The 1977 Readings

The Words — of Aka, spiritual messengers of God
172 min readAug 15, 2020

January 7, 21; February 4, 18, 25; March 25; April 8, 15; May 6, 13; June 1, 11; July 8, 22; August 5; September 2, 21, 30; November 25; December 2

We have told you before that now is the time of the great Sword, that that shall strike away and divide the earth. And it shall change its form. We have told you of the other side of the Sword that shall cut away man. And some shall go forth to prepare a way for the coming of the Anti-Christ. And some shall go forth for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. For those who go forth to prepare the way for the Anti-Christ, most of them already wear their mark. And it shall be six times sixty-six. And the coming of the Messiah’s sign shall be seven seven seven [777].

“We have told you why we are here. We have said unto you, now is the time for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. We have also said unto you that nothing from either side shall interfere with this. And it shall come forth that the Beast shall lose its head. The one we have put forth for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah shall strike forth the blow unto the Anti-Christ, and the one that should prepare the way for his coming. Yet the Anti-Christ shall [grow] forth, and his reign shall be lean because of the blow that [shall] be struck. And for those who shall not wear the mark of the Beast shall rise and build a new world and a new heaven, and a thousand years of peace shall come upon the earth, but not as you count, but as our Father counts. For each day shall be as a thousand years. In other words, one day shall represent one thousand years. Yes, I still see the doubt within thy mind. In other words — In other words, it should take one thousand of your days to make one day of God’s.

“Yet we say unto you, if we are not successful, the Anti-Christ’s reign shall come and go, and three thousand years of darkness shall enter upon your earth.

“There are those of you here who would take our words lightly. There are those of you who would try to strip the words and change their meaning for their own benefit. And we say unto you, woe be unto you, for it is your soul that you have damaged, your spirit that you shall strip away.” (Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, September 30, 1977)


January 7, 1977

Globe, Arizona

[Aka is here.]

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner — for we should say unto thee the parable of the gift of love.

As the year did end and the flocking season of the sheep did come unto completeness, each of the owners of a flock would take from their best of lambs, to take it and donate it to the one who brought them healing and the words of God. And they were called rabbis, or teachers.

And the rabbi, in turn, always blessed each and every one. And he said, “Not through I do I give these blessings, but from my Father. [From] the Lord, Jahveh [JHVH], should come the blessings unto you all.”

Yet there were some herdsmen who did it out of ritual. Some who did so with resentment in their hearts.

And then one day there came forth the one known to you as Jesus of Nazareth. And he did stand before the synagogue as the lambs were brought forth.

And the other rabbis did say, “Give them blessings.”

And as one [who’d] came forth, he knelt by the lamb and said to the herdsman, “Do you give the lamb for blessings from God, or do you give the lamb expecting nothing?”

The herdsman said, “I expect the blessings of God.”

Then he said unto the herdsman, “Then take back your lamb, for the Lord has no need of it.”

Another stepped up. And he said again, “Do you give this lamb for love of God, expecting nothing in return?”

And the next one said, “Nay, I expect the blessings.”

And still again he said, “Take back the lamb.”

As the day went on, one small boy came forth. And Jesus said unto him, “This is your whole herd. This is all you own, yet you have brought it forth. Then you and you alone could not expect to have your flock mature and multiply if you give it.”

And the lad said unto him, “You are wrong, for my flock shall multiply.”

And Jesus said, “How can that be so?”

And the boy said unto him, “For the flock I speak of is the same flock that you speak of when you speak of your Father’s mansions.”

And Jesus did kneel and he did give blessings unto all, and he did hand the boy back his lamb.

The other rabbis were very angry with Jesus. And they said, “The lambs that they have given offering could have been our food.”

And Jesus said, “But they did not come as a true gift. For to give is to be as a child, and if you should enter the kingdom of our Father, then you should be as a child.”

None could understand. And as Jesus left this place of worship, he noticed the lad with his lamb was still there. And the lad said, “I shall follow you.”

And Jesus said unto him, “Then come, and tell me what you should think of my sermon.” That sermon he gave that day was the Sermon on the Mount. When it was finished he laid his hand forth to the lad and said, “Behold, for your Father has returned your love.” And not only had the boy seen the true value of love, which he had known in the beginning, but did all the others.

And Jesus said, “Take thy flock and go unto thy father’s house.”

And as the boy began to walk, the flock did multiply, and [went] till it covered all the land that man could see.

The next day all the herdsmen were back demanding that Jesus give unto them what he had given unto a child.

Then Jesus said unto them, “I have given unto you all things that belong to you. I have given unto you all things that belong to my Father. You must give unto yourselves all things that belong unto yourselves. I have given you the blessings of my Father. Go and learn from the lad, and he shall teach you how to multiply your herds.” And Jesus walked away.

Behind him were not only the angry herdsmen, but many angry rabbis.

And the rabbis began to bargain with the herdsmen, and they did make many false promises.

As Jesus walked away, his disciples did walk beside him. And the disciples said unto Jesus, “What will become of these false prophets?”

And Jesus said unto them, “They have received in payment. And they shall give in payment the same thing that they received. For behold,” he said.

And a year did pass. And, the herdsmen were back again. And each had more sheep than the last year.

And his disciples said, “Then they did fulfill their agreement; they have multiplied.”

Jesus said, “Nay, not as the boy, for look yonder.” And there came the boy, and he was bringing back more sheep than he had taken away.

Jesus said, “For once again he is giving with true love. The priests, or rabbis, did not give of love from their hearts. The blessings they gave from God did not come from God; they did not come from their hearts. They came from their wants, their needs, their thoughts. The blessings that the herdsmen received, it was that that they wanted to hear. And because their herds did multiply normally, in a normal fashion as nature intended, they think their promise has been fulfilled. If you can give a gift, the greatest gift of all is love, in such a manner that you expect nothing in return. But if you give expecting a multitude in return, then you shall never receive, in truth, because you are not capable of receiving.”

We see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. There are many types of healing, and for those who should grieve, remember our Father has many mansions.

Glory be the name of God. Glory be the name of His children.

Soul Ray now tires. And therefore, your session shall be short.

You have the key now to the answer. Look farther into the meaning of seven, seven, seven [777]. It lays at your feet.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Note: This transcript was compared to the audio recording for improved accuracy.]

Copyright © 1977 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


January 21, 1977

Globe, Arizona

[Aka is here.]

Good evening, Aka, Where is Ray?

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner — for we shall say unto thee the parable of the father who had a very small farm and three very large boys.

The farmer found that by raising certain crops that he could do quite well. But as was traditional, and as each of the children grew of age, he laid aside so much land for each of them. And so, they each began to toil their own land. And the father went back to toiling his own land.

And now, the father was older, and his toil was greater because he had given the best stock, and the youngest stock, the youngest oxen to his sons. He was left [with] the older oxen, and their strength too had dwindled. Yet, he did not complain. He went to work.

And, as the days passed to weeks, soon his land was plowed, and in his traditional way he did give thanks unto the Lord, and then began to plant.

And after the planting was done, the three sons showed up, each complaining.

And the father said unto them, “Why do you complain? You complained before because you did not have your land. You complained before because you were instructed to plant here and [you] always had a full crop. Now each of you have your own field to toil.”

And the youngest said, “But my oxen are not trained well enough, they are too young. They know not how to pull the plow.”

And the next youngest said, “And my tools, and my plow bit are not at the right angle. They either dig in too deep, or too shallow.”

And the third said, “And the seed I have is not that of the best quality.”

And the father looked at them and said — to the oldest he said, “The seed you have is the same seed I [had].”

To the next he said,” I have taught you how to forge your plow bits. When I tried to teach you these things, you heard me not. Now you must stand and learn.”

And to the youngest he said, “You chose the animals that you wanted. Each of you chose the best from our herds, of oxen. Then why do you complain now?”

The three left. The father went on to cultivate the land.

And as his crop came into fulfillment, it was harvest time. And as he started to harvest his crop, the three sons arrived, each demanding a share. The father said, “I have given you your shares. I have given you all of my knowledge; I have hidden nothing from you.”

And the oldest said, “If you shall not give me my share, then I shall leave.”

And upon that, without giving his father time to answer, he did leave.

The father looked at the other two. He said, “Come, let us go and finish the harvest, and then we shall straighten out your crops. Let us work together.”

And so, the younger two did do of this.

The first year they kept their crops separate. The second year, they said unto their father, “Father we would reap a greater yield if we put all the land together once again and share it from all.”

The father agreed.

And so, as each year passed, one to the other, the yield became greater. Each did marry and bear children.

And then one day the eldest returned, and he said, “I have come to claim my birthright, for I am the first born.”

The father though upon this, and he called his other two sons. He said, “Your brother has come forth to claim his birthright. What say ye?”

The other two brothers thought upon it. But they could not decide.

And then he said, “Let us go unto the priest, and talk unto him.”

They went unto the priest, and the priest could not decide. And the priest suggested, “There is a wise man, who has given much good advice to many. Let us venture there.” And so they went forth.

And so, when they came before the wise man, the wise man asked them first, “Before you tell me your problem, will you abide by that that I speak unto you?”

The father and the two younger sons agreed readily. The eldest said, “It all depends on what you have to say.”

And the wise man said, “Then what you are saying, unless I said it in your favor, then you will not abide by this. Then what good should it be for me to talk at all?”

But the father said unto the wise man, “But we shall abide by it; therefore, we must know. If you shall not tell unto him, tell unto us, and the priest shall be our witness.”

And the wise man said unto them, “You, of the oldest, did throw away your inheritance. By throwing it away, you returned that that was given to you back unto your father. And your father, therefore, shared it in agreement, and through toil, with your brothers. And so I say unto you, give unto the Lord that that belongs unto the Lord. Give unto your brother that that belongs to your brother. But just as important, give unto yourself that that belongs to you. And in all ways you shall be serving the Lord. But if you give unto one everything, then there shall be nothing to share with the others, and there shall be nothing to share for yourself.”

You shall say unto me, “What could be the meaning of this riddle unto which he has just spoken?”

The riddle, or parable, should fit for the here and now, but not only for the here and now. A time of famine shall come upon the earth, worse than you [have ever] known before. If you do not see this, look yonder unto the eastern seaboard of your land. All around you the ground freezes. It goes into the deepest of sleeps.

Remember that springtime shall come and the harvest from your desert can feed the multitudes.

But we say unto you, all things within your governmental processes are yet to be turned right. New and vicious scandals shall come forth.

We say again, beware of the wind that should come from the south.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. The first question I have is in regards to the meaning of, “Beware of the wind that should come from the south,” are you talking about storm winds, or radioactivity, or what?”

We say unto you, as the winds should shift, and once again pass over, in the storm activities radioactive material gathered with that of what you would know as nerve gas, has been implanted into this. It is affecting your minds. It was done as an experimental purpose, at a time when the change of powers in this land, to see the vulnerability of this nation at that time.

The second wind that should come from the south is that of revolution and warfare, and the march of communists, which [could] come closer to your doorway. And soon, if it is not weakened, it shall come into fulfillment. But it cannot be defeated with straw swords.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Aka, I have a request for a health reading from [9–357–1…Phoenix]. She asks, ‘Dear Aka, I would like to have a general health reading, and what suggestion you can make so that I can prevent any health problems. My concerns at this time are varicose veins, eyes, and ache in my right arm. Thank you.’”

Yes, we see your need. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. Most of your problems have already been taken care of by soul Ray. That that you call varicose veins are not of that of such. This condition is caused by hardening of the arteries, which will not allow the blood flow to return back unto the usual manner. The suggestions that have been given to you at this time are now beginning to work.

The condition of the heart has been corrected.

The suggestion of the elevation of the feet while you sleep has greatly [enhanced] your condition. Further therapy in this line should be continued. The therapy has been good.

We would further suggest that within a short period of time, a full scan of the system be done in the laboratory here in Globe. This would ease your mind, and at the same time would help soul Ray in determining farther therapy.

This is all on this subject at this time.

“Aka, I have a question from [9–357–2]. She asks, ‘Please tell me what is to happen in the area I live in when the earthquake hits. Will there be any safe place in Northern California to be?”

Yes, there are safe places. There are places in the Yosemite valley. There are also other places in that that is known as the Lake Tahoe region, but it would be wise to be on the higher proportion or higher side of this, that we would say, closer toward Reno, Nevada, or that proportion known as Truckee, California. The problem with all of these places is the ability to raise or harvest food, for there is none there. This is the problem with most of the high, mountainous regions. They do not bring forth a bountiful enough fruit, or food, as you would say, to feed the multitudes as is needed. Next, the tools you would need to survive. And most important, that that would keep you from freezing to death. Take in account that of the Donner party. Look into its history. Those who were there have yet to restore themselves from this. Even through incarnation they bear the scars of the eating of human flesh.

Where shall we begin, and where shall we end? Where shall you run to, and where shall you hide?

We say unto you, the Imperial Valley will go first — gradual, slow, but it shall fill, and the river shall change its course. Then, from Eureka, California, downward, almost as you would draw a straight line, to San Bernardino, downward into the Gulf of Mexico, or to the Gulf of California, as you would call it, the splitting away of land. Land shall rise, yet fall again. Islands shall be made.

Then should come another splitting away. This should go farther over. You may draw a line from Reno, up into Oregon, down toward Kingman, and through your great dam there. This shall be the next breaking away.

Then, should come the breaking away of part of the Mediterranean area, and then the breaking away of the European area, but before this should happen, the breaking away of that that you call the New York peninsula. And it shall not form islands, for it should go beneath the sea.

You think in terms of fear. You have the knowledge. We have given you the information before every earthquake or hurricane or tornado-type storm, or any other thing that might harm you. All you have had to do is to listen and to utilize this information. In the readings you will find a great multitude of information on this subject. Bring it together, now, that it can be prepared and used by all of the people.

But remember, the earth has shifted itself many times. Man has lived. The manner unto which he should to survive is the question.

Survival is not the only thing. To survive without knowledge is to climb back into caves which you came out of. And how many times have you come from theses caves? How many times has your civilization [disappeared]? To not heed the warnings, [ignore what] is built upon our knowledge, what a great thing [has been] taken. That of your written words, that of how to do things — mineralogy, electronics, every one of your technologies should be preserved. Instead of putting riff-raff quite often in your time capsules, why do you not place technology, and [maps] to these, so that the people, and when the time comes, that these could be recovered?

We have told you to store of the food, to store of tools, but without knowledge, you shall survive, but for what — so that your race can go on?

In this day and this time of yours, when you are beginning to learn that the color and creed or another person’s religion is not what makes the person, it is what they are. Understand them. The time will come when you shall live together. Or shall you be as the last time, each separating into your separate races, each ready to make war upon the other, mistrust? You of the American people are the melting pot. You are that place where the best steel has been forged. Yet you have become weak. It is not how strong a man may hold a sword should be his weakness, but the lack of knowledge, that is he weakness — the knowledge to know when to use the sword and when to lay it down and use it no more.

Store, but do not be as a rodent to run and hide in the ground. It is written that “woe be on man,” for when this time comes, whatever you are doing, do not go back for your coast or your hat, but flee unto the mountains. And let it be said that it is also written, that pray that if it cannot be in the winter time, when the mothers are pregnant and heavy with child.

Each of you have thought in your minds of what kind of catastrophe could strike in such a way in this time that all of these things could be lost?

We would say unto you, the earth has been changing upon its axis since 1932. The earth’s shift is inevitable. War shall come, but it shall be stopped by natural catastrophe. But the Spartans of war, the rumors of war, wars in Quebec, wars in Mexico, all of these are made to weaken your nation, to weaken your people. Which shall you choose?

You are a free people. But the only reason you can remain so is of a government by the people, for the people. Through free enterprise, control your own lives. Do not let a government control you or you will have lost that freedom. Do not heed to all of these new things that people shall say unto you shall be the best for you. Look at them deeply, and then decide.

For those who shall make decisions to move to different areas, make the decision in a wise manner, that of means of making a living, providing for your families. All of these things must come first.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. We are here but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of a Messiah.

Soul Ray now grows tired. Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1977 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


February 4, 1977

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. As we have said before, the great Sword stands ready to strike. The Fifth Angel walks upon your land.

That that should plague the eastern part of your country has not yet finished. The atmospheric changes shall now come rapidly. We have told you before of the famine, and to prepare a way for these things. Your nation shall stand in the end. But famines and pestilence is upon you.

We have told you before of the safe lands. And for those who should prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah, a way shall be provided for all. We will see to your needs — not your wants, but your needs.

Now you must come together as one. Let all groups come together as one. Let all religions come together as one. Let all races come together as one. In this the land shall survive and prosper in the end. The earth shall change its form, as we have told you before. But man’s knowledge must come in such a manner that you should share unto all.

There shall be many who shall take advantage of this crisis, of this famine. For those we should say, woe unto thee.

Yet for those who should find brotherhood and a deeper understanding of each other, they shall find a deeper understanding of God, our Father. It is hard in your minds to understand, as the darkest days loom before you, that brotherhood can be born from the worst of things. Yet there is more to come. That that should come from the south shall swarm upon you like locusts. If you meet these crises with fear or panic you shall perish, and your land shall perish. If you meet these things in love and brotherhood, your land shall come forth and blossom.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, when you say that that shall come from the south as locusts, are you talking about people attacking from the south, or are you talking about people seeking refuge from the south?”

You shall find those, not only from Mexico, but from South America — all shall seek refuge. War is but a step away. They shall seek refuge, but some should come forth to bring their war into your own land. There is still time that a joining of hands, from the north in Canada, and from the south of Mexico and your South American countries.

We shall say unto you, that of Cuba should take advantage. They shall enter Panama as they already have. They shall enter Mexico, as they already have. But arms shall come forth.

Do not become an armed camp. Though diplomatic relations, and a true republic that could emerge throughout the North and South American continents, a joining of hands that should become one mighty arm.

If the people voice their opinions to the government, these things can still be stilled.

There are those who seek profit and a gain at the expense of their own countrymen. Within your own land, those of the east should soon swarm upon this land. Factories shall close. If the energy needs, which you already have the means for, are not brought forth, worse crises yet shall instill themselves — worse shortages, higher prices. These things, if a joining of hands were put together, would not be necessary.

You have other questions ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Aka, I have a request for a life reading from [9–358–1].”

Yes we see thy need. And we have before us the body, the soul, and the spirit, and therefore, we should find the immortal body of the same. And therefore, we have the records before us.

We find this one, in the first entry, in your land of Yahweh. She came as the first child unto the head of the council of the planetary system of Yahweh. And there was great rejoicing throughout the land. And the parents did dowen upon her many gifts. And friends did give dowen upon her many gifts.

And yet, as the wars were about to begin, and as the wars did come forth year after year, she grew into young womanhood. And as plans were made to leave these planets and the ships were made ready, she was chosen to go on the long voyage, [with] this land you call Earth. And she did travel with her father. And the time did come when war came upon this land.

Many times she had thought of marriage; yet within her work she wanted a person who could be as her father, yet she found none. And as the decision was made that some ships should go forth unto other lands, her father did call her to him, and he did say unto her, “I must send you from this land, that you may bear seed upon other lands.”

This she could not believe — to be separated. Yet, her father insisted. She left the land to venture forth unto the planet, [Quadren], there to live out her life. She did marry and bring forth children. Yet the link with her father, the mind link, was to remain. And even though she had been told that her father had chosen to stay that the others might go and live, and seed, her heart could never forgive.

And she waited reentry. And she did come into the land of Atlantis, and then did venture forth once again into the land of Egyptan, and there she did study under the great priest, Ra-Tai. And once again she was taken into the land of the Eagle. The Eagle received her as his own. And then, once again as war was to come, he sent her forth and said, “Plant your seed.”

Again she felt that she was being sent away because of a lack of love. Yet she went forth to bear children once again. But in her heart she vowed to bear no more children.

And then again, in the entry, as that of Jesus of Nazara did walk the land, she had walked with one known as John the Baptist. And once again, the knowledge and the feelings of the love of a father and a daughter came into fullness.

But John sent her forth and said, “Go and follow that of Jesus.”

And she said, “Nay, for you are the true Messiah.”

And he said, “Nay, for I am but here to prepare a way. Go now, for my head should soon fall, and this I do not want you to see. For I have sent you from me many times in the worst of tasks, yet that you should see the better side of the times. I send you not from me because I do not love you; I send you from me that you may grow and learn from the Master.”

And she said unto him, “How can this be so, when you are the Master?”

And he said unto her, “For, from the old times I have known you, and you were my daughter. The day will come when I should not have to send you. And you shall know that you are my daughter. The Lord has promised this. Yet, when that time comes, doubt shall come into your mind, and the decision then will be yours to stay or go. Yet the love I have, and have had throughout all these centuries, I shall have for you then, and you shall know of me, and I shall know of you.” And so, you did depart.

And when you heard the story of beheading, your heart was heavy. And you went in to the Master, of Jesus of Nazara, and did say, “Why cannot my father and I be together? Why should we be tormented?”

And Jesus did lay his hand upon your cheek and say, “The time shall come when I should leave you. But I leave you not because I do not love you; I leave you because I love you. And John did leave you because he loved you. And we both shall return unto you in a different time. Yet, when that time comes you shall know us not. It will only be then, when you can find us in your heart, when you can find within yourself the ability to say, ‘I love you,’ and feel it throughout your being.”

Because of the heavy work and burden of responsibility placed upon you in your other lifetimes, you have been afraid to face them in this lifetime.

