The 1976 Readings

The Words — of Aka, spiritual messengers of God
279 min readAug 15, 2020
We say unto you unto these words, our Father has many mansions. Each is great to behold. Knowledge is brought from many sources. We say unto you, guides or guardian angels, as you would call them — if you should cut away thy arm, and asked to learn the use of the one hand or one arm in place of two, then those from both sides should be sent unto you, those who have lost their arm and learned how to use them as one in the place of two, both of the earth plane, and as you would say, of the spiritual or astral plane. Now, as your knowledge should increase and multiply, new guides shall be brought forth. But we should say unto you, that knowledge was brought forth, as we did come forth, for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. Let all things and all boundaries, let them drop away. Bring forth your gathered knowledge. Bring forth the love, compassion and hope and faith from without the whole world. (Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, December 3, 1976)

January 10, 24, 26, 28; February 7, 14, 25, 28; March 6, 13 (one transcript is missing: March 29?); April 3, 29; May 8, 15; June 5, 12, 19; July 9, 16; August 6, 20; September 3, 10, 17, 24; October 1, 8, 15; November 5, 12; December 3, 10


January 10, 1976

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord.

We should say unto thee, that that should come in truth, in the name of the Lord, your God, and that that is brought before Him in truth shall be given. But if you should come before the Lord and pray for thy neighbor’s downfall He shall hear thee not. But deep within yourself you shall hear thee, and instead of the neighbor’s downfall, your own shall come about. If you should go unto your brother and take from your brother, then this shall be taken from you. It shall not be the Lord’s will, but your own, for this, in your asking for birth, you have asked for a way to correct your own actions. It is only by falling that you may get up.

Should a man think he should never fall, he shall have never gotten up.

Should a man go unto a tree and say, “All of my fruit is good,” then the tree shall bear no fruit at all. Should a man go into the field and say, “All of my cows are perfect,” he shall never [own a cow again]. For within all, and everything upon the Earth, you would call it, imperfection, lies.

But what would be good for one would not be good for another. This is important, important to all of mankind. For, as our Father should have many mansions, so should His children have many needs. And therefore, you have the deserts, the forests, the mountains, the plains, the oceans, the lakes, the streams, the rivers; yet all is but one. Yet all is as separate as the sands of the ocean. Not one grain of sand is identical to another. And so it is true with God’s children.

We say unto you, those who would come and say, “I shall serve unto the Lord,” who shall you serve — yourself or the Lord? If you should place yourself above another, by what right have you done so, your own, or the Lord’s?

We say unto you, we have come forth but for one purpose; that in itself is the pre­paration for the coming of the Messiah. We have come, not to serve the purposes, the selfish purposes of mankind. We shall feed the needs of those who should serve the Lord, but not the wants.

Say unto yourself — as thy would tithe unto the Lord, tithe with love. If thy should tithe unto thy brother, tithe with love. If thy should tithe unto thy brother’s brother, tithe with love. In this manner you shall prepare the way, not only for another, but within thyself.

It has been said to be transformed. Should you be transformed, in which direction? If you change your path, look at that pathway; shall it be the same pathway you were on before? Should it lead you in the wrong direction? Or should it lead you through, around, and past your own karmic actions? In making that choice, we say unto you, say unto yourself, “In what I do shall I harm my brother? Shall I give him love, or should I give him hate? For if I should give him hate, and he is my Father’s child, then I should give unto my Father hate.”

Give unto man — thy brother, thy sister — as thy would have him give unto you. Be as a mirror. But fear not that thy should fall. Fear only that thy should not rise after thy have fallen.

Each of you are so busy casting out of yourselves, sometimes you cast the better part of yourself. If you should weed the garden and throw away the fruit and eat the weeds, no one will benefit from this. Look long into thyself, and remember, if you should speak unto your Father, speak unto Him as you would speak unto yourself. For if you recite something that means nothing to you, how can it mean anything to our Father? But if it means something to you, then it should mean something to our Father.

Those of you who should have children of their own should love a child even though it is naughty. But yet you should try to guide it in such a path of righteousness. But remember also that each child is like the sand. It differents [differs], each within themselves, their development they have chosen.

Through the grace of our Father a new age has been born, a new time. We have come not to change the laws of Moses. Nor have we come to change the prophecies of Isaiah. Nor have we come to change the words of Mohammed. Nor have we come to change the words of Buddha. Nor have we come to change the words of the one known as Jesus. We have come to show you the fulfillment of all.

Jesus said unto you that his words [in] his time would turn brother against brother and father against son. This time is over. Now, we come to say unto you, bring peace upon the Earth. Bring love. Plant new fields. Reach outward and inward and bring before our Father all of His children. But let them reach through the many mansions of their own free choice.

Glory be the name of the Lord, our God.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes Aka. I have a request for a life reading from [7–311–1…Scottsdale].”

We should say unto thee, repeat once again the year.

“1952, September 19th.”


One moment, please. We have the records, therefore; we have the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. We should say unto thee that the time and date are incorrect. But we should give the reading as such.

We should suggest first that this soul should check farther into the date and time of birth. He shall find that within reality his date of birth is one day earlier.


Therefore, we should say unto thee, we find this one and the entry of the same in the year of the Dragon in the month of the Cow on the day of the Ram in that proportion of a land mass that thy would now call, Tibet. At that time the land was at a low elevation than it now stands, and the ocean did flow by the village.

You must realize that these who should call themselves, the People, were those of the remnants left over from the Second World, as you would know it. This would pre­date your time of Atlantis. This [would] predate your Earth records approximately two million, ten thousand, three hundred and one [2,010,301] days.

More of the Earth at that time was of ocean than of land. These people were the survivors of the earth’s movement. They were of the first generation after the great chaos. And as they brought themselves together and built their villages, their knowledge had been great, but no longer did they have the tools and alloids [alloys] that were harder than steel that could withstand the flight into outer space. No longer did thy have the material to build the ships that flew through the ocean. No longer did they have the fabric manu­facturing that could withstand great heats and great cold, yet was very thin. All of this, except for the clothes they bore and remnants left over [of] that time, was with them. Even small tools of iron were precious things [unto] them. The doctors scraped their tools that they would work with from flint, because the knowledge and the facilities to make tools [with] any other thing was not with them. Their libraries, their mineralogists were gone.

These had been city people, people who had not known many trades except their own specialties. Even to live from the sea was a hardship. Therefore, the entry of this one was a great occasion throughout the village, for few of the infants did live who were born. Diseases spread through the land. And sanitary conditions were very hard for these people to provide for themselves. They knew not how to dispose of even their own waste. And so, upon the birth, and the knowledge that this would one to live, was a great occasion to be celebrated, for so little did they have to celebrate for.

Yet one among them, who had been a great politician in their land before, through his own thought and his own meditation did he bring forth the knowledge of the God of One. And so he did come forth [and to] baptize this one in the Light of the Lord. And in his baptism he did say unto these words, “Oh Lord, we have suffered long. We know unto the reasons that we have been cast aside, that we may cleanse the land and cleanse ourselves. But Lord, spare unto this one. Let us combine our efforts and teach him all we know.” And so it came about.

And, as the lad grew older news came of other vi1lages. And new crafts of different nature came forth, each village retaining a certain amount of know­ledge. And so it was decided that this one should, be sent from village to village, and then bring back unto his own village the knowledge from the other villages. But because of the fear to his life, and the fear and superstitions that now began to grow and rampage throughout the lands, it was necessary that armed guards be sentwith him, yet he knew not why.

As he was sent forth he did gather the seeds of many land[s] for planting. He did gather tools and knowledge, and ways to make tools. And he did come back unto the land.

But then, with all the knowledge, he thought unto himself, “I have more knowledge than even the elders. Whyshould I not rule?” What he did not know — the elders had planned that he should rule.

But when the elders saw within him his jealousy, they knew that he could not be a wise ruler. Yet they had prepared no one else. And they said, “Woe unto us, for we have put one egg in the basket, and it has gone foul.”

But yet, this one did encourage among the young and others to take by force and rule, and so it came to be.

And he did say unto them, “We have the knowledge of all, and we may conquer all.” And he did prepare his people for war. And he did seek war. And the war did befall the land again.

And he did become rich and powerful. And he did slay unto all of the elders of all of the villages who retained knowledge.

He did slay unto the physicians, who had kept him healthy. And then one day he himself became ill. At first, he tried to treat himself with his knowledge. And he had a fool for a physician. Because he overreacted, his treatments were too harsh, the medication too strong. And he did die.

And he left upon the earth twelve sons. And the twelve sons tossed lots and divided the land. And they did make a pact, one into the other, that no war would come among their tribes.

And so this one did look and watch as the years went by. He saw a new golden age of man; he saw the earth shift again and change its form and saw it fall, and thought to himself, “Now I shall try once again to do on the Earth in a proper manner what I did not do before. For my sons were wiser than I, because I had forgotten the laws of the God.”

And so he did come forth once again. And once again, the elders of the vi1lage gave joice of his birth. And once again they did send him forth unto the other villages and land to gather the knowledge. Jealousy rose in him, but somewhere deep inside lay the memory of his folly. And so he did come back unto his village and say unto his people, “I shall teach unto you all of the things I have learned.” And he did do of such.

And the people built a great temple unto him, and said, “He is God.” He knew into himself that he was not. And they built great monuments unto him, unto his likeness, unto his kind, and did worship it. And he did nothing to stop this.

And the Lord, God, looked unto this and He said, “THY HAVE SPOKETH MY NAME IN VAIN.” And He did bring plague unto the land.

And still he did not say unto the people, “I am not God.”

And He did bring hurricane and tornado and volcano unto the land.

And still, he told the people that he [had] caused these things, that he had brought them about because they were wicked.

And the people did offer up human sacrifice.

And the Lord, God, looked upon the land and did smitten it. And from the other lands, the land was overrun with warfare, and the temples were destroyed. And once again, he did pass beyond, this time to sleep long, this time to live and live two lifetimes over and over again.

This time he did waken in the time of the fall of Atlantis.

And he did come into the land of Yucatan. And from there he did say unto himself as a young man, “I shall learn all of the arts; I shall travel unto all of the lands.”

He had heard of the great men, who sailed the ships on the oceans, the men with the beards. He did hear of the one who had walked the earth and who could walk upon the water, and he thought to himself, “If I could seek out this one and learn his secret, then I should be the greatest of all kings.” And he did find this one.

Yet, as he began his search a great eagle appeared in the heavens, and then two, and then three. And always on his journey they appeared before him. If he would turn in the wrong direction, the eagle would stop and wait until he returned back.

And then his day came, as he saw from a distance this one standing upon the mound and saying unto the people, “Blessed are they who should love one another.” He saw him heal the sick. He saw him turn the hunchbacks into straight and strong men.

And he did go unto this one and say, “I shall be your student.”

And this one looked into him and said, “Have you not learned from where you have been that where you will go should only end in disaster?”

And he did say, “Why should you say this unto me? How should I know where I have been? I am but young, but I am strong of mind and willing of hand.”

And he did say unto you, “Then come with me, and I shall show you where you have been.” And he brought forth his hand, and the veil dropped.

And you looked backward, and you saw where you had been.

And then he did say unto you, “Now you have known where you have been. You want and have come to gain the knowledge of my strength. I give it to you. It comes from my Father. He who believeth in me shall believeth in my Father, and he who should ask in my name shall ask in my Father’s name.”

You went away from this one; you were frightened.

And you said unto them, “We shall bring back a great army to defeat this one.” And so you went to gather an army. You thought, “He has bewitched me; he has lied to me; he has shown me things that could not be so.”

But when you found him once again, with your army, you were in the land of the Hopi, in the land of the Black Mesa.

And once again, the eagle did appear, and then a second, and then a third.

And he said unto you, “Why have you come to slay me?”

And you said unto him, “Because you have been of a wicked sort; you have brought a curse; you have shown me untrue things.”

And he did say unto you, “If the things I have shown you are untrue, then kill the eagle. If you can kill the eagle, then you should be right.”

Then the eagle, the great eagle, stood very still.

And the men of the Hopi land said, “Then this is fair; this would be right. He would show his strength, and he would be the one that is written in our tablets.”

And so you sought to destroy the eagle. You thrust your spear many times. It went into the heavens and disappeared. You sought other spears. You threw your spears all night and all day, only to have them disappear.

And then this one came up unto you and said unto you, “Forgive him, Father, for he knows not what he does.” And he laid his hand upon your shoulder, and the light came into your heart and shone through.

And you did kneel before this one. And you said, “Oh, great Lord, let me serve unto you. I care not for your knowledge, only for your wisdom that I may give unto others.”

And he said unto you, “Then follow the path of the eagle, for I shall go. But I shall return in the same manner into which I have left. Watch the evening star.”

So you went back unto your village and you spoke of his wisdom and of his knowledge. You did heal the sick and treat the poor, and you became great, as a wise man of your time.

Yet time passed, and you did pass on once again. You did see this land ravaged by those who would carry the cross, the Black Robes. You did see the punishment and affliction that was gone unto the people. Yet you waited.

And then you did see the flight of the Eagle and the shadow cast upon the earth. And you said unto yourself, “Now is the time for my entry. Now is the time for the preparation.” And so you came unto this time, unto this place, unto this new time and this new age.

We should say unto you, the past is only important in knowing where you have been. But it is not important, only that it should guide you in your steps for the future. For once again you have reached for wisdom and knowledge. Use it, with what we have given unto you, and give it in the manner unto which we have given unto you. For we have given unto you, not a picture of great riches, of kings and queens; we have given unto you your folly of the past. Bring forth yourself and prepare for the coming. Be as a mirror. You learned much. We have instilled in you the memory of that that you did serve unto your last time, your last entry. Use this knowledge for this time.

For we say unto you, should our words be wasted, then upon this Earth 3,000 years of darkness shall fall, and once again man shall crawl from the rocks where he went in hiding, afraid to face his Lord. Once again he shall lose the knowledge. Once again he will rebuild. But this is not necessary. For if you before had thought ahead, if you before had thought to preserve knowledge, to give it, exchange it, and preserve it, you would not have entered a world who had just emerged from the Stone Age. If you should learn anything from this reading, take thought unto these words.

And now we should say unto you, we should say unto the one known as [7–317–1]

“Could Aka wait a minute while I change the tape?

All right.

“Thank you, Aka.”

We should say unto the one known as [7–317–1], within your mind is to write a book. We have told you before, we find no fault in this. Go forth in a manner and meet with soul Ray. That that thy seek shall be given unto thee.

Now we should answer the question of [M______ S_______, (6-___-2)], and we shall say unto you, as it has been written, so it shall be done. But none but teachers and ministers may serve on the Board of Directors. You have yet to gain the knowledge that is needed to be a teacher. You have yet to lay aside your wants from your needs. Learn first to work together, and then the fulfillment of the need shall be provided. But learn to do so in a charitable manner of love, compassion, and hope and faith.

We say unto you that we should look upon the land of the Tucson. And as a city that was born of ashes, and goes back into the ashes, now is the time of the resurrection. That that is needed shall be provided. A meeting place shall come forth. Be patient.

Now soul Ray grows weary.

And the Fifth Angel walks upon thy earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona 85502


January 24, 1976

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. We should answer in this manner. We shall say unto thee, we have come not to change the laws of Moses, nor the prophesies of Isaiah, nor have we come to change the gift that was given to you by the one known as Jesus of Nazara. Therefore, we say unto thee, as the Lord, God, did give unto Moses the Ten Commandments — and as He brought forth unto stone, and He did say, “BEAR FORTH NOT FALSE WITNESS UNTO THY BROTHER, NOR UNTO ANY MAN” — to most this would mean, within itself, to not stand before another and accuse of him unjustly. We say unto you, look for the deeper meaning within the same of the words. To think a thought of your fellow man, and then to act upon the thought, and act harshly, is a greater sin than that that the other could commit unto you, for you have sinned against him without reason, nor purpose. You have acted by thought, without purpose.

We have brought unto you proof that thy may walk on the water. You have seen the bones of the crippled healed. You have seen the crooked legs straightened. You have seen the internal organs repaired. Yet you see not. For all of this was done for a purpose and a means to serve humanity.

But to use a psychic gift — [Editor’s note: The power of thought from the spiritual messengers of God (or God? in spiritual battle?) was so strong it caused extremely loud static through the tape recording equipment] — or any gift that was given unto you by the Lord, our God — [Note: the loud static, sounding like an energy storm through the equipment, was all that was heard for approximately the next five minutes. All measures to correct the recording equipment were ineffectual. This had never been recorded in the 19 years in which the messengers of God spoke. Then Aka’s peaceful, loving voice continues] — Our Lord did cast from the heavens Lucifer — [the powerful spiritual energy field no longer created static, but the spiritual messengers of God did not speak for another minute] — with but the movement of His small finger.

And we say unto thee, have you so little faith? We have said unto thee that we should see unto thy needs, that we would allow nothing from either side to interfere with this work.

As the one known as Jesus of Nazara did say unto his disciples: when they were children, they ate as children. When they were men they ate as men. When they were children they spoke as children. When they became adults, let them speak as adults and act as adults.

There are many who should play such folly and games. We did not come forth that these games should be played. We came forth for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. And those who should lay this aside to bring war upon small, insignificant beings should not act in the way of our Father.

If there is that that should interfere with this work, then we shall take care of this, but we shall do it in a righteous manner. And we shall do it in a manner that the Lord, our God, shall see through His eyes and approve of.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. Now is not the time of Diana. Now is the time our Lord seeks to rest His weary head. Build, therefore, a place for Him to do so.

Editor’s note: The message above from the spiritual messengers of God was in answer to a prayer said privately in another city that evening to God, asking: “If God would not intervene to stop this (psychic attack or one-sided warfare, when only love was returned), would He please send His messengers to tell us how God sees this?”

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Aka, I have a question from [7–319–1…Tucson]. She asks, she needs guidance on her Palmetto property, to know how to handle it because of unknown factors.”

We shall say unto thee, bring this question forth unto soul Ray in a wakening state because of the time element involved in explaining the answers of the same.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Soul Ruth [8–10–70–002–2] asks, ‘Early turkey-like birds in the Southwest are proving to be something resembling a Currasow more than a turkey. Where is the original home of Mirriam’s wild turkey and where is the original home of the Tularosa turkey?’”

(Chuckle) That that was brought from Atlantis — from Atlantis, from Ur, from Ur to [Labaria] [Lemuria?], from [Labaria] — we say unto you, the Lord, our God, did bring forth many of His kind, and there­fore, found it good. But hybrids, as you would know them, the breeding of the substance, has been long done by mankind in many civilizations, each to suit their own need and purpose. You should find that in your own highlands, the breeding of the turkey substance and hybrid substance. You shall also find that in the lowlands as the waters did creep from the land that huge flocks were bred for this domestic purpose; many left unto the flocks and became unto the wild. Many of the hybrid experimental birds, therefore, can be found of that of today. Your turkey substance or the bird of the same should date unto this earth plane unto the time of the Sons of God did enter. Therefore, you should find this time substance over two billion years of your counting. Many of the fowl from the planet, of other planetary substance were brought unto this land. This of your turkey substance which your land did bring forth as a means of thanksgiving, and a day set, therefore, unto the Lord, is one of the oldest fowls upon your planet.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, she asks, ‘There were three fires at Gila Pueblo; are they dated correctly? Please describe the circumstances that led to the fires and the fall of the pueblo.’”

You shall find (sigh) that there were five fires. The first did come forth as volcanic eruption did occur in the land. The second did come forth as the land did shrink and become hardened unto the same, not only volcanic eruption, but that of the earthquake substance of the same. The third did come forth in warfare. The second [to the last] did come forth again of the shifting of the land. And the last did come forth when those of the Hohokam did flee the land of the valley because of the great fevers, and they did make war, seeking new land and a place to live. They first sought this in peaceful means. But those of the young ones did see of these people and did find them fair. And jealousy grew among them, jealousy over the seeds brought from their lowland unto the highlands. Warfare from the land, that you would call, of the cave dwellers, which now rest among and near the mountains of the lake substance, or that of the salt. This was brought forth in a holy war, not of the same, for they did use the God’s name, our Lord, in vain.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Soul Mark [3–115–2] asks, ‘Are there more predictions in the Cayce records about the coming of the Messiah that have not been made public? If so, could you give us more information on this?’”

There were many predictions in the Cayce records. You have within your own records those of the same, for we said unto you, that that was covered would be uncovered. You shall find the same predictions in that of the archives of the Roman Catholic Church.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [7–316–1…Yuma, Arizona] asks a very important question to him. ‘Dear Aka, how bad is the pollution that is coming from the Nevada nuclear test grounds, also from the Yuma Proving Ground?’ Thank you.”

[Editor’s note: The tape recorded message ends here; the remainder of this reading cannot be verified.]

We shall answer your question in this manner. The interference of the ion belt is but a small fraction of that that has been done unto the fracturing, interwinding, of that of the faults. Awaken soul Ray.

[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. Most of this transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona 85502.


January 26, 1976

Tucson, Arizona

Aka is here.

Good evening Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. For as we have spoken before of the light and sound of healing, we shall say unto you into this manner, that as man now reaches forth into the tones and the light of the mind, he shall uncover that that has been covered. And through this knowledge, he shall find the link between him­self and the universe. He shall find that his planet has changed its face many times, yet to be the same, for birth and rebirth, yet man has not perished. Many times man has stumbled as he had [errs] through life, and gone back unto the caves.

Yet you should say unto us, “If man and planet is much the same, then when the planet reaches the end of that of the ultimate goal, with its foot upon the last step of the ladder, what should become of it?”

And we shall say unto you, as the God, our Lord, did look upon the Earth after the creation and He did place His children upon this Earth and the many earths of the uni­verse and universes, so did He love His creation, and therefore, He did not walk away from it. And so shall be the Earth’s ultimate goal. For as this Earth of yours should reach past its point of warfare, starvation, and greed, so it should look to the rest of the universes and reach out to serve them, as your Earth has been served by others in turn.

Through the mind you shall find all of the answers of your universe and a better understanding of its works, for both was created by the Lord, our God.

But remember, much as the Earth, you are all parts of everything you have ever been.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [8–326 -1] who is here tonight, asks, ‘What creative ability do I have that I brought from a previous incarnation that I should be using in this life?’”

Yes, we have before, us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body substance of the same. And therefore, we should answer in this manner. You have brought forth into this life three gifts: one, the ability to love mankind, this in itself is the greatest gift; the second, the love of the music of the land, of the earth, of the heavens, the songs of the ocean, of the fowl and of the beast; the third, that to put into paper form word pictures, as such. If all of these were utilized to their fullest that that you call your psychic talent should grow and mature.

But it should be well understood, if you should place a door at each end of the mind, and place hinges and locks upon it, then the growth can go nowhere; nothing can enter, and nothing can leave. Keep the mind open, always reaching, always seeking, always learning, always understanding. Knowledge is like the universe with no beginning and no ending.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [8–326–2] asks, ‘Will I move in the next six months, and will it be for the better?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. Yes, you shall move in the next six months, but it will be more, in your, of your months and calendar, of eight. It shall be for the better. But we shall also say unto you that that of a move shall come before then. You shall be hesitant about the move, and therefore, shall miss a great adventure in your life and a chance to gain great knowledge. As we do not interfere in the free choice, we leave the choice unto yourself. We may only give you that unto which you have asked.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [8–326–3] asks, ‘What are the sources, views on Ram Dass and his drug-taking experiences?’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body. We shall answer your question in this manner. The Lord, God, did create the mind as well as the body. The mind is the storehouse of all that has been before, and all that shall be. Destroy it, and much as Caesar did destroy the great library of Alexandria in his madness, so shall be the results of the use of drugs in any form.

We shall further say unto this one, you have close at hand a medical university. Autopsies of the brain are performed quite regularly. Attend one and you shall see the results and the damage that can be caused by the use of drugs or alcohol substance.

The brain is capable of restoring itself, given a chance, even after abuse, but only to a point.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [8–326–4] asks, ‘Is there any reason for my fear of being with people. Is it karmic or must I just be with people more? I can’t seem to relax with more than one person.’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. First we should say, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body, and therefore, the records contained within the same. We shall answer your question that this does not come from a past-life experience, but from a present life experience.

We would suggest that two forms of therapy should be sought out, one of two forms, either that of biotherapy, or that of hypnotic therapy. Or, a third alternative, come unto soul Ray that this question can be answered in privacy, for it contains and should only be aired in the privacy between two minds.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [8–326–5…Green Valley, Arizona] who is here tonight…asks, ‘I want to know what I can do to better the health of my two youngest children, who are with me, and to save my marriage. I also wonder if there is anything I can do for my two children, that is, sons in Chile, and my parents?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. The health question should be brought forth unto soul Ray. That that is needed shall be implanted in the mind of the same in a wakening state.

That of the marriage is of a delicate nature and should not be aired in public or made for public record. That also should be brought unto soul Ray that private counseling might be given.

Of the last question, we shall answer in this manner. You can go back to nothing. You have walked forth and away from that that lies behind you. There shall be a time and a place when the past [shall] come forth and beckon you, but leave that of the past alone until that day arrives. There is a time to do something; there is a time to do nothing. Now is the time to do nothing.

As we have said, we cannot interfere with the free choice of another. This is the God-given right of every soul upon your Earth and all others. Quite often men try to play God. This is a foolish thing to do.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [8–326–6] asks, ‘What is there about reality that will always be?’”

(Chuckle) God. And man.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [5–181–1…Tucson] asks, ‘Do, you find any past-life associations between my fiance and me that it would be helpful for us to know about?’”

We shall say unto you, as we have said before, that as you saw the Eagle in flight, one other stood beside you and did venture forth upon the journey. Take this journey once again, hand in hand, and you shall see the coming of the Messiah upon your Earth. And make the bondage strong, with love and tenderness, with understanding and gentleness, and it shall come forth in a bountiful manner.

As thy giveth unto the Earth, so thy will be giveth back in return. As thy giveth unto mankind, so shall man giveth back in kind. But give unto the Lord one tenth of the love He has given unto you, and your tithing shall be paid. Give unto your mankind one tenth of the love the Lord has given unto you, and your tithing shall be paid. Give unto yourself one tenth of the love the Lord has giveth unto you and your tithing shall be paid. And in all things shall be part of the works of God.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [8–326–7, of Tucson…] asks, ‘Do I need surgery?’”

We shall answer in this manner and say, yes. The decision of how this may come about must come from within.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [8–326–8…Canada…] asks, ‘Do I have cancer?”

We find not of this substance.

You may confuse our answer; therefore, we shall clarify of the same. It is not of a true cancer substance, no. We find a virus, therefore, in the body substance, but of a different nature. This could be readily eliminated with proper treatment.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [7–3_9–1…Tucson] asks, ‘What is the device I was shown? Will it be necessary? And what do we need to perfect it?’”

We shall answer you in this manner. The device that you were shown was that that was being built, or trying to be built, within your community substance. It shall be built; it has already been built, but not by the ones who seek to build it now.

It was shown for an entirely different reason, that guidance might be given unto the group form to show you from whence the karma of the land had come.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“I’ve gone through the ten questions, Aka; do you wish me to obtain others?”

We shall answer. We shall say unto the H______s [8–326–9 and 9–326–10]. We have looked into thy hearts, and therefore, found goodness. Therefore, that that has been needed shall be given, and the land shall be cleansed and plunged, and handed back into thy hands in a righteous manner. Fear not.

And now we shall say unto you, all. You have come forth to seek knowledge. You have come forth for self-growth. This can only come with free-thinking people. But it must done in the trading of knowledge and in group form.

For if one man should write a book and hide it away in a closet, all of his knowledge shall never be shared with another.

If a woman should run into the garden, and therefore, see the most beautiful rose in the land, and if she should grasp it in her hands to hide it from all others and run to a hidden place to have it for only herself, when she unfolds her hands she shall find only crumpled petals. Yet the rose unpicked, the rose left to be shared by all, each shall share it in their own way.

The growth and maturity of your group form shall come in this manner.

As we have said before, we shall see to your needs, for all who should come forth in this work, and this work is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Your needs shall be taken care of; your wants may be of another issue.

Blessed be the name of the Lord, our God. Blessed be the people and the children of our God.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Many stand in fear — and we say, fear not. If fire was ready to sweep your land would you try to run and hide, or would you go forth and build a fire breaker, and put out the fire? Remember the words of Jonah.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Ray was awakened with these words, as he was after each trance reading.]

“It’s time to begin your journey back now. When you start back, Ray, you’ll hear no outside interference. All you will hear is my voice.

“Starting down the stairs that bring you back, Ray. Down the stairs. Coming down, Ray. Down the stairs. With each step you feel new energy flowing into your body. Coming down, Ray. Coming down the stairs. Coming down, Ray. Down the stairs, coming back. Feeling stronger. Down the stairs, Ray. Down the stairs.

“Now we are at the bottom of the stairs. We’ll rest here and gather strength. This is a beautiful place; you’ve been in this valley many times before. It’s so peaceful here, so beautiful. There is a stream with roses on either side of all the colors, beautiful roses, fragrant ones. It’s so beautiful here, so peaceful. You feel your body growing stronger and more rested. More rested, Ray. You’re gaining in strength. When you try to sleep tonight you’ll have no trouble sleeping, Ray. You’ll be able to close your eyes and rest just as you’re resting now in a very deep, peaceful sleep. You feel your energy returning to you, growing stronger, Ray. Your body is repairing itself and growing stronger. Growing stronger and more rested. Your body functions are gradually returning to normal.

“When I count to three you will awaken.

“One, you’re feeling very strong, now. Very rested, very good. Your body functions are returning to normal.

“Two, you’re completely normal now, completely normal in every way. You feel very good. You don’t have a headache. When you awaken you won’t have a headache. You’ll feel better than you have all day. Very strong. Very rested. Very good. You want to wake up.

“Three, you are awake.”

[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona 85502.


January 28, 1976

Phoenix, Arizona

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner.

As the farmer should go unto the market to sell his wares, that that throughout the year he has [grown] upon his land, he knows two things — that the price that he gets for his wares must feed himself and his family for the forthcoming year — as a buyer comes forth to buy he knows that that that he buys he must be able to resell and make a profit, and therefore, feed of his family for the forthcoming year. So in each case, each must be a wise seller and a wise buyer. But should the buyer come forth and not be in truth, only to try to cheat the farmer, then that that he buys may not be of the best quality, for you shall pay for that that you get, in one way or another.

It is said, “Therefore, let the buyer beware.”

But we also say unto you, let the seller beware.

And you should say unto [this], “You have once again spoken as unto riddles.”

But we should say unto you, nay. For each day you walk forth, you give of your work and your labor for the means of the bread upon your table. Yet quite often, you forget to give thanks unto the Lord that He has been the provider. Much as the farmer and the buyer, look deep into yourselves for the righteous manner in which to buy, in which to sell, so that when all is done you may say thanks unto the Lord and unto each other.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. From [W_____ W. W_______ …he presently resides in Phoenix and is here tonight]: ‘Would I be correct in my way of thinking as to the time element involved in some of Aka’s readings pertaining to the future?’”

[Then] we shall answer unto you, yes. Many of the time elements you are absolutely correct in. We shall also say unto you, the time grows near, for now is the time for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. That our and yours shall not be in vain, come forth and fly with the Eagle.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. From [5–232–2…in Phoenix]: ‘What course of action should I take to secure my position at work? Please elaborate.’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall say unto you, a firm position should be taken. Come forth in such a manner that those who are your superiors should know of your inten­tions, and therefore, you shall have no problem. As you would say, you have beat around the bush too long. If you should continue your employment at the present place there are certain concessions that you must make within yourself. Make certain within yourself that you can live with these.

You have other questions, ask. .

“Aka, from [7–304–8…in Mesa], and she asks, ‘Is there anything from past life that will enable me to better under­stand and cope with immediate future in my family situation?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner; we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of man, and therefore, we have before us the records. And we shall say unto you, look, therefore, in the time of the Yucatan, in the height of its greatest parts of civilization, and you shall find, therefore, within yourself, much in the same position you are in now. You sought to sell and to barter. You sought to be a teacher. You sought to be a mother and a wife. You sought to raise forth your grandchildren. As before and as now, one can be many things, but one must be their self first, and find peace within themselves.

Your ability to buy and sell, in looking at the truth, you have a great ability in this field.

We should also say unto you, there are certain changes within the next eighth-month period that shall take forth in your life that shall greatly change and alter your outlook upon that that now stands. We should say unto you, begin again into your business, but go forth into your study course that you yourself may be prepared for this change. You are all parts of that that you have been, yet memory is but a lingering thing; much as the wind, it comes and it goes.

The most important thing is the 1ove and compassion one can put forth in their work of today and tomorrow. But look to today, and then look to tomorrow.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka, from [7–304–7…in Phoenix], she asks, ‘I was to have received a letter a week ago. Will I receive it before February 1st? Thank you.’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer, yes. We shall say unto you, there are new duties and new tasks shall be laid before you. Pick them up. Utilize them. Go forth in your Teacher’s Course. The completion of this is an essential.

You have other questions, ask.

“From [8–327–1], and she asks, ‘My daughter is thinking of moving to another state; will she be happy there and successful? When will be the best time for her to make this move?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. First, we shall say unto you, one finds much what one has left behind, for they seek out that of the environment that they have just left. To be transformed should mean to turn around and change your direction. This should be an essential should she find true happiness within the same. The move should be ended very soon, within a few weeks at most.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [8–327–2] asks if you would please speak on some teachings that will be beneficial for this group assembled here tonight?”

We shall say unto you, seek light and thy shall find hope. Seek hope and thy shall find love. Seek love, and thy shall find faith. But unless all of these are placed together, thy have nothing.

For as the workman enters the field with the burden upon his shoulder, he must have the faith and the love within him to know that that what he does shall provide for his loved ones. It shall reap him not the greatest reward at the end of the journey, but he shall have the satisfaction within himself of knowing that the journey has been well done.

We say unto you, now is the time of the Cherubim.

Within the next 15-day period new eruptions shall occur in the Alaskan area. As we have said before, this, eruptions as such, shall reach down like fingers across the Pacific shoreline. Eruptions shall appear in Mexico, in Yucatan. New hurricanes and tornados shall strike the central proportion of your United States. That that should provide the grain, the food substance, of your nation shall be greatly impaired. Further unemployment shall develop. The inflationary depression shall worsen. We say unto you, find hope within yourself and faith within your God to know that He shall provide for your needs.

Soul Ray now grows weary. But once again we should say before we should depart, there are those who would use terror tactics to disrupt your Government and destroy your way of life. Cast them out, for “If thy right eye should offend thee, cast it aside.” [See Mark 9:42–48.]

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editors note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


February 7, 1976

Globe Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. As we have said before, the Fifth Angel walks your earth. Now is the time of the Cherubim. We have told you before that we would give you ample warning before each of your natural catastrophes took place, and the position of the same, and the time of the same. We shall say unto you, go back unto that that we have told you, that you may have full knowledge of each step that shall be taken.

