The 1986 Readings

January 23, 31; February 14; May 2, 16; June 6, 13; August 1; September 26; October 17; December 19 (Two transcripts missing: May 5, August 20 or 22? The tape was lost in Houston)

“For upon the Earth and in the heavens work is being done to prepare the way for a great happening. And from the east shall come that which is necessary to [sustain] its growth. And then it shall come from the north and the south. As this growth begins, fertilize its growth in the area where interest is shown. But remember, time does not stand still; all things are but a blinking of an eye in an eternity. The change will come and go — it is up to you to make it happen.” (Aka, spiritual messengers of God, May 2, 1986)


January 23, 1986

(Dallas, Texas?)

“Where is soul Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory to the name of His children, forever.

And we should say unto you this parable in this manner and in this way.

For once there was a large valley, and those that came to the valley to live were all related. And the head of the family was an elderly man known far and wide for his great wisdom.

And so, he drew lots and laid them aside, assigned them so that the land could be picked for each of the families to farm and to graze the cattle.

And as the years passed, it prospered. And as it prospered, they began to quarrel, each one into another. And the heads of each of their groups would come forth to this wise man and say unto him, “This person is doing this to me and unto my family.”

He listened to each one patiently, and to each one he would say these words, and it was to see the larger picture. Yet, they understood him not.

Finally, the wise man, the head of the families, sent forth the messengers to all the heads of the house to be present at one time. And he said unto them, “I have told you to see the larger part of the picture. Why is it you can not?”

One [man] got up and said, “But what is the larger part of the picture? What is it that we were to see, that we do not see?”

And he looked at them. He said, “For some of you here, the bigger part of the picture, the larger part that shall happen, that is that in the picture shall only be what you have today, for you will not stop squabbling, you will continue to bicker for small tidbits. But for those who can see the larger part, that is what they shall have. For as they work and gain and grow together, you shall become a great empire and a great nation, but you shall only do this if you grow spiritually and mentally and physically, and only [by] knowing that you shall be a nation under God. If you forget this, then you have forgotten yourself and the reason you have come to this valley.”

Time did pass. And as he had said, there were those who never became the larger part because all they could do would be bicker. And soon they lost their lands. And they become [poor] workers of the others. And even then they bickered.

And then, soon families that had prospered, they came forth and said, “We’d like to leave our land in such a manner that our servants should gain from it; yet, the land should always be ours.”

And so the wise man said unto them, “Do so, but let those who would serve this household and your family give tithings each year, the same [that] they would pay rent.”

And so, they all came together once again, those who had gone away and the others families. And it was written up that those who had owned the land, who [had lived] with one another, gave tithings unto them.

As time passed, the tithings [gained], and the owners came back. And those who had had the land said, “You have no land; this is our land.”

And they said, “No, we have this paper.”

“Then we shall take it to the head of the households.”

And they said, “We recognize the head of the household not.”

The head of the household, when they recognized him not, [and would] not recognize the paper, [did] call upon the wrath of God to smite them. And He did smite them three and 40 times before they knew the Lord, God, was He.

Now we have told you of the parable. And the parable is as the nations are today. No one nation can support the world, unless the world is willing to support itself. No one nation can keep a third of the world from starving to death unless these people are willing to [fend] for themselves. It was written that these things would happen, that famine would strike a third of the Earth. And so it has come.

For you who say, “Where else has this began,” this has begun. It is all around you.

But we would also say unto you when a child in this nation, when you have not one child that goes to bed hungry at night, when you have not one child who needs [your] care, then, and only then, should you pick up another nation.

There will be those who say what we say and have said is wrong. But unless you strengthen your own nation and build your own foundation, the nation that you have built “under one God” shall fall.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank You, Aka. [18–512–1…Dallas], she asks, ‘[Will you] please give me specific guidance and direction; am I doing God’s [will at this time]?’”

Yes, we see this and we see thy need. And we should tell [you this guidance.]

We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. We should say unto you, you have taken certain steps, though they be small steps, in the right direction. [Are you certain that you] truly and sincerely wish [to] do this? Remember, all wheels, all bearings should hold under the [job] and be motivated. They must be greased and lubricated. And that lubrication comes before [your] monetary gain.

If you are to do the work that you [propose] to do, do so as an agent. Therefore, take unto a tithing, for those you should work for, [of] 10 percent. Make a contract, and make it fair unto all parties concerned. But if you are to act as an agent for these parties, do so in a manner that should be righteous for yourself, righteous for your fellow man, and righteous for God. And in all ways you shall be serving God, for you shall bring forth the talent [of giving] God’s gifts unto man, that others may share.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–512–2…Plano, Texas] asks, ‘What is my highest purpose this lifetime?’”

Yes, we see they need, and shall answer your question in this manner. If you should cast your bread upon water, and it should return unto you tenfold, and you should cast it again, and it should return unto you tenfold, and you should cast it once again, and once again it should return unto you tenfold, what percent would you give unto God? Many times in your life you have asked God for different things. And God has heard your prayers and answered them. In answering your prayers, you have made certain promises. They were not requested, yet they were promised. Fulfill this that you have promised into the Lord, thy God. Fill it to the greatest of your ability. When you have done so, you shall most surely know the purpose of your existence.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–512–3…Texas] asks, ‘Why am I not generating the amount of money that I desire in my life?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and shall answer your question in this manner. The needed [amount] is different from [the need of others]. You are generating the money you need. It is the usage that seems wrong. It is not how much you make, but it is how you use what you make, and putting it as seed forth to generate other funds. If you should do it in this manner [you’d] soon see that that which you have invested will come forth, and that should be more than ample for you [for] those things that you need.

You have thought of an investment before, also [claimed where you thought, but never recorded it]. You are afraid of losing. Yet the only way you may win or succeed is to begin with that that you have, [__ ___ ____].

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–512–4…Dallas, Texas], and she asks, ‘Can you tell me a way to correct the malfunction in my pituitary gland which has caused abnormal water retention in my system for years?’”

Yes we see thy need. We shall answer your question in this manner. It is the pituitary gland which controls the nervous system, sending messages back and forth to the different portions of the body. The pineal gland controls the biochemistry of the body. The water retention that you have can be controlled quite simply by the use of the product known as “Wonderloss,” taken in quantities of three, four times a day. But we see other needs.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–512–5…Gallups], she asks, ‘When will I get out of this financial strain? How will I?’”

Yes, we see that before you. And we shall answer your question in this manner. You cannot [buy] yourself out of debt. Go unto those that you owe with a straight-forward explanation of your financial condition. But before you go, go forth and lay down in sequence all that that you owe. Allow yourself that that you need to operate your businesses, that that you need for food, shelter, [clothing]. Take that that is left and divide it among your creditors, giving each a certain proportion. If you do this, you’ll soon find the proportion you are paying shall become more and more until all the creditors are satisfied. But within each one, tell them the truth. Do not prevaricate or lie.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–512–6…Mobile, Alabama], and he asks, ‘Will the business do well this year, and is there anything I should do to make it dif­ferent?’”

A few things, and we would say in this manner, add to the line product. [There’s] a small gift shop in the same buildings [that] you shall find. Select that which [was going tremendously] well. And you shall find that it shall again, even if business falls, [you’re going through ___ the worse up], and give you that [hit], or the “edge,” as you would call it.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–512–7…Garland, Texas], ‘Astrologer Dan Fry stated yesterday [January 22, 1986,] that in March and April, several world leaders would be in danger of assassination, and there may be a major earthquake in Southern California. What do you see?’”

In the month of March once again the winds shall blow, and the Ides of March shall be upon your own President, and the Prime Minister of England. There shall be [an attempted] assassination on the present Russian leader before this time. Earthquakes in California, yes − not one, but five. But look into the land of Oregon and look into the land of Kansas. But look into the land of South America, and Russia. And there are many others we could name where eruptions and earthquakes shall occur. But we would say unto you, look unto the land beneath your feet. Before the year ends it shall shake.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [1–512–8…Plano, Texas], ‘What can I do to move past and relieve the fears that I have going out into the world to work and use my creative energy?’”

Yes we see thy needs. We shall answer your questions in this way. Fear is like an evil monster and is interrelated to greed. Fear and greed march hand and foot, one into the other. Fear can only grow when you give it power, energy. Refuse to give it energy. Approach each thing that you wish to do with a positive attitude, not that you might do something, but you shall do it. Leave no room for doubt in your mind or in your statements. There was once a saying, “So let it be written and let it be done.” Try this and see [it for] yourself.

You have other questions.

“Thank you Aka. [18–512–9…Dallas, Texas], ‘Shall I continue with the body work I do or should I go more deeply into the spiritual channeling and healing?’”

Yes, we see thy needs. We should say unto thee, there should be a point of balance where each should seek one’s own level. Do not take totally away from either, but add to and let them grow, and they shall balance each other out.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [J___ C__ M_____…Dallas], ‘What is the current forecast for [the] food supplies and economics that will be a concern to us in Dallas?’”

We see thy __ need. Dallas has become as a nation and the rest of the country is the supplier, with food and all things. It shall not be short in its supply in the near future. But in many households there should be a year’s supply of food, and water, and [sorts]. And it should be rotated frequently. For a small natural catastrophe, cuts you off from the rest of the world. Look unto the city of Tucson, Arizona, into its last winter when it was [under] ground, in the middle of the desert.

For the water had come, and [destruct was mighty].

Now soul Ray grows tired.

And we say unto you, glory be the name of the Lord, our God; glory be the name of His people. Now is the time of the Cherubim, and the Fifth Angels walks upon your Earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates for privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy. The cassette recording was difficult to hear in places.]

