The 1987 Readings

The Words — of Aka, spiritual messengers of God
138 min readAug 14, 2020

January 2, 23; February 20, 27; May 1, 15, 22; June 6, 26; July 10, 31; August 7, 15; September 4, 18, 25; October 2; December 4 (Missing a private reading on September 11, 1987)

The first of four Corn Ceremonies was given August 16–17, 1987, during a “harmonic convergence”of planets. Ray Elkins, serving as prophet and Eagle, holds one of three colors of blessed corn flour, as Rose Elkins, draws three circles around a Star of David, as the ceremony begins, opening a pathway into the new world to initiate those who wish to enter. The other three Corn Ceremonies were held March 16–18 and August 26–28, 1988, and Easter weekend, March 24, 1989. During these times, a vortex was opened into the new world which shone in purity and radiant strength, all brand new. Within the circles, while the opening between the present and new worlds was there, many said it felt it like a new heaven and new earth were brought into existence for that time into the present.

“We say unto you, glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name unto His children. And we say to you, may the Lord bring forth unto your hearts the warmth, the love, the glory that is intended. May the Cherub be with you. May you walk in the light of he who is to come, and he who has come, yet they should be of the same. Yet the time shall be different. As you stand around and see the conjecture [conjunction] of the stars that shall come together, look unto the heavens, for they are writing upon the sky, the fullness of the time. Once, Jesus of Nazareth said, ‘Can you not read the seasons? Can you not see the time that is about you?’ We say unto you the same. Let the gloryness and the holiness and the joy of God dwell in each soul; let them take it forth with them. Let the glory of God be with you.” (Aka, spiritual messengers of God, 1986)


January 2, 1987

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee unto these words. Harken unto this time, and unto this of thy year.

There shall be many, many incidents blamed upon the alignment of the Earth and moon and sun. But there are more to play a part of the whole than just these three, for if you shall look upon the rest of the planets within your galaxy and their effect upon the moon’s pull, and how it shall affect the rotation and the gravitational pull of the Earth, in con­junction with that of the sun, which should give forth the life unto your planet. At the present time, because of the wobbling of the Earth on its axis, many things can be contributed to it − among them, tidal waves, meteor showers, volcanoes, and earthquakes.

Storms shall appear suddenly where they were not. The atmospheric condition shall alter and remain so into the month of May. It shall not return back to what you would call its normal self.

As these substances are about to take place, you must realize that the change of the negative- and positive-ion field bombardment upon the Earth shall also alter. This should cause drastic mood changes in animal, fowl and fish, and the human race. You shall see drastic change from friendship to almost hatred in the splitting of an eye.

The barometric change may go from one extreme to the other. This also will affect the mental state as well as the physical state.

More from accident than planned cause, you shall have the unrest upon the Earth.

We have told you before, the year of 1987 could be the year that would swing like a pendulum. You [can] have the beginning and the ending of war all in the same year. How shall you deal with these things?

For those who are married, and your spouse and that of the married person, partner, should act in strange ways. It must come from within you what pathway it shall take you. You may allow it to draw you closer together or farther apart. It shall be your choice. It shall be a testing time. For friends may become closer friends or their worst enemy, unless you reach for a common cause, one that may bind you together.

As we have said before, as you bind together, let it be for a cause that means something to you and comes from your heart and becomes an object that is before you. And if all parties look at this object in such a manner that it becomes their predominate being, then the other changes cannot greatly affect you because your mental state will keep returning back to the objective which you have placed before you.

We realize that speaking of these things and un­derstanding these things are two different things entirely. We would suggest that once this reading has been transcribed and each of you have it in your hands, that you study it to understand the fullness of it. And the fullness of it can either – your understanding can either allow you to exist or to look back upon this year and say, “What a wasted time,” or it can be a fruitful time if you learn from what we have said and utilize it.

The earthquake pattern − you know it, as we have said before, the “Ring of Fire” − the neighboring land in Mexico shall be shaken as it has never been shaken before. We have told you before of its economy. [The] economy of the land of Mexico is reduced to nothing and it shall be reduced even farther, to the point of bankruptcy, to the point of destroying their government and starting all over again.

Russia shall be too busy taking care of their own, for Russia shall be struck from east to west with earth­quakes. And Siberia shall bring forth a volcanic eruption such as man has never seen before.

In the land of South Africa, war and the rumors of war, are there already, but it shall be intensified. But South Africa shall have earthquakes unlike they have ever known, and the volcanic substance.

I would look unto the tip of Alaska, unto the Mt. McKinley, Mt. St. Helena, Mt. Hood, the San Francisco peaks here in Arizona, Taos, New Mexico. And from there, trace the “Ring of Fire” through Mexico, through South America and back unto the Mediterranean, and China.

Brittany or Britain, the island of Great Britain, shall be shaken.

The island of Japan shall feel that the people are ready to leave it; it shall shake and eruptions shall occur.

But we say unto you, the large earthquakes would just begin.

A time shall come in California when it shall break apart and become islands. It shall not sink, but it should go into the land you now know as Nevada. These shall not all occur overnight; they shall be spread out. And the destruction and regeneration of the land of California shall happen clear into the year of 1999.

But do not look at these things we have said as disasters. Look at it and know of it as the earth changing, as all things change. It must change to renew itself. As you would get up in the morning and go and wash your face and comb your hair, so the earth is doing the same.

Do not run and hide. Prepare yourselves, if you must, with enough food substance that could last you from six months to a year. This will allow you to get through any emergencies. Rotate the food substance and keep it fresh.

Emergencies shall be short lived, even the rattling of the war chains.

Now we know there’s many, many questions within your minds. But we say unto you, tonight is a night that we give unto you these messages that you may prepare yourselves to come forth in your own growth, not in the image of others, but in your own image, and in your own way. If you can do nothing more this year than learn to be happy with yourselves, to like yourselves, you will have accomplished more than the rest of the world.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [J_ A_____...Farmington, New Mexico]…asks, ‘How will my art career go?’”

Yes, we see thy need and we shall answer you in this manner.

Your art career shall never be what you expect. But whose is? For you shall always look upon it and think you should have done better or it should have been accepted better. If your art can satisfy your need, that is the greatest part. Yet, what you’re really asking is, “How will it satisfy my financial need?” We shall say unto you these words; it shall not make you rich, but comfortable.

You have other words, other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [M_____ M_____...Tucson, Arizona] asks, ‘I suffer in my stomach; this affects my mind. How can I get ok permanently?’”

(Chuckle) yes, we see thy need. First we should answer your question in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit and immortal body of the same. The mind causes the over-secretion of acid into the stomach. There is a substance known as Tagamet. If it should be used as your physician should prescribe it, it should function and solve your problem. The second part is a problem with your sugar. Eliminate this from your diet, and that of chocolates and heavy, other spices. Also eliminate your cheeses or alcohol from your diet. If these things are done, your problem shall end.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you Aka. [J___B ____ Jr.] asks, who is here tonight, asks, ‘Dear Aka, please relate to my grandmother, ________, born _____, left from this plane _______. I love her and I want her to know this and that I feel sorrow for not spending more time with her. Please ad­vise if she has anything to relate to me. Thank you, with love.’”

We should answer your question in this manner. Even upon the other side, freedom of choice is respected into the highest. One moment, and we shall ask.


You should know this, that the one you speak of has passed through, and rebirth upon the Earth has already taken place. It will not be long until you know this per­son. Be glad, for it is their choice.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you Aka. [R___ B____] who is also here tonight asks, ‘Can we please have advice on forming a closely knit Association with common goals to work together?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we would say, take the first step; learn to like yourselves. When you have accomplished this, then look upon your fellow man in the same manner.

All of you have faults. If you may overlook the other’s fault, but in doing so, in learning to like yourself, adjust your attitudes in such a manner that you may respect one another. Through this common respect, and through the preparation that we have said, you shall know within your own hearts and souls that if we pour wines for you, and it [ ] sets before you and you wish to drink of it, all you have to do is pick it up. And for those who chose to drink of this, we shall provide the way for all the rest.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [G___ H____...Tucson, Arizona]…asks, ‘Who heals the healer?’”

(Chuckle) yes, we see thy question. And we’d say unto thee, for “the physician who should treat himself, he has a fool for a physician.” This is why other physicians [over] the world are provided. The healer’s thoughts are never pure and they are never without fault. They are never perfect in the eyes of man. But in the eyes of God, who loves them and has provided a way for them and has placed them upon the Earth, would He not provide the knowledge to take care of them? If you went to a field and planted it, would you not go back and water it, and fertilize it? Would you not watch it grow?

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [J___B____], known as [S_____ B____], asks, ‘What is in store for the B_____ family this coming year?’”

Yes, we see thy need and we should answer in this manner. There are many good things in store for the B____ family this year. But the B____ family must stand together, and be together, that they may receive that which they wish. We say unto you, unto to both G_____ and S______, for the vows you have brought forth and said, we have not forgotten. We promised you we would see to your needs, but not your wants. Pick up the wine and drink it. Watch your growth, but you must stand away from yourselves to see this, for a tree can seldom see itself grow or can seldom see the beauty that it shows to others. You have judged yourselves too harshly.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [C_____ J____ …Tucson] asks, ‘Can you tell me the purpose of other special energy working within me at this time?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer your question in this manner. The energy you speak of is the life-force energy of man, yet is the life-force energy of all things in this universe, unliking to matter and more liking to anti­matter, which may travel at 20 times the speed of sound or light. The substance that you are dealing with, and wish to deal with, may either be the brightest point of your life or disaster. It is in dealing with it that you shall find that you must put it together, as a carpenter, who would start with the foundation of a house and put the roof on, and then finish the interior. Do so in an orderly manner and it shall become in completeness. But look unto the flight of the Eagle, and see there is no waste. You shall know of these things from within you.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you Aka. [L_____ B______] who is also here tonight, asks, ‘Aka, I have a lost interest check due to me in November. I have written to them and I have heard nothing. I have also lost one hearing aid New Year’s Eve night. Can you help me find it?’”

We would suggest first, that from the source of the check that payment should be stopped immediately, and a new check rewritten. The hearing aid is in your home, in your front room on your couch, under the pillow.

Now we would say unto all of you, our time now grows short. We are sorry that we have not answered all of your questions. Your time shall be another time. But yet, we have answered some of your questions in all of your minds.

Now is the time of the cherubim.

Awaken soul Ray from his sleep.

[Note: This reading has been compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1987 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


January 23, 1987

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka, where is soul Ray?

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. We should answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee unto these words. “There shall be no other God before Him.”

There shall those who shall come forth and say unto thee, “I am God.” And they have profaned the name of the Lord, and in their profaneness, they have even profaned themselves, for they have allowed no place for themselves.

If you wish, you may go back to the time when the Anti-Christ, known as Adolf Hitler, walked the face of the Earth. And he came forth and he talked in a voice that attracted many people. He used his talent for organization. He used his psychic talents until they had depleted him. And he used the psychic talents of many others. And those who would not agree with him, he slayed them and had them slain. He killed 12 million people in his concentration camps alone.

We are concerned to see this once again appear on the face of your Earth.

There are those who should know better and do not in the land of Russia. But there are those with all the choices of freedom that your land should give, “one nation under God,” and they should say a profaneness. We say unto you, this is not the way. These people shall not lead their people unto God, but away from Him; they shall lead him not to the coming of the Messiah, but away from him.

And you say unto us, “Is these the Anti-Christ?”

And we say unto you, as we have come forth to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, there shall be those who come forth to prepare the way for the coming of the Anti-Christ. Believe in the Lord, thy God. Believe in the wisdom of Jesus of Nazara. Do not sway and allow them, anyone, to sway you from the path, and you shall never wear the mark of the beast. [See The Revelation, chapter 13.]

We say unto you, there have been many times and half times. There have been many tests, that test people down to where there is no more. Why should this be so?

We say to you, we have told you before that the times were coming and would come about. We say unto you, prepare yourselves. Do you have to build a castle or a monument? Nay. The only monument you must build is within your body and mind. And know that you are the children of God. You are the creation of God. You were created in His image, of His kind, of His likeness. [See Genesis 1:26-31.]

You have many questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I would like to know, if we started a little metaphysical school for children, how well would it go in this area?”

At the present time, it would not. We should explain. There are those who fear any and all parts of the word, metaphysical, some with good reason and some without.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [S___ L_______] who is here tonight asks, ‘Why is this group being bombarded with changes?’”

We say unto you, changes were needed to strengthen the fiber of those within.

Yet, there are many parts of a whole. We say to you, in any decision you should make, you shall have that which is needed to go with it, to help you with it. We gave you a multiple choice before. These still exist.

In the land of Houston, there is much work to be done, for as you have seen yourselves, there would be those who would take the food from babes, and we say that in a manner of speech. But the food we speak of is their spiritual heritage, that which is rightly theirs − their gift of God and from God. There is many things that would happen to change this about. If you fear these things, then [you’ll] want a change, you’ll want your way to be preserved, then you must do something about it.

There [will] be many people who will say, “Look at this, this sparkles; this is great in the eyes of man. Let it be so.” Look into your heart and soul, you know the difference. Look into the first part of the words we have spoken tonight and you shall find the fullness of the answer.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [I_____ P_____] asks, ‘Is my luck on money contests good or not? Am I cursed on money matters or what?’”

No. You are not cursed. Sometimes you do not look before you leap. That is all. Look into the depth of things; pray upon it and ask the Lord for His guidance and His help, and you shall receive it.

But the Lord cannot help you because you have been given free choice. If you run forth and do things without thought, without consequences − we say to you, look around you. There is help available. There is advice that is sound and stable. Take it. But we say unto you, for those who choose to do the work for the Lord, their needs shall be provided, not always their wants.

You have other questions ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [E_____ P_____] who is here tonight, asks, ‘Why do my kids turn against me now in the time of my sickness?’”

We say unto you that as you stand, and bore your children in truth before the Lord, it is not always with understanding that a child can see. You will notice there are some among you who when they see blood will faint; there is others among you, when they see faint and pain, they will run. Yet, because they do not know how to, as you would say, “handle” this in their own system, they do not know how to face pain; they do not know how to face illness. But your illness is short lived, and you shall go on to do many things.

You have other questions ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [L_____ B_______] lost her left hearing aid on December 31st. ‘Can you please help me find it?’”

Yes. [Surprised chuckle.]We would say look on the bedroom, where you sleep. And we would tell you that you have a chest of drawers, a place where you keep your clothing. And in the top drawer on the left hand side you shall find it.

You have other questions ask.

“Thank you Aka. [M___ H____ R_____ ...Albuquerque, New Mexico] who is here tonight, asks, ‘Will my health improve? Will I find love and peace of mind?’”

We shall answer, yes, unto all of these things. But remember, a gift that is given − if you were given the greatest of jewels and you put them before swine, [and the] swine did devour them, you would have nothing. Cast not your pearls before swine. It is hard, we know, to understand that what we have spoken. But think upon it and you shall understand.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [R___ B____] asks, ‘Will the place or house that I have in mind for storage of emergency supplies in the Mesa, Arizona, area be a safe and adequate place? Thank you.’”

Yes it shall be.

You have other questions ask.

“[J____ W____...New Mexico]: ‘How could I be of spiritual help to others?’”

By being yourself. And we shall say unto you, there are many parables, there are hundreds of parables that have come through in this work that are available. Take these, form a group and study and understand the fullness that has been spoken. Add to this the true awareness of the psychic laws before God. This shall bring about an opening of the awareness of those around you. As this transpires you shall find that your servitude to God shall multiply tenfold.

You have other questions.

“No, Aka.”

Yes. We shall say unto this one who has traveled far to be here and who is very afraid, the healing you seek shall come unto you. Fear not. It shall come one step at a time. As the healing[s] come, there shall be a healing of the body, the soul, the mind, and the spirit. Fear not, for you are not alone. It is said, “Seek and you shall find.” And so it shall be true. The love of the Father is for all. Let it flow through your veins; let it be and vibrate through your very being, and know the Lord, God, is God.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[This transcript has been compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1987 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


February 20, 1987

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening Aka; where is soul Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes we see thy need. We shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we say unto thee, for we shall answer your question in this manner. For upon the Earth in a city in the Americans, there once lived four brothers, each born within a few years of the other. When they were very young, they started competing, one among the other. At first, it was for the affection of their father. Then it was for the affection of different girls in their village. It was a game to them, a game that, as soon as they had this person and the person possessed [professed] their love to them, they no longer needed nor wanted.

The father saw the folly of his sons and went behind them picking up the pieces of destruction left. It was soon evident [to] the father that he would have many grandchildren born out of wedlock. This did not bother the father, for he only enjoyed the joy of enjoying the children, his grandchildren. And he went about farming his farm and running his ranch.

But soon it became very apparent to him that should his sons continue as they were that there would be no inheritance left for his grandchildren. So he called his four sons in and said, “I shall give each one of you a [parcel] of land. Whoever can do the best and have the best crops for the next ten years shall own all of the land. But in owning all of the land, you must provide for all, in­cluding your mother and I, and the children you have been responsible for bringing into this world.”

At first, there were those of his sons who would not accept, or did not want to accept, this type of respon­sibility. And he said, “Fine, then leave.”

