A Voice

The Wordsmiths
The Wordsmiths
Published in
1 min readMay 25, 2016
Credits- bniooo at DeviantArt

Standing in the backyard
A voice calling with a familiar tenderness
Following my feet, a figure emerged out of the darkness.

Someone for whom, I am the light.
For the world outside those eyes,
I am just another pair of legs walking in the night;
But amidst them my footprints matter.

Heavens did bestow me with this honour,
But forgot to bless my form,
With wisdom to appreciate a heart so warm.

Searching for true happiness,
I did travel many a mile;
But never realised that the search could end at her smile;

Instead, all I gave her were tears
Still, the voice is not drained of delight,
There is still, love and forgiveness in that sight.

So much I wanted to say;
But not a speck of word uttered
Disappearing, she was escaping it occurred.

Escaping from the world;
That never deserved her
My eyes, filled with guilt couldn’t stop her.

I woke up,
What I took for granted for so many years,
Is now a priceless dream.