Copyright © 1986 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


January 31, 1986

[Aka is here.]

“Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children for ever and ever.

And we say unto you this parable in this manner and this way.

For there was a valley, and many had come unto the valley, for they had heard stories of its abundance. For there was food in the valley, and where there had been war among all the lands, in this valley there was peace.

And each day, one day passing into another, new arrivals did come. At first, there was no laws in the valley, only one, “Do unto others as you would wish them to do unto you.”

And a few people who owned the land in the valley allowed those who would come, and they farmed and they grew their crops. Yet, it became more bountiful, and as more came, more hands were there to toil more land.

It came to pass that they decided they must come together and elect themselves leaders. And so they did do this, and they elected leaders. And the leaders came unto the people who owned the land and said, “You shall split your land and share it with all these who have come. And for each new person who arrives, you shall give unto them ten acres of your land.”

The landowners then say, “Nay. We shall not do this.”

And they said, “Then you shall be in violation of the lands, and the law, and we shall take the land.”

The landowners said unto them, “We were kind enough to allow you to come and live on our land and farm. And it has become bountiful for all. Now you would take our land. So leave our valley, you and all those like you.”

They were taken [aback], for they did not think in their wildest dreams that the landowners would take such a course of action. They went back and they held meeting after meeting. Some were in favor of killing the landowners and taking their land; others wanted them thrown out of the valley. While others saw the truth in what the landowners said and went to the landowners and said, “We were wrong. We would like permission to stay and work on the land.”

The landowners said, “Yes, you may work on the land and share in its bounty.”

Then one day those who had decided to be separate from the landowners did come forth and they would kill unto the lan­downers. But yet, when they saw so many had gathered in working the land they became fearful. And they said unto themselves, “We shall pretend that we are also to work the land with the landowners.” And so they went unto the landowners.

And the landowners said unto them, “You must wait unto three days and we shall go into thought and think of this thing which must be done.”

They went forth. And upon the mountain there was a great “7.” And the “7” had always represented the Seven Spirits of the Lord, and there they had built a temple. They went into the temple and there they asked the Lord, God, for guidance, for they knew not what to do.

And there appeared unto them one. And he did say unto them, “Go back unto these people, for they come only to wait and bide their time to do you harm. But go back and tell them, ‘We shall write a contract with you, and in the contract you shall do share cropping. And any time that you do not do your share you shall lose all these interests that you shall have from this day forward. And you shall leave the valley or go to prison.’”

Upon these words he who had come left.

The landowners went back, and at the end of the third day they did meet with these people and say unto them those words that had been said unto them. There was much grumbling, but they had a scribe draw up the agreement, and it was witnessed by all.

As the days passed those who had grumbled the most began to benefit more and more each day. Yet they still wanted to overthrow that that was benefiting them the most.

The landowners learned that they were plotting their death once again, and they went unto them, and they brought out the agreement, and they said, “You have violated the agreement, for in the agreement you [appeared] you would not plot further against us in any way fashioned. And you have done so; now leave the land!” And they cast them out.

And those who were cast out went back into the land of war, and famine, and all these things.

And they went about and told, “Do not enter that valley, for that is the evilest of all valleys.”

Now we say unto you, even though these people went about speaking badly of the people who had helped them the most, because they slowed the migration of the many into the valley they had done them a favor, one that they themselves, the lan­downers, could not see.

But we say unto you, if a gift is given unto you, and you think it has come from an enemy, accept the gift [ingratiate] and with poise. Do not be as that of the person who you dislike. Be greater than they, and by being greater than they, you shall rise above even their pettiness.

You have other words, and other questions, ask.

“Thank you Aka. [13–442–2] asks, ‘Under the cir­cumstances of the robbery of my parents, ______, what avenue should we take? I need to benefit of their wisdom.”

We should answer your question in this manner. Take no action at this time, but watch. And let those who know that you are watching be ever aware that they are under observation. And they shall take no action. For as all concerned, we should ask you to rise above what you have seen. Your father has departed; he rests well; he has passed through well. He is now visiting, and enjoying himself well, with many good friends and many good relatives who passed before him, for he was well received on the other side, as you would call it. These things you yourself shall know. When you seek wisdom, we have placed he with you who knows of avenues and ways. You can always have relatives, but it is nice to choose your friends.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [13–431–1], ‘Why and whom has been breaking into the church and to our home, and what do they try to bring forth?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. There are those who seek records from the church that [were] moved there. That should fully answer your question. The ones who broke into the home were those who sought comforts. I think I would look into a way that the fullness of the question could be answered in such a manner that those who stand and [are] not involved should not suffer, for they have become your watchers and your eyes. Allow this to happen.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–513–2…West Germany] asks for a life reading.”

We’re sorry at this time we cannot give you a life reading. Soul Ray’s energy level is not to that point.

If you would continue to [ask] questions we shall continue to [answer]. Ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–511–3…Grants] asks, ‘Why can I not accept the spirits when they come to give me in­formation on others or myself?’”

There are spirits and there are spirits. As they grow and come to you and you grow fearful, trust them not. Do not allow those who come to the doorway unless you know them and they make their presence known unto you; then you should not be fearful. But if they do not make their presence known unto you, only wish to enter, they are not there for your benefit or for your wisdom.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–513–5…Globe, Arizona] asks, ‘Is there any legal and proper way I can use my ability with radionics so that I can earn enough so that I will not be dependant on Social Security?’”

No. There is no way that this instrument may be used legally. There are countries who allow this. The United States is not one of them. If you wish to practice and use such an instrument, there is a neighbor to the south who allows this. But in doing so you will have to acquire certain work permits. These permits are not always what they seem; be careful.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–513–6…New Mexico], he asks, ‘Help us locate the black, antique, Gibson guitar taken from our trailer at Truth or Consequences two weeks ago.’”

Yes, we see your need. And we should say unto you that there is more than one object that was taken from you. One you shall find in what you would call a pawn shop by the name of Mom or Mary, another in El Paso. And it shall soon be, the object which you seek shall soon be on sale, and the name of this place of business is the Aztec Pawn Shop.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [15–461–1] asks, ‘Please advise, have I been here before and what did I do?’”

(Chuckle.) That would require a life reading, and as we said before, it is not the time nor the place. We say unto you, soul Ray now grows weary.

As your earthquakes occur in the Midwest they shall increase and intensify.

And we shall say these things that you might understand. For those who have ears to listen, let them listen. For the seven, [for] the seven stars, remember. And they were cast into the heavens, and it burst glorious, forth in flame. That that comes from the desert, who would make himself known, is a two-headed serpent; beware.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1986 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


February 14, 1986

Globe, Arizona

[Aka is here.]

“Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And now we should say unto thee this parable, in this manner and in this way. Glory [be] the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

For there are many who should travel into many parts of the land. There are those who shall venture forth just to find new land, to feel the soil and know it, to see the mountains and the prairies. Yet, there are those who go with a purpose, for they have reached a decision that they must change their whole surroundings and leave all that that they have known before behind; they must do this to become successful. There are those who have had grief and turmoil where they have lived and they shall leave the land in which they dwell; yet they know not that the one thing they take with them is their selves. Yet it is good for people to look forward to moving.

And so, we shall tell you a story about one who moved. And he bought a fine house. There were certain cracks in the house and he went to fix the house. And he chipped away and chipped away until the upper part of the house fell. And he chipped away until the foundation was no more. And he had no house.

His neighbor looked upon him and said, “Why have you done this? Why have you destroyed the whole house to repair a crack?”

And the one who was there to repair the crack said, “It is not my fault. It is the fault of the person who owned the house before me, that he neglected this crack and it became worse and worse and I had to go clear to the foundation to correct it.”

The neighbor who lived on another side of him said, “Why did you destroy such a beautiful house, just to correct a crack?”

And he said, “Surely I shall sue the builder of the house, for it was his fault, because that when I went to correct the crack the whole building fell down.”

As each person asked, he had a different answer. He never looked into himself to see the problem. And the problem was himself, his obsession with flaws in anything. He could not leave the smallest imperfection, and so therefore, he destroyed all that was before him.

This, in itself, is a common thing in your society − blaming others for your own faults − looking at an imperfection and saying, “This must be corrected.”

There is a tower that leans. It was not built that way, but through natural happenings it leans. It has become very popular because it does so. There are places on your Earth where fine columns hold huge bulges and they stand forever. These were all parts of God’s making.

If the Lord, God, put imperfection into the Earth itself, and was happy with it, and found it good, what is it that these people would tear the house down to fix a crack? What is it that they want?

When someone comes to you for counseling and says unto you, “You have all of these problems and they are yours,” are they yours, or theirs? Look upon it, and make such a decision in such a way.

But also, know these things. If a person is sick and you try to help them, and mend them, and allow them to get well, and they refuse this, then that is their way. What they wish to be is sick, not well. They look out at all the rest of the world and they say, “The rest of the world is sick. I am well.”

And they say unto you, “I saw our neighbor and I told them this or I told them that,” and within reality, once this person sees the neighbor they talk about you. Is not this type of person to be pitied? But what should you do with a person like this? Should you allow them to continue to fornicate and spread a lie as truth? What can you really do to stop someone like this? Sometimes if a river is running unruly and you have done all you can to stop the course and to alter the course, is it not better to wait until the season is no longer in full [storm] before you alter the course? Allow it to run out. Then alter the course in its weaker state. It will take less effort upon your part.

We have given you question and answers. But understand this, there are many truths and half truths. And many truths that can be made to look as a truth when they are not.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Aka, would you please explain the comet that is due at the end of February? It comes in conjunction with two other planets, and what disasters it will bring?”