There is much more we could elaborate on. There are many other lifetimes. We have brought forth unto you those that are most important. Within you possess this, the abilities your father had in the land of Yahweh, for he did train you then.

Your sister of this lifetime was a sister of before. And your brother, but you know this.

From these things we have said unto you, you will bring forth much memory. Make them separate, and then [yours] in truth can come down.

But we say unto you that spring shall come and many pathways shall be open unto you. The decisions that you make you must make them. We are not allowed to interfere.

You have many loyalties. You and you alone must make these decisions of where to place them best, and where to place the love that you hold bound up within your heart. You are afraid this time to reach out for that love. You are afraid that once again it shall be taken from you. This time, the only one that can take this love from is yourself. And the only one that can build upon it and let it blossom is yourself. That of the psychic knowledge has come unto your being. As he who should come did promise unto you that your father would be returned unto you, so the promise has been kept. But love is the answer, if it is not misguided. The choice is yours. Knowledge lays at your feet. It is your choice how to use it.

This is all on this subject at this time. When a full understanding should blossom and more knowledge should be asked for, it should come.

The flight of the Eagle has come with many heartaches, through many centuries of your time, not without purpose. For now, as it was then, it must reach and touch the multitudes. If you can learn that even though the sharing of love takes nothing from the love that was promised unto you, place your cup before you, and we shall fill it.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Aka, how best can our group store books to protect our knowledge, and is there a preference as to types of subject material?”

We have told you before the knowledge of mineralogy, science, of all natures, should be stored. Not only of books, but knowledge of the mind, of knowing and doing, is important. Knowledge stored in the mind is of great value. Knowledge stored in book form is of great value. In the completion of your new storehouse, you shall have vast storageareas where you can store more than you ever stored before. Divide it into sections, and store.

But do not store the knowledge so that your people cannot reach it.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [6–274–2] asks, ‘Aka, why did man create death after the Sons of God came?’”

Man did create death that they may overcome their own mistakes, that they could learn and achieve a greater knowledge, that the new heaven and the new earth could come forth, and man could stand in the image of God.

All things that you do are not karmic. All things that happen to you are not karmic. To make a mistake and correct it is one thing. To make a mistake and blame it upon another is to build karma. Man is sometimes like the dog chasing his own tail. When he catches his tail, he does not always know that he is the one who is biting it.

You must realize that man did destroy the Sons of God. But they cannot destroy the seeds implanted upon the Earth, and upon the galaxies, and earths beyond earths.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. And soul Ray grows weary. We shall say and leave you with these words. Different conditions have caused the atmospheric change. Look to the sun and you shall see a change in it also. When it returns back to its normal function, so should the Earth’s atmosphere have cleaned itself.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1977 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


February 18, 1977

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

Good evening, Aka, where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord.

And we should say unto thee the parable of those who should dream dreams, yet put no effort into their dreams.

In the days of Pharaoh, he did dream the same dreams over and over. And he did search far and wide for an interpretation of his dreams. A young lad came forth, and he did interpret the dream. There would be seven good years of bountiful harvest, and seven lean years. And he did prepare for such.

Across the land there were other dreamers and other men who interpreted the dreams. But none of the other nations did make ready, nor did they prepare for this time. As a result, all turned to Egypt for food. And Egypt did feed the lands and the people. But many sold themselves into slavery to obtain food. [See Genesis, chapters 40–50.]

Now we say unto you, once again you were told of the coming of the famine, the lean years. And you did have bountiful years before this. And none could heed the words. And much as in the time of Egyptan, there were many who should take and make a profit, and enslave those who did not heed these words. Across your land lays a blight of cold. Yet in this land, where great harvests could be obtained, the time that land should have been plowed and seed put forward, those who thought otherwise did not do so.

There have been many who should say unto us, “When is this time of famine?” And we say unto you, it is upon you. We have told you before that the Fifth Angel walks upon the earth, and one third of the earth should be blighted. Look unto the eastern part of your United States. Then, look into Europe.

We have said before that rain should fall, and what was deserts would turn into gardens, and what was gardens should turn into desert. And we have told you the purpose for deserts upon the land. [See A Rose without Thorns, pages 84–86].

And we have told you the purpose of the oasis in the desert. [See A Rose without Thorns, pages 83–84].

Sparse rains shall be land upon this land, or that of the western and northwestern parts of the United States. Water shall be a precious commodity.

We say unto you, as we have said before, to dream is a wonderful thing, but to build toward the fulfillment of a dream, to place aside those things that should be needed. There are those who have hoarded gold. Gold you cannot eat, nor will they heal the sick, nor still the cries of the young ones when they are hungry.

We have said before that we would provide those things that were needed for those who should prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, and we shall. For once again upon this land you call a desert, we shall bring forth a bountiful amount of food. But if you do not store this time, it shall not come again.

Trees that blossom too soon shall freeze. Trees that blossom too late shall not bear fruit.

But all shall not come as a cloud of reaping sorrow. Much you shall learn from that that is before you. Brotherhood shall be a renewed knowledge, the ability to share with one another.

Your country, nor no other country, can long feed nor endure from those who should not work to earn food. As Rome did fall from within, so you are the modern Romans. You still have a choice. As proud people you did come upon this land, and you did meet proud people who had knowledge of the land, and they did teach you to live upon the land. But we say unto you, you have changed and altered nature. You have brought forth the Fifth Angel. Do not bring forth the Sixth and the Seventh.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. When might we expect adequate moisture in this area to replenish the ground water?”

There shall not be that. You shall have storms in the first and later part of March, but then not again until that of late July. The groundwater as such shall not be replenished for two years.

As the cold has swept unto the eastern part of your country, it shall switch and turn, and sweep the western part of the country. But it will be too little, too late.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a request for a life reading from [9–359–1].”

We should say unto you, due to the nature of soul Ray’s health, bring forth questions other than life readings.

“Thank you, Aka. Soul Mark [3–115–2] asks if it would be suitable at this time to write a pamphlet of parables especially for children? If so, please give us some guidance as to the choice of parables.”

We have given you the wine and the bread. Bring forth the yeast from your own minds. Bring forth that that should fit the occasion. But bring it forth in such a manner that the children should understand of what you should speak.

You have other questions.

“Yes, Aka. [6–274–2] asks, ‘Does the Trinity that we have been taught about, does this have to do with the trinity of man?”

There are many trinities, but all is that of man. For where does God stand? Within man and woman. For destroy this temple, and we shall rebuild it in three days. The temple of God is man and woman, not only upon your world, but the many worlds.

Man shall reach into the outer limits of space. And as he reaches, his brothers and sisters of other planetary shall reach to link hands with him. There shall be those who should come in peace. There shall be those who should come not of peace. Look unto this year and they shall make themselves known unto man.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Ruth [2–30–20] asks, ‘In past reading you indicated that Mary Magdalene perpetuated perhaps the clearest statement of Jesus’ teachings. What is the essence of this statement?’”

We say unto you, Jesus said, “Cast no stones — if ye have not cast a stone, if you yourself have never done wrong.”

Jesus knew of where he had been. Therefore, he knew of where he was going. He knew the temptations that lay before man. He also knew of the beauty that God had placed within man. That of his greatest teaching was love. But yet, greater yet was respect, respect not only for yourselves, but for your brothren. And love, not only for yourself, but for your brothren. And hope, the hope and the promise of a new heaven and a new earth, could only come about by the truth he had shown unto you.

If man had taken his teachings then, in truth, and not twisted and turned them, and not used them to persecute their neighbor — it is easy to say another has sinned, but look into yourself. Have they sinned greater than you? And who is to judge, lest ye not be judged?

But I say unto you, if a man should offer nothing in return for that that you give unto him, if you cannot give it unto him in such a way that you expect nothing in return, then it is not a gift. He has bargained with you.

God does not bargain. We do not say unto you, prepare a way and God shall do this, and God shall do that. We say unto you, the means shall be provided that you may accomplish these things yourselves. God has provided and shall continue to provide, as He provided for Moses and his people. But God did not bargain with Moses, nor does He bargain with you now.

Promise not unto God that that you cannot fulfill. Promise not unto God anything. Promise unto yourself that you shall try. That is fulfillment enough. If you should fall down, the sin is not in the falling. The karma shall be in your not getting up to try again and learning from your fall.

To be a Samaritan and stop along the wayside to help another is not to lift yourself up, but to give in truth, to help him stand. But once he has stood up then walk on. Do not stand and become a crutch, because when you become the crutch, you become part of his karma and have built a new karma, not only for yourself, but for this one also. Walk in such a way.

Jesus did not say, “Give unto me this and give unto me that.” When he called unto Peter to join him to walk upon the water, he did not say, “Peter, walk upon the water and I shall give you the faith to walk upon the water.” It was Peter’s own faith that let him walk upon the water. Yet it was Peter’s own doubt that let him sink into the water.

Yet, for those who should walk upon the water just for the sake of it, you have accomplished nothing. An act without purpose is still an act. If you should cast a [rock] into the water, it shall not end with the ripples. Your laws of cause and effect shall apply here.

The greatest of all things, you say, did he teach unto Mary Magdalene? And did you learn from her, that as she saw the Lord, she did bring forth in her own way and give unto the Lord — Jesus — that that she could, her love and her hope, and her faith, and her belief.

But he did not say, “Worship me,” he said, “Worship God.” And this is the greatest of all things she did learn from Jesus.

What did man learn from all of this? What did man learn from the crucifixion and the resurrection? This is yet to be seen. Yet it was all with a purpose.

And why should it have been such a drastic, cruel thing? For our Father knows His children — that sometimes they only learn from the harshness of things.

Your scientists now should blame the lining up of different cosmic, planetary substances that has caused this weather problem upon the earth, but the Fifth Angel could not walk at all if it was not for man and his blundering. Karma, or sin, as you would call it, can only exist as long as man lets it exist.

But you take small things and you point your finger at one person, and you say, “Stone this person, for they have sinned.”

And Jesus said, “Let those among you who have not sinned cast the first stone.” And he did not cast a stone, for he knew where he had been, and he knew where he was going. From Adam unto Jesus he had gained much knowledge. But he has shown you that many of you, his brother and sisters, could do the same as he, for did he not tell you of such? [See John 14:10–14, 15:7, 16:22–24.]

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [9–359–2]. And he asks, ‘What is the best thing for me to do now that would be the most beneficial to me and would solve most of my problems?’”

Knowledge would solve your problem.

And you say unto us, “What knowledge is this?” The tools to move a mountain have been placed in your hands. What mountain shall you move must be your own decision. Your indecision has been your worst enemy at this time — your decision to go forth and take of that which lies before you. The bread and the wine have been placed in your hands. Shall you pick it up, or shall it be as a rose without thorns?

Remember the faith of the child who would pick up the wild rose and with tender hands did bury it in fertile ground, and her tears did make it grow after she had brought healing to the one who had torn it from the earth. It was her confidence, not only in God, but in herself — her hope, her belief, that “ask and you shall receive.” [See A Rose without Thorns, pages 36–37.]

God does not say what to ask for. God does not set rules for you to worship Him. “My Father has many mansions,” yet anyone of His children may ask. And if they should speak in a manner that should mean something to them, then it shall mean something to my Father. And He shall fulfill that that you wish, but only if you truly desire it. But make certain of what you should ask for, for you shall receive it in that manner.

The depth of one’s knowledge shall be measured by the new knowledge that should come forth from day to day, not by what you knew yesterday, nor the day before. For what you shall learn today, and by what you have learned today, place it forth, with the knowledge of yesterday and the day before, and you shall find that a truth and a knowledge was placed for all.

You say unto yourself, “In what direction shall I go from here?”

The doorways you have placed there yourself. Is it not said, “Knock upon the doorway, and should they bid you enter and offer you their wine, or their knowledge, then you should give of yours? But if they bid you not enter, then take back your blessings, and go on.”

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have a question from [9–359–3]. She asks, ‘We would like advice about our Montana property. Will we be able to sell within another year? And how should we go about selling it?’”

We should answer unto you into this manner. A wise trader sometimes, and especially in this case, should come out by far better with a trade than by selling. And then after you have traded, then sell that you have traded for. In this manner you shall multiply that that you already have. This shall come about within a six-month’s period, the opportunity. Your willingness to put this effort forward shall be your own free choice.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [9–359–4…San Diego] asks, ‘My diamond ring was taken from me from the ladies room at the Catholic church on Ramon Road in Palm Springs. Please tell me where it is, and how I can get it back. Thank you.’”

There are those who should steal in the house of worship. A house is just a house. It is the people in it who make the difference.

A thief is but a thief, regardless of what house they stand in. Learn from this experience, for the diamond ring has long departed, and it shall not be returned. If it should give you comfort, we should say unto you, the person who stole this has become involved other crimes and is being prosecuted at this time. But what comfort can we find in the sorrows of mankind? For he who should steal shall have something stolen from them. For that that you should do unto another shall be done unto you, good or bad. A thief should often steal for the want of being caught.

I would not take further thought of this, of the ring, even with the sentimental value placed upon it. A gift is like that of a flower. Once it has been given with love, the flower may wilt and turn back to the earth, but the memory of the gift shall always remain in your heart. That is the greater gift, worth more than all the diamonds. The memory of the beauty of the diamond is in the gift. No one can take that from you.

Now soul Ray wearies.

And now is the time of the Cherubim.

Look unto the flowers at your feet. Take time each day to count your blessings, to see the beauty that God lays at your feet each moment of your life. You need not pick up the flowers, but examine them, and remember their fragrance. But if you should desire to pick them up, new ones shall be placed for others to see.

If you have need, ask and the need shall be fulfilled. But know the difference between your needs and your wants.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

Bind yourselves in fellowship. Bind yourselves in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

We shall answer one more question, and that is but that one who should wish to become a healer. If after you have studied and put effort forth, and you know the responsibility that should lay upon your shoulders, after you have had time and you still wish of such, then we shall fulfill this.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1977 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


February 25, 1977

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

Good evening, Aka, where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord.

And we should say unto thee the parable — that two men moved into the same valley.

One put only the fences up to house his livestock, and to protect his fields. But he left the open grazing land for the use of both. Yet the water, and the stream that flowed through the valley was on his land. He always let his neighbor use of the water. And then came a dry time, a drought upon the earth. And no rain did fall, and no snow did fall in the mountains. And each day, less and less water came through the creek, until one day, none at all came. And as usual, he went on sharing what he had.

But one day he started to move his cattle toward the small, little lake that was left. And his neighbor was there and he did bear arms. And he did drive his neighbor from the water.

The neighbor’s brother said, “Why should he do of this? You have always shared. Is it not his water, it is yours.”

And he said, “Nay, the water was given by the Lord. No one can own it. It can be shared.”

The next day they did bring the cattle back. And once again they were to turn the cattle away. This time he brought his herd forward, and they did reach the water.

And the other neighbor did come forth to bear arms. And he said unto him, “I shall kill you and all of yours, and all of your cattle, for there is not enough for us to share.”

And this man said unto him, “If you should kill me, you cannot harm me. But I say unto you, if war is that which you seek, then war is what you shall receive.”And he did drive away from his water those who would encroach upon his land. And he did bring fences across the land. But yet he built gates in them.

And then, as was his daily routine, he went unto top of the mountain, there in solitude. He felt regret that he had driven anyone from the water. But he knew within his heart that the time had come that he must stand firm. But he had decided he must pray upon it.

And as he prayed, before him appeared three half-loaves of bread. And a stranger did appear before him. And he said, “Eat of this.”

And he picked up the first loaf, and it was sweet with honey. And he did pick up the second loaf, and it was sour. And he did pick up the third loaf, and it was tasteless.

And he looked unto the stranger and said, “Why should this be so? What have I to learn, and how is my prayer’s being answered by these loaves of bread, and half-loaves of bread at that?”

And the stranger said, “Unto the first loaf is abundance. Unto the second loaf was sour to the taste, but yet it was still filling. Unto the third loaf you received nothing. These should be the same as the people you should meet upon the earth, and the neighbors you should have. But whether you have sweet loaf, a sour loaf, or a loaf that tastes as nothing, be willing to share at least half.”

The man thought upon this. And so, he went into the valley, and he did open the gate.

And the man who had driven him away from the water did come unto the gate and say, “Now you should let me in, when I have lost half my herd?”

And the man said unto him, “Half of your herd is better than none at all. This I have learned. But I have learned even something greater, for you are like the sour bread, and your other half of cattle have no taste at all. For only they, the dead ones, know the sweet taste that can come from fresh water.”

Once again you shall say we have spoken in riddles. And we say unto you, nay. There shall be many times in your life when the sweeter things shall bring and hold the greatest memories. The mind was designed to forget the painful things, leste you would ponder upon them continually. The mind was also designed to store all substance, that you could remember sour bread that you had tasted, and could tell the difference. The mind was also designed to store all things from beginning to ending, from all lifetimes, from all things you have ever been into this lifetime. Some parts of that will have no meaning for the here and now.

Prayer and meditation has two things in common. In one you are talking to God; in the other is a time for listening. Sometimes in that time of listening or in talking, we throw out the sour bread. And quite often in your time of prayer, the only time you pray is when you have tasted the sour bread. When you eat of the good bread, then you forget all those other things.

Let the mind be a whole. Bring it together. And through your prayer, you may change that that lies before you. Whether it be drought or famine, speak to God as you would speak unto yourself, and He shall hear.

As you should ask for something, make certain that what you ask is what you really want, and what you need, for the answering of a prayer is a very precise and measured. For a measure of wheat shall bring a measure of barley, in such a manner. [See The Revelation 6:5–6.]

Take into yourself in these times that lay ahead a time for laughter. Do not be afraid to laugh at your own folly. If you fall down, there shall be those who are there to help you stand. It is not a sin to laugh at falling down. It is no sin to fall down, as long as you should rise again. The Lord shall be there to help you rise. And those from both sides shall be there that you asked the Lord for.

A drought is a time for learning, for you return back to the simpler things of life. It is a time for losing things, only sometime to have the better things restored. Or it can be a time that men shall turn against their neighbors.

Or it can be time such as these two herdsmen. Had the two worked together in the time of drought and built a small dam, the lake would have been larger, and there would have been plenty of water for all during their drought. But neither, even though they shared, he put no thought behind his sharing. He did not defend himself until there was such a thing as having to defend himself. Yet he would have not had to defend himself at all had he taken the measures, and the two neighbors worked together, to store what they already had. Who should be blamed? The neighbor who tried to run the other away by force? Or the neighbor who defended himself, and then did open the gate after half the herd had died away, and half of his own herd had died away? None would have happened had the two joined hands.

You may have many religions upon your earth, many faiths. God has laid no rules down for His worship. This man has done. If all the faiths upon the earth could take the time to understand the other’s faith, this would be the first step for your peace upon earth. If this were done this day, the reign and the time for the Anti-Christ could not be at all.

Remember, through your prayer, through your meditation, the face of the earth could be changed in the twinkling of an eye. And through unity, a man linking his hand with another, then all could stand.

There is but one God, and that is all that should matter. How another chooses to worship Him should not matter, but linking the hands.

Choose your own direction in your own way to worship. Give the other, your neighbor, the right that they may worship in their own way.

It is said that all that is good will stand, and so it has been with the philosophy that has stood within your religions. The one thing is, and has been, man’s own selfishness to say that, “Only my way can be the pathway unto the Lord.” If a river came through your land, the way you’d drink from it would make little difference; it would all be the same water. But if you chose to dam it up a little, and share it, then all mankind could rejoice in the sweet bread.

But if you took the sweet bread, and mixed it with a little bitter, and that that had no taste, then there would be an abundance for all.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading from [9–359–1].”

Incorrect data.


One moment.

Yes, we see that that is asked for. But we say unto you, resubmit this question at your next reading. But have the subject who would submit it sign the certificate and ask the question, and let it come, therefore, from the heart and we shall give of the same.

You have other questions.

“Thank you…”

We would suggest that no life readings be given at this time. At your next time, submit life readings.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Thank you. [ 9–360–1] asks for assistance for her son, [9–360–2]. She asks, ‘I wonder if Aka can help my son with the problem he has had with his breathing? If it is allergies, please specify, so that we can try to control it. I am asking this for my son who is age three years.’”

Yes, we see thy need. That that you ask for shall be given. Bring the child back unto soul Ray. The knowledge that is needed we will implant there. And the cure shall come, and the healing shall come, as you have asked.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a request from [4–360–3]. She asks, ‘I have lived in San Diego for seven years. Should I move? And if so, where should I go? I have been in the same job for six years. Should I change? And if so, what area should I venture into? Thank you.’”

At the present time is not the time to make the change. Within the next year, further tremors shall occur in the valley of the Salton Sea. And soon the land shall become part of the ocean. Many shall become quite hysterical and flee this land all around you. Now is not the time. Wait. As the earth should break away at a later time, safe land shall be made available in the land of California, and they shall be known as the isles of California. We shall direct those to these places before this happens.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a request for [6–290–5]. She asks, ‘What was my exact hour of birth?’”

8:22 a.m.

You have other questions.

“Yes, Aka. [9–360–4] asks, ‘I want to know if my husband has a heart problem and is for his reason for drinking so much.’”

This we cannot answer. We cannot interfere with the free will of another soul.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [9–360–5…in Young, Arizona] asks, ‘Will my husband and I make a go of our business and ever get our loans caught up? Will we get all four businesses?’”

Learn from the parable given in the first of the reading. It is better to have one of something than none of nothing. Concentrate on one thing at a time. Put a foundation beneath it, and it shall develop and you shall prosper.

