The 1979 Readings

The Words — of Aka, spiritual messengers of God
121 min readAug 15, 2020

January 12; February 2, 23; March 2, 9, 16; May 11, 18; June 9, 22; July 20; August 3; September 19, 28; October 12; November 9, 30; December 7

“The Anti-Christ shall spread famine among you. He shall cause doubts in your minds of one another. He shall do all that is possible to split you apart. He shall take daughter and mother, he shall take man and wife, father and son, and cause doubt to reign in your minds. He shall plant the seed of jealousy among you, and greed. We say unto you, open the door that we may enter, and cast the doubt aside. Now is the time of the Cherubim.” (Aka, spiritual messengers of God, June 9, 1979)

For those who shall prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah shall never wear the mark of the Beast. [See The Revelation, chapters 7, 12–14, 15:1–4, 16:12, chapter 17, 19, 20:1–6, chapters 21–22.]

“Bind together. Bind together that your strength may be felt throughout the world. And when the time and strength and the binding has become as such, you shall rise from the earth to rebuild it. And those of your brothern and your sistern shall come from the heavens to assist you. And a new heaven and a new earth shall come forth. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children.” (Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, March 9, 1979)


January 12, 1979

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

And we shall say unto thee this parable, of this great nation, who stood as a nation before nations and a nation before God, and did proclaim unto all of its freedom and its citizens’ freedom.

And it brought forth unto it a leader who promised great things. And he did promise peace unto the Earth and good will unto men. And during his reign, at first he gave all appearances of bringing peace and good will unto men. And then, he did turn his back upon his neighbors and the friends of his nation, one by one. And he did turn them away. And he did say unto his enemies, “Come and be friends with me.” And still he went into the house of the Lord among his people, so that his people would think that he was a man of God. And he did forsake unto the land of Israel, and forsake her in a time of times.

And when floods came, he did forsake his own people and turn his back upon them. And as the weathers began to change, he looked not into the meaning of the same, but gave away the storehouses of the people, and gave away of all their precious metals, and gave away their natural resources. For this man sought power. He sought power, not unto the Lord, God, but only unto himself. He sought riches, not unto his people, but unto himself.

And then, when earthquake and tornado did ravish the land, he did change the laws into such a way that soon he would own all the land for himself.

Instead of “the land of the free and the home of the brave,” the land gradually became a prison for all, but a weak prison.

And the neighbor unto this nation, they were used. And thousands upon thousands of people from their country came into this country. They came in the disguise of workers; yet they came to destroy, not to build back. They took from the land and took from the people, and gave nothing back in return. And still, this man did nothing.

We say unto thee, beware of the Dragon. Beware of the Beast. Beware of those of the Palestinians, and those who would support the Palestinians, for they should bring forth your Black September, and they shall do the work of the Anti-Christ.

And the host of Lords [Lord of hosts] did say unto these, “AND FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT WEAR THE MARK OF THE BEAST, FEAR NOT.” For it is written that they say now, “How long, oh Lord; how long?” [The Revelation 6:9–11.]

The Fifth Angel now walks upon your earth. Now is the time of the Cherubim. Radical changes shall take forth in your weather, and the land itself. Yet, a greater fear lays before you, for those who should make friendly gestures into this nation prepare for war against it, an atomic holocaust that should lay waste unto the land.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading for [11–394–1.]He is here tonight, and he asks, ‘I would like to have a life reading; it will help me understand what I am to do in this lifetime. I have been told several times my blue waters run deep. I have dreams and ideals of what I would like to do, but it is very confusing. Thank you.’”

We should say unto this one, we have before it — the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. At this time we shall not give a full life reading unto this one. When asked again we shall do so. But at this time soul Ray is weary, and our time is short.

So we should say unto this one that information shall be given as a guideline unto yourself. You are all parts of all things you have ever been, this bringing together a whole into thyself.

You have come forth to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. Complete the Teacher’s Course.

[If] there is no hands to build, there shall be many. Where there was no seed to sow there shall be greatly abundance. We say unto you, think of these things. Think of the abundance of all things that have been brought unto you.

“Ask and you shall receive.” All of your needs have been fulfilled. You no longer walk in such a manner, in need of knowledge, for it lies at your feet. Go forth; complete the Teacher’s Course, and then go back into the archives. Study, therefore, within the same, and you shall find the knowledge you seek more than all. But in the seeking, it shall give you a reason for teaching.

But we say unto you, a house of the Lord can not house just a religion. It must house the faith of man, and therefore, the hope and the love. If all of these things are placed together, you shall have the temple of man — the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. With this knowledge, you shall find that for each thing you shall learn, even greater knowledge shall be laid at your feet. Each part shall be another part of the same.

But we say unto you, you shall find many religions, but few faiths. You shall find many great buildings, but little hope or love.

We have given you a key to where you have been, that you might know where you are going.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [10–384–2…El Paso, Texas] asks, ‘What are [10–384–1] and I supposed to do about our relations, to complete our actual purpose in this life?’”

(Chuckle.)You shall find that compassion and passion are two different things. You shall find that true teaching does not shut the door to learning. “My Father has many mansions,” all are great to behold. We say unto you, as Moses brought forth from the Lord, God, the Ten Commandments, you have the answer within the same.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [3–72–2] asks, ‘What do I need to do to make peace in the office?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. Let each make peace within their own hearts. Let each do their own job without the other interfering with the same. Within the realization that all have human frailings [failings] and human faults, let all cast aside their petty jealousies and work for the greater purpose, and this is a healing of God’s children, healing of the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body.

Think before one speaks; what might be humor to one might not be humor to another. Let all, instead of casting stones at one another, forgive. If one cannot forgive, one cannot enter the house of God, for you have closed the doorway to your soul. Respect the knowledge of one another in such a manner that you may learn from each other.

We have watched; we have seen all of these things. And if the healing should come forth, it must come forth from all parts, leste we say this. The work shall not be interfered by either side. And for those who should interfere shall be cut from the vine and wither. Jesus showed you this in the parable of the olive tree, yet you learned it not. We have said it in many ways, many times, and you have heard us not.

Now we shall say this — it shall be no longer tolerated, for a hand shall sweep away all obstacles and the garden shall be weeded. No longer shall lies, or fortication [fabrication?] of lies, be tolerated. And for those who should bear false witness shall be swept away.

We say unto all of you, remember, we are here but for one purpose, the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. For those who do not hear us now, they will not be here to hear us again.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [10–379–1…Pasadena, Texas] asks, ‘What is my purpose, my main one to fulfill this lifetime?’”

You have found that purpose, and it has been shown before you; you have picked up and are preparing to gather before you the candelabra.

For in your mind has been brought forth the memory of where you have been. There is much to be done, and little time to do it in, for within three years war shall come unto this land. Many preparations must be made during that time, but the greatest preparation must be done in the hearts and the souls of mankind. Let faith bind together with faith. You are not alone.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [11–394–2] and who is here tonight asks, ‘Have my husband and I been led to Globe for a specific reason besides health?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. It is not by chance the name this place where this work was chosen to begin bears the name it does, for from it shall reach unto the four corners of the globe. From here, through each of your hearts, shall come that day when one can respect another’s religion or faith, and understand, and be glad for the same, for here is the beginning of learning and sharing and giving. But here also shall be a safe zone in the later days ahead.

For within your mind you asked of this new greenhouse and its purpose. It shall be the first of many, for from it shall come many more.

We say unto Luke and James, look closely at what we have just said.

Now we say unto you, soul Ray grows weary; our time has grown short.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for greater accuracy.]

Copyright © 1979 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


February 2, 1979

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Father; glory be the name of His children.

And we should say unto thee the parable of the land of Atlantis.

For as the time before the great destruction of the land occurred, there lived there a prophet. And the prophet said unto them, “Heed my words, and let us prepare for this time. Let us take our food and our storages into a safe land, and let us prepare all the islands, therefore, upon the Earth, and place, therefore, within the safest land where our people may survive, that our knowledge might survive.”

Yet none would heed their words.

Yet the priests, Ra-Tai and Ar-Tan [Arcan?] went about their work. And the greater of knowledge was transferred into the land, as you would know it now as Egyptan, and that that you know now as the southern part of the American continent. And they did take the knowledge forth unto the people upon these continents.

And [these] people upon these continents did defy them, and say, “Why should we take your burden? You, who have ruled the Earth, why should we help you now?”

And then, close to the later days, all knew that if the knowledge that they possessed, the full knowledge, fell into the wrong hands, there would be a complete destruction of mankind by warfare. And so they did bury this knowledge in three places upon the world. Yet the grain and provisions, that too was placed into safe hands.

Yet, it was not a hundred years after the destruction that mankind did fall away from all knowledge.

It was not until the one you know as Jesus of Nazara did walk upon this continent, and the continent and lands of the European countries, was the fullness of the knowledge that had been, known unto man. But even yet, it was rejected, as he walked forth upon the land, and made way, and did bring forth disciples. And yet there were many who came forth to kill his disciples and proclaim that they were the disciples. And they did change and alter and profane all things.

We say unto you, once again you are facing a time when great destruction shall become forth upon your Earth. We have spoken to you in many words, and in many parables, to prepare you for these things. We have told you to bind together and grow in strength. We have told you that the great Sword hovers above you; where no water flowed water shall flow, and the desert[s] shall become green and bountiful, and land shall alter and change its shape. All of this is about you.

There is the Sword that should cut two ways. One shall cut away and reshape the earth; the other shall cut away and reshape mankind.

At first it shall seem for the worst of all things, for it shall be the best of times and the worst of times. And many gratifying substances shall come from the same. But as we have promised, for those who should prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, their needs shall be fulfilled.

We have told you the parables of the food and wine that was provided by God, but left behind. Now we tell you, now is the time. Prepare this way now, for those who should approach your country in peace shall soon strike forth with their sabers and their daggers upon the backs of mankind.

The weather changes that are occurring are both of nature and man-made. Yet they shall, as you would say, get out of hand.

The time shall come when God shall place all things in righteous[ness].

Many of those of the Anti-Christ shall take advantage of this time, and they shall say, “For look, I am your savior, follow me.”

We say unto you, we have come unto you in peace. We have come unto you with the love of our Father. We have come with the only riches we have to bear — the love, the understanding, the hope, the compassion of God.

We asked you, now, take haste. But within the haste, do not cast away good judgment.

And we shall now say unto that one known as [7–319–1], and we shall say unto youOne moment.


And your name shall be Andrew.

And you shall know why, for Andrew stood with the one known as John the Baptist and also stood with the one known as Jesus of Nazara.

We shall also answer your question in this manner. The preparation to move the people from the land of the Tucsons shall be soon at hand. Many shall not leave this land. And this land must be made ready in such a manner that both bomb shelters and food storage shall be made available. You must remember, there are greater weapons at this time than atomic power. Soundproofing of these should be of a great importance. The [newer] weaponry of laser, ultrasound, shall all be brought forth in this new conflict. Plan well. Organize well, for those who should organize. And then, it should come time soon when also you should make ready that your families shall be moved. Soon, land shall be made available in the Globe region. Further information on this shall be given as it is needed. You should use your own judgment.

[We should say unto Luke [1–1–3] and James [1–1–5]], it is now apparent that as the new, as you would call them, greenhouses shall be made available, both foliage for animal and man may be grown. We would also suggest that this also soon should be made a time. But we should say unto you, rely now on the prophet and the knowledge we shall place within his mind, that all things shall come together.

For those who should live within the land of the El Paso regions, therefore, within the same, first, as you would know it, a natural catastrophe shall strike the land. Provisions and readiness should be made ready in these regions, from twofold. You shall gather knowledge from the first of this reading.

For those who should live within the land of the Phoenix, there shall be land in this area that shall stand even after the destruction. That land shall be in the land of the Queen Creek and Gilbert regions, and in certain proportions, therefore, in what is known as Peoria.

In that land of the California region, take from all these that we have said, and land shall be made available for you also. But remember, you shall all live together in peace, or you shall die in a wasted land separately. And your children’s children shall perish before they are born.

We say, therefore, unto Paul and Ruth, continue with these of the restoration plans that soul Ray has in his mind, and the land you dwell upon shall be made safe.

We see many questions in all of your minds.

And the biggest question shall be in those who shall not believe, and how you shall convince them. These people will only believe after it happens to them. There is no way they shall believe before. For some, we shall try to place signs in their mind, as we have placed a sign in the mind of the brother of soul Ray. We shall come into your dreams, but do not misinterpret your dreams, for “there shall be those who shall dream and those who shall interpret.”

And now we shall say unto those, who should once again, having made attempt on the lives of the prophet and his family, woe be unto you. For that that you have cast out shall come into you, for out of your own mouth has been your judgment. The judgment that you would have done unto them is now being done unto you, and you shall go into the valley of the lost souls. The righteous arm of the Lord has spoken. And we say unto you, as Pharaoh placed the last plague upon his land, so have you. [See Exodus, chapter 11.]

Soul Ray now grows weary. Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1979 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


February 23, 1979

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee this parable.

As the Lord brought forth rain and snow upon the earth, the rain fell onto the land and the land replenished itself. And then came the snow upon the mountains and into the valleys.

The rain looked upon the snow and said, “You are a beautiful thing, but of what value are you?”

And the snow said back unto the rain, “For I am a lasting value, for I am the same as you — only my form has been changed. For I shall lay upon the ground and gently melt, and replenish the water beneath the surface of the earth. And I shall make the streams and rivers run, and the creeks that run.”

The rain thought upon this. And the rain spoke back unto the Spirits and said, “Why have you made me into such a small substance, when you have made the snow more beautiful and more lasting than I?”

And the rain did fall upon the desert where no snow could ever find its way. And the Spirit said, “Behold, for you have not been here in a long time.” And the desert turned green and the flowers came up from the desert. And all the desert plants soaked in, and brought forth, and stored within itself the multitude of moisture. And the Spirit said, “Behold unto that likeness of your likeness. Even though your form when you appear upon the earth is different from the snow, it is all but the same.”

We should say in this parable, that seasons may change upon the earth, and the earth may change upon the heavens, and man may change his form many times, but man shall remain man, and God shall remain God. And as the rays of the Lord shall come forth unto the sun and the rain, and the bountiful plentiness the Lord has provided He shall not take away. It shall but only change its form. For as we have said before, where no water flowed water would flow, that all the surface of the earth’s form shall change, and man shall change with this. For you shall see the time that lies ahead, of the Anti-Christ. But one day it shall melt away, and the earth shall blossom forth into the coming of the Messiah.

And the harvests of the fields shall be bountiful. There shall be sparse days, and troubled days, yet spring shall come again upon all the land, in all the hearts of all the people.

There shall be troubled times. You can live and let your lives remain in this troubled time, or you can lift up your hearts into the Lord, and believe in the Lord. And believe that the Lord, that all that He has placed upon the earth He may taketh away, yet He has never taken from you, except that that He did replace tenfold.