Now we shall say unto you, further earthquakes shall occur. Your Eastern seaboard shall suffer severe damage. That in the land of the Californians shall suffer severe damage, but first, more earthquakes shall be centered in the New Mexico part of your continent, then unto the South American proportion. But we say unto you, prepare, therefore, this nation, this time, to give aid unto those who should be in need. If aid does not come soon, further embitterment of these people shall endure. Therefore, a warfare within a nation in a revolutionary form shall take place.

It shall involve your nation, and because of the involvement shall bring forth unto one house; two nations shall be born together.

Guatemala Earthquake, February 4, 1976, with a moment magnitude of 7.5. Typical street view in Patzicia, showing adobe block rubble which is all that remains of the houses that formerly lined this street. The adobe block buildings had very little resistance to horizontal forces and most of them were completely destroyed. Collapse of the heavy adobe walls, roof tiles and beams caused most of the casualties. There was a high death toll of 23,000. Approximately 76,000 were injured, and many thousands left homeless.

Editor’s note: Was Aka speaking of a Guatemalan earthquake? More earthquakes followed in southern Mexico and Central America that later led to civil war in Mexico as starving farmers from the rural mountainous region fought to get aid from the Mexican Government, which they felt was not fairly appropriated to their region. Civil and guerilla warfare continues against the established Mexican government.

On a broader scale, an influx across the U.S. border of desperate people seeking work, criminals, drugs from war lords or cartels, and violent gangs from Central and South America, has only increased through the years.

We say unto you, our Father should shed tears to see His children die. Yet, we say unto you, as Job did come unto the people and say, “Change unto your ways” — as Jonah did come unto the people and say, “Change unto your ways,” and so it was done, and the destruction of the land did not follow.

But we say unto you, the earth shall change its face. It is like the coming of your winter. And winter should come that the land may rest, that should bring forth the spring, that should bring forth the summer, that should bring forth the autumn. Your earth now lays within the autumn of its bosom. These changes in the earth’s surface are necessary that the earth may gain new life and the balance of all things may come forth.

But warfare is not a natural balance, even though in some eyes it would be, a control of the species. Warfare comes from within man. We say unto you, link your hearts and your minds together that a peaceful solution might be rendered, and a just reward unto all.

We have told you before of the fuse that should be lit in Israel, and so it should burn and spread, therefore, upon the earth’s surface. [Note: See the November 19, 1971, reading.]

The warfare shall first come into the land of Mexico. At the same moment, those of the Soviet Union and the Peoples’ Republic of China shall bring forth warfare in the land of Israel. We say unto you, should the Eagle [U.S.A.] not spread her wings, woe be the land; woe be the people; woe be the children of our Lord.

We say unto you, take away your prejudice[s]. Cast them aside. Go forth in such a manner that the philosophy that we have handed unto you may be handed unto others in a just manner. Do not go forth unto a man just to show him that he is wrong and you might be right. Go forth in a manner that you may drink of his wine and he may drink of yours, and knowledge shall be as a seed, and its growth shall become abundant. For only ignorance breeds war, and only ignorance builds barriers between mankind. Knowledge shall do away with your poverty, your starvation, and shall stop the burying of your children in pits.

What you have seen in the land of Mexico should soon be a part of your own land. And trenches shall be dug and your children shall be buried in them.

We are here not to take from you your free choice. We are here for but one purpose and that is the coming of the Messiah. We have brought knowledge unto you in many manners. What was covered we have uncovered, and we shall continue to do such. Bring forth unto us questions that seek knowledge and understanding for your earth, and we shall give you the knowledge you seek. But prepare within yourselves a place for the coming, and then you shall prepare within others, for you shall be as mirrors, and that that they see they shall see into themselves and make the changes.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [6–290–5…Richfield Park, Arizona]…asks, ‘My mate recently entered a partnership with O__ J______, connected with oil and gas. I want to know if this will be successful and if there is any advice that can be given concerning this. I desire for Aka to know that I am grateful for the healing that is being given to me.’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. We should say unto you, let the buyer beware. We should say unto you, watch this partnership very closely, that one does not receive all and the other does not give all. Let it come on an equal basis, and reward shall come unto both.

But look, not only beneath the surface of the ground, but in what you invest in and who you invest with.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [8–328–1…Las Cruces, New Mexico], and she asks, ‘I am asking for advice to pursue the developing of the state land I have leased for oil and gas. If it materializes, the money is to go for the Lord’s business. What steps am I to take first; who to contact? Thank you.’”

Yes, we see of your need. And we shall answer in this manner. Your Gulf Oil companies are making tests in this area at this time. If you should contact them, the development of this area should come about quite swiftly, but we would say unto you, upon any proposal that is made consult your attorney and take his advice. Draw no papers nor sign no papers without the attorney first seeing that your interests are protected.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I would like to know, how we can recognize truth from fable, those things that are figments of one’s imagination and those that are real? Is there emotion on the spiritual plane of life? I have heard that man is evolving from the emotional to the mental level. Is this true? How can we learn this?”

We shall say unto you unto this way, into this manner. There are many things that should come of the spirit. And those that should come of the spirit should come of the Lord. There are many things that should come of the soul, and some of these should come of Lucifer. But that of the imagination neither comes from Lucifer nor comes from God, but Lucifer should be the first one to take advantage of it.

Open the gateway that we may enter, we have said unto you. We did not say unto you, open the gateway that anymay enter.

In your spiritual growth take stock within yourself, much as you would stop and count your blessings, to see if they are within truth and true blessings.

But remember also, what is food for one would not be food for another. This is why our Father has many mansions. [Editor’s note: chimes ring out from the clock in Ray’s living room.]

And we say unto you, as the bells should ring upon the land, and as the temples shall rise, there shall be some false bells and some false temples. But we say unto you, those who should be built in the light and the coming of the Messiah shall stand. Those who should be built for the coming of the Anti-Christ shall fall away, for his reign shall be short.

And we should also say unto you, for those who should wear the mark of the Beast shall wear it forever. [See The Revelation, chapters 17–20.]

We have said unto you that the spirits of God are as the pebbles of a brook that should flow into the river; the pebbles of the river are of the spirits of man that should flow unto the ocean; the pebbles of the ocean are like the souls of men that they flow to the many lands and back again.

But we say unto you, that a man should have a soul does not mean that he would have a spirit. For the soul always knows of man. The spirit always knows of God. It is only when you place the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body together does all come in accord, one with the other.

Should that within a man become too harsh, that the soul can no longer abide, then it should leave, and this one shall become a lost soul, wandering forever into nothingness. The only resurrection for this — should they look back into the light of our Father. Yet, they should wander forever on the earth plane, always seeking, seeking entry.

For those of your civilization who should participate in the use of liquor, or alcohol or drugs, they have opened the doorway, not for the development within themselves, but for the possession to take place of a lost soul, for all they can think of is re-entry, not with the knowledge they have gained through a lifespan.

And many of these shall stand forth and say, “I shall rise, for I have the knowledge.” We say unto you, if you build a house, build first the foundation and make it strong. If you place doorways and windows, place a door that you may enter and a door that you may walk out of. But when you place this building within the mind, remove the hinges from the door, that that knowledge that may come in may pass through and on into others, that it may build.

Remember, a lost soul has placed hinges and doorknobs upon their minds. Therefore, what growth they have may look mighty to some, but it is very narrow, for no knowledge can get in, and no knowledge can get out, and they are truly lost within themselves.

When you see that which you would call, a spiritual being, look into this one and see its purpose. Within each of you there are that of what you would call, your guardian angel. There are those from both sides that shall change from different times. These shall be your guides throughout your life plane.

As your growth should mature, so should those that are needed to provide this growth. When a man should lose the use of his right arm, and he should pray the Lord to send those to him to teach him to use his left arm in the place of his right, the Lord should not send those who have never lost their arm; He should send those who have lost their right arm and learned how to use the left. This, and in this manner, you shall know the guides that are sent to you are those that are here and now to serve their purpose. And their purpose is the purpose of the Lord’s, your growth, your maturity.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. From [8–328–2], and she asks, ‘Is there something more I can do to complete healing in all areas, to remove the scars?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall say unto you, let the dead bury the dead. For our God is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living. The dead is your past, and the past of the others. Its only use to you, for you are all parts of everything you have ever been — its only use to you is the knowledge that you may obtain from it today for tomorrow. Cast it aside.

There shall be some around you who should not choose your direction. This is their free will. Give them that which you can, but do not become a crutch for them. It is one thing to meet the fallen stranger on a pathway and help him stand, and teach him to stand, but if you become his crutch, then you have become lame yourself.

You have other questions, ask.

“From [5–206–2], he asks, ‘Where in the Flagstaff area will the volcanic eruption take place? When is the most probable time it will happen? Will it take place in locations of the San Francisco Peaks, Sunset Crater, or Shadow Mountain?’”

We shall say unto you, in the location, as you would know it, as Sunset Peak, shall what you, you shall call the Window Valley, at that point the eruption shall occur, spreading into the other three areas you have mentioned. The time shall be in the year of 1980 in the month of February. This time element, because of other occurrences, may be stepped up. If it is, it shall occur in the year of ’79, still within the month of February. But earthquakes shall occur in this area more rapidly. Your urgency is now, to make plans for the leaving of this area. We shall stay the hand as long as possible. But nothing can interfere with the natural course of events.

You have other questions.

“From [2–30–3 in Globe] and he asks, ‘I remember a scene when I was in Mexico standing on barren ground outside a cantina. A group of riders came up to me. There was a white hat on a table in the cantina, and I think it was mine and I could not return for it. Can you tell me about this?’”

We shall say unto you, the scene you remember is part of [your] subconscious; the white hat is the symbol, as you call it, “the good guys.” You are trying to return to it. [It’s a] subconscious need, of saying to yourself, “That which I do is right, regardless.”

We shall say unto you, in the area you are now dealing in, the chance shall soon come for settlement. Take of it and remove thyself from this task, for it is ugly at best. That which was set out in the beginning, the goals and your desires, have been met. You have told the story many times about the salesman who should buy back his product because he oversold. Take of your own advice.

You have other questions, ask.

[Editor’s note: There is a problem with the copy of the tape recording used to check this reading. The messages could not be compared from this point to the last paragraph of this reading, as Aka spoke of a virus.]

“Aka, [3–69–2] asks, ‘Am I correct in my interpretations of my seeing the white book? If not, what is its meaning?’”

We should say unto you, the white book was the one of 100 of The Rose without Thorns. Its meaning was of the many which should come after. The whiteness represented by the purity of the thought that went forth in the making of the same.

There have been many who have read this book, but few who have stopped to understand it. They leaf through it only to say, “It has meaning; it has depth.” But locked within it lie the secrets of the soul, the spirit and the immortal body.

We have told you before that a book that should come, The Book with Wings, we have told you it should not come forth as one book, but of many. We have told you before that it should come forth in many places, in many phrases, but in essence it should come forth as a new coveth [covenant] for this time.

You have other questions.

“From [5–213–2], ‘In my present attempts to help the state of Israel, could I have the number and dates of the patents from — is it Canada — the Patent Office?’”

Yes, July 2, 1962. The Patent Office would be that of Canada, the Canadian Government. This could easily be obtained be writing the House of Commerce in the government of Canada.

You have other questions.

“Yes, thank you, Aka. [7–317–1] asks, ‘Do you have news of my dear teacher from New Zealand, _____ _____, a picture of whom I have here with me?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. What you wish for is for us to transfer a message, that proof of our sincerity shall be proven to you. We shall say unto you, at what point of proof would you wish us to walk upon the water?

Since you have asked the question in your desire, we have placed in your mind part of your past that you may use it in the writing of the book. Now we shall place your teacher and let you compare notes. Sometimes that that a person should ask for, they should think upon what they request. But your request shall be granted. For three nights hence, so it shall come.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka [7–317–2] asks, ‘Would you advise the installation of a Culligan Aqua Clear Model H-5 reverse-osmosis water purifier in our house?’”

Yes, we would advise this, but we would also advise that there is another source that could be obtained at a more reasonable price. We would suggest that you contact _____ _____ and obtain literature of the same in this matter.

But we have further to say unto this one. We should say unto you, the flu epidemic into which soul Ray spoke to you about and said unto you it would reach epidemic proportions, we say unto you, this is a man-made virus, constructed in such a manner that yet, without the desire of use, an accidental happening outside of the city of Hawthorne did release of the germ warfare substance into the atmosphere of your land.

The virus may live at any temperature. In the treating of the substance of the same there may be used two methods — because the virus should attack the nervous system of the same, and the later effects could be that directly related into the breaking down of the central nervous system — this is two viruses brought into one, that that was known as nerve gas and that that was interbred with that of the Hong Kong flu, therefore, making one strain or one [segment] of the virus. We would suggest that a stabilizing substance be used. This could come in the combination of vitamin-mineral supplement and the large dosages of vitamin C. Or it may come in the use of three common antibiotics, but they [must] not be used over a 3-day period; it must be changed and all three used, only 3 days of one single period. If treated in a traditional manner all you shall succeed in doing is in making the virus go dormant only to reappear once again.

Now soul Ray grows weary.

And we shall say unto you, hasten their warehouses, for the need shall come soon.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


February 14, 1976

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka, where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. For those who should ask, so should they receive. For those who should ask guidance, so should they receive. But for those who should ask for knowledge, so should they receive, but in the proportion they have asked.

We did say unto the one known as [7–317–1] that we would bring forth three days, both in the dream and awakening state, that the knowledge he desired would come forth. And so, we have brought this forth. The greatest knowledge to be gained was in the knowledge, that [within] the readings. There is a time for all things. There is a time for the healing of the body, the soul, the spirit, the mind, the immortal body. But one should lead into the other. In doing this, and in our main purpose, that is in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We have brought forth in the form of parables much knowledge. It is looking into these parables and finding their meaning that the truth may be found and the greatest knowledge that shall prepare the way for the coming may be found, the knowledge that may help mankind in his day-to-day struggle to reach the enlightenment which he seeks.

We shall say unto you, if it was intended that every man become a Christ upon the Earth at the same time, then it would have been done so. But even the one known as Jesus Christ of Nazara did always look back upon the Earth and know that within his true love of the Earth he must return. And so, we are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah.

As we have said before, he has appeared upon your Earth in many times in many ways, in many forms, by many names. But this coming shall be the most important of all times, for it shall bring upon the Earth a thousand years of peace, not as you count, but as the Lord should count. And each day should be a thousand years.

We say unto you, your Earth has seen many Atlantises rise and many Atlantises fall. Through the true course of events the earth has changed its form many times. It is in the midst of doing such again, that the cycle of life may be complete. These are the catastrophies of the earth, the eruptions of the earth.

We shall say unto you, look into your harvest fields. We did say unto you, gather of the food substance.

And you said unto us, “When?”

And we said, now.

Soon the land which bears the burden to bring the greatest harvest of food substance shall be barren. If it was wise, at this time more of the land of this land should be put into cultivation. But as before, few of your politicians have believed in prophecy. They shall attend their churches, and they shall say, “I believe, therefore, in the Book that is written before me.”

Do they not know that every word within that book came forth from the prophets of God?

There shall come a time when man shall look back upon your time and pages shall be added to the Book. Look into that that we have said would come and you shall see it now unfolding before your eyes.

Famine and pestilence shall rise. Man has the tools to combat it, but shall he? We have shown you in the land of the south [Guatemala?] how man should combat it. First there were but few that died, yet thousands followed, and more will follow in its path, because man gave too little too late. Man either gives more than is necessary at the wrong time, or not enough at the right time.

This is also true in your preparation for the coming of the famine. But we shall say again, not one family shall stand alone and survive. It must be done as a joint effort. It must be by binding together and laying aside your petty grievances, your petty jealousies.

We have brought you forth as a group. We have asked you to leave behind your jealousies and your greed. We have told you that we would wipe away your old karmas that you may start anew. We say unto you that the karmas you build now shall not be wiped away, only by yourselves.

We say unto you, listen carefully unto the words of the lecture that soul Ray gave in the land of the Phoenix [Phoenix, Arizona]. Pass them on, these words, to all your membership in hopes that they may gain from it and grow forever.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, soul Ray has a question. ‘What is the next step to do about my blood disorder, and is chemotherapy recommended or what?’”

Yes we see thy need, and we should say unto you these words. Two programs must be initiated. One is within the diet substance of the same. More of the seafood substance must come into the diet. Second, we should say unto you that as blood is extracted, a blood exchange should be made in such a manner that the new antibodies of the blood placed in the system would have a chance to combat the situation. A form of chemotherapy, as you would know it, should be used. This should be used in the form of the use of antibiotics — if treated in intervals, not in heavy, stringent manner; in other words, a series of antibiotics should be used in one-week intervals once a month. This would allow the system to correct itself.

We have said before, we will maintain the body substance and give forth the healing that is needed.

We say unto you, to answer your question within your minds, “Why then should he suffer, when we could heal the body?”

We say unto you, that part of the biological change of the blood structure is due to that of the energy force he chooses to use in his form of healing. Under different atmospheric conditions there would be no problem, such as placing him closer to the ocean substance or lower altitude. Yet, this again would not [seek, suit] his need within himself. We would suggest more frequent trips to the ocean.

But, we should say unto you, his choice is to find a cure, not for himself, but for the many others upon the land who carry this disease substance in their bodies also. [Note: He had polycythemia and later was diagnoses with systemic lupus erythematosus.]

We would also say unto you that if you could learn from him the use of the bio-therapy, this could be used to alter the chemical, biochemical process of the blood substance.

But we say also, he should bring forth and use more of the exercise of the swimming. He is spending far too many hours working, both in the bio-laboratory, in the healing, and in the laboratory to produce the substances to heal your bodies.

Yet, as we have said before, he is a stubborn lot. His greatest joy comes from seeing others healed and the bringing forth of the substances that will heal the body, the soul, the spirit and the immortal body of man. We cannot change nor take from him his free choice, for this is his will, his free will. His love of life extends beyond that of his own life. For his love of life is seeing life renewed. Much as his roses come into bloom, his greatest joy is seeing the blossom within another human being. To understand the healing, you must understand the man. Yet his quest for knowledge shall never end.

You have many other questions in your mind this night. But all have wondered long about this one, and so, we shall finish what we have started. From the beginning, as we have said before, he came unto your Earth as the sons of the God did come forth, and therefore, he did bring karma unto the Earth. Through his own free choice, and his desire to remove this from the Earth, we say unto you, the Eagle in is flight and nothing we can do can stop it, for he shall expend his last breath preparing the way for the coming of the Messiah. It is his choice.

He shall continue bringing forth that of the bio-therapy, and the means of treating your diseases, [and] the means of seeing them in their truer form. Deny him that and he would die. Deny him the right to heal the sick and he would die. Deny him the right to seek forth and bring forth knowledge that will stand long after he is gone from your Earth, and he would waste away. For building, whether it be of stone or man, he shall do to his last breath.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions shall sweep the earth. A new volcano shall erupt again in the northern hemisphere. Further earthquakes shall appear in and around your land that you stand upon.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


February 25, 1976

Phoenix, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening Aka; where is soul Ray”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer thy question in this manner.

As we have said before, that we would tell you when the time of the famine had arrived, and so we say unto you, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth, and pestilence and droughts, earthquakes, tornados, and volcanoes shall sweep the land. We say unto you, thousands and millions shall die. But prepare thyselves, now, and this need not happen.

Your world shall go hungry. The one known as Jesus did say, “For beware when that day should arrive. Pray that it does not come in the winter time, for thy children shall freeze from the cold, for they should have not clothing nor food.”

And we say unto you, prepare, now, and these things thy shall live through.

We shall say unto you that men shall become as animals and shall kill for crumbs of bread. They shall snatch the food from the mouth of the child. All these things shall come as past.

Before, we have warned you, step by step, of the perils ahead. We have told you that you could not stand as one person alone and survive, that you must stand together. This is why we did say unto you, “Form your organization.” This is why we gave unto you A Rose without Thorns.

We told you we were here but for one purpose, and that was for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

Now we shall tell you that man shall be tempted, much as the one known as Jesus was tempted. For those who shall rise through this temptation shall walk in the footprints and beside the Messiah who should come.

But all these things must come forth, so that your land and you shall be ready for his coming. The earth shall change its face; each step, one behind the other.

We shall say unto you, once before in this land did come a time such as this. You called it your depression, your Great Depression. And the wind did come and lain bare the ground. Yet many of you here this day lived through that time. Yet, you have become a different people, a people used to buying all things that they need.

But now you have before you an inflationary depression. This can strike the land with a two-sided blade. One shall cut away the land, and part it. The other shall cut away the people.

It is easy to be a good Samaritan on a full stomach in a warm house. It is not so easy to be such a good Samaritan when you have naught yourself. But we shall tell you, that as Jesus stood in the church and as the old woman laid three pennies in the plate, he said unto the others, “She has given her all, and more than any here.”

And they said, “How could that be?”

And he did say unto them, “It is easy for the rich man to give three pennies, for he has many pennies left. But the three pennies that she gave was all she had.”

For you to survive you must build and supply your warehouses now in such a manner that regardless of whether they belong to your organization or not, as long as they come and are willing to work, they shall be fed and clothed, and the medical aid be given.

That that you have seen in Guatemala — you have seen the rivers changing their courses; you have seen thousands die needlessly because even though the warning was given, they did not prepare.

Jesus did say that the warning would be given, and they should not even stop to pick up their coat, but to flee to the hills, yet they did not. And the same shall be with you. We are giving you this warning — not as a threat, not that you should repent, for that must come from within yourself — but so you, your families, your friends may bind together.

You shall say, “Why should the Lord lay such a bondage upon His children,” much as the people of Israel who were in bondage in Egypt did say. And we should say unto you, so that they could prepare the way that the world should know of their God.

But we say unto you, even as the waters closed upon the Egyptians, the Lord wept, and He did say unto the people, “WHY DO YOU CHEER WHILE MY CHILDREN DIE?” And so He shall weep for you now.

But the Lord has placed free will in your hands. What you shall do with it shall be of your own choosing.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. From [8–330–1], ‘Will I remarry my first husband? Will he be able to make a change? I would appreciate any further information you cold give me.’”

We should say unto this one, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. And we should say unto you, the two of you have bore this karma together. Each have faults. Each should correct these faults. Each should learn to overlook the other’s faults. Your marriage and your reunion can only come when you can love one enough to free them.

In this case, there are certain things that should be removed and cast aside. We shall say unto you, it is written in the book of Moses that should a man and a woman divorce one another, they must, therefore, go before their God and ask forgiveness before remarriage into each other. If this is not done, then they have sinned against God and they have sinned against man and they have sinned against themselves. They must go unto each other and ask forgiveness.

But we should say unto you, you could seek out others who should be and look for the characteristics of the one you have left. And should you meet this new person, they would have those same faults as the other person, and so would you. Would it not be wise to rebuild the house and start with the foundation that you already have?

Build the foundation well, and the marriage shall stand, and it shall bear fruit and the fruit shall be good. And the fruit’s fruit shall bear fruit. We say unto you, for you, as the descendants of Abraham, are the children and the seed of God.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. From [6–275–1…in Alameda, California], ‘Thank you, Aka, for what you have done for me. What can I do for others to help myself and them stay that way?’”

We shall say unto this one, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. And we should say unto you, a promise unkept, whether that promise be to yourself or to another, is a lie unto yourself and a lie unto the other. We say unto you, a way shall be made that you should be brought back forth unto the land and united with your wife, in the land of the Eagle. And a way shall be provided that you shall make your livelihood in this land. Prepare for this and prepare for the reunion.

But we say unto you, learn to look unto all things and see the beauty within. To love is to love enough to let that that you love have freedom of choice. But this must go together; she in turn must learn the same. There is much for both of you to learn. Give it time, and that that you desire and the knowledge you desire shall be laid before you.

But we say unto you, we have placed into thy hands A Rose without Thorns; pick it up. Read it once, and as you read each chapter write down what you feel the meaning is. And then reread it again, and again, at the end of each chapter write down what you feel the meaning, what you have gained from the chapter, is to you. And then, read it unto the third time, and then this time write down once again what you have found within the whole book, and you shall find a peace and a truth within yourselves. Can you understand of which we speak?

Yes, we see thy understanding, but not in full. Listen carefully. Reread this transcript and you shall understand in full what we have said.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, from [8–330–3…in Sun City, Arizona], and she would like to thank our Father for the healing she is getting and ask for any messages that our Father has for her.”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto you, come closer. There are many types of healing. There is the healing of the body, the healing of the mind, the healing of the soul, the healing of the spirit, and the healing of the immortal body. There is a time to plant the field, but do not expect it to grow and mature in the same minute that you have planted. For man is much like the four seasons that God did place upon the earth. There is the winter when the land should sleep and replenish itself. There is the spring when the planting is done and the trees and all things of life come forth unto the earth. And then there is the summer, and this is a time for growth. And then there is the autumn, and this is the time for maturity and the reward before the rest. And so is life much the same.

We say unto you, there is much that could be done. You have knowledge that could be shared with others. Look forth into the study groups. Look forth into that of the Teachers’ courses. But remember, it is better to be a good pupil than a bad teacher.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you Aka. From [6–290–5…in Richfield Park], ‘I wish to thank my Father for the healing I have received, and would love to receive any messages my Father has for me.’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto you, pick up the Rose without Thorns, and you shall find therein the Parable of the Woodsman and the Tree, and the circles in the stump of the tree, for there laid the whole life story of the tree, the good years, the bad years, all parts. Study it carefully. And then go forth and you shall find the Parable of the Healing Well, and take from the knowledge of the same, for you shall find that God’s love, compassion for His children can never run out. It is like the water upon the earth; it is the breath of life. It is a breeze in the heat of the desert, for it is all things, and nothing. For it is like the galaxy, it is so great that there is no beginning and no ending. It is like the universe that flows forever. It is like the river that you would say, “I have seen this river,” but yet you have not, for the water in the river flows onward and new water replaces it every second. And so it is of life. Each man, each person — each man, woman and child — might drink from this river. One might use a cup, another a saucer, another his hands. There are many ways of taking the water from the river. This is why our Father said unto you, He has many mansions; each is great to behold. Glory be the name of our Lord.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. From [8–330–2], he asks, ‘What happened to the camera I left on the back of the car?’ And he would appreciate any other information you have for him.”

We should say unto you, it is in good hands! The person who picked it up is using it well, and enjoying it.

But we should say unto you, the loss of the camera came forth because you were negligent, and because you could buy many other cameras if you desired. This shall not be so, unless you prepare for it now. Your camera is like a crop of wheat in the field. If the farmer does not tend it, it should go away. It should grow weeds, and become a useless thing. Yet your camera was better than the crop. Even though you were careless, the one who picked it up now uses it. So, we should say unto you, wish them well.

But we should also say unto you, it is written, “Thy shall not steal, nor shall thy covet that of thy brother’s,” both meaning the same thing. Therefore, we should say unto you, if you can learn to forgive this one, then you shall learn to forgive thyself, and you have left a karma behind. The other one must remove his karma himself.

We say unto you, a man may cut away thy arm, thy leg, or take thy life, but he cannot harm thee, for he cannot touch the soul, the spirit, the immortal body. Only you can harm these things. You say unto us, here, we have asked about a camera, but in your mind we have answered many questions that were more important than the camera. For the loss of the camera you have been paid back tenfold. And so it is, the way of the Lord, for the Lord should act sometimes and appear in mysterious ways, but should you wait and look into the understanding — this is why we should say unto you, pick up the Rose without Thorns. You shall find, therefore, the Parable of the Wild Rose, and of the huge man who did sweep it up in his arms to carry it away, and of the little girl who did give it life and heal his wounds. Pick up this Rose without Thorns. You shall find much within.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [6–281–1] and she asks about, ‘Would it be advisable for her husband to seek help from Dr. McGarey? And also could you give any information about her health?’”

We should say unto you, our time should grow short.

The help that Dr. McGarey would give would be good. We should say unto you, the help that soul Ray might give might be good. Use of your free choice to make this decision, for both would give honest service.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka, from [8–327–2] and she asks for some information on matter and its reverse energy.”

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall say unto you unto this way, this manner, that all matter, as such, has its counterpart of anti-matter.

The thought, and origination of a thought, begins in a matter form; yet the beginning begins in an anti-matter form, much as the earth is born, the creation of a planet. [That] may remain in the matter form, yet to be cast out as light, and this should stay in the matter form.

Now the projected thought should be changed into the anti-matter form, and shall travel therefore, and be received by the mind, and changed once again into the matter form.

The human mind is a very delicate instrument, yet unique in every way. It is the most powerful force upon your Earth. It is the most powerful force in the whole universe, and galaxies beyond galaxies.

In the — as a planet is born, anti-matter [clashed, crushed] together in particles at 1,000 the speed of light, and as it should come together, the intensity and the speed should become one one-million parts faster than the speed of light. And so, a solidification, the building of an earth form does mature into the matter form; so it is with the thought.

As a dreamer would dream and go forth and build his house, so should be the way between matter and anti-matter; yet both would achieve results. For he has cast his thought ahead in time to see each block laid, the foundation built, each board, each nail placed together. The same thing happens when man places seed in the earth. He visualizes his crop, and the seed should pick up his thought and bring his dream into fulfillment.

The question you have asked should be asked again, that we may bring forth fuller knowledge on this subject, for it is one that should be used. You shall find that it is the same method that soul Ray uses in his healing work and in the psychic surgery, of changing matter into anti-matter and back into matter form again. You shall find it is the same healing force that was used in the Great Pyramid. It is a projected force. Yet each is different, and the use of each is different. A full knowledge of this should be brought forth.

Now we say unto you, now is the time of the Cherubim.

Soul Ray grows weary; our time has grown short.

We say unto you, the famine is upon you. Shall you wait until the dust and the drought should bury you? But this land on which you stand this year shall bear bountiful fruit. Your desert lands shall provide, through that of the mesquite, food that could feed the world if it was harvested. It would be higher in protein, higher in vitamin supplements, than your wheat. You have many desert plants that bear bountiful fruit each year, yet go to waste. In soul Ray’s mind is the knowledge of turning this bountiful crop into usable, eatable substance. Ask these questions of him in the wakening state.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


February 28, 1976

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. We have told you before that we would give you warning in time that you might protect your loved ones and yourselves. We say unto you, these things that we say now shall happen, step by step, and unfold before you day by day. Throughout the land the time of the famine is now; throughout the world, the time of famine.

We should say unto you, because it is of your election time, your politicians shall play that of hiding from the public that which is so. As a result, they shall deplete your reserves by trying to feed a hungry world. Your harvest lands have and are being annihilated through drought, through wind, through storm. The land itself shall be made to bear nothing, for the soil shall be eroded from the land. Only in this land shall your harvest be bountiful. And we say unto you, the desert harvest, that of the flour that should come from the mesquite, the fruit of the desert plants, all shall be in bountiful to you.

One side of your political parties shall play the part of the Devil’s advocate, to try to show you how bad the problem is. They will overemphasize the problem and do nothing to correct it. They shall be as a dog sitting upon its own tail barking. The other shall tell you how plentiful and how much reserve, or surplus, as you would call it, your country possesses. They shall be as the hyena who laughs at nothing.

We say unto you, through your groups prepare for this time, for the time is now. It shall [graduate] more so as the months pass by. The land that is now having pestilence struck upon it, it shall be many years before it can be reused again. If the land in this land [Arizona] could be used, more of it for agricultural purposes, more of your water used for the same purposes, and less for your artificial lakes, this could supplement and feed your country. This land unto which you stand, this land you call the land of the Eagle, or the land of the Globe, shall prosper.

Yet, the inflationary depression shall continue.

Throughout the world, tornados, hurricane, and volcanic action shall rule, and drought. Earthquakes now shall appear in regions where they have never appeared before. We say unto you, prepare, therefore, for this time.

We shall say unto you as the parable of those who were told and did heed the words and did store in the time of Egypt, and those who were told and did not heed the words, they did sell themselves into bondage. They did sell their cattle and all their belongings. You must at all costs remain a free people, the freedom to worship God, each in your own manner. Our Father has many mansions. Each is great to behold.

Coming together in group form to accomplish the task at hand should be done in such a manner that each should take upon themselves a task to be performed and performing it well. For those who should store for themselves shall only attract thieves to their doorstep. Prepare your storage in group form, that you may feed those who should come unto you as long as they are willing to work to replenish your store­houses. The means shall be made available to you.

We say unto you, there are those in your land who should crucify once again the Jewish people, those of the Israelites. There shall be those in your land that shall look upon different races and blame them for the problem at hand.

We say unto you also that now is the time, close at hand, when one shall come forth who will have an answer for all things. And this one shall be the Anti-Christ. And for those who should wear the mark of the Beast, woe be upon them.[Editor’s note: See The Revelation, chapters 12–13.]

We say unto you, wear not the mark of the Beast. The Lord, God, did make thee free. He did not put a yoke upon thy neck and say, “Pull my plow.” He did naught to make men slaves. It is said that man and woman were brought forth of “Our kind, of Our image.” We say unto you, if these words are so, then how can you be enslaved? [See Genesis, chapter 1.]

Yet do not enslave thyselves. Hold dear to thee this right of freedom.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Aka, the parents of [8–331–1] request a health reading…. And the mother asks, specifically, ‘How we can help her overcome her allergy to milk and susceptibility to all manner of infections, and how to build up her resistance and aid her digestion?’”

Yes, we see thy need. We would say unto thee to take that of goat’s milk, taking, to one pint of goat’s milk to one-fourth part of Wonder-Loss Formula. This would allow the system a chance to gain the biochemical balance needed in the system. It would also allow the assimilation of the glucose needed from the protein substance of the same. It would also be suggested that that of the tupelo honey be used in small proportion, only enough to slightly sweeten this substance and make it better to the taste of the child. If this were done, the child would soon — the child’s own biochemical sub­stance then would have a chance to balance itself and the problem would end.

We would further suggest that that of the night-blooming cereus plant, the root proportion of the same, or tubular proportion, be used and fed to the child. This must be crushed — only quarter-by-quarter-inch pieces at a time be used, and no more than three parts of this in the course of a day — crushed into a fine pulp. Do not lose the juice form, using all of the substance. This would allow the [antibodes, antibodies] in the body to build. The plant itself contains that of the [antibodes] necessary to ward off diseases within your system. This must be done very carefully and very precisely, for too much of this could make the soul sick and it would have a violent reaction to this substance.

We would further suggest that the child be fitted at this time for corrective lens substance. This is hard, we know, for you to understand. It is because of the imbalance of the eyesight. The equilibrium of the motor area of the brain is affected, as such.

Small amounts, as no more than 50 international units, of vitamin A should be added to this substance.

This is all on this subject at this time. Should further information be needed, ask.

You have other questions.

“Yes, Aka, from [8–231–2] and he asks about his neuralgia and lumbago troubles present in lower back, [and] the intense pain and arthritis manifestations in both of his hands.”

