The 1985 Readings
January 4, 11; February 1, 22; March 1, 15; May 3, 17, 24, 31; June 7, 28; July 12; October 9; November 29 (Two transcripts are missing: March 22? and July 14?)
January 4, 1985
Globe, Arizona
Aka is here.
“Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”
Soul Ray stands with God.
Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto thee, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.
Before we venture forth into other areas and questions, we shall answer the question utmost in all of your minds. We have told you before [that] the year of 1985 was the year that war could come unto your land.
Nothing is preordained. All man need do to change his destiny is but turn around, to be transformed. This is true for one man, or all mankind. These things are possible, but normally not probable. Should the present course of events continue, you shall find yourself in warfare before the end of the new year.
If you yourselves could think of the reality of nuclear arms − you have nuclear shells for cannon; you have nuclear-guided rockets for tanks; you have anti-nuclear personnel artillery − there is not one area where if you could fire one bullet, there is not a nuclear bullet to take its place. You have graduated yourself into laser and ultrasound, which at the present time outdates and puts behind you nuclear war. Yet, there are those who would use it. There are those who would use germ warfare without declaring war. All of these many probabilities are before you, and choices.
Now, you say unto us, “Now that the time is at hand, what should we do? Shall we take and bare ourselves and wait until each step is taken and happens?” And we say unto you, nay. Do not do this. When the time grows near in this day, and the days are at hand, we shall tell you.
For those who wish survival during these periods of time, we would suggest now is the time to build; now is the time to store. In storing we mean not food alone, for books are as important as food. There are many ways that you may prepare yourselves. Yet there is another way. You may prepare yourself to leave this world, to pass through. The choice is but yours.
But above all things, do not run like frightened children. Do not stop living your lives and hiding in caves. The time will prove itself, when the man shall crawl out of his caves once again. A new Atlantis shall rise again.
We shall also say unto you, because of the [temperate] weather, things shall be more harsher.
But remember, there is a good side to every bad; there is an opposite. And there is good that can come from bad if you only look at it in that manner. So we say to you, go on with your daily lives. Prepare yourselves to live. And part of that living is not crawling in a hole. It is living each day unto the fullest, and planning for a future. If enough of you plan for a future, if enough of you reach outward and inward, all that we have said will pass by and never happen.
Now we say unto you, you have many questions, ask.
“Thank you, Aka. On November 2, [16–494–2] asked, ‘Who was I in my past life, and where am I going in my career? I would like to change jobs.’”
Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer your question in this manner. Your interests have grown in the rehabilitation of the children. We say to you, the rehabilitation programs, if they were designed to serve all of mankind instead of a few, then they would truly be a step forward because they would allow mankind to share and work together.
We say unto you, the light that shines now is the light of the Eagle. You have known his paths in the past. You have known his path in the present. Into the deepest of the lodges of the Pima is written his past and his future.
You say unto yourself, “Who was I?” That is very apparent. “Who am I?” That also shines from within and out of you. For this was both a friend and a brother, and it is true once again.
Now is the time of the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. We could tell you the history of your own. We could tell you of the four corners and how they shall appear on the palm of the hand. But mostly important, a friendship is a friendship. In priority it shares above all.
Now we say unto you, you have other questions, ask.
“Thank you, Aka. Aka, I can’t seem to find my concho belt; can you please help?”
Yes, we see thy need. It is not stolen, but only borrowed. We shall leave a message in soul Ray’s mind.
You have other questions, ask.
“Thank you. [6–285–1…Apache Junction] asks, ‘What did you mean by saying I would never know the true meaning of love ‘till I tasted the blood of the Eagle?’”
We say unto you, take the time to find who the Eagle is now. When you have that knowledge, when you have tasted the sorrow and the hardship that he has endured for you, then, in truth, you shall know the meaning of love. When you have felt the pain that is a constant companion in his body you will have tasted the blood of the Eagle. When you have felt the compassion for mankind that lies in his heart, in truth, you will have tasted the blood of the Eagle. When you can share his visions of today, tomorrow, and yesterday, and still love mankind.
Born within you is [the] ability that you have hid behind fear and ignorance because you are afraid to look. When you have done these things, come back unto us and ask again, and we shall give you further answers and guidance, if that is your wish.
You have other questions, ask.
“Thank you, Aka. [12–428–1…now residing at Globe, Arizona] requests a life reading.”
We are sorry, but should this question be asked at your next reading, it shall be given, for soul Ray now grows very tired.
You have other questions, ask.
“Thank you, Aka. [17–497–1…in Nevada] asks, ‘Can a disease or an illness be helped by mind control by the person who has the problem?’”
Long ago, soul Ray brought forth knowledge of the type of mind control that can not only help [to] cure diseases − have him share these thoughts with you.
You have other questions, ask.
“Thank you, Aka. [17–497–2…Farmington, New Mexico] asks, ‘How might I use my talent more profitably in the job I currently hold?’”
We say unto you, the grass always looks greener on the other side of the hill. Be patient with yourself, and you shall soon find that you might eat your cake and have it too.
Soul Ray now grows tired. We say unto you, awaken soul Ray from his slumber.
[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]
Copyright © 1985 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.
January 11, 1985
Globe, Arizona
Aka is here.
“Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”
Soul Ray stands with God.
Yes, I see thy need, and we should say in this manner and this way, glory be the name of the Lord, of [thy] God; glory be the name of the children forever and ever.
And we should say unto thee this parable in this manner and this way. For once there came unto the land a man. And the man had four sons. And the four sons grew up many miles apart.
The day would come that they would come together. Each brought the most precious thing that he possessed, and that was himself, that that he had become. And he brought it and presented it to his father.
His father took each precious gift and thanked the sons. And the father said unto the sons, “Here, I give you fields. Take the fields, each of you. Divide them equally, and be brothers. Go forth and multiply and be fertile into the land.”
[There] the brothers divided first unto twos. And each one took that that he was best at. Instead of dividing the land, they kept it as a whole, and each took that that he was best at, his craft. And soon the land began to prosper.
But as the land began to prosper, soon jealousy was born between them. And each would say, “That that I do is most important, and that is why we have prospered.”
They thought upon this.
And one day the father came forth unto them to visit. And [he] went over the land with [them]. And he did give praise unto each part, one unto another. But he gave the praise in equal shares, as he had given the land. And still there was jealousy.
And one day, the brothers decided that they would talk and find where their difficulty was. And they invited their father there.
He listened. And he said unto them, “You have but one difficulty; you are jealous of one another. ‘If thy right eye offend thee, cast it aside,’ sayeth the Lord. And what offends thee the most is your jealousies. Remove it; cast it aside. And that that you shall have shall become the finest in all the land.”
At first, the brothers could not see that that the father had spoken of. But, one by one, they saw this.
Now, the brothers, one day, each had children of their own. And as time had passed, more land was acquired. And they said unto their children, “You must work together.” And once again, they were faced with the task of jealousy.
Now you would think that once something was conquered and laid aside, it would not have to be confronted again. But you will find that from the beginning to end of mankind, nothing changes; it only changes its form. The play goes on; the actors only play different parts.
If in truth you have learned a lesson to take from one lifetime unto another, you will learn it in such a way that when someone sees you, they will know that that lesson has been learned, and from you the light will shine and come through and be part of the same.
You have many questions, ask.
“Thank you, Aka. [12–428–1…now resides at Globe, Arizona] requests a life reading.”
Yes, we see thy need, and we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit and the immortal body, and therefore, we have the records in all their completeness.
We find this one in the time when those who came from Yahweh made flight unto the land you now call, Earth. He had become a fast friend and designer of craft for the one known as the Eagle.
In that day of days, when many were sent back into the heavens in their craft, he was also. And as he rose above the Earth, he looked back upon it, and saw the Great War begin and end. He knew then that what had begun would go on through time until peace was restored for all times upon the Earth.
He chose birth upon this planetary system, at the time before the destruction of Atlantis. And once again, he became the fast friend of the Eagle. And they worked on many new designs. And many times he ventured forth into Egyptan and Atlantis, one and two. [Editor’s note: It is said there were five continents of Atlantis.]
And many times he went forth unto the Sumer village of the Sumer people, or Sumaria. There was all the great knowledge [and] the great teachers. He learned and he built. He saw the great energy sources, and how they came about, and how large amounts of energies were transported from planet to planet, and around the earth, and the other planetary systems.
We find him again in the time that you call the Christian era, that time after the death of Christ. We find him as a disciple of Paul. And he came forth unto Paul and said unto him, “Are you that that I seek? For in my memory is a memory of a time of before.”
And Paul said unto him, “Nay, I am not that, for he who you seek has gone on before you. They say he has gone unto another land; go hence.”
And so you ventured forth and came unto the American. And there once again, you found your friend. And you went forth through the many parts of the land in the preparation of the coming. And your friend said unto you, “Though we walk on the water this time, we must walk on it again, for this is the beginning, not the ending, nor not the way, complete. For in another time, in another place, we will come back into this land, and in truth we shall prepare the way.”
Now we say unto you, you are here; you have come to the Eagle’s nest. Prepare yourself. But know unto these things. You have wed, and therefore, it must be your joint decisions of the direction you shall take from this point forward.
We say unto you, make your choices. Make them wisely and compassionately unto yourself and that of your wife, for there are many ways to serve.
You have other questions, ask.
“Thank you, Aka. [17–498–1…Globe, Arizona] asks, ‘Will the year, 1985, be a fresh and new beginning for me, filled with creative activity? Thank you, [R____].’”
We say unto you, the year that lies ahead can be many things to many people. Yes, you shall have a new beginning. But we say unto you, changes are about to take place. Be as a willow. Bend with the tree − bend with the wind. Let the tree not break. Be, most important, the type person that you can live with.
Now we say unto you, soul Ray now grows tired. Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.
[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted in place of names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared with the audio recording for accuracy.]
Copyright © 1985 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.
February 1, 1985
Globe, Arizona
Aka is here.
“Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”
Soul Ray stands with God.
Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.
And we shall say unto thee this parable in this way.
For once upon the land, man decided that he would build great buildings, buildings that would stand into the ages that all mankind would look upon.
Now the master builders were brought from across the land. And they were brought forth into the land of Egypt. And one builder, and one builder alone, knew secrets of building that were beyond all the others.
And as each builder came forth, and were speaking one unto another, each gave forth their specialty, that that they were best at. Yet, this master builder did not give his specialty. He talked in general of building. On a whole, most there he went unnoticed.