All things shall unfold. As in the book of Revelations, the earth shall alter and change, and so shall man. And a new man shall be born from the earth, and shall come from the heavens to link up as one. All of these things we have shown unto your prophet.

We have told you, now is the time to prepare. Now is the time to bind together. Now is the time to come forth, for you shall be persecuted. But if you are come together, bind together and let your strength flow. If you shall learn from those who should strike you, if you should learn that the mighty arm of the Lord shall protect you, bind together as many twigs should come forth and you shall not be broken. Through all the harshness and the harsh days the sun shall shine through. And each day of sunshine shall give you new hope for the spring.

Believe in these things, and your children’s children shall inherit a new heaven and a new earth. Believe not in these things, and there shall be no heaven nor earth. For the debt that shall be paid shall go unto thy unborn children, and their children’s children. And it should be so unto the fifth generation.

We have come unto you in the ninth year. [Note: The spiritual messengers of God began speaking through Ray nine years before, in 1970.]

Great sabers shall soon be brought forth. That of the Red Horse or the Dragon shall rustle its saber in one place. [See The Revelation 6:2 and chapter 12. Aka said the Red Horse is Pakistan and the Dragon is China.]

And while you are looking in one place, the Bear [Russia] shall devour the land of Iran.

As we have said before, it shall start from France and the fuse shall go forth — and all that has been before and all prophecies shall now be fulfilled. [Note: in 1973, Aka spoke of and gave Ray a dream that a fuse had been lit in France that went on to Israel. Ray cautioned that, if not stopped, it could ignite the world. Also see the prophecies in scriptures, such as Isaiah, Daniel, The Revelation, Zechariah, by Jesus, and other prophecies.]

We should say unto those who seek to prepare a place for the people, it would be better to remain where you are than to march into an open valley, as those who should march into Armageddon, for all who shall march in shall be destroyed. Do not be foolish. The place that shall protect the people must have natural fortification, such as mountains. It must have natural water, and sources of water.

As we have said before, as the weather shall change and continue, your greenhouses shall feed you in abundance. Take from these things that we are providing and showing you, and there shall be a way for all.

As these sabers begin to come forth and unfold, the Messiah is now upon your Earth — in the same land that he once walked in before. If the Eagle [U.S.A.] does not spread his wings, the Lord shall snatch him back up into the heavens, before the Anti-Christ can swallow him. [See The Revelation, chapter 12.]

We shall say this much farther to you, it shall not be long until we are ready to bring forth and deliver this one into thy hands for safe keeping. Yet only the prophet shall know of him.

And the prophet shall pass away, as all things pass away, and we shall come to you no more in this form. All these things shall come about in time.

To you, it may seem that all you do, and all things are in slow motion. Time is but a twinkling of the eye of the Lord. It is but a measurement made by man in the vastness of all things. Yet, it is important.

We have told of you these things that you may have the hope that is needed.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Note: This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1979 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


March 2, 1979

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we shall say unto thee the parable.

In the land of Israel the Lord, thy God, brought forth unto two miracles, the miracle of the birth of John the Baptist and the miracle of the birth of Jesus of Nazara.

When that that was prophesied was about to come true, and before the birth did happen, it went forth upon the land that these two joyful events would happen.

And many women were scornful and said, “Why should the Lord choose these women and not me? Why should Inot bear this child? Why can I not be the person who history shall remember throughout all time?”

And this question was brought before the rabbis. And the rabbis did say unto them, “For Elizabeth, who should bear John, has been with him many times. She shall not live to see him beheaded, but she shall see him prepare the way. And Elizabeth shall be of a sistern in another time, and she shall not live to see the fulfillment, but she shall go upon the other side to assist him.

“And Mary’s time shall have been completed, for she shall dwell in the house of the Lord after she should see her son crucified.”

The gift that we have given not all of you would be capable of bearing the yoke.

And the rabbi asked each of those women if they could see their sons beheaded or crucified. And none of them could understand this, and they said, “Why? Why should these evil things befall these great ones who should come upon the earth? And why should not Elizabeth see the glory of her son? And why should she not, in the second coming, see the glory of her brothern? Why should it not be written as such?”

The rabbis could not answer. None could answer.

And after John was beheaded, John’s followers came unto him, to Jesus of Nazara, and said, “All that has been prophesized has come true. Should you then, Master, be crucified?”

And he looked long unto their eyes and said, “My Father’s will shall be done — not that I want to depart from you, but to show you the fulfillment of your life — to show you that through death and resurrection shall be as you should die and pass away, in three days, so the body shall be made whole again if it is your desire.”

And so the time came, and the crucifixion was brought forth. And he who was the Prince of Salem, who in another time there was no record of his birth nor of his death, yet all of the Levi paid tribute, therefore, unto him. And Abraham did pay tribute into him. Yet, when he appeared before his apostles, they knew him not. And yet he had to manifest the wounds to prove to them that he was who he was. And Thomas, the doubter, still doubted.

You say unto us, “What purpose is that of this parable?” And we say unto you, only through your faith shall you know of the heaven and the earth, and only through your faith can the preparation for the coming of the Messiah be fulfilled.

We have told you of the quiet place within your mind, the quiet place where God dwells within you. Take that moment and look into that quiet place, and the knowledge you seek shall be there — there by the quiet pool where the candle is always lit, and where the roses always bloom, and the water is always pure.

But if you should know of the knowledge we speak of, then no matter how much you have to face, you shall face it with a joyous heart, and love and companionship for one another. Take one moment and think of the pain of Elizabeth. Feel her pain. For she is here now, not in body form, but in that of the spirit, to prepare the way for the coming; yet she is here in gladness of all things that came before her, for it is not of yesterday that she looks at, but of the tomorrows that are yet to come. We say unto you, who have picked up the Rose without Thorns and read the dedication therein, you shall know of the whole of this that we speak.

Bind together. If you must, to do this, reach and feel her pain as it was, and yet, see her joy as it is now — and the joy that you shall know. As a man plants a field and sees it ripen upon the earth and come into fulfillment, always to know that that that he has grown has provided him with new seeds for the next year — look into your minds and see this field. Look into your minds and feel this peace of mind that we shall extend out to you from this day forth, if only you shall ask. Open the door that we may enter. Let us place in your hearts the love of our Father, and the love thy could feel for thy brothern and sistern.

When you became angry, when you become discouraged, when you become confused, stop just that moment, and allow us to enter. Allow us to show you the quiet place of God within you, and you shall feel the strength within yourselves. Bind together. Come as one.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from soul Ruth [2–30–2]. ‘What is the being which the Hopis are seeing, the Hopi Indians?’”

The beings they are seeing is [a] spiritual substance, that as it was written, for those who should wander from the ways of the worship of God and the preparation for the return of the Messiah, he should appear before them as a reminder. He may be called by many names. In some of your churches you would call him a saint; in others you would call him a spirit. He is the prophecy of the ending of times and the beginning of times, [in] the tablets that the Hopis brought forth, now can be placed together. It is a reminder that we arc here to prepare of the way, and we shall reach into the hearts of many. Yet there is more to come.

We shall explain it further in this manner. Our Father has many mansions, each is great to behold, yet for each of you it is manifested in your own mind. And for our Father, therefore, has made it so, that your fulfillment at the end of your journey may be that you have created many religions. In some cases you would say, “This one is St. Peter blowing his horn,” or “Michael.” There are some who would say, “He is Joseph Smith.” There’s others who would say, “He is [Luthing] [Luther?].” Yet he is of all the same spirit, who shall appear in many forms across your land. But there’s the Hopi, it must be so in this form, for they were the chosen upon this land, as the Israelites were a chosen upon another land. And as they were once one of the same, the fulfillment of both of their prophecies are identical. Only the forms have changed to suit the occasion.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [4–125–2]. She asks, ‘Aka, my request is of you, of Christ, and of God. Will God please provide for my greatest need? In 1972, you said I had not been loved and to reach out my hand to you and God and you would provide the bread and the wine, to put God first and He would put me first. As I love I need to be loved, to feel that love and presence that will not go away. Please, God, provide a way, in Your strong love and will.’”

We should say unto you unto these words, the love has been provided.

We should say unto you that a way had been provided. The knowledge you seek are within your own readings. The knowledge you seek lies in what you would call, the archives. Go back to that time and reread that, and the words that were spoken. God has not changed His path; we have not changed our path, and the one you know as Jesus of Nazara has not changed his path, nor has Buddha, Muhammad. If you cannot understand these words, then go into the old books of the Hopi, and there you shall find an acceptance.

The acceptance has happened within yourself, the acceptance that there shall be those who should teach, those who should prophesy, those who should dream and those who should interpret the dreams.

Over and over, you have fallen down and we have picked you up. And each time, you have promised us of the things you would do. Fulfill your own promises, or take them back and only say you shall try. But our love for you has notgone away.

Long ago, the Lord, God, placed into your mind a gift, a gift to write and make pictures into words. You have cast this gift aside, because you have ceased to feel those things that you felt as they were happening to you. The Lord, God, did not give you the gift to heal or the gift to be a channel; He gave unto you the gift to write, and He prepared all the tools before you to do unto this. He, we have also provided that you may have the bread and the wine to nourish your body, your soul and your spirit as you did these things. We have seen that you have found jobs to provide you with worldly needs. We have filled your cup many times. But we say unto you, if you go into the desert, and God provides you with the wine and the water and the bread, take it with you. Do not go into the desert and then blame God that He not sees or hears you the second time.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [7–319–1]. She asks, ‘Dear Aka, the Tucson group would like to obtain some land north of Tucson to build a shelter and storage area. Could you tell us which area we should look for land, Marana, the Tortolitas, Catalina, or Oracle?’”

The Tortolitas would be the choice. Oracle would be the second; the Catalinas would be the third, and Marana would be the fourth. That that you should have shall appear before you and the choice shall be made for you.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. ‘Where, from some known point in Egypt, such as Cairo, was the land of the Eagle in the time of Ra-Tai?’”

At the mouth and beginning of the great river, the Nile; it was that point that the land and the watershed let the water go in the other direction.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [11–397–1]. ‘Dear Aka, what career should I follow for soul growth and livelihood? Thank you.’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we would say unto you that as the new elements are turned from the desert into food substance, the testing of the purity of each substance should become more vital at all times. If you could look farther into this knowledge, it could become a fulfillment because you would help to feed the multitude.

You have other questions, ask.

“I have a question from [7–303–3]; she asks, ‘Aka, any information that will be helpful as to the direction of destiny at this time, for soul purpose. Thank you.’”

We see thy need, and we see thy desires and we see thy thought forms, and we should say unto you, that that you and your husband desires, come forth unto soul Ray into private consultation and the knowledge you seek shall be given in a more elaborate manner, but it should be fulfilling.

You have other questions.

“Yes, Aka, [11–397–2…Redondo, California] asks, ‘Would Hot Springs, Arkansas, be a place free of earthquakes, or where should we move to be safe from earthquakes?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. In that which you are seeking, the land that should lie from the San Simon through Safford [Arizona], forward unto the edge of the Indian reservation, this land should serve thy needs. But we should also say unto you, false prophets have risen in this region, beware.

But if land was chosen well, there is a bountiful of watershed into this region. The land is fertile. The mountain ranges are such that the atomic wasteland, as you would know it, should [but] pass over this land, and it could be left as a region of mild and bountiful climate. Many of you who are seeking shall find this to be so. The other land shall be on the other side of the Pinal Mountains into the San Carlos Basin; this land before it reaches the Apache Reservation has a bountiful amounts of water, and shall provide for many needs, and the land is fertile, therefore, within the same.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [11–397–3…El Paso]. She asks, ‘For the benefit of all concerned, where should my husband and I reside?’”

We shall answer in this manner. At the present time, many of you have the desire to run and hide. Prepare, therefore, where you live; where you are now. Take those words of your prophet into the storing of food, water, the placing of greenhouses. Take these thoughts, and your needs shall be provided for. But to grow strong, and binding together — that where one family stands, they shall stand alone; where one person stands, they shall stand alone — but when the family becomes one, their strength becomes that many more fold. Where two families stand together their strength is even stronger. Where three — you shall remember, when we first came unto you we said unto you these words, that your groups would form in threes and Thirteens, and the multitude grow. And so, it is as we had spoken before unto you. If your strength shall come, bring your minds together, and the distance between you shall not matter. But come and bring these things in harmony. Let all of your people prepare. And if one is stricken, let all go to their aid; therefore, the loss of material values, of substance, may be replaced.

Give unto your brother and your sister with open hearts. Bind together. Bind together. Take away the past from your lives. It is not important what you have been; it is only important what you shall become. Shall you become a mob, fighting for crumbs of bread? Shall you become a mob, who shall walk upon each other? When the dead lay before your eyes in the multitudes you cannot count, shall you steal from the dead? Or shall you welcome the living?

Is it not better to say something good of your fellow man? Is it not good to share? Is it not good to build [upon] a strong foundation that your children’s children shall not perish, shall not come forth from the caves in ignorance, that all that man has brought forth from his millions of years upon this Earth and that that he brought forth from the planet, Yahweh, shall not perish forever?

Each of you look into your hearts. Cast away your grievances. Bring and come forth with useful thoughts. Come forth with your knowledge that God has placed into you, and let it become useful to all.

We have one other question which [we] shall answer. Soul Ray said unto you, make the wine of the prickly pear. In the times ahead, it shall be needed.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

And soul Ray grows tired.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. From the land of Alaska, as it had struck once before, and the cycle did increase down through the tip of Mexico and South America, the cycle shall now renew itself, but in greater form of earthquake pattern. East and west, north and south, build your Shepherds’ Fund, and then build your Building Fund, for soon you shall build a structure that shall become the center of the hub.

Each of you has talents. If you should live in a harmony, you shall soon find that one by one you shall pick up the shovel, the axe, the plow, and become one.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1979 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


March 9, 1979

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner, for we shall say unto thee the parable of the seventh angels, the seven spirits that the Lord brought forth to manifest the earth and the heavens, and the oceans, therefore, within the same. And we say unto thee, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

For we say unto thee, that as the earth was formed, and matter begot matter, and the oceans came forth upon the land, and both fish and fowl were brought forth, and the animals of all species brought forth, “of their likeness” and “of their kind,” therefore, to bring ferment upon the earth, there was much discussion between the seven spirits of the different fowl that would be brought forth upon the land.

And each said, “There must a bird for spring.” And that should bring forth the robin.

“But there must be a bird for the winter.” And that brought forth the redbird.

“And yet, there must be a bird for the summer.” And that brought forth the sparrow.

“And there must be a bird for the autumn.” And that brought forth the blackbird.

“Yet, there must be a bird for all seasons. There must the predator and the protector.” And so, they brought forth the falcon with its sleek and beautiful lines. Yet, this did not satisfy them. And they brought forth the hawk. And this satisfied most.