You have other questions, ask.

Yes Aka. Thank you. [9–360–6…Las Cruces, New Mexico] asks, ‘How can I overcome my almost obsessive fear of interacting with people and lack of self confidence? Can I get rid of these hang-ups once and for all, and be free to love my life to the fullest and be productive?’”

Yes, we say unto you, go on into the biotherapy. These things shall come one step at a time. The love of life can be only enjoyed in its fullest by knowing that one day on this earth you can learn more than you can in a hundred years on the other side because you experience life. There you observe life.

Yet death is nothing to fear. It is that which man chose, and of his own free choice. It was only through death and rebirth could he grow back to his Father’s mansions.

Those things that you ask for are already at your fingertips.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Recently the statement was made on television that the samples of life that they brought back from Mars don’t show any dead microorganisms, and they’re wondering if there is death on Mars or what the explanation of this is. Can you tell me?”

Yes, we shall explain it in this manner. Because of the chemical structure of the atmospheric substance, that that, as you would know it, as death does occur, but in such a manner that life assumes death. In other words, in this manner — should that of life cease, then matter is turned back into matter again in a different form. Here, matter must decay. There, it need not decay to return back into life. The cycle is much faster.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [9–360–7…Las Cruces, New Mexico]. He asks, ‘What type of work should I be doing in order to fulfill my mission in this time and place?’”

We say unto you, there are many studies upon the earth. As a river should flow, it should have many beginnings, but one ending. It should either flow out upon the lands in many places, or it should flow to the sea and complete its cycle, and there­fore, flow unto the many lands. It should begin as a brook in many places.

But the home of the brook lies in the sea. The vastness of the sea is like the vastness of the Lord. Prepare, therefore, unto the coming of the Messiah, and fulfillment shall come in abundance. But we also say unto you, prepare, therefore, to become a good tradesman, and your life shall come into fulfillment. But you shall become neither unless you shall stay at one thing long enough to see the fulfillment.

Now we should say unto you, soul Ray should grow weary.

And we say unto you, we shall say of this thing you call death. And for those who should pass at this time, it shall not be many years that should come forth until the coming of the Messiah. There shall [be] many who should pass at a youthful age, that they should re-enter, even in the tryingest times, that they may walk with he who we have come to prepare the way for.

Glory be the name of the Lord. And glory be the name of those who have chosen to walk with him.

And you say unto us, “How is death free choice?”

It is of such. For even within it is a form of healing.

We say unto you, look at us. We speak unto you through one instrument, yet we are many. Some of us have walked upon this earth of yours many [arcans] ago. Yet some of us have walked across land and earths and planets where your seed lays, those of your kind. They have changed and adapted themselves to their own planetary substance. But we walk through all of these things. The vastness of the Lord is unlimited. We have but one God. He is the God of the living, not of the dead, so there is no death for those who should worship Him. For did He not promise unto you an everlasting life?

Many times there are those among us who have experienced what you call death.

The taste of life is sweet. The breathing of the air that we experience as we come through this instrument is wondrous — the feeling and the touch — all of these things. But for us is yet of a greater mission. For we walk as close to God as a tear from His eye, yet we walk as close to you as the beat of your heart. Glory be the name of the Lord.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1977 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


March 25, 1977

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner.

We have said unto thee before of the Black September. And we shall give thee the date, and it should be that that should be easily turned into your numerology, September the 6th, 1977. From this, and this information, shall answer many questions you have asked before. [Editor’s note: See the July 6, 1973, reading and the note below.]

Now we should say unto thee, bring forth love and understanding, the word you use so often and know not the meaning of.

And you say unto this, “How can we bring forth love when each man should stand only for himself? How can these things be accomplished?”

And we say unto you, it can be accomplished. You are like the core, the center, of a tree which branches may extend from. The tree in its maturity and its growth shall have lean years and full years. Love shall be as the tree. The faith that must go into the love for the growth, without it the roots have no place to go. The hope shall be part of the faith.

Man shall begot man. Civilizations shall rise and fall. But once you have put together strong links, one at a time, there is no boundary that can hold you any longer, for you shall reach out into eternity — for it shall not be you, but the spirits bound together in eternal love.

You have that that is called understanding. That in itself is but a half truth. We only understand the truth as it stands before us today. The truth is a changeable flexible thing.

It is like the young tree. It must reach upward into the heavens. The farther and the higher it may grow, the greater the understanding. Yet, the tallest limb must send back unto the roots understanding. And the roots must know the height of the tree so that the wind may not blow it over, and so it may receive the proper nou­rishment for the whole tree.

So is your group; so can be your nation. Your nation is like a tree with so many branches the roots know no what nor where it is needed to nourish the rest of the tree.

Most of you in your thoughts of the parable of Jesus and the olive tree, when he did wither forth this tree you said, “What point did it prove?” [See Mark 11:13–25.]

For he did not destroy anything. He rapidly brought forth full maturity into the tree. He showed you that the tree was rotten at the core so it could not fully develop.

Your group and those of other organizations that should join you should join in such a manner that they bring representation, as you have set aside in the growth of your country, that if they should desire to join with you let them participate in full by bringing their representatives into the Board of Directors, becoming part, a working part of all things.

You say unto us, “How can these things you have said be of spiritual growth?”

Any growth is spiritual growth. Nothing may stand still. It is always changing. The oldest things on the world, on your continent know this. The oldest things of your plant life understand this. Why cannot you? Why cannot you know that the earth has changed many times? It is man who has lost his knowledge along the way. Yet some know­ledge, even though he has altered and changed the meaning, has remained.

The scientific knowledge is as important as knowing how to meditate or anything else. Without this, and without these things, your continent cannot prepare for the coming of the Messiah. Shall it be that he should come and go, and never be known?

We have said before to bring forth public relations, people within your organiza­tion to deal with the press and television and radio media. We have prepared the way many times for you. You have shunned them aside because you cannot work together. Your right hand and your left hand must know what you are doing.

We said in the beginning we would provide for your needs, the needs of your spiri­tual growth, and the needs for the material things that were needed, not only for the growth and maturity of your organization, but for the growth and the maturity of the individual. And for all those who are willing to work for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah, so it shall be.

But it cannot be done in silence. Let your voices be heard unto the Lord. Let your voices be heard unto one another. If your desire is to reach toward your Lord, if you should reach alone you have accomplished nothing. If you shall reach together, your heart, your soul, your spirit, and you immortal body shall all be as one.

In that hidden place within your mind you shall find the quiet pool. There you shall find a candle that shall always be lit. And there within yourself you shall find God.

But be as a mirror. Let that part of you reflect out.

If you should go unto the forest, and there you shall find all the beautiful flowers and share them with no one, then love is nothing unless it is shared. It is an impulse felt at the time, nothing more.

There are those who should speak forth in anger to one another. And after they have spoken, they would like to remove the words that they have spoken. It is not enough to say you are sorry. Put into practice what you should preach. Be not as a hypocrite.

Man shall rise and fall. It is not the falling that shall be the sin; it is his inabi­lity to get up, to rise. And in rising he shall lend a hand for others. If one should take it upon himself to bring ten, and each of those ten should bring ten more, and each of those ten should bring ten more, and all should function with one idea — love, unity, hope, faith — then you shall find eternity.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [9–359–1]. She asks, ‘I would like a life reading to better know my soul mission, and also would like to know what occupational field to go into.’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit and the immortal body of the same. And therefore, we have the records before us.

First we shall say unto you, you were born in a time and did choose entry into the land of [Labora]. Soon thereafter you did dwell and change your residence into the land of Ur. There you did grow into full and mature womanhood.

You sought, therefore, one who would visit your village, or your city, at different intervals. This one brought philosophy and talk of the old land, of the old planet, Yahweh. And you knew that your people, and the descendants thereof, were the people who had bred into the man-animal. This one visited your village. It was said that he did come from this planet, that his job was to prepare the way for an eternal peace upon this land.

At different times he would speak in the town square. At times, you felt close and a close longing toward this one, a kinship. When one day he did walk forth and stand before you. You thought it strange. “Here, I am supposed to be kin unto this one, yet his skin is lighter.”

And he stopped before you and said unto you, “You have a question, my daughter. Ask the question, and if it was in my power I shall grant the wish that should go with it.”

And you said unto him, “If we are the descendants of the planet, Yahweh, and you are a direct descendant, then how are we related?”

And he said unto you, “Come with me, and all of your questions shall be answered. I shall leave on the morning dust.”

You rushed home, there to speak unto your father. Then, as now, he said unto you, “What can he teach of you? They say, yes, that he is of the old planet, but this is a new planet. Here we deal in real estate. Here our riches, our security is [firm]. What can he teach you?”

And you said unto him, “I know not what he can teach of me. But I have a kinship unto him, and I know of this.”

And your father said, “Sit, and we shall talk.”

You thought this was strange, because daughters did never sit with their father.

And he said unto you, “The kinship you feel unto this one is because he is your father. And he will not say so unto you. Knowledge is there, but a destiny lies within him. They say he is of the land of the Eagle. They say he is the Eagle, that he shall walk the earth, always preparing the way for the coming of the Messiah. If you go with him his destiny will come first, as it has already. Make your own choice, child. But if you go, you shall go with my love.”

And so, you did leave the next day for the land beyond the Egyptan. And there you did go into what is now known as biochemical research, or micro-bionic research. There you made great discoveries that did bring great healing unto the people.

One day the Eagle did come unto you and say, “It is time to leave this land. For now is the time that we shall go unto the land of Egypt; and from Egypt we should go unto the land of Israel; and from Israel we should go across the water, unto the land of Americans. For soon both Atlantis and Lemuria shall be no more.”

And you said unto him, “Then what shall I seek?”

And he looked unto you and said, “Knowledge.”

And you said unto him, “Then I should die, as mortals die? How can I see all of these things?”

And he said unto you, “Come. Touch my back.”

And as you touched his back, suddenly there was a huge eagle beneath you. It rose swiftly into the air and into the heavens, and soon the earth was but a speck beneath it. Even the spacecraft looked as though they were in slow motion. You rose farther and farther into the heavens. And there you did slumber on the Eagle’s wings.

And then you did enter.

And he unto you, “Go and be the sister of Lazarus.”

And so it did come unto pass. And sister begot sister, for you were the third of the sisters — for there is another that the name, Jean, remained throughout all history. And then as you saw your brother rise from the dead, and then you saw of the crucifixion, and the Eagle landed upon the Mount of the Olives, and there he said unto you, “Touch of my back.”

And then again you found yourself in the land of Yucatan, but not for long.

For then, he rose and flew swiftly into the land of the Pima, and said unto you, “Wait here, and soon a young man shall come unto you. And you shall wed and you shall begot children. And through these children shall be the passageway for your return unto the earth.”

And you heard the stories of the great master who should walk on the land. And you did live in Casas Grandes. And there you saw, after the master had walked and the people did change of their ways, the land go unto waste and the people go unto madness and did destroy each other.

Yet, the young man did come and said, “Come with me. We shall leave of this city.” And so it did go forth and you did venture backward into the land of the Mayan. And there you did have children. And children did begot children.

Impatience was always driving within you, impatience to see beyond, to reach beyond. And then, when you did pass beyond, you spoke out unto the Lord, God, and said, “If I am royal blood, then why should I be treated in such a manner? Why should once again I be born into such a lowly place, each choice?”

Yet there was no answer.

And so, you said, “I shall venture forth once again. And I shall choose a time of the Eagle and the time of the Messiah. And I shall know why I have come and what I must do to place forth unto this earth.”

We say unto you, you say, “What profession should I reach forth?” And we say, reach into pharmaceutical chemistry. It, combined with your nursing talents, shall take you far beyond your wildest imaginations in the servitude of man and yourself.

There has been a place prepared for you. The love you have sought is there for you now. Do not be impatient and throw it away. Learn from the past.

We have fulfilled your promise. We have fulfilled that which you desired. Do not abuse it, or you shall never see the fulfillment of it.

You will say at first when you hear these words that we have spoken unto you as in riddles. Take apart each part of the words we have said, separately, and you shall find the full meaning, the secret words we have placed for your ears, and your ears only, within this reading.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Soul Ruth [2–30–2] asks, ‘Are there any additions or alterations you wish made in the first pamphlet?’”

Yes. We would say unto you, that salesmanship in this day and this time is an important factor. Much as Foods of the Desert, use photography, words, in such a manner. We have brought soul Ray into a world-renown figure for more than one purpose, to serve our needs, but also to serve your needs. Take from this wisdom and use it as you shall.

Prophesy is but a part of things. It is a balance within all things. The balance may take you to the stars and back again, if used in its proper accord.

We say unto you, it was not by chance that these people should venture forth in their search for gold and find not. Out of all the karma that has laid to the Caballan gold, of all the teardrops, of all the disappointments, it may be used for a just pur­pose — the knowledge. Do you understand us? Nay not fully.

“Not at all.”

Then, listen carefully to our words and you shall.

Now soul Ray grows weary. But we shall say unto you, the Victorio mountain and the Caballo mountain treasure was all of the same.

September the 6th, 1977 — Black September.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1977 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.

Dawson’s Field aircraft being blown up in Zarqa by PFLP fedayeen in front of international press, 12 September 1970

Note: On September 6,1970, two passenger jets bound from Europe to New York were simultaneously hijacked by Palestinian terrorist members of PFLP and taken to Dawson’s Field in Jordan. A third, bound for Beirut, was diverted to Cairo. An attempt to hijack an Israeli plane in Amsterdam was averted and one of the terrorists killed. The terrorists pronounce the north of Jordan as liberated territory and blow up the airliner in Cairo, after evacuation of its passengers.

The Black September movement was named after a bloody battle in September 1970 by radical fundamentalist militants led by the father of modern-day terrorism, Palestinian Yasser Arafat, who sought to overthrow the King of Jordan. Having lost, many militants dispersed to other countries to gradually become a worldwide network of professional assassins, or terrorists. But Arafat’s dream for a Palestinian state and the annihilation of Israel only grew through time with the perceived weakness of Israel and the U.S., gathering many terrorist organizations and leaders in support of this cause.

“First rumblings of the Anti-Christ,” September 6, 1977 —

September 6, 1977 — Israel’s Prime Minister, Menaham Begin, drafted a proposed peace agreement showing what Israel would expect from such a document, at the request of U.S. President Jimmy Carter after a peace process meeting in Washington D.C. when Carter first encouraged Israel to give away land for peace.

— Jordan’s King Hussein warned of war in the Middle East in a summit meeting in Paris with France’s Falery Giscard d’Estaing.

— End of a four-day meeting of the Arab League in Cairo, opposing Israel’s annexation of occupied lands.

On September 7, 1977, U.S. President Jimmy Carter met with the Panamanian leader to sign a treaty to give away land, the Panama Canal. Within a month, in November 1977, Carter led peace talks for Israel to give away land for peace in negotiations with Egypt in the Camp David Accords. A Nobel Peace Prize was awarded in 1978 to the Israeli Prime Minister and Egyptian President who was later assassinated by radical fundamentalist militants in Egypt for dealing with Israel. Peace negotiations continued for many years, as Israel gave away land for peace at the urging of America. But Palestinian Authority leader, Arafat, did not fulfill his promise for peace in return, nor did he remove the clause in the 1974 Palestinian Charter for the hoped-for statehood that calls for the abolishment of Zionism, or the destruction of Israel.


April 8, 1977

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. We should say unto thee the parable of the two farmers.

Between the two farmers ran an [abundant full] creek, which both extracted water from and farmed their lands. The one farmer came unto the other and said unto him, “If we should go to the head of our land and build a dam — ”

The other farmer did not let him finish, but immediately began to find fault. “If we built such a dam, the waters would back up, and during the heavy rainy season would pour over and destroy our fields.”

The first farmer said, “Nay, for we shall build the dam in such a way that through the normal flow there shall be spillways.”

The second farmer said, “Well, who should distribute the water?”

The first said unto him, “Both of us can.”

The second farmer thought long and hard. He was not the type of a man to look forth into the future, and he said unto the first farmer, “Build your dam, but I shall not pay the cost.”

The first farmer went ahead and he built his dam. And as he was building the dam, he built a diversion route for the creek. And he built the dam strong. And he did build into it equal-size distribution for each person.

As the years went by, both farmers reaped benefits of the dam. And then came a year of a bountiful runoff. And, as the water grew higher and came over the spillways, the creek did rise. It did not rise above its normal run that it had before the dam was placed into place. But the second farmer, who was afraid to cross the creek, shouted across to his neighbor and said, “Look at the damnation you have brought upon me. It shall cut away my farm, and I cannot cross the creek to venture forth for supplies.”

The first farmer said, “We can cross the creek. We shall help you. We shall build a bridge across the creek.”

Once again, the second farmer said, “Build your bridge.”

And the first farmer did labor long and hard, and he did build the bridge. And for those supplies that the farmer on the other side did need, he did bring them to him.

When the bridge was completed, the second farmer said, “How should I know that this bridge is strong enough to go across?”

And the first farmer said, “You do not. You have gambled nothing. You have thought only of yourself. The bridge is there. It is strong. We have no reason to cross it, and we have no reason to bring you supplies.”

And the first farmer went back to his farm. And in the dam, he did place, therefore, within those substances that would generate electricity. He did improve his farm a hundredfold.

Yet the farmer on the other side, fearful to cross, his land soon became a wasteland. He became even afraid to open the gates that allowed the water to irrigate his land. And the fear built day by day, until he did come to the edge of the creek and call across. And he did say unto the first farmer, “If you shall help me across, I shall sell you my land.”

And the first farmer said unto him, “I have no desire for your land. I have never wanted your land or any of your possessions. I have only asked to help myself and help you.” And he did walk away.

Then one day the [second] farmer came again, and he said, “If you will bring me and all of mine across, and what few flock and stock that I possessed, then I shall give you the land.”

The first farmer said unto him, “Nay, I do not want to covet anything you own. But you must be strong enough within yourself to cross this bridge.”

The second farmer waited and waited, and yet his fear did grow. And finally his sons and his wife did cross the bridge. And when he saw it safe, then he began to gather his things and cross the bridge. And then he went into the local town and he placed his farm up for sale.

The first farmer bought the land. The second farmer stayed in the town and he did tell foul stories about the first farmer, that he built the dam and then built the bridge, all to drive him from his land and that he had cheated him.

The first farmer did not reply. He went on improving his land.

And then, one day the second farmer brought a suit against the first farmer, and he was brought into court. The first farmer stood before his peers and said, “I have been brought here this day to answer for those things I have done. I have turned the right cheek. I have turned the left cheek. Now I shall turn no more.” And he brought those upon the jury to the farm and he did show them the dam and the bridge that he had built for his neighbor to cross. He showed them that equal water was being dispensed unto both farms, that equal farms now was growing and multiplying.

Even those on the jury, some after they had seen with their own eyes, some, the majority voted to exonerate the first farmer; the others did not.­

We say unto you that this parable is much like the preparation for the coming famine. There shall always be those who should criticize those with dreams, those [who] should find solutions, those who should not come or have to come out of the caves in the future that shall prepare themselves for the day of the Anti-Christ and for the day that his reign should end. They should prepare themselves for the hundred years, the thousand years of peace. And their peace shall begin now.

And for those who should wear the mark of the Beast, they should come unto you and they should say, “If you do not take unto the Lord, Jesus Christ, as your savior, then you are for damnation, and you are a false prophet and what you do is false.”

Yes, we know of these things. But that that is good shall stand. As we have told you in the beginning of all of this that we would provide for the needs, that the time would come when unity, understanding, would link you with other organizations. You must prepare for these times, for it is only in the joint effort of all things shall you all prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. ­

Fear not. There shall be days of darkness; there shall be tornados and hurricanes. There shall be floods and destruction; there shall be earthquakes and volcanoes, and the earth shall shift. But for those who truly believe, they shall not carry the mark of the Beast. They shall not worship the Anti-Christ. But they shall not crawl in a hole and pull it in after them, for they shall have the foresightedness to look to the future and future times. You do not need to run and hide.

All of the things that now we have laid into soul Ray’s mind, we have placed there for a purpose, that it shall give you the substances needed that you may sustain life; not only sustaining life during all of this, but you shall gain momentum and knowledge, and your civilization shall rise beneath it all. And the new heaven and the new earth that has been promised unto you shall come into fulfillment.

Which shall you be — as the first farmer, or the second? If you were on the jury that should try this case, how would you vote? When you have decided the way you should vote, do not alter or change your mind. Remember, the life you save may not only be your own, but your children’s children; that that you preserve shall be your pathway to return.

We have told you of different things to store, but do not forget the flowers, for they are the most important of all.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [6–281–1]. She asks, ‘Aka, will you please explain the first part of the reading of March 25, 1977, referring to understanding? How would you have us approach other groups? Were you referring to a specific group? Can you give us guidelines to go by? What is truth and half-truth?’”

We shall say unto you, this we have tried to explain already. The words and the understanding lie in the parable of the two farmers. The half-truths lie in the parable of the two farmers. There shall be rumors. There shall be threats. If you believe today, ­why should you not believe tomorrow?

If more understanding and truth is placed within the substance, it is only like a flower in growth. When you first see the flower, it has attracted your attention for its unusual beauty. If you find a flower in the desert alone, you stop to examine it. At first it may be from curiosity. But if you stand and watch the flower long enough, you shall understand why and how it has come about.

We say unto you, understanding must begin at home. It cannot be with lies. It cannot be with those who are hypocrites who should put on their flock and their best to walk into your churches one day a week and say before all, “Iworship God; I accept Jesus as my savior.”