But there were those there who knew of his skills, and knew that of the great tasks they were to undertake, they cannot do without him. But each time that they tried to approach him upon this he changed the subject.
And finally, that that was king of kings did call him forth and say, “I have brought you all here because each has a special craft. But you and you alone may bring all of these crafts into a whole. Yet, you have avoided this. Why is this so?”
And he said unto them, “For that that I have to offer, most would not believe. So why should I speak of that which you would not believe in the first place?”
The king had him seized, and said, “If you do not give us your knowledge willingly, we shall extract it from your mind.” And they began to punish this one with harsh, severe treatment.
And he spoke not. And in the harsh treatment, he died.
And all the builders wrung their hands and said, “What should we do? What shall we do, for we know not how to build as this one would.”
And the king of kings came forward, and realizing the mistake he made, he sent word into all the lands and brought forth the son of the master builder. And once again, the son was asked to do that that his father had refused. And the son looked upon them with great contempt.
And then came one who they thought was a builder, and he walked up to them and said, “Oh, king of kings, in your day you had a father. Had one come and slain him, would you have served him?”
The king of kings said, “Nay, I would not have served him.”
Then he said unto the king of kings, “You wish your building built; then step down and aside, and ask this one to give forth his talent. But remove yourself, that this task may come forward.”
The king said, “I cannot do this.”
And the stranger said unto him, “But look into yourself. Which do you want greatest − this great building, that shall [be] remembered for all time, and you shall be remembered because you have instructed its building? Or shall you shall be remembered as a man who slayed a great builder?”
The king removed himself.
The son turned unto this stranger and said, “Why should I give him glory? He deserves none of these things. It is not only my father he has been cruel to, but all mankind around him. But I shall build that that he wishes.”
The stranger walked away, laughing unto himself. When the building was done, the young builder sealed it with nothing in it, nothing that could be seen.
And the king of kings became curious. Here was a great monument that he himself had planned to enter, yet he had never been allowed to enter; now it was sealed.
The young builder left the land. The king spent the rest of his life regretting all that he had done. Yet as the stranger had said, he had left a mark upon the land that would last into eternity.
Now we say unto you, the words we have spoken are but a parable. Yet, see the truth within the words. And in seeing the truth within the words, it shall answer the question within your minds.
You have questions, ask.
“[17–499–1…Globe, Arizona] asks, ‘Will I be able to live, work, and be completely committed to truth for the rest of my life?’”
And we should say unto you unto these words. There is truth in all things, and truth is like a river. When you see it, you think it is the same, yet it is changing every second and every minute. If you should live in truth, then be as a river, and allow the change within you.\
You have other questions, ask.
“Thank you, Aka. [17–499–2…Oklahoma] asks, ‘Who would my son be better off living and growing up with, his mother or his father? If his father, then how do I go about getting custody of him?’”
We shall answer your question in this manner. Once upon your Earth there lived a wise king. And he was known far and wide for his wisdom. Yet one day, a child was brought before him with two women claiming to be the mother. And he said, “And yet, there is only one way that this could be [satisfied], both claims could be satisfied.” He said, “Bring a sword, and cut the child in half and give [to] each a half.”
The true mother said, “Nay. Give her the child!” And the king knew.
We should say unto you, the same rule applies now. Cut the child in half, as you cut away mother or father. Let the child make the decision. If he cannot, or will not, then let him remain. But remember, whatever you do, if you hurt a mother, you hurt the child. If you hurt the father, you hurt the child. If you are thinking truly of the welfare, hurt neither. Find a fairness where all can walk.
You have other questions, ask.
“Thank you, Aka. [11–406–2…Texas] asks, ‘When will we make “Diamond Direct” distributor in the Amway business?’”
When you apply yourself. You wish to know at what precise day, and at what precise time this will come about. And we say unto you, your economy is not that that it once was. Your people, and the people around you do not have the buying power. So if you wish to reach this height, you must expand; you must reach outward and put more of yourself in the effort.
You have other questions, ask.
“Yes, Aka, she also asks, ‘When is the best time for _______ to retire from American Airlines?’”
We would say unto you, let it happen in a two-year period of time.
You have other questions, ask.
“Thank you, Aka. [17–499–3…Texas] asks, ‘How is my brother, G______? Where is he, and how can I reach him?’”
We would say that your brother, G_____, is fine. He resides in the city, of Pennsylvania. If you wish to see him, look him up in the phone book.
Now, we say unto you, our time grows short.
You have a question in your mind. And we shall answer this question, for the first of the question has already been answered in the first of the parable.
We say unto you, each scene, each part, comes in its own time. Yet there is a time for all things. And now has come the time to look beyond and say, “We are whole; we are complete. We may have weaknesses, we may have flaws, yet we like what we see; we like what we are.” Throw no, no more stones, and go on with it.
Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.
[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]
Copyright © 1985 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.
February 22, 1985
Globe, Arizona
Aka is here.
“Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”
Soul Ray stands with God.
Yes, we see thy need. And we should say to thee into this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God. Glory be the name of Your children, forever and ever.
And we should say unto thee this parable in this way. For long ago in the land that you now call Yucatan, there flourished a great civilization with many wonders. But there was one who lived away from all these wonders. He did not use the electric lights, nor did he fly in the airplanes he saw in the heavens as they passed above him, nor did he travel in the automobile. Instead he used his animals to farm his land. It was not that this one wanted to shun people. It was only that he had his own way of life and wished to live it.
One day, as he traveled on his horse, he met a young woman traveling upon a horse. And they fell deeply in love. And she greatly admired his wisdom and respected his ways. And they were wed. And they went unto his home to live. And soon she complained that she did not have electrical appliances. She complained that she did not have a hospital nearby to have her children in. She complained that she could not ride the horses. For all the things that she had seen within the man now were a burden upon her.
Yet the man’s love was great. And so, he deserted his way and took her, therefore, into the city. And even there, because he was a farmer, the jobs he was able to have were meager jobs, yet long laboring jobs. He did them and did not complain.
And they had many children, and the children grew up, and still his wife complained. She complained if she had bread and it was not as good as the neighbors’. She complained if she had cloth and it was not as good as the neighbors’.
One day, when the last child reached maturity, the man went unto her and said, “I leave now to go back from where I came, for I do not fit into this world, and I do not want to die here.”
She went out unto her neighbors and she said, “Oh, woe is me, my husband has deserted me.”
And she went unto the local priest to complain. And the priest said unto her, “Your husband has returned from where he came. When you met your husband he was a farmer, and a good farmer, yet you were not satisfied with this way of life. And you knew of that which he did before you married him. To satisfy you he became the lowest of things in the city, and hated every moment of it. His life became a living hell to give you the things you desired, yet still you have not learned from it. You say he has deserted you. And I say unto you that you deserted him long ago.”
She could not understand this. And she went unto the farmer as he went about his tasks. And she said unto him, “Take me back, for I have wronged you.”
And he said, “If you wish to stay, stay; if you wish to go, go. But that that we had long ago has died and withered upon the vine.”
She said unto him, “I have no place to go, so therefore, I shall stay here.”
As she stayed, she found the simplicity within his life. She found that she lacked for nothing. The food was better than she had had in all these years. And as the children came and visited, all of them wanted to stay. And all of them wanted to bring their children that they might have a better way.
One day, because of the long labor [on the] man, he went unto the small altar that he had prepared for himself and he died praying unto his Lord.
Now his sons and daughters, therefore, knew that he had gone to make a place for himself, and they went to see that things were properly done. And they made offerings unto the Lord.
The woman came and saw, for all of his children were seeking his way. And she said, “Oh, Lord, why is it that in this late time in my life can I see a truth? Why could I not enjoy all those years of goodness which You gave unto me? Why did I cast them aside?”
And the Lord answered unto her and said, “Only through the eyes of the beholder may you see.”
Now we have told you a parable. And we say unto you, look unto the depth of it, and you shall find peace. If you cannot find the answer within it, you shall not.
You have questions, ask.
One moment, please.
We should say unto thee, that new earthquakes in your northern hemisphere shall awaken. And the lines of fire shall continue. As they shall occur, so shall new earthquakes occur.
But we say unto you, beware of the winds of March, for they shall be worse than [of] all the winds you [have] had up to now. Prepare thee thy homes and thy shelters for thy animals. Prepare thee of wood that thy homes may be kept warm; bring forth oil lamps unto thy homes, for there is no place that you may go to escape this.
You have other questions, ask.
“Thank you, Aka. [15–461–2…Houston, Texas] requests a life reading.”
Our time is too short at this time to give a life reading. Ask that of questions, and we shall answer.
But we shall add unto what we have already said and say unto you, keep two week’s minimum of food in your homes, and extra water, and extra fuel for your automobiles, that you may have that which you need, for there shall be a two-week period when nothing shall come in and nothing shall go out.
You have other questions, ask.
“Thank you, Aka. [17–500–1…Texas] born on March the 4th, 1984, and he asks, ‘Our son, R_____, was killed about four years ago. Is there any message that he wants to give us?’”
We shall answer your question by saying this. There is new birth within your family. Look unto the eyes of the child, and you shall find your son.
You have other questions, ask.
“Thank you, Aka. [17–500–2…Albuquerque, New Mexico], she asks, ‘Will my investment in Alaska pay off?’”
We answer you with a very blunt, no.
You have other questions, ask.
“Thank you −”
One moment, please. Because of the delicacy of this situation, we would suggest that as this subject is told the answer, inform her to inquire further, and we shall give her further answers.
You have other questions.
“Thank you, Aka. [17–500–3…Bedford, Texas], she asks, ‘How much profit will come to my husband and I from the land development known as the “Diamond Circle Estates?”’”
We do not see of this. We would try to clarify this, for we suggest that the proper information be given.
You have other questions, ask.
“Thank you, Aka. [16–494–1…Globe, Arizona] asks, ‘What was the time of my birth?’”
8:22 a.m.
Now we should say unto you unto these questions. Should soul Ray continue into his line of thought into a new serum, which he has in his mind to build, he shall find an answer for two things, that which he calls the flu, and that which is called, AIDS.
Now soul Ray tires, and we should say, remember, this is the time of the Cherubim.
Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.
[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]
Copyright © 1985 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.
March 1, 1985
Globe, Arizona
Aka is here.
“Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”
Soul Ray stands with God.
Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be His children forever and ever.
