministers’ Book, p. 45]

We have brought forth an instrument, a prophet unto man, for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. We have weeded your garden for a purpose, that you should be brought forth this time unto this place. Know of the glory of the Lord, and His love for His children.

For many a day shall pass as you shall make the preparations, but they shall be bountiful. Fear not, for we walketh with thee. You have opened the door that we may enter. Come, therefore, unto the prophet for private consultation, and our words shall be his words, in a manner that you shall know of their meaning. We have prepared a way for travel for a purpose. Other ways shall be prepared. Other answers shall be fulfilled. Be patient, have faith.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [10–5–74–002], ‘Will the person I am interested in ever be able to accept my feeling on religion?’”

We should answer unto these words, not fully, nay. But remember, our Father has many mansions. Give unto him that that should belong to him. Give unto yourself that that should belong to yourself. And in this manner and this manner only can fulfillment of your wishes come true.

You have other questions, ask.

“From [10–5–74–003], ‘What is my purpose in this life, and is it something left unfulfilled of a past life?’”

We shall answer your question. For thy were married under the ankh, and thy were born under the ankh. All was laid forth before thy birth in preparation for the work that we shall lay before you. Fear not of thy past karma, for we say unto all, we have taken from thee thy karmas. The only karmas thy have to build is from this day forward. Study long upon the words we have given, for there is secret meaning for you within the same. If after thy have studied and thy fully do not understand, come back and we shall explain further.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [10–5–74–004], and she asks, ‘What year and month will our first child be born?’”

We say unto you, your child shall be conceived in the month of November of this year. And blessed be the children who should be born under the sign of the ankh, for they shall be those who should know of the Messiah first. Many new entries and many new places of entry are being prepared across thy earth. That that thy have asked for shall come in a bountiful manner.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [7–27–74–001] asks, ‘Will I be here in Globe to stay before the first of the year?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And that also shall be granted. Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [11–26–71–002] and [7–22–74–002] want to thank God for all His many blessings. And [11–26–71–002] would seek guidance for the many small people who have savings to be protected in this inflation.”

We should say unto thee, come unto soul Ray in private consultation and he should advise of you of such in your monetary manners.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“[11–30–71–004], ‘What does the future hold for me; have I chosen a new path in life?’”

Yes, thy have chosen a new path in life. But we shall say unto you into this manner. The getting is easy, the keeping is hard. Toil, and honesty within thyself, shall be the key word to thy answer.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“[9–10–74–001], ‘What help can you offer me to remove the impediments to my progress? I have questions I cannot seem to phrase having to do with my work and my children and my personal life.’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. Within the archives are your answers. The acceptance of the pupil teacher was the first step. The other answers shall unfold, one at a time, yet they shall come fast and meaningful.

But we should say unto you, we are preparing a way that roses may be placed at thy feet. Make not the mistake you have made in the past. Let us help you cast away your karma. Leave jealousy at the threshold of Lucifer and walk forth from this day forward.

We have answered your prayers, those you have given unto the Lord. Do not become impatient. Time shall bring forth the fulfillment of your other prayers.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [8–10–70–002–2] asks about the Wise Men. When did they arrive, that is, how old was Jesus? Where did they come from; what gifts did they bring?’”

We shall answer into your question in this manner. The three Wise Men, as you would know them, were not of three but five. One came from that of the land of South America, another from the land of the North American Continent; one came from that that you would know as Africa, another from that that you would know as China, another from that that you would know as Ethiopia. Yet all came forth, and brought with them both frankincense and myrrh, yet gold and coin. Yet when they arrived they found, therefore, the one known as Jesus Christ born in a manger in that of the town known as Bethlehem. All of these things are true. And the Star of Bethlehem did guide them forth, for it was the light brought forth by the planetary systems that were aligned in place by our Father.

It was not the gift of monetary value they brought forth. The greatest gift that they gave was that this one would come forth unto each of them at a later time for teaching.. And so it was upon the land, upon the earth.

And so it has been once again, for we say unto you, prepare now for the coming of the Messiah. We have given you in your last reading one step closer. We have given you the month that he should come forth.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, how can we attain wisdom?”

(Chuckle.) For we say unto you, know the meaning of your word of 1ove. And from love should come faith. And from faith should come forgiveness. And from forgiveness should come wisdom.

There shall be many who shall stand before you and tell of you, “This is the only path unto our Father’s house; this is the only wisdom our Father should have to offer.” But we say unto you, our Father has many mansions; each is great and mighty to behold. Yet none is greater than the other.

We have brought forth through the many reading forms we have given, the answers to your questions. We say unto you, go back and listen unto your back readings. You shall find the knowledge that you desire. Glory be the name of the Lord.

Yet, wisdom must be earned; it is not a gift that is given, for it lays at thy feet. Thy must pick it up, and carry it as a yoke of love. Should a man come unto thee and say unto you, “Why should you love unto another,” then we say unto you, tell this one. But just because one should ask, “Why should you love of another,” does not mean that you should have to give them your full life story. An answer both simple and truthful is an answer of wisdom, for wisdom is like the lotus flower that should bloom from within. From the quiet place within your mind, a still pool should flow and there you shall find a candle always lit, and there you shall find that God awaits unto you for your coming.

We have brought forth the many tools for this day. We shall add to them, and we shall add to the wisdom you seek.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, there are no other written questions here this afternoon.”

We see thy need. And we should answer in this manner unto [4–3–70–005–4] and [4–3–70–005–5] that that is upmost within your mind. Blessed be the name of the Lord. For nothing has been taken that cannot be returned, and for thy wish for the fulfillment of thy daughter and thy grandchildren, these things shall be granted unto the same.

We see thy need to become — working in harmony with all. There is nothing but peace and love in this house and in this work for both of you. Accept this love, for it was always there. Pick up the Rose. Carry it forward.

Now is the time of the Cherub. Your Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. New earthquakes shall creep forward from your last. Beware of the coastline areas.

But we should answer the one, and the question of the one known as [1–6–74–001]. We shall stay the hand and make of the land a sacred place. The knowledge thy desire we shall implant in soul Ray’s mind.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


October 26, 1974

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka, where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner, in this way.

For as the season should change and as your earth should make itself ready for sleep, yet we say unto you, we do not sleep. For sleep in itself was designed for the [regeneration] and the rebuilding of the body form. Therefore, the earth must sleep, that it should cleanse itself and bring forth your spring.

Yet there is a time for autumn, the time that the earth should prepare itself, that all plant life should prepare for slumber. And that that was in the leaves should go back forth, through the branches into the trunk of the same. And so it is with mankind as they should be born and born again. For that of the body form may fall away and it should go back unto its original form, that of the trunk.

But as the time to sleep should pass, the tree should bring forth its energy form from the trunk, from the roots, therefore, into the limbs. And new buds shall form and leaves shall form and new branches shall grow. And from where a leaf once stood should become a branch.

And so it should be with the development of a man. Be a leaf, before you become the trunk or the roots of the tree. But be joyous in that unto which you are.

For if you spend the whole time of blossom to fall, the dropping away of the leaves, in wishing that you were the trunk of the tree, then no growth should come forth, for you would forget the purpose of your birth. And in forgetting the purpose of the birth you should not know where you have been, and therefore, you shall not know where you are going. And therefore, you shall take the spring from your lifetime, and the summer, and the fall, and the winter of slumber, for all things shall fall away from you. For you will have closed the doorway from the body, through the spirit, through the soul, through the immortal body of the same. For take from one unto another and you have nothing, and have given nothing in return.

[Coveth] yourself in such a manner that the light should shine through you, and let others grow before you.