Understanding is in the knowledge that Jesus walked this land in many places. And he did appear in many forms, not all by the same name. Understanding is the realization that the Jewish nation, the Jewish people, do look upon Jesus as a prophet. They do look upon Mohammed as a prophet. But all is part of a whole. Yet they wait with you for the second coming. Do you think that God, nor the Messiah, because one man should call a man, Jesus, and another, Buddha, it would make any difference?

Yet there shall be those of false prophets; this is true. They will come among you and they will say, “I have a whole truth.” This is not true. Our Lord, God, has learned from His children. He could not learn if He had closed His mind and said, “I have a whole truth.”

Our Lord, God, would have looked upon the human race and walked away from it a long time ago if it was not for the hope, the dream, that within time His children would cease to squabble.

We have told you of lost souls. There are many of such who shall raise false prophets, who shall join the ranks of the Anti-Christ, for without them, he could gather no strength. And he shall say, “I come in the name of the Lord; I come in the name of Jesus of Nazara.” And he shall perform many miracles. But he shall come as a man. But even he shall come with the hope that his reign shall last. The length of his reign shall depend upon you.

At a time that the Eagle has pulled back his wings — and we speak of the American nation — the Bear, Russia, has strengthened his arms and his reach. And the Dragon [China] shall wait a playing [play a waiting] game.

Yes, you may prevail. But as other organizations come unto you, as we have said, let them meet with your Board of Directors. Let them state what they bring with them. Let them bring representation into your organization. Join hands. Link together. Strength.

If upon this day, every one of the people upon the earth who believe in the Second Coming link their hands together, in no way could this Anti-Christ rule. It is only in your strength shall mean the shortness of his time.

And he shall come from the Eternal Sea, the political [whirl, world].

We have said unto you, September the 6th, 1977 — Black September.

But remember, as we came unto you seven years ago, and unto this year, also shall come forth a new beginning, for in these numbers you shall find and take from April 3rd, 1977. And from it, in your numerology, you shall find its strength.

The Lord, God, shall provide the needs. You must join in unity, in understanding — in strength. But come together. Waste not your funds in printing many magazines and many pamphlets. Bring forth all of this unto the Rays of Philosophy.[Note: the newsletter.] Bring forth writings from other organizations as you link together, and bring forth your strengths.

And beware of those who should say unto you, “For I should keep the seventh day holy.” There are seven days as there are Seven Spirits. [See The Revelation 1:4]

And this is the seventh year. Keep each day holy.

Changes shall now come forth. There shall be many who shall control orthodox, as you would call it, religions, who shall and are there to prepare a way for the coming of the Anti-Christ. They shall succeed. But you must succeed in seeing that his reign is short.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. When the Anti-Christ is apparent, how can we effectively work to shorten his reign?”

By the unity of your work; by collecting forth in all forms the preparation in heaven and earth, an army of minds. We have told you the parable, that we have prepared you not only for the storage of grains, the preparation of your minds. Within your mind shall be the answer. Within light and sound shall be the answer. As it may heal, it may also heal the world.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, what shall we do with the material already prepared for pamphlets?”

Go over each one carefully and then print them. This shall be part, as each organization links together, the distribution. This should come in the preparation for that of public relations.

We say unto you, soul Ray now grows weary. We are feeding his mind more rapidly than ever before. The answers and the solutions that you shall need we shall place into his mind. Our time[s] in these readings are limited, yet we may feed his mind to give you answers to your solutions, to your problems, that you may prepare.

But you must prepare your organizations in joy, as we have said, with flowers. Place joy within your organization. Place laughter. The Lord is happiest when His children are laughing and are joyful. There are different types of laughter, remember that.

Awaken soul Ray from his time of his slumber.

[The Fifth Angel walks upon the earth. Now is the time of the Cherubim.]

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1977 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


April 15, l977

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto thee, blessed be the name of the Lord; blessed be the name of His children.

For we shall say unto thee the parable of a town. This town, as it stood, lived in harmony. It was made up of all the races and all the people. And the people stood as neighbors, one unto another. And if there was sickness in their town, they did aid one unto another. And soon, the people grew used to their harmony and their peace.

And then came those into their town who made themselves politicians. The people said unto themselves, “This is good, for we are now a city and we need of this.”

At first there were good politicians, and they did give servitude unto the people.

And soon, they began to take from the people. Yet, the people looked unto them and said, “This cannot be; this cannot happen to us. We are a city. There are those who we have elected who should protect our rights.” Yet the rights were further violated and the people did nothing.

And then one day an old man came into the town. He stood and he looked for a long time. And he said unto them, “For if a tree is rotten at the core, it shall soon wither and die. And so it is with your town.”

And the people said, “This cannot be so, for we are a city.”

And the old man looked at them and said, “Nay. For there were evil cities, and God did look upon it, and He did send messages, and they did not change their ways. And therefore, the cities were destroyed.” But God did not destroy them. They were destroyed from within. But the people, those who would hear of the Lord, those who would look unto their neighbors, were not destroyed. They were given new cities and new towns.

If you should plant a seed in the earth and care for it not, it shall not grow. It shall wither in the vine, in the seed, and rot away. And this is the way with your civilization. For those who should care, for those who should look unto one another as mirrors and reflect out, they should soon build the love and compassion that shall build a city, that shall build a country. But should they ever forget that the responsibility to look after their city is their own, then they shall get those that they shall deserve.

We shall bring forth into your mind a country, that that you would call of Germany. And it did bring forth and give power unto one man who gave power unto others, as Beasts, and through that power they did mutilate and destroy millions of people upon the earth. They did persecute those of the Jewish faith, not because of their faith, but because of their nationality. They did not stop and ask them, “Are you good Germans? Do you love your country?” Nay. They just destroyed them. They mutilated them. They raped the land as they raped the women.

Before this time, you had a Roman Empire.

And then you, you of the Americans, with the rest of your world standing in bondage as Christians, did murder and enslave millions because they were black. You took the name of Jesus and you did defile it. You take the name of the Lord and profaned it.

We have come to bring forth the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And we say unto those who should defile and use the Lord’s name in vain, woe be upon them, and woe be upon the nations who should worship the Beast. For the Beast’s life shall be short-lived.

We have said before that nothing from either side shall interfere in this work.

And the land shall be smitten. And the Sword shall strike. And the mightiest shall fall aside.

The Lord came unto you through Abraham, and Moses, and Isaiah, and John, and Jesus, and Buddha, and Mohammed — not to separate you, but to give each of you, as you have built our Father’s many mansions, knowledge.

For those of you who would say that a man should curse and use the Lord’s name in vain, that, in itself, is not an unforgivable sin. It is when you commit an act, and say, “This is the will of the Lord; this is what my Lord, God, would have me do. I am doing as God would have directed,” we say, nay, unto you. For you of, those of you who should put words in the Lord’s mouth, He shall spit them out upon the earth. For those of you who should put words in the one known as Jesus of Nazara, Jesus the Christ, he shall spit them out.

We say unto you, these are the later days. If the work we have come to do is successful, a thousand years of peace and harmony shall come upon the earth, but not as you count, for each day shall be as a thousand years, and each half-day shall be as a hundred years. But we say unto you, the half-times are over. Fulfillment of the prophecies are at hand — full fulfillment.

You have asked us before, “When is the time to prepare?” We say unto you, as we have said in the beginning, the time to prepare for the coming is now. The time to prepare for your famine is now.

We have spoken unto you unto many ways. We have given unto you all the knowledge that you have asked for.

We say unto you, soul Paul [2–30–2], look within yourself. Look unto your flock.

We say unto you, soul James [1–1–5], look within yourself. Look after your flock.

We say unto both of you, soon shall come the time of your Annual Meeting. Look within yourselves and find the meaning for our coming. If you can take this meaning and truthfully place it unto all the people, all the time, your work shall spread, and the new heaven and the new earth we have promised we shall deliver.

We say once again, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Soon floods in your Eastern lands shall smitten the land. Hurricanes, tornados, and volcano, earthquakes, shall shake and rake the earth to its very core. But we say unto you, pray not that the Sixth and Seventh Seal be opened. [See The Revelation, chapters 5–8.]

It would be our wish that we could come unto you with glad tidings and joy in our hearts.

But we say unto you, prepare to receive your new ministers. But prepare them, that they may prepare the way. A minister in name only is not a teacher.

If a man should put on his finery and to attend his place of worship on the day of Sabbath, or any other day, and does not place back more than he has received has received nothing.

Soon shall come the time of your Spring Retreat. Gather your people, and we shall make ourselves known through soul Ray.

And we should say unto the one known as [5–206–2], you asked for proof. You have long asked. We have placed roses at your feet, yet you have seen it not. Then if it is a miracle you seek, then it shall be given. Attend this Spring Retreat, and our words, and the miracles of the Lord, shall be there. And we shall use our instrument to show you these things.

Now, soul Ray grows weary, and our time grows short. It is not good that he should get angry, for he should remember, even in the fighting of an evil one, there is room for forgiveness.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names to respect privacy. This transcript was compared with the tape recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1977 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


May 6, 1977

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of his children.

And we should say unto thee the parable of the treasure.

For there was a rich king in the land, and he did send much gold into another kingdom. But thieves did see of this, and they did come forth, and they stole the gold. And then they came together to divide it.

Each in turn took their part. But the leader took the largest part. And he pondered long and thought, “If I should show such amount of gold, the king should surely know I stole of it. I shall hide it away until another day, and then I shall spend it.” So he went forth and there he found a young oak tree. He dug beneath the young oak tree and there he covered his stolen gold.

All the thieves were soon arrested and taken away, him included. It made no difference that he had no gold; he was soon found guilty and sentenced to prison.

Years went by, into the number of 20, and somehow he survived the harshness of the prison and was released. He went forth to find the young oak tree. Now the oak tree, when the man had placed the gold beneath it, its roots sought it out, but soon found that the metal was not good for growing, and so, covered it with its roots.

Another man in passing the young oak tree saw the ground around it and said, “Here I shall build my home.” And he did do so. Soon others came, and soon there was a small town and then a city. And the oak was the center of the city, and they did build a park about it. The oak grew and grew. And when the thief came back he found the city, and in the center of the city, a huge oak tree.

He had carved his initials into the tree, deep, when he had buried the treasure. The initials were still there, scarred into the bark and into the wood of the tree. He thought he would wait until night, and then uncover his gold.

When night came, at first he tried with his hands to dig beneath the tree. He could not; the roots were too many. The next night he came forth with pick and shovel, and still the roots were too many. So he covered up the hole he had dug and returned the third night with axe, to cut away the roots of the huge oak. But in his coming and going, certain of the city people saw him, and they began to watch. And the word was whispered throughout the whole city that the thief of the gold had come for his gold and it was buried beneath the tree. And as he began to dig, the crowd rushed forth, all wanting some part of the gold.

But the young man who had first settled in the city came forth, and he said unto the old man, the thief, “You placed gold beneath this tree, is that true?”

And then the thief said, “Yes, but it is mine; I have paid 20 years of my life for it.”

And the man said unto him, “And you would destroy this tree for your gold? You would dig away its roots, its foundation, you would destroy it for gold?”

He said, “It is mine, rightfully so.” And then the others joined in, all wanting the gold.

And he said unto them, “If any one of you had had the gold buried beneath your home, and you had built a foundation upon it, and there you had had your children and your children’s children, would it be right that we should destroy your home to recover the gold?”

And they all said, “No.”

And the man said, “This is true with the oak. Then thief, tell us how much gold you stored beneath the tree.”

And he said unto them, “Thirty pieces of gold.”

The man said, “Then, you shall have your 30 pieces of gold.”

But the rest of the city was not satisfied; they wanted to destroy the oak.

The man said unto them, “For once, for 30 pieces of silver our Lord was betrayed and destroyed and crucified. And wood was used, the wood of life, the wood that has built your homes. This tree has stood and gives you shade and comfort for all these 20 years. Let me return to the thief his dues.” And so the man paid the man 30 pieces of silver, or gold.

Yet the people went on.

The thief left. But the rest of the city treacherously at night dug away at the roots until they found the gold. They did bring it forth. That night was a huge storm, and in the wind and in its weakened condition, the oak fell.

The city came forth and demanded that the city government repair it. And so the city put forth a tax to repair the tree. And it was brought forth and uprighted. And a tree surgeon was brought forth. And each person alike was taxed. And before the tree was repaired, it cost a hundred times the 30 pieces of gold. Yet the tree did not live. It withered and died, for its roots had destroyed.

We say unto you, unto all of you, this is the same. We have brought unto you a prophet. Many things have been placed beneath the foundation. If what we have placed there is destroyed and ripped away by your silly prejudice, then all we have come for shall wither with it.

A city, a person — a man, a woman, a child — a state, a country, a nation, an earth, is all but the same.

Look into our words. Give them birth and meaning. Place wings to them, and let them coveth the four corners of your earth.

We brought to you A Rose Without Thorns. We brought to you the beginning of a Psychic Gift before the Dawn. Yet those who sought it were as the people.

Look into words. Heed them.

For those who looked for the miracle that we promised, it was provided, yet you saw it not. The miracle was within the understanding. And that you traveled for was given, and the wisdom you traveled for was given, as was promised. For not the smallest thing shall fall from this earth without our Father’s permission.

We say unto you, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Tornados, hurricanes, volcanic action, earthquakes, shall dominate the earth. Drought and flood shall walk hand in hand.

But for those who shall not carry the mark of the Beast, fear not.

But it must be done in such a manner that the tree is not destroyed. But yet again, as the one known as Jesus did say, “Destroy this temple, and I shall rebuild it in three days.”

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1977 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


May 13, 1977

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner — for we shall say unto the parable of the two shepherds.

At first, they brought their flock into a great meadow with abundance of grass and food, and water. And their flock did multiply.

But as the flock multiplied, each began to quarrel that the other’s flock was taking more food and water. And each became afraid. And as they began to quarrel, they soon ceased to tend their flock.

The sheep dogs did the best they could, but the flock soon began to stray and divide into many particles.

And when the two shepherds looked up, the flock had become lost. And then they started to argue whose fault it was. And as they argued, a stranger came by. And both turned unto the stranger and said unto him, “Whose fault is it that our flock has strayen and [it] has become lost?”

And the stranger looked at both of them and said unto them, “Are you asking for my impartial judgment?”

And they said, “Yes.”

And the stranger said unto them, “‘Judge not, lest ye be judged.’ If you are asking for my advice, I will give it.”

And they said unto him, “Then give unto us your advice.”

And he said unto them, “Your flock is not lost; they have only lost their way. Join your forces together, and soon you shall bring your flock back. But if you forget this lesson that has been taught you, that a house divided cannot stand, then you shall lose your flock forever. And in losing your flock, you shall lose yourselves. If words are spoken in harshness, learn first to forgive yourself, and then you shall be able to forgive the other. As words are spoken and cast into the wind, it becomes harder to retract these. Your arguments are much as your flock. If you discuss, and do your discussion, while working with your flocks, your flock[s] shall multiply and become great. And they shall give greatness into the eyes of the Lord. And the Lord shall give greatness unto you.” With this, the stranger walked on.

Both shepherds stood there, neither wanting give ground, when suddenly both heard their sheep dogs. They were whining to get the attention of their masters.

The masters looked at the sheep dogs and they were all together. And they followed the sheep dogs, and the sheep dogs had found the flock.

Each of the shepherds turned to find the stranger, but he was gone. In his place, the words — understanding.

We have told you before of the words, understanding, and their true meaning. We have told you before, if you should have disagreements go unto each other and discuss this. If you cannot come to an agreement, then come unto your prophet, that he may assist you. If he cannot find an answer, then he shall call together your teachers and ministers.

But first, remember, the flock shall come first. The flock must come first, for you have been appointed the shepherds of the flocks. And even though they may look different, remember, all are the children of God. And so are you.

And as your ministers, or as your sheep dog would be, and as your teachers should be, of the same, they are still part of the flock.

We say unto you, lift up your heads unto the greater plan of the Lord, the greater purpose for our presence, the greater purpose that you are here, now, in this place — and that is for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. Nothing must interfere with this, regardless of your disagreements.

Who shall you say unto the Lord, “Place the Messiah here, or place him there?” The Lord shall place the Messiah where all can see, and all can feel, and all shall know.

You have but one purpose, as we, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

Which shall you have, three-thousand years of darkness, or a thousand years of light, as God counts?

Your earth is in turmoil. And country pits country against each other. And churches are pitting churches against each other. And politicians are each braying into the winds as a burro.

It is the worst of times, yet the best of times.

Tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes — rain shall fall, hail shall come — all these things. Droughts shall stricken the earth, and the earth shall change its form.

Yet amongst it all, a new heaven and a new earth shall be born. And a Messiah shall reign over it.

Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children. And glory be the name of the shepherds that are chosen to lead His children.

We have said before, do not misinterpret our words. Do not turn them to mean other than what we have meant them to be.

The miracle that we gave you was as the Miracle of the Candelabra. It was slow in the understanding. Yet we were speaking unto one person, [5–206–2].

We see much greatness within, yet much doubt within. Healthy doubt and healthy criticism is good, but only to a point.

You misinterpret our words when we spoke of understanding. You misinterpreted our words when we said, they did not see of the miracle.

We say unto you, we do not sleep, as you. We do not need your air. Yet, when we are in our instrument’s body, it is good to breathe your air once again. It is good to feel, to touch, to smell the earth. As we have said before, in substance we are energy form. We have allowed you to see us as we were in man form. We have walked the galaxies and the earths, and planets, where one day man will walk and join hands together again.

The Earth’s peace is but one step in the peace that shall come.

We have told you many things. We have explained it in many forms, for not each person hears the same way.

We say unto you, look at the flowers we have placed at your feet, and the flowers that lay ahead of you, and behind you.

Nothing that has happened has not happened for a purpose. We have placed many things into our prophet’s life, all for a reason. We have given him the knowledge to heal. We have increased his knowledge to see, not only into your bodies, but into your minds and souls, all for but one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

For those who have ears, let them hear. For those who have eyes, let them see. Yet the blind shall see, and the deef shall hear, and the light shall come forth. And the sun and the rain shall fall on all.

At this time, as we have said before, you will not fully understand our words.

Before, you had study groups, and in these study groups you took our words to understand them. Renew this and this will renew the understanding and fellowship which must bind you together. Make this your prime purpose for the present time, and all shall gain in knowledge, and all shall gain in development.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. And Lucifer is here to scoop from the womb the Christ child, and he will use whatever means he needs to divide you. [See The Revelation, chapters 12–13, especially 12:17.]

We shall not allow this to happen.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1977 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona

Note: Sometimes the words of the spiritual messengers of God are not spoken in modern English, but they use some Middle English words, perhaps from the 1700s-1800s. The editor has left the word as it was found in the dictionary, a Middle English term, to let the reader know their words are true, that they are many and have come to many throughout time. Although it is unknown, perhaps the English-speaking spokesman for the council lived a life in that era.


June 1, 1977

Phoenix, Arizona

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For within thy hearts they say unto us, “Where shall I find spiritual substance to apply into my daily life?” Or very simply, “How do I find peace of mind?”

We say unto you that the thousand years of peace our Father has promised you may start at any time thy desire, within thy heart and thy soul and thy body. We say unto you, love unto thy self. Forgive thyself. Bring hope unto thyself and faith unto thyself. If you may do this, then you shall bring the hope, the love, the faith, into the Father, and you shall also bring it into thy brother and into thine sister.

For within all things, and unto the smallest thing, our Father does dwell. And none should fall unless He should see. But the sun and the rain shall shine upon all. For does not a Father love all of his children the same.

But we say unto you, look into your hearts, and look unto the heart of the person who you dislike. Within that person you shall find many parts of yourself. The reason you dislike this person, you have said, is karma. This in itself could be basically true, but only in part, because you are all parts of everything you have ever been, and so are they. So when you see someone else, you see them as a mirror, reflecting back unto yourself. And that part of yourself that you do not like, you will not like in another.

It is said, “If thy right eye offend thee, cast it aside.” It is also said, “Physician, heal thyself.” But there is a greater saying, “Those who should be their own physician should have a fool for a physician, and a fool for a patient.” In the cleansing of the mind and body, quite often you will throw the better part of yourself away, and dominate it, throw it down because someone else has told you that this is a bad thing, that this is a bad karma. There are many herbs upon your earth. Some herbs will heal some people. The same herb could kill another. No two things upon the face of this earth are identical.

If you cannot love thyself, then think of yourself in this manner. God brought forth you of one kind, of one likeness. There shall never be another exactly like you again ever, because you shall either evolve or fall down. But where you stand at this moment, at this precise second, you are one of a kind. You protect many endangered species. Why do you not take the time to protect yourselves, for you are endangered species. For once that flicker of light, that shell that you live in is gone, that shell is gone forever, not to be repeated, nor a likeness given forth, precisely to the last molecule that your body possesses at this time. It will evolve, the spirit shall evolve, the soul shall evolve, the immortal body shall evolve.

Take the time to love yourselves. If you can do this, you will find that quiet place within your mind where the still pool, the quiet pool lies, and where the candle burns forever, eternally. You shall find God within yourself.

Not one day should pass without these thoughts. “Within me, within this one small person, lies God.”

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [9–366–1…Phoenix] asks, ‘Will my Levi jeans store be successful and allow my husband to quit his place of employment and take over this business? Will it lead to more than one store and eventually a move to Prescott? Will you approve this move? Please advise me of anything that will be of assistance.’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner.