There were those who would accept, but said, “How can I know this child is mine?”

And the father said unto them, “For I know, and that is enough.”

Soon, two of the sons decided that they would go together and pool their land and work against the other two.

The youngest son, at this point, began to see the folly of his ways, and he agreed to the terms.

The other son thought, “I can go to surrounding farms and bring in extra cattle to show my yield; this shall be a way I shall win.”

And so, the first year passed. The two that had gone together, theirs began to multiply. The youngest seemed to have many problems. The other, his was multiplying because he had bought from other farmers to show a yield and he had bought cattle from other ranchers and sold them.

The second year passed by. For the two, the competition against their brothers did not seem to be great because the two together combining their forces seemed to outdo the other two. Yet the youngest brother had a better quality of stock and his fields yielded more per acre. The other son still continued his folly.

The father watched.

And so it continued into the eighth year. And the father knew that the two were working together. He also knew that the one son was only buying and selling, and really growing nothing. He also knew that the younger son grew a better quality. Each part of the land he had received began to flourish to his touch.

So he went unto the youngest son and said, “My son, what have you learned from this?”

And he said, “Father, I have learned that the seed that we plant, both upon the earth in many ways, must be tended to with loving care. I shall accept − should I win or lose I shall accept the responsibility of the children.”

The father went to the other two sons and said, “What have you learned?”

They said, “To compete, to be better than our brothers.”

And he said, “What are your responsibilities?”

And each of them said, “We have found fine wives and shall soon provide you with fine grandchildren.”

And he said to them, “What of the grandchildren I already have?”

And they said, “Well, who’s to know whether they are ours or not, or whether they are really your grandchildren?”

The father looked upon them and said, “I shall know. And as I shall know, so shall the Father in heaven know, and so shall your mother know.”

And so he went unto the one who was trading, and he confronted him with the fact that he had traded. The one who had traded laughed and said, “Yes, Father, I am a good trader. I enjoy trading. At first I thought to trick you and my brothers, but I have learned that I enjoy the trading and I shall make my living from this day forth of trading. But I shall accept the children. And whoever wins, I shall help to support them. And my own, I shall claim and give them my name, and your name.”

The father left with great gladness in his heart.

And so, the tenth year came. The two sons had married and their wives were pregnant. And they went to the father to claim their reward. And father said, “You come to take your reward, yet you have not heard from your brothers. Where are they?”

And the one said, “For the one brother has become a trader; he has given to us his part.”

And the father said, “Nay, he did not give unto you his part; he gave it unto me and I gave it unto your brother. So we’ll see what the greatest yield is.”

The youngest brother came forth. And he had an abundance of crop and an abundance of cash flow. And he said to the father, “I could not have done this except that my brother took our stock and our harvest and did great things on the market. If I have won anything, Father, it must be shared with my brothers.”

The two brothers protested.

The father said, “The youngest brother has won.”

And the youngest brother said unto them, “Then if it is mine to do that which I wish, Father, give unto my brothers that that belongs to them; give unto my other brother that that belongs to him, and I, Father, shall take that that which belongs to me. But first, Father, let it all belong to you until the day you pass, and let us take the responsibility of the work.”

The Father looked at them and said, “I will accept this except for one thing. I shall never retire; I shall become a productive part within all of this.”

Some will think that the story we have told you is a story that you might have heard many times, but yet, heard it not.

We say to you, there are many pathways to heaven; our Father has many mansions. Yet, He has but one first-begotten son. Yet it be the first, He gave the joy unto the last as much as the first. As He gave the joy unto this one known as Jesus of Nazareth, so has He given the same joy unto the last begotten of His children. Forget this not, and know that the Lord, thy Father, thy God, loves you. And so He shall not retire, He shall always be with you in all things that you do.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes Aka, thank you. I ask, Aka, for help to a lady named [J__ R______...Houston, Texas] in which her husband passed away in January, and is finding −‘Needing much peace of mind.’ Can you help her? Thank you.”

Yes, we see thy need. And we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body.

There has been much deliberation of the “yeas” and “nays” of this situation. But we shall say unto you, blessed be the house of the Lord, thy God, and blessed be His child who should enter. This one is awake and well. He is concerned greatly for your welfare, and he sends his love. Know these things that he said unto you.

You feel that the com­munications between himself and soul Ray might be over, yet they are not. You feel, because you are still receiving literature from the Universal Philosophy, that it was only for your friend, your beloved. And we say unto you, it was meant for both; now it is meant for you.

See these things clearly and know that nothing passes from the Earth that our Father does not know. Nothing passes without a reason. The day shall come when you will see that smile again, yet in another. Blessed be the name of the Lord, thy God; blessed be the name of His children forever and ever.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Do you have a few words of wisdom for [K___ H_____] who seems to be having much trouble at this time? Thank you.”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer your question in this manner. The Lord has seen the conceivement, the reality, within a child. He would not allow its removal. We know, at this time, you do not understand. But understand these things. That that was given shall not be taken away. That that seems impossible at times, when you look at your burden, know that the Lord is with you always. “Ask and you shall receive.”

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [W_____ _____...Florida] asks, ‘Do you have a few words of encouragement?’”

Yes, we shall answer your question in this manner. The parable that was given in the beginning of the reading, you shall bring − draw strength from, and un­derstanding. Know these things that are true, for those that are true will last.

Know that if you have laid a pathway before you, and you ask for help in a righteous manner, the Lord [God] shall send those from both sides to help you. When you hear the knock upon the door, open the door, and allow that help to enter.

We say to you these words. You look for a word of wisdom. Come unto soul Ray and ask, and the question that you want answered privately may be done so in a delicate manner.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [W___ B_____ ...Aztec, New Mexico]...says, ‘Dear Aka, can you help me locate my jewelry which I keep in a small pink satin case? I may have placed it in my purse and lost it while on a trip to Albuquerque or misplaced it in my home. Thank you.’”

Yes we see thy need. We see that you have ridden in the car of a friend. You have placed this in this car and you and your friend have forgotten.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: This transcript has been compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1987 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


February 27, 1987

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka; where is soul Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should say unto thee unto this manner.

For upon the land there became a great famine, and great storms were cast upon the land.

And many rose and said, “The Lord is angry with us. What have we done? And what can we do, that the Lord should take this plight from us?”

And so, each person looked unto his neighbor. And if the neighbor was slightly different than themselves, they blamed their neighbor. And they began to cast their neighbors out. And soon they were looking at one another, because the storms continued.

One among them knew that that that was wrong was that that they were doing. And he went unto their temple and he prayed unto the Lord and said, “Lord, if I have wronged Thee, then punish me, but do not punish the others.”


So he went back unto the people and he said, “Behold. Change your ways. Be different. Bring back your neighbor that you have cast aside and ask his forgiveness.”

At first, they became angry at him and [were] going to cast him aside.

And the storms had continued. And they thought to themselves, “If we bring our neighbor[s] back and ask for their forgiveness, maybe the storms will end.”

By this time, springtime had come. They went to their neighbors, asked their forgiveness, and spring came. And they thought, “Behold; look, the Lord has rewarded us.” And they had a great festival, and shouted with great joy.

And the man went back to the temple and said, “Oh, Lord, I see the folly that You speak of.”


And so, this one went back unto them and said, “Behold, the Lord shall send unto you His first begotten. What shall you do with this?”

When the first begotten Son arrived, he said, “I tell you this parable. For the Lord of the land left the land in the care of a caretaker. And the caretakers began to − were supposed to send the Lord of the lands the rent. But soon, they began to look at the land as though it was their own, and they did not send rent. Then one day, the Lord sent forth, of the lands, sent His first begotten son, and they killed him. Yet, the Lord forgave them, if they could forgive themselves.” [See Mark 12:1-12.]

We say unto you, we have brought you a parable, a parable that says to you − what the Lord has asked of you is your own tithing, whether you tithe from your purse, or tithe from your soul, or tithe from the spirit, and meaning that you tithe from all. If at the end of each day you thank the Lord for that which has been given to you then it shall be given back unto you tenfold the next day. And so it shall multiply and become whole for you.

There are many who shall say unto you that the words we have spoken could not be true. But we say unto you, behold, and you shall see all words that we have spoken come to pass.

You have many questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. _______, who is here tonight...asks, ‘Aka, if possible, at this time I would like a life reading, or if there is something else I should know?’”

We shall say unto this one, we have before us the body, the soul, and the spirit, and therefore, we have the immortal body.

We find this one in the time of that that you would call the Sumerian time − time when the sons of God did come forth and enter the daughters of man and become earthbound. We find you, at this time in what is known as the land of Egyptan, for you have ventured back and forth between the two great lands. And, as the people become ready, a new capitol is being built in what is known as the great isles of Atlantis. All things, all great things, are about to come about, for the wonders of the Earth and the communication that exists bet­ween those of the Earth and the other planetary systems is at its greatest heights. For more planets have been colonized, and it has been called for a great festival.

You were called upon − “Prepare this feast for all the lands that all the people might eat from the cup of plenty,” for there is joy and good will among all the people. You do these things, and do them well. You live a full life in this capacity, and you have eight sons who have served the known worlds well.

You have become both friends of RaTai and Arcan and that that is known of the Eagle. You venture forth unto this land quiet frequently, for you are known as an apostle of the Eagle. And the philosophy of the land has flourished.

You die at the age of 206 with great fulfillment.

We do not see this soul again until what is known in the land of Salem. And this land is a land which is part of the Atlantan group of islands. There, you become great friends and once again an apostle to the Prince of Salem and his cousin. There, once again, you prosper well, you build well, and you are told that one day you will come forth upon the Earth to prepare the way for the coming of a Messiah. Once again you have many sons, and once again, these sons become emissaries to many lands. And one of these lands is the nomadic tribes of Israel. You become the one who accepts the tribute from Abraham and the twelve tribes of Abraham, of Israel.

And so, you come forth into another time, into a time that is known as the Second Coming, for at the time after the one known as Jesus of Nazareth had been born in Bethlehem and brought to reign to Jerusalem, you are with him as he appears upon the American continent. You become a traveling companion. But once again, your longing for a family and family life becomes [the] greater part of you.

And Jesus says unto you, “There is one who comes before me; you have known him before. Go unto him, and ask his advice.”

And so you go unto this one and he says unto you, “Live your life as you please. Go about the things that you need. Marry and multiply, and allow your sons to become emissaries unto the different lands and [may] carry the message that is needed.”

There are other times between that time and this. You remember part of these.

One part of these was what is known as the American Civil War.

But all parts of everything that you have ever been brings you to what you are today − neither king, nor prince, nor soldier, but a person seeking knowledge, as you have done before. Your memory is being opened, and once again you are studying with one that you have studied with before.

And we say unto you, be of all parts of those things that you are capable of. Do not become fanatic. Do not become afraid. Share and be shared. Love and be loved. Let your life become a fullness. Let your cup runneth over.

We have told you these things, not to influence your own belief, but to allow your mind to see these things in different time spans and places that might bring a fullness.

And you say unto us, “But why do I remember the times of Buddha?”

And we say unto you, from Adam to Jesus of Nazareth, do you not think that there was a time when this one was Buddha? For he came to different ones at different times to fulfill their cup, fulfill their spiritual need − and to fulfill his own.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. M______ G___...Hollywood, California…; she asks, ‘Would you give me the date I should move from California and where should I move?’”

We see your need. And we should answer your question in this manner. First, find yourself, where you are, [and] you will cease to run away from yourself. By doing this, you’ll find the knowledge being in yourself, completeness. Running from yourself shall never become into fulfillment, or give you fulfillment; it shall leave you hollow.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. W_____ L_ H______ who is here tonight asks, ‘Will _______ make it and what is wrong with him?’”

We see thy need. And what you really ask for is healing. But let the healing be asked for for themselves.

We say unto you, there comes a time in animal or in man, or in fowl or fish, when those things between God and themselves become one knowledge, one thought, and one image. Allow that to be that is, and you shall allow all things to serve God and themselves as they wish. Ask for healing and it shall be received, and [be] granted. But remember, there are many types of healing.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka._______...Albuquerque, New Mexico, known as S____ C___; she asks, ‘I let my psychic abilities go 3-and-1/2 years ago. What is necessary for them to wake up inside of me again the way they were or even more?’”

You have taken the first step. If you wish an awakening make a commitment, [then] allow yourself to grow. You have made the first step. Do not take it lightly. And be ready for the gift that you ask for.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. L____ L______...Tucson, Arizona; she says, ‘Thank you, Aka, for your help again in finding my wedding band that slipped off my finger recently.’”

We see they need.

You have other questions, ask.

“R____ B____ asks again to give more help on how to store for emergency supplies and where, and to give us a time element for how much. Thank you.’”

We see thy need. Each household should have that that would last them for one year − each household. Take that step first and the rest shall follow suit. But each household must do their own part. If you do this, and each time you go to the store, grocery store, if you buy a few extra cans and put them away. The next time you go to the store buy a few more. But use those that you have put away and place the new ones in their place, adding to them. Soon you will have a good supply. Allow yourself to put blankets, sewing material, including cloth. To store clothes would be rather foolish, but cloth may be stored and stored safely. Store tools that allows you to make different things including carpentry. Store books of knowledge. By doing these things in this manner, in each household, it shall allow you to repair and rebuild where you are. But at the same time store seeds, both the seed of knowledge and the seed of food − for the mind, food for the body − all parts must be served.

You have other questions, ask.

“At this time, Aka, I have no more.”

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall say unto this one who asks − ye who have but little faith, yet you ask. Yet you ask with the least of un­derstanding. But what you ask for shall be given.

Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever. We say unto you, what the Lord giveth the Lord may take away. If you have faith in something, the faith shall grow, as from a mustard seed. It may become a mountain, and then mountains.

But if you have faith in something, believe in it. [It was] given unto you a healing springs, yet your faith lost it. Only your faith can replace it. [Note: the Dripping Springs on Dripping Springs Road, Arizona.]

Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: This transcript has been compared to the audio tape recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1987 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


May 1, 1987

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening Aka, where is soul Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes we see thy need. And we shall answer your questions in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we say unto you, we shall tell you this parable in this manner and this way.

For in a time of the great Ice Age, when the people retreated into the Southern hemisphere of the land, [entered] a time when the ice barriers were being built to bring energy back into the land, that that is known as your pyramids. We would say unto you, this time the land, that of the warm climate land, belonged to clans. Yet there were cities and greater parts of the cities. Yet each city was separated into its own, as you would call them, clans. Yet the whole part of the clan was one of the same.

And in competition, quiet often the clans would select one among them to compete against the other clans, in great shows of strength. They did so in many ways.

But in this particular clan, and the clans that came together, the show of strength required both lifting, running, in such a fashion that it took all of the body and the body motion to perform this task. Quiet often it covered large and vast amount of land that these athletes must cover and return back unto where they had started. And quite often, the other clans laid traps along the way for the other players to delay them and give their player a better chance of winning, because such things as large quantities of their winter storage were bet upon this. Those who won could eat well during the winter months.

In this particular competition there were many traps laid before. And the athletes did get ready and go forth into the land. And they found before them the traps that each clan had laid there. Each of them fell into a trap. Each of them found a way out, only to find another trap.

The athletes came together and said, “What shall we do with our people? Why can they not compete in a manner without trying to cheat?”

And each said, one unto another, “The only way this shall happen is if we all − there was no winners.” Then they made a pact among themselves that they would walk side by side, not one inch ahead of the other.

And so, as they entered the arena, all together, there was a hush that fell over the crowd. And the judges said, “There is no winners; there is no losers. What have you to say for yourselves?”

And the athletes said unto them, “We want an event that we can compete in that will be fair for all, for everyone to run, for everyone to be a part of, that we each have an equal op­portunity without falling into your traps.”

So the judges sat down and they tried very hard to bring forth a game that could not be cheated in. No matter how hard they found they found there was ways of cheating. So they brought forth the athletes and the athletes spent great amounts of time; they too found no matter how hard they tried there was ways of cheating.

So they went among themselves, and they said, “From this day forward we will have what is known, a code of the athletes. We will have those things we shall do and those things we shall not do. And if any person is caught cheating in any way and breaks this oath, then they and their clan shall never be allowed to compete again.” And so it was agreed upon.

From then until now you hold these things holy. When you find among yourselves that these people have cheated you hold them in contempt.

How can you hold an athlete in such high esteem, and yet, hold yourself in such low esteem? Bring your honor system forth among yourselves.

Let it spread upon the land. Let it enter into the governments. And soon you will have [fertile] land for the coming of the Messiah.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes Aka, soul Ray asks, ‘In J___ R____’s recent trip to Washington D.C., could he have come into contact with something that may have [caused] him to have a relapse?’”

Yes, we see thy need and we shall answer in this manner. Because of these things that he was taking, in their exposure to a colder climate, they did react upon him in a more abundant manner. But you must realize that there is a greater amount of pollution and a different type of pollution, almost into the form of what is known as acid rain, that is now within the at­mospheric conditions of the Washington D.C. area. We say unto you, because of type of medication that you would take, when you came in contact with these chemicals they would cause a completely different reaction within your body, body substance.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. W___ H_____, who is here tonight, asks, ‘Aka, would you please explain to us again the Council of Thirteen, for many new members are asking at this time?’”