And we say unto thee unto these words, for we say to you this parable, and yet, it is not a parable. We told you a story of the man from Yucatan, and we shall try to explain the meaning. The man is of those of the Indian culture who long lived under the domination of those from Mexico City. They are ready to throw the shackles aside and become a nation.
There are those who would help them at this time. At the same time, there are those who would play upon the political sea. And the winds of March are as armies, small armies, who shall each single out their targets. Some shall assassinate to take lives. Others shall assassinate to destroy the image of the leader, of the person. This shall happen in many places upon the Earth, and in your own country. There shall come a movement upon the land in strength that it shall not be safe for a two-week period of time for the leaving of the homes. You have such a group in this city. I think you know their target.
Yet, there is the storm which shall ravish the land − and not only this land, but across the lands and countries.
Yet there is time and hope. Bring your minds together, as we have told you before. If a man should burn your crop, if you would place your minds together, you may make the winds blow in the opposite direction.
Now we say unto you, we have explained these things that you did not understand.
Now we should go on further to explain to you that we do not single out one person, at any time, to reprimand. When you are traveling upon a road, and you see your friend who would perish if you do not warn them, which would you do, warn them, or let them perish? If you saw your wife or your daughter who would fall from a great height unless you warned them, would you not warn them? For really, that is all we can do, is warn you; we are not allowed to alter or change the future. Only you yourselves may do this.
And we say unto you, now is the time of the Cherubim. Prepare. But as you prepare, know that those who say they cannot afford their two weeks’ provisions, they are lying to themselves. And that is a greater sin than lying to another.
We say to you, for upon the land there are many types of birds. The one that we have mentioned the most is the eagle. Yet he serves very little other than himself. To take the form of the eagle was to take the form of a selfish being and transform it into a serving being. This was part of the karma, the karma of the servitude to mankind.
There are many ways into which you shall reach in your lifetimes. And there are many messages which each of you shall take home with you, but we say to you, take unto your hearts and souls this message. Blessed be those who gives what they have not. Blessed be those who forgive those they should not. Blessed be those who love those they should not. And blessed be those who shall walk the extra mile.
But we should say unto you, when you have done all these things, and those who would destroy you still remain, then bind together; combine your minds, and you will soon find that there is strength within you to protect yourselves. We have not left you unprepared.
Now we say unto you, awaken soul Ray from his slumber.
[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]
Copyright © 1985 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.
March 15, 1985
Globe, Arizona
Aka is here.
“Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”
Soul Ray stands with God.
Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer your questions in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.
And we should say unto thee this parable.
For in a desert land, where a river ran through the desert, a culture, a people, came north and wandered down and were driven from their homes in the highland. And they wandered down until they found fertile land in the desert. And they did grow mighty crops. And soon, they established trade routes with friendlier people, clear into the South American continent.
Gradually, their crops became more and more abundant.
And then, there came a great sickness upon the land. And the people moved in many directions, fleeing for their lives, leaving behind their cultures, leaving behind their possessions. That that they did not leave behind was their religions.
And so they spread forth. And gradually as time passed, they intermingled with other people, then came forth upon the land again to irrigate and populate the same lands. And they spoke of the “old ones” as those who had been.
And they did bring forth crops in abundance.
And upon the land came those from across the sea. And they came, because they were starving, unto these people. And the people fed them. And they did make war upon the people. And the people rose up to drive them out, and yet, they were beaten.
And then once again, another people came forth unto the land. And once again they fed the people. And they did go to war and fight beside the people, those of the light skins. And they did make a place for them. But soon, those looked down upon these people, and said, “How could we know such people as these?”
And so the people began to change, and say, “To survive we must learn all the White man’s ways. We must speak only the White man’s tongue. We must be as the White man; we must dress as him, walk as him, talk as him, think as him. And only then can we survive, for he comes forth like wheat, in great multitudes. We must take his religion, and accept all things.”
And so it came about, and it came to pass.
But soon, as generations passed, the people did not know even themselves, for they had lost the true identity of themselves. They had lost their cultures. They had lost their true meaning for being.
Now, we say unto you, this that has happened before was like a great karma that was working through and completing its time. But now, as war and rumors of war begin to rattle the hemisphere, as your great leaders gather to talk of peace, they plan of war; they plan of assassination. Already in the land you call Russia, the land of the Bear, it has sprung a new head, and now, it looks out hungrily at all the land and all the people.
You have already lost Nicaragua and El Salvador. Those are gone. If the present course is continued to take place, soon Mexico will be gone, your greatest neighbor.
When this happens, you say unto us, “We will go to war to prevent this.” Yes, this could be done. But as we have told you before, the winds of March are upon you. Great change shall take place in the political sea across the land and faces of the earth. Decisions shall come forth, and false treaties shall be made.
We say unto you, now is one of the Earth’s greatest times. It is a time when it may walk at peace, or go to war. It is like the fickled whims of a politician. Be careful that you are all not caught in this trap.
Be not as those who would hide their head and say, “This is not happening. These things cannot happen to me.” For one day it is your brothren that they shall attack, and the next day it shall be you. There is but one way that you may survive all these things, and that is if you bind together, become as one.
Know the honor of one. Know the needs of one. Know the duties of one. And be as one. And then, let your whole land prepare itself. For warfare is like a step away from you. It is as though we look upon the Earth and we see sabers everywhere.
You have many questions, ask.
“Thank you, Aka. [15–461–2…Houston, Texas] requests a life reading.”
Yes, we have us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same.
And we would say unto you, we find this one in the earlier days of Atlantis, when it was of a mighty nation among nations. We find this one as a banker, a man who lent and collected money. There were many who belittled this man, yet he kept his faith, and in his faith he cheated no man. He took and struck a fair bargain, and lived by his bargain. He made others do the same.
Now we say unto you, as a banker you made several investments that were almost your downfall. You have done so once again. Now all these things you need are laying before you, from one time to the other.
We say to you, we will tell you the highlights. The reason for this is soul Ray grows very weary. Know this, that you came at a time, and have come at a time, when it is highly possible that a civil war shall occur in this country. You have come at a time when chaos is but one step beyond. We say to you, stand up, be tall; be counted, so that of the worldly goods can become as one.
We say unto you, you have other questions, ask.
“Thank you, Aka. [16–492–3…New Mexico], she asks, ‘Dear Aka, is now a good time to put our house at Cochiti Lake, New Mexico, on the market?’”
Yes, we see thy need. We shall answer your question in this manner, yes, for you have many things to gain.
Now we say unto you, soul Ray now grows weary. Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.
[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]
Copyright © 1985 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.
May 3, 1985
Globe, Arizona
Aka is here.
“Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”
Soul Ray stands with God.
Yes, we see thy need. [We] should answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.
And we say into thee unto this parable.
For upon the land, the Lord, God, sent forth a messenger. And the messenger went forth upon the land to tell those who would listen the message from the Lord, God.
And as he went from city to city, in some cities he was received well. In some cities he was stoned.
Yet, in the city in which he received the message, no one would listen. He became very discouraged, and then he said, “Oh Lord, if it be Thy will that I speak these words that You have given me unto the people, then open their hearts and let them hear. Open their minds and let them see.”
And so, he went back into the city. And he went to where the ministers gathered. And he spoke unto them and said unto them the words the Lord had given him to deliver.
And they laughed at him.
He did not get angry; he just got up and walked away. Some of them quit laughing. Suddenly there was fear in their hearts. What if the words he had spoken were true?
As he left the city, the city began to crumble. The crops began to wilt. The air became heavy and harsh to breathe. The water dried up in the pipes.
And all the people left the cities, and followed him.
And as he began to go from one city to the other to speak his words, some of the cities, knowing he was coming, put up barricades that he might not enter, because they did not want all these people who followed. And he turned and went around their barricades and around their towns. But as he passed their towns, the same things happened to their towns.
Yet, the cities he was asked to enter blossomed. Their food and their crops, their flocks became abundant. All things that they did could not be done better.
Gradually, the more he traveled, the better he was accepted.
One day he sat down, and he went back to the city in which he had started. And he said, “Lord, I ask You to restore this city, to rise it from the dead, not that the people will think that I am great, but for the greatness and glory of the Lord.”
And the Lord heard these words. And as [has] Lazarus rose, so did the city rise.
The people entered.
The man walked away. He had delivered his message, and now all he wanted was a peaceful existence, a place where no one knew him where he might go about his trade.
Yet, as he traveled, those who would see him would seek him out, until one day, he entered a little, small town. And the people who walked up to him just walked up and said, “How be ye, friend?”
And so, as a friend he stayed.
The small town prospered well. He sold his craft, and he lived and had children, and family.
The story we have told you has happened many times on your Earth.
Many times the Lord has sent messengers to your Earth. Why is it that the Lord cannot be believed? Why is it that [where] our cities or our towns must be taken from us, that the things we love the most must wilt away before we reach for the Lord in desperation? Why can not we get up on a fine morning and say, “Oh Lord, look what I have; what a beautiful day! Thank You for the abundance of all things. Thank You for the air I breathe. Thank You for the sky I see. Thank You for the earth I walk on, and the food I eat,” and truly mean the words you speak? For then you will be reaching for the Lord in truth.
Each day is like a new world being born upon your Earth. It has all the opportunities that it did not have the day before; yet it is full of the opportunities you missed the day before. Each day is unique and different, but wonderful. It becomes wonderful when you make it so.
It is said, “Ask and you shall receive.” “Look and you shall find.” Seek and you shall discover.
But the greatest thing you shall discover is that the Lord is with you, 24 hours a day, every day. And the Lord has the capacity to love. Share your love, one unto another.
You have many questions, ask.
“Yes, Aka. ‘Dear Aka,’ [7–316–1] asks, ‘for protection against the earthquake, when or by what date should I leave here? How far east would be ok?’”
Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer your question in this manner. If you run, to hide, you shall still bring the fear that you have within your heart. Prepare a way that you may be where your heart’s desire leads you.
From this point forward, new earthquakes shall begin to occur. By the year of 1977 [1997] they will have intensified to become [a] common thing. Yet, there is more to come, greater and greater. But, if you live in fear, fear is all you shall know. This is the worst thing you can do. Live for today; plan for tomorrow, and know that we shall not allow the fields you plant to go astray. We have warned you before these things would happen and we shall again.
You have other questions, ask.
“[6–286–1…Globe, Arizona] asks, ‘I am no longer ignorant or no longer afraid of my gift. Also I know what my gift is. Please give me more information on how I can understand it, and if I should use it to help others.’”
Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer your question in this manner. You are beginning to understand. Continue doing that which you are − to seek, to understand, and learn compassion for others. Your gift shall unfold before your eyes, and the use of it will be before you.
Go unto your father and speak. Remember these things, that God gave the gift, but the gift that you have came through the gift given unto your father, as his came from his grandmother through his mother unto him. Know these things, that for those who should receive a gift, and that part that is hereditary of the same, the strength of the gift is up to the individual and their desire and need to serve. You will know your desire and need to serve when you are able to speak of it more fully, and you will also know how to utilize it.
You have other questions, ask.
“Thank you, Aka. [17–503–1…New Mexico] asks, ‘I would like a life reading.”
Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. And we shall give you that which you desire.
And we say unto you, the one that is here with you now, that you look so much alike, you were sisters in time, in the time [long] past of Atlantis.
But we speak before Atlantis, before [Lemura]. We go unto the continent known as [Yataway]. In that area, in the location where Argentina is now, a larger continent, separate from the other parts, stood and spread downward toward what is now known as your South Pole, and covered that vicinity. Large forests grew on the land, and it was abundant of all things and all kinds of things.
And man knew not of hunger or thirst.
And then, one day came from the heavens the great ships as they began to descend upon the Earth. You, your sister, and your people, therefore, greeted these people and these ships as a prophecy that had been given to you. You treated them as a gift from God. Yet, at first there were those who gave you kindness and gentleness. And then there were those who would enslave you.
You had heard of the camp of their great leader. And surely, of the kindness that had come from him and others like him − and you were sure that if he knew of the injustice he would make it right. And so you went forth. And there you found that of their leader, and you spoke of the injustice among your people.
He listened carefully, and then he said to you, “Let us go, back to your land.” He did so, and he did make things right for that time. And justice came forth upon the land, and peace once again.
Yet, you knew there were those who had come in the ships that would harm you. So you made a pact with your sister and you moved closer to the camp of the leader.
And so, as the wars came, the leader asked if you would go, and to separate from your sister, and go upon one of the mighty ships, because, to populate the other earths it would take part of your kind, and part of theirs. And so you agreed to, even though the fear of leaving the land was great.
There you were to meet the man that is now known to be your husband, for he was one who had come from the heavens. You felt greatly honored. You lived out your life; you bore[d] many children. But both you and your husband had spoke to each other that upon death you would want to return to this planet, called Earth. And so it was, that you passed and passed again back to the planet, Earth.
You have seen [it] many times. You have been on the Earth in the time of Atlantis, of Egyptan.
And you were sure that in the time when the one known as John the Baptist walked the Earth and as you followed him that that time was now. You were glad because you saw your sister. You made a pact with your sister that you would return in the next period of time of times to prepare the way, to heal the sick.
And so it came about. Once again your sister and you, your son, and your children are all upon the Earth at the same time, the same moment.
What have you to learn from the past? Quite simple, you have had a great talent, a gift of God. Doorways have opened to you, that you may see the fullness of this. Your promise that you asked for has been fulfilled, for your sister and you are now in this house together.
The time is but at hand − a beginning of times, not the ending of times.
We have not tried to frighten you, nor have we tried to frighten your sister, for she has dreamed dreams and become afraid. And you have dreamed dreams and have become afraid. We are only increasing your abilities to learn. Come together in counsel with your sister, and plan and make your decisions of that and the directions which you shall travel. We are not here to frighten you; we are not here to impose our wills upon you. God gave unto you and your sister the freedom of choice. And that is the way it must be. We are not saying to give up anything. We are not saying to you to change. We are only saying to you, allow us to continue to open both of your minds, and let you make the decisions.
I know that the life reading that you are receiving is a little unusual because it has been two life readings in one.
Now we say unto you, your day has grown long, and the hour is short, and soul Ray grows weary. Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.
[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]
Copyright © 1985 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.
May 17, 1985
Globe, Arizona
Aka is here.
“Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”
Soul Ray stands with God.
Yes, we see thy need, and we [shall] answer in this manner and in this way.
For we should say unto thee this parable.
There once was a mighty river. And it came forth and split. And each became two rivers, and then four. All of the rivers that had split from the main source headed for the sea.
And upon each river man settled and began to cultivate the land and use the water.
And each of these groups called their lands by the name of their river. And because each of them spoke a different language, each called it a different name. But it was known in all languages as the Mother, the Giver of Life, and the Source.
The older men farmed from it and enjoyed it. The younger men built bigger and stronger boats. And soon they were to go up the rivers. As they went up, they soon looked upon the mass of the whole and thought, “What a great river we live upon.”
As each started to leave, he knew not that there were three other rivers branching off from the single, and so he went back a different way, and there he found new people. And the people, expecting their own back, could not understand. And they could not understand the language.
And after a year had passed, each was allowed to go back up the river once again. And there they met. And in this time they had learned each other’s language. And they had also learned a greater message, that the Source of the river was still the Mother.
And they said, “Let us go now down each of our rivers and find where they go.” And so they did this.
Another year passed, and then still another, and they found themselves in a great ocean. Because they had not the compass and they knew not greatly of navigation, it was quite by accident that they came all to the same place at the same time. And each knew that he had paddled so many lengths, and so that was the first of their navigation. And they began to teach one unto another. And they were sea-faring men, and had things in common, and therefore, they understood each other. But they also understood that their people were different, and had different ways and different customs. So it was decided that each of them would trade places once again with their people, only different groups this time.
Once again, the people were confused, but slowly they began to learn to talk, and communicate. And once again they went to the Source, and then homeward.
It was many years before their children ventured forth, with the stories and the language their fathers had learned. And when they ventured forth into the new lands they were welcomed as the sons of those who had come before them. And because the fathers of the sons had been hard-working people and seafaring men, they were welcomed.
Now we say unto you, there is more to the parable, and yet greater knowledge to the meaning.
But we would say unto you, as you have said, “That that goes around comes around.” It is like a great circle − because of the point of beginning, there shall not be a point of ending. Yet, you shall pass that same ground you have walked on many times. If you learn from it, you shall reap the harvest. If you do not, you shall reap that harvest also.
Let peace be with you, and carry the knowledge of the words we say, one unto another.
You have questions, ask.
“Yes, Aka. [10–379–1…Pasadena, Texas] asks, ‘Is it going to resolve for B_ and I to have a home?’”
Yes, we see thy need, and we shall take once step at a time.
The first step shall be your health. And we shall say into you unto these words. We have given you back the health of your husband; we shall give you your own health back − not because you promise us something, because you asked in the name of the Lord, and because you have asked in the name of your prophet. These things that you ask for shall be given, one step at a time.
Bring forth your health, but see the truth of it. Nothing shall be the same. It is time, it is way past time, that you thought of doing things on a smaller scale. It is time that you quit pushing the body and the mind, and looked into the truth of yourselves and your God, and where you fit in this world and the scheme of things. We shall give you that that you ask for once again − but how about the next time? Must there be a next time?
We say unto you, we have put into your keeping more than a prophet, but a healer, a person who can bring not only the body, the mind, and the spirit into one. Utilize the talent, that the work may go on. Now is the time for unity unto one house.
You have other questions, ask.
“Yes, Aka, thank you. [17–504–1…Harriman, Tennessee], she asks, ‘Will I be getting a good job soon?’”
Yes, we see thy need. We shall answer your question in this manner. For that that you seek, you shall receive. But reach out and seek it in truth. There are those who would ask and go behind the woodpile or the haystack to receive that that they ask for. Be not ashamed of that that is given, nor the source.
You have other questions, ask.
“Thank you, Aka. [13–431–1…Globe, Arizona] asks, ‘Please, Aka, I would like to know more about purpose and destiny.’”
(Chuckle.) Yes, we see thy need. Yet purpose and destiny may be the same. If you come into a lifetime with destiny you surely shall have purpose. If you look upon the Earth and see a need, whether that need is take the weight of the yoke [or] burden off of a man’s shoulders and ease it for something better, then that is both purpose and destiny. If the need that you see is to bring spiritual comfort to others, that is both purpose and destiny.
But there are those who would seek the purpose and destiny of another. There are those who would want this, but be sent as a helper. We shall explain to you in this manner. Jesus of Nazara came forth as the first begotten son of the Lord, thy God. He came from Adam to Jesus. Paul, or Saul, came forth both in purpose and destiny, that the word would pass into the Gentile and into the land. But it was not his message, it was that of Peter, who would have the dream and see the curtains rise on the four corners, and the sails that rose [on] the ships that sailed to the four corners of the Earth, and know the meaning. It is why you have your testament that is called the Pauline Doctrine of today. That was not the purpose, nor the destiny − yet it was not the intended destiny, it was his freedom of choice − he altered and changed the written words. That is where you get the expression, “Robbing Peter to pay Paul.” At the time that he took on the task, he thought it was the only way. And knowing the condition of the financial status of the churches, he was sure.
We say unto you, we have come forth for both one of two purposes − not to change the prophesies, and not to change the laws of Moses, but to show you the fulfillment, and to bring to you the coveth [covenant] in its original form. We are come not to rob, nor steal, nor to place words in the mouth of the one known as Jesus, nay. We have come to show you this. But we have also come to prepare the way for the coming, that he might come unto you once again, and a completeness be brought to the Earth.
We hope we have not talked in riddles. We hope that we have truly answered your question in such a way that you fully understand from which we speak.
Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.
We shall leave you now.
Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.
[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]
Copyright © 1985 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.
May 24, 1985
Globe, Arizona
Aka is here.
“Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”
Soul Ray stands with God.
Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto thee into these words. Glory be the name of the Lord thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.
Now we should say unto thee this parable, in this manner and in this way.
For once upon the Earth there were great civilizations. And in the land that is known now as the continent of the Americans, the North American Continent and South American Continent, it was divided greatly by water − [in] between the divisions, the more to the Pacific side; Atlantis, to the Atlantic side. And great islands, and continents, as you would call them, emerged from the ocean.
Great forests grew. And an abundance of fruits and vegetables of many kinds was upon the earth. Man had in all things the best of things. And there upon the land you now call the Sahara, there were great forests. And there upon the land in the Americans that you think of as shallow land, that from Holbrook to Yuma, grew great forests. And this land at that time was known as the Land of Kings.
For in the land of plenty, man accepted all things as though they were, and would last, forever. He soon began to drift away from all the land and all the knowledge.