First, you have all your eggs in one basket. Look around you. Look into your bigger stores and you shall find that they have other product along with their mainline product. Add to this. One shall supplement the other, and growth shall mature.

If you were a farmer and you grew the same thing in the same field, year after year, the ground would soon be depleted and would yield nothing at all. A wise farmer knows how to rotate his crops. He will move cotton from one field to another and alfalfa from one field to another, allowing the earth to renew itself. One year the price of the cotton may be plentiful; the next year it may be down, and alfalfa shall [be] good, or grain. This is true in your store. Bring forth other product. Add to your inven­tory. And one person shall come in to buy Levis and find that they have other product that they may buy, and they will buy these also. Or, they will come in to buy your other product and find the Levi. In that way, and only in that way, much as you would build the foundation under a house, that’s where you must start. Build this foundation here and now, and build it well, before you should move on to another store. If you do so, in this manner, then it shall be self supporting for you and your husband and many others.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [3–115–2] asks, ‘Would you give us further guidance in the study group meetings you have suggested?’”

We say unto you into this manner. You have heard us say many times, “We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body, and therefore, we have the records of time,” or the akashic records before us. When all substances come together in that way, we may read from these records, for within you lie those records. You have carried them with you since the beginning of time, and therefore, you are a living storehouse of the same.

We realize that sometimes not all is given with the ability to read these records. The Lord, God, has given man many gifts, each to be used in their own separate way. Some have used them in a very much ungodly way.

We say unto you, there are many people who would — wants to bring together the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. You, within your organization, and in the archives, are like hens setting on eggs. You have mountains and mountains of information. Only through your study groups may the full value of even what we have spoken tonight be understood. For a word is like the wind. Unless it is cap­tured, and studied it is soon forgotten.

The knowledge that you seek lies within these records. You have made your archives. You have categorized the sections. With your study groups take the readings; discuss them. Bring forth the under­standing. If you do not understand, come back unto us and ask these questions, that we may give you the understanding. We have said unto you, “Ask and you shall receive.” Go forth in this manner, and a multitude shall come as one.

But, as long as the jealousies stand, from one organization to another, from one group to another — we have said unto you, if we do not succeed your earth shall have three thousand years of darkness. We are here for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. We are here that the Seventh Seal should, not be opened. [See The Revelation, chapters 19–21 and chapter 8.]

But we cannot stop this. Only you as a people can do this, by joining hands together, without jealousy, with understanding.

Each of the gifts the Lord has bestowed, whether it is to heal, to prophesy, and the many other gifts, of song, the gift to love, should be shared. We say unto you, no, soul Ray cannot give you his gift. But he can give unto you a way that your own gift may be excelled and brought forth. These things can be brought out during study periods.

But remember, the soul, the spirit, the immortal body, is like a very delicate plant. If it is not cared for it cannot grow at all, and it can only wither and die upon the vine.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [9–366–2…Phoenix], asks, ‘Should I continue my schooling, or should I concentrate more on the ranch? Any other advice you may have? Does the eagle have anything to do with the ranch?’”

We say unto you in this manner, your schooling should come forth first. The eagle has guided the way. You, yourself, have interpreted the flight of the eagle to suit yourself. We say unto you, look into the first part of the parable which we have given tonight. You shall find great meaning and answers to your question within the same.

We say unto you that a seeker of love can love no one else unless they love them­selves. But love must be as a mirror. If love is given, love must be given back in return. But remember, there are many types of love. We say unto you, if you should know the true meaning of the word you have used so often, stand beneath the cross and feel the drop of blood and you shall know how much the Lord has loved you.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka, [9–366–3, who is here tonight, address…New York city, New York] asks, ‘We wish to sell our home as we have purchased another. How long will it take to sell? Please give me advice as to how this may be accomplished quickly and successfully.’”

Yes, we see thy need. The home will sell within a three-month period. The quickest and most possible way it shall sell is with the use of a real estate firm and in the hands of a reliable firm that through time has proved its worth. But the home shall sell.

You have other questions. One moment please.

Yes, we see your need too, also. We say unto you, if a person should overprice something that they are about to sell, they shall sell it eventually, but the time shall be lengthened. If you should desire to sell this sooner then bring your price down, but do not be cheated.

You have other questions.

“Thank you Aka. [9–366–3…Phoenix] asks, ‘Could you tell me what changes are coming for me? My job, will the conditions get better? Will I marry? Please advise me of anything that will be of assistance.’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall say unto you, that marriage is a state of mind. When a man and a woman stands before man and God and says unto all, “This man, or this woman, I am proud of and I shall take them into wedlock,” and this is good in the eyes of God, and this is good in the eyes of man. But the true marriage within itself shall come between the man, the woman, and in the eyes of God. Love is something, a commodity that cannot be bought nor sold. It must be given freely. It must be given in such a manner that you expect nothing back in return. And only then shall it blossom and full maturity come forth. If you shall reach forth in this manner, that that thy seek shall come in abundance.

The profession that thy speak of shall multiply in the same manner. But there is still something else that shall be greater. For as a rose should blossom in the spring, and stop blossoming in the full heat of the summer, so it should blossom again in the autumn — and then it should go dormant through the winter, but to wait the spring. We say unto you, the spring of life is but the beginning. The summer is for the growing. The autumn is for the gathering. The winter is for the short sleep before the wakening of the spring. In all shall be sweet and divine. In this manner shall come forth your gift.

You shall not understand our words at this time fully, for they are made for your ears and your ears only. Many here shall receive much from what we have said to you, but only you yourself shall fully understand what we have given you. But we say unto you, we could give you nothing, leste without the permission of our Father. Glory be the name of the Lord.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [9–366–4…Phoenix] asks, ‘Do you see any changes for me in the near future in my employment? Also, will I continue to live in Arizona or in another state?’”

Yes, we see your need. We shall answer in this manner. Your employment shall terminate, and you shall leave this state and venture forth into another. We would say unto you at this time, do not be so swift to judge, and be not too swift in your actions. Go a little slower that you might smell the flowers at your feet. And you may see them. And in the seeing you shall realize the abundance and the beauty around you. And then you shall travel no farther. Then you shall be able to give, of fullness and in abundance.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Thank you. [9–357–1…Phoenix] asks, ‘Dear Aka, Ray usually answers my question. I only wish to thank you for sharing your information with us through Ray. I would appreciate any information you would care to share with me at this time. Thank you, sincerely, [9–357–1].’”

Yes, we shall answer your question. The path of one can be the path of the other. Happiness and a bountifulness shall come. That that thy have asked for within thy heart for thyself, thy mate, shall come together. And that that thy ask for shall be fulfilled until thy cups runneth over.

You have other questions.

“Thank you, Aka. [5–216–3…Phoenix] asks, ‘Will the apartment plans that I am working on now prove to be satisfactory, or should some specific changes be made on them?’”

That that thy have done is good. Within your mind you have the answer already.

You fear that your labors shall be for nothing. We say unto you, we have sought you out for a purpose. One day you shall draw not only the plans for houses, but the plans for men and women. We have long seen the compassion which lies within your heart. That our task, and yours, should come into fulfillment, your labors shall not be wasted.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [9–366–5…Phoenix] asks, ‘My parents live in Wisconsin and Dad is very ill. How long will his spells continue, and how will Mother’s health stand up under the stress? I’m very concerned.’”

We understand [your high] need. And we must answer you in this manner. We are not allowed to give information concerning another soul without their permission.

We say unto you in this manner, the blessings of the Lord shall go before thee and gentleness and kindness shall be given. The Lord is with thee.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [9–366–6…Jacksonville, Florida] asks, ‘During my present travels, please give me specific direction for contacts ahead — who, where, and how, and how long it will take to complete this trip, and how it will turn out.’”

You have asked for the wine; we have placed it before thee. You have asked for the bread; we have placed that before thee. Now thy ask for the yeast. The completion of your task lies at your feet. Seek out soul Ray in a wakening state and he shall give you the fullness of your answer.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [9–366–7…Phoenix] asks, ‘Will the Laetrille program, as discussed today, need extra advice that you can give us now?’”

Yes. We say unto you unto this manner. There are those who are involved in a national plot. They control the narcotics flow into your country. They also control the flow of the Laetrille into your country. If quick measures are taken now in the manner which was just discussed, this would cast them out of your country — first your state, and then your country. These people, as we have said before, are what you would call parts of your Syndicate. They live from the blood of man. They leach the blood of man.

You may stop them. You have brought forth the legalization of the manufacturing without guidelines. We would say in this manner, if your legislature shall not provide funds, let the manufacturers provide the funds to lay the standards down. [If] they are not willing, they should not manufacture. In this manner they should come forth in truth.

But there should also be a truth in production. In other words, we say unto you, if you should buy a house, you should know what it is built of, what each cost of material that goes into the building of the house is. This should be true within the production — in other words, a declaration of truth. This would separate the thieves from the honest.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [7–304–8…Mesa] asks, ‘Is the above date and time of birth correct as stated on my birth certificate. If not, what is the correct time?’”

The correct time is on your birth certificate. The correct date is upon your birth certificate. The correct year is on your birth certificate.

And now we should say unto you, soul Ray tires. Our time has now grown short.

We say unto you, new tornados and hurricanes shall rack the Midwest in the United States and the Eastern and Western shorelines. Earthquake shall be as common as the sun should rise in the morning. But fear not.

For those who should not walk with the mark of the Beast shall have nothing to fear.

For those who should pass on at this time are passing on for a purpose.

There are those here who grieve in the death of their friend. He passed on that he may return and walk by the side of the Messiah. You should not grieve, but give gladness into his heart, for he found that that he seked [Note: Middle English for sought.] And he shall return to sow the fields. His sleep is already passed. His awakeness and awareness is already at work.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. The great Sword stands above thee. It should slice from two sides.

From one, [it] shall part the earth and change its form. In a land where no rivers flowed, rivers shall run freely. In other land, parts of your land shall flood and turn into desert. Gardens shall grow in the desert, and the earth shall change its face.

On the other side of the sword, so shall it separate man. For those who should stand with God, and for those who shall deny Him. Remember into the tale of Lot from thy Bible and you shall see your earth. For as the two cities were taken from the earth, and the inhab­itants therein, so should happen to the substance of thy earth. Yet for those who did not look back, they did multiply and come forth upon the earth. And they were the descendants of Abraham, as the brother of Lot. [See Genesis, chapters 18–19.]

The earth shall change its shape, this is true.

If you prepare a way, now, your Messiah shall come unto you in the year of 1999 and be known unto you and walk with you. It is your choice. It is your world. It is your universe. It is your time. What shall you make of it?

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for privacy.]

Copyright © 1977 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona 85502


June 11, 1977

Globe, Arizona

Seventh Annual Meeting

Aka is here.

Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

And we say unto thee that from the east, the west, the north, the south — from the four corners of your earth — so shall His children come together, as it was written. For there within Paul’s dream is now the fulfillment; for he did say unto those of the Council, “For I saw an angel appear in the east and it carried a veil. And I saw an angel appear in the west and it did carry a veil. And I did see an angel appear in the north and it did carry a veil. And I did see an angel appear in the west [south] and it did carry a veil. And from my dream, so I see that the words of the Master and the fulfillment of what he was to bring unto us.”

And so we say unto you, for seven years we have struggled. For seven years, you have struggled and toiled.

We said long ago that if you could grasp the meaning of our words, your thousand years of peace should come forth. Few of you could understand that we would select one small group of people and let them build, provide their needs, and watch them struggle. We watched you fight and quarrel among yourselves. It has not been now, when your quarrels have ended, that we could bring unto you this message. For as the messages were sent unto Abraham that the two cities that were to be destroyed, and Abraham did say, “Spare them, oh, Lord,” yet, only Lot, his daughters, and his wife. And his wife did look back, and she was transformed.

You asked unto us, “What do you mean now?” And we shall explain. We knew that if we could bring together you from many places, you, each of you, from many cultures and religions, and have you live in a house with peace and love, one unto another, if this task could be completed, then all of you would turn unto the earth as mirrors and reflect out. This is important, more important than all the other tasks that we have placed before you.

You this day have achieved this. You have linked your hands together in love, in true love. We have long said, “Stand beneath the cross, and should you feel the drop of blood upon your forehead you should know the true meaning of love.” That word you have used so often, you now know the meaning of. Love of this sort cannot be bought, nor sold, nor traded, nor bartered for in any manner. It must come from the body, through the soul, through the spirit into the immortal body, the binding of your spiritual substance into the blessings of the Lord, your God.

Your moment of truth, your moment of acceptance, has now come into fulfillment. Now, we are ready to go to work. Now we shall bring unto you the four corners of the earth, and the multitude. It shall be no easier than the first task that took you seven years to achieve.

For some of the people that we shall bring unto you shall try to dominate, to control. Love is nothing to be controlled; it must flow freely and be given freely.

We say unto you, all of you, close your eyes this moment, and we shall take unto thee the mountaintop. Close your eyes. Let us lift you.

Now, look about you. Breathe the air, touch the wind, and know that where we have brought you is a better place by far. Look down where you stood. Now you see what was meant within our words. You shall now bear the yoke of love, of faith, of hope. Remember these things before you quarrel again.

We are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. We have no other purpose.

Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of the Messiah, and glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading for [6–281–1.]”

Yes, we see thy need. And we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

We have thee in the entry upon the planet Yahweh. In these days the land was bountiful and plentiful. The people were happy. The harvest upon the land was abundant, abundant in all things.

From birth you had lived near the sea. From your home, across the white sand you could see the island. It was said in legend that there upon the island all of Yahweh was born — that here the Maker had touched His hand — that here the greatest decisions governing all the planetary of the galaxy were made — that here upon the island were built the greatest centers of knowledge. Here is where the congress sitte [note: Middle English] to deliberate and make just rules for the governing of the galaxy.

There had been rumors of strife and unrest. Some of the other planets were demanding more and more food substance from the planet Yahweh, more and more raw materials. All was in abundance and the people of Yahweh were glad to give, yet the demands were becoming greater.

One day, as you walked on your beach, you noticed one of the water craft that rode above the water on air approaching your beach. As it neared it came into the docking area, and your father came forth to greet them. And you went forth. And here you would meet for the first time three of the leaders of your planet. It was not long until you became engulfed in conversation as you walked upon the beach. You suggested that you swim in the ocean.

As laughter rang in your ears that day, and while these leaders were talking of peace, upon the beach the first attack upon Yahweh came. You died upon that beach, but not without the promise of one of the leaders that a new world would be made for all, that a time and place would come when work would be done upon another planet by the seed of [their] seed.

And so it did come to pass. After the craft did land upon the Earth, you were one of the first born of the earthlings. Yet there was memory within you. And so began the cycle — Atlantis, in the land of the Inca, in the land of Ur, in the land of the Egyptan, in the land of the Eagle, in the land of Jerusalem — and then in the land of the Yucatan, in the land of the Black Mesa, so it was healing, and so you did heal unto the people.

And you say unto us, “You have not given unto me all that I seek.” Yes, we have, and more.

But remember, once again, as in Yahweh and all the other lands, we have given unto you that that you have sought out, for we shall say unto you, for as I am soul Ray, soul Ray is I — and so are the words of Aka.

Study long upon the words we have given unto you. Fulfillment shall flow as a warm spring. Knowledge shall bloom and become abundant. Capture that knowledge.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, she also asks, ‘Can you advise us of a method of converting solar energy stored in a heating system into kinetic or electrical energy?’”

Yes, this can be done. Solic energy [note: Sol is Middle English for sun], if placed in the form of a pyramid, the dimensions of the sides for the pyramid should be 13-feet wide by 9-feet tall. In this manner, after you have placed, first — on the same order that soul Ray has brought forth and drawn out and shown you — solar collectors, [with] using copper tubing, with 3-inch in diameter collectors, two-inches high, interconnecting throughout the whole pyramid. An interlayer of not less than 4 inches of fine, washed sand must be placed within this from top through bottom. Two intakes with baffles that the air may circulate in a turbulent manner, therefore, the air shall then be extracted from near the top of the pyramid. It should be 1-foot-3-inches from the top of the pyramid. There the hot air must be extracted. At this point the air will be changed into negative ions and you have produced a negative-ion generator, and the particles will, therefore, be charged. The form of using this type of heat will be greatly healing to your system and filtered in such a manner that your health, in itself, will greatly be increased, both mental and physical healing.

The tubular substance must work in such a manner that it should go in an upward and downward motion along the sides and the base of the pyramid — in other words, in pyramid shapes, one interconnecting into the other until you have covered all four sides. The enter heat chamber, as we have described; then the air must pass through and run your heating tank. There, once again, stone must be placed of fine-washed grain sand in a minimum of 4 inches around the outer part of the heat passage that should pass around the heat tank.

There, once again, the water that has been heated from the pyramid shall pass into the tank. The heat shall pass in and around the tank recharging the particles in the water once again. This will give you water as pure as rain or purer.

At this point the cooling of the house may be done with Freon generators run from the hot air. At this point you may either use Freon generators to create electricity to drive your generator form or you may create steam and drive stream turbine generators to create electricity. In the charging of the particles you shall soon find that the creating of steam will become quite easy. You must construct within this a safety device, for the heat may reach, in your measurements, 2,000- degrees Fahrenheit.

Safety devices should be implanted, therefore, and cooling tanks, that the water before it enters for further use, such as drinking, etc., bathing — either the water or the heat, either may be used for cooking, drying your clothes, and all the other uses for running appliances within your household.

The reflectors [in] the encasement in glass over the whole pyramid must be done in such a way that the pyramid may be set on a north-south axis. This way you shall not have to put tracking [devices] to track the unit into the proper sections of the sun, for at all times, one side, two sides will be inner attracted. The heat transformation shall, therefore, attract the other sides, which should be photo-controlled, to then close and open the sides exposed to the maximum amount of sun.

You will produce an energy substance which shall be more than sufficient to meet your needs.

It would further be suggested that the mirror devices be made in the shape of the shadows that the pyramid should cast; therefore, they shall give the greatest amount of reflection. In other words, placing your reflectors all the way around the pyramid, and then having your closing devices that they may close, or the sections that do not receive the maximum amount, and they may close up and keep in the heat. This can be easily done.

You do not fully understand the words we have spoken. Within soul Ray’s mind we have slowly implanted the knowledge. The tubular devices that should lead into your house and carry both heat and water should be done in such a way as a diode that both the heat from the water and the substance may only pass one way.

Further information on this subject will be given at a different time. Full knowledge shall be implanted in soul Ray’s mind.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question for you from [3–91–3…Mesa, Arizona]. And in brief, she’s asking if she should marry G___ C_______, and if she does, if she will ever join the Mormon Church? She is also asking, if she doesn’t marry him, what guidance you have for her?”

(Chuckle) We say unto you unto these words. Finish your education, then go into a trade school that you may learn a trade. You would excel well either as an aide in the nursing field or as a typist. At this point, with the knowledge we both have, we would suggest the marriage.

This is all on this subject at this time. You have other questions.

“Yes, Aka. One moment. I have a question from [5–206–2]. He asks, ‘Who was the person­ality who started the seeds of doubt which started the war among the sons of God on Yahweh?’ And he wants to know if this personality is incarnate now in this system, and does he or she have a role in this organization now or in the future?”

We shall answer that question in this manner. The seeds of doubt were planted, and you had a part in the planting. The others involved also are here now. But we say unto you, the study of the past is only good in as much as you to know and guide you in the future. Therefore, the other names that you seek would serve little purpose in this day and time.

Your dream was given to you for a purpose. The language that you understood then was the language that was spoke upon the planet Yahweh. Yet then you thought you had all the knowledge. If you should sow a field, then you shall reap that that you sow. But if you come back to sow a field, and make it a better field, then you shall reap that harvest also, for you have better guidance now.

We have brought you before the ankh. We did not force you. You came of your own free will. We gave unto your keeping our flower. Is this not proof enough of our love and the love of our Father?

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Was the moon used as a weapons test site, and if so when and by whom?”

(Sigh) The moon has been used as a weapon test site by many planetary substances.

(Deeper sigh) In this day and in this time it has been used both by the Russian, the Chinese, and the American governments.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [7–316–1…Yuma] asks, ‘What other artifacts in this part of the country should

be brought forth to supplement those of the hill of the skull? And when should the records of time be opened — Arizona Repository?’ He asks for guidance and says, ‘Thank you.’”

The records of time will be opened at the proper time. The artifacts that should be brought forth should only be needed as proof. You have that proof now. Look unto the heart of your group and the love therein and there you shall find the greatest artifact, for within it is the history of all mankind, throughout all galaxies.

We know the importance to you in your search. We shall say unto you that your ful­fillment and needs shall come forth. Go, therefore, unto the Black Hills [note: in Arizona]. There you shall find the remains of the Agua Caliente. Travel forth into the saddle of the mountain. From Agua Caliente you will see this; it should look a saddle as you look unto the west. There you shall find other artifacts to supplement these things we have spoken about.

Ten feet beneath the surface, there in the saddle, you shall find three large boulders that shall lay on the right-hand side of the pathway. Go unto the third boulder. Wait until the sun should cast the fullest shadow upon the boulder. At the peak of the shadow, therefore, dig and you shall find what you seek.

Now soul Ray grows weary, and your time should grow short.

We say unto you, look back into the readings we have given you. [Note: Also see the December 9, 1972, reading.]