We should say unto you, that they stand of twelve, and the Thirteenth shall be the Father, God. And for those who should be [asked] to come prepare the way, for those who should know Him best and know these things that would be needed upon the Earth, for we’re as close as His heartbeat and His teardrops. We are here but for one purpose, to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, but we come unto soul Ray, for he is I and we are he. It should be difficult at times to understand that we have tried to use your language and your language barriers to reach through and say unto you, come unto yourselves. Learn to love one another. But learn to love yourselves.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you Aka, at this time I misplaced a question from W_____ S_____. Would you have a message for him?”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer your question in this manner. You have come forth this day unto soul Ray for counseling. And he has given you the counsel that is needed. We say unto you, you grow in despair because of your separation from your family. We say to you, let us reach out and carry your burden. It shall be yet a time more before your job shall change. But we say unto you, be patient, for that which you reach for is at your fingertips. But look, as you have said, unto the Universal Philosophy. Open the door that you may enter. We shall fill your cup.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes Aka, thank you. B__ M_____ of W_________ asks, ‘Aqua, could you please help me find my bag with the checkbook and my other belongings that I have misplaced?’”

Yes, we see your need. The bag that you speak of you have placed in your pickup, your own pickup. There are other papers that you have misplaced that are at your mother’s house. There is also, in the bedroom of S_____ M______ you shall find that that she used, you shall find other papers that you are missing that you have placed there. I think there is confusion in what we speak and the way we speak it. Take it not for confusion, only in the fact that different periods of your life have moved different papers to dif­ferent places.

We say unto you, “ask and you shall receive,” for all things come in the glory of God.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you Aka. M_____ K____, who resides in Globe, Arizona...asks, ‘Please, would you give me my great-grandfather’s Indian name and also my Indian registration number? Thank you.’”

Yes, we see of your need. 18-25-48, and it should be started with a “C” and of the Fox Clan. We say this unto you, your grand­father’s name, we see two needs − one you wish to know it in the Indian dialect. And we would say it is called, [Skenuta, Skenuta Say], “he who sees.” But you will find that it is, in the name that he was registered under will be Harris, Dan Harris, Daniel Harris. Yes.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes Aka, at this time could you tell us how soul Ray’s body is now?”

The body needs time to repair. We find additional growths in the sacroiliac. These will need attention. They are allowing spinal fluid to leave the body. They are also causing the ner­vous system, and pressure to be applied into the spinal cord, which is causing the nerves to be, as you would call them, cross-circuited.

We would suggest that due to an increasing pressure from a blood disease known as polycythemia [verigo], this is also creating a greater problem within him.

We can help him to help himself. Know these things, that there was great damage to the brainstem area and to the whole spinal column. We do not create, only our Father creates, and God in His wisdom has allowed a regeneration of certain tissue within his body. But there is other tissue, because of the work he seeks out, because of his desire, now more than ever, to bring healings into a completeness. In his frustration, because he knows within his mind that that has been given him to create new medications that could be used for the curing of the substance you know as AIDS. But his frustration grows because he reaches into the upmost realms of the universe. Yet, he is a doer, a dreamer and a doer. These are not commonly put together. He knows that his body will burn out one day, and he wishes to leave with you a legacy of the knowledge. He wishes to reach forth and bring forth an end to disease and famine.

There are many things that we could say, yet we would violate his freedom of will if we said more.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you Aka. M____ B____, who is here tonight...asks, ‘Should we move to [Parran], Nevada?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. Look about you, and you will find that that you could seek, that would be both satisfying to yourself and your husband. If you do these things, that of your children and your children’s children shall then gather about you. Look about you. Look unto this land. Remember, there is a great buyer’s market.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. S__ B___, who is also here tonight....and he asks, ‘How is my health in general?’”

We see your need. We say unto you, you have an arthritic condition, which is causing you to lose your hearing. You also have a condition, you are borderline diabetic. It is also affecting the eyesight. We say unto you, allow yourself to have these things [which] are needed to restore your body.

And we also say unto you, do not seek out a higher altitude than you already live in, because you have a problem called secondary polycythemia. You are not receiving adequate amounts of oxygen into your system, as it is. These things can be corrected. We could go into elaborate detail of this reading, and should you request one a second time, we shall do so. But bring these things before soul Ray and he shall give you answers and solution[s] to answers.

And now we say unto you, our time grows short.

For those who would seek answers, allow yourself the time of growth, and know the seasons. Do not become impatient with yourselves, but bind together in your study groups. Let them expand, and exchange, one into another, the information, and the growth you desire should come forth − in more ways than you ever dreamed was possible.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[This transcript has been compared to the recorded voice for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1987 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


May 15, 1987

Globe, Arizona

[Aka is here.]

[“Good evening, Aka, where is soul Ray?”]

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes we see thy need, and we should answer your questions in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we say unto thee this parable in this manner and in this way.

For upon the lands there was a great desert. It reached for hundreds of miles in the north, the south, the east and the west. But within the desert there were many oases. And there were valleys that were fertile and green, and there was an abundance of water. Yet everyone looked upon the desert and thought, “What a barren land.”

A young man came unto this valley. And at first, he worked for other people. Now one day he went out to the edge of town and he bought him some acres. A few years later, he bought more acreage. And a few years later he bought more.

And then, he waited a few years more, and he began to drill wells. The wells brought forth artesian water that was clear and beautiful. And he began to grow crops upon the land and sell his crops. And from the money he received he bought more land and dug more wells. Soon, he was a very, very wealthy man and had many people working for him.

And the Lord blessed him and he had [some] children. And from his children he began to see the manner in which they talked to people. And he made a decision. And he brought all of his children to him and he said to them, “You shall go and you shall work in the least of jobs that there is; you shall work in the fields. You shall not be a boss. You shall be a laborer, and until you have learned your lessons of humanity. And when you have I shall give you a proportion of the land.”

Some of his children argued, “Why shall they go and work as a laborer?”

He looked at them and said nothing.

He said, “Your choice is yours. If you want to become a land owner, either go out and do as I did, buy the land and develop it, or become a laborer and earn it.”

The children that stayed and worked were not too happy at first. But soon, they began to see what their father had seen. They saw that the land was good and boun­tiful. They saw that the water that came from the earth was good. But most of all, they saw the people who were working the land for their father and saw their love also for the land. And slowly they began to learn to love the land.

And the first son came forth and said to his father, “Father, I do not want you to give me land, for I have saved money, and I intend to buy land of my own.” And so he went forth to buy land and to develop it.

Another son came forth, and he said, “Father, I have worked long and hard, and I feel it is my time to receive my land.”

The father said, “Not yet; the time shall come.”

Another son came forth and said to his father, “Father, I should buy from you the wool that you are now selling abroad, and I should set up my own weaving plant.”

The father looked upon this and thought it was good.

Another son came forth and said, “Father, you have many livestock. Many of these go forth each year to be butchered, and you sell the hides for very little. I shall buy the hides from you, and I shall set up a leather company.”

Soon his children built many, many different industries. Only a few stayed with the land to inherit the land. Yet when the time came for the inheritance, those who had gone out on their own, and in their own businesses, had as great inheritance from their father as those that inherited the land itself. For in truth, what they had inherited from their father was the ability to see beyond themselves, the ability to see what was needed and go forth there and supply it. They did not do these things from greed, but from their own need to develop themselves.

We say unto you, these things that we say to you is so within yourself. The greatest thing you shall inherit from the Lord, thy God, is yourselves. You shall inherit the earth and the heavens, and all of that which is upon it − but it has been given unto you.

What greater love could a father have for his children than that the Lord has shown unto you? He said unto you, “BRING FORTH YOUR CUP AND ALLOW ME TO FILL IT.” And as you drink from the cup He has continued to fill the cup, not once, but many, many times.

We say to you, we shall fill your cups. If you drink from the cup of need, we shall fill it. If you drink from the cup of knowledge, that shall be filled. If you drink from the cup of love, that shall be filled. If you drink from the cup of hope, that shall be filled. But the greatest drink that you shall have is the hope and the faith to know that your Father is with you always.

You have many questions, ask.

“Thank you Aka. L____L_____...Tucson, Arizona, asks, ‘Could you help me find my wedding band that slipped off my finger recently?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we would say unto thee, go, therefore, where you would keep your provisions for your horse − as you would call it, the tack room. You shall find there a box, which you place comb, brush and those things that you use to service your horse. In this box you shall find the ring.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you Aka. J __ R____ asks, ‘Dear Aka, please advise me any useful or predominate information regarding the passing of my father J__ R____, date 6-2-10, in Washington D.C. Please also advise if there is anything that he would like to tell me, or any member of his family.’”

We should answer your question in this manner. Know of these things that we say − for we are not allowed to interfere or violate the freedom of choice of any person, and therefore, we must have the permission of the soul himself. One moment.


He should say unto you these words.

“For behold, my son, say these words unto your mother, ‘For I am not dead; I live on. I shall live on to another day that we should see each other.’ And say to your sisters, ‘Behold, for I am with you.’ It has been my choice at the present time to remain on this side and be, as you would know it, a teacher. Do not despair, my son. In life, many times I did not tell you I love you, but know it to be true, these things I have said.”

Yes, you have other questions, ask.

“Thank you Aka. R___H______ who is here tonight, asks, ‘Aka could you help me in assuring my wife of my involvement with this work? Thank you.’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall help in every way. But we cannot force a door. As we have said before, you must invite us in. We shall give you the assistance that you need in every way. But know these things − you have not been alone, for we walk with you.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. F ____R_____...Knoxville, Tennessee, asks, ‘Can you please tell me what year I will be getting out of the restaurant business?’”

In the year of 1990. You are very good at what you do. A part of you shall always be in the restaurant business. But you shall walk away into other ventures of business in this year that we speak of.

You shall soon find yourself involved in real estate, and the development, therefore, of the same. Beware of those who should come to you and promise everything and deliver nothing.

We would say also to you, as you shall be dealing in gas leases and the gas lease land, beware of the serpent who has been as a friend. Look unto that that is given to you. We see thy need; we see thy intent. And from it, we say unto you, what we have seen is good. But we say these words − a friend is a friend. You shall know that of which we speak.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. J ___G___G________...Tucson, Arizona...who is here tonight asks, ‘Will I find my genetic father or information on him?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. Worry not upon this. At this time, because we would violate the freedom of choice of the person you speak of, we cannot disclose all that you wish to hear. But soon, this information shall be made available to you − within three months.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Can you give me any information that may be of help to me right now?”

Yes, we see thy need, and we say unto you, a tree grows. And from the roots a good tree may grow strong. But if it grows without a trunk and grows mighty limbs, the first storm that comes may break it and uproot it. By pruning the top of the tree, it allows the trunk to grow strong.

Be as a good gardener. There is knowledge that shall be placed at your fingertips. But your greatest lesson is to learn trust and patience. Those things that are needed, you are beginning to understand that we will place there. We say unto you, count your blessings.

But we say unto soul Ray these words. You must be ready to pursue the ideas you have of a press. Bring them into drawn form that the machinery may be readied rapidly, for it is soon at hand.

And we say unto another, look not unto the least of things, but unto the most of things, for the trueness of things are yet to be revealed to you, and the greatest part of your happiness is yet to be revealed unto you. The hardest thing that a person has to do is to be patient. For in the worst of times, it may look as though those things around you will not change, yet they shall. It is but a flickering of an eye away.

And we would say this unto one other. And each person shall know unto who[m] we speak. This financial reward which you have sought, and looked for, shall come about as you begin to realize your truth in spirit. For, as you feed the spirit of yourself, the financial things you need shall be [bringing] forth in abundance. You may feel rejected at the time, but it is only a momentary rejection.

And we say unto you, for the last shall be first and the first shall be last. And the land of [Michelaria?] shall soon be upon you. For the treasures are many. And the lords of [Gavelia, Gavella?] are at your feet.

For some, the words we have spoken shall be hard to un­derstand. As you translate the message we have left, you shall find a fulfillment within you for all.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[This transcript has been compared to audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1987 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


May 22, 1987

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka; where is soul Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need; we should answer your question in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God, forever and ever; glory be the name of His children.

And we should say unto thee the parable of the stone mason.

For there was a young man who had served an apprenticeship in stone cutting. He worked long hours in the quarry.

And soon the stones he cut were of some of the finest in the country.

One day he said into himself, “Each day as I should work I shall cut one stone for myself, and it shall go into my own mansion, to my own house.” And so, for ten years he cut stones, and he carried them home and placed them, one after another, into the house he built.

At first the house was small. And then his dream[s] became bigger and larger, and so the house grew. And unto the 10th year it had become a great mansion, a beauty that even the rich would have held in awe.

But the mason was not married. He had moved into the house. But finding that with his salary he could only warm a room at a time, he thought to himself, “Why do I not sell this house and build another, a greater house? And by selling the house I should have the funds, that I could buy my own quarry, be my own boss.”

And so, he went about doing such. He sold his house. He bought the quarry. And soon, with many hands helping him, an extra stone a day from each man that worked for him, soon he had another great mansion, but not in ten years, but only in two and a half.

Still he was not married. But he decided it was time for marriage. And since he had not found a wife-to-be in the land [in] which he dwelled, he took it upon himself to make a journey. And now that he owned businesses, he was invited to many places, into wealthy homes, because all wanted him to build their home.

He married one of these. But he soon found that she could not keep his house, she could not bear his children, for in her life she had been prepared for nothing.

And since the land in which he dwelled in liked multiple marriages, he began to look around the land in which he dwelled. And he found, therefore, a young woman, [who] came from the same village that he came from, who was not wealthy, and the small dowry that her parents could pay was very little. But he took her as a bride, and she bore him many children.

Soon the first wife became very jealous of the second, because she worked in the house, she worked in the fields. She was everywhere, with joy in her heart. And the first wife planned and plotted to have her cast from the house.

The man looked upon all this and knew the truth of it, but he did not know that what to do. And so he went in to the high priest. And he said unto him, “What is it that I must do to stop the jealousies in my household? It is not enough that my first wife does nothing in my house, bears me no children? Yet she plots against the happiness that is in our house with my second wife.”

And the priest said unto him, “Go and take a third wife.”

And he looked unto the priest and said, “But, I cannot handle the situation as it is. If I have a third wife would it not be three times worse?”

And he said, the priest said unto him, “Nay, but be careful of who you pick.”

And so he went back into that town, [into] the land in which he dwelled, and he did not pick from the rich, but he picked once again from the poor. And they had a small dowry to pay. But once again, the wife that he chose [bore with] many children and was joyous in the task of making a home. And her and the second wife joined together in their work. And soon, they had the first wife going about her tasks and performing work. And they teased her and laughed with her until she lost her jealousies, until she lost her ways and became one of them.

And so he went back to the priest and he said, “For my happiness I must tithe unto the Lord something.”

And the priest said unto him, “Tithe, therefore, of stone, as you did in the beginning. Tithe one of your stones a day.”

And he said, “But this is not enough. Surely for such happiness I should tithe more?”

And the priest looked at him and said, “Tithe from your heart. Give that which you will give, but give it because it is gladness.”

And so he did so.

But once again, his wives saw this and thought, “He is taking these things from our children, their inheritance, and giving it away.”

He heard these things, and he went unto the priest and said, “What should I do?”

And the priest said, “Then give the tithings unto your wives and let them bring it forth unto us.”

And so, at first, the wives did not know what to do. They thought, they plotted, “How could they hold back a part, a portion of that what their husband had tithed?”

At first, they gave a small percent of the tithings and kept the other. But each time they went into the place where they kept it, it felt foul and bad.

And so they talked, one unto the other, and they said, “Let us take all the tithings and give it. But let us give it from the heart and be glad that our husband is giving this.”

And so they did so. And as this happened, their husband’s wealth becomes abundant, and tenfold unto tenfold.

You say unto us, “How can this that you have told us affect us? What is it to be learned from that which we have heard?”

We say unto you, take away the jealousy, the greed, from your eyes and you will see in truth what all saw. And you shall find, therefore, within your heart a gift of life.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you Aka, J__ R__ asks that, she has something in her report that she would like answered.”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer your question in this manner, and in this way. We know your desires, and we know that which you seek.

First, we should answer the first of you, and that is the part that you say unto us, “How may I best serve? How may I become a whole part of all that is before me?” And we say unto you, you are a part; you can serve.

You also say unto us, for us to answer your question of need. And we shall say unto you, for those who have chosen the work and to do the work in truth and harmony, and without prejudice of any kind, and do so because it has come from the heart, their needs shall be seen to.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you Aka. G____ B____ who is here tonight asks, ‘Dear Aka, do you have any suggestions for S____ and me in our present endeavor? Thank you.’”

We see your need. And once again we will say unto you, if you come to a river and you see the river and you drink from it, and you leave it and you come back, you think you have come to the same river and you are seeing the same river, but it is not, for the water has changed each second, each moment. The cup that you drink from one day shall differ from the cup you should drink from another. And so should the water.

