The 1975 Readings

The Words — of Aka, spiritual messengers of God
261 min readAug 16, 2020

January 4, 11, 25; February 1, 8; March 15, 22, 29; April 5, 19, 26; May 3, 7, 15, 24, 31; June 7, 28; July 12, 19, 26; August 2, 20, 23; September 20, 27; October 4, 11, 15, 18; November 1, 8; December 13, 14

We say unto you, hark, for we bring not unto thee the tidings thy wish to hear. We have spoke unto thee before of the coming of the famine, and we have told unto thee the time is now, and we have said unto thee a part of your book of Revelations.

As we have told you before, the city of New York would fall and crumble, therefore, unto dust. And for those who would trade with her, they shall back away and look at her. And so shall be the beginning of a new beginning. [Editor’s note: see the April 17, 1972 and June 2, 1972 readings.]

If you run in fear as you see one great city upon another fall, then fear is all that you will have. We say unto you, stand fast, for much as your phoenix bird that should rise from the ashes, so shall the civilization of man in this land rise once again.

We have told you before of a government within a government, and so it has become. [Note: see the August 28, 1974 reading.]

Your inflationary depression walks hand in hand with your Fifth Angel, that now walks upon the ground, and man should wallow in its pity.

For those of you who should fall, yet not rise, there shall be no more. But for those who shall stand, fall, and stand again, the storm should soon pass over and beyond them. And the country should rise in strength once again. We have said unto you that these years should be lean years….

There shall come hurricanes and tornadoes upon the land as it has never seen before. And the hurricanes shall bring forth tidal waves into immense proportion. And cities shall vanish from the earth. And the debris of the cities and the ships which would carry them on their journey shall vanish.

Therefore, as the water should flow, so should be the answer, for the answer shall be in that of the immortal body of men, the true self.

There will be those who shall rush around and destroy not only themselves but many others. Now is not the time to panic. Now is the time to gather yourselves in the greatness of yourselves. And you shall find the strength that shall lie there forth in the group forms. We shall say once again, your salvation, your strength shall come in your group forms, that of being able to rely upon your brother, and your brother being able to take count of you. But from it all shall sprout a Rose without thorns. (Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, November 1, 1975)

[Editor’s note: a rose without thorns is said to symbolize the birth of coming of the Messiah.]


January 4, 1975

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. For we have said unto thee that we should give unto thee life. All things must come in fulfillment. That that has been written in the beginning must be fulfilled in the ending.

Therefore, we gave unto you the means to baptize. We gave unto you the means for marriage. We gave unto you that of offering up thy dead unto the Lord. All of these things we have shown you, and all with a purpose.

For if you should plant of a field and do not tend it, then it should grow, and some parts of it should die away. Yet, it should grow without purpose, for the harvest should be little. But if thy plant of the field and tend it well, then growth and maturity shall come. And if your patience and inner self is that with the Lord and that with the plant, then the rain should come and the sun should shine, and the growth and fulfillment, both within yourself and the plant, shall come forth. And the plant shall bear fruit, and you shall see the miracle of the Lord at work.

This same miracle you have seen many times in the birth of a child. Yet, you take the body, the temple of the Lord, unto which the miracle should come forth, and tend it not. If fruit should come forth from the woman’s womb, and it should be good fruit, that is only one part. Then the teaching of the child must come forth. But it must come forth in a manner of an open mind, that the child’s full potential may be brought forth.

Many should seek of the opening of what you would call your sixth sense, yet it’s born within you in the beginning. You should teach a child to walk and talk and eat and sleep. You should teach a child to be sanitary. But none bothers to teach the child the use of the part of himself or herself that God brought forth, which was a miracle within itself.

There shall be many children born during these times. They are times when all things shall change. The earth shall change its form, and so shall man in his biological structure. The time is now that your children should know of the ways that they may open their minds, not to close them, and not to say that all is truth for today or tomorrow, but more truth should come from the next and the next. These things are vitally important.

Tend your fields. Many of you say unto us, “We have this to do and that to do, and yet we have so much to do we can accomplish nothing.”

We say unto you, take that which is before you as a gift, a precious thing, and do it well, to the best of your ability. Complete it, and then pass on to the next. But much as the earth shall change its form, so shall man. But even in its changing, the earth shall take time for rest. The earth shall take time for growth and renewing itself, and so should man.

Many words shall be spoken. Many of them shall come from false prophets, for now is the time that was written in your book of the Hebrew of the time of the false prophets, for they shall come forth to mimic those who the true messages have been given by the Lord. And they shall speak as the ones, and they shall talk as the ones. And they will be those who [first] shall come forth and say that the ones who bear the gift of the Lord shall be false, that they have lost their powers, for they will refuse to walk on water for their sake.

But we have told you before that nothing from either side should interfere with this work. We shall weed the garden, as the time is needed, and weed it well. For some the times will be harsh, for those will be the times of the testing.

It is easy for those who should come forth and say, “I shall do this and I shall do that.” But when the time is harsh, can they stand? Can they measure forth and continue to bear the cross?

It is easier for those who would say, in the good times, when the rain should fall upon the crop, how glorious the Lord is before them. But when the rain does not come, and the soil of the earth grows dry, and all that grows upon it withers away, it must take a greater person to replant again, and again.

We say unto you that the greater reward shall come from within yourselves. It is not something that we may hand you, the spiritual growth you seek. We can only give of you the tools.

You have questions, ask.

Yes, Aka. I have a question regarding the health on [1–25–74–001…Salem, Oregon]. And the question his parents ask for him is, ‘What is the cause of [1–25–74–001]’s recurrent illness, and is there any cure?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. We shall say unto you, the cause of the reoccurring illness is that of pesticide poisoning, or defoliant poisoning, which is attacking the nervous system. It is also attacking the pancreas and the circulatory system; it is also attacking the respiratory system.

We shall answer in this way. The blood within the child itself cannot at this time fight off — the needed antibodies within the body to destroy the foreign substance — it has become weak. There are two manners unto which this could be remedied.

First, we would suggest the use of negative ion units, placed on a north-south axis. We would suggest that the child be placed with its head to the north and the feet to the south. The units should be placed five feet from the head and five feet from the feet. The child should be placed in this position, starting in five-minute intervals, five minutes the first hour, 10 minutes the second hour, 20 minutes the third hour, and 30 minutes the fourth hour. This should be repeated for a 30-day period. If this is done, this in itself will give the body chemistry time to correct itself and the necessary ions within the system to correct that within the same.

We would further suggest that these — the use of the sage tea should be used, drinking one cup on each hour intervals during the wakening hours of the child.

We would further suggest that that which is known as the mineral supplement unto which has been brought forth, the Negative Ion Mineral Supplement, could be used in this case. The necessary information is in soul Ray’s mind.

It would further be suggested, if possible, that the child be brought forth for healing. If this is not possible, and the use of the above is used, then health shall be brought back unto the child.

You have further information.


We would also suggest the use of the Jerusalem artichoke be used in the diet, that all sugar of any form be taken from the child and that of the tupelo honey be used it its place.


You have other questions, ask.

Thank you, Aka. Last week you were talking to [7–27–74–001] and you said that you would have more to say to him this time in regards to his move.”

We see of thy need. We should answer in this manner. Within thy heart has grown a hardening between your wife and yourself; you have began to quarrel. This in itself is not the works of the Lord, but only the works of Satan, the Satan within thyselves. Should this continue, then you shall separate and go a different way. This should never happen.

The need for the work that we have brought forth shall come. If it is necessary for your financial needs that you should venture forth to obtain the financial needs for your family, you should do so. Start your missions as your wish, but do so in such a way that it should be fruitful, both for the spirit and the financial needs of you both. Both must have a purpose in life. Venture forth into your work, and plant your fields. Then bring your family forth unto that land.

But do not burn your fields behind you. Many times throughout history, times have grown into harsh times. When the men of the land went forth to hunt for the foods that was needed for their family, many of their women have stayed behind to tend their fields to see that these fields did not falter.

But in the last of all things, it has never been our intention to interfere with your family lives. We have only given you suggestions. For the fulfillment of your own desires, you must make up your minds jointly. You have been chosen as a student. But a student must learn and practice what he has learned and put it into practice. This is needed.

You do not fully understand our words yet, but listen again to our words and you shall. And if you do not understand, then come and ask a third time and we shall elaborate further upon the knowledge you seek.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. You gave an answer to [10–5–74–003] once in which you stated he and his wife were married under the ankh, and born under the ankh, and that all was laid forth before their birth in preparation for the work they were to do. And you said study long upon the words that you had given and that there would be a secret meaning, and that if they did not understand this to come back. And [10–5–74–003] says, ‘I have studied the words of the reading and I don’t understand what the secret meaning is.’”

We should say unto you, you have become pupils. The day shall come forth when you shall become teachers. You have already found the secret meaning; you have sought out information for the survival of the people. Your missions shall come as teardrops upon a desert. Each step as you should walk forth you shall find more meaning to.

The child, the first child, which you asked for, has already been born unto you. And you asked the date of conceivement, and we gave unto you the date of conceivement, for the child was the preparation for the coming of the Messiah which you have made in yourselves. Now you are ready that a seed shall be planted and grow.

The first part of our reading was an answer unto your question. Study it well. After you have listened to both, and placed both your first reading and the first part of this reading and the words we have spoken together, and still do not understand the words we have spoken, come back and we shall answer farther.

Now, we should answer unto the question of the one known as [7–22–74–003]. And it is a private thing, yet the answer shall be given. They, both her husband and herself, have sought long for the conceivement of a child. And we answer unto you, do you not remember Elizabeth? [See Luke, chapter 1.]

Do you not remember Sarah? [See Genesis 21:1–7.]

That that you ask for shall be rewarded. Be patient, and that, the gift unto which you have asked the Lord, shall come in fulfillment.

But we have said unto you, the child into which you ask for shall be a special child. And therefore, the time and the preparation for its implantment will not be your own choosing, for it shall come of its own free will, for it should come upon the earth with a mission. You have asked, and so, the spirit that shall enter has asked — and the spirits of Aka have asked — and the Lord has seen that which would be placed upon the earth, but it shall be in the Lord’s time. Further information on this subject shall be given at a different time.

We say once again, unto [10–5–74–003] and [10–5–74–004], that unto which comes unto your keeping comes from your love that our Father sees, and from love comes the greatest conceivement of all things. Think back once again of how your love has matured.

As it was written long ago, your marriage under the ankh was part of the fulfillment, for it was written, and it shall be fulfilled.

Now we say unto you, soul Ray grows very weary. There are many questions which are in your minds.

We say unto you, now is the time when the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Earthquakes and winter storms shall come forth in abundance. Pestilence and famine shall reign, but for the children of God who should walk together, the Fifth Angel shall walk past them.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyrighted © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona 85501

January 11, 1975

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner.

For as man should look upon the cold of winter and wish upon the warmth of spring, so should the kindling in his heart be sparked as the spiritual growth comes forth within his soul.

We have talked to you many times of the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. But now we should explain, for there has been much confusion.

As has been said before, that at first there was God. And God bore children of His kind. And the Seven Spirits of God did come forth. And therefore, the thought of God was the spirit of man. But the spirit was not enough.

And then He sent forth unto the Seven Spirits to build the earth, and the universe, and universes on end. He said, “LET THERE BE NO BEGINNING AND NO ENDING. LET THE EXPANSION FOR MY CHILDREN BE FRUITFUL, AS THEY SHALL BE FRUITFUL.”

And He said unto the Seven Spirits, “LET THERE BE MAN, AND HE SHALL BE IN MY IMAGE.” And so, from the matter of the earth cast forth unto the form of man.

At first he was of a fragile thing, of energy form only.

And then as man, the man-beast, began to develop and grow, God in His wisdom knew yet again that this was not enough. And so, the Sons of God did look upon the daughters of man and find them fair, and so did enter and become earthbound.

But when man and woman were complete God looked upon them and said, “THIS IS GOOD, AND SO IT SHALL BE.” [See Genesis, chapter 1 and 2:1–4.]

But as a well-tuned instrument, man soon, in his boredom, in his ever-seeking mind, as his Creator’s mind, he started to create, first with flaws. And in the creation he created unto himself his own world.

Some said, “Let us go back into the spiritual form.”

Others said, “No, let us go forward and seek out that that lies before us.”

The wiser said unto them all, “Let us do both. Let us become unto ourselves the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body shall rise, and that shall be that that has cometh from God and shall return unto God.”

Between your language barrier and ours we shall try to have you understand. We have said before, we do not sleep. And we shall explain in the parable, that as the sun was made it should shineth through eternity. But as the earth should turn and wobble upon it axis parts of the earth shall be in darkness, only to be re-lighted again by the sun. And God, in the same manner, should find His children that should wander from their paths, only to return back into the warmth of their Father.

In your days of trial and tribulation you should say unto us, “What manner of beings are these?” We have tried to explain unto you, then from which we come, matter, as your know it, is not as your matter, for much as you in the beginning were of pure energy form, so are we. But that you may see us, for those who should, then we should place ourselves in the form of man. This would be readily acceptable into your mind’s eye.

But soon upon your earth others of your own kind, who have come forth from other worlds, from other environments, shall come upon your earth, some larger, some smaller. Their lungs, their respiratory systems, all shall be of a different kind. Yet they will be from all the same seed, for man should change to adjust to his environment.

Now, you may seek unto these who’ve come forth in peace and make war upon them, and in turn, they can divert back and make war upon you. Or you can learn from them much, of their technology, as once before your people learned from those of another planetary system. We say unto you, that that they should bring should make your preparation for the coming of the Messiah much easier. It should fill the bellies of the needy. It shall bring warmth unto your houses and unto your hearts. Do not turn away from these.

There are other planetary systems who are much on the same level as your own, that at this moment are sending forward robot-controlled spacecraft. As you have found out, there is nothing to replace the brain of man, and nothing that can be built, except by God, that would replace this. For it should have compassion when compassion is needed. It shall have strength when strength is needed. It shall render judgment. It shall make decisions. And it shall reign upon heaven and earth. You have encountered some of these robot-controlled crafts; but as you yourselves have done, you have sent probes into outer space. You have not realized that the dimension of speed and speech makes yours and theirs pass by one another; soon this barrier shall be overcome.

You shall continue, the land shall continue to have tornado and hurricane-type storms. This shall sweep unto the earth. The wheat and the harvest of the wheat shall be in jeopardy.

We should say unto you, as was said one before unto Abraham, let prayer come up from the [news] who would change. There is much that can be done with your minds in the changing of the weather form, and the earth’s movements within the same.

With what we have said we have satisfied and answered none of the question that you have had ready for us to answer. But we have answered long-standing questions within your minds.

We shall go on to say unto you, that the children of God shall come in many forms. Your technology shall increase even greater than it has ever known before. Remember, control your technology, your science, that it may serve you and you do not serve it. But do not be afraid of the advancements that shall come upon the earth so rapidly — the changing in the earth’s form, the storm of different value, the earthquakes, the volcanic action which will erupt across the earth. None of these things you should fear, for you shall be warned before you are in danger, that your lives may continue to serve and function in the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

We shall explain now unto soul Ray’s dream that the pathway should be through El Paso. We have opened up the doorways that many organizations who are seeking the same knowledge that you yourselves are seeking should come together and join hands. You shall have to be diplomatic in the handling of such procedures.

Now soul Ray weakens, and therefore, we should say unto you, now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: The transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyrighted © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona 85501


January 25, 1975

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And we should say unto you that all that was in the beginning shall be as they were in the ending.

And you say unto us, “How can this be true?”

And we have told unto you that the earth has a time when the winter should come and the earth should rest, and the leaves upon the trees should fall away. And then should come the spring, and the leaves should come forth as buds and then into leaves. But the leaf that was but a leaf should slowly grow and become a branch upon the tree. We say unto you, then should come the time of growth and maturity. Yet not one leaf shall fall until it has learned the lesson of the tree. The leaf must learn the lesson that should it become a tree, it should fall from the tree and come from the root and the seed, and therefore, new life shall come forth.

We have told you before of the body and that it within itself should be the temple of God. And it should assume its passageway from birth, much as a ship should cross the sea, it could confront many storms; yet it should continue its journey. But only as the ship when it reaches its destination, it should start upon a new voyage again. The voyage should be the soul of man through the lifespan.

We have told you before that the spirit is the thought of God which should always remain in man and become part of man. And through the voyage, should the tree and the leaf all learn of the same lesson, at the end of the voyage the spiritual form should be carried to its final journey into the immortal body, only to be born again.

We should say unto you these things, ask in our Father’s name and it shall be given. But it should be given in a righteous manner that should take not away from anyone’s free will — for this was a gift from our Father in the beginning, and so it must be in the ending. As each should reach forth into our Father’s many mansions, they should bring forth all they have ever been, and they should leave along the way of their journey the knowledge they have gained. In this manner, this part of them, much as your world, should never end. For man is like the planet you live upon. For each you should meet should become much as the moon unto the Earth, and much as the sun unto the moon and the Earth, for there is a purpose for all, that growth and maturity should come.

As you serve in your journey, you shall seek unto yourself your own reward, without the violation of the free will.

You say unto us, “Once again you speak as unto riddles.”

Yet we say unto you, nay. For among you have come what you would call death unto three of you. Yet we say unto you, for our Father has gone before each to prepare a way.

One shall wait a while, and gain knowledge, and come forth and add to, unto what is already here.

Another shall do the same.

But the third shall come forth in a child yet to be born. And the child, you shall know her, and she shall know you, for the seed is planted in another land. The entry was conceived before the passageway was ready, and therefore, the entry was taken back, that the entity of the same might enter. Now all is in readiness, and the buds upon the tree shall grow again. But they should come back with the knowledge of where they have been.

Let the words we have spoken flow as a brook unto a river, unto an ocean. Let the winds pick them up and carry them into the many lands as seedlings and pollen, that the fruit upon the tree should be sweet unto thy taste.

Many should come forth and say unto you, “Then those who walked in a righteous manner, why should they wither away?”

And we say unto you, they have not withered away; they have but changed their form, only to return again.

If you cannot conceive from our words, then we shall say unto you, as the one known as Jesus said unto Thomas, “Then, therefore, feel of my wounds, and you shall see I am but of the same, only my form has changed upon this day.” The resurrection and the crucifixion was to show unto you that even though the temple was destroyed it could rise again in three days. And so it has, and so it shall be. Glory be the name of the Lord, our God.

We are here but for one purpose, and that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. In that purpose we seek to fulfill the pathways of many. We seek to help them to retain the knowledge that they should need, for they go before you to prepare the way for the coming. For has it not been promised, a new earth and a new heaven? And has it not been said that all that have passed before shall rise again?

And so they shall. All was for a purpose.

You say unto us, “Why then was this one’s life spared so many times and yet taken?”

And we say unto you, that that she asked for in the name of the Lord was given in all ways, for now all is in complete.

You say unto us, “Then how could she shed her tears for the passing of a child when she knew that the vessel was her own?” But soon as the conceivement and the vessel shall be made ready.

But the winds blow on, and the earth should turn, and the seasons should change. And so should man in his journey across his lifespan. We say unto you, therefore, build unto thyselves an ark that thy journey shall be a safe one. But in the building allow room for thy neighbor and thy neighbor’s neighbor.

The times that lay ahead of you shall be harsh times, yet they shall be good times. Remember, there is a time for all things. And laughter is the greatest tool of all, for it is part of loving, and part of faith, and part of hope.

We say unto you these words. For three stood beneath the cross, and three drops of blood did flow upon their forehead, and they know that the crown of roses, the thorns were taken away.

We have laid into your hands A Rose without Thorns. Seek within it the knowledge we have given, and prepare to make a place for A Psychic Gift before the Dawn, for each shall be in preparation for the Book with Wings, for each shall be a chapter within the same.

You have come forth with many questions. We have answered the questions most deep-seated in your hearts. We have said that we would allow nothing from either side to interfere with this work, and it should have helpers from both sides for the completion of this work. So you have lost nothing, you have only added to what you have already had, only in abundance. Provide the yeast, and we shall provide the bread and the wine.

Now is the time of the Cherub, and the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. In your next month ahead new earthquakes once again shall ripple the land. Tornados and hurricanes shall sweep the lands. Your politicians shall snap and fight as mad dogs, one unto the other. Yet out of it all a time of peace shall come.

We say unto you, fear not that man should cut away your hand. He cannot harm your soul, or your spirit, or your immortal body. But should a man lose his hand and pray unto the Lord that he might learn to use one hand in the place of two, then those from both sides shall be sent who have lost their hand to teach him of such. But he must have faith in that unto which he should learn. For a teacher shall always be a pupil, and a pupil will always be a pupil. And a master shall be a pupil. For God has learned from His children, and His children have learned from God.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.]

Copyrighted © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona 85501


February 1, 1975

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have a request for a life reading, also a reading having to do with the future of this person [4–18–74–001].”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. Therefore, we should say in this manner, we have the records.


We find this one and the entry of the same in the Year of the Dragon.


We find this one in that of the first world. We find this one of the planet, Yahweh, in the continent of Atlantan. You must understand that of your worlds, that later a continent was named of Atlantis. These two are not of the same, one being named after the other. This, of this planetary system, ranging on the third interplanetary star system, was born of the time of the great war, and was but an infant as the crafts made ready to leave of the planet in search of a new home.

Of the first ships to leave, only the very strong and fit were chosen. Many of the young, of the children, were chosen because of the breeding of the same. You must realize that upon this planet selective breeding had been done for some time to produce, therefore, both of a highly spiritual and physical being bred both for intellect and physical concept. These children were taught in the womb within the same. And the concepts that they brought forth unto their world were of the highly educated minds.

This one was placed, at the year of three, upon a craft seeking out new land. Many probes had been sent forth and several locations that would support of the same life force (cough).

This of the earth form, of your planet, Earth, was so named because of its likeness unto the planet Yahweh, who had conceived its name from the great God of gods. And therefore, as the probe planes, ships, as you would know them, should take forth flight, this one would be 12 years old before the final approach and landing into the Earth should be made.

The landing was made in the continental part that you now call Yucatan, in the very high atmospheric mountains. Through future probes it had been learned that man of this planetary system could slowly descend from the mountains and interbreed upon and into those of the humanoid beings upon the planet, and therefore, reproduce those of their own kind. The selection of the female gender, in this case, was done so that a better species of interbreeding could be brought forth, and therefore, after the landing and the erection of the necessary buildings, and the buildings across the continent and across your Earth of that that you would know as the pyramid, or cosmic generators, were set forth. Much of the building at first had to be done in that that you would know of as space suits because the bodies had not yet adjusted to the atmospheric conditions of the lower lands. And each of the generators had to be placed in precise locations across the land, that energy could be transformed around the Earth in this manner, and therefore, to guide forth the new probe planes that should soon leave the planet.

It was then learned, after the landing, that the war had ended and the destruction of the planet was near at hand, and that masses of the ships were soon to come forth from the people, that a peace had been made. It was then known that the two leaders, Arcan and Katon and Aka had come together in peace. And so the arrival was cheered by all of the colonists, for at first it would seem as though all their knowledge from their planet would be lost.

You were selected for breeding. Katon, who had initiated the selective breeding upon your people, was then to supervise your breeding into the humanoid. Aka, who disagreed with selective breeding of that time, and said it was not within the worship of the God of One.

And soon you saw the armed camps beginning to form.

Very few of the master ships came through. As with your own, much of them were destroyed with entering the atmosphere within the same. Many more should die because of the gravitational pull against their bodies, which was heavier and hard to cope with.

But as your selection was made, you would wed into this one, but not as wedding, as you would know before your God, but as a test tube, the child should be born and implanted into your womb and then taken from your womb, and the child would grow, therefore, by instrumentation.

At first, you accepted. But then as you saw that there was love in the camps of Aka and their people, and that the women bore their children and produced, therefore, in a natural way, and loved and raised unto the same, you yearned for such knowledge.

But war was soon at hand again upon this planet.

And once again, you were selected by those of the Akan forces to seek out new land. And so, the ships were made ready and you were sent forth to travel into that galaxy, fifth from the Plato[ic] galaxy, and there to find a new home.

You bore many children. And the colony gradually grew with its advanced technology. You lived 908 years in [total], and then passed through. Yet in the passing, your heart yearned always for that unto which the child you had borne back unto the Earth.

And so you came forth, this time again. And you were born into the planet of Earth on the continent, the second continent of Atlantis.

You grew once again into young womanhood. And your parents would select the wife and the husband from the families within their own means and to bring better ties through trade into the land of Egyptan. Your leader upon the continent was the priest, Arcan. The leader from Egyptan was the great priest, Ra-Tai. And therefore, as Ra-Tai came forth to visit upon the land, your father went forth unto him and asked that transportation upon the craft and you be sent forth under his keeping.

You had great memory of where you had been. And Ra-Tai came forth unto you as the journey began and said unto you, “You have memory of this planet long ago, and of the old worlds, and of the new. What shall you do with such knowledge? Shall it be wasted away, or shall you implant it where it is most needed at this time? There has been other wars, and the mutates and the interbreeding of the mutates. We have set up great hospitals. One is known as the Temple of Beauty. With your knowledge of before, and the knowledge that can be taught unto you, we have selected you and your husband-to-be to work in this temple, if it would be within your agreement.”

And therefore, when you reached the land of Egyptan you married into the statures of your husband’s house; yet you walked in as an equal and as a scientist of great knowledge.

The council of Egyptan, under the direction of Ra-Tai, should send you forth into the valley of the Eagle that you should learn of the knowledge that would be needed.

And you said unto your husband, “Where there forth then should we be sent? What is this place?”

And your husband said unto you, “It is a place of great knowledge and of great scientific significance to our land, both yours in Atlantis, and of the other lands across the world form. It has been said that soon your land shall be destroyed, but other lands shall rise. It has also been said that the knowledge must be made ready to be placed in a time capsule, that should our people perish the knowledge shall rise again at a different time.”

You went forth unto the land of the Eagle, there to see much wonderment and amazement unto your eyes. Yet much of it you knew from you far memory.

And then you were to observe an operation. And as you looked from the observatory room into the operating room you said unto your husband, “I know of that one.”

And he said, “Of which do you speak?”

And you said unto him, “That one that should stand apart and give instructions.”

And your husband said unto you, “Then you have known of the Eagle before. He has given us the teachings that we are here to prepare a way for the coming of a Messiah upon the earth, that soon the lands will be gone, but the work that we do now will make into preparation that peace should come to the Earth one day, and be everlasting, for we shall prepare now for this time, and then we shall prepare for the second time.”

At that moment, the one that stood apart looked up, and through the eyes you saw your lives as they had been, and they would be. And so, you knew that nothing more need be said. And you went forth with your husband in the Temple of Beauty, yet war and rumors of war, and the destruction of Atlantis, of Ur, [that] all had come forth. And for many days and many nights all the land was covered with water. Yet your land remained safe.

But soon the Atlantans and the Egyptans began to quarrel, and a fight for power was at hand, and Ra-Tai was cast out into exile. And you did follow unto him. But soon the land became that the people had not even food to eat. And you said unto Egyptan, “Should we be cast out, then where — are we not allowed to go unto the land of the Eagle?”

And Ra-Tai said unto you, “For the Eagle has gone forth before us. We shall soon return back unto Egyptan. And therefore, we shall go into that of the great temple, that that should generate life unto itself, and place the knowledge.”

And so it was, that you and your husband, after returning back unto the land, went unto the temple and it was sealed after you. And so, you passed once again.

You looked upon the land and saw the coming of the Messiah. Yet you saw the coming of preparators. You saw the one of Buddha. You saw unto each as the time and place was prepared.

And then you saw that the one named Jesus of Nazara was born. Yet the great White Brotherhood, that that was in the beginning, still existed, still taught. And as you were to learn, through the masters of your teaching, another time of preparation would be at hand.

And so you chose entry this time. But this time, you have forgotten where you have been. You have let many of the human feelings creep into thyself. You’ve encountered greed; you’ve encountered that of the barter for those of your needs. And yet, once again the Eagle should fly, and has walked before you, yet again but for one purpose, for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. And yet, you have heed[ed] not.

We say unto you, study our words well. Pick up the Rose without Thorns. Take away the thorns. Open thy mind that your far memory may come forth once again. We have given you the necessary tools to achieve this.

Now we should say unto you, now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Soul Ray now tires.

New earthquakes shall shiver your coast lands. New storms, hurricane and tornado, shall attack your continent from both sides. Earthquakes shall come from without and from within. Yet, the Earth has changed its face many times and so has man. Yet those who should walk in the righteous path of our Lord shall fear no evil.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


February 8, 1975

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. For we should tell unto thee the parable of the tree that grew upon a mountaintop, and a shepherd who brought his flock day by day unto the mountaintop.

And as his sheep should graze, the shepherd would sit beneath the tree to contemplate upon his own spiritual growth among mankind. And each day that he contemplated he thought within himself, “I can see no growth at all.”

And then one day came forth unto him a visitor. The visitor looked humble and poor, and the shepherd offered him food. The visitor took of his food and thanked him. And as they were about their meal the visitor looked up into the shepherd’s eyes and said unto him, “You think yourself a failure, both spiritually and in man’s eyes, because you are a shepherd. You think you have accomplished nothing and grown not at all.” And then he looked into the shepherd and said, “How long have you sat beneath the tree; how many years?”

The shepherd said, “Oh, I came unto this place when the tree was but very small, but now the tree has grown and it gives great shade and comfort unto me.”

The visitor asked unto him, “Do you ever talk unto the tree?”

And the shepherd said, “Yes, I have talked many times unto the tree, for I have no one else to talk unto.”

“And as you speak unto the tree,” said the stranger, “do you speak of the truth? Do you tell of the tree of the days that you feel no growth? Do you tell of the tree your laughter and your tears?”

And the shepherd said unto him, “Oh, yes. I tell of the tree unto all things.”

“And has this tree ever spoken back unto you?” said the stranger.

And the shepherd said unto the stranger, “Sometimes I seem to hear a voice from within, yet I know not whether it is the tree or me that speaks.”

And the stranger said, “Has the advice been good?”

And the shepherd said, “Oh, yes.”

And the stranger said unto him, “How has your flock done since you have visited the tree?”

And the shepherd said, “Oh, my flock has multiplied and increased tenfold.”

And so, the shepherd looked long unto the stranger, and he said unto the stranger, “Why do you ask so many questions unto me?”

And the stranger said unto him, “For many times you have spoke unto the tree as into yourself, and many times you have prayed unto the Lord as into yourself. You spoke no false words. There has been times when you have over-blamed yourself for things. There have been times when you have been boastrous. But both the tree that should come from God, and God, should look and see thy needs. Then all good things have come unto you.

“And we say unto you, then walk away from the tree and look back unto it.”

And the shepherd did so. And as he looked at the tree, what a magnificent tree stood before him.

But as he looked, flowers began to blossom. Yet, as they blossomed they began to wilt, and the fruit began to bear forth upon the tree, and it ripened and fruit began to fall from the tree. And the shepherd said, “Let us hasten forward and gather such bountiful fruit. I have never seen of such.”

And the stranger said, “The fruit is that which thought has been placed into it, your thought. And the Lord has provided your harvest, as He has provided for your sheep. Then before we gather your harvest, should we not thank the Lord for the same?”

The shepherd did of such. Yet the more he picked, the more the tree produced.

And soon he grew weary of picking, and he turned unto the stranger, and said, “How do we stop such a thing?”

And the stranger said unto himself, “This must come from within you. You asked that the tree bear fruit. Now the tree has brought fruit forth. You asked for a sign to show your own spiritual growth and what you should mean unto the Lord, and the answer has been brought forth in tenfold. But stop gathering the fruit of the tree. Instead let your sheep eat of the fruit.”

The shepherd thought, and he said, “This is too fine a fruit for my sheep.”

And the stranger said unto him, “For you are like the sheep unto our Father, for you are a child of our Father. Our Father has seen fit to provide you of all things of His kind, of His likeness. He denied you nothing. Would you in turn deny the sheep that God has given unto your keeping?”

The stranger started to walk away with these words, and the shepherd said, “Wait, sir.”

And the stranger said, “Nay, for you must learn the lesson, and then in truth you will be ready for the truth.” And so he passed away.

The shepherd thought over the words of his special tree and the knowledge. Then he decided that his flock must harvest from the tree. And so it did.

Yet as each ewe ate the fruit, so it reproduced a lamb. And each lamb that ate from the tree grew and reproduced. And so it went.

Now we say unto you, and you should say unto us, once again you have spoken as unto riddles. And we say, nay.

You have brought forth unto this Student Teacher’s course. Apply the parable to the course, and you shall see the answer. For the tree could seldom see itself grow. And the man could not see itself grow because it had become overshadowed by the tree. Yet, regardless of their thoughts, they both matured and bore the fruit of God unto the many children, unto the many lands.

The course has been designed to separate those who would serve from those who could serve not. Many times the master should say unto himself, “I shall walk away from this load.” Yet he looks unto himself and knows he cannot. This must be instilled in your students, for there’ll be times, many times, when your students will think they have time to walk away.

