The 1982 Readings

January 8, 29; February 12; March 5; June 12; July 23, 30; August 6, 13 (one transcript is missing: May 13)

A new chapel was built on Christmas Star Route (later renamed Dripping Springs Road, Arizona). On December 5, 1982, the first day of the Advent season when people await the coming of the Messiah, Ray Elkins dedicated the chuch to God. “We say that the chapel, as it is concentrated unto all segments, unto all places, shall be open to the earth and the heavens. And laughter shall come unto you, and praise shall be sung from you. For look into a child’s smile, and you shall see God. Look unto laughter, and there is God, all around you, within you and without you. You do not need to shout for Him to hear you, forHe knows you are there, for you have forgotten you were created by God, and you are unlike any other person upon this world and all others. You are unique in kind. Does that not show you that God loves you? You have thought in your minds that the times of war, the times of earthquake, the times of famine are here before you. This is true. How many times have we told you, let not the Seventh Seal be opened? How many times, in how many ways, in how many parables have we said the same thing, ‘Love one another.’” (Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, July 23, 1982)


January 8, 1982

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see they need. We shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we say unto you unto these words, unto this parable.

Men from different lands, of different religions, had gathered forth, that they might find a way to bring peace upon the Earth. Each brought with them different plans, and each was sure that their way would succeed.

When they first came together it was with great fellowship. But soon, they were split apart into different groups, nation unto nation. And then nations gathered unto nations. And upon the last night that they would gather, they were completely and totally split. And they built, therefore, upon a great bonfire, and gathered there around it, for the nights and even the days had grown cold.

At first they had nothing to say, one unto the other. The silence was there, cold and frigid, giving off no light, giving off no warmth, even from the fire. No matter how much fuel they put upon the fire, it gave no warmth.

And then suddenly from the center of the fire rose the image, image of a man, and from his image there came warmth that went into all. And he said unto them, “Yet, my Father has spoken unto you unto many times, into all parts of the Earth. And He has promised you that all that was hidden, light would be shed upon it. You believed Him not.

“You came here to bring you peace that should bring warmth into your hearts. Yet you did not bring the warmth with you, and so you have it not. All of you now are gathering closer and closer unto the fire, for from the fire and where I stand you are sure that the light will come into you, and the warmth shall still your souls.”

Again, no matter how big the fire is, can it thaw out your brains? Can it make you think? We have said unto you, be as mirrors ― reflect out the warmth within you. And what did you think we said? Be as a coal, a nothingless thing, that showed nothing, gave nothing, [waters] nothing?

You have wars and rumors of wars, and you come here in a grand effort, each of you wearing your grandeury, yet you brought no warmth with you. All you brought with you was the idea that your idea alone would be the idea accepted by all the others. And each thought you would be declared the great leader of all, and the savior of all, and yet you brought nothing. You brought the shell you dwell in, but you forgot the soul and the spirit. You did not bring hope and humility to feed the fire.

For our Father has said unto you that He is like the sun, giving warmth upon the earth. And in His place as it passes around, and the Earth passes around the sun, there is a time for sleep and a time for wakeness. But growth can come asleep or awake. You hear not your dreams, nor your dreamers.

You have forgotten from where you came. You know not where you were born, for you hear us not. When the stillness comes, [when] we speak no more, will you build a great fire? Will you wait until the Seventh Angel has opened the seal upon you? Is that [then] only the time when you shall listen? Why is it that you hear us only in the time of your needs, and not the needs of others?

You became alarmed, all of you, during the last reading because soul Ray’s health would not permit us to continue. If you cut him, he shall bleed. If you place the dagger within his heart, he shall die, and upon his death we shall leave you. Yet, within his compassionate heart, he shall return back to you.

Fear swells into your hearts. But think of what a long silence would be; think of no more fire, no more flame, no more beacon to guide your way.

We say unto you, let the fire burn in the soul of all. Let beacons shine from one to the other. Let the knowledge flow now. Let the love and compassion and the hope, that is the seed of mankind, let it go out unto the four winds. Let, therefore, begin upon the Earth your thousand years of peace. Let it begin in your heart, and be as a fire or a flame, that the warmth that you reflect out from you is felt by others. And do it each day. Do it in such a way, when you touch another with your mind they feel love, they feel gentleness. Let it be in such a way that you build the temple of God where it should be, within your hearts and souls and minds. And therefore, let it be that no one may destroy them. For once it is built within your mind, you shall reach and touch one, and one shall touch ten, and ten shall touch a hundred, and a hundred a thousand, until the [whole] world has been touched. You will not do this by standing on a box and shouting hell and damnation unto mankind. It may be done by the whispering of a word, a single word, love — and as the commandment was given to you, love one another.

Now we say unto you, we charge you — let each of you that hear us, and that you shall know us, then bring proof of it. Let each one take one of the Commandments, and whether he carves it in stone, no matter where he may carve it, let him bring it forward, and let it be placed by the healing well, the healing springs. [Note: The healing springs, Dripping Springs, are on the side of Dripping Springs mountain above and to the right of a church to God on Dripping Springs Road, or Christmas Star Route, Arizona.]

Once before we gave you a task. And we said unto you, if you could spell our name without fighting over it, it would place you one step closer to your Father. Now this is a second task.

It makes little difference the material used, but let the task begin.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [2–30–2] asks me to thank you for the assistance with her book work.”


“I have a question from [6–629–6…Tucson]. Question: ‘Do I have a gift, and how should I use it? God bless you.’”

Yes, we hear thy need, and we say unto you these words. We have just given you a way to use it. You have the gift of compassion. Put it to use.

You have other questions, ask.

“I have a question from [9–372–2…El Paso, Texas], wanting to become a teacher. She asks if you have any message for her?”

Yes, we say unto you unto these words. As iron you have been placed in the fire, and brought forth, and placed, therefore, unto cold waters. And you say unto us, when is the time of testing done? And we say unto you, when you have made the decision into yourself that you are a better person than you think you are.

Yes, there are many trials and tribulations that we place before ourselves.

Pick up this challenge we have placed before you. Take the First Commandment; engrave it in stone and bring it forth. And let all come with candles as it is laid in its proper place of honor. If you shall teach no other than that one, in your lifetime, you will have accomplished more than most of mankind. [See Exodus 20:1–17.]

Within your problems, there has been great fear of losing those things most dear to you. We tell you now, this shall not happen. For has not the hand of God already intervened to save your life, and give it back unto you and your daughters? Has not the hand of God altered and changed the things that you thought were so important to you?

Look around you and see the flowers; they are everywhere. They are hard to see in the wintertime, for they are resting, some of them. But as a constant reminder to man that spring will come, that is why He gave you the evergreen.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [14–453–1…Tucson]. ‘Have I yet fulfilled my mission in this life, and if not, what is left for me to accomplish?’”

We say unto you, bring forth the Second Commandment. Place it in stone. And we shall tell you, then, the fullness of it.

You have other questions, ask.

“[14–453–2…Beaumont, Texas] asks, ‘I am seeking ten numbers, selected from 1 through 55, for the month of July.’”

We see thy need. And we shall give them to you: 11, 2, 7, 43, 38, 26, 19, 7, 5, 41, 13, 26, 9, 18, 48, 0, 5. You know the numbers, but you do not know the sequence. Ask and you shall receive.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [14–453–3…Houston, Texas]. Question: ‘What is my purpose in this lifetime?’”

We say unto you, we have given you a purpose and a way to serve it. We say unto you, you have heard the words we have spoken tonight. Let the decision be yours.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [14–453–4…Houston, Texas] asks, ‘How can I rid myself of mental pain, depression, and anxiety? Any information on obtaining peace of mind and spiritual development?’”

Yes, we see thy need. Peace of mind, we have spoke of in the beginning of the reading. Spiritual development, we spoke of that also. Yet, we see a physical problem; [it] impairs your from functioning at your fullest. We say unto you, come, therefore, unto soul Ray that this obstacle, or should we call it, [a] many-sided hexagon, be removed.

You have one more question, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [14–453–5…Grants, New Mexico]. She asks, ‘What is my life’s work to be?’”

We have seen within your heart that you like to paint, and quite happy and contented when you are doing this. We’d say to you, take the time to dwell in this. We would ask a favor of you. As Leonardo da Vinci once painted the cluster of roses, do so, so that it might be placed within the temple that is soon to be built.

You have other questions, ask.

“I have a question from [12–421–1…Albuquerque]. ‘Am I fulfilling my soul’s plan? What more shall or can I do? How much time have I to accomplish this, and why do I feel so restricted?’”