As we have said before, we should stand as close to our Father as His heartbeat, yet we are not great. We are but the servants of Father, our God, and yours. We are here but for one purpose, that in itself is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Glory be the name of the Lord, our God.

And we say unto you, bring forth no false idols.

We say unto you, we would weed the garden from time to time, yet we should plant new substance within the garden, that one should lead unto another. We have prepared a way that each should grow into bountiful substance and become complete. We have given each of you tasks to perform. We have sent you helpers, that the task and the yoke should be carried in a love-full manner. We say once again unto you, we should allow nothing from either side to interfere with this work.

Now we say unto you, soon upon your earth those from the other galaxy systems shall come forth and be known unto you, and should work with you, for all must be in a complete manner. For as their evolvement came forth once upon your earth, and their karma became part of yours, so they must see your earth brought from its slumber into its springtime. And so it shall be.

We say unto you, once again, no house may stand alone. We have prepared a foundation that the house may stand upon. Yet, we should look into the foundation, and if we find a flaw we shall pluck it, therefore, from the same and replace it with another.

Thy have questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [2–8–74–002] asks for his last life reading. He asks, specifically, ‘Have I prior knowledge of pyramid power? Should I pursue it now?’”

We should answer in this manner. Now is not the time, for you have not the knowledge that is needed. Incorrectly used, you could destroy mankind rather than rebuild it. We have within the reading form given full knowledge of the use and design of that that you would know as pyramid power, or cosmic-magnetic energy form.

We have told you before that this new form of energy unto you shall soon be harnessed upon your earth and used in your many forms of transportation and power needs. It should also be used for interplanetary travel of the same. It can also be used, with the alterations of the same, in the changing of humanoid form. As we have said before, this should come forth in light and sound, the light and sound of the brain form within the same.

The pyramid within itself, correctly made, was capable of not only harnessing and storing this energy, but transporting it across the vast areas of space and time. Your concept of time shall be greatly altered, for that of matter and anti-matter shall be brought forth in full knowledge of the same, and the use of the same in a useful form upon the earth.

You have other questions, ask.

“Do you wish me to give another request for a life reading, or shall I go to shorter questions, Aka?”

We should say unto thee, because of soul Ray’s health, we would suggest the shorter questions at this time.

“This one comes from [8–24–73–003]. On August 24, ’73, you answered a health reading for him. At this time his mother also had a health reading. He thanks you for the help he has received from his reading. He now would like to know if his interpretation of his mother’s reading is correct or not. Is there anything he can do to help her? Is what he’s doing now wrong for her? He asks, please, could you please help him? His mother’s name is S_____ M___.”

We see of the same, and we should answer in this manner. Thy have brought forth unto the one known as soul Ray both for healing form. If treatment were continued in the present form, the help that was needed would be given. But we can say unto you unto this manner, we are not allowed to interfere with free choice. The free choice of your mother, thy have known.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Soul Mark [11–26–71–002–11] asks if she may help in some way her uncle, J_____ R_____… ‘And if not, how may I help him to understand his physical condition?’”

We shall answer in this manner. Within himself he knows of his own physical condition. He has full awareness of this. But we say unto you, we have given you other tasks. We see of the need of the heart. Place this in our hands, and we shall place other things in your hands. Glory be the name of the Lord.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [10–26–74–001], he would like to know if his mother and dad will get back together?”

Yes, we see thy need. And we will answer in this manner. That that was meant in the beginning shall come forth in the ending. Have faith. We are not allowed to answer questions pertaining to the free will of another soul, but we have answered your question in a manner that only you, and you alone, shall see the full meaning of the same. Yet, we have answered your question.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [9–10–74–001] asks, ‘I have heard and understood your advice, Aka. I give my heartfelt thanks to you. These things I have done. Please tell me what my next step should be. I need to know what to prepare myself for in the course my life should take. Please give me some much-needed guidance.’”

We shall answer in this manner. As a child of God, thy have brought forth bountiful meaning into the work. We should answer, continue into the same. We shall take care of thy needs, but not all of thy wants. We shall say unto you, that that should be brought forth shall be a full cup. Have patience.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Those are all the written questions, Aka.”

Then we should answer in this manner. All things thy should see this day, this time, are here but for a twinkling of an eye. We say unto you, look, therefore, unto the greatness and purpose that we have come unto you for. Nothing can remain upon the earth without our Father’s permission. We have placed unto each person, unto each soul, the ability to ask in our Father’s name. But ask in a righteous manner a righteous thing, and that that thy should ask for, thy should receive. All things, as a house should build, should come together.

We go now to prepare the way in our Father’s many mansions.

We shall say unto you, your country is on the brink of a revolutionary war. In the land known as Mexico, warfare shall arise. Yet, new eruptions shall continue. Earthquakes upon earthquakes shall occur up your eastern and western seaboard. Your Midwest shall continue to be racked with hurricane, flood, and then drought.

We say unto you, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth and pestilence and famine shall reign. [See The Revelation 6:9–11, 9:1–12, 16:10–11, 14:17 and 21:1–8.]

But for the children of God, do not flee and try to hide, for if your heart is truly with God, then God shall be with thee and nothing can harm thee. Thy shall not go hungry, nor cold. But we shall provide bread. But do not take the bread and foolishly throw it away. Share it with one another, as you would share raindrops upon a desert.

Now is the time of the Cherub. [See The Revelation 4:6–8.]

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


November 9, 1974

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need.

And we should answer in this manner. For each of you in your prayer should pray unto the Lord in such a manner as though you were talking unto yourself. But as you speak, remember that the Lord, God, should hear. But in your prayer make certain that your prayer does not defile another.

For many should pray for rain. And others should pray for the sun to shine. Yet the sun should shine and the rain shall fall upon the earth, each in a different way and in a different place. But should one pray for rain when the earth is not in need, then the prayer shall not be answered. And if one should pray for sunshine when the earth is in need of rain, then the prayer shall not be answered.

Do so in your own life. Do so in such a way that you do not offend thy brother or sister. But as the rain should fall, look not at just the rain and the cloudy skies, look, therefore, at the rainbow that should come after. Look at the earth, and say unto thy selves, “New life shall come forth, for the rain shall come and replenish the earth, and the sun shall come forth and bring forth the harvest.”

Yet you say unto us, both in these times, “Why must the earth sleep?”

And we say unto you, that winter must come for the same reason that men must sleep. For the earth should replenish itself the same as man. It is a time for change. Nothing shall stand still, not your measure of time, nor your concept of time.

We have given you past-life readings to stir memories within yourselves of where you have been. But we say unto you, you are all parts of that that you have ever been. And all parts of that that you have been is what makes you what you are today. It is only good to know where you have been so you shall know where you are going.

Before you ask for a past-life reading, study your present plane reading. Look where you [have] been in this lifetime and you shall know where you shall go unto your next lifetime. But more important yet, you shall know the direction you are taking now. If there is a stone way in your path, you will remove this stone and not trip over it. But even the stone serves its purpose, for it is useful for the overcoming of karmic action into the same. Karma, as you would know it, is nothing more than knowing where you have been and changing the direction if it is not to your liking, for we say unto you, “if your right eye offend thee, cast it aside.”

Soon upon your earth, your earth shall rapidly begin to change. You have seen changes in your lives that have multiplied.

We have told you of a coming famine, and the famine is at hand. We have told you the things to store. Yet if a man should work from dawn to dusk and only store in his warehouse a small proportion, give prayer upon that proportion you have stored, and the Lord shall replenish that proportion tenfold.