We shall say unto one, we have placed flowers at your feet. We have brought your dreams into reality. We have brought you here for a purpose. Much as the Lord did not explain to the shepherd of His purpose, we shall not explain unto you, for this must come from the faith from within yourself. If you should find that faith continue. But we say unto you, one who should walk away does not only harm themselves, but many, many others that they might teach, that they might help. Each gesture that has been brought forth has been brought forth as we instilled the thought into others, all for a purpose.

You have other questions, ask. We shall explain at this time, the questions should be direct and to the point. Because of soul Ray’s health they should not be lengthy, for your reading shall not be lengthy.

“Yes, Aka.[4–18–74–001], asks, ‘Will there be a breakdown in our economic system with a closing of banks and other financial institutions within this year, this next year?’”

There is already a breakdown in your economic situation. We have told you repeated times that this would happen. But it will not constitute the closing of your banks, as such. You shall be faced with an inflationary depression which shall go forth and have a reign of two and a half years more. At that time, should your Government and your people not be foolish, the time should elapse. But we should warn you, should your Government indebtedness unto itself and its people and unto the other countries of the world continue at the rate it has, then your currency shall be worth nothing. If the right steps are taken at this time, then the currency of your Government shall level off and be worth even more than it was. [Editor’s note: the U.S. Government.]

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [11–26–71–002] asks, ‘What is the significance of the name of Mark given to me in telling me of the lessons to be learned?’”

We shall answer in this manner, this must be found within thyself. We shall say unto you — that little is within the name, but within the purpose of the same.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, you have referred to the thirteenth tribe of Israel. Can you tell us anything about this?”

Yes, we should answer unto you in this manner, that that of your Indian nation should be of the thirteenth tribe of Israel. But it should also be that that it is of the Hopi. But you must realize, in the migrations many names were changed, many customs were changed, and much was forgotten. And much was added to.

When you think of the Hopi, think unto yourself, there and into there, these people, stood a great civilization which they destroyed unto themselves. Their cultures, their knowledge of architecture and building was far superior than what you have today. Yet they made war. And war. Much of what has happened to them could happen to you tomorrow; you should walk away from your knowledge. When you do, you shall have nothing left but legends. Beware.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [2–8–75–001] asks, ‘Is the New Testament of our Bible an accurate, truthful account of the teaching and ministry of Jesus Christ?’”

We shall answer unto the same, nay. It is a reasonable account with much taken out and much added to. Jesus did not write of the Bible. Man did of such. The true records of the time should lie in Egypt beneath the tomb of Cairo. You shall find the records in that of the land of Yucatan. You shall find the records that shall bear fruit soon upon your own land, in this land. But you should also find them in that which is known as the Dead Sea Scrolls. You have brought forth much knowledge, yet you have been only able to interpret one-tenth of one percent of the written words left behind. Shall you leave the same marks upon the earth?

Soul Ray now grows weary.

We shall say unto you unto these words, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. New tornados and earthquakes shall erupt across the land. You shall find that where no tornados or earthquakes were recorded before, suddenly they shall appear.

We shall answer one other question within your minds. The harnessing of the cosmic- magnetic energy flow should be brought about within a two-year time. Other energy for your population should be sought out, and continue to develop.

Words spoken well are good, but only should there be action placed behind them. You shall find that your politicians spend more time squabbling among themselves than they do in the things that should be done today, not tomorrow.

We should say, in the land of the isles of California earthquakes shall erupt. Across the Pacific seaboard, on both sides, earthquakes shall erupt. Earthquakes shall erupt in your Atlantic seaboard. They should erupt in the mid-continental states. But even should the Earth shift its surface and arrange its face, man shall adapt to this. Make your own selves ready for this time.

Your harvests once again this year shall be lean. Make the preparations.

We should also instruct that that of your newsletter should carry more of how to prepare. Take all of the knowledge, not part of the knowledge given to you. Take it forth unto the people, for as we may speak, we may only speak unto a few. And only a few may hear our voices. But as you should place our words into print and send them forth, then many should see and learn from the same. But we have placed knowledge into many of your people’s minds. Use all of this knowledge.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


March 15, 1975

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For we shall tell unto thee the parable of the three boys at play.

They had tired of their normal play. And a fourth boy had joined them who was a stranger. And they thought, therefore, to play a trick upon the boy. And they said, “We shall play that of God and man, and you shall be God. And we shall be the body, the soul, and the spirit of man.” And so they commenced their play.

The body of man chased and ran forth unto the hilltops, and said unto himself and to all who could hear, “For I shall reign over the domain of this land and be the master of the same.”

And the second boy raced to his side and said, “And I shall be the spirit [soul] of man, and I shall reign over the body of man, and therefore, reign over all the land and sea and all that dwells within the land and the sea and the heavens.”

And the third boy ran to the hilltop and said, “And I shall be the spirit of man. And I shall reign over the body and the soul. And as I shall reign, then you who are beneath us, you who stand beneath us, are God. If you are truly a god, then rise above us.”

The lad thought long and spoke back unto his playmates. And he said, “You who reached the mountaintop first should be the body of man. You who reached the mountaintop second should be the spirit [soul] of man. And you who reached the mountaintop last shall be the spirit of man. But I need not rise above you because you are incomplete.”

And the three boys spoke back unto him and said, “How could this be so?”

And the one who played that of God said unto them, “For you dwell within my Father’s house, and in my Father’s mansion, and therefore, to be complete there must be the immortal body of man, that that should never end and never begin, yet should live forever and have eternal life.

The three that stood on the hilltop were amazed at the answer, for they had thought to play trickery upon the new lad. But yet they dwelled upon his words, and became angry and came from the hilltop and began to beat upon the boy.

The boy did not cry, nor did he cry out in pain. He said unto them, “That that you have done, you cannot harm me.”

And they drew away.

And one picked up a rock, another a stick.

But the third stood back in fear.

The one with the rock threw the rock, and the rock did not strike the boy who would be that of God, but it struck the spirit. And then, the shaft was thrown, and it did not strike the one who should be that of God, but it pierced into that of the body that would be the spirit [soul].

And yet, the lad walked forth. He’d healed, the wounds that had been inflicted upon him were healed. And he placed his hands so gently upon the third lad, and his body also was healed.

And the third lad said unto him, “Why you would heal me, and I would harm you?”

And he said unto them, “For you have played a game, yet all games that you shall play you shall find shall soon come into reality, for with this action you have performed, should cause another action to be performed. Once thought is put into motion, then all thought is eternal, much as the eternal or immortal body of man.”

And they said unto him, “How do you know of these things?”

And he looked back unto them and said, “For my Father has told me so. And that that He has told me must be true, for He is our God, mine and yours.”

And he lifted his hand, and as he did so, a fourth lad appeared before them. And this was the immortal body of man. It carried the hatred, the anger, and the wounds that had been inflicted upon the spirit.

And the fourth said, “I am the immortal body. Therefore, all of your deeds I shall carry. You may destroy me, and only me. The body shall be the temple of God. That that you do unto the body you do unto God, and you do unto yourself. That that you do unto the spirit you have done unto the body. That that you do unto the soul you have done unto the body. And in all things you have done unto the immortal body.

And the immortal body began to stagger and began to wither away. And all three of the lads rushed forth, and said, “Oh Lord, let us now heal this.”

And upon their words, all four became whole again.

The three lads were very curious, and asked the name of the lad.

And the lad said unto them, “For I am my Father’s son, for I have come forth to go about my Father’s way. My day shall come and my day shall pass, yet that mark that my Father has bared to be left upon the earth in my name shall be done so. Yet I can do nothing without my Father, and in my Father’s name.”

And they asked him once again, “But who are you?”

And he said unto them, “I am Jesus of Nazara.”

The lad was yet unto his eighth year. Yet with the help and knowledge of those of the white robes, that that is known as the White Brotherhood, he had grown, even then, beyond that and the comprehension of mankind.

And he said unto the lads, “You now fear me, and so shall others. And so shall they crucify me, for they do not know of that of which they do. Because you try to destroy all things you do not understand, bring forth understanding and you bring forth truth, into the land and into the heavens. And in truth our Father shall grant a new heaven and a new earth. And you shall walk upon the galaxies and planets upon planets. And you shall know of [my] Father’s many mansions.”

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a health reading from [3‑15‑75‑001…of Faith, South Dakota]. She says ‘Please, I beg of you in Jesus’ name, help me. I have been paralyzed from the waist down and unable to control my urine since a car accident July 3, 1965. At that time I received a blow, no cut, to the spinal cord in the first and second lumbar region.’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. Yes, we find, therefore, damage done unto the central nervous system. We find that certain nerves have been — a deterioration caused from the blow. We would suggest that this problem within itself could be corrected with the use of bio‑therapy. We would suggest that you should come forth unto soul Ray. There is no manipulation, only that of a nerve implant, that could be done. And this in itself must be done in the proper manner.

We say unto you, if this should be done by a neurosurgeon, take that of the sperm of the male, taking it, therefore, within 24 hours after it has been taken from the male; therefore, exposing the nerves, using that of the sperm to regenerate the nerves within themselves, and this way and in this manner, this could be corrected.

Soon you shall find within the sperm of the male new life‑giving properties. This should be used in its proper source, for that that is brought from the seed shall grow unto the tree. We should also answer that the keys shall be both light and sound, used within its proper atmospheric conditions. As this sperm is used, it [must] be kept at an incubated temperature, in other words, at body temperature at all times.

The key to [internal] life lies within the same. Also that that you should call cancer could be treated and cured with the same sperm, and an extract made from the same. The aging process of man could be reversed in the same manner, with using bio‑therapy in accordance with the same.

You have other questions, ask. One moment.

Yes, yes. Yes, Father.


Permission has been given.

The healing that is needed to bring you unto this land shall be given and the means shall be set forth in motion. Ask in our Father’s name, and you shall receive.

This is all on this subject.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you Aka. I have another request for a health reading from [3‑15‑75‑002…Phoenix]. The question they ask is, ‘I would like a health reading, especially as to why my blood is anemic, and also is there anything I can do to keep from having any more outbreaks of cancer?’”

Yes, we shall answer in this manner — with the use of the negative-ion unit placed on a north‑south axis; that the subject matter should be placed on a mat that should be in height three foot above the floor level; that the ion unit[s] should be nine foot apart, and should be six foot above the body substance in height. This should be used in short intervals.

We would further suggest that the use of the new mineral substance that has been brought forth through soul Ray’s mind be used in the treatment of the cancer substance.

There is yet another source that lies within soul Ray’s mind that shall bring forth that that is known; the mineral substance within itself is chelated. Once ionized, and once [the] B‑6 vitamin is placed within the same with that of the niacin or niacinamide in correct proportions, this should act as a purifier of the blood. The ingredients of B-12 should be added in accordance with the same. All of this and the knowledge of the same has already been implanted in soul Ray’s mind.

New uses of that that you would call the chaparral has also been implanted in his mind.

New uses for the vitamins E, A, and D in accordance with other substances of the mineral compound, using that of myrrh and golden seal, and slippery elm in accordance with the same.

This is all on this subject at this time. Should further information be desired, ask.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have a question or a request for a health — assistance, from [3‑15‑7 5‑003…Phoenix]. She asks for healing. ‘Please help Ray and me to bring my high blood pressure down to normal, and also sugar. Thank you.’”

That that has already been started shall be completed. The healing asked for shall be given in God’s name. Continue with the therapy that soul Ray has brought forth. But come forth with faith, and faith shall breed love, and love shall bring healing.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have requests for [a] health reading or other questions; would you like me to take the other questions at this time?”

Bring forth the other questions. Ask.

“Aka, I have questions from [8‑8‑75‑001…Oregon]. And he asks, ‘The scriptures state that Christ will return suddenly at a time that only our Father, God, knows. How can it be that the Christ is already walking on this plane now?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner — that should the whereabouts be known unto your man, and man in his present state of mind, once again the child would have to be brought forth back unto the Lord for keeping for his safety.

We are here but for one reason, and that is the preparation for his coming, and his day, and your day of glory upon the Earth. Have you forgotten that God let you crucify this one once before, to show unto the truth of the resurrection of the same? And each drop of blood that flowed from the Lamb upon the earth did cleanse the land.

You, each of you, must be made ready, for only in this manner can harmony and peace come forth upon your Earth.

This is all on this subject; one moment.

But we say unto you, the answer in full to your question lies in the first part of the Rose without Thorns. Pick it up. And hand it to another.

We say unto you, we have placed into your hands this Rose without Thorns, yet you fear it; you fear the contents. You fear of any change. You have become accustomed to your small vices, and you are afraid that they shall interfere, that you shall not have the time.

We say unto you that God loved to see His children laugh and be merry. But there is a time for laughter; there is a time that man should provide with the hands of God the bounty and the bread, and provide also for his family. There is a time for the worshiping of God, each in his own way. But the knowledge placed forth in these pages were placed there that the preparation for the coming of the Messiah and that the time of maturity could be made soon.

But yet we shall say unto you, if the work that we have been sent forth upon your planet, your Earth, does not come into completion, then he who should be sent forth shall be drawn back unto the heavens unto his Father, and three thousand years of darkness shall lay upon the land. And you shall once again emerge from your caves.

Now we should say unto you, soul Ray grows weary.

The match has been struck in France. It grows rapidly into the land of Israel. New wars and the planners of wars have already been set about. Should these wars once again come forth it shall engulf the Earth.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your land. Beware that the Seventh Seal is not opened.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyrighted © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona 85501


March 22, 1975

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. The role of the Shepherd should not be taken lightly. We have told you before that nothing from either side shall interfere with this work. Your country stands at the bleak [brink] of warfare, of disaster. Famine and pestilence stands all around you. Yet you stand as ostriches with your heads in the sand.

We have warned you many times before of that that was to come. And now it is about you. The strength within your group may hold and bind the world from being engulfed in flames, or it shall wither on the vine. Yet we say unto you, the strength can only be as strong as those that are chosen to lead. If those that are chosen to lead cannot carry the burden, then stand aside, or as we have weeded the garden, so shall we weed it once again.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [3–1–74–001…Phoenix, Arizona] asks for a life reading.”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. Therefore, we have the records.


We find this one was born in the Year of the Cow. In your time, and as your time would count, this times would be over two million years prior to this time.

In the continent which you now consider your South Pole, at that time laid a vast and beautiful land. It was named because of the climate, the arid climate, it was then known as the continent that was the [arid zone]. It covered in vastness, in comparison to your own land, almost twice in size. Fruit and vegetable of all kind did grow upon the land. Life within the same brought forth bountiful amounts of food. The volcanic actions which were taking place in other places upon the world, this was not so in this land at this time, for it had stood upon the earth for a quarter of a million years. Its strength was superior to all other lands. It was considered the land of the gods. Every child from birth was taught [to] many, different lessons, from mathematics, to astrometry, and the great histories of the nations. The congress of the world at that time stood in a place you would call as the Phoenix. And there stood the capitol of the world.

You, as a lad, walked many times unto the senate with your father. And many times your father told you of the old stories and of the beginning of the land. And he did tell you of the story of those who came from the other planetary systems and did bring their seed upon the Earth, and did bring their knowledge. He also brought forth unto you the knowledge of the time that they would return. He also told you of the great war upon the land, the war of the gods, it was called.

One day, as you strolled with your father into the senate, one of the prophets came forth and spoke to the senate and said unto them, “Beware, for new volcanic action shall appear upon our land. We must hasten and prepare our crops, that we may store in safe ground. We must store our knowledge that it should not perish from the Earth.”

And the senate, though respectful to the prophet, said unto him, “If this is so, then why not did the Eagle not come forth himself and speak these words? Are we not the greatest nation upon the Earth?”

And the prophet spoke forth and said, “You are of all one nation upon the Earth. One land is not greater than the smallest land. Therefore, all of those that have studied with the Eagle have been sent forth upon the Earth to give warning.”

Later, as the senate discussed, you asked your father, “The legend of the Eagle has been long upon our land, yet we do not see of him. Why is this, Father?”

And your father spoke back unto you, and said unto you these words, “For he was here in the beginning and has stayed among us, yet he appears in many places upon the Earth. He has brought us great knowledge, and his prophets have walked among us many times.”

And you as a lad said unto your father, “But does he not die as we die?”

And your father shook his head and said unto you, “Legend says that he must not rest until the final coming of the Messiah upon the Earth.”

And you looked upon your father and said, “Father, please, let me speak unto this with this prophet.” And you ran forth.

The man stood apart. The white robe unto which he wore bore only the silver trim. And you spoke unto him, and said, “Oh, please, sir, I must speak unto you.”

And he paused and looked down upon you, and then knelt and looked into your eyes.

And as you looked into his, you saw many faces and many places upon the Earth at yet the same time.

And you said unto him, “Sir, why does not the people believe unto you?”

And he said unto them, “For they have become like the fatted calf who thinks that all they shall receive is more and more of the goodly things, yet they are not willing to give, and therefore, the land shall perish.”

And you as a lad said, “But what of the good people upon the land, those who worship the God of One?”

And he said unto you, “There shall rise from the ocean a place that shall be called Atlantis. You should flee there.” And then, he took from his neck the holy sign of the ankh and placed it around your neck and told you, “Wear this. And you shall go unto the land of Atlantis.”

And so it came about, the eruptions, destruction of the land, and the cold and the water. And many ships were destroyed, and many people upon the land did go unto waste. And many armies fell. And all the greatness of the land did perish. And then the land became cold and barren.

Yet, you followed the course of that of the ankh. And upon it, it took you unto the land of Atlantis. And there were many.

Yet once again you saw those of the robes, the white robes. And you walked forth unto them. They were of many races. And one stood in the middle and was speaking unto the others, when suddenly he stopped and turned unto you and said unto you, “Come forth.”

And you came forth. And he placed out his hand and laid the ankh into his, and said, “Now you shall learn and know the right to wear this, and one day you shall wear the white robe. There are other lands arising. You shall now go into the land of Egyptan.”

And so you did.

And there you studied with the Eagle. And then the day came when the Eagle did depart.

And you went unto the Yucatan, and on to the Americans. And much was made ready once again. And there you saw the pyramids that laid upon your land and other lands. And you did say unto your masters, “Why were these built, for what purpose?”

And they did say unto you, “Some were built that they should contain knowledge for future man. Some should record the history of man, both the past and the future.”

By this time you had become old in years, and your time upon the Earth was shortened. Yet, the Eagle seemed never to age. This you spoke of many times unto the others.

And they did say unto you, “The last time, when the Messiah should come, you shall see him age, but not before. And there shall be a birth and a death. But when he appears for that last time upon the Earth it will be for the final preparation of the last time of the coming of the Messiah. And the heaven and the earth shall become as one.”

And once again you made request, that you should be born in that time. It was not long until you passed on.

Years and years did pass and pass away. And you observed the Earth, and you did observe the other planetary systems. There was much to see, much to learn. You saw the coming of the one known as Buddha. You did see the coming of the one known as Jesus Christ, the one who should be called Jesus of Nazara. You saw that of the coming of Mohammed. Yet, all puzzled you in many ways.

And then when you saw that this one known as Jesus of Nazara was slain, yet reappeared, and came walking as the Morning Star, and yet, appeared as the Evening Star upon the continent of the Americans, the land had changed much. Where land once stood it no longer stood. Where valleys were green, only deserts stood. Where rivers had ran, no longer were there. You saw all of these changes come forth.

And then came the day that your wish would be granted, and you did enter this body of this time. Now we say unto you, in the entry of the body, and the growth and the maturity of the same, you have stumbled and fell many times, because you live too much in the past and not in the future. For the past should not matter any more; it should be the future.

We have come this time but for once purpose, for the coming of the Messiah and the preparation for the same. Your wish shall be granted. Look unto the year of 1999.

But we also say unto you, beware of the wolf that stands at your door. Beware of the Bear [Russia?] who should become too friendly. Beware of the Dragon [China?]. But we should say, beware of a country that should be known as your friend who was your enemy. This country also wears the mark of the dragon.

Now we say unto you, this is all on this subject at this time.

And now, soul Ray grows weary, and it has come our time to depart.

Yet, we say unto you, hark, for we do not sleep. Be prepared for many changes, for as the winds of March should depart, the hail of April shall arrive.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyrighted © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona 85501


March 29, 1975

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner, for we should tell unto thee the parable of the father who should take his son for the first time unto the world.

And as they traveled far, one day upon the roadside there stood a man. His back was turned toward them. And in their travels they had lost the water into which they would drink.

And the father said unto the child, “Go unto the man, and therefore, seek from him the knowledge [from whom we’d] find a well.”

And as the boy approached the man, the man turned. The boy drew back, and ran back unto his father.

And his father said unto him, “Why do you run back unto me? Why do you not seek the knowledge that I sent you forth for?”

And the boy said, “I am frightened, for he, this man, is very ugly.”

And the father said unto the lad, “Come.” And they went forth, and once again the man turned. And in his hand he held the urn of water. He reached his hand forth, and handed it first to the father. And the father did drink, and the water was sweet.

And then, the father handed it back to the lad. And the lad did drink.

And the lad started to hand the water back to the father, and the father said unto the lad, “Return the water unto whom it has been given from.” And the lad did so, but in the process of his fear, he dropped the urn. The urn shattered and the good water spilled upon the earth.

The stranger knelt and touched the broken pieces. He stroked them gently with his hand. And piece by piece they gathered back, and the water filled the urn once again.

The father thanked the stranger and turned and walked away.

And the lad said unto his father, “You have not rebuked me for dropping the urn.”

And the father said unto the son, “You have let your eyes guide you, not your heart and soul, for you have seen only with your eyes. Let the soul see, and that that the soul shall see, so shall the spirit and the immortal body. And you shall see that unto all things that God should dwell within.”

And the lad said, “But how could he make the urn whole?”

And the father said, “Turn back and you shall see.”

And as he turned back, there stood a prince. His clothing was pure and white.

And the boy said again in wonderment, “How could this be?”

And the father said, “You have looked with your eyes at first; the second time you saw with your heart and your soul. You shall meet many men and many women in this world, and the world thereafter…”

[Editor’s note: The message that was being recorded was interrupted by a nearby amateur radio operator’s broadcast whose voice burst loudly through on the tape recorder. The woman recording the message said to her husband who was reading the written questions to Aka, “Ask Aka what to do.”]

“Aka, what shall we do about the radio breaking in?”

We should say unto thee, go unto the end of the street and use of the name of soul Ray, and say unto this man that the recorder is being used, to turn off his machine, or we shall do it for him.

“Yes. Aka.”

[Note: The moderator whispers to his wife to go and tell the neighbor. Then after long pause, Aka resumes.]

We should say unto you, today is the day that soon you should celebrate the resurrection.

[Note: there is another loud interruption by the amateur radio operator who tells his radio contact he has to shut down his broadcast until later.]

“Yes, Aka.”

And we should say unto you these words. For as the resurrection should bring forth in truth that of the life hereafter, eternal life, so should our Father have many mansions.

Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyrighted © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona 85501


April 5, 1975

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

Good Evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner.

For as the seasons should come upon the earth — and there should be a time that this land should sleep and restore itself, and so you should call it winter — and then should come forth thy spring, and this is the time of planting of things, that the summer should come forth and the growth and maturity should come forth unto the land — and then should come the autumn, the time for harvest, so it should be within man. As the seed should be planted, do not hasten the seed. Do not plant it one day and expect your harvest the next.

Do not push the seed, for the seed must rest also, and so should man.

Do not force the doorways, for we tell unto thee of the hidden place within the mind. For within this place, if one should stand still and quiet and listen, they shall find a pool where a candle is always lit, and there shall dwelleth God within thee. And lo, it should be a beautiful sight.

But we say unto thee, that beauty should lie in the eyes of the beholder.

But we say unto thee, for each thing thy should see[k] in life, do not hasten so abruptly that thy should not see the flowers at your feet. Plant the seed. Give it time to bring forth its growth and its fruit, and the fruit shall be bountiful. And then let it go unto seed. And then store the seed that the fruit and the plant may be replenished upon the earth.

We say unto you that soon we shall bring forth unto the land a sign of hope. For in this land of desert that should dwell, we shall bring forth a bountiful and beautiful sight, for food shall be plentiful upon the desert, and flowers shall lay at your feet in the many colors our Lord has spread upon the earth. Learn from this, for you will find that some of the seed that should come forth has laid dormant for many years, waiting the moisture and the sun, to bring forth unto you this bountiful time.

Many shall say, “Woe, what shall happen into us in this time of famine?” And we shall say unto you, your needs shall be provided, but know the difference between your needs and your wants. If you should go unto the desert, and there to find an oasis, and there to find the shade of the trees and a beautiful stream, if the wind should come and dry up one half of the oasis, but leave you a proportion, during the good times you shall take much. During the bad times you shall take less, but it shall be enough. In this you will find that the land shall learn from within itself, that nations shall learn and shall grow strong within themselves. Neighbor shall learn to rely on neighbor. No longer shall be the time when you should live next to thy neighbor and not know of them. All of these things shall come about.

And yet, there is but another famine that shall come in later years. And you shall learn from this famine. If you do not, then you shall perish in a polluted land where no flowers at all may grow.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading concerning past lives and his improvement in this life, and how he can help the Association; this is from [4–5–75–001] and is here tonight.”

Yes, we see thy need, and we have here before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. And therefore, we have the records before us.


We find this one in the first entry in the land of Atlantis, on the second continent of Atlantis. This continent was called of Mercury. The land was good and bountiful. And much as on the main continent the scientific knowledge was great and powerful.

Yet, you were born into a family of 12 brothers and sisters. You were third of the youngest. And each day as thy father took of his craft to go forth as a fisherman, thy did wait for the day when thy could go with thy brothers with thy father.

Yet thy father spoke long unto you, for he wished you to attend the university, first on your continent and then go forth for the great teachings of the Priest Ra-Ta in the land of Egyptan. But permission must be taken first from the priest, Arcan.

Your land was governed in those days by two sectors, one who would worship the God of One, one who would worship the god of Babylon, of [Baal]. The conflict between these two had grown to the point of warfare. Yet your father said unto you and your brothers, “Warfare is not our way, for we are but peaceful fishermen and all we seek is that to go forth and be of ourselves.”

And then you spoke unto your father and you said, “Father, why should you separate me from my brothers? Why must I go forth unto these of the far-away land and become that which I am not, for was I not born to be a fisherman?”

And your father looked unto you and said, “You shall be a fisherman of men. But I shall not force it upon you. The days shall pass and you shall continue your schooling. When you have passed your 12th birthday, that is the day of manhood, and then you should choose unto yourself.”

In your schooling you had learned of all the great philosophers of the land. You had learned of the great knowledge brought forth from the other planetary systems. You had heard and learned of the great war upon the land.

And the day came forth unto your birthday. And your father said, “Come with your brothers and myself. And in the day you shall choose.”

And so you cast upon the sea. And there you saw your father cast his net. And as the net was brought forth, you went forth unto your brother and you said, “Brother, our father is fishing for one type of fish, and yet there are many other kinds in the net. What shall you do with the other type of fish that you do not want?”

And the brother said, “We shall return them into the sea.”

And as your brothers went forth unto the net to bring forth the fish, cleaning and depositing them into the tanks for transportation back unto the mainland, you soon found that your hands were not hardened as your brother, as you worked and toiled; they soon began to bleed. One of your brothers came forth with a cloth and cleaned your hands, and said unto you, “You are not ready for this type of work.”

And you said unto him, “But I must do my part.”

And so, your father and your brothers made counsel. And each brother spoke in turn and said unto you, “Each of us should do of this toil, not that you should be greater than ourselves, but that our words, that our feelings might go forth and one day reach the councils, that they should know that we do not desire war against our mother[-land]. This is why we have all worked for the day that you would go on with your education.

It was not long until the craft made back for the port land. And as the fish of the day was being emptied into the holding tanks, there stood alone and apart one in white.

As you walked forth, there was a strange look about this one. Yet you were drawn toward him.

And he said unto you, “Today you have caught the fish from the sea. Tomorrow you shall catch the fish from the ocean. And in — and a greater tomorrow you shall catch and cast your net to bring forth the men into peace and tranquility upon the earth, for you shall go forth in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.”

And then, you looked back to [where] your father and back again, and that that was standing there had gone. And you ran to your father to tell him of the story.

And your father said unto you, “Yes, all you have seen is true. For the one you have seen is he is here to prepare the way.”

That night you could not sleep, for such a great of vision came to but few men. And so you made your mind up to go forth into the land of education.

You studied in the greatest of temples. And as your father had wished, the day came that you went [in]to study under the great priest, Ra-Ta; first, unto the Temple of Knowledge, then unto the Temple of Beauty. And then, you ventured out into the land of the Eagle.

And yet, all was still not full within you, for you felt a greater need. You saw the mighty temples that were built. And you spoke unto the different priests and said, “Why should we build of these of stone? They power our land and transform our energy across the land, but what of these other buildings we build, these buildings we call of worship? Why do we build these?”

And the priest said unto you, “The temple that you shall build must be within yourself, for that is the true temple of God.”

As the days and years passed you married and continued with your work, and then went back unto your homeland, there to sit into the congress of the land. And you told them of the needs of the fishermen, yet most that were there could not understand that which you spoke of.

And then once again this strange one appeared, and said, “Worry not, for the needs of the fishermen shall be served, but not in your lifetime; not in this.”

One by one, you saw your father, you mother, your brothers, and your sisters pass away, all with the words of eternal life within. Yet, with all your education, you still did not understand. And then came the day of your own passing.

And you looked upon the Earth. As the years folded forth you saw the coming of the end of the land of Atlantis; you saw the land of the Sumerians; you saw the land of the Egyptians; you saw the land of Babylon; all rise and fall. You saw the Roman Empire come and pass before you. You saw the coming of Buddha. You saw the coming of the one known as Jesus Christ, Jesus of Nazara. You saw the one known as Mohammed. You saw unto all things, and yet, you still did not understand. You saw rebirth of many of the people you had known upon the Earth in the days of Atlantis. And still you did not understand.

Yet, many would pass before you and yet return. And they asked unto you, “Why do you not seek out the knowledge of the Earth and of the other planetary systems? Why do you remain here?”

And you said unto them, “For I do not know the meaning of the words that I was told. I saw them crucify this one upon the cross. I saw his purpose, yet I see the ones who should call themselves Christians now crucifying other people. I look upon the Earth and I see those who would crucify in his name and destroy those who should call themselves the servants of God, those of the Israelites. I see them all, yet I understand not this purpose. I must know of God’s will, that I may return to the Earth.”

And then one day, as you walked upon the greater land, you were summoned forth. And there in the house of the Lord you stood before Him.


And you said unto the Lord, “I have served, both on earth and in heaven, yet I see no purpose in returning back to this you call of Earth. I see man killing man.”


And you said, “Oh, Lord, I shall go forth, yet I do not fully understand that which You wish of me. I shall go forth because long ago I heard of Your words and I believed, and I still believe. But how shall I know of the path that I shall seek?”


And so you came forth this time, this place, this land, once again. Yet you still ask the same question. And we say unto you, the answer lies within in the temple of God, into the quiet place within your mind. Look there, and you shall find the truth of the words we have spoken.

This is all on this subject at this time.

We should say these words unto the one who should seek, the one known as [7–22–74–003], who should seek safety in the land of the Californians. The land you seek shall be part of an island in the later days, when the isles of California shall come forth. But we say unto you, we have given you the words and the knowledge and a promise of a child yet unborn. When you have prepared that within yourself, all that shall come forth that thy desire. But the safest place that thy can find shall be within thyself and in thy soul. It does not matter in the land in which thy dwell. The spiritual development that thy desire can only come forth from within.

And now, we should say unto the land of the Yuma, unto the land of the Imperial Valley, go back into the time, into your early readings, and bring forth our words. For the earthquakes that we spoke of, the one that you would only know if you saw the water move, has already happened. Make your preparations in a just and satisfactory manner. But do not do it in such a way that you should run as frightened children. We shall prepare you, that the time of the final blows [in] the separation of the land should come forth.

Soul Ray now grows weary. Yet we should answer in the mind the question of the one known as [8–27–73–001]. And we shall allow a message that is dear unto a departed one’s heart to come forth. One moment.


She asks but two things, that you go should forth in the work thy have chosen. Do so in the fullness of manner. And she says unto you, wed not but one who should walk by thy side in the manner that should prepare you for the greater work before you. But your days of loneliness should soon be over. She should thank you that you have released her. Yet she shall guide your footsteps into the new days of wedlock.

Yes, we see thy need.


And we should say unto the one who has come from the land of the Coolidge, from this day forth, thy cup shall runneth over and fulfillment of thy life shall come forth, and that that thy have sought so long shall be fulfilled. And the healing that is sought shall be given in the name of the Lord, our God.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyrighted © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona 85501

April 19, 1975

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this way, in this manner; for we shall tell unto thee the parable of the two shepherds.