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer your question in this manner. The disasters you refer to is great famine, and drought, and milk drying up in mothers’ breasts. This is already happening in parts of your Earth today. This did not begin just one day ago. This has been going on since 1972. The comet that came in 1972 is the same comet that shall return − the planet, Yahweh. It shall come in conjunction, and therefore, there are probabilities that the droughts that you have known shall become more and wider spread.

There once was a king who had dreams, and he looked long and hard for those who could interpret the dreams. Finally a slave was brought forth to interpret the dream. And the slave interpreted the dream that there would be seven good years and seven bad years, and if he took those things he had now and put them aside he would not suffer during the seven bad years. And so it came into reality.

The same thing bears fruit now. You have time to prepare food of many types. You have time to grow gardens and can from the gardens, and preserve food in abundance, before these things come about. For there shall be places that markets shall be full, but no one shall have the money to buy. If you already have that that you need at home, you will not need to buy.

Understand these things. Understand this famine may spread among you, but if you work as a whole, as a whole and part of a whole − if one man puts in a garden and he only has so many hours to put it in, and only so much is done, if many come together and make a joint garden and a schedule is laid out that each person has certain tasks to perform on certain days, then it will happen.

But there are other things to take into consideration. Jonah came forth into the city and said, “Change your ways.” We have come forth unto you and said, “Turn around.”

A temple was built, yet it lies empty. Is the world so full of spiritual need that it needs not one temple?

We have answered your question.

You have others, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [12–242–2…Payson, Arizona] asks, ‘Aka, would you please give me a life reading — also, the time of my birth, please? And thank you for all that you have already done for me and mine.’”

We shall give you the time of birth, but not the life reading at this time, for soul Ray wearies.

9:22 a.m.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–514–1…Sierra Vista], she asks, ‘What is the main purpose of this lifetime for me?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer your question in this manner. The main purpose in this lifetime is to know life, and the meaning of life. And should you find these answers, for there are many, then become as a mirror and allow it to reflect out.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–514–2…Texas], and asks, ‘How can I be healed of this severe allergy cracks in my hand[s] and feet so my energies can be used completely for my channel resource?’”

The information that you need is being placed into soul Ray’s mind. It shall be conveyed from one to the other.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–514–3…Dallas, Texas] asks, ‘Should I continue to pursue physical therapy or diversify myself into other areas?’”

At the present time, physical therapy you shall − [Note: the microphone is being bumped by someone apparently moving it or moving around it.] Yes − at the present time you should pursue that which is before you. Other pathways shall be opened at a later time.

Soul Ray now grows weary. Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1986 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona 85502.


May 2, 1986

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka; where is soul Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. We should answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God.


For the listening device should be listened, should be turned up. [Note: Aka was asking that the volume be turned up on the tape recorder.]

Yes, we see thy need. We shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God, glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee this parable in this manner, and in this way.

For upon the land lived two men, and they both claimed the same land. So they decided one day not to fight, but each would work his part. One would grow one type of plant and the other another. And so they began. And since they were always in competition, each year’s crop became more bountiful.

And soon, there was another piece of land that was given unto them. And the person who gave it said unto them, “Since you quarrel over the land, let one own one land and then the other own the other.”

The two went to decide which would be which’s land, and who should own what. And soon it was found they could not decide once again. So once again they decided that they would each grow their own things, and farm both lands. And again, they grew bountiful crops.

And once again, there was land nearby that they could buy up. So they went together and bought more land. And this time there was fourfold of the first land. But again they could not agree who owned what. So, each grew his own crop. And they multiplied and multiplied in land and in crops.

As they began to grow old and their children began to inherit the ground, their children began to separate the ground. And the ground seemed to grow less with each generation of separation.

And the two old men came forth unto them. And they said, “We shall teach you something. It was never that we could not agree to disagree. It was only that we enjoyed disagreeing, so that we might be in competition and see who could [draw] the best crop. So all land from this day forth will be drawn in the lots, and no land shall be separated. And each shall grow that unto which he wishes upon the land.

And once again the land began to produce in great quantity.

Now we say unto you, this seems like a puzzle or a myth. But we say to you, as long as man has a dream to live for, he shall live. As long as he reaches out to discover new land, to plant new fields, he shall continue to grow and mature. For he shall reach for the stars, and beyond, and in the reaching, because he shall compete, he shall become better and better.

The only thing that man has not done is compete for peace and harmony among yourselves, to find your soul self. A day will come when you shall find the necessity of it.

You have questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [P____ W____…Carleton, Texas]; she asks, ‘What can I do to open my brain to receive the thoughts of a genius level?’”

We shall answer your manner − fine in this manner. There are biofeedback techniques that can be used for that which you desire. But we would say to you, be sure that you want and can handle emotionally that which you ask for, for with the knowledge comes the responsibility — how to use that knowledge.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [C_______ S_______] asks, ‘Aka, have I taken the proper course in my life, and also, what do you see in my near future?’ Thank you.”

Yes, we shall answer your question in this manner. You have launched your boat on the waters. And the waters shall produce abundance for both you and your children. For there are new things in the wind that shall affect the company you work for and yourselves. And these things shall be good for all.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Aka, would you explain to us what effects will come from the Russian meltdown?” [See note below.]

Yes, we shall explain this. Within all things are a balance. For instance, from the first time an atomic test was done the balance became hindered, and became worse and worse. When you increase anything by tenfold — new malignancies shall [begin again] to occur, even more different or strange than you have seen before.

As one element is altered or changed, so it changes all elements. For within the law of physics, the splitting of the atom and the plutonium used as fuel in the reactor, therefore, in the same, is like an uncontrollable fire that may burn through the crust of the Earth, and it shall contaminate the water. It shall burn and burn and burn, for this type of plutonium continues to split, continues to work. It is a self-igniting plutonium, which needs no other once it has begun, to start it. The problem is in stopping it. Once it passes through the water and contaminates it, it has not destroyed itself. It shall continue to pass into the center of the Earth, and therefore, an explosion shall occur. By that time it shall not feel [mountings] explosion. And that which it shall occur from shall be through what you would call a dead or a dormant volcano, [known at] this time. Look directly across from the Earth and you shall find where the disturbance shall occur.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [W_____ H_______], she asks, ‘Should I continue to be interested in Jim?’”

Yes, we see thy need. An interest is a mild word for your intent. But it is good.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [P____ F____ Tucumcari, New Mexico]: ‘What is my soul’s purpose in this lifetime?’”

The satisfaction of the soul is the satisfaction of the spirit. For you must realize that the body, the soul, the spirit and the immortal body are that of the same, and must be complete for the final steps that man shall take. And any time that you lose one you have lost all. But yet, any time you gain one you may gain all.

In the particular instance of which you ask, what is your soul purpose, we shall answer in this way. For in two-and-a-half hence years, a child shall be born unto you. And it shall be great, for it shall be, among other things, to walk with he who comes.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [D_____ C_____….Dallas, Texas]: ‘What is my mission, and how can I best achieve what God has decided of me? Should I relocate, and where?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer your question in this manner. First, you asked that you may develop your soul and your soul purpose. That can be done anywhere that you are. But if it is a kin soul you wish in your life, then look around and you shall see that which we say is true. In the land of the Eagle, into which you now see, are many avenues. If you look into the past you shall see the future, for you went into the land of the Eagle to study that of horticulture. And you shall find that that should come forth once again.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, thank you. [G_____ B____] asks, ‘Shall I pursue the future that I have been thinking of?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer your question in this manner. When one walks from one place to another, and stays upon the craft into which you are sailing, it is smooth, and sometimes in bad weather, but the dangers are small. When you step from one craft to another the dangers are great. Do not take these steps without expecting certain catastrophes to follow.

We say unto you, soul Ray now grows tired. But before we go we shall say unto you these words.

For upon the Earth and in the heavens work is being done to prepare the way for a great happening. And from the east shall come that which is necessary to [sustain] its growth. And then it shall come from the north and the south. As this growth begins, fertilize its growth in the area where interest is shown. But remember, time does not stand still; all things are but a blinking of an eye in an eternity. The change will come and go — it is up to you to make it happen.

You have other questions that we cannot answer at this time. Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

Editor’s note: On April 26, 1986, reactor number four at the Chernobyl plant, near Pripyat in the Ukrainian SSR, exploded. Further explosions and the resulting fire sent a plume of highly radioactive fallout into the atmosphere and over an extensive geographical area. Nearly 30 to 40 times more fallout was released than had been by the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The plume drifted over extensive parts of the western Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Northern Europe, and eastern North America. Large areas in Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia were badly contaminated, resulting in the evacuation and resettlement of over 336,000 people.

[Numbers are substituted for names to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1986 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


May 16, 1986

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we say unto you unto these words. If the right hand offend thee cast it aside. These words have been spoken many times, and you do not fully understand that unto which we speak.

If you had a cow who gave but sour milk, then that cow would have offended you. It would be of no use, it would be a burden. Possessions are only that. If that which you own, or have, becomes too great a burden to keep, it is not a pleasure anymore. It has lost its worth. It has lost that which it is, or can be, or could be, or shall ever become.

Understand, there shall be those who shall need their Achilles heels. They need to hold onto something that would be worthless to anyone else, even if it costs them dearly, because they either love it and need it to survive − that is a need; that is not an of­fending thing. No one else may need this object, only they, to give them peace of mind.

Do not judge others, “leste ye be judged.” You have heard this also many times. The meaning is quite simple.