And yet one said, “There must be a cleansing bird that shall keep the land clean.” And so he brought forth the vulture.

And the other birds and the other spirits did look upon it with sorrowful eyes, and despised it.

And as man and animals, the fowl, and the fish did begin to multiply, and each preyed off and from the other, then, the vulture waited and watched and circled even above that that was to die.

And the seven spirits looked upon this one, and said, “If this shall be the sign of death, and a cleansing of death, let us bring forth the bird of hope, the bird of freedom.”

And so from the heavens scoared [soared] the eagle. And all who saw it marveled at its beauty, its grace in flight, and its — to scoar the top of the mountains into the lowest of valleys. And where the eagle flew the vulture did not dare to tread.

And so as time went on, both the bird of prey and the bird of freedom, of hope, marched forward unto the times of man. And through his wars, and his destruction of his own world, and the destruction of animals, the vulture went quietly about its way, cleansing up after man and animal.

And you say unto us, “Why have you brought this before us?”

There is much to learn from these that we have brought before you. For there is the time of the four seasons of man. It shall be like the seasons of the earth. There shall be the winter, when the earth shall sleep, much as man shall sleep; and then, when man has had his long sleep and the spiritual form of the same should arise, come spring; and come into maturity and growth; and then bring forth unto his harvest, of autumn. In the autumn of man’s life he has sought his freedom, he has sought out his hopes, he has laid forth his fears, and if, within all things, he has climbed before the eagle’s wings and scoared the heavens and earth, and seen the valleys, green and brown, and scoared the deserts, then from the land and from the fowl, when his autumn of life has reached, when the time has come for the vulture, he will have known the completeness of the cycle of life and hope and love, and truly, he shall forgive the vulture.

In the time that the people, through each growing of civilizations, [that] your civilization has yet to learn, of the vulture and his part in life; you still look upon him as the foulest of creatures. In the time of Atlantis, and in the time of Egyptan, this knowledge was gained, but even in the gaining, they laid waste to the land, and the vulture did come and clean it in such a manner that no man knew that another had stood there. And yet, the man came and built his cities first, and then looked back from where he had been, to dig beneath the surface of the earth to uncover the civilizations. What of metal was left? None. What of all these precious things that had been so dear to him? He had forgotten.

And then a shepherd came from the Lord. He had even forgotten, this man-beast had forgotten from which he had come. And so the Lord sent forth a shepherd. And he did die, as you would know it, upon the cross, and the resurrection was brought forth in full, and the temple of the Lord was rebuilt in three days as [a] proof unto man of all the seasons of the Lord; of the seven spirits of the Lord; of the sacred numeral, 4; of the sacred numeral, 9.

In the next few days, ministers shall come forth to bring their teachers forth in their Board of Review. And students shall come forth seeking to become teachers. Take from that from which we have spoken tonight into the wonderment of all things and the realization that the Lord, God, placed nothing upon the earth or the heavens without a purpose. Yet, within every blade of grass, and every tree, in every leaf, and in every man, not one is like the other. It is totally different, yet complete. In the mighty plan for His children, the Lord, God, brought forth upon the earth all things — things to learn from the past, and things to build for the future.

Now shall be the time of the building for the future, for tools shall be laid in your laps. Your Shepherds’ Fund must continue, and then, your Building Fund, for we shall place before you all things. As the seven spirits [that] did the bidding of the Lord’s work, so shall each of you bind together, as the seven spirits, to make judgments that all may live with hope and love and compassion and freedom, unto all man.

You have questions, ask.

“Aka, I have a question from [6–281–1]. She asks, ‘Over a year ago I had a dream about a place between Globe and Mammoth, Tucson; it has been on my mind for a long time. Please give me an interpretation of this dream. Thank you.’”

We have shown you the interpretation of the same, for the valley has been laid before you, a valley that many crafts of many people shall come to. For there shall be those who shall learn to quarry the stone; there shall be those who shall build from the earth adobes; there shall be those who shall tan the hides, and there shall be those who shall bake the bread, and those who shall grow the bread. And amongst it all, the knowledge must be kept — the natural protection that is needed, for you shall find in the last part of your book of Revelations measurements, measurements of the kingdom and the visions by John, the Beloved. Read of these, and then measure the same of the valley laid before you. Abundance, and many abundances shall be brought forth in this land, but yet it is your choice, the choice of all of you. There is land for all the people, and the nourishment of pure water that shall flow unpolluted. Do not rush into these things. Each piece shall be laid before you, one piece at a time. Yet there shall be room for all. For there is passage ways, that you may reach other people when the time is needed.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [10–379–1]. She asks, ‘Please, the direction of my life I know, yet my purpose in the Association — am I fantasizing as to peacemaker, or what?’”

We say unto you these words. If you and your husband shall come forth and complete the teacher’s work, then the things you have thought to bring forth shall come about. Remember, the master of all masters started as a student.

A peacemaker must be wise, for “glory be the peacemaker[s], for they shall be held holy in the eyes of the Lord,” for they shall bind the wounds, and help to bind the people together. But in the knowledge of making peace, do not bring serpents, and tigers and lambs, and expect them to retain their peace, for the serpent must have that which they need, and the lamb must have that that they need, and the lion must have that that they need. If making peace, you can see these things, then you shall be truly wise in the eyes of the Lord.


And death may come in many forms, a physical death, or death or a means of discrediting the work that has been brought forth through the vehicle which we have chosen.

Many of these who should come forth — do not consider them stupid people. They have much learning, and they are wise and well-trained in the arts. Do not underestimate them.

But we say also into them, do not underestimate the people, for those who shall prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah shall never wear the mark of the Beast. [See The Revelation, chapters 7, 12–14, 15:1–4, 16:12, chapter 17, 19, 20:1–6, chapters 21–22.]

Bind together. Bind together that your strength may be felt throughout the world. And when the time and strength and the binding has become as such, you shall rise from the earth to rebuild it. And those of your brothern and your sistern shall come from the heavens to assist you. And a new heaven and a new earth shall come forth. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [11–398–1…Quartzsite, Arizona]. ‘Will you tell me if this place where we live is a safe place? Thank you’”

We say unto you, nay. It shall be safe for now. Time is growing short in the region which you dwell. As we have said before that, that where no water flowed water would flow, and so it has come about. The desert shall bloom and provide for the people. The knowledge of learning to nourish from the breast of the desert is a wise knowledge. The time shall one day be when this is land you speak of shall be no more. The vastness of the land that we shall provide shall come as the binding of people come[s] forth.

We say unto you, even as we speak, the Russian Bear stands poised to strike, to devour more and more. And the Chinese Dragon grows fatter. And in Egypt, deceit grows from the mouth of those who should entrap the land of Israel. And we say unto you, the source — now is the time of the source.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a request from [11–398–2…Tennessee], and he asks, ‘Sir, the distance is great for me to travel and reach soul Ray; is it permissible for you to use distant healing to heal my eyes, please?’”

Yes, we see thy need. We shall give you that which you wish. And healing of the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body shall come forth. But we say unto you, go into meditation, and distance shall not be a barrier, but we shall give you the sight to reach this land, if you wish.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [11–398–3…Mesquite, New Mexico] asks, ‘I have always had a great love of animals. My husband and I are making our horses our livelihood. Is this a correct path for us, or is there another we should pursue? Thank you.’”

Man has used the horse as a means of burden throughout time. He has used them to plow his fields, to gather his food, to carry him. At the present rate of the destruction of the fossil fuel it would be wisely suggested that the horse remain, and not become [extinct]. We would also suggest that the wild burros which roam your land shall one day become quite useful once again. Therefore, the Government who should lay waste unto them, to the wild horses and to the wild beasts of burden, should wash their hands, for they have no knowledge of what they do.

But we say unto you, each shall bring unto one another a completeness. For the baker shall bake bread — and there shall be those who shall raise horses to provide both transportation and beasts of burden, for they shall serve man once again.

But that that you seek at the present time, without the full means necessary, and the place — for the time shall come when different sanctuaries and lands shall be islands within themselves, and trading shall slowly come forth, and bartering, much as nations barter today, shall happen. But build a foundation beneath that which you wish to do, for there is a time for all things. Take from the first of this reading, and you shall have in truth your answer.

Now we say unto you, soul Ray grows weary.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your land, yet May shall come and the bountiful deliverance from the desert shall be at hand. This, crops must be harvested in the manners in which soul Ray has brought forth unto you.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1979 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


March 16, 1979

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we say unto thee, for we shall tell unto thee the parable of the masters.

For in the beginning, all God’s children were equal. Yet He gave unto them freedom of choice, the free gift to climb the ladder as they desired, to make the choices of the land, the sky, and all there about them. He did not demand they love Him, for as a wise father, He knew that only through the freedom of their own choice could this come about. Yet, He said unto them, come unto Me.

And as all the multitudes brought forth upon the earth, some of His children developed and climbed the ladder more rapidly, some to climb it only for the sake of climbing it. He also knew that those who would climb, and who truly loved God, would turn, only to go to the bottom of the ladder to help others back up. And these would be the masters.

And the masters, as they should pass from one lifetime on to another, some should stay upon the other side to guide that one who would choose to be born again upon the earth, as you would say, to be reincarnated.

Your words are of many languages, and therefore, your word “to be born again” is the simplest, for it means the same in many languages — to be transferred [transformed], to be transcended, to be ointed, yet ointed not. [Note: variation of anointed.] For the master that would be placed upon the earth should wash the feet of his students, that they may learn that there is no task too large or too small upon the earth or in the heavens, to teach them in the knowing of humility before their God and their brothern and sistern.

Each of you have long sought to have one ascended from heaven that could bring you all of the knowledge. You have forgotten that the Lord, God, learns even today. If you do not believe so, then look within your own Bible, and from Abraham unto Lot unto Moses unto Jesus, He was learning.

For in all things, as you should bring forth a child upon the earth yourselves, you shall learn from the child, and so the Lord, God, learns from you. And at times He learns from those you would call, the masters.

Each of you feel that you are special, as you would say, ointed [anointed], and the Lord, God, has made you special, for there is not another like you as an individual anywhere. Though you come from your mother’s womb, you are yourselves. You are the ointed ones. You are the chosen ones, for you are in His likeness, of their kind. What greater gift of life could one receive? What greater gift of joy and riches could one receive?

Yet you say unto the masters, “Teach us. Heal us. Guide us. Tell us what to eat, and what not to eat.”

Talk unto the Lord, God, and say unto Him, “Forgive us of our sins.”

We say unto you, the sins of one may not be the sins of another. For did not your Lord, Jesus, say unto you that only you could harm yourselves? No one else can harm you, only yourselves. The temple of God is within you. It burns brightly. Destroy it, and you shall rebuild it in three days. That is the body of man and woman. Have joy in your hearts, for you, each of you, are special.

Because a person should reach high political or professional position does not mean they are wise, does not mean they cannot make mistakes. Love cannot be bought nor sold, nor bartered for. It must be given freely. Trust cannot be bought in any manner. Faith and hope — all of these things must come and be given freely.

Your President has made such a mistake, which your nation shall pay for. [Note: U.S. President Jimmy Carter had negotiated land for peace deals, with the Panama Canal and by encouraging Israel to give away land for peace, which began the “peace process.”]

We say unto you, unto these words — bring forth and prepare your Shepherds’ Fund. Bind together; become as one. Make your plans with love and care for each person. And soon will be the time to build.

There are many of our words that we have spoken tonight that some of you do not fully understand, and never will.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [6–274–3…who is here tonight], and she asks, ‘All things considered, physiologically and physically, can I wisely have this predicted child now? Please explain in detail the ramifications pro and con.’”

At a different time the child could have been born unto you and your husband in a graceful manner. Now it [would] be much more difficult, both psychological and physical. But the choice is yours to make. In the next three-year period, the life as you know it, financial, shall greatly change. It shall become a necessity that small communities come forth and bind together. This will change your way of living up to this point. It shall change the child you have now, and this one that you shall ask for. Times shall almost reverse themselves.

We have explained in the earlier part of this reading, you cannot pay a blackmailer, for they shall only return for more. You cannot pay murderers to go away, for they shall only come back and slay more of you. The Palestinians shall bring havoc upon the earth. They now have the support of those that you would know as the international Nazi party. They now have the support of the Communist world. They now have the support of what you would call your Ku Klux Klan. They now have the support of the John Birch Society. [And] some of these have become unwilling partners. And many of these people, much as the Nazi party of Germany did spread itself upon the earth in blackness before and engulf innocent people to do their bidding, so this shall be once again, and it shall spread north, east, south, and west. The treason that shall take place in Israel shall light the fuse. It has already been lit from France to Iran. Now it spreads forth as a plague upon your earth. [See The Psychic Light, Predictions.]

More earthquakes shall occur, in the Houston area, in the Dallas area, in the Fort Worth area. And soon, as you have been blaming the weather upon the Russians, soon, as the earthquake and the tornados and the hurricanes, and those of natural events should occur, shall soon be blamed upon those of the Israelites.

But as these things come forth, if you should prepare yourselves in a binding manner before the Lord, then those of the Lord’s children shall not wear the mark of the Beast, and their children’s children shall wear the mark of God. And that of the Christ child’s safety shall be assured, and the reign of the Lord shall be upon the earth.

You say unto us that we have gone, as you would say, a long way around, explaining, answering your question. At this time the choice is yours. You must make the decision. But remember, as we make ready now to provide the needs of the people, who should come forth in the preparation of the Messiah, and the needs for their protection, we say unto you, remember the Dead Sea Scrolls? Remember unto that place that the Romans did defile? [Editor’s note: The scrolls were found in caves near the northwest coast of the Dead Sea, and were probably placed there after Qumran, the cliff top abode where the Essene group that was preparing the way for the Messiah, came under lengthy seige by Roman soldiers. After their drinking water ran out, the Jewish sect killed themselves rather than to be taken prisoners.]

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Firstly, you made a comment about the Russians being blamed for manipulating the weather. Have they been manipulating the weather, or is this a false accusation?”

(Chuckle) I should say unto you, manipulation of the weather has been a four-sided event. Four nations are [involved], including your own. The one who should have such information as this time now wallows in Iranian oil, and sets themselves in the Israeli embassy.

Soul Ray now grows weary.

And we should say unto you, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of the children of the Lord.

And [from] those who should come in quest from the land of the Californians, we should say unto you, look forth unto this land as a haven and a protector. But we shall protect you now where you stand, where you live. For those who should seek safe passage from that of Texas, we should say unto you, we shall make that of a safe passage at the present time. Each of you should come unto soul Ray for consultation, that the knowledge that we shall put in his mind shall be given unto you.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1979 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


May 11, 1979

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should say unto thee, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee, as we have said before, your atmospheric conditions are changing. Where no water flowed water now flows, and the desert[s] shall bloom and become whole unto the people. These things we have said unto you before. Now you shall see the fulfillment of the same.