For there was a father who had a great flock, and he resided and was a shepherd of all. And his wife bore him two sons, twins, as you would say, identical twins.

Yet as they grew into manhood each was different and apart unto themselves.

And the father brought them both before him and said unto him, “For my days are not long upon this land. But whether they be or whether they not be, three years you shall both have a trial. You shall split the flock among you. And in that three years the one most deserving shall have all. Yet I say unto you these words. Look unto thy brothers, for thy are brothers, and keep the Lord’s commandments at all times.”

And so the two brothers went forth to divide the flock, and the flock was divided equally into halves. And the two brothers multitude [multiplied] their flock and it grew.

And the day came when neither of the brothers could fully attend their own flocks. They could hire many others. But they were not the owners of the flocks, so they did not take care and [they] were not true shepherds of the flock.

And the two brothers came forth many times to discuss their problem, but neither could come forth with an answer.

And then one day, as the two brothers sat upon the rock, a man walked forth with gentle eyes, yet eyes that saw through all. And he stopped unto the brothers and asked unto them, “Do you own the well, therefore?”

And both brothers answered, “Yes.”

And the man said, “But which one owns it, the well?”

And the brother said, “This is the well we share together that waters both of our flocks.”

And the man turned back unto them, and said unto them, “You water your flock from the same water, then why do you not bring the flock together as one? And then between the two, your flock should be well tended, for it should be but one flock. They shall drink from the same water, and they shall breed from one unto another. And you shall gain knowledge from one unto another.”

The man drank from the well, and [then] looked unto the heavens and said, “Oh Father, bring blessings unto this well that has provided me with such sweet water. Let it ever flow.”

And the well rose and a stream came forth from the well. And beneath the stream there soon formed a beautiful lake.

And the brothers looked and were amazed. And one said unto the other, “This must be a magician. We should look farther unto his words.”

And each walked forth, one saying unto the stranger, “You said when you came, you asked us who owned the well. And we answered that we both owned the well. You said, ‘Then let your flock come together,’ and we would prosper, one from the other, the knowledge. But our father has decreed that the one who should be above the other at the end of the three years should be the master of all.”

And the other, stranger said unto the other, “But he did, did not he say to abide unto the law of the Lord, your God?”

And both said, “Yes.”

And he said unto them, “Then did not the Lord say unto you, ‘Love unto yourself one-tenth of the love I provide unto you, and love unto your brother in the same manner.’”

And both agreed.

And they said unto him, “You are of such great wisdom we should follow you and leave our flock.”

And he turned back unto them, and he said, “You shall follow me, but you shall not leave unto your flock unattended. For you have learned this day and taken the wisdom that has been given through me unto the father, unto the son. Therefore, go unto the father to tell him of your decision.”

And the man passed away before their eyes.

And both brothers rushed unto their father to tell him of their amazing story.

And the father looked unto them, and said, “It has been written that the eldest should inherit, but since you were both born at the same time, you both are the eldest, and both should share equally. But the wisdom that the stranger has given unto you is wise. Use this same wisdom with your shepherds and you shall find that they shall become better shepherds. For he has given you more advice than just the shepherd of sheep, for he is [the] Lamb. Yet wisdom has flown from his lips.”

And they said unto [their] father, “Then we should slaughter a lamb and take it before the altar unto this one.”

And their father said, “Nay, for this one does not ask for the blood of the lamb, but the cleanness within your souls and hearts.”

And so the time passed, and they used the wisdom passed on. And soon they were to know that of the man they had spoken to, for the man was the, that of Jesus of Nazara.

And they had also heard of the crucifixion, and the wisdom that was to be passed from the Essenes of the crucifixion and the resurrection. And so, they and their kind made vows, therefore, to go forth and prepare the way for the second coming. And the second coming shall be the coming and the only coming upon the Earth of the true Messiah.

Others shall come forth and bear witness in your time to false testimony. Others shall come forth and bear witness to false prophecy. But we say unto you, learn from the words and the knowledge of the Shepherd. For as you should reach the top of the ladder, if you have fully felt the love given by the Shepherd of shepherds, then you shall know that you always must return to tend your flocks. Knowledge is born in wisdom, and wisdom is born in compassion. And compassion is born in knowledge. But all is born in love.

Glory be the name of the Lord, our God, forever and ever.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have a question, I have a request for a life reading from [9–7–73–001…Casa Grande, Arizona]. And she asks for a life reading and any past experience with her son.”

Would you repeat again this question.

“[9–7–73–001], she asks for a life reading and any past experience with her son.”

First we should answer your question in this manner. We shall give forth the information upon the soul who has requested it. We may not give forth information of another soul without the direct permission of the soul.

Therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same, and therefore, we have the records.


We find this one — in the city of the mail continent of Atlantis.


We find this one as the son of a shopkeeper who dealt in foreign arts, or artistry, from paintings unto sculpture of many types. And as a youth, the admiration for the work and the paintings that should come from the great land of [Imbala], the unique texturing of the paintings in the exact proportions of both humanoid form and the animal-formed kingdom and the preciseness of motion caught forth in the paintings greatly intrigued this one. He studied the technique used in these by the hour. It was his greatest wish to go forth, therefore, and learn from the masters. But when inquiring about the masters, he found that the masters had gone into the great city of the Sumerians, of Ur.

He went forth unto his father and said, “Father, I have completed most of my education. I do not wish to go into the priesthood, yet I love our God, the Lord, quiet greatly. But I would go, therefore, into the great city of Ur and learn of the masters who have brought forth such beauty upon the Earth. And I would learn as much from them as possible. But yet, I would take [in] my travels on into the city and the great temples of the Egyptan, and therefore, learn from the masters there.”

And the father thought long upon this, for this was his youngest child. His wealth was not great, and therefore, he sought out the advice of the priest at the great temple of Arcan, and therefore, did come forth unto him that they would apprenticeship him as a student in this manner, for permission must be granted from the great priest, Ra-Tai, in Egyptan.

And as the days and months passed you were soon to think that all had been forgotten of you. The days went by as you worked in your father’s shop, as you sketched and drew, and repeated your drawings. And then, you were brought forth one day as a caller came unto the shop, and said, “An audience has been made, and you shall see the great priest, Ra-Tai.”

And the great Priest Ra-Tai said unto you, “You shall go unto the great city of Ur, and therefore learn, and then unto the city of Egyptan. And then we shall prepare you for further work in a great land beyond this one. But on the completion of all your work, you shall come forth unto me and we shall discuss further your future.”

And so you ventured forth in one of the great crafts into the land of Ur. And the art of painting, you found that the great study of the human anatomy and the anatomy of all animal force around and about was brought forth unto you. What you thought you could consume in a short time soon extended into years and months.

And then, the day came forth when you went, therefore, into Egyptan. You studied there.

And then, as the years had passed and your hair had turned unto silver you were ready. You had learned from the masters. And you went unto the great priest, Ra-Tai, and the great priest, Ra-Tai, said to, “Come forth, for we shall take thee into the land of the Eagle.”

And you ventured forth, and there to see many great sights. Audience was prepared, and there you saw before you this strange creature, the one whose legend was that never died, that lived forever, that he was one of the ones who had come from the other planet upon this Earth.

And he said unto you, “Go therefore into the great temple and prepare the ledgers that shall be buried, and then come back. When you have finished your task, you shall go into another land.”

And so, when your task was finished it seemed as though that age no longer came forth into you, that your body was ageless. The hours were long, the work was hard, but but satisfactory.

And then, when you had finished you went back. And he said unto you, “Now, you shall go unto the land of the Yucatan. And when you have finished the work there, you shall go unto the land of the Tibetan.”

And he did send you unto five places upon the Earth, to do each into a sector of a different work.

And he said unto you, “Now that you have finished and accomplished unto all of your task[s], your years have numbered over 2,000. It is now time that your body should rest. You shall come forth into a new land. The time shall be in the time that a nation shall be born under God, yet shall waver many ways. But you shall come forth, not as man, but you shall come forth in a spiritual form, and you shall seek out a man known as Joseph Smith. And you shall bring forth a message to him. And you shall prepare, therefore, plates laden in gold of the scripture that we shall place before you. Warn him that there shall be many who should change his words after he has passed beyond. And warn him that should this happen, then all shall be made right in a different time. But in that time I shall come forth unto you and come before you, for I shall come forth to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. All things before you shall change. You shall observe all these changes.”

In your travels and in your work you had had little time for marriage or companionship, and he said unto you, “Now choose of yourself a wife, that your seed may be laid upon the Earth.”

And you looked upon him and said, “But I am old. How can my seed be prepared upon the Earth?”

And he said unto you, “For one day a son shall be born unto you, and that seed must have a passageway, a link, that both shall know of their destiny and where they have been, that that they shall know where they are going.”

Now we should say unto you, you have come upon the earth this time; you have follied and fallen, yet to rise again. And you shall look upon our words with disbelief.

But we say unto you, the Eagle is in flight. The time for the preparation is now. Soon all of the work you have laid before you shall be unearthed and brought forth into the light. And Atlantis shall rise again. And we say unto you that the work that is overlaid in turquoise, in silver, and in gold, and the records that lay in the valley beneath the sea, in the land of the Yuma, in the land where the great oyster shells lay now, is the work of thy son.

You should let not all go to waste, for we have opened the doorway unto the past only that it may be provided for the future. For we say unto you unto these words, to know where you have been is only to know where you are going. But the past is not important; the future is.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

Now we should say unto you, for soul Ray tires, and our time is short at hand. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Tornado, earthquake, and famine shall follow the path.

We shall say unto you, you have yet to use the wisdom of your youth. You have yet to see the judgment and the knowledge that is needed. Therefore, we say unto you, place, therefore, on your Board of Directors this position, and it shall be called the researcher of the famine — but it should be called, Research. And the person we should say unto this one known as [T____ B_____ [10–5–74–004]] should be placed in this position.

Now we say unto the one known as [8–27–73–001], we have provided all things unto thyself, one by one. Yet you continue to seek out your wants instead of your needs. You have not listened unto the wisdom that has been given unto you by the Prophet. On many times he did say unto you many things. Now he has given you another pathway. Hark and listen — or we shall build fire underneath the ass of the burro.

But we say unto you, the hand that giveth must measure the hand that taketh. So far you have been given. Now you should put forth some of that that has been given back into the pot that it may make a good brew for yourself and all. We shall also tell unto you that your mind is as clear to the Prophet as a mirror and each thought that dwells within it. Therefore, do not say unto him half a truth, leste you offend his intelligence, and ours.

We should prepare unto you the day that you should become a minister. We shall mold this clay, even if it must be done of fire.

Unto this day he has spoken unto two, and given unto you guidance and placed flowers at your feet. The thought was implanted by us. And that that God bindeth together, let no man taketh apart.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


April 26, 1975

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner, in this way.

For we should tell the of the parable of the shepherd of the pasture and the shepherd of the hill.

For the shepherd of the pasture [and] the lowlands had grazed his flock for many a day upon the green meadows, and the shepherd of the highland had grazed his flock upon the meadows in the mountaintops. And for seven years both flocks had flourished.

And the shepherd of the mountaintop did dream, and in his dream he saw three lean sheep and three fat sheep. And he saw the creeks turn bright red with blood. When he awoken from his dream he was much frightened. But he knew not who to speak to. And so he knelt and prayed. And in his prayer he said unto the Almighty, “Oh, Lord, I know You have spoken to me in my dream, but I do not understand this that you have given unto me.”

And the shepherd in the valley, he did dream. And he dreamed of three fat sheep and three lean sheep, and he saw the river and the lake run blood-red also. And he awokened and was afraid. And he did pray unto the Lord.

And he did so for three days and three nights. And so did the shepherd of the hills.

And upon the third day, an eagle appeared unto both. And the eagle of the valley flew unto the mountaintops. And the eagle of the hills flew unto the valley. And the shepherd of the valley did interpret that he should move his flock unto the mountains for protection. And the shepherd of the hills did interpret that he should move his flock unto the valley.

As they move forward, they met at the crest of the hill, and each told unto the other their story and their dream. And then before them an eagle appeared again, but the eagle turned into man. At first they were both frightened. And he said unto them, “Fear not, for you have prayed unto the Lord for one who has suffered as you are suffering. And so, the Lord has sent me forth to guide your footsteps, not to take your place as shepherds, but that you may become better shepherds.”

And each said unto this one, “But we saw the eagle fly, one unto the mountains and one unto the valley, and we interpret this to move our flock, and we did so.”

And the one who appeared before them said unto them, “Nay. Tell of me your dream.”

And each told of their dream.

And he said unto them, “For there shall be three lean years, but first there shall be three fat years. And the water shall turn red, for then, from the sparse land the rain shall come and wash the water and turn it red and the ground shall erode. But after this time has passed the water shall settle and clear. But you must go unto the valley, both of you, and make a storehouse. And you must go to the mountains and make a storehouse. And you must dig a tunnel into the mountain and divert a creek into the mountain that the water may run, and therefore, store in your days of need. But we say unto you, you must act as one, for should you quarrel there shall be no storehouses at all.”

And so they commenced their task, and they did gather grain and wheat and grasses of all kinds and did make great storehouses. And they did dig into the mountain and create a waterway into the same. And the three years passed very rapidly, yet they worked hand in hand.

And when they finished their task the three fat years has passed. And they began to dispense their food unto their flock, but they began to quarrel over which flock should drink first.

The one from the mountaintop said unto the valley, “We have dug this into the mountain and the mountain, therefore, belongs to me, and my sheep should drink first.”

The one from the valley said unto him, “But my labor went into the digging, so my sheep should [drink] first. And most of the hay we stored came from my valley.”

And as they quarreled, their sheep did wander away, looking for water because they stood before it and the sheep could not get to it. And one by one the sheep were scattered.

When they stopped arguing and turned, they saw the sheep were gone. So each struck out on their own to gather their sheep, and along the way they found many dead. When they returned, each returned with three lean sheep.

And as they entered the water way the eagle did appear again in front of the water way, and said unto them, “You have heeded not our warning. You have taken not the help we offered and you prayed unto the Lord to receive. Therefore, you have lost your flock but three. Now we say unto you, should the flock rebuild, bring it together as one, and act not as two shepherds, but one shepherd. Let your flock mingle together, drink together and eat together, breed together, and the flock shall replenish itself. For those who have passed on but wait for new entries into the body substance and they shall become the seed of your new flock. But do not be so foolish again.”

And so the shepherds started to build once again. And the flocks did increase very rapidly, for they had much food. And in three years, the lean years had passed and the shepherds decided to split their flock and one go back to the valley and one go back to the mountains. And once again they began to argue. And the sheep were unattended. And the wolf did come and attack the flock, and many sheep died and many were frightened off of the mountaintop and into the lakes and drownded. And when they finished their argument once again they turned to find their sheep, each going in his separate way, and they did return with three sheep each.

They were fat sheep, and the sheep had gluttoned themselves to where they could not [breed].

And once again the eagle did appear before them, and said unto them, “Once again you have droven your flock away.”

And both of the shepherds knelt down before him.

And he said, “Kneel not unto me, kneel unto the Lord, your God. For you must be able to forgive yourselves, and the Lord, God, shall forgive unto you. But when you arise, let you arise as one, or the Lord, God, shall find new shepherds.”

And so, as they arose, they arose as one. And once again, for three year they did mingle their crop, this time never to divide. And the crop did coveth the land. And the shepherds did prosper, and the sheep did prosper.

Now we say unto you, the parable we have told unto you is a parable of your time. We have told you before that where no water flowed water would flow, that that was desert that should bloom forth into gardens, that that that was forest and where the green meadows grew would become deserts. The time is at hand, the erosion of the land.

We have told you within the parable of that that has happened before within your organization — because of your quarrels, because of your non-unity.

We are here but for one purpose and that purpose shall be the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We are here to give healing into the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of man. We are here to prepare a way. Heed our words, or your land shall see three-thousand years of darkness, not as you should count, but as our Lord should count, and each day should be as a thousand years.

We have told you of the time of the valley beneath the sea. [Editor’s note: the Yuma, Arizona area.] We have told you of the time of the earthquakes, of the hurricanes and the eruptions of the land. All you have seen and felt. We have also told you that we would bring forth the knowledge to protect yourselves and your flocks. Therefore, we say unto you, study well the words of the parable. Think before you should act in anger or jealousy. Knowledge is born in the minds of men through the whispering winds of the voice of our Lord.

We have named those who should become ordained ministers. But first they must serve as teachers. And therefore, in your month of June the one known as [9–10–74–001], the one known as [7–27–74–001], and the one known as [10–5–74–004] shall all become teachers. Prepare, therefore, the robes as such, and we shall be present, and the Lord, God, shall be present.

This does not mean that they should not continue their studies, for they shall reap their own harvest. But to become a teacher is but the beginning. Each of these three have asked for a way to serve. We have provided that that they have asked.

Prepare now for these lean years ahead, but prepare by preparing your people. Take forth your teachers’ courses, that more teachers should come forth, and more ministers should come forth.

And we say unto you, prepare now unto this that shall be known as the book, The Psychic Gift before the Dawn. We shall give you further information from time to time on this, thy subject.

But strengthen thy warehouses and fill of them with seed and tool. We say unto you, prepare not but one warehouse, but three, and then we shall say unto you, prepare more.

We should say unto the one known as [8–27–73–001] and [11–26–71–002], prepare thyselves to come before the ankh as one, for that that should be made in heaven shall be made on earth as such.

We should also say unto you, as of two weeks has passed, contact the person who is taking care of your non-profit status, that a fire may be lit underneath the burro.

We know you have many questions and many thoughts within your mind. One of those is the fear of the journey of soul Ray into the city of Tucson. We should say unto you, prepare therefore among four among you that should be present when the reading takes place.

Now is the time of the Cherub. One moment.

Yes. Yes, we see this. Yes.

Then we should answer into the one who asks this question, “Into the land unto which I dwell, what danger lies there for myself and my family?” And we shall say unto you, we shall go before you and prepare a way. A time shall come when the land shall no longer be safe unto you. But as the three years of the fat sheep, reap from the harvest now.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for privacy.]

Copyright © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


May 3, 1975

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner, in this way.

For we shall tell unto thee the parable of the farmer and the shepherd.

Each year the farmer did grow his crop. And in his crop he grew of many things of many kind[s], but the abundance of his crop was grain. And each year he went forth unto the market to market his grain. And each year the shepherd came forth and bought at the market many things.

But yet, when they reached the market place the dealer bought from the farmer for one price and sold to the shepherd at another price. And all things were good until the dealer became very greedy and kept buying for less and selling for more.

And one day upon the route to the market place the shepherd and farmer did meet. And the shepherd was very angry at the farmer and said unto him, “How can I continue to raise my flock when the product I buy from you is beyond that that I receive from the wool from my sheep?”

And the farmer did say unto the shepherd, “How can I continue to raise my crops when the wool I buy from you is beyond that which it costs me to grow my crop?”

And finally as they talked anger passed and reason came forth. And the two did meet and understand one another. And therefore, they and the other shepherds and the other farmers did do their trading and never went unto the market place.

And soon the other people that ventured forth unto the market place came unto them to purchase the things that were needed. Then soon the merchants came forth unto them to buy.

And soon one day, the merchant who had raised the prices and bought for less and sold for more did come unto them. At first, the shepherd and the farmer were angry, and they did say unto themselves, “Since he cheated us, now we shall cheat unto him.”

But then, before them came forth one dressed only in white cloth and wore sandals. And twelve walked with him. And he said unto them, “We wish to buy your product. But we cannot buy unless we buy at the same price as all, for if you should do the thing that your greed and your hatred has set forth this day, then you shall be worse than the person who cheated you in the beginning. Because you have been honest you have prospered. Your lands have become more fertile. Your flocks have become larger. But if you begin, as this one has, then you shall soon be as he, without a field and without a sheep, therefore, to tend.”

Yet still the farmer and the shepherd were angry. And he said unto them, he said, “Shepherd, you have many sheep in your flock. Are they all well-behaved?”

And the shepherd said, “Nay, I have some that continue to stray from the flock and endanger my flock unto the wolves, because I must tend them and give them extra attention that my flock should need.”

And he said unto him, “But yet you continue to bring them back unto the flock, is that not true?” And he said, “And you farmer, do you have fields that grow better than others, yet it makes you work more? Yet you do not give them up and say they are worthless, but you try each day to make them better. Only in this manner may you return all of your flock and all of your fields back into which they are. And by maintaining them, so shall they grow and prosper.”

The farmer and the shepherd thought long on their words. Then they said unto this one, “You are very wise. Where, therefore, do you get your wisdom?”

And he looked unto them and said, “My wisdom should come from my Father and yours, for are we all not the children of God? And does not the sun and the rain shine on all and fall on all in equal?”

And this one said, “You have done well, farmer, for you have stayed within your trade. You have done well shepherd, for you have done that that you knew best. Then we say unto you, the time that you have taken to establish a market place has taken you from your fields. If the merchant has learned his lesson and learned it well, return him back into a merchant, for that’s what he does best. But make him a merchant of your kind.”

And then he called back unto the one known as Judas for the purse, to pay for the things he would purchase.

And both the farmer and the shepherd said, “Nay, for you have already paid for your purchase in the wisdom of your words.”

And he said unto them, “Nay, for the wisdom of my words came from my Father. The bread and the food that we should purchase, and the meat, and the clothing has also been provided by our Father. Yet should a workman be worthy of his wages, so you should be worthy of the labor you have brought forth in producing the crop before you. But learn from that that the mistakes of the merchant.”

Now we say unto you, and we should say these words unto your shepherds. You have before you at this time a similar case. Both the farmer and the shepherd know quite well that should a member of their flock continue to endanger the whole flock, then it must be plucked from amidst the flock. And if weeds should grow in the field, then the garden should be weeded.

We would suggest that you take these words that we have spoken unto this one. We would also suggest that you should remind this one that we have come forth that nothing may be hidden, that all was covered it shall be brought forth into light.

But yet remind yourselves that we are here but for one purpose, for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. As many hands that are needed shall be provided. But never deny one more hand.

But we also say unto you, make your decision and bring it, therefore, before your prophet, that your recommendations and the final decision shall be made in the same manner.

We shall also say unto you, that as we are the servants of God, so the ministers are the servants of the shepherd unto God, and so the shepherds are the servants of the prophet unto God, and so the flock should be the servants unto God, but each in turn, should no minister show disrespect for the offices that we have set forth. Should no office in your Association be overruled by another without due course and recognition.

We have chosen very carefully one by one and two by two, and we shall continue in the same fashion, that the day of preparation should come forth upon the land.

We have prepared you with the knowledge of the famine. Now we should say unto you, new earthquakes shall appear across the land. Tornados and hurricanes shall sweep the crops.

We say these words unto you, for this land of yours shall remain safe, but all of you shall feel the effects of the other land. In the planning of your distribution of your food, plan in such a way that you may serve all of your flock. Do so in this manner. Advise your people to keep enough food and water, clothing, and the essential medications on hand, that they may remain in one place until it is safe for them to journey or for you to journey forth to bring them into safer land.

You are seeing the end of a war and the beginning of a new war. We should say unto you, for those who should plot and build armies, and store weapons in the land you call Texas, should plot to overthrow your Government and the government of Mexico. These are the same who assassinated many of your people.

Grow strong within yourselves, and [then] open the door that others may enter, and through this strength your growth now shall mature.

Now that the Rose without Thorns is fully protected and the work is fully protected, that it may not be misused, a way shall be opened and it shall be given wings. Prepare, therefore, for the new book, A Psychic Gift before the Dawn, to come, therefore, together. And the knowledge has already been given. You shall find the knowledge in the lectures and the lecture tape, that soul Ray has gone forth upon the land. Other knowledge we have implanted within his mind for the fulfillment of the book. But many minds that work together should make the book into that which you desire.

And now we should say unto the one[s] known as [11–26–71–002] and [8–27–73–001], for that and the vows that you shall take, we have prepared the way that three days shall come into one. But love is like a rose; grasp it not too tightly that it may mature and grow, day by day. You have the counsel of the prophet and you have the counsel that we should bring forth unto you.

And now we shall allow one message. This message is for the one known as [5–3–75–001]. And it should be as following — For I have gone before you to prepare the way, and now I have prepared a way that your father should come forth and prepare a way for a greater coming. I have chosen his mate. Accept the gift that is given, with love.

And to [11–26–7–002], give the love that I have given and it shall be returned. For I shall watch over this marriage. For as life was given to me, everlasting and enjoyful, so I wish it to be given unto my beloved [8–27–73–001] and my beloved [11–26–7–002]. This I give you as your wedding gift.

And now we should say unto thee unto these words. Many questions lie dormant within your minds. We shall bring forth new knowledge as the days should pass. That that your organization is today, it is but entered from the brook unto the river. Now the growth shall commence. Take forth your newsletter. Bring forth the best of artistry. Improve the cover, or the cover of your newsletter. Bring it forth now in a magazine form. Reach out and gather advertisement to go in the same. And it shall sprout wings and grow.

We find one tonight who is greatly troubled. And we have permission to answer the question within her mind. Spring has come upon the land and flowers shall grow. Give them time for summer to come forth and then autumn, and that shall be the time of harvest.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

We shall say unto one other, the fulfillment of a karma has been completed. Now you are free of your past, for the day of pharaoh is behind you.

Soon shall come forth the first of the prophesies of soul Ray’s visions, the vision we showed him of the coming of time, the fuse that was lit in France that grew unto Israel which coveth the Earth. This vision in your new book should be illustrated and brought forth.

We may tell you of the coming and that that might happen in the future. But as Jonah, all does not happen if prayer is given forth into the Lord and a change is made. [See Jonah, chapters 3 and 4.]

But we shall say unto you, you who should live under the American flag, you who founded your nation on the basis of freedom of religion, our Father has many mansions. Each is great to behold. We have brought forth unto you a philosophy. But we should say unto you who have taken the vows of ministry, your vows unto your ministry shall come before all other things, and all other religions. For without the fulfillment of those vows, the other religions shall fall. And this will be a sad day in man’s eyes and in God’s eyes. For God did not make the rules of His worship, man has made them. Yet each in his separate way in his way of seeking forth his Father, all of these should be fulfilled. It is the job of the ministry to see that these are fulfilled, that each person who should wish to worship their God in their own way should retain that right and privilege. But you must grow strong in unity.

Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


May 7, 1975

Tucson, Arizona

Aka is here.

Good evening, Aka, Where Ray?

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer your question in this manner.

For as Abraham begot the nation of Israel, so he begot the nation and the nations of the Arabian world. And so, as was promised unto the Lord, a coveth was made unto the same, that the seed of Abraham should spread upon the earth.

Yet you say unto us, “How can this be?” And we should say unto you, as the descendents of Abraham, the Lord, God, can change as you would turn a stone. Yet through life, and the resurrection of life, so should the seeds grow and mature. Yet, as in the days of Abraham, as he did giveth unto the prince who had no record of his coming and no record of his going, the Prince of Salem, yet he gave humbridge into the son, therefore, the first-born. [ See Genesis 14:18–20 and Hebrews 6:20 and 7:1–16.]

And as Israel rose, yet did fall, yet we say unto you these words, the second coming, should not the Eagle [U.S.A.] spread its wings and protect, then all shall lose, all the descendents of Abraham shall lose. And the Earth shall find three thousand years of darkness, yet upon it.

And you say, “How can this be?” Then look about you. The Fifth Angel walks upon the earth. Famine and pestilence lay waste to the land. Earthquake and tornado have made it barren. And yet the land lays of the same land as in the days of Abraham.

We are here to prepare a way. We are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah unto the Earth. Yet the galaxies, and galaxies beyond, shall know of it and bow before it. And so the nations and nation shall bow before him, all in the same manner.

But the Lord, our God, wishes not that man walk around with bowed heads, but with heads held high unto themselves. For if man looketh at the ground and never looked into the eyes of another, how shall he know the Messiah when he cometh?

We have said before that none from either side shall interfere with the work that is at hand. And so it shall be. But for those who should leaveth and taketh into their hands, and walketh in a righteous manner before man and God, they should fear not.

For the Lord, our God, looks upon the earth and says unto you, “I AM WEARY. I NEED NOW A PLACE TO REST MY WEARY HEAD.”

Therefore, maketh unto the Earth, even through your days of famine, a restful place for the Lord within you.

You shall say unto yourselves, we have spoken as unto riddles, yet we have not. For all things that should come forth may be taketh away.

We say unto these words, beware, for what a mighty nation was Israel, and [then] she did become foul and polluted in the eyes of the Lord. And there she was cast, amongst the world, into the day she could cleanse herself and come back as a servant of the Lord. All that was prophesied has been fulfilled. And all that has been prophesied shall be fulfilled.

We come not to place fear in the hearts of men. We come not to place brother against brother and sister against sister. We come as peacemakers. We bring forth the gift of healing unto the Earth, both of the mind, the body, and the spirit. We come forth as new wine. And as it has been said before, place not new wine in an old cask, lest the cask should break and you should lose of it. We have brought unto your hands A Rose without Thorns. Soon shall flow a Psychic Gift before the Dawn, a psychic gift unto mankind, a Godly gift.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [5–7–75–001…Tucson] asks, ‘What should I do in order to resolve current emotional problems and establish a more perfect emotional balance?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. And therefore, we should answer in this manner.

It has been said, to know where you are going is to know where you have been. But to know where you have been is only to learn from that direction you shall turn. Examine that of your past in such a manner that you should not use yourself as a whipping boy, but you may learn from it and rise above it.

It has been said, “Ask and you shall receive.” You have asked, and therefore, we shall place the bread and the wine at your feet. We shall giveth into your keeping the yeast. For as we came, and the Morning Star was born once again in the hearts of men, so shall we walk beside thee and give thee the guidance throughout your trial and tribulation.

But we say unto you, come forth unto the Eagle’s nest, and therefore, take of the knowledge. You shall find that there are many sides to a sword, one that cutteth away the past and let it fall, the other that cutteth away and make room for the future that it may grow. We say unto you, allow us to weed your garden that new growth and maturity may come in its place.

The healing thy have asked for shall be given in the Lord’s name, by the Lord’s will. Glory be the name of the Lord, our God.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [5–7–75–002] asks, ‘Other than the steps I have already taken, what else can I do to create a better and happier future?’”

We should ask unto you to repeat the information of the vital statistics.

“[5–7–75–002], place of birth…I don’t have the date of birth, born at 3:30 a.m….present living address….” [Editor’s note: No birth date, city and state was said.]

Insufficient data.

You have other questions, ask.

“[5–7-?5–003…Globe, Arizona] who is here tonight…asks, ‘Aka, should I associate with H___ B_____, open a health food store, or do you have another path which would be better for me to follow at this time?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. At the present time, thy desired path is too hasty. A new pathway is about to open and blossom before you. It has been laying at your feet, yet you have not seen it. We say unto you, come, therefore, unto soul Ray for consultation, and the pathway shall be made clear unto thy eyes. We did not bring thee across the continent for no purpose. We did not guide thy footsteps without a purpose. You asked unto the Lord, and so the Lord has giveth unto thee. Thy asked for a pathway, and the Lord giveth this unto thee.

Yet, we see thy frustrations.

If you went into the desert without food and water, and looked into the heavens and said, “Lord, I have been lazy and not provided the food and water; provide me, therefore, with food and water,” should the Lord, therefore, provide the food and water? Or should He provide thee with the knowledge to obtain the same? In this manner, so it shall come. Full direction and farther direction shall come from time to time as the need should arise.

But we shall answer fully your question. We have promised with the word of our Father to take care of the needs, not of the wants, for the use and construction of this work. And so it shall be. But for every laborer who should lay a hand, they are worthy of their pay. Therefore, we shall provide with the necessary means of their livelihood.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [8–15–74–002…Tucson] asks, “Please give guidance and direction for the entity at this time — name: [Caliasaus, Previus] or Previous.’”

We find no entity at this time to give guidance to.

We shall give thee guidance unto this manner, and unto this way. For the land unto which thy stand has been laid waste by thieves too long. We should mold unto thy mind and into thyself the makings of a teacher, much as the teachers thy have at hand. Each step that has been taken has been taken with your specific guidance in mind and development and growth. Yet we come to put flowers where no flowers have blossomed in a long, long time. And so it shall be. We shall answer your question only in parts, for there is not time at the present time to answer in full.

We shall tell of thee in this manner. You were born in the Year of the Horse, in the land of Atlantis. Your mother, therefore, and your father, being both of the priesthood, did go, venture forth into the land of Egyptan. And you were raised in the Temple of the Beauty, there where your mother and your father both worked. Many incarnations were brought forth from the man–animal and the mutates of the great war. Yet, to prevent a war you did venture forth into the land of the Eagle to learn and develop, and therefore, you wore the white robe, which later was known as the Brotherhood of the same.

You sought re-entry in the time of the preparation for the coming of the one known as Jesus of Nazara. You worked closely by the side of the man known as John the Baptist, and did learneth many things and wonders from this one. Yet again that time has arisen.