Yes, we see of thy need. First we should say unto you unto these words. We have before us the body, the soul, and the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. The location is incorrect at this time. One moment please.

Yes. Yes, yes.

Yes, we find this, this soul in the land of the Phoenix.


Now the information may be given.

We should say unto this one, number one: the problem of the back is due to the overweight or gluttonous of this one. The back structure was not meant to carry this amount of weight. Therefore, the use of the Wonder-Loss substance to reduce this and bring it under control — dietary should be used. The use of any sugar form should not be used in this diet. The use of the tupelo honey only — no sugar substance of any type should be used, for this subject is that of a borderline diabetic. The use of the cheeses or heavy spices should be taken from the diet. The use at the present time, every third day, of 1 ounce of castor oil to 1/4 ounce of that of the lemon juice to 1/4 teaspoon of the baking soda, mixed well and taken internally — this would clear the blockage of the bowels and take the pressure from the lower back as such.

The controlling of your eating habits — more of the saltwater sea-life protein sub­stance should be used in your diet. This should be in the diet at least four meals in the course of one week. Beef, that raw as possible, should be consumed in one form or the other, two meals of each week. Of the seventh day, that of the gizzard of the chicken should be used. As much raw vegetable as possible should be placed in the diet. This may come in many types. That of the papaya should be used as a digestive enzyme with each meal.

With the present course of treatment that soul Ray has brought forth unto you, full recovery would come forth at this time.

But we would say unto you that that of your own experimentation shall destroy the heart substance should you continue at its present course. It is very dangerously close to doing of such. Quit experiment­ing with your body. Quit experimenting with that of your wife.

The vitamin B-12 is a good vitamin if it is used in its correct proportions. Overused it can destroy the liver, kidney substance.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, should I continue with health questions or general questions at this time?”

It should make little difference.

“I’ve got a request from…[7–316–2…he lives about 1/4 mile south of [B____], California…].”

One moment, please. We should say unto you unto this manner, the full data must be given.

“Aka, [2–50–2]’s doctor requested that she ask for a health reading, particularly in relation to the problem of repeated gum infection.”

Yes, we see thy need, and we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. Therefore, we should say unto you, the infection brought forth, first unto the land by that of the spray substance upon the land, did infest the animal substance and the land substance. The repeated handling of the animals without better sanitary conditions should only prolong this in the animals and yourself.

We should say unto you at this time that the use of the antibiotics suggested are correct, but we would say unto you, finding that of a very light-bristled toothbrush, use that of the vitamin E after the mouth has been washed thoroughly with normal toothpaste, working this into the gum substance. First, before this should be done, a cleaning of the teeth and the corrosion from that from the water and that of the — that are in the teeth should be done. Then, after this has been done and the anti­biotic been used, then using the A, vitamin A, as we have suggested, then using that of the Aloe Vera in rinsing the mouth. We suggest that it should be used in this proportion — taking 1/4th pint of Aloe Vera and adding 3 teaspoons of dehydrated sea salt into the Aloe Vera. This should be used as a mouthwash, making certain that it penetrates throughout the whole mouth, and gargling with the same. This in itself should clean away the problem.

We should say unto you, should you continue to wish to control this problem, the use of the sage tea, at least 6 cups a day, must be consumed in the body substance — and the continued use of the Wonder-Loss formula with the Lipo Formula. These would bring your health, and hold the health substance. We would further suggest the use of 60 micrograms per day, twice per day, of B-12 be used by this. This could be taken orally.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [5–206–2], and he asks, ‘Is there a Christ oversoul?’”

(Chuckle.) This question and the answer would be as though you would take the whole quiver and try and place it upon the bow at one time. (Whew.) That that a man should thinketh and believe into himself should be truth unto himself — that that a man thinketh and believeth unto himself to only be a truth unto himself.

We shall say unto you, as we have said before, the Lord, God, has many mansions. But we have said unto you, the beggar on the street might be the next to have reached the Christ state. But we say unto you, if he should have really reached the Christ state, this would mean that he would love his fellow man and return to the bottom of the ladder to help those up the ladder before him.

You talk in terms of places upon [the] ladder, and we have said before that the first shall be last, and the last shall be first. For the last who should stand and hold the ladder while others should climb should be the first, for within this one the knowledge of God is there, within. It is not the need to be in the Christ state. It is not their need — this is why they might reach it. Their needs are beyond this. Their needs are in the serving of humanity and the loving of humanity, and in the loving of God, and in the loving of themselves. All of these things are important.

The improvement of the soul image in man is an important factor. But the greatest improvement is within the spiritual form. And this can only be done through the body substance.

The one known as Jesus of Nazara did say, that to come unto our Father’s king­dom you must come as a child is born. And none who should know, not know of heaven could not know of earth, and none that should know of heaven could not know of the earth.

And he was asked, “Then what should I do? Crawl back into my mother’s womb?”

And he did say, “Nay, be of thy self, but let thy truer self shine through.” [See John 3:1–21 and 6:22–71.]

These words have been spoken in many tongues by many people. Buddha did say the same. Mohammed did say the same. It is written in the Koran. It is written in that of the Book of the Dead of the Egyptian. It was the law that laid in those of the Sumer people. It came from those of the Sons of God and before them. All things are not new. Some things have been covered from the light. Our task is twofold: to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah and to take away that that light does not shine upon, to bring light within, and knowledge.

The important thing we would say, more can be accomplished in one day on this side than can be accomplished in a hundred years on the other. Waste not.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. From [8–331–3], and she asks, ‘Will you please ask Aka if it is possible for him to help me, and if it is possible for him to cure me and change my luck. Can I be cured?’ And tell Aka that I am down on my luck; I am on welfare and I cannot find a job. And also, could you clean me of my sins?’”

First we should say unto you, only you can cleanse yourself of your sins, as you would call them. Our Father forgives His children. His children sometimes cannot find a way to forgive themselves. Do unto this, and as you would call it, your luck, will change.

Of that of the healing that is asked for shall be given.

Now we should say unto you, soul Ray tires. Our time now is short.

The Fifth Angel walks upon thy earth.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona 85502


March 6, 1976

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner.

For as long ago, as the soul and the spirit did enter into man, it came in one, and then to two, and then to three, and then [through] five. We have told you of the five Adams of your earth. We have told you of the planet of Yahweh. We should tell you further of the races of your land and their origin.

Many millions of light years ago, on other planets than your own, each of your races, your five basic races upon the earth, did come forth unto the planet, Yahweh. Each came forth for the same reason, for as the nova of their sun did come about and the destruction of the planet substance, they did migrate forth unto the planet, Yahweh.

And then, as the great wars came forth, further migration came forth unto this planet you should call Earth.

You must also further understand that other planetary migration has taken place since. There are many life substances, or humanoid, as you would know them, in other galaxies and planetary substance of the same, or dimension.

Your thoughts of matter and anti-matter — you in your planet is now coming forward into the time when you shall measure your time in a completely different manner. The substance of anti-matter, if brought in, much as a planet or a spacecraft entering into your atmospheric substance, if brought forth into direct impact would cause a disintegration, or a huge explosion and destruction, and dispersing of the atomal [atomic] content. If the matter is brought in, as you would bring in to your atmospheric surroundings of your own planetary substance, in a slanted or sliding manner, then the two can become one without much difficulty. Soon you will find this is true in your own spacecraft. And the whole time concept, as you now hold it, shall rapidly change.

We have brought this forth unto you for but one reason. We shall say unto you of soul Ray’s vision that he was cast away from the earth and he did look back upon it, and he did see a fuse lit in the land of Israel. But the fuse was ignited in France. And from Israel, it began to burn outward and engulf the Earth. And then the Earth began to smolder, and the Jewish people did kneel before the Messiah. And the Earth ran red in blood, and then did come the rebuilding; and those from the Earth did come forth, and those from the heavens did come forth, and they did rebuild the Earth. And as he was shown the sign and the year of 1999, all of these parts will come into fulfillment.

He was also shown the vision, as he walked forth with the woman carrying the child through the long passageway, as they did stop at the well for water, there was a serpent there, yet the serpent did not bite. The serpent was that of wisdom. The water was the spirit that would feed the souls and spiritual substance of the world. They did go forth on, and there, the woman did hand unto the man the child. And the man did hand it unto the masses.

We shall tell you now of its meaning, for that, that in the beginning of all time, that of the Messiah to come unto the earth, that the heavens and earth become as one. Your planetary system, the time shall soon come when those who have changed their appearance to adapt to the environment of the different planetary systems should make themselves known upon your earth, come forth unto your diplomats to speak of peace and to bring you the knowledge of their space travel, of their medicines, and many other knowledges of scientific achievement.

We shall say to you, many times this earth of yours has reached its golden age. Many times man has reached the point of reaching outward into the space substance and space travel, only to lose that through his warfare and his own self-destruction. But each time, seed did go forth unto the heavens and to the universe, that the knowledge, combined knowledge of all you have ever been, has never died.

Now we should say unto you, now is the time of the Cherubim.

It is also the time that the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. New hurricanes shall arise, and tornados, spreading farther across your lands. Further destruction to your crops substance and food supply is at hand. Other nations shall now cry for food. Rivers shall change their courses.

In the land of the Yuma, or as we have referred to it, the land beneath the sea, earthquakes shall soon come forth unto this land and above. Its river shall change its course, rapidly and with the blinking of an eye. Those in this region at the present time shall remain. We shall remove them before any harm can come to them.

There are areas of the California substance which will have further earthquakes. In the region from San Francisco down, farther, San Diego, Los Angeles, Oxnard, all of this land shall be under earthquake pressures.

New and further earthquakes shall occur both in the Pacific and in the Atlantic oceans. Further earthquakes shall take place off the coast land of that of the Guatemalan. Because of the river changes that shall be made about, new channels shall be made connecting the Atlantic and the Pacific. Tidal waves shall also devastate thy shoreline.

We say unto you, you are not without friends. Where one of you stand, all shall stand, or you shall stand not at all.

Now, we shall answer your question which lies in your mind, “Which direction shall we flee?”

Flee not. As we have said before, for those who are engaged in the work of the coming of the Messiah have little to fear. We shall see to their needs, not their wants. But we shall see unto thy needs.

In the lands which you stand, we shall hold, until the time can be made of your safe removal, you and your flocks. If you flee in fright — we would suggest that those who are financially capable of removing themselves from the areas we have mentioned should start their migration now.

And now, we should say unto the question that has been brought forth of the book substance — we should say unto thee, the book should be brought forth and named in this manner: A Psychic Gift Before the Dawn. We would make these suggestions, that further collaboration or further proof be brought forth upon the healing work done by soul Ray. We would further suggest that more be added into the book on this subject.

We would suggest that that of [7–317–1] and [6–281–1] come forth and bring forth this knowledge. We would say unto you, there are many who, if were asked and well screened, would confirm through documentary procedure. One of such could be Doctor [8–331–1]. One of such could be [5–271–1]. There are many others, who both by their professional and scholastic standing would make good documentary material for this book.

We see within the book. It is good. It is well written. We would further suggest that the back, or the ending of the book, be rounded out and expanded. You have chosen readings. We would say unto you, some would be of greater interest than others. We would suggest that the prophecies done by Ray, soul Ray, in awakening state, be elaborated upon further. In your own words, we should tell you to fatten the calf before it goes to market.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [7–317–1] and Ray ask if you have a recommendation in regards to a publisher for the book?”

We would say unto you, you have thought of asking that of Dr. McGarey to write the forward of the book. We might further suggest that of the A.R.E. Publications. But there are many others who would be, not only interested, but who would gladly bring forth this book into publication.

We shall say unto you, as the book is being prepared, prepare a way for the book. Use your own public relations people for this purpose.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have a request for health assistance from [6–281–1]. She asks, ‘May I have a health reading, please, specifically dealing with the constant pain radiating down the left side of my back, with a weakness of both arms, and numbness in left leg.’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. And therefore, we have before us the body. First, we should explain into this subject, because of the extra matter substance in the spine, this is a problem within itself. Soul Ray could remove this. But his suggested therapy would be by far the wiser course.

We shall first explain to you that the motivation, or the problem within the same, is that of what you would know as your flu, brought on further by your own anxieties. You have feared two things. First, we shall explain unto you, we have come here to harm no one. We have come to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. We have weeded the garden at times, as the need, or as a good farmer should tend his field, for the growth and maturity of all concerned. But we have said that nothing shall stand in the way of this work on either side. We did not mean this as a threat; we meant this as a statement of fact.

Your own anxieties have brought forth the greatest problem in the back region. Therefore, bio-therapy would be suggested in the treatment of the same.

We would further suggest that no radical course of action be taken. The healing that you have asked for shall be given. It shall be whole and complete. Each time in your life when this anxiety has risen, the problem has removed itself. Soul Ray has brought about the dissolution of the problem before. He may do so again.

We would suggest more rest. We would further suggest the use of the Wonderloss. We would further suggest, one moment.


Accept in your own mind that that is here and the love that is given [is for] you. If you could accept these things — let the dead bury the dead; let the past be the past. Do not destroy that which is before you and which cares for you. We have placed flowers at your feet, not thorns. You came unto soul [1–1–1] unto wedlock. You knew of his work then, and you accepted it as such. But there is a time for all things. There is a time when a man and a woman should be as a man and a woman. We have given unto you this time. We shall continue to watch after and continue to place the healing and bring it forth. Fear our hands not, for they are placed with love.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [7–317–2] asks, ‘Which college should I go to?’”

The one you chose before. Fear it not. We have said that upheavals shall occur in this area; we did not say that the college would be destroyed, nor the roadway to it. It may be altered, but it will remain.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [7–317–2] would like your suggestions for their medical future and any movements. Also, she ask, does she have any radical health problems requiring treatment?”

We shall answer the last first. The only radical health problems at hand should be none more than soul Ray can treat adequately and take care of.

We say unto you, you have reached with truthful hands. We shall see unto thy needs.

But we should say unto you that you should prepare a way for [of] your own private practice. This could be done with the guidance of both your husband and that of soul Ray. You shall be much needed. You have been a healer beyond that of your medical knowledge for a long time. We shall say unto you, think thee of thy youth as a child. Your hands could heal then. Your hands can heal now.

You do not have to remove yourself from the orthodox healing to build a private practice in this community. We say unto you, the building blocks are now being handed into your hands. We shall say unto you, [with] that of the Euclid property substance, both land and a building could be constructed upon the same and a good clinic be established. This should be brought forth into your own mind. We shall implant that into soul Ray’s mind that is needed to fulfill the knowledge, the substance of the same and the building needs of the same that you may bring forth in privacy and further planning may come into reality.

As we have said before, your physical needs shall be continually maintained by soul Ray and ourselves, for where he touches, we shall touch. But we have known for some time that his energy substance could not continue to sustain all of those who should need of healing. This is why we have brought you forth.

We should say further into soul [2–33–1], fear not where thy dwell. We shall tell thee the time and the place that thy are needed. Build the rock where thy stand.

We shall say unto [6–281–1], our plan has but budded. Fear not, for that in thy doubts shall be removed.

We shall say unto soul Ray, go forth in thy thought form to reach the public through the means in thy mind. Talk further with those [who] would handle this of the publications, or the publicity work. There is other possibilities. Take a step at a time. But be fair, as you have been, in letting those who would handle your product at this time, by giving them this chance. You will have extended the hand. You will have offered the wine. If they do not pick it up, then pass on into your own thought form.

Yes, and now we should say unto soul [7–303–3], the tumbleweed. Growth can only mature through that of the heart and the soul. Good intentions, for those who should fulfill those [of thee], and the vows that they would take — but your mind is still as a tumbleweed. Come forth unto soul Ray.

We shall answer that in the mind of one, of a financial venture. And we should say, now is the time.

We shall answer that into those of you who should wonder about the financial stability of this community. It shall look dark, and then it shall brighten like a bright star. Fear it not.

We should say unto the shepherds, come unto soul Ray, that you may bring your thoughts together into that that should bring the people as one.

Now soul Ray grows weary.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. You mentioned soul Ray training someone in bio-therapy. Who would you suggest that he train?”

Without that of a medical background, at the present time we would suggest that of [6–281–1] and that of Doctor [7–317–2]. But both must bring forth conceivement of his unorthodox methods. They shall be your medicine of tomorrow. It is [of] the medicine of today.

There shall be others among you that schooling and thought form shall mature. We would suggest that at a later time that he should hold classes in the field of bio-therapy, and for the further training in the use of hypnotic therapy with the bio-therapy.

We would further suggest that he should bring further teachings unto all of you.

Soul Ray now grows weary.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


March 13, 1976

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening Aka, where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For as we have said before, the Eagle is in flight. Some shall hear. Some shall see. Though he travels swiftly and quietly, all that he touches shall be transformed. And you wonder, therefore, upon our words. We say unto you, it is not a time for sorrow; it is a time for gladness.

Eruptions, tornados, and volcanic action, hurricanes are striking your land, your world, yet there is beauty in all things. If you become frightened, you cannot see that beauty. You cannot see the flowers beneath your feet. If you run like frightened children, you shall stomp the flowers beneath your feet. If you grasp them up with greed, then no one else may see them, and you shall destroy them.

Look around you. Reap forth the beauty within life. Look into the heavens and see the beauty. Look unto the mountains and see the beauty. Look into the desert and see the beauty. Look unto your lakes, your oceans, your rivers, your streams. For as we have said before, the Spirit of God should flow within all.

We have said before, the temple of God is within man. Each should reach for our Father’s many mansions, each in their own way. But we say unto you, the beauty God has placed before you can only be ugly when you make it so.

When you squabble among yourselves, you take the beauty we have brought to you and cast it aside. When you quarrel among yourselves, you take that of the flight of the Eagle and see it not. We say unto you, for those who should hear, let them hear, for those who should see, let them see. For we have come not to change the Laws of Moses. We have come not to change the words of Jesus, or Mohammed, or Buddha. We have come but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We have come not to take you from you religions, but to bring bread and wine within them. We have come not to bring sorrow to the earth, but to bring gladness.

Within all, we say unto you, this earth of yours was good in the beginning, for it is the handiwork of God, our Lord. And He did bring it forth, and He did gaze upon it, and He did say, “IT IS GOOD.”

And the Seven Spirits did flow unto the earth, and man and woman did come forth and they were fruitful. And the children of God spread upon the earth. And Eden was given, and yet removed, but for the purpose that man might see the Eden all around him, that man may look unto his brothren’s eyes and see beauty. [See Genesis, chapters 1–3.]

We say unto you that each of you are as a mirror. You cast out light, yet you reflect light. All things that you plant, so shall you harvest. The beginning and the ending of karma can come in the twinkling of an eye.

We say unto you, now, raise up thy hearts unto the Lord, God. Gaze upon His beauty. We say unto you, now, let each of you close your eyes and look within, and we shall take thy selves as the Eagle flies upon the earth, and you shall see the beauty that lies tenfold.

You shall not squabble over the grain. You shall not squabble over that that belongs to thy neighbor, and thy brother. You shall not squabble over the things that each of you do.

Look within to find understanding and beauty. You are too busy criticizing each other that you cannot see the treasures that lay at your feet. They are greater than gold or diamonds or gems. We say unto you, go unto that quiet place within your mind. Gently and quietly look within and you shall find a pool, a quiet still pool, and there you shall find the eternal light of God burning brightly within you. You shall find gentleness and love that could have befold [enfold] you, and hold you. You shall find the gentle hand of God awaiting you. All shall be before you. You shall see gentle creatures of all sorts. You shall see wonders beyond your wildest belief that happen each day around you. You shall see the beauty of birth, and the miracle of birth.

We say unto you, we brought forth unto you the miracle of the candelabra. We brought forth unto you the miracle of the flight of Eagle. It comes with broad gentle wings, renewing itself every moment. It is as a ship that the more you put in it, the more it may release and unload before you. It is a — comes as a horn of plenty, and your cup shall runneth over.

Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be your earth. Let it become part of the rest of your universe, and the universes beyond universes, and dimensions beyond dimensions. Open your minds that you may see. Open your minds that you may hear. And the music shall be so gentle that it shall be all about you, and the lights shall come in many colors, and the beauty beyond beauty, and the taste shall be as the sweetest honey.

We say unto you, we come with the bread and the wine. Must we also bring forth the yeast? Quietly, gently, pick this up into your hands, as you would the most beautiful rose. Hold it in such a manner that all may see. Do not clasp it and crush the petals.

We have brought this to you that a new heaven and a new earth may come about — all of these things. But we say unto you, how can you believe us when we speak of heaven if you cannot believe what we say of earth? [See Matthew 5:14–20, Mark 4:21–22.]

It is written, a pound of barley and a pound of wheat. [See The Revelation 6:5–6.]

The earth, your earth — God’s gift unto you, your wisdom, your free choice — God’s gift unto you; it all came with a purpose. Look deep into thyself. Find the light of God. Find the quiet pool. See the lilies; see the roses. See the sky. See the heavens. See the rivers. All come from God. All is yours for the taking. All you must do is look within, and no matter how much you give, it shall be returned to you tenfold.

For the Lord asked but two things: love unto Him one-tenth of the love He giveth unto you; love unto thy brothren and thy sisteren one-tenth of the love that the Lord has given. This is the tithings the Lord has asked you giveth forth. We have no use for your money or jewels.

Prepare a place that our Father may lay His tired head. Let Him weep no more for His children.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

Thy have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading on [8–332–1]. His mother asks for ‘better spiritual communication with our child. And what things of the past and what things of the future would be helpful?’”

Yes, we have before us the body, [the] soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same, and we shall give that in proportion that is needed at this time.

We say unto you that as this child did come forth in the Year of the Cow, we find the entry substance on your earth plane in years that as you would count — 2,100,506 years, six months, and four hours.

The earth at this period and substance, its continental divisions once, at this time, linked as one solid mass; Europe, the Americas, Africa and South America, Atlantis, Lemuria, all linked as one continent. [Editor’s Note: This is called Pangaea in the study of plate tectonics.]

There were many large lakes in that you would call of your state of Utah. There, by the big lake, there stood of those who would call themselves, at a later time, of the Mormon people. Their temple was great, and they did worship unto the Lord, God, in a righteous manner.

And this one came from that of not too great a family, but yet great in the eyes of the Lord. They were farmers and they tended their fields. And once a year they did pilgrimage into the big city into the temple, up to the temple, as all did make the pilgrimage once each year. Upon this journey, this one was born. Yet his mother, sisters and brother, and father did wait behind the others who would go upon the journey, while the birth occurred. The mother did say unto the father, “Here, I have given unto you a son. He has been born on a blessed day, on a blessed pilgrimage. Take him, therefore, in to the priests, that he may be blessed.”

And so, they did travel on into the city. And the father did go unto the priests and say unto them, “Almighty lords, this child is born upon the sacred day, upon the sacred journey. Would thy give unto them [him] your blessings?”

The young priests turned away in scorn. “Who was this,” they thought, “to ask for such a blessing? How could we know that he was not a liar?” And they did put forth this one, and were cruel unto this one. And yet, the father did shield the mother and the child with his own body.

Then [came] forth an old priest, and he did come forth with great authority, for he sat on the Council of Thirteen. And he was called, therefore, the Prophet. And he did say unto the young priests, “Bring this child forth unto me, for I shall give him blessings: For not in this lifetime shall he see that that he was meant to see. Not in this lifetime shall the greatness of the work that he shall be prepared for shall be done. But the mother and the father shall be born again, and he shall be born again. And he shall come unto a prophet and once again he shall ask for a blessing, and the prophet shall bless him. For he shall walk in a new heaven and a new earth, for he shall be part of the making of this. Take him, therefore, now back to your homes. When he should reach his 12th birthday, bring him back.”

And so it was done.

The years passed. Upon the 12th birthday, on his 12th pilgrimage, he did come before the Prophet. And the Prophet did lay his hand on this one and say, “He shall be a physician. Now, as is our custom, he shall become a man and a priest. But now his school and his training shall begin, that memory may be laid in his mind for that that he should do at a later time. Therefore, take him into the Temple of Light and Sound.” This, in your language, would be a great university, only this university, their schooling began at a very young age. The children of this time who showed signs of great learning did enter this university and did not leave it until their 30th years.

And so it did come forth once again that you were left at the university. At first, you thought your parents had abandoned you. Once each year they saw you. Once each year they told you of their love. And each year they went back to toil the land.

On your 20th year you did say unto your father, “Why must I remain here, when I have the hands of a farmer, not that of a physician?”

And your father said unto you, “For it has been ordained that you should become a physician.”

And then, you became hard in your heart, yet you studied. Yet, the position as a physician did not sell it [set] well in you heart.

And then on the 30th year, that of the Prophet did come forth. And he did say unto you, “Go. Go back unto the farm, for this we should say unto you; it is better to be a good farmer, and grow a good crop, than it is to be a bad physician. But we have placed into your mind and your hands that of a memory that shall carry through many flights of the Eagle.

“But when a prophet comes and say unto you these words, ‘Behold, the flight of the Eagle is now,’ and he should place in your hands a rose without thorns, then the time of all your lifetimes, all you have been, shall flash into thy mind and become part of thee.”

And the grace given then is the grace given now. And the blessing given then is the blessing given now. You say, of enlightenment. We say, of free choice.

Give this one of the schooling, but then, we shall [have teached] him that the seed he should plant shall bring forth a joy for the earth.

In this time of yours, many children shall come forth with the natural abilities in the field of healing, the natural abilities in the ability to become good farmers. They have chosen this time and this place of birth for a reason, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

Memory shall soon reach this one. On the 12th birthday of this one bring forth the words that we have spoken and place them in his hands, and let him make his own choice of his direction, and it will be blessed.

That is all on this subject at this time.

Now we say unto you, soul Ray grows weak and our time should be short.

Let the beauty of life now flow to you. Soon, as we enter, our time shall come, that as we speak through soul Ray, let our words linger in your minds each moment, each day. Let the love we have brought forth shine out from you. Open the door that we may enter. But leave the door open that that quiet place within you may reflect out.

Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children, the people.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona

April 3, 1976

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner.

As the woodsman should go into the forest to cut lumber, first the right tree must be chosen, that the lumber may be cut in the proper manner, that the land will not be overcut, that the land may be replenished.

And as the woodsman begins to cut, each tree must fall in its proper place, that it does not destroy other trees around it. To do this the woodsman must first cut from the opposite side of this which he wants the tree to fall. He must cut at the right angle, or the tree shall fall in the improper place and crush all the other trees beneath it. The woodsman knows that if he cuts all and destroys all, soon he would have no wood to cut. Then the woodsman should cut the opposite side of the tree so the tree will fall free. The woodsman also knows that as he inserts his blade into the tree, he must use wedges, that the blade will not be cramped and to insure that the tree should fall in its proper place.

Then, as the tree should fall, the tree is trimmed. The trimmings then must be disposed of, but safely, so that fire does not run through the forest and destroy all. He also realizes if he cleans the ground too barren it will not reproduce.

When the logging is finished, the woodsman knows that replanting and reseeding must be done also, and in that way he becomes part of nature. For before the woodsman cut the first timber, fire from the heavens did bring forth fires, burned the land, and then reseeded. In this manner, care of the land is replenished.

We say unto you, look forth unto the desert in the land of Yuma, look into the land of the Sahara. In both of these places timber once grew abundantly. But through the wastefulness of man, all was lost. Yet, even in the bareness of the desert there can be a bountiful crop, and the land let grow again.

The Lord said unto you, “SO WE HAVE CREATED YOU, OF OUR KIND, OR OUR IMAGE.” And the Lord did look upon you and say, “THIS IS GOOD.” [See Genesis 1:26–31.]

And then you say unto yourselves, each of you, “I must cast aside this, I must cast aside that.”

Man is much like the forest. A forest is much like a tree that bears fruit. The tree that bears fruit, all of the fruit will be picked. Some will be good, some will be not so good, and some shall be bad. Yet the tree that bears fruit will bear another day, if it is properly cared for. So, at the core [comes] man. But if a tree is over pruned, it takes a long time before it can bear fruit again. It is the same with man. Man sometimes is so busy casting aside the fruit that he cannot tell which is good, which is fair, and which is bad. As he looks, therefore, he is like the tree in the forest, that can seldom see its own growth. He will only judge his growth by what he sees.

If the wrong woodsman comes unto the trees, he shall destroy the whole forest. And so it is with the [teacher], those who should come unto you and say these words, “You must do this, and you must do that.”

We say unto you, as we have said before, we have come not for the time of Moses, not for the time of the one known as Jesus of Nazara, but we have come for this time, to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. Each day, each time, different laws are laid forth. We have come not to change the Ten Commandments. We have come not to change the laws of Buddha. We have come not to change that that was given by Mohammed or Ishmael. Nay. But we say unto you, there are some laws that become outdated and should be cast aside. The Ten Commandments are not of these that should be cast aside. But yet, there are some of the laws of Moses that cannot be applied today, for you are not people marching in the wilderness, but you are people marching in the wilderness of your own making. Unlike the days of Moses, we do not want you to stay in the darkness for 40 years. As we have said before, what was covered shall be uncovered. Where no light shone, light shall come forth, and that of the knowledge of mankind should come through the story, the lesson of the tree as it sits upon the [same].

But, we cannot take from you your free will. We would not, if we could, for the Lord, God, did give unto you this, and it must be cherished above all. The Lord, God, did not make one man slave and another master.

Spiritual leaders the Lord, God, has brought forth in many forms, in many races. But He did not make gods of them; they are the instruments of God.

Those who should stand and tell you, “You shall be forever cast in the pit of damnation” for this or that, they themselves should use the Lord’s name in vain, for they speak not for the Lord, but for themselves, and their own likeness. And these are the false prophets that you were warned about in the Book.

It is these things which they said (cough) they said unto you, “Mine is the only way.” We say, nay; our Father has many mansions. Each is great to behold. If a man should take the same axe into the forest, each man would swing the axe in a different fashion, but the final chore which he intends to achieve is the falling of a tree in the right position. They may not use the same axe, yet that of the end result is the same.

We have come not to take you from your religion. We have come to bring fulfillment into that that you possess.

But we say unto you, should a man spit upon his own soul, and [tear] and have pity unto himself, he should not help himself, nor should he help God, nor should he help his brother. In no way shall he serve God. The Lord, God, should bring healing, but the hypochondriac should live with one [pain] only to create a new one, for they wish to be sick. And then [it] is the sickness within the mind that they used [to harm themselves].

We said unto you, the measure of your faith, that is the measure of your wealth. The measure of your faith shall be the measure of your hope, of your love, and if you should give unto the Lord one-tenth of the love unto which He should give you, and should give unto each other in the same manner.

There are those who should put themselves in the position of being a god. We say unto you, there is but one God, and He is of a jealous God, and you are His children. As you should have children you should not give them unto others. So it is with the Lord. Yet, the Lord may shed many tears for His children, yet He has given them free choice, as a wise parent should. He sees you when you fall. He sees you when you rise. But we say unto you these words, if you should prune the tree that bears the fruit within yourself, it must be pruned in a proper manner so that the yield in the following year could be greater than the yield that year. What lies within another may be good for them and bad for you, for you are separate and an individual. Now, understand the faith of another. If you can do this one small thing, and love them because they love God in their own way, then you have become one step closer to the kingdom of God upon the Earth. You have brought forth, that much closer, unto the Lord, thy God.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading for [5–213–1]. He asks specifically, ‘To better understand my present reincarnation.’”

We should say unto you, we have before us the body, the soul, and the spiritual [body] of the same; we have before us the immortal body. We shall say unto this one, you [should] ask us, “Why should I be placed in the position of a cripple?”

We say unto you, you made [of] the choice unto yourself, but not for karmic reasons. You made the choice that you might become part of the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. But only in this way would you have reached unto the one who could heal, who could [bring unto some] that [of] the light and sound that could heal the body. Only in this way could you understand that the body is like a perfectly tuned instrument. Out of balance it would play a sour tune. Therefore, [it would take] this ability, as such.

You have contemplated the love, and [become afraid]. We spoke unto you, we have brought unto you and shown unto you this love that we have given. Yet, it has taken a long time for you to reach forth to find the [true] meaning, yet there is more to come. When you have found the true meaning then you shall find that the affliction shall [be there] no more.

You are reaching. We say unto you, reach farther. Each day, say unto yourself, “That is [reaching distance].” But the same way, [the healing] will come.

We say unto you, this is not the way of all, but it is your way, and your choice, for this time, for this place, for this purpose. Look long unto the Eagle’s eyes. [Editor’s note: one microphone blew out.] And there you shall find the pathway.

Bring forth one last question and we shall answer it, and shall depart.

“Yes, Aka. [7–317–1] asks, ‘Where can we find published or taped predictions by Ray that have been fulfilled?’”

You shall find them in the archives. We say unto you, go forth unto [1–1–3] and [1–1–5]. Go forth into the archives, which has been scattered about. Look forth unto his lectures and you shall find both predictions and published. This is all on this subject at this time.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy. However, the tape quality was very poor and hard to hear in places. Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.]


April 29, 1976

Globe, Arizona

“Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner.

For in the land that shall become the isles of California, in the month of June, from the 15th day, the tremors shall be felt. And then, into the month of July, on the third day and the 13th day, an earthquake that shall register 8.5 on your Richter scale, shall reach like fingers from the lower proportions of San Francisco down, through Blythe, California, across through Los Angeles, through Oxnard, California, through San Bernardino, California, and all those communities laying within the same. That of the San Diego shall feel its wrath.

In the land of your Mid-Eastern states, earthquakes shall be centered in that region. In the month of June, July, and August, hurricanes and tornados shall ravish the land. That of your food crops, and the harvest belt, shall be badly damaged. Therefore, we say unto you, from the desert shall come a harvest, not in proportion of that of last year, but it shall come in a proportion to suit your needs. Gather from the same, and your needs shall be fulfilled.

We say unto you, if you should go unto the desert, and leave your water and food behind, and say, “Lord, provide,” the Lord has already provided. It was your own folly that you left your water and food behind. Why should He then provide the second time — to prove unto you, as a stupid child, the Lord is the Lord?

We say unto you, if you cannot believe us of the things of heaven, how can you believe us of the things of earth? We say unto you, we are here but for one purpose, that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

We also say unto you, Atlantis has come and gone many times. The golden age of your population, the golden age of your civilizations, have risen and fallen into the dust. The earth has risen and fallen. Where oceans were they are no more, yet they shall return.

Take heed of our words.

From now until the year of 1985 each earthquake shall become increasingly worse. And then, in the year of 1998, the splitting away shall take forth. The Eastern seaboard region shall split away. The Western seaboard region shall split away. Northern Europe shall part. The British Isles shall become that, part of Europe once again. War shall come before that time, yet shall stop, because man shall stand to fight the elements.

But before that time shall come forth, you long have waited for the meeting of your own relatives from other planetary systems where the seed was implanted. This shall soon come into reality. But not in the way of hide and seek; a formal introduction shall be made.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [8–333–1], and he asks, ‘Can you give me any information about the improvement of my breathing, and heart difficulties?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. Part of the improvement is due to that of your reaching for within yourself and bringing forth the spiritual self. The other part is due to that of the gift we have given unto soul Ray that he might give unto you. We shall further say unto this one, further improvement shall be given.