If all the worlds [in] all the heavens and all the galaxies were placed before you, and you could redesign them to suit yourself, would you change them? Or would you bless them? As one rushing through time and space, which you yourself have placed the limitations upon, you have forgotten something. Take each moment as a dear thing, a gentle sweet thing. Take from it each moment, and give it love, and take from it love. Fulfillment and completion comes not with how many buildings one could build, but their satisfaction in building them. Take the words we have placed here tonight. If they fit you, take a place within it and bring fulfillment, or a step toward fulfillment into your heart.

Now we say unto you, if one should not bring forth the stones we ask for, let another. If more than one should come together to place a stone, then it shall be a greater, greater thing than man has ever known, for it shall be done not only with love toward your Father, but love between two beings that are His children.

We say unto you, blessed be this child you have brought unto us this night. And blessed be the child, and let it be known from this day forward that this is a blessed child, for the world shall know it one day — in our Father and in the Son’s name.

Glory be the name of the Lord forever and ever.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1982 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


January 29, 1982

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we say unto thee — and we shall say these words for those who should say unto us, “Is my work done? Am I through? Is there no longer a place in the servitude of God?”

And we say these words unto all of thee. Unto the slightest thing upon Earth that brings forth the joy unto our Father’s eyes, it is never done. Unto the smallest task that you do, you do in the eyes of God. Each of you, no matter how menial your task may be, it may be the most important task done upon the Earth that day.

We shall say unto you this parable.

The many people came together, unto the thousands and hundreds of thousands. And there they came, to build and raise unto the Lord an altar. The monument was carved of stone. It was not a graven image. But upon the stone was all the knowledge they had of the Lord, thy God, for they intended it to stand, not for one year, nor a thousand years, but for as long as man and God should dwell upon the Earth.

There was a small lad who very much wanted to serve. Now all the carving and moving of the stone was done. All the mathematicians had worked out what they thought was the last detail in the raising of the stone. All the equipment was there. All the ropes and bindings were placed in place. And they reached forth, and upon one single signal the stone was to be raised. The lad had sought out many many ways to serve the Lord. All the people did put, therefore, their might into the raising. The stone began to move. It raised, and then it began to totter, this way and that. One single small strand of rope hanged down. The boy ran and took hold of the rope. It was but a small amount of weight he applied, yet it was all he had, and it steadied the great stone and settled it into place. Now all the others had applied great strength, but it was just that small amount that was needed to bring it into balance.

And so it is with all things upon the Earth. It is but the smallest thing that you think is not important can be of the greatest importance; it can be the difference between life and death for many others. For those who should come from a faraway lands to come for healing, each of you who work in this field, no matter how large or how small in what you do, is important, that the work become harmonious and in balance.

We shall tell you of the healer, who a girl of the black race came unto. She had had surgery, yet she was dying. She was a young woman. The healer reached down and removed the towel which covered the upper part of the anatomy, and there, stood a gaping hole through her rib cage, and he could see the heart functioning. What all the other healers had not known he knew when he looked upon it. He knew that the young women had been a diabetic, and because of it, that that was necessary to bring about healing had not been added.

The young woman looked into the healer’s eyes with all the hope and reverence that could possibly be given. The healer looked, and he saw, and he turned abruptly and went out where no one could see him, and he wept. And he cried loudly unto the Lord, “Why have you brought this unto me, Oh Lord, this burden? This hope in her eyes, why have You brought it and placed it upon my shoulders? Am I to go back into that room and tell her, oh Lord, that it is not within the power You have given me to heal her? Must I send her forth to die, when she has come here with such hope and faith?”

He struck the ground; he struck all things around him. He was furious. He was anguished. He was heartbroken.

Slowly, he turned and walked back into the room. And with all things he possessed, he gave unto the girl. She kissed his hand and thanked him.

He turned and he left and went back outside again, and there he cried unashamed before his Lord because he was afraid he had not given enough, he did not know enough.

“How many times,” he said, “oh Lord, must I see this? How many times shall they say unto me, ‘Why must I die,’ and you have no answer? Why isn’t my brain large enough to absorb all You have to give me?”

Through the years increased knowledge has been given, and many has been brought from many places to [add] and assist in the healing. Some of the tasks seem very small and not important. And you think that no one knows the importance of the tasks that you do. We say unto you, you are wrong. Two shall always know and be grateful, the Lord, thy God, and the healer. It is with his ever-living gratitude that he appreciates every small task, that he can bring life back into life. For you who have performed the small task, it may just be that that is necessary to bring things into balance, and allow him to complete it.

But if any perform a task without a willing heart, it may be that that is necessary to bring things into balance, yet the imbalance that you have created may topple the stone — for a gift is not given unless it is given with love.


Nay, the Lord provides all things unto all. He asks nothing; He expects nothing. He does it because He loves you. And He has provided all things that are necessary to make each of your lives fruitful and fulfilling.

But if the well that is before you does not quench your thirst, go unto another well. And when you find the well that quenches your thirst and you are happy to drink from it, do you not know that you are serving God there also?

When shall your task be done? The Lord has given you freedom of choice. You may walk away any time you wish.

When will the healer’s task be done? He has been given the choice. But he cannot walk away, for the sick and the poor shall always be with him. And the answers to your problems he shall always seek, for it is in him to give. And he is most joyous when he can give life.

The things we have told you this day, some of you will understand. Some of you will not. The degree of understanding shall be the joy of your hearts.

But remember, had not God the faith in you to continue with the sun and the rain and the earth? Has He not the faith in you throughout the centuries? Has He not the love?

But “judge not, lest ye be judged,” for God is not judging you; He loves you. Judge not your fellow man, for who among you is fit to judge? Raise your fellow man upward, even before yourselves, and it shall bring great joy into your hearts.

Had not the one known as Jesus promised you all these things? Do you not know that the work you do in the preparation is for he who shall serve after this one? Cannot you take his words as well as Jesus’? For you did before. Cannot this time they both live together and be on your Earth together?

We say unto you, the time of [the] Anti-Christ is upon you, yet the time of the Christ is upon you. All things that were, are. All things that are, shall be, for all the prophecies now shall come into fulfillment.

Sing joy unto the Lord; sing joy unto yourselves.

It is not wrong to think in your heart, “I am a good person. I have done good things.” There is nothing wrong with that. There is nothing wrong giving yourself what you would call, a pat on the back. Yet it is better if you pat each other on the back, and tell each other that you love one another, and how much you appreciate what the other does.

We shall say unto you, the words that were said unto the healer, and from the one who said them, for [R____] said unto Ray, “Why me; why must I die, when you have saved so many?” And soul Ray looked into his eyes, and said, “I have not the answer for you. Only the Lord and yourself have that answer.”

And now [R____] says unto you, he has that answer, for he went, therefore, to prepare a way for many, and he went, therefore, to renew the wine of life.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [12–428–1] asks, ‘Is our solar system a satellite of the Pleiades or any other star? If so, what is our period about that star, and what consequence does this have in terms of geological changes upon the Earth?’”

As we have told you before, your Earth is like a stepping stone, and from it you shall step farther than you even imagine. Yet, there are other earths, and other people — all reaching to now [form] the joining of hands. Some shall come in friendship, some shall not, for some are not evolved any farther than you yourselves, and some, even though they have knowledge, or technical knowledge, their spiritual knowledge has not evolved together. They shall come for you, and to you, that they may learn also. In the vastness of all galaxies and universes there is an interlinking system. It is called man, and God. Though the shapes and forms of man may be many, as he has adapted to his environmental conditions, the soul is the same, the spirit is the same, and all are the same God.

We see you do not fully understand that which we have said; then we shall answer, yes, unto either question.

You have others, ask.

“What astronomical cycle, if any, is the 70,000 years you speak of part of?”

(Chuckle.) It lays before you, now. Look into the heavens and you shall see it. All things are as they were once before.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [14–454–1…Ft Garland, Colorado, and he asks regarding a Dr. C______ L______ G____ A_____]… He asks,(1) ‘Where in Switzerland did C______ leave a secret account?’” [Editor’s note: Here ensues a detailed question about a third person who had died without revealing to his family, who are now in need, the whereabouts of his funds.]

We shall answer your question in this manner. We are not at liberty to violate that of the free wishes of another soul. Had he wanted you to know, he would have told you so.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. The other question would have been of the same nature. I’ll go on to another. I have a question from [14–454–2]. She asks, ‘Have I known Christ before, and will I know him in this lifetime?’”

Yes, you have known Christ before, and you shall know him in this lifetime. Your age was much the same before as it is now. [We] know that the promise that was given before shall be fulfilled, and you shall have the fullness of the answer. But know this, that your cup shall runneth over, and therefore, do not take anything less.