Now we should say unto those who should be of the teachers in this work. First, we should say unto you, your directions should come from your ministers, and your ministers’ direction should come from the prophet, but all should come from the same tree. Do not close the doorway to your minds, that new knowledge may not enter. Hold the doorway open and your growth shall continue beyond your wildest imagination.

And we should say unto the pupils, for none shall be greater than the teacher, or the pupil, or the master, for all shall come forth. But treat within each the respect you would want to be treated yourselves.

We say unto you, all of you, we have told you the parable of the Seven Spirits and the wheat field. We have brought forth unto you A Rose without Thorns. Soon it shall take flight upon the earth. We have told you of a new book to come, A Psychic Gift before the Dawn. We have told you of another book that should come forth at the same time. and it shall be your Workbook on Parapsychology. It should be named as such.

We shall open the doorways that many may enter. Close no doorways, that all may enter. Take no one from their faith, for remember, our Father has many mansions. Build upon what is there. Give unto those who should take of such, but let them take into the proportion of their needs.

It is true we shall expect more from the ministers, the teachers, and the pupils, for it is a binding thing that should come forth.

Now we say unto you, you have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading from [2–8–74–002].”

[Editor’s note: There is a long pause.]

One moment, we have problems in locating this soul. Please give again.

“All right. [2–8–74–002].”

We have incorrect data.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading from [7–12–73–002], and he asks. ‘What past lives pertain to this existence?’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. Therefore, we have before us the records.

Yes, yes.

We find this one — yes — a late entry.

Yes. Yes, in the years of Caesar, of Augustan — yes — a tribune.

Yes. Yes.

We find this one before the emperor, therefore, receiving orders to go forth with a small army into that proportion you would know — yes — of Ethiopia. He had been raised as a soldier of fortune all of his life from peasant stock, yet to rise high. He goes with the knowledge within his mind that should he succeed promotion and gratitude from the Caesar should be of the utmost importance into himself.

Yes. Yes, we see this.

Therefore, there is the use of the Greek vessel and of the Greek seamen. In the first days of the journey many become ill and great storms come upon the craft. And the craft is washed far off its course.

Yes, we find this — wreckage, in that proportion now known as North Africa — much disturbance. Natives of [a] land have not seen such as this one. At first they seek to worship him as a god, and when they find that he can not bring forth, neither rain nor good crops, they seek to sacrifice this one. This one escapes and journeys long by foot, dis­guising himself in many disguises. He goes forth, crossing that proportion of the Sahara desert. His skin has turned dark and black, and parched from the sun.


And at long last he finds the Roman columns. And he goes from soldier to soldier. But all say he is insane, for they know that the tribune has been dead, for all bodies except his had washed ashore. And they treat him in such a manner that he is left as a beggar in the street.

Yet one comes forward, and said, “Come into our house.”

And as he enters, he said, “I cannot eat with such as you, for you are of Hebrew nationality.”

Yet they bring forth a feast and feed of him, listening not to his nonsense. And he said and brought forth once again the same words.

And one stepped forward and said unto him, “For I am Thomas. I once doubted, such as you. I am not of a script [scribe], and my writing is poor. I would pay you to write, therefore, of the things I have seen and heard. I shall give you clothing and food, and we shall bring forth a good horse that should carry you forth unto your own land.”

With these promises made, so you sat down to write The Gospel according to Thomas.

And you left of these people, these strange people, and you ventured forth unto the land of Rome, there to be carried forth upon the soldiers to the emperor, and greatly rewarded because of your great feat in overcoming all of your hardships. And for your reward, you would sit by the emperor at the games.

At the games this day they brought forth into the arena twelve and ten in fold. Both man, women, and children that called themselves Christians.

And one stood forth and said unto the emperor, “Save my people, and I shall be in their stead.”

And the emperor looked upon you, and you agreed. Then he said unto you, “Then we shall bring forth our greatest warrior. This shall be you. And you shall slay this one.”

You took of your sword and walked into the arena. This one was clad barely in clothing of rags. And you went forth and said, “I cannot fight of such as he. Give him arms that he may defend himself.”

And this one approached you and said, “I need not of arms to defend myself, my people, and my God. But if it should make you feel more honorable I shall bear your arms.”

And so arms were brought forth and put to bear upon this one.

And he looked unto you and said, “I have a message for you, for the one known as Thomas has been killed, slain. Yet your writings have been entombed, and shall come forth and enlighten mankind.”

And so your battle began, yet you knew it was not a battle, but a slaughter. And finally you turned your back unto this one, unto the emperor, “Emperor, I am a soldier. I have fought against many of your enemies. But I cannot slay a man in cold blood.”

And the emperor placed his thumb down.

And you said unto the keepers of the gate, “Bring forth unto me a towel and a bowl of water.” And therefore, you washed your hands, and said unto the emperor, “Slay of me if you wish, but I find no justice in what you asked, nor no honor.”

And you turned to walk out as the guardsman thrust his spear into your back.

And as the Christian ran forth, and picked your body up into his, and said unto you, “Why did you not take of my life?”

And you said unto him, “For I have walked with one who walked with the Master. Therefore, I cannot take of the blood of the Lamb.” And then you smiled and said, “For my Father would not permit it.” And you passed on.

And so it was in those days of days.

You watched the earth and its progress. Wars came, and wars went by. You saw the walking of the Christ upon the earth in the Americans. You saw the crucifixion of the second time.

Yet you thought within yourself, “Why should I enter such a barbaric land where men would kill without honor?”

And then you saw upon the earth and heard the words of the coming of the Messiah once again. And you heard the words that all of man would live in peace and harmony and work together. And so you did enter into this life, into this time. Yet you have become much disillusioned. You have become like a dog who would chase its own tail. You are looking backwards instead of forward. We say unto you, you have come for a purpose; serve thy purpose, or ignore it. But at least be the man you were in the arena. Decide your pathway, and leave the faith of your destiny to God.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [9–11–74–001] asks, ‘What is my relationship with Jesus Christ?’”

We shall answer in this manner. You are here to prepare the way. You have seen the Eagle in flight, yet you know him not. Yet he is here but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Take in heart and soul that which we would give, and give fulfillment. For as God has reached His hand forth and spared you hardship and sorrow, do so into others in a same manner.

Soul Ray now grows weary; our time grow short.

Before we should depart we should say unto you unto these words, for we find much disillusion within your minds this night. All parts shall come forth unto one. We told you before that light and sound were the key to healing. Soon you shall see of such. Some of you have already benefited from such, of the knowledge we have placed forth.

We say unto you, come forth with your harvest. Stand firm. That that is needed shall be given.

We should say unto the teacher, [11–26–71–002], give forth that that thy may give forth. But remember, that that thy have given, give from the heart. Begrudge nothing. We have yet a duty for you to perform. Take forth the knowledge that soul Ray should implant in your mind, and be patient.

We shall say unto you who should gather gold, beware. For an ounce of barley shall bring forth two ounces of wheat. And an ounce of gold, you cannot eat.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for improved accuracy.]

Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


November 16, 1974

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner, in this way.

For each season, as the Seven Spirits of God created the earth — and they created the fowl of the air. And one said unto another, “In the bleak full months of the winter we must place something there to remind man that spring should come.” And each came forth with a different thought.

And yet, one looked forth upon the earth and said, “There, unto this one, the cardinal — it shall come forth in the winter and its color shall bring forth the warmth in men’s hearts. And its tone of voice shall be mellow and merry. And in this manner, they shall know that the Lord has forgotten them not. And therefore, they shall find pleasure in the time when the earth should sleep.”

And then came forth the time when the persecuted of the world came forth upon the new continent, this one you should call the Americans. And they set aside a day of thanksgiving unto the Lord. And they set aside a time at each meal that prayer should be given up unto the Lord for thanks for the bountiful food that should be placed before them.