You wished to see the time of the walking upon the American Continent of the one known as Jesus of Nazara. And so it was granted. You did come unto the land you stand now, and he did walk upon the land. And you did journey unto the land of the Black Mesa, and therefore, did see the eagle in flight. And he did say unto you, “When the eagle flies again you shall know of my cometh again upon the Earth, and you shall know of the kingdom of God within all man is at but hand. Go, therefore, and prepare a way for me.”

And so you chose entry at this time, at this place. Yet many small problems have arisen, and you wonder why they have arisen. In your own life and the choice you have made, you wonder why you have been pushed, and you have chosen this, yet to find your way unto the doorway that you stand now. All has been only to answer that which you asked for. You must not let the confusion that lies around you govern your life.

A way must be prepared for the Book with wings. As we have said before, these shall come in many fold, first the Rose without Thorns, second The Psychic Gift before the Dawn. We say unto you, prepare, therefore, a way for the Rose without Thorns. We shall guide thy footsteps if thy should make the effort. Each word, each syllable, shall have meaning in fullness unto thyself at another time.

We shall replace the guides that stand beside thee as thy growth and maturity should demand of the same. This shall confuse you at times, but we say unto you leste confusion be the ruler of thy mind, that should a man pray to use one hand in the place of two, then those from both sides shall be sent unto them, so that the lesson may be learned. As your development should grow, then the time shall come and be at hand that a new name should be giveth unto you. Be patient.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [H____ R. C______…] and is here tonight, asks, ‘Where should I go? Who should I talk with? And when should I go to look for a job?’”

First, as the first should be last and the last should be first, we should answer in this manner. In the days that lies ahead, the jobs shall become more scarce. We shall answer in this manner. It would be better at this time that you would stay in such a manner of becoming self employed. This should come about through the distribution of the vitamin substance of the same. This shall open the doorways that you may talk to many.

You have other questions, ask.

I have no other question here, Aka.”

Then we shall answer. Woe be John [1–21–72–002–7]. And woe be the madness.

But great be those who have forgiveness and mercy in the name of the Lord, for it is not the Lord who judgeth, but man.

In the task at hand some shall judgeth in such a manner that they should be harsh. Our Father often looks at the folly of His children and should shed tears for them. But He can also laugh with them, for this has been the Lord’s greatest gift unto mankind, the laughter.

There is a time for planting. There is a time that the planting should mature into growth. And then there is a time for harvesting and making all parts into a happy flowing song. There is a time for rest. But should at any time you overdo in any one of the areas and not allow time for the growth, time that the earth should rest, time for the planting — do not plant one day and expect to harvest the next. Plant your seed; water it. Let the sun come forth and the rain fall. Watch it, weed it, cultivate it. And then when the harvest time comes, do not let it over ripen, but harvest it when it is ready. This shall answer your question. But do not be as the dog who should sit on his own tail and cry because it should hurt. Do not be as the ass who must have a fire built beneath it to rise.

But do not be a hypocrite into thyself. When you should speak unto the Lord, speak to Him as you would speak unto yourself. Do not repeat words that mean nothing to you, or they shall mean nothing unto the Lord. It is not necessary that you should kneel (chuckle). But stand up; rise! Cast your eyes into the heaven and then know that the Lord stands with thee and shall hear thee.

But that that is asked in the name of the Lord in a righteous manner shall be given. And the healing that is asked for this night shall be given.

Now is the time of the Cherub, and the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. New tornados, hurricanes, and earthquakes shall rip thy Mid-eastern states, shall rip into the land of Mexico, and in the Western seaboard, up into the Eastern seaboard. But act as a person who should walk across a stream upon the stone. Take each step and make certain that it is firm under thy feet before thy take the next; but be quick, leste the time should pass and thy should falleth in the water.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyrighted © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona 85501


May 15, 1975

Phoenix, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And now we should say unto thee unto these words.

For within your minds you have long asked unto yourselves, “Why not does not my spiritual growth come all at one time?” And we shall tell unto thee that man is much as the land he lives upon, and the seasons of the land, for in the winter the land must sleep and rest and gain strength from within. And the rain should come and fertilize and bring forth the seed. And one year the land shall be plentiful, for the rain, the sleep, the growth, and the harvest all came about at the precise time. But that does not mean that if the harvest is wrong that another year shall not come by and another harvest shall not be brought forth. And so it should be with man in his day-to-day life.

God, in His wisdom, did bring forth upon the earth each element[al] by keeping balance, that of the other.

He brought forth upon the earth your masters of spiritual knowledge, but yet He knew in each there was free choice. Some would grow only as far as they would allow themselves to grow. God did not stop their growth. Their growth was stopped within themselves. For knowledge is like the universe, it has no ending and no beginning. It is abundant. But should man close the doorways upon his mind, then knowledge stops and growth should stop. Yet should he open back up, then new growth shall mature again.

But the mind is also like a stomach. If it is overfed it will forget all it has known. It cannot digest it.

When God gave man the choice of what you call reincarnation, of life abundant and the resurrection of life, the resurrection is like the earth, from winter, to spring, to summer, unto autumn. All is beautiful, even to the worst that you may go through. For if you go through it with the thought of gaining knowledge, that knowledge you will pass on to another, and others shall benefit from it. And for each who should gain knowledge, they shall touch ten, and ten shall touch a hundred, and a hundred shall touch a thousand, and a thousand shall touch a million. And so it has been said before, that as Jesus of Nazara said, “Upon this rock I shall build my church,” he did not say unto a building, but he did say “upon this rock,” for from the rock should flow the brook and it should be as the spirits of God. And the brook should flow into the river, and the pebbles within the river should be as the spirits of man. And the river should flow unto the ocean, and the pebbles within the ocean shall be as the souls of man.

Now we say unto you, as the resurrection should come forth, the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body must be joined together in whole. Should within a lifetime the soul and the spirit separate — the spirit is that that should always know of God, the spirit [soul] is that that is learning of God — but should the soul allow the body or the mind to become such that the spirit can no longer tolerate that within it, it should depart and go back to its Father.

Yet, in the knowledge of knowing that it can no longer grow, growth must come when you have known of your numerology, and your numeral, four, and the numeral four should be as 13. And 13 was that of Jesus of Nazara. Yet it was of Buddha. Yet it was of Mohammad. We say unto you, as your lives have come forth upon the Earth, so did the many lives and many resurrections of Jesus of Nazara, first as Adam, and last as Jesus.

Yet many should reach the Christ state. And yet many shall return to the Earth, for the beggar on the street may be the next to reach the Christ state, for he has chosen that within himself, within his life, and his life learning of the steps he must take through his life.

But nothing has been predestined — only for a few, and those few have been masters. Only the master’s life span he has chosen before entry from beginning to ending. For within the master, the master — one shall return while many shall stay to be of the guides of the one. Yet he knows within himself that he must step from the top of the ladder and begin again. He shall be nudged, he shall be pulled, he shall be grasped from the bottom of the well and feel God’s gentle hands taking him onward toward his destiny.

And when we speak of the sex, we do not speak of the sex of such, for when we refer to the word, he, we only refer to mankind. This does not mean the male or female sector, for all were born equal upon the Earth. For in the beginning, God created both man and woman. And we looked upon them. They said, “We find this good, for we have created them in our likeness of our image.” And so it was so. [See Genesis 1:26–27. Editor’s note: “They” may be the Seven creative Spirits of God.]

As man began his progress upon your Earth and other earths, he did learn that birth and rebirth was necessary. Jesus of Nazara did come forth for the proof of the resurrection, the proof that life does not stop after death, that the rebirth was there. Did not his own disciples not know of him when he came forth? Did not Thomas say, “Show of me your wounds if you are he?”

And he said, “Oh, my doubting Thomas, then take your hand and feel my wounds.”

But to force the door within your mind is like forcing the ground. If the ground is gently fed with water, with sunshine, it shall produce its harvest. But it must have time to lay dormant, to replenish itself. In this land of yours, in your states of Kansas and Nebraska, man did come forth and rip from the earth that that God had placed upon it. He did destroy all of the animal life upon it, and he did leave it barren. And God did wreak unto those His wrath, but He gave them what they had done, for the wind did come and the rain did stop, and the land was useless. These men thought that they had learned all there was to know, that they could not learn from those of the Egyptans the way to irrigate the land, that they could not learn from those of the Hohokam.

Man is like your city, the bird that rose from ashes [Phoenix]. Long ago in this land in which you dwell a race lived. In peace and harmony they did irrigate the land and it was bountiful. And then great warfare came unto the land, for they become greedy beyond their needs. They made demands upon the God of One, and they turned from Him, and they did worship false idols, and the land became barren unto them. And they then remembered that that they were sent forth upon the land for, and so they ventured forth unto Black Mesa. You now call them the people of the Hopi.

You have many questions, ask.

Yes, Aka. [5–15–75–001…in Phoenix], and she asks, ‘What should I do about my eyes?’”

We shall answer in this manner. Come forth into the land of the Eagle, the land of Globe, that the proper testing should be done by soul Ray. And we shall stand, and healing shall be given unto the same. But from the growth and from the journey you shall see from within as well as from without. Both are necessary. Glory be the name of the Lord.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [5–15–75–002…in Phoenix]. ‘Am I in the right profession with the right company, and will I be a success in this place? If not, what line of work should I be in and where?’”

We shall answer your question, but it shall come in twofold. At the present time you are in the right place and right profession. In a later time you will need other employment. As we have said before, from the ashes shall come new growth, and so it shall be from within yourself. We have brought forth a new knowledge, yet not new, old knowledge, of putting together herb form and vitamin form in proportions that shall serve mankind. Think upon what we have said, and should your interest increase in our words then come back and we shall tell thee more.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [5–15–75–003] asks, ‘I have been bothered by problems concerning a person named Garry and would like your advice as to how I can resolve them.’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. When a fisherman goes forth he should find a spot that he should cast his net. He should fish for but one kind of fish, that when he casts his net and brings it forth, he may bring forth nothing or fish of many kinds. Some he should care to keep, some he should care to cast back into the ocean. I should say unto you, you have caught a fish, yet you know not which is a fisherman, yourself or the other. Let the fish go back unto the ocean until you both make up your minds. Give yourself the freedom that is needed, and the time that is needed. And if that that you think is in your heart really dwells there, then it will be in truth. But there is much ocean, and many fish. Be as the fisherman who catches nothing; cast your net again.

You have other questions, ask.

“From [5–15–75–004…Phoenix, Arizona] he’s present here tonight; he would like to know the outcome of the lawsuit against El Taco in California, and should he continue to work for El Taco here in Arizona? What other line of work should I pursue?”

First, we should answer your question; that that you have sown you shall reap. It shall be not in a bountiful form that you seek. Second, we shall answer in this manner. A man should be happy in his labor, but sometimes a man must labor and make happiness within the same. Anything that is worth doing is worth doing well, and if it is done well, it shall be seen, appreciated and rewarded. But all things would take time. Do not plant today and then expect to harvest tomorrow. Remember, spring is but the time of planting. The summer is but the time of growth. The autumn is the time for harvest.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. From [5–15–75–005…in Phoenix], she is here present tonight, ‘Can you tell me of my near future or the person in my life now?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. Within your mind lies the plans of travel. Within your mind lies the plans to establish new roots. Do not carry along extra baggage that is not needed.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka, from [5–15–75–006], and he asks, ‘What should I do to further my spiritual progress?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. All the tools that are necessary have been laid at your feet. We have placed the wine and the bread. Pick them up and you shall find the yeast.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka, from [5–15–75–001], she is present here tonight and she asks, ‘The doctors have diagnosed a serious health problem, which has resulted in being over-tired, which has affected my studies. What can you tell me on this? Thank you.’”

We have told you before, come forth in truth unto soul Ray. Within his mind lies the answer of both the health and the correction of the same. We shall stand forth. But your spiritual development and your studies should be completed, for the time of the coming of the new Messiah upon the Earth is close at hand. The time of need upon the Earth of those with spiritual growth is now at hand. Cast these aside and you shall deny his coming.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [5–15–75–008]….”

One moment.

Yes. Yes. Yes, Father.

We have been instructed to say unto you these words. We shall take care of thy needs of thy physical body. As a new coveth comes forth unto the Earth, bring thyself into the same. Come forth unto soul Ray, and all things shall come, and all thy needs. Remember, thy wants and thy needs are two different things. We shall say unto thee, as the Parable of the Rose, and the book of A Rose without Thorns, the knowledge you seek lies within, for the greatest treasure within man should lie within himself. Think thee of the parable of the little girl who waited long by the healing well, while the others went forth before her. And when God looked down He did say unto her, “WHY DO YOU NOT HASTEN UNTO THE WELL?”

And she looked unto her Lord and said, “For my faith is my healing, Oh Lord. And my Lord’s faith can never be used up, so why should I hasten?”

And the Lord did shed a tear, and the land was healed and the ocean roared, and all was blessed that day.

You have other questions, ask.

“From [5–15–75–008…in Mesa] and she asks, ‘Would a continuing association and group activities with a spiritual teacher of past two years benefit the group and/or myself?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. You have been brought forth unto a new pathway. As growth should mature, new teachers are brought forth, new guides. As you climb the ladder you shall find many pathways. We have directed your steps unto this pathway that you might grow spiritually, physically. We have also guided your pathway that you might grow and correct your own financial needs, for we shall continue to feed forth the knowledge that is needed for all of the new product for healing of many kinds.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. From [5–15–75–009…Phoenix], she asks regarding herself, ‘I would like to know what I am doing wrong, or not doing, to bring my high blood pressure down? Thank you?’”

First we should say unto this one, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body. First we should answer unto you, thy biggest problem in the high blood pressure is emotional, and therefore, biotherapy should be sought out. The second problem is that of a problem of weight. Take forth the dietary substance soul Ray should give unto thee and the diet, and the high blood pressure problem shall vanish.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, I have no further questions here tonight.”

Then we shall answer. Yes, we see thy need, and we shall give the healing that is needed into the one known as [5–15–75–010]. But we say unto you, we shall guide thy footsteps as long as thy remain our instrument. But beware that greed and need do not become confused. Healing shall be given in the name of the Lord and the [impart] therefore. Glory be the name of the Lord.

And for those who should seek of the same, we say unto thee, we have placed an instrument at thy disposal. Use of the same, and the healing that is needed shall be provided. Glory be the name of the Lord.

Now is the time of the Cherub. And the Fifth Angel walks upon thy earth. And now all the earth looks to the east. New warfare is being made ready in the land of Mexico. Beware.

Earthquakes and tornados shall plight thy land across thy nation on the eastern, on the western, and the midwestern and the mideastern country. All forms of pestilence and famine shall rain upon the land. This is but a warning. Beware that the Sixth and Seventh Seal are never opened. We are here but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Should our mission fail, then you shall go into the dark ages, and you shall go unto three thousand years of darkness, and each day shall be as a hundred years. Pray unto your Lord our mission is successful. We come not to separate. We come to bring together, that war and pestilence should end.

Think thee of the city that the prophet was sent forth unto to give warning of the day of destruction, and the people did change of their ways, and the city was spared. And the prophet went out of the gate of the city, and he did shake his fist unto the Lord and he said, “You have made a fool of me.”

And the Lord said unto him, “IT WAS YOUR JOB TO WARN THE PEOPLE, THAT THEY MAY HAVE THE FREE CHOICE TO CHANGE.” [See Jonah, chapters 3 and 4.]

It is our job to warn the people, to bring them knowledge, to bring them the gift and the wisdom of the Lord, our Father, and to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. We say unto you, your years and days grow lean, for your year of 1999 shall be close at hand.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


May 24, 1975

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord.

For we shall tell unto thee the parable of the three young priests from the three different religions, that stood beneath the mountain, and wagered which would reach the mountain top first. And as they did begin the race to the top of the mountain, each strained and did his hardest and his best.

Yet one reached the mountain top shoulders lengths before the other two. And he said unto them, “Then my religion shall be the strongest before the God of One.”

And the other two looked unto each other and thought unto themselves, “How can this be? Yet we have wagered and we have lost. And yet, have we lost all?”

And then before them appeared the Seven Spirits of the Lord.

And they looked upon the Seven Spirits and said, “How can this be?”

And the Seven Spirits spoke back as one, “For our Father has many mansions; each is no greater than another, much as your choice of religions, your way to worship your Lord. It cannot be determined by a strength of the arm or the leg, nor the swiftness of the eye. It must come from within.”

[Then] the three priests, young priests, said unto the Seven Spirits, “But which of our religions is a true religion?”

And the Seven Spirits said unto them, “All three are true. If you are true unto yourself and unto your heart, and unto your soul, and unto the spirit, then truth from within shall come from without, and all shall see. But never take another man from his religion. This is his choice, the free choice given unto him by our Lord, God, in the beginning. The Lord, God, did not place into man’s heart the way to worship Him. And He did not ask for worship, only for love.”

Then the youngest of the priests said, “Then why do we pray out loud?”

And the Seven Spirits spoke back unto him, and said, “For when you pray within, you are showing your praise unto the Lord unto yourself. But when you pray out loud you are showing your praise, unshamed, unto the Lord and His children, for nothing should be hidden from Lord’s children.” And they said, “Look and behold.”

And before them there stood the one known as the Buddha; another stood next to him as Mohammad, yet another and another. And yet, between them all stood the one known as Jesus of Nazara.

And Jesus of Nazara spoke back, and he said, “These are my brothers and these are my sisters; for I was the firstborn, and yet I came unto you to say these words, for nothing shall be hidden, for a wise father should hide nothing from his children. Did I not say unto you, ‘Destroy this temple and I shall rebuild it in three days?’ Then behold and look around and about you, and you shall see the temple of God. And look from within you and you shall see the temple of God.”

And so was the resurrection brought forth in truth unto all three of the priests.

And the three priests stoop upon the mountain, and all vanished before their eyes and they felt humble.

And the first priest who had reached the top said, “We shall go from the mountain into the valley and tell the people of the wonderful things we have seen. But we shall go forth as one, each into all of our religions, that not one, but all may share, and that way in truth we shall be the servants of God, for we shall feed His children.”

You have other questions to ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading from [24–5–75–001…Tucson]. She also asks, ‘Should I remain in Tucson or where? In Massachusetts?’ And she would like to know if she should do any healing?’”

First, we shall answer the last. Thy have never stopped healing. For that that the Lord placed within you shall continue.

Second, we shall say unto you, in the land thy dwell, the land itself should seek the greatest healing of all. So remain in this land, both for your health and for the spiritual gift that you can give mankind around you.

And now you say unto us, “Show us, show unto me where I have been that I may know where I am going.”

We shall show you, for we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body.

We find this one in the Year of the Dragon in the Continent of [Palayus, Peleaus], the sixth continent of Atlantis. And even as now as you shortly go forth upon your airplane journey, so we find you once then readying yourself for a great journey, for you would go unto the first continent of Atlantis, there to go into the priesthood. You have studied hard at the university. You had studied hard and been chosen from birth, yet the final test was yet to come. For there you would go before the great priests, Arcan and Ra-Tai.

For in the day of the making of the young priest the great priest, Ra-Tai, did come forth from the land of Egyptan. And all the priests of Ur did come forth. And as your craft did wing forth into the heavens, you thought of yourself as a bird of prey, and thought as you looked at the earth, if you could only fly without the aid of the craft. And then before you, you saw the huge eagle. At first you were astounded. Yet it did go forth before the craft as though to guide it. And you turned to the others that were upon the craft, yet none did see it but you.

As the day wore forth after your landing, and then into the next, and into the third day, your day came forth when you would appear into the great temple. And you thought what a marvelous thing this [should] be.

And as you saw the priests of Ur as you walked forth, and each held in their right hand the seven-candle candelabra. And in their left hand they held Promised One, the Tree of Life. And you thought unto yourself, “Oh, could I only be — this one, this one that is promised to come, this one who shall come after the others who are promised upon the Earth, this one who we have all learned so much about, yet know not what he looks like.”

And then suddenly, as you walked forth, the sky did open into the temple, and there the shadow of a great eagle did cast upon all. And beneath the statue stood the two great priests.

You started to bow, yet the fascination of the shadow that cast — and Ra-Tai spoke unto you and said, “Why do you tremble? There is nothing here to fear. Speak what is in your heart and in your mind.”

And as he spoke, the seven-candle candelabra appeared upon the table. Yet the candles were not lit. And then, he said unto you, “You shall take the vows, and they shall be for all planes, of all time. Yet you shall forget, and forget again, of the vows you shall take.”

And he did take from his neck the symbol of the ankh. And it was silver, and in the center was a great ruby, and he said, “Look deep, deep into the ruby, for the ruby shall show you the way and the path. And after you have seen the path to the future, then we shall commence the ceremony.”

And as you looked through the doorway of the ruby, you saw your lifetimes spread before you, one by one, as workman, fisherman, carpenter, healer, soldier. And you trembled with thought and fear, “I have gone downward; I am falling from life to life. If I should take these vows shall I fall? If I should not take these vows, then I should not become the priest that I wish to become.”

And suddenly, the shadow of the eagle was no more. And the future shone not in the ruby, no more.

And Ra-Tai said unto you, as he handed you the torch of life, “Now is the time of choice. But when you have taken all your vows, we can only say unto you that a time will come when you see the eagle fly again, and it shall be the final preparation for the coming of the Tree of Life, the Promised One.”

You picked up and began to light the candelabras, but when you reached the sixth candle and lit it you hesitated once again. And while you hesitated the wind did come forth and blew out all the candles.

And Ra-Tai took from your hand the one yet lit and said, “Then go forth and find your way, for the priesthood is not for you.”

So you did board at a great craft again to return back unto your homeland. You did become merchant and farmer, and then, in later life went into the manufacturing business and became quite wealthy. But still, throughout that life all of the lives you had seen, and the shadow, stood before you.

You went from life to life. Each time you walked close to the last candle, yet never to light it.

It lays at your hands once again in this life, in this time. You have clutched unto your worldly things with one hand and reached for your spiritual growth with the other. The possessing and earning of material growth, there is nothing wrong with this. But give unto God that [that] belongs to God. Give unto your brothern that that belongs to your brothern. But give unto yourself that that belongs unto you.

You have clutched your worldly goods tightly to your bounds, that you should leave an inheritance unto your children. And you have feared death, knowing you have not lit the last candelabra.

The eagle flies once again and casts his shadow above you. Look within that quiet place within your mind and there shall find the God-self within, where a quiet pool should dwell and there you shall find the internal lit candle of God. Light yours and set it beside it.

Prepare your garden, for we shall leave you with this promise. You have seen the Eagle in flight, he who should come forth to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. You shall be born again and see the Messiah walk upon the Earth, and you shall see the thousand years of peace upon the Earth, and you shall see a new Heaven and a new Earth. So therefore, prepare thee a way within thyself.

Now soul Ray grows weary.

Yet we should say unto you, your Annual Meeting is soon at hand. And shepherds shall become Shepherds and ministers shall become Ministers, and teachers shall become Teachers. And the seven-candle candelabra shall be lit once again in unisance. But remember, as you should all say the vows, say them from your heart.

First, you were as the river and as the brook that flowed into the river. Soon your numbers shall come like the pebbles of the ocean. Prepare your household to feed the multitudes. What God has given do not hide away, and prepare to bring forth The Psychic Gift before the Dawn.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


May 31, 1975

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner.

For as a poor man should walk upon the earth, he should only remain poor as long as his mind should not seek out from himself — for the earth was bountiful and seed was plentiful upon the earth. That that one should walk past and not see another shall come forth and see, and therefore, see within the same a city, and from his seed, a city shall grow. And because of its growth, many shall reap the fruit of its benefits.

But the one who walked past, it is easy for him to look back and say, “If I had discovered the city I would have done this or that.”

There shall be many times in a man’s life that they should see behind themselves. But if they tarry too long, they shall not know where they are going because they become so involved in their past and things that might have been they will not create that that lies ahead. For within the twinkling of an eye, man can change his own destiny.

He may take the barren desert and make it bountiful. He may conquer the air and the sea. He may conquer universes upon universes. But the greatest thing he may conquer is that from within himself, the greater part of himself. And that that he should find peace of mind within, that shall be the most bountiful of all his riches.

You shall build storehouses, and many things you shall store. But as the need should arise for each thing, a way shall be provided.

Soon shall come your day of your annual gathering. And all shall come before their God in a prayerful manner. There shall be those, who through their servitude to man, shall be honored by man, but they shall also be honored by God, for God should reward those who should feed His children and tend them and tend the flock. All of the work that is necessary shall come forth. For the day is at the hand that you shall reach into the farthest lands and bring forth the words and the knowledge we have brought forth unto you.

But a greater knowledge yet lays dormant within your minds. For within all of the work and all of the knowledge, should anyone forget that the true reason for our coming was the preparation for the coming of the Messiah — this should come first above all others.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question for a health reading from [Mrs. S_____ M____ D______, nicknamed Sandy,…Phoenix, Arizona]. And she says she has trouble with her abdomen, throat, and frequent bruises on her legs. What can she do for this? And also any comments on childbearing?”

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer your question in this manner, that the necessary herbs that are needed for the correction of the above situation lie at your fingertips. At the beginning we gave many, many health readings, as you would call them. But as we gave them, so should we prepare one that we would send within your midst as a healer with the knowledge to give healing into all, in equal proportions. Come forth unto soul Ray and he should bring forth unto the healing that is needed into the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

The bruising of the body is that of the, what you would call, of the thin skin, of the blood vessels being too close to the surface of the skin, and them being too brittle. The taking of the vitamin E substance in 2,000 units per day, with the taking of the mineral supplement, and the taking of 600 mg. per day, in the taking of the R.E. Lipo-C in the commodities of three, 3 times per day, in the taking of the niacinamide in the quantities of 300 mg. twice daily, of the taking of the Aloe Vera E Cream, moisturizing the whole body with the substance of the same, this in itself, the body would have a chance to rebuild the organisms within themselves, and your health problem would soon correct itself. But once again we would suggest that, come forth unto soul Ray, that the healing skills that we have implanted in his mind might speed up and increase the healing thy have asked for.

Of the child bearing, this is in past tense.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from soul John [1–21–72–002–7], and I wonder if you want to have me to ask the question at this time or if you’d like to have it another time?”

Bring forth this question.

“She says, ‘I would like to ask a question that has been in my heart and in prayer for ten months now.’ And it reads this way: ‘Father I love you with all my heart and soul, and I love Aka and those whom You sent who know You best, immeasurably. Thank you for your love. Thank you for providing for my needs. If it is your will, please, Father, allow me and help me to be your minister, to walk as John, and with Aka and those You sent, and prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. My only will is to serve You and to do Your will. Please help me. And please help me spiritually and physically, if it is your will.’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Thy had cast aside all things we had brought before thee. Thy had cast it aside, for greed. And thy had run in madness. We had provided a way. We shall do so again. All thy must do is pick up thy ministership. And do not hide as though thy would hide from a wolf.

Thy God has looked upon thee many days. Thy God has heard thy prayer. But as we have said before, when you should speak unto the Lord, God, speak unto the Lord, God, in such a manner as you would speak unto yourself. It is not necessary that you should hide away in a closet. It is not necessary that you should kneel. But stand forth, that the Lord may deliver.

But covet not that that should [never] belong to you. Be fair in your dealings with others, and others shall be fair in their dealings with you. Many mistakes have been made — not only upon your part, but others. We have brought forth unto the hands of the people a prophet, that his knowledge should come forth, and he should lead his people, as we have said in the beginning, in a righteous path before God. And his people should prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah upon the Earth.

The Lord looked forth long ago and placed into thy mind and hands the gift to write, and the gift of happiness; thy have cast all these aside. But you cannot take that that belongs to another without the other’s permission. The talent and the gift still remains dormant within yourself. Apply this talent in a righteous manner and we shall go before ye. Apply it in a manner unbefitting the Lord and we shall not be with thee, for as we have said before, there is nothing from either side that shall interfere with this work.

Thy have said thy vows unto the Lord, God. And we say unto you, that this work should go on that the vows of obedience must come forth unto the prophet of the same. Now it the time of the Cherub. Waste not thy time, nor ours.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Thank you. I have one more question from [5–24–75–001…Tucson]. And she asks this other question, ‘Will my sons, P___ and R______, come to live in Arizona?’”


We should say unto the one known as [7–22–74–003], and to the one known as [1–6–74–001], prepare, therefore, a way that the work should come forth unto thy land.

We should say unto this one, [7–22–74–003], of thy question. Soul Ray has already answered your question in fullness. He has shown you a way. We shall tell you, that as Sarah waited long for the birth of a child, so did it not come forth without the work of a prophet and the work of the Lord through the prophet, and the same should be as now.

We shall say unto [1–6–74–001], that that that was stolen shall be returned.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. You have told us about Aka, Arcan, and [Katon]. Could you tell us about who some of the other members of the Council were, for our instruction?”

We shall inform you at the proper time. At the present time this serves no function.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. When m son, [11–16–70–003] was born…he had a “W” on his forehead which stayed there a long time. Was there some meaning in this mark?”

We shall say unto you, this is the water sign — the sign of life, and of the life-giver. It is placed in such a manner that those who should bear it should also bear forth and go forth and become physicians of the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. One moment. What is the effect of holding carbon in the right hand and a magnet in the left? What effect does it have on the body as thought to have been used by the Egyptians? Also, do left-handed people have a different, do they reverse in their polarity?”

First, we shall answer the last. Yes, left-handed people reverse in their polarity, but only in manner of the ozone field within itself.

Of using the carbon in one hand and the magnet within the other, this was, in itself, in the construction of a magnetic generator within itself, and a means of supporting electrical current. But a man could stand all day with carbon in one hand and a magnet in the other, and without the proper elements, unless lightning should strike him, the only electricity he would generate is that that he would naturally bring in through his body substance.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you Aka. [8–17–73–002…Chandler, Arizona…] asks, ‘Could I have time of my birth, please?’”

Yes, we see thy need. 2:52.6 a.m.

Now soul Ray grows weary.

And we should say unto you, now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Pestilence and famine shall reign. New tornados shall sweep the lands. Hurricane shall devastate. Earthquakes shall come forth, soon on your western seaboard, soon in the land of Mexico, soon in the land of the Alaskan and Canadian, soon in the eastern seaboard.

Fear not, for what we have given is only a warning. Prepare yourselves to grow and bring forth new growth and life, for it is but yet spring.

We shall leave unto thee now and return on the night of your gathering.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


June 7, 1975

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord — and glory unto His children, for the Lord has seen and the Lord is pleased. For as the autumn winds should come and the leaves should fall from the tree, so should the blessings of the Lord come unto His children.

We say unto you these words. To know where you have been is to know where you are going, but to dwell upon the past is not a good thing, because you can become so involved in the past that you cannot see the future. A lesson learned from the past is a lesson learned from the future. It is like a gift carried forward from lifetime to lifetime.

For as the one known as Jesus of Nazara did walk upon the Earth, [in] the land of Israel, of Egypt, of Persia, of the land you know as India, and as he walked upon the North and South American continents, and as he journeyed forth and brought the words of God unto man, and brought the coveth, therefore, unto the same, he said unto you these words, “I have come not to change the laws of Moses, but to fulfill the prophesies of the same.”

And we say unto you, we have come not to change the Law of Moses, but we have come for this time. Moses’ laws were for of his time. Yet the Ten Commandments were for all time, for they were the words and [the] laws of God.

And as the tablets were brought forth upon the two continents, even then the preparation was being made for the coming of the Messiah upon the Earth.

We say unto you, watch the sky and watch the leaves as the autumn should fall. Each day his presence shall grow stronger in your hearts. As we have said before, we came not to change the prophecy, but to bring the fulfillment of the prophecy of the same, and the promise made unto the Lord, God, unto His children, of a new heaven and a new earth, and the thousand years of peace and love and tranquility upon the Earth.

But we say unto you, now is the time that Lucifer must be chained.

Build the links of the chain, one by one, two by two, three by three. Multiply them, and he who should come as the Anti-Christ shall be defeated before he sets a foot upon the Earth, for his beginning and his ending has already been written. Let not the mark of the Beast appear upon your foreheads. Continue your work. We shall provide for your needs. [See The Revelation 20:1–6.]

New enlightenment and new methods of healing shall now be implanted unto soul Ray, and the gift of the mastery shall come in full.

Wounds have healed; and healing from the Lord, God, has placed His hand upon the ministers, the teachers and the student-teachers, the shepherds and the prophet, and all is in fulfillment. You have reached the river. Now is the time that the river should flow unto the ocean. And the souls of man shall be as the pebbles of the ocean. And so shall the words be spoken and reach the many lands.

Multiply your number. Increase your teachers. Go into your courses; look unto them, improve upon them.

Improve upon the newsletter. Bring forth advertisement unto your newsletter. Bring forth, in full, the vitamin and mineral supplements and formulas that have been placed unto soul Ray’s mind. For we have said before, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Pollution and pestilence shall follow his path. With the formulas at hand, these problems can be overcome. Further information shall be given unto soul Ray. [See The Revelation 6:1–11.]