You have placed your cup forth. And we say unto you, can you not plant a field in one day and hope to reap from it in the same? Give it the time. You have placed the cup before; allow it to be filled from your field. It is hard to understand. Yet the truth is so simple. Commit yourselves to the commitment and it shall be so.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. At this time there are no more written questions.”

We see thy need. And we should say unto you, look at the whole; look at the all and the part of the whole. As you prepare yourself, you shall soon find that the financial statement that you shall receive shall differ in benefit from that of before, allowing the new development which you have just seen to be worked out. Go forth there and utilize the amounts in which you need to complete your task. It shall be made ready. But it does not have to come from a loan upon the financial of the property of the same. It may come from any number of things. Utilize this and recognize what it is. This will allow you to reach for the comfort [into] which you deserve. It is hard at the moment to understand what we have said and how we have said it, but listen carefully and you will know that which we say.

Now is the time of the cherubim.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Look unto the month of June and July, for two things shall happen.

One shall be − the peace that seems to be growing upon the Earth may shake as a great earthquake had shaken it. And it could topple, but it will not.

Second, once again, from the tip of Alaska to the Panama Canal shall be [new] ear­thquakes in number and in strength. We say unto you, into your central America − Kansas area, Missouri − these areas shall be hit hard.

From tornado to earthquake shall ravage the earth for a short time. We say unto you that that which has affected the mental capacity of the people, and the physical, is drawing to an end. But look unto the month of June for completeness.

Now, awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[This transcript has been compared to the tape recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1987 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


June 6, 1987

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka; where is soul Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall tell you the parable in this manner and this way. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

For upon the land there came two men. First, one came into the valley, and then the other. The first in his wisdom saw the need to plant of foodstuff. He also saw the wisdom to clear the land and make fields that could grow in abundance. And so, he went about it, and he built, and grew fine horses and fine cattle, and good fields.

The other who came into the valley looked upon all this and coveted, and said unto himself, “I shall have all these things that this man has.” And so, he plotted. He came not − or cared not, that it took much work to make the valley flourish. All he saw was that it was there and that he could become abundant.

Soon, in the valley he brought thieves that would go into other places and steal and rob. And he continued to covet the land. Yet, he said unto him, “What you have given unto me, I shall take tenfold.”

And the other said unto him, “Nay. But go unto your land and grow what you may.”

After many attempts to take the valley and to take the man’s land, he had decided he would buy the land.

But as he had brought forth not unto good substance, he brought forth a bad and dangerous element.

And the Lord, God, had looked down upon this place and said, “FOR THIS IS MY LAND, AND THIS IS MY PEOPLE, AND I SHALL PROTECT IT.”

There were those who had laughed and thought great folly upon it. Yet, in the backs of their mind[s] they knew that the Lord was with this one. And so, they became afraid. And yet, they put out bad rumors about him, and they said cruel and horrible things.

There were those who came to say good about him, and to tell the world of his goodness. Yet there were more that came to tell the lies, and to bear false witness against him.

At times he would think, “I shall find someone and sell this land and go elsewhere, for why should I continue to battle this battle day after day?” And it seemed that no one else cared. He felt alone and rejected. For the only one he could truly talk to, he felt, was the Lord, God.

And he said unto the Lord, God, “Lord, where are Thou? Why are Thy not with me? Why do You not stand and destroy mine enemies?”

And the Lord, God, looked upon him and said, “We see that that is your enemy, but it is our child that is your enemy. Does not the sun and the rain shine upon both?”

He could not understand this; he became more paranoid, and said, “Lord, I shall challenge you − protect me. Take these evil people away from me. Allow me to go back to my simple life of living, and being and seeing.”

Yet the Lord spoke not unto him.

And so he wandered about the land. He worked; he built his fences. He did good work upon the land, and the land yielded forth in abundance.

And still, those of the other people stayed. And then another year passed, and still they were there. And then another.

And he went unto his sacred place, his place where he had built a shrine unto the Lord. And there he knelt and said, “Oh, Lord, look upon me. Know that I am tired and weary, that I can no longer stand, night and day, and wait for these people to come forth upon me. So, Lord, I shall take and place into Your hands all these things I cannot do.” With this, he went into his house, went to his bed, and went to sleep.

When the other man heard that he had gone to sleep, he was sure that he would project and bring forth demons unto him. And so he said to his fellow outlaws, “Come, go with me and we shall destroy this one.” And so they all went with him.

And he reached to where the bedroom was, and they all circled around and proceeded to killeth of him. But yet, the Lord, God, would not allow this; so the weapons they had became useless and the bullets they had fired did not touch him.

Then great fear rose among them. And they wailed so loud they woke him.

When he woke up, he said, “Why do you wail; why do you make such horrible noises?”

And they said, “Because we fear you.”

And he looked at them and said, “Why do you fear me? Have I done you any evil? Have I committed any crime against you?”

The crime that had been committed was not in the eyes of man, but in the eyes of the Lord, God. And the one had not committed a crime against Him, for this one had committed a crime against himself for that which he thought and thought to do.

It is not always that which you think you see that is true. Before you bear false witness against someone, go and find out the truth for yourself. Allow the love of God to enter you. Allow that love to be transformed through you. And let it come out in the words of love, faith and hope.

Now, you have many questions, ask.

“Thank you Aka. [S____ R_______ in Tucson, Arizona], who is here tonight, asks, ‘Who were the people of Chaco Canyon? For what purpose were they organized, and where did they go?’”

The question you ask is threefold. First, they were organized together for their religion. Second, they came together so that they could provide food substance for one another. For one, as you know, can plant but a little and hunt but a little, but many can hunt a lot. That that you would know [of] Chaco Canyon would be those of the cousins of the Hohokam − much as they − for they were what you know now as the Hopi. But their search for the truth, and the vastness within it, allowed them to live on through eternity.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [A__ S______ …Dripping Springs] and is also here tonight, asks, ‘I am concerned with the quality of the water in my well [and] my neighbor’s well. What information can you give me? There is a high incidence of cancer and tumors among my neighbors. Is it possible that Agent Orange sprayed in the Pinals has infiltrated the water?’”

Yes, we see thy need. We will answer your question in this manner − that both, of the defoliant, has been used, but yet there is another. Through the strata in the water supply, there is two supplies, one which is know to run through Silver Canyon, the other is known to run through Dripping Springs. The one that goes through Silver Canyon and supplies the water for the water table which you are on is on this same strata that − within the uranium mines above you. As a result, the water you have has been contaminated when they shut the mines down.

It would be suggested that for drinking water, that bring it from the Dripping Springs area, the land here; the water is pure in substance. There is a small amount of lime in this water; that could be filtered out. It is not significant amount, in amounts, to hurt anything.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. ‘Dear Aka,’ J__ R____ …asks for ‘any advice on speeding his recovery, to include vitamin supplements, diet, medication, etc. Please feel free to offer this advice at any time. With love.’”

We understand your need. And we would answer your question in this way. When the emotional stress has left your house then the rest of you shall get well. We would answer by one other question. Soul Ray has a new substance in his mind that you shall soon use to speed your recovery, and those and many others with similar problems.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. B__ L_____… asks, ‘Will we complete our bond, bond sales to [the] Arab and receive our full commission?’”

We will explain in this manner. That which you feel you have is what you have not.

You have spent many hours toiling, to elevate your income. We say unto you that this could come about in a greater means and manner by looking, one thing at a time, and taking it to its completeness.

There are many opportunities upon the Earth, and many before you.

We see that you have certain things that you need to do. First, we would say, if you feel you cannot fulfill your vows as a student teacher, withdraw those vows. You do not have to serve God only in one way; there are many ways to serve Him. But remember, promise not the Lord that which you will not give Him. If you are to succeed, fulfill your promise. If you cannot fill it with [a] good conscience, or you do not feel that it is now the time, then say so. But do not blame the Lord, nor the religion, or anything else other than yourself, for there is time for all things. If you wish the help that you ask for, then it shall be given, but ask in a righteous manner.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, at this time I have no more.”

Then we shall say unto you, the laboratory at the present time is in its infancy. Its needs should be immediate. So there is two needs: one, that a new crop shall soon be at hand, and soon you will have a new [marketing] system that shall work well for you. You shall soon find a new person that shall work with L____ F___ and shall help in the restoring of the greatness that is about to become so.

We say unto soul Ray once again, place your ideas for your machine on paper, and proceed with the patenting of the other devices you have in mind. For producing your press is a necessity at this time. If you’re not satisfied with the one you have in mind, there are those of commercial value that could be bought.

You have other questions, and they are many.

Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we say unto the land of Oregon that that of the land beneath Mt. Hood, of the Cascade Mountains, shall shake and rumble and shall give off quakes in numbers. And it shall look as though it shall erupt, but not yet. Your San Andreas fault will give further destruction. But look unto Mexico and unto South America, for there shall soon be a rattling of the land in great masses. Look unto the politics of your country. But we say unto you, look unto the politics, into your own local government. It has become time to take an interest in such a manner that the land shall fulfill itself. We say unto you, we are here but for one reason, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Now is the time of the cherubim.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: On May 18, 1980, Mount St Helens in Washington State, USA, erupted in the most destructive and deadly volcanic eruption in United States history.]

[This transcript has been compared with the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyrighted © by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


June 26, 1987

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka, where is soul Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. We shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we say unto you this parable and in this way.

For upon the land there lived a family, and this family lived in a village. They were not rich, yet they were not poor. Yet each of the family worked together, that the family might exist as a whole. For in their home their father and their grandfather lived with them, and the mother and the grandmother. And each had built onto this themselves an apartment onto this main part of the house that they might have some privacy.

But the children, as children will, wandered into all parts of the house. And there was a young girl, and she was barely into her teens. And her greatest delight was to go to her grandmother, and unto her great grandmother. For she went unto the forest and brought forth trees and planted them close in, that her great grandmother, who could not walk well, could see. And she went into the forest and she brought the flowers.

The other children sometimes complained because she was always late with her chores. And sometimes her father would scold her and would say, “Mary, why is it that you are always late? Why is it you have not completed your chores? Why is it that you always must bring the trees and the flowers from the forest?”

And the little girl looked upon her father and said unto him, “For, Father, did not the Lord provide the beauty of the earth for all to see?”

And her father said, “Yes.”

And she said, “Father, even though our eyes might dim with age should we still not see the beauty [that] God has given?”

And the father said, “Yes.”

She said, “Then, Father, I do my chores. I know I spend longer moving the trees and the flowers, that great grandmother and grandmother might see and enjoy, and that the joy that comes each day as my great grandfather and my grandfather come and help me plant the trees and the flowers I have brought forth. It brings great joy unto me. And I hope that I am bringing joy unto them.”

The father thought upon this and thought, “One day I shall have my grandchildren, and maybe, if I am lucky, I shall see my great grandchildren, and they shall run before me. Should it not be within me to hope and pray that God shall give me such as this, this child, to see that I share the beauty of the earth, even into the oldest of my ages?”

So the father said, “Nay, I give you a new task, for from this day forward I shall do your chores. And from this day forward you shall go forth, and you shall bring those things that are needed and [enjoyed] unto your grandmother, your great grandmother, your grandfather and great grandfather.”

And so Mary went forth. And soon she found more and more different varieties. And soon she was adventured farther and farther from home. Soon her trips were to take her days and weeks to return with the new varieties.

And it was soon to become [whole], and time she would become a woman; yet she continued. And she knew the plants, the trees, and she knew the herbs that would cure the sick, but she knew the plants that would bring joy to the heart and the soul.

And then she entered into her almost 30 years of age and she had not married. Her father came unto her again and told her, “If this is what should keep you from marriage and happiness, I shall take this, for you should have children also, that I might enjoy my great grandchildren.”

And she said, “But, Father, please do not take my life’s work from me.”

Her father looked at her, her beauty, both inward and outward, and he could not bear to see her childless and without a husband; yet he could not bear to take her work from her. So the father that night, he prayed to the Lord and he said, “Oh, Lord, give me wisdom and give my daughter someone to love and share her life with.”

And the Lord, God, looked upon the father in his great wisdom. And so, He rewarded the father, for he saw a young man with great interest in plants. And He brought the two together, and they did marry and they did have family. And they built, as was the custom of the day, onto the other part of the house. And soon they had children. And Mary, her husband and their children went about their tasks. And soon the garden they had planted was becoming known all over the world. And the people from the four corners of the Earth did venture forth to see such a bounty. And when they arrived to see it they saw another little girl taking flowers to her grandfather.

The story we have told you is simple. Yet, it has great meaning, for it covers all those areas

that we have told you about — hope, love, and faith.

You have many questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. ____ ______ who is here tonight asks, ‘How will the purchase contracts and the trenching for the gas line turn out?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we say unto you these words. It shall turn out, as you would call it, favorably.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. E_____ ___ H_____ who is also here tonight asks, ‘Who visited my sisters and I when my sister was ill?’”

We say unto you these questions and these answers, for from each question shall come an answer in one form or another. Look unto the first of the reading, and we say unto you, look unto your great grandfather. But we say one thing, look unto that that is known as Saint Frances.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. G_____ B_____ who is also here tonight asks, ‘Dear Aka, do we have any drastic problems around the time of August 16th or 18th, or is it a [marker] for the beginning of tougher times? Thank you.’”

We should say unto you [that] of these questions and of these answers. Remember that the clock that you watch shall be 24 [hours] older when your 16th day arrives. Therefore, we say unto you, in the days of Quetzalcoatl, these who you call as Jesus, who walked upon your American land and who brought teachings, and who went with the evening star and promised to return with the morning star − for it shall be the first step of his consciousness. And it shall be felt around the world.

Yet, they [are the other] side of the coin, that that you know as the Anti-Christ, his footstep shall also be felt.

Your consciousness, therefore, must be guarded and placed together, bound together, as one. Come together in harmony and in prayer and in learning. If you do so, learning and har­mony is what you shall receive back in return.

It is our sincere hope, for we are not allowed to interfere.

Now is the time of testing. From the time we have come until now, we have told you of this time, the time when the great Sword shall divide both man and land masses − for that also shall occur and begin to occur in such a manner that you shall feel the earth shudder upon its axis. Yet, for those [who are to] have the Lord in their heart, they have nothing to fear. But as you come together, remember, if you come in the house of the Lord, come with your hearts without prejudice of any kind, respecting one another, at all times, and bring prejudice against no one or thing.

We shall explain to you the difference between that which is prejudice and that which you do not care to associate yourself with. If a man came to kill your loved ones, and he was from the Anti-Christ or even if he wasn’t, and you must kill him in return, then you have not sinned before God. You have defended those things you love and cherish, and you have stopped this person from committing murder, and therefore, you have saved his soul, even though you have slain him. This is hard for you to understand. It is written, “Thou shall not commit murder.” There is a difference between the two. These things we say may be hard to understand, but we try to simplify it for you.

Praise be the Lord, thy God, in all manners, and praise be Jesus of Nazara, Buddha of Buddhas, Lord of Lords.

We know it is hard to understand fully the Lord’s way. Yet, is it like the river. The river you see you think is the same, but it is not the same, for the water is always changing, and so is the Lord flowing like the river, flowing to His children their needs. As their needs change, so the Lord alters and changes. But within truth, the great plan never changes.

We say unto you, now is your time and shall be your time of testing. Take the time to go unto all the people you can and say, “Come be with us. Let us take the time to worship. Let us [try and] take the time to bind together. Let us take the time to pray together, and learn together.”

But do so unto all, that they might hear this that is to be heard and seen and felt. For this con­sciousness shall cross the Earth many times, but only one time in this way and at this moment.

We say unto you, at what you would know as 1:00 p.m., in the afternoon, all the candles in your candelabras should be lit. All the single candles should be lit. Make there forth an area, of 9.5- inches [feet]-by-9.5-inches [feet], of a triangle in double sides. It shall [gain for you] forth the Star of David. [Plant], therefore, your candles at every one of these points, and you shall come unto the [point] in the center shall be the Thirteenth. Place that before your altar. And bring your prayer unto the Lord at this time, and you shall be within the conscious realm of all the world. It shall link you together.

We know that you will want to listen and read this message very carefully. For in truth, those who have eyes to see shall see, those who have ears to listen shall hear.

And unto the 9th hour of the evening they shall be lit again. And then look unto the heaven[s] and see that which the Lord has to give you back in return.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka R_____ H______ who is also here tonight asks, ‘Aka, I am thinking of acquiring a contractor’s license. In what area should I proceed?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. At first, [require] a “B” license, general contracting. But it should allow you the latitude to go unto many areas. And this is required and should [occur] in your pocket and upon your wall. Then proceed forth for the “A” license. This may seem strange, but one shall give you a way to bid on many jobs.

We shall also tell you that there are many, both government, federal, state and city jobs that should be available then to you to bid upon. But there shall be others. Do not become carried away with your own success. Do not run out and hire other people to do your work. For the present time, between yourself and your wife, you will be able to do these things. Take one step at a time, and your growth shall be healthy and firm.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. F__ had a question that I would like to ask. ‘Where could we find the information that is needed to find the Temple of Beauty, the Temple of Power, and the Temple of Knowledge?’”

Look into your old readings. All the information you need is there − their location, and much of the knowledge which you desire and are looking for now. There is information within the readings that shall give you more than all the books that have been written.