[For a] man who walked down the street, he staggered, and everyone looked and said, “Look at that man, he is drunk. He is a drunkard upon the street. He should not be there; he should be in prison.” No one has stopped to see if the man is ill. No one has stopped to see if he can see at all, if he is blind. They judge. And by judging they have placed a standard that they all shall be judged with. They are putting up the rules, you would say.

Sometimes these rules, these yardsticks that we place upon ourselves, when turned inward we cannot measure up to them. So judge not yet you be judged.

It is said, the Lord, thy God, is a merciful God. And He loves His children. Yet, the sun and rain shall shine on all. It quite simply means that freedom of choice has been given unto you. You may [stand] in the rain or you may stand in the sunshine. It is your choice. ­

If you do not like the place you stand, then sell your house, sell these things that [coveth] you, and look beyond it. For these things that [coveth] you are but a burden unto you. They bring you no happiness nor joy. It is better to have loved for five minutes or even one, than never to have loved at all. For the lover shall know the joy of love. For those who shall be afraid shall never know the joy, nor the sadness, [nor] the gladness, nor even the desperation that love can bring into your heart.

Remember, the Lord, God, wishes only but one thing, that you be happy. He has given you the heaven and the earth. He has given you all things, therefore, and dominion over all. He has given you the tools to build you anything you wish, to make you happy. If where you stand is an unhappy place, do not stand there, but move aside.

To be transformed means to turn around. The one known as John the Baptist said, many times, “Be transformed.” Turn around, if you are going in the wrong way. But what John spoke of was the world of God. And he wished [for] those who wished to see that world to turn around and look within and see the world of God within them.

John, drank no wine. John, was a vegetarian, as you would call it in this time and place. He did so because he believed that this was the manner into which he could cleanse his body, and think well. Yet, Jesus of Nazara ate meat of all kinds, took wine, and enjoyed all the Earthly things. Was one a sinner and the other saint? Was one a fool? Nay. They were but human, with human frailties. And the beautiful part of the human is that he is of God. And being of God he can make mistakes. The Lord God, from the Old Testament to your New, has shown you that He too had learned. Have not one of you who have children ever made a mistake in your judgment with the child? Have you not scolded a child when you should have praised them?

We say unto you, it is said that more may be caught with honey than vinegar. Yet, both are needed for the well being of your health and your frames of mind.

We say, “Do unto others as you would wish them to do unto you.” And it has been said, “I give you one more commandment, ‘Love [ye] one and another as into thyself.’” The meaning is quite simple. Love each other and love yourself. God made you special and good. He made you as Himself, that you might make mistakes and learn from the mistakes.

But if you work each day with a thought that you shall strive for the love that God gives unto you, one-tenth of that love, if you could project that out into those who you would deal with each day.

If a person comes unto you and says, “I shall take your money,” should you stand there and allow him to do this? No. God is not saying this, when He said, “If a person offends you, turn the other cheek.” What He is saying is − you must understand that the transcribing of the Greek word from the Asiatic word, and the Arabian word, and the Egyptian word, each time has lost its meaning − and the meaning is quite simple. If a person comes to you and offends you, tell them, “You have of­fended me by that which you do.” But do not turn and offend them. Look upon them and say, “You have of­fended me; go ye and offend me no more.” There is nothing wrong by telling someone this.

But if you create great anger, and this anger possesses you, and you lose all those things that love you, you have gained nothing with your anger. You have not even removed that which offends you, because you have offended yourself. You have judged yourself. You have placed judgment. Leave judgment to God. We beg of you.

If you came upon a beautiful rose and it was the last rose that would ever blossom on this Earth, if you grasp it in your hands to possess it, it would crumble into dust, and you would never have a rose again. All that would be left is the thought in your mind. So look upon the rose, enjoy the rose. It was meant for your laughter, your delight, and your happiness. All flowers are placed to put gladness in you.

It is like the fruit of a tree, if you pick the fruit too early, it serves no purpose to you. If you pick the fruit too late, it is already in the fermentation state. If you pick the fruit at the right time, but before you pick the fruit you must nurture the tree that it comes from. [Give] gladness and tidings, and it shall be given back.

We have spoken long. And since soul Ray is very tired, we shall answer a few of your questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [12–423–1] asks, ‘To please tell us what is the problem with the horses − Pegasus, Cat Magic, and now the latest one. What treatment should they be given?’”

The horse, Pegasus, was poisoned. The horse, Cat Magic, had a twofold problem − one of poisoning, the other of parasites. There is treatment for this. The ground must be kept clean. Horses are curious, and when they are bored they will take their curiosity out on what they find and try to eat it. The colt, which soul Ray calls, Trouble, has a twofold problem at this point, and one is with parasites and the other is that which he has eaten. If you will think, all three horses became ill in the same area where the old barn was. This area should be plowed very, very deeply, and then picked from the earth all substance there in the same which might be harmful. We have seen your need.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [2–30–2] asks, ‘Please assist [J___ C_____] in her passing.’”

We see this.

“Thank you, Aka. [4–125–2] asks for − number 1, ‘I ask for spiritual guidance, growth, and healing.”

The spiritual guidance is but at hand. The healing is also but at hand. The greatest healing is the healing of the mind.

There is a parable, a parable of the healing well. Each day a young girl went to the healing well. And she took from it and drank from it. And each day she drank more and more, for she believed that the more she took, the more she would heal. It is not in the amount needed to take, it is not in how much you can consume, but the quality of what you are given.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you. Aka, she asks, ‘Will you give me guidance about G_____ S. B_____ in relation to me?’”

Friendship is a wonderful thing. It must be given. It also must be taken care of, and cherished.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [18–517–4…Albuquerque, New Mexico], she asks, ‘Will my daughter, J_____, born January 20, 1966, be a very successful movie actress [in time]?’”

We would like to answer your question with, yes; but instead we will say, success is [ ] within the eyes of the beholder.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–517–7–5], she asks, ‘Do you have a special message for me?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall say unto thee, make pilgrimage into the healing well. Take of its water. By this we mean, to take a container of 500 cc’s and fill this container. Take it home with you. And as you take the other substances given to you by soul Ray, take of this, and you shall soon find that it shall magnify itself. If you find truth in what we say, then come back and ask again, and we shall show you the direction into which you shall go.

Now we say unto you, soul Ray grows weary. Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1986 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


June 6, 1986

Globe, Arizona

The 14th Annual Meeting


Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God. Glory be the children of God.

And we shall say unto thee this parable.

For once upon the land, the Lord looked onto the Earth and looked into the times that would come. And He called forth His son, and He said, “SEND THEE THERE ONE WHO SHALL PREPARE THE WAY FOR YOUR COMING.”

And so, one was selected. And he went there before.

And he went into the multitude as he grew older, and he preached to the many, and he gave of himself, all of himself. He gave nothing unto himself. He prepared for that day when the Son, the first-begotten Son of God, would appear on the Earth and be known to man.

He kept himself clean. And he took naught into his body that would not keep his body clean. And he prayed to the Lord, thy God, as was called of him and as he was taught. He did all these things. And he tried to make the land of Israel ready for the coming. Yet he knew that it would not be only in the land of Israel, it would be on all the land.

And so he ventured forth. And he went unto Egypt. And he went, therefore, unto all the lands of the Earth. And he did preach and talk, and say, “The Lord, thy God, has sent His Son. Be prepared. Change your ways. Be transformed.” And all there did hear him speak.

Some were greatly impressed by that which he had to say. Others, who should by all right, and of their teaching, made way and ready for this time — and they did not make ready for their time, for they plotted only for the prophet’s death.

And he went unto the Lord, and he said, “God, my Father, I who have come as You have ordered to prepare the way, why have You made it so hard for me? Why is it that those who should know the most know the least? Why is it that they can not hear Thy words as I speak them?”

And the Lord, God, said, “The Earth is not an easy world, at best, to live upon. And we can make it no easier for them to hear.”

And so he went back upon the Earth and he preached and he taught.

And that holy day did come forth.

And the Messiah walked among men and talked to men. And he walked unto all lands of the Earth. In some he was received greatly; in some, in his homeland, he was denied. And there, in his own homeland, this prophet did die.

Many of you know this story we have just told you. Many of you who hear our words will say, “Why have they spent this time to speak of such a thing?”

It is but a small thing to know the time of year to plant and the time of year to harvest and put aside that which you need for winter. We say unto you, it is that time − it is a time to harvest, and plant at the same time. Harvest the grain that you have planted in the fields, and plant it, so that the seed of man may multiply and hear the words that we have brought unto you. For time grows short.

How would you measure time? We measure it by your time, that you may understand of which we speak.

There shall be many who shall cast asunder, [of] this work, and others shall accept it and embrace it and know the truth of it.

And tomorrow you shall have your Annual Meeting. And you shall come forth and light your candles and say those things that have been prepared to say.

And we say unto you, for [in] all that we promised we have given. For we told you before, for those who should not believe shall leave the valley, and the valley shall become as one. In the worst of times the greatest of things shall happen. When you look upon the Earth and think not, that the righteous shall rise upon the Earth, is when they shall be righteous and rise, and captivate the Earth.

Hear our words − and we say unto you, believe, therefore, in us this day. We do not lie to you. We have come to you in truth. Through the many years we have come.

We say to you, each prepare your houses for the day that the Lord shall be here, that you may welcome him, and allow him to enter.

You have many questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [4–125–2] who is here tonight, asks, ‘Will you help me fulfill myself professionally, and protect me?’”

We see your need. And that that is needed shall be given.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–518–1…Albuquerque] asks, ‘Will I be successful, and will my fourth daughter finish college?’”