All thing that we have said and promised unto you we have fulfilled, but only we could fulfill them with the permission of our Father, our God, and yours. For when we were sent to you He did say, “LET THOSE WHO KNOW THE ONE WHO SHOULD COME THE BEST COME FORTH AND PREPARE THE WAY.” [See John 14:15–21, 15:26.]

And so it has been.

We say unto you, we gave unto your hands the miracle of the candelabra. Now, increase the candelabras once again by thirteen, and the cup shall runneth over.

We see the leaves that fall and the questions in your minds.

We say unto the shepherds, carry your staff in a proud manner, for it shall be the staff of Moses.

We say unto the ministers, carry your candelabras, for they shall be as the candelabras of Isaiah. But as a coveth was given unto Abraham, so must the candelabras reach around the world, linking hands one unto another.

We say unto the teachers, prepare thyselves as that that should become ministers.

We say unto the students, prepare thyselves that thy may become teachers. But remember unto these words. The student shall never be greater than the teacher, nor the teacher greater than the student. But if you have but one teardrop to give, give that, and it shall be enough. If you have many, then give of these.

New financial means shall be provided for the material needs of the work. Soon will be the time that your newsletter shall be placed forth in the hands of all mankind. Now is the time that you must reach out.

But in the months that shall come forth, bring forth The Psychic Gift before the Dawn, for it shall be another chapter in the Book with wings. And wings shall be placed to the Rose without Thorns.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading from [6–7–75–001].”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. We find this one a late entry.

He did not enter in the time that you would know as the birth of the one known as Jesus of Nazara. He was born as a Roman. His family were farmers. But even as a child he dreamed of becoming a soldier. And so he did come forth into the Roman army, and he was then placed in the fortress inside of Jerusalem.

And the day that came forth that Jesus of Nazara should be tried, he did stand forth, and said, “Here Jew, I shall give you a crown.” And he did make the crown of the thorns and place them upon the head. And he, therefore, went forth as the whip-master behind this one. And he did set with the centurion and his fellow soldiers.

Yet, when the sky grew dark, as they rolled the lot for the robe, he did become very fearful and say unto the other soldiers, “Then it is true. He, in truth, is the son of God.” And he did try to flee, but as he tried to flee, a drop of blood struck his hand. At first it felt like fire and brimstone, and he did run to the watering troughs of the well to wash his hands, but the blood would not come off.

And the rains did come, and the rains did not wash him clean. And he did flee the land and go unto the land of Egyptian. And he did wash his hands in the Nile, and yet, the mark of the blood did remain. And he did go from magician to magician that they may remove the mark, but when each saw the mark they shook their heads and turned away.

And he did go unto the temple of the White Brotherhood. And they said unto him, “Should the mark upon your hand be removed, then you must come again and prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. When the Eagle flies again, of the second time, you shall be there. And we say unto you, even though his head has been cut away, he has not died. [Editor’s note: John the Baptist]. For from the beginning no power upon the Earth could destroy his form, for he should change his form as you would turn a stone. When the Eagle comes again you shall reject him as you have rejected the Son of God. You shall restrain and make bondage around yourself. But if you should remove the mark of the Beast, you must do it in the servitude of the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. And it must be done with love from within.”

We have brought you forth unto this time, unto this day, unto this place. We have not interfered in your decision making. The decision you must make must come from within. But the decision shall be your own.

It has been written, “Ask and you shall receive.” [See John 16: 9–24.]

You have asked, and you have received.

You may say unto yourself, “How can I believe of such?”

And we shall say unto you, for three days and three nights we shall implant dreams in your mind of your own past. You shall see the blood of Christ. You shall see where you have been, and where you are going. As then, and as now, the choice is yours.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

One in our Council spoke to you then. He should speak once again, and he shall be by your side for the three days and three nights.

But we say unto you, once your decision has come forth, bring it forth in fulfillment.

And we, in turn, shall blesseth the child yet born — regardless of your decision.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Could you please tell us more about the early life of Moses and his mission?”

The early life of Moses was preordained before his birth. It was written that he should lead his people from the bondage. In many ways he was arrogant. In many ways he was cruel. He was a fierce warrior, even in childhood, for no man could stand as his match in battle. He brought great honor in battle unto the land of Egyptan.

Yet, from the day he climbed the mountain into the valley of the Lord, our God, he became the prophet and the instrument of God. And we say unto you, that Moses as Adam as Isaiah as Jesus, as one of the “hundred and one,” all were the same.

Now soul Ray grows weary, and your day has been long and joyful. And the Lord has seen His children and is pleased.

Prepare this book that lays at your hands.

We say unto [8–27–73–001] and [11–26–71–002], come forth in counsel unto soul Ray, for we have words to speak in private.

We say unto [4–3–70–005] and [4–3–70–003], as James and as Luke, we say unto Jude, [6–9–70–004–6], come forth unto soul Ray and we shall speak through him unto you in private.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona 85501


June 28, 1975

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner.

Through the forest, and all about, shall lie the handiwork of our Lord. In the beginning all things were set in tranquility, that nature, within itself, would reseed the earth. Yet there was a time and place for all parts of nature, and all parts of the beasts that inhabited the earth. For each beast that left the earth, a new beast came forth to take its place. And as the earth would change its form, so it was that man would change his form.

And so it shall be. For as the earth should once again change its form, so shall man, with his knowledge, learn to adapt and change. For those who shall change, and be ready to change, then life shall go on as such. The mind is a [n]ever-ending, wonderful instrument placed in perfect accord and perfect balance, that man should adapt not only to this earth, but to the other earths upon earths that lie even beyond your galaxies.

Soon upon your land, as you have reached into the heavens, other men from other galaxies are reaching toward your earth. This can come forth in a peaceful reunion of man, or it can come forth in the desolation of man.

Man since the beginning of time has feared what he cannot understand, and therefore, has tried to destroy all forms that were unlike himself. White man has tried to destroy Black; Black has tried to destroy White. The Yellow races have tried to destroy the Red. And so it goes throughout time.

As we have said before, it is not until all of mankind upon your earth can join in unisance. There are many ways of life, each more beautiful unto the other, as there are many mansions in our Father’s kingdom. Yet, if a man should walk unto the river and drink from a cup, and another drink from a plate, and each be satisfied in that which he does, if you can understand and learn to understand each purpose that each man should reach for — do not fear these things. You have long since tried to change other societies, and all you have gained from it is warfare and destruction of mankind.

We say unto you, if in truth you stand in truth for freedom and liberty unto all, then God shall stand with you. But if in truth these are not your principles, then you shall not stand with the Lord, but with yourself, and your self-made ideas.

If you should pray unto the Lord, speak as you would speak unto yourself, and therefore, the Lord should hear. But pray not for the death of your brother, for how can the Lord look upon His children and give death unto one and life unto another? But we say unto you, the Lord is a jealous God. Place no other god before Him, or you shall feel the wrath, therefore, within the same.

Yet, as His children have grown and matured, so the Lord, our God, has grown in wisdom. And as more of His children come forth upon the earth, so His wisdom and tolerance should mature.

If you should look unto the Lord, look unto Him in a manner as you would look unto yourself.

But if you would look unto your brother in the same manner, you would have no reason to have quarrel with him.

Look unto the balance of the earth, and you shall find the balance within yourself. But as you would look at the river, know that nothing stands still, neither God nor man, nor earth, nor universe, nor galaxy or universes beyond universes and galaxies beyond galaxies.

All must change.

Soon these changes shall come forth. New eruptions shall occur on your Western coastline. And tornado and hurricane shall smitten the earth. Upon the Eastern shoreline great storms and earthquakes shall occur. The island of Cuba shall be ripped and torn until the warheads within her lay dormant and rust away. The industrial nation of Japan shall waste under her own water and her own pollution. The isles of Britain shall be linked unto the continent of Europe. The northern proportion of Europe shall be smitten as though it was struck by a sword. The Dragon, as you would call it, the land of China, shall be plagued by both disease and famine. The Bear, that of the Russian nation and the Russian countries, therefore, within the same, your Common Market, shall fall beneath itself.

Yet, this nation may stand, if it should grow strong within itself and strong before its God. But should this nation continue to draw its wings back and not coveth and protect the land of Israel, then the Lord shall not protect this nation.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Aka, in the reading on June 9, 1970, you told us how to build a water purifier. Is there any way this could be made on a smaller scale, and how can it be made to withstand the pressures of city water lines?”

We will tell you in this manner, that the contents could be made of that of the white plastic substance you now use. Each section, 36-foot [inches?] long, should be placed together and, first — in 6-inch intervals, with baffle plates being placed in front of each of the 6-inch intervals, placing, therefore, that of 20 one-eighth-inch in diameter holes within the same; coupling these together with screw-type fittings. First by starting at the pressure end and placing that of the fiberglass wool within the same — this must be covered with the fiberglass cloth; then a layer, in the second section, of gravel; then in the third section, of crushed rock, and then, of carbon, and then, of fiberglass; repeating this until you have reached the 36-inch interval. You will find that this type filtering system will completely purify the water.

But do not build this in a straight line; build it in a curvature-trap fashion. This will allow for settlement in each small section, which will mean that you may replace the center sections and the end sections of your packing, and your other sections shall remain in good working order. Three curvatures should be put in the 36-inch length[s].

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. One moment. Aka, at our last reading, June 7th, you spoke of the early life of Moses and his mission in answer to our question. We are not clear on the answer. We are confused on the part where you say, ‘He brought great honor in battle unto the land of Egyptan, yet from the day he climbed the mountain into the valley of the Lord, our God, he became the prophet and the instrument of God. And we say unto you that Moses, as Adam, as Isaiah, as Jesus, as one of the “hundred and one,” all were the same.’ Please explain so it is clearer.”

First we shall say unto you that as Adam, so was that of the one known as Jesus Christ that did come forth in five incarnations. He was the first-begotten son of the Lord, our God, yet he did come forth in five places. Yet, as Moses, in the time of Moses, that that was as five had been reduced unto one. As he did come forth in the beginning, of the “hundred and one,” he came forth in Eden — therefore, in another planetary system, not of your own. The story of Eden you have, therefore, within the Bible substance of your own, much as been taken out and much has been placed as the story was told over and over. You must realize that many thousands and millions of years have transpired between these times.

Much as the one known as Jesus was born, he was not born with the full knowledge, for many came forth and were teachers unto him, and did open the doorways of his mind, that he could come forth unto the people and bring forth the resurrection of the same.

From beginning until ending, he brought forth the proof unto men that all mankind could come forth and reach the Christ state should they desire to do so. But too often you have looked back upon him — and think that he could not smile and laugh? He was a man of laughter, of joy. He enjoyed life, every moment of it, as it should have been lived. Without that great joy, how can you conceive of his love for mankind? And how could you conceive, without the great love, that he would go forth to give of his body, blood into blood, and be crucified — and then come forth again in a resurrection of the body, the soul, and the spirit?

Yet, his apostles knew him not. Thomas said, “Therefore, if you are he, show me your wounds.” [John 20:19–29.]

Yet he passed two of his apostles upon a road and they knew him not. For he came forth in a different body form. It was not until he showed them his wounds, and transferred back unto the original spiritual self, the immortal body, as he had told them before, “You may slay me, you may tear down this temple, and I shall rebuild it in three days.” And so he did. [See Luke 24:13–53.]

And so it is with all mankind, that the resurrection from death to birth should be but the passing of three breaths of the Lord.

Now do you understand of which we spoke?

“Yes, I think so; I have one question though, Aka. Was Moses and Isaiah and Jesus of the same spirit?”

Yes, Moses, Isaiah, and Buddha — all of the same spirit.

You shall find that though he appeared upon the earth in many forms, yet he should appear again after the crucifixion upon the American Continent, to walk upon this land you stand upon now to teach, to bring forth the knowledge. You shall find that within most of your Indian ceremonies the legend of the one who walked forth as the coming of the Evening Star, and there did go with the Evening Star, and therefore, should cometh again with the Evening Star as he promised. This is our sole purpose, is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah upon your earth — the word, Messiah, meaning, the enlighted [enlightened] one, or the enlighted [enlightened] ones, he who should come with the Spirit of God that could dwell within him, he who [is] given freely, unto guidance by the Lord, our God.

Many prophets have been sent forth upon the earth throughout your known history, all for the preparation of the coming of the same.

And once he walked upon this land. From that time since, the Eagle has continued in his flight, never to rest, until the earth and the heavens shall be made as one. And so it shall be. You shall have a new earth and a new heaven.

But think not of this land you stand upon, think of all of your galaxies. Think of your brothers and sisters upon the other planetary systems. They have changed their forms to adapt to their environments. Only ignorance can make you deny that of your own kinship.

And now we shall answer into the mind of one who should seek. First we should say unto you, the Lord, God, did give unto Moses the Ten Commandments. He gave not them only unto Moses, He gave them unto all mankind.

And it should say, “Honor thy father and mother,” and it should say, as unto thyself. But if you should give knowledge unto your child and your child should give knowledge unto you, but a good parent, as the Lord has done, should lay his hand sometimes harshly upon the butt stock of the child. This is the reason padding was placed in such a position upon your body. Give love, but give firmness, and your child shall grow and be mature, and so shall yourself.

We shall answer in the mind of another. Give fairness, and fairness shall be returned. When one is married in the eyes of God it is so written that should these two seek divorce they should do so in such a manner that the vows they have said unto the Lord they should unsay. But it should not be done with hatred in either heart. Go not into this that you have planned to go into with hatred or bitterness, but walk forth in a fair manner.

And we shall say unto yet that of another, as thy have seeked forth for enlightenment and guidance, it was seen fit that you have the trials and tribulations. Those times shall soon pass, and new ways shall lay before you. Despair not. Thy land thy seek to sell, a way shall be provided. And the hand that thy have fed others with soon shall feed yourselves. As we have said in the beginning, for those who should seek and go forth in the preparation of the coming of the Messiah, so shall their needs be taken care of — not always their wants, but their needs. And so it shall be. Despair not, for new hope lays at your doorstep and a way shall be prepared for the same.

And now we shall say unto those, [and] many who have come forth to receive the healing from soul Ray — they come, many in greed, seeking only of satisfaction of their own selves. They stop not to seek out and help their brothers along the way. Yet as has been said before, the sun and the rain shall be given to all. But we say unto you, that that the Lord giveth the Lord can taketh away.

Give therefore, as you are given. Healing can come in many forms. We have given the power of healing unto this one of your bodies, your soul, and your mind. But the gift of healing may come in the kindness of giving unto another, stopping long enough to help your brothers and your sisters along the way.

You, before you have come you have prayed unto God and said, “If this one should heal me, I should do of this, I should do of that.” And then you turn, after you are healed, and you do not fulfill your promises.

A promise given should be fulfilled.

The Lord asks not for your promises. The Lord only asks that you should try to help one another and love one another.

And now we shall say unto the one known as [7–22–74–003] and [1–6–74–001].

First we should say unto [7–22–74–003], that you may have your message clarified. We said, there go for and prepare a way that this work may go forth.

Then you say unto us, “How should we perform such a task when I have many of my own family needs to tend to?” Tend to your family needs. We did not intend that you neglect your family in any way. When the time should come soul Ray should venture forth into this land of yours. He shall come forth on a healing mission. And all should be made ready for this mission. We shall prepare the way. We may use many as instruments in the preparation of the same.

We shall say unto you, that that you shall ask for, we have prepared a way for that also.

Now we should say unto [1–6–74–001], that that thy have asked for, the hand that would spare the land that thy cherished, has been given. And that of the fulfillment of your health [and ease] has been given. When the time comes that soul Ray should venture into your land — long ago we have laid a hand upon your shoulder. You shall stand very close to this one, and we shall guide your hands and your mind. But there are those there who should fear of this one. Therefore, prepare a place within thy home for the healing to be done, and reward shall be given, and fulfillment shall be given. But this reward and this fulfillment shall come whether thy prepare the place or not.

Now we should say unto the ones known as [4–3–70–005] and [4–3–70–003], fulfill the needs of thy vows. We have brought you back into unity that all of mankind may walk together, and growth and maturity should come forth. Do so in a righteous manner and your missions shall go forth tenfold.

And now we should say unto [11–26–71–002] and [8–27–73–001], much as you should make your debt and say your vows unto the Lord, make no promises unto man that thy do not intend to fully fulfill, or all that has been shall be taken away, and the garden shall be weeded once again.

Soul Ray now grows weary.

And we say unto you, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth, but even in a time such as this, look beneath your feet and you shall find the flowers that the Lord has laid before you. Each step you take, new flowers shall be placed there once again. New life, new beauty shall flourish upon the earth. Where water flows now, the rivers shall change their courses. [Which was] once was desert shall be a garden.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright ©1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


July 12, 1975

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For we shall say unto thee the parable of the valley.

And the valley was green and abundant. And the rains came and the sun did shine, and all fruits and vegetables of many kind did grow in this valley. And the people knew not of disease or famine, or pestilence.

And they feared, therefore, to travel beyond mountain for fear that they would lose that that they had. Yet a lad came among them from the other side of the mountains, and he did tell them of the great cities and the great craft that flew in the air. He did tell them of the many wonders, of the electronics and the electrical lights. He did tell them of the many things he had learned upon his journey.

And, one by one and two by two they did leave of the valley. Yet he remained on.

And then one day an elder came unto him and said, “You have come to tell us of the wonders beyond our valley. Why do you not leave, and go back into these wonders?”

And he looked upon the elder and said unto him, “For I have searched all of my life for such a place as this. This is the greatest wonder of all. There is no war here, nor want. There is work for all. There is food for all. No one becomes sick in your valley. What more of the abundance of life could God give?”

And the elder said unto him, “Then why did you come forth to tell your stories that our youth should climb these mountains and disappear?”

And the young man said unto the elder, “For Utopia lies in many forms. It is where you find it. For me it is this valley. For them it could be the cities and all they contain. For is it not so that each of us should be different, as the leaves of a tree? You here have many gifts, the gift to use your mind to heal, to bring forth the abundance of crops, to bring forth the rain and the sunshine. I would stay here and learn of these things.”

And the elder said unto him, “Will then you leave of the valley?”

And he said unto them, “Yes, then I shall leave of the valley.”

And so the days and years did pass. And one day he ventured forth into the cities. There he met many who had left the valley. Some had fared well, some not so well. But he asked each in turn how they did in these great cities. And all answered in the same manner, “For we have come into the city, yet the people fear of us. Why is this so?”

And he said into them, “For the same reason they shall fear of me. For they fear of you because you were that of God’s chosen people, and they fear that you might make changes. They would destroy of you, and your valley.”

And all said, “Then we should return back unto our own kind, for there is not the word, fear.”

And they beckoned him to come forth with them, and he said, “Nay, I shall remain, for I shall remain as a shepherd. For there shall be more who shall venture forth from your valley, and I shall be here as their shepherd to guide them, that they shall not be alone.”

And we say unto you, for those with the gift of the psychic who feel so alone, you say unto us, “Why should our gift be any different than the gift to sing or the gift to compose? Why should people look upon our gift and fear us in such a manner?”

And we should answer in this manner. For the gift was given unto all. Yet for those who could accept and [expound] upon such, and develop this gift, they shall be placed before mankind that mankind shall always know that God should exist.

And we should say unto you, of The Psychic Gift Before the Dawn, it should be brought forth in such a manner that the world should look upon this gift without fear. For those who should write of the gift, let them go unto those who know soul Ray as a child. Let them interview both of his friends and his parents, and his relatives, that they might seek a greater knowledge of the inner person in the writing of the same, and therefore, they shall know from what they are writing about.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [7–12–75–001] asks, ‘Will you please tell soul Ray how to cure my hands? They get sore to the bone, and get puss pockets between the fingers and on the palms.’”

Yes, we see of thy need. And we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same, and therefore, we find within the body substance — yes — the imbalance of the pancreas, an imbalance in the blood substance of the same in the circulatory system of the same.

We should say unto this one, we have already placed, therefore, in soul Ray’s mind that of a new formula, which will be taken both orally and placed on the outer skin, that should change the chemical balance of the body substance. We would also suggest that further bio-therapy be used in such a manner that the change might be complete. But we say unto this one, that that you have asked for shall be given in full.

Glory be the name of the Lord, our God.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [9–10–74–001] asks, ‘What was the strange odor present in our motel room in Tucson on March 2, 1975, when soul Ray was ill?’”

We shall answer in this manner. There are those who should dwell in this land who should try to interfere with this work. But we should answer in this manner; nothing from either side shall interfere with this work.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [9–10–74–002] asks, why does she perspire so while working on some patients and not with others? ‘Is this part of the healing process? I sincerely ask for God’s healing help and guidance for the healing of patients’ ills. I am also concerned with the continual ringing in my head, intensified at times — a rarity if it is not ringing. Is this common with humans? I would also like to know about the heat in my body. Is this also part of my healing work?’”

We shall answer the question in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. First we should answer your question in this manner. We find, therefore, that of calcium deposits in the circulatory system, therefore, a restricting of the blood flow to the inner ear and inner eyes and restriction of blood flow to the brain. This, in itself, is damaging to the inner ear and to the bone structure of the same.

We would suggest the use of 400 mg. of Niacinamide twice daily, and the use of the R. E. Lipo. These two substances — one would dilate the blood vessel, the other would aid greatly in the cleansing and the elasticity of the blood vessel within the same.

The perspiring — should a person labor in earnest they should perspire. It is a natural substance of cooling both the inner and outer body substance.

But we should answer further in this manner. That of a high cholesterol count in this system, this should also be corrected with the use of the mineral substance with B6 and the use of the [lecithin]. A new formula has already come forth in soul Ray’s mind, and a combination of such should soon be at your hand.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for information for [7–12–75–003…Michigan]. She wants to know, ‘What does the future hold for me, and how can I make the best use of it?’”

We shall answer in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. And therefore, we should say unto thee, look unto thy past. Thy past is thy present, and the most probable path of thy future.

But we say unto thee, be transformed. We shall lay at your doorstep the bread and the wine. Therefore, provide the yeast, and a pathway shall be opened and thy shall know the direction unto which to follow.

But we should say unto you, you have thought that you too are old to learn. This is not true. Come forth and participate in the Teacher’s Course. This would better prepare you for the helping of yourself and others, and also provide the future that thy seek.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you Aka. [7–12–73–002] who is here tonight asks, ‘There is a book of mine titled, Another Pot on the Stove, that I am interested in publishing. What do you think of the material, and what are the chances of getting it published?’”

We shall answer in this manner. There are certain changes that should be made in the book substance, and then your chances, as you would call them, of having them published would be readily available.

We should say unto you and the bride-to-be, the Lord has seen, and we have seen, and glory be thy wedding night, for a rose shall be present.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, he has one another question. He asks, ‘My twin brother, C_______ D. C_____, has some injured knees, and I was wondering what can be done to help. They bother him a great deal. He was born in Kingston, Pennsylvania, 1/1, January 1st, I guess,….’”

The information you have just fed us is incorrect, but we still see thy need and we shall answer the question. Take, therefore, of the Earth formula [Note: Aloe Vera Earth formula Ray developed]. Applied properly, the relief needed in the healing shall come forth, using the cream formula of the same. [Note: Aloe Vera E. Cream.]

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [7–12–75–004…Phoenix…]. She asks, ‘When will I get well? And what line of work will I be best suited for, one that I can enjoy and be of service, and profitable.’”

We shall answer in this manner to your question. The time element in your healing lies within your mind. The healing can come at any time thy wish.

The second part of your question we shall answer in this manner. Seek out that in the line of the beautician or cosmetologist. There is that of the new facial substance which soul Ray has brought forth. With its proper use, and proper business management, this would give you a good livelihood.

Now we say unto you, now is the time of the Cherub.

Soul Ray now grows weary.

And the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Across the Midwestern United States hurricane and tornado shall sweep the land. Across European nations earthquakes shall occur. In the land of the Alaskans soon new earthquakes shall come forth. Your harvest land shall be wiped away, and the world shall once again be tangled in the warfare that shall take from you the oil substance. Prepare, therefore, for the same.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


July 19, 1975

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. For we shall say unto thee of the parable of the merchant, the merchant who sailed the many seas.

He bought from one port and sold in another, and then re-bought in the same port to sell in another. He was a very honest man. Yet, in his travels he would meet very many dishonest men. And there was times within his travels that he became very disillusioned. And he thought into himself, “How can there be so many dishonest people?” And day by day he grew to think that there were none.

And then one day, in need of water and provisions, the ship anchored off a small island. As he reached shore in the longboat, the natives of the island came forth. They brought food and water and much of provisions. And they gave forth all of these provisions.

And he sent his men back unto his ship to bring forth merchandise to trade. Yet the natives would not take payment for their hospitality.

They said unto him, “Do you not know that a true gift is a gift of giving and expecting nothing in return; would you deny us this?”

And he said unto them, “Where have you learned these words?”

And they said unto him, “He who walketh upon the water did bring us our knowledge. Before he came the island was divided into four parts. And each part thought that they were greater than the other, and each of us did make war upon the other. And he did come forth, and he did heal our sick. But he healed our wounds of warfare, our ignorance, and turned our fears away from ourselves. He taught is how to heal ourselves. But the greatest thing he taught us was to love one another.”

And the merchant that night thought long upon the words that had been spoken, and said unto himself, “I must learn more of these people, and I must learn more of the one who visited them and gave them such a great gift.”

And so, he stayed and lingered long, seeking day by day new knowledge and gaining of the same.

And then the day came forth when he knew he must travel on.

When he reached his next port, before he started his trading, he went unto the person that he would trade with, and he gave of them a gift. And they in turn tried to pay him for the gift, and he said, “Nay; the gift is a gift of friendship, faith, hope, and love.”

The next day, as the merchants came forth to buy and to sell, there was no greed on either side. He filled his ship and emptied his ship, and sailed forth with more in merchandise than he had ever gained before. But he had gained far more, for he had overcome his fear within himself. He had learned that as a mirror he should reflect and so he should be given in the same manner.

And the greatness of the merchant’s voyages reached the world over.

And upon entering his homeland port the word had reached out before him. And yet his was of a small merchant ship; yet when it came into port he could hear cheering from all sides and wondered, “Why? What honored person were all of his people cheering for?” He was much surprised to find that he was the honored person.

And they listened long to his stories, and they found them good. And therefore, that that he had brought forth from the oceans and the many lands, he did find in many lands and he did carry forth as a messenger.

And they said unto him, “What is the greatest thing you have learned in your voyage?”

And he said unto them, “That the greatest knowledge need not come from the highest educational facilities. It must come from the true heart from within, which each and every one possesses. For on that small island I found that that I had sought. But I found that in giving I received, but most important, I found that in giving any gift, the gift must be [done, given] in love, expecting nothing in return.”

You shall say unto us, why should we tell you such a parable? And we shall say unto you, for the parable and the story that we have told comes from the Akashic records of one of you. That one now faces the fears from within. Fear may only breed more fear. A task undone, the longer it is prolonged, becomes a greater task until it is performed, and then it becomes a small task. Fear breeds fear. Hate breeds hate. But love breeds love, and faith, and hope, and fulfillment. Be as a mirror. Let that from within you shine out, and all shall see it, and the wonders, therefore, within.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading from [10–27–73–004…in Phoenix]. She also asks, ‘What have I learned in past lives that can guide me in this life? And how may I better serve my God?’”

Yes, we see of thy need. Therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. And therefore, we have the records before us.


We find this one, in the Year of the Cow, in the Autumn of the Chicken, who should come forth in fulfillment in the land that you now know as proportions of the city of Peiping [Peiking?] in the country of China. At that time this was of an island. It was considered by those of the greater countries and the greater lands as a backward place. Yet many of the old masters went there to meditate and find fulfillment within themselves. Therefore, this one, as a child, sought the knowledge of these masters, yet never fully grasping their meaning.

And one of the masters said unto this one, “It shall not come within this of this lifetime you see. The knowledge you seek shall come forth at a different time. But come, child, come with me.” And he did go unto the mountain, and he did show unto this one the wonders of the land. And he stretched his hand to the four corners of the Earth and said unto this one, “Behold, for there is the Lord, thy God.”

And the child looked and looked, and felt bewildered, for she knew not what he meant.

And then the master turned into her and said, “Behold, for within you I see the Lord, God.”

And she felt over her body, and she could feel no different.

And he said unto her, “Behold, for within me is the Lord, God.”

And she looked and his form had not changed.

And he said unto her, “Come back each year of your life upon this mountain. Look to the east, look to the west, look to the north, look to the south, and the day shall come when you shall see three eagles in flight. One shall be larger than all the others, yet they are but one.”

In much confusion, she returned into her village, quiet and disillusioned.

Yet each year, she ventured forth.

Then came the day that she would wed, and so it came, and came to pass. And then the day came when it was her time to venture upon the mountain. She was heavy with child, yet the mountain had called. Her husband feared that she should make the journey alone. And therefore, she went. When she reached the top of the mountain, the labor pains began, the pains of life. And there upon the mountain she did give birth unto a child. But she was confused. She was afraid the child would die and she would die before anyone could reach them.

And suddenly from the east she thought she saw the eagle, then two, then three. And the glow of the heavens filtered through the mighty wings. And the greatest of eagle she had ever seen came gently down to pick her and the child very gently, up.

She awoken the next morning to find herself and her child in her bed, and said, “I must have never even climbed the mountain, it must have been a dream.”

And then, she opened her eyes to find her husband, her mother, her father and her brothers all standing. And she looked into the faces and all of them had a great reverence upon their faces. And she said, “I see — — what is this strange thing I see in your faces? It is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. It is almost as beautiful as my dream.”
And they all came forth, and said, “Tell us of your dream.”

And she told of the birth and the eagle.

They listened.

And the husband said unto her, “Your dream was not a dream, for the eagle did come forth as three. But as the eagle landed, the eagle stood as a man, gently holding you and [a] child. And then, the eagle flew away, back into the heavens, and then became three. And a great glow came upon the village, and all the masters bowed. And the masters said it was a sign, that from this the descendant of Buddha should rise.”

Your years did pass. Your child did grow strong, but different. Knowledge came forth unto him with ease.

And he bore children. And one of each descendant had the same gleam, the same glow within.

Soon, as your years would pass, you passed away.

And then, your time of searching began on the other side. Yet each you met did give you honor and praise, and yet, you did not understand.

And then your time for reentry did come forth. And, once again, you were born, but this time into royalty. And this time when you bore the son, and as they brought him forth, there was the sign of the eagle above the heart. It seemed strange, for your memory was aroused.

He grew unto manhood. And then, one day he left. And he said unto you, “Mother I am a prince, but I am nothing, for I have been on the streets and seen the beggars, I have seen the diseases, I understand them not. I shall go and seek the knowledge.”

There was an understanding within you, and you said, “Go, my son.”

Your husband was irate. How could a son of his, a prince, dress himself in rags and go forth?

And then one day, stories began to flow back, the stories of the birth of a new religion, a new philosophy. They built many statues unto him. And one day he returned back. And the crowds were great that followed. And he bowed before his mother, and said unto you, “Mother, my time is not long upon your Earth. I have learned many things. But you, mother, shall go forth and prepare a way that I shall come again. Yet I shall come in many forms, for I know that the son of God shall come upon the Earth, and my spirit shall flow within him.”

You understood, but yet, you did not understand.

You grow old, after the passing of your son, and once again you did pass away.

You watched the Earth, and still you were held in high reverence. And then you should meet the one that was soon to enter, the one who should be called Mary.

And she did come unto you and say, “I am to enter the Earth form. Please give of me your blessings and your guidance, for you shall remain upon this side and guide my footsteps upon the other, that both upon heaven and earth, the firstborn child shall know.”

And so it was.

And then all the heavens watched as the birth came forth as the one known as Jesus of Nazara. And you did look upon the Earth and there once again the eagle was in flight, in three forms.

And you went back after the long wait, and said unto yourself, “I do not wish to return upon the Earth. I wish to remain and study. I have seen all of these of where I have been, yet I understand them not. I felt the reverence of the Lord, our God, yet still, His ways are so mysterious unto me.”

And one of the masters said unto you, “Then soon the eagle shall take flight again, for a new way shall be prepared for the last and final coming of the Messiah upon the Earth. Why do you not venture forth, and help prepare the way for his coming?”

And so, you chose your birth. You were to endure much suffering. Yet you brought forth upon the Earth children while you were fertile. And there was time for their growth and their maturity.

Now you stand once again at the doorstep. Open the door, that we may enter. Take of our words. Take the fulfillment of the words, and see within.

This is all on this subject at this time.

We should say unto this subject, we have given you the reason for your suffering, and your pain, and your loneliness, as we have given you the bread and the wine. Each time of your birth your understanding was made easy, yet you could see it not. This time you must see it for yourself. See it. Know what it is. And then make up your own mind of the direction of your life.

We have come forth to build upon the Earth in preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Nothing from either side should interfere with this. Take up the cup of knowledge that has been given and add to. The flowers have been placed at your doorstop. What shall you do with them? We cannot interfere, as it could not be interfered with you before.