Yes, the Fifth Angel still walks upon your earth. You are a stubborn lot, but you are learning.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1977 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona 85502


July 8, 1977

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

And if you should honor unto the Lord, honor one another. For we should say unto thee, the greatest gift you could give the Lord is each of you within your religious knowledge and faith, and your love for God, showing it to one another. Give not damnation unto another’s belief.

The spirit of God flows upon the earth into all things and into all of His children. Is it not said that not the smallest things shall fall from this earth without the permission of our Father and His knowledge? God did not bring death upon your earth and unto His children.

What Father who loves His children would cripple him? What Father which loves His children would place any sickness or plague upon your earth? Nay. He gave it to you in a pure form. Man has chosen death to seek that purity. And so it is unto all things created by the Father, resurrection shall come forth.

And so it is with the earth. As summer should turn into autumn, and autumn into winter, and winter into spring — a time to laugh, a time to cry, a time to grow, a time to work, a time to love, a time to give your worship and your thanks unto your God, in your many tongues, in your many ways. My Father and yours has many mansions. Great they are to behold.

Would you deny another to enter the mansion he has chosen? Would you deny another in his search, in his own way, for the search of truth?

And what is truth? We say unto you, truth is that unto which you, within yourself, can have the hope, the love, the faith, to know that what you have done this day you have not harmed your brother, you have not harmed yourself, and you have not harmed your God.

Each of you should come to the well to drink. Some may bring a cup, another a plate, another a pan, a dish, made from every particle and material known within and without your knowledge. Yet you drink from the same well. Does the water taste any different? Nay.

But if you pollute the well, then you have also polluted it, not only for yourself, but for others.

And you say unto us, “How could we pollute the well?”

We say unto you, in your Ten Commandments it is said, “Thy shall not say of thy Lord’s name in vain.” You have long taken this to mean that you shall not curse and use the words, the Lord’s name. It means more than this. Its meaning is, if a man should build an altar of stone and worship there unto his Lord, unto his God, and you damn him, then you have damned the Lord and used His name in vain. If you should say, “Lord, bring down vengeance upon this man,” you have used His name in vain.

There are those who would say, “Who are these who speak unto us now? Are they spirits? Are they from heaven? Are they from hell?”

We came unto you seven years ago. And now it is the seventh month, of that seventh year — in the year, as you would count, of 1977. Much should be learned from these numerals. But more important, what we and the message we have [tried] to bring unto you.

You have gathered vast knowledges from the readings, both in the scientific, spiritual, and in your everyday lives. We have said in the beginning, “Ask and you shall receive.” We say again, ask and you shall receive.

Take this reading we have given you this day, this time, and lay a foundation with it. Take the knowledge and place it in your day-to-day lives, and you will have a new heaven and a new earth, and you will have the beginning of your thousand years of peace.

But we say unto you, we are here to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. Place in your hearts that love that we have brought to you. But we did not bring it; our Father, who sent us, always loved you, for you are His children.

You have questions ask.

“Aka, in the last reading you mentioned the dream of Paul, and mentioned four angels that he dreamed of. We cannot find this. Can you explain further?”

(Chuckle) Both Peter and Paul had dreams simultaneously. Even though the one known as Jesus of Nazara had taught them to love one another, I’m afraid there was not much love for the two. It was our hope that even within the dreams that were given to them at the same time that peace could be brought between them. And so for another time did they wait. Yet they still wait.

The answer we have given you seems as a puzzle. If you will think upon it, you will know it is not.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you Aka. Could you please explain further the issues that brought about the internal conflict on Yahweh?”

Look upon your earth this day. It is only history repeating itself. The only difference between Yahweh and your earth, you have yet to have the technical knowledge that they possessed. They destroyed not only a planet, but their galaxy around it.

You are the descendants of Yahweh. And Yahweh was the Eden of the universe, the seed. And from Yahweh did the seeds go forth.

The time shall come, not far from now, when you shall see the seed from other planetary systems reaching forth to link hands with you, for they have learned from their own mistakes since Yahweh.

Since Yahweh your people have reached many golden ages, have built great cities, only to destroy them. It is like the dog that chases his tail. Which shall man have on this earth — to die within a polluted land and perish for nevermore? Nay. Your man is like the cockroach; he spreads his seed of filth and lives on. And he promises, “Oh, Lord, get me through this battle that I have started, get me through this argument I have started; let me survive this holocaust, this famine, and I shall repent unto you, oh, Lord.”

And the Lord looks unto His children and knows that their repentance shall only go as long as the threat stands over them.

Man has dug himself out of the rocks many times before. Our hope, our prayer is that this does not happen again, that life on this earth can be a paradise as it once was in Yahweh, that you can take the knowledge from Yahweh and use it, that no one should go hungry, not one soul, that there should be work and new knowledge for all.

Yet on your Earth this day you stand back and you say, “If only there was this, and if only there was that.”

We have told you the story of the two dreamers. One dreamer brought fulfillment to his dreams. The other only had time for dreaming, not for fulfilling, and therefore, he left chaos behind him. To fulfill a dream is like the birth of a new earth.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [5–206–2] asks, ‘When the sons of God who left to populate other planets come back to earth, where will they be coming from, and also, where will they land on earth?’”

Some have already landed on your earth in the land of Peru, North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa. Your pyramids are still functioning. Their cortex is still a guidance system. It is still being used, and still functioning, even though some need repair.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. What is the origin of the green glassy modules they call, tektites, found around the earth in desert areas?”

(Sadly) These are that which was left over from a great atomic war upon the earth once before.

You shall find that some of these shall date back two million years. A civilization once stood there.

You have other questions.

“Thank you, Aka. [7–316–1…Yuma] asks, ‘I seek information about the pyramid and its location that I thought of on that Monday last month. Would you guide me? Thank you.’”

We would say unto you, seek out soul Ray in a wakening state. The answer is within his mind. It is already being built into the new solar reflector system, or as he would call it, his ion sun generator.

Now soul Ray grows tired.

And we say unto you, the Fifth Angel walks upon the earth. Pray unto the Lord that this seventh year of yours is not the year when the Seventh Angel shall walk.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

New earthquakes shall occur — first, off the coast of Oregon, inland, and then a chain reaction shall occur from Sacramento through Blythe, into Arizona, across through Los Angeles, San Bernardino.

New tornadoes shall grow — through Albuquerque. And we say unto those from there, one is happening at this moment.

More and more shall come. Greater destruction shall come forth. Make your homes sturdy. Protect against this. Now is the time.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1977 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


July 22, 1977

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

For we should say unto thee the parable of the two nations that stood as children and two kings that stood as infants. For each had sent the other an invitation to visit into their kingdom. And each became angry waiting upon the other for their reply.

And the first king did say unto his ambassador, “Go, therefore, and demand that the king of the other nation visit unto my land.” And this he did do. But when he arrived in the other land to announce his king’s bidding, before he could speak out, he was slain.

At the same time, the other king had sent an ambassador unto the other king’s land. And before he could speak out, he was slain.

And both kings became quite angry. And they did summon forth all the might of their nations. The two nations were cousins, for daughter and son had married across the borders. And the armies as they marched closer, and even the generals, did not want to go to war. And finally they reached the final battle ground, and each general, thinking in his heart, “That that I am about to do is wrong.” And so they did call a truce between them, and they did walk forth. And the two generals talked to the problem and said, “Why are we here? Why should we make war upon each nation and each other?” They could not find the answer. “But if we do not make war, what will our king think?”

And a stranger appeared upon the hilltop, and he said unto them, “Hark and listen unto me.” And he said unto them, “Both return back unto your kings and say you have been defeated. And say that you should need a mediator to talk between the two.”

The generals looked upon him, and said, “Why should we take your advice?”

And he looked upon them and said, “Have you a better answer? You do not want to make war; then why not make peace?”

The two generals went back to their armies, each saying, “We have been defeated; we shall return home.” Both of the armies went home in gladness, to spread the news throughout the land that they had each been defeated by the other nation.

Each of the kings upon hearing the news were furious at first. And they said, “But who should we get to mediate between us?”

And each of the generals said they had met this stranger who spoke great words of wisdom. And so, they were both ordered to go forth and find the stranger. They searched throughout the land, and did not find him. Then they went both unto the battleground, and there he stood. And they said, “Sir, would you come and be the mediator between our two kings?”

The stranger said, “Yes.”

And so, arrangements were made that the two kings would meet on the exact same spot.

At first they began to call each other foul names and threaten. The stranger sat in silence. When the two kings had talked themselves until they could no longer speak, the stranger spoke. And he said, “Each of you had sent the other an invitation to visit their kingdoms. Each of you now have your wish come true; you are visiting. But yet you have quarreled and fought. And yet you are cousins by blood, and brothers in the sight of God. Each of you have promised to rule your land in the sight of God, yet you send armies to murder each other, and you commit murder. You have broken your Father’s and mine commandment, ‘Thou shalt not kill.’ You have broken your Father’s commandment, for you have laid blasphemy at each other. And you have [coveted] each other. What commandment have you not broken?”

The two kings looked at one another, and decided what great fellows they were. And they did return back unto their lands.

The two generals stood and watched them. And the generals said, “How did you know of all these things?”

And the stranger said, “‘Not the smallest thing upon this earth shall fall without my Father’s knowledge.’ But what you have seen is two children. Their words were words of anger, as a child. Yet had you responded, and death would have reigned. For a child, the mind does not think long upon the same subject; he reacts only to the moment and the time. He does not look beyond his actions nor that which should happen after he has taken such action. It is said, ‘As a child, I thought as a child. As a man I should think as a man, and I should eat as a man.’ Are not these things true?”

We say unto you, we shall bring the many philosophies together.

But which shall you react as?

We are here but for one purpose, the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

War may reign the land. Earthquakes, hurricane, tornado, flood, heat, cold, all of these things may happen. But if you react as adults, then in truth, you shall enter your Father’s house as a child, in truth.

He said unto them, “For I shall go now. And I shall prepare a way in my Father’s many mansions.

You shall say unto us once again, we have spoken unto you as into riddles. We say unto you, nay. Study our words. Linger upon them, and you shall find the truth within yourself.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, Ray [1–1–1] would like to know about the significance of the artifacts that his sister, J_____, brought with her.”

Yes, see they need, and we shall say unto you, as we have said before that records were kept from the days of Atlantis and before; the people you speak of are the Oltec [Olmec], or the interpretation of the same, the Atlanteans. You shall find the records of time within these chambers. As we have said before, all that was buried shall came forth in truth.

The pots, as you would call them, are not ceremonial pots, these are records. Each has the date, the time and the knowledge you seek. It shall tell you of the time that Atlantis and Laboria [Lemuria?] both disappeared from the face of your earth. It shall tell of the time of the rising of the new earths. Both, in medical knowledge and in scientific knowledge, is all there. It shall also tell you, and give proof unto you, that the man known as Jesus of Nazara did walk upon this land. It shall give you further information that your birth of civilization did not come from Egypt, but from the Americans. As we have said before, Atlantis, or civilizations in their golden ages, has risen and fallen before.

Here are the records of your times, all times. You shall find that they shall date back over four billion years in all, if they were all brought together. If they are separated, much as most of the knowledge brought from Egypt had been separated, much as your Lost Sea Scrolls were separated, then, once again, you shall have lost the knowledge that was stored for you.

Yes, you will find that the people who left these were the last of their kind. Yet they have been reborn within you.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes Aka, I have one other question. In regard to these artifacts, how should we seek to interpret or understand the knowledge that they represent?”

Soul Ray, if all were brought before and with him, together with you archaeologists and proper dating methods, all could be substantiated. It would also be suggested, strongly suggested, that some of the knowledge should come from that of your Mormon Church. You shall find it shall substantiate both your Old, your New Testaments. Yes, it should change your thoughts of your own historical beginnings. But it is said, “To know where you have been is to know where you are going.”

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Aka, what is the significance of the Pleiades star system? Does that have any relationship to us?”

Yes. You shall find that in each of these parts, as you would call them, or records, the stars shall be shown in a different position, indicating a time and an event.

But to further answer your question and the one in the mind, “How does astrology affect your lives?” We shall say unto you in your own words that true astrology comes from the heart, the brain, within. But the movement of all planetary substances should affect your lives from day to day, hour to hour. The knowledge of this should allow you to alter and change this that is about to come forth. You have been given free choice; it should remembered. Use it wisely.

You have one other question, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Do you wish any changes in the pamphlet on The Great Wars?”

As we have said before, place a beginning, a middle, and an ending. But in this particular pamphlet, there is no ending, so give it wings that it may be added to.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.


One minute.

Yes, we shall answer that question in the mind of one. “For what purpose have you been brought unto this small town?” And we say unto you, you are part of a whole. You are part of God’s plan. You have been brought here to visualize and see with your own eyes, for you shall become, all of you, a part in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Take both the healing gift as it has been given and that that shall be added and give it wings. The healing that has been given unto your bodies is only a part. The greater part is the linking of the hands in true friendship and in true understanding that this work may go on.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. New earthquakes shall occur in the land of San Diego, San Bernardino, San Pablo, upward and downward, the fingers — soon, that that you know as the Imperial Valley has already begun to feel. Heat, greater temperatures than your earth has ever known shall reach the earth and scorch it. As you have experienced a greater winter, now you shall experience a greater summer. From hot to cold the earth shall begin to crack, to shift.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1977 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


August 5, 1977

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner.

And we should say unto you, as the earth was formed, and each of the Seven Spirits did come forth to perform their task, and each were given different tasks, some to form the mountains and rivers and forests and valleys, some to form the plains, some to form the deserts.

And as they went about their tasks, they began to argue.


And first one stood forth and said, “Oh, Lord, you have given me the job to bring forth a desert with vegetation, yet they will not give me rain and clouds. They take the rain and place it in abundance in places where it is not needed.”












You say unto us, the words we have just spoken unto you are as riddles once again. We say, no. Study these words. Learn from them, and you shall find that the tree of knowledge and this circle, which is slowly encircling your earth, of knowledge, is much like the mesquite tree.

You have said, “This is the Aquarian Age.” We say unto you, the thousand years of peace that has been promised you can come any time you are ready for a new heaven and a new earth.

Now we say unto you, across the western parts of your United States, greater fires shall scorch the ground. Some of these will be due to the fact of man’s neglect and others to that of nature cleansing the ground. We have said before that two year’s time would pass before your droughts would end, before the underground caverns could be refilled.

But as man continues to use more than can be given, rationing, even in this land, shall come about. Therefore, we say unto you, use these substances wisely. Learn from the desert. Learn that that your fathers and your fathers before you knew who dwelt in this land. Learn that that you have known who have dwelt in this land.

For the Lord, God, did place His special blessings into the least of things. Is it not said, “Blessed are the meek for theirs shall be the bounty.” All around you we have placed those things that would give you life. And remember, our Father is the God of the living, not of the dead.

And now we should say unto those who have come to seek healing. Unto each of you, you have found your pathway here because of your afflictions. The afflictions shall be taken from you. We have given, as the Lord, God, has given unto us, and has given unto you, the one you call soul Ray, the gift to heal.

Yet, when your afflictions are long gone, much as the desert in a drought, you will blossom forward. You will take more than a healing with you, for there is the healing of the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. Take these things back into your own religions.

If what we have said does not apply within your lives, do not be despondent, for you shall find some parts much as the growing of a tree, that you can carry home with you, that you can take back into your journey.

Remember, we are not here to separate the churches.

Now is the time, and shortly the reign, of the Anti-Christ. We are here for the preparation and the coming of the Messiah, that the mark shall not be cast upon God’s children. [See The Revelation, chapters 7, 10, 13, 14:14–18, 15:2–4, chapter 19, 20:1–6, 20:11–14, and chapters 21–22.]

As we came forth, we came forth in five places, and the readings as you hear them now, and our voice was heard in five places upon your earth. In four they have been cast aside. Now, we are able to reach into many mouths and bring forth that day of preparation.

Our words, give them wings.

And wherever you should sayeth and pray unto your Father, remember that that you say unto your Father’s name and say it in truth, for the betterment of mankind, we shall travel and be there to serve you — for we do not sleep. For wherever you journey, the gifts that you shall receive here shall go with you. And only the thought, and we shall be with you. But we are not great. We are but the messengers of your Father and ours, God.

In you minds you say, “Why, then, do you not speak of the one known as Jesus of Nazara, the first-begotten son?” And we say unto you, we speak of these things into which you seek knowledge as we look unto your minds. We need not speak for him, who should come later, for he shall speak for himself, and you shall hear him. Our job is not to place words in his mouth; our job is the preparation for his coming.

Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children. And glory be the name of the Messiah.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. What is the significance at this time of the date, ‘the 6th of September — Black September,’ as you spoke of earlier? What will occur, and what should we do in preparation?”

We should say unto you, there are those who call themselves Palestenes, Palestines. They should seek a country of their own. This is not all they seek, for within them and among them they harbor the Anti-Christ. Should the Eagle [U.S.A.] not spread its wings and protect Israel, woe be your land, for his reign shall be four and one-half years.

We have told you that both the Anti-Christ and the Christ, the true Christ, is upon your land.

Upon that date you shall feel the tremors of his first works.

And many shall call him messiah. And many shall follow him. And he shall perform miracles unto you. And he shall come unto you and say, “I shall teach you miracles.” And there will be those who will come unto you and say, “I shall teach you miracles.” And we say, nay. Beware, for these are false prophets. Beware. For those who follow him shall bear the mark of the Beast.

At the same time you shall feel the presence begin to grow among you of the Messiah.

It is not yet time that the Eagle shall spread his wings, for we are not through with our work. But your country, the Eagle, should coveth Israel — not in such a manner that would harm her, but that would giver her strength. For remember, in their greatest time of need, they shall kneel before the Messiah.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading from S____ J______ B_____, born in Louisville, Kentucky, at 5:05 a.m. on the 12th — ”

One moment.

We are sorry at this time; due to soul Ray’s health, and the fact that he has not fully recovered yet, we should do those things that shall protect his body and his mind. A life reading at this time cannot be done. Ask at another reading and it shall be granted.

You have other questions among you. Ask these questions.

“Yes, Aka. Do you have any suggestions for the pamphlet on dowsing, material that you’d specifically like to see in it?”

Yes, we should say unto you these words. Remember, the instrument that you are using is only an extension of your mind, and the gift you are using is a gift given to mankind from God. Therefore, place within it in a godly manner, but give it spice and filling. But let, not let one stand greater before another. It is better to sell for less and sell more, than it is to sell for more and sell less.

We would say unto you, dowsing and the book within itself will be much larger and longer than the relative subjects that you have printed up to this point; therefore, the cost shall be greater. Therefore, place unto it instead of one dollar, the cost of two, and this should be right and righteous. And this way those who in this day, when bartering has become a hard thing, it [would] be easier for them.

There will be many suggestions that soul Ray may place in your mind, and we shall place in your mind. Ask and you shall receive.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [5–206–2]. He asks, ‘Some think Lucifer or Satan is not bad, evil, or wrong, but represents the questioner in man. Would you comment?’”

(Chuckle) We say unto you, Lucifer was cast unto earth that man should cast him from the earth into nothingness. [See The Revelation, chapters 12 and 20.]

Lucifer is Lucifer. He always has and he always shall be. At one time Lucifer was one of the dearest to our Father. And he did bring warfare to the heavens, and he did bring warfare unto Yahweh, and therefore, the Lord, God, did cast him unto the earth.

But remember, as Lucifer is mighty, so are the spirits of God, and so are the messengers of God. And we shall allow nothing from either side to interfere with this work. And for those who should choose to bring harm unto it, as easily as the Lord, God, cast Lucifer from the heavens, so it shall be with this, for we did not come without the power and the knowledge of our Lord. And He did say unto us, “GO, AND I SHALL BE WITH YOU.”

And we are never so far away from you as your hearts, your thoughts. Yet, we are never so far away from God as the tears within His eye or His heart.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have one other question on this same subject. The question is, ‘Without Lucifer there would be no such thing as free choice.’ Would you comment on this?”

(Short laugh) The ass has been a beast of burden and many people have thought him a stupid animal. Nay. The most stupid beast upon your land is man; he is the most stubborn of all God’s creations. If you should think, without Lucifer you have lost your free choice, then the ass should become before your mouth!

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Pestilence and famine, volcano, tornadoes, fire, drought, floods, all these things face you, and you quibble. Must the Sixth and the Seventh Seals be opened before you believe? Pray not.

If we are not successful with the work we have come to accomplish, you shall have three thousand years of darkness upon the earth, and once again mankind shall crawl out of the rocks, and wear skins, and make his tools of stone, for all you have known you shall leave behind you.

As we have said before, ask and you shall receive. But when you ask, put a thought and knowledge behind your questions. Make certain that that you are to ask for is what you really want.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1977 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


September 2, 1977

Globe, Arizona

[Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”]

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. For we shall tell of thee of the young lad, who had decided to leave his father and his home. His decision had come about because of his disagreements with his father.

The father was sad, and so therefore, he went unto the rabbi, the teacher of the time, to seek his counsel. And he told of these things unto the teacher.

And the teacher thought long upon this. And he said unto him, “There is one yet wiser than I. Let me take this matter up with him, for I have no solution to your problem.”

The boy had packed his clothing and was preparing to make his journey, when suddenly there before him stood a stranger. And the boy looked unto him and said, “What strange clothing thy bear.”

And the stranger looked unto him and said, “What strange clothing thy bear.”

And the boy said unto him, “Where have you come from?”

And the stranger said unto him, “Where you are going.”