We shall ask that you give us, with the rest of your questions, all of the data. You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, [8–333–2], and would like to know how much psychic ability you feel she has now, and how much further in this life you feel she will go?”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

We shall say unto this one, this you call of a psychic ability is a natural God-given gift. We say unto you, if it should be improved, open the door that we may enter, and we shall bring into thy mind three nights of dreams. And then come forth again, and further information shall be given.

We shall say unto this one, with the use of bio-therapy, many doors may be opened. But the mind is much like the stomach, if it should be overfed it should develop a headache, much as your stomach should develop a stomach ache, and you would digest not that which we have given unto you. So we should give unto you, as you should place it to work, that that is needed. But we say once again, open the door that we may enter, and three nights of dreams shall be yours.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. From [8–333–4], she asks, ‘Where is my friend, guide?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. He is working.

You have other questions, ask.

From [8–333–4],‘Why do I repeatedly dream of losing my purse or baggage?’”

(Chuckle) We shall answer your question in this manner. As the house should be the soul, the purse should be the spiritual substance that should go unto the house. It is that which you transport with you, and therefore, it would be the losing of one’s self. Your fear of losing control of your own emotion, letting, as you would say it, “it all hang out.”

We shall say unto you, you have written many books which say this is sin and that is sin. We say unto you, the Lord, God, did give unto you the Ten Commandments, and in all of the words within the same they say these words. Give one-tenth of the love unto the Lord unto which He has given unto you. Give unto one-tenth of the love unto your fellow man, this same love. But just as important, give unto thyself. And in all ways, you are doing the work of the Lord. For you are the temple of God.

It has been said, destroy this temple, and it shall be rebuilt in three days. And so it is. And so it has been. The resurrection of the one known as Jesus of Nazara was the proof that rebirth was that of real and solid fact. For when he rose, two of the apostles did see of him, yet knew him not. And when he approached them all, did not Thomas doubt him and say, “If you are he, then show me your wounds?” And he did show of them his wounds. The reason they did not recognize him is because he had taken forth a different form.

And Peter did say unto him, “Oh, Lord, let me go with you.”

And he did say, “Nay, for yours shall come in your own way, in your own choosing. But all shall pass before us, and John shall remain.

And he did say, “But why Lord, why should John remain and the rest of us should perish?”

And he did say unto Peter, “What business is it of yours that John should remain? For John has his own madness that he must bring forth and conquer.” And so it has been. And through this madness was given unto you the books of Revelation, which has long puzzled you.

We say unto you, ask and you shall receive. We shall filleth thy cup with bread and wine. Drink it, eat it, and we shall filleth it again. And the knowledge you seek is but at your tips of your fingers.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, from [8–333–5],‘In what field of occupation will I achieve my present life’s work?’”

We say unto you, you have chosen to become a teacher. You are now taking the Student-Teacher’s course. Continue in that field. Become a teacher, and then a minister, and then a shepherd. For we are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. It is only through the touching of one unto another may this be achieved.

We say unto you, should we fail upon our mission, you shall have 3,000 nights and days of darkness upon the earth. And each day shall be as a thousand days. And man shall crawl once again from the rocks. And he shall place upon himself skins. We say unto you, this is not necessary. Must the Sixth and the Seventh Seal be opened to prove unto you our words?

The candelabra is within your reach. We did not bring forth the miracle of the candelabra without cause. Put out your hand, that you may pick up the cup and light the torch of light, and therefore, bring forth the Seven Spirits of the Lord. [See The Revelation, chapter 4–5.]

You say unto us, once again, we have spoke unto you as in riddles. We say unto you, nay. Take of our words and study them.

Your time grows short. From now unto the year of 1999 a way must be prepared, and the new heaven and the new earth shall come forth, and the thousand years of peace shall come forth unto the earth. And all things that have been prophesied shall come about.

Where you stand, so may stand two. And two shall bring forth ten, and ten shall bring forth one hundred, and one hundred should bring forth one thousand, and one thousand should bring forth one hundred thousand, and one hundred thousand shall bring forth one million, and one million shall bring forth the face of the earth.

For the earth shall stand and smolder, for the fuse is lit from France into Israel. When the fire reaches Israel, the earth shall begin to smolder, and you shall see he who is of the Messiah who shall come forth. And then the earth shall run blood red. And then you shall see those from the earth and those from the heavens come forth and rebuild the earth. And there shall stand a mighty monument, for within each person shall be the temple of God.

And so, we say unto you, is the prophesy that has been this day upon the earth. For if our words are false, then we are the fool, not you. If our words are true, then the kingdom of God lays in your hand.

The Eagle is in flight.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, from [8–333–6], she asks, ‘Will my liver be healed?’”

We have said, “Ask and you shall receive,” and so it shall be. For all those who should ask for healing, let them do so, and let the deliverance of healing come forth. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His people.

Praise be given unto the name of the Lord. Praise be given unto the name of His people, for they are the people of the Earth.

[Arkan yahnah, seay, seay].

And healing shall come forth unto thee.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. From [8–333–7], ‘I greatly desire to develop the abilities I am starting to be aware of in aura reading, psychometry, and channeling healing for the benefit of my fellow man. Will I be able to?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we say unto you, as you have asked, so shall you receive. Come forth, and you shall find a Teacher’s Course. Pick it up. Reach your hand forth and you shall find A Rose without Thorns. Pick it up. Bring them together, and look around and about you — yet, you know them not; yet you see Him not, yet He remains within your mind — and you shall see the flight of the Eagle, and you shall become part of the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

For we say unto you, the spirits of God shall flow as a brook, and from the brook it shall flow unto the river — and the pebbles of the sand in the river shall be as the spirits of man that should flow unto the ocean — and the pebbles of the sand upon the ocean shall be as the souls of man that shall flow to the many lands, unto the many galaxies, unto the many universes — and so it shall be.

You have other questions, ask.

“From [8–333–8], ‘Do you see a change in professions for me; if so, when?’”

Yes, we shall say unto you, it shall come on February the 4th in the year of 1977. Preparation for this change shall come about in a gradual manner.

There is more you should seek, for there is that of a personal nature that you ask. And we shall answer unto you, it is written that, “As you seek,” in the laws of Moses, “so shall you find,” in the Ten Commandments, the answer to your question. The answer is, yes.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. From [8–333–9], and he asks, ‘How and when is it possible that I will stop stuttering and stammering once and for all?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. Come forth unto soul Ray for bio-therapy treatment, and your problem shall end. And the knowledge that you gain shall help others.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, one moment, Aka. From [8–333–10], ‘What will happen in Camp Verde regarding our personal interests?’”

You shall reap the fruit that you have planted, and harvest the crop. It shall be bountiful.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from soul John [4–125–2], and she asks, ‘Please heal my heart, mind, body and spirit in the fullness of God’s will. What should I do to prepare myself for healing work?’”

Forgive thyself, that thy may forgive others. Look into thy heart and find the humility. We have said, long ago, we had placed flowers at your feet, that a star had risen in the east. We have said unto you that a student should never be greater than the teacher, nor the teacher be greater than the student. We have said unto you, look unto the prophet for guidance, for only in true union and love can thy growth mature.

Soul now — soul Ray grows weary. And we say unto you, awaken soul Ray from his slumber….

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


May 8, 1976

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. Blessed are they who should ask in the name of the Lord. Blessed are they who should do the work of the Lord.

But we say unto thee, the work of the Lord should come in many forms. Blessed are they who should tend the flocks. Blessed are they who should tend the fields. Blessed are they who should tend the children. For in your daily task, that that you would call your work, if it is done in a righteous manner, then that also is part of God’s work.

We shall say unto thee of the parable of the minister.

And the minister went forth, and he did teach unto fire and brimstone. And he did say unto each person that they must do this and they must do that, and they must repent, or they would feel the wrath of the Lord.

He traveled very far. And one day upon the Sabbath he saw a small lad in the field working. And he did come forth unto the lad and say unto him, “Thy are a sinner. Thy are working on the day of the Sabbath.”

And the lad looked long upon him, and said unto him, “If I do not work this field, my mother and my brothers and children should all go hungry. I must work in the store for a merchant all the other days. This does not provide for my family. The only day that I can bring forth a crop is on the day of the Sabbath. Now you say I sin. But I say unto you that my church is here, in this field; and my God helps carry me this yoke, for I carry it in love of my loved ones, and therefore, that that I should carry in love should be of the Lord.”

The minister became furious, and he went forth into the tavern. And he did bring out the merchant the lad worked for. And he said unto the merchant, “You must fire this person. Release him from his employment because he is a sinner.”

And the merchant looked at the lad and said, “I cannot.”

And he said unto him, “Why can you not?”

And the merchant looked long into him and said, “Do you not know the story of Mary Magdalene? When Jesus was asked whether she should be stoned — and they said unto him that he might be the judge, and he said unto them, ‘Let those among you who have not sinned cast the first stone,’ he did not judge her, nor I shall not judge this lad. And if you, in truth, were a minister of the Lord you could not ask that I do such a deed.”

The minister left the town. And he went forth unto other towns. And each place that he preached he told this same story. But each place that he preached, the flock unto which he preached became less and less. And he could not understand this, for he, in his might, was a minister of the Lord. Why then should they not condemn the boy and the merchant? Was it not his duty to see that the merchant, the people did not buy from him? Was it not his duty to report him?

And one day he was called forth unto his diocese, his superior. And his superior said unto him, “Why have you continued to persecute these people?”

And he said unto him, “It is my duty.”

And his superior said unto him, “If it is your duty and you have acted in a righteous manner, then why are you driving away your flock? Do you not know what the word, minister, means?”

And he said, “Of course I do. It means that I should teach the people what is right and wrong, that I should speak for God.”

His superior looked very sad, and said unto him, “You shall find that God shall speak for Himself. A minister is a keeper of the flock. If one should stray and become endangered, he should tend to this stray lamb. He should not judge him, but return him into the flock. You have become both judge and jury. I say unto you, go forth and sin no more.”

The minister left and he was very mad. And his anger increased as the years went by because less and less did the people come unto him. And even though he traveled far, less and less did the people reach for his guidance. And soon he did not travel at all. And soon he did not preach at all. And he said, “There can be no God who should let such an unjust thing happen.”

And then his day of departure did come. And he crossed from one doorway into another.

And when he awoken he saw a lad working in a field. And he thought to himself, “I am not dead. How could this be heaven?”

And so he walked forth and he did recognize the lad, for the lad was the same lad who he had found tending the field before. And he said unto the lad, “This cannot be heaven or you would not be here.”

And the lad said unto him, “I tend my flock, which is my field, for that is what I know best, and in that way I serve my God. And I am happy in what I do.”

He said unto the lad, “Then if this is heaven, where are all of the temples? Where is this Kingdom of God? Where is this temple of God?”

And the lad, with his hand, spread it forth, and there upon the Earth, were all the people of the Earth, each one in their different directions, and he said, “There is the temple of God, within them.”

And he looked forth and he said, “For that is the body of man. You stand in our Father’s many mansions, one you have chosen of your own free choice, for you chose to turn your back from God. You did not preach because it brought you joy in others. You preached because it made you feel that you were greater than the others down on the Earth.”

“Now I must leave you,” the lad said. “For I shall go and learn from the masters.”

And the preacher said, “Wait, can I not go with you?”

And the lad said, “Yes.”

So they ventured forth. And the preacher in idle conversation said, “I am much older than you. Why did I live so long and you, so much younger, died much sooner?”

And the lad said unto him, “My way upon the Earth, though it brought me great joy, also my body could not withstand the long hours of labor and so it deteriorated much faster. Yours was not of a physical nature, and in later years, other than your anger, it was not of a mental nature. But I passed from one gate to the other happy within the thought that my flock had been provided for. You passed not caring.”

And so, they soon came upon a group gathered around.

And there stood one among them, and he recognized this one, for he had been the merchant. And then came another, and he had been his superior. And he said unto them, “How can you be masters when you knew not enough to correct an unruly lad?”

And the masters both said unto him, “For look forth, and you shall see your life, each step of it, pass before you. When this is done come back unto us.”

And so he was turned away from the group.

He wandered far, day after day. And he looked upon the Earth many times. And he thought unto himself, “The lessons that I should have learned I could have learned in one day upon the Earth. Yet it has taken me a hundred years to learn these lessons here.”

And so is the parable. Choose for yourself. Labor in love is love. Labor in regret must be done over again.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading from [5–213–1 of Tucson]. He asks for ‘a life reading to better understand my present reincarnation.’”

We have just given this reading.

“I have a request from [7–320–1]. And she asks, ‘What is my purpose in this life? And what karmic debts am I working out? What is the best way for me to be of service to others? How can I best prepare for the times of destruction that will be happening on the Earth, and is this a safe place?’”

First, we shall take the last first. There shall be proportions of the Oregon land that shall be safe. But many volcanic eruptions shall occur in this land. Earthquakes shall occur in this land, and islands shall be formed. Mountains shall become deserts, and deserts shall become mountains. As this catastrophe does occur, you shall find that the land you live in, the temperature shall become much colder for a period of time. Something much as the ice age shall occur, but not totally.

We shall say unto you, we have brought you into the path of the Eagle; yet you fully do not understand. We shall say unto you, pick up the Rose without Thorns, and read from it three times, and if you still do not understand the pathway we have given unto you, then ask again.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [6–278–2] of Tucson asks, ‘In our famine preparations would you please give us guidance as to where to store, and for how many, and for what period of time?’ She also asks how much water should they store and where, and how can we further the work in Tucson so that possible disasters might be avoided?”

We shall say unto you, [on] the storage of the water, the taking of the containers that your milk or Clorox, if properly washed, both with regular tap water placed in them and buried in the ground where you have a 6-inch surface over the top of the ground, making a map of each place that you bury them, your storage of water shall soon become abundant.

We would say unto you that the canisters that soul Ray has put forth in Tucson should be distributed in such a manner that one general storehouse should be established, only that it may be drawn from in small proportions. The canisters should be distributed to members. In them should contain blankets, good first-aid kits, vitamins, and food substance.

Then we would say unto you, take forth both pick and shovel, hoe and rake, and axe. You have a compound which will preserve these readily available. Then they should be wrapped in treated, as you would call it, tablecloth. Then we would tell you to build a wooden box, placing these in the earth substance with 6 inches of soil on the top. The container should be made large enough that other tools may be added from time to time.

We would also suggest that “How-to-Do” books be placed together. These should be placed and stored. When the time comes that you will need all these things, you will have them. We would also suggest that good backpacks be prepared, that further knowledge, as soul Ray shall give it, on the harvest of the desert should be brought forth, and each member should retain the printed words and learn from them.

In this manner the preparation shall come in completion.

If you should reach unto other people, we say unto you, it has been placed in your hands, that of the R.E. product. Through them they shall find an honest product. But in the same manner you shall have a chance to talk to many people. With the doing of so, you shall find many who shall seek your guidance.

But many do not know of your preparations. The “Rays of Philosophy” should be widely distributed. These in themselves would help to prepare the way.

That your national headquarters could provide more for its members, the contribution into the Emergency Fund, for the storage and preparation in the headquarters, for better storage areas, all of these things are needed.

[There are] goals to work for.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have one question, in coating these tools that should be buried, are you referring to Cosmolene or paraffin or what? Oil cloth?”

We should say unto you that paraffin and Cosmolene, either can be used, and then the oil cloth, and wrapping them in such.

“Thank you.”

But these tools should then be placed away, not to be brought forth until the time that they are needed.

“Thank you, Aka.”

Included in these, but it should be used now, should be small grinders, and the learning and the making of metates.

You have other questions.

“Yes, Aka, [7–316–1…Yuma] asks, ‘That we may save our cattle for our people’s survival, please give us information as to where and when to move.’”

We shall give this information of where and when to move. But now is not the time. Continue preparing and working where you are. When the time comes, adequate warning you shall have.

We should also say unto this one that the new substance unto which soul Ray has brought forth may be used, not only upon birds, but on other animal life also, to extract the pesticides from the cattle and all other warm-blooded species.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, soul Ruth [2–30–2] asks, ‘If Jesus was one of the 101, was his name Arcon at that time?’”

(Chuckle) Nay.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [5–206–2] asks, ‘Is Lucifer a member of the Council of Thirteen?’”

(Chuckle) Nay. We shall say unto you, Lucifer is Lucifer, and none before and none since has met his equal. His defiance of God cast him forth, yet to serve a purpose. His constant defeat has also served its purpose. But his arrogance, and his worlds and his obedience for those who should practice the Black Arts, woe be upon them. And woe be upon Lucifer, for there is not one in this Council who does not pity him.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [6–281–1] asks, ‘Please explain about the over-soul and over-self.’”

Though the language is confusing, we shall try to decipher your meaning. The over-self is nothing more than the human body, the human frailties, the human being striving constantly to improve. As we have said before, the soul can only be complete when it is with the body, the spirit and the immortal body.

If one should lose the spiritual form, then they become the lost soul that shall wander forever into vast nothingness. They hover close to your earth plane, for all they have and all they know is re-entry.

For those who should pollute their mind with alcohol and drugs, they make themselves readily available, both to Lucifer and to the lost souls, to take over and take possession. And, there is but one path for them. Once they take possession — this is against the rule, as you would call it, of free choice, so they have violated and committed a greater sin yet. With the passing of that body substance, then they are again nothing more than a lost soul.

There are those of you who would use and play with that of the Ouija Board, and you greet each one who comes through, yet knowing not that which you touch. Quite often this is a quick path for those of the lost souls. And the more they are connected, and the more they are attached, their power upon you should grow, and soon you lose your own free choice and ability. And soon you become possessed and they take over. We say unto you, within your own book, the Bible, does it not warn you of such? And does it not warn you of false prophets? When one passes over they become no smarter or wiser, as you would say, than they were on the earth plane. If they were greedy here they will be greedy there. You can learn more in one day upon your earth than you can in a hundred years on the other side.

And now soul Ray grows weary, and so we should say unto you, now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


May 15, 1976

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto thee into this manner, ask and you shall receive. But as we have said before, we have brought forth into the substance of the times and dates of your earthquakes.

We may say unto thee, had nature been left alone, the earthquakes which would have occurred in California need never have happened. For as the Colorado River did change its course, and therefore, begin to fill the Imperial Valley and cut a new course into the ocean, which in itself, given time, would have given you a great inland lake, a natural substance, it would have also fed the faults in such a manner that the water pressure would have allowed the earthquakes to occur in such a manner they would not be in the intensity that they shall be now.

You have farther altered the pathway and the cycle of the natural course with your underground nuclear explosions, those both in the Nevada and in the Alaskan territories.

In the land of Siberia and Russia they also have altered the course of events.

Yet, in truth these events, much as Judas did sell unto the temple the one known as Jesus of Nazara, he did but bring forth the fulfillment of the prophesy. This in itself is what you have done.

But we say unto you, nothing is predestined. You have freedom of choice, freedom to change, to alter. We have given you exact dates and exact times for a purpose. We told you before that you could protect yourselves with your minds. Put forth the energy substance needed, and you may alter these events. The earthquakes shall occur, but lives may be saved.

We have told you before that the greatest weapon you possess is your minds and the usage, proper usage of the same. A tree may be bent by the wind when it is young. It alters its growth. Yet the tree should righten itself and reach upward into the heavens, for that within itself that God has given the tree is the freedom of choice to stay down or to alter itself in such a manner that it may reach up again. The alteration of the path does not weaken the tree, but strengthen it.

We shall say unto you, as Jonah was sent forth into the city and the people did repent, as the disciples of the Lord did become into Abraham and he did bargain with them, and then they did go into the house of Lot, yet they did not repent. And they did say unto Lot to flee unto the mountains and not look back, yet temptation was too great. And so, destruction of one being did happen that did not necessarily have to happen.

The Lord is not vengeful. He does not ask for your blood, nor does He ask for the blood of the Lamb. We have come but for one purpose, that purpose is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. To some of you, you would call it, the new age; we shall call it the new coveth [covenant].

We say unto you, we have come not to destroy. The earth shall [take] its natural alterations, as winter should come and the earth should sleep, as spring should come and the earth should begin to awaken, that summer should come it should grow and give forth fruit. And then autumn is a time like twilight, a preparation for its sleep. So should your earth do the same.

Yet we should say unto you, this is your earth, this is your time. Shall you perish in a polluted land, or shall you use the knowledge we have given you and prepare the way? The choice is yours.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request from [7–320–1] for [8–337–1…Salem]. Her mother asks, ‘What is [8–337–1]’s purpose in this life, and how can her mother best help her?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. And we should say unto you, should assistance be given, give it in such a manner as you would receive it yourself. Do so as you would receive from your parents.

But it is written, “Honor thy mother and father.” But we say unto you, an unjust request of the parents should not mean that the child should go out and commit murder. There are other commandments. They also must stand forth.

We say unto you, guidance of a paritable nature should come forth for this time and this place. The times have changed. The stresses that they should live under have changed, and shall change. Your Earth is going through a great turmoil. For many years you lived under the threat, you thought, of atomic warfare. You thought you had created a mighty weapon, an ultimate weapon. Yet, the Lord has shown you the might of the Lord is greater than all of the atomic bombs you may bring forth, the might of nature and its changing, ever-revolving cycles.

We say unto you, come forth with the knowledge we have brought forth in the Rose without Thorns, but go forth farther into the reading substance and you shall find a greater knowledge, a more livable knowledge, one that should help both of you in your day-to-day growth and maturity.

We should further say unto this one, to explore and bring forth into full blossom the beladen talent within the same, new methods are being brought forth that would bring out the full potential of the individual, this in the use of bio-therapy.

This is all on this subject. You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [5–206–2] asks, ‘Aka, is it possible at times you make mistakes in the material you give?’”

(Chuckle.) When you were a child you were fed as a child. When you were a child you spoke as a child. Speak as a man, not as a child. We say unto you that all matter and all substance changes. Our purpose and the knowledge we have brought forth unto you has not changed. Ask and you shall receive, but do not bray as a donkey.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, thank you. Soul Ruth [2–30–2] asks, ‘Why do Cayce’s readings omit mention of the Eagle, and why do the Cayce books attribute some of the Eagle’s activities to Ra-Tai?’”

We shall answer in this manner, that Ra-Tai and the Eagle were two different individuals, each with a different purpose upon the Earth, but yet the same. You must realize that as Ra-Tai did constantly collaborate with that of the Eagle, then the knowledge was much as the same.

You must also realize that Edgar Cayce did not write his own memoirs, nor did he write the books to come after. Others did write of them. It is one thing to be as a prophet. It is another to write of a prophet. A writer quite often shall look for sensationalism.

You must realize, as we have said before, that that of soul Cayce should stand very close to the Lord, our Father. We should further say that all has come from the same source. But as he did come forth to prepare the way for this time, so we come forth to prepare the way for your time and place. When the flight of the Eagle does end, he who should come afterwards shall be greater. The flight of the Eagle has been for a purpose. Few of you could have taken the abuse, the humiliation, with the power placed at the Eagle’s hands, and not retaliated.

You must also realize that as soul Ray gives much of his time into that of the healing, so did Mr. Cayce give much of his time and his thoughts into that of the healing, and so, his mind was prepared as such.

There is no conflict here, only within certain minds. Anyone may play the devil’s advocate.

You have further questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [7–317–1] asks, ‘Should I sell the car that nearly killed me?’”

(Chuckle.) If thy had a horse that kicked you in the head and you should lose of an eye, should you wait until you lose the other?

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Soul Mark [3–115–2] asks, ‘There are many interpretations, through many channels about where we are at this time in the series of prophecies of the book of Revelations. Please help us.’”

One moment, please. We should further answer unto soul [7–317–1]’s question.

First, we should say unto you, you came to us in doubt. When we gave of you the three days, you saw them not. Yet, when other situations were asked for, the informations were given, and you did not come truthfully before those involved with you. As it would be said, you took them down the gate, and then let the trust they had placed in you fall aside.

You asked us for many things. Then you did come to soul Ray and ask again. We gave you but one small of a proportion of the proof that we may lay at your hand, of our being. We said unto you, if you should write, you should write in a righteous manner, and truthful. In your bargaining, if a word is given, the word must stand. It is sometimes necessary that a board may be applied at the backside of a mule that they may move. We have given you ample proof. Ask for more and we shall accommodate in the same manner.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, I had the question from Soul Mark [3–115–2]; ‘There are many interpretations, through many channels, about where we are at this time in the series of prophecies of the book of Revelations. Please help us.’”

We shall say unto you, look unto that of the Fifth Angel, and you shall find where you stand, for as we have said before, the Fifth Angel walks your land. [See The Revelation 6:9–17 and chapter 7.]

Now soul Ray grows weary.

And we shall say unto you, look unto the Circle of Fire; it shall widen.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


June 5, 1976

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

We should say in this [way] will, unto this manner.

A flower should blossom upon this earth, yet to return to the earth — and so it is with all things — who should know of heaven who has not known of earth? For that is the kingdom of our Father. Yet we say unto you, our Father has many mansions, each is great to behold. [See John 3:1–13, 3:31–34, 6:28–40, 8:14, 12:20–24, 14:2–5, 14:16–21, and 16:4–15.]

We say unto you, as the time comes near for your Annual Meeting, and the bringing forth of the teachers, blessed be they who should come in truth, and unto the servitude of our Father. But we should say unto thee, unto those, at times the yoke should be heavy and the burden should be hard, for the task you take upon your shoulders is not all glory, for this [is] time to see sorrow and a time to see gladness within the hearts of all our Father’s children. You shall see the birth and the death and all things in between, for that is the way of those who have chosen this path. The yoke at times may be heavy upon thee, and reward shall come lightly. But if physical reward is that that thy seek, enter not unto this, for the kingdom that Jesus spoke of was not a kingdom upon your earth, but our Father’s kingdom, which should be both heaven and earth. [See John chapters 15 and 17.]

As we have said before, we do not sleep as you. For if you should see us in our form, you should see but an energy source. Yet, for those of you who should see us, we should plye the energy substance into a material substance that you should see.

These things we should tell thee.

But we should also tell thee — come in truth.

We shall say again, many earth changes shall take place upon your earth, but man shall remain, and the children of God who shall go forth. And so is the destiny of God and man. All things in between are of free choice.

A prayer once spoken shall be heard. But we should say unto thee that those should pray unto the Lord and say something that means something to them, then it should make a difference in the prayer. For if it should mean something to the person who should pray, then the Lord should hear. But if you should stand and say that that means nothing to you, then how can it mean anything to the Lord, our God? We say unto you, the prayer is a private thing between your God and yourself. It is like the fruit upon the tree. If you should reach to the top of the tree, you shall find the sweetest fruit, and so it is, the closer you should climb the ladder toward your Father.

But we should also speak unto you, that if you take only from the tree and put nothing back, then the tree should wither away and become dust, and return to the earth. We have placed unto your hands a prophet of this time. As you take from this tree and the fruit that should bear from it, replenish it, and so we shall replenish yours in full.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading from [8–338–1], she’s here tonight, and she asks the following questions: ‘Which course shall I take in order to best fulfill my purpose, and what is this purpose? Will I be hindered by continued relationship with mate? And shall I stay in present location?’”

A life reading at this time, due to the nature of soul Ray’s health, shall not be given in full. But we should answer your question in this manner. You were the mother of your father of this time. And you are all parts of all things you have ever been. All lays within thy mind. We should say unto thee, therefore, as thy father was a pharaoh and thy [was] the mother of a pharaoh, then we say unto thee, kings and queens are but for a moment, but the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body is forever. It is like a beautiful garden. If you should cultivate the garden and tend it, it shall be bountiful, and all things shall come unto thee. And so is that of the body, for the body is the temple of God, and so it must be treated as such, with delicate care, not to be abused. The mind is, therefore, the temple of the body. It is the most beautiful of all, for within it is the most precise, as you would say, computing data that shall ever be known to man, for it carries within it all lifetimes, all places, all thoughts, for once a thought has taken place, you have created light, and light should be for an eternity. Therefore, in that manner, did God give man, much as himself — in His likeness, so you were created, for the thought is creation. Destroy this and thy have destroyed thyself.

You say, what is thy destiny? You come unto us twofold — one as a dove, another as a serpent, and we see of both needs. Create a balance between the two. Let come forth from thyself that that lies dormant within thee.

We say unto you, you say of this of thy mate of this time? And we say unto thee, if thy should pick up garbage within the mind, it becomes and stores in part of the subconscious. It serves little use, but to come out in symbolic manners. That is why the superconscious mind should override all others, and at times feeds directly through to the conscious mind.

But God has given unto you free choice. The choice to make a choice is a precious thing, yet indecision is not good within anyone. Without a captain the vessel should soon go afoul, drift into the reefs and become crushed, and so it is with the body. When the mind is indecision, the body drifts to and fro. We say unto thee, be the captain of thy mind. Make these decisions.

And we say unto thee, as a stone is cast into a brook it breaks apart into many pieces, gradually to go into the rivers, and then into the ocean. Unless those parts were sent forth with a purpose, it becomes one more pebble of sand upon the ocean beach, and serves no purpose, only to be broken apart farther and farther until there is nothing.

We say unto you, thy look unto this person for the father image; it is not there. We have laid before you the bread and the wine. The decision is yours.

This is all on this subject at this time.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [8–338–2] who is here tonight, asks, ‘How much longer will it be safe or advisable to leave my shares of stock in the company I work for? Will I be notified when to take them and put them to another use?’”

We should say unto you, it is safe. Panic would serve but little use at this time. Stay in the company where you are now. Leave the stock in the company where you are now. You shall be told if a need should come. But it is good as it is, and it should grow with time.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Could you tell us the story of Jesus on this continent, when, where, and to whom he came, and how he was crucified?”

We shall say unto you, he did come as the morning star. He did come as the three days passed and after he did have counsel with his disciples. [See John 10:1–21, chapters 20–21 and Acts, chapter 1 and 2:1–28.]

He did come into the land of the Yucatan, and then he ventured far, first throughout what you would know as South American, continent, and then into the North American Continent. He did reach into your polar regions, and the people, therefore, of the same. Not one tribe or one people did not see his coming, and did not know of his return and his promise. Not one did not feel the warmth that he did bring forth. And as the Eagle flew through, and forth before him to prepare the way, all knew of his coming.

Yet we should say, of one people, you should know that in each place he did make of twelve disciples, leave one in charge, and go on. Yet he knew of his own future, for he said unto them, “To know where you have been is to know where you are going. I go now to prepare a place in my Father’s mansions.”

And many of his disciples did say, “Oh Lord, let us go on with you.”

And he said, “Nay, for our Father has many mansions, and each is great to behold.”

In that place that shall soon be called the city beneath the sea, that that you now call of Yuma, Arizona, on the site that was later built a prison, there he was again crucified, and man has built and rebuilt upon the Hill of the Skull.

Many should say, “Point the finger at those who should have crucified him.” On your last outing, there before you was one page from the book you call the Bible. In it was the story in two places. But yet it had a meaning for you here.

Soul Ray read these pages and the scripture and did say unto you, “Which of you shall betray me?” And you thought his words were cruel.

All things upon the earth were placed here for a purpose. All you must do is look within to see the truth for yourself. When he spoke these words, he meant not of a physical betrayal. Bring forth the time of your Annual Meeting, and therefore, you shall see. The words he has spoken shall be as in truth.

There are some things we have said unto you; one of those should be, “Ask and you shall receive.” Sometimes you think we have spoken as in riddles, but we have not.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [8–338–3] who is here tonight asks, ‘What caused the swelling and itching and discoloration in my feet and legs? Two weeks later I broke out with big bumps; I still have them and it had been eight weeks ago.’”

We should say unto thee, the condition was caused by the heart, and the circulatory system of the same. But we should also say that it is a condition brought forth from the contact of insecticide and defoliant substance. This affects the heart in such a manner that the body need to extract the poison — but it also affects the heart in such a manner that could be, and given in a prolonged basis, could become fatal. Therefore, we would suggest the use of biotherapy on a continued basis. We would also suggest that the returning back to the vitamin substance that was suggested, that the body may have a chance to rebuild itself. But healing shall come. Do not be afraid.

We also should say unto this one, thy have a diabetic condition, which has been told to you before. It would not be favorable, the use of either honey or any sweetening source, only that of the Tupelo honey should be used. We should further elaborate upon the use of honey as a food substance. It does contain many vitamin and mineral substances. It is a good source of three types of glucose — the Tupelo we speak of. Normal honey contains but one type of glucose, which should turn into a pure sugar form. This to your system is poison. Take not that into the system that could destroy it.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you.”

“Yes, Aka, [5–206–2] asks — he says that, ‘Seth says that a physical crucifixion did take place, but it was not Jesus who was crucified. However, Seth says that a psychic event of crucifixion with Jesus did occur which transcends all reality. Could you comment on this?’”

We should answer unto you, — when you blew away your hand, was it physical or was it real, or was it a figment of your imagination?

We shall answer, the spikes that were driven were very real. The cross was very real. The thorns were very real. All were the material form, and so was that of Jesus.

The pain was very real. The death was very real. And the resurrection was the proof unto mankind that life after death is but walking from one doorway to another.

And now we should speak unto [8–326–9]. We have received into our keeping that of your husband, C______. Weep not, for tears of gladness.

But we should also say these words from him unto you. “I shall be with you each day. But there is much to be accomplished upon the Earth — the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. I shall do my part in guiding you, as you should do your part in the fulfillment of that to come, for it is the greater of all things. Love is like a mirror. All memories of the places we have been shall come unto thy mind. Dwell not on the past. Reach unto the future, for that of the future holds great beauty unto thee.”

And now we should say unto that of [6–250–1], a sadness is within our hearts. Yet, “Ask and you shall receive.” We have told you before, [to] think over carefully what you have asked for, for it should come in the form that thy ask.

Now soul Ray grows tired.

We should say before our departure, we go now to prepare a way for The Psychic Gift before the Dawn.

But we should say unto the one known as [7–317–1], put more meat in the pie, and the book shall become richer for it. We shall tell of thee, your book, the one you call the New Testament, at first, the memory and the work that should come forth did come forth only from the memory of others, their experiences. You shall find the same in the Old Testament. It did not make it less factual.

Blessed be the name of the Lord.

The Fifth Angel walks forth upon the world. But fear not, for the children of the Lord shall not perish.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


June 12, 1976

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. For we shall tell unto thee a parable; the parable shall have no name. Yet each who has taken vows this day, we would suggest that they should look into it and find that truth within it.

For we say unto you, there were ten farmers, each toiling their own land.

One of the farmers came unto each of the other nine. He dressed well and he spoke well. And as he visited each farmer he would say unto them, “Worry not of thy crop, for if famine should come, I shall feed thee, for I have storehouses, and in these storehouses is food for all.”

As the years began to pass, he would come unto them at the days of market and he would say unto them, “Since I have the biggest farm, let me market your grain, and I shall store of your grain, that you may have seed for the next year.” And each year he did of such.