And now we shall say unto the one who we shall call [7–19–75–001]. The first of the reading was yours.

Now soul Ray grows weary. But you have two questions about a person’s health that should be answered. Ask of these.

“One moment. I am not aware of the questions, one moment…Here it is. I have a letter from a [7–19–75–002…in Tucson]. One moment…”

We shall answer of this.


And we shall say unto this person, soul Ray shall soon venture into thy land. Come forth, that he may administer the healing that is needed, both of the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

But the healing that thy have asked for shall be granted. And so it is done in the name of the Almighty God. Glory be the name of the Lord. [Kay-ah, kay-ah.]

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


July 26, 1975

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner.

For man is like the universe. Each part of man stands in balance with the next part, each serving its function. When any part becomes distacted [distracted?] from the other part, in the harmony within the same you have created [an] imbalance, and therefore, should it offend thee thy cast aside. Yet, the immortal body, or the aura of the immortal body remains of the part, therefore, cut away.

And we should say unto thee the parable of the workmen.

The workmen were assembled from far and wide to build the temple. And the master builder did bring each laborer forth and show him the complete form of the temple, and therefore, each laborer in turn knew that each block laid in place would be part of a whole. And therefore, we should explain the work we are about to do and the work we havedone, and the results of the work upon the world.

When the right eye offends us, we cut it not away, but remove it from its present position and implant it in a position that it serves the function of the whole, in a better purpose for all. But should the workman come forth not knowing of the destination of the vehicle, then the workman is confused, and where confusion lies, so does fear. If the workman comes forth only to gather his pay, he is, therefore, a poor workman indeed. It is well that a workman should be paid for his labors, but if he knows not where the labor should end and where the joy should begin, then, in full, he is neither capable of serving any proper function in the structure of the same. Should a workman not know the purpose, then, in turn, he should not know where he has been and where he is going.

In the work and the preparation of the work we have laid forth, and the direction of our Father, as we have said before, we have come for but one purpose, that in itself is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. But in the function of the preparation, it can only come about as the preparation is made one by one, and two by two, and three by three.

Many shall say, “How can I serve when I have fallen?” To fall is not a sin, but to not get up would be a sin. By falling is learning, only to rise and climb again.

We have brought forth unto you different knowledges of different times. We have brought them forth all to serve the same purpose, to show you the folly of the past so that the future might be changed. As we have said before, free choice was given unto man — and man may change [the] destiny unto which he has taken unto any time he should desire. In the changing of the destiny, you have before you at this time the choice, the choice to say unto yourself, “Yes, I am serving myself; I am also serving mankind. And within both I am serving God, our Father.”

As we have said before, each of us were chosen, yet we did ask; as it has been said, “Ask and you shall receive.” We knew the task before us would not be easy. We knew that the falling to the earth many times would come forth before the final preparation could come about.

And so it should be within you. If the true purpose of your venture unto this land, and into this work, is within truth, then stand and we shall hand into your hands the tools necessary for the building, that each should be a master builder, and the temple of God within man shall rise and [shall] come unto all.

Many should come and many should go, and yet not see the light beneath their feet. Many shall continue always to seek outward from themselves to find the greater knowledge, when knowledge has been placed within every mind. In telling you of that of the past, and in telling you of that of the present, and in telling you that of the future, we bind all of these things together as the purpose but for one, that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

We have walked upon the water that you may witness of the same — not to show ourselves we could walk upon the water, but because of your skepticism we have done so, that you might see that we are not impregnable or infallible. [As] a man should build a fort and should say unto himself, “Now I am safe, nothing can touch of me,” it is but a matter of years or days until all that is necessary has been produced upon the Earth to penetrate the farthest on the Earth’s of hiding places.

As your country stands, each in turn has said unto themselves, “One nation under God.” We say unto you, we see but a handful, yet for within the handful the cup should runneth over. And so it should be within the descendants of Abraham.

Find within yourself that you may be able to give, expecting nothing in return. Find within yourself your love and desires for one another. Put them each in their proper sequence and the world shall rise and blossom, and the sword that should cut two ways shall bring about the balance within the same.

But we say unto you, seek not the door to enter unless you are prepared to face what is on the other side.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes Aka. I have a request for a life reading tonight by [7–26–75–001…Scottsdale, Arizona…]. He asks for a life reading, ‘In order to know better what God wants me to do with my life, to better understand myself. I would especially like to know what the best career choice for me is.’”

Yes we see thy need. And we should say unto you, repeat the question, please.

“[7–26–75–001] asks for a life reading, ‘In order to know better what God wants me to do with my life, to better understand myself. I would especially like to know what the best career choice for me is.’”

We shall answer in proportions of the same. Due to the fact that soul Ray has overtaxed his body our time shall be short, and therefore, we should give but one part of the answer. The remaining part should be brought forth at a different time.

We see the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same, and therefore, have before us the records. We see [that] in the record form, that in the year of 1832 this one in the land of England become a renown attorney of law. He was highly respected, for he did look, therefore, into the Roman Empire and the privilege of a Roman citizen. Yet, as before, he did fall beneath the sword of a dictator, an emperor.

We say unto this one, seek out the knowledge of the law of your land. Look, therefore, into that of the studies of the attorneys, and the self-satisfaction shall abound within the same. But we should also say unto thee, we have brought forth into thy mind for keeping the need that each should follow the laws of their land. But we would also say to this one, laws should never be an idly given thing, for should a person promise unto the Lord this or that and fulfill nothing — fill the cup that it might runneth over, but in doing so fill it in such a way that all who may see it [shall] see, therefore, the good within the same.

Now we should answer in this manner, for we weary and soul Ray now should be wakened from his sleep. But we say unto you, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Across the land. Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


August 2, 1975

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner.

As we have said before, the great Sword stands poised above you. The Sword shall cut two ways. It shall make the divisions within the land. Where no water was, water shall be; where deserts lay, gardens shall grow.

But we say unto you unto these words. Hurricanes and tornados shall plague the land. Prepare thyselves for such.

But we say unto you, abundance and harvest has been placed at your doorstep. Bring these forth. Your desert and your mountains are but pastures for your feedings. Gather now, for soon shall be the lean years. Gather in abundance. The food has been provided, as was provided for Moses and his people.

We say unto you, as the laws of the Lord were handed unto Moses, it should say unto you, “Thy shall not kill.” Prepare, therefore, in such a manner that thy should covet not that that belongs to thy brother, but thy should be able to give unto thy brothers. But stand firm. Give unto that that thy may be able to give. But thy people must survive. That the work must go on, we shall provide that that is necessary for all. Fear not.

We shall tell unto thee of the parable, the parable [for] the time of preparation.

For the prophet did come unto the land and say unto the people, “Prepare now. Bring forth your storages of many forms — of food, of medications, of tools, that these may be used in the time of need.”

The people did scoff upon him. Yet a few did listen and they did prepare their storehouses. The others went forth wasting in a continuing manner all that was provided for their storage. In the fields and in the valleys grew abundance of food. They did not harvest it.

And then came the times of drought, [a] famine did strike upon the earth. The few that had gathered began to feed their people.

Those that had not gathered at first were sorry that they had not prepared. And then they became lustful and did prepare to covet that that belonged to their brother.

At first, their brothers gave that which they could, keeping that aside to feed their own. And they did dig wells, and they did build dams to catch the sparse water. And they did turn forth their seed to plant new land.

Yet those who should not prepare stood idle, and yet demanded food. And those who had prepared and were working said, “If you should not work, you shall not eat.”

And so those who had not prepared plotted, therefore, to kill those who had. And they did come forth into the fields that were planted. And the fields were lush and ready for harvest. And they decided to burn the crop, and therefore, to burn the people. But the wind did shift and devour them.

Now we say unto you, was it what you would call luck, or was it that the people who had prepared had prepared more than just food and provisions? They had prepared their minds in such a manner to control the element.

If you should store, we have said to store knowledge. This is the source of knowledge.

For you, who should think our words are idle and such could never be done, we should say unto you, such folly.

For you, who should hear our words and seek the wisdom, the knowledge shall be provided. We have brought forth in preparation for this time, and implanted the knowledge that is needed in soul Ray’s mind for the teaching of the same.

You soon shall start your college sessions. This is good, but yet, not enough. We say unto you, should you prepare, more teachers, more study sessions should be necessary.

If a fire can consume, so it can protect. Build the fire with your minds in such a manner that as one [twig] should stand it can be broken easily, but [as] many stand together they cannot be broken at all.

Soon, we have provided the way that new water storage shall be made available — in soul Ray’s mind he has long planned a thing of pleasure, yet it should serve a dual purpose. Within the planning he has also planned the means to purify the water that should lie within the pool and build a structure above the same. The structure shall serve into two purposes, a shelter for the water, and a greenhouse for the plants.

So we should say unto you, gather your harvest. Prepare, therefore, to gather of the mesquite bean. Clean your crushers, that the mesquite may be crushed first, and then brought forth and placed into the grinding unit. Prepare that the sun, with the use of the nylon screening, can be used for drying decks. Sell not of your honey, except within your own organization, that it may be stored in [the] like manner. The harvest shall be good.

Prepare both axe and hoe that the ground may be tilted [tilled?].

Emergency generator systems should be brought forth. These may be obtained through your war surplus purchases.

As the land should continue to crumble in the land of California, many shall flee the land, both jobless and without food. For those who are willing to work, accept them into your fold. For those who are not, let them pass on. But do not be, and divert yourselves back, to that of an armed camp. Prepare in such a way — your ammunition shall be sparse; therefore, we say unto you, take forth and bring forth that of the crossbow. Do so now.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, do you have any advice as to how best to deal with the acorns, for human consumption, that are in abundance now?”

The acorns should be gathered, and therefore, treated with salt, crushed — after the treatment and the drying process is done, treated in a salt solution, crushed, and then, therefore, prepared for storage.

“Do these contain too much tanin for safe consumption?”


“Should they be leached?”

They should be leached in the salt solution, and then dried and then crushed.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, [6–284–3] asks if you have suggestions regarding the fuels that we should store — types and amounts?”

The fuel should be stored in as great a quantity of wood as possible. Gasoline shall be made available. Butane shall also be made available. But wood is your greatest asset. The storing of charcoal is also a necessity for the working of metals. There are abundance of coal deposits nearby. These should be sought out and located. There are certain plants, desert plants that should contain oil. They grow in abundance in your area. The oil should be extracted and stored. These can be made readily into fuel of many types if they are brought forth at correct Fahrenheit of the same in the leaching manner.

“Are you referring to the Jojoba?”


All that is needed is but around you.

Your efforts should be [stemmed] throughout your newsletter. But as we have said before, there will be many who shall not listen. Let those who should join together do so. Lay your days aside that storage in the right commodities can be gathered, processed, and stored, in the proper commodities.

We would suggest that you should pertain your questions tonight upon this subject.

You have other questions in your minds.

“Yes, Aka. On this subject, you came to me in a dream one night and you told me to build my tunnel at the top of the hill, the very top, and then you asked me if I understood, and then you repeated ‘the very top.’ And then I saw a flood sweeping down our canyon as high as the hill across the road. Was this a flood of people coming, and were you asking me to pick a hilltop as a safe storage place, or was it a flood of water? What was the meaning of the dream?”

The meaning of the dream was both. Upon the hill that you had taken soul Ray to, there a structure shall be constructed. It shall not come yet, but within our time. We shall provide the means when the time is right. Concentrate on the information we have given you at this time.

The flood of people shall pour forth, the flooding of the lands. But remember, in a drought water becomes sparse. But we came unto you into this manner and the fulfillment.

For as the mountain should be as soul Ray, and the knowledge therein we have implanted. His knowledge shall feed you. His knowledge and ability and powers shall protect you. His knowledge when thirsty shall moisten your lips and quench your thirst. The mountain unto which we directed you was the temple within soul Ray.

He has made of you a Shepherd, a keeper of the flock.

He had made two Shepherds. He did speak unto you both wisely, and say unto you, “Work together; make your decisions together. Bring them forth unto me and we shall work together for the building of the temple unto God.”

Twice we have seen the Shepherds come together. Twice we have seen no seed planted. Twice we have seen no harvest.

We have told of you before of the time that the Lord, our God, did send the Seven Spirits of God to harvest a field, to plant and harvest the field, and bid them not return until they could do of such. It was within their knowledge that they would gain, that they could create a world.

We lay the world beneath your footsteps. Learn to plant and harvest the grain together.

“I think you’re unfair, Aka. Twice we have met; we worked very hard, very lovingly, and I’m unaware of any seed that we have not planted that we knew how to plant.”

Soul Ray grows weary. Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

We shall not return again until the garden has been weeded.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyrighted © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona 85501


August 20, 1975

Phoenix, Arizona

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer at this time. For the Lord, God, has said unto you, “WORSHIP NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME, AND PLACE NO FALSE IDOLS UNTO YOUR PLACE OF WORSHIP.”

And we say unto you, many should come unto you, and bear false witness unto the words of the Lord. And we say unto you, woe unto them.

For he who should come unto you and speak and say unto you, “I speak the words of the Lord, God,” is like a captain without a ship, for he shall never leave the shore, nor she shall never enter the kingdom of our Father. For he shall have committed the greatest sin of all, for he, or she, has brought forth unto the people a false god, one they would make of themselves.

The Lord, God, placed upon the Earth those who would see visions, and those who would interpret visions, those who would dream dreams, and those who would interpret the dreams. He brought forth many types of healers. Yet, when He combined all of these into what you would call, a psychic, He did so but for a purpose — and that purpose is but one, in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, none other.

And he or she who should stand and bear false witness to make themselves greater in the eyes of man shall not become greater in the eyes of God, for you are the children of God, and God looks upon all in equal manner. Some He should give unto the gift of music of [the land], composer, another the gift to write, another the gift to dream of building with buildings and structures, but all should come from the same, the Lord, Father, your God.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [7–323–1…in Tempe], and she asks, ‘What is my purpose in being here on earth in this lifetime? What am I supposed to accomplish, spiritually speaking? What should I

be doing to forward my musical mission?’”

First we should say unto you in this manner, you were born in the land of Yuma, the land that once was beneath the sea, and before that was [of] mountains and valleys, and a beautiful land. Long before, this land did yield unto itself a karma. For [when] before, Jesus of Nazara did walk this earth in your land, in the land of Americans, his last footprints were upon the land of Yuma. And therefore, he did walk upon the sea with the promise to return again.

Many have come to change this thought. Upon this land the greedy came forth, and therefore, they built a prison to imprison man’s body. And much cruelty was done unto man, and unto the people, therefore, unto the same of the land. And therefore, as we have said before, karma was built.

You were born in the land of the Yuma, the city that should go back beneath the sea. But before it goes into the sea, the karma of the same [shall be] stricken from the city.

In your quest to bring forth your music that man may hear unto the beauty of the same, that that was needed was given to you at birth. All you must do is practice the gift that was given. Put gladness of heart back into man, that he may sing your praises unto the Lord.

You shall find in the folk lore of the Yuma Indian, much as the same as in the Hopi, that through the top of their heads did they shout unto the Lord their praises. And if they did not, then the top of the head would close, and they would see nothing and become blind, only to see with that of their eyes. When you see with your eyes, see with your soul, see with your spirit, and you shall see the greatest substance and beauty of the Lord’s handiwork.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, thank you, Aka. A question from [7–313–2…in Phoenix], ‘Aka, I work at least 65 hours a week as an assistant manager at Hobo Joe’s Grand Avenue restaurant. This is taxing on my health and relationships and I need to know where and when I can be hired at a similar job with less taxing hours.’”

First we should answer in this manner. You have sought out the wrong calling, or the wrong profession. The ability lies within you, if you would continue your education, to become that of an attorney, that the laws of this land may be changed in such a manner that it should stand as a nation before God. The founders of [your] nation did write your Constitution, your Bill of Rights. They brought forth that of freedom of religion. Since that time, three million laws have been passed to suppress your rights. We say unto you, pursue the gift that was given. You are feeding the people of this world [food].

You have other questions, ask.

“From [7–313–3…in Mesa]; she asks, ‘I know and accept the truth of spirit. I am a new student on the path of awareness. How can I increase my ability to use my God-self in order to develop and manifest more spirit and psychic growth to help myself and others in this life?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. That the world should know of the coming of the Messiah, so should it take mankind. For as a brook should feed of the Seven Spirits of God that should run forth as a river, and the sands of the river should be as the spirits of man that should rush forth unto the ocean, and the ocean should be as the souls of man, and therefore, reach the lands upon the earth — only as those of true spirit [plan] and come forth into one house, laying aside their petty differences, respecting each other [in] the way they worship unto their God, can this be accomplished.

We say unto you, we have come forth but for one purpose, and that purpose is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Should we fail on our mission, then the Lord, God, shall take back that wonderful seed that He has implanted upon your earth, and [now] cannot destroy [in its maturity]. He shall [give] it back unto the heavens and you shall have three-thousand years of darkness upon the Earth. And man shall go back into his caves, and [plot, claw] and kill, and live [as an animal], [and worse than that happen.] So we should say unto you, bring forth in your tablet [form].

When we first came unto this land, and unto this nation, we did say unto the people, form thyselves [a group]. We did say unto them that they shall be known as the Spiritual Philosophy of God. And then, as the growth matured, we said unto them, form unto a new group, and it shall be called the Universal Philosophy. And so it has been done.

And then we did say unto them, prepare a teacher’s course with the teachings [thy may become] ministers. And we did say unto them, take no man, nor woman, from [ ] their religion. This should be founded to add to, in the works they already have, that what we have brought forth and the knowledge we have brought forth is for this time. We have come not to change the Laws of Moses, we have come not to change the prophecies of the one known as Jesus of Nazara. We have come for this time, for the time into which you live now, and the time you are [near], then for the next twenty-five [ ] years. If our work is accomplished, then the Earth shall know a thousand years of peace, but not as you would count, but as the Lord should count; and each day should be as a thousand years. The earth shall then be plentiful and bountiful [of all], and a new heaven and a new earth shall arise from the same. And the Messiah shall rule, not as a [group?], not as punishment, but as love. And for those who have not been [ ] at that time, then all, even the lost souls, shall be lifted from the earth, and they in turn shall have [another] choice, the choice to enter this new heaven and new earth. For the earth you build shall be your heaven, [a new heaven you have].

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, thank you. [7–313–4…in Tempe], and he asks, ‘Psychic and spirit experiences and knowledge are new for me. Some I can accept, while others I question. What can I do in order to have more understanding and find the answers for my growth and purpose of this life?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. We answered much of your question in the beginning of this reading, but we shall expound upon it further. There shall be many things that men and women shall say unto you. In this day and in this time, as the preparation for the Messiah should come about, there shall be many false prophets. Gather that within yourself as you would [gather] preserving life. If there was a great storehouse before you, and the Lord, God, appeared before you and said, “GO UNTO THE STOREHOUSE, FOR I SHALL SEND YOU INTO THE DESERT. GATHER ALL THOSE THINGS THAT ARE NEEDED TO GO UPON YOUR JOURNEY,” would you just run [around] and grasp at anything, or would you sit down first and ponder upon the words of the Lord? Take into consideration, first, the journey at hand; second, the routes and vehicles you shall travel upon; third, that which shall feed the mind, the body, the soul, and the immortal body of the same. When you enter the storehouse, gather these things, and that [for now]. But also, gather that that shall bring you back from your journey a better and richer person [because of your] truth.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, from [7–313–5…in Tempe]: ‘Spirit has revealed many things and helped me to develop and use my God-self in different ways. Now I stand at several crossroads. Can you tell me what pathway is best for me to take and manifest in order to help myself and others in our future growth?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. Within each person there is a quiet place within their mind. Should they look, they shall find a quiet pool and a candle that burns [ever shining]. If they enter this place in pureness of heart and intent in the helping of others, this is what you call the answers of the spirit.

We say unto you, should a man lose his hand, and pray unto the Lord, God, that he may use the other hand in the place of two, then those from both sides who have lost their hands shall be sent forth as teachers. When he has learned to use his hand, the one hand in place of two, his needs will not stop there. Then there will be more knowledge; therefore, new guides shall be sent forth. This cycle of is an ever-changing progress.

In the preparation for the work at hand, we have words that we have [spoken]. But remember, we can do nothing without our Father. We are not great. We are but the humble servants of our Father and yours. And we do not sleep. And therefore, nothing is hidden or covered for all [places] in man before our eyes. We are not one, for we are twelve, and the Thirteenth is the Lord, our Father. I am but the spokesman.

At one time, long ago, I walked upon this Earth of yours. Now I walk upon galaxies and universes. When I walked upon the Earth, I thought that the Earth was all there was. Yet in my heart I knew differently.

For we say unto you, as soul Ray is I, and I am soul Ray, so the karma is the same. So the destiny is the same. And so once again we have seen [the Messiah].

Listen well unto our words. At first you will think [then] that we have spoke to you as [in] riddles. We did not, for there is much truth and knowledge within the words that we [have spoken]. Look deep within, for you have long awaited [them]. [You] see the Eagle fly once again in the preparation for the coming of a Messiah.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [7–310–1…in Phoenix]: ‘Dear Elohim, before I had the knowledge of the coming famine I had planned to move to New York this winter or spring and continue my operatic endeavors where they left off before my illness began. Now, God has almost completed my healing through soul Ray, and I am in a quandary, since I don’t know when the famine will be upon us, as to work here in the food program until 1976, then to move to New York for a period of years, and then into a safe place or to stay here and prepare with the idea that the famine is imminent?’”

First we should say unto you the parable of the [______].

As in the time of Joseph, the lean years lie ahead, for the Fifth Angel walk[s] upon the earth.

But we say unto you, if the Lord, God, said unto you, “GO UNTO THE DESERT, AND THERE WE SHALL FIND FOR YOU CLEAN WATER FROM A NEW WELL,” when you reached the new well would you refuse to drink because it was not thy own well? Or would you say, “Thank you, oh God, the water is sweet?”

We should say unto you, for those who are willing to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah, let them drink where they must, for they can use [of our] spirit [in] this [ information], for the lands across the Earth must be touched. We shall provide for their needs — not for their wants, but for their needs.

If one should touch ten, and ten shall touch a hundred, and a hundred shall touch a thousand, and a thousand shall touch a million, and so on, then the work can progress, only in that manner.

[To complete] this task, they shall be as a mirror, for those who should look into you shall see a part of themselves. As they see an inward part that should add to their wealth of knowledge and comfort of soul, then they should bid you enter.

The healing has been brought about through the knowledge implanted in soul Ray’s mind, [it was] a gift of God unto his hands and mind.

Journey as you wish, without fear, with the knowledge that wherever you journey, you can never go so far that in your thoughts we are not with you.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. From [7–313–6], ‘Will I make the trip to San Diego, California? The end of the month will I see the man I want to see, and does he like me and love me a little?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. The answer is, yes. But we should also answer in this manner. Liking and loving is two different things. And loving and liking are another. To love one [and liking] them [has its] rich rewards. To love and dislike will bring bad results, and give of the two karmas, one [and the both].

Ponder upon the words we have spoken. Seek out the truth within yourself, and act accordingly.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, from [7–313–5], ‘At this time in my life would it be best for me to continue a career in education or to marry the boy to whom I am engaged to now?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer your questions in this manner. Do of both. If you were sent into the field to harvest a field and you knew not how, you would bring in a very poor harvest. And so it would be true if you marry without the education, for both could contribute into happiness and mature a marriage.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, from [6–283a-9], ‘Please give me guidance for immediate future and long range. Advise me on what I need to know.’”

Yes, we see thy need, and shall answer in this manner. Seek ye not of the false prophets. Look into the wisdom of the instrument we have brought unto you for safe keeping. Put the efforts, therefore, into the same. Soul Ray did interpret your dream. We shall go one step further in the interpretation. Without effort placed forth, [of] the fullness and the reality of the light and the sound of man’s mind, [in the mind] the brain, all of this [knowledge] can be slowed down. There is much work yet to be done in this field. As you have heard before, it is but “one step for mankind,” and one step for God, a gift unto mankind.

We have seen unto your needs of the building of [the] equipment. There is much yet to be done.

Neither your country nor your state can see the importance of this work. Should not this work go on, there are countries upon the Earth, those who are [pupilars] of the Beast, and shall be from the Beast, who shall conquer the Earth with such knowledge. This knowledge must not languish at your feet, until a full evaluation may be handed unto all at this time, and not be handed [in their state] unto these people, for they should worship the Anti-Christ, and his time of bringing his [puppets is] near at hand. That that might save mankind could be your medicine of tomorrow.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Aka, from [7–313–48] and is here, present tonight, ‘My present employment appears to be about over. Should I retire? I am considering seeking employment in foreign countries.’”

We should answer your question in this manner. Your thoughts of retiring is good. But if you [went]… [Editor’s note: the microphone is being bumped as it is moved, so some words cannot be heard.] If you go unto a foreign country you shall be but an instrument, a tool, which shall later be used for warfare.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [7–313–9…in Tempe], ‘I need family information from my father, Ralph Barnard Trousdale, who passed over in 1933 on Long Island, N. Y. Who were Isabella and Robert Trousdale who were witness at our parents’ marriage, and what relation?’”

We cannot see this. And we can find no truth within the [ ] of [ ] questions.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, I have no further written questions here tonight.”

We shall answer in this manner. And the one intended for shall know. You have long wondered why we should send our instrument here, to work in this land, in this place. We sent him forth that you might see the wisdom that had been placed at his disposal, that you had seen the gift that God should hand unto the Earth. You have long sought to sell and dispose of this place, and you have asked unto him many times to provide a way. And we have heard. And we shall answer your question in this manner. Now, if this is thy intent, and thy shall cast aside the work we have laid before you, then we shall now grant that of thy wish.

But we ask unto you, before thy ask again this night, make certain that that that thy ask for is that that thy truly want and need. And so we shall give strength unto those who should ask in the name of the Lord, our God.

Glory be the name; glory be the power. Glory unto the children that [wait? wake?] [the flower(s)].

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awakwn soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

The quality of the transcript is not what we would have liked it to be because the microphone was placed too far away from Aka speaking through Ray’s body to be clearly heard. However, this transcript has been compared to the audio tape to try to improve accuracy.]

Copyrighted © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona 85501


August 23, 1975

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this way. For as the heavens and earth did come together, and so arose from the earth the sea, and as the Seven Spirits of God did lay their hands upon the sea, and the waters parted and rose the land, and the heavens filled with stars all around and about, and from the earth did spring all goodly things of beauty, and all did sing their praise unto the Lord. And trees did come forth in [abundantful] amounts, and flowers and grass upon the ground, and plants, abundance of many kind, and food to feed both of the sea and of the air and of the earth was [abundantful]. And the heavens did rejoice and the earth did rejoice, for all was good and in harmony, for there was food for all. Now once again food for all has been placed upon the earth. As the Seventh Angel walks upon the earth, so before him should walk the makers of the Earth, and their love for their handiwork is greater than that of the Seventh Angel. [See The Revelation, chapters 6–11.]

We say unto you, as in the time of Pharaoh, prepare the land, for soon shall come the earth’s time for slumber. And the earth shall not be productive, for as the trees should sleep the earth should sleep in slumber, much as man, to restore its strength and heal its wounds. Fear not that that is to come. Fear not that that has passed, for tomorrow shall bring a new beginning. And all man shall look upon it and say, “This is good, for this is the handiwork of our Father.”

Praise be unto those who should till the land. Praise be unto those who should build the cities. Praise be unto those who should dig the well to bring forth clear water, for all and each in their separate ways shall be the instruments of our Lord.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question for a health reading request for [7–314–1…Phoenix]. ‘Aka, will you please tell soul Ray how to cure me. I am losing nerve control and muscle tone. I have degeneration in some muscles.’”

We see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. That that has been done shall continue to be done with the biotherapy treatments.

We should add further into this in this manner. If the ion units were placed on a north-south axis, placing the units nine feet precisely in distance one from the other, placing them exactly three feet above the surface of the earth — they must be precisely level, placing the head to the north, the feet to the south — the subject as such should be placed exactly three feet from the surface on exact level with the ion units. The therapy should start with 30-minute intervals each day, increasing unto the third hour, with the continued therapy of that of the swimming to restore the degenerated muscular tone. Further information on this subject shall be given from time to time.

Thirdly, we would suggest that the subject lose the fear within himself, for this, in itself, is the greatest destructive force, therefore, in the subject matter. As we have said before, the past is the past, the present is the present. You can make your own future. But that that should be the crippling disease should be manifested more greatly in the mind, and from the mind unto the body; therefore, with the light and tone changes within the mind substance, healing should continually be brought forth. But it must be done on a gradual basis. If this is brought forth too fastly, the degenerated nerve substance should become mutate, and therefore, not in control of the same.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Soul Ruth [2–30–2] asks, ‘When I was a small child I attended a masquerade ball where a young woman dressed as Salome carried on a platter a realistic wax reproduction of the severed head of John the Baptist. I have been haunted by this ever since, and it bothers me so much lately that I cannot sleep. Can you tell me a reason for this?’”

Yes, we see thy need and we should answer in this manner. As the garden is weeded, there are those who would rather eat the weeds than the fruit.

You have other questions, ask.

Aka, [7–301–1] asks a number of questions. One, ‘How can I finalize my healing?’”

We shall answer in this manner, the faith and knowledge within the mind — a cripple can only be a cripple as long as the mind allows it to be. The continued therapy, with full cooperation, which you have not extended as yet, in biotherapy; you have been lazy, uncooperative, and therefore, the healing as such cannot be completed.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, she asks, ‘What would be the best career for me to pursue, and what is the quickest way for me to become financially independent.’”

Go to work, period.

You have other questions, ask.

One final question from her, ‘Also, should I pay Dr. J___ F__?’”

If labor is due, and the labor is honest, pay of the same.

You have other questions, ask.

Aka, [7–314–2…Woodside, California] asks, ‘Please give guidance and direction for me at this time. Should I go to California and go to medical assisting school? Thank you.’”

(Chuckle) Yes, we see thy need. You have gone forth for healing and have received the same, both mentally and physically. If the schooling was all thy desired, this would be a good thing, but you seek even that of the past. We say unto you, the past is the past. Walk on unto your future and let it become bountiful. If one should plant a tree, and seek the fruit the same day, they shall not receive it. But if they should plant the fruit tree, cultivate it, and tend it well, then the fruit shall be bountiful and sweet unto thy taste.

We say to you, you have made progress in the ability to make your own decisions. Soul Ray has implanted that in your mind with the use of biotherapy. He has taken nothing from your mind, only added to, the ability to make a decision, to carry it out, and to gather the fruit from the same tree. Continuing to run will accomplish nothing. Stand in one place, and let the tree grow.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a number of questions from [5–206–2…Flagstaff]. He asks, ‘What is the meaning of the rapture as spoken of in the book of Revelations?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. If a tree should grow and in its use be bent by the wind, yet straighten again and reach toward the heavens, you should look at it and think in your mind that it has been deformed. And we say unto you, nay, it has but straightened itself unto the heavens.

But should a tree let the wind rule it, then it shall continue to grow in a crooked line. Its line expectancy shall be short, for its own weight as it grows shall kill its own roots. From the root of man, so shall be the soul and the spiritual substance of the same.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. He asks, ‘Will Mount Baker in Washington State erupt in the next year?’”


You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. He says, ‘Seth, who speaks through Jane Roberts, speaks of all lives as being simultaneous on one level of the whole self, seen as reincarnation on another level of the whole self. Could you comment on this?’”

We shall answer in this manner. Beauty, or life, is seen through the eyes of the beholder. If ten men stood side by side and watched a deer pass by, each would describe it differently. So should you have knowledge changed in each mind. But the truth within itself would be that all ten saw the deer. You are all parts of that that you have ever been. Our Father has many mansions; each is great to behold. If our Father had but one child He would but need but one mansion. For His children are as different as the raindrops that fall upon the earth, and so are their beliefs.

The Lord, God, asks but two things. Love unto the Lord one-tenth of the love that He should give unto His children, and unto your fellow man in the same manner.

The Lord, God, set no rules unto the worship of Himself. Man has built many temples. But we say unto you, as the one known as Jesus of Nazara did say, destroy this temple and we shall rebuild it in three days.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. He says, ‘Seth says that beliefs create experiences in a very literal way. Could you comment on this?’”

We have already answered this question. We shall comment in this manner — that that that man believes he is, he is. But much as a man should believe he could conquer the Earth, he conquers only until he finds one who can conquer better than himself. A man may think unto himself that he could build a temple greater than God’s. We shall answer in this manner. The Lord, God, is a jealous God — not as you would think of jealousy, for these, you, are His children. Many men and many women throughout time have sought to set themselves above God. We shall say unto you, in this time of yours, when each man seeks his own job, it would be a sad day when you should try to take the job of God. But we say unto you, let the teacher be no greater than the student, nor the student no greater than the teacher. But you must be a teacher to know that that you are teaching, but first you must have been a pupil.