Of that which you ask — shall you be successful in your endeavor — yes. Shall your fourth daughter finish college? It shall come in two parts before it is finished.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–518–2…El Paso, Texas] who is here tonight…asks, ‘Is there anything I can do to make the deal with the boys at the shop any smoother? And how will I come out, as far as the financial is concerned, with the shop?’”

We say unto you, soul Ray has come unto you and given you advice. Heed these words. And that which you need, you shall get your fair share.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–518–3…Taos, New Mexico], who is here tonight…asks, ‘How will Green’s back be healed?’”

Soul Ray has answered that question. It may happen one of two ways. By what you call conventional medicine, the L-4 vertebrae shall be repaired, and can be fused, with the L4 in what is called performing a laminectomy, and that also of the S-1 or sacroiliac of the lower sector of the spine with the same method. Or, he may seek out, as he has done, the help of soul Ray, and by the use of the substance of the same it shall become whole. The choice shall be his. You must realize, due to the breaking of the spinal column, it shall be difficult, but the help that soul Ray has asked for shall be given unto him.

You have other questions, ask.

[Editor’s note: the transcript could not be compared with the audio recording beyond this point because the tape recording stops here, and possibly was recorded over. However, a backup tape recording may still exist and be found.]

“Thank you, Aka. [18–518–4] asks, “How can I find Narone? And he is my teacher, healer.’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit of the same.

It is said that that you seek for, you reach for, shall come in many forms. You looked and followed the flight of the Eagle, and you have come to the Eagle’s nest. The answers you seek. If we give them to you so easily, you will do naught with them. But we will say in this manner and in this way, what you seek is here. And the guidance you seek is here.

To know a thing and to use a thing is [are] two different things altogether. But to know a thing and make it part of your being is being transformed and born again.

If a star was bright, as in Bethlehem, and you followed this star — and you were with three others, and you followed it, and you had come up on the land of Ethiopia, and you were considered the wisest of men of that time — and you had grouped with your scholars and you were called the three kings — think of this time and where it would lead you, and you shall know the answer quite easily. All that you seek lays before you. Pick it up.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka, [18–518–5] asks ‘Will our business be successful as a family venture, and will my son, Ray, find happiness soon?’”

Yes, we see your need. Happiness is in the degree of the person. It is much like beauty, it comes from within. There are many degrees of happiness, and he shall find those. But he shall only find them when he finds his own soul self, the spiritual being of himself, the part of him that cries out for the Lord, God, to show him the way. That what he wishes for is but at hand, a spiritual awakening that he wants. He must be able to recognize. Happiness will come with the realization that it is at his fingertips.

As far as the business is concerned, there shall be many successes in your life, including this one.

You have questions, ask.

Thank you, Aka. [18–518–7] — she asks, ‘Do you have special message for me?’”

Yes, we see your need. We should say, we have the body, the soul and the spirit before us, and we should say unto you — upon the day that you walk and lift thine eyes to the heavens and then to the earth. You shall look at this message in your hands and you shall say, “What is the answer?” And we shall say unto you upon this day, look thee behind thee, and look thee around thee, and all that is around and about thee. Find a quiet place that you may read this answer. Find a quiet place that we may reach into your mind, and bring that fulfillment you ask for.

Thank you, Aka. [18–518–8]…she asks, ‘Do you have a special message for me?’”

Yes, one moment please. In yellow — that, one moment. We are sorry we cannot answer that question at this time.

We say unto you, [13–431–1], the prayers that you gave unto the Father, He has filled your cup. Yet, it runneth over; it has overwhelmed you.

It was not intended to do this. We should give unto you the strength and the patience of Brian for greater understanding. We shall give unto your niece the healing that is needed, complete and total.

We say unto you, you remind us of the Pharaoh when he was asked to free the people. Each time when he was ready to do this, his heart became hardened and he would ask no tribute be given.

Think of your simple prayer of not too long ago. Think of that which you asked us for. We have fulfilled all that and more. You have a beautiful granddaughter that is in the light and image of [1–1–1] and it binds you as close together as had it been your own child of both bloods. We say unto you, look at your youngest and see that that you have asked for has commenced.

We say unto you, now is a troubled time.

The third shall be into [18–518–9]. The son that you have never had, we put him into your keeping. It is hard sometimes to understand that which we give. Give praise unto yourself and unto the Lord, thy God, when your cup runneth over. But take the time, it is necessary so that the third shall not happen.

Now we say unto you, soul Ray now grows weary.

We say to you these words, the Fifth Angel walks your earth, and the Sixth should soon inhabit it. It is the time for spiritual awakening unto all.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. Only the first half of this transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1986 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona 85502.


June 13, 1986

Globe, Arizona

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. We shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of the children, forever and ever.

We say unto you, for upon the land there dwelled five men. And they lived very close to one another on adjoining farms. Each grew their own special crops. And they had always been compatible with one another. And therefore, when it was time to sell their crops, they stood together. And they always got a good price for their crop.

One day one of them decided that he would grow half of each, and in that half he would grow some of what the other four were growing. The other four looked upon him, and they said, “Why do you do this? Why are you changing that which we have always done?”

And he said, “I do this because one day you might sell your farm to someone else, and if I do not establish a market and grow all the things now, where will I be; how will I sell that which I grow?”

The others heard him and thought, “This is fair.” So each of them did the same.

But when each of them reached the marketplace, because the things they were growing they were not used to growing, nor was the ground used to yielding this type of crop, it was not up to the same standards it had been. So all four received a much lower market value for what they had grown.

The three went and stood aside and said, “We must return back to the way we have been.”

The fourth was unsure. He said, “Yes, it always costs to change, but change I must.” And so, the next year he’d grow each unto this that his neighbor grew.

His neighbors grew the things they had grown before.

And because of the lack of the substance of the one grower, they were still penalized.

And the one received even less than he had the years before. Yet he said to himself, “The ground will change; the weather will change. And I shall get a better crop next year.”

The other three decided that they must grow what he had grown. So they chose some of the best land they had and they grew that which he had grown before. And they went to the market. And they did receive a higher value. Yet it was not the same in monetary substance, but it was higher.

Yet the one who grew all four, his was even lower yet.

And he came then unto them and said, “Let us go back; let us grow these things that we grew before. I shall grow that which my soil is suited for and each of you should grow that which your soil is suited for.”

They had suffered with him through all these years. They had prospered before with him. Yet, the last year they had prospered without him. And so they said unto him, “Nay, we shall not join you anymore. Grow that which you wish. Sell that where you wish. We shall neither buy nor sell nor trade with you.”

And so, he became an outsider, an outsider of the people he had known. And try as hard as he must, he could not change the soil’s mind; he could not make the rain change.

One day, a man came among them. And in his bag he [had] handed the man some new seed. And he said, “Try this crop. And if the yield is not that which you have known before, and the profit is not that which you have known before, I shall make up this profit for you.”

The man thought, “I have nothing to lose, so I should grow this crop.” And he did grow an abundant crop. And [when] he went to sell it sold in an abundant way.

His neighbors were still growing the same as they had before. They saw what he was doing, but they had none of the seed, and was offered none by him.

The stranger said, “Share with your neighbors, and I shall return on the fifth year. And upon the fifth year, have you done as I have asked you, then your profit shall be tenfold.”

The farmer thought, “Why should I share with my neighbors? I have an unusual crop, a bountiful crop. And if I am the only one who grows it the price will continue to go up.”

The price did not go up; it stayed the same.

And on the fifth year, the stranger came back, and said, “Let me see that that you have shared with your neighbors.”

And he said, “I owe you nothing; why should I share with my neighbors?”

The stranger looked at him and said, “For [is it] not written that the sins of the mother and father shall go unto the fifth generation? And we gave you five years to change, and you have not. Now we know that you shall never change.”

And so they left. And before they left they gave unto each of his neighbors better seed yet than he had received. And they said to him, “Share this with your neighbors and we shall come back in five years.”

And so, each year they grew an [a]bountiful crop. And each year each one set aside seed.

Yet, the one looked at it and said, “If I accept it, it must be a trick. I never gave them seed, why should they give me seed?” And so he did not plant that which had been given to him.

And so, in five years they returned. And they came to him and said, “Why did you not plant the seeds?”

And he said, “Why should I be my brothers’ keeper?”

They looked at him, and they went to the three neighbors. And they gave them new seed once again. And they said, “Plant this seed and we shall come back in five years. But share it with your neighbor.”

This time they shared it with all their neighbors, and all the country, therefore, around. And in five years it had spread across the land. And the land had become known for its valued crops.

Yet the one man, who received this most seed, had decided he would sell all the seed he had. And so he did so. And he had no crop at all.

When the stranger came back he said, “Truly, truly, you have looked and seen. And with each thing we have given, you have become more jealous and more selfish. Therefore, we leave you to your own folly.”

And so all the land, except one, from that day on prospered.

Now we say unto you, in many ways, yourselves are like this land. You have been given many gifts. Some of you accept them readily and put them to use. Some of you want to store the seed and sell it.

We say to you, for that which you receive and that which you give, so shall you receive ten times fold. If you bless the water that comes, the water shall return many times. If you curse the water, the wells in the ground and the heavens will dry up. If you bless the corn and the crops, so shall they.

Blessed be the name of the Lord, thy God. Blessed be the name of His children.

You have questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–519–1…Grand Junction, Colorado] asks, ‘Because of my health, how can I make a living for myself and my family? Whom do I contact to get my good health back?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. You have come to the source of the well; drink from it and drink from its knowledge. If you took the retirement, it would take a little time, but you would live to see it all. And you would also live to see the children grow. You would also live to see other occupations that would allow you to do that which you wish in a monetary manner. The choice is up to you. Soul Ray will do those things that are necessary. But you must listen. If you do not wish to listen, then do that which you must.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–519–2…who is here tonight…who resides…Miami, Arizona] asks, ‘Is there any other foremost life in this area in human form?’”