You have other questions.

“Thank you, Aka. [14–454–3…Houston, Texas] asks, ‘What direction do I need that I am closed off to?’”

We shall answer your question. Sometimes the flowers are so close at our feet that we stomp upon them. In this respect, you are doing so. All the answers that you need are laying all around you. They are before you. Just bend down and pick them up, and put them to use. There are those of material things and those of the human being, both that are there that you wish. You wish for spiritual development; there are those who would give it to you freely and lovingly. You ask for knowledge; it lies all around you.

When the Lord, God, said unto the people of Israel, “YOU ARE A STUBBORN LOT,” do you not know that you can change the descendents of Abraham as easily as you should turn the stone? It is not a word of nationality that should make you a descendent of Abraham, but the heart and soul. It is not the nationality or the color of your skin that should make you the brothren unto the Master, but the heart and soul.

Look about you. All things you have asked for are there. The only thing that needs correcting is your own indecision. If you choose to pick it up do so. If not, if it does not [fulfill] you, then step over it and leave it for someone else. If you do not like the house you live in, move into another. Ask and you shall receive, [for] God cares not whether you live in a mansion, or the smallest little shack upon your earth, if that’s what makes you happy. And happiness is what He wishes for His children. For did He not make it whether it was less work to smile and laugh than it is to cry and frown?

He meant for His children to be happy. The freedom of choice is your own. If you do not like the town you dwell in, go to another. If you cannot find the satisfaction of the soul in where you stand, walk away. If you do not like the car you are driving, leave it and get another.

[But] the one thing you cannot leave nor walk away from is yourself, for wherever you go and whatever you ride in, and wherever you live you shall take yourself with you. So find satisfaction within yourself, and you shall find satisfaction no matter where you stand.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [14–454–4…Scottsdale] asks, ‘How can I help people through my new vitamin and health food store I am starting in Scottsdale, and should I start another store, a survival type?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. The helping of the people through the, your health food store that you have chosen, and the pathway you have chosen, we would say, get off your knees and quit crawling, and stand and walk (Chuckle). As for the survival-type store, you have the means before you to open that in the city, so do so. You have that, both of the financial means, you only lack certain other parts. Come unto soul Ray and he shall give them to you, and your knowledge shall be complete.

You have other questions, ask.

“I have a question from [11–407–2…El Paso, Texas]. ‘Do I have any kinds of knowledge that will be of some use to others? Also will I ever gain control of myself?’”

The answer to both is, yes. You are as the carpenter that took his bag of tools and went where there was no wood. He looked around him and thought, “I can build nothing!” There was stone and mortar all around him. He looked at the stone, he looked at the mortar; he did not realize the building of anything can be done from any material. You have the material, use it.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [14–454–5…Connecticut]. ‘Do all or some people have the ability to heal others and not know it? And can it be improved on?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. The Lord, God, gave many gifts. There are some who are bakers, and this is a gift of God. There are some who are great song writers, and music comes into their head, and all around them, and they bring joy to the world because of it. There are others who may sing the music, and this in itself is a gift.

The gift to heal is no different from those others. All of you may sing, some better than others, as all of you may heal, some better than others. But the greatest healers are as the greatest singers, have dedicated their whole lives to what they do, and the dedication means that many, many hours of every day they place forth in the performance and [the] learning of their task, and practicing of that which they do. Much as a performer or a singer when they go before the audience, so the healer comes before you when you come unto them for healing.

But if you are a singer or a carpenter, or bricklayer, or ditch digger, and that’s what you do best, do it. The grass always seems greener on the other side of the hill. It is not so. Be that which you will and be content at what you do, and do it because you wish to do it.

For you, you see only the stardust. You have yet to see the pain in what you ask and wish for. We say unto you, until you have felt the pain of hell itself, and known death, you cannot know life, nor can you know the joy in giving life back into the living.

Now, we say unto all of you, our time now grows short. And we shall say unto you once again, now is the time of the Cherubim, and the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. The two-edged Sword, which cuts away the lands and masses, and the other side which splits man from man, [is] now striking your Earth.

It is not a great mountain we ask you to build. If you are here because you want to be here, because it is a joyful thing within you, and because you bring joy into another, be as the boy with smallest rope and bring balance unto the Earth, and those around you. Which is the greater, the stone cutter who placed the words upon the stone, or the boy who kept the stone from falling, and shattering? Which is the greater in the eyes of the Lord? The boy gave all he had. So did the stone cutter.

You asked the Father to take judgment on who He should love the most. He cannot, for you are all His children. He loves you each equally.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1982 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


February 12, 1982

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we shall answer your question in this manner. In a village lived many people, of many crafts. One young lad who tried to become a carpenter without success; he worked very hard at it, but he had no feeling for it. He tried to become a mason. While he was trying all the different crafts, in his spare time he planted a garden. And as the garden grew it produced many varieties of flowers. It became not known only within the town, but across the nations. And many people traveled from many places to see this wonderful garden. Yet the lad continued to try to learn a craft, and he continued to tend to the garden.

Each person who came asked the name of the gardener. And soon, his name sings far and wide. But the lad did not know this. He continued to seek out a trade, a way to make his livelihood.

And one day, the community in itself, who had become well-known for his efforts, came to him and said, “Would you be the official gardener for the town?”

The lad thought long on this. And he said unto them, “I must go and pray upon this.”

And so he went alone, and therefore, to pray. And he said these words unto the Lord, “My God, I wish to be worthy of You. I wish to perform tasks that are important to others. And the loneliest thing in the land is just the gardener.”

And the Lord looked upon him. And the Lord did send messengers unto him, three in all.

And the first messenger said unto him, “Is it better to be a good gardener or a bad carpenter?”

“Do you love your gardening?” came from the second.

And from the third came the words of wisdom, “Do that into which you wish.”

The Lord watched the lad as he returned.

And he thought upon these things, and he went back unto the people, and he said unto them, “I shall be your gardener, but I must have a livelihood. So far I have gardened [to you] out of, because it was a love of my heart, and therefore, I have felt badly to take money for that which has been a gift given from God unto me. But, I must prepare totake care of my parents, and my family that I shall have one day.”

And therefore, they set a salary aside.

His fame grew even greater. Great artists from all over the world traveled to paint in his garden. Statesmen from all over the world came to just gaze upon it.

And as the days passed, he did marry, and he did bring forth his family, and he did provide for his mother and father. And yet, each of the artists sought him out. And one day he went back to his place of prayer to thank the Lord for his gift of gardening.

Now we say unto you, each of you have gifts. Some of you think that they are not very important. Yet in the eyes of God they are the greatest. They are gifts of God, and gifts you have given yourselves. Why then should you be ashamed of them? Why should you belittle yourself for these gifts?

Take the gifts that you have, and build upon them, and you shall one day become great in the eyes of yourself and your fellow man.

It is not important to be as others to be accepted. It is being yourselves, being that which you are, and doing that which you do — doing it with the utmost love in your hearts, and the utmost compassion for yourselves. If you do these things you shall have the utmost love and compassion for all living things. For God created the heaven and the earth, and He loved all living things upon it. It is with respect that you love one another and acknowledge this. But it is also of the utmost importance that you respect yourselves. In doing so, there is no sin.

We shall say unto you, some of the words we have spoken may not be clear to you. Take them and examine them. If they fit you wear them; if they do not, put them aside for another day. But do not deny them, or the right for them, unto the other person. If you wish to do [some]thing, do it, and you shall be respected because of it. But that that is done with intent, and the intent is good, even though it may not always turn out to its best, it is the best.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, thank you. I have a question from [7–316–1]. He asks, ‘At what number does my blood residue stand at? What should I take for my lung trouble? Thank you.’”

We have told you before, and we shall tell you again, we have placed a healer before you. If the healer does not suit you, go elsewhere.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [14–455–1…El Paso, Texas]. ‘Is there specific qualifications for developing psychic knowledge?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner, yes. Psychic knowledge, as you would know it, may be developed from birth unto death. That that you develop for the use of mankind develops quick and fast. That that you develop to harm of mankind develops slowly and becomes stagnated. Yet, we shall say unto you, the intent, and the knowing within yourself must be developed. Practice daily, not just a few moments each day. And do not stand on your head or go into meditation. Quite simply place a bowl of water in the center of your room. Think upon it until the water moves. Continue to thinking upon it, until you can empty the bowl with the one thought, and then you shall be well upon your way.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [3–69–2…San Carlos]. She says, ‘The braid is unbraided, and I know it never was and never can be. My thoughts are going in so many different directions I am not accomplishing anything. I am like a child in a candy store. Yes, I know about free will, and am experiencing it, but please give me some direction, especially for this summer. Thank you for the warning dream.’”