But if you close your mind, and put two doors, one on the front and one on the back, then nothing can leave it and nothing can enter, and therefore, you have a vacuum of empty space. If the doorways are left open, knowledge as you will see it from day to day shall change and grow and become bountiful and fruitful, much as a tree you would plant. If you only allowed it to become two-foot tall, and each time it reached to be larger than that you cut the top away, the trunk would become heavy, but it would bear little fruit. Yet, the same tree, allowed to grow and be properly pruned, such as the mind should prune certain thoughts, bears much fruit.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have another question; [it] says, ‘There is a saying that everything has the same value, through different natures and uses. Could you comment on this?’”

We shall say unto you that all matter should come from the same source. It is only the molecule difference that should make you different from a stone. Therefore, it is but the thought of God that makes you man. But of yet, it is but the thought of man that should change him from a beast unto man.

You have other questions, ask.

“I have one final question, Aka. ‘It has been said that everything is an idea, and experiences are ideas in living motion, not after-the-fact things or abstracts. Could you comment on this?’”

(Chuckle) We should answer in this way. You have lost your hand. The hand is gone, but yet, it is not. If you can grow from the seed of man in the womb of woman a child, and the see the birth, is this abstract, or is this the miracle of the living God?

We shall answer one other question. For those who should seek to fence with words, words are but a tool, yet truth will last forever.

We shall answer that in the mind of one in such a manner that only this one shall know who we should speak to. Many of you shall say, “This is for me.” It shall not be; it should only be for this one we should speak.

Wounds are made that can create scars, but no wound is too deeply made that the scar cannot be removed. But we should say unto you, “Physician heal thyself.”

Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon thy earth. New eruptions shall occur in the North American Continent. Many eruptions shall occur off the Pacific coastline, from the tip of the Alaskans down through your South American countries. Hurricane and tornado shall continue. As we have said before, soon the earth shall sleep. You winter is close at hand. Prepare there for the same.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyrighted © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona 85501


September 20, 1975 [Editor’s note: Ray said September 10, 1975, but the date probably was September 20, 1975, as the original transcript was dated.]

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For as the grains of sand upon the desert are vast and many, so are the spiritual form of man. As an ocean it should flood the universe. Within each man should lie a part of God, yet each shall be separate and different, and each shall be as an individual, as long as freedom can prevail, freedom to worship, each in your own manner. You are now within the laws of your land a church. But never forget that the true temple of God should lie within the man’s soul, his spirit, his immortal body. Deep within that hidden place within your mind should be the lighten candle of life. [Note: lighten is Middle English for lightened.]

As a gentle breeze should blow across the land into the hearts of man, so should the spirit flow across the desert and unto the plains, into the hills and over the mighty oceans.

Your earth is shifting on its axis. And the earth, much as your winter should come, shall change its face.

And you should say unto us, “Why should this happen?”

And we should say unto you, it is the earth’s way of cleansing itself. Much as winter is a way of replenishing the earth, so is the shifting of the earth’s axis. It’s a way of renewing the earth, a way of replenishing the species of the land.

Each time the earth has shifted so has mankind changed his environment. As this would take place once again, the greatest loss that mankind may have is his knowledge. For in this time your scientific knowledge and your spiritual knowledge has come together in such a manner to provide you with a free and untainted earth — a new heaven and a new earth.

Soon, once again in the isles of California new earthquakes shall occur. In the Caribbean area new earthquakes shall occur. In the Asiatic area new earthquakes shall occur. In that proportion and land known as Russia, and Ethiopia, all shall begin to change its face.

New wars loom closely at hand. We say unto you, as the Eagle [U.S.A.] should replenish its growth and become young again, so it must protect this land of Jerusalem.

Once before, in the land of Rome, the eagle was carried as a banner, and misinterpreted. You are the modern Romans, founded on the same principle of freedom and justice unto all, one nation under God. There are many who would destroy it and take away this freedom. Let not that happen. But it cannot be preserved by becoming radical, distrusting thy neighbors. For soon, if this would happen, you could not even trust yourselves.

Now, let the group bind closer together. Bring forth new teachers. Bring forth new ministers. Bring forth. Let the words of peace, and the thousand years of peace may be soon at hand. But remember, all things shall come that are needed.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a health reading tonight from [7–315–1…Scottsdale, Arizona…]. She asks, ‘What is causing the constant buzzing and clicking noises in my ears, and is there any treatment that will cure this condition? This has existed for six years.’”

Yes, we have thy body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. We shall answer your question in this manner. If you should bring your problem unto soul Ray, the treatment of the same is a very simple treatment. The clicking or tone in the ears is a fusation of the bone structure of the same. It is brought about by the lack of circulation in the inner ear in the proportion of the bony structure that should provide that of tone and sound into the same. You shall find further that this condition is impairing the sight, and also the motor function of the brain, and shall soon bring on other complications of a radical nature.

This could be treated by the use of that of the niacinamide, the vitamins of the Lipo-C, and the use of hot castor-oil packs placed behind the ears. We would further suggest that the mineral supplement be used in the treatment of the same. Further use of that of the ion, negative-ion units, would help to change the atmospheric conditions while the subject slept at night.

This is all on this subject.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a health reading for [7–315–2…Phoenix]. The problem is headaches. But he asks for — the question is for a general health reading.”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. We find, therefore, that we have brought unto thy keeping that of the bio-therapy.

The headaches are due to two problems which should run parallel, one with the other. One is due to the fluctuation of the blood pressure. The other is due to that of stress. We find a third factor, that of a chemical substance within the bloodstream which, in turn, has caused that of the neutron [neuron] built between the two tissues of the brain in the upper left lobal area. Further we find, therefore, within the same, that of the sinus cavities, infection, therefore, within the same. We find, therefore — yes — the lack of mineral in the blood structure of the same, kidney, liver damage due to that of imbalance of vitamin substance.

We should say once again, bring this one forth unto soul Ray. The knowledge that is needed has been planted, therefore, in the mind, for both biotherapy and that that you would know as psychic surgery will be needed to impair and repair this and to bring about the full healing.

We would also suggest that the use, at this time, of that of the slippery elm, [myrrh?], that of the hops and mistletoe and sage, each in exact proportions of a balance of the same be used for the making of a tea substance. This should be drinke four times daily. [Note: drinke(n) is Middle English for drank.]This would help in the cleansing of the system, and help to reduce the infection in the [bronchianing] areas.

But without the necessary biotherapy, herbs and vitamins alone, or medication of any kind, would not fully restore this one to their health.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a request for a health reading for [7–315–3…Durango, Colorado]. ‘Is there anything I can do to maintain the good health that Ray has gotten me in, other than I’ve already been instructed?’”

Yes, we see the need, and therefore, we should provide the information. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same, and we should answer in this manner. Continue the use of that of the Wonder Loss, in its exact proportions directed by soul Ray; continue [the] use of the other herbs and vitamins substances in their proper form; continue use of biotherapy at periodic periods of time.

You must realize that one part has been provided. Other parts shall come forth. At the present time we have implanted in soul Ray’s mind many new formulas for the improvement of the health of all. He is slowly bringing these forth. We are providing that of the material needs. But you must realize also that due to his own health state we can only implant the knowledge. One thing at a time must be brought forth and a foundation built in the structure of the same.

New machinery, that that shall be needed, will take time in the provision of the same. In this time of recession, the hearts of many have grown cold to his efforts. But we shall continue to prevail and provide, that all may receive from his healing, both by herb and by the energy substance we have provided within him, and the knowledge of the same, taking of the knowledge, using it well.

We have said before, we may knock upon the door, only you may bid us enter. Take forth, therefore, that that we have provided, and let it spread into your land. Take forth of the vitamin and herb substance, and let it spread, therefore, upon your land, as well as the knowledge. A healthy mind and a healthy body will function better together.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a health reading from [6–274–3…Dallas, Texas]. She asks, ‘What is behind my daughter, A____ L_____ B______’s learning disabilities and how can we best correct this? Please be specific.’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. Soul Ray has given you full information in specific terms. Listen therefore.

Of your own health needs, and that that you have asked for, the necessary surgery has been provided. We have restored your health, that of your husband, and that of your daughter. The learning difficulty is that of a bored child, nothing more. We shall say unto you that further biotherapy would improve this.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a request for a health reading from [7–315–4…Grant’s Pass, Oregon…]. Her question is for help with her arthritis and muscle cramps of the skin, three kinds of arthritis, also trouble with her heart and lungs.”

Yes, we shall answer in this manner. A new substance shall soon be provided unto soul Ray, that of the chelate-orotate method used in the mineral supplements. It shall be provided and isolated very soon. Be patient.

We have placed before you that of the Aloe Vera Earth formula, and cream formula. Use of these. Use of the mineral supplement, therefore, at hand at the time. Use, therefore, of the hops, a tea seeped [steeped] of the same before bedtime. Use, therefore, of the sage three times a day, a cup of the same.

Of the heart problem, we shall answer in this manner. This we shall maintain, for the healing that is asked for shall be given. But we shall answer you also in this manner. A place has been prepared.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a request for a health reading for [7–325–5…Alta Vista, Virginia]. She asks for a health reading; she has a hearing problem, leg and stomach and weight problems. Also would like to know if she will marry again?”

Yes, we see thy need. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same.


We should answer your question in this manner. Of the stomach problem, we should suggest that of the Aloe Vera Gel, two ounces three times per day.

Of the weight problem, we would suggest that of the Wonder Loss formula of the same, three teaspoons three times per day.

As for the marriage problem, we shall answer in this manner. If a gardener should plant his garden and tend it well, then it shall reap a bountiful harvest.

Soul Ray now grows weary.

And now we shall answer the question for the one known as [6–250–1]. You have asked, “What has been taken that should be restored?” And we shall answer in this manner. We have looked upon the land unto which you dwell and the people, therefore, of the same. We have looked upon those who should say they are friend, yet act in a different manner. That that was taken we have returned. We have returned the fellowship and love that was taken from within you and restored it with a garden of beauty.

We shall say unto you, tend the garden well that it may flourish and grow into thyself that others may see it. Do so in a manner as though you had found a new well in a desert. Share it with others.

There is one other thing we have restored. That that was taken from the bank vault has been restored. Do not be so foolish to make the same mistake twice.

Soul Ray now grows weary.

And the Fifth Angel walks upon thy earth.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyrighted © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona 85501


September 27, 1975

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. We shall say unto you, as was written in your book of Revelations, look therefore, and you shall find within the same that the Beast did rise, and the Beast did have upon its head ten crowns. And the Beast, therefore, had the head severed, yet it grew a new head. [See The Revelation 13:1–9 and 17:12.]

And you should say, “How should this be possible?”

And we should say unto you, the time and the place is now. The head that was destroyed of the Beast that carried ten crowns was the head of a nation that was removed. And therefore, it did grow a new head. And each crown represents a nation, a nation each within what you would call your Common Market. And it did say unto these words, “Lest these be carried and wear the mark of the Beast, they could not trade nor barter.” And so it is, as it was written, as it was given unto John. Even within his madness so he placed forth that that was to come forth in your day and in your time.

Yet, the reign was short. We shall say unto you that Rome did rise and Rome did fall, and Rome did carry upon its shoulders the emblem of the eagle. And so was the fulfillment of the first of the prophecies. And now is the second, for you are the modern Romans.

Leste not your nation fall from within itself — leste not it fall, “one nation before God.” you are few, but your strength should multiply. We have said unto you, bring forth and come forth as a mirror unto the people. We have encouraged new teachers and ministers be brought forth for this purpose. Yet each one of your members is that of a missionary within itself, for as each member should cast his light upon the water, so a reflection should come forth.

Leste these wear the mark of the Beast, now is the time that all should reach forth to multiply and increase the dominion of your membership. This can only be done with increase of the group study sessions in correct and proper manners: that before God, that with God, and that for God.

If a teacher cannot carry the burden, it is better to be a good shepherd than a poor leader of nations. As you carry forth the words, one unto another, forgiveness, mercy, and humility must be part of your banners.

We say unto you, go forth in such a manner that you should knock upon the door. Should they bid you enter, enter and drink of their wine of knowledge and give of yours. It is only in the trading of knowledge, and through knowledge, can the mark of the Beast be avoided.

The time grows near when new hurricanes and tornados shall strike your continent, both from the eastern and western seaboards. Volcanic action beneath the ocean shall bring forth new tremors in the western and eastern seaboard. They shall intensify. Earthquakes stronger than the earth has known in many, many years shall now strike. The month of October shall mark the beginning.

The fuse is short in the land of Israel. It shall be lit from the continent of France, and therefore, may spread upon the Earth.

Your nation, even as it stands, can crumble a little at a time unless now the spiritual substance of mankind is applied. It cannot come in such a manner that one should stand and take; it is in the giving that you shall grow. As we have said before, we shall supply your needs, not your wants. Therefore, in the preparation of the coming times, prepare in such a way that you should not make war upon your neighbor.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [7–316–1] who now lives in Yuma, Arizona, and asks, ‘What can we take to nullify the poison cotton and lettuce sprays that we have to breathe? Also, Aka, please tell me about my health conditions.’”

First, we should answer in this manner. We have brought forth the substance that is known as the “Goldenseal with B-6” formula. This in itself is constructed in such a manner to cleanse the system and maintain the toxic level of the same.

Of your health conditions, this in itself is a general question. Your main health condition at the present time is condition of the liver, and a toxic condition within the same, a blockage. Using of the substance we have just suggested, this problem could be readily dissolved.

As we have said before, we have brought forth that that is needed for your needs. We have seen the need. Therefore, we have implanted the knowledge, and the substance is before you.

Now we should say unto you, due to the condition of soul Ray’s health and the overtaxing of his body substance, your reading shall be short. We have given unto you that that is needed.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Awaken soul ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyrighted © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona 85501


October 4, 1975

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner.

For as man stands upon the Earth, if he should stand in such a position that one hand held the past, the other the future, and dwelt each day only on that, then where would his presents be? He would stand only in one place, serve no purpose to himself or any other. The past is only knowledge that can guide you to the present. And the present should make of the future.

You with your individual free will, your minds — your minds are capable of moving mountains. A child may develop the mind quite rapidly because he has not placed before him what he cannot do. When a child learns to walk the equilibrium begins to function in such a manner that he may hold his balance.

Mankind is so busy holding their balance that they are not reaching for the stars, for through the stars shall be the pathway through your future, through the further exploration and development into your space travel. You shall find with the development of the cosmic-magnetic-electrical-energy substance both land and space travel and your power needs may be excelled.

You say unto us, “How can you speak of the book of Revelations and a new source of energy substance in the same breath?” We say unto you, your earth has changed its facial structure many times. It shall do so again. It is the spiritual structure of man with knowledge that shall gain you your new heaven and your new earth. To fear is to be ignorant.

Each of you asks the Lord, our God, each day for your peace of mind, for your well being, and for your many needs and wants; [that], which among you should say unto himself or herself, “How may I give unto the Lord, God?”

The Lord, God, does not ask a mighty temple of brick and stone. These things are good, for it is a gathering house. The only temple we seek to build is that within man, the temple of God is man. The body of God lies within all.

To fall down is not a sin. There are many things that you would call sin that our Father thinks little or not at all of.

You seek to explain to yourself the book of Revelations. You seek the knowledge of that that should taste of honey, yet grow bitter in one’s mouth. [See The Revelation 10:1–11.]

We shall answer your question. In man’s quest for his future, if all he could see was the future and not of the present, it would soon grow very bitter in his mouth. These were the scrolls that John was directed to eat, the scrolls of the future.

Your future can be made in such a manner that the famine, your time of the Anti-Christ or the coming of the Beast upon the Earth, can be wiped away with your minds. The chaos of the shifting of the Earth’s axis is nothing more than a minor adjustment that must be made within man and beast.

We have said before, now is the time of the Cherub. The great Sword hovers, to strike from one side and part the land; the other shall part man. If a building should burn, and all inside use their minds and orderly and jointly remove themselves from the building, no one will be harmed. But fear, the constant dwelling upon fear, can destroy the mind, can destroy all around you, for you shall cease to see the flowers that grow today and can grow tomorrow.

We have also said unto you that where deserts stand water shall flow. New gardens, new forests shall arise. Your water level of the seas shall rise, only to recede again. The continents shall shift and change, only to stabilize again. Mankind has lived through every change of the earth. That that he has lost each time was his knowledge to crawl out of the cave, to not be afraid.

Use your knowledge here and now that you may store the knowledge from within.

Remember, you just — you are now, only now, beginning to understand the knowledge of the medicine used by the Sumerians thousands of years ago.

We have said before that the true healing shall come through the light and sound. We shall elaborate farther in this manner, that through the functioning of the brain cells in the brain in itself, tone, or as you would know, musical tones, shall immune [emit, emulate, immute?] light. The light substance is an electrical substance that should be carried forth throughout the nervous system, throughout the biochemical functions of the body substance of the same.

And you say unto us, “How can this be so?” And we say unto you, does not the sperm of man carry light force and tone? Does not every object upon your earth? Should you change the cosmic flow, energy flow, into any object, should it not be mutated, therefore, changing the molecule structure of the same, and changing its form? You can destroy nothing. You have destroyed nothing. You will destroy nothing. You may only change its form.

We say unto you, study of the words we have spoken. You shall have many questions. Let them form and bring them forth, and we shall answer of the same.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Firstly, I have a question for [6–274–2]. And she said, ‘I wish to keep my house. If I sign the paper will this be insured?’”

We shall answer in this manner, since this is a question of a personal nature. You have now the advice of a man of law. Take the advice of the man, and the house shall remain intact. But we say unto you, make no bargain that your soul cannot carry.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Soul Ruth [2–30–2-a] asks, ‘What place has St. Michael, the Archangel, in working out the karmic problems of this Earth? And what part will he have in the fulfillment of the prophesies of the book of Revelations?’”

(Chuckle) We say unto you, go, therefore, unto Jewish astrology and you shall find the answer. Saint Michael, as you would say, is a planet in your solar system. Study, therefore, of the same. If you do not fully understand then, we will bring forth the fullness of the answer. But an answer and knowledge earned stays in the mind. Take forth the knowledge we have given, and then come back and ask again.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, she has another question, Aka, ‘Who is the Blue-Star Kachina of the Hopis? Is it an extra-terrestrial being?’”

(Chuckle) We shall answer your question in this manner. Long ago, when the Messiah walked the face of your Earth, your continent, this land — and before his coming, a star was promised of his arrival. And he did say unto them, “For I give unto you the morning star and the evening star. I shall go with it, and I shall come with it.”

And so, through their folklore it has been handed down. Much as the tablets of Moses, that of the Ten Commandments, so were the tablets of the Hopi. Yet both no longer stand upon your Earth, only the wish and the promise — the promise, therefore, unto the people that they should hold holy unto the Lord all days, and that they should worship no other god before Him.

The one who should come shall say to you, “I am not God, yet I am the spirit of God.”

So it has been upon your Earth before. So it shall be again.

Our purpose, that we might serve both man and God, should be for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. Much as the star, the doll [Blue-Star kachina] was made to remind them of this.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Soul Mark [3–115–2-a] asks for guidance in the study of the book of Revelations. ‘There are many traditions about God’s children during the time of tribulation. Will they be removed bodily, or what?’”

(Chuckle) We shall answer in this manner. When as a child, you should eat as a child, and you should think as a child, and you should walk as a child.

We should say unto you, for in his madness John left a puzzle. We shall further answer in this manner. John was imprisoned, not because he was a Christian, but because of his insanity. Yet the Lord sought yet to work through him. And yet he took of that that the Lord gave him and made puzzles of the same, for, as an apostle, he knew that man, long after he was gone, would find many thoughts and translations of the work he should leave behind. This was his punishment to mankind for imprisoning him. It was not the intent of God that this should be of such. We should say unto you, we shall unscramble the puzzle as the time is needed and as the parts are needed.

But we have said before, a teacher can only rise with his pupils, and a pupil may only rise with their teacher. We have said before, let each pupil take one night of study and conduct your classes. It this manner it shall cover a greater latitude and more knowledge shall be gained. It is sometimes only by falling down and learning how to rise that one should learn to walk.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Aka, I have been looking for the coal that you mentioned, and I have located some and I wonder if the coal that I have found is the coal that you were referring to or whether I should look somewhere else?”

We shall answer in this manner. Near where in this place you would call the mountains of the Pinal, near the area where the stream should flow that your father’s house should sit, yet both possibilities should be explored. You shall find other areas; search farther. They must be developed for the use of the people.

Soul Ray now grows weary.

But we should say unto you, all of you wish to survive. Yet, because your teacher should be of youth, you refuse to study. But we say unto you, where one should gather we shall stand. We should further say unto you, from the smallest thing in the universe we should learn.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


October 11, 1975

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner.

For fear that plagues the land should be as the rushing sea. If the captain of the ship upon the sea should handle his craft well during a storm, there should be no reason for panic or fear.

Assurance that you shall reach the land and the end of your journey shall come forth only when you lay your fears aside. For fear is much like greed. It should take but the smallest seed to start its growth, and soon it could consume you and everyone around you.

It’s like a task that is prolonged too long. The longer you wait, the greater the task should become. Much as the task, when the fear begins to enter the mind, confront it. Look within it, and you shall see that the greatest thing to fear is fear itself, and that which within itself should consume the mind, therefore, consuming the body. And [an] emotional upheaval should begin through the mind, and therefore, through the body.

We have told you of the light and sound of the brain within itself. We should tell thee farther that all you have ever been and shall be lies within the brain. The brain is the house of the soul of man. Was it not said that another man could take thy arm, thy leg, or even the body, but only you yourself could really harm yourself? And this can only be done through fear. And fear could grow into greed and lust, and leave all you have worked for behind.

There shall be some of you who shall have but one teardrop to offer into his Father, and some who shall have many. But the one who has only but one, and gives it freely, shall, therefore, be as great as the one who should give many. For within this one, they have given their all.

Mind and body must function as one, for the mind shall rule the body in all respects.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question tonight from soul Ray and from [6–281–1]. ‘Aka, we have been thinking about a plan to promote spiritual healing becoming an integral part of medicine as it is practiced by the medical profession. Can you give us advice and help us in formulating this? What is a good way to start opening the doors in our community? How should we go about the research part? Do you have any specific advice to soul Ray about this in his part?’”

Yes, we should answer in this manner. First, we should say unto you, if you should build a house, therefore, put beneath it a good foundation. Dig deeply, and root it solidly unto the earth’s surface. The same must apply in research. Accurate records must be kept, precise records of the work. We shall say unto you, with this type of records taken from any subject over a repeated length of time, then you have the foundation to build from.

We should further suggest that the further participation between your medical society and that of the healer, the trading of knowledge, therefore, within the same, doing so without reservations, the reward shall come as it should be through the healing of the patient. It is not important who should get the credit. It is important that the life be saved and life be preserved.

Some of you will wonder why we shall say of these words, and we shall say unto you — one day upon your Earth you can learn more than a hundred years on the other side.

Knowledge from both sides may be linked together. We shall say unto you, your civilization as it stands today is now reaching into the realms, the greater realms, of mind and body. The tools that are needed will be provided.

Your golden age has been upon this Earth many times. It has been lost many times because of ignorance and fear.

We shall say unto you, go forth using, in experimental techniques, of both the EEG attached to the patient and to soul Ray as experiments are done; running, therefore, in accordance, organ by organ you shall see the change in the pattern substance. This experiment you have already done, but more research must be done to collaborate [corroborate]the same.

We would suggest the farther attendance of the different societies that are coming together in this field. We would further suggest that both you and soul Ray should go, therefore, into that of the isles of California, and therefore, participate and bring forth, and see, therefore, for yourselves the knowledge that you have already assimilated. You are like a tree. In your research you are far advanced. Yet you have nothing to compare it with. When the research is finished, find those who should take of the same and use of it.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question tonight from [7–317–1] and [7–317–2]. The question, one: ‘Two of our friends are interested in Swami Kriyananda’s Ananda Cooperative Village. How will this fare in coming troubles? It’s near Nevada City, California.’”

We shall say unto you, as we have spoken before, you have less than five years, as the isles shall soon, and the land of California shall soon begin its destiny of the removal of land and the upheaval of other land. This land into which you speak will not fare. The land unto which you stand shall remain while other land suffers great upheavals.

Regardless of the faith of man, there is room for all. And the knowledge shall be given to all. We say unto you, the knowledge shall spread upon the Earth and grow thus far into the same. Our Father has many mansions.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, [7–317–2] has another question: ‘What is your opinion of diet and refined foods as a cause of sickness?’ She has asked in the past especially about white sugar.”

We shall answer your question in this manner. The white sugar, in refining, in itself, does little but take, therefore, from the substance of the same.

In this particular question you are asking both for that of hypoglycemic patients and diabetic patients. We would suggest the use, therefore, of the tupelo honey that should come from the region of the Florida land. This should contain within the substance three different types of glucose. This substance will feed slowly into the system, and therefore, can be handled by the system much easier than your other sugar forms.

Of diet within its same, and roughage, roughage must be needed within the system, therefore, that the system may digest its food more readily. Cooked food quite often, if prepared in a wrong manner, could take, therefore, of the vitamin substance within the same. But in this day and time, I would look closer into the mineral lacking in the food substance.

The oritate method and chelating method, and the combining of the mineral substance, both with the use of the ionization and the use of the B substance, or your B6 substance, within this would, therefore, help very much in the repair of the lower colon and the damage, therefore, into the same, as surgical techniques seldom may help these regions because the diseased area only will become diseased again. Correction can be made without surgery in this fashion.

Your question should cover a great latitude, and therefore, we shall add more unto it from time to time.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading for [7–311–1]. He asks for a life reading, ‘in order to better know what God wants me to do with my life, and to better understand myself.’”

One moment. We find insufficient data. We would suggest that this be corrected that we might answer this question more fully.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [5–239–5], his parents ask for a life reading for him.”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we have the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body before us, and therefore, we have the records.

We shall say unto this one, as you should grow older, look back upon this that we should give, for it shall be both the guideline of where you have been, but where you are going.

We find this one born in the Year of the Dragon in the land that you should now know as Mongolia. Much has changed of this land. This land at this time was of great vegetation, warm, tropical climate.

We find the entity, therefore, born into that that you would know as a hunter. And fashioning the weaponry of stone, for they are emerging once again from their golden age into their stone age. The knowledge these people once had is but legend. This one is born with an ability to see the past, and within his ability he, therefore, should bring forth the figures and symbols that he should see. He should carve them upon the stone.

As he grew older he did, therefore, higher into the mountains. And therefore, he unearthed caverns containing great records, and modern machines left from another generation of man. At first he thought to tell no one of his discovery. Soon he would find that the symbols he did see were written, both in scripture that man could read from. Yet he would study long. Finally within his frustration he would go unto the wise ones of his village. Only the wise ones thought him possessed, and drove him back into the cavern, and therefore, did stone up the cavern. And there he did perish.

We find this one not again until civilization reached the land, therefore, of the Egyptan. Both the land and the space travel between these lands and that of other planetary systems was a common event. But once again he was born, therefore, with the knowledge to look back.

And with this knowledge he said unto himself, “If man should destroy himself once again, our knowledge must be preserved.” And therefore, he sought out the great priest, Ra-Tai, to tell him of his vision.

And Ra-Tai took him forth, therefore, into the fifth continent of Atlantis, of [Pe-ra-us]. And there, with Arcan, they did discuss this matter.

Atlantis with its splendor and its greatness — how could it perish? Arcan said, therefore, unto Ra-Tai, “Of you I know of the great visions you have brought forth, of the binding of the wounds among our two people, and the people of [Lemuria], of the world peace we now have upon this, this world, of the peace we have made with the other planetary systems. Surely it should stand.”

And Ra-Tai said unto him, “Let us prepare, therefore, a storing place of knowledge. It shall be in mathematical cubicles, the knowledge within itself. Part of the knowledge shall be stored in the structure that was built long ago by the old ones. But we shall preserve our knowledge of today.” And therefore, you did place beneath the tombs of Cairo the records that rest there today.

Your years were old, and yet, when you passed beyond you died with great satisfaction that the knowledge would not be lost.

You saw the coming, therefore, of the one known as Jesus of Nazara. You saw the continent of Yucatan rise and fall. You saw the invasion, therefore, of the Spaniards and the destruction of the knowledge in that [plan].

And yet, you have come again. Your task that shall lie before you in this lifetime, for you have seen the Eagle’s flight, you shall know that when the earth should shift again that Atlantis shall fall again and rise again. But once again your gift of far-away knowledge shall remain with you. Bring forth the knowledge, both of that time and this. Take our words as a gift, not unto you, but unto mankind.

Now soul Ray wearies.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for improved accuracy.]

Copyrighted © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona 85501


October 15, 1975

Phoenix, Arizona

[Editor’s note: The first part of this reading was not transcribed, so the reading begins with these words.] [We should] say unto you, that as a tree must grow, so should the spirit of God grow in man.

There are those who would say that God is dead in man. We should say unto you, nay. It is but a new awakening. The growth is now maturing. And mankind is looking deeper and farther into the knowledge of God and seeking His love and wisdom.

If you should cut down the tree, and there before you, you shall see many circles. Some shall be bent and twisted and narrow; these will be the lean years. Others shall be fat and straight. These shall be the years of great progress for the tree and much development. But yet, should a tree bend with the wind, it shall not become broken; yet it may be deformed at the base, only to right itself and reach upward toward the heavens.

So should all of these things we have said apply unto man. The lean years are the lean life spells, or lifetimes, as you would know them, where we have learned little; the fat ones, where we have learned much. The bending and the straightening we may do many times in a lifetime.

One would say unto you, “You must die to live again.” And we say unto you, this is wrong, for the resurrection was proof unto man that any minute of a lifetime can be a new birth.

As the rays should come from the sun unto the earth, so should the many rays of God dwell into man.

Should you climb the ladder, climb it in such a way that you should denounce no one their belief and the way they believe in their Father, but reach for a greater understanding of the same.

You have many questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka, from [7–318–1] and she’s present here tonight. ‘Will I ever love somebody else and marry him?’”

Yes, we shall answer your question in this manner. [If] a farmer should own a plot of land, and on the land should only be rock, then he should go hungry looking and trying to grow a crop upon the same. Yet a miner should come by and see the same rock and find riches in the same.

We should say unto you that as fisherman goes unto the ocean and casts his net, he should bring forth sometimes things he should rather not catch. He shall cast them back. But this should not stop the fisherman from fishing. Continue to cast your net, and one of your own kind shall come forth soon.

You have other questions, ask.

“From [7–318–2], and she asks, ‘Who was I in my incarnation preceding my present one?’”

Yes, we see thy need. We shall say unto you, in the land known as Ireland, there upon the small farm, you herded the dairy cattle as a lad. As an adult you moved to the city, and therefore, worked in a fiber mill, that that the wool was brought into cloth. In older years, you were a very stingy person. Your daughter sent forth her child because she had neither bread nor milk to feed the child, and through the child you found the love you had lost so long ago. And you went forth and gathered your daughter, and therefore, you did find the God within yourself.

This you seek now. It is in the same place it was before, for you are all parts of everything you have ever been. It dwells within you. It is at hand. It is not in your purse, but in your heart, and soul, body, mind, and the immortal body within the same.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, from [7–318–3], and she’s here tonight, and, ‘Will I ever be together with my ex-husband, K_____, in a man-wife relationship, or is there a future for me with J__, the man I am with at the present?’”

We should say unto you, it shall be neither of the two, but there shall be a third. And we should say unto you, that when this day comes forth should the minister read unto the marriage of Cana. [See John 2:1–10].

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [7–318–4], and [7–318–4] asks, ‘Which field is best for me in which to pursue my degree, librarianship or communications cinema, or should I continue in communication and get an MLS also?’”

We should say unto you, you should continue your education. But you shall stop at neither of those mentioned, for you shall go farther and enter into the political arena and become quite known for your ideals. These ideals shall not only sway the city, the state, but a country in its path in the future days to come. Think well; “one nation before God,” one soul before God, but that soul’s responsibility is unto all of God’s children, for remember, our Father has many mansions.

You have other questions, ask.

“From [7–313–1], otherwise known as M____ O__,…and M____ asks, ‘I have been asked to start a band with a friend I work with. Also I have been asked to rejoin the band, “Gravel and Roll,” that I played with a year ago. I don’t know which band would be the best for me to be a part of. Can you tell me? Will either one be successful for me?’”

We shall say unto you, at a later time you shall reach into another field of endeavor, but for the present time, let the last be first, and this should bring forth gratifying results in a monetary fashion.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [7–318–5], I’m not sure if that’s all one name….She wants to know, ‘What will be the outcome of my new marriage?’ — married on 6–28–1975.”