But each year he took a percentage from each of the other farmers. And instead of a storehouse, he kept only the seed’s grain to replenish each farmer. His own farm, because he did not put labor or toil within it, soon began to deteriorate.

And then a year of a famine did come forth. And each of the farmers, thinking that they had deposited a percentage of their grain into this storehouse, went forward unto him. But they could not find him. Then they went into the storehouses. When they opened them they found only rats and mice. The farmer had left them in their hour of need. He had not kept his vows unto them.

Gradually his money ran out.

The other farmers gathered together and did make do until the famine had passed. They ate from the desert lands around them and the mountains. And they did build of their own storehouse.

When he returned unto them, some of them were very angry, and would have done him bodily harm. And he said unto them, “But I have given you a great service. Why should you do me harm?”

And they said unto him, “How have you given [your] great service?”

And he said unto them, “Did you not find the strength to live through the famine on your own? Did you not come together and gather from that of the wilderness to feed thy families?”

The other nine farmers thought upon this. And they gave him seed and they helped him plant his field. And it was not long until the farmer was back once again with the same promises to do the same deeds. Yet this time the farmers were wiser, and they said unto him, “We shall market our grain. We shall market it jointly. You may join us if you wish, or you may walk your own path.”

This farmer went back unto his own land and began to plow and plant, and replenish the land, for he too had learned a great lesson, that trust and honor is a two-fold thing — that a basket or tree that should bear fruit, if you take from it you must replenish it.

And we say unto you, this day, for those who have taken vows, let them fulfill them. Promise nothing unto the Lord you shall not fulfill. But the Lord knows that even in the best of things that man may fall down. He shall be there to help you rise.

But had not the nine other farmers joined together, had they all gone separate ways, they would have perished along the wayside. It was only in their joint effort did they survive the famine. It was only in their joint effort could they show the kindness to help even the one who had taken from them.

There shall be many times that it shall be hard to forgive, but forgiving and forgetting is but yet another matter. You shall help many to stand and rise; do not become crutches for them, for that that you have given can only bear fruit by the one you have given to by giving unto another. Only through your joint efforts of your working together can you provide for all of your people.

But never promise anything, either unto God or unto man, that you shall not put the full effort unto the fulfilling of the same.

Our parable may sound strange at a time when we have paid you honor, and God has paid you honor. The fulfilling of the cup — your Prophet did say unto you, “He has given me bread, and He has restored the bread; He has given me wine, and He has restored the wine.” And so it has been this day you have seen — that for the children of God who do not forget Him, He shall not forget you. For He shall giveth unto you no false promises, nor no false words. He has given unto you all things, for does not a good Father provide for His children?

But if you should go into the desert and leave behind all the things our Father has giveth unto you, and then to test your God said, “Now provide,” and you should die and perish in the desert, who shall you blame and give damnation unto, God or yourselves?

If you take one twig it breaks very easily. Multiply it, and it breaks not at all. You must stand together, step by step, and watch the multitude of growth come from within, and the fruit of the tree shall multiply and those that eat from the tree shall multiply.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading from [7–303–4], who is here tonight….”

Yes, we have before us, the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. We should find this one in the first entry in the land of the Egyptan. Her family had journeyed from the land of Ur, and there she was brought forth.

In this time, the Egyptan had enslaved the people of Israel. And as Moses did come forth and say unto the Pharaoh, “Set my people free,” and as Pharaoh did plot to slay the first-born — and she being the first born — and as Moses did say, “You have said it, not I,” her father, who was a script [scribe] stood nearby and knew of the truth of Moses’ words. And so he did come forth unto the house of Moses and say, “I have not sinned against your people nor your God, nor has my child. Cannot your God be merciful and spare this, my child?”

And Moses did give unto him the blood of a lamb, and he said unto him, “Go forth, and unto all houses who death should pass by, paint around the doorway with the blood of the lamb.

And throughout the night he did do of such, yet the pail did not runneth dry. And toward morning, when death was reigning throughout all of the land, he thought in his mind, “I shall go forth and save the Pharaoh’s son.” As he approached the steps the guards did challenge him, and he said unto them, “Do you know not of me?”

And they said, “Yes, but you carry the blood that was given unto you by the Israelites, so you are one of them,” and they did slay him. And as the pail flowed over his body where it was spilt, they saw before their eyes his wounds was healed and he did rise, and turn from the house of Pharaoh, and take his family and join Moses and their people.

On the journey, the child began to mature. And when they reached the mountain, unto which Moses was to venture forth into for his forty days and forty nights, as the people did change their ways and did bring forth false idols, you were tempted to join them because it was merrymaking and you were young. But your father said, “Nay, for it has been God who has brought us here, and God who shall deliver us, not this, of a golden calf.”

And you did see Moses descend from the mountain with the tablets in his hand. And he said unto the people, “You are not worthy of these.” And he did cast them forth and great fire did come forth.

And then he did lead the people, always with the light of God before them. And God did give them bread when there was no bread.

He did satisfy your thirst when there was no water. And you did grow into full womanhood and did marry the son of Aaron. But he was the second son. And as the descendants of Aaron were to become the priests, and as the firstborn of Aaron would come forth upon his father’s death to become the high priest, you did whisper into your husband’s ear, “Why, because of just chance, should you not be the high priest?” [See Leviticus 10:1.]

And you walked away form your husband back to your pail of water. And when you looked into the water there was blood. And the blood did seep out and you remembered the story your father had told you. And there did an angel appear before you and did say unto you, “Shall you let your greed rule you? For look into the heavens.”

And you looked there, and there was a great eagle in the heavens.

And the angel did say unto you, “For all of your lifetimes, watch for the flight of the eagle. You shall return many times. Pick up never again this, of the bucket of blood, for the time comes soon when one shall [come] and say unto thee, in another lifetime, ‘For our Father asks not for the blood of the lamb,’ yet the lamb shall be slaughtered.”

And so your days did pass and you did bear sons and daughters. And the oldest son of Aaron’s wife bare no fruit of any type. And so you saw your first-born, a son, become the priest. And you said unto him, “Our prophesy shall be fulfilled. For soon shall come David.”

And he looked long at you. But before your death you did see David become the King of Israel. And upon your deathbed your son did come unto you to tell you the day that David did stand at the Ark, and how rain was provided for the land.

And you did say unto him, “From the seed of David shall come forth one who shall be known [of] Jesus of Nazara.”

And so it has been.

You slept, but you saw.

And as you saw the eagle begin to take flight once again above the land, you went unto the Masters and you said, “I must return unto the land.”

And you did so, once again as a girl child. And you became one of those, and your people were one of those, of the Estenes [Essenes]. And you saw one young lad who was different, yet he learneth of all things. When you asked of him, they did say unto you, “For he shall come from the wilderness to prepare the way, and his name shall be, Beloved.”

And you saw this one climb unto the mountain top, and the eagle did descend and they did become one. And he came from the mountain top and began to baptize in water.

And he did marry unto you unto one of the sons of the fisherman known as Peter.

And then, there were rumors among of those of the Estenes [Essenes] of the return of one of their own, the Ointed [Anointed] One, the one that this one was preparing a way for.

And as he came forth, John the Baptist did say, “For he is the one you have waited for. Go with him.”

Your husband and yourself was in the camp of Jesus the night the news was brought of his imprisonment, and you did rush forth — only in time to see the beheading of this one. Yet the head fall upon the ground, and the dogs did devour the body; yet, from it rose a huge eagle, and the dogs and the animals were frightened.

It was not long before you were to see the crucifixion of the one known as Jesus. As the skies did darken, the eagle did appear. And for three days you saw the eagle. And upon the third day, as the resurrection came forth, the disciples looked into the heavens and said, “He has waited upon you.”

And he said, “Yes, and he now goes forth unto another land to prepare the way for me.”

None could understand his meaning.

Your death came forth, and you were brought forth into this land. And you heard the rumors of the eagle’s flight, and of the man who had brought forth miracles and kindness and great knowledge. And somewhere within your being you knew you had knowledge of this. You lived out your life, only to pass over once again.

But your one wish was to be within the flight of the Eagle, and so it was granted unto you, this time. You have cometh unto the Eagle’s nest. You have made your vows for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. We say unto you, think back unto the time of the spilling of the blood. We say unto you, we wish not the blood of the Lamb, nor does our Father. We wish not the spilling of the blood of man in any form.

Glory be the name of our Father; glory be the name of the people.

But madness, the madness that passed before your eyes from the spilling of blood shall cometh once again. Remember our words.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, Dr. [3–116–4] who is here tonight asks, ‘How can I effectively treat cancer with present knowledge? Is cobalt therapy effective?’”

Cobalt therapy is not effective. The cobalt should bring forth the destruction of healthy cells that cannot be replenished in the system. It shall also bring about a total biochemistry change in the system, which will slowly destroy the system, the body. If you should treat it, treat it first as a preventative measure with the use of vitamin A.

If you should go into the removal of the first stages of different types of cancer, this should be answered at a different time, for the various stages of cancer in its related state comes in many form[s]. But we should say unto you, these come in the form of virus. Bring this question forth at a different time that we may fully answer this question.

Soul Ray now grows weary.

We say unto you, the Fifth Angel walks your land. Pestilence and famine shall reign, yet prosperare [prosperity] shall also reign. The dividing of the land has begun.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

Editor’s note: “Oint” is an obsolete term for anoint. Some of the language spoken in the readings, such as, bare, instead of the word, bore, comes from the Middle English period, about 1150–1475 A.D. Occasional words spoken throughout the readings are in Middle English. Most of these have been changed to Modern English for the readers, although occasionally a Middle English term used was left to indicate the authenticity of the spokesman.

[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


June 19, 1976

Globe, Arizona

We see thy need. [Editor’s note: This voice is not as deep, profound, and resounding a voice as in the next words spoken.]

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And we shall unto thee unto this manner, for we shall tell thee the parable of the cathedral.

For long ago there was a king. He was a harsh king. Yet, within himself he justified each of his means by saying that his justice was God’s justice. In his later days he became afraid of the blasphemy he had placed on God and man, and he said unto himself, “Then I shall build a cathedral unto the Lord.”

And he sent for his builders, and he said unto them, “The cathedral I shall build, there shall be none larger. Go forth and find me ground in my kingdom that has stood forth against all of nature’s elements.”

And so they ventured forth, each seeking and separating into different proportions of the kingdom. At last they came together upon a knoll that lay within a valley. But there they found what they had sought, but the peasant people had built a small church. And they did drive out the peasants and say, “This is not your place to worship, but the king’s.”

And so, the king sought throughout the Earth for the best and the finest of building materials. And the great cathedral was built unto the Lord. Yet, even in the beginning as they dug the foundation that was to be laid, they found many old structures beneath. When they were sure of themselves they began to build the cathedral. Upwards and upwards it went, day by day. No labor was spared; many slaves were used, and much blood and heartache was spilt upon the land.

And then the day of completion had come forth, and the king did venture forth unto his cathedral, and he did kneel there before a statue of the one known as Jesus of Nazara. And he said, “Behold, for this cathedral I have given unto my God.”

And the earth did tremble beneath him, and the great statue crushed him.

The builders fled, but the peasants, the working people stayed. And as the clouds of dust melted away, there stood a simple cathedral built by the hand of God. And they knelt there in prayer.

And a voice did come unto them and say these words, “FOR THE TEMPLE I BUILD IS WITHIN MAN, NOT IN A BUILDING. FOR THAT THAT YE SHALL SOW, SO SHALL YE REAP.”

And as the peasants and the working people did go about their day-to-day duties, the thieves came, those who had been the trusted ones of the king, for they thought he had buried great treasure.

And the new king, which was his son, did come. And he sought there to find the treasure of his father. And he said, “I shall rebuild this cathedral.” Yet try as they might, each time they laid a brick it did fall again.

The young king looked around about him, for his days in the valley were long. He began to know the people, see them, and see their needs. And he went forth unto his builders, and said unto them, “Clear this land and all its building material. Leave the small cathedral, this is the work and the hand of God. But we shall build beside it a hospital, a place of healing, a place of learning, and it shall be free unto all the people.

And then he did bring forth unto him all of his wise men, and he said unto them, “Venture forth unto the Earth, and bring back those [who knew] are the wisest of agriculture, for I shall feed my people.” And he did do of such.

And the land became bountiful and plenty. And so a king became a king. And so as he spoke, he spoke the words of God.

The cathedral that you build must be in your hearts. The finest in riches, God does not need these. God only asks to give.

In receiving He receives your love.

And he who we have come to prepare the way shall be as the same. For he did say unto you, “Destroy this temple, and I shall rebuild it in three days.”

But we say unto you, destroy your temple, the temple of you that is of the mirror of God, destroy it with your drugs, destroy it with the alcohol consumption, destroy it by reckless behavior, and nothing can rebuild it, for in destroying the temple of God, you have destroyed the immortal body of the same.

Be as the young king. Build upon the land. Replenish it. Gain from it knowledge, and your world shall flourish.

Now is the time when your earthquakes that we have spoke about is near at hand. You have two choices — pray that the intensity of the earthquakes shall not be so strong; pray that the [under]water flows shall enter the crevasses and cushion the earth faults. But most of all, pray for the people, for God shall weep these days.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. The first question I have is regarding the earthquakes. Is the date of the 13th of July a firm date, or will our prayers also have an affect on this date?”

It can have an affect upon this date. But as yet the tremors have already started in other parts of the world. They have already started in that of the land of the isles of California. They are minor, yet the intensity shall grow.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a request for a life reading for [6–290–3].”

We say unto you, at this time soul Ray is very weary. We would suggest that you should ask precise questions, that the answers should not be too lengthy. We shall answer the question unto the life reading at a different time.

“Thank you, Aka. Soul Mark [3–115–2] asks, ‘In what specific ways can we prepare ourselves and others for the coming of the Messiah?’”

We say unto you, take nothing that is not yours. If you are given bread, one loaf, give ten back in return.

Be as a mirror. Let that that is within you shine out.

Do not be afraid to show kindness and gentleness. If you give of these, so you shall receive of these. And so, those who should give of you kindness and gentleness shall give unto others.

Give love, but do not be selfish with your love. Do not say, “I shall love one day of the week,” for the Lord, God, did send the Seven Spirits forth, and in six days they did build both man and earth and galaxy and worlds. And the seventh they did rest. And they did look upon the world, this Earth, and they did look upon man, and they did look upon woman, and found it good.

There is a time for giving. There is a time for receiving. There is a time for all things. There is also a time for laughter, but laugh not at other people, laugh with them.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [6–272–1…Colorado] asks, ‘What should my attitude be toward my children’s relationship with my ex-husband, and what should my occupation in life be? And where would be a proper residence for me?’”

We have shown you a way. It lays at your feet. The attitude toward thy children in the relationship with your ex-husband should be that of fair and impartial attitude. Let him give the love unto his children that a father should give unto the love of his children. Let the children receive this love.

But each of you have your own ways. It is written as such, that should a man and a woman seek of divorce, then not should the man come unto the woman and lay with her, for he has done so not of love, but of lust.

We say unto you, you have been given that that you have asked for twice before. It was not without reason, for the Lord, God, felt of thy soul and thy spirit and thy immortal body, and therefore, He did find it good. And He did place unto soul Ray that that was needed to give you healing, and that was good. He has brought you unto the valley of the Eagle’s Nest, and that was good. There is much to be achieved for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. Much can be achieved. As we have said before, we shall provide for thy needs, for those who should work for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. And so it has been. The needs of your children, the needs to live open, happy lives, the needs to run, to feel of clean air, to breathe, of laughter, is the joy of our Father.

It may sound unto you as we have spoken unto riddles. Think upon our words. If you do not fully understand them, come unto soul Ray for counseling.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [8–340–1] asks, ‘What was the exact hour and minute of my birth? Also what specific thing can I do to be more effective and further my present work in uplifting of mankind?’”

We see the hour as 1:34 a.m. You asked of the exact hour, this has been given.

You asked, “How should I lift up myself unto the likeness of my Father?” And we shall answer you in this manner. Learn to love thyself, and in loving thyself you shall learn to love others in a likeness manner. Give unto the Lord one-tenth of the love He has given unto you. Give unto your brother one-tenth of the love that the Lord has given unto you. Give unto yourself that same love, and all shall be in completeness.

We should say unto you, we have placed A Rose without Thorns upon the earth; pick it up. And you shall find the answer in full.

Now we say unto you, soul Ray grows weary, and our time is short.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Now is the time of pestilence and famine. The great Sword is now ready to strike. You shall feel one side as it strikes and parts the land. You shall feel the other side as it strikes and parts the people. [See Genesis 3:22–24 and The Revelation, chapters 5–10 and 19:11–16.]

We shall say unto one other, [6–285–1], you have wanted to walk in the footprints of your father. If you should want of this, look deeper into thy father. You shall find that he takes nothing that he does not give back tenfold. You have thought long upon your own needs. You think of today, but not of tomorrow.

You speak of love. We say unto you, stand beneath the wings of the Eagle and let the drops of blood that come from his body touch yours, and you shall know the meaning of love.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


July 9, 1976

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For glory should be they who should tend unto the sick and weary. And glory be they who should give the Lord a place to rest His head.

Upon the creation of this Earth of yours, many other earths and planetary substance were in the process of being made at the same time. But you must realize that this earth of yours is fairly young compared to some planets. It is like your state you live in and the country unto which you live in. Both were once the newest, yet others have come since. But each to serve within its own capacity. Yet some of the youngest may be the greatest. Your Earth’s capacity to give forth knowledge unto the other planetary systems is not succeeded,* except by those of other planetary systems which through their involvement have progressed in the scientific field, and yet brought forth more knowledge.

We should say unto you, that the new pattern of that of changing the polarity of the nervous system, which soul Ray is bringing forth, should work in accordance with the light and sound of the brain substance that we have spoke of many times. This is but an added tool. Its various uses shall be many.

We have said that from time to time we would place new knowledge within the brain structure of soul Ray — sometimes crude at first until the full impact of the knowledge should reach its magnitude within the brain structure itself — the birth and rebirth of new substances for the benefit of yourselves and all of mankind.

We have said before that the intensity of the earthquakes should grow step by step. It shall continue its path as we have spoken of before.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [7–317–2] asks, ‘Where is my brother, [8–341–1], who was born on May 29, 1937, and how can I get in touch with him about the earthquake?’ She thinks he is in the San Francisco area?”

We see not of this. Further data should be brought forth.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [8–341–2] who is here tonight, asks, ‘I am going to have to visit my mother; I would like to know her reaction to my visit, and if it would be best to wait until I am 18 years of age.’”

Yes, we shall answer your question in this manner. Because of the past karmic path of the mother, the reaction would not be favorable at this time. It would be by far better that this subject should wait until her 18th birthday.

We further see unto thy need and the questions that have lingered in thy mind. Both we and soul Ray did see into that of the one known as [6–285–1]. For much as Thomas, the doubter, the faith to see, to feel, to know — it was sadness that we gave unto such a message. Yet knowing of the direction unto which he would travel, it was necessary to give him the knowledge. Yet he shirked our words.

It is true, that we could have prevented some of his destructive nature. But as we have said before, we should allow nothing from either side to interfere with this work. We come but for one purpose, and that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, and the thousand years of peace upon the earth and the universe. We come to bring forth the promise of a new heaven and a new earth. We have come not to change the prophesies of Isaiah. We have come not to change the laws brought forth in the Ten Commandments by Moses. Nor have we come to change the coveth [covenant] brought forth by the one known as Jesus Christ. But we have come forth for this time, in a time of need and desperation of our Father’s children, to bring them into the fulfillment of the awareness of themselves. [See The Revelation chapters 21–22.]

You have often asked unto yourself what talent you have. And we shall say unto you, you have many talents. One of such you have inherited from your father. You have inherited more from your father than you realize.

If a flower is in bloom you do not push it to blossom, to mature. It is a beautiful thing to watch these things come forth, and so it is within yourself. You have just began. You have much beauty that you are afraid to share. Throw away these fears. Bring them forth. Let others share in that that lays beneath, and it shall all become a beautiful thing.

You have many of the talents that your Aunt [2–19–2] had within her, yet they are yet to mature. We say unto you, she stands beside you, to guide you. You shall feel her gentle touch.

You have many other questions in your mind. All things shall be brought forth within time. Be patient. We shall fill thy idle hands soon, and fulfillment shall come within yourself.

We know of the feelings and the mixed feelings that lay dormant, yet alive within you. But it was not by chance that a way was prepared for you to come unto the Eagle’s Nest.** We say unto you, pick up the Rose without Thorns and read it very carefully. You shall find much knowledge within for self guidance.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have two questions that I feel are very important tonight. One of them is, we are running out of water at my home and want to tap a good source for present and future needs. Should we, one: continue drilling where we are, or deepen the big well, or dig at the northerly end of the dam, or deepen the shaft in the pasture, or is there a better solution?”

We should say unto thee, heighten the dam and deepen the big well. One shall supply the other.

“Thank you Aka. I have one other question: This is that our trial attorney in the herbicide case says that the other attorneys have used up all of the funds and there is nothing left to work with. Should we let him represent us in a malpractice action against them, or how can we best proceed to wind up the entire matter for final settlement; is there a better solution to this?’”

We would suggest that he should represent you for the return of the monetary value. What was done was both illegal and [yet] immoral. Yet it was not unexpected. Questions should be brought forth and answers should come forth in the same manner. We have said unto you, if you are struck upon the right cheek, turn the other; but if you are struck on the other cheek, then the mighty hand of God shall strike.

Too long has falsehood sought to bring fame unto those who should suffer misery. We should say unto thee, that “an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth,” and so it has been; they did seek forth their own karmic punishment.

We would suggest that a quick settlement be brought forth as soon as possible. A way shall be provided for all.

The first step should be that this should be turned over to the bar — state bar association — and should be brought forth by your attorney unto the bar association, that such criminal charges should be levied against the attorneys who acted in theft. A hearing, therefore, should first come forth before the state bar association, and then should be followed by such action as you should deem necessary. The monetary value should be returned.

We say unto you, we have given you riches far beyond that of money. All of the others did have permanent inflictions [afflictions]. We gave unto you grandchildren of good health. We gave unto you children of good health. We gave unto you yourselves in good health. Your riches have been plentiful.

Their riches, even though they have been monetary, have not been plentiful, for they have carried an edge of sadness. We are sad, for we came to prepare that of the healing of the body substance unto all who would ask for it, but we cannot give it where it is not asked for. It is said, “Ask, and you shall receive; knock at the door and it shall open.” Bid us enter, and we come with the glory of God.

Now we say unto you, now is the time of the Cherubim.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Pestilence and famine is about you.

We say now to utilize that of the Food Fund money in the construction of new storage areas. Call together your Board of Directors that the planning should take place now. If this is done, we shall provide a way.

Many shall flee from this — California regions into your land. Many shall begin to leave the Yuma regions into your land. We shall protect the flock.

Now we should say unto the one known as [6–278–2], we have given unto you many opportunities. You should look forth unto yourself for their failures.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Soul Ray grows weary.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Note: *Succede is a late Middle English term for succeed, meaning, to follow. However, Aka may have meant, exceeded.

**The Eagle’s Nest is a name given to Ray Elkins’s home.]

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © July 1976, by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


July 16, 1976

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. We gave you a prophecy, as we have said before — that that was needed in the information of the same should come forth in such a manner that no harm would come unto those. And so it has been in this manner. You have seen the devastation of the earthquakes as they surrounded the land. We said unto you, give prayer that the water might enter and cushion the effect.

And you who would say unto us, “Why did you not give us an 8.6 or an 8.5 on Richter scale in the land of California?” we say unto you, we give nothing of this kind. We only give the warnings as they are needed.

We say unto you, that that you have seen is but the beginning. The 8.5 we have mentioned shall come forth before the month’s end. Different areas of this land shall be affected. Yet, our Father shall weep.

We say unto you, look unto the other lands where the thousands have died, and wish not this upon your own. Give prayer that less should die. For as we have seen your earth. It is said that the sun and rain shall fall on all, and devastation shall come in a like manner. But with warning, the Lord may hear your prayers.

But we say, behold, for the Sword that cuts two ways has begun. Where no water has flown water shall flow. Deserts shall bloom, and forests shall burn away and become dry and parched. The land shall upheaval. Woe, it is but the beginning, not the ending.

For from this thirteenth day, behold.

We shall say unto you the parable of the young lad who did visit the meadow each day.

And the meadow was beautiful. And the meadow did produce much fruit and berry substance. And the cattle and the sheep, therefore, grew fat. And they became fruitful. And the brook that flowed through the meadow did produce a bountiful of fish.

Yet the lad became bored, and in his boredom he reached for sensationalism. And in his mind he dried up the brook and destroyed the vineyards and that of the fruit and the berries and did bring forth plague unto the land.

Each day he played his game. And each day he thought of himself as the one who [went] forth to save the people. And then, one day came forth all of his thought form. All he could do was stand in utter shock and dismay.

And then two* appeared before him, and then a third, and the third did say, “This is what you have asked for, and so I have provided.”

And the lad said, “Nay, I should not ask for this.”

And the two did say unto the lad, “Yes, your thought form has created that that is before you. And you have created the third who has given it to you.”

And the lad said unto the two, “Then how may I change all of this? How can I make it right?”

And the two did say unto the lad, “Change the thought form.”

And the two were gone and left the one. And each time as the lad did try to change his thought form, the third would say, “I have given unto you that that you have asked. It is not good enough for you? You have plenty to eat. You have not been harmed.”

Yet the lad thought of the two, and so with every ounce of the strength he had he thought; he closed out the one, and yet his body seemed to wither to the point of death. And then his thought became pure and clean. And the valley was restored, yet he would never be the same. And the third was gone.

And the two did return. And the lad had grown old, as though withered by time. And the two did say unto him, “What have you found?”

And the lad who had grown old and withered said, “I have found that it is easier to destroy than it is to rebuild.”

The two said unto him, “But that is not enough. What have you found?”

The lad thought long upon this, and he looked unto the two and he said unto them, “I have found that it is only with total love may you create.”

And the two said unto him, “Now we shall restore all.”

And suddenly the lad was whole again and young again, but wiser.

Throughout the rest of his life he thought, “Did this really happen, or was it a dream, a dream I dreamed?” Soon he began to realize that it made no difference whether it was a dream or it actually happened, for he had grown and matured. And never again did his boredom take him into the realms of hell.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. V_____ R___ asks, ‘Where is my brother, D_____ _______ who was born May 29, 1937, in _______, Lithuania, and how can I get in touch with him to tell him about the earthquake?’”

We have already answered that question.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. The only question in my mind in that was that you asked for more information and we do not understand what information you need, Aka.”

We shall answer in this manner. We find not of that on this plane.

“Thank you, Aka. Aka, I have a request for a life reading for [8–342–1…Globe, Arizona].

Yes, we see of thy need, and therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

Yes, we see this one that should enter in the Year of the Horse, on the Day of the Dragon. We find this one in the land that you would now call, Formosa. This at that time was a greater part of what you would call, China, and was a great continent in itself.

This one is born of the female sector. At the date of her birth she is promised in marriage to another who had been born of male statures a few days before. But as she grew into young womanhood, that of her uncle had been of a physician, and her quest was for the knowledge of the physician and the treatment and the healing of the sick. She longed for the schools. She read all of the textbooks. Yet, because of her female sector she knew she would never be allowed to enter into the school of higher education. And then, she decided that the only way that she could go on with her studies and treatment of those were to enter that, and become, as you would call, a nun. She had thought long upon this, because all of her was that of a female with full vitality. If she entered and walked through one door she would not ever be allowed to continue her studies in the field of medicine. If she entered and walked through the other door she would not have the love and companionship that she also longed for.

And so, she went, therefore, unto her grandfather and told him of her plight. Her grandfather was considered a man of wisdom throughout the land, and he did say unto her, “We see your needs. But first you must go unto the one you are promised to. If he will remove the bond of marriage, then we shall send you into the land of Atlantis. There the female walks beside the male, and their medicine and their teachings are much greater. But remember, should you choose of this you shall never be allowed to return back unto your own land, for it is against our religion, though we — both the Atlantans and ourselves, should worship the God of One. It is said that a woman should bear children, but yet, not bear knowledge. I can find no truth within this fable we hold so strongly. This is why we would give permission for you to venture forth; yet we would see you no more.”

This greatly saddened this one, for she greatly loved her family. Yet she [went, dared] forth as her grandfather had said, and found that one that she had been betrothed to loved another, and therefore, would gladly release her of her bond.

She went back unto her grandfather, and said, “This one would gladly release me of my bond, and he does not ask that the monetary value that should go with me in marriage, he should receive. Then, Grandfather, other than that of my passage and that that could be used for my education, could not the rest of the monetary value be placed for the building of a hospital?”

The grandfather and the father and the uncles did agree, and she did depart for the land of Atlantis.

There, at first, the tasks were hard. In the first four years of her schooling there were many things to learn. And all through her schooling she did hear of the two great priests, Ra-Tai and Arcan, the great physicians. And she did hear of a land that they did travel unto which was called the land of the Eagle. And she, though a studious student, found that her studies were hard.

And then came the time when the students would be chosen to continue on into the field of medicine. She listened as the names were called, and hers was the last. She thought unto herself, “Oh, what a great deed this is, even if I am last; I shall be given the chance to learn from such great scholars.”

And so, the first two years of medical school many wonders were presented before you. And you did hear of the lectures given by the two great physicians.

And then, in your fourth year there was word that the third physician, a physician who was considered the greatest of all, would come forth to lecture unto the graduating class, and yet, more than to lecture, he would choose some that would go back unto the land of the Eagle, and therefore, work and learn. Your heart was gladdened, but you dared not hope to be one among all of them. Surely there were those with a greater ability than yours, you thought. Surely there were those with better grades that he would choose from. Therefore, you did enter the lecture hall and sit quietly.

The Priest Ra-Tai did speak first, with great wisdom. The Priest Arcan did speak second with great wisdom. And then the third did come, and he did speak unto you. You looked upon his features and you thought, “How un-different this creature is. Not only must he be from another land, but from another place in the great galaxies we have heard about.”

Yet when he finished speaking, Ra-Tai did rise and he did call [off] thirteen names. Yours was the last.

And so the day came when you would travel unto this land. When you arrived there, to your dismay you saw fruit, vegetables of all kind that had, unlike those that you had seen in your homeland. Not only were there laboratories and experiments going on for the health of mankind, but to improve the food substance of all the lands.

And then, your studies began again. First you would be assigned to one place and then another. You began to realize that throughout this domain was a huge hospital for plant life, for animal life, and for that of the humanoid.

Ra-Tai did speak many times. And so did the priest, Arcan.

And then, you met the young priest, [Teowah]. And [Teowah] did say unto you, “Be my wife.”

And you thought unto yourself, “Can I marry and continue to learn?” For your heart was great fondness for this one. And you knew of the separate wisdoms that you both possessed, for his was in the field of the medicine of plant life; yours was in the field of medicine and healing of the humanoid. But the fondness became greater between you, and so you went forth and asked permission to have audience with that of the great healer.

He greeted you with warm[th] and love. And as you entered, he said unto you, “You have come to speak to me of marriage. Why do you need to speak to anyone? If you love, then marry.” He turned unto you and he said, “Your thoughts are the difference of the two sciences that you have chosen. This should not interfere in your love for each other in its maturity. You have thought also that the bearing of children could interfere with your practice. This should not necessarily be so. In another time, you shall find it a commonplace thing. Each thing you see here today shall come forth again in another time, for all you see here shall be wiped away, but nothing can be destroyed. Neither of you may be destroyed. For in truth, love can endure for all times, if it is to be so.”

You did wed. You did leave these places as you finished your education. And you did heal.

And you passed beyond. And you saw the lands of Atlantis and all the earth change its form. You have seen it change four times. You have seen the Coming — and now you shall see once again.

The physician that should heal need not be a physician in all lives. But that that you learned in that one life, if you could bring forth and apply to this life, great fulfillment — for the one great substance that you brought forth from that was love and the changing of matter with the same. Apply it now. Apply it, and you shall be as a mirror, and those who shall see it shall see the radiance that should come forth. And that radiance shall be a healing substance. For laughter, and joy and love are all parts of the healing cycle.

We are here but for one purpose, that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. So you chose this time and place.

Now we should say unto you, soul Ray grows weary.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. It is through your [prayers] of the destiny of your earth, and the fulfillment can be as the boy’s thoughts.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[*Editor’s note: Were the two in the parable of the young lad above his spirit and immortal body?]

[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


August 6, 1976

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. Many who have come have come through idle curiosity, but as we have said before, this is good, for each shall leave with something greater than they came with.

Your world, as you know it, shall now face its greatest crisis, both pestilence, famine, and the eruption of the land. We have told you before of the pestilence to come. And so it knocks upon your door. We have brought forth, through dream substance unto soul Ray, those formulas needed to help you survive through the time of the pestilence.

We shall say unto you that that that you would call of a flu epidemic was all but of the same kind. It was brought forth in two forms into your country — one, that of your own Government of the accidental bursting of a canister; the other has been brought forth into your country in the form and in the disguised substance of that of both heroin and marijuana — those who had planned the destruction from within of your country. [Editor’s note: see the February 7, 1976 reading.]

The virus substance, when attacked, should change its form, should lay dormant only to change its direction once again. It was the total substance of all known flu germs that man has even known upon your earth. It is deadly. It may cause both cancer of the blood and cancer of the body substance in its latent states.

A new formula which shall go forth and be placed in soul Ray’s mind is now taking place, for once again, we shall feed him in substance that is needed. As we have said before, for those who should come forth in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, we shall take care of their needs, and so it shall be. But as you yourself have a saying, that you may lead the horse to water, but you cannot make them drink, so is it and it shall be true. We have brought forth that of the new and the old vitamin C formulas; placing these two together you shall find you shall have the ingredient necessary for one side, or one phase, of the treatment of this disease. Placing that of the formula for that that you call your Wonder Loss shall stabilize the blood substance. And now, with the new formula, with the use of the yucca seed which is now in soul Ray’s mind, shall further help to destroy the germ substance and build an immunity in your body substance toward the same.

The words we have spoken seem shattering. And you say unto us, “How far may this epidemic reach?” We have told you before, as a brook, it should flow to the rivers, from the rivers it should flow to the oceans to the many lands — and we are not speaking of a spiritual substance, but a blight upon the land and man.

A third of the Earth’s population shall dwindle under its thumb. From volcanic eruptions, and that of the earthquake substance, another third.

In the land of both Russia and China, as we have told you before, one should be the Bear, the other should be the Dragon, and neither should be trusted. We say unto you, should this nation stand as one nation before God so it shall be preserved. And so shall all other nations.