At the present time, no.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–519–3…Grand Junction, Colorado] asks, ‘Is there a special message from my daughter? Does she want me to raise her son?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. You have other children than your daughter − and they would be glad to provide the loving home. It is time that you decided to prepare a loving home for yourselves. Decisions do not come easy. And peace and justice do not come easy, nor does forgiveness, but all is necessary that life in itself continue.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–519–4…Dallas, Texas]; she asks, ‘Please give me guidance for my life changes and issues going on right now in my life, and the best for those individuals that I am involved with.’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer your question in this manner. Glory be the name of thy Lord; glory be the name of His children. And we see that which you seek.

We shall answer your question in this manner. It is but a matter of looking at that at your feet and you shall see the direction that you seek. We could tell you, do this or do that, or do something else, but the final choice must come from you. The answers you have in your hand. All you must do is go for the fulfillment.

We say unto you, soul Ray is very tired. Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, birth dates and addresses to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1986 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


August 1, 1986

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka; where is soul Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner and in this way. For we have told you the parable of the healing well and the young girl who went there to receive healing. [Editor’s note: See the parable of March 16, 1973.]

And many people pushed and shoved to reach the healing well, and she waited. She waited until the very last. And a voice came unto her and said, “Why do you wait my daughter?”

And the child said, “For if in truth this is a healing well, there shall be an abundance left over for me.”

And the Lord, God, looked unto this child and said, “BEHOLD, FOR IT IS YOUR FAITH THAT SHALL HEAL YOU THIS DAY.”

And the Lord wept, and the teardrops touched the child and she became new again, and whole, a body.

The child rose and thanked the Lord for that that had been given unto her.


In three weeks the child was back. And again she waited.

And there were some who had known her and had seen her from before. And they said, “Child, if you have not received healing go before these others.”

She said, “Nay. The healing that I shall need and receive shall come when all of them have received that which they need.”


And the child said, “Yes, Father.”

All those who saw her saw the brightness of her face, and the glow of her body, and they knew that a heavenly body had touched her.

And she left this place. And she went forth, but a child, to speak among all the adults. She went into the learned places, and into the churches.

And the elders feared her, and they said, “Look, she is of the devil, beware of her.”

Yet there were those who looked, and heard, and saw a truth within her.

She walked on. And she went into her parents, and her parents became greatly afraid. And she said unto them, “It is written that I must respect your wishes and I must obey my mother and father, and show you all the respect due unto you. But I tell you unto this day, the Lord, God, has spoken unto me and sent me on a mission.”

Her mother became quite hysterical, and cried.

The father looked and saw a truth. He reached down and he picked up his daughter and said, “Daughter, I see God in thee. Come, we shall go, and go about your Fathers work.”

So the father and the mother, with what meager earnings they could find, they went from place to place where the girl spoke. And more and more people began to gather to hear this wise and wonderful child.

And she said unto them, “For I have come to prepare a way, for the Lord, God, has told me this day, I shall go forth to prepare the way for he who shall come and prepare the way for the Master.”

And many said, “Why is it that you go to prepare the way? Why does he not come himself?”

And she looked upon them and said, “I do not know all the ways of the Lord, for I am not as smart as some. I only know these things that I have been told to tell you. I know that the way of the Lord is mysterious and strange, but in the end you shall find that the greatest wisdom shall come forth, and the greatest good shall be unfolded before you, and the greatest wisdom laid at your feet.”

One day as she had toured a foreign country, the voice came unto her, the voice of the Lord, and said, “DAUGHTER, NOW IS THE TIME, RETURN BACK TO THE WELL.”

The little girl went unto her father. And great gatherings had come about, great fame had come unto her and her parents, for those who had believed. And her parents did not want to give this good life up. But the father once again looked upon the daughter and said, “Let us go, daughter, and we shall be about your Father’s work.”


And they went there. And they did give of the water and they did give of the blessings. And they returned back unto the well.


And she said, “Oh Father, tell me, who was the woman that you had brought me here to heal?”


And so it has been throughout time and throughout history − one handing the torch to the other, unto this time. The torch of light that burns within you is the torch of love that overflows and comes this day into your hearts. It is like a beautiful bouquet of flowers; it comes in many colors. Pick it up. Hand it one unto another; share it. Do not be afraid that you shall run out of these gifts, for they are abundant.

You have many questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–519–5…Tucson, Arizona] who is here tonight asks, ‘Regarding my adopted son, D____ __ L_______, is there anything I can be doing to help him physically and career-wise?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. Pray unto, for the body and the soul, and the mind. Give prayer. For at the present time the one you ask for will not listen unto you. But give prayer that he might listen unto God. Give prayer that in his own way and in his own light he shall receive the spirit − and that spirit shall be his own and become part of the whole of God.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–519–6] who is here tonight…asks, ‘Is there any way I can help my son?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer your question in this manner − once again, with prayer. It is said and written, “Ask and you shall receive.” And let it be so. But the person who receives must be ready to receive that, gifts which are to be bestowed upon them. We say unto you, give prayer unto the Lord that the wisdom that you need shall come unto you. But last, we say unto you, you have found the pathway to the well, for the parable we spoke of in the beginning is for both of you.

You have other questions ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–519–7…in Tucson, Arizona], and she is here tonight, she asks, ‘Am I really supposed to start a holistic center? If so when, where and what classes should I offer?’”

First we shall answer your question in this manner. The parable that we gave in the beginning was also meant for you.

We say unto you, you have done good with the work that you have handed one unto another. A center is nothing more than a house, a place to work. Come unto soul Ray and ask, and you shall find much truth and much wisdom. Remember that the light of the Lord is for all. As we have used soul Ray’s body as an instrument, as we have used his mind, we have only done so but for one purpose, and that is for the preparation of the coming of a Messiah. For that which you ask for, speak frankly to soul Ray, for remember, he shall remember nothing that has been spoke of when he awakens. So be fluent in your desire and be frank in your speech, for remember, he knows your soul. In that manner, one brick shall build upon another.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–519–8] who is also here tonight…resides in Tucson, she asks, ‘Please give me direction on earth changes to come and how may I be of service and prepare?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner and in this way. Fear not the changes of the earth. You have the changes of the seasons. You have the summer, which is a time of growth. You have the fall which is a time of harvest. You have winter, a time of rest. And you have the spring, the time of new life. Now, we say unto you, now is the time of spring unto you, of new life. Enter it without fear. For that, changes which will come upon the earth, is not to destroy the earth, only to alter the form and bring healing. So fear not what shall happen. Do not run and hide, for the ground you stand on shall be safe. But what matters most is the place where you stand where you’re happiest, where your soul scores [soars] to the heavens, that is what matters − where your soul finds gladness, that you walk in the sunshine, that you walk in the evening, that you walk in the nighttime, unto all times with gladness in your heart, allowing each day to become new and reborn again.

You are looking for direction. There is thought in soul Ray’s − soul Ro__’s mind, of that which can be put together, but it must come together in a form by all. Soul Ro__ thinks of a gift shop. And we say unto you, think of a general store.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–519–9…in Houston, Texas], who is here tonight, and known as B__, asks ‘How do I release my fear of success?’”

By receiving the Lord, God, as your savior, and by knowing that the Lord will not forsake you under any conditions.

But we say unto you, the law has been your practice and the interpretation of the law can be, and come, in many forms. There is other work less strenuous upon your mind, for you have never wanted to be that of the profession which you are. Seek out now to turn around. Do not lose or give up the right to practice law, because your advice and your knowledge can be given to many. But I say unto you, think of the hun­dreds of thousands of people who could seek out your advice by correspondence. And you could give them a truth at a fee that could be satisfactory to you, but could be livable for them. Advertise this service; it is a means of selling, and then you shall go beyond this, far beyond this − one step at a time.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–519–10…and resides in Louisiana now] who is here tonight, known as M___ S__, asks, ‘What is my purpose in life?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. Everyone wants to give up all things and run to the mountains. If the mountain made your heart score [soar] and follow the eagles, then we would say, go forth there and do this. But remember, there are times for all things. Each of us contain our own special talents, our own gifts of God, our own personal part of God. Yours must be expressed and brought forth. You have thought briefly of the art of painting. You also thought of going into business with your brother. Any one of these would be fruitful.

You have other question, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–519–11…resides in Tucson] and he is here tonight, and he asks, ‘How may I better use the knowledge that has been given to me, the opportunities that come to me?’”

(Chuckle) Yes we say unto you, we see thy need. It is said, “If thy right eye offends thee cast it aside.” But it is also said, if thy right eye gives thee blessings give it blessings back in return. Therefore, use the talent you have been given to the fullest of extent, allowing yourself to develop and mature as you go forth. There are many good in­structors, yet there are bad ones. There are those who would go forth and say, “Go this way or that.” But remember, the final decision of which way you shall go must come from within yourself. Even we might only give you the suggestion. You must make the decision, and that is as it should be. Take your decision and put it to work.

And now, we say unto you, soul Ray grows tired.

And we say unto you, soul Ro__, think ye of a general store.

But we say unto all of you, now is the time of the cherubim. Many earth changes shall occur. New earthquakes shall shake the land as never before. Fear not, for the isles of California shall emerge from them and shall become a beautiful place for you to visit and live. Other places shall be altered in their form. Realize that the Earth, to right itself, to correct its own flaws, must change. All things are changing, even the rivers as you look upon them. Is it so unusual that your earth should change? Volcanic action and earthquakes are but tools to bring about this change.