We have told you of the sword that should cut two ways, that that should cut away land and people. And the sword on one side shall slice down, and those who possess no souls and the spiritual substance of the same, shall be slain from the Earth, and the heavens, and they shall be no more. And the land shall split away, and tornados and hurricane[s] and volcanoes, and earthquake shall ravish the land. But the Lord, God, shall lay down His hand and place the protection for the people.

For those who should walk in the righteousness of the Lord, and should seek, in truth, to live in peace and harmony with their neighbors, so shall they be spared. For those who should seek vengeance, and should make war and plan war, at first it should seem as though they shall succeed, and then, the Lord’s hand shall come forth again, and the land shall be split away. All, of these things that we have told you before, is before you.

We should say unto you the parable of the small stream on the top of a mountain that as the snow melted and the rainfall, it started its journey down the mountain. It felt good and wonderful, for it was clean of body, and it knew it brought forth life. Halfway down the mountain man had built and polluted into the stream. As the stream left this pollution to continue its journey, it felt despair, for why had the Lord allowed this to happen, allowed this to happen into a clean substance? For the spring, for many centuries, and many eons, had made the same journey. And it had provided for the people. It could not understand why the people would pollute, and harm it.

And the stream, as it reached toward the river and the lakes, it spoke unto the lakes and unto the rivers and said, “How can I bring such forth unto you, for I have always brought forth pure, clean water?”

And the lake said unto the stream, “Do not be of despair, for that that man shall lay upon the Earth, so shall he reap.”

But the little stream, still wanting to serve mankind, could not understand this. And the river said, “Why do you despair so, for at the beginning you are clean. What makes it different how you should return into my body?”

And the stream said, “But I have always given you the best of my body.”

And the stream prayed unto the Lord, and said, “0h, Lord, I should begin with a clean body. Why should it pollute? Why should anyone be allowed to do this unto others? For those who live beyond the lakes expect to receive me in my cleanness, for they have seen me in the beginning, and they expect to receive me as I become part of the river and one day part of the great lake. Should I become completely lost in this pollution?”



But the stream said, “Why should it be allowed to override my free choice, which is to be clean from beginning to the end?”



For some of you, once again you shall say we have spoken as unto riddles. But we say unto you, nay. We gave you in the beginning of this reading that that could take place upon your Earth. We have also given you an answer of that that you may do of your own free choice to change the Earth — for your Father is listening.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading from [6–290–5]; she’s here tonight. She said, ‘Would you please give me a life reading? Thank you.’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. Yes, we have the records before us.


In the Year of the Dragon, in the Month of the Horse, in the Day of the Grasshopper, this one came forth into the land of Ur. And because of the great knowledge which was shared between the people, she could not understand why she had not arrived upon the Earth long before this. And so, therefore, she went unto her father, who should walk with her and gain permission to go into the inter [inner] temple, unto the wise ones, and therefore, to receive an answer.

And the wise one said, “We see that of which you seek. But that you might know fully, soon one shall come that can answer your question.”

And as the days passed, you grow very anxious.

And then, throughout the land the message was that that this one had arrived. You looked upon him and said, “He looks familiar, so familiar. Father, why do I know this one, yet I have not met him?”

And your father said unto you, “The answer might come from him, for he comes from the land of Yahweh, where all our descendents bore from. For he was in the beginning, and he shall be in the ending.”

And as the evening grew close, and the many people gathered round to listen to his speech, he turned and looked upon you, and said, “Come.”

And all the nobles were shocked that here this great one should take this small girl, to speak unto her. And he said unto her, “You wish to know where you have come from, and why you feel that this is not your first incarnation upon the Earth. Once long ago — ” as he drew upon the sand he showed a solar system, and planets and suns, and he said unto you as he pointed unto one of the planets, “here is where you dwell[ed]. You were one of those who never left the planets before they were destroyed. But your heart and soul went with us unto this land. And I say unto you, we shall meet again, in the land — and I shall come forth and speak unto you and you shall know of me.”

You lived out your life, bore children in multitudes, and did plenish the Earth.

You did not come forth until this time of the birth of what you call Christianity. And you and your husband had heard of this one called John the Baptist. And the urgency between you to go forth unto him. And as you walked forth there he stood, in the water, baptizing. And he looked up into you and said, “Why have you taken so long; do you not know of me?”

You knew of him.

And he baptized you. And you said unto him, “For what purpose shall this life of mine be served?”

And he said unto you, “For the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.”

And then walked forth that one known as Jesus, of Nazara. And you knew, as John spoke, that this was the one who should come after John.

And as he baptized him, and the Lord, God, said unto all who could hear, “FOR THIS IS MY FIRST BORN SON WHO I DEARLY LOVE.”

And John turned unto you and said, “Follow this one. And one day I shall meet with you again and I shall baptize you again.”

You lived other lifetimes between this period. They were important, for all of them brought you to this place, here and now.

And once again, you [were] baptized in the light of God. And once again you are here, at this time and in this place, to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah.

For those who have eyes let them see, for we shall uncover that that has been hidden. For those who have ears to hear let them hear, for within this reading many shall find a truth for themselves within it.

We have given unto you that that is needed for this time and this place. You have never been a prince or princess. You have never been that of great wealth. You have served the Lord, God, and served Him well. And the Lord, God, looks upon you, His child, and says unto you, “THIS IS MY CHILD WHO I AM WELL PLEASED.”

Now we say unto all of you, ask and you shall receive.

Glory be the name of that that is to come, and that that has been. But all that has been shall be all parts of that that is to come.

In a very few days you shall have within your hands a new book. Each book shall be part of a whole, and they shall be, all together, the Book with wings. Pick it up, and it shall fit with the Rose without Thorns. And it shall be another part of a whole.

Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

There are those of you who should ask of the Dallas area. And we say unto you, as each stone, rock, as each town, city, state, country, has within it its own karma, so has this land of Dallas, for there a great wrong was done.

And many of you shall say, “I had no part in this wrong.” And we say unto you, then leave it for those who should pay the karma. Or correct the karma. Insist that the truth be known, and it shall wipe away the karma. [Editor’s note: Is Aka referring to the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy in Dallas?]

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your Earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1979 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


May 18, 1979

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, our God; glory be the name of His children.

And we shall say unto thee the parable.

The Lord, God, laid forth a valley, and the valley was barren, yet He placed water in the valley, and all those things that were needed. [Editor’s note: This parable may refer to the Dripping Springs valley in Arizona that Ray would choose as a place for the people to come who came from near and far to see him.]

And the people that came to the valley came each for their own reason, and their own purpose.


Each of these things we have laid before you, and the tools, therefore, to do the same.

We say unto you, give glory unto the Lord, and He shall give glory unto you. Give praise unto the Lord, and He shall give praise unto you. Give hope unto the Lord, and He shall give hope unto you. Give faith unto the Lord, and He shall give faith unto you.

There shall be many sides of your wants in this valley, but your needs shall be provided for.

We have laid one piece of this valley before you. There are other parts that are also laid before you. And the means and the needs shall be laid forth to bring this into completeness, for as we said before, piece by piece and part by parts, it shall all become whole.

But we say unto you, bring not these things. Place forth unto you unto this valley a plaque and place the Ten Commandments, therefore, upon the same. For the Ten Commandments shall never change. “Thou shall not bear false witness.” If thy know this as a truth, and know all the facts of the same, then, thy shall bear witness. If thy did not know these things to be truth unto thyself and unto thy fellow man, bear witness not unto this. For there shall be many who shall thrust upon you foul abominations, half-truths, and falsehood. Let none of you do this into another, for this is the greatest of sin. For when you do this you have taken away the faith, the hope, and the love for the Lord from this person, for they shall feel the Lord has abandoned them. In truth He shall have not. For it is said that the sun and the rain shall shine upon all, and not the smallest of things shall fall upon the earth or the heavens leste He know.

Beauty is in the heart and mind and love that can be given unto one another. Abomination has no place to dwell. It can only build a lie and continue to lie, one lie upon the other, till all who sees it shall know the truth.

The Lord, your God, gave unto your hands the one known as Jesus of Nazara. At no time did Jesus say, “Hate unto that man. Curse upon that man. Spit upon that man. Cast stones upon them.” Nay. He said unto you, “Forgive one another.” Yet, you hear him not.

As of all things and as of all times, your times and events are but before you once again. From the land of Mexico war marches toward you. It is but a kindling fire. Which one of you shall take all that you have and bear witness before God? The Lord, God, does not want you to suffer; He does not want the blood of the lamb. He wants you to live, from life unto life.

We have set forth, first, the Rose without Thorns, and now, that that you would call The Psychic Light, the soul light.

There are many who would seek to become teachers. If the strength within them is to carry the yoke and carry it in love in the worst of times, then the Lord shall help them, and we shall help them, for we are not great, we are but as you, the servants of God. We are the ones who chose, and were chose, from he who should come after this one you know as soul Ray. [See John 13:12–17 and 20, 14:15–29, 16:12–24.]

Soul Ray chose to be the one upon your Earth. And even as it began in five places, four fell and one stood. And his reward in heaven shall be no greater than yours.

As the water of life flows in the valley, let those who should hear our words take knowledge and meaning. For those who have eyes to see let them see. For those who have ears to hear let them hear. For those who shall place forth the preparation of the coming of the Messiah before all other things, through them we shall place the light and the knowledge and the way.

We know you have many questions. Some of them we have answered. But soul Ray is weary, and our time grows short. We say unto you, we have brought knowledge unto him, as he has given his life unto you. Heed his words.

Many of you shall be tested, and tested again. And each shall become a link in the chain that cannot be broken. Let he, who shall come forth, and see the light of day in the night, and the night in the day, know of where our words come from. [See The Revelation of John 20:1–6 and chapter 21.]

We say unto you, have you ever thought that your greatest doubts are those of the Anti-Christ whispering in your ears, to divide you, to conquer you, to destroy you, to cast you unto the four winds? Do not let this prevail. Pick up the staff and the yoke, and bind together in greater strength. Cast aside all petty thoughts. When they enter your mind stop and think, “Is this my own mind talking to me, or is this Lucifer?”

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1979 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


June 9, 1979

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we shall say unto thee the parable.

For there were three brothers, who left their home with three small flocks, and they came upon a valley that was bountiful with food and water. And each brother, therefore, took a part of the valley for his own.

At first they worked very good together, and they lost no sheep. And throughout the land they became known as the “three shepherds.” Their flocks did multiply, and multiply again.

The brothers had come into agreement [that] each would take turn in guarding the flock. But as the years passed and no wolves did bother the flock, they became lax and lazy. And they began to lie, one unto the other, about the guarding of the flock. And then one day, a fourth of their flock was brought down and laid to waste. And each blamed unto the other. And so the next day another fourth of the flock was laid away and laid unto waste. And they squabbled even further. And then, unto the next day, another fourth of the flock was laid to waste. And they became frightened and came, therefore, unto together, each vowing that they would guard the flock, and this would never happen again. And they did say their love for one another. And they did say their love unto their Lord. And once again the flock did multiply and years did pass. And once again they became lazy, and gave blasphemy unto the Lord and unto each other. And once again, a fourth of the flock was destroyed. But this time, they came together, for they realized that that that had happened unto them too before would happen unto them again. And each said, “What should we do, for we have lost that before the Lord that He gave us in the beginning?”

And so they sent one of the brothers forth to bring forth a holy man to bless the land and to forgive them of their sins. They brought many so-called holy men into the land. Each would give a blessing and take his money and leave. And still they would leave [lose] more of their flock.

One day a stranger came unto the valley. And as he walked by each of the sheep it did multiply, and multiply again. The three shepherds came unto him and said, “What wonders is this you have brought into our valley. Stay and we shall pay you.”

And he said unto them, “Nay, pay unto yourselves.”

And they said unto him, “How can this be possible?”

And he said unto them, “By loving one another in truth, by bringing hope, faith, and true faith into yourselves and into your brotheren, and by standing together, nothing can lay waste your land.”

And he, therefore, went forth unto the center of the valley and did build from rock a small altar. And once again, each of them went out to find, therefore, the unblemished lamb for sacrifice. And he said, “Nay, the Lord does not ask for the blood of the lamb; it is man that asks for the blood of the lamb. I have built the altar that I might have my small place of worship. But I give it unto you and your keeping. Keep the altar well until I return.” And then he left.

The three shepherds were frightened. And so, therefore, they instructed their sons and their daughters to maintain the altar, and to have harmony between them. But each, not unto the other, did not fully trust the other. And as they [grew] old into their days, they began to squabble once again. And the altar was not kept.

And the stranger came forth unto the land, and said unto him, “I have come to collect my pay.”

And then they did grow angry with him and stone him, and cast him from the valley. And the Lord, God, saw, and He did lay waste unto the land. And He did split away the people into multitudes.

And the stranger came back into the land, and restored the altar, and planted a rose. And the old shepherds came back. They had very little left of their flock and of their descendants. And soon, they built a small building over the altar, and this was a place they called of worship.

And the stranger said unto them, “I shall leave you now, but one day I shall come again, or I shall send one from me or from my Father. Pay him well.”

Once again you say unto us, we have spoken unto you as in a riddle. We have not. For amongst you many have fell. And the land has been laid awasted, and it shall continue. We have told you before to bind together. Only in this manner shall you become strong and survive. We do not say the survival of the body, we say unto you, survival of the spirit; the immortal body of man is the most important of all. Heed our words. We are here but for one purpose, the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. Open the door that we may enter, and we shall walk with you. Close the door and we shall walk away.

Now we say unto you, unto the ninth day, look into the east, and you shall see a sign of our presence. And it shall appear in the sky at 9:30 your time, in your p.m. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children.

The Anti-Christ shall spread famine among you. He shall cause doubts in your minds of one another. He shall do all that is possible to split you apart. He shall take daughter and mother, he shall take man and wife, father and son, and cause doubt to reign in your minds. He shall plant the seed of jealousy among you, and greed.

We say unto you, open the door that we may enter, and cast the doubt aside.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1979 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona 85502


June 22, 1979

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we shall say unto thee this parable.

And many came forth throughout the world, for the star that had been predicted of the birth would appear in two places upon the Earth. One would mark the beginning of the Anti­-Christ. One would mark the beginning of the Messiah.

And those of the might of the world first were afraid of both births. And then they gathered around about, and did discuss and did argue. And each took up sides.

But long before the [birth] of each side, the Lord, God, had made preparation for people who would prepare their coming, for those of the Messiah.

And that that should come from Lucifer did come forth upon the Earth to make preparation.

Those who were preparing the way for the Messiah at first came in great humbleness, and as they prepared, a greatness did begin to glow within them. But soon they began to argue, yet they could not understand within themselves why they felt the way they did. Why should their jealousies overcome them? And what were they really jealous of? These things they could not understand.

And they looked unto those who would prepare the way for the Anti-Christ; there was no argument among these people. They were precise, and exact [in] each step that they took.