We should explain unto you unto this manner. There are many types of goals you may set for yourself. Those are of free will. You have thought of going back to school during the summer months. This would be good, but this is not what you really want. We should answer your question in this manner. You have a secret desire which we shall not speak of. Fulfill it.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Thank you. I have a question from [14–455–2…Albuquerque, New Mexico], ‘What is the importance of selenium to humans?’”

Selenium, in itself, is an ingredient that should change forms once into the system. It becomes a nutrient to the brain. It is a guiding light, as you might know it, to the reproduction of cell structure. The brain cells, as you know, are not connected. They produce electrical charge which sends a signal from one cell to the other. It is like a great organ being played. The selenium in itself aids in turning on the electricity necessary to light the organ and keep it in harmony.

We have placed it in a way which you will understand which we speak of. There are other things that must be added to it that it may enter the bloodstream as it should, because in [the] one which you are thinking about, it cannot enter the bloodstream by itself. It needs the vitamins, as you would know them, as B-12, B-6, and B-3. These would act as a catalyst agent. We would also suggest that by placing the DNA factor of that of the mesquite with this, it would then work as a nutrient, not only to the brain, but it would also work in such a manner to prevent disease of many different types. It allows your own defense mechanism to be triggered, and built, therefore, into a complete substance.

If you have further questions on this subject, come unto soul Ray, for he has done thorough research in this field, and [has thought] to build a product accordingly.

We say unto all of you, glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children.

But we say, if you walked one day into a field that was pleasant unto you, yet it was not pleasant unto anyone else, itis not wrong. If you find a place in the heather which brings peace and quiet to your mind, it is not necessary to tell others where this place is, or to share it with anyone unless you wish to. There is no wrong in that.

Now is the time of the Cherubim, and the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. It is also the time of the Anti-Christ, and those who prepare the way for him. Because you do a foolish thing does not mean you are working for the Anti-Christ. When you work for the Anti-Christ, it shall be within your heart and your soul to do so, as much it shall be in your heart and your soul to work for the preparation of the Messiah. You will know the difference.

But if you wish to work for neither one, if you wish to go your way, and say, no, to both sides, God shall not deny you, for there is a place for those also, for our Father has many mansions.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1982 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


March 5, 1982

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we shall say unto you unto this manner.

For long ago, people were in a migration after a great destruction of the earth. And they looked, therefore, unto the land, a land that was bountiful and would give them food, land that they could grow crops upon, land that they could love and would love them back.

Many wanted to go north, others west, others east, others south. And they came upon all of these a dream, and in the dream they found a valley of great magnificence, for its size was not great in volume, because it was sheltered on the four sides by the mountains. And from the mountains flowed the water that was needed for irrigating the land.

And they did take these things unto themselves, and began to build their homes. As time went on the valley flourished, and all things of all manner did pass through there. And they did take from the ground, and they took from one another. And they molded into the ground the love [that] they could pass from one to another, for there was always the promise that the valley would give back unto them into a bountiful thing.

Time passed. [And] soon men came to mine, and they scratched the surface and they dug into the earth, and they found some riches. But the greatest riches within the valley was the water, for it brought from the earth a plentiful and bountiful amount of food for their animals and for their selves.

And then one day there came one among them, and he said unto them, “I have come unto you to prepare the way.”

They looked one unto the other, and they could not understand this. They could not understand of what he spoke. He spoke of love and understanding and truth.

And he said unto them, “Love one another, for that is the greatest truth of all.”

And they of the people decided that this was a good thing.

And he went unto the valley, unto the canyon, and he thrust his shaft unto the wall of the canyon, and the wall produced a stream, a very small stream. And he said unto them, “This shall be a holy spot, a place upon earth that shall remain holy, for all civilizations, for all times.”

Now the lands were coming together. Many traveled [to] this spot, because it became known as a healing place. It became known as a place that they might worship, and worship back.

And he said unto them, “For I leave three guardians to protect this place, that no man may put it asunder. And in another time I shall return.” And he left, to go unto other lands.

Soon, the one he prepared for came. And he ate from the dates, and he took from the wine, and he ate of the many things that Spider body provided. And he taught long on many things. And he said unto them that he too would go, but he too would return. And he went, therefore, unto the stream, and he did give prayer unto the Lord that all things would be as they were when he returned.

And the Lord said back unto him, “DID NOT I SEND HE [GO] BEFORE YOU TO PREPARE THIS PLACE?”

And he said into the Lord, “Yes, I know, and I hear, for I see the three guardians.”

Now many, many years passed. Many came and left this valley. And soon even the word was gone, but not forgotten.

The valley has been given back, and therefore, a place has been provided.

We have told you before, that the one you wait for is upon the Earth. One day he shall come into your valley, as he had before. And from where he lays his hand, the dimensions of a new Earth shall grow — for the kiva of the springs are the three spirits, and the fourth spirit is the spirit of the one who came before, and the fifth spirit, making all things whole and holy, was that of the Messiah.

Place there in stone these things that we have asked you. And soon, flowers shall grow all around you, for soon that time shall come, the time when the hand shall be laid forth. Therefore, we ask you this night to let that sacred place within you begin to grow and release itself, all, therefore, about you. And let it grow in your hearts, for the most important one that shall be placed there shall be, “Love one another,” for it is the eleventh Commandment.

There are two others which we shall give you when the time is right. [Editor’s note: Please see the “Afterglow” in the April 1982 newsletter, Rays of Philosophy, for an explanation or the note below.]

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [14–456–1…Litchfield Park], ‘Please give me a health reading and any other advice.’”

(Chuckle) We see thy need. But the health reading you do not need, for you know, therefore; all those things that lie within you, you have brought unto soul Ray. You also know the advice that we would give you is a very simple thing — be happy.

Love is a wonderful and beautiful thing. Do not allow it to bring hardship or burden into your life, for there is not need for that. The freedom of love is the kindness of all things; yet man makes it so complicated. If you see a flower and it is beautiful to your eyes, and [to] smell the fragrance brings total satisfaction to your nose, and when you reach and pick it up it is smooth and delicate in your hands, you do not have to think of its wilting. You do not have to think of it dying. It is a thing to appreciate at the time when you hold it in your hands.

Love is like the wind, tame but untamed, cooling and refreshing, yet it carries the storms. Yet the storm shall pass and in its place a bright new day shall arrive, and maybe a new love with this day.

Love is a word you use so often, yet know not the meaning of. Yet the moment given from one to another is worth a lifetime of all other emotions. In some ways it may be stored in the memories of your mind for all of eternity, for once it has been there, and you hold it in a delicate manner, nothing can change it. Though time may dim the memories of the emotion, yet even time has a way of sweetening the taste.

Do not become confused, for the love that soul Ray has given you is eternal. It is a love that a father would give to his daughter, as God would give to His child. It has not changed nor altered.

Do not become confused with the paths that lay before you. Touch them with love. But there is one thing that can destroy love — if you smother it, if you take the flower and crush it in your hands.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [14–456–2…Litchfield Park, Arizona]. ‘Please give me any health reading and any advice.’”

We see thy need also. And we shall answer your question for your health the same as we have before. Soul Ray knows your health and your problems, and that that has been needed has been placed in his heart, his hand, and his mind.

We have answered the second part of your question with that of your sister’s, and with the first part of the reading. Therefore — [long pause].

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [14–456–5]. She asks, ‘What is next in my life, and what direction do I take?’”

And we shall answer your question in this manner. You have come to the fountain to drink. Be patient, and all those things that are necessary shall flow into your life. Let it come one at a time. Listen unto the words of soul Ray unto you, for the words he has given to you was given to you with great wisdom.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [14–456–4]. She asks, ‘What is the main cause of recurring pain in the left chest and back?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we have before us the body, the soul, and the spirit of the

same. And we shall answer your question in this manner. The circulation within your body is not complete. This of the new virus, or the old virus, whichever you care to call it, is the main source of the pain. Soon that shall be gone, and even that which carries it shall be gone, [and] defaced of your earth.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Regarding that statement, I just wondered if the bacteria that was developed to eat Agent Orange is the same bacteria that will attack these viruses?”

It and others, for the meanest, [or] the greatest, shall come forth to destroy these bacterias, for it shall become, in the form in which you would know as, the wind of God. And soon your land shall feel it. Fear it not. Some shall.