Now we say unto you, soul Ray grows weary; yet we see other questions, and even with their emergencies. We look unto the land of California and we see a child, and the child has the disease of cancer. And we see your concern. And we see soul Ray’s agony, and we should give him that that he desires for the child.

Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name, of the name of His children, forever and ever.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[This transcript has been compared to the audio tape for accuracy.]

Copyrighted © by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


July 10, 1987

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we should say unto you this parable in this way.

For the seven angels came upon the Earth in their creation. And the Lord said unto them, “CREATE THE EARTH.”

And they brought upon the Earth the land and the water. And they separated the land from the water. Then they brought forth the rain and the seasons.

And the Lord looked upon the forests and the lakes. Then He looked upon the desert lands, and He said, “WHY HAVE YOU CREATED THIS? WHY HAVE YOU CREATED SUCH A HARSH PLACE FOR MY PEOPLE?”

And they said unto the Lord, “From this land shall come your prophets, for it shall be a testing place. For the best of things shall be hidden within the cactus, and it shall take both wisdom and fortitude to unravel this. And so it shall be for the men and women who should come forth in prophecy, for they shall withstand the harshness of the land and build the greatness of the soul.”

The Lord thought upon this. And He said, “WHY HAVE YOU NOT PUT LEAVES ON THOSE TREES?”

And they looked and they said, “Lord, those are not trees, and they have their leaves. They are the wisdom growth of the cactus plant. They are the largest and the mightiest. Some shall grow in the beginnings of time. It is their patience that they shall teach your prophets.”

And so all came into completeness.

And the time came forth upon the Earth when all the times would come together.


It is written that the last shall be first and the first shall be last. And how can this be so? Why could at one point of a lifetime a man be born in a garden of plenty with every con­ceivable thing he should want, and yet, could not see the wisdom within it; yet the same man be cast upon the earth in a barren land, [as] the land of the cholla? You, who study the land and the people, we say unto you, look unto the fertile crest, in the sand of the Magi, and you shall find it, in land, much as this. But you, who should come into a time of the before times, in the time of Quetzalcoatl − we say unto you that this time shall be as a dividing time, that the [Lord’s] great Sword shall strike both land and land masses, and people. And those who should be straight with God shall go one way, and those who shall not be straight with God shall go another. And the land and the land masses, where water flowed no water shall flow. Where no water flowed water shall flow. The land shall come apart, and yet, be born again.

The beginning shall begin now. You shall come together to celebrate this time. Some shall come in fear, and yet it is not a time of fear. It is a time of greatness.

It has been said that you look at the clouds and you know that you have a time for planting. You look at the seasons and you know the time it is. Yet now, we say unto you, now is the time for the harvest of the soul and the spirit.

Can you not see it? Have we not told you so? [See Mark, chapter 13.]

For we say unto you, the greatness and the greatest of all things shall become upon your Earth once again. This time you shall know, and there shall be no doubt in the minds of the doubter. [See John 20:24–31.]

But approach it in a peaceful manner. Approach it in a manner of prayer, of dignity. Give it the dignity [that] it deserves.

But those who would look upon the desert lands and see the barren and waste, there is no waste in the desert land; everything is used. Because the water is [scarce] the Lord saw fit to hold great amounts of water beneath the earth. Yet it shall blossom, and become a garden once again. For much like the other lives that a man may live, so shall parts of the Earth. It has proved its worth; now it shall prove its kind.

We have left many questions in your minds. We say unto you, all the land was the land of Quetzalcoatl, “the People.”

You have other questions.

“Yes, Aka, thank you. This is a group question. In the beginning of the Association, the spelling for your name was “Odka,” which was chosen for your council. We have recently questioned the need to change it to the name of the speaker, “A.k.a.” Would this be appropriate at this time, and how would you suggest that we proceed in the spelling and have an ex­planation for the people? Thank you.”

In the beginning, we said if you could agree upon any spelling you would have taken one step closer to God. Now we shall say unto you, it shall be spelled with an “A.” If you should change it, use both spellings so [that] does it not confuse the people − for a time.

The “A,” you now shall know the meaning of. To know where you are going is to know where you have been. Now you know where we have been.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. J____ T_______ who is here tonight…asks, ‘The Hopi Indians have clans. What was my mother’s clan?’”

Your mother was of the Eagle clan. Your mother was of the clan, as you are of the clan; you are of “the People.”

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, thank you. S___ L_______ who is in Houston, Texas, asks for a life reading.”

We shall give it at a different time.

You have many other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. L____ K_____ who is here tonight, and also resides in Houston, Texas, asks, ‘Could you please advise me what to do to improve the condition of my back and spine?’”

Yes, we see thy need. The time is needed that soul Ray may give continuous treatment to this. There is also additional knowledge that we shall place unto his brain that shall bring about a total healing. Be patient. That which you ask for shall come first; you have asked for a deliverance of the spirit. You shall have both.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. J___ R______, resides in Tucson, Arizona, and is also here tonight, asks, ‘Could you give me a past-life reading as to what my purpose is in this life?’”

We shall give that at a different time.

We shall give them both in the next reading.

“Thank you, Aka. L___ ______ who resides in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and is also here tonight, asks, ‘I have lost or misplaced my book, Rose without Thorns. Could you help me find it?’”

You have not misplaced the book. Your friend has borrowed it.

You have other questions.

“Thank you, Aka. M__ B___ … Tucson, Arizona….asks, ‘I want information. Can you give me [any] on the homestead of the Butterfield Ranch Estates that I am wanting to purchase? And how is the water supply? Should I buy it, an, if so, when?’”

We see your need. We would answer your question as straightforward as we know how. There is a great complexity in the title of this. If this matter could be straightened out and the water rights brought forth into the grant for the water [ ] rights, then you should purchase it, but only with negotiation. Do not accept everything at a face value.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. She also has one more question. ‘When do you see the house at 1647 N. Bluff, Wichita, Kansas, selling, and for how much?’”

Yes, we see your need. In the month of October, and it will be in the amount of $78,000.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. At this time I have no more questions.”

Then we shall answer the question. And you have asked unto yourself, “What became of the great Hohokam people? And who and how did the Pima come about?”

And we would answer your question first, that the Pima and the Hohokam were of one. But they were of a clan and of a different clan. Those who lived, what [as] you know as the Phoenix area now, some left this planetary substance; others fled the land, because of two reasons − one, of a great climate change, the other, of great illness, that that you know of as Valley Fever.

They spread upward, but the Pima people were the core, or the center of the Hohokam. And the land that they chose to dwell upon was a clean land without disease or problems. They chose to remain upon the Earth to till the land, to bring the knowledge of “the People” to the people. The fertile crescent you shall find shall be as old as that that should exist in Africa and that that should exist of the Sumer people. And these people that you speak of, and we speak of, were of the Sumer people, as you would know them, the Sumerians. It is where you get your word, “the good Samaritan,” because of their good deeds.

The greatest gift unto these people was the gift that they could give unto others. And they left upon the land the greatest knowledge. They left upon the land the only knowledge that could make this land grow fertile and grow − the land of the agricultur[e], the [land] of the moon cycles, the land and knowledge of all mineralogy. They brought forth unto you the knowledge of mathematics, of astronomy, of astrology, of microchemistry. They gave you both the material of the cotton, of the corn, and many others which you use today. And they gave them freely from the heart, because they knew that a gift given must be given expecting nothing in return − even unto the land of the Shining Mountain, which was given unto them by the Great Keeper.

And all the prophecies that were before shall be again.

And hear unto us now unto these words − for look unto the 16th of August, on the time of Quetzalcoatl, and you shall know the link between you, and that he walked among you and he gave you a great gift, and you have given it unto all mankind.

Yet it shall be given again.

Now is the time of the cherubim.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[This transcript was compared to Aka’s recorded voice.]

Copyrighted © 1987 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


July 31, 1987

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner and in this way. For we shall tell you the parable of the four worlds.

For in the beginning, God brought forth the seven spirits and said to them, “GO OUT AND PLANT A FIELD, AND WHEN THE FIELD IS RIPE BRING FORTH UNTO ME THE HARVEST.”

And so, the seven spirits went forth to plant the fields. And the first year they came back with many excuses, one blaming the other, because the harvest was not as they thought it should be.


Days passed. Years passed. Thousands of years passed. And then one day the seven angels came back before the Lord, God, and with them they brought an abundant harvest. And they were jubilant, one unto another.

And the Lord looked upon them and [He] said, “NOW GO YE FORWARD AND CREATE THE WORLD.”

And so they went forth and they created a perfect world, when each and every thing within it was fruitful, and bore fruit. There were no deserts. There was no winters. There was just but spring, and all the fruits in abundance that came with summer.


And so the next world that they built was a bountiful world, but it had darkness, both night and day, and the waters were split away into [firmament] and the lands.


This time the spirits were becoming weary. They were beginning to ask, “What is it that our Lord wishes?” We have built in harmony and we have built together. We have built the best, and only the best, that we knew. We have placed nothing bad or evil in these worlds. But we shall build Him [a new], a world, if that is what You wish. But they went forth unto Lord and they said, “Lord, tell us what You wish placed unto this world.”


So they created a new world. [This one] had mountains and valleys and deserts and forests, and oceans and lakes, and all things. It had the fowl of the air. It had the beasts of the earth. It had the fish of the water. And they went back unto the Lord. And the Lord looked upon it and said, “BUILD ME ONE OTHER EARTH.”

And they looked upon it, and said, “Lord, it has all the things that we learned.”


And so they went about building an earth, an earth that had both good and evil, an earth great in abundance of all things, even unto the deserts, and beneath the earth water was placed, and many other [firmaments].


Now, we shall say unto you, the earth, the new earth that the Lord has given unto you, shall open unto you. Upon August the 16th it shall be opened. It shall begin to open at sunset August the 15th. And it shall begin to close at the sunrise, August the 17th.

Go unto your place of worship. And you shall take in your hands that of the yellow corn, and that of the white corn, and since you do not have that of the black corn or blue corn you may substitute it with flour mixed with ashes. The first circle shall be in the motion of the clock; the second shall be in the opposite motion of the clock; and the third shall be in the motion of the clock once again. Do not break the circle. You shall have an opening, therefore, into the new world.

All those things you wish to leave behind write them up on a paper, and once you are inside of the circle burn them. All those things, that you would have if you were resurrected, which you shall be when you enter [your] new world, you shall leave behind. You shall leave behind the reason for reincarnation.

Yet, it is not to say that in this next world you shall not build new karma. But it is the Lord’s way of making you right before the coming of what you would call, the Messiah. Some would…call him Quetzalcoatl; others would call him [Wicca]; others would call him Jesus; the name meaning [ ], only to yourselves. But if you wish the pathway to your Father’s mansions, a doorway has been set.

You shall cleanse your body and make it ready the night before. You shall wash your body, and you shall wash your hair. This shall be done on the 14th. You must stay in your houses on this night. Therefore, prepare the food necessary that you do not have to leave your houses, making yourselves ready that you may enter with a new mind and a new body, and coming before God with a clean soul.

The words we speak shall be hard at first for you to understand fully. We have said before, we have but one purpose, and that is for the coming and the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We come but [for that].

You have many questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. We have a group question. How many times and in how many places will this vortex open and for how long a period? Thank you, Aka.”

We have answered the last. The vortex will be open from the night of the 15th [until] the morning of the 17th. We say unto you, for the fourth year − into the fourth year, four times a year, in the cycling of your moon, the vortex will open and close. You should make time and space, that those who wish to cleanse themselves and enter into the world, that they may come from many places to pass through this. There is another vortex in Egypt, in that that you know as the pyramid of Giza, into the new chamber; yet, it shall not be used. There is another into the tree of Quetzalcoatl. Many shall gather, but few will enter or know the way to enter.

You must realize in the beginning this was given into five places. And into all of those there was the time to be built and a place to be set aside, where your atmospheric conditions would be right with the calendar and be right with the barometric conditions of your Earth. Due to the fact − that in the years prior to this, in the many years, one by one they have felled aside, and they forgot the way − and they did not prepare their people with the opening of the head − all but one has been [set] and not made ready. Now you have one. Open your door − for those who knock may enter.

There are certain things that may be done in other places. We shall not mention of them, for they must be done of their own free choice.

But we say unto you unto these words, soul Ray’s mind knows how to open a vortex, if the atmospheric conditions are right and if it comes in the right moon cycle.

Do you understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

You have questions, ask.

“Thank you Aka.____ ________ asks, ‘At what age is a person responsible for their actions toward the vortex or are they aware at every age?’”

A person does not enter into puberty, from childhood into adulthood, until the 13th year. All who have passed the 13th year is responsible for their own acts. No one may be forced through the doorway; they must pass, and only way they can pass is with an open mind and an open desire to pass through. Otherwise, even though they walk through the door they shall be denied entry.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you Aka. R_____ H______ asks, ‘How……many times…[the opening] for the Hopi, the…and the Hohokom people? Thank you, Aka.’”] [Editor’s note: the question on the tape could not be heard well enough to transcribe it.]

Within a short time period, should your study groups continue, these things shall be provided that you need. Seek and you shall find. Look and you shall see.

It is like the word you use so often, yet know not the meaning of, the word, love. Love is all around you every day. So is knowledge. And the knowledge you seek is all around you, so close to you as your breath. The knowledge you seek you see, all the time.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. A group question − is there any limit to what we may leave in this Fifth World?”

No, there is no limit. Yet we say unto you, do not throw away the better parts of yourself in believing. Take with you even the part of you that some, or even yourselves, may not think the righteous.

And we shall explain to you in this manner. When a man walks up to a river, and he sees the river, and he says to himself, “I shall build a boat and cross this river” − and when he builds the boat and he crosses the river, and he sees people who want to go back, and he starts a business going back and forth across river − and he realizes that there are more people than one boat can carry, and so he builds a second boat, and a third, and fourth, this is not greed. It comes from the very heart and from the spirits of God. Look at the heavens and see the vastness of it. Look at the universe, and galaxies beyond galaxies, and tell us that that that the Lord, God, built there − He built it for the beauty of it, for the need of it, for the want of it. None of these things are sins. What one person would consider a sin would not be a sin to another. “Judge not lest ye be judged.” Take through the doorway that which you desire, and the Lord shall accept you in that manner.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes. Thank you, Aka. M____ _____ who is here tonight asks, ‘[Could] the contamination from mining in this area be the reason that I and most of the people [are not breathing] so well. If so, how is it affecting my body?’”

We would answer your question in this manner, we see your need. And we would say, under normal conditions the mining does not affect you at all. The smelting could affect you because, you are learning, certain acids are released into the air, but as long as this is done in a sensible manner that is [not harming] you. If you are harmed in any manner at all, it would be due to the acid content, and that would cause the red cell structure to alter in [its] size and shape, and cause the red cells to become more abundant. This is a condition that is true in any area; it is true in the area you have come from. Because of pollutants this factor was true. You probably have cleaner air and cleaner water than you have had in years where you are now.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, thank you, Aka. She also asks, ‘Should I live in Globe, _______, [or] _______?’”

Where you are living is the choice of the heart and soul. It is where your soul dwells the best, where it is satisfied. The Lord made all the Earth, not part of it.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. On the night of the 16th…………….strong visualizations?” [Note: part of the question could not be heard on the tape recording.]

That that you shall see we are not allowed to tell you at this time. It shall come, and must come, from the [healing] of your heart. A gift is a gift. Do question it, accept it.

You have other questions.

“Thank you, Aka. [J______ R________ …Tucson, Arizona] asks, ‘Could you give me a past-life reading? What is my purpose in this life?’”

We shall not give you a past-life reading at this time, but we shall tell you your purpose. [We’ve said] on the cross − that the true purpose of your life is the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. In doing so, in the field of your endeavor [note: psychiatric social work] you will find many, many people who have become lost in their minds. In the cutting away of the land and the cutting away of the people, the problem that you have had, the mental problems that man has had, will become even more, greater. You shall look for answers. When you wish these answers, come and ask again. We shall give this reading a different time.

You have other questions.

“No, Aka, at this time we do not have any questions.”

Then we shall answer − if you wish to enter this world, wish it in your heart. But you must make the effort to do so. Then bring [the] candle, that you may pass through, to light the way.

Now is the time of the cherubim.

And we say unto you, you have taken one more step, closer. But remember, even when you pass through, you do not pass away from the time that is also about you, and that is the time of the Anti-Christ, for all the temptation[s] of that time shall go with you. For it will be born anew in this world, and it must be dissolved in that world.

You have asked and you have received. And so, as this has been written, it has been said and it has been done.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[This transcript was compared to Aka’s recorded voice.]

Copyrighted © by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


August 7, 1987

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka; where is soul Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. We should answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of Thy children, forever and ever.

And we shall tell you this parable.

For upon the land the great of kings met. And they came from the four corners of the Earth. And they had decided that they would make war no longer, but they must find a way that they could live, one unto another, in peace.

And each came with his own piece of advice. And yet, from the smallest kingdom came one king who had ruled for many years, and all of his years had been fruitful.

And when all the kings came together they began to realize that they all respected and liked him. And so they said unto him, “Tell us what we must do to have peace. What piece of magic would you cast upon us to allow us to do this?