And they gave thanks unto the Lord and praise unto the Lord. And the Lord looked down upon them and said, “FOR THIS NATION SHALL BE UNDER THE LORD, FOR IT SHOULD BECOME THE NEW ISRAEL OF ALL THE LANDS.”

And so the nation rose in strength.

Yet in their far memory they had seen the Eagle’s flight, and the promise — that when the Eagle flew would be the promise of the coming of the Messiah. And therefore, they did make this the symbol of their land.

Yet, in the winter time, the Eagle came forth, for is it not written, give praise unto the Lord, that the time of the Seventh Angel should not come in the winter time. [See Matthew 24:15–23.]

But we say unto you, the Fifth Seal has been opened and the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. [See The Revelation6:9–11.]

We should hand you a cardinal of hope. Grasp it up into your hearts and mind[s] to know that the Lord shall bring forth the spring of your lives.

For in all things there is a proper time for everything. There is a time to plant the garden, and a time to weed the garden. And there is a time to harvest the garden, and a time to till the soil once again, a time to store that which you have harvested.

You have brought forth the book without wings [A Rose without Thorns]. Many doorways shall open and close before you. And as rain drops upon the desert it shall spread and until it covereth the land. And some shall say many things, but none shall find fault within the thought.

We should give unto thee the cardinal [over] this day.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a reading from [2–8–74–002]. He asks for a life reading and also asks, ‘Have I prior knowledge of pyramid power and should I pursue it now?’ I’m sorry, that has been answered. He asks for a life reading.”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. We have before us the records of time. And therefore, we find this entity in that time of the Cow, in the month of the Horse, in the year of the Dragon.


Therefore, we should answer in this manner. This entity came forth in the early days of the formation of the continent of Atlantis.

We must advise you, therefore, of a civilization prior, therefore, unto Atlantis. This came forth in the Third World. It was greatly heightened, and much knowledge unto the same, and great scientific knowledge known and brought forth by man.

We should take thee from there back unto the first civilization known unto man, and of the time an entity of the sons of God unto the earth form unto itself, and the two facets that came forth from the planet Yahweh.

Upon the first entity upon the earth all was in peace and harmony, with the knowledge brought forth in great abundance of herbual knowledge and that of the knowledge of the light and sound techniques of healing. Soon disease was not known upon this earth. The man-animal responded in love. And so there was abundance of all things for all of mankind.

There was great interbreeding.

And yet, we find the first marks of Cain, the first treacheries that came forth — for some of these who should come did come and soon brought back into their old ways the things they had pledged never to do again. And soon enslavement of the man-beast grew in numbers. This one was one of those enslaved. Yet, as we have said before, there were two facets, one who took unto their hearts the worship of the God of One and gave love and learning unto the man-beast. The second did not.

You were selected for selective breeding to create that of a master race of your own kind, with interbreeding, therefore, from those of the sons of God, or from those of the planet Yahweh. Male and female both were brought forth. The finest specimens of the earth were gathered. Testing for higher intelligence were one of the requirements. Physical strength also was one of their requirements. The lack of conscience was one of their requirements.

Yet, within you, you had seen and spoken unto these others who had come forth. And many times within your townships delegates from the God of One did come forth, and unto the late hours of the night you could hear them discussing with the other forces, your masters. The one thing that you knew that they came for was for your freedom.

Yet, you were a breed from a breed, and therefore, all you had known was domination. But curiosity soon brought you forth. Because of your intelligence, you soon realized that for your own race to exist upon the [ ] planet that you must be free of your masters. And so you did bring forth a plot to overthrow these of this kind. You knew that the those of the God of One could not help you at this time, for theirs was a passive way. for they, as you had heard, had gone through a great war and wanted no more of war, that all their laws were adjusted in such a fashion that slavery and greed were no more, that wars would be no more.

And yet, one night you heard the [men plotting], of your own kind, planning to attack unto the villages of the God of One. Therefore, you massed your own people together. But they knew of your doing and destroyed of you — all of you.

You had learned much of pyramid power from these master builders. You had learned much of the interplanetary space travel and their knowledge, and therefore, did choose entity again in the later days of Atlantis, and did become a pupil of the priests, Ra-Tai and Arcan. Yet, you brought forth karma, the karma of the weaponry used by those in the old world. And as you learned more of the great jewel and power station you began to construct your own cosmic power units. Yet, your experimentation did kill and maim many because you took not from the true dimension and measurements given from the old. And the people did attack and kill you once again.

You came forth this time in much confusion. You retain memory of the olden times. Yet, knowledge has slipped through your hands. We would say unto you, come forth. Be as a pupil, and then, as a teacher. That that you should experiment with, make certain you know the results in theory, or in truth, before it should be applied to man or animal.

Now we should say unto you, take the knowledge we have given. Apply it into your life. And your life shall come as whole again.

Now we should say unto you, soul Ray grows weary. Before we should depart we should answer your question in this manner.

We placed unto your hands that of a prophet. Use of the knowledge in his mind, that you, as teachers and ministers, should become both pupil and teacher. Learn from that unto which we have given. But we say unto you, know that there is a time to weed your garden. If any pupil should not comply with instructions given forth unto them, go unto them and find the reason why. Explain your position and your knowledge. If then you cannot find an answer satisfactory to them, call in a second teacher or minister. Then come forth, if yet you have not found the knowledge, unto your prophet. But use of his counsel readily.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared with the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona

[Fragmentary Tape]

November 23, 1974

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Go unto the hilltop, and therefore, plant unto the wilderness a rose. Let it come forth, as a sign within the world that peace and harmony shall reign upon the earth. Plant it with love. For we say unto thee, peace be with thee, soul John [1–21–72–002–7].

And we should say unto the one known as [3–9–73–001], peace be with thee. But we should say unto thee that nothing from either side should interfere with this work. Be patient, [for] we shall prepare the way.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [1–25–75–002] asks for a life .reading….And she asks, ‘What am I to learn or do this time? If I should some day be a healer, what should I do to prepare for this?’”

First, we should answer in this manner, thy question. If thy should be a healer, and in truth, then come forth and take of the teachings that are offered. But we should say unto thee, healing shall come in many forms, the body, the soul, and the spirit form of the same.

We have brought forth much knowledge, that this knowledge could spread upon the earth, a step at a time. We have told unto thee, hark, for soon this nation of yours shall face its mightiest hour of trials. Let this trial be of love. Carry it with the burden of love. There are many within the area unto which you dwell which could take of the knowledge that we have brought forth from the Lord, our God.

First, we should answer in this manner. We say unto thee, pick up the torch; become a teacher. And then, within time, we shall prepare the way. We have brought forth a master, a prophet into thy keeping, to prove unto you that the words of the Lord are righteous and mighty. We say unto you, come forth in the same manner, and your prayers shall be answered.

We shall say unto you that once before, long ago in the land of Egyptan thy ventured forth into the land of the Eagle and there did study both under the direction of the Eagle and that of Priest Arcan. Bring forth this memory of the days of your studies. The vows you took then would be the vows you would take now.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. There were two other questions, a couple of other questions that this subject had. One of them was, ‘What could be done for a recurrent rash on her hands?’ And what was the, why does she have severe headaches? ‘What is the cause and cure of this?’”

We should answer in this manner. Come forth, therefore, unto soul Ray for healing, and the body, the soul, and the spirit, and the immortal body shall be healed of the same.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [11–23–74–001] asks questions about her health….and she asks this. ‘Considering my health problem would it be advisable for me to move to a higher altitude, like Prescott or Payson, and if so, where?’ She would also like to know her time of birth.”