You have questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [14–456–6]. He asks for ‘the cause of right leg circulation and right hip joint problems.’”

We see your need. These questions have already been answered by soul Ray.

Now we should say unto you unto this time. Take from our words, if you wish, and make them your own. Give praise unto one another. And when you do so, God shall be giving praise unto you. Give glory to one another, and God shall be giving glory unto you.

For we say to you, once was a man who thought he had lost everything, and an angel appeared unto him and said, “God shall come to you this night.”

He waited patiently. And first an old cobbler came to his door in need of bread. And the man gave him bread. And then, a bird came, and lit upon his window sill, and it had a crippled wing and it was hungry. And he gave healing unto the bird and fed the bird, and the bird left. A child came unto the door, and he was lost, and he fed him and he showed him the path. The day was soon to finish. And in his anxiety of waiting for the Lord to appear, he fell asleep.


He awoke the next day happier than he had ever been in his life. From that day forward, unto all things he came in contact with, he treated them with the greatest of respect, for he knew that into each of these dwelt the Lord. And the Lord had truly visited him, not that day, but into all days.

Now is the time of the Messiah.

Now, awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1982 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.

Editor’s note: The book, The Valley and Promise of a Christmas Star, and the April 1982 AUP newsletter, Rays of Philosophy, describes the Salado culture of indigenous Indians and the Hopi culture, local to the Dripping Springs-Globe, Arizona, area.

Hopi legend tells of the Creator, His Nephew, and Spider woman, to whom the Creator tasked to make the world, plants and the five colors of people. Nephew destroyed the Second World when Spider Woman told him that the people had forgotten to sing praises to the Creator and only praised material things. Each time the people have forgotten the Creator their civilization was destroyed.

A kiva is a ceremonial chamber. The grotto containing the waters of the healing spring is shaped like a kiva without a roof. Beneath the Dripping Springs are Ray Elkins’ boots beside one of the Ten Commandments, “Thou shall not bear false witness.” Aka asked that we carve all the Commandments and place them at the Springs.


June 12, 1982

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God. Glory be the name of He who shall be.

For we say unto thee unto this way, unto this manner — for we shall say unto you the parable of the moneylender.

For he lived within a community, and he used his, what wealth he had, to loan unto other people for their needs — the money to buy homes, to buy means of transportation, and sometimes, just to buy food. The people within the community, their hearts had grown hard against this one, except when they needed money. Then they would be back at his door asking for more.

And he gave more.

And he asked that they repay that that he gave them. And as any goods that were sold, he asked to make a small profit. Those that borrowed the money could not see the many employees that were necessary to run his business. They [could] also not see the costs that he had to endure when they did not pay. None of these things could they see.

But one day the moneylender had lent out all the money that he had, and there was no more. Yet all the people believed there were. And because they came to him and said, “Let me borrow this amount and that,” they thought that his heart had grown hard toward them. And soon they were cursing him, and saying what a great miser he was. And soon they said all kinds of abomination against this man. And it was not long until they had thrust upon him the breaking of all commandments. When he went into his place of worship, even the minister talked in such a manner that he knew that he was not welcome.

One day the moneylender sold out to another moneylender all the paper that he had.

And all the paper that he had was sold to another man whose heart said, “These people shall pay that which they owe.” And he did bring about the payment of these debts.

The people were angry with this moneylender, but they blamed the other one, for when he sold, he had sold to the other moneylender for very little of the money he had placed out, which had left him a poor man. But through wise investment, he made money again. And he became a moneylender again.

And he went back to the same town. And once again the people were to take the same advantage of him.
Now we say unto you, you who have thought that those who deal in money are evil people, these people are much like God in a sense of the word. You call on them in the time of need. And you want to make sure that they fulfill your needs and your wants. You call on them in a time of greed.

But when the Lord comes for His just dues, and when the Lord says unto you, “GIVE BACK UNTO ME ONE TENTH OF THE LOVE WHICH I HAVE SHARED WITH YOU,” you refuse.

And you say unto yourselves, “What use have I for this Lord which I cannot see? What use have I?”
The Lord is like the moneylender. You only call upon Him in your times of need. When was the last time you invited the moneylender to your house and said, “Come, take of my food, not because I want of your money, because I want of your love.” When was the last time that you asked the Lord to sit down at your table and eat from your table, and share your bounty? When was the last time that you thanked Him?
We have said these things not to belittle you, not to make you feel bad. We have said these things to show you that wealth is not a crime, that wanting a material thing is not a crime, into man or God, for all things that you ask for, the Lord has given you, and shall give you.

We say these things unto you that you might, in the privacy of your own hearts, say unto the Lord, “My God, come into me. Let me be part of You, for I open my doorway that you may enter. Sit at my table and share my house.” And truly, you shall bring forth the kingdom of God upon the earth.

You have many questions, ask.
“Yes, Aka, thank you. I have a question from [14–457–1…Seattle, Washington]. ‘How soon will I make a move?’”
Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer your question in this manner. It has already started within your mind. The actual physical movement, which you speak of, that also can happen at any moment which you wish it to. You must make up your mind. We shall not do that for you. We know the direction in which you shall go. But rather than remove your freedom of choice, we shall leave that up to you. But, it shall be soon, within the month.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Is there anything that we can do for [8–338–2]?”

We shall answer in this manner. That that was taken of free choice cannot be interfered with. We told you before, a long time before, of a person who would come among you with dark hair, who would seem to have a great knowledge, and [who] you would take unto your bosoms, yet would be as a serpent. We say unto you, give prayer unto her, that she may find that that is needed within her heart to be transformed.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [14–457–2]. He asks, ‘I have applied for a counselor’s position in Pyote, Texas. Do you feel that I will be accepted for this position?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner — yes, but I would look unto another field that is closer to your home.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. A question from [14–457–3…El Paso, Texas]: ‘Do I have the qualification for psychic healing? Are the visions I have real or imagined?’”

You have asked us in your questions to verify your own thoughts, and we will say, they are both. The separation of these thoughts must come from within you. The dreamer sees the building that shall be there one day. The dreamer and the builder can be as one, and make the building appear. The same can happen when the dreamer dreams of the healing of the body. He should have the knowledge of how the body is built, and then proceed to rebuild it, to restore it. If you wish this, then we say unto you, for what you ask for, you must first show God of your willingness to serve mankind, and you first must serve before you shall be allowed the servitude which you speak of.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [10–389–2…Tucson], ‘I need a career badly and would like to write. I expect to supplement that with a part-time job. I could also teach art privately. Can you recommend the writing? Also, I would love to know my purpose here in this life. Thank you, Aka.’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. First, we shall answer into a manner which you shall not like, for we shall speak to you in truth.

First, you are not a writer; you are not a journalist. You have tried this before and you have failed, because it is not the expression of art that you seek, it is the expression of yourself. There is nothing wrong with that. But unto each house, or unto each mind, gifts were given. Yours was given in a different area. Your gift could be, if you wished to pursue it, in the molding and the sculpturing of the granite, and in the painting that could follow. For the financial needs that you need, this also should come.

But forget these things which you think you need, for you have forgotten how to walk at the bottom of the mountain first, and then to the top. Sometimes it is harder to start at the top of the mountain and go to the bottom than it is to start at the bottom first, and climb up. For in the climbing, you learn how to climb; in the descending, you have learned how to descend by climbing.

We say unto you, unto all of you, soul Ray is still very weak, and therefore, we shall not abuse his body at this time, or overuse it, because it is still healing.

You asked unto us these questions, why did we not bring total healing unto his body? And we say unto you, have you not found strength within yourselves that you did not know was there by being allowed to give unto him? Did it not bring happiness into you to know that you had within you the love and caring to bring healing into his body? Would you have us not let you share this? It has been a beautiful experience. It has also allowed you to show your Father how much you care for Him, for in that you have given into His servant, you have given unto the Father.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. We say unto you, bind together. Share, one unto the other. And soon those signs which you wish to see shall be given to you to see in all parts of your lands. Soon those things which you wish for shall come unto reality. And soon you shall walk into your own house of God, and it shall come, first in two places, and then in three.

And after the three, then we’ll show you how to multiply once again. Remember, there is no greater joy for the teacher than when the teacher sees their pupils go beyond the steps they have. We have taught you long, yet now we see the wisdom of your footsteps, for they are with purpose now. They are with love and compassion. The Father has [seen]. We have saw. And soon the world shall see. For the mountain which you stand upon shall spread unto the four corners of the universe.

Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1982 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona 85502


July 23, 1982

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we say unto thee unto this parable.