And there were those who came forth and said, “Beware, beware that you do not bring forth the wrath of the God, Almighty.” And they laughed at them.
Some of you now think that the story we are telling you is but a fairy tale. And we say unto you, no, it was not a fairy tale; it was a time of the golden age of man. He had reached his highest peak. He could fly into outer space. He had reached the stars and beyond. He had conquered the oceans. He had even thought he had conquered the inner Earth. And at last, upon that day of days, when all was brought down, and mankind fell back into thousands of years of development.
We say to you, all these things are possible once again. All the things that you think are trivial that are happening upon your Earth − in the 26 nations of that land known as the African, soon it shall be more, and then more. And more and more of the land shall be taken and devoured, until pestilence reigns the land.
All of those things that have been can be again. And deserts can be born. We have told you before that deserts would form where forests once grew, and roses would grow where deserts were.
Now, in those days there came upon those who predicted of these days, one of which you write about in your Book; you call him, Noah.
And God came unto Noah and said, “BUILD THEE AN ARK.” And all the people laughed.
Which one of you could stand out in front of your neighbors and take the laughter, and take the finger-pointing and the shame that Noah took, and his sons, and the wife of his sons, and the children, and his wife? Which one of you could stand up under such shame? Yet they did. And yet, others did, for they knew that they were to prepare a way. It took much time, much hardship, and much preparation.
We say unto you, these things that were shall be again. The fulfillment of the book of Revelations is unfolding before you, yet you see it not, for you have blinded yourselves.
You have questions, ask.
“Yes, Aka. [17–505–1…Globe] asks, ‘Can you please tell me where I can find a medallion that I have lost that belongs to S_____ H_____? Thank you.’”
Yes, we see this, and we would say, it is not lost, but another wears it. And the one who wears it is your friend.
You have other questions, ask.
“Thank you, Aka. Soul Ruth [2–30–2] asks, ‘Which is more important, or which comes first, your loyalty to friends or loved ones, or your own idea of right and wrong? Thank you.’”
We would say these things, if the Lord, thy God, came to thee, would you know Him? If He spoke to you, would you know that the words were truth? Could you go into a field, day after day, and gather the leavings of others, knowing only but a promise of the Lord, that your whole world will become better?
It is easy to go with the crowd. That is the easy. It is also easy to bend with the wind[s], whether it be good or bad. If a person comes unto you and says, “These things are so,” is it not easy to go that way? Is it not easier to agree? For deep in your heart, the truths of things are known.
We can make excuses and say, “They have done this, they have done that; they are not this, they are not that; they are not perfect.” And we will say to you, when Jesus of Nazara came upon that day upon Mary Magdalene, and they would stone her and put her to death, and they said unto him, “Rabbi, the Law says, that she, being unclean, should be stoned.”
And he said back unto them, “These things are true, but let those who have not sinned cast the first stone.” Jesus did not pick up a stone. He did not cast the stone. He blessed her and wished her well, and walked on. She was to follow.
A person may go to a well many times, and carry the same urn. And one day, he can slip and fall and break the urn, and the water, [so] sweet and good, then run upon the ground. Everyone who sees it will shake their head and say, “What a great waste.” But if the Lord intended that you have a new urn, and that someone else or even yourself should build it, you will have a reason for it.
But “not the smallest thing upon the Earth shall fall without my Father’s permission.” Know you not?
For there were two sons − the first and the second begotten of God.
You have other questions, ask.
“Thank you, Aka. [17–505–2…Tennessee], and she asks, “Will my husband find a better job?’”
(Chuckle.) We shall answer your question in this manner, yes. But we say unto you, what is better? There are time[s] for all things, and in the passing of time there is needed a time to be together, between husband and wife. Sometimes it is the hardship that draws you together. It’s when you have the least you share the most.
[But] yes, when you have but three pennies, and someone needs two of them, it is a hard thing to give those two pennies. But remember, if you give them in truth, and give them with love, in giving them without expecting repayment, you, not only by giving, shall receive the greatest of gifts. For a person who gives and expects back in return is like a banker waiting to open his door. How do you lock up love? How do you hide it in a vault? Sometimes that is the only form of repayment you shall receive.
You have other questions, ask.
“Thank you, Aka. [3–80–8…Globe, Arizona] asks, ‘Approximately nine or ten years ago I started having dreams of war − then [for] myself, if [shot], or one of my family would be picked. Is there something in my past life that would help me understand these dreams, or could you give me help in interpreting these dreams? Any help would be greatly appreciated.’”
There are different types of dreams. That’s why it has been written [that], “There will be those who interpret your dreams.”
In your specific case, it is not a past life you dream of, but a future life, and a lifetime. And your family being shot, and shot at, is a future time. It is given to you so that you might alter the dream, and alter the events. If you wish, these things may happen. Is it not written that the future may be changed as easily as lifting a stone, by altering and changing your direction? If you wish to change these events, start now by preparing the way. Place in them a small piece of what we have given to you. As you would share bread and wine, share the knowledge we give, and you shall prepare the way.
You have other questions.
“Thank you, Aka. [17–505–3…Springerville]; ‘A life reading please.’”
Not at this time. Ask again, and we shall give you that which you desire.
You have other questions, ask.
“Thank you, Aka. [13–433–4…Globe, Arizona], and she asks, ‘Will my buying a home here prove to be good for both myself and my son? And also, will my home in Colorado sell, and if so, when?’”
Your home in Colorado shall sell in the month of July, the later part.
Your buying a home here should prove, for both health and financially, to be a good thing. But it shall be a greater part, for you shall develop spiritually. Once this land, that was known as Omega, a place [where] all mankind bowed and gave praise unto, for from this point was the light that man could see unto their God, so it may be again, through this heart and soul of man.
But it can only be if you’d make it so, and desire it. Open the door that we may enter.
You have one more question, ask.
“Thank you, Aka. Aka, [17–505–4…Panama Hills, California] asks, ‘I am interested in expanding my healing focus in the metaphysical realm. Which area most suits my native ability? With whom, if anyone, should I study? Thank you. Please give specifics.’”
We shall be very specific. The International Psychic Healing Society that has been founded has been founded with good cause and good reason, and a good foundation, that learning may come forth and about. It was founded with much thought and much prayer. In time, it shall become the greater part of the healing society of the world. If you wish, reach out, and ask and receive, and you shall find that the things you ask for can be made so.
Now we say unto you, our time has grown very short. And so we shall answer unto the mind of he who asks.
And no, the time is not over. It is but the beginning of times. The time and preparation of the Messiah has just begun. Soon it shall swell and the membership shall grow as the pebbles upon the ocean, for we have promised to fulfill your needs.
There will [not] be those who drop away, and this is their desire and this is their need. But have they truly dropped away? For their time that they have spent will have been accounted for into their soul, and shall be taken to account into the days thereafter before the Lord.
But we say unto you, what the Lord giveth, no man may taketh. And we say unto you, the light and the beacon shall intensify until the radiance shall be as a blinding light before man.
The time is just begun. It is not over.
Now is the time of the Cherubim.
And we say into thee, the Fifth Angel dwells upon thy Earth.
Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.
[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]
Copyright © 1985 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona 85502
May 31, 1985
Globe, Arizona
Aka is here.
“Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”
Soul Ray stands with God.
Yes, we see thy need. And we say to you, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.
Now we say unto you this parable in this manner and this way.
For a young man, who grew up in a small village, he had seen rivers and springs, but yet, he had never seen the ocean.
And when he was a little boy, they said unto him, “What will you be?”
And he said to them, “I shall be a fisherman. I shall go to the ocean, and there I shall build the greatest of nets. And I shall catch more fish than anyone has ever caught before.”
As the days and the weeks went by, still he said the same thing over and over. On his 16th birthday his father said unto him, “Stay here with me. Farm this land. And one day it shall be yours.”
And he said unto his father, “Nay, Father, it is not my way, for I long for the sea. And that is where I must go.”
His father went into their back room and he came back, and he gave him a small amount of gold, and said to him, “Go, son, go to the sea.”
The mother did not agree, because they had very little, and to give of him their savings meant that they would do without. The son knew this also. And he said, “No, Father, I can go and I shall go by myself.”
The father said, “Nay, this I give you as seed, the same as I would plant in my fields. One day you shall come back from the sea, and it shall be bountiful.”
The lad left. And once again, days passed, weeks passed, months passed, and then years. And the mother began to weep and say, “My son is lost. He is dead.”
And the father said, “Nay, he shall return.”
And one day, a messenger came unto them, and he brought a large amount of money and gave unto them and said, “This is from your son, the great merchant of the sea. And he soon comes.”
As he came, he brought from many lands gifts of many kinds. He showered his mother and father with all these gifts.
And the mother began to cry, and said, “My son, you shouldn’t do this!”
And he said, “But, Mother, this is but from the seed that father gave me.”
Now we say unto you, unto each of you, there is a time for planting; there is a time for harvesting. But do not place it in the ground and expect it to rise in the same day. There is wisdom in he who plants the seed, but there is also wisdom in he who knows how to wait.
We say unto you, take this parable and you’ll soon see that it shall fit this day and this time.
In a time when all is quiet, we say to you, soon a new earthquake, and much more tremendous earthquake than Mt. St. Helena, shall erupt.
As your temperature has altered and changed, so it shall alter further. Use this time of harvest, an early harvest, to store, to store the fruits of the land, the grains of the land, and the hay of the land, for by winter, the price shall be multiplied.
Now you have other questions, ask.
“Thank you, Aka. [17–500–2…Albuquerque, New Mexico] asks, ‘Thank you, Aka; how do I proceed in this manner to profit from this apparently bad investment, or is it possible to at least get my money back? Thank you.’”
Yes, we see thy need, and we should say unto you unto this manner. This bad investment which you have made should be set aside. But we shall also tell you in this manner, bring this unto soul Ray and he should give you an answer that shall be profitable to you, and allows you to rise from this pit you have cast yourself to.
You have other questions, ask.
“Thank you, Aka. [15–461–1…Phoenix, Arizona] asks for a life reading, please.”
Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. And therefore, we have this person and the records.
We find this person in the land of [Lemura]. It has been in the time when that of Atlantis is having of great problems and there is much talk that [Lemura] shall have the same problem. Tremors are felt in the earth almost every day.