The difference between these two [was] God, in those He had selected, gave them free choice. Lucifer in those that he had selected had not given them free choice; therefore, there was a dictatorship, and a one-knowing among those who would prepare for the Anti-Christ.

There were those who could see this, and they went unto each of those who would prepare for the coming of the Messiah, and said, “Let us come together; let us cast away all things. Let us say no bad things about each other. Let us serve but one purpose, that of God.”

And it did come about that the shepherds and the ministers and the teachers did stand together, and lay before them, and pledge their allegiance to the God Almighty and the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. And they laid away all their arguments and petty thoughts, and said, “Let us be one.” And the building came forth and all that was needed was provided by God.

And the politicians went on arguing, striving to cut away [the] food, fuel, all of these things.

Yet these people said, “What difference does it make what they take? We shall provide. We shall lay aside these things for all of our people.”

The Lord, God, has said unto you, in the first of the readings when we came unto you, that He would see to your needs, but not always your wants. The Lord, God, did not say what you could have and what you could not have. The Lord, God, did not say, “This is the only way,” even unto our name and the spelling of the same; He left the choice to you.

We have told you before to bind together, that if you did not bind together you would be broken, one by one, separate and apart.

These things, which we cherish the most on the Earth, from the sun to the moon, to the least of the things upon the Earth, were all gifts of God unto His children. For He did say unto you, “ALL OF THESE THINGS I DO GIVE UNTO YOU OF MY KIND — FOR EVERY FRUIT THAT GROWS UPON THE EARTH, FOR EVERY FLOWER.”

And then it did come about into the final days when the earth should shift, and earthquake and tornado and weather changes did come about. And the people became frightened, yet they knew not what they were frightened of. It was not that that they could alter or change. And they again began to fight among themselves. Yet they [knew] not even what they fought about or what they argued about. And they made false accusations against each other. And these accusations consumed much of the leader’s time.

We say unto you, at the end of this parable, that the springs of life, which [should] give you a beautiful planet and all beautiful things, should place upon you the yoke of love, hope and faith, and trust unto one another. Do not say unto yourselves, “[These] other one[s] shall not do this or shall not do that.” What difference does it make whether they do or they do not? Go forth with the yoke of love and perform the task. If you perform it with love, then love shall come from it and to it, and therefore, those who prepare the way for the Anti-Christ may not enter.

It is though you are preparing the kingdom of God. Lucifer may not enter the kingdom of God, and the temple of God is within you. Therefore, the kingdom and the temple should become one. And therefore, those who should prepare the way for the Anti-Christ and the reign of the Beast, they shall come and they shall go, as a storm, leaving some bad memories, but many lessons you shall learn from it.

You say, “Why should the Lord, with all His might, let this happen, with all His knowledge? Shall the Earth end tomorrow?” And we say unto you, no. It shall only change its form once again. The question is, who shall reign upon the Earth, God or Lucifer? Who shall reign in your hearts?

Take it one day at time, one hour at a time. Forgive unto those who have trespassed against you, as the one known as Jesus did say, and the one known as Buddha did say, all in the same words. Do you not know that Jesus of Nazara did go unto the land of Buddha, and all of other religions, and was accepted — and is accepted unto this day? They only call of him by a different name.

What difference is there in a name? The meaning of the heart, of the soul, of the immortal body, is [of] the same. Throughout time, in normal — we use, as you use, the word, God, yet once a planet was called, Yahweh, and those who came from the planet did call their God, Yahweh, Jehovah. What difference is there in the word — the meaning, the meaning that you shall stand before your God, each of you separately, or together.

Forgive one another. Cast aside all your petty grievances. Throw them aside. Take them not with you from this room. Cast them now aside. Open the door. We shall help you. We shall help you in the purification of yourselves, if you will let us. We have no desire to rule you. We are here but for one purpose, the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

“If thy right eye should offend thee cast it aside.” The meaning has long been sought for. The meaning is, if hate dwells within you cast it aside. If jealousy dwells within you cast it aside. If you cannot forgive yourself, know that the God you love has long forgiven you. Even when you did not ask He forgave you and loved you. If the Lord, God, can do this, why cannot you forgive one another and love each other, and love yourselves?

We shall say unto these words. We cannot trespass where we are not wanted. We may not enter where we are not asked. But we do say unto you, for those who should ask healing in our name, and in the name of the Lord, our God — the one God, the one holy God, the one pure God, the one who should be the one before all others — loves you, and will continue to love you. He is there with you; allow Him to enter. Cast aside ill feelings. Forgive one another. Love one another. Take the Ten Commandments. Do not twist them or turn them. Take them in their simplest form, and know that they are given to you with love from God.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [ 6–281–1] asks, ‘Is there anything else I can do to help my daughter?’”

Yes, we see thy need. We have answered that question in the first of this reading. We shall explain further. In truly loving her, turn her loose. She shall fall many times before she shall rise. Let her get up by herself. But you shall not continue to not love her, but love her enough to know she shall go her own way at the expense of you or anyone else, for she loves with the right hand and destroys with the left. But yet, within time, this shall mould away. But do not be surprised or angry at the decisions that she is making now. They are her own. You have placed all that you can. But you must remember, she is also her father’s daughter.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Soul Paul [2–30–3] asks, ‘Would it be wise for me to proceed with the land at Piper Springs?’ He also asks, ‘Am I proceeding in the investigation of the coal properly?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we see that that should come forth, and the goodness that should mould from it. And we should say, go forth, and we shall guide you, for coal and fuel shall be a great need for the people. The linking of these two parts together shall be of a great need.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I ask for healing for [3–115–2] in Scottsdale Memorial Hospital.”

We say these words unto you, as we said in the beginning of the reading[s], if they should ask — that we may not violate their right, their freedom of choice — therefore, we may enter. But in this case, they have closed the door unto us. But love them, for it is their choice. We promise you unto this much unto these things, that she shall not have pain. This much we may intervene to do. Yet, there is still hope, should they come unto soul Ray.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for healing for [6–290–3…in Union City, California]; his eyes have been injured.”

Yes, we see thy need, and healing shall be given.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, the other night, nine days after the last reading, at 9:30 p.m., we saw a red ball of fire, or red ball, come across the sky from horizon to horizon, coming from the east. Was this what we were supposed to see and what was it?”

We came with the comet. [Editor’s note: April 3, 1970, Comet Bennett reached its epoch and became one of the brightest of the century, just Aka, the spiritual messengers of God, arrived and began to speak in Globe.]

To show you that we are still with you, we gave you this sign; yet it was not just one, but many, in many places to many people in different ways. We said, on the ninth day of the 9th hour, p.m., and so it was. For those who misunderstood us, we also gave them a sign, that they should know in their hearts that we had not abandoned them, that we were with them, for all that each saw and felt in their soul was truth. Glory be the name of the Lord, forever and ever.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [9–373–3] asks, ‘Dear Aka, It appears to me that we can now put into use the so-called treasures I think I have located with my dowsing rods. I have several possible locations. Would you advise me which ones should help us?’ And then he mentions Black Prince Canyon, on the peak near Solidad Canyon, on the desert near Nikal, and near Rincon and northeast of Garfield, New Mexico.’”

We shall say once again, we have placed that of the metal substance that is needed in the valley which we promised. It is there, that the substance which will be most honored in trade, such as your gold, that is there at this time. Yet the greatest treasure, the greatest treasure shall be in the soul, in the heart, and in the love that each of you place forth unto one another.

You asked [on] the valley, for a name. You asked for a name for the ranch. And we say unto you, The Dripping Springs would be appropriate, or any other name that you could come forth and agree upon. The agreement upon one thing, no matter how small or how large, means the casting aside, and the putting together of God’s work. Let your hearts flow into a righteous manner.

But we say unto you, if that of the Anti-Christ should smitten you, do not stand and let them smitten you twice. Call forth that of the power of the Lord, thy God, and from the right hand shall come that thy need, and from the left hand shall come that that thy need.

We have told you before of the power of the mind. Remember, they also shall have the power of the mind. But let the mind flow forth as a river, always changing, but unlike a river, let it not flow uncontrolled, and undisciplined.

We shall say unto you, that as the Lord, God, did call Abraham upon the mountain, and say therefore, to “BUILD AN ALTAR AND SACRIFICE THY CHILD,” Abraham did not understand fully. So the Lord, God, did stop him. But when Goliath came before David, it was the Lord’s strength that powered the stone; yet even David lost his way. Let not power corrupt you. Let peace and love govern you, one unto another. Cast aside these hardnesses in thy hearts. Put them aside. Have you not seen what hardnesses has done unto the one you asked to be healed? Have you not seen this with your own eyes? Have you not felt it with your own hearts?

Now is the time of the Cherubim. The Fifth Angel walks upon thy earth. New perils shall be placed upon the earth, and pestilence. Yet, in this land, we have brought forth that that you sought that was destructive. We brought forth pure waters to purify the land and replenish the land, because these waters are that which shall change a desert into a garden.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1979 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


July 20, 1979

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we shall say unto thee the parable of the river.

For high in the mountains the brooks brought forth unto a river. And one river ran into another, and then into another, to form one mighty river. Yet, each river was sure that it contributed more than the others.

And the rivers did argue. And because of their arguments, each river decided into itself to stop its flow. It did not ask the brook who furnished the water. And therefore, as each began to dry up, and the mighty river in itself, suddenly there was a surge of great force and water from all three rivers that came forth and did gorge the valley.

And each of the rivers could not understand, for they could not by themselves have put such, such a mighty force. And each blamed the other for producing more than the other. And once again they did not ask the brooks, and they decided that they would see which one could produce the most. And the brooks dried up, and so did the rivers. And a drought came upon the land, for there was no rain that came from the heavens and no snow in the hills. And so it was.

And then, the snows came and the rains came. And the rivers once again could not understand what had happened to them. And as they entered the mighty ocean, they asked the ocean, “You have many rivers that run into you. All these things have happened unto us. Why, for surely we are not responsible?”

And the ocean answered back unto them, “For you have forgotten from the smallest of things, the Lord, God, has sent forth life, that should produce life, and life unto life.”

And so it is in all of your lives. Each of you in your own way have posed this question to us. “Why is my life in such a turmoil? Why, when surely it cannot be my doing?”

We say unto you, the Lord, God, gave unto you free choice. That that should come into your awareness can only come into your awareness if you allow it.

We shall explain in this manner. Once an evil soul entered into the land of Germany. And when his rule ended, no one [had] said it was their fault. All of them said, “We are ignorant of this. We did not allow this to happen.” Yet they did, by closing their eyes, or turning their back. Because their stomachs were filled and their houses were warm, they cared not that there were concentration camps. They cared not of the deaths of the many and the suffering of all. It is true, they allowed this in the first in the tiniest way to creep into their existence; they asked for it or it would not have happened. It is true within your own lives — allow not that into your awareness that you do not want. Do not allow it to begin, for once it has entered the doorway, in the smallest of manners — the seeds of doubt, the seeds of jealousy, the seed of hate and greed and despair. The Lord, God, gave unto you freedom of choice that your lives might be guided in such a manner that your awareness became whole. For as you were created, so shall you return, each of your own choice and your own free will.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for health assistance for [11–404–1…New York], and she says she has had two unsuccessful stapedectomies in the ears and she has been encouraged to go have another one in Pennsylvania, and she is wondering if this would be successful, or how can she save her hearing?”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Without the necessary circulatory system first being repaired, the operation you speak of would not be successful. We should answer in this manner. We have placed great knowledge into that you would know of soul Ray’s mind, and we work through him in his healing efforts, and as we say, we, from whatever need of the information at the time, we place. Come unto soul Ray and let him give unto you that that is needed. We shall provide the healing if you shall provide the faith.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. In regards to the efforts that I have made to obtain a hold on coal for the group, I have been unsuccessful, and I wonder if you have any suggestion as to how I should proceed from this point?”

We shall say unto thee, fear not, for your efforts are not without fruit. We say unto you, go unto these people and say unto them — placing one small acreage, such as five or ten acreage in the center or the edge of this, and then it shall be made so. Tell of them of the need and it shall be done. But either way, the time shall come when it shall be there regardless.

You have placed great effort in that which you have tried to do. This is good. You have placed faith in that which you have tried to do. This is good. And you did place hope. These things shall not be unrewarded.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [9–360–1] who is here. She asks, ‘We want to build a home. Shall we get a consolidated loan and a home loan? If so would a bank be best?’ Thank you.”

Yes, we see thy need. And we say unto you, yes, that a bank would be best. We would further say unto you, if that that you wish to become whole lies before you — we would also say unto you, you have brought forth unto this, and unto the Lord, God, your hearts and your souls, and you laid them bare. And the Lord, God, says unto you, “ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE.” But ask for all thy needs, not part of thy needs, and it shall be given.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have a question from [10–330–2…El Paso]. And he asks, ‘What effect, if any, does gold and/or silver have in the operation and effectiveness of the machine that I am building for soul Ray?’”

The machine you are building is for yourself. Gold and silver are excellent conductors of electricity.

You have other questions.

“Yes, Aka. He asks one other question, ‘What was the hour of my birth?’”

6:20 a.m.

“Thank you, Aka.”

One moment. 6:20 and one-half, a.m.

You have other questions, ask.

“[11–494–2…in Tempe] asks, ‘In which area of my work should I stay and develop, the job in which I am presently, or should look elsewhere for a place to develop in?’”

We shall answer your question. The opportunity shall arise for employment with the Federal Government. Seek this, and it shall being fulfillment.

You have other questions.

“Yes, Aka. [2–33–1] and [5–206–2 of Flagstaff] ask, ‘By what means financially will we be able to build our house?’”

(Chuckle.) By the sweat of thy brow. A time shall come forth when that that is needed shall be provided.

And now we say unto you unto these words. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Blessed be the name of His children, forever and ever.

We see thy need, and for whoever shall ask in our name, we shall enter the doorway and we shall provide the help that is needed. But remember, we are here but for one reason, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We have promised unto you to provide for your needs, not your wants, for those who should work and dedicate their lives unto this.

We say unto you, whoever should ask in the name of the Lord, our God, and should come forth in the pureness of heart, that that they ask for shall be given.

We see thy need, and thy shall not be alone.

Awaken [soul Ray from his slumber.]

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1979 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


August 3, 1979

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we shall say unto thee this parable.

For the Lord did promise unto the people a valley. And different ones came to the valley that the Lord had promised, each in their own way, seeking their own needs. And some did not care for the valley and they moved on. And some stayed. And some consumed great quantities of the valley, and said, “Because this is a gift from God, I shall sell it to you at a great price.”

God did not place a price upon the valley. He placed it there for those who should seek it. And He should place other valleys for those who should seek their own valley and their own need, for not everyone should find the same, or be the same, in the same place as another.