We should answer in this manner. Thy time of birth was as the snow should fall, in the second day of February at 2 p.m. We are speaking of the time that the soul entered the body of the same, not of the time that you were emerged from your mother’s womb.

We would suggest that due to your health problem, you should take in consideration the altitudes of the same. From 4,000 to 3,500 feet above sea level would be most adequate. We would further suggest that thy should venture forth unto soul Ray for consultation of the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [11–23–74–002] asks, ‘My life is approaching a crossroad. I am in need of direction from spirit. Please advise. This is most important to me.’ She also asks for a health and diet reading.”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto thee, for the help thy need pick up the Rose without Thorns. The answer dwells within the same. For the diet of the same we would suggest thy should consult unto soul Ray.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you Aka. [7–22–74–002] asks, ‘Would you guide me in working out the karma between myself, my husband, and our children? Do our past lives relate to our present situation? And what knowledge am I supposed to bring forth?’”

We shall answer in this manner. Thy have become a teacher. It is now time that thy husband became a teacher of the same, and karma within the same shall come into fulfillment. We shall find much satisfaction within the fulfillment of all of these, for thy shall work in the toil of love and bear the yoke of love of the Lord, Almighty. But as teardrops should fall upon the desert, let each come together, that we, with permission from our Lord, should remove the karmic debts of all involved. You have received consultation. Go forth, both of you, into the priesthood of this work. Measure each day as the beginning of a new earth, and all shall come in righteous­ness and fulfillment of the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [9–10–74–001], who is here tonight… asks, ‘Can you tell me where I have been in the past in relation to where I am now? What are the probabilities of my mission being fulfilled if I continue on the path that I see set before me? Please tie these questions together for me.’ She also asks if her children should move to Globe or is it better for them to remain where they are/”

We shall answer your question in the next reading. We see many other questions within your personal group and surroundings that should be answered. Because the length of the answer and the condition of soul Ray’s health at this time, we must bring your reading to a conclusion. Therefore, we should ask unto you, have patience.

We shall say unto thee, come forth with your private reading. We shall give of it upon the day of the Sabbath, and then we shall [still] farther answer more of your questions.

In the following week, we shall implant in soul Ray’s mind the days that he should do readings. They shall be many, for many questions, now, must be clarified in all of your minds. And now is the time for the answers.

Soul Ray now grows weary.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.

November 29, 1974

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer your question in this manner, in this way.

As we have said before, your country once again should repeat its own folly. It should make treaties with its enemies that shall be considered as just pieces of paper. It shall disarm itself and be made easy prey.

Those who should come of the Anti-Christ have already made their toil upon your country. You now face your greatest hours of need. For they did not need to make war upon you to weaken you. They took from you the oil that would burn in the lamps. They took from you the wheat which would make of the bread. And yet, you stood idly by and did nothing.

Now they stand poised and ready to poison your minds. For we should say, hark, into thee, for if the Eagle [U.S.A.]does not spread its wings and give the protection unto the land of Israel then your days of famine shall worsen. Each day shall lead into another, each becoming more desperate into the next. We have told you before, to prepare for the famine. We have told you the length of time of famine. It is at hand. It is now.

We say unto you, your Government shall go through yet another great trial. And each trial shall simulate unto the Lord a nation divided not, but a nation that should stand, one unto another. One nation under God. Yet it shall not be one nation, for many nations shall come forth.

The work that you have done before shall take many hands for that of the future. Do not weaken. Do not blame the time of famine one upon another. Look not unto the race of man or his nation that should make him as he is. But we say unto you, look unto the holiness of it all, unto the righteousness of it all, and there before you shall be the answer for all to behold. Wear not the mark of the Beast. [See The Revelation, chapters 12–13.]

We say unto you, new efforts should be made that the book, A Rose without Thorns, should be brought forth, for now in the dire needs of all time should be the time that is needed by the Lord, our God, and the time that is needed by the people and the children of the Lord. Bring all things into fulfillment and glory before God, and God shall bring all things into fulfillment and glory before you. Fear not these times before, for they have been at your doorsteps once before, not in the same manner. Many in your land now grow hungry for need. We say unto you, make the extra effort to put stores in your storehouses. Put tools, seed, each of all kinds.

For now is the time of the Fifth Angel, and the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Chaos shall come forth. More eruptions shall occur in the San Francisco area and the San Bernardino area. New eruption shall occur in the land of Alaska, and the Circle of Fire in Mexico, down through the land, for the land now prepares to separate itself. All things that we have prepared you for, throughout, the twinkling of the eye, is now the time to bring them forth into fulfillment. Store of all things, but do them with caution. Do not be as the man who should store for the sake of storing. Emphasize in your newsletter quite strongly the needs.

We say unto you, bring forth unto the nations the need you have for more teachers. This must multiply tenfold.

There are those who should say that the Jewish nation should be the seat of all your troubles. We say unto you, there are still those who wear the mark of the Beast that roam the land. Come forth now in truth within yourselves, blaming no one. For your time for blaming someone will do you little good.

And so we say these words unto you. For long ago upon your earth, one came forth in the time of depression and promised the German people a land of glory. He brought them a land of destruction and division. That this should not happen again upon the earth, act when you see the signs. Many thousands and millions of dollars are now being spent on such propaganda. Heed our words; listen not unto them. Listen unto your hearts and your souls, and the answers shall come forth in truth before all.

Glory be the name of the Lord, our God.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading, [11–29–74–001] asks for a life reading. His mother asks about past lives and what lessons [were] learned there. ‘What can be done to give guidance in this life to make it as worthy as possible? What is this entity’s mantram or Aum?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we have before us — one moment. Would you repeat the above information once again?

“Yes, Aka. [11–29–74–001] — ”

This is sufficient.


Yes, we now have the records. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit and the immortal body, and therefore, the records of time.

We should find this one in the land that you would now know as China, making its first entry upon the earth. Its parents had come from the land of Atlantis and settled upon the land. Yet there they came upon those of the Yellow Race in great numbers. At first they were widely feared and scorned, yet the priest knew of their coming and had expected them, for before, those of their kind had come forth upon the earth.

You traveled far inland into the mountainous range. And day by day you would learn of your father’s trade, that of a master chemist. You would bring forth unto these people the knowledge of that which is known as gunpowder. The huge noises did frighten them, and they were certain that you were speaking unto the gods. Yet you went among them to teach, to learn, to plant of the seed of the God of One.

Yet this race had forgotten much, as it was destined to do throughout history. Its culture was different unto your own. Because of their silly superstitions they created much cruelty.

And there you found that of the poppy, of opium. Through your folly you soon became addicted to the same, and soon became idled and useless. Day by day your body wilted away, until you went into the land of dreams.

Your awakening was long and harsh. But upon your awakening you found, therefore, many of your own kind who had come forth to help your awakening.

It was suggested that you go forth upon the earth as a guide, and therefore, ventured forth into the land of England, and therefore, found of the great man of insight, Nostradamus. You did guide and direct his hand as he wrote, yet with caution, the caution you had used in another land. And throughout his lifetime, and upon his crossing, you were there to assist him. Because of his development upon the earth he walked forth.

And you said, “Oh, Lord, here I have served this one. Must I serve him yet still?”


And so, you looked forth upon the earth, once again to come forth as a guide. And so, you found that in the land of Americans, the one known as Edgar Cayce. And you heard of his prayers.

And you went unto the Lord and said, “Oh, Lord, this one is the one, a blessed one, for he is a one who should come forth and prepare the way for the coming of the Eagle. I would like guide and assist him.”