And he looked upon them, and he said, “It is not necessary to love your neighbor. It is not even necessary to like your neighbor. But if you respect your neighbor, you will never do him wrong.”

The other kings were shocked. They could not understand that which he was speaking.

And he said, “If you meet each neighbor as though you had never seen him before, and you wanted to impress him, with each time that you met him, put your best foot forward, then you would respect your neighbor. You would allow him room for not having the best manners. You would forgive him his transgressions. But he must forgive you yours. If you are to make peace, one unto another, you must forget the past, and all things of the past. If your great grandfather was insulted by your neighbor, and you [felt] that you are still insulted because of the insult, you cannot make peace. You must forgive the past as you would forgive the future. The past is only important to you to know where you are going. It guides you that you would not make the same mistakes twice. But how often do you find yourselves making those mistakes, doing the same thing over and over, until finally you learn from it? And you call this karma? There are some things that are karma and there are some things that are stupid.”

The other kings looked upon this one. He never, in the time they had known him, had he ever spoken out in such a manner. They had all known him, and each of them thought they knew him personally. Yet they knew him not, for the things he said were all new to them, or so they thought.

And he said, “You think that the things I am saying to you is new, yet they are not. The only difference [with] each of you, I have said the same thing in a different way in your country, and in that manner it allowed you to not be compromised. But now we all meet on common grounds, and I must speak as you have asked me to speak to all of you, because you have asked my advice. And so I have given it.”

The kings decided that they must think upon these things. And so they departed, to come back another time. Each time they were to come back they would ask this one to speak once more for them.

Finally, he said unto them, “If I could come back and each time I speak unto you it means that we can go away and live six months or a year in peace, then I will continue to come back. But if I am coming back only to hear your wars and rumors of wars I need not do this. I could go home, and hear you from there.”

Some of you here do not understand that that we speak, or how we speak, or why. What we are saying to you is to be born again is to lay aside all of your transgressions. It is also to lay aside all others’ transgressions.

When you go through, from one world unto another, these things must be left behind. You may pass through a world and take through that which you wish to, but the passing will have meant nothing if you take your karma with you.

There are many parables that have been told unto you by those who are much wiser than us. And they have told you, forgive; lay aside; walk away from these things. The one who we are here to prepare the way for has told you, time and time again, the same thing we are trying to say now.

There are many of you who think that the passing from one world unto another − if you wish for knowledge and you thirst for it, and you leave those things behind you, then the knowledge you thirst for shall be there.

We say unto you in this manner, and we say these words for soul Ray, for we see in him a reluctance to perform the ritual that shall be needed. And yet, there is no other to do this for you, for he must perform what is known as the birthing ritual, that you may pass through the world clean. It must be his decision, and we cannot make it for him. [Editor’s note: these words were spoken a week before the Corn Ceremony of August 16, 1987.]

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from C____ A____…Albuquerque, New Mexico, and she asks if she should come to Globe or is there another place in the mountains near Albuquerque to go for this conversion?”

We shall answer your question once again. You have come forth to find and seek out that which is needed for the spiritual fulfillment of yourself and those of your loved ones. We say unto you, nay, the time is now. You have been called before this, and the words have meant something to you before. Do not they mean as much to you now? Is not your need for growth as great as it was before?

When your father passed over, you had many doubts in your mind. Now is the time to make your own soul peace. “Ask and you shall receive.” But greater than asking takes an effort upon your own part. You must pass through on your own because that is what you want, and it must take the effort to do so. With the knowledge you shall have, make an effort that allows your friend[s] to know that they too may pass through.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Another question, ‘Dear Aka, can you please tell us when and where the Chinese people entered the Earth? Thank you. G_____ B____.’”

It will be necessary to repeat the question.

“Yes, Aka. G_____ B_____ asks, ‘Can you please tell us when and where the Chinese people entered this Earth?’”

We should answer your question in this manner. The Chinese people, before the Mongolian invasion, were of a pure race. The Mongolian invasion changed that drastically. You will find one of the oldest fertile crests [crescents] on the earth, not once, but three times in China. You will find that those that you would call the Sons of God did enter, three different times. Some of the oldest traces of modern man and ancient man, both, shall be found there. Some of the artifacts from man’s visit from outer space to your planet, as you would call it, interplanetary visiting, there is evidence of this and their knowledge. The problem with this is they reached great heights in their civilization, only to become stagnated by the Mongolian lust.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I only have a life reading from S___ L________.”

Not at the present time. There will be no more life readings until after the 16th. There is two reasons for this − one, your time is too short, too precious. Questions you should have asked you have not asked. And we shall try and answer these. The greatest reason that we shall not give life readings until after is because there will be those who shall wish to pass forth and be [born] again. This may sound strange unto some.

This will begin the 14th, the 15th, the 16th, and end on the 17th morning at sunrise. Some of you will have thought that this is the same length of time and the same time, that your rituals were held, to be held, the time when that that was known as Jesus Christ was crucified. The time span from 1:00 to 9:00 was the time that he lived upon a cross, and therefore, shall be the full resurrection. Quetzacoatl, as you would know him, and the one known as Jesus of Nazareth are one of the same. But the Lady of Guadalupe and the Mother Mary are the same. Do you think that the right hand of God would touch one part of the continent without touching all?

Yet, as we came in five places upon your Earth, and so, because of the great pressures applied to the instruments that were chosen, because of the hardships that were placed upon them, they fell away. Some, because of the powers given unto them, tried to use them to become gods into themselves. This is why, at the present time, you have one place of entry.

For it is our hope that in the four years that is to come, and on upon the moon cycles, that soul Ray will have found those that he can train to allow those to pass through, in making [the] pass through, or pass over, as you would call it, or resurrection, as we would call it. But there are those that could be trained. He will know these when he sees them.

And hopefully, other places will be made ready.

But from where he stands, he knows how to open the portal any place on the Earth that he wishes. But at the present time, the easiest place and the place that we have made ready is what you would call your chapel at Dripping Springs, because both the healing springs and the chapel exist and [has] made ready for this time.

Before this time, on what you call the back side of the dam, of the healing springs, should be cleaned out, that the water shall be allowed to cleanse itself and be ready. For there will be those who will choose baptism at that time.

We say unto you, you had a pure harvest. Bring that of the purest and best of your, what you would call your prickly pear juice, and it shall be made into wine that day. But bring it.

You have other questions, ask.

“I have no other questions.”

Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[This transcript was compared to Aka’s recorded voice.]

Copyrighted © 1987 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


August 15, 1987, at a church to God, Dripping Springs Road, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka, where is soul Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. We should say in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we say unto you, for now shall be the time of the transference, or transformation. For as it has been written by Daniel and by John that the time would come when the new world would begin, and the new world shall be the time after the half times − and so it is. [See The Revelation, chapters 21–22.]

And we say unto you, hark, for those who have eyes to hear [see], hear and for those who have ears. We say unto you, fear not. But as you should walk through the doorway, make certain that you prepare yourself.

We have told you before of a time that the body should be cleansed. And now we shall tell you of the second part, and that is a time of the cleansing of the soul. For as you begin to go through the doorway you will be asked, “Is your soul ready? Are you prepared?”

If you are not prepared, say, “No, my soul and spirit is not ready.” If you need help all you must do is ask for it. “Ask and you shall receive.”

But remember, for those who walk through the door, the mark of the Beast shall never be put upon them, or can be put upon them. [See The Revelation 20:4–6.]

The day of transformation is before you. It will open, and can be opened from 1:00 o’clock, p.m., tomorrow until 9:00 o’clock, p.m. But all things must be ready and prepared. It has been a long time, 3,000 years since this has happened.

[Please see the SEPT/OCT 1987 and JAN/FEB/MAR 1997 newsletters about the Corn Ceremonies.]

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. A__ _____ who is here tonight asks, ‘We need a profitable joint and/or individual business venture in our area. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.’”

Yes, we see your need. And we would say unto you, if you should go into what is known as the western wear clothing, but do not buy what is known as what is called, the firsts, [only] the seconds and thirds; these are rejects from the factory. Do the same thing with other clothing.

But we would say to you, for those who could use a sewing machine and style their jeans and western skirts, and blouses and shirts, by styling these, and selling them as your own brand, you could have a great [opening] — not only where you are, but in other places. It is something you and your husband are both capable of doing.

If you would give this further thought and decide that you would like to look further into the venture, ask again and we shall give further information.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. J___ _____ who is also here tonight asks, ‘I would like to know if what I am doing on behalf of my mother is correct [for] her and in her best interest?’”

Yes, we see your need. We shall answer in this manner. It is written, “Honor thy mother and father.” And we say unto you, you have honored your mother and father. And we say, glory be the name of the Lord.

A long time ago, one who walked this earth told the story of the many sons, and the one son who did have his inheritance. And he asked the father for his inheritance. The father gave it to him. And he left. And he went out and he spent it. And he became poor and destitute, and he said, “Even the poorest of my father’s servants should eat and is dressed better than I.” And so he went back to his father’s house.

His father heard before he reached his home and rushed out with a good robe and put it upon him, and made ready and had a great feast.

The other brothers came home, and said, “Why are you doing this? He took his inheritance out and did away with it. We have worked hard.”

The father said, “The inheritance is yours. But look, I have my son and he lives again.”

And this we say unto you, there is no inheritance for such time that it is given. And those who would think otherwise, you must learn the [single] commandment to “Honor thy father and mother.” It is also written, “Thou shall have no other gods before Me.” If you take one commandment you must take them all. Honor is the greatest of all gifts.

We would say, yes, unto your question.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. J___ R___ Jr. who is also here tonight asks, ‘Dear Aka, guidance please, and any suggestions on where to find a house? Thank you, with love.’”

In the land in which you dwell there are houses all around you. But we would say unto you, if a man should go and look for the richest of stones, the one which is uncut and cannot be seen fully is the richest. And we say to you, this is the way you must choose your house, and your home. It is not what you can see, but what you cannot see that shall count. It is not what you can feel, but what you cannot feel. Find the location that you wish. Then take one step at a time, and from there all things shall grow and mature. Walk in that direction. “Seek and you shall find.”

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. G___ Mc_____ who…is also here tonight asks, ‘Today, two big stores are coming into [Sasabe] this Fall, Kmart and Wal-Mart. Is there a reason for their coming out to our area? [ ] has a small population. Thank you, ____.’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. There are two things that should cause the growth in your area − one, a new dam shall be built; the second, mining shall increase. But your town, much as other towns have begun to realize that they may each not make concessions to attract industry. And because of this industry that is expected, the stores are being built.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. M______ H________, who is also here tonight, asks, ‘Please describe my future work with humanity in this life.’”

Preparation of the coming of the Messiah — the preparation of your body and your soul. But beyond and before all other things, allow tomorrow to pass, and see for yourself of that which you enter. And then go and tell others who are in need.

You have other questions, ask.

“One question in general, Aka, ‘The Hopi believe that we are coming [into] the fifth world; the sacred calendar says it’s the sixth world. Can you please verify?’”

We shall answer in this manner. In the interpretation [of] one language into another, and back into English again, should be difficult for all. It is of the same.

But let me ask you a question, from all of you into your hearts. If you were in the desert and the Lord provided water and food, and you knew it came from the Lord, would you ask Him from which world? Or would you take it? In the same desert, if the Lord provided you a good river with abundance of water, would you not plant the land and make it fruitful? Would you wonder which world it came from?

These two that you call, from the Mayan to the Hopi, are not the same, yet they are. For they come from what you would know as the sons of God. But greater than this, as you would know of the time of Moses and the time when the Lord, thy God, gave forth His [ten] commandments, and gave them unto the people, they all came, and all were of one. You have studied your migrations. Know this, that the Lord put seed upon all land. The knowledge and the greater plan of the Lord is but one.

Your religions, as you would know them, are like the bouquet that your bring before the Lord; it is all beautiful. This, and what the Lord gives back, is beautiful. Accept it, that you shall learn more of it and the truth of the answers as you proceed to your next step.

You have entered the valley. All the things that were provided for this valley were provided long ago. A time and a place were set aside long ago. The pathway that was guided into this valley, and even its name was given for a reason. [Note: Christmas Star route leads into the valley.]

For much as the name of Bethlehem would be from one place, so would this be from another. Tomorrow the vortex shall be opened, and the sphere shall be opened. Respect it, with all that you have, and it shall respect you.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka; at this time I have no more questions.”

Then we shall answer that which lies [up most] in your minds. You will find this land has been prepared quietly. Those among you who shall receive the blessing, you will know of it, and know the truth of it, in your own hearts.

We shall tell you a parable. The parable is of a small child, a little girl who used to climb upon the mountain, and there on the mountain grew a wild rose. And she went each day to talk to it. And if the water and the rains did not come she took it water. It was her private place. Yet the rose responded to her tender care.

And she thought to herself, “It is so beautiful. I must share this with others.” [Then] a part of her said, “This is my private place; I cannot share it with anyone else. If I do, it will not be mine anymore.”

But yet, she grew sad in her heart. Such a beautiful thing could not be shared with the world. She began to cry, and her tears fell upon the ground and nurtured the rosebush. And the rose responded tenfold, and grew even larger and more beautiful.

And she looked upon it, and she said, “If the rose responded to my tears I know it would respond to the others.”

So she went forth into the village where she lived, and she told a few people. And she said, “It is so beautiful you shall cry when you see it.”

And everyone who came before it shed tears, and it grew − greater, more beautiful.

And it became known as the “crying rose.”

One day, a man came and saw such a beautiful thing and he said, “I shall make a profit from it. I shall buy the land up,” [and when he looked at] it, “I shall charge anyone who should see it.” And so he bought the land, and he built a huge building around it, and began to charge anyone who would see it. But each day, the rose shrunk, and began to wilt away and die.

The man went to the little girl and said, “What shall I do? The rose is dying?”

And the little girl said, “Turn it free.”

He said, “What? If I do that I will lose all the money I have put in.”

And she said unto him, “There once was a time when I, and I alone, knew of the rose. And because I loved it and wanted to share it with the world, I told others. And you came and you found it, and your greed took over. Now you have built a building around it where it cannot receive sunshine, where it cannot receive the things it needs to nurture itself.”

The man thought long. Then he went out and instructed his people to take down the building and the fences, and remove all things that he had put there. And the rose blossomed, and blossomed again.

And one day the men who worked for him came, and they had a great bucket of money, and said, “This is yours.”

And he said, “For what? Where would I get such amount of money?”

And they said, “Well, when we finished our work and removed all things except for this bucket, which [laid] on the road to the rose, because people appreciated your allowing them to be there, they gave donations. And this is for you.”

The man, seeing it, could not accept such a thing, and he went to the little girl and said, “Here. Here, you take this money.”

The little girl said, “No. The rose has given me a greater thing.”

The man, [he] realized something, that both the little girl and the rose had given him something greater than money could buy. And so, the man took the money and he built a chapel, that the people might stop and pray along the way and thank God for such beauty. And so, his soul was fed, and his spirit.

So tomorrow, when you are asked if your soul is ready and your spirit, you will know how to answer.

Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever. Now is the time of the cherubim.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[This transcript was compared to Aka’s recorded voice.]

Copyrighted © 1987 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.

Editor’s comments: On August 16 and 17, 1987, there was an “harmonic convergence” of the planets. Some felt this facilitated the opening of a vortex to the new world, which some refer to as a new heaven and new earth. This guidance, from Aka, spiritual messengers of God, was given on the eve before the opening, at a church to God.

Ray Elkins, at the last minute, had agreed he would serve as an instrument or prophet in giving a sacred Corn Ceremony, to open a pathway into the new heaven and new earth promised in prophesies long awaited. More than 50 people came to join in this sacred ceremony.

As the prophet began the ceremony, three circles were made (of three colors of corn flour), to encircle a star of David (also of corn flour), which was drawn out onto the church floor, so that the new world would fill the church. Ray asked the ministers and some Board members to stand at the points of the Star of David on the edge of the circle, to serve as guardians of the boundary between the two worlds, that nothing could interfere with the sacred entry of the new heaven and earth in this moment in this world.

Within the circle, the “Sacred Twins,” known to Indian peoples, were enacted by teachers in the middle as the ceremony began.

Each person had written on a list those things he or she did not wish to take into the new world, and as Ray came to them he took from them their list and burned it in a ceremonial pot in the circle, cleansing their souls for entry into the new world.

During the ceremony, Ray came to each person who gathered outside the circle, on the edge, to ask if they were prepared and wished to enter into the new world. If they said, yes, he placed three marks of corm flour upon their forearm. He then asked if they wished to accept the mark of the Eagle; if they said, yes, three marks of corn were placed upon the other forearm. As he asked if they wished to receive the opening of the top of the head, he sprinkled a vortex of corn flour above the top of the head. He also asked if they wished to receive the giver of the gift, and said to some, the Holy Spirit, each according to their faith. If they answered, yes, he placed a mark of corn on their forehead, blessing them with a gift of Spirit sent from God.

Each, who now had been prepared to enter into the new heaven and new earth, lit a candle representing the light of his or her soul. Ray placed each person’s candle, one at a time as he came to each, within the center in the middle of the Star of David, which was encircled by three colors of corn flour that had been blessed and became the entrance way into the new world.