For within each of you, you have asked us to bring spiritual guidance unto you. And we shall answer you in this manner. Do thy love thyselves? Do thy love thy brethren? Do thy love thy God? And the temple of God should be thy body. Then why should you shun from it? Glorify the temple. Go forth within the body and be glad that you are within yourself. Find peace from within.

We say unto you, why should you believe us of the earthly things, when you do not believe us of the heavenly things? And the most heavenly thing upon the Earth is yourselves.

If each of you listen, in the still of your mind you shall hear the brook, the quiet brook that flows through a valley. And you shall look beyond, and there you shall see flowers of many kinds and colors, and beyond that you shall see trees of many kinds and many colors. And you shall see of all the animals the Lord has placed upon the Earth, in each place at a different time for a different purpose. All is in complete. All as is one. In this of the temple of the Lord, God, so it should be. The One as I, and I as the one.

We have long told you that soul Ray is I and I am soul Ray. And you could not understand this. Think upon it. We have not spoken in riddles; we have spoken in truth. We have given you knowledge as you have asked, and now we give you the greatest knowledge of all. Love one another. Love thy God. Love thyselves.

If you should get up in the morning, realize that the Lord has created a whole new world that day for you. You can make it anything you wish. It can be a dark day within your heart, or it can be a bright day. For if the rain does not come, the flowers shall not grow. If the snow should not fall high upon the mountains, the rivers shall not flow, and the brooks shall not flow. If you shall try, that each day upon your awakening, you shall look out upon the world and say unto thyselves, “Behold, for all is in beauty. Behold, for this is God’s day and He has given it to me.”

What greater gift could you have than that day and that moment? Why should you waste it with bad thoughts? Why should you waste it with the thoughts that you should argue, one unto the other, and bicker, and bring false charges into the others? If you have taken the day in truth, you shall find that there is no room for greed or hate. The day, each day, is like a light that shall never shine again. Each moment is like a beacon which will pass only that way one time. Grasp it. Take the most from it. That is why God gave it to you, that moment.

But let the other person have their moment in their way. And then you shall see the true meaning of harmony of the earth, the sky, the ocean, the heavens — all as one — and man and all things upon the planet that should be in harmony, one unto the other. For man is like a fine instrument. In the creation, all is in tune. With use and time, the tune becomes improper.

A healer may help you retune the body, and should give the spiritual need to help you retune the spirit, but only you may [retune] the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body as one. Only you can play the beautiful music that comes from one in tune with all.

We say unto you, there are those who seek healing. And we say unto you, the healing thy seek shall be given.

There are those of you who should seek advice, and we have just given that in the greatest abundance, if you shall only take the time to understand — not for just this moment, but make all your moments as though they were your last. If you see a tree, reach to the soul of the tree, and feel it. Reach to the earth beneath thee and see the flowers, but feel the throb of the earth, and you shall [see] and know it is one.

You should reach for thy neighbor. Know that harmony may come within each of you. You do not need to need what the neighbor needs, to be happy. Nor the neighbor should need what you need. It is only a matter of understanding the neighbor’s need, and saying, “This is fine, this is good; this is wonderful, for they do it as one. And because I understand my neighbor, therefore, I shall love them, one unto another. And the greatest of all loves shall flow within me, for the love my neighbor shares with God, that I share with God, and if we put this together, the glow, the light shall become greater than man has ever known.”

We are here but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. To do this, we are here to try to retune the great instrument, to place within you, not for just this moment, but for all moments, for all times, of the love that he shall come by unto another, the compassion he shall feel for another.

Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

“Yes, Aka. In the last reading I misread someone’s name. The name was read as R____ O. A____ and it’s R_____ O. A___; I didn’t read it correctly. And I think you gave the right life reading for him. Would you verify that?”

We saw thy error and made corrections that it might be true.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. It seemed correct in spite of me. [11–405–1…Houston, Texas] asks a question. And she asks, ‘I want to know what I am here to do, my life’s work.’”

You shall take the first of the reading, and place it around you. You shall find your life’s work. We shall also say unto you, there are many types of love. There are many types of beauty. Know them, and they shall flow unto thee as one.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [11–405–2…Las Cruces, New Mexico]. She asks, ‘In my present job is there a good chance for longevity and job security?’”

We see this. If this tree is to bear fruit, [you] should take care of the tree, and the fruit that shall come from it shall be sweet and everlasting. But if the gardener should shun the fruit and pay it no hence, then it shall shrivel and die away, for it too must have love. So is that that thy seek.

It has long been said that the tortoise and the hare did run. And many stories have been told of the hare’s folly, and the tortoise’s good judgment. It has been thought that if they placed the tortoise and the hare together as one that the job would be done well, swift, and with care. Think upon this word. Think that thy shall place thyself in the beings of both of these creatures and learn from each.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a thank you note from [3–115–2] for your love and thanks, and she sends her love and thanksgiving to you and the Council, and for the healing channeled her, particularly through Ray. She says, ‘Praise God.’”

We see this. And we shall place within her mind, that she may see through the Eagle’s eyes. What a flight this shall be!

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [11–405–3…Roswell, New Mexico] asks, ‘Will the pain I am now having leave soon?’”

Yes. Yes, this shall be done. We shall also answer your question in this manner. If thy climbed to the top of the mountain and stood there, and thy food bearer did bring thee food and laid it upon the mountain, and thy walked back down partway of the mountain, and they left that upon the mountain that had been given, who should be blamed, the food bearer or yourself? If you should desire that which you seek, take the gifts that are given, one at a time, and carry them with you. If you want a total release of the pain that you speak of, soul Ray shall give it. But to totally release it, go unto ten people and speak, therefore, of the wisdom that you might have gained here, and tell each ten that they shall approach ten, and unto each of these ten perform one deed of good standing, and so it shall grow, and they shall be relieved of their pains also.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [11–504–4…Houston] asks, ‘What is the future for the next couple of years for Houston, Texas? Also, my time of birth and my life’s work?’”

The time of birth was 8:32 p.m.

Your life’s work — that has already been laid before you.

The future of Houston, Texas — it shall grow as a lady of Babylon for five years. And then in two, it shall go as though it had never been. But this is true of many cities upon the Earth. Take from the words of Jonah and learn them well. [See The Revelation, chapters 17–18 and Jonah, chapters 3–4.]

Now we say unto you, soul Ray grows weary; our time grows short.

Woe unto thee who should worship false images, for the falseness they shall only find within themselves. Woe unto those who cannot find forgiveness, one unto another. Woe be it unto those who should divide this flock.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Pestilence shall reign. But for those who should seek to prepare the way, in truth, for those who shall bury their false prides within themselves and join together, for those who should act as the brook that feeds the river that flows to the ocean, for those, all shall come and be complete.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording.]

Copyright © 1979 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


September 19, 1979

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. And we say: Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we shall say unto you this parable: and it is the Parable of the Three Wise Men. Each house stood in a different valley, and only a hill separated each. And each in their own way preferred their own flowers around them. And one grew roses, and in his mind he thought, “This is all the beauty there is.”

And the other grew lilacs, and he thought, “What a great aroma!…is all the beauty there is.” Then this….

And the other grew daisies, and he thought unto himself, “Then this is all the beauty there is.”

And one day there came forth upon the three valleys a wind which came from the north, the east, the south, and the west. And each of these wise men suddenly smelled the fragrance from the next valley. And they could not understand this because the fragrance was also good. And each of them did say unto their people, “There is more. The Lord, God, has placed more before us. Let us journey forth to find these beautiful fragrances.”

And so in each building, great presents were made, and great preparation, for they thought the journey should be long and hard. And they began the journey. There was a point where the three valleys ran together. There, all three met. And each asked the other the way to where this new fragrance was. And first they turned into the valley with the lilacs, and there they talked, and there they traded knowledge.

And then they journeyed into the land of the daisy, and there they talked forth again. And there they gained knowledge.

And then they traveled into the land of the rose. And once again they talked and traded knowledge. But in the trading of knowledge, they decided, “There must be more than what we have heard, for there is still one other fragrance in the air.”

And so they began to travel all through the great plain together. And as they traveled from the center of the three valleys, Before them lay the forest. In it, therefore, they saw all the flowers that God had placed upon the earth. And therefore, they found, each unto himself, a greatness.

And the people they found there lived in harmony with their children. And they said unto the people, “How can this be so? You have lived with all these things, yet you want not, nor seek not.”

And each one of these people said unto them, “For we are happy with that which we are.”

And they said, “How can this be so, when you are not all masters?”

And one said unto them, “Once, long ago, a peacemaker came unto us. And we were at war, and flowers did not grow here, and the land was barren. And he taught us and told us of the time which would come when he would return. And he placed the flowers in our valley, and he put abundance of all things. And he said, ‘Tend my flock until I return.’

“At first we thought he meant all the vegetable and the edible, but then we were soon to know that all things in the valley were things that he meant. And then we began to know that the greatest thing that he had given us was to love one unto another.”

We say unto you, we have told you a parable, a simple parable. It carries great truth. Within it, it carries hope, love, and faith. These are the ingredients, that if you shall place them unto each of you, your fulfillment, that which you seek, shall come forth. Have the faith in the Lord to know that He loves you, each of you. Have the faith to know that he shall send upon the earth the Messiah that we come here to prepare the way for, for that is our only purpose. We come here to take nothing from you. We come here but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

You have many questions.

“What should we concentrate our efforts on primarily at this time?” [11–406–1].

We shall say unto you these words: we have answered that question, the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. Begin this preparation. Prepare there within your heart for a day when you shall — a greater than the son, the Lord, and into your satisfaction, your heart within yourself.

Within your mind you have it visualized moving into the land of Arizona. You have visualized a valley of flatness, and plenty, that should provide you a place where you could implant. And we say unto you, we have given you such a valley. And the well water, that and the land of the Dripping Springs.

We shall give other valleys in other places, as time passes. Build this one, and we shall fill unto you.

“I want to know if our relationship is going to survive in our business.

‘How many people are we going to share our business with in the next six months?’” [first name only given, 11–406–2].

We do not see this clearly. If you should ask, give time and date of birth of the person asking, full data, that correct questions may be answered. You should ask this question again.

“I want to know if our relationship is going to survive in our business. ‘How many people are we going to share our business with in the next six months?’” [11–406–2].

There are others, but we find the one which you seek.

We shall answer in this manner. A partnership of business seldom works for this reason, each has their own ideas, each has their own thought of how business should be conducted, and someone shall feel slighted. In the next six months you should no longer have a partnership in the matter unto which you suggest.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. ‘I have three real estate transactions pressuring. Will the money from Oregon come through on time, and when will our property, Palm Desert set-up, sell?’” [11–406–3].

The money from Oregon shall not come in the performance of the [Note: The words were inaudible] it shall come in part, and in part, and then in another part, unto three parts. On the other lands thy wish to sell, it shall come in the month of November, and this is the fulfillment thy have sought in thyself.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you. ‘What will clear up the ringing in my ears?’” [11–406–4].

We shall answer in this manner. The ringing of the ears is caused by damage to the nerve. The damage was caused by lack of circulation in the inner ear. If you wish to cure yourself, we would suggest that the following formula be used, in connection with proportions therefore of in this manner, that that should have been created into the Alpearon, two tablespoons twice daily, and that of the niacinamide, at first 500 mg. and then in three weeks’ time increasing therefore into 1500 mg., and then therefore increasing into 2000 mg., and three tablespoons of the Alpearon, taking in this manner. But there is more….[Note: Inaudible.]

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. ‘If I were to benefit by selling my gold and diamond and emerald ring, what would be the best time to do so?’” [ 71–406–5].


“Thank you, Aka. ‘Why have I been unsuccessful in carrying the child? Will I be successful in delivering a healthy, living child in the future? Please give me advice on this and proper obstetrician.’” [6–274–3].

We see thy need. We shall answer in this manner. All that is to be done that you may carry a child has been done. We would suggest coming unto soul Ray for private consultation, but we advise you in this manner: Time is a fleeting thing. It is like a river that you would say, “It looks like it is the same river,” but it is always changing, every second of every moment.

We say unto thee of these words, that which was important before, [inaudible] a child, has already been given unto another….[Inaudible.] Now we shall say unto thee, come forth, therefore, as a godfather unto this child, and put thy efforts in teaching this knowledge and the fulfillment of the same.

And you say unto us, “Where is this child?” And we shall say unto you, the child was born at the same moment as the fleeting of the child in thy womb. And it was born at what is known as The Top of the World near Globe, Arizona. And the child’s name shall be as the rays, or the king, and the meaning shall be of the same. And the last name shall be known as keep this child and its parents, and your fulfillment shall come unto fulfillment, and therefore, as Jude did come and teach unto Jesus at a time, so you shall teach unto this child.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Please give me any message the Father would have for me.”[6–290–5].

Yes, we see thy need. And the Father should look upon His children, and be proud of the same. And as you know, these are part of the vows a Minister should say unto the Prophet, and we state them unto you. You have given glory unto the Lord, and the Lord has given glory unto you. But harken, and listen well, for soon great work shall come unto you. Do not let it pass thee by, but pick it up, and hold it to thy bosom, and share it, for it should come, and a Mark, not of the Beast, but of he who should come after.

You have other questions, ask.

“We have, Aka. ‘Will my cardiac condition improve? Should we invest our time in our new business? Will it be a success?’ There is no name to this.”

Cardiac condition shall improve.

We would say unto you, come unto soul Ray on this subject, on both subjects, that that that thy wish to know should be said in private. The answer we would answer in the form of a riddle, but we do not feel that you would understand this riddle.

You have other questions, ask.

“[11–406–6]. ‘Will I go to North Dakota this year? If so, what month?’”

You may go any time thy wish. But that that thy seek to go after shall not come into fulfillment, for you shall find it in the land that thy dwell now.

“Is there a special reason for me to go to Germany in 1979” [11–406–7].

We see not of this.

We shall answer in this manner. Between the years which follow it unto 1985, great preparation should be underway in this land. Great readiness should be made. Plans should be drawn in your major cities for evacuation. Much greater yet, plans should be drawn and brought to the attention of the officials that the evacuation of these cities is impossible. If there are those who should live, they must stay where they dwell. Proper facilities should be made ready for them, and proper food substance should be made ready for them. And the people should stay in the lands they dwell until proper help may be sent to bring the people into the land. Now is the time that these things should be done. Now is the time that God’s people should know that the mark of the Anti-Christ is about to be placed upon them. And should they accept it, then they….now flies unto his becoming call, that of the Lord. These things we say unto you, the time is crucial. The time is short, for the half-times are over.

We say unto you unto these words, where no water flowed, water shall flow. The deserts shall rise and become gardens. And [inaudible] shall lay in waste, and cities shall lay in rubble. And the sword that shall cut two ways shall strike upon the earth. And one side shall strike away man, and the souls that have departed shall flee. If you are not ready at this time, if all things are not ready, then you shall flee, and not look back. Should you be in the field, do not stop to pick up thy coat, but flee, and do not look back. And it shall be this way for forty and eight days. And then those who should come and evacuate you shall do so.