This one has been a student of Ra-Tai, and he has also been a student of the Eagle. Yet he is impatient, impatient to get on with things, to move to new land, to change that that is. It is very hard for this one to live within the structure of the [land’s] and the laws of the land, because in your own way you feel that they are unjust.
So, therefore, you venture forth into that of Egyptan, and you seek counsel.
And as this is brought forth unto you, you say unto Ra-Tai, “Why is that of the Eagle with all [the] powers, why do they not do something? Why do they allow the people to fall all over themselves? Why do they allow them to not prepare, and not leave the land? Can they not see what is about to happen?”
And Ra-Tai said unto you, “You may place many things in the garden. There will be those who come and take from them, not from need, but from greed. But there shall always be those who would take that which is not theirs.”
And you said unto them, “But why cannot I go forth and spread the word, and change these things?”
And Ra-Tai said unto you, “If that is your desire, go and try. But remember, when you give a blessing, give it in such a way that if it is not accepted you may pick it up and take it on to those who shall accept it and shall live with it and utilize it.”
Now we say unto you, soul Ray is now growing weak, and it is time that we departed. We shall finish this reading in the next time we come forth.
Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.
[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]
Copyright © 1985 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.
June 7, 1985
Globe, Arizona
Aka is here.
“Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”
Soul Ray stands with God.
Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.
And we say unto you this parable on the eve before your gathering. [Editor’s note: Before the 14th Annual Meeting of the Association of Universal Philosophy.]
For once upon your Earth, the earth in many places began to shake. Great volcanoes erupted from the earth. It shook and twisted, and it eased from its orbit in the sky and began to move, not closer to the sun, but farther from the sun.
Now those of the great scientific minds upon the Earth gathered to see what could be done. Many, many things were suggested, from the explodings of great bombs to force the Earth back into its orbit, but no one knew for sure.
And then there were those of the wise men, men known from the four corners of the Earth for their wisdom. They met. And each had no answer.
“What shall we do? If God is angry with the Earth and it shall end, then we can accept this. But if this is not true, then God has left us a way.”
They each bowed their heads and prayed. And suddenly, four angels appeared before them. In each hand of the angels was a great saber, or sword. And each handed the sword to each of the wise men and said, “Go back to your homes, and you shall find an energy center where you live. Sink this sword into the earth to its very hilt.”
And then, they gave them another small, very small, tuning fork. And they said, “Strike this tuning fork, not once, but twice for each of you. And then strike it again. And then, you must strike it between you, for the risk is great, which shall strike it the last time. If you do this in the proper sequence, the Earth shall stabilize itself and return to its orbit.”
They began to discuss this. “Who should strike the last blow?” Each was afraid. Each wanted the other to be responsible. And then it was decided, “Why cannot we not we all come to one place after we have struck this, and all of us shall place our hands together, and strike the last blow?”
And so they ventured forth, the land, and went into their own land. Each sunk the saber or sword to the hilt into earth. Each struck the saber three times with their tuning fork. And upon doing so, ventured to the last of the four. And all, they stood there with all their hands upon the tuning fork. And as they struck the last blow upon the sword, the tuning fork shattered, and the sabers shattered also, and the earth became still.
And they became afraid that they had done the wrong thing.
Each went home, each with their story, and each with the story of the swords and the tuning fork. And none seemed to believe them, even though they rejoiced that the Earth was stable.
And so they left their homes, and they went unto their meeting place and there they built a temple. And they prayed in the temple. And each said, “If it is sacrifice the Lord wants, we shall sacrifice ourselves.”
They went back unto their people, and they spoke, and they spoke again.
And then, when no one believed them, they returned, and they built a larger temple. And they prayed unto the Lord.
And the Lord did answer them, and said, “WE HAVE HEARD YOUR PRAYER, BUT GO BACK UNTO THE PEOPLE.”
The men were weary and tired. The money that they had was gone. But yet they returned back unto their people and they spoke again. And no one believed them.
And they returned back unto the temple. And this time, from stone, from rock, from all the places they could find, they constructed a temple with thirteen sides. And they did bring prayer unto the Lord.
And so they went, each into the other’s land, and they spoke. And as they spoke, the temples arose in front of the people, and the people believed and began to change their ways.
From village to village and town to town, so it went.
And they completed their circle, and came back unto the temple they had built. And there they did give thanks unto the Lord.
Once again you shall think we have spoke to you in riddles, when in truth, we have spoke a truth, a complete truth.
You have other questions, ask.
“Yes, Aka. Last week [15–461–1] −”
We see this, but as soul Ray grows weary we should ask that you should ask questions.
We shall answer one question for this one who fears that he shall move. And we shall say unto him, soul Ray has given you counsel, and it has been good and true. And it has brought you unto land you wish to be in. Why would he remove you from it, or should we? Listen to us. Hear our words. There is great work to be done. Pick up the torch and begin.
You have other questions, ask.
“Thank you, Aka. [14–459–1…Las Cruces, New Mexico] asks, ‘Is this a good time for C______ and I to sell our home?’”
We will answer your question in this manner. It is not [a needed] commodity at this time. Yet, it is economically a good time, for interest rates shall go down even further, and so the buyers shall be more plentiful.
You have other questions, ask.
“Thank you, Aka. [17–507–1…Tucson, Arizona] asks, ‘Aka, how can I know your presence?’”
(Chuckle.) We say unto you, feel your own heartbeat, and if you can feel this, then open your heart and we shall enter.
You have other questions, ask.
“[17–507–2…Australia] asks for a life reading for [17–507–2] and [17–507–3].”
We should say unto you, as we have said before, soul Ray now grows tired.
We shall say unto you these words, and heed the wisdom of the words, we have placed a healing well upon the land. Yet no roses grow. And no trees grow. We say unto you, go, therefore, tomorrow, each of you, and before your madonnas, light, therefore, a candle unto each of you. And as you light the candle, tell God what your intentions are, what you would give to God. And then you shall learn what God shall give to you.
Soul Ray now grows weary. Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.
[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]
Copyright © 1985 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.
June 28, 1985
Globe, Arizona
Aka is here.
“Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”
Soul Ray stands with God.
Yes, we see thy need, and we should say unto thee unto this parable, in this manner and in this way.
For the Seven Spirits came forth unto the Father and said, “Lord, the earth is ready for planting. What shall we plant there?”
And so, the fruits trees began to unfold upon the earth, and pine trees, and maple trees, and all the different types of trees − and berry bushes, and all types of bushes − and grasses − abundance of all kinds. And soon the land began to become full. And even unto the deserts, there were special plants that they placed there, that were both edible and non-edible.
But the Seventh Spirit, who seemed never to do anything right, began to plant in the kingdom of God many different types of flowers.
And the Seventh Angel said unto the Lord, “But Father, how should I know which is the best flower to put upon the Earth?”
And so he went forth, and he did sprinkle upon the earth abundance of all kinds of flowers.
And the other six angels came forth and said, “Father, do you know what the Seventh Angel has done this time? He has planted flowers among our trees. He has planted flowers among our bushes. He has planted a plant called a rose that has no thorns. It is beautiful to behold, but you cannot eat it, Father.”
And the Lord looked upon the Seventh Angel where he stood with a great smile upon his face, and great pride within himself. And he said, “But behold, Father, for they have beauty in the smallest of things.”
And the Lord, God, looked unto the Seven Spirits and said, “YES, BEHOLD, FOR IS THERE NOT BEAUTY INTO THE SMALLEST OF THINGS.”
We say unto you, is there not beauty into the smallest of things? Into the things you see no beauty at all, is there not enlightenment? Is there not time for planting your flowers? Is there not time that you should take to see the flowers at your feet, and to know that they are one of the more important things in life, for they bring laughter to our hearts. And the smell brings gladness to our noses. And the sight brings twinklings to the eyes.
We say unto you, they come and they go, year after year.
We say unto you, look around you. Look unto the person who sits next to you, and see the g1adness in their hearts, and their soul, and you shall see the love within the same. And the cup shall runneth over and go unto the many lands.
Yes, the time shall come when many things shall come about that shall alter and change the land. New flowers shall flourish and bloom again, as man shall bloom again. “For not the smallest thing shall be taken from the Earth, leste my Father know.” And not the smallest thing shall be taken from the Earth, leste He give it back tenfold. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.
You have questions, ask.
“Yes, Aka. [16–492–3…Christmas Star Route…Winkleman, Arizona] asks, ‘What month will our house at Cochiti Lake sell?’”
In the month of July it could sell. But you feel not ready, so therefore, you shall go into October, and then you shall be ready.
You have other questions, ask.
“Yes, Aka, thank you. [16–492–1…Albuquerque, New Mexico] asks, ‘In this lifetime, what am I supposed to be doing for God?’”
We say unto you, take the first of the reading, and know that what is there is true. And we say unto you, for God, prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. If this is to be done, let the Eagle score [soar]. Turn him loose. Prepare, therefore, places that those who should hear him talk shall do so.
You have other questions.
“Yes, Aka, thank you. [15–461–1] says, ‘Dear Aka, I was born November 23, 1941, at Brooklyn, New York. My birth certificate indicates the time of birth at shortly after 3:00 a.m. on August 13th, 1982. You verified that my time of birth was 9:22 a.m. Please explain the difference in the time, if November 23, 1941, is correct, and what time I should use when having an astrological chart done? With love, J__.’”
You should use the later, for there is times that mistakes are made in making out such forms. But most of all, when forms are made out, exact times sometimes are not followed. Many times a doctor shall look upon a clock and say, “Let it be written that this child is born at such-and-such time and such-and-such day.” That is after he has had the child in his hands, checked it over, and made sure that its entry into the world is complete. This is not necessarily the time of arrival. There is many times when he will sit in his office after the birth and make out [the] birth certificate. Most of the time he never even touches it; others prepare it for him and he signs it.
Many, many of the times that are on your birth certificates are incorrect. For that reason, the truth in time should be sought. There are many ways to determine this. You have learned of dowsing, you have learned of pendulums. They are but extensions of the mind, that hidden place within that we have spoke about. But the more often the truth shall lie in the asking.
You have other questions, ask.
“Thank you, Aka. Aka, [4–125–2] asks, ‘Would you please link my soul to God, help me to rise, to walk on water with you? Help me prepare the way within myself, that I may prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. In God’s love, I ask.’”
We see thy need, and we say unto you, many things have been given to you. And that that you have asked has already been given unto you.
Know this, that to know one’s self is to know but one part of mankind. But it is a part that is a beginning.