The boy became confused, yet angry. Who could be this stranger in the house, in his father’s house, who should ask questions in such a manner, who should talk in such a manner? And he said, “Who are you by name?”

And the stranger looked unto him and said, “I am Jesus of Nazara.”

And the boy said, “Then you must hurry from my home, for we are of the Jewish faith, and my father would not allow this.”

The stranger looked into him and said, “You would disobey your father in all other things, yet, when I walked into your home you would cast me out.”

And the boy said unto him, “But our teachings are different than those you have brought forth.”

And, he said unto him, “What difference is it unto you, the time that your people shall recognize me? For where you are going, they shall recognize me and know of me.”

And he said unto him, “But how can this be so, for I am leaving my father’s house, and where I am going is not a fit place for a person such as you?”

And he looked unto him and said “I shall dwell in the hearts of all of you, as my Father dwells in you now. Open the door, and I shall enter. But yet you should break of your father’s commandments, and in doing so you have broken of my Father’s commandments. You have not held sacred the commandment that says to respect thy father and mother as into thyself. You take from one Testament only when it pleases you.

“You shall go your way, and there you shall find me, even though you cast me from your house.” And the stranger left.

And the father was waiting at the rabbi’s. And the stranger did appear at the rabbi’s house. And the rabbi bid him enter and said, “This is the one who I have waited too for us to seek counsel from.”

But the father said, “But who is he?”

And he said, “He is a rabbi, a teacher, a master, for he is Jesus of Nazara.”

And the father said, “But rabbi, how can you allow this one into your place of worship?”

And the rabbi looked into him and said, “What difference is it to you whether he should come in today or tomorrow? He has always been here.”

And the stranger spoke unto the father and said, “You are much like your son. You would take from the new and the old. But, I am not here for that purpose this day, for in your son lies one of my disciples.”

And the father looked shocked, and said, “How can this be? He drinks. He takes drugs. He is all of those things.”

And Jesus said unto him, “This I know. Yet he would take from me as well as you.”

And the father said, “How can that be so, for you are that in the future; you are that that we have waited for throughout all of these years? You are the Messiah yet to come.”

And he said unto the father, “You are the father and the head of your household. And I serve my Father who is the head of all of our households, so we both serve the same God.”

And the father said, “Then what should I do? Should I allow my son to continue as he is?”

And Jesus said, “Nay, for now is the time of the cutting away of father from son, from mother from daughter. For there shall be those who should choose the path of the Anti-Christ, and he is now upon you. For the date is now, September the 6th, 1977.”

And the father looked unto him and said, “How can this be? He is a good Jewish boy, brought up in the belief. How could he serve the Anti-Christ, and serve you at the same time? How can he wear the mark of the Beast and serve you at the same time?”

And Jesus said unto him, “For where he goes he shall join the Palestines, those of the Black September movement. And from them shall come the beginning of the Anti-Christ, and the downfall of your churches and all churches of all beliefs. But even from the rubble of all things shall rise some men. I have said he can serve both, or he can serve one. This is your decision, the decision you make here and now. If you continue to allow him to continue in your house and do the things he has done, and give disrespect unto his father and mother, then surely he shall join the Anti-Christ. But if you stand firm, and say unto him, ‘If ye be my son, then do unto my household and make it holy this day.’”

And then, Jesus turned unto the rabbi and said, “When the Eagle comes, you shall know of him, for he is here to prepare the way for my coming. But when I come, ye shall not know of me, for I shall wear a different clothing, and a different body. It is through the eyes of the young they shall know me first. And the Eagle shall spread its wings and give them coveth.”

And then, the rabbi felt a holy reverence that entered into his house of worship. And then the stranger was gone.

And the father fell on his knees, and the rabbi fell on his knees, and said unto the Lord, God, their thanks for what they had seen.

The father returned back unto the home. And there he did find his son and said, “If ye go this day, then go. But you shall defile this house no more. If you go and wear the mark of the Beast, return not unto my house, for I shall not allow you to destroy your sisters and brothers.”

The son looked unto the father and said, “Nay, father, I shall respect thy house, and I shall stay, for while you were gone, I met a stranger who said he was Jesus of Nazara, and I felt a reverence throughout my being. And as he left, a great eagle appeared, and did coveth over our house. And I know now that in this land of Israel I shall go about and prepare a way. For the eagle shall touch all lands and giveth coveth. It is written. You shall see.”

And the father said, “We are greatly blessed, for I too, have met the Messiah who shall come, and I too, have felt the warmth of God, and I have seen the eagle in flight. I shall go, my son, and we shall stand together and prepare this way.”

Everyone in town thought them to become strange. And then in the town there was one who had come to speak, and he was a healer, from a far-away land. But as he began to speak, the people knew and felt and saw. They too became transformed.

We have told you this parable for a purpose. Some of you have lost your young loved ones. Our Father now builds His army in readiness. [See The Revelation, chapter 19.]

Those you have lost have gone before you, to prepare a way, and they shall walk with the Messiah. As we are here to prepare a way, so shall they in their own way.

Glory be the name of the Lord, our God. Glory be the name of the Messiah. And glory be the name of the children of our Father who shall not be cut away.

All of you shall have many decisions to make. It is said, “Judge not lest ye be judged.” There is a difference between a decision and a judgment. Judgment is a final and lasting thing. A decision can be a new beginning for all.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. We have a request for a life reading from [ 6–274–3…Dallas, Texas]. And she asks, ‘Aka, please explain in detail my purpose and work in this lifetime and how it ties in with my past. Please explain my work with the special child who has come to us, my role in his life, and his in mine.’”

We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. What we will give you is the tools that are needed at this time to handle the situation at hand. We shall not give at this time in full the life reading you request, but the knowledge of the same you shall have.

In your past, you became lost. And one did come unto you as you wandered as a lost soul and sought entry into any being. And they did say, “You have taken possession of this body. It is not yours. I shall give you three choices — perish, go back to where you have come, or go unto my Father’s light, and I shall show you the way.”

You felt the warmth that cast down, and you chose to go unto the Father’s light. And then the one did show you the way. That one was the child you have now. Yet, take from the first of this reading, and you shall have the full knowledge of those things we have spoken to you about before.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [9–370–1…Blue Water, New Mexico] asks, ‘Please explain Kirlian photography. What direction should I take to further my research?’”

Kirlian photography.


In the basis of Kirlian photography you are introducing a small current, or static current, into the substance of tissue, therefore, magnifying the existing aura, or the expelling of electrical energy substance which is a static electricity. You shall find this same substance available in all of your pyramid-type structures, and readily available by rubbing your hands together (chuckle). You shall find if you rub your hands together quite vigorously and then place them before your camera that the aura shall be extended and very bright. This shall help to prove and give you further proof of that that we are trying to show you at this time.

Kirlian photography should be quite useful in the study of animal life and basically in plant life, for it should give you an insight into the creative touch our Father has placed therefore within the same. And in the understanding, first of this, then move forward into a building [or] construction of a larger unit, [for] larger sections of the human body might be photographed in this manner. We would suggest that instead of using the high-voltage, low-amperage type current that you are now using, that static electricity induced into the system would greatly [enhance] that, the photographic quality of the same.

Yet, the devices used in neuro-stimulation would also be used in Kirlian photography, for they are one of the same. This type of electricity induced into the system can and does stimulate nerve and tissue growth, if placed in the proper proportion.

Soon you shall see this in greater use in the solar system that soul Ray now is in the process of constructing.

That is all on this subject at this time. You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [9–370–2…Blue Water, New Mexico] says, ‘I am an R.N. and interested in healing. I know reflexology, some contact healing, magnetic healing, and would like to know which one of these I would do best in, or is there another, so I can help people?’”

We would state in this manner, contact healing. We would further state, the time shall come when soul Ray shall be ready to teach that knowledge which he possesses. This, and this knowledge, would [enhance] the healing methods and bring them forth into a greater enlightenment of mankind. We have given you the wine. We have given you the bread. Must we also provide the yeast for you to see that which we are speaking of? Soon shall come forth the knowledge which you seek.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [9–370–3…Las Cruces, New Mexico] asks, ‘What is my purpose in this life? And am I doing what I should? What should be my job from now on?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer thy question in this manner. The purpose is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. The job is there for you to take. Spread your wings and prepare for flight. And fear not, for those who should ask and open the door and allow us to enter, then we shall provide the needs. A new opportunity shall appear before you. Take this and utilize it, and both questions shall come into fulfillment with a greater understanding and knowledge than our words would be.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [8–350–2…Litchfield Park, Arizona] asks, ‘Aka, could you please give me the exact time of my birth for erection of an astrological chart? Thank you.’”

The exact time of birth was 2 a.m. and 27 minutes past the hour.

We should also say unto this one, heed the words soul Ray has spoken unto you. We shall look after the children of the Lord and provide the needs. We cannot always supply the wants.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [8–350–2…Litchfield Park, Arizona]: ‘Aka, will you please give me the exact time of my birth? I need it for an astrological chart. Thank you.’”

3:33 p.m. and one-half minute. We leave with you the same message we have left before with your daughter.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [9–370–4…New Mexico]; she asks, ‘Is there anything I can do to restore the good relationship that my son and I had for most of his life? About 4½ years ago there was a rift that in the past few weeks has become much worse. I have decided to leave the situation as is, but to keep the door open. He seems to need to come to his senses, he and his wife both. His name is [W_______ C. C_____ Jr….]’”

We have answered your question in the first of the reading. Take from it, and you shall have the answer.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. Tornados and hurricanes shall strike the earth. From the Gulf of California, that you would call Baja, across Mexico — from the Gulf of Mexico inland throughout the mid-parts of your United States and Canada, north — shall come new earthquakes. As it was called, the Ring of Fire shall come alive once again. From the Mediterranean to the Alaskans, to the tip of Mexico into South America; these things shall come rapid. For those who wait and have waited for the moisture, this shall come, but the winters shall be harsh. Prepare, therefore, for it.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

We shall say, the first of this reading was meant to bring enlightenment to you all. For some it shall have a special meaning. Study it well.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1977 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


September 21, 1977

Phoenix, Arizona

[Aka is here.]

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be name of the Lord, thy God; glory be name of His children.

And we shall say unto you, now is the time of the Anti-Christ and the preparation for his reign upon your earth. And all things shall be done for his coming, for he walks your earth now.

We have told you before, of the Black September, and now we shall tell thee of its beginning. We told you before, unless the Eagle [U. S. A.] spread its wings and did protect — we say unto you that as the Eagle gives away its land, as the Eagle ceases to protect Israel, then woe be man. Yet we say unto you, the temptation shall be great. But for those who should resist the mark of the Beast, the reign shall be short, four and one-half years.

The preparation — as we are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, so are those that are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Anti-Christ. The giving away of the land of Panama shall show your first weakness; the granting unto the Palestinians that that they wish shall be second. [See editor’s note below.]

But the Lord has said unto you, “FEAR NOT.” For there shall come a breaking away of the land, and so it shall commence. Through earthquake, tornado, volcano, hurricane, all shall strican [note: Middle English for stike] the earth and blighten it. Yet good cheer shall be found in all. Man shall know his neighbor, and learn not only to love him, but to trust him. Father and children shall be brought together. Mother and children shall be brought together. As there has been a tearing away, so shall there be a mending.

We shall say unto you, the things that are about to happen upon the earth should look as though a storm should arrive upon your doorstep. But have the faith to know that the sun shall shine again.

Put yourselves together. Let not race or religion interfere. If you can learn this simple lesson, to respect each other’s religion, that in itself shall be the first step to your thousand years of peace. That will be the first step toward the end of your wars.

The things we have spoke of, you shall soon forget until they happen.

New earthquakes shall occur off the coast of Oregon, and then, into the Oregon peninsula. There shall be another greater earthquake from San Francisco, down, and shall strike parts of Arizona. This shall commence at the end of October. New earthquakes shall strike China and Russia, Siberia. You weather conditions shall once again be radical. With the exploding again by the People’s Republic of China of another nuclear bomb which has allowed fallout throughout the United States, it shall create a new and changing weather condition as it did last year when the same plight was put upon your earth.

Yet, through all of these things, each of you may survive by using common sense and love for your fellow man. And you shall rise and be the people of the Lord.

Now you have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [________ …Phoenix], and she says, ‘I am very mixed-up about a relationship. I don’t know which direction to run. I don’t even know why. Could you help me make the right move in the right direction, because there is a lot of strain right now?’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same, and we see thy need. We say unto you, have faith. Do not lose the faith, and the guidance you seek shall be given. And wedding bells shall ring. We have placed these in words in a manner that only you shall understand. Continue to come forth unto soul Ray that he may give you full spiritual and mental therapy, and the physical of the same. There is nothing to fear but fear itself. You have laid your hands and your faith in God. Fear not. For we do not sleep; we are with you all of the time.

You have other questions, ask.

“[E_______ P_____ H____…in Miami] asks, ‘May I have guidance as to, ‘Should I stay where I am presently located or return to California at this time where I could have a greater balance in employment, spiritual service, and growth? Any guidance to myself and Mother, the motel, to keep or sell?’”

Of the first of the questions, we shall answer first, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. Therefore, we should say unto thee, your venture into California would prove fruitless at this time. To stay where you are at the present time shall bear fruit. The disposition of the motel shall come within a six-month period. Fear not. Your own financial needs shall come to balance in a manner least expected. Yet if you shall think upon it, we shall implant in thy mind the source.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. From [L______ G____’s son…in Miami]: ‘I am thinking of purchasing land. Where would be a good place for me? Will children come in the next five years? Is happiness eternal?’”

(Chuckle) Yes, we have before us the body, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. Happiness is that which you make. Without tears, how would you know when you were happy? Life has come unto you as the seasons come unto the earth. Yet the Lord, God, made man that it took less work for him to laugh that for him to cry. Yet crying is a necessary release of emotions, and a healthy one. Anger, rightly directed, is a healthy release of emotion. But the happiness that you seek, the eternal happiness that you seek, shall come within your love for man and your love for God. But it must come in a truthful manner, from the heart and the soul and the spiritual substance, therefore, within the same.

You speak of purchasing land. The Globe area would be a wise purchase at this time, for it shall multiply in its financial value in a three-year period.

But you have a greater question within your mind. And we shall answer it in a manner that shall be private unto yourself. If you deny yourself, then you have denied God. When you stand before God and say, “I take this to be my love,” God hears you. But if you really love this other person, say it where man can hear you. Do not be ashamed of it.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, from [N_____ M. T_____…in Mesa], and she asks, ‘Am I going about it in the right way to get some money that’s owed to me, or can you advise me?’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body. And we say unto you, the most direct route between two points is a straight line, but it is not sometimes the fastest. The means that are needed are at your fingertips to be used. The knowledge, which you have kept in your mind and been reluctant to use, should be used, and that which is owed to you shall be repaid in full. Because of the private nature of this question, it may seem we have answered in riddles. In truth we have not.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [E______ _____… in Phoenix, Arizona]: ‘Where can we keep our silver coins? Banks do not want them in the box. Then there is the tax problem.’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. If you shall come unto soul Ray in private, he shall tell you a way. There has been a new system, or vaults, set up for such purposes and such storages, which would well be safeguarded in what you have in mind.

You have other questions, ask.

“From [H___ ______…in Phoenix, Arizona], and she asks, ‘Dear Aka, will my husband and I be happy and healthy in an earlier retirement? If we should move out of state, to what part of the country will we move? Thank you very much.’”

Yes, we see they need, and we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. And we say unto you, rather than moving out of the state, you shall move farther into the state in a northerly direction. Therefore, and in that position, you should find the happiness in retirement that you desire.

Yet there is a greater question within your mind, and it is about financial substance. And we shall answer in this manner. There are the needy and the greedy, and the one who seeks to borrow from you at this time is the greedy. See the difference, and know of it, for if they take from you they shall never give it back and it shall affect your retirement.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. From [P____ J___ ____…in Phoenix]: ‘What degree of development have I attained? Where am I going, and what can I do to help get there?’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

And we say unto you, as you walk through a pathway, and there are roses on either side and fruit in abundance of many kinds — and the path splits, and one path continues to have the roses and the fruit, but the Lord says unto you, “GO UNTO THE DESERT,” and you think unto your mind, “Here I have everything. Why should I reach farther? Why should I venture into the desert? What purpose shall I serve in such a desolate place?” Yet your curiosity overcomes you, and you venture forth into the desert. And therefore, you find an oasis abundant of all things, of sweet water, and fruits and vegetables and flowers of all kinds. Yet your mind shall wonder, “What would the other path have taken me upon?” And so you ventured back to the crossroads and you went forth on the other road. And soon, little by little, all the abundance was gone. The land gaveth nothing nor taketh nothing.

The Lord places before you opportunities. But He has given into your keeping the freedom of choice. The wisdom of knowing where you have been is to know where you are going. You have been told where you have been, and you have reached forth in your travels and in your destination. You have asked for advice at different times, not always taking it. But that is your freedom of choice. We say unto you, you still have a robber in the roost.

Your advancement — we say unto you, take forth a piece of paper and a pencil, and write down the things you like about yourself; next to that, write why. Then when you have completed that task, write the things you dislike about yourself, and why. You shall find the things you have liked about yourself and the things you have achieved in this lifetime far outweigh those things that you have not achieved. It is not important that you should fall down; it is important that you have the love for mankind to stand, to rise, and go on.

You wonder why you are different from your own brothers and sisters. A pathway was built that you would be as you are, and you would know the difference and use it to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, from P______ _____…in Phoenix, and she asks, ‘Could you explain the meaning of ‘Thirteen’ in the book, A Rose without Thorns?’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body.

And the 13th shall be God, and the sacred number. And twelve, through one, shall be of the Council. And the Council shall know of God.

There have been many who have wondered about the name, Aka. Aka translated into your language would mean, beloved, or the number, 13. And, for all of those who have been chosen, and were chosen, shall know of God, but should know of earth, and shall have known of many earths.

As we have said before, for as I am soul Ray, soul Ray is I. For I act only as the spokesman. We have tutored him and brought forth unto your keeping a prophet of the Lord, God, who shall prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. A new book shall be born and isbeing born at this time that shall play a very important part in this preparation.

Many of you have sought to develop yourselves spiritually. We placed within your hands, A Rose without Thorns. Soon we shall place within your hands another part, a part that shall be part of a whole, the books with wings. Soon the fulfillment shall come, and many of the things that you have tried to learn shall be explained in a simple manner to help in your climb unto the Lord. But, we say unto you, open the door that we may enter. Make a place within your hearts and we shall walk with you.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have one other question from [T__ O___…in Globe, Arizona]. And he asks the Council for blessings and guidance in his ministry, through the bank of prayer. And he asks that you, ‘Please give us specific direction for this ministry?’”

We shall say unto you, we have brought you before the ankh. We have placed knowledge at your foot. We have given unto you knowledge in many forms. [But] knowledge is only good if it is shared. And it can only be shared if the knowledge you have really means something to you, and you really believe within the same, of that that you are ready to share with another. It cannot be forced upon another. It must come from the heart, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

We say unto you, we have made unto you ministers. We have given unto you the bread and the wine. We have given unto you the yeast. Yet you see not what lies at your feet. You seek to become as soul Ray. This is not within your reach. As a disciple, yes. But anything that is worth doing requires work. Spread the word of what you have, and you shall find followers.

You have other questions, ask.

“I have no further written questions at this time, Aka. Thank you.”

We shall answer that question. Fear not. For that that we are about to do shall strengthen your hearts. For that that we are about to place within your minds, and the dreams that we have placed there have not been without a purpose. For we have said that we shall allow nothing from either side to interfere with this work. And the knowledge that we have placed in your mind, while you work upon the new book, shall become greater.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. And the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1977 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona

Editor’s note: “First rumblings of the Anti-Christ” — September 6, 1977

The September 7, 1977, New York Times newspaper reported these events:

Tuesday, September 6, 1977 — Israel’s Prime Minister, Menaham Begin, drafted a proposed peace agreement that shows what Israel would expect from such a document. This was done at request of Americans after a peace process meeting in Washington D.C., led by U.S. President Jimmy Carter.

Tuesday, September 6, 1977 — Jordan’s King Hussein in a summit meeting with France’s Falery Giscard d’Estaing in Paris warns of war in the Middle East.

Tuesday, September 6, 1977 — End of four-day meeting of the Arab League in Cairo. Subject is opposition to Israel’s annexation of occupied lands.

Wednesday, September 7, 1977 — U. S. President Carter and Panama General Torrijos sign the Panama Canal Treaty, in which the U.S.A. gives away the canal to Panama.

Friday, September 9, 1977 — Treaty ratification process begins in the United States Senate. Ronald Reagan leads the opposition.


September 30, 1977

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner.

For we shall say unto thee the parable of the brothers and sisters.

And they did come unto the earth, one by one, into the blessed house of their father and mother. And each came with great joy, and luster for life in their hearts. And they were born as lions.

The father did teach them many things. For in their garden there grew a beautiful rose bush. And as each child did come forth unto the earth, the father went forth and cut the most beautiful rose from the bush and brought it and laid it beside the child. And he said, “And each child shall be bound to the other, brother and sister, brother and brother, sister and sister. And always they shall remember the beauty and the love that they have come unto the earth for.”

And as the days and years did pass, all of the children went their separate ways, but always to remember the love that they had had and that that bound them together.

As the passing of one sister came forth, the others gathered near, and there they gave her roses, the dearest gift from their heart.