The earthquakes which have come have not ended, but shall continue. We say unto you, take of these words we have spoken and use them in such a manner that it shall do the most good for the most people. But do not create hysteria, for that alone would kill more of the earthling people than any disease in itself, or any earthquake. You shall find that the greatest majority of people shall not die directly from the earthquake itself, but that that should come after, from the pestilence that should reign the cities. We shall also tell you that from your raise in your rat population has been offset the balance of the earth. These should carry diseases within the city. In all treatments gloves should be worn, and masks could be used for the protection that you should not carry the germ from one person to another. You yourselves have mentioned that touching is loving, but in this case the touch could bring death.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, what about the rat population in the countryside, like here? Are they likely also to be carrying this disease?”

Yes, but not in the proportion of your heavier populated regions. Efforts should be made in your own homes to control the rat population. You yourselves possess a poison that could safely distinguish and reduce this. The cities who should hear this warning should take the measure as necessary for the destruction of the sewer rat.

“Aka, could you tell me what poison you refer to as being most effective on rats?”

That that is the most effective is one that you now use as a medication to thin the blood.

“Yes…Warfarin? Is that Warfarin?”

Yes, this is one; it is called by many names.

“Thank you, Aka. What other precautions for those of us treating, such as cleaning the room and so forth, the treatment room, what other precautions do you recommend for treating the ill people?”

That precautions be used in the treatment rooms, that they be disinfected each day. All of these things is that that you are doing now. We are only giving you further instructions.

Once before we came unto you to tell you of another plight upon the land. We told you then that within eight months that plight would be gone from your land. We tell you now, once again, that within five months this plight shall leave the land, but not all of the lands of the earth.

We have described before how, in the early stages, this could be treated by the using of three different antibiotics, each for three days. But each patient must be tested. But, this would not give the immunity necessary, because the disease would return and return again.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, thank you, Aka. [2–30–2] asks, ‘Aka, my employment is taking very undesirable directions. Please suggest what work I should undertake, or if more than one job, how much time to spend on what.’”

We shall say unto you into this manner. We have returned you back to your teaching and into the building unto which you worked. It should be brought forth that further expansion in the college, and an extension from that of the University of Arizona be coincided with that of the college into which you now teach in the field of archaeology. The other tasks and work at hand shall all fit in its proper perspective. Fear not, for we go before you to prepare a way.

Now we say unto you, for soul Ray grows weary, and our time grows short.

There are many things which we have said before that few of you may understand. We have repeated them, and yet, some have heard us not.

We say unto soul [5–206–2], stand beneath the cross that you may feel the drop of blood, and you shall know the true meaning of love. You look at us in a critical manner, and we say unto you, “Judge not lest ye be judged.” We have said before, we offer the wine and the bread; must we also provide the yeast?

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Soul Ray grows weary.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona

August 20, 1976

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Within your minds you have asked many times about that of the exorcism, and therefore, we shall answer in the form of a parable.

And we shall say unto you, that was of the usual manner of the rabbis of Thore, they did debate long upon each subject. And upon this day they were debating that of exorcism, the driving out of an evil spirit, and how they would know when this was truly within that of the person that should be treated.

And the first rabbi said, “First, we should consult the physician to see the physical state.”

The second said, “Nay, we should consult the psychiatrist.”

And the third said, “Nay, this is a job of the priest and the priesthood, and it must be decided within us of who should possess that of the evil demon that should be driven away, and the matter thereupon.”

But yet, the argument lasted day after day, without an answer, and finally all three did agree that they would go into three days of solitude, and therefore, pray unto the Lord for an answer.

And when the three days ended, each returned. Each looked long, gaunt, the face drawn.

And the first did rise to speak and his words did stammer. And he said unto the others, “I say unto you that only those who possess a gift, a gift of the true psychic, the gift to see of the spirit — but each of these must be schooled in the ways of the physician, in the ways of the psychologist, in the ways of the psychiatrist — they must posses all of these gifts, and they and they alone.”

But not one should say, “But I should say it should come from all three.”

And the third arose and said unto the other two, “I would agree, but I say that the evil spirit is like the feather floating about, landing and rising with the currents of the wind. It comes from no place, and has no place to go, and even though it may enter, it may never be reborn. So, if we are to deal with that of a feather, then what manner should we use? And I say unto you, we should use unto this manner, that it should be that of the psychic, that of the physician, that of the psychologist, that also of the priest, and the psychiatrist, and it should come in that of one.”

And the second did rise, and he said unto them, “Through my meditation and my prayers I have seen beyond a veil. I have seen through the planes of this lifetime and the others. I am not a sorcerer, or am I a practicer of evil ways. Yet for most of my life have I seen of these things. I have used this ability to guide me through my life and into my priesthood.

‘And some would say that I am psychic. And let us look at the word and the definition of the word of psychic. We say one word which would have the meaning of many, that of those who can see of the soul, that of those who could see of the spiritual substance of the same, and that of those who should see of the immortal body unto the same. And then, and only then, could the true substance come into completeness.

“I say these words, not that I should be right, but that that we might never misjudge any man, nor any woman, nor any child.

“But I say unto you, let us do it in the way of our Father. Let us bring forth the Seven Spirits of the Lord in a symbolic manner. Let us light unto the seven-candle candelabra and place it in the center. Let us take of the thirteen single candles and place them in the circle, that they may represent the Father, Himself. And then, let us take and walk, therefore, in a counterclockwise motion, reciting unto these words.

“‘If you be of God, welcome unto thee. If you be of Lucifer, then go of thee.

“‘If you are not of Lucifer, then we should give unto thee of the free choice: be gone back into the valley of lost souls; return, for we shall show you the light of our Father, and go unto the light of our Father; or be destroyed into the ground and unto the hallowed ground unto which we have created, therefore.’”

And he said unto them, “For if this, in truth, they are possessed, they cannot stand or exist within the holy circle we have created.”

All three stood and said, “This is right; this is good.”

And so, as it has been spoken, so it should be written. And so, it was set into your own text, into your own Holy Bible. It is called, the exorcism, in your Old Testament. It has changed not, for it came with the laws of Moses and before Moses. For the Ten Commandments did not come just in the time of Moses; They came before Moses. They came upon all land, all earths beyond earths, beyond time. For they were not the laws of Moses, they were the Laws of God and that that God must do Himself and abide by Himself.

There are many parts of your Old Testament that should bring forth many truths.

Now we have said unto you and prepared that of the knowledge that all of your Teachers and your Ministers must know of. But we say unto you, if an exorcism should be performed, let it be as the three rabbis. Before such an act is performed, let three of your Ministers or Teachers come together. Let them fully study the situation. If they are not sure of the act that they are about to perform, then let them come into your Shepherds — not one, but all of your Shepherds — and let the knowledge flow from them. And still, if they are not sure, then come into your Prophet and let all of the minds bind.

But remember, if you drive from the soul, their own soul, if you destroy it, you have driven away the spiritual substance within the same. “Judge not lest ye be judged.” Remember that the best things in one person are not the best in another. Make certain before you act, and when you act make it an act of love, an offering to and from our Father, for you are acting in His stead.

And now we shall answer unto your minds. In the day that we told of thee of the 8.5 in the Richter scale, and the climbing, and that of the task it would take, and we said, “Our Father weeps,” and so He does. For your pestilence and famine has not ended; the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Let those who are not marked by the Beast, let them take, instead of the 7 7 7, let them look at the one who shall possess the number of man, six hundred and sixty-six, and this shall be the number and the name of the man of the Anti-Christ. [See The Revelation, chapters 12–13.]

And once again you say we have asked you as in riddles. We have said unto you, pray not that the Sixth and the Seventh Seal should be opened. [See The Revelation 6:12–17, and chapters 7–10.]

We have also told you that of the birthplace and the time of the Messiah that we have come to prepare a way for. There are others that are preparing the way for that of the Anti-Christ upon your Earth. He is also upon the Earth. And the nations have come together, and the time that God should look upon the land of Israel and it should be holy is at hand. All of these things are now unfolding.

More earthquakes shall shake the earth. More death, more pestilence shall occur. But for those who do not wear the mark of the Beast shall not fear. [See The Revelation, chapters 11, 14, 19, 20:1–6, 21, and 22.]

We see many questions in your minds, and we shall answer the one in the mind of [6–281–1]. You have had a vision substance of a large cathedral and an ocean. And we shall answer in your mind; this is a remembrance of a time before the last of Atlantis, in the land of the Eagle. For you served as a nurse in this land in the same manner as you are doing now. We did not choose lightly in placing each part together in the preparation of that of soul Ray. We shall say unto you, you have seen one part. Now we shall open the doorway. Unto three nights thy shall dream. Upon thy wakening, and through these days, awake and a dream state, as the thoughts flow, write them down. And then, we shall fill the gaps in between that you do not understand.

You shall be the teacher of a new student who we have waited for, [5–216–3]. We see in this student much that shall come forth in the preparation.

And now our time grows short, and many questions shall be left unanswered for this time.

So we shall bring forth a message from [8–344–1].

“For that that I could not give on this Earth, so I should give from this side. My sleep is over, and that that God has given me, as a gift unto my loved ones shall be given. But I give unto all of you, each of you, the love I held back while I dwelled within my earthly body. I ask your forgiveness and your love, for love is God and God is love.”

Now soul Ray grows weary.

And we shall say unto you, now is the time of the Cherubim. We say unto you, look into the heavens, for we shall bring unto you a new sign. Count of 13, add of 7, subtract 3, and that shall be the day you shall see in the heaven that that shall give you proof of our being. For we say unto you, how can you believe us of those things of heaven, if you cannot believe of those things of earth? “For none shall know of heaven who has not known of earth, and none shall know of earth that has not known of heaven.” [See John, chapter 3.]

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Awaken soul Ray from his sleep.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


September 3, 1976

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. For those who have ears to hear, let them hear; for those who have eyes to see, let them see. For we shall say unto thee, the Parable of the Shepherd who Could Never See All of His Flock.

He had been told to use that of the shepherd dog, but he thought within his mind, “I should be superior to all other; therefore, why should I need that of the dog?”

He soon learned that the two eyes he possessed were not enough. And he did hear of a strange surgery being performed in another land. And so he went into this other land, and there they did implant an eye in the back of his head.

When he returned home, he was very proud of the eye in the back of his head. And all of his friends were quite amazed, and he was called quite a celebrity because he was the only one to have an eye in the back of his head.

As days went on, soon he spent more of his time looking backwards than he did using the two eyes to look forward. And he found that he would stumble and fall. The stumbling grew worse as the days passed on. And one day, as he sat pondering of his dilemma because he had found that he could not look forward and backward at the same time, a stranger happened by, and he said unto him, “Would you like to see of my third eye?”

And the stranger said, “Nay. It is not an unusual thing — for to know where you are going is to know where you have been. But if you should spend all of your time looking backwards, you shall never walk forward into the future, for you are all parts of all things you have ever been. And in the knowing of this is enough. And the knowing being enough, then the brain, which should focus the two eyes and let you see clearly, shall see backwards and forwards, all at the same time. But the brain would then be smart enough to know that four eyes are better than three.”

And the shepherd said, “How can that be so?”

And the stranger said, “A good shepherd would have that of a shepherd dog, for when his lambs should stray, he should fetch the lamb, and the dog should take care of the herd, and the dog should drive away the wolf and any other predator who would feast from his herd.”

And the shepherd said, “But I, man, am superior to any other being. Why should I rely on an insufficient, in-superior [inferior] being?”

And the stranger looked at him with great remorse, and he said unto him, “Did not the Lord, God, place all things upon the Earth?”

The shepherd said, “Yes.”

He said, “Did He not place the grass at your feet, the sky above your head that the sun and the rain may shine and fall upon all?”

The shepherd answered, “Why, yes.”

“And did not God place man over this kingdom upon Earth?”

The [shepherd] said, “Yes.”

“Then why should it be so unusual that a dog would serve you and be a companion unto you?”

But the [shepherd] said, “How can this be? How could the dog do my job?”

The stranger looked at him very sadly and said, “Did God not say unto you, ‘ALL OF THESE THINGS OF OUR KIND DID WE PLACE UPON THE EARTH.’”

The shepherd did take back at the stranger and say unto him, “You mean that God has a place for all the animals?”

The stranger looked at him and said, “Yes. For nothing shall fall, not even the smallest leaf upon your Earth, without God’s permission and knowledge.”

The shepherd said unto him, “Then what should I do? Should I venture forth and go into the far land and once again spend that of a whole flock to have the eye removed?”

The stranger looked at him and said, “Nay. Have you not a cap?”

He said, “Yes.”

“Then cover the eye, and look forward.”

You shall find that we, within ourselves, sometimes become hypocrites by taking away or trying to place something false before us or behind us. Look into that of the truth within yourself. If you may do this, you shall see that [that] has been behind you, and you shall know in the direction you shall be going.

Give unto God that that belongs to God. Give unto your brother that that belongs to your brother. But just as important, give unto yourself, that that belongs to yourself. And in all ways, you shall be serving God, for you and your brother are all the children of God.

We say unto you, your scientists now puzzle over that of the earthquakes and the directions unto which they have turned. A quiet before the storm shall lurk, and then more of the same shall continue. Look unto the land of Mexico. In two places that earthquakes have not arisen shall they occur. In the land of the United States, near the California and Oregon border shall occur another. In the Midwestern United States shall occur another. All of these things shall be of truth.

We say unto you, your pestilence shall occur because of the lack of haste in the prevention and that part that should not listen.

There are those here, among you, who come here for selfish purposes. This is all right; this is good, if you should leave here with more than you came with. But we shall say unto all of you, we are here but for one purpose — that purpose is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

And woe unto thee who should misinterpret our words. And woe unto thee who should try to stop this work.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes. Aka. I have a request from [7–32–1] for [8–345–1…Salem, Oregon]. His mother asks, ‘What is this person’s purpose in life, and how can the mother help in that goal? What is the cause of bedwetting and how to stop it?’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. First, we should answer in this manner. Before this question should be placed before us, permission should come from that of the child, so that an honest answer and the sincerity of the truth may be placed before him.

The problem of the bedwetting is both of the psychological and the physical of the same. We shall explain in this manner; if he should wet the bed he should get attention. We see a small bladder capacity, but this, in itself, should not be of the real reason. There are certain sectors or proportions of the brain which trigger certain muscles that say, you shall go to the bathroom, as you would say it, urinate, and when you shall urinate. These may be triggered in the sleeping state, but part of the awaking state is there also and present at the time. We would suggest that biotherapy be used as a corrective measure, both as a psychological means and that of a physical nature.

We would further say unto this one, thy wish to know unto where he has been so you may know where he is going. We have placed this in the first of this reading.

As far [as] an occupation is concerned, this one would serve well in that of an electrical engineering; this should be his strong point, for this is from which he came, and it would come natural as an occupation.

We would also suggest that further development of the psychic gift born within the child should be developed, and soon. But it should not be pampered. It should be brought forth in a true and just manner. Nor can it be forced. He must know the difference between make-believe and truth. But as he should practice, do not continue this subject on this at a prolonged time. Take a small proportion of each day in the development of this region. This also could be further developed with the use of biotherapy.

This is all on this subject at this time.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [6–284–4] who is here tonight asks, ‘I would like to know the exact time I was born? I was born in….’”

9:52 a.m.

“Thank you, Aka.”

You have other questions, ask.

“[6–290–3…Globe] asks, ‘I am trying to start a new life in Globe and wish guidance. I would like to give thanks for the help and guidance I have received in the past.’”

When you have fully used the guidance that we have given you, ask again.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [7–316–1…Yuma, Arizona] asks, ‘Aka, are there any artifacts in this part of the country that prove that Jesus was crucified in Yuma, Arizona? Guide me.’”

The artifacts as such — yes. In the town of Yuma you shall find that there is a knoll. There a water tank has been built upon this knoll. If the knoll were excavated, the artifacts, as you would know it, would come in the form of three things — that of the small eagle substance, that of the crosses, and that of an engraved stone, therefore, in the same, which shall be written in the language, as thy would know it, that of the Atlantan language, or the Mayan substance, or that you might call of the international, or that of the Sumerian language. You shall find it shall translate into these words: “From the North Star I have cometh, and unto the morning star I shall return.”

And there you shall also find an old tomb which is now empty, except for some cloth.

If further information is needed on this subject, we shall elaborate further at a different time.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Can you tell us what Admiral Byrd discovered at the North Pole that seemed to be a tropical or temperate hidden land, and also about the hollow Earth theory?”

Your hollow Earth theory is nothing more than that. There are temperate zones in the northern hemisphere which were not, as the earth changed upon its axis, remained as it was, when it was, as you would say, at the equator. These are due to [a] volcanic action that was then and is now formed under the crust of the earth. Life has continued on, interrupted by your civilization.

You shall find that in many places a cortex, as you would call it, has been formed by inner magnetic fields. This, we would say unto you, has happened at the turning of the earth’s substance. [Note: Cortex is a late Middle English: from Latin, literally ‘bark.’]

You must further realize that as the pyramids in the original form that were built by the Sons of God, as you would call them, were built to transmit huge amounts of energy and gather huge amounts of energy from the heavens, themselves, of electrical substance. They were built in such positions upon the Earth, that as one would become active, so another and another. This created a balance of things. This balance has become imbalanced because the structures and the desecration of the same.

One day your science shall have this same power. Let us hope that you do not come back from the rocks once again and the stone ages.

For we say unto you, your civilization has fallen into dust, and crawled out again many times. This time, if the work we are here to do upon this Earth is successful, then golden ages beyond anything of thy wildest imagination shall lie before thee. The universe and galaxies beyond shall be opened unto you. If not, then three thousand years of darkness shall once again be gathered upon the Earth.

Space exploration, furthering your knowledge, reaching out farther and farther, to shake the hands of your brothers and sisters, should be. But the sooner your Earth itself can show peace, love, the sooner your brothers shall reach their hands unto yours. Must it wait until the battle of Armageddon? Must it wait until the earth smolders red with blood? Must it wait until the Seventh Seal is opened, and you crawl from the earth and those from the heavens should join you to rebuild the earth? [See the Revelation, chapters 6–19.]

Or shall the year of 1999 be the coming of the Messiah and the building of the greatest civilization man has ever known throughout all the galaxies and universes?

And now, we should say unto you, our time should grow short, for soul Ray now wearies.

But we should say unto you, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Pestilence, famine, the slicing of the earth with the great Sword which should cut both man and earth, shall continue.

Blessed be the name of the Lord, our God. If you could take but one step in the understanding of thy brother, and thy brother’s brother, this would be the first step toward your thousand years of peace upon the Earth. Any one of you could start that time now. [See The Revelation 20:1–6.]

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy. Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.]


September 10, 1976

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of God.

First, we should say unto you, this of your machinery is malfunctioning. We shall depart and give you a chance to correct [this]. [Editor’s note: There was trouble with the tape recorder.]

Yes we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, your God, for in all things, and before all things, the Lord has served unto His children. And so it should be unto the children’s servitude unto the Lord. Give unto the Lord one-tenth of the love that the Lord should give unto thee, and give unto thy brother in the same manner.

We have told thee many parables. Many words have been spoken. Many words have been forgotten. Many words have passed before you as pebbles that should have stood out as rocks or boulders. If you, within the latitude of your giving, would have given one-tenth of what has been given unto you, the words we have spoken and spoken again would have created a great ring, one that would have expanded around your world.

As we have said before, we are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, for that purpose, and that purpose only. We are here to assist and help the children of our Father without violating the free will of the same.

But we say unto you, who should come from far and wide, and various thoughts and various beliefs in philosophy, what is within your religion that has remained in all, and that is the good of [the] philosophy, that that may stand through the years and remain of the same. It may be spoken in a different manner, but all is the same.

We have said before that Moses came and did bring forth the laws of Moses for Moses’ time. The one known as Jesus Christ did come and he did bring forth the laws of Moses, the laws of his time, and the laws of all time. Yet we have come forth to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. And so, the second coming upon the Earth shall be fulfilled.

But it is not just for the Earth’s sake we have come. Nor is it just for your sakes we have come. We say unto you, be as a mirror; take in, reflect out. Let what we have given unto you shine forth. Let it multiply, and multiply yet again.

Your time elements are changing. Your winter[s] and summers are changing. We have told you before the land changes that would take place upon this continent and upon your world. We have told you we will give warning of these that all may be protected, if they should hear. But for those who cannot hear nor see, there is little we can do for them. We say unto you, nothing from either side shall inter­fere with this work; the completion, that man may not walk in darkness again and again, shall come forth.

We say unto you, who should hear our words, for those who have eyes to see let them see; for those who are blind let them see. For those who are deef* let them hear; for those who are not deef let them hear. For it is only when you become totally deef and blind in reality, without faith, are you truly a cripple, for you have crippled yourself mentally, physically, morally, spiritually, and of the immortal body has wasted into nothing.

Jesus said unto you, “I have come, not to bring peace upon the earth, as you would think, but brothren shall be against brothren, and sister against mother, and mother against sister.” Yet, “I have come to prepare a way for those who should come after me, that they should prepare a way for my coming. And I go new to prepare a way in my Father’s mansions.” [See Luke 12:49–56 and John 14:1–29.]

You were promised a thousand years of peace upon your Earth, and not as you count, but as our Father should count. And each day should be a hundred years upon the earth plane. [See The Revelation, chapter 20–22.]

This peace that we speak of may begin in any one of you that you wish.

Let you hear what we say unto you: we do not want the Lamb’s blood, nor does our Father. We do not want your promises. We only wish the recogni­tion within yourselves that you shall try. It is not a sin to fall down; the greater sin is not getting up. It is not a sin to fall down many times; it would be a sin not to get up many times. But the sooner you shall cease to fall down is when you learn where you have been and you will know where you are going.

For each of you who should say, “How can this be,” we say unto you, for “none shall enter the kingdom of our Father that should not come as a [womb] and a babe from the mother’s womb.” For those who have not known of heaven could not know of earth, and for those who have known of heaven could not know of heaven leste they know of earth. [See John 3:1–21.]

And remember this we say unto you. You can learn more in one day upon your earth plane, if you would apply yourselves, than in a hundred years upon the other side.

Time, you say — time is like a river, always changing, never the same. Once a second is gone it is gone forever. It is wasted. It can never be recaptured. Yes, we may reach into the Akashic records and bring forth back time, for time is matter changed into anti-matter and back into matter again. For every light and every moment you have done, once the action has been taken, or the thought thought, can never be returned, only in word substance.

Many shall say that the earth has repeated itself many times over. No, it has always been different. And you are all parts of all things you have ever been.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have a question from [7–316–1….Yuma, Arizona], and he asks, ‘Please Aka, would you comment about my left lung?’ He would like to know about his left lung.”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. Yes, not only of the left lung, we see also emphysema of the right lung, also. We find traces of tuberculosis in the earlier ages, in a dormant state at the present time. We would suggest unto you, that come forth unto soul Ray that healing may be administered in such a manner for healing of the same. We find other physical imperfections in the body substance of the same.

That is all on this subject. You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have a request for a health reading from [4–123–1], who is here tonight. He’d like general health reading and his time of birth.”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. Yes, we see thy need.


First we should mention that of the imbalance in the antibodies within the body substance of the same. This is being readily corrected with the use of biotherapy and that of the herb substance of the same’s. We also find that of — yes — of that that would be known as trace cancer, or that of a component’s left over of pigment cancer in the area where the incision was made. We find error in surgery, therefore, of the nerve, several nerves, and the sear­ing of the same. We find a separation of the tissue in the muscular substance in this arm. We also find, therefore, a degeneration of the bone marrow; this in itself may also be corrected with further biotherapy and that of psychic surgery done into this region.

Further work should be done in the pancreas region, and a balancing of the same, that a full release should come forth of that of the pesticide defoliant substance in the blood in the same.

We find other impurities in the system, one of which is that of arsenic poisoning. This has come about by the use of that of apricot, or that of the apricot pit, which contains dosages beyond human tolerance.

We shall answer your question in this manner. The seed was meant for planting. The pit was meant for maturing, to bring forth fruit for the body substance. There is many herbs and many roots and many particles of the same which were brought forth for the use of your medications and cures to your disease substance. If this substance was brought forth in its proper — and in a proper formulating substance — it would work, but not on all cancer substance and not on the form of cancer which you possess.

You have long feared that word. We say unto you, cast it out of your vocabulary. We shall assist in the healing of the same. We see no cancer in its active form at this time. We see further surgery that will be needed.

We also find that this of the leatril substance is also affecting that of the eyesight and certain parts of the brain substance in itself causing deeper and deeper proportions of depression and depression state.

This is all on this subject at this time.

You have other questions.

“Yes, Aka, one moment. I have a question from [7–321–1]. She says, ‘I have trouble with my right leg from the hip down. The sole of my right foot is very painful.’ She asks for help.”

Yes, we see thy need. The help that you have asked for has been given. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [8–346–1] who is here tonight…asks, ‘What would be the best field for me to pursue to make my living and use my abilities to the fullest?’”

Yes, we see thy need. We should say unto you, come unto soul Ray. The distribu­tion of the R. E. Enterprises product would be that to start from. There shall be other questions at other times. As you should progress, we shall answer them.

Now we should say unto you, now is the time of the Cherubim. Tornados, hurricanes, volcanoes, earthquakes, pestilence shall walk on forth. Prepare for the same.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: “Deef” is a Middle English term for deaf.]

[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


September 17, 1976

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner, for we shall say unto thee the Parable of the Earth, and its Being.

For as God sent the Seven Spirits unto the Earth, and after much toil upon their part, the Earth was created, and all those things of their kind was placed upon the Earth. And man did come upon the Earth.

And as time passed, and as the Seven Spirits did see unto the folly of man, they did meet together and say unto themselves, “Why has the Lord, our God, created us? And why has He sent us forth to create, under His instruction, all of these things, [that] this man, as He calls him, who resembles us, who is of our kind — yet the folly of him? The Lord has sent teachers unto the Earth of their kind, yet they see them not. Instead they look for sensationalism. They look [with] things that are shrouded by many words. They look for the mystery of all things, and hidden meanings. Yet what the Lord, the Lord has placed before them is in the simplest form. Why should the Lord continue with such as thy?”

They thought long as they observed the Earth. “We have placed a balance unto the earth, a balance of life, and man has continued to change this balance. We have placed a balance into the earth’s form, and man in his quest has continued to change this. Even the things we have placed into the outer atmosphere to protect man, he wishes to change this. Where [would] he stop in his heaven and earth?”






But still they stood, and they said, “But look Lord, You have sent unto the land Your first begotten son, and they have crucified him. And You now plan that the Earth should be chosen again for the birth and return of the Messiah. And You have sent your masters forth to prepare the way. Yet look, Lord, look as they prepare the way. Their own apostles have turned against them. Their own apostles have decided that their thoughts are the only thoughts. And the apostles fight among themselves. Little has changed since the time of Jesus and this time. Little has changed since you did send John the Baptist forth to prepare the way, and he was betrayed and his head severed and fed to the dogs. You, oh, Lord, have asked much of us. But You ask much of the ones You asked to prepare the way. Where is the justice in this?”





And the Seven Spirits said unto the Lord, “That we may learn, that we may serve, let us go forth and enter into the twelve as You do enter, and it shall become Thirteen.”


And as they entered, and as the Council began the pilgrimage upon your Earth upon the day in your year of 1970, April the 3rd, the Council did break through and become known.

And then one, and then all of the spirits did say unto the Lord, “Look, oh, Lord, for ministers are coming forth. Yet, each of them shall betray him in their lifetime. And each of them shall go forth. Yet he knows this; why does not he act?”

And the Lord, God, said, “PATIENCE UNTO THEE, AND WATCH.”

And then he did bring forth unto the shepherds. And then he did bring forth unto the Teachers’ courses, that new seed should be planted.

And yet, he did look forth and see that still this was not enough. You of this earth-plane are inquisitive, and you like mysteries.

We say unto you, each of you, place yourself in this instrument of God’s place. Place yourself there for a little while, each of you, who say, “I cannot complete this course,” and those who complete it for title, and those who reach for ministry without substance.

We say unto you, those [who] have now completed the course, who have waited for the instructions of the minister to start, prove of yourselves as teachers and then the instructions of the ministry may start.

Of those who have agreed to take minister’s or teacher’s positions, let them comply. Many of you shall say, “I shall not have the time.” But we say unto you, you cannot afford to not have the time. Leaders will be needed in many places. If they think only of themselves, your people shall return back unto the Stone Age.

The Fifth Seal has not only been opened, but it shall not be long until the Fifth Angel has completed his walk. And woe be upon thee as the Sixth shall be opened, and the time of the Anti-Christ shall be there, and the mark of the Beast shall be that in your hearts — that you shall place there yourselves. [See The Revelation 6:9–17, chapters 7, 12:13–17, chapter 13, 14:1–16, chapters 16, 18–19, 20:1–6, chapter 21 and 22:11–17.]

We say unto thee of the time of Noah, when his words were cast into the wind by the people, he spoke of the mark, yet they heeded him not.

A thousand years of peace has been promised unto you, a new heaven and a new earth, but only when mankind can accept of this and these things.

A shepherd should tend his flock, not one but all of them. In failing to do this, he should place his staff upon the ground and walk away, or come into whole­ness and in the realization.

There are those of you who we have named as teachers because of the potential, therefore, within the same. And you have become lazy and not complied. Either pick up the staff and continue, or step aside, for we shall weed the garden, and none from either side shall interfere with this work.

For we are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, that the thousand years of peace may reign upon the earth, that the new heaven and the new earth shall become unto reality.

These are not our words, but the words of the Lord, our God, Almighty.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

We know you have many questions, but instead of asking questions, take of what we have said and give it thought and you shall find the answers.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. The great Sword is poised, striking, striking, striking. And one side shall cut away man, and the other side shall cut away the land. Where desert once stood, it shall become fertile. Where forest stood desert shall reign. And man shall thirst for the words and the compassion of his Lord. We have brought the wine and the bread. We have even given you the yeast. [See Genesis, chapter 3, The Revelation, chapter 19 and John 5:19–37, 6:26–64.]

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

Editor’s note: Ray Elkins awakens from trance state and describes a vision he had while coming back into his body.

“And they were saying there could have been two worlds, only they were the same world. And I thought, ‘There is blossoms’ […] but it was like there — it was like five Edens coming together. And everywhere there was fruit and [olive…] and just an abundance of everything. It was almost like the [tunnel went in] two paths. But I was — And all of you, I was sitting upon a rock, where all of you were eating from the fields, berry fields, and it was such abundance. Hmm.

“But there was one, and I saw all the [sides] of the nation.”

“You saw what?”

“All the [sizes], the whole world. And, there was a building, which was a huge, big dome. And [entered in] all the people from all the world. And all the nations were there, were gathering, in the thousands and thousands of people. [And then,] I was speaking to them. (Chuckle.) It was very weird [to come forward].”

“How [long were you] there? They knew you were coming, huh?”

“I remember the first time that — and then I heard your voice, coming down, and [then it had changed]. And then I heard the words, ‘You have sinned.’ And then I woke up. It must have been through what I [felt] and saw […].

It was much like coming [up] — There’s much more, but I’d better think about it though; put the pieces parts together.

[A woman asks Ray] “Ray, a building, [with] two paths?”

“Two paths, the world.”

“Which path are we [to go on]? Which shall we take?”

“Whichever you choose to take.

“Whichever you choose to take.

“It was like — I looked, and I was looking at the organization — and then we were here, now. And then I looked at the organization in a different time, and I looked here now, and here now, each was going their own path. And then I looked in a different time and the organization had spread over the earth, and this was the earth where there was an abundance of plenty. But on the other earth they were still squabbling. And I knew that they had not advanced beyond this point, and that’s why it was the way it was. It was like the two earths [were hanging] on scales, and the earths were in a balance; the only thing was the slightest movement would turn it in either direction. And then, [funny] but I saw Henry Kissinger, on one side of the scale and he was trying to pull the earth toward the peaceful side. But it was like, every time he tried to pull, more and more weight was placed upon [it].

“Well, you guys had your reading and I got mine, I guess (chuckle).”

[Note: This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


September 24, 1976

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner, for we shall tell unto thee the Parable of the Healer.

As the healer traveled throughout the lands to bring forth the healing of the body, the mind, the soul, and the spirit, he was beckoned forth unto the rich man’s house. And he did go.

And he did give forth unto the rich man healing. And the healing did come instantly.

And the rich man said unto him, “You have healed me. And I thank thee.”

And the healer said, “Thank not of me, but of God.”

The rich man did hear him not, but said unto him, “Come forth and heal my daughter.”

The healer went forth unto the daughter. She was young, yet very frail. And the healer did reach into his pouch and bring forth herbs of healing quality. And he did bring forth the healing substance. And he did tell of the rich man, “I shall return tomorrow, and heal again this of thy child.”

The rich man became very irritated, and he said unto him, “You have healed me instantly. Why can not you do the same thing for my daughter?”

And the healer looked unto him and said, “For the last shall be first, and the first shall be last. All things I do in my Father’s name. I do not question that what is given at the time. If it takes me one day or many I shall continue, at the will of my Father.” And he said, “I shall go now.”

But the rich man said, “Nay, for I shall have you heal of my servant girl.”

And as he went into the servants’ quarters there he found the girl in straw and laying in filth. He first instructed that the girl be brought forth into clean surroundings, and instructed that certain sanitary measures be taken, and her diet be changed. And then, he did bring forth once again the healing substance unto the body. And once again he did suggest that herbs be given unto the servant girl.

The rich man said unto him, “What kind of a healer are you? Why should you not bring forth instant healing? I need this one in my household to clean my floors.”

Yet the healer heard him not. He knelt in silent prayer, and as he prayed, the young girl opened her eyes and began to praise unto the Lord. And as she praised unto the Lord, the healing did increase and come forth. And she rose from her sickbed and said, “Now I can return back to my work.”

But the healer said, “Nay, I shall return tomorrow and give you further healing.” And he did leave.

The rich man was highly irritated.

But, as he had promised, the healer returned the second day. First, he told the rich man, “I shall work on you first.”

The rich man said, “I need no further healing.”

The healer said, “Yes, you need further healing, for we have but accomplished one part.”

The rich man said, “What part have you accomplished? I feel well.”

The healer said, “We have yet to heal the soul and the spiritual substance within [the] body and mind.”

The rich man said, “I need none of these. Go forth and heal my daughter.”

The healer looked in him and said, “Then I have healed you not at all.”

And he went forth, and he did heal again unto the daughter. This time she was stronger. He did suggest further herbs, and he suggested certain exercises and diet.

The rich man said, “She has the best of all things. Who should you [be], to tell her what to eat?”

The healer said unto him, “God has sent me into this house to heal. He did not send me here to hear your blasphemy, nor your insults.”

The rich man said, “I can pay you well. I shall open many doorways, and you shall become famous.”

The healer laughed, and said, “All of your doorways mean little to me, for I have found the greater doorway, the doorway to my Lord, God. Fame? How can you give me that which I already have, for I am known throughout the land as a healer. It was not something I sought. It was something I earned, but not as that through myself, but as an instrument of God. Now,” he said, “I shall see your servant girl.”