For the Lord of Hosts did bring forth upon the earth three very wise men. And the Lord of Hosts did bring forth in another part of the world three wise men. And in another part of the world He brought forth three wise men. And fromanother part He brought forth three wise men. And each prayed and prayed [a] long and many hours, for they were sure that the longer they prayed, and the louder they prayed, they were sure that God would hear them.

Now each was waiting patiently for a messenger of the Lord to come unto them. Now one lived in the north, the other the south, the other east, the other the west. And each thought that the place they lived was the only and the greatest place upon the all of the earth and all the universes.

And they prayed so loud, the echo of their voices soon rang around the earth. And the others began to hear them. And they thought that this echo was an echo of themselves, so they prayed even louder. One day they decided they would prayall day and all night, that one would stay awake and continue in their loud prayers, for the Lord of Hosts would hear them.

And from the north, as they prayed, a young man walked up to the one who was praying in such a loud and boastful voice, and said, “Who are you talking to?”

Of course, this wise person had prayed so long and so loud that he could barely hear the other man. And he wasn’tquite sure whether he should stop and answer the young man’s question or not, because he was afraid if he stopped, the Lord would not hear. So, he went on praying louder and louder.

So the young man went on. And soon he reached the east, and there he asked, who were they talking to? They felt that they were the only ones that were talking to the Lord, and if they stopped talking to [Him], the Lord would not hear. So they would not answer the young man.

The young man went to the south, and asked once again, “Who are you talking to?”

And they felt that if they stopped talking, the Lord of Hosts would not hear their prayer. And therefore, they chose also to ignore the young man.

The young man went on to the east [west], and there he asked, “Who are you talking to?”

And they said unto him, “We shall stop talking only to answer your question, but one of us must continue talking to the Lord.” And so, one shouted while the other answered the question.

The young man said, “Why do you shout in such a loud voice?”

He said, “So that the Lord, our God, might hear us, the Lord of Hosts.”

The young man said, “Is He the same God that those in the east and the west and the north and the south have?”

And those of the west said, “Yes, but there is no east, there is no north, there is no south; we are the all that worshipthe God.”

And the young man said, “Nay, there are others.”

They could not believe this. It was an unbelievable thing to them. How could this be so; how could the Lord allow others to worship Him? And so they became quite angry, and they decided that they would not shout to the Lord.

When they stopped shouting to the Lord, those of the north and the south, not hearing the echo coming from thewest they thought that was themselves, stopped shouting to the Lord. And that from the east, not hearing any echo, any sound, stopped shouting to the Lord.

And so those of the west, said to the young man, “See, if what you say is true, then there is no sound.”

The young man said, “Come, I shall show you.”

So the young man took them to the edge of a cavern and said, “Follow this cavern and you shall find that of the truth.”

And he went to the north and said, “Follow this cavern and you shall find that of the truth.”

He went to the east and said, “Follow this cavern, and you shall find that of the truth.” He went to the south and said the same thing.

Well, as it happened, they all met in the center of the earth. (Chuckle) And as you know, the center of the earth was a rumored place where Lucifer lived. And they all were so sure of this. And as they met each other, they each decided that the other was Lucifer. And they decided that their only way to rid themselves of each other was to shout praise unto the Lord.

Well, when they all shouted praise unto the Lord, the bowels of the earth, not being able stand such loud noises, decided to have earthquakes upon the earth. And so, therefore, they were erupted upward, and soon found themselves, not in the north, the east or the west, but all mixed up into different places upon the earth.

Now we say unto you, the Lord, God, has strange and mysterious ways, but are they strange? Are they any stranger than your own? God does not argue over who is God. God knows who is God. God is satisfied with any temple, which is man. The house of the Lord’s which you built, He is satisfied with those also.

But when you decide that you have found the true and only way to the Lord, and when you shout at others and it becomes warm and hot and you are sure you are in hell, that is the day that you shall be, for you have made your hell. Foreven Lucifer has eardrums that could be burst.

If you wish to walk upon the earth, and wish for God to hear you, it is not how loud you speak, it is the way youspeak, from the heart of yourself.

Yes, God notices those who stand on street corners, and find soap boxes to stand upon, to shout and tell you you are sinners, that you’re all going to hell, that you are blasphemous, that you have taken all His commandments and done themwrong. God had heard all of these things. And one day — and that day, thank God, is not too far away — the Lord, God, shall empty His bowels upon the earth. And then, you shall hear the whisper.

So why must all this be necessary? Why should it be necessary you condemn one another? Why can you not loveone another? It is nothing new.

You say you are Christians. Yet you say, “I could love this person, but there are these small things. This person is alittle better looking than I.” Or, “This person is green or purple, and if they would only change their color.” In truth, what does it take for you to commit the one act that God has asked you, to love one another, to take hatred from your hearts, and cast it aside?

In truth, these twelve wise men were not wise. They had shouted so long they had become deaf. They had blindedthemselves with their own self-importance, until they knew not where they were. Look unto yourselves and “judge not, leste ye be judged.” Take not the words of God and say, “This is the words of God, for I have heard the spirits.” The spirits that were sent to you were for you, but not necessarily meant for someone else.

We say that the chapel, as it is concentrated unto all segments, unto all places, shall be open to the earth and the heavens. [Editor’s note: A new chapel was consecrated in December 1982 on Dripping Springs Road, Arizona.] And laughter shall come unto you, and praise shall be sung from you. For look into a child’s smile, and you shall see God. Look unto laughter, and there is God, all around you, within you and without you. You do not need to shout for Him to hear you, forHe knows you are there, for you have forgotten you were created by God, and you are unlike any other person upon this world and all others. You are unique in kind. Does that not show you that God loves you?

You have thought in your minds that the times of war, the times of earthquake, the times of famine are here before you. This is true. How many times have we told you, let not the Seventh Seal be opened? How many times, in how many ways, in how many parables have we said the same thing, “Love one another.”

Soul Ray now grows weary.

And you shall say into your hearts, “Once again they have spoken as unto riddles. They have shocked us; they have pleased us; they have teased us; and they have given us some knowledge. Why do they not pick us up and show us all of the truth of God?”

And we say unto you, unto each of you lies the truth; unto each of you lies the knowledge. But there is but one total and complete truth, love one another. If you wish to start this, do it now, this moment. Cast out of you your hatreds. Cast out of you your jealousies. If [for] one has something you do not have, be glad for them. But all things that God has given you, do not cast dirt upon it, for it is all beautiful. And those things He shares within His children are beautiful. For men and women are like flowers upon the field, each a different color, each reaching to the heaven in its own way, yet the beauty of it all is beyond your spoken words.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1982 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona 85502


July 30, 1982

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy needs, and we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of the children of God. And glory be the name of the people of the universe.

And we shall say unto you unto this way, unto this manner.

For in the land of the valley, there came into it many people, each with their own ideas, each with the things that they would desire to have and to keep unto themselves.

Some brought forth with them the cuttings of many plants, that they would sprout forth unto trees and bear fruit. Some brought forth whole plants, whole trees, and put there forth into the earth. Others brought forth seed. And the earth did yield an abundance of all things to feed the people and to clothe them.

And there were those who brought forth the written word. And the written word was knowledge.

And so, all the people gathered from around and about and they brought forth unto themselves counsel. And they said unto themselves, “Let us cast out this written word, for it has been used before to destroy ourselves, our livelihoods, for the written word has been brought forth in forms that were lies.”

Another, of the wiser, said unto them, “If you shall cast this aside, then cast aside the spoken word also, for it should come forth in both truth and lies.”

They all thought upon this.

And it was true. So they decided, therefore, that they would not do away with the written word, but they must pass a law, the law of the lands, against the lying in the printing of the written word. And all from around and about did say unto each other, “What sort of punishment shall be fitting those who should violate this law?”

Some thought of hard labor. Others thought of imprisonment.

But then those in the valley said, “We have no room to build prisons in this valley.”

And others said, “We have no people to watch after those who would do hard labor.”

And others said, “Then let us bring death unto them.”

Once again, the wise one said unto them, “For what is the difference in murder? Is not murder a planned and plotted thing? Is it not the killing? And we say unto you, no, let it be that only a life be taken for a life. Let this one who shall trespass upon the Commandments of God be sent forth, and be judged by God.”

So, this one who did this, and printed lies into written words, they sent them into the high place. And they provided him food and water. And each thirty days they came to see what God had given him as punishment.

Each day, as they came forth, they saw in this one something different, something lost. And so they did bring him down after six months. And they said unto him, “What has God told you? What punishment has He befitted upon you?”