And yet each of these, who had had children themselves, could not understand the gift their father had given them that they could not give on to their own children, for each of them looked into their children to find this gift, and it was not there.

After the sister had passed forth, they went unto the father and said, “The wisdom that you had given us, why can not we pass on it to our own children?”

And the father was wise, and he said unto them, “You cannot give that that cannot be taken into the heart and soul. If it is not there, then the giving is not enough, for they must be ready to accept the gift. And this must come from the other side, before the birth.”

And the children said unto their father, “Then why are we born different than the other children? Why are not our children have the same gifts that we have?”

And the father said, “They have some of the gifts. But the gift you speak of is the gift of the soul. Because they did not return with that gift, they cannot understand it.

“You have placed roses with your sister because it was a gift of the soul.”

“Give unto your children the gift of the roses, but worry not whether they shall have the ability to pick them up. Worry not that they shall learn these things that you hold so dear to your hearts. For who is to say at what moment that God shall give them what you were given at birth?

“It is written that the father shall give all that he can, and all of his knowledge to his children, but only as they can accept the gift. If they are not ready for it, give not, and worry not. Go forth and give to those that who shall and can accept the gift that you have.”

Some of you shall understand this parable, and some of you shall not — for the parable was meant for those who have eyes to hear, and those who are blind, yet can see and hear.

Once again you shall say we have spoken as in riddles. We say unto you, nay.

We shall say unto you, because soul Ray is very tired, our time is very short. Therefore, we shall not give unto life readings this night, but you have other questions, ask.

“Thank you Aka. We have a request for an emergency health reading from [10–372–1…Tucson, Arizona]. He is very weak and is not improving.”

This data does not compute.

“The name is spelled [N______…]”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. We say unto you these words. Healing shall be given.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. From [9–372–2…El Paso, Texas]: ‘What must I do to have a complete healing in mind, heart, body, and soul. What talents do I have that I may develop and share with others?’”

Yes, we see thy need. We say unto you, the greatest talent of all is that of the gift of giving. Yet the gift of receiving in a gracious manner is also a talent. We have given unto you the bread and the wine. Pick it up and look at it, and you shall find the answer therein, and the way to use the talent that we have spoke of and many more.

You asked of the healing. Come before the ankh, and you shall find the total healing thy desire. But come before the ankh in a manner that you shall earn where you stand.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [9–372–3…Truth or Consequences, New Mexico]: He asks, ‘Will I get this oil lease that I have in mind? Will I really benefit by it, and how soon?’”

We shall say unto you unto these words, the oil lease that thy desire shall never be of great riches or great importance. You have started within your Teacher’s Course. The completion of it shall bring you greater treasures of the heart and soul. That that you have in your mind of the oil lease, it would be better that you spent your time in other areas. An offer shall be made, and completed, and the monetary reward shall not be of any great amount, but it shall come regardless of what you do at this time.

We have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. From [7–316–1…Yuma, Arizona]: His first question is, ‘What other artifacts of valuable history should be brought out before the sinking of the western United States? Guide me.’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body. And we should say unto you, the artifacts that thy wish to bring forth shall bear little importance at this time. But we say unto you, as the body is the temple of God, and a house is a house, thy people need a place to worship. This in itself is of great importance at this time in the land they dwell.

You have other questions, ask.

“[7–316–1] has a second question. ‘Should I be at the “hill of the skull” before the quake to perform my free will duties? Please guide me. Thank you.’”

Nay. Not at the hill. Pick unto the high land, and therefore, take unto the first of our answer and your knowledge shall be complete.

You have other questions, ask.

“How did the seven spirits of God cause chaos, confusion, over breeding, as mentioned in the reading of June 19, 1973?”


We have told you this many times.

The Fifth Angel walks upon thy earth. Pestilence, earthquake, tornado, volcano, hurricane, drought, all is brought forth by man. Yet, as the Fifth Angel walks forth, man spreads the chaos before him.

We have told you before that now is the time of the great Sword, that that shall strike away and divide the earth. And it shall change its form. We have told you of the other side of the Sword that shall cut away man. And some shall go forth to prepare a way for the coming of the Anti-Christ. And some shall go forth for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. For those who go forth to prepare the way for the Anti-Christ, most of them already wear their mark. And it shall be six times sixty-six. And the coming of the Messiah’s sign shall be seven seven seven [777].

We have told you why we are here. We have said unto you, now is the time for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. We have also said unto you that nothing from either side shall interfere with this. And it shall come forth that the Beast shall lose its head. The one we have put forth for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah shall strike forth the blow unto the Anti-Christ, and the one that should prepare the way for his coming. Yet the Anti-Christ shall [grow] forth, and his reign shall be lean because of the blow that [shall] be struck. And for those who shall not wear the mark of the Beast shall rise and build a new world and a new heaven, and a thousand years of peace shall come upon the earth, but not as you count, but as our Father counts. For each day shall be as a thousand years. In other words, one day shall represent one thousand years. Yes, I still see the doubt within thy mind. In other words — In other words, it should take one thousand of your days to make one day of God’s.

Yet we say unto you, if we are not successful, the Anti-Christ’s reign shall come and go, and three thousand years of darkness shall enter upon your earth.

There are those of you here who would take our words lightly. There are those of you who would try to strip the words and change their meaning for their own benefit. And we say unto you, woe be unto you, for it is your soul that you have damaged, your spirit that you shall strip away.

Soul Ray now grows weary.

And the healing that those who have come for, they shall receive.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1977 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


November 25, 1977

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. We are here but for one purpose; that purpose is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And woe be upon those from either side who should interfere. The earth, the heavens, shall combine together in the joint effort.

We should say unto thee, the Anti-Christ is among you — and the disciples of the Anti-Christ is among you. They shall do of all things to destroy and discredit all we have done, for they are as wolves who wait at a mother’s womb to scoop up the infant. [See The Revelation, chapter 12.]

But we say unto you, the Messiah is upon your earth now. He is well, and well-protected. But leste the Eagle [U.S.A.] spread his wings and protect even farther, a new and more deadly conspiracy is at hand. The tool, the great tool, as we have said before, lies in those of the Black September, or the Palestinians. As has been written before, the one who should come forth and make all the signs of peace is preparing for war.

There are those, of the disciples of the Anti-Christ, which have been cast away from this place to further protect our instrument. They lay in wait as wolves. And there are those who should play a Judas, and that is the most deadly. We have placed the gift, to scan the minds of all, within our instrument. Yet he feels betrayal near him for good cause.

We have said before, there is a time for all things. That as the winter should come, it is a time that the earth should prepare for its sleep, and the harvest shall be brought forth. Blessed is the name of those who should harvest the fields of the Lord.

And we shall say unto soul Ray these words. The house that you were called to was the house of your grandmother, the soul of your grandmother. Upon the death of your grandmother you gave forth her name unto a child, but they are not one of the same.

The houses that you sought protection in were those among you who you have looked for and counted on to protect you against the evil ones. Yet, in your heart you have never thoroughly counted on anyone, for your desire, to do it yourself, as you would say. Since you were hurt, this has become an obsession with you, to prove to the world that you could stand as a man, even though your body was left in a limited condition. We have done that to restore as much of your body as possible, but we are not God; we cannot create. God has placed His hand upon you, and He has brought His disciples of the Old [note: Testament?] and of the New unto you, to show you that the fields you would harvest from shall come from many places. We say, fear not, but use your own discretion in self-preservation, for you have turn both cheeks.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. You have spoken about soul Ray’s [1–1–1]’s dream. Is there anything in my dream that would amplify it, or is it some other subject?”

Both are one of the same.

“Thank you, Aka. We have a health-reading request from [9–373–1…Idaho]. His first question is, “What was the cause of my recent stomach and intestinal problem?”

We should answer the question in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. We find, therefore, the upper hyatic hernia, a twist of the intestine of the lower colon, ulcer in the large intestine two inches from the mouth of the stomach. Most of the cause of your problem is that of an emotional problem, and it shall continue — and the fact of not eating properly. This is all on this subject.

“He has further questions. Do you wish to take those questions at this time?”


“He asks, ‘Is there any damage from my smoking?’”


“He asks, ‘What is the cause of my bursitis and what to do for it?’”

We suggest thy consult soul Ray, and therefore, follow his suggestions.

“He asks, ‘What are the two small red spots on my right leg?’”

(Chuckle) Lack of circulation.

“Thank you, Aka. We have a question from [9–373–2…Las Cruces, New Mexico]. She says, ‘In my home I am alone in my thoughts and needs. I’ve a desperate need to do something. Please help me know where I’ve been and what has been accomplished; what mission have I?’”

We say unto you, as we have said at the beginning of this reading, those upon this plane at this time are here for one [of] two reasons: one, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah; two, the preparation and domination of the Anti-Christ for his short rule. You are here for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

“She also asks, ‘If I have any future here, advise me what to do and how. I am terribly anxious and concerned.’”

We would say unto thee, pick up the Rose without Thorns, and therefore, seek out the candelabra.

Thy have other questions.

“She asks, ‘Will the Messiah come in my life here? Will I know him as I hope to?’”


“Thank you, Aka. We have a question from [9–373–3…Truth or Consequences]. He asks, ‘Of the three choices of locations for preparation and storage of necessities, which is most suitable, if at all? ___ Ivy Street in Truth or Consequences, Radium Street in Truth or Consequences, or the property west of the river near Las Cruces, New Mexico, or should we seek another location that would be safer?’”

We would say that of the Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. Be careful to stay away from that of the volcanic stream, that it runs in both a parallel and horizontal position to this location, for there shall be a breaking away of this, in time. We [will] also say unto you that due to the strategic location of the military installations, fall-out centers should be prepared also.

You have other questions.

“Would the Ivy Street location or the Radium Street be better, or are they both all right?”

Both are all right.

“Thank you, Aka.”

We would say once again unto these people, if you choose to remain in this location, large, as you would call them, bomb shelters, should be provided. They should be made in such a way that you should be able to stay within them for 30 to 60 days.

We would also give of the warning, there shall soon come into the land of Mexico war. It shall blossom itself upon the borders and spread both north and south.

We would further suggest that these of this location prepare them fare for severe winters.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, we have a question from [9–373–4]. She asks, ‘In the July 1976 issue of Rays of Philosophy in a question asked of you regarding cancer and the cure, you asked that the question be repeated at a later date. The question was, “How can I effectively treat cancer with present knowledge.” Is this a time you can fully answer this question, and will you?’”

Yes, we will answer this question. Now that soul Ray has brought forth the yucca extract, cancer can be fully treated. He should further go on with the research and the development of the new extract that he has in mind. This new extract would work more rapidly, and work upon all phases of the cancer virus. This includes leukemia.

It would also be advisable that the new extract he has in mind should be used as a preventative toward cancer. And with the further development of the new protein supplement he has in mind, cancer could be a forgotten disease. For as we have said before that arthritis, cancer, diabetes, and the most predominant disease of your nation, that which you would call of low blood sugar, could also be treated and cured. Heart, different heart diseases could be treated. Diseases of both the respiratory and the circulatory system could be treated now with great success.

You have other questions, ask.

“Will this new formula be suitable for the treatment of [9–373–4]’s cancer?”


“Thank you, Aka. We have a question from [9–373–5…Scottsdale]. She asks, ‘Fifteen years ago I purchased some land about seven miles east of Indio as a speculative gain. The land is mortgaged, requires monthly payments, as well as yearly tax payments. This past summer while in Indio, I was told by the people in the courthouse that the area is condemned. Also I was told by an old land sales realtor that since the highway people have fenced along the interstate, the access to the land is very difficult to get to, even though the land itself has egress and ingress rights. My question is, one, will I be able to sell the land, get my money back, and realize some profit?’”

We shall answer in this manner. If handled properly. I would seek out an attorney to give you access, according to California law, to your land. The land cannot be condemned without just cause and unless they purchase the same from you. Therefore, you would, therefore, receive that which you’ve paid and that of interest upon the same.

You have other questions, ask.

“She further asks, ‘Realtors in Indio aren’t interested in selling in that area; it’s too difficult. How should I go about selling it?’”

Sell it to the state. They are the ones who fenced it off.

“Thank you, Aka. I think that takes care of the rest of her questions.

“[9–373–6…Scottsdale, Arizona] asks, ‘I like a certain person and I think he likes me, but not much is happening. Is he right for me? How long, if he is right, before we go out or something happens?’”

We see not of this.

“Thank you, Aka.”

We should say unto you unto these words. Blessed be name of the Lord, our Father. And blessed be those who should come together in unity from my Father’s many mansions. For blessed be those who should prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah.

You have bore the yoke well, and you have bore it with love.

At times you have thought, “Oh, Lord, why have you given me these burdens?”

And we say unto you, the Lord hands no one nothing without [a] purpose. There is a purpose in everything, even though you cannot see it now. If bitterness should dwell in thy heart, cast it aside.

There is a time to take up the sword, and there is a time to place it aside. For some of you, now is the time you shall have to pick up your swords or be stripped of the right to worship God in your own way.

For others, who you seem to think that God has forsaken, God sees thy plight and He cries with you. But He knows for your own maturity that these experiences shall strengthen you. Remember, each one of you, you do not walk alone. God does not sleep. We do not sleep.

The Lord, in His own way, shall answer thy wishes. As we said in the beginning, we shall provide for your needs, not always your wants. Be certain that that that thy ask for is what thy want, and what thy need.

We have come to bring love, not for time, for time [would cease] without motion. Time is but a wilting, flowering thing. It is but an illusion. Look beyond, and you shall see the fulfillment, and your cup shall runneth over.

Blessed be the name of the Lord. Blessed be the name of His children, forever and ever.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Once again we shall say unto you, those who prepare the way for the Anti-Christ shall use any means to destroy your prophet, to discredit your prophet. Do not become paranoid. Take each thought and each action into thought and counsel before acting.

But remember, the parable of the people who had prepared their minds and the fire that was set to destroy them, and they made the fire burn the other way.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1977 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


December 2, 1977

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

For at this time you shall prepare to celebrate the birth of the one known as Jesus of Nazara. And we should say unto you, let this day ring through your hearts, not for [but] one day, but for all. Let the day come when each of your faiths can stand together and love one another for your belief in God.

For those who should kill, and say they have done so in the name of God, nay.

For those who should steal, and say they have done so in the name of the Lord, nay.

For those who would take from the Ten Commandments given unto you by Moses from the Lord, your God, for you shall not add to nor take away, and they shall be the laws of both heaven and earth forever and ever.

We are here but for one purpose; that purpose is the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. Let those who have eyes to see, let them see. For those who have ears to hear, let them hear. But we say unto you, glory be the name of the Lord.

And glory be the peacemakers upon the earth.

There shall be those in the best of times who shall bear false witness. If this is all you can see, then you have seen not. If this is all you have heard, you have heard not. For the sun and the rain shall shine upon all, but not the smallest thing shall fall from this earth without our Father’s knowledge. Pick up the gift and give it with love.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [3–69–2]. She says, ‘For quite a while many things have been in my head, but unable to produce. I believe now I can produce, but I need your guidance, and need to weed out the not-needed. Any and all guidance, information, and so forth that I need concerning family situation and future would be greatly appreciated.’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto you, the message we have given in the beginning of the reading should apply to the here and the now, and the future.

As you travel through your life, there are many turns. In leaving one place to go to another, leave it in such a condition that you may always return. Within your own decisions, these thoughts have come unto your mind, “Where shall I go? What shall I do? How can I bring that of the past back into one?” Light is action, and action is light. With each motion that has passed, it will repeat itself in an aftertime, but not in the future. As a karma ends, let it end. Plant new flowers, that they may bud in new fields.

You have other private things within your mind. Come unto soul Ray that he may give you guidance, and we shall speak through him.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [3–80–7]. And she’s here and she asks, ‘After graduation, what field of education would be best for me to enter?’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. And would say unto you, the nursing field, mending of the sick, and the tending therefore of the same. But take one step farther, and step forward into the field of chemistry, to take that forth into your nursing field. You shall find fulfillment, both of the mind, body, and the spirit, therefore, within the same.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from Ruth [2–30–2]. She asks, ‘Aka, you have told us how Arcan flew off to colonize other planets and his activities later on Atlantis, but you have never told us how he got back to Earth. Why did he return? When did he come? Is there any other information on Arcan which would be pertinent to the content and message of this particular pamphlet?’”

Yes, we see before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. And we should answer this question. Arcan returned back unto this land after colonization was completed in your outer galaxies. And as he saw it grow he did return back into the land of the Eagle. And there, with Ra-Tai, he did bring forth into the land of Atlantis and Egyptan the wealth of knowledge.

And you say unto us, “How is this possible?” And we say unto you, as light begot light, all things are possible within the light of God and His dominion.

Further information shall be given on this subject at a different time.

You have other questions.

“Yes, Aka. [5–206–2] asks, ‘Why is Israel so important to Russia and Red China? You mentioned they would attack Israel in the future. Do you have a probable date for that attack?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer it in this manner, your year of 1885 [1985]. If they cannot achieve that by [that] they have done with the financing of the Palestinians, and the armament of the Palestinians, then they should come into open conflict. Should this be so, your earth shall run red within blood. And not one corner of the earth shall not be touched.

Speak of peace; pray for peace. But in the realization, realize that both of these countries have but one thought, the total annihilation of free people, of those who should worship God in any manner. Their conflict in the Arabian world has been the people’s belief in God — and within their hearts, their knowledge of knowing that the Israelites are their cousins.

But even Cain slayed Abel.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. He asks in regard to the house he is planning to build at the clay pit, ‘What do you see as the best energy source and device for our energy needs?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. As soul Ray should complete the new energy device, this should be the best probability for a permanent source of energy. All things shall come in time. You must realize that even though we have given unto soul Ray’s mind the knowledge, it must take his time, the time to build and complete, the time for his research. Each is a separate and individual part. We have seen to the needs, but still he is only one man. We must not over burden him at this time. He has laid aside the work in this field for the present until he can complete the other configurations of duties that are laid before him.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. ‘What is the destiny of this organization?’ he asks. ‘And will this new Messiah use the organization to accomplish his purpose?’”

The organization is only here but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And, there will be those within the organization who shall walk with him. But all shall serve with him. And a thousand years of peace shall come upon the earth, and a new heaven and a new earth shall be born again.

You have asked within your mind, “Must you believe?” And we say unto you, that decision must come within yourself. But a man without the belief and the tradition of the belief shall build rainbows in the sky. Look into the order of all things upon your earth, and then tell us there is no God. Look into the order of your universe and galaxies, and tell us there is no God. And look from where we have come. We are here but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, no other. We are here to serve your needs. We have done so, and we have provided. We did not strike a bargain with you; we stated in fact that which we would do and have completed that task in full. We would say unto you, what is greed, and what is need?

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. ‘Who was the James of Atlantis, and was there a Christ drama during the time of Atlantis?’”

(Chuckle) We say unto you, nay. There was no Christ drama, as you would know it.

There was that of those who would worship the God of One, a joint unity of one worship, of one people. And there was those who would worship that of Lucifer, or the Anti-Christ, as you would call him. Their reign was short, as it will be short in the future.

As we have said before, there is no middle ground. There is no ground to stand on and say, “I can remain neutral.” For the half-times are over. There are but the full time, the one times. The later days are upon you.

Whether it be Joseph Smith who brought unto you words of God, or many prophets, who have been handed to you by God — whether they be Mohammed, Buddha — God has reached into you in many ways. He did not say unto any of these, “This is the only way.”

Jesus said unto you, “My father has many mansions, and each is great to behold. I go there now to prepare a place for you.”

The choice shall be yours.

“But, nay,” he said unto Peter, “what difference should it make to you that John should wait until my return?” Many have wondered, these words of scripture. Look within your readings and you shall understand. All things, as they were before. And the time for the preparation is coming into fulfillment.

You have other words.

But soul Ray now wearies.

And we say unto you, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. New earthquakes now shall strike the western [coast]. The land above Eureka, California, into the coastal land of Oregon — downward to the Imperial Valley, then into the land of Mexico and South America — new quakes shall be felt. Hurricanes and tornados shall be felt upon the eastern coast. More disasters shall come into the land of India, China, Russia. New disasters shall strike Great Britain, Hong Kong, Japan, Indonesia.

We say unto you, for those who should venture into the land or plan for trips into the land of San Francisco between now and the New Year would be ill-advised.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1977 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


Study the readings from each year from the 1970 to the 1989 in this publication, The Words of Aka, spiritual messengers of God.

How did the readings begin? See “We Give This Message from Our Father.”

See all the articles in the publication on, “A Stairway to Heaven.”

Would you like to join the Association of Universal Philosophy the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, asked us to form? Here’s how. Then send us an email at or, or message us on our Facebook page, Association of Universal Philosophy, to let us know where you email your newsletter, “Rays of Philosophy.”

All of these readings have been gathered together for you in three books — the philosophy, the past-life readings, and health readings — as the Book with Wings series. Study and learn from them this way.

And be blessed!


Aka said, July 25, 1970: You ask a translation of our words. [Then] [We] speak of this translation and we should answer, for permission has been given. Then, we would say in this way. In the beginning, your world is part of a greater world; your universe is part of a greater universe — and as the worlds, and worlds to be, and worlds who have passed into nothingness, and shall pass into nothingness, were created by our Father, created — the rays which shine from always our Father, these are from which we speak.

And thy ask of how we speak? Remember, in the translation between your time and ours, between your plane and ours, our Father said, “SPEAK.” Our Father made His choice of the instrument.



The Words — of Aka, spiritual messengers of God

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.