When he reached the servants’ quarters, he found her not there. Instead he found her scrubbing floors. And he said unto the rich man, “All I have done you have undone.”

And that moment the servant girl did die. And he did kneel and he did offer up unto the Lord, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the servant girl.

The rich man was very angry. He said, “You have healed not my servant girl. Why have you allowed her to die?”

The healer said unto him, “You are wrong; she has been healed.”

How could this be so?” the rich man said.

The healer looked in him and said, “When I came, I offered further healing unto you, your soul and your spirit. You accepted not of this. You criticized the fact that I would give them herbs and suggest diet and cleanliness, even for your daughter. The servant girl that might have lived, you sent her forth unto work again when I suggested rest and a time for healing. For you shall find that the body is much like the earth. There is a time for all things. If it does not receive these, it shall wither and die upon the vine. Yet it is not dead, for her God and mine is the God of the living, for she shall live on beyond you. And she shall return, and one day she shall be the master and you the servant. And then it will be her choice and her time. For she, in God’s grace, has received a healing, a healing where there is no pain, and a place away from your cruelty, for she has entered the gentle hands of our Lord.”

And the rich man said, “These things I cannot believe.”

And the healer said, “Then look, look deeply into my eyes and I shall show you.”

The rich man forcibly looked into the eyes, and there, he saw the servant girl going about tasks, much as she had done upon the earth, but in great joy.

He could not understand this, and he said, “How could this be possible?”

And the healer said unto him, “For the yoke she bears now, she bears in love. Had you given her such a yoke here, then she would have remained here, for she could have learned more [in] one day upon this earth than in a hundred on the other side.”

The Lord has many ways of healing. And for those who should ask in the name of the Lord, healing shall be given.

The Lord has placed into the hands of the healer, of His kind, of His likeness. And as He has placed these things, so has He placed love. Love is not that that you should take off and put on. It is not like your garment, for love is faith, and faith is hope. Take these from yourselves and you have nothing. For within the faith, you have the hope of the healing. And within the hope, you have the love of the God, and the love of yourself, and the love of your fellow man.

These shall come in many forms. This word you use so often, yet you know not the meaning of, search within yourself. Find these meanings. Each shall be different within the individual.

But the healer must love enough to take upon his body the physical and [the] mental pain of those who he would heal. He must love enough to die a physical death if necessary to accomplish his task. Yet wisdom must come with the healing, for that is two parts of the wondrous thing[s] the Lord has placed at your disposal.

There are those who say, “I have come so far, yet to meet death.” Have they really climbed at all?

Each time when the healer comes, they bring him praise when he heals. And he shall laugh his gentle laugh and go on to the next and the next. He shall fight your battle for life, and he shall fight your battle for death. For every part of his being is geared for life and the giving of life, and the returning of life. Yet, within him he knows, “There is a time for all things.”

You say unto us, we have brought forth unto you morbid thought. Nay, for even death, as you know it, can be beautiful, for as life is a miracle of life, it is also part of the miracle of death, for it is the resurrection, and the resurrection unto all things upon your earth, into all things upon the galaxies and universes beyond. Place wisdom with love, and as a mustard seed it shall blossom forth. Add the wine and the bread, and the beauty you shall see.

It is said that to take one’s life is to damage the temple of God and is a mortal sin. We say, yes, this is true, for man is the temple of God. Let another destroy it, and it shall be returned in three days. Let you destroy it, and it may take an eternity.

There is one here who has asked for healing, not for herself, but for others. We shall give of the healing that is asked. But we say unto you, bring of this unto soul Ray in an awakening state that those things that are needed in the healing process may be given also.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading from [2–30–3]. I would like to know about past lives as they relate to what I have to do in the future. I’ve [entered] a new faith in my own life and I’m interested in what employment I should emphasize and what I should emphasize spiritually and do to best accomplish my mission.”

Yes, we have before us, the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal substance of the same.

We find this one in the Year of the Cow, in the Month of the Dragon, in the Day of the Horse. He was that of a man-beast upon the earth. [He] had just strolled out into a clearing when he saw something that startled his whole being, for great crafts were coming toward the Earth. And as they landed, one by one, from them emerged happy, laughing, people.

And he looked upon them and he said, “These must be gods; they have come from the heavens.” But what amazed him most, that they came of five races, of five colors.

He did rush back unto his village, and his people thought him mad. But yet, because he was so excited, some of the elders agreed to follow him.

One, among those who had emerged, looked quite different. And as he walked forth unto you, your people, at first you were frightened. And then he spoke unto you. Surprisingly he spoke in your tongue, yet you knew it was not of his. And he said unto you, “Our homes are gone. May we share yours?”

At first the elders were struck so vastly upon their minds of these new wonders, they knew not what to say. Yet he seemed to know even your thoughts.

And you said in gladness, “Yes, oh, yes, we want you. Come and share our food.”

He asked your pardon, and walked back unto the other crafts. Soon the people from the crafts did join him. And as you feasted, many things they did give unto you. And he said unto you, “If you should like, we shall teach you of our knowledge and we shall take of yours.”

You were more than eager; therefore, you did return back unto the craft. But as you walked by, he stopped and he looked at the pottery work. He knelt and he took each piece very gently — feeling it, stroking it — and then he looked into you and said, “Make me a cup and I shall fill of it for you. And for all eternity, I shall return and refill this cup for you.”

And as you turned to make the cup, he walked upon a hill, and you looked unto him and you saw the form of a great eagle, yet the man stood there. You made the cup, and he did fill all your cups.

Many things went through and by in time. Great structures were built. Crafts were used for cutting rock and stone in seconds and moving huge volumes of stone into place. And then he said unto you, “We will build of material at hand, but I shall show you other material that you will use one day.”

And then, you noticed these strangers began to separate, and soon there was rumors of war. He bid you to come forth with him, and he said, “I shall remain upon this Earth of yours, and you shall be my disciple. But go now, into the wilder­ness, for this place where I stand shall not be safe for you.”

Soon, you saw the craft[s] lift up into the heavens and there he stood upon the knoll. And those of his kind, of many colors, some fled into the wilderness with you, but the others were ready to make war upon him.

And you were frightened. And those of his kind did say unto you, “Fear not, for he is not like the others. For within him dwells two beings. Look upward toward the sun and you shall see the rays; look downward toward the man and you shall see Aka.”

And then his hand stretched forth, and all those who would make war did pass from the earth.

And he said unto you, through your minds, “For I shall be as Cain, for I have killeth my brother.” And then he did take the shape of a great eagle and rose.

You lived out this lifetime. You learned much of art, much of the writing, and the people that remained spread out unto the earth. And they were called the Sumer people.

From his teachings of the God of One you did go unto your own people, and you did teach of these things he had taught you.

And then one day he said unto you, “Soon your time shall pass. But one day I shall call you Paul, and when I do I shall blind you.”

And so your time did pass away, and much time passed upon the Earth, and many changes did take forth in the Earth’s form.

And then, you did come forth upon the Earth. Your parents were rich in stature. Yet you wanted both the glory of that of the Roman Empire and of the great temple which stood for the worship of the God of One. And you did seek forth to destroy those who had followed the one known as Jesus Christ.

And he did appear before you. And as he appeared, an eagle so appeared, and its brightness became such that you were blinded. And he did call you Paul. But when your sight was restored you went forth unto the land to begin to prepare the way for the second coming. Yet you were jealous, for you thought unto yourself, “I could have easily been the Messiah.”

Your days did come, your days did go. Your quick temper was known throughout the land. And so, you passed away again. But before you passed, the eagle did appear before you again and said, “I shall come again. And when I call you Paul again, be prepared to leave your jealousies aside. But an artist you are, and an artist you shall remain. And many men shall have many ways to express the knowledge we shall give you. Some you shall express by mind, some by teaching, but some shall be expressed through your hands and that which you shall create with one.”

There are many other things that have happened in your lifetimes. Some, you might consider important. But forget not from where you came so that you shall know from where you are going. Prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, and the Eagle shall remain in flight and coveth thee. Be as the shepherd — to teach, to tend, to love, to hope, and bring forth the faith that we have mentioned before.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Glory be the name of the Lord, our God; glory be the name of His children who shall not be marked by the mark of the Beast.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


October 1, 1976

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. For we shall say unto thee the parable of a time we would say the Estene or the Essene group did exist upon your earth.

They had separated themselves for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah, and in this manner, special schools were set aside for the development of the two chosen ones, the one who would come and prepare the way, and the one you would know as Jesus of Nazareth. All was in preparation; the Lord had spoken unto the parents of John the Baptist, and so He had spoken unto Mary and Joseph.

Yet, as the time of birth for both grew near, great jealousy arose from the ruling body. Each did think that their way was the correct way. Each would stone the other.

And it did pass that John the Baptist did come forth and be betrayed, and be beheaded and his head thrown unto the dogs. And it did come to pass that Jesus of Nazareth did come forth upon the Earth, and he was betrayed by Judas.

Yet the greatest sin of all lie within those who should prepare the way, for instead of staying to the jobs that they had before them, each sought to glorify himself and herself. And they did condemn the one known as Jesus because he did not allow the stoning of Mary Magdalene. Yet Mary Magdalene, on her own, did bring forth the Christian movement, as you would call it.

There are those of you who would say that the one known as Jesus and God are the same. We say unto you, what foolish children you have been. And Jesus of Nazareth would say unto you, “What foolish children you have been.” And the Lord, in His usual way, would but chuckle. For the Lord, God, is God, and Jesus of Nazareth was His first begotten son, from Adam unto Jesus, from lifetime unto lifetime.

Yet we say unto you, it is a greater gift to forgive than it is to criticize. It is a greater gift by far to fall down and rise than it is to have never fallen at all.

Quite often you say unto us, “You speak as in riddles.” We say unto you, look within, into that hidden place within your mind, the hidden place that we can see, and the Lord, God, can see. And then, for those who have not broken the Ten Commandments, let them cast the first stone. Our Father has many mansions. Each is great to behold. But let one religion cast a stone against another, and they have sinned against our Father.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. You have spoken of the Ten Commandments before, and there is one in my mind, the commandment that you shall keep the seventh day holy, and I wonder if you can tell us how that applies to this time?”

We shall say unto you, let the seventh day be as all days. Why should one day be holier than another? Are you to be the hypocrite, who would put on his finery and go into your temples, your churches, to stand with your heads bowed, not to the Lord, but unto yourselves, just to be seen there, just so that thy neighbor should look at thee and say, what a fine person this is? Do you place in the communion cup your tithings, or do you place yourself?

The seventh day should be laid aside for rest. But we say unto you, if thy brother falls into the lake and is drowning should you wait unto the first day to pull him out of the lake? He should surely be dead by then. There are certain tasks that even upon the seventh should be brought forth. All days should be brought forth in holiness before the Lord.

We shall answer your question farther in this manner. There are some here who have come forth in idle curiosity. Some say, “Look, for within that body substance the Lord has taken hold, and we may gaze at Him,” as though they had come forth into that which you would call a zoo. We should say unto them, which is caged — you or we? Which has built the yoke that they cannot remove around their necks?

We say unto you, we have brought you forth unto this day, unto this time for a purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Yet you play games with us. We tire of such. We do not sleep. As the Lord wearies, so do we weary. Yet the Lord has placed His hands many times upon this small earth to bring communion unto it, to bring the seventh day, that it may all be kept holy.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [8–349–1…Reno, Nevada] asks how to cure the thin walls of her capillaries that seem to be hemorrhaging in various parts of her body? Medical science says it’s hereditary and incurable.”

Yes. We would say unto these words, taking three substances that are specially designed in the Lipo-flavinoid form, bringing the dosage of the same into four times the normal dosage, this in itself could restore the blood vessels, and therefore, allow them to become the main carriers, and also restore the capillaries which are coming to the surface and bursting. Come forth — we say unto thee — that these things may come about. We should say unto thee, when this substance is brought forth, take that of the Yucca bacatta, and add to of the same. Add therefore, this substance, and the results you desire, shall come forth in the manner you desire.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [9–10–74–001] who is here tonight asks, ‘Aka, where did love become perfectly manifested as an individual for the first time?’”

In the heavens beyond heavens, where God the Father and God the Mother did come into union, and all glory stood still, [for] faith and hope, for the many galaxies and the universes were born.

Love, the word you speak so often, yet know not the meaning of, the word you have written so many words about, love is [internal, eternal]. It is like the summer breeze and the winter storm. Yet once it has passed your way, it is never forgotten. It is emotion within you, a desire so deeply rooted within you that from the moment you are born upon this earth until the day you will pass through the doorway, you are always in search of it. Yet, you take it like a rose and grasp it tightly, so afraid it may flee. Take it gently. Give it freedom, and it shall give back love in abundance. It is not something that you may buy or sell. It is not something that can be forced upon another. It is the spring in the winter. It is the autumn in the summer. It is the bird in flight. It is the twinkle of the sunlight. It is the soft rain and the gentle snow. It is the heavens and the earth, and the galaxies, in gentle essence. For it springs forth an aroma of sweetness, and fragrance, and glory and hope. And from the birth of the Almighty God, and from the bosom of the mighty God Mother.

Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children.

You have other questions, ask.

“[8–341–2], who is here tonight asks, ‘How can I best help my sisters, J______ and D______, at this time, and what do I need to know about the situation in Utah?’”

The time that you could have served them the best was before this point. If you could have looked into thy father’s heart and seen the love, touched it, felt it, and handed it to thy sisters — yet it is not too late. For a time shall come for each. But unless you speak of love, and show what love has brought unto your being, how may you best serve them without it? For each shall be brought forth. A way shall be provided.

We say unto you, there are those who would follow false prophets because these false prophets allow them to do as they wish, to make of their own religion and their own sayings of the Lord. You have seen a difference and in truth. If you want love, do not walk away from it when it is offered. Ask in the name of the Lord, thy God, and that that thy seek shall be provided.

But do not underestimate thy father, for his mind has reached out and is touching, and shall continue until the task at hand is complete. But he is probing with love.

Hold gently unto the words we have given unto thee. Look deep into this reading, and the words we have spoken from the beginning to the ending, for we have spoken them that thy may find within them a truth within thy heart. Share them.

And for those who should look upon the work we have brought unto you, and say, “How close may I stand to my Father?” let the bell toll. Hear our voice. Let it touch the mighty shores, and rejoice.

But you have asked of the seventh day, and we shall say of the Seventh Seal. [See The Revelation, chapters 8–11.]

Too often do you wait until one of you pass through the doorway to bring flowers. Then you stand and you say unto yourselves how much you regret not saying certain words, sharing certain feelings, touching, being afraid to show your real selves unto the others. All of these things may come in beauty and in kind. Be as a mirror. Ask and you shall receive. But do not plan to plant a seed in one day and harvest it the next.

We would say unto the one known as [7–317–1], who has sought to write the story, a Psychic Gift before the Dawn, we have brought forth one who should bring you firsthand information into the pre-text of thy book.

Soul Ray now grows weary.

Be cautious of the wind that should blow from your south. Be cautious of the rain that should come from your south. [Note: Mexico or the Gulf of Mexico?]

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1976, by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


October 8, 1976

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord.

We should say unto thee the parable of the merchant, who in his many travels had met the healer, the healer who would not travel.

And the merchant looked upon this one and realized that he had a ready, marketable item. And so, as he traveled through the many lands, he told all the people where he sold his goods of the great healer. He also told them for a small fee he would take them to this healer. By the time he had made the rounds of his journey, he had gathered many thousand people and brought them back unto the healer.

The healer sat upon a stone. And as each one passed through, he did minister healing unto each. And unto each he added that little bit extra.

When all was done, and the last one had passed through, the merchant came forth and said unto the healer, “I have brought you many, many people to be healed; therefore, now heal me.”

The healer looked unto the merchant and said, “You have healed thyself.”

The [merchant] said, “How can that be, for my body is wracked with pain?”

The healer looked unto him and said, “For each of the people that you have brought, you have charged to bring them here. Therefore, that that you have sowed, so shall you reap, for your body now wracks with all the pain of all the people that you have brought forth, for with each of them, I have taken from them their illness. My usual method to heal is to take the illness into myself and dissolve this illness. Therefore, since you have become my partner, it is only fair that you should take your share of this pain and misery.”

The healer walked away.

The merchant ran after him and said, “Wait! How then may I be healed?”

The healer said unto him, “Go unto each of those that you have taken money from and place it back. As you place each part of the gold, you shall lose that much pain, and it shall be returned to me and I shall dissolve it.”

So, the merchant, who had his litter bearers carry him from person to person until he had reached all the lands he had traveled once before, and in each case he did return it. When he retuned back to the healer, he was thoroughly exhausted, and the healer passed his hands over the merchant, and the merchant was healed.

The merchant said, “Why have you done this?”

And the healer looked into him and walked away.

The merchant followed after him once again and said, “I gathered many thousands of people to make you famous, to bring here for you to heal. Why did you allow me to become sick, for I am one of your helpers?”

The healer turned in him and said, “The Lord, God, has placed into my hands and my mind that to heal, and only through Him do I heal. My healing is much like a well in the desert; if it is good, then the news shall travel forth, as it did when you first came here and you were healed. Yet, you thought, as a merchant, to sell it, and so you charged each one. Therefore, it was only fair that you should take on part of their illnesses. You have taken on part of their wealth, and then, you should take on part of their misery. You have taken on part of their happiness; you should take on part of their tears, for it is in all these things that my Father knows. And that is why He has placed me here.”

The [merchant] thought long upon this. This time he left and ventured farther into many lands. This time he told of the healer, but he did not charge for the telling. And when he returned, the litter bearers were not carrying him; he was walking in healthy strides. And he walked up to the healer, and he said, “I feel better than I have felt in my whole life. How can this be, for I’m older, and I’m walking? I dismissed my litter bearers.”

And the healer looked unto him, and said, “Have you brought joy unto each person you have talked to?”

And he said, “Yes.”

Then, the healer said unto him, “You have healed not only the body, but the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. And therefore, you have truly reached as my partner in healing.”

The merchant left once again, to venture even farther into the world. And each place he stopped he talked, as he sold his wares to the multitudes, of what he had learned, of the great lesson that he felt had been brought to him from the healer, but from God.

And this time as he returned unto the healer he was even stronger and happier. And he said unto the healer, “Many things you have said unto me, but tell me this. You said before that now I was truly a partner with you. How can that be because I can heal no one?”

The healer said, “Nay, that is not true. For God has given within me the gift to heal. He has given unto you the gift of a merchant. I have given unto you the herbs that you have dispensed upon the land, which in truth has brought forth true healing in themselves. But you are now using the greater part of your God-self, because what you have sold you believe in, and you believe that it is bringing good to the people. Therefore, in truth, you are using the gift God has given to you to its fullest ability, as I am using mine. We both share in our Lord’s wealth.”

If each of you could find within the words we have spoken, not riddles but wisdom, you shall find within it your gift from God.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have a question from [8–50–1] who is here tonight. He says, ‘For about a year I have been having severe neck, upper spine, and shoulder pain. It has now worsened to glandular swelling on both sides of the neck, and I have been having migraines lately. What is causing the difficulties, and what might be done to correct the situation?’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

Yes, we would suggest the biotherapy be used, for there could be a completeness. But we would also suggest that look into the front part of the reading and the fulfillment shall come forth.

We would also suggest that within soul Ray’s mind, the combining of certain compounds with the new substance you call Yucca bacata extract, this in itself would bring forth a deadening and a killing of the virus substance in thy body. First, you have had an arthritic disorder. This was compounded with a man-made virus, which is now being used or called Swine Flu. It has many sides. Within soul Ray’s mind, in the combination of the herb substance and the use of the Liquid C Cough Syrup shall be the answer, also the use of the “surgery” which is being performed and has not yet been complete.

But listen unto what we should say. When the horse is brought, at the merchant’s auction, you do not buy it by the piece, you buy the whole horse. The same thing should apply for the use and the ability of the healer that you seek out. You have asked for healing. This has been the first step. The healing you have asked for shall be given in full.

By kindling the spark within yourself, now you shall reach outward and inward. We would also suggest, in your own habit form, upon awakening in the morning, eat protein as soon as you arise. You have that of hypoglycemia; therefore, eating of protein as soon as you awaken, do this before you drink the coffee, or any smoking. Balance your diet in such a manner that the protein substance should be the predominant factor in your diet. In such, you shall find that this in itself, the worst part of the migraines shall disappear.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have a request for a health reading from [8–30–2…Litchfield Park, Arizona]. She says ‘Aka, would you please give me my exact birth date and also a health reading?’”

(Pause.) The information which is given is incomplete. Data does not compute.

Soul Ray now grows tired. And therefore, we should say unto you, blessed be the name of the Lord. Blessed be the name of His children.

Beware of the winds and the rains that should come from the south. Prepare, now, for the winds that should come from the north. We have told you before that pestilence and famine — you are continuing to suffer from radioactive fallout throughout the lands. What is put adrift is much as a field that has been seeded. The seeds should return and return again. More than radioactive material shall fall upon the land. The continued placing of the imbalance within the molecular system of the human and animal substance cannot long be tolerated.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


October 15, 1976

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner, for we should tell on thee the parable of the Roman Empire, the greatness and the power.

For in the beginning, there was a city, who brought forth, as many cities had before, a democratic rule for the people, by the people. Each person was represented in their congress and in their senate. In the beginning, there was a leader, much as you would have a president and a vice-president. But soon the domination by powerful forces sought for their own end, dominated the senate. And then to further their domination they did make an Emperor out of their leader, and to further their domination they did conquer, and put themselves above all nations.

And then came forth the one known as Jesus Christ. And the hoards did come from the north and did destroy the Roman Empire. But the Roman Empire was not destroyed from without; it was destroyed from within, from greed — from greed of power, from greed of men who would make themselves gods, from greed of men and women who the law did prevail for them, but for no one else. A Roman could not be accused without a fair trial. But if you were not a Roman, it was a completely different story.

You, of the American people, are the modern Romans.

Before the Romans there was the continents of Atlantis, and the empire of Atlantis, and it did rule — only to be destroyed from within. The destruction was not the sinking of Atlantis. The destruction came forth long before, by the corruption within the minds and the hearts of the people. They did not say, “What can we do to stand before our God and do servitude into Him?” They did not say, “What can we do to stand before our nation and say, ‘What can we do to serve you and better our nation?’” Instead they said, “Which god will give us the most? Which god will let us have our own way? Which god allows us to become gods?” Those were their thoughts, and those were their follies, for there is but one God, one true, loving God. If He did not love you, He would have turned His back upon your folly long ago. There has not been but one Atlantis. Civilizations have blossomed upon this Earth for over two billion years — only to reach their golden age, and in the midst of their golden age, their own laziness, their own childish efforts have destroyed their civilizations.

There have been many religions come and go upon the face of this Earth, but the true philosophy of God has remained, and been kept whole, and passed on from civilization in dust or in castles, throughout time. It has been said, there is no new knowledge under the universe. This is true, for all knowledge has been covered and uncovered many times. The words we speak to you now have been spoken before, yet they have felle* upon deaf ears.

But we say unto you, hark — for those who have ears to listen let them listen; for those who have eyes to see let them see. But use beyond the normal sense you call your five senses. Use the sixth and the seventh, for within you lies the Seven Spirits of God. In the use of these, as the rays of the sun should strike the earth, so you, as mirrors, may reflect back unto the rest of mankind that hidden place within your mind where God always dwells.

If you shall stand as one nation, under God, then other nations shall stand the same. Much as you have formed your organization, ask not always what it may do for you, but ask what you may do for it. We have said unto you, the temple of God is within man. One man standing alone is but one man. Each time that is multiplied its strength and endurance shall become stronger and the fibers shall become interwoven. And the new heaven and new earth promised unto you shall come forth, and the thousand years of peace shall come forth. [See The Revelation, chapters 21–22.]

Changes in both your eastern seaboard are soon at hand. Further changes on the western seaboard of this country are soon at hand. Further earthquakes, tornados, and hurricanes shall rack the earth. We shall say unto you, upon this earth soon you shall not think in terms of 8 points upon your Richter scale, but 10, and then 12. A breaking away of the land, land rising from the sea, land shrinking into the sea, all of these things have already begann** [begun].

There are those who would say in the year of 1977 and 1978, a finalization. We say, nay. The land will change until the year of 1999. Northern Europe shall be separated. The British Isles shall become part of the European Continent. That that you call the mainland of China shall separate. The land of Africa shall part as though fingers have been run through it. South America shall split and shift. In the midst of all of this can be pure working together, strengthening themselves, inter-winding, interweaving and becoming stronger fibers, or they can fall away and become part of the waste that may die in a polluted land.

But we say unto you, your earth has changed its form many times. Man has survived. He shall survive again. But shall he come from the caves of the earth, or shall he come with the knowledge of today and tomorrow into the tomorrows? Shall he reach out his hand in union with the universe and universes and galaxies, or shall he shrink once again, and look upon those from other planets as gods? Shall he again be so foolish as is fabled in your Greek mythology and create gods out of other people from other planetary systems? Which shall it be? Or shall you link hands and grow, not into one nation upon this Earth, but one nation upon many, many planets?

The Sword poses above you. It can slice the land and separate it. On the other side of the sword, it may separate men. They may become hungry, and savage as dogs. Or they may become bound together under a great brotherhood of man and woman as a union. [See The Revelation, chapter 19.]

Your years are not far away from this year of 1999. As we have said before, we have come but for one purpose, the coming, and the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. The day shall come, and in your right hand can be that of the Messiah. Or he can be taken back unto the heavens, and you shall have 3,000 years of darkness upon the earth. [See The Revelation, chapter 12.]

Which shall it be?

The Lord, God, has placed into your hands free choice. Which shall you take?

In the beginning He placed into your hands your choice to choose death and life, a never-ending process. He has never taken from you that choice. He gave unto you the body, the soul, the spirit, and the holy body; that, unto itself, as you were created, “of their kind, of their likeness,” so it was good. It was your choice to choose your way to climb the ladders. It was your choice to find your ways of worshipping into the Lord.

We have come not to change [your ____] — or take from you your freedom of choice. We say unto you, look beyond yourselves. Look beyond this day, for tomorrow is forever, and forever is eternity.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question for [8–350–2…Sun City]. And she asks, ‘Could you please give me my exact birth date?’ And also she requests a health reading.”

Yes, we see thy need. The birth time was 8:46 — or at the time the date would be, in the Year of the Cow, in the Century of the Dragon, in the Day of the Horse, in the Hour of the Moon, in the Second of Scorpio.

You ask for a health reading. First we would say unto this one, that of the hardening of the arteries is the predominant factor, which is causing the loss of both the hearing and the eyesight. The lack of vitamin substance in the system is also causing the aging process to be excelled. The intake of pollution substance has caused scar tissue of both lungs, and slight asthmatic condition. We find that of a yeast infection, or staph infection, the vaginal region. We find very poor circulation, impairment of the respiratory parts of the organism. We find that of the growth of fatty tissue in both the left hip and right breast. These in themselves could cover further complications.

We would suggest the use of the sage tea in substance. We would further suggest, because of the arthritic condition within the substance, the use of that of the Yucca baccata in the right use which has been brought forth under our direction. We would further suggest the use of other vitamin substances; these substances [in] exact substances could be brought forth from soul Ray in the awakening state.

This is all on this subject at this time. One moment.


We further find a thyroid, on the left side, an over — a small growth tissue in this substance, not malignant.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [7–320–1] — ”

One moment. There is other information on this subject [8–350–2] of a confidential nature. We would suggest that this subject come forth unto soul Ray that this could be discussed.


Now you may continue.

“All right. [7–320–1…Salem, Oregon] asks, ‘How can I best prepare for the times of destruction that will be happening in the earth, and is this a safe place?’”

We would say unto you that in the near future, upon your coastline, approximately less than 45 miles in one proportion and 150 miles in another proportion, severe earthquakes shall occur. These shall cause definite changes in the earth’s structure, which should fall inward into the coast itself. In the region of Northbend could become a relatively safe place. There are other areas that could be by far safer, but if proper precautions were taken, structure of building, storage areas, for both water and food substance — yes — the location could be made safe.

But we would suggest that come forth under the wing of the Eagle, and in such a way you shall find the binding together of the fibers of other people. Start study group sections. Let your needs be known to the National Association, and in this manner you could be supplied with the knowledge you need in full detail.

But remember, a structure, whether it be man or a building, can only be as good as its foundation.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [8–351–1…Icehouse Canyon] asks, ‘Will my husband find work on land so he can be home instead of at sea, and also will I lose all of the excess weight I have gained in the past seven years?’”

To the first question we shall answer in this manner, he shall find that that he seeks, but not in the abundance that he seeks for. In the second part of your question, follow the directions soul Ray has given unto you, and you shall receive that that you ask for.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [6–290–5…Litchfield Park, Arizona] asks, ‘I would appreciate any message the Father would have for me. Thank you.’”

First we should say unto thee, the healing thy seek shall come. Of a physical nature, we are facing two problems — one, that of approaching of menopause; the second, of that of a man-made virus which still hangs into thy body substance. We would suggest that soul Ray bring forth unto the Aloe Vera laxative form, and using of this in two-ounce substances in that, that the elimination system may be cleansed; the using of the Wonder Loss substance to stabilize the blood and losing of the weight; the use of the Vitamin C Cough [Syrup] substance, that as this be brought up, the body in its biochemical condition should be excelled into such a way that the destruction of the disease may be come about.

Third, we should answer unto thy question unto this manner. The Lord, God, looks upon thy need, for you have come in faith, as you have asked in faith. Fear not, for you are not forgotten. Blessed be the name of the Lord; blessed be the name of His children.

Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: *“Felle” is a Middle English term for fallen.

**“Begann” is possibly a Middle English term for begun, since “beginn(en)” means begin.

Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1976, by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


November 5, 1976

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Glory is the light of compassion. Yet compassion without forgiveness is not love. And love without hope and faith is not complete.

If you should walk into the forest and examine each plant that should grow there you should soon know the meaning of compassion, hope and faith, love and forgiveness. If you should walk into the desert, one day it should spring forth into flowers, yet the seed that has produced the flowers may have laid dormant for many years, waiting with hope and faith that the compassionate rain should fall upon it, that the earth should nourish it, that the sun should bring it strength. All of these things God has placed before you in such a manner that no matter where you go upon the earth or beyond it you should always know of His compassion, His love, His hope, His forgiveness.

We have told unto you many parables. We have said unto you, stand beneath the cross and let a drop of blood touch your forehead, and you should know the true meaning of love. We have explained it to you in many ways, for we know that you, who speak many tongues, are each different, yet alike. We have brought it forth that from whatever path you have reached to our Father’s many mansions that you might understand. Yet still we do not see within you the full understanding of our purpose.

Therefore, we have chosen this time to once again say unto you, be as a light. Be as the mirror. Reflect unto your fellow man the love and the compassion, the hope and the faith, and the forgiveness that God has placed unto you. And when your fellow man sees these things, he shall see God.

For into the smallest thing upon your earth lies a miracle. Before you every day miracles are performed. But the greatest miracle of all is love and understanding, one unto another.

Quite often you say unto your fellow man, “This was my understanding.” Have you truly bothered to stand and look, and see that both of you should understand the same thing in the same manner? Have you bothered to look at another man’s choice or path, ever though it may not be your own, unto his worship of the Lord, God?

You have made wars over the meaning of love. War and love do not march together, yet they are the opposite sides of a Sword.

Quite often you say unto yourselves, “I love this person, but I do not like them.” Then, is it in truth that you love?

To know these truths cannot come from the words we say; they must come from within you. If you would stop and meditate upon your blessings each day what a wonderful world you would have, for none would go hungry or without. Your cup would runneth over.

We have come but for one purpose, that purpose is the preparation of the coming of the Messiah — in that preparation, the importance of planting the seed of love in mankind.

But we do not come to bear false witness, and therefore, we should say unto you, many changes shall take place upon your Earth. Nations shall fall, and nations shall rise. But for all nations who should stand before their God, in truth, shall stand, for the God shall be the same unto all, and His love for His children is the same for all, for does not the sun and the rain fall upon all in equal proportions? Your choice to the amount of sun or rain that should fall upon you, you make that choice. Is it not the same way with the amount of love that you would receive from God?

When you pray unto the Lord, pray for your needs, not your wants, for as we have said before, we shall provide for your needs, to see that the preparation for the coming of the Messiah should be there.

Now we should say unto the one known as Ruth [2–30–2], healing shall be given; have faith. Glory be the name of the Lord.

You have many questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question, for a life reading from [8–352–1…Safford]. And she asks why her life has been so hard on her, and for further guidance.”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. We have before us the records of time.

We should find this one in the land of Lemuria. This land, in its highly advanced state, was one of the lands that the Sons of God did choose to populate. We find this one, who would worship, as you would say, the dark god, or the god of [Bly, Baal].

This land was not ruled with compassion, but harshness and bitterness. And first, as a young woman and then as a student of the arts, you never stopped once to see the heartache and compassion around you. Yours was a deliverance into the land, a taking of all the fruit of the land. This went out through your whole lifetime, through your marriage, and that that you taught your children.

You had heard that there were different ways, but you ignored them throughout that life plane, only to again re-enter in the land of Egypt, once again to be born in the land of plenty — and once again to have the chance to show the love and the compassion, the hope and the faith that you saw in the eyes of your servants. Yet, still you did not learn. You lived a long and healthful life.

And then we find this one in the land of Yucatan, once again with all the knowledge at hand. And as [the] Messiah did walk forth, and the Eagle did come before him to prepare the way, you sneered at the learnings, and of his teachings of compassion and love. You plotted when you saw the people [throwing] flowers in his path. Yet, you could not understand that he could see no difference in your high state than into the poorest hunchback. And when he left, you forced the people back into their harsh ways.

And now we find you in this plane and this time. You have come, not into the highest statures [status], into the ruling class, as you would call it, but you have come to bear the yoke of your past, that you might learn the love and compassion that you had not learned before.

Too often you have blamed all things that have happened to you upon someone who would bewitch you, when in truth, the only one who has bewitched you is yourself. Lay aside the hate. Lay aside the ill feelings you have for others. Give forth the love, the faith, the compassion, the hope, and the yoke you bear shall become light and loving. And those things that you should ask for shall be provided. But pray not unto the Lord for the destruction of another. But first stop, and look around you, and see the blessings that are at hand. If you should show these things as a mirror, you shall find that all those who have walked away shall return. For does not everyone stop and stand by a beautiful garden, or quiet pool, or a trickling brook. The quiet, gentle beauty touches within them true love, true compassion, true forgiveness, for it is a thing that is asking nothing from them, but giving all.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Aka, [7–317–1] asks, ‘What relationship does the spine have to spiritual progress?’”

The spine affects the human being that it may stand upright. And if the human being did not stand upright, it would support him to walk on his hands and his feet. As spiritual progress, if it was seared in half, it would still serve no purpose. The projected force of energy substance, in matter being reversed into anti-matter and matter again, may be drawn through the spine by the friction of the nerves. Cosmic energy substance may be drawn into the system and restored and projected through the spine. The spine affects every vital organ within the body, for every nerve which should come from the brain and return to the brain should go through the spine.