And this one looked into all their eyes and said, “Loneliness. For you placed me upon the mountain so that God could judge me, yet I found not God there, but only myself. For it is not the high place that God dwells, but in the hearts of men and women.”

Now we say unto you, to walk alone without God, in either world, is the loneliness of all lonelies. For to have theworld without God would be nothing. Look closely into the things you write, into the things you say unto one another, andsay the best you can to another. And sometimes the truth may hurt, but it will be the best that can be said or done or written. But judge yourselves not too harshly, for what is truth to one man may not be truth at all to another.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading from [14–459–1…Las Cruces, New Mexico]. She would like to know if she is following her divine design also?”

(Chuckle) We shall answer that last, but not the first at this time, for soul Ray has not gained his strength back. And so that we should not take, but add unto him, we shall answer the last ques­tion.

Divine footsteps of all man and yourselves is that which you make them. You have cast your lot into the preparation [of] the coming of the Messiah. Take it in such a way that it becomes a reality. The rock unto which we have spoken many times, unto which we shall build, has been your bodies and souls, your spirits everlasting.

And we say unto you, as the church is born it shall soon need the roses for the rose garden. Bring it forth. [Note: A church to God on Dripping Springs Road, Arizona]

There are many things that we shall say unto you. And one of these things we shall say unto you is, blessed be the name of the Lord, thy God. And blessed be the holy place in thy heart where the Lord may dwell.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [14–459–2…El Paso]; ‘Can I expect assistance from my deceased friend, B_____, in solving technical problems. If so, what form will the help be in?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. If a man should lose his hand and pray unto the Lord, God, that he should receive assistance, then God should send forth those who have lost their hand and shall know of such things. AndHe shall send them forth from both sides.

We shall say unto you, you seem to think because a person has died that he becomes a technical genius. This is not true. He is no smarter, no wiser, than when he lived upon the earth. It is only when he has reached beyond himself that he can tap into the temple of knowledge. All things that have ever been are still. All knowledge that was before and shall be again, lies within this. Look unto these places for thy answers.

We are sorry; we have not meant to embarrass you or to belittle you in any manner. But if you need this, this crutch, to tap into your own mind [and] knowledge, then do so.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [14–459–3…El Paso]. ‘What more can I do to bring spiritual, mental, physical, and financial health into my life?’”

(Chuckle) Pray.

You have other questions.

“Thank you.”

We shall say unto you unto these words, soul Ray now grows weary.

And therefore, we shall answer this question of the one who reaches from the other lands. And we shall say unto you, your body is not perfect, and the Government is like a body, it is not perfect. But it is the most perfect form of government that you have on this world today. It has faults, many. But a government is only as good as the people shall make it. If there are laws in your land that should be changed, then cast your heart and soul into them and change them.

But we say unto you, a government, like anything, must have a revenue; it must have a means of support. If you strip this totally and completely — it should be regulated in the means which it is [taking] from the people. It should be as a tithing given unto God.

But we say unto you, look at the aged; look at the sick of your land. Your Social Security laws must be changed, that the Social Security that they receive is something that they have earned. It is not a gift from the Government. Stop this bad law, a law that makes criminals of honest people. Give them that that is theirs. Let them earn that that is theirs, and let them pay taxes on that that is theirs.

You do not understand from which we speak; then we shall explain, in your form and in your way. Your Social Security has been paid for and belongs to the people who paid for it. It is not a political ball, and politicians should be stripped from it. Second, since it is a payment been paid, and should be paid back, regardless of how much a person makes, they should receive their payment, allowing them to receive it and continue to pay taxes on anything that they make beyond this. Let them also continue to pay into the Social Security fund if they wish. In this way, the Social Security form that you have would not disappear from the face of the earth, and the hope of the many would not disappear with it.

For of all the laws that you have, if this law continues, if this means continues, then this land that you say is by God’s word and by God’s hand, then you have lied, for it is not God’s way to give you with one hand and take away with another. This land shall feel the wrath of God unto four and fourscore years.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1982 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


August 6, 1982

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we shall say unto thee, for those who should ask, things that they should ask for shall be provided, as long as they do not interfere with that of the free will of another.

In asking, you shall receive. If you ask for knowledge, then knowledge shall be given. If you ask for a material thing, that shall be given. But we should say unto you unto this manner, a man would have little use for what you would call, for a yacht, in the middle of a desert. Nor would he have very much use for an oasis in the middle of a lake. Nor would he need more ice in Alaska, or the Antarctic. What we are saying unto you, ask that in propor­tion to your needs and it shall be provided.

We shall say unto thee this parable.

For the farmer had land that was rich in abundance. But on the land he called his bad land, in one place there bubbled forth that substance known as oil. He looked upon it in contempt because it ruined the land around it. In anotherplace came forth hot water from the ground in an artesian manner. He looked at this with contempt. But that of the hot water gradually seeped over and formed a natural lake. And in the farther corners, as the water cooled, an abundance of fish grew. And the farmer took his leisure in fishing from the lake.

And one day came forth men with knowledge of oil and refining. And they gave him much money for that of the oilwell that bubbled to the surface.

Another day, another came by and offered much money for the artesian hot water. And he said to him, “We shall continue to provide you water for your lake.”

The farmer did not fully understand, but he liked the money. And so, with the hot waters they pro­duced muchpower, energy. And, as the water cooled, it went into his lakes, and provided the water for his lakes. Soon he had morewater than he had ever had before, and he was pumping the water in­to his fields, and using the energy that came from thepower that was produced by the hot water. And soon he was buying his fuel at the refinery where the old oil well stood.

And one day he got to thinking, “Why did I not think of these things? Why did I not put a refinery where my oil well was? Why did I not make a power plant where my hot water was?”

He became quite vengeful. But the people went on producing both. Then he became hard in his heart, and he went somewhere else to buy his electricity, and he went somewhere else to buy his gasoline and oil. But those who had agreed to pay him royalties continued, each month, to send him their check. They did not notice that he had gone some place else to buy his oil. They did not notice that he had gone some place else to buy his electricity.

Now, on another farm there had come forth in the same manner of oil and hot water. And many came forth, andthey stole the land that the hot water was upon, and they paid no royalties. And another came forth and he stole the oilfrom beneath the land. And the farmer looked upon them and knew not what to do.

And then one day, the farmer who was receiving royalties came upon him, and said, “What a stupid man you are,” and went on his way, still being mad at all parties.

But others of his neighbors came forth, and they saw that which [had] happened to him, how he had been cheated.And they stood together and they said, “We shall not buy the oil that comes from this land. We shall not buy the electricity that comes from this power source. But we shall go farther, and anyone who buys or sells from this power source, we shall not do business with them.”

More and more of his neighbors and friends did bind together, until finally those who had stolen were out of business. And they left and they went away. And in their place came honest men.

Now, we say unto you, the parable is true with each of you this day. By yourselves you have little strength. Bindtogether, with one decision, and you have the strength, that you [are] needed, to carve your way into the history of the world, that you may and your people may survive.

If you do not find this way to bind together, you shall soon perish. And all the land around you shall perish with you. For it is you who can preserve the land, the energy, and all these things that you need, but you must do it together.

You have built a church unto the Lord, God. When you have placed a roof upon it, make there fast a service that all thy people may attend. And all may have the choice to invite God into their hearts, but also to invite God into the house of God, for that is when a meeting place becomes a church, when the people within it invite God to enter.

You have many questions. And one we shall answer, first, unto the one who would ask of their past ties with the Indian. What you were has little bearing on who you are. You are honored this day for what you are, right now, at this place, at this time, and you are all parts of anything you might have been. It is because of the way you conduct yourself now, is the way you are treated by others.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [14–460–1…Santa Fe, New Mexico]. He says, ‘I do spiritual healing work now. I want to know if the God energy will flow through me more powerfully, and when? Is my path to be a spiritual or psychic healer?’”

We shall answer both questions with one simple answer. The choice is yours. But if you shall wish to be that which you say, then you shall reach the point of no return. And at that point you shall know that the body, the mind, the soul, and the immortal body belongs to God, and not to you anymore, for you have given them freely up to Him to deliver.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [14–460–2…Santa Teresa, New Mexico], ‘Am I fulfilling the mission I was sent here to complete?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. Many people come to the rose garden to see the roses. Few walk up to the gardener and say, “Let me learn how to tend the roses, how to make them grow, how to make them beautiful.” When that choice, which is now, and all, forever, when you have made it, the rose garden lies at your feet. You have seen it.You are like Muhammad that has been brought to the mountain, and the mountain has been brought to Muhammad. Itmeans little difference, until you are ready to apply yourself, fully, completely, and compassionately.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [14–460–3…Santa Teresa, New Mexico]. ‘Will the balance of my life be happy?’”