There shall be times when provisions of storage shall be needed. And we have told you this. We do not want you to preserve the food so that it cannot be used. We have told you, preserve and store so you may help those in need. A need of a desolate family without can come every day; it’s all around you. Serving the need of others − but remember you must serve yourselves. This is not a greedy or selfish thought. These are thoughts of necessity. If you were to clean your neighbor’s yard, clean yours first, your own. And use the same with storing. If you should [have] your neighbors store, store yourself first, and by example your neighbors shall know that they need a year’s provisions.

We say unto you, your spirits are strong. That yet war is about you, plan for peace, but know this, as we have told you, if you should live in a place where an earthquake should occur build a house that shall withstand an earthquake. It is the same way with other catastrophes. We have told you before that where water flowed, no water shall flow. The plight that is upon the earth and has hidden and struck the land is but part of the whole.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1986 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


September 26, 1986

Globe, Arizona

[Aka is here.]

“Aka, where is soul Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee this parable in this manner and in this way.

For long ago, men came together in friendship.

And they looked upon the ground and the earth around them and they said, “Between these mountaintops we shall grow abundance of food for all.” And so, they did enter. And the mountaintop kept the great storms away from them. They had an abundance of rain, but it was never cold and never real hot. And all the plants that they planted flourished.

Then one day one of them said, “Let us have a great herd of cattle.” And so he went out of the valley and he brought forth the cattle. And where there had been no fences men began to put up fences because they were afraid of the cattle, afraid that the cattle would eat all the things that they had planted and destroy them.

The men who had brought the cattle in told them, “Nay, there is such, so much food here in the valley in land that has not been planted that surely the cattle will not touch that that you have.” But cattle, being as they are, wandered one day into a neighbor’s field, and they did eat of it and they destroyed it.

The man with the cattle the next day came forth and saw that that had been done. And he did not have money and he said, “Here, I shall give you two of the cattle for that damage that has been done.”

And gradually, cattle began to appear all over the land, for everyone had cattle, and everyone had farms, and they grew up side by side in harmony.

It is sometimes true that when there is only one who has a substance, and because it is new and people do not know of it, they are afraid. They are afraid of those things they do not understand.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. J__ R___ asks, ‘I furnished my invention to an attorney some time ago, and also the names of manufacturers and reference books that you suggested. To date, we have not been able to market this invention. Do you have any suggestions and how can I also help my supplement to my income?’”

You have that of another invention, and you have also thought of another means of business outside. We would say unto you, look therefore, into the insurance sale, that you might be a broker of the same.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Aka, when we were in Texas we had a trance reading. Why did the reading in Texas seem so in­complete, and [yet] what was the message there?”

The same message that we have here tonight − there are many who fear soul Ray’s coming; many who are jealous. And we would say unto them, be not jealous. Be not afraid. But accept these things that are, for they shall grow and become a whole and bountiful thing. Pick this up as you would a delicate flower and allow it to blossom and expand in your hands.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. M_______ G_____, who is here tonight…asks, ‘Will my marriage be a happy one?’”

Yes, we see this. And we shall say unto you, happiness is in the eyes of the beholder. If both of you place that that you intend to place within it, it should be like a fertile field, and grow rapidly and bountiful.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. W____ H______, who is also here tonight, asks, ‘My grandson, A___, needs braces on his teeth. Will we be able to obtain money from the insurance?’”

There shall be some. But other funds shall be made available.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. J___ R____ [1–21–72–002] asks, ‘Will you guide me about G_____ B____’s relationship with me?’ Is there any way that you or I may provide healing and allow friendship to be strengthened?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner, in this way. We have said this before and we shall say it again — if you go to the door and knock, if they bade you enter, enter. Give of your bread and wine and accept theirs. Should they bid you not enter, close the door and take back your blessings and walk on.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. L______ C______ … and he asks, ‘Do you have a special message for me?’”

Yes, we see your need, and we should say, you seek a financial worth. This should come about in a bountiful manner. But we say unto you, what good is it to own the world and lose your soul?

You have other questions, ask.

“_______ …and she asks, ‘Which is my mission in the Earth; is there a special message for me?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. If you are walking the path and along the pathway and the right side had plenty of water and the left did not, and you had the means to move the water and divide it, would you not do so? For water is the spirit of life. That is the message. Allow the water and the spirit of life to pass through you unto others. Glory be the name of the Lord thy God; glory be the name of His children forever.

And we say unto you, all things that were shall be. For once before, upon the desert it was green and fertile, and it grew abundance of all things. And it shall be again.

But we say unto you, look into your hearts to find a truth. The truth is there, in the quiet part of your minds. Look there. And we say to you, love costs nothing, yet it brings and grows everything. Love given is a beautiful thing.

There are many types of love. A jealous love is no good. A loving love, an open love that has no boundaries reaches unto the four corners of the earth. Let it flow from each of you. Let it become your guiding star. If you should do so, you can be the beginning of the coming of the Messiah.

Soul Ray now grows weary.

And we say to you, look unto your star.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1986 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona 85502


October 17, 1986

[Aka is here.]

[“Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”]

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this way and in this parable.

Glory be the name of the children, and glory be the name thy Lord, thy God.

And we say unto you this parable in this manner and in this way.

[For] once upon a mountaintop, in a special place, there grew the most beautiful flowers in the world. And people came from many continents to see these.

And behold, as they looked upon them the flowers changed and became more beautiful. And the more that people looked and praised them the more beautiful they became. They seemed to [have] no limit, no boundary, upon their beauty nor their growth.

And one man came and said that, “The flowers have the intelligence to extend their lives to become more vigorous and more useful and more beautiful. If we took these plants and ate them, then surely that secret which they possessed would come into our bodies, and we would live longer, and become more youthful.”

There were some there who knew the flowers, and said, “Nay, do not take of the flowers. The flowers are beautiful and they become more beautiful as the days grew on, but should you remove them and eat them you shall surely die.”

And they said unto this one, “How could this be? Was not that of the root [of] something therefore be the soul of the flower, and if you should eat of the soul should you not take on the characteristic of that which you eat?”

There was much discussion.

And finally one very rich man purchased a goodly amount of the flowers, and he had them prepared that he might eat a small amount each day.

At first his body did not react to the poison. And because he took just a little each day and a little more, his body grew a tolerance to it. But one day he said, “I’m tired of waiting; I must become youthful this day.” And he did take all of it. And it killed him.

And many of the people [who’d] traveled from the far lands to see the beauty of the flowers could not understand, for this was God’s gift to man. “Why would it be dangerous? Why could it be poisonous and kill you?”

The question was discussed. In the nightly encampment it was discussed. In the road travel it was discussed. Into the richest and the poorest of households it was discussed.

And then came one who took of the flower, and only a part, and prepared it, and had given to this one who had died a part of it. And the person came back unto life and rose from the dead. And no one could understand what he had done, or what had killed him and saved him.

Now, we say unto you, this is very true in most things that you should encounter in your lifetime. But we say unto you, what you might be, or become, is but a small thing compared to where you have already been.

Now we say unto you, you have many questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. J___ C_____ asks, ‘From your viewpoint, are there such things as accidents?’”

If a man should go and sit under a rock and know the conditions of the rock, and the rock fell upon him, it would not be a rock [accident]. But if a man went and knew not of the bad condition of the rock and sat under the rock, then, yes, that would be an accident. [But] for it was not ordained by God or man that the rock should fall.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. R___ B____ …asks, could they have a later guidance on the food storage, and how to go about it?”

Yes, and we should answer your question in this manner. The food storage, each time that you go to the store, buy extra of canned goods, and those things that would keep of a long time. Put aside a year’s supply of food for each member in the household. Put it in a place that in essence is fireproof. Put it in a place that you yourself might go for safety. Put a year’s supply away. And whether it [is] from famine, disease or war, it would allow you the safety to exist until help has arrived.

There is many things that a person might store. But when you’re about storing, find books that you have not read and store them, so that there shall be a use for the mind also.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. A__ S_____ who is here tonight asks, ‘Dear Aka, it is important that I help soul Ray and soul R___. I need to supplement my income. Is a multi-level marketing plan, like ____, something that I should do at this time?’”

You should bring this forth into discussion. But it could bring forth into you that which you need at the present time, and this is good.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Ma____ K____, who resides in Globe, Arizona, asks, ‘Would my registered Indian number benefit me in any way? Do you have any other messages for me?’”

Yes, we should answer your question in this manner − yes, because there is both land and oil rights in the land which you have dwelled in.

Second, the message I give unto you is this. We have seen thy needs, and the need of Mi__ K_____. And the healing that he needs shall be given freely.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka.”

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. R___ S____ who is here tonight, and resides at Springerville, she asks, ‘Will I ever get it all together, both mentally and physically?’”

What you ask is, shall you ever become gods, and we say unto you, there is but one God. The rest of us, as you would say, have put it together the best way we know how. And it seems to be good enough for God − as yours has. Everything can be improved, our bodies, our mind, and our spirit. Ask and you shall receive; reach out your hands and they shall be filled; bring forth your cup and it shall runneth over.

You have other questions ask.

“Thank you, Aka. L___ L______ …resides…in Tucson, Arizona. She says, ‘I feel I misplaced my diamond wedding and engagement rings. Can you tell me where they are?’”

Yes. We would say in the bathroom where you wash up, in a medicine cabinet, as you would call it, you have stored them there. Look and see.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. J___ R___, who is here tonight, asks, ‘Will the Lord provide love in my life and a marriage or a loving relationship that will last?’”