A powerful, peaceful, loving energy radiated within the sacred corn circle as pure energy, like something made all anew. Within the circle of radiant, pure, clean energy — which seemed to have no persona but was pure, perfect being without form, or light without beginning or end — burned the candles, which the prophet had delivered into the new heaven and new earth. There they stood within it, throughout the night and next day until sundown, shimmering in the powerful spiritual glow — symbols of the peoples’ souls standing amidst all this radiance and love, in the new world, as a great blessing in this and the next world.

The vortex which had been brought down to make an opening into the new heaven and earth for the time of the harmonic convergence, continued to shine within the sacred corn circle throughout the night and into the next day, for the time of the harmonic convergence.

Those who participated will always remember, for it will remain forever — it was given within our souls, to know.


September 4, 1987

Globe, Arizona

[For the Association]

[Aka is here.]

“Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner, in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee, as you have passed from one world into another, in so doing we have told you there would be persecution, for you chose to separate yourselves from those who could wear the mark of the Beast, and in doing so, they would attack you, and try to persecute you for many reasons, and in many ways. But ask yourself these questions. For whom have you chosen this way − for yourselves, or your children, and for the generations to come?

Long ago, we told you of a time that would come. And this time has come.

But yet, the Lord does not leave you without protection, for your minds are strong. And with the gift of [mind] and the gift of mind power there are many things that you may do to change the path of those who would attack you. We have told you before, should those come and try to burn your fields, turn the fire back toward them with your minds. This you may do so now.

But remember, now is the time not to shout or to explode your emotions, but to control those emotions. Do not allow these people to close your mind. Do not allow this to happen. The only way they may harm you is that should you close your minds once again and leave being one of the people, for you are the Corn People. In entering, you became a pathway for others. We tried in every way to show you what could come, and the energy that could come, and be with you. That, [what] came from the center of the vortex, you carry now within you. It is [of] one. But you, if you stand together, as one, none of these people may harm you. They will try.

At a time, not yet, we shall bring an attorney into your lives, that [the] attorney may be needed; not yet, but at a different time. For they now violate your civil rights. Remember this.

Also remember, do not let them isolate you. If they should come for one, let all go, and be present. And if they should say unto one, let all hear. Stand together, and this way, and only in this way, they cannot defeat you.

If one should come to one of you and say, “Come, come into this private room and I shall speak to you,” do not go into this private room.

Say instead, “No, I shall wait, and go with you when I have others of the Corn People with me.” Be sure that you go in groups of three always.

We told you a long time ago, the “threes and thirteen.” As you came together and performed [either] ceremony of the Corn People, the ceremony of Life, we saw your need. We did not desert you; you did not stand alone.

You have other questions, ask.

“At this time, Aka, what could we do to take precautions, and when will they [both know]? Thank you.”

They have taken possession of your records illegally. Action should be taken that this be put into public records. As a corporation, as the Association of Universal Philosophy, going to an attorney at this time to redeem these records should be necessary.

Do you understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Repeat, and listen to our words carefully. If these things are done, you have placed the burden upon their shoulders, not your own.

You have other questions, ask.

“What could each of us do at this time to help the Prophet?”

Stand together. Be as one.

And now we say unto you, because of soul Ray’s condition at the time, we shall make our visit short.

Remember, you are one of the People. Allow nothing to stand between you, or come between you.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[This transcript has been compared with the tape recorded message for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1987 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


September 18, 1987

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need; we shall answer in this manner and this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee, harken into these words.

For once on the land there was a man who went from place to place, and he took his art of healing with him. And gradually his fame grew upon the land, and many brought their sick for him. And most he healed.

He kept searching for a way to heal those he could not. He knew that God had [given] him the gift to heal, a beautiful gift. He knew that God had given him a mind to think with, a psychic mind, the psychic mind beyond the dawn. And there, he took all things and brought them together, and he did heal many. Yet there [were] still some he did not heal. Yet he tried each day harder.

And there were those, because of that that he did, became jealous of him. And they said foul things unto him, and about him. And soon, many of the people he had healed no longer trusted him.

But he went on.

And he said unto the Father, “Father, show me the way. Give me a way; show me that that I have done wrong and I shall righten it, in Thine eyes.”

And the Lord looked upon him, but did not answer.

And still he went forth.

And he was thrown into the dungeon. And still again, he prayed unto the Lord, “Lord, if I have offended Thee, show me.”

And the day came when they released him. And he went back among the people. Some accepted him and some did not.

And he went into the churches and he spoke to them, and he said, “For long I have looked for the reason that I have offended the Lord. I have thought that it was my arrogance, to think that I could heal all men. I thought that it was my arrogance because I accepted no sickness in any way. And then, one day in my darkest hour, in my prayers unto the Lord, the Lord appeared unto me and said, ‘MY SON, FOR HE WHO IS NAMED, BELOVED, SHALL BE BELOVED, AND HE WHO ACTS BELOVED SHALL BE BELOVED FOR ALL TIME AMONG ALL MEN. YOU HAVE NOT OFFENDED ME, MY SON, BUT YOU HAVE BROUGHT MY NAME INTO THE GREATNESS OF ALL THINGS. BUT I SAY UNTO YOU, MY SON, TO KNOW WHERE OTHERS HAVE BEEN, SOMETIMES YOU MUST GO THERE ALSO. IF SOME WERE CAST INTO HELL, AND THERE IS WHERE YOU WOULD GO TO SAVE THEIR SOUL, THEN GO. BUT KNOW I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS.’”

Many of the people that he had known no longer spoke to him. And many of the material possessions he had had were gone. And as the days passed, as days do, age came upon him. And one day he too passed on. And in this day, all he had healed came forth with roses in their hands, to place them upon his grave.

And the Holy Spirit spoke unto them and said, “Behold, you give my son flowers, when he cannot smell them. Why could you not give them to him when he could?”

And one small child, who would have died except for him, the tears flowed and struck the flowers in her hand, and they took root. And the Lord looked upon her in great favor, and bestowed upon her the gift of his son.

We have told you a parable, a story, a thought.

We say unto you, there are many things that happen in your time, and shall happen.

And for he who led the Corn People through the doorway, he shall have more than his share of testing. There are many things now that he feels he must do. Be patient. For we have come but for one reason − the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We pass through this instrument with his per­mission and his love.

You have many questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [15–461–1] asks, ‘Dear Aka, please offer any permanent advice regarding my job situation, to include some advice on early retirement, with guidance please. Thank you.’”

Yes, we see thy need. Go forth in what you would call your early retirement plan.

Yet, there are other plans for you. If you believe that which you believe, and you wish to complete your karma, your reason — as you have become one of the Corn People, be it so in all ways.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–538–2] asks, ‘Dear Aka, please offer any permanent advice regarding my situation at work, with my family, because I don’t feel comfortable in this situation. And also, should I consider a job change at this time?’”

We should answer your question in this manner − for we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit and the immortal body of the same − we should say unto you, make no changes at the present. In six month’s time, all things shall change around you, and you shall find it shall be for the better. And then, ask again.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. ‘Dear Aka, I am confused; I read that the Seal of Solomon was a five-pointed star, and I have heard that it was a six-pointed star. Can you please tell me which is correct? Thank you, [9–360–1].’”

We say unto you, the Star of David is the Star of Solomon, and is the star given forth by the Lord, thy God, for His people. As we have given it forth unto the Corn People, so it should be the sign. But in the center of the star place there a symbol of the three corns − on the outside of the star, the three circles of corn, a completeness. Allow room for the cortex [vortex], the center.

Yes, we see thy need, and we say unto you, we shall place in soul Ray’s mind the symbol of life.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. In a dream that I had last night I was told something about my grandson, [18–538–1]. Could you please elaborate on this? Thank you, Aka.”

We say unto you, time shall bring forth that which he has been given. But permission must be given from the mother and father. The gift is there, and shall be given at his christening.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Aka, ‘I had a dream’ − this is from [11–399–1] − ‘Aka, I had a dream a few weeks ago about outer space. Will this dream come true or should I write a book about it? Thank you, Aka.’”

Allow the dream to become a reality of your mind. But write the book. But allow us to place farther knowledge in your mind. There is, “those who shall dream and those who shall interpret their dreams.”

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [14–459–1…Las Cruces, New Mexico] asks that in her dream she kept hearing ‘Ontra.’ Could you please explain this to her? Thank you.”

[Entrez] is that which you have heard, [entrez], which means to enter. You have been taken by he who should provide the place of entrance for the Corn People. And as you were made one of the twins, so the word should be familiar to you.

Other things shall come to you; other knowledge shall come. Allow yourself the time. But do not be as a wild horse and run away with the bit.

And we say that [10–391–4] and [10–391–5] should be at a reading together that we might speak unto them, that they might hear our voice, that those who would learn can learn a whole, and a part of [the] complete knowledge.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [11–05–4…Houston, Texas] asks if you can give her a message pertaining to her destiny?”

The word, destiny, is a permanent word, which covers a great deal of space. Rather than destiny, we would say, your choice. Your choice shall be that now you have entered and become one of the People, so you shall spread the seed of the Corn. There shall be others who shall wish to enter, but they must hear from yourself and others a truth. Your own destiny is so intertwined that it must be the destiny of all people. For the good shall be of the one and of the many − yet, the one shall be of the many.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. At this time I have no more questions.”

[And] we should say unto you, fear not, for the watchers are there. Understand, that as you would call it, destiny, has to be played out. [If] soul Ray wishes to heal, so his wish would be not to hurt anyone. Respect his wishes.

For the Eagle takes flight and is an Eagle once again.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names to respect privacy. These words have been compared to those spoken on tape that night.]

Copyrighted © 1987 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


September 25, 1987

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening Aka, where is soul Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto thee unto these words. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God. Glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we say unto you this parable in this manner and in this way.

The Lord, God, sent forth His messengers. And they went forth upon the land, and they went forth unto many places, unto many religions. And the messengers did say unto them, “Harken to our words, for soon upon the Earth the half-times shall be over and the full time shall come about.”

There were some people who needed not the message, for they and their ancestors had waited for many years for these words. But for those who did need the words, they [came] unto them and they said, “There shall come upon the Earth a great time, when all religions shall walk together, [and] they shall become the bouquet [of the Father]. Come together.”

And so, the preachers heard. But rather than go themselves, each sent a representative. And each went into the designated place, which was a valley. And when they arrived, each day that they went there they built [each] fires and let them burn into the heavens. At first their fires burned separate and apart, each standing to his own fire. But gradually, one by one, they began to join. And when finally all had joined did they begin to discuss why they were there.

And it was decided that each one would speak out and say that which he would. And so it went, all the way around.

And at the end, suddenly there was one who had not been planned for. He stood and said, “Have you not expected me? Do you not know that this is the time? My Father has sent for you. And He has sent me to your father, and your father sent you, his representative. And I say unto you these words, go back unto your fathers and tell them that my Father wishes to speak to them.”

The next day they all broke camp, and they went into [the] many lands, back unto their many religions. And into each one, councils were drawn and words were said. And [each] said, “We have told the world that each of our religions are the only way. How can now we go and meet with this one who says that he shall be the Son of God, the Father? How can we all walk in and say, ‘All of your ways are right?’”

They discussed this for a long time. And time passed, and the Earth went on warring. And [man], whose deserts formed upon the good land and the fertile land, wasted away.

And then one day the assistants all became the leaders, and they met once again. And they said, “Let us go back to this place. Maybe God shall forgive us.”

And they went back unto this place. And they formed unto one fire. And they talked, all around. And they decided that their religions were not so far apart. And then, they had the council once again. And as each spoke, unto the last came the first, and he said, “Now you shall listen unto my Father.”

We have told you a parable, a parable of time, of faith. Ask yourselves, do you have so much time to waste that you can continue to fight over your religions? Now is the time of the cherubim. The half-times are no more. The Lord has made ready to collect His debt.

You have many questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Last week you asked [10–391–5] and [10–391–4] [to be present.] They are here tonight, Aka.”

We see. And we have before us the body, the soul, the mind and the spirit. And we say unto you, greetings. For now that you have been schooled and made ready, you shall walk among people who shall not quite be ready for you. Yet there shall be a member of the council, which shall be ready to assist you, help you. We as a council must come together as one.

Your paths shall be hard at times, at a time when you think it shall be easy. We say unto you unto these words. You have come to prepare the way. You have chosen a hard path. Yet by choosing this path, it has shown us of your desire to serve together, and serve the Lord, thy God, in full.

We say to you that soon that that is needed shall come forth, and we know that one even greater than the words we speak. But we say unto them, come forth and join the Corn people that you may be in truth and complete, and ready for your task. You have come to listen; this is good. Soon you will have questions. When you have [thought], and you have decided and prepared yourselves, come back and ask the questions that you wish. Take the first of this reading and study it close.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [11–405–4], who is here tonight, asks, ‘My son had a dream about a plane crash in which I am involved. Could you please explain?’”

Yes, we shall explain. First, the crash which your son saw is a real crash; it is a clairvoyant dream. But you must remember, your son reaches for greater meaning, so he places you in the crash. His mind is seeking out for guidance and understanding.

Give him the understanding he needs, that his mind might grow. He, too, seeks the path of the Corn people.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–529–2], who is also here tonight, asks, ‘Can you please tell me if there is a lesson for me in the break-in and the theft in my home?’”

There is always lessons, in all things, to be learned. We say to you, a thief is a thief.

Soul Ray said unto you, “Place those things that you would take unto a safer place.” And you said, “After while.”We say unto you, think of this. When counsel is given, it is given for a purpose, but it is your choice whether to accept that counsel or not.

We say to you once again, there are those who would see, and go and pay just prices for the things they want. Yet, there are thieves. But the greatest thief cannot take your most precious treasure, and that is the soul and the spirit of yourself, for you are the guardian of those.

Understand this; profit from the loss.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you Aka, [14–459–1] asks a question in general. ‘Would you please repeat the information about the earthquakes, the tornados, and Kennedy, as stated today?’”

For one, those things we placed in soul Ray’s mind today you have already written down. You have those, full and complete.

But we say unto you, keep in your hearts your greatest treasure.

The time shall be when the leaves turn color, and that shall be after the 10th of October. But the time shall be crucial until the completion of the leaves’ fall, and that shall be until the 20th day of November. But do not stand and tremble in fear. You have been protected so far; that shall continue to be.

[Editor’s note: October 1, 1987, a 5.9 magnitude quake on the Richter scale in Whittier, California, and a 5.3 magnitude aftershock killed eight people. But, October 17, 1989, a 7.1 magnitude quake in the San Francisco Bay area, California, area killed 63 people. These were two of the eight most devastating California quakes this century, according to the L.A. Times.]

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–539–1], who is also here this evening, asks, ‘Will I finish retyping a book I have written? If so, when will it sell, and what publisher [can I have]?’”

Yes, we see your need. Complete your task at hand. The book itself needs to be revised to a certain degree. It would be wise, first, after you have completed the typing to take it to what we would call, a finisher, that [they] might smooth this out. Then we would say unto you, the next point, you may submit to many places. But an agent shall come forth because you shall look for them, and you shall seek it. And from that, they shall find a place that shall buy your book.

You say, when and who? We would say in June, the 6th of ’88, and the who shall be known as Hill and Hill.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. ‘1 have found three different references to Hyperborean continent. Was it an actual land mass? And what is its relationship to Atlantis?’ [12–419–6].”

It was part of Atlantis. Atlantis was a chain of not one land, but many − as you would know it, a chain that reached across the Atlantic.

Now we should say unto you, our time grows short.

And therefore, we shall leave you with this thought. All things that have been shall be again. When you bring your hearts forth in purity before the Lord, the Lord has never closed His eyes upon you. Do not close your eyes unto Him.

Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God, forever and ever.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names that were spoken to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to audio recording.]

Copyrighted © 1987 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


October 2, 1987

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should say unto thee these words. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we say unto you, blessed be the time that man takes to make peace.

For upon the Earth there lived four brothers. Each brother lived upon his father’s farm.

Their father said unto them, “Go forth upon this land that I shall lay apart from my own and show me what you can do with it. For first, I shall give you one-fourth of the land, and that fourth you must divide into four parts.”

And so, they did so.

Two of the brothers came, one [unto] the other, and said, “Let us go together and work together.” And the other two decided to separate themselves from their brothers. And so they took their piece of land.

All four worked hard and did what they thought was best for the land. The two who had worked together, you could see that on their two parcels the land was thriving and growing. The other two, you could see it was growing, but it was struggling with each step it took.

And the two brothers who had stayed separate decided the father had given them the best parcels. And so they went unto their father with this grievance.

And their father said, “No, I have not given them better land; it has all been equal.”

But the other two brothers came in to hear this discussion, and they were hurt quite deeply that they [would] make an accusation against them and they said, “Allow our brothers to have the land we have farmed.”

And so the brothers again began to farm the land. Because the brothers who had farmed together had built the land, it was beginning to produce more. But still once again, the two brothers who farmed together, and did so in unity, began to produce much more.