We say to you, yesterday is only important to know where you are going today. But the plans that you shall initiate and take forth into the future are by far important than what happened in the past. So take these things forth in such a manner that a true form of being materializes before your eyes, and that form shall be within yourself. If you do this, you shall find that which you seek.
You have other questions, ask.
“Thank you, Aka. [13–437–3…Globe, Arizona], he asks, ‘A life reading, or anything that would help me now.’”
(Chuckle.) Yes, we see thy need, and we have before us the body, the soul, and the spirit of the same.
And we will say unto you unto these words, you have been born at a time that brought you forth, step-by-step, through hardships and joy, through good times and bad. You are all parts of all things that you have ever been. This is why, rather than take each step before this time and give it to you, we shall give you the here and the now, for that is the most important to you.
We shall say to you that this one, this Ammie Ray Elkins, which has been your friend, you have been with before, not in but one lifetime, but in many. And friends you have been. Nothing has ever interfered with this.
But we say unto you, that now, with the knowledge that you have gained through your long life, we say to you, go with your wife and write. Write of the good times, the funny times, those of laughter that brings laughter to the hearts of men, that happened in the worst of times, that our people shall know that even in the worst of times they are the best of times. For there has been laughter, abundance in your life, and this in itself shall be a storing, because you are taking from the storehouse of your knowledge and releasing it, so that it shall be remembered and cherished.
We say unto you, beloved, you are most beloved in the eyes of God. Your name and the one that soul Ray carries in his first name, were once the same. Know this. For it is the deep feeling that he conveys unto us that we have conveyed unto you.
You have other questions, ask.
“Yes, Aka, thank you. [16–492–2…New Mexico], she asks, ‘When will our house…in Albuquerque sell? And what type of employment shall I seek, if any?’”
Yes, we see thy need, and we shall say unto you that in the month of February your house shall sell. You shall have other chances before then, three to be precise. If you choose to take these, do so, but the best and, better price shall come at the time above.
What shall you do with your life? Live it.
You have other questions.
“Aka, at this time I have no other question.”
Yes, we shall answer the question utmost in your minds. And you say unto us, “How can you speak of flowers when men are being held captive and when war knocks at our door?”
And I say unto you, unto the worst battlefields flowers have grown. They have come forth to replace the scars. At Dachau and [Daulitzdaire] you shall find flowers. They come forth to cover the wounds.
It is like the music in your air. It is born sometimes from many forms of healing. Sometimes it is born from the hurt and depths of the soul, sometimes from the height and laughter of the soul, yet always it is the universal music from the galaxies that ring[s] in your ears, that dances and performs before the greatest of all mankind, for it is for all mankind. And it is the music of the gods, as the flowers or the music.
We say unto you, yes, those times we have told you about shall come forth, but do not cease to plan for tomorrow. Prepare, store. But do not make that all of your life, make it part of your life.
If you may send food to Ethiopia, also prepare and send food here at home, and start. Feed the nations, for this is a test for you. It is a test that one third of the Earth, as had been written, would be struck by the Lord and nothing should grow upon it. And one third of the Earth should perish from starvation. It is your test, the test to see if the rest of the [three]-thirds are worth saving.
If mankind can overcome his bigotry − it is like Jonah calling in the wind; let it be heard. If you give, give with your heart. Give that which you have. Put into storage that which you have here. Give what you can unto the third of the world which now dies of starvation. Let it go as a gift of love, and know that what you have done is a gift of love.
We say unto you, yes, the time of storing shall be in many forms.
But remember, knowledge will come unto soul Ray’s mind that shall seem to come from nowhere. Listen to his thoughts. Bring them together, and they will give you the substance to do those things you need.
For the land at hand is not enough. And time shall come and time shall go, but the greatest time shall be the laughter you have in your heart, and the tears you shed for your love.
There is the love that comes from brother to sister, the love that comes from father to daughter and mother to son, but there is the love that comes from one part of mankind unto another that does not ask the color or race or religion of a man or woman or child, [but] only knows that it cannot see them suffer, that no man may suffer. Know it in truth.
What is your test? Do you not see it?
Can you not understand it?
Now soul Ray grows very weak. Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.
[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.
This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]
Copyright © 1985 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.
July 12, 1985
Globe, Arizona
Aka is here.
“Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”
Soul Ray stands with God.
Yes, we see thy need; we shall answer your question in this manner and in this way.
For once upon a land the Lord, God, looked upon it, and said, “IN WHAT WAY SHALL I SERVE MY CHILDREN BEST?”
And there were many replies.
But the Lord looked upon the sick and the hungry, those who were [in] need of food, those who were [in] need of healing of the body, and those who were [in] need of healing of the mind. And He said, therefore, unto them, “I SHALL SEND THIS TO THEM.”
And so He placed it in the form of man. And He sent, therefore, unto the land one person. And as days grew by, the child grew up. He grew up with the knowledge that was in himself; he was there for a special purpose, yet he knew not what.
And the days did pass. He strove through the day-to-day pattern of mankind, through the sickness, through the heartache, and through the pain of the spirit. Yet, inside of him he knew that he had come from the Lord, and there was a mission.
As time grew on, he came into adulthood. And he went forth upon the land, and he did see and experience many things. He went unto the land where the famine was the worst, and he saw this. And he saw those who hurt the most emotionally. And he saw those who had lost their way spiritually.
And he went, therefore, unto a private place, and he prayed unto the Lord and he said unto Him, “Oh, Lord, I am but a grain of sand upon the Earth. I cannot move Your mountain. Why have You called upon me, for I am weak in spirit myself, and I am weak of body. And there are times, oh Lord, when I doubt my own sanity. Why have You called on me?”
Then we say unto you, we have called on you for this reason, to come upon the land and come into the worst of times, not the best − to walk upon the ground, not when it is still, but when it is shaking; not when there is peace, but war and famine, because we know that you know these things. And of the mental state you speak of, we say unto you, who is to say which is the dream or the dreamer? Who is to say whether we exist? Only you − and you of your kind, for that in the beginning was the creation.”
This one stopped and thought long upon this that the Lord had given unto him. And he said unto the Lord, “Lord, I am still but a grain of sand. Give me those who would help me, Lord. Give me strong, able lads, and lasses, who might walk into the land, and be known by the sight of them.”
We say unto you, our parable may be strange, and it may be not as complete in understanding as there [are] some who wish it to be. It may not be as clearly spoken. But it rings truth.
You have many questions, ask.
“Thank you, Aka. ‘Dear Aka, please give us specific guidance about the Association and the church, how the Association can serve its members, and how the members can serve the Association?’”
We would say unto you, unto these words. First, your decisions must be made.
It has been said by your members, “Who brought forth the rituals of marriage and burial? Who brought forth the prayers, and robes − and all these things?” We did. We brought them forth and gave them. We gave them as a gift, as a father would give to a child.
Yet, there are times when the greatest gift shall be thrown aside by the child, for they know it not.
We say unto you, we will give you that which you ask. If you wish it to prosper and grow, and become holy and complete, we say to you, there is a time when tithing is necessary. Did not Abraham and Levi give ten percent of all their goods unto the Prince of Salem? Did not all the tribes of Israel, the Twelve Tribes, gladly give of their ten percent?
We say unto you unto these words, if you are to exist, exist in the manner in which we came. For look into the heavens and know these things that we say to be true. We came with a great comet. And know that the comet, [or] a part of the same, shall soon return − and we shall go.
We have placed into your hands the tools that are necessary. Yet you see them not. You know them not. If what we have given is good, it shall rise. But let it flow freely as a brook should flow to the great rivers, and from the great rivers should flow unto the mighty oceans − and there to flow to the many shores.
The greatness of mankind, and those things we told you in the beginning, are but at hand. These days are soon about you. If you run and hide, do not do this. We have told you to prepare where you are, and how to prepare for these times.
We have placed in the mind of soul Ray many truths.
We say to you, his mind and his heart has grown tired. And so has his physical body. With our coming, we did not promise to restore him, but to keep him but for a purpose, as long as he freely wished to do so. There are many doorways. We have told you the same thing in many ways, so that you may choose from some of them. We have told you that the spirits of God are like the universe, [the] galaxies, for they are all part of God. The beginning and the ending is all part of the Lord. In His time, all of the prophecies that you have shall come about.
We shall tell you that a shifting of the power of the Eagle [U. S. A.] is about at hand. Within the shifting of this power, pray that those of Israel shall [be as] continue to be, and shall always be a part of this great land, one nation under God.
Some of you do not know that of which we speak. You shall. You shall.
You have other questions, ask.
“Thank you, Aka. [12–423–1…Globe, Arizona] asks, “Please tell me what is happening to the birds and the chickens at the ranch, and if it is poison, where can I find it?’”
We would answer your question in two ways. First, the testing of a new weaponry system has been going and been about in this area. It is called, select killing, or extermination. The second part is being used by trappers. The third part comes from within a quarter mile of the ranch itself in the valley; a deranged mind is placing the poison, which causes the blood in the animal or the person to bleed to death and yet leave no signs of blood within the body. In all of these, it would take a deranged mind. It is not affecting, at the present time, the other animals. It shall mean that such steps shall be needed to be taken, to take forth on the flight and the wing that is needed, to thin out part of your predatory species; otherwise, a great imbalance shall occur.
You have other questions.
“Thank you, Aka. ‘Dear Aka,’ [15–461–1] asks, ‘Will I be moving in the near future? If so, please give me any details which you can and advise me of the place where I will be going. Also, if I move, will I be able to be of service? Love, J__.’”
We have already answered your question in a previous reading.
You have other questions, ask.
“Thank you, Aka. [17–509–1…Grants, New Mexico] asks, ‘Help me with some problems that have been heavy on my mind. Thank you.’”
Yes, we understand your need. And we shall say unto you unto these − you look and yet you find not that which is needed for your financial welfare and your spiritual needs. And we say to you, there is a garden already planted. Reach back and harvest it.
Now we say unto you, seek and you shall find.
Blessed are they who have the faith to know when they have found peace of mind and body.
Blessed are they who shall give comfort into others.
Blessed are they who bring tranquility into the house of others.
Blessed are they who give from the heart and expect not in return.
Soul Ray now grows weary, and we say unto you, awaken soul Ray from his slumber.
[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]
Copyright © 1985 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.
October 9, 1985
Grants, New Mexico (At the home of Sue and Henry Elkins)
Aka is here.
“Good evening, Aka, where is soul Ray?”