And so permission was given once again. And much knowledge was traded between the two souls, yet his time did come and pass, and you watched him walk off and beyond.

And yet, you said unto yourself, “My time is near and at hand, for I choose now for rebirth, for I have learned much from that that has come before.”

And so, you chose this lifetime, this plane unto which you dwell. You shall find that the knowledge of the biochemist shall be most suited for your talents upon the earth. But we should say also that you have been born under the sign of the ankh. For those, they shall pre­pare the way and serve unto the Messiah who should come.

But remember, weigh your bread and weigh your barley. Gold shall neither buy neither bread nor barley, so gather not of this type riches. Gather that that is needed to serve your needs.

You shall have much conflict within this one, for this one is born with much recall knowledge of where they have been. We would suggest, take up this torch unto which we hand from our Lord. Bring forth and light of the seven candle candelabra, each as a symbolic, as the Seven Spirits of the Lord upon your earth.

We have given you the two paths unto which you shall follow. There is a third, for now soon at hand is the time of the Anti-Christ. You may follow into his footsteps, or the God of One. The choice is yours.

Now we should say these words unto you. You must spread the words and create the teachers. You are prepared now, the knowledge that we have brought forth and placed in your hands. For teachers and new ministers now are needed. Make every effort, both through advertisement and all media, to extend this invitation across the land.

Your organization now shall come forth as the Universal Philosophy. We would suggest that you should purchase of the form sheets and do the printing of your own. This should be done as soon as possible. New membership cards should be ordered and made ready for distribution.

But we say unto you, fear not for the path of the Rose without Thorns, for we shall [have] prepared it.

Continue to bring forth the lecture forms of soul Ray, gathering them and placing them into a book. And the time will come when the printing shall be at hand.

We say unto you, glory be the name of the Lord.

We would say unto you, make of the certificates of the student teachers, teachers, ministers, and now is the time the doctrine from your organization should be brought forth. We need not say more.

That each may climb a ladder in his own way, new drive for membership should come forth. We would suggest that the news media be used for such. We have implanted in soul Ray’s mind the means and the ways of doing such.

And now we should answer in the question and in the mind of one. Fear not, for we go thee.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


December 16, 1974 [Fragmentary Tape]

Dallas Texas

Before the reading, Ray shares with the audience gathered: “I’ll tell you how we usually do it there. Usually the person who does the conducting will start a prayer, but each person prays in their own way. The one thing I’d like to say more than any other thing, and I won’t get a chance to say it, is how much of a pleasure it is for me to have met so many beautiful people, and to have come here. There’s something I mentioned the other night when I said, here’s the city who had placed on it that we lost a President. And I said, how could this happen amongst such beautiful people? Maybe God, in His divine wisdom, there’s a purpose for all things. I’ve had the fortune to travel. I’ve had the fortune to meet people from every religion. I’ve had the fortune to see the beauty that can flow among people from all religions under one house seeking God. And I don’t think anyone could receive any greater gift than that. I think if I could live life over again, the mishaps, as they say, in my life, I don’t think I’d change anything. I think each thing was a step toward today. I know a lot of you wondered why I do what I do. Well, I have one purpose in this world, beyond the healing of the human body. I try also very hard to do healing of the soul. But I think the greatest gift that I was given — and it’s strange that I’m saying these words so close to the this of this prayer — was the coming of the Messiah, the preparation for his coming. Most people wonder why this would be important. I think if we can find him before he gets here, in our hearts, we’ll know him when he arrives. And with that I’m going to go to sleep! Thank you….”

The moderator, Kathleen, says, “I should stress to you that during the reading there should be no getting up, walking around, doing this sort of thing. The energy level will be very high and to touch him could be dangerous for you or for him….”

[Editor’s note: the beginning of the reading was not on tape.]

We have brought to your doorstep A Rose without Thorns….

We have no other purpose than the servitude of our Father.

We should say unto you, as you should prepare to celebrate the birth of the one known as Jesus of Nazara, presents were brought forth; yet the greatest present of all should be in the love you should possess for one another, for look unto thy neighbor as thy blood kin, as thy brother, as thy sister. Learning to love is the greatest gift of all. But we say unto you, as both to prepare birth and the death through resurrection was necessary, should you know the true meaning of the word you use so often, yet know not the meaning of, this word, love, stand beneath the cross and let one drop of blood touch your forehead.

But remember, our Lord does not demand the blood of the Lamb, nor the sacrifice. Our Lord asks that the tiding [tithing] you should give would be one tenth of the love in your hearts for Him that He possesses for you, and give that one tenth of the same love unto your brother and sister.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [12–16–74–001]. And she asks, ‘Do you have a message for me?’”

Yes, we shall answer your question in this manner. We have struck a torch in the land of the Eagle. As you should venture the Eagle’s nest, seek not only the material things that dwell there. Seek out the vast knowledge that should be laid before you, for we shall give unto you a sign, both in dream form and in vision, that you should know the words we speak are from our Father. Glory be the name of the Lord.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [12–16–74–002], ‘Can you give us the month and year of the great California earthquake, and its extent and effect upon the rest of the United States?’”

We shall answer in this manner. We may only give of the information that the Lord, our God, should allow us unto you. And therefore, we should say unto you, it should be in the month of October, it should be in the year of 1988. This, in itself, shall be the worst. The final blow shall be struck in the year of 1999, in the year, in the month of January the 3rd.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. From [12–16–74–003], asks, ‘How soon will I be doing my psychic work full time, and when is my marriage indicated?’”

(Chuckle.) As has been written, we shall say unto thee, “as the last should be first, and the first should be last,” so it should come. Bring forth the marriage. But we say unto you, bring forth this in a righteous manner before God and man. We shall answer your question further. You should say unto us, “If I should say my vows before God, then why should I say them before man?” We say unto you, the vows of marriage are not taken unto man, they are taken unto God. But it is written that nothing should be hidden nor [covered]. If you marry in the light of love, then that light shall spread and be seen by all. Make it a glorious thing, a thing of beauty.

One hand shall lead farther into another.

New teachers shall be brought forth. The mind shall be much as the stomach. Only that that the mind can digest should it be fed, or it should forget what it has learned. Take each teacher that is brought forth, and learn in fullness that that is given.

We say unto you, never use your gift in a jealous manner. There are many who should come forth and say, “For I am the greater of the psychic.” They are foolish children. Do they not know that the gift that is given by our Father was bestowed upon all of His children? Yes, our Father saw fit to bring forth prophets. Our Father saw fit that certain of the earth thing should bring forth unto His messages and do His bidding. You shall find that the greatest shall be the humblest.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, [12–16–74–004], she asks, ‘Will 1975 bring much change into my life?’”

Yes, yet your year has not come forth in your calendar. The change has already started. We have brought forth and laid before you A Rose without Thorns. Pick it up and give it to another. Learn the simple lessons that dwell within, and then thy shall be ready for other tasks. We find the thought within thy mind a good and righteous thing.

Thy have other questions, ask.

Yes, Aka, from [12–16–74–008],would like to know, ‘Does food need to be room temperature when you are psyching it out, and it is possible for both hands to have equal sensitivity?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. It is not necessary that the food be of any temperature; it can be varied or changed. The predominant hand that is used in the manner unto which soul Ray has shown you may be used by either hand. But train one hand before thy should train the other.

But we say unto you, listen to your inner cravings. They shall be the lack of nutrition in your body, that is needed for the cell regeneration of the body structure.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, from [12–16–74–005], he asks, ‘We own an apartment house and operate it; we want to sell it. When will it sell?’”