It has been said, “Ask and you shall receive.” That which you ask for shall be given. But it can only be given if you recognize that that is before you.

You have other questions ask.

“Thank you, Aka. P______ M_____ …resides…in Aztec, New Mexico, and she says, ‘Will my pursuit of stained glass be successful or should I be going in a different direction, and if so, which direction should my life be going?’”

We would answer your question in this manner. If your pursuit into the stained glass continues it shall grow and grow. Those things that are there before you shall materialize into a greater substance. Allow these things to happen. Allow your growth to become known to yourself and others.

We say unto you, soul Ray grows [so] weary. But before we go, we shall leave in your minds this message.

For the other man upon the mountain took the same flowers and made medicine that healed lives. There is no good and no bad upon your earth. It is really in between. For what is deadly poison can be turned into a life saver, if you just look farther. The Lord, God, has placed around you all the things that is needed to fulfill your lives, make them rich and promising. [Editor’s note: the rest of this message was recorded over and cannot be verified for accuracy.]

We say unto you, look around you, accept the love of the living God.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1986 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


December 19, 1986

Yes, we see thy need; we should answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children for ever and ever.

And we shall say this parable in this manner and in this way.

For many people ventured forth in the land you would call the Holy Land, that of Bethlehem. They did make pilgrimage there. For there was the birth and the beginning of the Christian religion. Yet, it sits in the heart of the land of Judaism, and there is a heart of the Moslem religion.

Remember these words, for in each is like a huge circle, each a part of the other. Each could not exist without the other. If you destroyed one part, you have destroyed the whole. Yet, allow one part to grow, and you allow them all to grow, for they are bound together.

There are many parts of the Buddha religion, and the Buddhists of many sectors and parts, and they do not make war upon one or another. They have found a way of sharing their God. If only all others would do the same.

For as we reach forth unto this time, the time that you shall set aside to celebrate the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, set aside the time, each of you, in you in your hearts and souls, that may we find a way to live among each other in peace and harmony.

We have seen all nations. But you, who live in this you call the United States of America, are of all nations, of all colors and creed[s]. You have brought forth a great nation dedicated to justice and liberty for all, before God. That and that alone has set you aside from all other nations and has allowed all religions to flourish within the same.

Yes, you have those who would say this or that about a religion − and they have the freedom of speech to say. In another land they would not.

We say unto you, this nation [U.S.A.] shall stand, for it shall be both the birthplace and the walking place, that which he should be known upon, that of the Christ child.

We say unto you, if we seem to speak in riddles, we do not. For your land and your earth, each day that passes grows once into another. As you celebrate the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, celebrate his return, and know it in your hearts.

The words we are speaking are puzzling to you here tonight. But we say to you, it is but the prophecy coming true.

Now we should say unto you, your country shall shake as though a great tree has struck it. It shall tremble as though a great earthquake. A change is in the wind. There will be some who think you are weak at this time, and they will think of attacking this country. If there is to be a transition, and there shall be, of power, it must go smoothly now, lest you rip down the walls of your own freedom.

But we say harken into you, and look, therefore, into your hearts. Find joy, one unto another. Give, one unto another. Do not make rules to bind each other, but say, “Here, my friend, is my love and my care, but I give it to you without attachments.” And receive back the fellowship that is given. Do so in such a way that upon a friendship great things may be rebuilt. Do so in such a way that it allows all of you to become as a child this season. Allow the world to know that from this point a light shall begin to shine. Let it reach out.

When you leave this place and go unto your homes, take gladness and spread it among you.

We have given you a gift. We gave you this gift in the form of a healer. But we have given you many gifts. We expect nothing in return.

The greatest gift that you can give yourself and another is to find happiness in yourself and where you dwell. And others shall see the happiness within you, and the joy, and they will crowd close to you as though seeking warmth from a fire. And they too shall find happiness within themselves, and gladness. For being happy with oneself where you are, and knowing that love is given as a precious gift − give unto the Lord one tenth of the love He has given unto you this day. Andrejoice in your hearts!

You have many questions ask.

“Yes, Aka. [C__ C_____] asks, ‘I have misplaced my brother-in-law’s [data cam’s] pictures. Can you please help me find them? Appreciation and thanks.”

We shall answer your question in this manner. Part of the pictures are with your husband’s sister, and part of your pictures are with your husband’s brother. There is but another part, and they are in your home; look among the other pictures and you shall find them.

We see thy need, and we say unto thee, rejoice, and allow the season to become a whole part of all of you, for you have much to be thankful for. You think we should be of one type of person and speak with two tongues; we do not. We see thee as you are, a child of God, and we rejoice in this.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [E______ P_____] asks, ‘What is my sickness?’”

Yes, we see your need; we shall answer your question in this manner. It is that of a spastic colon brought about by your surgery. This shall be brought about into a cure. Soul Ray has now brought you into a realm of wholeness. Allow this healing to happen, and it shall be so.

You have other questions ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [S___ L_______] asks, ‘What is my contribution to this work, and when shall it be fulfilled?’”

There are many parts of a whole. But a library shall be built, and an archive shall be there that allows those who wish to study a place to study. That is part of your work, should you choose to do it. If you should not choose to do that, then continue with the work that you have already started in the land of the Houston, for the work you have already started is good and can grow. You have two avenues; either one shall filleth your cup if you shall allow us to continue to reside in your heart.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [B__ L______] asks, ‘Will the project that soul Ray and I are planning on the ranch be financially successful to the point of building and operating a health and learning facilities at Dripping Springs?’”

If that is the desire; if finances put forth to develop this, it shall grow into a very bountiful return. It shall take capital gain, in a manner that you shall need capital to process and extract the same. There are many who would like to become into this. Some would be greedy. But fairness is fairness. Allow that fairness to be. And as we have said before, the riches were placed there for a time when they would be needed. Now is the time to remove them for that part that is needed.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [N____ B__] asks, ‘Will my son be talking to me again?’”

Yes we see thy need, and we shall answer your question in this manner. It is said, “Honor thy mother and father.” It is his sin, not yours. Allow this to happen, but do so by retaining your dignity.

You have, shall have other questions, ask.

“Yes, thank you, Aka, a question from [S_____ R___],[who] asks, ‘Will my job situation improve at my place of em­ployment in the next five months or should I begin to look for a new job? Please advise me, and thank you.’”

We shall answer your question; first, the question you have not asked. Restore your home life if you wish for a job or anything else to improve. Either rebuild or shall be destroyed before you. As it is destroyed so shall all the others parts fall away.

We tell you, if you build a house, place a foundation, and a foundation that we speak of is your marriage. Put a foundation into your marriage that it might work and flourish. If it is not done so soon that that brought it forth to begin with shall allow it to die. As your husband becomes well, your marriage becomes a disease. Yet, the disease has not gone so far that it could not be cured, but you must make necessary steps to sanctify the marriage. If these things are done, the job situation, as you shall speak of it, shall improve because you shall be doing that which you were hired to do, and promotion shall come forth. As we have said before, it is freedom of choice. We do not interfere. We only answer your questions. We may serve when we are asked; we may not interfere.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. She also asks, ‘Please tell me the significance of my Greek name, [Octaiba].’”

We have just told her the significance.

“Thank you, Aka.”

For some there shall be an eternity. For some there shall be never. For some there shall be now. You are all parts of all things you have ever been. And who you are now is the most important time of all, for you have a chance to become part of the preparation for the coming of a Messiah, the greatest time this Earth shall ever know. It’s not the meaning of the name that you have. See it in its fullness. But should you receive a spiritual name, you must earn it.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [P_______ A______, known as P____ C_____] asks, ‘If we should keep or sell our properties in Show Low and Concho Valley?’”

Both shall gain. If it is possible to sell, sell, but now is not the time when the weather is cold. We see your need, yet we see − we would say this, for an explanation of what we are saying would be long. Come unto soul Ray for counseling that he might explain in detail these things you need to know.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [J___ A______, Jr.] asks, ‘Are my business ventures on the right track or going in the right direction?’”

Yes we see thy inner need; we should answer in this manner. Once again, come unto soul Ray for counseling to elaborate fully, on yes or no, and the possibility. It must be done on personal basis, and the thing you wish to hear is not something that you wish others to hear. Come, therefore, unto soul Ray for counseling.

We say unto you, glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name unto His children. And we say to you, may the Lord bring forth unto your hearts the warmth, the love, the glory that is intended. May the Cherub be with you. May you walk in the light of he who is to come, and he who has come, yet they should be of the same. Yet the time shall be different.

As you stand around and see the conjecture [conjunction] of the stars that shall come together, look unto the heavens, for they are writing upon the sky, the fullness of the time.

Once, Jesus of Nazareth said, “Can you not read the seasons? Can you not see the time that is about you?” We say unto you the same. Let the gloryness and the holiness and the joy of God dwell in each soul; let them take it forth with them. Let the glory of God be with you.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: This transcript was compared to the audio recording for improved accuracy.]

Copyright © 1986 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


Be sure to read each year, from the 1970 to the 1989 readings, in this publication, The Words of Aka, Spiritual Messengers of God.

Leran about how this began — “We Give This Message from Our Father.”

And see the articles in the publication on, “A Stairway to Heaven.”

Would you like to join the Association of Universal Philosophy the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, asked us to form? Here’s how. Then send us an email at or, or message us on our Facebook page, Association of Universal Philosophy, to let us know where you email your newsletter, “Rays of Philosophy.”

All of these readings have been gathered together for you in three books — the philosophy, the past-life readings, and health readings — as the Book with Wings series. Study and learn from them this way. And be blessed!



The Words — of Aka, spiritual messengers of God

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.