You have other questions, ask.

“We have, Aka. [11–397–2]. ‘Should I move to Tempe, or nearer, and will I be cured?’”

The cure thy seek shall come forth, and the move thy seek shall come forth. We say unto you, that which we said just before shall go unto all of you, and each of you shall take of it in your own way.

You have other questions, ask.

“We have, Aka. ‘What is my next state of development? As a teacher, will this help my students? What points shall I concentrate on?’”

We shall say unto you in these words, for he who should be as a student shall become a teacher, and he who should become a teacher should one day become a master. The master shall never become greater than the student, nor the student greater than the master.

We say unto you, we have placed at your hands A Rose without Thorns. For those who wish, let them pick it up. And pick up. therefore, The Psychic Light. You shall find within each a spiritual substance, and a guide. Form around this study groups, and it shall show unto you the way. We are not speaking of all truth, we are speaking of a manner in which each of you may seek your own truth. Take each part in each parable. Read it and then discuss it. Understand it. If you shall seek these two things, you shall find that which you seek.

You have other questions.

“Yes, Aka. ‘What will happen that is important in the near future.’ No name. We have just answered that question.”

Now we should say unto you, soul Ray grows weary, and our time grows short.

Now is the time of the Cherubim, and the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. There shall come unto you many false prophets. And they shall come unto you, those who should perform miracles before your eyes. For as you must realize, as we come forth with the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, and we are five alive upon your earth now, there are those who should also come forth to prepare a way for the coming of the Anti-Christ, and he is alive upon your earth now. The greatest trial is yet before you. And his name you shall know, for the first step of the Beast has been let into power…. [inaudible.] For he who should sign a false treaty with Egypt and Israel, the one who placed his name upon this document, is false. You are feeling not the beast. We say unto you, if you shall be wise, you shall see and you shall hear, and knowledge shall flow unto you, for the name shall be as a number, six hundred and sixty-six, and the number shall be as the Greek words were placed into numerology, not as you know it, but as they knew it at that time.

We shall say unto you, if you all look unto the Book of Revelation, by John the Beloved, now we say unto you, look unto Job, unto Joshua, unto Isaiah, but most of all, look unto Jonah, and Jacob. We shall give further information on this each reading from this point further, that there shall be no doubt in your mind, no doubt at all.

The Lord God be with you, forever and ever.


[Editor’s note: This transcript has many errors and no audio recording was made available for comparison.Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy.]

Copyright © 1979 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


September 28, 1979

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

We say unto you, cast thine eyes to the heavens. Cast thine eyes unto the hearts of one another, and you shall find the greatest gift of all, life, and a chance for each person to take that life and bring forth in it the hope, and love, and faith that should dwell within each soul and spirit and the immortal body.

We shall say unto thee, in a land there lived a healer. Some came to him for spiritual guidance. Some came to him for the healing of the body. Others came to see, for they could not believe that God’s holy power could dwell upon the Earth, and could reach forth and dwell into each person in such a manner.

We say unto you that there were those who would come unto this healer and promise that if they might be given their health they would do this and that that for the Lord. And as soon as they were healed they forgot their promises, until they needed healing again, and then they would come back again.

And you say unto us, “Then why should the Lord continue to heal?”

And healing is like forgiving. When it was asked unto the Lord, “How many times should I forgive,” what did he say unto you?

The limit of forgiveness can only be within the limits of yourself, the limits that you shall cast down all barriers and say unto one another, “You are my brothern and my sistern. You are part of God, and God is love.” How can you hate a part of God that is a part of you?

We shall say unto that one known as [6–281–1] these words. You say unto yourself, “Where is my place?” And the Lord has looked upon you and seen your suffering, for you have been asked to walk in the shadow of the healer. It is a harder task to walk in the shadow than to be the healer. It is a greater task, because you seldom receive any praise. We say unto you, glory be your name, for it shall be held holy in the eyes of man and God, forever and ever.

There are so many who work so hard, and yet, see little reap praise. And each of you who have worked and served have said unto each of you, “Why do we not receive the praise due to us?”

And we say unto you, the praise shall come abundance upon you. The praise is given in the sunlight, and in the dawn, and in the sunset. It is given in the mountains and the valleys, in the trees, into the smallest thing upon your Earth. The Lord, God, says praise upon all of His children. Look at your feet. Look around you, and see that the Lord, God, shall look after His children.

We placed unto soul Ray’s mind a chapter that lays in your scripture. We placed it there so that you might have understanding, better understanding, of the time to come. And as Daniel was to see the Son of Man, he did place it forth in Daniel10. We say unto you, not only read this, but bring it forth that all may see it, and better understand that which lies ahead of them.

We say unto you, that the great Sword now begins to cut two ways, the land and man, and beast and fowl and fish, and all things of their kind shall be cut away and replaced. Where no water flowed water shall flow. And that which you have sought to receive shall be just before you. If it is healing reach out and it shall be given. If it is a material thing, it shall be given, as long as this does not violate another person.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [11–407–2…Albuquerque]. And he asks, ‘What will my debt be when the Messiah comes?’”

We say unto you, prepare now, and believe now, and know now, that each step that you take is a step for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. If you shall know this, then you shall walk with him. If you shall not know of this, then you shall not walk at all.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [11–398–1…Quartzite, Arizona] asks, ‘What is my purpose in life? Do you have to attend church to do God’s will?’”

We shall answer your questions in this manner. The temple of God lies within you. A house of worship is only a house. It is only a building. It is only stone, brick, lumber, placed together in a certain style. No matter where you choose to worship, God shall hear you.

Jesus of Nazara brought forth unto you these words, “When you pray, go into your closet, and God shall find you.” For it is a private place within your mind that God shall hear, and know that that which you give up into the Lord in a righteous manner, and that of your needs shall be taken care of.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka.”

One moment.


Yes, we shall further answer this question. Each of you in your own way have come unto this building for spiritual guidance. Then we say unto you, wherever people should mass together in this manner, it shall be as the greatest temple, or church, as you would know it, that could ever be built, for it is the giving up of the heart unto the Lord and listening to the Lord. Blessed be this place. Let no man, from either side, put asunder that which the Lord has laid before you.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [11–407–2…El Paso] asks for help in regard to circulation, headache, blood pressure, and dizziness.”

Yes, we see thy need, and the help you need lays before your feet. As we have said before, that those who seek healing, a way shall be laid before them.

Now, we should say unto you, our time grows very short, for soul Ray, body and mind, is very tired. We do not want to exert this at this time.

And we should say unto you, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children. And healing that is asked for in our Father’s name shall be given.

The Cherubim now rides the wind.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for greater accuracy.]

Copyright © 1979 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


October 12, 1979

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall in this manner, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

And we shall say unto thee these words. For there came upon the Earth in multitude of man and woman. And each, by their right, sought out their own teaching and their own way to the reaching of God. And at first many fought among the others, to say this or that was the correct way to the worship of God. And as time passed they did not quit fighting; they continued to persecute. And in their persecution, soon those of the same belief began to persecute each other, and find fault, and no goodness lie within their hearts.

And then one among them built forth a small altar, and there lit a candle, and brought forth prayer for all the others.

And one by one they began to see this small light, and each of them brought their own candles unto the altar. And these small candles represented the God-self within them. And each of them brought the God-self within them. And they began to bind together, and their thoughts became as one in their worship unto the Lord. And soon they found that unto one another they were showing love, gentleness and kindness. And soon, they found within themselves the faith to trust one another.

And as this light of faith grew brighter it consumed all things around it, and all hatred and lies and deceit was driven from this place. And suddenly, each began to realize this, and they began to say unto one another, “What a wonderful thing this is we have found; it must be new.”

It was not new at all, for it had been there since the beginning of man, and before that, since the beginning of God. For God does not ask the blood of the Lamb. He does not ask the sacrifice of the flesh. He only asks that you love and have the faith in one another to give unto one another in truth, to trust, and to know that the trust shall not be thrust away, that the love and compassion shall not be thrust away.

For God has not stopped loving you. Why should you have stopped loving Him? For the Lord of Hosts has come forth unto you since the beginning of time with His love. He has learned from His children. And behold, He has given you a world.

We say unto you, let each of you bring forth unto the day of the Sabbath that small candle, and let it commence, one unto another. Let it commence on this Sabbath. And let this day be holy among all days.

You do not understand our words, and once again, you think we have spoken unto you as in riddles.

For those who have eyes to see let them see. For those who are blind they shall see. For those who are deaf they shall hear. And all that has been covered shall be uncovered before you. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Soul John [4–125–2] asks, ‘If part of John, or that that was given upon ordination, was separated, please restore, in the Father’s name, that that God has given. And if it be God’s will, may the spirit increase, that I may fulfill my vows in greater measure? As Christ prayed, ‘As thou, Father, art in me and I in Thee, so also may they be in us.’ Father, only You can give life, for You are greater than all else.’”

We have just answered that question.

“Soul John [4–125–2] also asks, ‘Can I go home tonight safely?’”


“Thank you, Aka.”

You have other questions, ask.

“[8–338–2] asks, ‘Are the plans I have made for investment in accord with God’s plan for this group?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. For those who should prefer a garden to grow their vegetables, then let them come forth with that. For those who should want warmth, let them come forth with that. For those who should make pottery and dishes to eat from, let them come forth with that. For those who should weave baskets to carry the vegetables, let them come forth with that. But in the coming forth, you shall find that the bartering must be that of thy heart and thy soul. If the plan that thy have satisfies thy need, in thyself, then thy shall find a completeness within thyself, and only you shall know this. If there is no completeness, then there is no fulfillment.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Soul Ruth [2–30–2] asks, ‘If a person receives baptism, and then makes their friends those who are Satanists, what happens to them?’”

For those who should be baptized in the name of the Lord, that that they have given into the Lord shall belong to the Lord. For those who should make that unto themself, that shall belong unto themselves. For those who have made that unto their brotheren, that shall belong unto [their] brotheren. But for those who should worship Lucifer, they shall have nothing, for Lucifer has no use for a nothing.

There are those who would think that Lucifer would be as an ignorant source or a stupid source. We have told you of the coming of the Anti-Christ, and those who would prepare the way for it. Do not underestimate these people, for if you do, you shall become one of their willing tools.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a personal question that I would like to ask, and that is, when will relief for our water shortage come?”

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall say unto you, into the month of November, and December, that that is needed shall be provided for. But there is water around you, for the mountains, and even to your own well, it still holds much water.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [11–408–1…El Paso]. And she asks, ‘Is Sissy happy, and is she with me sometimes?’”

We shall answer in this manner, yes, to both.

“Thank you, Aka.”

We shall further say unto this one, blessed are those who should walk in the righteous and the armor of the love of their Father.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [11–408–2…Ingram, Texas]. It says, ‘For many years I have been trying to be a vegetarian. Is man supposed to kill animals and eat their flesh, or will he ultimately become a vegetarian? Shall I pursue vegetarian diet or not?’”

We shall say unto thee, the words of thy own Bible, “Into the fifth generation.” If thy mother and thy father are carnivorous, and their grandfather and their grandmother were carnivorous, you may change your diet, but it shall take time for your body’s metabolism. And one of the greatest sources of strength unto the same is of protein, and the source that it has adjusted itself to extracting the same from. When drastic diet changes are made, it can be harmful to thy health. This is why we have suggested that a slow, gradual adjustment be made.

At the present time, your body has not adjusted to this. The wanton killing of animal — nay, this is not good. For it has been said that the Lord, God, did place in man’s dominion the fowl of the air, the fish of the sea, and those animal[s] that are [of adjust] placed forth and placed under his dominion, and for his use. You shall find that a balance of the earth at the present time into all life form is made in this manner, whether it be the lion or man.

In some places upon your Earth, man, generation from generation, has eaten nothing but that of the vegetarian diet. If you’ve tried to place before them that that you would know as meat, of any kind, it could be very destructive to the system. The same thing applies to a bi-carnivorous man. This can also be. But the bi-carnivorous man can adjust more easily to the vegetarian diet than the vegetarian can adjust to the carnivorous.

We see that you do not fully understand, and we shall answer in this manner. The chromosome structure, in other words, the life pattern set forth at birth, should serve man throughout his life. If it should be bent, it should be bent very slowly.

You have other words — one moment please.


Our time grows very short, for soul Ray now grows very tired.

We shall answer this one question. In the entering of our substance into soul Ray’s body, that of our energy substance is much greater than his normal metabolism is accustomed to. When we say unto you that soul Ray grows tired, we mean that his body substance will no longer sustain our energy.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

We say unto you, there are forces to work that should try and destroy you. These forces come shrouded in the cloak of their church. Beware, for they are [influencing] your decisions.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for greater accuracy.]

Copyright © 1979 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


November 9, 1979

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, our God; glory be the name of the Son. Glory be the name of His children.

And we shall say unto thee, of the times and the half times that shall pass and be no more.

And we shall say unto thee, as these time should pass, your earth shall take upon itself many changes. For there shall be many earthquakes, tornados, and hurricanes cast upon the land.

And we say unto thee, make that of strong buildings that should protect thy animals from that of the cold. Bring forth unto yourselves that of a greater spiritual awareness. Bind together. Become as one people who should stand before the Lord, thy God — and the Lord, thy God, shall stand with thee. Cast aside all bitterness from thy hearts. Forgive unto thy brothern as thy would forgive unto thy God. And as thy ask forgiveness unto God, it shall be given.

But how can man ask forgiveness from the Lord and not forgive his brothern? How can one cast a stone against another? If all these things that we have spoke upon are true, and if you should believe us of the things of heaven, can not you believe us of the things of earth? For in the Father’s eyes they shall be as one.

Each of you say, “But how can I forgive this person? How can I say, ‘I forgive you,’ when they have done unto me wrong?” And we say unto you, does two wrongs make a right?

If you shall prepare for the time ahead of you, in a two-year period, all these things we have spoke of will have began. If you do not cast your lots together and prepare for this famine, prepare for this time ahead, then you shall be as the Jewish people who sold themselves into slavery for food, and sold their God from their hearts, and put themselves in bondage in the land of Egypt. But your bondage shall be of the body, the soul and the spirit.

Did not the Son say unto you, “No man may take from you; no man may harm you, only yourself.” A man may take thy life, but he cannot take thy soul. It is only yours to give. The spirit of man, the immortal body, must return to the Father intact, and must continue its growth.

There are those among you who would say that this person or that person may look upon me and take [from] me the Holy Spirit of God. This is not so. Only yourself may do this. And we say unto you, that that that is sent from God shall not ask you to abandon your religion or your belief. That that is sent from God shall ask you to understand each other, and your religions, and your beliefs. And only through understanding may you have the peace upon the Earth which you seek. In coming to you, we have learned much, and we have given much for the asking. And all that that has been asked in a righteous manner has been given.