Yes, we see thy need. We say unto you into this manner, in the early summer it shall be traded and bartered for. But monetary value will not be all that comes within your hands, for you shall trade for other property.

“Aka, from [12–16–74–006], and she would like to know, ‘How soon will we move from this area, and will it be a good move?’”

Yes, we should see this in the earlier part of the summer, and the move shall be a good move. But we should tell you in this manner, take that which you have found here with you. Treasure it. Plant the seed, and you shall find fellowship of the same type where you should go.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. From [12–16–74–007], and she would like to know, she has two questions.

‘Has my husband chosen the right track in going on his own, and will he find production?’ And ‘Do I have a talent that could be of use to others, and how can I learn to use it?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. We should not be allowed to interfere, neither by question or gesture, with another soul without their direct permission.

We should answer your question — and answer, yes.

We say unto you unto these words, soul Ray now grows weary. Because of the condition of his health form we should not overtax him at this time. But we say unto you, open the door that we may enter.

You have opened your doorway, and those of us who are called, Aka, will remain with you in heart and spirit. We shall never be so far away from you as your own thought.

We find one other question that we should answer. There is one here who should seek of healing. In our Father’s name, the Lord, God, the healing is granted.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


December 18, 1974

Phoenix, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. For we should give a gift upon the earth that all may see. For we shall place within the heavens a sign, and the sign shall give [life] unto the earth. We say unto you, as you come forward to celebrate the birth of the one known as Jesus of Nazara, three days before the eve of his birth the sign shall be seen by all who have the faith and love to see. And for those who have the faith, healing shall come upon the earth.

On the 24th day, shall be set aside, for upon that day the Eagle shall choose a mate. We say unto you, take from your words of the wedding feast. [See John 2:1–10 or The Revelation 19:5–9 and chapters 21–22.]

We have given you A Rose without Thorns. Now we offer life.

[Editor’s note: A rose without thorns is said to spiritually symbolize the birth or preparation for the coming of the Messiah.]

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [12–19–74–001], ‘What information can you give me pertaining to the dream I had last night?’”

Yes, we see of thy need; we shall answer your question in this manner. Your dream came forth in that of a learning dream — first, to show you that you must be a student before you can become a teacher; second, to show you that the enemy from without is only the enemy from within. The color and light, and sound, in multitude was that of the healing of the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. Bring these forth. We shall bring forth the other information within thy mind.

Thy have had thoughts of prophecies, and yet, could not believe that that has been set before you. You have had visions of earthquakes. You have had visions of hurricanes and tornados. All of these visions you have had should come forth into reality. “Yet time,” you say in your mind, “When should the time come forth?” Much as there shall be wars and rumors of wars, so there shall be earthquakes and rumors of earthquakes. But the final war and the final earthquake shall come in the year of 1988. In the year of 1985 will be the trigger. The final step shall end in January of 1999.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka, from [12–19–74–002]. She asks, ‘Should I concern myself with the church charter I now have, remain with G_____, or strive harder to join R_______’s ministry?’ She sends love.”

We shall answer your question in this way. We have brought forth A Rose without Thorns. We have laid it before you. We have also laid before you the miracle of the candelabra. [See A Rose without Thorns: The Ministers’ Book, pages 44–45.]

If a child should walk the path across the river, and at the end of the path find many paths reaching out and try to follow them all, the child shall become confused and falter, and have to start all over again. Choose but one. Follow it. The choosing of one does not mean that you relinquish the love and the friendship of others.

You have joined hands unto that of the Spiritual Philosophy of God; you will soon be changed unto the Universal Philosophy, both being of the same. Look forth into the miracle of the candelabra, at the meaning of the same, and your day shall come, when you shall drink from the cup that shall be handed unto you by the Eagle.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [12–19–74–003], and he asks, ‘Where have I been, and where am I going, and what is my purpose here?’”

(Chuckle.) If a dog should chase his tail, and bite it, and think that another dog is biting the tail, then he should bite it harder. But if he should learn that by biting his tail he’s harming himself, then he should not do this again, or shall he chase his own tail.

You have bitten your tail. Do not be as an ass and stand in one place. Go forth now. We have given thee a pathway. It has been laid before thee, not once, but many times.

Thoughts of marriage have entered thy mind. This, in itself, would be a good thing.

We say unto you, the beginning and the ending of a karma can come in the twinkling of an eye. Your word, be transformed, only means to turn around. And so let it be.

But we would say also unto you, a person who should brew a good pot should never stand and worry over it, or the worry should ruin of it. Living, with thy conscience in the light of God is an important factor. But God made man for laughter also. And the man who can look at his own folly and laugh at it, and walk away and learn from it, shall be the wiser from it all.

We have guided your footsteps and brought forth the pathway. We have offered the bread and the wine. It stands before you. You must provide the yeast.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [12–19–74–004]. She has three questions. ‘How long will I stay at the place I work? Will my son, R__, be all right in school, work, and sports? Will my husband write, and if so, be a success?’”

First, we should answer the last. The writing should come forth as teardrops upon the desert, slowly at first, and then gain, and shall grow.

The problem of the son shall be of no [worry].

That of the job shall continue.

But a greater question lies within thy heart, and we shall answer in this manner. There are a time, even before birth, that we choose — an entity, a vehicle. We enter this vehicle in such a manner that we should never leave it unattended. You now are like a ship without a captain. Beware, or it should run aground. Take your [emotions] in hand. There are those who would help you.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [12–19–74–005], she asks, ‘Please relate on what is in the future for me.’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. Thy future should grow much brighter in the month of February, through March, completion of that that has been in thy heart. And most of thy life’s desire shall be set forth at an opportunity [of] the same. See it as it comes before you.

Quite often, when the height of one’s ambition has been achieved, one finds themselves bored, and therefore, cannot appreciate the gifts that God has given. But the mind is a fine instrument. It is like the heavens and the universes and universes beyond. There is no limitation. Let thy mind reach forth. Excel. Do not become stagnated.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. From [4–10–74–003], he asks, ‘Is Ray working too hard? If so, how can he be slowed down?’”

(Chuckle) We shall tend to the task. He is a stubborn man — who has much to do. But we shall slow him down. But he shall continue to prepare the way for the coming of a messiah. We shall tend his body, that he may tend yours and others.

We shall say unto you, the many flowers that we were capable to bring through our channel, our instrument, unto your lives, we know the sacrifices unto which he has made. We know he has done them willingly. We know he has asked nothing for himself. Yet laughter should be in all lives. We shall say unto you, wedding bells shall ring, and a day of rest shall arrive.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [9–10–74–001], ‘Do you have any advice for me?’”

(Chuckle.) We shall give you this advice. Nothing shall interfere, from either side, with the work that we have set aside for our instrument, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. If we did not feel that you would enlighten, enrich the life, and add to, we would not have placed the flowers at your feet.

And now, soul Ray grows tired.

Yet, we should say unto you, glory be the name of the Lord.

For the Book and books that shall be written upon the sky, your time has grown short. You have asked of your earthquakes. You have asked of your wars. You have asked of your hearts’ desires. Yet none have asked how they could prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. Our Father should weep for these, for the time of the Fifth Angel’s walk is growing shorter, and soon the Sixth Seal will be opened, and then the Seventh. Must you go back into your caves? Or shall you walk as men and women of God? [See The Revelation, chapters 6–10.]

We shall say unto you, if our mission is successful, in the year of 1999 the coming of a Messiah shall walk forth from the heavens upon the earth, and the earth shall rise and all of the soul and spiritual and the immortal bodies shall rise within. But should our task be a failure, then you shall have 3.000 years of darkness.