Soul Ray stands with God.
Yes we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God, forever and ever; glory be the name of His children.
And we should say unto thee this parable in this manner and in this way.
For as each man should pray unto his Lord he should pray for different things. The farmer should pray for rain when he has seed in the ground, yet he should pray for no rain when he is trying to harvest. He should pray for frost at the right time of the year. Yet, the businessman who sells his real estate, he prays for no rain, only bright sunny days. And the fisherman, he prays for no rain, only bright sunny days. Each man prays for his own needs.
How does God know which prayer to answer? Is it not written that the sun and the rain shall fall on all?
If you pray for rain, and you wish it to be so, pray for the place that you wish it to be. Pray in such a manner that it means something to you, and it shall mean something to the Lord. If you ask in the name of the Lord for a car, make certain that you also ask Him for the means to pay for it, and a place to put it, and a way to pay the taxes upon it, and maintain it, and put fuel [in it], because the car alone will do you little good.
If you are in a desert and had no water, and you said, “Lord, I am thirsty; give me rain,” and the Lord brought forth a rain, but the rain rained above you and around you, and the arroyos where you stood water came in abundance, you have just provided the means to drown yourself because you did not ask in a specific manner.
Meaning exactly what you say, at all times, is probably one of the most important lessons that man can learn.
Man, because he was given a mouth to speak with, thinks sometimes that that’s all he must do, is make noises, instead of giving intelligent thought to that which he shall speak. You have man as a whole gives 10 percent to thought and 90 percent to unthought.
When you have a neighbor and you cannot, within your heart, speak goodly of him, speak not of him at all.
[But] never bear false witness. Never declare the guilt of another person unless you know it to be so, for you have condemned this person to death or worse, only upon your words. But you have also created a thought. And [the] thought form is like the mustard seed; it gathers and grows as a mountain. The false accusation of a person could bring about a very belligerent act toward yourself or someone else.
Give [in] truth where you find it.
There once was a man who took stones and built himself a very simple altar. Those who saw him build it went around the valleys and said, “Look, this man builds a stone to worship to false gods.” And soon, across the whole country people were talking and saying, “This man worships the Devil. This man worships false gods.” The man went on building.
One day the people came as he was in prayer. They did not look to see what was in his hands or in his mind; they stoned him. In stoning him, they created their own karma, for in his hands he held the very sacred scroll that he intended to share with all.
You have many questions. Ask.
“Yes, Aka,[17–510–1…Grants, New Mexico] and she asks, ’What does the Lord have planned for me to do now and in the future?’”
We shall answer your manner [question] in this way. The Lord has said, “LET THY WILL BE DONE” − not His but your own. The Lord provides you with everything you wish to do, all the tools that are necessary to complete your act. But He does not say, “Go and do this, go and do that.” You must make your own decision. But we will tell you, indecision is the worst enemy of man. If you wish to serve the Lord, then say, “Lord, I wish to serve You,” and an answer shall come to you. But the Lord, God, gave you free will to exercise yourself. If you wish to ask us what shall happen in the future, then be specific in what you ask.
You have other questions.
“Thank you, Aka. [17–503–1], who is here tonight, asks, ‘What kind of winter will we have here this year, and will cattle prices go up this fall?’”
We shall answer your question. You shall have a severe winter. Cattle prices shall go up, not — we shall answer very specifically − it shall go almost up to 70 cents a pound for 400 pounders. But it should be like a wayward woman, it should wander any way and with the whim of the wind.
You have other questions, ask.
“Yes, she also asks, ‘Will the uranium industry come back to this area and if so, when?’”
We should answer your question by saying, no. There is, [both] by far, cheaper uranium deposits in other countries, with cheaper labor. At the present time the United States is not interested in taking its own raw minerals. It’s interested in buying raw minerals from other countries and reserving its own for a time when it might need them. The time when it may need them might happen again in two years.
You have other questions, ask.
“Yes, Aka. [15–462–1] who is here tonight asks, ‘Dear Aka, please give guidance about the direction of my life to develop to full potential.’”
Yes, we see thy need, and shall answer in this manner. That which we told you before would happen has happened. Now you do not know what to do with it. It has overwhelmed you, yet it should have not. We say to you, continue. But there are some things that you need to simplify. Make your time worthwhile, but allow other things to go to subordinate people, that they may do more menial tasks. Your business shall grow and prosper beyond most of your own wilder dreams. The work that you have done [with] the Association, it too shall take wings.
You have other questions, ask.
“Aka, I have no further questions at this time.”
Yes, we see thy needs, and we shall say to you in this manner. For we shall answer this question. For we shall place in your mind a manner into which you shall build that that is needed for your machinery, the gate. As soon as this gate is completed you must patent it. For very soon, within a three-month period, you will have many people at your doorstep wishing to buy, to franchise and to grow. For the one who this is intended for, they shall understand it fully.
And now, we shall say unto you, for the new office that you have placed for healing, it too shall now prosper. And the other parts shall grow and blessings shall be given unto it in bountiful amounts.
We have these words to say to all of you. New earthquakes shall commence. Mexico is just but a beginning. Yet a bigger one shall strike her and take her to her knees. Yet California shall soon quiver like a top. But look into your own Midwest, into Nebraska and Kansas, and Idaho. They too shall have earthquakes in such a manner they have never known. There shall be parts of Arizona that shall have earthquakes, and parts of New Mexico. They shall be below you, but yet, you will know it has happened. There shall be huge tornadoes that shall wrack the earth in such a manner that you shall think the Earth shall end, but it shall not.
The disease known as AIDS is but an extension of what has already been. But there shall be new discoveries made that mankind shall accept.
We say to you, for the evil that has been spread upon the Earth, nothing can fall from this Earth without our Father’s permission. Know this. Because our time has grown short, we shall not elaborate fully upon this. But know this, that soul Ray has used the quinine and the R-factor so it shall work as the preventative to stop the spread, for those who take it.
You have other questions in your mind. And we shall answer unto the builder of wood. You are now thinking of building of rock and adobe and wood and combining them. This shall be very prosperous to you.
Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.
[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]
Copyright © 1985 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona 85502.
November 29, 1985
“Good evening, Aka; where is soul Ray?”
Soul Ray stands with God.
Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner, in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God, forever and ever; glory be the name of His children, in the righteous name of mankind.
And we say unto thee unto this parable − of a land’s that once sent forth to invite a prophet unto their land. And as they sent forth the invitation, the prophet accepted. And he ventured forth unto the land, and therefore, he found many good people.
In some places where he would speak he spoke to many. In others he spoke to but a few.
He went about his tasks in his day-to-day work in a righteous manner before man and God.
And there was many who would say, “Here or there goes this prophet, a man of God, who shall give unto us health and wealth and all those things of good and of bountiful things.” When they hailed the prophet they said, “We have come, oh, prophet, to receive all these gifts that you have to offer.”
And the prophet said unto them, “I have but one gift, the greatest gift of all − yourselves. This I give unto you, for you have not found it for yourself.
“The second gift I have unto you is the greatest gift man may own, and that is his soul, his spirit, and his immortal body.
“Yet the third gift I give unto you is even greater yet − for it is the gift of God.
“For [builtad][your God?] believes in you. And because He believes in you, so through eternity He has allowed you to make many mistakes. And by making these mistakes, He has allowed you the privilege of getting up by yourself.”
“And you say unto us, ‘How many times must I get up? How many times must I rise myself − only to fall again?’
“The sin is not in the falling, and not in the giving forth the energy necessary to rise again. It is the manner with which you rise. Rise thee then unto the eyes of the Lord, thy God, and allow this miracle [to] come forth this day.
“And you say unto I [me], ‘What miracle could this be?’
“And I say unto thee, the miracle of the kingdom of God — for you, and in your temple, possess the kingdom of God.”
They wondered what he had said and how he had said it. Some pondered long upon his words, even after he had left.
There’s many who said, “Why did he speak so long to the few, and not to the many?”
“What is it that he said; what did he leave with us? What great gift did he bestow upon us? Was it riches or jewels or emeralds so fine?”
Nay. Nor was it wine, or any of these substances. For within reality, it was, as you know, the substance of the soul.
Now you have many questions, ask.
“Yes, Aka.”
“[18511–1…Tucson, Arizona] asks, ‘Could you please give some advise on my job? Thank you.’”
This question is not complete. This person no longer lives at the above address. We shall find this one. One moment.
Yes, we find this one. Therefore, we find the body, the soul, and the spiritual substance of the same.
And we say unto this one, you shall find happiness only when you are content to give of yourself of that which you demand of others. It shall not be easy. A gift is only a gift when you give it and expect nothing in return.
You have other questions, ask.
“Yes, Aka. [1–851–12…West Germany]: ‘Thank you very much for the literature. As to the life reading, I would be very happy to get that opportunity. Thank you.’”
Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same, and therefore, we have the records before us. But we would say unto you, bring this question up at your next reading, for soul Ray’s health has not fully recovered.
Ask other questions that we might answer.
“Ok. [18511–3…Grants, New Mexico] asks, ‘Why can I not accept the spirits when they come to give me information on others or myself?’”
It is said that, “there shall be those who shall dream dreams and those who should interpret the dreams; there shall be those who should speak in tongues and those who should interpret the tongues.” We say unto you, allow these things to enter. But know that which enters. If it is good, much like wine, then drink of it. If it is not, then cast it aside.
You have one other question.
[Editor’s note: The person reading the questions was silent.]
Then we should say unto you unto these words. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children. We would say unto thee, look now into the land of Mexico, not so much for the volcano nor the hurricane, look now for the political bomb that is about to explode. The hours come closer one by one.
Pray that these things do not happen. For the last eruption occurred; it shall occur again in greater volume.
Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.
[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared to the audio tape recording for accuracy.]
Copyright © 1985 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona 85502.
Be sure to read each year’s readings from the 1970 to the 1989 in this publication, The Words of Aka, spiritual messengers of God.
Leran about how the readings began — “We Give This Message from Our Father.”
And see the articles in the publication on, “A Stairway to Heaven.”
Would you like to join the Association of Universal Philosophy the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, asked us to form? Here’s how. Then send us an email at or, or message us on our Facebook page, Association of Universal Philosophy, to let us know where you email your newsletter, “Rays of Philosophy.”
All of these readings have been gathered together for you in three books — the philosophy, the past-life readings, and health readings — as the Book with Wings series. Study and learn from them this way. And be blessed!