And now we shall answer one other question, and that shall be of important papers. We shall speak in this manner. They have been misplaced; they have not been stolen. And those who hear us shall know that we speak true. And they shall return them into their proper place.

For we have said before, nothing from either side shall interfere with this work. Do you understand that into which we say?

“I understand, Aka.” [Note: The moderator answers.]

And we shall repeat again, do thy understand of which we say?

“I believe I understand you.”

And we shall say again, for those who do not understand, understanding shall be placed in such a manner there can be no doubt.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have one other question on this same subject. ‘What unforeseen information will be needed which [3–72–2] has not prepared for?’ She asks this.”

We shall answer in this manner. This is not a normal audit. This was brought forth by corrupt people, by people who should work for the Anti-Christ and should prepare a way, for they seek but one thing, and that is to destroy the instrument.

For there shall be a time in the political structure of thy land, and there are those who should fear that the instrument should turn this tide into a righteous manner. Yet there are others, who from their own stupidity and ignorance, and their profanity into others, thinking they are getting even, have done this thing. Remember, we do not sleep. We are here, and we are everywhere. We are as close [to] God as His teardrop; we are as close to you as your own soul and spirit.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [10–389–2] and who is here tonight is — she says, ‘I have pondered moving to Connecticut. Where would you suggest I make my home? What kind of work should I do?’ And she’d like the hour of her birth.’”

Yes, the hour of her birth is 8:22 a.m.

We see thy need. This question has been asked before and answered before. The place into which thy dwell shall be the soul and the spiritual substance thy should seek from. The latitude and longitude of this place makes very little difference if it satisfies those needs. But you are a grown woman. As the people returned unto Israel, they came with their hopes and their dreams to build a new land, to build a new Israel, a land that was founded on the belief of God and given to them from God. And so it should be so in the hearts of all.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Aka, [10–374–5] who is here tonight, asks your advice, specifically regarding a mining project in the Richmond Basin that he’s curious about, whether or not he should proceed with it, whether it would turn out well for him? And he also asks, can you give him personal advice in achieving economic balance and staying within God’s will?”

We shall say, as we have said before, that of the mineral substance that was needed for bartering was placed within the land. That that thy seek in that thy call the Richmond Basin may be found, but not without large financial backing. We would call this, that the land must be made in such a manner as an open pit.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, he had one other part of his question asking about what you suggest for his — how he should pursue achieving economic balance and staying within God’s will?”

We have answered that question.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [11–409–1…El Paso, Texas]. He’d asked that, ‘Am I going to get rid of my pains?’”

Yes. The healing that is asked for shall be given.

Thy have other questions.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [11–409–2…Albuquerque, New Mexico]. ‘Will I ever excel to the point of being a world-class chess player, runner, or artist? Should I make a concentrated effort in any of these areas?’”

We see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. The ladder unto which thy wish to climb is one that is rather crowded. Thy have other talents of equal value. [In] the use of thy hands and thy mind, placed in an artistic manner, shall yield great reward.

Now, we say unto thee, is the time of the Cherubim.

Soul Ray grows tired.

Before we go we shall answer one other question. The yield of the land may be done by placing larger pumps in the same well. But the financial substance that is needed to do this at this time is not completely feasible. But, therefore, it would be suggested, that from the base of the well forth, larger pipes should be placed there, and from the pipe, therefore, that should [leave] the well unto its usage point and that that should enter the tank of the same.

Now is the time of the Cherubim, and the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children. Glory be the name of the Son.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for greater accuracy.]

Copyright © 1979 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


November 30, 1979

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner.

There was once many people brought together in another land for the preparation of the coming of the one you know as Jesus of Nazara.

And all things were prepared in the heaven and upon the earth.

And the birth was a just birth, and both heaven and the earth rejoiced.

And upon his entry into manhood, and his studies behind him, he did bring together twelve.

And even those closest to him did not know him, for they argued and bickered, one unto another, and did bring forth the death of this one. And after the death and the resurrection of the same, it was only through the resurrection did the eleven come back together, for Judas had killed himself.

In this time, and upon the earth, there was that that would soon to come, which [was] the beginning of the Anti-Christ or the Beast of the same.

We say unto you, bind together. If thy brothern offends thee forgive him, and forgive thyself. If thy cannot do this then walk away and let another stand in your place, for the work that you do this day is the greatest work that shall be done in all times.

Light the candle in your hearts. For soon you shall celebrate the birth of the one known as Jesus of Nazara, that of the Messiah. And soon, you shall know of his coming once again. For as you celebrate this you call Christmas, know that he celebrates it with you. If you shall do this in your meditation, allow him now to enter, and you will have made the first step for the preparation.

Do not let these things the Anti-Christ places before you to separate and devour you. Do not bear false witness.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Soul Ruth wishes to thank you for leading her directly to the dies for the press which were missing from the lab, and she asks, ‘The papers which have been found are not particularly relevant to the audit. Do the papers we need still exist, and are these papers in any building owned by Ray, and if so, where?’”

Yes, we shall answer your question in this manner, that some of the papers which are relevant still exist. We shall answer in another way, for you have one who is with you who has acted as a serpent, carrying stories and bearing false witness. The papers that you desire are within your own files.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question for [2–52–3…Flagstaff] and he asks, ‘Should I try to find employment with my B.S., Biology, or should I continue my education in biology or some other field?’ He’s completing his fourth year, Aqua; he’s wondering if he should go to work or stay in school?”

We see this. And we shall answer your question in this manner. Soul Ray gave unto you a plan, a very sound plan. And in this plan would be to work in the field he suggested for one year, and then return back to school, and therefore, the answer itself shall be before you. For then you shall find the need, and the answer to your life and that that you search for. In telling you of the goal and completeness of this, you shall not see it. It shall only come in reality to you when you see it with your own mind. But we shall do this for you. We shall place dreams into your mind that might guide you, and we shall send one to you that shall act as a guide.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [8–338–2] asks, ‘Please advise me on the best approach to gain the knowledge and college degree I have started. Thank you.’”

Yes, we see your need, and we shall answer in this manner. The work that you are doing, where you stand, is veryimportant. But we say unto you these words, that the one who whispers into you whispers lies. And that one — and that two, meaning two persons — have ravaged your files for their own gain. You shall find that one of these, who has told you of writing letters, has removed over $7,000. You shall also find, as you go farther into your task[s], other of the same. To complete the work you have before you take one task at a time. And you shall find money — monetary, or that of money — that has been removed in smaller amounts over a long period of time.

As to the quickest course [to] completion of your degree, soul Ray has laid that before you.

In your mind there is questions. We say unto you, we do not sleep. We see and hear all things.

And the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. And pestilence and famine shall be about you. New earthquakes shall occur in both the land of Mexico and Iran. The fuse is lit.

Soul Ray now grows tired.

Judas, do that which you must.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1979 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


December 7, 1979

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in the manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

And we shall say unto thee the parable of the Seven Spirits and the creation of the earth.

And when all was finished they bid God to come upon the earth and breathe the life into it.

And upon that day, God saw the sunrise upon the earth, and He said unto them, “THIS IS GOOD.”

And upon the evening, as the sun came through the leaves of the tree, and a slight wind brought it forth in such a manner that the light glistened


And the Seven Spirits said together, “Yes, oh Lord, this is true. But you shall see, oh Lord, that the wind shall be a cleansing thing, that some men shall ride the wind and know it, and they shall make the wind do its bidding. And some men shall stand before it, and they shall build buildings that shall fall before it. And others shall build buildings that shall stand strong, and the wind shall not strike it at all.”

And then, as they gazed upon the heavens, a storm, a mighty storm, was brought forth by the wind, and there came lightening and thunder — and all things of good and abundance.


And the Seven Spirits said to the Lord, “Lord, You sent us forth unto the fields, and You said, ‘PLANT A CROP AND HARVEST IT.’ It took us a long time before we could do this and do it together. This same lesson must be learned by the children of the Lord. The day that the children of the earth [could] stand together, all these things that have been placed here may feed them, clothe them, and house them. But it shall not fill the spiritual substance that must fill them in time. Only when we learned to work as one spiritual substance, or being, of oneness together, could we bring forth unto the harvest unto you, oh, Lord. And if Your children shall return into your many mansions, it must be by their choice.

“And the wind shall carry them. And they shall come together. And they shall rejoice unto the making of the earth and they shall rejoice unto the Lord, and give praise and glory unto the Lord.”

And the Lord looked upon the earth and did breathe life unto the earth, and all things did stir and come to life. And all things begot unto themselves and made the earth bountiful and plenty. And the earth did enter upon the earth into all things, and it was complete.

We have told you of the beginning. Now the ending shall be up to you.

The ending should need never happen. The earth was built much like your body. God did not choose death for you; you chose it yourself. God did not choose sickness for you. These are things and plights that were placed by yourselves. God has given unto you His love. And He has said, “LOVE THY BROTHERN AND SISTERN. AND LOVE UNTO ALL THINGS THAT I HAVE GIVEN UNTO YOU. AND I HAVE GIVEN YOU DOMINION OVER ALL THINGS.”

What we have said can be placed in a very simple sentence. The Lord, God, has given you everything that is needed to build your spiritual substance and the material things that you want and need. The Lord, God, looks upon you and has given you His first begotten son.

As the time grows near when you shall celebrate this, light that light, that little candle in that quiet place within you; light it, and bring it as a gift, as the gifts were first brought. And you shall know that it shall be the greatest gift of all.

From far memory, some of you shall remember the preciseness of all events. The time of year when you celebrate this does not matter, any more than the spelling of our name. It is agreeing upon it, the rejoicing in it, the coming together with love and peace unto one another.

It is loving one person enough, or many persons enough, to give them your blessing and say, “Go, if that’s what you wish to do.” It is loving others enough to know that they can fall down, and helping them to stand, loving them enough to not become the crutch.

It is the wind and the snow. It is the autumn and the fall. It is your winters and your summers and your springs. It is all things.

For the Lord God says unto you, “MAKE ME A PLACE THAT I MIGHT REST MY HEAD.”

Prepare the way. Give glory unto God, and God shall give glory unto you. Give glory unto your brother and your sistern, and they shall give glory back unto you.

Make all these things come first in your lives. But love yourselves enough to know that some have much to give, and that is enough. Some have very little to give, and that is enough. Do not set yourselves up as judges.

We say unto you, take this day and all others and make them holy in your hearts, and a new world and a new heaven may be born within you.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [6–281–1] asks, ‘Please talk about our guilts, hopes, and fears. Why do so many of us burden ourselves with guilt when we are conscientious and really doing our best; how can we overcome this?’”

We have seen your need, and we did place in the first part of the reading the answer to this. But that you might fully understand this within yourself — if a man should come to another and hit him by hand or any other means, and has done so unjustly, the hit can never be taken away. The harm that that person had done that moment, that moment shall last into eternity. If one should come and speak a wrong word into another that too shall last unto an eternity. If one should use the Lord’s name in vain that too may last an eternity.

But we say unto you, to fall down is not the sin. It is the getting up, the rising above yourself, the rising above and beyond what you think you are. And in that, you shall know of your own wrongs and your own mistakes. The guilt is only placed there within you to know the difference between right and wrong. It was never meant to be placed there to harm man. Only by the knowing of the guilt, a true [guilt], do you know that you must correct it.

When one has wronged another, as we have said before, and you know you have wronged them in your heart, in that place within you that God dwells that He did breathe life into, then you shall know that you should go unto that one and beg their forgiveness, as you would beg God’s forgiveness. For in doing so, God has seen and known that that has been done.

As we have said before, if you do this, and the other does not accept, then go and find another, and let the two of you go unto this one.

There are some upon your earth who say, “I speak for God.” Only on rare occasions does anyone speak for God. We were sent here but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We have not demanded anything from you. We have not said, “Slay thy brothern,” or “Destroy each other,” for we may not say these things, for they are notthe way of God.

And God should speak into the least of things upon the earth, should they listen.

But there are some upon your earth who build for the Anti­-Christ, and they shall turn religion against religion, (sigh). God sees this, and knows. And those who should take from another in this manner has sinned beyond all sins, for they have taken from themselves their own spiritual substance that was a part of God and cast it aside.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have one other question from [6–281–1]; she asks, ‘Please give me an interpretation of my dream. Who is James?’”

James, the brothern of Jesus — James who did after Jesus’ death head the church, [the] Christian church, of Jerusalem, and who was later killed.


You have asked for a guide, and it has been given unto you.

He took count of many things. And he has great reason, now, in the name of the Lord, to see that nothing interferes with this.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [11–411–1…of Quartzite, Arizona], and he asks, ‘We have five acres for sale; is now a good time to sell? Also, is this a safe place to live?’”

We shall answer your question in this way; now is a good time to sell. Today and tomorrow it is a safe place to live. At a later time, it shall not be. As we have said before, when that time occurs, we shall begin to move the people, and we shall find places for them to dwell. But these things you must earn.

You have one other question.

“I have a question from [11–411–2…in Scottsdale]. She asks, ‘Would it be wise for me to try to work out some way to live at Dripping Springs valley? Can I truly be of help? Will I be able to work it out financially?’”

We should answer your question in this manner. It would be wise if you stayed where you are.

Soul Ray now grows weary. Our time grows short.

The roses of heaven do not wilt. They are like the wild roses. They are like the Rose without Thorns. We say unto you, we shall place one before each of you. Pick it up and carry it with you in your heart.

We say unto you, let all of you close your eyes this moment who wish this gift, and we shall give it to you. You shall feel the warmth of it and the beauty of it, and it shall be sacred unto each of you.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1979 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


Study the readings from each year from the 1970 to the 1989 in this publication, The Words of Aka, spiritual messengers of God.

How did the readings begin? See “We Give This Message from Our Father.”

See all the articles in the publication on, “A Stairway to Heaven.”

Would you like to join the Association of Universal Philosophy the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, asked us to form? Here’s how. Then send us an email at or, or message us on our Facebook page, Association of Universal Philosophy, to let us know where you email your newsletter, “Rays of Philosophy.”

All of these readings have been gathered together for you in three books — the philosophy, the past-life readings, and health readings — as the Book with Wings series. Study and learn from them this way.

And be blessed!


In 1979, a second book was published, The Psychic Light: The Life and Gifts of Ammie Ray Elkins. It tells of Ray’s growing up with his psychic gift, about the trance readings, his full time practice of psychic healing. In it Ray discusses parapsychology, religion and philosophy, why we are here, life after death, and he gives predictions for the future.

The spiritual messengers of God, Aka, suggested the titles, the Soul Light or the Psychic Light.

Ray wished to name his book, The Psychic Light before the Dawn — meaning the use of his gifts before the dawn of a new age upon earth within man — the preparation for the coming of the Messiah and the thousand years of peace upon earth.




The Words — of Aka, spiritual messengers of God

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.