(Chuckle) You ask a question − as a ship maker would build a ship and cast it upon the sea with neither a captain or a crew and say, “Bon voyage, forever and ever.” Within this ship of your soul, if you wish it to be happy, it shall be so.But no road goes anywhere unless it winds and turns and twists and has some bumps. How you take those bumps can either be with great sadness or happiness. It is your choice.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [5–206–2] and [2–33–1]. They ask, ‘We would like to know where we’ve known F______ before?’”

(Sigh) We told you once to study of Philip and his journey. We told you once to study of that of the city of Lazarus and her journey. Cannot Lazarus rise?

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [14–460–5…Globe, Arizona]. ‘I would like to know what is my gift and how do I use it?’”

We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. And we shall say unto you, you have a gift, and the gift is kindness. Yet you are afraid to show it. You have a gift of gentleness, a gift of giving others hope and joy. Youhave other gifts. You have a gift, should you choose to use it, of that of the artist in sculpturing. You have the gift of God within you. All lie before you. It is your choice what road you shall take.

But you also have a gift within you, a gift of healing, a gift of calming the waters before you. If you wish to begin this, begin by joining hands with the others within the organization to form what would be called a youth program, to expand the knowledge of youths in the teachings of the same.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [14–460–6…Alabama], ‘Will I ever marry again, and if, yes, when? Also can you give me any information on the sale of my property?’”

On the sale of your property, you shall have three offers. Take the second. It shall be the one that has, as you would call it, “the proof in the pudding.”

As of the marriage, offers shall come. The choice shall be yours. The time and the place shall be yours.

And now we say unto you, soul Ray grows tired.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. The Fifth Angel walks your earth.

Look unto the “self” of yourselves. Look unto thee that is you. Study it. Know of it. Rejoice in it. But also rejoice in your brethren.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1982 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


August 13, 1982

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we shall say unto thee the parable.

For from this land there came a prophet. And those things that he did prophesy did come true. And he brought forth mighty teachings. And he said unto the people, “This is the way, the true way, and there can be no other.”

The people thought upon this. And one day the prophet died. And the people came together, and said, “We have seen the light, and we have seen the truth, and there can be no other. And therefore, we must preserve for all time this truth.”

So they did find a mighty rock upon a mighty mountain, and they began to dig. And they dug in night and day. And they dug past forty days. And they dug more than forty days. And they dug into another great [old] mountain of [might]. And there, they stopped digging. And they brought forth all the writings, and all the sayings of the prophet. And they did seal this tomb away.

Now in another land, a farmer decided to dig a well. And he saw a spring that came from a hill, and he thought, “If I dig this spring out, and the hole therefore in, it shall retain the water.”

He began to dig. And he dug, and he dug. And suddenly the earth gave beneath him, and he was in a mighty chamber. And there was all of these writings.

And he looked upon them, and they were in [a] strange tongue. And they had been laid upon bronze plates to preserve them, yet they looked new.

And so he rushed forth unto the mighty scientists of his land. And they came forth, and laid down the plates. And they came to the conclusion that even though the plates looked to be very new, and of the newest art of manufacturing plates, but because they had been buried in this huge tomb, that they must be very old, and must contain great knowledge.

And so, they brought from the tomb, and built a huge shrine and placed within the shrine all the messages − and across the land, to transcribed these secrets.

And finally, in another land came one who could dissolve the riddle. And he found a way that he could read. And the first thing that he found and deciphered were these words, “If there is any truth upon the earth, then all things are true.”

Now the people who had dug the shaft and had made the code into the plates heard of this great find of knowledge. Not realizing that it was their own, they had sent an envoy to journey into this land. And they saw the plates, and what magnificent thing they were, for they were exactly like those that they had buried. So they knew that they were true. And they came forth and said, “This is a great find, for we know this to be the truth, the very only truth. And therefore, now the whole world has it.”

The farmer went back to find another place to dig his well, and thought to himself, “I shall leave all these things of such importance to the scientists and great religious leaders of the world.” So he went on the other side of his mountain and found another spring, dug a well, drew from it daily. The water was sweet and satisfied his thirst and that of all his animals and his children, and his children’s children. And that was the truth, for within the [farmer] he had found truth.

So we say unto you, if that that you find satisfies you, it makes a little difference how long it has been in the ground. For there is nothing new under the sun, for everything you find, God put it there in the beginning and knew of it.

For every truth you see, it is the other side of the sword. And for every lie that you find may be the truth of tomorrow, for the best of liars place some of the truth within their lie.

So what is the truth, the whole truth? And we say unto you, when God placed forth the vineyards upon the earth, He did not start them to fermenting. Man started them to fermenting. God did not make the first wine; man made the first wine, but God provided the means. And He made many types and ways this fermentation could take place. He showed man the way to make fermentation.

If the wine that you drink satisfies your taste, that’s all that’s necessary. If it makes you happy, and rejoice, then you have found the truth for yourself. But it is not necessary to force your truth upon your neighbor. If he chooses a different wine be happy for him.

Soon the day shall come when you shall spend your first day of dedication and prayer unto your church. Know that the truth that you speak in your church is the truth of God. But bid God enter, dedicating this house of worship to the Lord of Hosts, dedicating those things you wish to give of yourself do so freely.

Seeing this for the first time shall be a great thing for you, for you have waited long for these days. But dedicate your church into all truths.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, thank you. I have a question from [14–461–1…Albuquerque, New Mexico]. And he asks for the exact time, hour and minute, of birth, if you could give it to him, please.”

9:22 a.m.

“Thank you.”

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, [14–461–2…born May 26, 1925…] asks, ‘Please, Aka, my exact hour of birth.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall say unto you, 2:22 a.m. But that would not be totally true, for your mother had a long labor. You began to breathe the air the day before, before midnight, two minutes before midnight. The head had emerged from the womb; therefore, your birth into the Earth itself, onto the Earth, and into the Earth’s atmosphere occurred the day before your birth certificate states. The precise time is 11:58 p.m.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, she also asks the meaning of, if you will explain the meaning of Matthew, chapter 24, verses 15 through 28, especially verse 28; quote: “Wherever the body or carcass is, there the eagles will be gathered together,” in the New Testament.’ She asks what this means.”

I have just explained it in your birth. You have arrived upon the Earth at the time of man − your arrival upon the Earth at the time of God, and your arrival upon the Earth upon your own time. We should go on to explain the eagle. Because of its strength, and the shape of the eagle, many countries [have] used it as [it’s] a symbol, to guide them into greatness. The sign of the eagle would be the sign[s] of your birth and the sign unto which you would take into Egyptian and Sumerian astrology.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for [12–419–5] who is in childbirth, has been in labor for about 31 or 32 hours. And she has asked for assistance.”

It has been given and shall be given. Fear not.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, thank you. [8–350–2, born…1905…Litchfield Park, Arizona] asks, ‘Would you please give me a health reading, also healing? I love you.’”

We see thy need, and we shall say unto thee unto these words. The reading is not necessary. The help that you shallneed shall be given. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

Now we should say unto you unto these questions, and into these words. We have told you long before that we’dprovide for the needs of those who would bring servitude unto the Lord. When we men­tion the word, servitude, you immediately assume you are a servant, you are a slave of God. No. Servitude in this respect, or in this manner of speech, means that you have taken the yoke of the love of God upon your shoulders to carry, that you should stop and give it where needed, that it shall bring great joy into your lives.

But we say unto you the joy is like the bud of a rose. First, we see only the beginning, and then day by day it grows in hope; it grows and blossoms into the fullness and gladness of mankind, only to pass away. But once it has occurred upon the earth, it can never stop happening, for it has passed that way that time, and to you who seems such a short time, yet itshall be eternal, never beginning and never ending.

Now soul Ray grows very tired.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1982 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


Study the readings from each year from the 1970 to the 1989 in this publication, The Words of Aka, spiritual messengers of God.

How did the readings begin? See “We Give This Message from Our Father.”

See all the articles in the publication on, “A Stairway to Heaven.”

Would you like to join the Association of Universal Philosophy the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, asked us to form? Here’s how. Then send us an email at or, or message us on our Facebook page, Association of Universal Philosophy, to let us know where you email your newsletter, “Rays of Philosophy.”

All of these readings have been gathered together for you in three books — the philosophy, the past-life readings, and health readings — as the Book with Wings series. Study and learn from them this way.

And be blessed!



The Words — of Aka, spiritual messengers of God

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.