The one known as Jesus of Nazara laid his blood upon your land, twice. And he came forth in both the land of Israel and in the land of the American. And he did show unto man the truth of [the, his] resurrection.

Now, we have come forth to show you a further truth of a resurrection. We have provided the bread and the wine. Shall you provide the yeast or cast it aside?

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyrighted © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona 85501


December 26, 1974

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner.

For we say these words. For those who have asked for life, we have given life. But the Lord, our God, does not giveth death. The Lord, God, giveth free choice unto man. And as the Lord gave forth life everlasting, therefore, He could not giveth death without the asking of the individual soul.

We told of you in our last reading that we had given unto you a rose without thorns, and now we gave unto you life. Many have thought that once again we have spoken as unto riddles. We said unto you, look unto the heavens, from the 21st of your month of December unto the 24th that a sign would be given. And we said unto you, look unto the heavens.

And so all of you looked unto the heavens.

The heavens that we asked you to look unto was into yourselves, for there within yourselves, a new sign was to be placed forth, the sign of life. The Lord stayed the hand of death unto those three days.

We have seen within your hearts the desire to bring forth life, and in some, to let them pass gently. This, thy request, shall be given, but only into those who should ask.

For life upon the earth, and a cleansing of the earth, a time that the earth should renew itself, is much like a winter storm. It should be harsh at times, yet gentle in purpose. For each thing that is taken from the earth, a new life must come forth. And therefore, life, as a precious gift from God, should not be taken by another, even though you see the other in great suffering. Life, like the rose, should come from the root of all things. And the root should be our Father, and the gift should be that of God everlasting.

You say unto us, “You have spared the life of many and sent your instrument forth to do of the healing. And what purpose should it serve that he should go forth and save one’s life many times?”

The purpose should be within itself, that yet, a karmic lesson was to be learned, a very important lesson — that a gift that is given must be given in love, that a word that is spoken and a vow that is taken should be in love, and therefore, to the best of one’s ability, the vow should be fulfilled.

The Lord, God, asks nothing, yet you should come forth and promise Him unto

certain things if life is given. When you make these vows and do not fulfill them, then you should take our Father’s name in vain, and this should be the beginning of a new karma within itself.

If you should take the vows of a minister, or a teacher, take them in such a manner that you do not become a hypocrite. There are those who should say that a man that should drink too much wine has sinned. Yet we should say unto you, he should create a lesser sin than the man who should take vows unto the Lord and preach one thing and do another. What is right for one should be wrong for another. What is food for one could be poison to another. We say unto you, judge not, lest ye be judged. Look unto your brethren and your sisteren with understanding, not with judgment.

We say unto you, two things shall be given in this year that should come forth. First, should be of the robe that should come forth into the cardinal, and the robe shall be trimmed in red. Second that should come forth, we shall say unto you that the second robe shall wear the red and the gold together, and the trim of the same, and it should be called of the bishop. The knowledge of both of these shall be placed, therefore, in soul Ray’s mind.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [12–26–74–001] asks a question…and she asks, ‘How can I help my husband and help myself, and my family situation? Any advice you give would be appreciated.’”

Yes, we see thy need. And first, we should say unto thee unto this manner. The answer unto your question lies within yourself. There is a time for all things upon the earth, a time for learning, a time for eating of the food of knowledge, a time when the mind, like the stomach, should become too full. You have doubts within your mind of your husband, and doubts within your mind of your children and their health. The health problem shall correct itself, within the children. The problem and the doubts of the husband shall also come forth in such a manner that fulfillment shall come forth. But we say unto you, because of thy worry thy are harming thy body.

Now we should say unto you, because of soul Ray’s health, we should shorten your reading, and another should come forth in a different manner.

But we should say unto the one known as [7–27–74–001] and unto the wife of the same, [7–22–74–002], we say unto you, as you have become students, so you should become teachers — and remembering that a teacher should be no greater than the pupil.

Yet the land of California, which should soon need of the hand and the healing that we have brought forth, should need of both of you, that these who should reside there should not perish. We should ask of you to venture forth unto this land for a short while, and therefore, establish new group form and study form. We would instruct all of the teachers, ministers, and the prophet to assist you. The urgency should grow very soon. There should be those there that you should teach, that they may in the time ahead go forth in the light of the Lord.

The need, and their needs, is very confusing, for there is many roads that lead to nowhere. We should give further information on this subject in our next reading. [Editor’s note: the tape recording ends here.]

We should give further information upon new earthquakes and storms. We should say unto you, prepare. The winter shall be harsh, and times shall grow harder.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for improved accuracy.]

Copyrighted © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona 85501


Study each year of the readings from the 1970 to the 1989 here, in this publication, The Words of Aka, spiritual messengers of God.

How did the readings begin? See “We Give This Message from Our Father.”

See all the articles in the publication on, “A Stairway to Heaven.”

Would you like to join the Association of Universal Philosophy the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, asked us to form? Here’s how. Then send us an email at or, or message us on our Facebook page, Association of Universal Philosophy, to let us know where you email your newsletter, “Rays of Philosophy.”

All of these readings have been gathered together for you in three books — the philosophy, the past-life readings, and health readings — as the Book with Wings series. Study and learn from them this way.

And be blessed!


The readings began on April 3, 1970, as the brightest light in the heavens was passing over for all of Earth to see. Ray’s wife grabbed a hand held tape recorder when she heard him whisper: Not Ray.

“Who then?” she asks her unconscious husband who had never spoken before in his coma-like epileptic seizures.

Body — spirit — soul — God! Many worlds — many universes — many galaxies — like pebbles on a beach, so vast — each galaxy set up for man’s expansion, a voice first whispered through Ray’s unconscious body April 3, 1970.

The voice continued for the next several months when Ray went into a trance, as he had learned to do with the help of a hypnotist, to ease his pain. On July 15, 1970, it said: Now, thy would ask again of us, who comes to you, and from where we came? For we were sent for one who asked God. And he who sent [us] and asks did say, “Father, send Thy these who would teach, and send Thy these who would know of my Father.” [See John 13:14–17, 20; 14:1–5, 15–21, 27–29; John 16:16–19,22–24, The Revelation of John5:1–7.]

There were those before him who did the same….

We have made ourselves known to you as our Father has suggested. For we call, as thy would call it, ourselves, “Aka.”

Think thee of the first of the name, Aka, and thy will think of the Almighty. Think of the second of the name, and thy will think of the word, karmic. Think of the last of the name, and thy will think of the records, the records which are kept from the beginning, of all planes, of all knowledge, which man was born and born again. This knowledge, as our Father gives us permission, we should give of thee.

We give this knowledge so that man, all of man, would know the love of our Father. And by knowing of the love our Father has to give, of the tears our Father sheds, that all man, of all religions, should come to our Father together in peace and love.

For we have said before, when thy pray, pray for guidance. This, in itself, is the ending of a karma. Pray for acceptance of thy brothers and thy sisters….Can thy understand of what we tell thee?…

Then, it does not matter how you spell of this. But if all of you here could agree upon this one simple thing, then you have taken one step closer to our Father.

Aka said, July 25, 1970: You ask a translation of our words. [Then] [We] speak of this translation and we should answer, for permission has been given. Then, we would say in this way. In the beginning, your world is part of a greater world; your universe is part of a greater universe — and as the worlds, and worlds to be, and worlds who have passed into nothingness, and shall pass into nothingness, were created by our Father, created — the rays which shine from always our Father, these are from which we speak.

And thy ask of how we speak? Remember, in the translation between your time and ours, between your plane and ours, our Father said, “SPEAK.” Our Father made His choice of the instrument.




The Words — of Aka, spiritual messengers of God

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.