We see not of this. Data incorrect.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka, from [6–283a-3], and she asks, ‘Will my children, I, and my husband be happily reunited again, and what will be the outcome of this situation?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. Seek and you shall find. Be fearful, and you shall lose all you will gain. Let the past be the past. Walk forth into a new endeavor with vigor, love, and the knowledge within that it shall endure and withstand.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka, from [5–238–6], and she asks, ‘What are my prospects for the coming year?’”

Yes, we see of thy need and we should answer in this manner. The financial prospects — and this is in a direction into which you are most interested — shall do well, if you within yourself could take stock of your inventory.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [7–303–3], and she asks, ‘What is your advice on my purchasing the property where I am living and working? Is this a good move at this time?’ And she also would like to know, ‘Did I interpret my vision of July 11, 1975, at 4 a.m., reasonably correctly?’”

First, we should answer your question in this manner. The vision was not interpreted quite as clearly as could have been.

The question, we should say unto you, the property should be purchased; [it] would be a very wise investment. But if you should do so, it should be done quite promptly, or it should slide beneath thy fingers, for there are other forces at work at this time.

We shall say unto you that as the Eagle flies, so shall the destiny of the Eagle’s nest rise.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, from [7–318–6], ‘My husband, D____, and I are having serious marital problems. Will these problems be worked out so that we will have a fulfilling union with each other, or will we be divorced?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner; those who pray together stay together. Give that unto God that belongs to God; give that unto your husband that belongs unto your husband; give that unto yourself that belongs unto you. In all three you shall serve yourself, your husband, and God. But in all three you shall be serving God. A house divided cannot stand. Place this time a foundation under the marriage, and fruit shall come forth [abundantful].

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I’d like to ask a question tonight. I’ve been concerned about a young member of my family, and I was wondering if you could give me any help and advice in relating to her in a more fruitful manner?”

(Chuckle) We shall say unto you unto this manner. The fatty tissue of the buttocks was placed there not for just sitting. Lie shall compound lie, as long as the liar is allowed to continue to lie. This one you speak of has little feeling. She is so afraid of being hurt that all she knows to do is hurt others, yet she will listen not. We say unto you, now of all times, use a firm hand, but put love behind it.

We shall answer one other question that lies within the mind. Find thee there A Rose without Thorns. Pick it up. Gaze into it, and speak unto the author. For what you seek is but at your footsteps.

We say unto you, soon new tornados, new hurricanes shall battle your Midwest. They shall reach both seaboards, both the Atlantic and the Pacific. The Mediterranean area shall suffer new earthquakes. Both California and the Alaskans within the month, as you would count, shall both suffer severe earthquakes.

The land on which you stand shall now start to recede a little at a time. In the next five-year period the Phoenix bird must rise again from the ashes.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Note: these words were said to Ray, as they were at the end of each trance reading.]

“Ray, now it is time to begin your journey home. Down the stairs, Ray. Down the stairs that bring you home. As you start you will hear no outside interference, only the sound of my voice, Ray. Down the stairs that bring you home.

We are now approaching the bottom of the stairs, Ray. We will rest and gather strength. Rest and gather strength. You like it here. You have been here before, Ray. This is a beautiful place. There is a stream. Along the stream there are rosebushes; beautiful rosebushes of many colors. In the valley you see sheep grazing. You feel good. You feel very good. Your body is beginning to heal itself. All the strains of the day are fading. You are resting. You feel good here. We will rest and gather strength. Your body functions are returning to normal. You want to wake up.

Now we are at the bottom of the stairs. You will not have a headache, and you will not feel dizzy. All the strains of the day will be gone. When you want to sleep tonight you will have no trouble. You want to wake up.

When I count to three, you will awake, but not before. Your body is returning to normal.

One, your body functions are returning to normal.

Two, you want to wake up.

Three, you are awake.”

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio tape for accuracy.]

Copyrighted © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, AZ 85501, A 624240


October 18, 1975

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For as man should walk forth into your planetary system, there you shall find new earths, and many of your people shall come forth to colonize. They shall gaze upon fields never plowed. But as the plow should enter the earth to till the ground, it shall bring forth new life upon a planet, much as your Eastern world did bring forth unto the Western world, and trade cultures into the same.

You shall find those of your own kind in these other planetary systems. And you shall say unto us, “How can this relate unto us?” And we say unto you, look into your day-to-day tasks, that as you should meet another unlike yourself, fear them not. Understanding one another, that each may put their hand to the plow, and the task they should bring forth shall come from the faith within. And the faith within shall come from the hope within. And the hope within shall come forth as a gentle summer breeze. And love shall flourish. But as you should plant a seed today, even in friendship, time shall bring forth its harvest.

If you trade and barter, look deeply into each part with full understanding, with the understanding that the love, the compassion, the hope, the faith, and the wisdom of all shall let its roots bury deep in the soul and heart and spirit, and the immortal body of man, letting all flow in harmony, one unto another.

We have said unto you, we come but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Some, because of the natural catastrophes that should befall the earth, should be fearful. They are wrong. The fear only breeds more fear. The knowledge and understanding takes away the fear, the working of one hand into another.

We have placed into soul Ray’s mind the baptism of your organization. [For] he did seek in his dream form, a church. It was a poor church, and he said therefore, “Build into me a steeple, and I shall provide the bell. And it shall ring forth the freedom of religion throughout the land. And it shall come before your bicentennial year of your land.”

And so we say unto you, we shall provide the bell. Where more than one should gather, so we shall stand. And where only one shall stand, we shall stand. But the learning to stand together in love, in faith, and in harmony is your greatest task in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

If a burden is carried with love, it is no burden at all, for it becomes light, and your feet shall gather wings — for you shall become in harmony with the universe. Let it be so. Glory be the name of the Lord, our God.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Can you suggest a solution to the present problem at the Inspiration Smelter so that it can be made to function? The acid vapors pass through pipes containing stoneware pads and these are being smashed by turbulence. They do not know how to correct the problem. They want to put the people back to work.”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto you, you have worked in that form, as you would call it, Egyptian paste. Should these be made of this substance, firing at a higher substance, being placed as they are now, but with a counterweight should the turbulence grow too strong. Both substances could be made of the same substance, and therefore, could correct the problem at hand.

But we say unto you, there are those who would keep this place of employment closed for their own purposes.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Thank you. I have a request for a life reading from [7–319–1…Tucson, Arizona]. She asks for a life reading in order to better enable her to use what skills she possesses and to help in the work of the preparation and to make her a better person.”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same, and therefore, we have before us the records. We shall say unto this one, we shall bring forth unto you that that is needed for today. It shall not be all of your incarnations upon this planet, but it shall be that that is significant to your development of this day and of tomorrow.

We find this one has entered many times before the entry, in the land of the second continent of Atlantis. And this one, as a girl child, was prepared in all ways to marry within her [status]. Her father was a merchant of jewelry and had done well by himself and his family. Yet, the mother would be, as your would call, a social climber of today. She cared not for her husband’s feelings and not for her daughter’s feelings, but sought a marriage of prestige, and therefore, did barter, that she might marry that of a noble from the land of Egytan.

And so the marriage did come forth. You were young with little understanding of politics. The people of Egyptan at this time had placed the great priest, Ra-Tai, in exile. And your wondered to yourself, not loudly, but into yourself, why this should be so. You were afraid to ask of your husband, and therefore, you did ask of the servants.

And the servants did say, “There are those from the land of your home who should take power, and seek power in this land. And there are those of this land who cares not for the development of the people.”

And you said unto this servant, “Then why does not this one that they say that comes from the land of the Eagle, why does he let this come about?”

And the servant said unto you, “We know not.”

But then word came that the land of the Eagle had not entered nor blessed the crops. Plague and pestilence did rule the land. And Atlantis, all of her continents were plagued. And [Lakemia [Lamuria?]] was of the same. All of the known world seemed to stand in an [other, utter] darkness.

And then your husband did come forth and say unto you, “I must leave you, for there are those who would bring Ra-Tai back. And should he return, I might fear for my life, for it was I, among others, who had him banished.”

And you said unto your husband, “But what shall happen to me? Where shall I go?”

And he said unto you, “You shall become as a servant.”

And so, doing your husband’s bidding, you did so.

Ra-Tai returned and the land began to flourish. And the great priest, Arcan, came forth from the land of Atlantis.

And, as you served them both their midday meal, Arcan looked upon you and said, “Are you not the wife of the noble?”

And you looked upon him and bowed your head and said, “Yes, that I am.”

And Ra-Tai said unto you, “It is our mission that we should venture forth into the land of the Eagle. We should like your husband to accompany us.”

And you said unto them, “But sires, I know not where my husband is.”

And Arcan said unto you, “Go, therefore, into the Temple of Beauty and you shall find him. And say these words unto him, “If he is to be transformed, he shall return here.”

And so you did do of such and there you found of him. At first he was fearful, but then he returned.

And Arcan said unto him, “You took of a wife, yet you shunned her aside, and placed her in servitude. Therefore, she is no longer your wife. And you are no longer a noble, for a noble is a servant of the people, and only that. Therefore, she shall take your stead and go forth with us into the land of the Eagle.”

And so it came about. And those from Ur and those of all the lands did venture forth. And there you saw many wonderful things — new plants, and new seed substance to feed the land, new forms of medicine, new forms of transportation, new energy substances beyond the wildest pieces of your imagination.

And Ra-Tai did say unto you, “As our delegate you shall remain and learn and bring back unto us these new secrets that have been given unto us. But bring forth nothing that is not given.”

And so, you went forth into the experimental laboratories. And soon a kinship in the work was brought forth into your heart. And many days you did listen and hear the words of the coming of the Messiah. You did hear the words of the sinking of the land of Atlantis, and of other lands. But they were spoken in such a way, and they did say unto you, “For the greatest knowledge that you shall have to take back into your land of Egyptan is the knowledge to store knowledge so that mankind may carry on all, that he shall not go back into the days of darkness and fear.”

And so when the time went forth, you did use of such. And in the Great Pyramid there were developed the devices that on the day of the birth, when the planets did align into their proper sequence, that the closing of the door would come forth unto the tomb of knowledge.

You did grow old, yet the time did not come. And you did pass beyond, only to look back and see that that was promised to happen upon the earth come about. And you did look upon the Earth, and you did say unto yourself, “How can this, these people, why do they not use of the knowledge we have left behind? Why do they scrape away the surface and seek not the knowledge within?”

You saw the city of Cairo built from the shell of the pyramid as the limestone was removed. And you saw that the pyramid no longer functioned with its full power, the power to stabilize the Earth that it should not turn upon its axis again.

You wondered, and yet, when you saw the one of Jesus of Nazara appear upon the land, you thought, “Now all things shall change.”

Yet, you saw the crucifixion, and you saw the Eagle change his flight unto another continent, and the reappearance of that of Jesus of Nazara upon what you would know as the North and South American Continent.

And you said into yourself, “Here, in this land, is where I shall come again. But I shall come in a time when the preparation for the coming of the Messiah is at hand, that I may use my hands, my mind, my body, my soul, and my spirit, all in offering into God.”

And so, your destiny and your re-entry has brought you here unto this time, unto this p1ace, and once again, as the Eagle scoars [soars], and the preparation is being made. We say unto you, we have placed all the tools within your grasp. Bring forth your group form in such a manner that the bell we shall provide shall ring forth your freedom of religion throughout the land, and the preparation shall be made for that of the same.

Heed our words carefully, for they shall have greater meaning than lies upon the surface. For stone by stone so shall this temple be built. But remember, as easily as you should turn a stone, so our Father should turn the descendents of Abraham, one unto another. [See Matthew 25:1–8.]

Now we say unto you, soul Ray grows weary and our time should grow short.

Prepare to see within your hearts, your souls, your minds, this coming. Listen and you shall hear the bell ring within you, and those who shall see you shall know of it, for it is a glorious time. Glory be the name of the Lord forever and ever.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyrighted © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona 85501


November 1, 1975

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For as ferment should become ferment, and life should become life, as the seed is brought forth, from that point unto the beginning of all time so has it been in the eyes of the Lord, your God.

We say unto you, hark, for we bring not unto thee the tidings thy wish to hear. We have spoke unto thee before of the coming of the famine, and we have told unto thee the time is now, and we have said unto thee a part of your book of Revelations.

As we have told you before, the city of New York would fall and crumble, therefore, unto dust. And for those who would trade with her, they shall back away and look at her. And so shall be the beginning of a new beginning. [Editor’s note: see the April 17, 1972 and June 2, 1972 readings.]

If you run in fear as you see one great city upon another fall, then fear is all that you will have. We say unto you, stand fast, for much as your phoenix bird that should rise from the ashes, so shall the civilization of man in this land rise once again.

We have told you before of a government within a government, and so it has become. [Note: see the August 28, 1974 reading.]

Your inflationary depression walks hand in hand with your Fifth Angel, that now walks upon the ground, and man should wallow in its pity.

For those of you who should fall, yet not rise, there shall be no more. But for those who shall stand, fall, and stand again, the storm should soon pass over and beyond them. And the country should rise in strength once again. We have said unto you that these years should be lean years.

And now we shall say unto soul Ray unto the interpretation of the dream of the same. For he saw before him that of a giant, and many stood beneath the giant, including himself. And he felt kinship to the giant, as though the giant was his other self. And the giant did seek forth a craft, ship, and was told that all the ships in the harbor lay sunk, and the harbor was blocked. And he did go forth, and there find a skull on the hull of the boat. And he did rise into the craft, and therefore, turn on the water, and the water gushed forth, pure and clean. In his mind he thought the water must have been that that had destroyed the civilization.

We shall explain in depth. There shall come hurricanes and tornadoes upon the land as it has never seen before. And the hurricanes shall bring forth tidal waves into immense proportion. And cities shall vanish from the earth. And the debris of the cities and the ships which would carry them on their journey shall vanish.

Therefore, as the water should flow, so should be the answer, for the answer shall be in that of the immortal body of men, the true self.

There will be those who shall rush around and destroy not only themselves but many others. Now is not the time to panic. Now is the time to gather yourselves in the greatness of yourselves. And you shall find the strength that shall lie there forth in the group forms. We shall say once again, your salvation, your strength shall come in your group forms, that of being able to rely upon your brother, and your brother being able to take count of you. But from it all shall sprout a Rose without thorns. [Editor’s note: a rose without thorns is said to symbolize the birth of coming of the Messiah.]

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. This question was asked before and you said the data was insufficient, and additional information was requested, and it was given the same. It’s from [7–311–1]. He requests a life reading in order to better know what God wants him to do with his life and to better understand himself.”

We shall say once again, the data is insufficient. The signature upon the same is not that of the person seeking the reading.

You have other questions, ask. But now is not the time that we should give forth of a life reading. You have other questions, ask of these.

“One moment, Aka. From [7–320–1…Salem, Oregon], and she asks, ‘How can I best prepare for the times of destruction that will be happening in the earth, and is this a safe place?’”

We shall say unto you, nay, that unto which you dwell is not a safe place. We shall say unto you, there shall be places upon the earth that safety of the body shall be provided. One of such shall be this land. And other of such shall be certain proportions and parts of this land. [Note: Globe and other parts of Arizona, including Young and the Round Valley areas.]Another shall be parts of that of the land of Colorado, but only certain sectors because of the volcanic action of the same.

We have answered your first question in the first of the reading.

Now we shall answer that in the mind of another, of the data of the Eagle. The time, therefore, of the artifacts of the same should be dated in this fashion. That before your time of change and counting did start, of the death of the one known as Jesus; therefore, we should say unto you, that bring forth unto the lifespan of Jesus of Nazara and you shall find from the time of the crucifixion that ten years did pass before he entered the land unto which you have found the artifacts.

The artifacts did come from above the land, and it was meant to come forth, as we have spoke of before, at this time as proof of the coming of the Eagle upon the land and the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

We shall now say unto thee in this way, in this manner, of a new, unto you, of electrical force that could be brought forth upon your earth in your time and crisis of energy needs. We shall say unto you that cosmic energy may be expelled at a rate and directed thereforth through with the construction of the ion unit. It must be mirror-faced, brought forth through three quarter-inch in diameter ruby sectors. As this should pass through this sector you shall find that you have added to the [molecular] substance of the negative ion. Bombardment, therefore, into the positive ion shall create the electrical force, and may be channeled in that manner. It may be dispensed much as you dispense your present electricity.

Soul Ray now grows weary. We shall give further information upon this at a different time.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Now is the time of the Cherub. Glory be the name of the Lord, our God. Glory unto man, His children.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


November 8, 1975

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner, for we should say unto thee, beyond the boundaries of your earth lie many planets of life form, each within its own galaxy and universe, beyond universes. Each was made up for the expansion of man. Yet man should come in many forms, for he has adapted to his environmental environment, both that of a social nature and that of a physical nature. The biochemistry of the same should be altered to fit his environment; yet he, in himself, the shell into which he should live, was constructed in such a manner that the biochemistry could change.

Once again within your body substance, on your planetary system you called Earth, this has been taking place. Much as your Earth began to shift on its axis in the year of 1925, so did man begin his environmental change. You have advanced scientifically very rapidly, yet you have accepted certain things as fact without change — and who should know better than what was so and truth of today should be but a second truth of tomorrow? Yet it shall not be cast aside; it shall be added to.

But the concept within your minds of matter and anti-matter, this you shall soon change your theories upon.

A rose may grow upon the Earth in one fashion, and upon another planetary system a rose may grow on that earth form also. It may be called by a different name, its structure may be altered in the molecule substance, yet that that it was placed upon the earth for shall serve the same purpose.

Much as man should change his biochemical structure, so should there be room for change in his spiritual substance and his spiritual growth. We say unto you unto this manner, we have come not to change the laws of Moses, nor have we come to change the words and prophesies of the one known as Jesus of Nazara. We come to bring unto you a further truth, taking not from that that was given, but to add to. Yet we come not as Moses, nor as Jesus, we come but to prepare the way for he who should come after us, for we are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. But in the preparation, we say unto you, that preparation must come forth, first within your souls, your mind, your heart, and your immortal body of the same. It must also come forth in such a manner that you do not lose your good judgment.

There shall be many who shall come forth as false messiahs. They shall say unto you, “You must be this, you must be that.” We say unto you, the Lord, God, did place unto you free choice. He who should come from God should not take that from you. He who should speak of God should not take that from you, for the Lord, God, would not take that from you.

We say unto you, as you, of man, [who] did choose of death form that you might climb the ladder further, that you may enter and re-enter again, but the choice should always be yours, even upon a mission upon this Earth or upon the other earth forms we have spoke about.

Soon upon your earth other humanoids from other planetary systems shall make themselves known unto you. Some shall put out their hand in peace and in guidance. Some shall come with motives not the greatest, and not for the betterment of your earth, but for theirs. Some should place themselves upon the earth and enter as your form. These days are coming about but for one purpose, that from the beginning of all galaxies and universes, so shall they know the coming of the Messiah.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question tonight from [1–1–5]. He asks, ‘Aka, I would like a health reading; is there anything I can do to improve my hearing?’”

Yes, we should say unto you unto this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. Therefore, we find in this subject the lack of the substance, as you would know it, as B-2 and B-1. This, in itself, has caused hardening of the arteries, shutting off the blood supply to the inner ear and the bone structure of the ear substance of the same. This is also affecting the eyes, and is also affecting the memory pattern of the brain. We would suggest that come forth unto soul Ray that the necessary adjustments of the vitamin substance and herbs come forth that this may be restored.

We also find within this body substance within the liver area, kidney, we find, therefore, large quantities of pesticide. This is creating a blockage of the liver. Less and less of the liver is being used. This also could be corrected in the same manner.

We find also within this subject that of a heart problem. The arteries between the lung and the heart have been weakened due to the lack of circulation throughout the body. In essence, this has caused, as you would say, back pressure upon the heart valves themselves. We would suggest that the above mentioned be corrected, and therefore, the heart function would correct itself.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [6–274–2]. She says, ‘The work here is more important to me, but you said in October, I have a lawyer, so listen to his words. Is it [to] my benefit to go to be in court on 11–24–75?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. It would serve of little value, except a moral substance unto the attorney of the same, that you be present. But should the request be made, after a discussion with the attorney, and the discussion should enter into the financial means of your transportation, then take the words of your attorney. But we say unto you as we have said before, that that you and the attorney seek shall only create more hardship. But that that must be must be, so go forth in the manner into which we have suggested.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have a question from [6–281–1]. She says, ‘Dear Aka, recently I have been reading a book entitled, Everywhere the Light, The Story of Zitelle. It is written by Neil Bishop. I have some questions regarding this work. Please comment. “There is an essence in almonds unknown to mankind. The same applies to raisins and dates and figs.” Can you tell us more about which nutrients are vital for special kinds of illnesses, and which nutrients more emphasis should be placed upon?’”

Yes, we shall answer your question in this manner. But first we shall say unto you, what should be good for the biochemical structure of one humanoid should not, therefore, be good for another. Therefore, many tools are needed. You speak of the almond substance within the same. We should say unto you, you have now a drug called Laetrille that has been brought forth from the apricot-pit substance. In its present form it is dangerous to man. The almond, an extract made from the almond, added to the Laetrille in its pure form, and taking that of the chaparral and adding to, in the correct proportions desired, and that of the calcium-magnesium base, would change the structure, therefore, and be useful in the fighting of the virus-type cancer. Yet, it would be fairly useless in other types of cancer without the use of large doses of 50,000 units of A, the vitamin A.

What we have tried to show you in nutrients, once a substance is placed within the body structure, the body, therefore, shall change its form. The biochemical structure of the body substance shall change the form of one substance in one person in one way, and another in another way.

It is quite often you have seen in a subject the yearning or the desiring of a certain substance. This is the mind itself speaking out from the body of a food substance it needs. Yet sometimes that that it reaches for is not that that should be put through the stomach, for nothing should be placed in the mouth that the stomach cannot digest, and nothing should be placed in the mouth that the circulatory system cannot purify and find useful. Food substance, this in itself you shall find, through genetic breeding the cell structure shall be changed to meet the required needs, much as man adapts to his environment. If you lived in a land where all you had to eat was fish and vegetables, you would soon find through genetic breeding and time the body substance would produce fully all that was needed. Yet, even in that environmental condition there would be certain vitamin-mineral substances that should be added.

We would not suggest that a vegetarian become a meat-eater or a meat-eater become a vegetarian. It may be done, but it must be done in a gradual manner. This is why we have suggested that certain proportions of that that you have stored for future use be used now, that the body may gradually adapt to this substance.

You have many different types of medical substance. The size, the weight, the height, must all be considered in the administering of these, as such. The amount of protein per se must be calculated very carefully, and the amount of carbohydrates should be calculated very carefully, and so on, in such a manner that a very balanced, nutritional diet for the subject at hand may be brought forth. But always take in consideration that not even one snowflake upon your earth is identical, nor no part of the same snowflake may be identical. Each cell is different and apart, and the cell structure of each human, fish, fowl, or animal is different.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Soul Ray asks, ‘What happens in the disappearance of both people and substance in the Bermuda Triangle?’”

Yes, we see of thy need. First, we shall answer in this manner. It must be realized that that that now is at the bottom of the ocean was once land form. Where now you pump your oil from, huge forests and life form did live. Civilization upon civilization has flourished upon this earth, reached forth into its golden age, and passed back into the rock ages again because in its golden dawn it could not believe that it could end. Therefore, it never pre­pared itself. It never placed away knowledge in such a manner that it could be carried on.

Even those who built the Great Pyramid did so in such a manner to confuse those around them. They built so carefully to hide a knowledge and store a knowledge, they lost unto man at his most needed time the knowledge that kept him from going back into the stone ages.

Therefore, there are many triangles. You shall find they shall be in the shape of the pyramid forming. These were crystal substances, much as we have described before, that was used as cosmic-magnetic generators to transform huge amounts of energy around the earth substance. But they were also used to transform huge amounts of energy from one planet to another. They were also used in interplanetary space travel.

At the ending, and the time of the ending, and the fall of the continents and the isles of Atlantis, and Lemuria, and Ur, their power sources were covered by the oceans. Yet, when the weather substance, the environmental substance, atmospheric changes are at precise temperature, these substances or cosmic generators, as you would call them, may be activated. At that moment, that that is matter is changed unto anti-matter and is transformed billions of light years into another dimensional planetary system. Life does not cease for those, nor does the destruction of the material substance. They are only transformed from one point to another. They are changed from matter into anti-matter, and back into matter again. This new form of energy is the same energy that we spoke of in our last reading.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [7–317–1]. He asks, ‘I am learning about many different branches of healing and all interest me. Could you give a guide as to which one suits more my interest, character, and capabilities? Thank you’”

We shall answer you in this manner. Your true capability lies in administra­tion, and the use of the psychic in this manner, that of bringing the healer and the doctor together. If this could be brought forth, you shall find that much may be gained unto mankind, and the acceptance as each as an equal part of the same. You shall find there is much that the doctor shall teach the healer and much the healer may teach the doctor. But both must enter with open minds and respect for the other. To discuss a point of diagnosing and treatment of an ailment is but an adding factor into the learning process of both. The exchanging of views is but the adding factor to both. But correlators, those who’d bring these together that they may trust each other — you must realize that many years have been laid aside that the healer has had to hide his knowledge, and even yet, your laws restrict the healer in such a manner that the true potential of the healer can seldom be brought forth. But to administrate you must know both from the healer and the doctor of their knowledge; only in that way shall you gain respect for both. Therefore, we shall say unto you, come forth unto soul Ray. You shall find that the needs within you shall be filled and your cup shall runneth over. As we have said in the beginning, those who should come forth with the honesty, to serve mankind, in their hearts, we shall provide for their needs, but not always their wants.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes Aka. I have a question from [7–321–1]. She asks, firstly, ‘Dear Aka, could you please direct me at this point in my life the direction I should take in the service of the Light?’”

We shall answer in this manner. We have brought you to the Light. It lies at your feet. Pick it up. Look into it and you shall find the fulfillment of the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. But when you look you shall see as a mirror. The substance you shall see shall be a beautiful thing to behold, for you shall find within yourself that that you have longed for, that of your true self, your greater self. But when you see this you shall find the greatness that should lie within all mankind, and the beauty, therefore, within the same.

You have seen a small portion of that that may be done with the bio-therapy. Yet you have not seen the doorways through the mind that may be opened. We shall say unto this one, we have placed into your hands A Rose without Thorns; pick it up. But do so of your own free choice.

Now we should say unto those who wish to develop further their psychic abilities. With the use of bio-therapy this may be done very rapidly. But we should say unto you, it should be administered very carefully, that your advancement should be in such a manner that your understanding shall grow in the same manner. It should be done with judgment.

Now we shall say unto you unto these words. We have told you before that the records should be kept in three places — in that in the land of Yuma, in your national headquarters, in the household of the McK_______’s, and now, we shall add a fourth. But both fireproof chambers must be provided as these should be stored. Now is the time to build the fourth. This should be placed in the home of T______ and A______ O____. The trust of the keeping of these is a sacred trust. We say unto all, they may be kept in such a manner that they may be shared by all. For we say unto you, does not the sun, the rain, and the cool night breeze come unto all?

Soul Ray now grows weary.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


December 13, 1975

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Should a man walk into the galaxies and planetary system, much as you would walk upon the earth, you shall find new life in many places.

Life begot life.

Yet there are many who should seek to find what they would call their higher spiritual self. We say unto you, the most important thing a man may find is himself, his true self, and find, therefore, in the hidden valley, within the mind, the quiet place that dwells within. And go, therefore, and you shall find a candle that shall burn as the star of Bethlehem, for through the birth of the one known as Jesus of Nazara, and the resurrection of the same, brought forth life, not death. This is why we have shown you the Tree of Life and the beauty within the same.

We have come to you to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah upon your earth. But it should not touch but your earth, but the worlds upon worlds who have waited anxiously for this time that should approach, for then the earth shall join many other planetary systems in its rightful place. And seven crowns shall prevail as the Seven Spirits of God. We say unto thee, that first there were five and then there were seven, and seven did enter, and so did come forth your Jesus of Nazara.

Blessed are those who seek knowledge. Blessed are they who would give of such. Blessed is they, through their knowledge should feel the humility of the true God.

Soon a new teacher shall be added to the fold. This is good as it should be.

We say unto you, should you prepare for the coming of the Messiah, should you prepare for the famine, should you prepare, we say unto you, before you store your food and grain, store within your hearts the love that shall be needed in this time. Prepare within yourself, that you should know of him who we have come to prepare the way.

There shall be many who shall prophesy. There shall be many who should speak of the Lord in this time. We say unto you, our Father has many mansions. Each within itself is great to behold. But the kingdom of God, the temple of God, shall always lie within man, for you are God, and all you touch shall be part of Him, for you are the seed of His seed. Glory be the name of the Lord, our God.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading tonight from [7–311–1].”

We should say unto you, you have a few questions that are not related to life readings. Because of the condition of soul Ray’s health, our time shall be short at this period of your reading. Ask your questions in a manner that your answers shall be short.

“Yes, Aka. [7–317–1] asks about preparing a book on Ray and asks if it is appropriate at this time, and how it should be approached?”

The book within itself would be good. It must be approached with the truth.

We say unto you, we shall allow nothing from either side to interfere with this work.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Soul Ray grows weary.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Glory be the name of the Lord.

Awaken Soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyrighted © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona 85501


December 14, 1975

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner in this way, for love is giving without expecting anything in return, for love is hope, and hope is love. It comes to the very young and to the very old, and without it man would perish from the earth, and God would perish from within.

Therefore, we should answer of your question. We say unto you, the one thy seek is safe, yet frightened. We see of her, therefore, in the Phoenix area. We find her, therefore, at this time alone and seeking.

We should say unto you, her pride is what keeps her from returning.


We say unto you, go forth [and to] your police and place a missing persons report. This, and their finding of the same, will bring her back into safety. But it will tell unto her that she is wanted by all of her children.

We should say unto the child who has known of this, and yet, not spoken out, remember the Ten Commandments, to honor thy father and mother, [that] love begot love. And love comes unto each in a different manner. So who are you to judge what love must be?

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyrighted © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona 85501


Study each year of the readings from the 1970 to the 1989 here, in this publication, The Words of Aka, spiritual messengers of God.

How did the readings begin? See “We Give This Message from Our Father.”

See all the articles in the publication on, “A Stairway to Heaven.”

Would you like to join the Association of Universal Philosophy the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, asked us to form? Here’s how. Then send us an email at or, or message us on our Facebook page, Association of Universal Philosophy, to let us know where you email your newsletter, “Rays of Philosophy.”

All of these readings have been gathered together for you in three books — the philosophy, the past-life readings, and health readings — as the Book with Wings series. Study and learn from them this way.

And be blessed!


The readings began on April 3, 1970, as the brightest light in the heavens was passing over for all of Earth to see. Ray’s wife grabbed a hand held tape recorder when she heard him whisper: Not Ray.

“Who then?” she asks her unconscious husband who had never spoken before in his coma-like epileptic seizures.

Body — spirit — soul — God! Many worlds — many universes — many galaxies — like pebbles on a beach, so vast — each galaxy set up for man’s expansion, a voice first whispered through Ray’s unconscious body April 3, 1970.

The voice continued for the next several months when Ray went into a trance, as he had learned to do with the help of a hypnotist, to ease his pain. On July 15, 1970, it said: Now, thy would ask again of us, who comes to you, and from where we came? For we were sent for one who asked God. And he who sent [us] and asks did say, “Father, send Thy these who would teach, and send Thy these who would know of my Father.” [See John 13:14–17, 20; 14:1–5, 15–21, 27–29; John 16:16–19,22–24, The Revelation of John5:1–7.]

There were those before him who did the same….

We have made ourselves known to you as our Father has suggested. For we call, as thy would call it, ourselves, “Aka.”

Think thee of the first of the name, Aka, and thy will think of the Almighty. Think of the second of the name, and thy will think of the word, karmic. Think of the last of the name, and thy will think of the records, the records which are kept from the beginning, of all planes, of all knowledge, which man was born and born again. This knowledge, as our Father gives us permission, we should give of thee.

We give this knowledge so that man, all of man, would know the love of our Father. And by knowing of the love our Father has to give, of the tears our Father sheds, that all man, of all religions, should come to our Father together in peace and love.

For we have said before, when thy pray, pray for guidance. This, in itself, is the ending of a karma. Pray for acceptance of thy brothers and thy sisters….Can thy understand of what we tell thee?…

Then, it does not matter how you spell of this. But if all of you here could agree upon this one simple thing, then you have taken one step closer to our Father.

Aka said, July 25, 1970: You ask a translation of our words. [Then] [We] speak of this translation and we should answer, for permission has been given. Then, we would say in this way. In the beginning, your world is part of a greater world; your universe is part of a greater universe — and as the worlds, and worlds to be, and worlds who have passed into nothingness, and shall pass into nothingness, were created by our Father, created — the rays which shine from always our Father, these are from which we speak.

And thy ask of how we speak? Remember, in the translation between your time and ours, between your plane and ours, our Father said, “SPEAK.” Our Father made His choice of the instrument.




The Words — of Aka, spiritual messengers of God

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.