And the two brothers who had farmed separately came forth and said, “Brothers, we are wrong. We’d like to join you and put all the land together. Let us farm it together. Let us each take the thing we the do best on the farm and perform the task. But the separate things that should be done should be done all together.”

And so they set out and they planted upon the ground special foods. They went into the city and they sold the foods, and they found marketplaces for their vegetables of many kinds and their fruits of many kinds. And they began to plant both nut and fruit trees in abundance.

Soon the father saw that that fourth of the land that he had given to them was producing more than all of his farm together. And the father said, “I shall join you, and we shall become equal partners in all the land.” And so they did so.

And as one year passed unto another they began to buy additional land.

But the people who lived around them became jealous of that which they had. And they began to tell lies and cast stones upon them. At first, the brothers [and] the father tried to reason with these people. But none of them would come out into the open to attack them; they did so from hiding. And so they went into a court of law. The court lasted long, but near the end truth prevailed. But those of the brothers and the father had spent much of what they had and it was damaging, both financially and mentally. And so they decided they did not recover that which they had lost, and they decided to pick all they had up and go to a new place and start again.

The father decided he would retire, for he could not take the heartache any longer.

Now we say unto you, the parable we have told you is much like your own [situation]. We shall tell you once again that an attorney shall come into your lives, and you shall use him when the time arrives. But for the present, seek out an attorney and begin to put together the pieces and the parts of the whole. When you feel you have them, then take action. [Then] the action shall be complete and abrupt.

Your problem with the Association is [that you] have divided; you have been separate, in many places instead of together. It is only by your strength of standing together as a whole. If you begin to discuss your [politics] and vote the same, they shall soon find that you have strength.

If you begin to work in the com­munity and run your own people for office your strength shall grow. And those who had fought against this shall fall aside.

As we have said before, nothing from either side shall be allowed to affect this work or destroy it. You have entered into the later days, the time for the half times are over. But allow each person to make their decision to stand or walk away.

Do not hide these things from your whole of the organization; bring them out and discuss them, that they may understand the problems. Only then can they be allowed to stand with you. But be like the brothers; do not attack all the land[s] at once, attack a part, a small part. If you have to defend yourselves, defend first from the city, then from the county, and then from the state, and then from the government, and you shall be successful in all these things.

But we say unto you, there are other financial things that you should seek that have been placed before you that shall help you.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, in the lawyers, in the attorneys that we have picked out now, are they the right people for us at this time?”

Yes and no. The “yes” is that they would seek out extreme cases, leaving you in a position. But they wish to have big cases, large cases instead of small. Soon there shall be coming into your awareness attorneys that shall [have helped] you. Use them as seed, [leaving some for these]. Yet, we have said this before and you hear not our words. Begin to put together all of the pieces that would make your case in law. Take from it that which you have in [18–540–2] and bring that forth, and begin to look backward into other times and bring that forward, and soon you will have a whole case, one piece at a time. But only if you stand together.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes. Thank you Aka, [15–461–1] asks for guidance, please, regarding the proof.”

We have just given you that. Look unto our words and you shall find the answers which we have given. For what you wish, you must first crawl before you walk.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, thank you. On a financial basis, is this going to be a lot of money that we are looking at?”

On a financial basis, this could amount to a great deal of money. It could also amount to a great deal on both sides. But first seek out a civil rights attorney. This is what you need. Before you spend anything, seek this out, talk to these people. But put together your parts and your pieces before you go to speak to them.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have a question from [18–540–1]. He would like to know his destiny in life. He was born January 16, 1970.”

At the present time we will not answer this question. Bring it forth in a different reading.

We say unto you, glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

Look unto the land and see that it trembles beneath you. Your California is the beginning. The earthquakes shall come forth in larger number. Bind together. Throw aside your jealousies and your petty reasons. Bind together.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. The accuracy of this transcript was checked by comparing with audio tape.]

Copyrighted © 1987 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


November 6, 1987

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God. Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His people forever and ever.

And we say unto you unto these words, unto this parable.

For in the desert there was a spring, an artesian spring, and it produced a small amount of water. [And] a few of the animals came to water there.

One day, a man came. And he looked upon the land and he said, “This is where I shall live. That I should live here, so should all of the other animals, and people, live in harmony. And so, he dug a well. And the well became as the small spring, and good, sweet artesian well. And he allowed the water to form a small pond. And as [other] people came they took from the well, but he laid that land aside that all the other creatures could come and drink from it and take from it. And soon, all the creatures, both those of the predator and non‑predator, came. For this was a peaceful land. This was land where no life was taken.

One day, the man thought to himself, “I must give something to this land that the rest of the land does not have, for this is a special place before my Lord.”

And so he ventured forth into the mountain city. And there he saw a plant he had never seen before. It grew and it produced beautiful flowers. And he went forth to the flower and he found it had sharp thorns. And he thought to himself, “This flower can grow in my land, for no one shall take it, for the thorns shall protect it as the other vegetation in my land has thorns.”

And so, he bought these and with them he bought grapes and apple[s] and all sorts of fruit[s] and vegetable[s]. And he brought them forth and planted them in the land. And he planted the flowers, the roses, and they grew into a most beautiful plant.

And soon, many people from many lands came to see this miracle that grew in the desert and to see this great plant. And some would come and ask that they might get a sapling from it.

And each year [were ten planted from the] same plant, and each year he gave freely without a charge for those who would ask.

But one came and looked upon this plant and said, “I must have it, this plant; I must own it.” And all of these people who travel so far shall pay me to see it.

And so he went forth and tried to buy the plant and buy the land and the well.

The man said, “No, for I have not this to sell.”

So the man went where the records were kept, and he found fault in the way the man had purchased the land. And he drove the man from the land, and he fenced all of the land. And each day, the well stopped running a little more and the plants began to die. For the animals had stopped coming, for they could not get in. And even the bees who pollinated the land could not get in.

The man who’d been greedy and selfish had brought his family with him. And a child went out to the plant and was saddened to see that which had happened. And the child spoke to the plant, as most children will, and spoke with the mind and heart of a child in truth.

And the plant spoke back to the child, for the child had asked the plant why it was dying. And the plant told the child, for it to grow it must be free. It must receive the sunshine that had been blocked by the huge wall. It must have the birds and the bees and all the other plants and animals for company.

And the child went back to its father and pleaded with him, and said, “Father, do not let this happen.” And soon, the rest of the family had joined in with the child.

At first, the father’s heart was hardened, for he was greedy. Then he walked with the child and saw what he had done. He tore down the fences. And he found the man he had stolen the land from and said, “Can you forgive me for what I have done to you, what my greed has done?”

The man looked upon this one and said, “If the plants and the animals can forgive you, surely I can.”

And we say into you, unto the worst of times, can not you forgive? Can you not have the faith in the Lord, thy God, into His wisdom?

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, thank you. We have a question from [M____ P____]. She would like to know if the building that she has now is safe?”

We see your need. We shall say unto you, no place is safe in truth. Put your heart and your faith forth, and if it is strong enough, then so shall the building that you have.

But we say unto you, “Give unto the Lord, thy God, that that belongs to the Lord, thy God. And give unto Caesar that that belongs to Caesar.”

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18‑541‑2…Albuquerque, New Mexico] asks, ‘Being under your care, will my mother’s liver return to normal? If so, how long will it take?’”

Yes, we see your need, and we shall answer your question in this manner. Time is a fleeting thing. There is never enough of it. Yet, you count it and you cherish it.

We should answer your question in saying, it shall take whatever time it shall take. You will think that we’re being harsh with you, yet we are not. We’re answering you in a truthful manner. For it is not all one‑sided, this healing. The other side must come from he who seeks it.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you Aka. [13‑432‑4], who is here tonight asks, ‘Please give me guidance, or counseling, with the adolescents that I am now seeing, or will be seeing.’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. Since those you are seeing and will see, it shall be, as you would say, confidential communication. Remember, that as you minister to the body and the mind, there is the soul and the immortal body and the spirit of man. We did not say, “Stand up and preach to these people,” for they have their own religions. But we do say to you to serve one is to serve another. To know this is to know that the problem that you are looking, in what you would call, the chemical addiction, can alter the brain in a most permanent manner. If you should seek a cure for this, you must take from the brain one thing and replace it with another. The body accepts the chemical addiction, a substitute, and therefore, you seek a substitute for a substitute. But the greatest tool of all lies within the brain, and the greatest healer of all is the brain itself. Tune, therefore, into the brain. Reach deeper and farther than you have ever reached before. Find your replacement for this chemical substance. We would suggest, there are certain formulas that lie in the mind of soul Ray. Come unto him and ask.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18‑533‑1…Albuquerque, New Mexico]: ‘I have recently invested in a business. Will this business be very profitable? If so, when? How soon?’”

We shall answer your question twofold. The business shall be profitable, and it shall be soon. But understand something. Your nation and your economy has taken a very bad turn. Therefore, do not stay in this business long. There are other manners that your money may make money. For people shall buy in the [needing], in the things they need, to continue life. If you should be a merchant be the merchant who serves the need.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18‑511‑1], and is also here this evening, asks, ‘Dear Aka, would you please explain the Federal Reserve and the international banks to us. Thank you.’”

The international banks control the monetary value of the world currency. Your Federal Reserve controls the monetary value of your national currency and your interest rates. They loan to your local banks money and your local banks loan the money to you, each making a profit. To understand this is to understand the economy of the world as it stands now. As we have said before, your crisis is not over; it shall continue. You had before an inflationary depression. It shall continue. In some areas it shall become quite bad. In others it shall become quite good. Investment should be done in a manner that has the least risk. Yet, when we answered your question we did so with a parable at the beginning. Understand the parable fully and you will have a full answer of that which you need at the present time.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you Aka. [11‑407‑2] who is also here tonight asks, ‘Will I get a job? Also, I have a case with a special counsel at Washington, D.C. Will I win the case and get my retirement?’”

The first, the job which you seek at the present time, the retirement shall come first, and you shall receive the retirement. There is another job that you seek, and this you shall have.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [12‑412‑3] who is also here tonight, asks, ‘I have a very serious problem now. How will it be resolved?’”


And now we say unto you, for the Tree of Life is very important. To know of it, and know of its meaning is that which you cannot ignore. To know of the Star of David in its full meaning, to know of the sign of the corn and the hands it has been handed through and to, to know its life, one cannot be ignored without the other. For the Corn people must have the water to grow the corn with, and the water is the spiritual substance of man and his journey through life.

For some, you shall understand our words, and some shall not. [But those who seek meaning, nothing shall remain] without understanding.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the recorded voices on audio tape.]

Copyrighted © 1987 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


December 4, 1987

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this man and in this manner; glory be the name of the Lord thy God.

And we say unto you, behold, for the time is now. The Lord, God, should say unto you, “For the Sixth Angel stands upon your Earth. And the earth shall be cut and separated, and where no waters were, waters shall be. Islands shall appear where no islands were.”

And we say to you, behold, for the might of the Lord is at hand. Yet rejoice, for so is the time soon to come of he who we have come to prepare the way.

And even those who do not [even] realize that they are doing it are preparing the way.

Soon the Eagle and the Bear shall stand upon the same ground. And as they stand upon the same ground, if the Eagle will not act as a chicken, peace can be made − the preparation for peace.

But we say unto you, the cleansing of the earth and its reconstruction is still before you. We also said to you, the threat of nuclear war is still before you − the reality, and the greater possibility, for there are those who think that the Eagle and the Bear have grown weak and weary. As they have already taken ad­vantage of both, they shall continue to take advantage. They shall bring distrust where there should be none.

We say unto you these things. But we also say unto you the greatest of all things, the fulfillment that you have celebrated for so long, the birth of the Messiah. Within the joy of all things and all times, is the greatest joy of walking with one’s God, walking with the Father of us all − He who cares, He who loves, He who is the giver of all. For in the awesome twilight for all disaster the Lord shall spread His mercy upon the land. For those things we can tell you of, only of those things we know. Yet we know not fully the full plan of the Lord.

We say unto you, this new thing you have done shall bring about a great abundance, a reward. And the reward shall not yet be seen. For know this — for as we have said before, nothing shall stand in the way of this work. And nothing and no one shall conclude and exist upon this Earth or any other place who should not also prepare and be.

For that which you call the Melissa Fund, you have said that this is of “the littlest angel.” And we say unto you, the Lord God opens His heart to this child. Now, let us see His children open theirs. And He shall go before you and prepare a way in their hearts and soften them.

But we say to you, there shall be those who shall try to reject you, and reject this. Let it be so. For there is a heaven and there is a hell. If man is to walk with thy Father he shall know the difference without being told.

We say to you, into the depth of the heart of all men, into the least of these, are those who truly care, who truly want to be. And for those, if you have knocked upon the door, go elsewhere. Go unto every land and every nation unto the nations. And we shall soon see who shall stand forth and be counted.

Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children.

You have questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–542–1…Tucson], and she asks, ‘Please, Aka, regar­ding my mother’s home, all is well?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner, in this way. And that which you ask shall be given, in the name of the Lord, thy God.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [4–125–2], who is here tonight asks, ‘Aka, I have spoken to you before about [17–507–1]. I don’t think that I’ve ever tried harder to change my life so things can go well for me and I can be known as me and cared for, even friends. This has been an especially painful year. Can you look and give me guidance?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer your question in this manner. A long time ago you asked and we gave in the name of the Lord. And you asked that the Lord look upon you and give you guidance. These things were done and had been done. Sometimes you choose to ignore them.

You gave us promises and we accepted these.

Now, when the time is at the most important of times, a new position shall be offered to you. You must take it and work in harmony with all. And the greatest part of all things shall not be the reward, but only your reward of [the] satisfaction of knowing you have done a job well.

We say unto you, harken and listen − for the world should either hear now, for the times and halftimes that were are gone. The land is crumbling at your feet. People are falling. Look unto the deeper parts of yourself and know these things to be true.

Worry not upon trivials, for they shall fade away. Worry not upon people who shall walk in some other direction, for they shall be replaced. Look now into your promise to the Lord. And if you should say, “yes,” be prepared to know the fullness of what has been asked of you.

We know that you wish for a different answer than we are giving you this time. But there are times when the body, mind and the soul must be in union, all as one, to complete that which is needed to be completed.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thanks. Yes, Aka. On behalf of soul Ray and myself I want to take the time to thank you for your love, your kindness, and your patience through this growth period. [18–542–2] asks for [18–542–3], ‘I would like to know if there is something I am doing or not doing, or is it the environment that is [coming to] me to break down after Ray has given, has me built up?’”

You shall soon find that your lives shall begin to alter. And you shall soon find that you have lost nothing and gained more than you have ever asked for. Do not give up hope. Do not become despaired. For you are but on a plateau, waiting to rise once again. We say to you, exercise; do not give up −even though you shall hurt, exercise. Soon those things that are needed shall be given. For in soul Ray’s mind is a new formula that shall greatly help all of you.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–542–4…Albuquerque, New Mexico]: ‘I am thinking of changing jobs. Should I stay with the company I presently work for or shall I seek a position outside? What kind of work will I be most happy with?’”

We shall say unto you, should you seek a position outside, seek self-employment. But as for the present time, do not give up what you have until you are more sure of yourself.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [1–409–1…El Paso, Texas], and she asks, ‘Will my vertigo go away?’”

The question is yes, it shall go.

Now we say unto you, we shall say these words. That the heart and the soul of this Association go forth unto this new venture, become as one. Do not worry that that has happened in the past; [work for] the future. Lay aside all things except one. This small child and the small children who shall come after them, now is the time they need your help. For the greatest gift you could give the Lord for Christmas would be the beginning of this fund, and see it in the Light.

You have begun to realize that you need the news media − your newspapers, your television and your radios − to reach people. For every ten letters you write, one shall land and become a catalyst that shall become like a hundred. Join your forces in every way you know to do this. Do that which you think you must do. But do it now, for the Lord shall hold His hand on this child, for she was chosen for this purpose.

Know this − the deed you have done is no small deed. The deeds you shall do shall not be small.

We say unto you, combine your thoughts, your minds, and your strength, and your energies. Tune yourselves as though you were fine machines, and put your faith in the Lord, thy God, [that] He is with you. Let the glory of the Lord reach out to you.

And remember the story of the woman who had three pennies, and that’s what she gave. There shall be those who have but three pennies. Allow it to be so. And those who should have but three pennies, treat them as though they were a million. And for the person who has but one deed to do, treat that as the greatest of deeds. Let no small deed go by without showing your appreciation to each of these people.

Now we say unto you, soul Ray grows very tired. Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Note: Numbers are substituted for names to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio-tape recording for accuracy. Copyrighted © 1987 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.]


Be sure to read each year, from the 1970 to the 1989 readings, in this publication.

See “We Give This Message from Our Father.”

And see the articles in the publication on, “A Stairway to Heaven.”

Would you like to join the Association of Universal Philosophy the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, asked us to form? Here’s how. Then send us an email at or, or message us on our Facebook page, Association of Universal Philosophy, to let us know where you email your newsletter, “Rays of Philosophy.”

All of these readings have been gathered together for you in three books — the philosophy, the past-life readings, and health readings — as the Book with Wings series. Study and learn from them this way. And be blessed!



The Words — of Aka, spiritual messengers of God

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.