This is all on this subject.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [8–352–2], and is here tonight. She asks, ‘I have been advised by persons I trust and admire to give up my job and write professionally. I am not in great health and stress is causing me many problems. Is this the time to quit teaching and begin writing?’”

We would suggest the taking of the sick leave that is at hand, that the restoring of your health might come about. But a teacher you are, and a teacher you shall remain, whether through writing or standing before a class and teaching. At the present time, your health is the most important factor. We shall assist in the resurrection of the body substance and the healing of the same.

We say unto you, as Jesus said once before, “Destroy this body, and we shall rebuild it in three days.” We say unto you, the body is the temple of God. Respect it in such a manner and it shall serve you well.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, Soul Ruth [2–30–2] asks, ‘Are chakras real? Do they work?’”


We say unto you, our time grows short now.

New earthquakes shall once again begin their march from Alaska through the Siberians to the Mediterranean; from Alaska to Mexico, through South America, to the central part of the United States and Canada; through Northern Europe; through Asia.

We say to you, more hurricanes and tornado substance shall wrack the land of the Mexico continent. It is ripping away at evil seed. Give back unto those of the Mexican people the right and freedom that you have ripped from their beings, or war shall come. Beware of the wind and the rain that should come from the south.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Pestilence and famine shall reign. Yet you may change, at anytime you choose, its path.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


November 12, 1976

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For we shall say unto thee the parable of the dreamer.

For he rose upon the morning dew to walk upon the land. All around him stood beauty, all in new. The land did dream of milk and honey, yet not the dreamer, for in his mind he dreamed of cities far away. He dreamed of lands yet to be traveled. He dreamed of fields yet to be planted. And as he continued his stroll he walked by fields that were planted and were growing. And he looked upon the farmer and said unto him, “I see harvests in you beyond yours, and I know things beyond what you know.”

And the farmer, looking upon him, doubtful, said unto him, “If you know of these things, then pray, give them unto me, that I may improve my crops.”

“But nay,” said the dreamer, “if I linger long, then I could not dream of other fair things.”

He walked on into a forest, newly planted. And he said unto the forest man, “I dream of forests greater and bigger with a greater yield than you would produce.”

And the forest man said, “If you know of such knowledge, give it unto us that we may grow a better crop, that the seedlings we placed in the ground may become that that thy see. Share your knowledge.”

“But nay,” said the dreamer, and he walked on.

And there in a meadow he met a maiden fair. And he dazzled her with her [his] speech and said unto her, “For I shall go unto the greatest cities, into the great [metropolises], for I shall cross the oceans, I shall see the sunsets of many lands, and the sunrises of many lands.” He did woo her.

And love within her bosom was brought forth. And she said, “Take me with you.”

And he said, “Nay, for I have not the time, for there is much for me to dream of.”

And yet, another dreamer passed by. First, as he rose in the morning and looked upon the land each wonderment became a fascination within his mind. Today was a new world for him, new and joyful. And he did walk upon the land through the fields of the farmer. And he did examine each part — the grains, the cottons, the sugar beets, the canes — all things he did take into his mind’s eye.

And the farmer came unto him and said, “Are you a dreamer?”

And the man looked unto him and said, “Yes, I would suppose that I am, in my own way, yet my dreams, I am fascinated with all things.”

And the farmer said unto him, “If you have such knowledge, would you give it unto me?”

And the dreamer looked unto him and said, “Gladly.” And so, he did work with the farmer.

“But first,” he said unto the farmer, “we shall make a bargain. For my dreams and my thoughts I shall lay one-half of the cost of your farm before you. You shall lay your half, and the fruits of the labor we shall divide equally.”

And so it did come about.

From his new ideas, from his dreams, the farm began to yield. First, it was only in small percentages and then the percentages grew larger and larger.

And then one day the dreamer said unto the farmer, “I shall go on. Your crop has become abundant. Now I shall sell unto you my part of our dream.”

The farmer became greedy and began to bargain.

The dreamer looked unto him and said, “There is a day for bargaining and a day for dreaming. Today is not my day for bargaining,” and he walked on.

And as he passed a great forest that was newly planted, the forest man did come forth and said, “Are you a dreamer?”

His answer was the same. And he said unto the forest man, “I shall buy one-half, and pay one-half for the development of this new forest, and we shall split into one-half that which the yield should come forth.”

And therefore, he did teach the farmer, and the forester, as again, new knowledge. The trees did grow larger and faster, yet the earth became richer.

And then one day he said, “Now is my time to go on.”

The forester was an honest man, and the forester said unto him, “Then let me pay you for your ideas and for the work you have performed.”

The dreamer stopped and thought, and he said unto the forester, “Since you are honest, then today shall be my day for bargaining. Buy on a half-interest in the farm which borders your forest. I shall have you manage my half-interest in both the forest and the farm. One year from today I shall return, for I go now to seek another.”

And he did enter into the meadow and there he found the maid. He talked of his wonderful ideas. At first she was frightened for her experience before. She looked at him and said, “You are a dreamer.”

He said, “Yes, but I go now to build a city. Would you go with me?”

The maid went with him. He built the city. He built a nation, and then a world. He [yielded] from the ocean.

And in the year’s time he did return back. And there he found the farmer in jail, and he said, “Why is the farmer in jail?”

And the forest man said, “At first when you sent me here I thought I would come and meet an honest man. I have met a very dishonest man. He suggested many things that we purchase, and we did purchase them. Then he did steal of that proportion of the supplies and take it to another farm. And there, with your ideas and your money, he did build another farm. He did take from the tally of the crop and sell it elsewhere.”

The dreamer pondered upon this. And he said unto the forester, “I am not a judge; I am a dreamer who puts my dreams into reality.”

And then came forth the dreamer who had passed in the beginning, and they both said unto him, “Would you judge unto this man?”

And the first dreamer said, “I have judged, and I know more about judging than any other man.”

And they said, “Then judge this man fairly.”

The dreamer said, “I have not the time. But, for my time would you give me food, would you give me clothing?” And they agreed. Yet still the dreamer did not come up with the solution.

And so the second dreamer did say, “For it is said, ‘Judge not, lest ye be judged.’ Therefore, I leave the judgment unto the Lord, and the punishment unto the Lord. Take from the farmer all things that belong to you, forest man. Take from the farmer all things that belong to me. Leave him all things that belong to him. Leave him all things that belong to God and him.”

When they had finished and they walked away, he was left with the first dreamer who accomplished nothing and was going nowhere.

We have told you this parable for a reason. We do not sleep, as we have said before. For those who should interfere with the preparation for this work, we shall weed the garden.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have a request for a life reading for J__ B_____, who is here tonight….”

Yes, we see thy need, but we should say unto you, because of the state of soul Ray’s health at this time, our time shall be short. We would ask for specific questions that could be answered in a shorter length of time. This should be brought up at a different time.

Thank you, Aka. [5–206–2] asks, ‘We are planning to build on a hill at [2–30–3]’s clay pit. Do you see a good water source and where? Thank you.’”

Nay, we find no water in this area, only that that would have to be developed through the damming of canyons and the piping of other canyons into the well substance as a holding source.

“Thank you, Aka. [7–316–1] asks, ‘What group of archaeologists, or university, should be used for opening of the tomb and the artifacts?’ He’s referring to the tomb under the Yuma prison. Also, ‘When is our best time, or when should it be opened?’”

Under the laws of the state, the artifacts that lay under the Yuma Prison can only be done with the supervision of the state, of the University. This should be brought forth unto the University project as such. But the greatest uncoverer of artifacts shall be time. With one-year time, seepage shall occur in the Imperial Valley from the ocean floor, a slow, gradual widening of the Salton Sea, and soon, an inland sea. As this should take place, new eruptions shall occur in this region. At that time nature shall uncover that which thy seek.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, he has another question. He says, ‘I have frontage property in Yuma, Arizona. Should I get a long lease or should I sell it? He says he is located a quarter-mile south of the California border.”

We would suggest the selling.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [1–317–1] who is here tonight asks, ‘When will we need the bottled or the stored water?’”

Water shortages should and can occur at any time that your electrical source is cut off in this region. This could happen at any time.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [8–353–1] asks, ‘What was the direction and what purpose did the dreams I had received in the year of 1972, starting in the summer of that year till fall in that place of Browning, Montana?’”*

It did bring forth the thought and the direction of the time and place thy sit this day. We say unto you, it has been your free choice. Look upon the Eagle and know him, and know he comes but for one purpose, for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. Bring forth that of yourselves and others. As one hand links unto another, the Spiritual Philosophy of God shall endure, and so it should become a Universal Philosophy. All is reaching to God in the preparation for the coming. This shall take many hands in many places. Yet if you should come unto one house, your strength with each new part should become stronger even yet.

You do not fully understand our words. We would say unto you, look unto the Rose without Thorns.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [8–553–2…California] asks, ‘I wish to know what happened to my brother, S_______, when he disappeared in August of 1972.”

We would suggest this question be brought unto soul Ray in private consultation.

You have other questions.

“Yes, Aka. One moment. [8–353–3] asks, ‘What does the next year have in store for me? ____ ____? Any spiritual development? New home?’”

We would say, a new location — and unless certain changes are made, no spiritual development. We would suggest that you should reach forth and you shall find that which you seek.

Now we should say unto the one known as [7–317–1], that which you asked for was given, even the name, A Psychic Gift before the Dawn. Yet no progress. Doors have been opened only to be closed by yourself. Decide that which you want, for others shall come and the books that we desire published shall be published.

Soul Ray now grows weary.

We shall say unto you, none but ministers and teachers may serve upon the Board of Directors. Let the Shepherds come forth and clean their house.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona

*Editor’s note: See the question from [1–21–72–002] on January 21,1972, and the June 30, 1972, guidance at the end of the reading, with accompanying testimony of another (this editor) of what happened June 15, 1972, near Browning, Montana, when God, Aka and Ray saved a life and led her to Globe to also do this work. See the note and link after the next reading.


December 3, 1976

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

Yes, we see thy need and we should say in this manner, for we should say unto thee the parable of the man who would be pharaoh, the man who would become, and be called, [a] living god.

As his father came unto illness and he was named pharaoh, and his father did pass away, upon the same day of the next month he himself became ill. And he said, “Bring forth all my healers throughout the land, for I have not begot a son that should be pharaoh, and should I pass now, the line of pharaoh should be broken.”

And so, from throughout the land all the healers came. Yet none could bring forth healing unto this one. Each brought forth his own proportion of healing.

And finally, the head priest in desperation said unto the pharaoh, “Pharaoh, we hear of a man in another land who is of great healer. His methods are not the same as ours, yet some say his is greater than ours.”

And the Pharaoh [ ] said, “Then bring him unto me.”

But the head priest hesitated and said, “But Pharaoh, he shall not receive thee as a living god, for he worships but one God.”

And the pharaoh said, “Then he should worship me, and bring life and health unto my being.”

The head priest said, “Nay. You must understand this one, oh, Pharaoh, for he does not worship any man; he speaks of a one God.”

And the pharaoh did search back into all the knowledge. And he brought in his historians, and they did say, “Yes, once we did worship one God, and it was not a living god, it was a God that gave unto all and was the God of all. And we did drive this from our land because of jealousies among our priests, each wanting to become more powerful than the other. And we did lose the knowledge of healing and many of our arts because of it.”

And the pharaoh, that night, he too dreamed of a land and of this man. And he did say, “Then go, therefore, and bring him here.”

And so the priests did bring forth that that would be called the Star of the East [Note: the Dali Lama?]. And when the Star of the East did arrive, after he examined the pharaoh, he said, “In truth, Sire, the healing that thy need, and the disease that thy carry is the same disease that killed thy father. Let me bring forth one other healer.”

And the pharaoh said, “And how does he believe?”

And the Star of the East said unto him, “He comes of the White Brotherhood, for he is yet a child. Yet his healing is great and his knowledge is greater than I. For he comes from the land of the Israelites.”

And the pharaoh said, “Then bring this one to me.”

And the Star of the East said unto him, “Sire, this one, to cross your borders of the nations, should have to have the permission of the Roman Empire. And the Roman Empire, Sire, we do not think that he would, that permission would be given, for he lives now in a small town by the Sea of Galilee, and he works as an apprentice unto his father and a carpenter.”

The pharaoh rose and said, “You would bring such to me to heal me?”

And the Star of the East said, “Yes, Sire, for he shall bring unto the Earth a healing greater than all.”

That night again the pharaoh dreamed. And in his dream he saw a great eagle appear, and he did see a healing come unto the Earth. And when he awoken, he said unto the Star of the East, “For I am better already, it must be your healing.”

The Star of the East said, “Nay, only of a part.”

And he said to the high priest, “Then send unto this land for this lad, this healer of healers.”

And that night he did dream again of a great eagle, and its wings were spread, yet a golden ray did pass through his mighty wings. And that day a small lad and his mother did appear asking audience with the pharaoh, and they were turned away, when the whole city then grew unto darkness, and a wind blew from the wilderness.

And the pharaoh ran forth from his sick bed, and he said, “I feel the wings and the wind from the eagle. Who have you turned from my door?”

And they said, “Only a poor woman and a peasant lad.”

He said, “Bid them enter.”

And the lad did enter, and he did come in to him. And as the pharaoh reached out to touch the lad he did become whole. And all rejoiced.

And the lad looked long unto him and said, “I shall go now.”

And the pharaoh said, “Nay, you shall stay and rule, for you are a true god.”

And the lad said, “Nay, for I go but to do my Father’s bidding.”

And the pharaoh said, “Your father is a carpenter.”

And the lad said unto him, “I speak of my father’s Father.”

And the pharaoh still did not understand. And he did bring treasures forth, and the lad said, “Nay, I have little need for thy wealth, for the greater wealth is in my Father’s kingdom.”

And the pharaoh said, “Are you of royal blood?”

The lad looked unto him and he said, “I am the first blood. But my time is not yet. I must return unto my land, for I have yet to finish my schooling.”

And the pharaoh said unto him, “Then who is your teacher?”

And he did say unto him, “The Star of the East, the Star of the West, the Star of the North, the Star of the South have all come together to bring forth the greater knowledge, that I might bring forth a new coveth [covenant] upon your Earth.”

And still the pharaoh bidd* him wait, for he hungered for such knowledge. And he brought forth all his priests. And the Star of the East did stand beside the lad and the mother. And the lad did speak unto them.

And the pharaoh did say, “I shall send my armies to return with you that you might be safe.”

And the lad said, “Nay. For the day shall come when there shall be a resur­rection and this shall prove unto all mankind that life shall be as everlasting. For you once had a priest by the name of Ra-Tai who brought you great knowledge, yet you cast him aside. And once upon your land did dwell the land of the Eagle, and you cast this aside. And now the Eagle goes before me to cast away the ignorance and prepare the way, and his head shall be chopped away one day. Yet he shall go unto another land, and there your people, in the other land, I shall teach. And he shall go before me and prepare a way.”

But he said unto the pharaoh, “There are many healers upon the Earth.” And he spread his hand forth, and he looked unto all the priests and assistant priests, and student priests, from all the lands. “All of these have brought you healing, but the greatest healing of all has been the knowledge you have gained this day.”

And the lad left.

The pharaoh was determined to learn more about this, and then he brought forth the records of the journey of the Magi, the great and greatest of all knowledge, and he did learn of the birth, and all that went into the preparation, and he did marvel of such.

And as the years went by, his land was given abundance. Yet it lay in decay. And so he went forth into Israel and he asked all if they knew of the healer of Nazara.

And they said, “Have you not heard? He has risen. They have killed him; they have crucified him, yet he has risen. And some say he has gone unto another land.”

After he had journeyed into the Roman Empire and there paid his tidings unto the Romans, he left. Sadness was in his heart, yet a gladness.

And there, before he left, he heard of Peter who was teaching in this city of Rome. And he did meet with him. And Peter said unto him, “For in another day, in another time, the Eagle you have told me about shall appear. At that time he shall come forth to prepare a way. And peace shall come between the land of Israel and the land of Egypt. There shall be wars and rumors of wars, but the Eagle shall prepare a way for his coming. And you shall prepare a way to protect his coming.”

And so the pharaoh journeyed home.

Peter, in his departing words, said, “I shall leave this Earth in the same manner, only I shall be crucified upside down.”

As Peter looked unto him he knew that his reign and his time was over, for the Romans had already prepared to slay him on his return journey. Yet with the knowledge he had gained, he knew that no man could take it from him. No one could harm the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body.

And a star appeared before him, and it came together as four. And the young man, who had been unto a man, appeared before him, and said unto him, “Walk with me now.” And so it was. And he said unto him, “Walk with me now, and you shall walk with me again.”

We have told unto you this parable, for soon you shall celebrate the birth of Jesus of Nazara. And all shall have gladness within their hearts. And they shall show good will toward men. But must it be for just one day? The Lord said, “MAKE THE SEVENTH DAY HOLY, AND REST.”

And so it is. Rest should be upon the seventh day for the body, but for the soul and the spirit, it should be of all seventh, as the Seven Spirits of God should enter into thy being.

We have also told you this to tell you that where we come from we do not sleep. We are here but for one purpose, and that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.


Think upon our words. Think upon this parable we have brought forth unto thee. You shall find wisdom within it. And you shall find a part that you shall carry from here unto the many cities that thy shall travel, from this day forward.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes Aka, I have a request for a life reading for [6–284–4…Globe].”

We have told her the middle. Now, we shall tell of her of the beginning.

We find this one — yes — the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

We find this one born in the Year of the Dragon, in the Century of the Lizard, in the Day and the Month of the Cow, in the Hour of the Tiger, in the land that thy now call Australia. For, as a young lass, even then she did look unto many lands, for there was great crafts that scurried the heavens and the earth, and she did long to travel. And she had heard of the great city of Ur that she should travel unto, and of the people who lived in this great city who had brought such knowledge and gifts unto the land and unto the Earth. Yet there were rumors that all would disappear beneath the land, of great disturbances upon the earth, and the earth would change its face once again.

She did study in her universities, and as adulthood came, she chose pro­fession as the physician. For this she would soon travel into the land of Ur. She had cross feelings, for she loved her parents and her brother[s], and yet, there was much talk that a woman physician, how could such be of a healer — and even yet, of a surgeon?

And she heard that before her departure, the great priests, Ra-Tai and Arcan, would visit unto her land. And they did gather in a great dome to hear the lectures.

And Ra-Tai walked out among them, and he pointed up, and as he pointed up, a light appeared above her, and he said, “Let this light guide unto you, for I give unto you the light of the Eagle. When you leave the land of Ur come unto the land of Egyptan.”

Her parents knew not what to say. Now there could be no denying her, for a gift had been given to her, and all rejoiced around her.

And so she traveled forth unto the land of Ur. And even in the land of Ur, due to the customs in that land, she was held in [least] esteem. Yet, soon the years of teaching were to pass, and she said, “Now I must go unto the land of Egyptan.” Bidding all there farewell, and hating to leave once again, for the love she had been given by such a gentle people.

And so she went forth. When she reached the land of Egyptan she found both knowledge and ignorance. And she was brought into audience in to the great priest, Ra-Tai. And he did say unto her, “What have you learned, my child?”

And she said unto him, “I thought when I reached the land of Ur, and the knowledge that came unto these people, and from these people unto me, there could be no greater knowledge. Yet I am here, and I see the Temple of Beauty, and the Temple of Sound and Color and Healing, and the great work that is being performed there. Which of these am I to be assigned to?”

And he said, “None. For you shall linger here but a short time. For we shall send thee into the land of the Eagle, and there thy shall learn even of a greater healing.”

The small craft left with her, Ra-Tai, and a small group of other students, soon to land into this magnificent land. At first your impressions were of the magnitude of the plant life, and the abundance of food that the ground would yield. You were also much impressed with those who worked and went about their day-to-day duties in the performance of teaching, and of being students, yet all worked in their own way, yet with a gentleness. Yet, you had yet to see or meet the one called the Eagle. And they said unto him, those of your teachers, “Why do they call this the land of the Eagle, and this of the master teacher, that of the Eagle?”

And your teacher said unto you, “We know not, only the legend that he came of another planetary, and there, upon this Earth, he did bring forth his first karma.”

And you heard that night in the auditorium the lecture that he gave. The preciseness of his knowledge of the human anatomy and the healing brought awe unto your mind, yet the wonderment of his words when he said, “I am here but for one purpose, and that is the preparation of the coming of [the] Messiah. If you here, you have heard the healing of the body, yet there is a greater healing that must come with that, for if you do not bring forth the healing of the soul, and the spirit, then you have not healed at all.”

And one by one spoke up and said, “But is not this better not left unto the eldest priest?”

And he looked unto you, and to the others and he said, “And what is a priest? Is he not a healer, a physician, for he heals and brings healing and knowledge unto you of God.

“Soon this land here that we stand upon will be gone, and wasted away, for war shall come unto the land, and Ra-Tai shall leave and be driven from Egyptan, and we shall depart. And the last of these schools you shall not see again until in the valley of the Dead Sea, there shall be erected a school once again, and there I shall be a student.”

And he bidd* you all farewell, and all the things he said did come to pass. And you rallied beside the priest, Ra-Tai, and went into exile with him.

And then, the day that he was asked to return — and the land of Atlantis had passed beyond, when he did make preparations for the storage of the knowledge. And you asked unto him, “I know that some of the priests shall be asked and you shall go unto this, of the great knowledge chamber, to close it from within, to seal it, the time capsule which will wait on man’s knowledge. May I go with thee?”

The priest said, “Nay, for now is the time you must go forth and be fruitful. Seek forth thee a husband and bear children.”

And you looked unto him and said, “But I am barren.”

And the priest said, “Not any more. For once again in a different time you shall come unto the Eagle, and he should spread his wings, and give thee comfort. And the mate of this time shall be your mate of that time.”

And when he left, you did not understand the words he had spoken. Yet a young physician walked by you, and as you bumped into each other he begged your pardon, yet your eyes did meet and meaning did come unto you. And he bid you to venture into his home to meet his parents. And it was the first time in a long time that you had felt the warmth and love of a family; [it] made you think of your own so far away.

And so, within time you did wed. He was an engineer and a physician, both. You bore children, and saw them pass on into humanity, and then you did pass from the earth, [the] both — both to stay in waiting.

Now we shall tell you the last. There have been many incarnations from the first unto the last. The greatest knowledge you have learned in this time — for you shall bring forth a child, and this child shall walk with the Messiah. And gladness you shall feel, and fulfillment, for your priesthood has but yet begun again.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [8–354–7]; he asks, ‘What direction does time move? Does it move clockwise or counterclockwise? Is the future born on the left or the right side of us?’”

(Chuckle) We say unto you that time is but a measurement [by] that of an invention of man. It is but a yardstick. Go beyond your yardstick. When you measure light, you think of it as a final measurement point. Go that unto anti-matter and you shall find it shall travel 20 times plus 20 faster than the speed of light. Go beyond matter and anti-matter into the cosmic energy substance and you shall find that it shall travel 466.6 times faster than matter or anti-matter, or the speed of light. Therefore, look into the infinity of all things, and say, that as man emits light, it shall turn, therefore, into anti-matter until it reaches the human brain, there to be brought back into matter form again, seen, emitted once again. So therefore, time shall go both to the right and to the left, for you shall find within the human substance that all energy bends both to the right and to the left, that that of the human being is nothing more nor less, the body substance, than that of electromagnetic, cosmic electric-magnetic generator — that, [it’s image], instilled within the human mind, fed both by air, light, sound, into the essence of all things.

We should say unto thee, into the further study of this knowledge, go unto that of C_______ McK_____ and look farther into the Archives, and you shall find an abundance of knowledge of the subject matter. But, in the searching for such knowledge as you should desire, we should add these words. Once thought is [emitted] it is immediately turned into anti-matter, until it reaches the next human brain, or humanoid brain. Now, the form of matter that it should expel should depend on that of the cosmic energy within the matter substance of such. Therefore, the atoms emitted, and the molecule structure shall be built around the same. The rate [per second], and the impulsation of the same, should depend upon both of the positive and negative ions which should be emitted into the cosmic energy, and brought forth, therefore, into the neutron, of the catalyst within such. At that point, all matter may be changed. A stone may be turned and cast into that of the humanoid, and the humanoid into the stone.

In other words, we say unto you, there beyond you, beyond this Earth, lies the vastness of galaxy, universe, and universes and galaxies, and dimension — beyond the human thought, for there is no beginning and no ending to time, nor is there to infinity. This would be the same as the multiplication of π [pi], in other words, infinity into infinity.

Yet, if you would take any measurement on your Earth, numerology or numerals, multiply by 9 and divide by 9, and you shall find that you have cornered time back into a measuring rod. This should give you your pyramid cube or inch.

Now, you have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [8–353–1…Miami, Arizona] asks, ‘What was the purpose, and from which direction did the dreams I had received in the year of 1972 in the summer till fall of that place of Browning, Montana, and what or where did this understanding I now hold in the dream world occur?’”

We say unto you unto these words, our Father has many mansions. Each is great to behold. Knowledge is brought from many sources. We say unto you, guides or guardian angels, as you would call them — if you should cut away thy arm, and asked to learn the use of the one hand or one arm in place of two, then those from both sides should be sent unto you, those who have lost their arm and learned how to use them as one in the place of two, both of the earth plane, and as you would say, of the spiritual or astral plane. Now, as your knowledge should increase and multiply, new guides shall be brought forth.

But we should say unto you, that knowledge was brought forth, as we did come forth, for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. Let all things and all boundaries, let them drop away. Bring forth your gathered knowledge. Bring forth the love, compassion and hope and faith from without the whole world.

Soon, if the Eagle does not spread its wings — this land of yours, this of America, this of the United States of America — if it does not spread its wings, the land of Mexico shall be its greatest loss. If your politicians do not act and act suddenly, this land, which is free to worship God, yet has dictators within it, shall be gone. For we have said before, the Fifth Angel walks upon this earth. Now is a turning point for this land. If war should come forth, which now is ready to strike in the land, then pestilence and famine shall soon follow, and earthquakes shall rattle the land and divide it, and parts of it shall go beneath the sea.

We say unto you, this was the purpose of your dreams. The land, this land is a safe land. We have made it so for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. But it is not that we do not weep for all the land, all the people.

We have sent and divided soul Ray’s presence into many of your minds. Some of you have seen him here, seen him there. We know that he could only endure physically to such a proportion unto each of you; therefore, this has been our way of the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And each of you shall feel his presence even before you have met him, in a physical [such], but the spiritual being shall be there, for as we have said before, we do not sleep. We shall bring light where there is darkness. We shall uncover that that is hidden. Ask and you shall receive.

Glory be the name of the Lord, our God. And glory be the name of His children and their many paths unto the Lord.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: *Bidd(en) is a Middle English term for bade.]

Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona

Note: In June 1972, the Lord and the spirits of Aka awoke Ray in Globe, Arizona, to reach out with his mind in answer to a prayer and save the life of a young woman (this editor) traveling near Browning, Montana June 15, 1972, because I had asked for him guidance January 21, 1972. (See the fourth question January 21, 1972 and the last message on June 30, 1972, as Aka reached and spoke to me in Montana in the hospital, where they made their presence known throughout the month after the wreck. See “The Greatest Secret the Universe Knows.”)

Perhaps this person in Montana in 1972 had experienced spiritual guidance in dreams during this time that the vast spiritual messengers of God, which dwell within Ray’s mind, made their presence known, for as God’s messengers, they would see the needs and give guidance to all who would “have ears to hear” and “eyes to see,” not just to one. It is said, “Ask and you shall receive.” And so it was, for us and hopefully others. You may still ask and receive.


December 10, 1976

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka, where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner, for we shall tell unto thee the parable of the altar.

Long ago, there came a holy man from the mountains into the valley. And there he did build his altar of stone. He had no graven images, only a simple altar, a house of God and blessed by God. But those of the valley laughed at him, for they had great temples with great graven images. And as he went about his day-to-day tasks, to heal the sick, they came and they did destroy the altar.

He came back, and there he found the altar stones, he had placed each with loving care, strewn about. And upon the earth were marked words unbefitting, or even to be spoken.

He rebuilt his altar with the same love and without hate.

And then there came another day when he would, had ventured forth to heal the sick. And those of another religion did come forth and destroy his altar, and again placed foul words upon the earth.

Again he did rebuild his altar with the same love and care as before. And he prayed unto the Lord, and he said unto the Lord, “Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do.”

The Lord looked. He looked upon the temples, the mighty buildings, and He looked upon the simple altar.

And then they did come again and destroy the altar; this time they did beat the holy man. And when they left, the holy man, with blood that dripped from his body, began once again to rebuild the altar. And then the earth shook and the heavens opened, and all the mighty temples in the valley were destroyed. And the people ran about.

And they did come unto the little temple, the little altar. And they said unto him, “Your altar has not been destroyed this time. Why was ours?”

And he said unto them, “You have defiled my Father’s house. Yet you could not destroy it. Only you can destroy the temple of God. For, much as you, I have only built out of stone, a place befitting myself for prayer unto the Lord. I did not cast stones at your places of worship. You have destroyed the temples of God of your own, for in destroying this small place you have destroyed your own temple.”

And they said to him, “Then it is you we should curse,” and they did pick up stones and cast it upon him. They did tear down his temple — only to see it reappear again and his body made whole again. And they grew fearful.


And they said, “And we have built mighty temples unto You; why do You not rebuild them?”


For those who have ears to listen, let them listen.

For this is a house of the Lord. It has been chosen. For those who should defile it, for those who should come in falsehood, even you shall leave with something, but you shall not destroy it.

But we say unto you, as those who destroy a small rock temple, a small place of worship, rebuild your own temple, and the God shall dwell within.

You have other questions, ask.

Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading for [8–355–1…in Phoenix]. She asks, ‘Please give any life reading data explaining my present interest in soul Ray’s work.’”

We shall not give a full life reading at this time. We shall only give you that at this time which should suit your need. For we shall tell unto thee that now is the time for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

As in the beginning we promised to serve your needs — and so, we brought forth into soul Ray the knowledge — and through us, and the Lord, our God, has been placed the gift of healing and the gift of knowledge. You have sought it out in many lives, in many incarnations. Do not cast it from thyself, or you shall cast part of yourself away, for that that was to be has been, that that was in the beginning. For has it not been said that “the last shall be first, and the first shall be last?”

And so it is.

Light begets light. Healing has been brought into your body with love.

This is all on this subject at this time.

Now we shall answer another question that is within the mind. There are those who think that this house could be possessed by any evil thing of Lucifer. And we say unto you, the only evil you have felt is that that you have released from yourselves.

We would protect this, our instrument. We would protect this, the house unto which we have directed the instrument to serve. There are those who should never sleep who should watch upon the house. And for those who should bring into this house that that should defile the house shall reap the benefits of their deeds. We have said before, we should weed the garden.

We say unto thee, hark, and listen.

We have brought unto your lives love. But we should say unto thee, we have brought unto your lives your needs, not all of your wants.

We should say unto thee, look unto the south, the land of Mexico and Panama. As before, we have warned you when there was danger. Do not enter these lands, for war and rumors of war now stand ready and shall soon spread upon those lands.

We should also say that new hurricanes and tornados shall come upon the eastern coastland of your land. Soon, in the land of the Californian other earthquakes shall occur.

Your weather shall continue to become severe. Prepare.

But for those who should seek, we shall give the protection that is necessary. But we say unto you, if the Lord, God, should give unto thee the water and the food for you to venture into the desert, and you should leave them behind, and go unto the desert, do not expect the Lord to provide a second time.

Soul Ray now grows weary.

We say unto you, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

But we also say unto you, now is the time of the Cherubim.

And the Council shall see, and the Lord, God, shall see, and man shall see. But for those who are young and foolish, beware, for we shall lay waste unto those who should bring disgrace and dishonor upon this of the work at hand.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona 85502


Study the readings from each year from the 1970 to the 1989 in this publication, The Words of Aka, spiritual messengers of God.

How did the readings begin? See “We Give This Message from Our Father.”

See all the articles in the publication on, “A Stairway to Heaven.”

Would you like to join the Association of Universal Philosophy the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, asked us to form? Here’s how. Then send us an email at or, or message us on our Facebook page, Association of Universal Philosophy, to let us know where you email your newsletter, “Rays of Philosophy.”

All of these readings have been gathered together for you in three books — the philosophy, the past-life readings, and health readings — as the Book with Wings series. Study and learn from them this way.

And be blessed!


The readings began on April 3, 1970, as the brightest light in the heavens was passing over for all of Earth to see. Ray’s wife grabbed a hand held tape recorder when she heard him whisper: Not Ray.

“Who then?” she asks her unconscious husband who had never spoken before in his coma-like epileptic seizures.

Body — spirit — soul — God! Many worlds — many universes — many galaxies — like pebbles on a beach, so vast — each galaxy set up for man’s expansion, a voice first whispered through Ray’s unconscious body April 3, 1970.

The voice continued for the next several months when Ray went into a trance, as he had learned to do with the help of a hypnotist, to ease his pain. On July 15, 1970, it said: Now, thy would ask again of us, who comes to you, and from where we came? For we were sent for one who asked God. And he who sent [us] and asks did say, “Father, send Thy these who would teach, and send Thy these who would know of my Father.” [See John 13:14–17, 20; 14:1–5, 15–21, 27–29; John 16:16–19,22–24, The Revelation of John5:1–7.]

There were those before him who did the same….

We have made ourselves known to you as our Father has suggested. For we call, as thy would call it, ourselves, “Aka.”

Think thee of the first of the name, Aka, and thy will think of the Almighty. Think of the second of the name, and thy will think of the word, karmic. Think of the last of the name, and thy will think of the records, the records which are kept from the beginning, of all planes, of all knowledge, which man was born and born again. This knowledge, as our Father gives us permission, we should give of thee.

We give this knowledge so that man, all of man, would know the love of our Father. And by knowing of the love our Father has to give, of the tears our Father sheds, that all man, of all religions, should come to our Father together in peace and love.

For we have said before, when thy pray, pray for guidance. This, in itself, is the ending of a karma. Pray for acceptance of thy brothers and thy sisters….Can thy understand of what we tell thee?…

Then, it does not matter how you spell of this. But if all of you here could agree upon this one simple thing, then you have taken one step closer to our Father.

Aka said, July 25, 1970: You ask a translation of our words. [Then] [We] speak of this translation and we should answer, for permission has been given. Then, we would say in this way. In the beginning, your world is part of a greater world; your universe is part of a greater universe — and as the worlds, and worlds to be, and worlds who have passed into nothingness, and shall pass into nothingness, were created by our Father, created — the rays which shine from always our Father, these are from which we speak.

And thy ask of how we speak? Remember, in the translation between your time and ours, between your plane and ours, our Father said, “SPEAK.” Our Father made His choice of the instrument.



The Words — of Aka, spiritual messengers of God

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.